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To appear in Proc. CHARME'97, Montréal, Canada, Oct.97
Chapman&Hall Publishers
An approach to Verilog-VHDL
interoperability for synchronous
D. Borrione, F. Vestman, H. Bouamama
TIMA-UJF, B.P. 53, 38041 Grenoble cedex 9, France
Phone: (+33), Fax: (+33)
e-mail: Dominique.Borrione@imag.fr
This paper suggests that synchronous designs written in either Verilog or VHDL
can be interpreted in terms of a common Hierarchical Finite State Machine model,
and shows the principles for extracting the semantics of designs described in either
language. Sublanguages with identical semantics are identified, and an algorithm for
inferring a minimal number of state variables from VHDL processes is given. This
common semantic model can be used as a kernel for cycle-based simulation, formal
verification, and synthesis, irrespective of the source language. In particular,
Verilog and VHDL descriptions can be proven equivalent, and modules developed in
one language can be reused in projects documented in the other one. This approach
has been prototyped by the implementation of a semantic link between the VIS
system of Berkeley and the Prevail system of TIMA.
Verilog, VHDL, hierarchical finite state machines, synchronized statements
With the advent of two standard hardware description languages, VHDL [1, 2] and
Verilog [3,4], CAD software vendors face the problem of having to provide the two
input languages to their products. Yet, both language reference manuals and all
users oriented books give simulation semantics in words, and the task of deciding
whether two descriptions will always give the same behavior is far from obvious.
Another problem is the compatibility between synthesis and simulation
semantics. The inference of state variables from behavioral descriptions is tricky,
specially in VHDL, and more often solved by imposing writing styles than by a
previous definition of formal semantics. As a result, the synthesized circuit depends
heavily on the input language and on the language primitives used to describe the
design. De facto "synthesizable subsets" of both Verilog and VHDL are used, which
usually restrict the designer to clock synchronized, RTL level, delay free
descriptions. Several efforts are currently being conducted to define standard RTL
subsets for synthesis [13,14]. In recent years, some proposals have been published
to formally define operational or denotational semantics for synthesizable
synchronous subsets for VHDL [5,6] as well as for Verilog [7,8], with the
objective of making available more efficient verification tools, such as cycle-based
simulation, or formal verification.
Big designs require re-use of previous models. It should be possible to re-use a
sub-circuit independently of the HDL in which it is written. In particular, VHDL
has rich type construction mechanisms, strong type checking, versatile functions
and procedures, which make it more appropriate for the initial specifications to high
level synthesis. Conversely, Verilog is less verbose, and its scope is more narrow,
which makes it easier to use at the logic and register transfer levels. As a result of
these characteristics, different groups of people prefer one or the other language, and
two concurrent communities have emerged, which can hardly communicate and
benefit from the work of the other. Some efforts have been made to provide
automatic translation from one language to the other [15,16], which, to the
knowledge of the authors, seem to be based on syntax-directed techniques, and
impose very strong limitations on the source description.
In order to establish firm grounds for the definition of RTL synthesis subsets,
and allow the formal verification of model equivalence, where one description is
written in VHDL and the other in Verilog, the most obvious approach is to define
the semantics of both languages in the same formal mathematical model. The
advantage is twofold: first it is possible to reduce the complexity of the task by
reducing the many syntactic variations of the same behavior to a single normal
form, and reason on that normal form; second, one can benefit from the existence of
formal verification software, by providing a relatively simple translator from a
kernel format for the semantic model to the input format of a formal verification
tool that can reason on the semantic model.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents our approach to
Verilog-VHDL interoperability around a Hierarchical Finite State Machine semantic
model. Section 3 defines a common interpretation in that model for a RTL subset
of Verilog and VHDL, the emphasis being on the illustration of the approach taken
rather than on a complete formal derivation, which would exceed the space of this
paper. Section 4 presents an implementation of a translator from SMP to Blif-mv,
the intermediate formats for the semantic model in the Prevail and VIS systems,
enabling formal verification of VHDL-Verilog equivalence in the VIS environment.
Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs
It is now common practice, for verification as well as for synthesis purposes, to
take the deterministic Mealy finite state machine (FSM hereafter for short) as
abstract model for clock-synchronized circuits described at the register transfer level.
The model is based on the following hypotheses:
• There is a common master clock, the edges of which determine the observation
and state evolving times for the circuit; depending on the design, the rising
edge, the falling edge, or both are used. Real, continuous time is thus
discretized, and measured in number of occurrences of the master clock edge(s).
• The memory elements of the circuit (flip-flops and latches), called registers, are
all loaded synchronously with a clock edge: at the clock edge, a register loads its
next value, which then becomes its current value until the next clock edge;
registers hold the state of the machine.
• The design is such that all registers can be set/reset to a pre-established value
before circuit execution.
• No combinational loop exists in the circuit, which guarantees both that there is
no hidden state holding variable outside the designated registers, and that the
combinational signals always stabilize, for all values of the stabilized inputs
and registers.
• The time span between two clock edges is long enough, and the environment
provides stable values on the circuit inputs soon enough, to let all signals
stabilize in the combinational part of the circuit before the next clock edge.
Under these hypotheses, at each synchronous time point, the value in each circuit
wire depends uniquely on the stable value of the inputs and on the current value of
the registers, thus allowing to abstract the circuit behavior with the FSM model
depicted on Fig.1.
Inputs Outputs
Figure 1: the FSM model for synchronous circuits.
We take the following notation for a FSM: M = (Input, Output, State, s0, δ, λ)
where Input = {i1, i2, ...in} and Output = {o1, o2, ...op} are the sets of primary
inputs and primary outputs, State = {s1, s2, ...sm} is the set of state variables (the
m registers). These three sets are pairwise disjoint. Let Ik be the value domain of
input variable ik, Ok the value domain of output variable ok, Sk the value domain
of state variable sk. The input, output and state domains are the cartesian products:
I = I1 × I2… × In, O = O1× O2…× Op, S = S1× S2…× Sm.
s0 ∈ S is the initial state, it is a valuation of the state variables.
