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A Project Report
Submitted To: Submitted By:
Mr.Prashant Dubey Krishna Maurya
Syed Saqib Abbas
Ajit Prakash Maurya
Shashank Kumar Singh
Awanish Kumar Gupta
 Acknowledgement
 Certificate
 Introduction
 Software Development Methodelogy
 System Requirement Specification
 Introduction
* References
* Overview
*Overall Description
*Product Perspective
2.1.1 System Interfaces
2.1.2 User interfaces
2.1.3 Hardware interfaces
2.1.4 Software interfaces
2.1.5 Communications interfaces
2.1.6 Memory constraints
2.1.7 Operations
2.1.8 Site Adaption Requirements
* Product functions
* User characteristics
* Constraints
* Assumptions and Dependencies
* Apportioning of requirements
*Specific requirements
*External interface requirements
*User interfaces
*Institute Registration screen
*Institute Login screen
*Question Entering screen
*Question deleting screen
*Student Login screen
*Student taking exam screen
*Result displaying screen
*Exam details entry screen
*Student list entry screen
*Hardware interfaces
*Software interfaces
*Communications interfaces
*Software product features
*Institutes Registration process
*Validity checks
*Sequencing information
*Error handling/Response to abnormal situations
*Institutes login management
*Validity checks
*Sequencing information
*Error handling/Response to abnormal situations
*Student login management
*Validity checks
*Sequencing information
*Error handling/Response to abnormal situations
*Student taking exam management
*Validity checks
*Sequencing information
*Error handling/Response to abnormal situations
* Performance requirements
* Design constraints
* Software system attributes
* Logical Database Requirements
* Other requirements
 Problem Description & Scope
 Hardware & Requirement
 Analysis & Report of the Present Manual System
 Coding
 Steps In Feasibility Analysis
 Testing & Implimation
We gratefully acknowledge for the assistance, cooperation, guidance and
clarifications provided by DLW during the development of the OnlineExams
System website. Our extreme gratitude to Mr.Prashant Dubey who guided us
throughout the project. Without his willing disposition, spirit of accommodation,
frankness, timely clarification and above all faith in us, this project could not have
been completed in due time.
His readiness to discuss all important matters at work deserves special attention.
We would also like to thank whole of the faculty of the college for their
cooperation and important support.
This is to certify that the project entitled “Online Exam System” has been
developed by “Krishna Maurya, Syed Saqib Abbas, Ajit Prakash Maurya,
Shashank Kumar Singh and Awanish Kumar Gupta”.
He has worked on the project Online Exam System. He has used JAVA, HTML,
JSP, JAVASCRIPT and MS.ACCESS as Database for the project. His work is
I wish him all the best for his bright future.
Dated:-9/JULY/2010 Project Incharge
Mr.Prashant Dubey
OnlineExams is being launched because a need for a destination that is beneficial for both
institutes and students. With this site, institutes can register and host online exams. Students can
give exams and view their results. This site is an attempt to remove the existing flaws in the
manual system of conducting exams.
Online Exams System fulfills the requirements of the institutes to conduct the exams online.
They do not have to go to any software developer to make a separate site for being able to
conduct exams online. They just have to register on the site and enter the exam details and the
lists of the students which can appear in the exam.
Students can give exam without the need of going to any physical destination. They can view
the result at the same time.
Thus the purpose of the site is to provide a system that saves the efforts and time of both the
institutes and the students.
What is Online Exams System all about?
Online Exams System is a web application that establishes a network between the institutes and
the students. Institutes enter on the site the questions they want in the exam. These questions are
displayed as a test to the eligible students. The answers enter by the students are then evaluated
and their score is calculated and saved. This score then can be accessed by the institutes to
determine the passes students or to evaluate their performance.
Online Exams System provides the platform but does not directly participate in, nor is it
involved in any tests conducted. Questions are posted not by the site, but users of the site. The
site requires an institute to register before posting the questions.
The site has an administrator who keeps an eye on the overall functioning of the system. The site
gets revenue by charging the institutes each time they want to conduct the exam.
The system entitled “Online Exams System” is application software, which aims at providing
services to the institutes and providing them with an option of selecting the eligible students by
themselves. It is developed by using J2EE technology and related database.
The establishment and use of sound engineering principles in order to obtain economically
developed software that is reliable and works efficiently on real machines is called software
Software engineering is the discipline whose aim is:
1. Production of quality software
2. software that is delivered on time
3. cost within the budget
4. satisfies all requirements.
Software process is the way in which we produce the software. Apart from hiring smart,
knowledgeable engineers and buying the latest development tools, effective software
development process is also needed, so that engineers can systematically use the best technical
and managerial practices to successfully complete their projects.
A software life cycle is the series of identifiable stages that a software product undergoes during
its lifetime .A software lifecycle model is a descriptive and diagrammatic representation of the
software life cycle .A life cycle model represents all the activities required to make a software
product transit through its lifecycle phases .It also captures the order in which these activities are
to be taken .
Life Cycle Models
There are various life cycle models to improve the software processes.
In the project, Waterfall model is followed.
Analysis and
and Unit testing
Integration and
System testing
This model contains 6 phases:
o Feasibility study
The feasibility study activity involves the analysis of the problem and
collection of the relevant information relating to the product. The main aim
of the feasibility study is to determine whether it would be financially and
technically feasible to develop the product.
o Requirement analysis and specification
The goal of this phase is to understand the exact requirements of the
customer and to document them properly.(SRS)
o Design
The goal of this phase is to transform the requirement specification into a
structure that is suitable for implementation in some programming language.
o Implementation and unit testing
During this phase the design is implemented. Initially small modules are
tested in isolation from rest of the software product.
o Integration and system testing
In this all the modules are integrated and then tested altogether.
o Operation and maintenance.
Release of software inaugurates the operation and life cycle phase of the
The phases always occur in this order and do not overlap.
Software Requirement Specification (SRS)
1. Introduction:
The following subsections of the SRS document provide an overview of the
entire SRS.
i) Purpose: The purpose of the project is to provide online facility to Institutes to
conduct online exams and to Students to give online exams. Institutes can enter and
edit the questions along with the students list. Also they can view the result. Students
can login and give their respective exams and view their score then and there. Others
can view sample papers to get look and feel of the online examination system.
ii) Scope: The website to conduct online examination is “OnlineExams4U”. This
website provides facility to institutes to conduct online exams by providing a unique
id to each institute. The institute provides questions along with positive and negative
marks. Institute also enters the list of eligible students. All the information entered
can be later edited by the institute.
In turn student can login with their id, name and instituteid to give the exams
and can view their result then and there. Institutes can also view the result of their
Benefits: This website reduces the manual work, maintaining accuracy, increasing
efficiency and saving time. Also institutes need not go to develop a new software
each time, instead they just register and conduct a test. For students, it saves time of
going to far away centers and also they can view their result then and there.
JSP stands for Java Server Pages
HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol
iv) References:
IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specification-
IEEE Std 830-1993.
v) Overview: The rest of this SRS document describes the various system
requirements, interfaces, features and functionalities in detail.
2. Overall Description: In Online examination system institute can register to conduct
a online test and view the records later. Students can give the test and their respective
records, which include their marks for each test given by them, will be maintained
separately. No student can take a particular exam more than once.
i.) Product
(i) User interfaces
The application will have a user friendly and menu based interface.
Following screens will be provided:
(ii) A login screen for entering the username, password will be
provided. Access to different screens will be based upon the user.
(iii) There is a screen for displaying information regarding entries to be
made by institutes.
(iv) There is a screen for displaying information regarding filling of
exam details by institutes.
(v) There is a screen for displaying information regarding entering
student list for the particular exam.
(vi) There is a screen for displaying information menu regarding what
options the institutes will select while filling entries(entering
questions, student list, deleting questions, entering exam details).
(vii) There is a screen for displaying exam details to the students when
they are taking exams.
(viii) There is a screen for taking exam for the students.
(ix) There is a screen for displaying of results of students after taking
the exam.
(x) Hardware interfaces
(i) Support for printer for printing results then and there.
(ii) Screen resolution of at least 800X600 is required for proper and
complete viewing of screens. Higher resolution will be accepted.
(xi) Software interfaces
(i) Any windows based operating system.
(ii) MS Access 2000 as the DBMS-for database.
(iii) IDE (NET BEANS) for developing code.
(xii) Communications interfaces
(xiii) Memory Constraints
At least 512 MB RAM and 5 MB space on hard disk will be required for
running the application.
(Xv) Site Adaptation Requirements
Web browser with cookies enabled.
ii.) Product Functions: The website will allow access only to authorised users with
specific roles (Administrator- maintains the website, Institutes-Register to conduct the
exams, Students-Give the exams online)
A summary of the major functions that the website will perform:
a. Provide facility to institutes to register to conduct a online test.
b. Institutes can enter the number of questions, +ve, -ve marks,
questions and answers and the list of eligible students.
c. Students can login and give the tests.
iii.) User Characteristics:
a. Educational level: Users should be comfortable with the English
b. Experience: Users should have prior information regarding the online
c. Skills: Users should have basic knowledge and should be comfortable
using general purpose applications on computers.
iv.) Constraints:
* Since the DBMS being used is MS Access 2000, which is not a very
popular DBMS, it will not be able to store a very huge number of
* Due to limited features of DBMS being used performance tuning
features will not be applied to the queries and thus the system may
become slow with the increase in number of records being stored.
* An extra security as SSL must be used to secure the marks details and
other examination information.
V.) Assumptions: The examinations are all objective. Students can give each
exam just once.
vi) Apportioning of Requirements: The future versions of the website will
be having a better database to handle larger number of records, in a more secure way.
Also separate profile will be maintained later for all students so that he can view all his
previous test performances.
3. Specific Requirements: This section provides software requirements to a
level of detail sufficient to enable designers to design the system and
testers to test the system.
 External Interface Requirements:
* User Interfaces:
*Institute Registration Screen: Various fields
available on this screen will be:
* Login Name
* Institute Name
* Email Id
* Password
*Institute Login Screen: Fields available on this
screen are:
* Login Name
* Password
*Entering Questions: Various Fields are:
* Questions
* Options (4)
* Correct Answer
*Exam Details Screen: Various Fields are:
* Exam Name
* No. Of Questions
* Time Limit
* +ve, -ve M arks
* Passing M arks
*Student List Screen: Various Fields are:
* Student ID
* Student Name
*Student Login Screen: Various Fields are:
*Student ID
*Student Name
*Institute ID
*Student Taking Exam Screen: Various Fields are:
*Display Of Question With Options
*Control Buttons To switch questions
*Result Displaying Screen: Various Fields are:
*No. Of Correct Questions
*No. Of Incorrect Questions
*No. Of Unattempted Questions.
*Total M arks.
*Hardware interfaces:
*Support for printer for printing results
then and there.
*Screen resolution of at least 800X600 is
required for proper and complete viewing
of screens. Higher resolution will be
*Software interfaces:
*Any windows based operating system.
*MSAccess 2000 as the DBMS-for database.
*IDE (NET BEANS) for developing code.
*Communications interfaces
ii.) Software Product Features:
 Validity Checks:
Javascript provides validity checks for
various fields in the forms.
 Sequencing Information: All the information
regarding exam details, student list, question details,
display of result should be handled sequentially that
is data should be stored only in a particular
sequence to avoid any inconvenience
 Error Handling: If any of the validations or
sequencing flows does not hold true then
appropriate error messages will be prompted to the
user for doing the needful.
iii.) Performance Requirements: This subsection specifies numerical
requirements placed on the software or on the human interaction with the
software, as a whole. Numerical requirements will include:
*300 terminals will be supported at a time
*Only text information will be supported(HTTP)
*All the transactions will be processed within seconds.
iv.) Design Constraints: None
v.) Software System Attributes:
*Security: Only authorized users will be able to access the website by entering the
correct login name and corresponding password.
*Maintainability: The website can be maintained in present or future. It will be easy to
incorporate new requirements in the individual modules.
*Portability: As the website is online so will be easily portable on various systems.
The website will be also easily portable on any windows based system that has MS-
ACCESS installed.
*Logical Database Requirements: The following information will be placed
in the database:
*Organization Details: ID, Login Name, Email, Password, Institute Name.
*Institute Exam Details: ID, Ename, Tlimit, Passmarks, No. Of Questions,
Pmarks, Nmarks.
*Institute Student List: Sid, Sname, Egiven, Marks, Result.