δ: S × I → S is the state transition function computing the next state, i.e. the
value that will load the registers at the next clock cycle, and λ: S × I → S is the
output function computing the current value of the primary outputs.
The reason why we represent a FSM in terms of its variables rather than its
domains (traditionnally called alphabets) is practical: this model is the one which is
directly implemented in symbolic verification systems. A complete discussion of
its correspondance with the model on alphabets can be found in [17].
The FSM model is the one on which formal equivalence verification between two
designs, and symbolic model checking are performed. It requires the previous
flattening of hierarchical descriptions, and the elimination of all non-memorizing
internal signals: the initial structure is thus lost.
However, since our objective is to ease the manipulation of structured designs,
and put the emphasis on component re-usability, we chose as basic model a
hierarchical finite state machine model (HFSM for short): it extends the FSM
model with the existence of local variables, transfer functions to the local variables,
and the notion of embedded local HFSM's. The notation for a HFSM is:
HM = (Input, Output, State, Local, s0, δ, λ, γ, HMSET).
Local = {l1, l2, ...lk} is the set of local variables (the internal combinational
wires), with domain L = L1 × L2… × Lk.
γ: S × I × L → L is the function computing the values of the internal
combinational nodes.
The state and output functions are now typed:
δ: S × I × L → S λ: S × I× L → O.
HMSET = {HM1, HM2, ...HMq} is a set of embedded HFSM's (corresponding to q
interconnected components). For each HMj, its set of inputs must be a subset of
Input ∪ Local, and its set of outputs must be a subset of Output ∪ Local.
Moreover, the sets of outputs of the HMj must be pairwise disjoint. Finally, in
order to avoid naming conflicts, we shall consider that all state and local variables
of the component HFSM's are prefixed with the component name.
A HFSM in which the Local and HMSET are empty is a FSM.
A HFSM in which the HMSET is empty can be transformed into a FSM by
repeatedly replacing, in the δ and λ functions, the local variables by their γ
function, until no replacement can be made. If there is no combinational loop, all
local variables are eliminated. We shall thus consider that all leaves of a hierarchical
model are FSM's.
Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs
The composition of several FSM's may introduce combinational loops. Various
methods to detect them are reviewed in [18,26]. When the existence of
combinational stability without memory effect can be established, the composition
of FSM's is equivalent to a product FSM, after component boundary removal and
elimination of the interconnecting local variables[19].
In the remainder of this paper, we shall concentrate on subsets of Verilog and
VHDL for which the simulation semantics are in accordance with the FSM model.
Formal semantic definitions have been defined for such subsets, and we shall base
our argument on [10,12] for VHDL, and on [7,9] for Verilog. For a flat HDL
description, we construct its corresponding FSM model; in the case of a network of
nested components, we construct its HFSM model, and keep the modularity.
Our approach to Verilog-VHDL interoperability therefore involves the translation
of the source text into an appropriate common HFSM representation format (see
Figure 2). Description1 in VHDL and Description2 in Verilog of the same circuit
are thus translated into HFSM's Model1 and Model2 in the format. Model1 and
Model2 can then be input to a formal verification tool, typically a BDD-based FSM
equivalence checker if the initial descriptions are at the bit-vector level, to verify
their functional equivalence. One of the models, e.g. Model2 in the figure, can be
input to a synthesis tool, that will produce a more detailed Model2', which can in
turn be verified equivalent to Model2 (thus providing a verification of the synthesis
software), or be translated back to source HDL in canonical form (Description1' and
Description2' in the figure).
Description1’ Description1 Description2 Description2’
Model1 Model2
Formal Verification Synthesis
Figure 2: A common semantic model.
Transforming a HDL source file into a FSM includes identifying the state
variables, and determining the synchronization of the circuit, i.e. when the next
state values for the state variables are to be calculated. To this end, the definitions
of signals and variables in VHDL on the one hand, of wires and registers in Verilog
on the other hand, are not in direct semantic correspondance in the general case;
restrictions in their use are necessary to guarantee that a valid synchronous FSM
model can be extracted. Moreover, due to the lack of an approved standard protected
access to shared variables in VHDL'93 that guarentees determinism, we exclude
shared variables from our discussion. Following the VHDL semantic model of [12],
the transformation of processes into their canonical form allows to determine which
signals and variables are indeed state variables in the HFSM model, the other
locally declared ones being eliminated. Conversely, in Verilog, all registers are
considered state variables, and we leave to an optimization stage in the synthesis
software the task of eliminating redundant state variables, if any. As a result, in the
general case, Model1 and Model2 have not the same number of state variables.
Other irritating incompatibilities between the two languages include data types.
Standard VHDL includes enumerated symbolic data types, whereas Verilog does
not. Due to the considerable benefit of having such a primitive, we have taken the
VIS extension of Verilog, which allows it [21]. Conversely, Verilog bits are 4-
valued, and VHDL bits are 2-valued: due to the lack of a uniform interpretation for
« X », which is either interpreted as don’t care or as error, we currently restrict bits
to the values 0 and 1. We thus consider in the two languages the same data types:
bits, bit vectors, and symbolic data types restricted to enumerated identifiers. The
use of integers is restricted to vector indexing; for all other purposes, objects
holding integer values must be declared as bit vectors in Verilog, and of type
unsigned in VHDL (importing the standard package Numeric_bit[24]): this feature
will be discussed later is this paper. Furthermore, we currently do not consider
resolved signal types in VHDL.
For the time being, we limit ourselves to models of a fixed, statically known
size. This excludes generic parameters and unconstrained arrays in VHDL.
Likewise, loops are restricted to the form for and the number of iterations must be
known statically; in the rest of this paper, we shall assume the loops to be unrolled
in a pre-processing phase, and shall not consider them in our discussion.
We now proceed describing, in a rather intuitive way, the semantics of the
essential language primitives in the synchronous subset we consider. The two key
points are the determination of the input, output, local and state variables, and the
extraction of their transfer functions. The semantic model is expressed in terms of
sets, and the transfer functions are unordered. To explain, in a uniform way, the
interpretation of the sequential assignments (in VHDL processes and in Verilog
always blocs), we adopt for both languages an intermediate transformation: we
create intermediate abstract variables and ensure that each one is assigned only once;
from there, the identification of the FSM state variables and transfer functions can
easily be shown.
Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs
Both VHDL and Verilog contain various control features that are used to
synchronise the statements in a description. In VHDL these are wait statements
(with a possible combination of event detection, condition and timeout), guarded
signal assignments, and after clauses which impose a delay in a signal assignment.
In Verilog these are wait statements (for a condition to become true), the edge
sensitive "@" event-detector, and the "#" delay operator (similar to the VHDL after
In the FSM model, the current value of all state variables must be updated with
their next state value simultaneously, and synchronously with an edge of the master
clock. This implies that a choice has to be made among the following two
modeling options:
• either the master clock is the discretization of real time, and each advancement
of time by one unit (the smallest unit in the description, e.g. the nanosecond) is
a clock edge1,
• or the master clock is a hardware clock, and real time is abstracted away in the
The Verilog and VHDL synchronous subsets that we consider refer to the second
modeling option. As a consequence, these subsets exclude the synchronization
primitives that would introduce state changes independent of a clock edge: the wait
...for and after clauses of VHDL, and the wait and "#" of Verilog, must be
In this section, two kinds of statements will be considered:
• Statements synchronised with the clock edge; for these the δ function is
calculated, and possibly part of the λ function.
• Non-synchronised statements, that are thus always active; for these the γ and λ
functions are calculated.
3.1 Synchronised statements
In VHDL, there exists two basic ways to model synchronised assignments: in a
process containing a wait statement waiting on the clock edge, and a guarded
assignment in a guarded block. The Verilog construct that corresponds to a
synchronised process is an always statement starting with the @ event-detector (we
shall write always@ for short) and containing a sequential block. An always@
containing a parallel block models synchronised concurrent statements in Verilog
and corresponds to the VHDL guarded block. For Verilog, when the term "process"
is used, it refers to an always@ statement.
1 Such a "synchronous" semantic model for VHDL has been defined in [25]
3.1.1 Sequential processes
In VHDL, there exist several ways of expressing clock synchronisation in a
process. For a full treatment of these different writing styles, we refer to [10]. One
of the forms, not allowed in our subset, is the "mixed"process, that is both
combinational and synchronised by the master clock; a typical example is a process
describing a clocked flip-flop with asynchronous reset, which would be sensitive
both on the clock and the reset signal. We thus impose a general constraint on
clock synchronized processes: all wait statements in such processes must be
sensitive on the clock signal only, which effectively removes the possibility of a
"mixed" process. It has been shown in [12] that a process containing several wait
statements can be re-written into an equivalent process containing only one wait
statement. In this paper, we only consider processes in canonical form. For a clock
synchronized process, where the master clock signal has been declared e.g. clk, the
unique wait statement is of the form:wait on clk until boolean_expression;
For Verilog, we refer to [7, chap 4], with the restriction that the "#" delay
operator is banned, and only blocking procedural assignments to registers are
allowed. There exist some differences between the semantics of sequential
statements in Verilog, on the one hand, and sequential assignments in VHDL, on
the other. This will be illustrated by the examples in Figure 3.
reg x,y,z; signal x,y,z: bit; signal x,z:bit;
always@(posedge clk) p0: process p0: process
begin begin variable y: bit;
y = z; wait on clk until clk='1'; begin
x = y; y <= z; wait on clk until clk='1';
end x <= y; y := z;
end process p0; x <= y;
end process p0;
(3.a) (3.b) (3.c)
Figure 3: Verilog and VHDL sequential assignments.
To understand the behavior of these processes, we associate one or more subscripted
abstract variables to each declared object x in the HDL text, to hold current(x), the
value of x when the description has stabilized (just before the clock edge), and the
successively assigned values to the object in the process or always@ statement.
Let x_0, x_1, ..x_m be the abstract variables associated with x. x_0 is associated
with current(x). If x is visible in a process, before any assignment to x, x_0 is
the only abstract variable associated with x. x_1, ..x_m are associated with the m
successive sequential assignments to x in the same sequential process. We shall
denote x_max the abstract variable for x with maximal index: at the end of the
process, x_max = x_m if there are m assignments to x. It results that x_max = x_0
if x is a primary input. As an example, consider reg x in (3.a); x_0 denotes the
current value of x, x_1 is created for the first assignment to x.
Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs
A sequence of register assignments in Verilog is sequential and immediate, in
that an assigned value is the value being used if that register is referred to in a
following statement inside the same process. The same applies to variable
assignments in VHDL. Thus, while interpreting an expression, any reference to a
Verilog register x, or to a VHDL variable x, is made a reference to x_max.
Conversely, in an expression, the current value of signals may only be referenced:
this is interpreted as a reference to x_0. The interpretations of the description
fragments of Figure 3 are shown on the corresponding abstract variables
assignments of Figure 4.
x_0 <- current(x), y0 <- current(y), z0 <- current(z) -- common to the 3 cases
y_1 <- z_0 y_1 <- z_0 y_1 <- z_0
x_1 <- y_1 x_1 <- y_0 x_1 <- y_1
(4.a) (4.b) (4.c)
Figure 4: Interpretation of the sequential assignments of Figure 3.
Let us now consider the case of multiple assignments to the same object. For each
assignment, a new subscripted abstract variable is created. Two equivalent
synchronized sequences are given in Verilog and VHDL in Figure 5, and their
interpretation at the initialization of the model is shown in Figure 6.
module fourvar (clk,o0, o1, o2, o3); ENTITY fourvar IS
input clk; PORT(clk:INBIT;o0,o1,o2,o3:OUT BIT);
output o0, o1, o2, o3; END fourvar;
reg v0, v1, v2, v3; ARCHITECTURE seq OF fourvar IS
assign o0 = v0; begin
assign o1 = v1; p0: PROCESS
assign o2 = v2; VARIABLE v0, v1, v2, v3: BIT:='0';
assign o3 = v3; BEGIN
initial begin WAIT ON clk UNTIL clk = '1';
v0 = 0;v1 = 0;v2 = 0;v3 = 0; v1 := v0 XOR v2;
end v0 := v1 AND (NOT v3);
always@(posedge clk) begin v2 := (NOT v0) OR (NOT v1);
v1 = v0 ^ v2; v3 := NOT v3;
v0 = v1 & ~v3; v1 := NOT v1 AND v3;
v2 = ~v0 | ~v1; o0 <= v0; o2 <= v2;
v3 = ~v3; o1 <= v1; o3 <= v3;
v1 = ~v1 & v3; END PROCESS p0;
end END seq;
(5.a) (5.b)
Figure 5: Equivalent Verilog and VHDL sequential synchronised assignments.