*Institute Question Details: QID, Question, A, B, C, D, Answer.
*Other Requirements: None
A DFD also known as ‘bubble chart’, has the purpose of clarifying system
requirements and identifying major transformations. It shows the flow of data
through a system. It is a graphical tool because it presents a picture. The DFD
may be partitioned into levels that represent increasing information flow and
functional detail. Four simple notations are used to complete a DFD. These
notations are given below:-
DATA FLOW:- The data flow is used to describe the movement of
information from one part of the system to another part. Flows represent data
in motion. It is a pipe line through which information flows.
Data flow is represented by an arrow.
PROCESS:- A circle or bubble represents a process that transforms
incoming data to outgoing data. Process shows a part of the system that
transform inputs to outputs.
EXTERNAL ENTITY:- A square defines a source or destination of
system data. External entities represent any entity that supplies or receive
information from the system but is not a part of the system.
DATA STORE:- The data store represents a logical file. A logical file can
represent either a data store symbol which can represent either a data
structure or a physical file on disk. The data store is used to collect data at
rest or a temporary repository of data. It is represented by open rectangle.
OUTPUT:-The output symbol is used when a hard copy is produced and the
user of the copies cannot be clearly specified or there are several users of
the output.
Register enter
manages ready
A website, ONLINEEXAMS4U, is to be designed to conduct online tests. Unlike other online
examination systems this website should not be just for the students, instead it should also
provides facility to Institutes to host online Tests/Exams. This will help institutes as:
 There will be no need to get new software every time to conduct an online test.
Also like other online websites, it will help students by:
 Saving the extra time of going to far away Exam Centre.
 Students need not wait for their results.
Also this website will remove the flaws of existing Manual Systems like:
 Reducing the manual labour (Decreases Overheads).
 Avoiding Mistakes Due To Human Error (Accurate).
 Will Increase Efficiency and Save Time.
 Will Allow Neat Handling Of Data Rather Than Error Prone Records.
The institutes will register themselves with a unique login name and password, the unique id
will be issued to the institutes by the website.
After login:
 They will enter exam details like number of questions, +ve and -ve marks.
 Then they will enter the questions along with the answers which can later be deleted and
 Also they will enter the list of eligible candidates with their id names which can also be
edited later.
 Institutes will be able to view the students list along with their respective results.
Also for students:
 They should be able to login with their id, name and instituteid.
 They should be able to give the exam as per the details entered by respective institutes.
 Also they should be able to view their score after test finishes.
 If already given the test then they should just be able to view their scores.
Other users can take sample tests to get feel and look of how the online tests are conducted.
Other key points:
 Different set of questions should be given to different students.
 The questions should be selected randomly from the database.
It deals with the functionalities required from the system which are as follows:
The website will help the colleges/organizations/companies to conduct
online exams.
Only authorized person can access related details.
The organization will register themselves on the website for conducting
Organizations can change their information regarding themselves.
The students can login through TEST-ID and PASSWORD and give
their exams.
Administrator will be responsible for updating the site.
The organization can change questions and test papers whenever they
The technologies used to develop this site are:-
J2EE:- Java 2 Enterprise Edition is a programming platform— part of
the Java Platform for developing and running distributed multitier
architecture Java applications, based largely on modular software
components running on an application server.
HTTP:- Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a transaction or oriented
client/server protocol between web browser & a Web Server.
APACHE TOMCAT:- Web-server for running j2ee applications over
HTML:- HTML ,stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, is a markup
for web pages. It provides a means to create structured documents
headings, pictures, objects, lists, links, and other items and can be used to
create interactive pages. It can include or can load scripts in languages
as JAVA SCRIPT which affects the behavior of HTMML processors like
MS-ACCESS:- MS-ACCESS is used as a database.
MS-ACCESS is a user friendly user database with no special
required to learn it.
Database and tables in MS-Access are portable.
Users can create tables, queries, forms and reports, and connect
them together with macros.
MS-Access is relatively compatible with SQL .Queries can be
viewed graphically or edited as SQL statements.
They are the quality requirements that stipulate how well a software does what it has to do.
No. of terminals to be supported is dependent on the server that we will use at the time of
The web application server used should provide good performance and ability to manage
performance with techniques such as support for caching.
After completing the exam, the entire score of the student will be calculated as per the
rules in less than a second.
Online Examination site has 24*7 availability. It can be accessed for 24 hours a day.
For this UPS support must be on the server site with a backup of at least 8 hours in case
of power failure.
Students can take exam only during the previously allotted time slots, however can open
site anytime to access other information.
Colleges can register for the exam anytime.
It means the extent to which program performs with required precision.
The website developed should be extremely reliable and secure so that information about
any questions etc. is not leaked before the actual exam is held.
The website should be user friendly and should require least effort to operate.
The web server used should provide services like session management to maintain
sessions in the application.
The website is made using HTML, JSP etc.which are platform independent and can be
transported to other servers with minimum effort.
It is effort required to modify operational program. The whole website should be made
using independent modules so that any changes done in 1 module should not effect the
other one and new modules can be added easily to increase functionality.
What contribution would the project make?
This is an era of information technology where automation of each and every activity is gaining
importance. The site will lead to the automation of the examination system. Moreover it is far
better than the previous such websites.
Computerized vs. Manual Examination System
Automated process of examination is much better than the manual system as it has following
 Time saving
 Increased efficiency
 Allows neat handling of data rather than error prone records.
 Decreases overhead
 Accurate
How OnlineExams4U is better than previous websites?
This website is better than previous versions as most of the online exam sites provide facility to
only one institute to hold the tests.They are static and are associated with a particular institute or
test.OnlineExams4U is a website that can be used by multiple institutes.Any institute that want to
conduct the exam can register on the site.
<title>OnlineExams4U</ title>
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face=Arial><B><A href="institute.html">Institute
</ A></B></FONT></ TD>
<TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3
href="student.html">Student</A></ B></FONT></ TD>
<TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3
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<TD bgColor=#617c58><B><FONT color=#ff7000 size=3 face=Tahoma
<MARQUEE onmouseover=this.stop()
onmouseout=this.start()>Take a..<FONT color=#cf000 size=2
href="http:/ /www.ieccampus.com/iecalumni/ alumni.html">
Sample Online Test</A></ FONT></MARQUEE></FONT></ B></ TD></TR></ TABLE>
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%">
<TD bgColor=#c0c0c0 vAlign=top width="18%" align=middle>&nbsp;
<TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=10 width="100%"
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<TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A
href="isignup.html">Institute Signup</ A></B></ FONT></ TD></ TR>
<TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A
Login</A> </ B></FONT></ TD></ TR>
<TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A
href="slogin.html">Student Login</A>
</ B></ FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><B><FONT size=2 face=Arial><A
href="const.html">Sample Exam</ A></FONT></ B></ TD></ TR>
<TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><B><FONT size=2
</ A></ B></FONT></ B></TD></TR></TABLE>
<TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"
<TD width="100%" align=middle><B><FONT color=#ffffff size=2
face=Arial>Made By:</ FONT></B></ TD></ TR></ TABLE>
<TABLEborder=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=10 width="100%"
<TD bgColor=#e0ffff width="100%"><FONT size=2
face=Arial>Ankit Goel<br>Anoop Banswar<br>Ayush
Aggarwal</FONT></ TD></ TR></ TABLE></P>
</ TD>
<P> </ P>
<P></ P>
<TD bgcolor="#ffffff" vAlign=top width="61%" align=left>
<P><BR><FONT color=#ff0000 size=5 face="Lucida Calligraphy"><B>
<H1><marquee width="100%" behavior="alternate"
bgcolor="yellow">OnlineExams4U</ marquee></ H1></ B></FONT>
<img src="3.jpg" width="300" height="200" align="left">
<font size=4 face=arial><i>
This website provides a facility to the institutes to host an online test. The online test can be
customized according to the requirements of the institute. An institute who intents to conduct an online
test can register here.
OnlineExams4U provides the platform but does not directly participate in, nor is it involved in any
tests conducted. Questions are posted not by the site, but users of the site.
<font face="monotype corsiva" color=blue
size=6><center><b><u>OBJECTIVES</u></ b></ center></ font><br><br>
<img src="1.jpg" width="200" height="250" align="right">
<img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20>
<font size=4 face="lucida console" color="dark pink">To Provide Facility To Institutes To Host
Online Tests/Exams</font>
<font face="brush script mt" size=5>
No Need To Get A New Software Everytime To Conduct An Online Test.
Instead Just Register On The Website And Conduct Any Test.</ font>
<img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20>
<font size=4 face="lucida console" color="dark pink"> To Enable Students To Give Exams Online
And View Their Results
</ font>
<font face="brush script mt" size=5>
Saves Time Of Going to Far Away Exam Centre
Need Not Wait For The Result.</ font>
</ body>
</ html>
<title>Signup Form</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
var valueofpass1="";
var valueofpass2="";
var whitespace=" t n r";
function isEmpty(s)
return((s==null)| | (s.length==0))
function isWhitespace(s){
var i;
if(isEmpty(s)) return true;
var currchar=s.charAt(i);
return false;
return true;
function isEmail(eadd){
var i=1;
var sLength=eadd.length;
while((i<sLength) && (eadd.charAt(i)!="@")){
if((i>=sLength)| | (eadd.charAt(i)!="@"))
return false;
while((i<sLength)&& (eadd.charAt(i)!=".")){
if((i>=sLength-1)| | (eadd.charAt(i)!="."))