v0_0 <- 0 v0_0 <- 0
v1_0 <- 0 v1_0 <- 0
v2_0 <- 0 v2_0 <- 0
v3_0 <- 0 v3_0 <- 0
end of interpretation of initial o0_0 <- 0
o1_0 <- 0
o2_0 <- 0
o3_0 <- 0,
end of interpretation of declarations
o0_1 <- v0_0 begin process
o1_1 <- v1_0 v1_1 <- v0_0 xor v2_0
o2_1 <- v2_0 v0_1 <- v1_1 and not v3_0
o3_1 <- v3_0 v2_1 <- not v0_1 or not v1_1
end of concurrent continuous assign v3_1 <- not v3_0
begin always v1_2 <- not v1_1 and v3_1
v1_1 <- v0_0 xor v2_0 o0_1 <- v0_1
v0_1 <- v1_1 and not v3_0 o1_1 <- v1_2
v2_1 <- not v0_1 or not v1_1 o2_1 <- v2_1
v3_1 <- not v3_0 o3_1 <- v3_1
v1_2 <- not v1_1 and v3_1 end of process interpretation
end of always
(6.a) (6.b)
Figure 6: Interpretation of Figure 5 with abstract variables.
To construct the HFSM model, for both languages, it is straightforward to
associate the Input, Output and Local sets with the corresponding input, output
and internal wires (Verilog) or signals (VHDL). Now we proceed to identify the
state variables of the FSM, and then we compute the δ and λ functions.
For the Verilog description, previous works consider all declared registers as
memorizing, and associate with them a state variable[7]. Although this may lead to
a non minimal set of state variables, it is the most obvious choice, since registers
can be accessed in several concurrent always@ statements (but modified in only one
to ensure determinism): the decision that a register is a redundant state variable
cannot be made locally to an always@ bloc. In the example of Figures 5.a and 6.a,
state variables are associated with v0, v1, v2, v3.
For VHDL, the state variables have to be inferred. The following rules are
usually taken:
• all signals assigned in a synchronized process are memorizing
• following the criteria enumerated in [11], variables that are not referenced before
being assigned to are not memorizing. With our transformation, this becomes a
simple rule: a VHDL variable is a state variable if and only if its corresponding
abstract variable indexed 0 is referenced at least once in the right hand side of an
Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs
assignment. In Figure 6, v1_0 is never referenced, thus v1 is not a state
According to the above, in the example of Figures 5-b and 6-b, state variables are
associated with v0, v2, v3, o0, o1, o2, o3.
At this point, it is necessary to consider closely the visibility rules and the
simulation semantics of the two languages. When the model is stable and a clock
edge is simulated, in Verilog the simulation of the always@ blocs assigns in the
state variables their new values and leave the wires unchanged. Subsequent
stabilization of the model is performed by one or more simulation cycles over the
assign statements, which compute their new value using the new value of the
In VHDL, a memorizing variable declared in a process is invisible outside the
process, and thus cannot affect the outputs, unless the process also assigns a signal
that is a function of that variable. The simulation of a synchronized process
computes in the variables their new values and simultaneously in the signal drivers
the new values of the signals assigned in the process. Subsequent stabilization of
the model is performed by first updating the signals assigned in the synchronized
processes (and these signals will remain stable until the next clock edge), and then,
as in Verilog, performing one or more simulation cycles over the non-synchronized
It should be clear by now that not all signals assigned in a VHDL synchronized
process are independent state variables, and that the rule above is too coarse an
approximation. The addition of the following rule allows to infer the minimal
number of state variables assigned in a synchronous process:
• A signal y is not a state variable if and only if its corresponding abstract
variable y_max is only a function of local process variables, these variables are
all state variables, and for each such variable z of its associated z_max. In
particular, a signal which is a function of another signal is a state variable.
For instance, in Figure 6-b signal o3 has two associated abstract variables: o3_0
and o3_1; o3_1 is a function of v3_1, and v3_1 is v3_max. Thus o3 is not a
state variable. The same argument applies to o0, and o2. It does not apply to o1
because v1_2, although it is v1_max, was not identified as a state variable.
Thus a state variable must be created for o1. o1 being already an output
variable, a new name has to be created; for the sake of simplicity, let’s call it
The computation of the δ and λ functions can now proceed. Let x_0, x_1, ..x_max
be the abstract variables for a declared HDL object x. If x has been identified as a
state variable, and x_max is of the form:
x_max <- f(z1_i1, z2_i2…zn_in)
2 In this particular example, it is clear that oo1 is identical to the variable v1 that
was not considered a state; but in the general case, the right hand side of o1 could
be a complex expression.
all the zj_ij are substituted by their right hand side, and the substitution is repeated
until x_max depends only on abstract variables subscripted 0. The resulting
function x_next is the next-state function for x. The final form of the function is
obtained by removing all indices.
If x is a VHDL signal that is assigned in a synchronous process and that is not a
state variable, only the zj_ij that do not correspond to state variables are
substituted by their right and side, until x_max depends only on state abstract
variables z_max.
In all other cases, the substitution in x_max is done for all variables, until
x_max depends only on abstract variables subscripted 0. The resulting function x_tr
is the transfer function for x, in particular the output function if x is an output.
Once again, the final form of the function is obtained by removing all indices.