return false;
return true;
function isCharsInBag(string,bag){
var i;
var charval=string.charAt(i);
if(bag.indexOf(charval)==-1) return false;
return true;
function isNumberInPass(string,bag){
var i,flag;
var charval=string.charAt(i);
if(flag==1) {
return true;}
return false;
return false;
function verify(){
var flag=0;
alert("Please fill in the "+ document.forms[0].elements[i].name +" field");
var email=document.forms[0].elements[2].value;
alert("Please enter a valid email address");
return false;
var passwd=document.forms[0].elements[3].value;
alert("Password must only contain alphabets and numbers");
return false;
else if(passwd.length<5){
alert("Password must be 5 or more charcters.");
return false;
else if(passwd.length>8){
alert("Password must be 8 or less charcters.");
return false;
else if(!isNumberInPass(passwd,"0123456789")){
alert("Password must have atleast one number.");
return false;
else if(document.forms[0].elements[3].value != document.forms[0].elements[4].value){
alert("Your passwords donot match.Please retype and try again.");
return false;
function Abort(){
</ script></head>
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Sample Online Test</A></FONT></MARQUEE></ FONT></B>
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<FORM action="isignup.jsp" method="post" onSubmit="return verify()">
<TABLEborder=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgcolor=#ffffff align=center>
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgcolor=#ffffff align=center>
<td width=30%><img src="signup.gif" width=200 height=150></ td>
<td align=""><font size=7><b>Institute SignUp Form</b></font></ td>
</ tr>
</ tbody>
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgcolor=#ffffff align=center>
<td align="center" colspan="2"><b><h2>Enter the Institute details:</ h2></ b> </td>
</ tr>
<td align=right width="50%"><b><font color=#df2332 size=4>Login Name:</ font></b></ td>
<td><input name=LoginName type=text></td>
</ tr>
<td align=right><b><font color=#df2332 size=4>Institute Name:</ font></b></ td>
<td><input name=InstituteName type=text></ td>
</ tr>
<td align=right><b><font color=#df2332 size=4>Email Address:</font></b></td>
<td><input name=Email type=text></td>
</ tr>
<td align=right><b><font color=#df2332 size=4>Password:</ font></ b></ td>
<td><input name=Password type=password></td>
</ tr>
<td align=right><b><font color=#df2332 size=4>Confirm Password:</font></b></td>
<td><input name=ConfirmPassword type=password></td>
</ tr>
</ tbody>
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgcolor=#ffffff align=center>
<td align="center" colspan="4"><input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" / >
<input type="button" value="Abort" onClick="Abort()"/>
</ td>
</ tr>
</ tbody>
<TABLEborder=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgcolor=#ffffff align=center>
<td><font color=grey face=Verdana size=2><b>PASSWORD RULES:</ b></font></ td></ tr>
<td><font color=grey face=Verdana size=1><b>Password's minimum length is 5
charcters.</ b></ font></ td></tr>
<td><font color=grey face=Verdana size=1><b>Password's maximum length is 8
characters.</b></font></td></ tr>
<td><font color=grey face=Verdana size=1><b>Password should have atleast 1 digit
included.</b></font></td></ tr>
<td><font color=grey face=Verdana size=1><b>Other than alphabets and digits no other values are
allowed.</ b></font></ td></ tr>
</ tbody></TABLE>
</ tbody></TABLE>
</ FORM>
</ TD>
</ TR>
</ body>
</ html>
<title>Isignup</ title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function Abort(){
</ script>
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<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width="100%"
<tr><td width=30% align=left>
Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:mydsn");
Statement s=c.createStatement();
String loginname=request.getParameter("LoginName");
String email=request.getParameter("Email");
String password=request.getParameter("Password");
String iname=request.getParameter("InstituteName");
ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery("select * from org_details where Loginname='"+loginname+"'");
{ out.println("<img src=fail.gif width=200 height=150></ td><td align=left>");
out.println("<h3>Loginname has already been taken.Try with a different Login
name.</ h3></ td></tr>");
out.println("<tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></ tr>");
out.println("<tr><td align=left><input type=button value=BACK onclick='Abort()'></td></tr>");
s.executeUpdate("insert into org_details (LoginName,Email,Password,InstituteName)
String s1=loginname+"edetails";
String s2=loginname+"qtable";
String s3=loginname+"slist";
s.executeUpdate("create table "+s1+"(ID number,Ename text,Tlimit text,Passmarks number,NoQues
number,Pmarks number,Nmarks number)");
s.executeUpdate("create table "+s2+"(QID Counter,Question text,A text,B text,C text,D text,Answer
s.executeUpdate("create table "+s3+"(SID number,Sname text,Egiven number,marks number,result
rs=s.executeQuery("select * from org_details where Loginname='"+loginname+"'");
String id=rs.getString(1);
out.println("<img src=welcome.jpg width=200 height=150></ td><td align=left>");
out.println("<h2>Welcome "+loginname+"..You have successfully signed up.InstituteID is "+id+".</h2>");
out.println("<tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></tr><tr><td>& nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr>");
out.println("<tr><td></td><td align=left><a
href='afterisignup.jsp?name="+loginname+"&lid="+id+"'><img src=ContinueButton.jpg width=130
out.println("&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=index.jsp><img src=logout.gif width=130 height=40></a>");
</ td></ tr>
<tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></tr>
</ table>
</ table>
</ body>
</ html>
<title>Institute login</ title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function verify(){
var flag=0;
alert("Please fill in the "+ document.forms[0].elements[i].name +" field");
function Abort(){
</ script></head>
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Sample Online Test</A></FONT></MARQUEE></ FONT></B></ TD></ TR></ TABLE>
<FORM action="afterilogin.jsp" method="post" onSubmit="return verify()">
<TABLEborder=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgcolor=#ffffff align=center>
<td width=40%><img src="login.jpg" width=200 height=150></td>
<td><font size=5><b>Institute Login Form</ b></ font></ td>
</ tr>
<td>& nbsp;</ td>
</ tr>
<td align=right><b><font color=#df2332 size=3>Login Name:</ font></ b></ td>
<%!String s1="",s2="";%>
Cookie c[]=request.getCookies();
for(int i=0;i<c.length;i++){
out.println("<td><input name=LoginName type=text value='"+s1+"'></ td> </ tr> <tr><td
align=right><b><font color=#df2332 size=3>Password:</ font></b></ td><td><input name=Password
type=password value='"+s2+"'></td> </tr>");
<td align=right><input type=checkbox name=remember></td>
<td><font size=2>Remember username and password on this
</ tr>
<td>& nbsp;</ td>
</ tr>
<td align=right><Input type=submit value=Submit></ td>
<td><Input type=reset value=Reset></ td>
</ tr>
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</ form>
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<title>Ilogin</ title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function Abort(){
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<%@page import="java.sql.* "%>
<%Cookie c1,c2;
Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:mydsn");
Statement s=c.createStatement();
String name=request.getParameter("LoginName");
String password=request.getParameter("Password");
String s3="";
ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery("select * from org_details where LoginName='"+name+"' and
out.println("<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width=100% bgColor=#54c571> <tr><td
width=30% align=left>");
out.println("<img src=fail.gif width=200 height=150></ td><td align=left>");
out.println("<h3>Username or password is incorrect...Try again</h3></td></ tr>");
out.println("<tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></ tr>");
out.println("<tr><td align=left><a href='ilogin.jsp'>Back</a></td></tr>");
String inid=rs.getString(1);
RequestDispatcher rd=request.getRequestDispatcher("afterilogin2.jsp");
rd.forward(request, response);
c1=new Cookie("name",name);
c2=new Cookie("pass",password);
c1=new Cookie("name","");
c2=new Cookie("pass","");
</ body>
</ html>
<%@page session="true"%>
String s1=request.getParameter("name");
String s2=request.getParameter("lid");
</ body>
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href="const.html"><B>Questions</B></ A></FONT></ TD>
<TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3
href="const.html"><B>Results</ B></A></ FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3
face=Arial><B><A href="const.html">Edit Exam Details
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<TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%">
<TD bgColor=#617c58><B><FONT color=#ffffff size=3 face=Tahoma
String lname=(String)session.getAttribute("loginname");
String inid=(String)session.getAttribute("id");
out.println("<MARQUEE onmouseover=this.stop() onmouseout=this.start()>welcome
"+lname+"<FONT color='white' size=2 face=Tahoma> (institute id="+inid+")</FONT></ MARQUEE>");
</FONT></ B></ TD></ TR></ TABLE>
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%">
<TD bgColor=#c0c0c0 vAlign=top width="18%" align=middle>&nbsp;
<TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=10 width="100%"
<TD bgColor=#54c571 width="100%"><FONT size=4
face=Arial><B>OPTIONS</ B></ FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A
href="afteredetails0.jsp">Enter Exam Details</ A></B></ FONT></ TD></ TR>
<TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A
href="qdetails.jsp">Enter Questions
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<TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A
href="sdetails.jsp">Enter Student List</A>
</ FONT></ B></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><B><FONT size=2 face=Arial><A
href="const.html">Delete Questions</ A></FONT></ B></ TD></ TR>
<TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><B><FONT size=2
href="const.html">Delete Students
</ A></ B></FONT></ B></TD></B></TR></TABLE>
<TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"
<TD width="100%" align=middle><B><FONT color=#ffffff size=2
face=Arial>Made By:</ FONT></B></ TD></ TR></ TABLE>
<TABLEborder=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=10 width="100%"
<TD bgColor=#e0ffff width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Ankit Goel<br>Anoop
Banswar<br>Ayush Aggarwal</ FONT></TD></ TR></TABLE></FONT></ B></ P>
</ td>
<P> </ P>
<P></ P></TD>
<TD background="background.jpg" vAlign=top width="61%" align=left>
<P><BR><FONT color=#ff0000 size=4 face="Lucida Calligraphy"><B>
<H1><center>Welcome </ center></H1></B></ FONT>
<font size=4 face=arial><i>
Now conducting exams is very simple...You just need to follow following steps:
<font face="monotype corsiva" color=blue size=6><b><u>Steps :</u></ b></ font><br><br>
<img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20>
<font size=4 face="lucida console"><a href="afteredetails0.jsp">1.Enter the exam
details</ a></font>
<img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20>
<font size=4 face="lucida console" color="dark pink"> <a href="qdetails.jsp">2.Enter
</ font>
<img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20>
<font size=4 face="lucida console" color="dark pink"> <a href="sdetails.jsp">3.Enter students
list</ a>
</ font>
</ table>
</ table>
</ body>
</ html>
<title>Student login</ title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function verify(){
var flag=0;
alert("Please fill in the "+ document.forms[0].elements[i].name +" field");
function Abort(){
</ script></head>
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href="student.html">Student</A></ B></FONT></ TD>
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onmouseout=this.start()>Take a..<FONT color=#cf000 size=2
href="http:/ /www.ieccampus.com/iecalumni/ alumni.html">
Sample Online Test</A></FONT></MARQUEE></ FONT></B></ TD></ TR></ TABLE>
<FORM action="afterslogin0.jsp" method="post" onSubmit="return verify()">
<TABLEborder=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgcolor=#ffffff align=center>
<td width=40%><img src="login3.jpg" width=200 height=150></ td>
<td><font size=5><b>Student Login Form</b></ font></ td>
</ tr>
<td>& nbsp;</ td>
</ tr>
<td align=right><b><font color=#df2332 size=3>Student ID:</font></ b></td>
<td><input name=StudentID type=text></ td>
</ tr>
<td align=right><b><font color=#df2332 size=3>Student Name:</font></ b></td>
<td><input name=StudentName type=text></ td>
</ tr>
<td align=right><b><font color=#df2332 size=3>Institute Code:</font></ b></td>
<td><input name=InstituteCode type=password></td>
</ tr>
<td>& nbsp;</ td>
</ tr>
<td align=right><Input type=submit value=Submit></ td>
<td><Input type=button value=Abort onClick="Abort()"></ td>
</ tr>
</ tbody>
</ table>
</ form>
</ body>
</ html>
<script language="JavaScript">
function Abort(){
</ script>
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<%@page import="java.sql.* "%>
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width="100%"
<tr><td width=30% align=left>
Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:mydsn1");
Statement s=c.createStatement();
String studentid=request.getParameter("StudentId");
String studentname=request.getParameter("StudentName");
String institutecode=request.getParameter("InstituteCode");
String iname=request.getParameter("InstituteName");
ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery("select * from org_details where Loginname='"+loginname+"'");
{ out.println("<img src=fail.gif width=200 height=150></ td><td align=left>");
out.println("<h3>Loginname has already been taken.Try with a different Login
name.</ h3></ td></tr>");
out.println("<tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></ tr>");
out.println("<tr><td align=left><input type=button value=BACK onclick='Abort()'></td></tr>");
s.executeUpdate("insert into org_details (LoginName,Email,Password,InstituteName)
String s1=loginname+"edetails";
String s2=loginname+"qtable";
String s3=loginname+"slist";
s.executeUpdate("create table "+s1+"(ID number,Ename text,Tlimit text,Passmarks number,NoQues
number,Pmarks number,Nmarks number)");
s.executeUpdate("create table "+s2+"(QID Counter,Question text,A text,B text,C text,D text,Answer
s.executeUpdate("create table "+s3+"(SID number,Sname text,Egiven number,marks number,result
out.println("<img src=welcome.jpg width=200 height=150></td><td align=left>");
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<%@page import="java.sql.* "%>
Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:mydsn");
Statement s=c.createStatement();
String sid=request.getParameter("StudentID");
String sname=request.getParameter("StudentName");
String icode=request.getParameter("InstituteCode");
ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery("select * from org_details where ID="+icode);
out.println("<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width=100% bgColor=#54c571> <tr><td
width=30% align=left>");
out.println("<img src=fail.gif width=200 height=150></ td><td align=left>");
out.println("<h3>Invalid Account</ h3></ td></ tr>");
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out.println("<tr><td align=left><font size=4><a href='slogin.html'>Back</a></font></ td></ tr>");
String ilname=rs.getString(2);
String tbl=ilname+"slist";
ResultSet rs1=s.executeQuery("select * from "+tbl+" where SID="+sid+" and Sname='"+sname+"'");
out.println("<TABLEborder=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width=100% bgColor=#54c571> <tr><td
width=30% align=left>");
out.println("<img src=fail.gif width=200 height=150></ td><td align=left>");
out.println("<h3>Invalid Account</ h3></ td></ tr>");
out.println("<tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></ tr>");
out.println("<tr><td align=left><font size=4><a href='slogin.html'>Back</a></font></ td></ tr>");
RequestDispatcher rd=request.getRequestDispatcher("afterslogin1.jsp");
rd.forward(request, response);
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String s1=(String)request.getAttribute("iid");
String s2=(String)request.getAttribute("iname");
String s3=(String)request.getAttribute("sid");
String s4=(String)request.getAttribute("sname");
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String sname=(String)session.getAttribute("sname");
String sid=(String)session.getAttribute("sid");
String iname=(String)session.getAttribute("iname");
out.println("<TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle width='60%'>Hi "+sname+"<FONT
color='white' size=2 face=Tahoma> (student id="+sid+")</ FONT></ td>");
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<%@page import="java.sql.* "%>
Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:mydsn");
Statement s=c.createStatement();
String tbl=iname+"slist";
ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery("select * from "+tbl+" where SID="+sid+" and Sname='"+sname+"'");
double egiven=Double.parseDouble(rs.getString(3));
out.println("You have already given the test.<br><br>");
out.println("<font face='arial' color=blue size=5>Result:<i> "+rs.getString(5)+"</i></font><br>");
out.println("<font face='arial' color=blue size=5>Marks:<i> "+rs.getString(4)+"</i></ font><br>");
out.println("Want to take test now??<br><br>");
out.println("<a href='afterslogin3.jsp'><img src='taketest.jpg' width=200 height=200></ a><br><br>");
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<TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><B><FONT size=2 face=Arial><A
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<TD bgColor=#e0ffff width="100%"><FONT size=2
face=Arial>Ankit Goel<br>Anoop Banswar<br>Ayush
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<b>ANKIT GOEL (09990253793)</ b></FONT></ td></tr>
<tr><td bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3
<b>ANOOP BANSWAR (09911303207)</ b></FONT></ td></ tr>
<tr><td bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3
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<TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><B><FONT size=2 face=Arial><A
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<TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"
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<TABLEborder=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=10 width="100%"
<TD bgColor=#e0ffff width="100%"><FONT size=2
face=Arial>Ankit Goel<br>Anoop Banswar<br>Ayush
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</ TD>
<P> </ P>
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<TD bgcolor=#ffffff vAlign=top width="61%" align=left>
<P><BR><FONT color=#ff0000 size=5 face="Lucida Calligraphy"><B>
<H1><marquee width="100%" bgcolor="yellow"
behavior="alternate">OnlineExams4U</ marquee></ H1></ B></FONT>
<br><center><img src="1.png" width="450" height="200"></ center>
<font size=4 face=arial><i>
OnlineExams4U is a web application that establishes a network between the institutes and the
students. Institutes enter on the site the questions they want in the exam. These questions are
displayed as a test to the eligible students. The answers enter by the students are then evaluated and
their score is calculated and saved. This score then can be accessed by the institutes to determine the
passes students or to evaluate their performance.