Verilog: v0_next <- (v0_0 xor v2_0) and not v3_0
v1_next <- not (v0_0 xor v2_0) and not v3_0
v2_next <- not ((v0_0 xor v2_0) and not v3_0) or not(v0_0 xor v2_0)
v3_next <- not v3_0
VHDL: v0_next <- (v0_0 xor v2_0) and not v3_0
oo1_next <- not (v0_0 xor v2_0) and not v3_0
v2_next <- not ((v0_0 xor v2_0) and not v3_0) or not (v0_0 xor v2_0)
v3_next <- not v3_0
Final form of δ:
Verilog: δv0 <- (v0 xor v2) and not v3
δv1 <- not (v0 xor v2) and not v3
δv2 <- not ((v0 xor v2) and not v3) or not(v0 xor v2)
δv3 <- not v3
VHDL: δv0 <- (v0 xor v2) and not v3
δoo1 <- not (v0 xor v2) and not v3
δv2 <- not ((v0 xor v2) and not v3) or not(v0 xor v2)
δv3 <- not v3
Verilog: o0_1 <- v0_0
o1_1 <- v1_0
o2_1 <- v2_0
o3_1 <- v3_0
VHDL: o0_1 <- v0_1
o1_1 <- oo1
o2_1 <- v2_1
o3_1 <- v3_1
Final form of λ:
Verilog: λo0 <- v0
λo1 <- v1
λo2 <- v2
λo3 <- v3
Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs
VHDL: λo0 <- v0
λo1 <- oo1
λo2 <- v2
λo3 <- v3
Figure 7: Construction of the FSM model
We intuitively expected the two descriptions of figure 5 to have the same FSM
model. This is indeed what has been obtained, but the method to extract it from
Verilog and from VHDL is different, and must be based on a reasonning that takes
into account the simulation semantics of each language.
3.1.2 VHDL dataflow descriptions and Verilog always@
Concurrent synchronised assignments can be modeled in VHDL by guarded
concurrent assignments in a guarded block, and in Verilog by an always@
statement with a parallell block. For this case, the inference of state variables is
more straightforward and similar between the two languages, as can be seen in the
example of Figure 8:
module fourvar2 (clk,o0, o1, o2, o3); ARCHITECTURE conc OF fourvar IS
input clk; SIGNAL v0, v1, v3: BIT:='0';
output o0, o1, o2, o3; SIGNAL v2: BIT:='1';
reg v0, v1, v2, v3; BEGIN
assign o0 = v0; o0 <= v0;
assign o1 = v1; o1 <= v1;
assign o2 = v2; o2 <= v2;
assign o3 = v3; o3 <= v3;
initial begin b0:BLOCK((clk='1') and not clk'stable)
v0 = 0;v1 = 0;v2 = 1;v3 = 0; BEGIN
end v0 <= GUARDED v1 and (not v3);
always@(posedge clk) fork v1 <= GUARDED v0 xor v2;
v0 = v1 & ~v3; v2 <= GUARDED not v0 or (not v1);
v1 = v0 ^ v2; v3 <= GUARDED not v3;
v2 = ~v0 | ~v1; END BLOCK b0;
v3 = ~v3; END conc;
Figure 8: Equivalent Verilog and VHDL concurrent synchronised assignments
In this example there is a strong syntactic resemblance between the two
descriptions, and we can directly establish the same interpretation for both of them.
This is due to the fact that, both in Verilog and in VHDL, concurrent assignments
always refer, in their right hand sides, to the current value of the referenced objects,
and all objects are assigned only once. The always@…fork…join statement in
the Verilog description is equivalent to four concurrent statements always@
assigning each one register. Likewise, the four concurrent guarded signal
assignments in VHDL are equivalent to four concurrent synchronized process
statements assigning each one signal. The interpretation in terms of abstract
variables (Figure 9), and the derivation of the FSM explained in section 3.1.1
above thus apply.
v0_0 <- 0,v1_0 <- 0,v2_0 <- 1,v3_0 <- 0
end of interpretation of initial values
o0_1 <- v0_0, o1_1 <- v1_0, o2_1 <- v2_0, o3_1 <- v3_0
end of concurrent continuous assignments
begin synchronised concurrent block
v0_1 <- v1_0 and not v3_0, v1_1 <- v0_0 xor v2_0
v2_1 <- not v0_0 or not v1_0, v3_1 <- not v3_0
end of synchronised concurrent block
Figure 9: Interpretation of Figure 8 with abstract variables
In this particular case it is trivial to determine the δ and λ functions. We only give
δ v0 <- v1 and not v3
δ v1 <- v0 xor v2
δ v2 <- not v0 or not v1
δ v3 <- not v3
3.2 Non-synchronised statements
Combinational connections or input/output relations are usually modeled in a HDL
by concurrent statements. In VHDL the basic construct is a concurrent signal
assignment, and the corresponding Verilog construct is the continuous assignment
to wires. Since input and output ports are combinational in our HFSM model, port
maps can be regarded as non-synchronised statements, so the formalisation of
component instantiation will also be given in this section.
3.2.1 Combinational signal and net assignments
The possible syntax for concurrent signal assignments is rich, particularly in
VHDL. Moreover, in VHDL, a concurrent signal assignment is equivalent to a
process where all the signals referred to in the right hand side of the assignment are
in the sensitivity list of a unique final wait on statement. Conversely, a process put
in normal form with a unique final wait statement describes a combinational circuit
if the following three conditions are fulfilled:
Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs
• the sensitivity list of the wait statement contains all the signals referenced in
the process,
• all process variables are assigned to before being used in an expression,
• a signal being assigned under a condition (if or case) is assigned in all
alternatives, and all alternatives are stated.
For a combinational process, it has been shown in [12] how to eliminate the
internal variables, and compute the transition function of all signals assigned in the
process, as a set of concurrent signal assignments. In this section we will only
illustrate a conditional form on a simple example in the two languages:
module comb(s1, s2, y); ENTITY ent is
input s1, s2; PORT(s1, s2:IN BIT_VECTOR(0 TO 1);
output y; y: OUT BIT_VECTOR(0 TO 1));
wire [0:1] s1, s2, y; END ent;
assign y = ARCHITECTURE comb OF ent IS
((s1 ^ s2)==2'b00) ? s1 signal x: BIT_VECTOR(0 TO 1);
: ((s1 ^ s2)==2'b01) ? s2 BEGIN
: ((s1 ^ s2)==2'b10) ? s1 | s2 with x select y <=
: s1 & s2; s1 when B"00",
endmodule s2 when B"01",
s1 or s2 when B"10",
s1 and s2 when B"11";
x <= s1 xor s2;
END comb;
Figure 10: Equivalent Verilog and VHDL combinational assignments.