</ p>
OnlineExams4U provides the platform but does not directly participate in, nor is it involved in
any tests conducted. Questions are posted not by the site, but users of the site. The site requires an
institute to register before posting the questions.
</ p>
The system entitled “OnlineExams4U” is application software, which aims at providing services
to the institutes and providing them with an option of selecting the eligible students by themselves. It is
developed by using J2EE technology and related database.
</ p>
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<MARQUEE onmouseover=this.stop()
onmouseout=this.start()>Take a..<FONT color=#cf000 size=2
href="http:/ /www.ieccampus.com/iecalumni/ alumni.html">
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<TD bgColor=#c0c0c0 vAlign=top width="18%" align=middle>&nbsp;
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href="isignup.html">Institute Signup</ A></B></ FONT></ TD></TR>
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href="slogin.html">Student Login</A>
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<TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><B><FONT size=2 face=Arial><A
href="const.html">Sample Exam</ A></FONT></ B></ TD></ TR>
<TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><B><FONT size=2
</ A></ B></FONT></ B></TD></TR></TABLE>
<TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"
<TD width="100%" align=middle><B><FONT color=#ffffff size=2
face=Arial>Made By:</ FONT></B></ TD></ TR></ TABLE>
<TABLEborder=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=10 width="100%"
<TD bgColor=#e0ffff width="100%"><FONT size=2
face=Arial>Ankit Goel<br>Anoop Banswar<br>Ayush
Aggarwal</FONT></ TD></ TR></ TABLE></P>
</ TD>
<P> </ P>
<P></ P>
<TD bgcolor=#ffffff vAlign=top width="61%" align=left>
<P><BR><FONT color=#ff0000 size=5 face="Lucida Calligraphy"><B>
<H1><marquee width="100%" bgcolor="yellow"
behavior="alternate">OnlineExams4U</ marquee></ H1></ B></FONT>
<br><img src="faq1.gif" width="300" height="250" align="left">
<h2><font face=arial color="blue"><u>
<center> FAQ/HELP</ center>
</u></ font></ h2>
<font size="4">
<img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20>
<b>How is this site helpful to institutes?</b><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This site is a medium by which institutes
can conduct online exams.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They can register on the site and then can
enter the exam details and questions.The institutes also provide a list of students that are eligible for the
<img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20>
<b>How one(institutes) can register on this site ?</b><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Instiitues can register by clicking on the
link on the home page or just <a href="isignup.html"><font size="3" color="RED"> click
here</ font></ a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After that fill all the details very
<img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20>
<b>How students can login a nd give their exams ?</ b><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Students can login by clicking on the link
given on home page or just <a href="isignup.html"><font size="3" color="RED"> click
here</ font></ a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Students need to remember the ID
provided to them by the institutes.
After login students can take up their exams and can see their results then and there<br><br>
<img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20>
<b>What if a institute wants to edit questions already entered?</ b><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Instiitues can easily edit or delete the
questions through the options given to him once it login.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Institutes can login by clicking on the link
given on home page or just <a href="ilogin.jsp"><font size="3" color="RED"> click
here</ font></ a><br><br>
<img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20>
<b>What if a institute wants to view the list of students or make some changes to it?</ b><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Instiitues can easily view or edit the
students list through the options given to him once it login.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Institutes can login by clicking on the link
given on home page or just <a href="ilogin.jsp"><font size="3" color="RED"> click
here</ font></ a><br><br>
<img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20>
<b>Can insttiutes set their own time limit for exam?</b><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Instiitues can give the time limit for exam
once they register.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They can even change it by logging in at a
later time.<br><br>
<img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20>
<b>Is there any provision for negative marking?</b><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Instiitues can enter both positive and
negative marks for correct or incorrect question respectively once they register.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They can even change it by logging in at a
later time.<br><br><br><br>
</ font>

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  • 1. A Project Report ON ONLINE EXAMS SYSTEM Submitted To: Submitted By: Mr.Prashant Dubey Krishna Maurya Syed Saqib Abbas Ajit Prakash Maurya Shashank Kumar Singh Awanish Kumar Gupta DLW TRAINING CENTRE
  • 2. INDEX  Acknowledgement  Certificate  Introduction  Software Development Methodelogy  System Requirement Specification  Introduction *Purpose *Scope *Abbreviations * References * Overview *Overall Description *Product Perspective 2.1.1 System Interfaces 2.1.2 User interfaces 2.1.3 Hardware interfaces 2.1.4 Software interfaces 2.1.5 Communications interfaces 2.1.6 Memory constraints 2.1.7 Operations 2.1.8 Site Adaption Requirements * Product functions
  • 3. * User characteristics * Constraints * Assumptions and Dependencies * Apportioning of requirements *Specific requirements *External interface requirements *User interfaces *Institute Registration screen *Institute Login screen *Question Entering screen *Question deleting screen *Student Login screen *Student taking exam screen *Result displaying screen *Exam details entry screen *Student list entry screen *Hardware interfaces *Software interfaces *Communications interfaces *Software product features *Institutes Registration process *Validity checks *Sequencing information *Error handling/Response to abnormal situations *Institutes login management *Validity checks *Sequencing information *Error handling/Response to abnormal situations *Student login management *Validity checks *Sequencing information *Error handling/Response to abnormal situations *Student taking exam management *Validity checks *Sequencing information *Error handling/Response to abnormal situations * Performance requirements * Design constraints * Software system attributes
  • 4. *Security *Maintainability *Portability * Logical Database Requirements * Other requirements  DFD  ERDIAGRAM  Problem Description & Scope  Hardware & Requirement  Analysis & Report of the Present Manual System  Coding  Steps In Feasibility Analysis  Testing & Implimation
  • 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We gratefully acknowledge for the assistance, cooperation, guidance and clarifications provided by DLW during the development of the OnlineExams System website. Our extreme gratitude to Mr.Prashant Dubey who guided us throughout the project. Without his willing disposition, spirit of accommodation, frankness, timely clarification and above all faith in us, this project could not have been completed in due time. His readiness to discuss all important matters at work deserves special attention. We would also like to thank whole of the faculty of the college for their cooperation and important support.
  • 6. CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project entitled “Online Exam System” has been developed by “Krishna Maurya, Syed Saqib Abbas, Ajit Prakash Maurya, Shashank Kumar Singh and Awanish Kumar Gupta”. He has worked on the project Online Exam System. He has used JAVA, HTML, JSP, JAVASCRIPT and MS.ACCESS as Database for the project. His work is satisfactory. I wish him all the best for his bright future.
  • 7. Dated:-9/JULY/2010 Project Incharge Mr.Prashant Dubey INTRODUCTION OnlineExams is being launched because a need for a destination that is beneficial for both institutes and students. With this site, institutes can register and host online exams. Students can give exams and view their results. This site is an attempt to remove the existing flaws in the manual system of conducting exams. Purpose Online Exams System fulfills the requirements of the institutes to conduct the exams online. They do not have to go to any software developer to make a separate site for being able to conduct exams online. They just have to register on the site and enter the exam details and the lists of the students which can appear in the exam. Students can give exam without the need of going to any physical destination. They can view the result at the same time. Thus the purpose of the site is to provide a system that saves the efforts and time of both the institutes and the students. What is Online Exams System all about? Online Exams System is a web application that establishes a network between the institutes and the students. Institutes enter on the site the questions they want in the exam. These questions are displayed as a test to the eligible students. The answers enter by the students are then evaluated and their score is calculated and saved. This score then can be accessed by the institutes to determine the passes students or to evaluate their performance. Online Exams System provides the platform but does not directly participate in, nor is it involved in any tests conducted. Questions are posted not by the site, but users of the site. The
  • 8. site requires an institute to register before posting the questions. The site has an administrator who keeps an eye on the overall functioning of the system. The site gets revenue by charging the institutes each time they want to conduct the exam. The system entitled “Online Exams System” is application software, which aims at providing services to the institutes and providing them with an option of selecting the eligible students by themselves. It is developed by using J2EE technology and related database. SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY The establishment and use of sound engineering principles in order to obtain economically developed software that is reliable and works efficiently on real machines is called software engineering. Software engineering is the discipline whose aim is: 1. Production of quality software 2. software that is delivered on time 3. cost within the budget 4. satisfies all requirements. Software process is the way in which we produce the software. Apart from hiring smart, knowledgeable engineers and buying the latest development tools, effective software development process is also needed, so that engineers can systematically use the best technical and managerial practices to successfully complete their projects. A software life cycle is the series of identifiable stages that a software product undergoes during its lifetime .A software lifecycle model is a descriptive and diagrammatic representation of the software life cycle .A life cycle model represents all the activities required to make a software product transit through its lifecycle phases .It also captures the order in which these activities are to be taken . Life Cycle Models There are various life cycle models to improve the software processes. WATERFALL MODEL PROTOTYPE MODEL ITERATIVE ENHANCEMENT MODEL EVOLUTIONARY MODEL SPIRAL MODEL
  • 9. In the project, Waterfall model is followed. WATERFALL MODEL Feasibility study Requirement Analysis and Specification Design Implementation and Unit testing Integration and System testing Maintenance
  • 10. WATERFALL MODEL This model contains 6 phases: o Feasibility study The feasibility study activity involves the analysis of the problem and collection of the relevant information relating to the product. The main aim of the feasibility study is to determine whether it would be financially and technically feasible to develop the product. o Requirement analysis and specification The goal of this phase is to understand the exact requirements of the customer and to document them properly.(SRS) o Design The goal of this phase is to transform the requirement specification into a structure that is suitable for implementation in some programming language. o Implementation and unit testing During this phase the design is implemented. Initially small modules are tested in isolation from rest of the software product. o Integration and system testing In this all the modules are integrated and then tested altogether. o Operation and maintenance. Release of software inaugurates the operation and life cycle phase of the operation. The phases always occur in this order and do not overlap.
  • 11. Software Requirement Specification (SRS) 1. Introduction: The following subsections of the SRS document provide an overview of the entire SRS. i) Purpose: The purpose of the project is to provide online facility to Institutes to conduct online exams and to Students to give online exams. Institutes can enter and edit the questions along with the students list. Also they can view the result. Students can login and give their respective exams and view their score then and there. Others can view sample papers to get look and feel of the online examination system. ii) Scope: The website to conduct online examination is “OnlineExams4U”. This website provides facility to institutes to conduct online exams by providing a unique id to each institute. The institute provides questions along with positive and negative marks. Institute also enters the list of eligible students. All the information entered can be later edited by the institute. In turn student can login with their id, name and instituteid to give the exams and can view their result then and there. Institutes can also view the result of their students. Benefits: This website reduces the manual work, maintaining accuracy, increasing efficiency and saving time. Also institutes need not go to develop a new software each time, instead they just register and conduct a test. For students, it saves time of going to far away centers and also they can view their result then and there. iii)Abbreviations: JSP stands for Java Server Pages HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol iv) References: IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specification- IEEE Std 830-1993.
  • 12. v) Overview: The rest of this SRS document describes the various system requirements, interfaces, features and functionalities in detail. 2. Overall Description: In Online examination system institute can register to conduct a online test and view the records later. Students can give the test and their respective records, which include their marks for each test given by them, will be maintained separately. No student can take a particular exam more than once. i.) Product Perspective: (i) User interfaces The application will have a user friendly and menu based interface. Following screens will be provided: (ii) A login screen for entering the username, password will be provided. Access to different screens will be based upon the user. (iii) There is a screen for displaying information regarding entries to be made by institutes. (iv) There is a screen for displaying information regarding filling of exam details by institutes. (v) There is a screen for displaying information regarding entering student list for the particular exam. (vi) There is a screen for displaying information menu regarding what options the institutes will select while filling entries(entering questions, student list, deleting questions, entering exam details). (vii) There is a screen for displaying exam details to the students when they are taking exams. (viii) There is a screen for taking exam for the students. (ix) There is a screen for displaying of results of students after taking the exam. (x) Hardware interfaces (i) Support for printer for printing results then and there. (ii) Screen resolution of at least 800X600 is required for proper and complete viewing of screens. Higher resolution will be accepted. (xi) Software interfaces (i) Any windows based operating system. (ii) MS Access 2000 as the DBMS-for database. (iii) IDE (NET BEANS) for developing code. (xii) Communications interfaces None (xiii) Memory Constraints
  • 13. At least 512 MB RAM and 5 MB space on hard disk will be required for running the application. (Xv) Site Adaptation Requirements Web browser with cookies enabled. ii.) Product Functions: The website will allow access only to authorised users with specific roles (Administrator- maintains the website, Institutes-Register to conduct the exams, Students-Give the exams online) A summary of the major functions that the website will perform: a. Provide facility to institutes to register to conduct a online test. b. Institutes can enter the number of questions, +ve, -ve marks, questions and answers and the list of eligible students. c. Students can login and give the tests. iii.) User Characteristics: a. Educational level: Users should be comfortable with the English language. b. Experience: Users should have prior information regarding the online examinations. c. Skills: Users should have basic knowledge and should be comfortable using general purpose applications on computers. iv.) Constraints: * Since the DBMS being used is MS Access 2000, which is not a very popular DBMS, it will not be able to store a very huge number of records. * Due to limited features of DBMS being used performance tuning features will not be applied to the queries and thus the system may become slow with the increase in number of records being stored. * An extra security as SSL must be used to secure the marks details and other examination information. V.) Assumptions: The examinations are all objective. Students can give each exam just once. vi) Apportioning of Requirements: The future versions of the website will be having a better database to handle larger number of records, in a more secure way. Also separate profile will be maintained later for all students so that he can view all his previous test performances.
  • 14. 3. Specific Requirements: This section provides software requirements to a level of detail sufficient to enable designers to design the system and testers to test the system.  External Interface Requirements: * User Interfaces: *Institute Registration Screen: Various fields available on this screen will be: * Login Name * Institute Name * Email Id * Password *Institute Login Screen: Fields available on this screen are: * Login Name * Password *Entering Questions: Various Fields are: * Questions * Options (4) * Correct Answer *Exam Details Screen: Various Fields are: * Exam Name * No. Of Questions * Time Limit * +ve, -ve M arks * Passing M arks *Student List Screen: Various Fields are: * Student ID * Student Name *Student Login Screen: Various Fields are: *Student ID *Student Name
  • 15. *Institute ID *Student Taking Exam Screen: Various Fields are: *Display Of Question With Options *Control Buttons To switch questions *Result Displaying Screen: Various Fields are: *No. Of Correct Questions *No. Of Incorrect Questions *No. Of Unattempted Questions. *Total M arks. *Result(Pass/Fail) *Hardware interfaces: *Support for printer for printing results then and there. *Screen resolution of at least 800X600 is required for proper and complete viewing of screens. Higher resolution will be accepted. *Software interfaces: *Any windows based operating system. *MSAccess 2000 as the DBMS-for database. *IDE (NET BEANS) for developing code. *Communications interfaces None ii.) Software Product Features:  Validity Checks: Javascript provides validity checks for various fields in the forms.
  • 16.  Sequencing Information: All the information regarding exam details, student list, question details, display of result should be handled sequentially that is data should be stored only in a particular sequence to avoid any inconvenience  Error Handling: If any of the validations or sequencing flows does not hold true then appropriate error messages will be prompted to the user for doing the needful. iii.) Performance Requirements: This subsection specifies numerical requirements placed on the software or on the human interaction with the software, as a whole. Numerical requirements will include: *300 terminals will be supported at a time *Only text information will be supported(HTTP) *All the transactions will be processed within seconds. iv.) Design Constraints: None v.) Software System Attributes: *Security: Only authorized users will be able to access the website by entering the correct login name and corresponding password. *Maintainability: The website can be maintained in present or future. It will be easy to incorporate new requirements in the individual modules. *Portability: As the website is online so will be easily portable on various systems. The website will be also easily portable on any windows based system that has MS- ACCESS installed. *Logical Database Requirements: The following information will be placed in the database: *Organization Details: ID, Login Name, Email, Password, Institute Name. *Institute Exam Details: ID, Ename, Tlimit, Passmarks, No. Of Questions, Pmarks, Nmarks. *Institute Student List: Sid, Sname, Egiven, Marks, Result. *Institute Question Details: QID, Question, A, B, C, D, Answer. *Other Requirements: None
  • 17. DATA FLOW DIAGRAM A DFD also known as ‘bubble chart’, has the purpose of clarifying system requirements and identifying major transformations. It shows the flow of data through a system. It is a graphical tool because it presents a picture. The DFD may be partitioned into levels that represent increasing information flow and functional detail. Four simple notations are used to complete a DFD. These notations are given below:- DATA FLOW:- The data flow is used to describe the movement of information from one part of the system to another part. Flows represent data in motion. It is a pipe line through which information flows. Data flow is represented by an arrow. PROCESS:- A circle or bubble represents a process that transforms incoming data to outgoing data. Process shows a part of the system that transform inputs to outputs. EXTERNAL ENTITY:- A square defines a source or destination of system data. External entities represent any entity that supplies or receive information from the system but is not a part of the system. PROCES S EXTERNAL ENTITY
  • 18. DATA STORE:- The data store represents a logical file. A logical file can represent either a data store symbol which can represent either a data structure or a physical file on disk. The data store is used to collect data at rest or a temporary repository of data. It is represented by open rectangle. DATA STORE OUTPUT:-The output symbol is used when a hard copy is produced and the user of the copies cannot be clearly specified or there are several users of the output. OUTPUT
  • 23. PROBLEM DEFINITION A website, ONLINEEXAMS4U, is to be designed to conduct online tests. Unlike other online examination systems this website should not be just for the students, instead it should also provides facility to Institutes to host online Tests/Exams. This will help institutes as:  There will be no need to get new software every time to conduct an online test. Also like other online websites, it will help students by:  Saving the extra time of going to far away Exam Centre.  Students need not wait for their results. Also this website will remove the flaws of existing Manual Systems like:  Reducing the manual labour (Decreases Overheads).  Avoiding Mistakes Due To Human Error (Accurate).  Will Increase Efficiency and Save Time.  Will Allow Neat Handling Of Data Rather Than Error Prone Records. The institutes will register themselves with a unique login name and password, the unique id will be issued to the institutes by the website. After login:  They will enter exam details like number of questions, +ve and -ve marks.  Then they will enter the questions along with the answers which can later be deleted and edited.  Also they will enter the list of eligible candidates with their id names which can also be edited later.  Institutes will be able to view the students list along with their respective results. Also for students:  They should be able to login with their id, name and instituteid.  They should be able to give the exam as per the details entered by respective institutes.  Also they should be able to view their score after test finishes.  If already given the test then they should just be able to view their scores. Other users can take sample tests to get feel and look of how the online tests are conducted. Other key points:
  • 24.  Different set of questions should be given to different students.  The questions should be selected randomly from the database. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS It deals with the functionalities required from the system which are as follows: The website will help the colleges/organizations/companies to conduct their online exams. Only authorized person can access related details. The organization will register themselves on the website for conducting their exams. Organizations can change their information regarding themselves. The students can login through TEST-ID and PASSWORD and give their exams. Administrator will be responsible for updating the site. The organization can change questions and test papers whenever they want. The technologies used to develop this site are:- FRONTEND:- (LANGUAGES) J2EE:- Java 2 Enterprise Edition is a programming platform— part of the Java Platform for developing and running distributed multitier architecture Java applications, based largely on modular software components running on an application server. HTTP:- Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a transaction or oriented client/server protocol between web browser & a Web Server.
  • 25. APACHE TOMCAT:- Web-server for running j2ee applications over network. HTML:- HTML ,stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, is a markup language for web pages. It provides a means to create structured documents including headings, pictures, objects, lists, links, and other items and can be used to create interactive pages. It can include or can load scripts in languages such as JAVA SCRIPT which affects the behavior of HTMML processors like Web Browsers BACKEND:- (DATABASE) MS-ACCESS:- MS-ACCESS is used as a database. MS-ACCESS is a user friendly user database with no special skills required to learn it. Database and tables in MS-Access are portable. Users can create tables, queries, forms and reports, and connect them together with macros. MS-Access is relatively compatible with SQL .Queries can be viewed graphically or edited as SQL statements.
  • 26. NON FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS They are the quality requirements that stipulate how well a software does what it has to do. Performance No. of terminals to be supported is dependent on the server that we will use at the time of deployment. The web application server used should provide good performance and ability to manage performance with techniques such as support for caching. After completing the exam, the entire score of the student will be calculated as per the rules in less than a second. Availability Online Examination site has 24*7 availability. It can be accessed for 24 hours a day. For this UPS support must be on the server site with a backup of at least 8 hours in case of power failure. Students can take exam only during the previously allotted time slots, however can open site anytime to access other information. Colleges can register for the exam anytime. Reliability It means the extent to which program performs with required precision. The website developed should be extremely reliable and secure so that information about any questions etc. is not leaked before the actual exam is held. Usability The website should be user friendly and should require least effort to operate. The web server used should provide services like session management to maintain sessions in the application. Portability The website is made using HTML, JSP etc.which are platform independent and can be transported to other servers with minimum effort. Flexibility
  • 27. It is effort required to modify operational program. The whole website should be made using independent modules so that any changes done in 1 module should not effect the other one and new modules can be added easily to increase functionality. What contribution would the project make? This is an era of information technology where automation of each and every activity is gaining importance. The site will lead to the automation of the examination system. Moreover it is far better than the previous such websites. Computerized vs. Manual Examination System Automated process of examination is much better than the manual system as it has following advantages:  Time saving  Increased efficiency  Allows neat handling of data rather than error prone records.  Decreases overhead  Accurate How OnlineExams4U is better than previous websites? This website is better than previous versions as most of the online exam sites provide facility to only one institute to hold the tests.They are static and are associated with a particular institute or test.OnlineExams4U is a website that can be used by multiple institutes.Any institute that want to conduct the exam can register on the site.