To find the FSM representation, we only need to calculate λ in both examples, and
γ for the local signal x of the VHDL description, since the circuits are
combinational and contain no state variables. For the VHDL, during the
computation of λ, the x variable is eliminated, and λ depends only on the current
values of the inputs s1 and s2. The HFSM thus reduces to a FSM identical to the
one derived from the Verilog. Due to space limitations we leave out this
straightforward derivation.
3.2.2 Component Instantiation
Components can be instantiated and their ports be connected to signals (VHDL) or
wires (Verilog) of the parent description. In our HFSM model, this corresponds to
calculating the γ function for the internal nodes. The connections of the
component ports may also affect the output function, λ. The example of Figure 7,
showing a modulo-8 counter in Verilog, will serve to illustrate this.
module counter(clk, o0, o1, o2);
output o0, o1, o2;
input clk;
wire out0, out1, out2;
counter_cell bit0 (clk, 1'b1, out0, o0);
counter_cell bit1 (clk, out0, out1, o1);
counter_cell bit2 (clk, out1, out2, o2);
`include counter_cell.v
module counter_cell(clk,carry_in,carry_out,val);
input clk;
input carry_in;
output carry_out, val;
reg value;
assign carry_out = value & carry_in;
assign val = value;
initial value = 0;
always @(clk) begin
0: value = carry_in;
1: if (carry_in ==0)
value = 1;
else value = 0;
Figure 11: Verilog structural modulo 8 counter.
Finding the corresponding HFSM is straightforward, and would be done
analogously for a VHDL modulo-8 counter. First we extract the FSM for the
component counter_cell. Then we create the three component instances, by
triplicating their Input, Output, and State sets, and prefixing all the variables as
well as the λ and δ functions with the component name. Finally, the port mapping
is established by identifying each component input with its corresponding actual
input port, and assigning each component actual output to its corresponding output
port. This leads to:
bit0Input = {1}
γout0<- bit0carryout
λo0 <- bit0val
bit1Input = { out0}
γout1<- bit1carryout
λo1 <- bit1val
bit2Input = { out1}
γout2<- bit2carryout
λo2 <- bit2val
Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs
3.3 Type and dimension of the allowed objects
Existing formal verification tools normally have bits as the basic type, so it is
natural for our purpose to concentrate on bits and bit vectors. By implementing
integers or natural numbers by signed/unsigned bit vectors, it is also possible to
define integer operations such as arithmetic and comparison operators. Semantics
exist for this in Verilog that are highly consistent with a subset of the Numeric Bit
standard package for VHDL, restricted to type Unsigned [24]. In addition to bits and
bit vectors, enumerated types are also included in the common subset, and vectors
of enumerated variables are also allowed. We currently do not support multi-
dimensional arrays. The VHDL boolean type is allowed but is translated to bit,
where true is interpreted as '1' and false as '0'.
On objects of type bit, the basic boolean and comparison operators are in direct
correspondence in the two languages; likewise, for objects of bit vector type, bit-
wise boolean operators, equality comparison, shift and concatenation correspond.
Care must be taken with comparison operators ">", "<", ">=" and "<=" which may
return a different result in VHDL depending upon the type: unsigned and bit-vector
objects are interpreted differently. For enumerated objects, equality comparison is
allowed on scalars, and also vector concatenation. Element and slice access is
accepted for vector objects of all types in both left and right hand sides. Regarding
vector objects, care should be taken with the notion of significant bit, specially
since it differs somewhat between the two languages. The Verilog LRM specifies
that the leftmost index in a declaration corrsponds to the msb, and a constant bit
vector has consequently the most significant bit the most to the left. For VHDL,
there is no explicit notion of most significant bit for bit vectors, and it is to the
left for Unsigned. To ensure the maximal security when assigning a constant to a
bit vector, it is wise to refrain from using integers on the right hand side in
Verilog; bit string notations are preferred, as they identically map from left to right
in the two languages, and give the same bit-wise results. Consider the assignments
in Figure 9:
wire [0:1] a, c; signal a, c : BIT_VECTOR(0 TO 1);
wire [1:0] b; signal b : BIT_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0);
assign a = 2'b01; a <= B"01";
assign b = 2'b01; b <= B"01";
assign c = b; c <= b;
Figure 12: Verilog and VHDL vector assignments.
Following these assignments, the Verilog wires would have the following content:
a[0]=0, a[1]=1, b[0]=1, b[1]=0, c[0]=0, c[1]=1.
For the VHDL example, we would have the same results:
a(0)=0, a(1)=1, b(0)=1, b(1)=0, c(0)=0, c(1)=1.
In formal verification as well as synthesis, it is common practice to consider each
declared object (VHDL signal or variable, Verilog wire or reg) as atomic with
respect to its memory property. This implies some restrictions on the assignment
to VHDL vector objects. Notably it will not be considered legal to treat different
parts of a vector so that some elements are memorising and others are not, as would
be the case in the example of Figure 13:
signal x :bit_vector(0 to 1);
x(0) <= in1;
b0: block (clk = '1' and not clk'stable)
x(1) <= guarded in2;
end block b0;
Figure 13: Ambiguous memory property in VHDL
In this example x(0) would be non-memorising and x(1) would be memorising. In
Verilog this would not be possible, since x(0) would have to be declared as a wire
and x(1) as a reg, so they could no longer be part of the same bit vector.
Regarding assignments to vector objects in general, for both languages, it will be
allowed to assign distinct parts in different assignments (processes), as long as a
given vector part is only assigned to in a single assignment (process).
As a first step to validate the above common semantic correspondance between
VHDL and Verilog, we decided to establish a link between two existing systems:
the VIS system developped at UC Berkeley, taking Verilog as input language [20],
and the Prevail system developped at UJF-TIMA, taking VHDL as input
language[23]. For Verilog, we rely on the semantic model and compiler developed
by the VIS group, and on their representation of a hierarchical FSM using the Blif-
mv format[21,22]; Blif-mv is used as input to the equivalence checker, model
checker, and synthesis tools developed by the VIS group. In Prevail, VHDL is first
translated into an internal PIF format, which is more than a hierarchical FSM
representation, since it is also intended to represent other models (e.g. generic
parameters are allowed, and repetition statements are not expanded). From PIF,
specialized translators extract the appropriate information, and produce the
appropriate format for various verification systems; among these, the Smax format
is a functional representation of a flattened FSM, used as input to the LOVERT
equivalence checker and to our model checker. We were thus missing in the
PREVAIL system an explicit representation of hierarchical FSM's: we defined this
format, called SMP, as an extension of the Smax format. The current status of the
Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs
development, which at the time of writing this paper only provides a Prevail to
VIS link (the other direction is planned), is shown in Figure 14.
Blif-mv format PIF format
and Synthesis
and Diagnosis
Existing VIS system Existing Prevail system
Current status of
semantic link
Figure 14: Link between Prevail and VIS
Under the present state, the semantic link offers the following new possibilities:
• Equivalence verification between VHDL and Verilog designs, using the VIS
• Translation of VHDL designer libraries to be used in interaction with Verilog
modules in the VIS environment
• CTL fair model checking in the VIS environment on VHDL designs
• Benchmarking (comparison) between equivalence testing results and CTL model
checking results on VHDL designs performed in Prevail, and the corresponding
results obtained in VIS.
At this point, it is worth characterising the two formats, since they have been
independently designed, and thus differ on some points. Then we will outline the
principles of our translator tool, and mention some empirical results that have been
obtained to partially verify the functionality of the translator.
Blif-mv consists of symbolic hardware, where high level objects are modeled
either by wires, if they are non-memorising, or latches, if they are memorising.
These objects are very close to those found in Verilog. Blif-mv also contains so
called multi-variables, which is a representation of enumerated variables. The next
value of latches is the output wire of a circuit representation of the transition
function. In Blif-mv, all objects are scalar, and all functions are either a subcircuit
(a network of more elementary functions) or a function given in tabular form. No
predefined function exists.
SMP, just as Smax, associates with each object the list of its main
characteristics: value type, dimensions, initial value, transfer function, and whether
or not it is memorizing. If the object is a vector, there may be different transfer
functions associated to distinct slices of the vector. The general form of a transfer
function is a set of conditional transfers, where all conditions must be mutually
exclusive, and the union of all conditions is equal to 1 for non memorising objects.
All the classical boolean functions are pre-defined in SMP, on scalars as well as
vectors, and new functions are constructed by composition of existing ones, in
standard prefix notation. SMP is coded as Common LISP property lists, and in this
sense is more abstract than Blif-mv.
In order to translate from SMP to Blif-mv, we constructed a library of Blif-mv
subcircuits, one for each primitive function of SMP. Transfer functions, unless
unconditional, are translated in terms of a series of multiplexors, one for each
(condition, function) pair. The principle for these series of multiplexors will be the
same for memorising and non-memorising elements, except that the last
multiplexor for a memory always will contain the old value of the memory. This
general treatment can be simplified for conditional transfers which corresponds to
the VHDL select concurrent assignment, that can be implemented by a single
multiplexor, thus shortening the resulting the Blif-mv code. Finally, SMP
operations on vectors have to be expanded in Blif-mv.
We have manually translated a characteristic set of benchmarks, either from
VHDL to Verilog, or vice versa, and purposely used a variety of writing styles in
VHDL: one or several processes, guarded blocks, concurrent signal assignments.
First equivalence tests were done by exhaustive simulation, using independent
commercial simulators. By visual inspection, the Blif-mv file originating from
VHDL through our semantic link appears quite different from the one obtained from
Verilog. Using the VIS sequential verifier, we were able to prove their equivalence.
The same VHDL description was also model checked within VIS and Prevail, on
the same CTL formulas (we had to restrict the properties to what is accepted by
both systems: Prevail does not implement fairness, and VIS does not implement
Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs
past-looking temporal operators); the same formulas passed, or failed, in the two
This work has the objective to bridge the gap between VHDL and Verilog, with an
emphasis on formal verification environments. A common hierarchical finite state
machine model has been selected, as well as a specification of subsets of the two
languages that can be transformed to this model. The originality of our work resides
in a unified methodology to extract the semantic HFSM model for the two
languages. Our hierarchical FSM model can be implemented by either of the
formats SMP, designed in the Prevail environment, or Blif-mv, that is the input
format to the VIS system. We presented a translator from SMP to Blif-mv, which
establishes a link between Prevail and VIS. This notably gives the possibility to
have a VHDL input to VIS, and to verify the equivalence of two descriptions, one
written in each language. Such equivalences have indeed been obtained, which in a
way also constitutes a validation of the independently developed compilers Vl2mv
and Vhdl2Pif.
Future work that can be envisaged in this area include the following:
• Extend the formal specification of semantic equivalence to larger subsets of
VHDL and Verilog.
• Formally prove that the semantic equivalence we presented is also valid for the
simulation semantics of the languages, which would require a formal model of
the simulators.
• Provide Verilog input to Prevail. This would enable VIS users to benefit from
the automatic error diagnosis tool of Prevail, along with the same kind of
benefits as provided by the Prevail to VIS link: the possibility of benchmarking
and library reuse across the two languages VHDL and Verilog, this time in the
Prevail environment.
We would like to thank Robert Brayton, Szu-Tsung Cheng ,Yuji Kukimoto and
Rajeev Ranjan of U.C. Berkeley for their friendly cooperation, and their kind help
concerning the VIS system and the vl2mv compiler.
[1] IEEE: " Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual ", IEEE Standard 1076-
1993, 1993
[2] R. Airiau, J.M. Bergé, V. Olive, J. Rouillard: "VHDL: du langage à la
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IEEE Standard1364-1995, 1995
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Semantics of Formal Methods in System Design, Vol 7, Nb1/2, August 1995
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Feb. 1995
[7] S.T. Cheng, R.K. Brayton: "Compiling Verilog into Automata", Research
Report, U.C. Berkeley, EECS Dept, May 18, 1994
[8] D.J. Greaves, Michael J.V. Gordon: "Verilog Formal Equivalence Project",
accessible throught the Internet at
[9] D. Greaves, D. Stewart: "Synthesizable Verilog : Syntax and Semantics", VFE
Project, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory (private
[10]A. Debreil , P. Oddo: "Synchronous Designs in VHDL", Proc.