  • 28. CODING INDEX.JSP <html> <head> <title>OnlineExams4U</ title> </ head> <BODYbottomMargin=0 aLink=#f0f0f0 leftMargin=90 rightMargin=90 link=#f0f0f0 topMargin=5 bgColor=#98afc7 vLink=#f0f0f0 > <TABLE border=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#4e9258> <TR> <TD vAlign=top align=middle> <TABLE bgcolor=#f0f0f0 border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=140 align=center> <TR> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</ TD> <TD height=100 width="50%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo2.jpg" width=580 height=100> </ TD> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</TD> </ TR></ TABLE> <TABLE border=10 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#54c571> <TR> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT color=#000000 size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="index.jsp">HOME</ A></ B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3
  • 29. face=Arial><A href="const.html"><B>Exam list</ B></ A></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="institute.html">Institute </ A></B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="student.html">Student</A></ B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href=""></ A></B></ FONT></TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="about_us.html">About Us </ A></B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="FAQ.html">Help/FAQ</ A></ B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><A href="contact.html"><B>Contact us</B></ A></FONT></ TD> </ TR></ TABLE> <TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"> <TR> <TD bgColor=#617c58><B><FONT color=#ff7000 size=3 face=Tahoma center> <MARQUEE onmouseover=this.stop() onmouseout=this.start()>Take a..<FONT color=#cf000 size=2 face=Tahoma><A href="http:/ /www.ieccampus.com/iecalumni/ alumni.html"> Sample Online Test</A></ FONT></MARQUEE></FONT></ B></ TD></TR></ TABLE> <br> <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%"> <TR> <TD bgColor=#c0c0c0 vAlign=top width="18%" align=middle>&nbsp; <TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgColor=#4e8975> <TR> <TD bgColor=#54c571 width="100%"><FONT size=4 face=Arial><B>Main Menu</ B></FONT></ TD></ TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A href="isignup.html">Institute Signup</ A></B></ FONT></ TD></ TR> <TR>
  • 30. <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A href="ilogin.jsp">Institute Login</A> </ B></FONT></ TD></ TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A href="slogin.html">Student Login</A> </ B></ FONT></TD></TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><B><FONT size=2 face=Arial><A href="const.html">Sample Exam</ A></FONT></ B></ TD></ TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><B><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A href="FAQ.html">Help/FAQ </ A></ B></FONT></ B></TD></TR></TABLE> <P> <TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#f87431> <TR> <TD width="100%" align=middle><B><FONT color=#ffffff size=2 face=Arial>Made By:</ FONT></B></ TD></ TR></ TABLE> <TABLEborder=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgColor=#bce954> <TR> <TD bgColor=#e0ffff width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Ankit Goel<br>Anoop Banswar<br>Ayush Aggarwal</FONT></ TD></ TR></ TABLE></P> </ TD> <P> </ P> <P></ P> <TD bgcolor="#ffffff" vAlign=top width="61%" align=left> <P><BR><FONT color=#ff0000 size=5 face="Lucida Calligraphy"><B> <H1><marquee width="100%" behavior="alternate" bgcolor="yellow">OnlineExams4U</ marquee></ H1></ B></FONT> <img src="3.jpg" width="300" height="200" align="left"> <font size=4 face=arial><i> This website provides a facility to the institutes to host an online test. The online test can be customized according to the requirements of the institute. An institute who intents to conduct an online test can register here. <br><br> OnlineExams4U provides the platform but does not directly participate in, nor is it involved in any tests conducted. Questions are posted not by the site, but users of the site. </i></font> <br><br><br><br>
  • 31. <font face="monotype corsiva" color=blue size=6><center><b><u>OBJECTIVES</u></ b></ center></ font><br><br> <br> <img src="1.jpg" width="200" height="250" align="right"> <img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20> <font size=4 face="lucida console" color="dark pink">To Provide Facility To Institutes To Host Online Tests/Exams</font> <br><br> <font face="brush script mt" size=5> No Need To Get A New Software Everytime To Conduct An Online Test. <br> Instead Just Register On The Website And Conduct Any Test.</ font> <br><br> <img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20> <font size=4 face="lucida console" color="dark pink"> To Enable Students To Give Exams Online And View Their Results </ font> <br><br> <font face="brush script mt" size=5> Saves Time Of Going to Far Away Exam Centre <br> Need Not Wait For The Result.</ font> </TABLE> <br> </ TABLE> </ body> </ html> ISIGNUP.HTML <html> <head> <title>Signup Form</title> <script language="JavaScript"> var valueofpass1=""; var valueofpass2=""; var whitespace=" t n r"; function isEmpty(s) { return((s==null)| | (s.length==0)) }
  • 32. function isWhitespace(s){ var i; if(isEmpty(s)) return true; for(i=0;i<s.length;i++){ var currchar=s.charAt(i); if(whitespace.indexOf(currchar)==-1) return false; } return true; } function isEmail(eadd){ var i=1; var sLength=eadd.length; while((i<sLength) && (eadd.charAt(i)!="@")){ i++; } if((i>=sLength)| | (eadd.charAt(i)!="@")) return false; else i+=2; while((i<sLength)&& (eadd.charAt(i)!=".")){ i++; } if((i>=sLength-1)| | (eadd.charAt(i)!=".")) return false; else return true; } function isCharsInBag(string,bag){ var i; for(i=0;i<string.length;i++){ var charval=string.charAt(i); if(bag.indexOf(charval)==-1) return false; } return true; } function isNumberInPass(string,bag){ var i,flag; flag=0; for(i=0;i<string.length;i++){ var charval=string.charAt(i); if(bag.indexOf(charval)==-1){ continue; }
  • 33. else{ flag=1; break; } } if(flag==1) { return true;} else{ return false; } return false; } function verify(){ var flag=0; for(i=0;i<=4;i++){ if(document.forms[0].elements[i].value==""){ alert("Please fill in the "+ document.forms[0].elements[i].name +" field"); document.forms[0].elements[i].focus(); flag=1; break; } } if(flag==1){ return(false); } if(flag==0){ var email=document.forms[0].elements[2].value; if(!isEmail(email)){ alert("Please enter a valid email address"); document.forms[0].elements[2].focus(); return false; } var passwd=document.forms[0].elements[3].value; if(!isCharsInBag(passwd,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789") ){ alert("Password must only contain alphabets and numbers"); return false; } else if(passwd.length<5){ alert("Password must be 5 or more charcters."); return false; } else if(passwd.length>8){ alert("Password must be 8 or less charcters."); return false;
  • 34. } else if(!isNumberInPass(passwd,"0123456789")){ alert("Password must have atleast one number."); return false; } else if(document.forms[0].elements[3].value != document.forms[0].elements[4].value){ alert("Your passwords donot match.Please retype and try again."); return false; } } return(true); } function Abort(){ history.back(); } </ script></head> <BODYbottomMargin=0 aLink=#f0f0f0 leftMargin=90 rightMargin=90 link=#f0f0f0 topMargin=5 bgColor=#98afc7 vLink=#f0f0f0 > <TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#4e9258> <TR> <TD vAlign=top align=middle> <TABLEbgcolor=#f0f0f0 border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=140 align=center> <TR> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</ TD> <TD height=100 width="50%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo2.jpg" width=580 height=100> </ TD> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</ TD> </ TR> </ TABLE> <TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#54c571>
  • 35. <TR> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT color=#000000 size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="index.jsp">HOME</ A></ B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><A href="const.html"><B>Exam list</ B></ A></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="institute.html">Institute </ A></B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="student.html">Student</A></ B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="const.html"></A></ B></ FONT></TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="about_us.html">About Us </ A></B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="FAQ.html">Help/FAQ</ A></ B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><A href="contact.html"><B>Contact us</B></ A></FONT></ TD></ TR></ TABLE> <TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"> <TR> <TD bgColor=#617c58><B><FONT color=#ff7000 size=3 face=Tahoma center> <MARQUEEonmouseover=this.stop() onmouseout=this.start()>Take a..<FONT color=#cf000 size=2 face=Tahoma><A href="http:/ /www.ieccampus.com/iecalumni/ alumni.html"> Sample Online Test</A></FONT></MARQUEE></ FONT></B> </ TD></ TR></ TABLE> <FORM action="isignup.jsp" method="post" onSubmit="return verify()"> <TABLEborder=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgcolor=#ffffff align=center> <tbody> <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgcolor=#ffffff align=center> <tbody> <tr> <td width=30%><img src="signup.gif" width=200 height=150></ td> <td align=""><font size=7><b>Institute SignUp Form</b></font></ td> </ tr> </ tbody>
  • 36. </ TABLE> <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgcolor=#ffffff align=center> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center" colspan="2"><b><h2>Enter the Institute details:</ h2></ b> </td> </ tr> <tr> <td align=right width="50%"><b><font color=#df2332 size=4>Login Name:</ font></b></ td> <td><input name=LoginName type=text></td> </ tr> <tr> <td align=right><b><font color=#df2332 size=4>Institute Name:</ font></b></ td> <td><input name=InstituteName type=text></ td> </ tr> <tr> <td align=right><b><font color=#df2332 size=4>Email Address:</font></b></td> <td><input name=Email type=text></td> </ tr> <tr> <td align=right><b><font color=#df2332 size=4>Password:</ font></ b></ td> <td><input name=Password type=password></td> </ tr> <tr> <td align=right><b><font color=#df2332 size=4>Confirm Password:</font></b></td> <td><input name=ConfirmPassword type=password></td> </ tr> </ tbody> </ TABLE> <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgcolor=#ffffff align=center> <tbody> <tr> <td>&nbsp</td> <td align="center" colspan="4"><input type="submit" value="Submit" /> <input type="reset" value="Reset" / > <input type="button" value="Abort" onClick="Abort()"/> </ td> </ tr> </ tbody> </TABLE> <TABLEborder=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgcolor=#ffffff align=center> <tbody> <tr> <td><font color=grey face=Verdana size=2><b>PASSWORD RULES:</ b></font></ td></ tr> <tr>
  • 37. <td><font color=grey face=Verdana size=1><b>Password's minimum length is 5 charcters.</ b></ font></ td></tr> <tr> <td><font color=grey face=Verdana size=1><b>Password's maximum length is 8 characters.</b></font></td></ tr> <tr> <td><font color=grey face=Verdana size=1><b>Password should have atleast 1 digit included.</b></font></td></ tr> <tr> <td><font color=grey face=Verdana size=1><b>Other than alphabets and digits no other values are allowed.</ b></font></ td></ tr> </ tbody></TABLE> <br> </ tbody></TABLE> </ FORM> </ TD> </ TR> </ TABLE> </ body> </ html> ISIGNUP.JSP <html> <head> <title>Isignup</ title> <script language="JavaScript"> function Abort(){ history.back(); } </ script> </ head> <BODY bottomMargin=0 aLink=#f0f0f0 leftMargin=90 rightMargin=90 link=#f0f0f0 topMargin=5 bgColor=#98afc7 vLink=#f0f0f0 > <TABLE border=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#4e9258> <TR> <TD vAlign=top align=middle> <TABLE bgcolor=#f0f0f0 border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=140 align=center> <TR> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</ TD> <TD height=100 width="50%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo2.jpg" width=580 height=100> </ TD>
  • 38. <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</TD> </ tr> <%@page import="java.sql.* "%> <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#54c571> <tr><td width=30% align=left> <% Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:mydsn"); Statement s=c.createStatement(); String loginname=request.getParameter("LoginName"); String email=request.getParameter("Email"); String password=request.getParameter("Password"); String iname=request.getParameter("InstituteName"); ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery("select * from org_details where Loginname='"+loginname+"'"); if(rs.next()) { out.println("<img src=fail.gif width=200 height=150></ td><td align=left>"); out.println("<h3>Loginname has already been taken.Try with a different Login name.</ h3></ td></tr>"); out.println("<tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></ tr>"); out.println("<tr><td align=left><input type=button value=BACK onclick='Abort()'></td></tr>"); } else{ s.executeUpdate("insert into org_details (LoginName,Email,Password,InstituteName) values('"+loginname+"','"+email+"','"+password+"','"+iname+"')"); String s1=loginname+"edetails"; String s2=loginname+"qtable"; String s3=loginname+"slist"; s.executeUpdate("create table "+s1+"(ID number,Ename text,Tlimit text,Passmarks number,NoQues number,Pmarks number,Nmarks number)"); s.executeUpdate("create table "+s2+"(QID Counter,Question text,A text,B text,C text,D text,Answer text)"); s.executeUpdate("create table "+s3+"(SID number,Sname text,Egiven number,marks number,result text)"); rs=s.executeQuery("select * from org_details where Loginname='"+loginname+"'"); rs.next(); String id=rs.getString(1); out.println("<img src=welcome.jpg width=200 height=150></ td><td align=left>"); out.println("<h2>Welcome "+loginname+"..You have successfully signed up.InstituteID is "+id+".</h2>"); out.println("<tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></tr><tr><td>& nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr>");
  • 39. out.println("<tr><td></td><td align=left><a href='afterisignup.jsp?name="+loginname+"&lid="+id+"'><img src=ContinueButton.jpg width=130 height=40></a>"); out.println("&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=index.jsp><img src=logout.gif width=130 height=40></a>"); } %> </ td></ tr> <tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></tr> </ table> </ table> </ body> </ html> ILOGIN.JSP <html> <head> <title>Institute login</ title> <script language="JavaScript"> function verify(){ var flag=0; for(i=0;i<=1;i++){ if(document.forms[0].elements[i].value==""){ alert("Please fill in the "+ document.forms[0].elements[i].name +" field"); document.forms[0].elements[i].focus(); flag=1; break; } } if(flag==1){ return(false); } return(true); } function Abort(){ history.back(); } </ script></head> <BODYbottomMargin=0 aLink=#f0f0f0 leftMargin=90 rightMargin=90 link=#f0f0f0
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  • 42. <tr> <td align=right><input type=checkbox name=remember></td> <td><font size=2>Remember username and password on this computer</font></td> </ tr> <tr> <td>& nbsp;</ td> </ tr> <tr> <td align=right><Input type=submit value=Submit></ td> <td><Input type=reset value=Reset></ td> </ tr> <tr> </ tbody> </ table> </ form> </ body> </ html> AFTERILOGIN.JSP <html> <head> <title>Ilogin</ title> <script language="JavaScript"> function Abort(){ history.back(); } </ script> </ head> <BODYbottomMargin=0 aLink=#f0f0f0 leftMargin=90 rightMargin=90 link=#f0f0f0 topMargin=5 bgColor=#98afc7 vLink=#f0f0f0 > <TABLE border=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#4e9258> <TR> <TD vAlign=top align=middle> <TABLE bgcolor=#f0f0f0 border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=140 align=center> <TR> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt=""
  • 43. src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</ TD> <TD height=100 width="50%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo2.jpg" width=580 height=100> </ TD> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</TD> </ tr> <%@page import="java.sql.* "%> <%Cookie c1,c2; Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:mydsn"); Statement s=c.createStatement(); String name=request.getParameter("LoginName"); String password=request.getParameter("Password"); String s3=""; if(request.getParameter("remember")!=null) s3=request.getParameter("remember"); ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery("select * from org_details where LoginName='"+name+"' and Password='"+password+"'"); if(!rs.next()){ out.println("<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width=100% bgColor=#54c571> <tr><td width=30% align=left>"); out.println("<img src=fail.gif width=200 height=150></ td><td align=left>"); out.println("<h3>Username or password is incorrect...Try again</h3></td></ tr>"); out.println("<tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></ tr>"); out.println("<tr><td align=left><a href='ilogin.jsp'>Back</a></td></tr>"); } else { String inid=rs.getString(1); request.setAttribute("iname",name); request.setAttribute("iid",inid); RequestDispatcher rd=request.getRequestDispatcher("afterilogin2.jsp"); rd.forward(request, response); } if(s3.equals("on")){ c1=new Cookie("name",name); c2=new Cookie("pass",password); } else{ c1=new Cookie("name",""); c2=new Cookie("pass","");
  • 44. } response.addCookie(c1); response.addCookie(c2); %></TABLE> </ body> </ html> AFTERISIGNUP.JSP <html> <body> <%@page session="true"%> <% String s1=request.getParameter("name"); String s2=request.getParameter("lid"); session.setAttribute("loginname",s1); session.setAttribute("id",s2); response.sendRedirect("afterisignup2.jsp"); %> </ body> </ html> AFTERISIGNUP2.JSP <html> <head> <title>welcome</ title> </ head> <BODYbottomMargin=0 aLink=#f0f0f0 leftMargin=90 rightMargin=90 link=#f0f0f0 topMargin=5 bgColor=#98afc7 vLink=#f0f0f0 > <TABLE border=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#4e9258> <TR> <TD vAlign=top align=middle> <TABLE bgcolor=#f0f0f0 border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=140 align=center> <TR> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</ TD> <TD height=100 width="50%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo2.jpg" width=580 height=100>
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  • 47. <P> </ P> <P></ P></TD> <TD background="background.jpg" vAlign=top width="61%" align=left> <P><BR><FONT color=#ff0000 size=4 face="Lucida Calligraphy"><B> <H1><center>Welcome </ center></H1></B></ FONT> <font size=4 face=arial><i> Now conducting exams is very simple...You just need to follow following steps: </i></font> <br><br> <font face="monotype corsiva" color=blue size=6><b><u>Steps :</u></ b></ font><br><br> <img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20> <font size=4 face="lucida console"><a href="afteredetails0.jsp">1.Enter the exam details</ a></font> <br><br> <img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20> <font size=4 face="lucida console" color="dark pink"> <a href="qdetails.jsp">2.Enter questions</a> </ font> <br><br> <img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20> <font size=4 face="lucida console" color="dark pink"> <a href="sdetails.jsp">3.Enter students list</ a> </ font> <br><br> </table> </ table> </ table> </ body> </ html> SLOGIN.HTML <html> <head> <title>Student login</ title> <script language="JavaScript"> function verify(){ var flag=0; for(i=0;i<=2;i++){ if(document.forms[0].elements[i].value==""){
  • 48. alert("Please fill in the "+ document.forms[0].elements[i].name +" field"); document.forms[0].elements[i].focus(); flag=1; break; } } if(flag==1){ return(false); } return(true); } function Abort(){ history.back(); } </ script></head> <BODYbottomMargin=0 aLink=#f0f0f0 leftMargin=90 rightMargin=90 link=#f0f0f0 topMargin=5 bgColor=#98afc7 vLink=#f0f0f0 > <TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#4e9258> <TR> <TD vAlign=top align=middle> <TABLEbgcolor=#f0f0f0 border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=140 align=center> <TR> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</ TD> <TD height=100 width="50%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo2.jpg" width=580 height=100> </ TD> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</ TD> </ tr> <TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#54c571> <TR> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT color=#000000 size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="index.jsp">HOME</ A></ B></FONT></ TD>
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  • 50. </ tr> <tr> <td align=right><b><font color=#df2332 size=3>Student Name:</font></ b></td> <td><input name=StudentName type=text></ td> </ tr> <tr> <td align=right><b><font color=#df2332 size=3>Institute Code:</font></ b></td> <td><input name=InstituteCode type=password></td> </ tr> <tr> <td>& nbsp;</ td> </ tr> <tr> <td align=right><Input type=submit value=Submit></ td> <td><Input type=button value=Abort onClick="Abort()"></ td> </ tr> </ tbody> </ table> </ form> </ body> </ html> SLOGIN.JSP <html> <head> <title>Slogin</title> <script language="JavaScript"> function Abort(){ history.back(); } </ script> </ head> <BODY bottomMargin=0 aLink=#f0f0f0 leftMargin=90 rightMargin=90 link=#f0f0f0 topMargin=5 bgColor=#98afc7 vLink=#f0f0f0 > <TABLE border=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#4e9258> <TR> <TD vAlign=top align=middle> <TABLE bgcolor=#f0f0f0 border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=140 align=center>
  • 51. <TR> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</ IMG></TD> <TD height=100 width="50%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo2.jpg" width=580 height=100> </ TD> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</TD> </ tr> <%@page import="java.sql.* "%> <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#54c571> <tr><td width=30% align=left> <% Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:mydsn1"); Statement s=c.createStatement(); String studentid=request.getParameter("StudentId"); String studentname=request.getParameter("StudentName"); String institutecode=request.getParameter("InstituteCode"); String iname=request.getParameter("InstituteName"); ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery("select * from org_details where Loginname='"+loginname+"'"); if(rs.next()) { out.println("<img src=fail.gif width=200 height=150></ td><td align=left>"); out.println("<h3>Loginname has already been taken.Try with a different Login name.</ h3></ td></tr>"); out.println("<tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></ tr>"); out.println("<tr><td align=left><input type=button value=BACK onclick='Abort()'></td></tr>"); } else{ s.executeUpdate("insert into org_details (LoginName,Email,Password,InstituteName) values('"+loginname+"','"+email+"','"+password+"','"+iname+"')"); String s1=loginname+"edetails"; String s2=loginname+"qtable"; String s3=loginname+"slist"; s.executeUpdate("create table "+s1+"(ID number,Ename text,Tlimit text,Passmarks number,NoQues number,Pmarks number,Nmarks number)"); s.executeUpdate("create table "+s2+"(QID Counter,Question text,A text,B text,C text,D text,Answer text)"); s.executeUpdate("create table "+s3+"(SID number,Sname text,Egiven number,marks number,result text)"); out.println("<img src=welcome.jpg width=200 height=150></td><td align=left>");
  • 52. out.println("<h2>Welcome "+loginname+"..You have successfully signed up.</h2>"); out.println("<tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></tr><tr><td>& nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr>"); out.println("<tr><td></td><td align=left><a href=const.html><img src=ContinueButton.jpg width=130 height=40></a>"); out.println("&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=index.jsp><img src=logout.gif width=130 height=40></a>"); } %> </ td></tr> </ table> </ table> </ body> </ html> AFTERSLOGIN.JSP <html> <head><title>Error</title></ head> <BODY bottomMargin=0 aLink=#f0f0f0 leftMargin=90 rightMargin=90 link=#f0f0f0 topMargin=5 bgColor=#98afc7 vLink=#f0f0f0 > <TABLE border=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#4e9258> <TR> <TD vAlign=top align=middle> <TABLE bgcolor=#f0f0f0 border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=140 align=center> <TR> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</ TD> <TD height=100 width="50%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo2.jpg" width=580 height=100> </ TD> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</TD> </ tr> <%@page import="java.sql.* "%> <% Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:mydsn");
  • 53. Statement s=c.createStatement(); String sid=request.getParameter("StudentID"); String sname=request.getParameter("StudentName"); String icode=request.getParameter("InstituteCode"); ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery("select * from org_details where ID="+icode); if(!rs.next()){ out.println("<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width=100% bgColor=#54c571> <tr><td width=30% align=left>"); out.println("<img src=fail.gif width=200 height=150></ td><td align=left>"); out.println("<h3>Invalid Account</ h3></ td></ tr>"); out.println("<tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></ tr>"); out.println("<tr><td align=left><font size=4><a href='slogin.html'>Back</a></font></ td></ tr>"); } else { String ilname=rs.getString(2); String tbl=ilname+"slist"; ResultSet rs1=s.executeQuery("select * from "+tbl+" where SID="+sid+" and Sname='"+sname+"'"); if(!rs1.next()){ out.println("<TABLEborder=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width=100% bgColor=#54c571> <tr><td width=30% align=left>"); out.println("<img src=fail.gif width=200 height=150></ td><td align=left>"); out.println("<h3>Invalid Account</ h3></ td></ tr>"); out.println("<tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></ tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></ tr>"); out.println("<tr><td align=left><font size=4><a href='slogin.html'>Back</a></font></ td></ tr>"); } else { request.setAttribute("iid",icode); request.setAttribute("iname",ilname); request.setAttribute("sid",sid); request.setAttribute("sname",sname); RequestDispatcher rd=request.getRequestDispatcher("afterslogin1.jsp"); rd.forward(request, response); } } %> <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></tr><tr><td>& nbsp;</ td></ tr> <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</ td></tr><tr><td>& nbsp;</ td></ tr> </ TABLE> <P>
  • 54. </ body> </ html> AFTERSLOGIN1.JSP <html> <body> <%@page session="true" %> <% String s1=(String)request.getAttribute("iid"); String s2=(String)request.getAttribute("iname"); String s3=(String)request.getAttribute("sid"); String s4=(String)request.getAttribute("sname"); session.setAttribute("iid",s1); session.setAttribute("iname",s2); session.setAttribute("sid",s3); session.setAttribute("sname",s4); response.sendRedirect("afterslogin2.jsp"); %> </ body> </ html> AFTERSLOGIN2.JSP <html> <head> <title>Hi</ title> </ head> <BODY bottomMargin=0 aLink=#f0f0f0 leftMargin=90 rightMargin=90 link=#f0f0f0 topMargin=5 bgColor=#98afc7 vLink=#f0f0f0 > <TABLE border=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#4e9258> <TR> <TD vAlign=top align=middle> <TABLE bgcolor=#f0f0f0 border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=140 align=center>
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  • 56. out.println("You have already given the test.<br><br>"); out.println("<font face='arial' color=blue size=5>Result:<i> "+rs.getString(5)+"</i></font><br>"); out.println("<font face='arial' color=blue size=5>Marks:<i> "+rs.getString(4)+"</i></ font><br>"); } else { out.println("Want to take test now??<br><br>"); out.println("<a href='afterslogin3.jsp'><img src='taketest.jpg' width=200 height=200></ a><br><br>"); } %> </ center></ H1></ B></FONT> </table> </ table> </ body> </ html> CONTACT.HTML <html> <head> <title> CONTACT HERE: </title> </head> <BODYbottomMargin=0 aLink=#f0f0f0 leftMargin=90 rightMargin=90 link=#f0f0f0 topMargin=5 bgColor=#98afc7 vLink=#f0f0f0 > <TABLE border=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#4e9258> <TR> <TD vAlign=top align=middle> <TABLE bgcolor=#f0f0f0 border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=140 align=center> <TR> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</ TD> <TD height=100 width="50%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo2.jpg" width=580
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  • 58. <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%"> <TR> <TD bgColor=#c0c0c0 vAlign=top width="18%" align=middle>&nbsp; <TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgColor=#4e8975> <TR> <TD bgColor=#54c571 width="100%"><FONT size=4 face=Arial><B>Main Menu</ B></FONT></ TD></ TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A href="isignup.html">Institute Signup</ A></B></ FONT></ TD></ TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A href="ilogin.jsp">Institute Login</A> </ B></FONT></ TD></ TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A href="slogin.html">Student Login</A> </ B></ FONT></TD></TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><B><FONT size=2 face=Arial><A href="const.html">Sample Exam</ A></FONT></ B></ TD></ TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><B><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A href="FAQ.html">Help/FAQ </ A></ B></FONT></ B></TD></TR></TABLE> <P> <TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#f87431> <TR> <TD width="100%" align=middle><B><FONT color=#ffffff size=2 face=Arial>Made By:</ FONT></B></ TD></ TR></ TABLE> <TABLEborder=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgColor=#bce954> <TR> <TD bgColor=#e0ffff width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Ankit Goel<br>Anoop Banswar<br>Ayush Aggarwal</FONT></ TD></ TR></ TABLE></P> </ TD> <P> </ P> <P></ P>
  • 59. <TD bgcolor=#ffffff vAlign=top width="61%" align=left> <P><BR><FONT color=#ff0000 size=5 face="Lucida Calligraphy"><B> <H1><marquee width="100%" bgcolor="yellow" behavior="alternate">OnlineExams4U</ marquee></ H1></ B></FONT> <br><center><img src="contactus.jpg" width="450" height="300"></ center> <TABLE bgcolor=#FFFFFF border=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width="100%"> <tr> <td bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=left><FONT size=3 face=Arial> <b>FOR ANY QUERY PLEASE CONTACT THEFOLLOWING PERSONS:-</b><br> </FONT></ td></tr> <tr><td bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial> <b>ANKIT GOEL (09990253793)</ b></FONT></ td></tr> <tr><td bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial> <b>ANOOP BANSWAR (09911303207)</ b></FONT></ td></ tr> <tr><td bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial> <b>AYUSH AGARWAL (09540613495)</ b> </FONT></ td></tr> <tr><td><br><br><br><br><br></ td></ tr> <!-- </ table> --> </ TABLE> </TABLE> <br> </ TABLE> </ body> </ html> ABOUT_US.HTML <html> <head> <title>About us</title> </head> <BODYbottomMargin=0 aLink=#f0f0f0 leftMargin=90 rightMargin=90 link=#f0f0f0 topMargin=5 bgColor=#98afc7 vLink=#f0f0f0 >
  • 60. <TABLE border=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#4e9258> <TR> <TD vAlign=top align=middle> <TABLE bgcolor=#f0f0f0 border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=140 align=center> <TR> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</ TD> <TD height=100 width="50%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo2.jpg" width=580 height=100> </ TD> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</TD> </ TR></ TABLE> <TABLE border=10 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#54c571> <TR> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT color=#000000 size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="index.jsp">HOME</ A></ B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><A href="const.html"><B>Exam list</ B></ A></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="institute.html">Institute </ A></B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="student.html">Student</A></ B></ FONT></TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href=""></ A></B></ FONT></TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="about_us.html">About Us </ A></B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="FAQ.html">Help/FAQ</ A></ B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><A
  • 61. href="contact.html"><B>Contact us</B></ A></FONT></ TD> </ TR></ TABLE> <TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"> <TR> <TD bgColor=#617c58><B><FONT color=#ff7000 size=3 face=Tahoma center> <MARQUEE onmouseover=this.stop() onmouseout=this.start()>Take a..<FONT color=#cf000 size=2 face=Tahoma><A href="http:/ /www.ieccampus.com/iecalumni/ alumni.html"> Sample Online Test</A></ FONT></MARQUEE></FONT></ B></ TD></TR></ TABLE> <br> <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%"> <TR> <TD bgColor=#c0c0c0 vAlign=top width="18%" align=middle>&nbsp; <TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgColor=#4e8975> <TR> <TD bgColor=#54c571 width="100%"><FONT size=4 face=Arial><B>Main Menu</ B></FONT></ TD></ TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A href="isignup.html">Institute Signup</ A></B></ FONT></ TD></ TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A href="ilogin.jsp">Institute Login</A> </ B></FONT></ TD></ TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A href="slogin.html">Student Login</A> </ B></ FONT></TD></TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><B><FONT size=2 face=Arial><A href="const.html">Sample Exam</ A></FONT></ B></ TD></ TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><B><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A href="FAQ.html">Help/FAQ </ A></ B></FONT></ B></TD></TR></TABLE> <P> <TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#f87431>
  • 62. <TR> <TD width="100%" align=middle><B><FONT color=#ffffff size=2 face=Arial>Made By:</ FONT></B></ TD></ TR></ TABLE> <TABLEborder=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgColor=#bce954> <TR> <TD bgColor=#e0ffff width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Ankit Goel<br>Anoop Banswar<br>Ayush Aggarwal</FONT></ TD></ TR></ TABLE></P> </ TD> <P> </ P> <P></ P> <TD bgcolor=#ffffff vAlign=top width="61%" align=left> <P><BR><FONT color=#ff0000 size=5 face="Lucida Calligraphy"><B> <H1><marquee width="100%" bgcolor="yellow" behavior="alternate">OnlineExams4U</ marquee></ H1></ B></FONT> <br><center><img src="1.png" width="450" height="200"></ center> <font size=4 face=arial><i> <p> OnlineExams4U is a web application that establishes a network between the institutes and the students. Institutes enter on the site the questions they want in the exam. These questions are displayed as a test to the eligible students. The answers enter by the students are then evaluated and their score is calculated and saved. This score then can be accessed by the institutes to determine the passes students or to evaluate their performance. </ p> <p> OnlineExams4U provides the platform but does not directly participate in, nor is it involved in any tests conducted. Questions are posted not by the site, but users of the site. The site requires an institute to register before posting the questions. </ p> <p> The system entitled “OnlineExams4U” is application software, which aims at providing services to the institutes and providing them with an option of selecting the eligible students by themselves. It is developed by using J2EE technology and related database. </ p> </i></font> </TABLE> <br> </ TABLE> </ body> </ html>
  • 63. FAQ.HTML <html> <head> <title></ title> </head> <BODY bottomMargin=0 aLink=#f0f0f0 leftMargin=90 rightMargin=90 link=#f0f0f0 topMargin=5 bgColor=#98afc7 vLink=#f0f0f0 > <TABLE border=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#4e9258> <TR> <TD vAlign=top align=middle> <TABLE bgcolor=#f0f0f0 border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=140 align=center> <TR> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</ TD> <TD height=100 width="50%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo2.jpg" width=580 height=100> </ TD> <TD height=100 width="25%"><IMG border=0 alt="" src="logo.gif" width=250 height=100>&nbsp;</TD> </ TR></ TABLE> <TABLE border=10 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#54c571> <TR> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT color=#000000 size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="index.jsp">HOME</ A></ B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><A href="const.html"><B>Exam list</ B></ A></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3
  • 64. face=Arial><B><A href="institute.html">Institute </ A></B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="student.html">Student</A></ B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href=""></ A></B></ FONT></TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="about_us.html">About Us </ A></B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><B><A href="FAQ.html">Help/FAQ</ A></ B></FONT></ TD> <TD bgColor=#e56e94 vAlign=top align=middle><FONT size=3 face=Arial><A href="contact.html"><B>Contact us</B></ A></FONT></ TD> </ TR></ TABLE> <TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"> <TR> <TD bgColor=#617c58><B><FONT color=#ff7000 size=3 face=Tahoma center> <MARQUEE onmouseover=this.stop() onmouseout=this.start()>Take a..<FONT color=#cf000 size=2 face=Tahoma><A href="http:/ /www.ieccampus.com/iecalumni/ alumni.html"> Sample Online Test</A></ FONT></MARQUEE></FONT></ B></ TD></TR></ TABLE> <br> <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%"> <TR> <TD bgColor=#c0c0c0 vAlign=top width="18%" align=middle>&nbsp; <TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgColor=#4e8975> <TR> <TD bgColor=#54c571 width="100%"><FONT size=4 face=Arial><B>Main Menu</ B></FONT></ TD></ TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A href="isignup.html">Institute Signup</ A></B></ FONT></ TD></TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A href="ilogin.jsp">Institute Login</A> </ B></FONT></ TD></ TR>
  • 65. <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A href="slogin.html">Student Login</A> </ B></ FONT></TD></TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><B><FONT size=2 face=Arial><A href="const.html">Sample Exam</ A></FONT></ B></ TD></ TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#a74ac7 width="100%"><B><FONT size=2 face=Arial><B><A href="FAQ.html">Help/FAQ </ A></ B></FONT></ B></TD></TR></TABLE> <P> <TABLEborder=10 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#f87431> <TR> <TD width="100%" align=middle><B><FONT color=#ffffff size=2 face=Arial>Made By:</ FONT></B></ TD></ TR></ TABLE> <TABLEborder=0 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=10 width="100%" bgColor=#bce954> <TR> <TD bgColor=#e0ffff width="100%"><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Ankit Goel<br>Anoop Banswar<br>Ayush Aggarwal</FONT></ TD></ TR></ TABLE></P> </ TD> <P> </ P> <P></ P> <TD bgcolor=#ffffff vAlign=top width="61%" align=left> <P><BR><FONT color=#ff0000 size=5 face="Lucida Calligraphy"><B> <H1><marquee width="100%" bgcolor="yellow" behavior="alternate">OnlineExams4U</ marquee></ H1></ B></FONT> <br><img src="faq1.gif" width="300" height="250" align="left"> <h2><font face=arial color="blue"><u> <center> FAQ/HELP</ center> </u></ font></ h2> <br><br><br> <font size="4"> <img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20> <b>How is this site helpful to institutes?</b><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This site is a medium by which institutes can conduct online exams.<br>
  • 66. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They can register on the site and then can enter the exam details and questions.The institutes also provide a list of students that are eligible for the exam.<br> <br> <img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20> <b>How one(institutes) can register on this site ?</b><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Instiitues can register by clicking on the link on the home page or just <a href="isignup.html"><font size="3" color="RED"> click here</ font></ a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After that fill all the details very carefully.<br><br> <img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20> <b>How students can login a nd give their exams ?</ b><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Students can login by clicking on the link given on home page or just <a href="isignup.html"><font size="3" color="RED"> click here</ font></ a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Students need to remember the ID provided to them by the institutes. After login students can take up their exams and can see their results then and there<br><br> <img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20> <b>What if a institute wants to edit questions already entered?</ b><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Instiitues can easily edit or delete the questions through the options given to him once it login.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Institutes can login by clicking on the link given on home page or just <a href="ilogin.jsp"><font size="3" color="RED"> click here</ font></ a><br><br> <img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20> <b>What if a institute wants to view the list of students or make some changes to it?</ b><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Instiitues can easily view or edit the students list through the options given to him once it login.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Institutes can login by clicking on the link given on home page or just <a href="ilogin.jsp"><font size="3" color="RED"> click here</ font></ a><br><br> <img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20> <b>Can insttiutes set their own time limit for exam?</b><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Instiitues can give the time limit for exam once they register.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They can even change it by logging in at a later time.<br><br> <img src="bullet.jpg" width=35 height=20> <b>Is there any provision for negative marking?</b><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Instiitues can enter both positive and negative marks for correct or incorrect question respectively once they register.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They can even change it by logging in at a later time.<br><br><br><br> </ font>