EuroDAC/EuroVHDL, pp.486-491, 1993
[11]A. Debreil, D. Jaillet: "Synchronous description in VHDL for formal proof and
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Proc. Advanced Research Working Conference on Correct Hardware Design and
Verification Methods, Frankfurt, 2-4 October 1995. LNCS, Springer Verlag.
[13] CENELEC: "Level-0 VHDL synthesis syntax and semantics", Final draft,
prENV 50283, April 1997
[14]EDA Industry Council: "Top Ten Projects Overview",
[15]E.C. Wu: "A Generic Data Structure for Hardware Description Compilers",
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[16]Alternative Systems Concepts: "V2V translation tools", 1996,
[17]David Deharbe: "Verification formelle de propriétés temporelles: étude et
application au langage VHDL", PhD thesis, Université Joseph Fourier,
Grenoble, 15 Nov. 1996
[18]T.R. Shiple: "Formal Analysis of Synchronous Circuits", PhD thesis, U.C.
Berkeley, 1996
[19]F. Maraninchi: "Operational and Compositional Semantics of Synchronous
Automaton Compositions", Proc CONCUR'92, Lecture Notes In Computer
Science #630, Springer Verlag
Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs
[20]R. Brayton et al.: "VIS: A System for Verification and Synthesis", Proc.
Computer Aided Verification, Proc. CAV'96, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 1102, Springer Verlag, 1996
[21]VIS Development Group: "Description of BLIF-MV, An Intermediate Format
for Verification and Synthesis of Hierarchical Networks of FSMs", Tech.
Report, U.C. Berkeley, CAD Group, hhtp://www-
[22]Y. Kukimoto: "BLIF-MV", Tech. Report , U.C. Berkeley, EECS Dept., May
31, 1996
[23]D. Borrione, H. Bouamama, D. Deharbe, C. Le Faou, A. Wahba: "HDL-Based
Integration of Formal Methods and CAD Tools in the PREVAIL
Environment", Proc. FMCAD'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1166,
Springer Verlag, 1996
[24] IEEE: " VHDL Standard Synthesis Package - Numeric_Bit ", IEEE Standard
1076.3, 1996
[25]C. Bayol: "Une Approche Structurelle et Comportementale de Modélisation
pour la Vérification de Composants VLSI", PhD thesis, Université Joseph
Fourier, Grenoble, Dec. 1995
[26] A. Debreil, C. Berthet, A.A. Jerraya: "Symbolic computation of hierarchical
and interconnected FSM's", in VHDL for simulation, synthesis and formal
proof of hardware (ed.J. Mermet), Kluwer, 1992
Dominique Borrione is a professor of Computer Science at Université Joseph
Fourier, Grenoble France. Her current research interests are HDL semantics,
systems specifications, and formal methods for CAD. She received the DEA,
Doctorat de 3° cycle and Doctorat d'Etat in Computer Science from INPG,
Grenoble, France. She is a member of IFIP WG10.5 and is active in VHDL
Fredrik Vestman came to France as an exchange student, and was a MS
candidate in Computer Systems when writing this paper. He got his degree from
the University of Uppsala, Sweden. He now works in a Swedish company.
Hakim Bouamama was a research engineer at Laboratoire TIMA until June 97
where he worked on formal verification from VHDL, and was involved in the
Prevail project. He now is associated with Silvaco, Santa Clara (Ca), U.S.A. He
received the Engineer degree from ENSIMAG, Grenoble, France.

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An Approach To Verilog-VHDL Interoperability For Synchronous Designs

  • 1. To appear in Proc. CHARME'97, Montréal, Canada, Oct.97 Chapman&Hall Publishers 1 An approach to Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs D. Borrione, F. Vestman, H. Bouamama TIMA-UJF, B.P. 53, 38041 Grenoble cedex 9, France Phone: (+33), Fax: (+33) e-mail: Dominique.Borrione@imag.fr Abstract This paper suggests that synchronous designs written in either Verilog or VHDL can be interpreted in terms of a common Hierarchical Finite State Machine model, and shows the principles for extracting the semantics of designs described in either language. Sublanguages with identical semantics are identified, and an algorithm for inferring a minimal number of state variables from VHDL processes is given. This common semantic model can be used as a kernel for cycle-based simulation, formal verification, and synthesis, irrespective of the source language. In particular, Verilog and VHDL descriptions can be proven equivalent, and modules developed in one language can be reused in projects documented in the other one. This approach has been prototyped by the implementation of a semantic link between the VIS system of Berkeley and the Prevail system of TIMA. Keywords Verilog, VHDL, hierarchical finite state machines, synchronized statements 1. INTRODUCTION With the advent of two standard hardware description languages, VHDL [1, 2] and Verilog [3,4], CAD software vendors face the problem of having to provide the two input languages to their products. Yet, both language reference manuals and all users oriented books give simulation semantics in words, and the task of deciding whether two descriptions will always give the same behavior is far from obvious.
  • 2. 2 Another problem is the compatibility between synthesis and simulation semantics. The inference of state variables from behavioral descriptions is tricky, specially in VHDL, and more often solved by imposing writing styles than by a previous definition of formal semantics. As a result, the synthesized circuit depends heavily on the input language and on the language primitives used to describe the design. De facto "synthesizable subsets" of both Verilog and VHDL are used, which usually restrict the designer to clock synchronized, RTL level, delay free descriptions. Several efforts are currently being conducted to define standard RTL subsets for synthesis [13,14]. In recent years, some proposals have been published to formally define operational or denotational semantics for synthesizable synchronous subsets for VHDL [5,6] as well as for Verilog [7,8], with the objective of making available more efficient verification tools, such as cycle-based simulation, or formal verification. Big designs require re-use of previous models. It should be possible to re-use a sub-circuit independently of the HDL in which it is written. In particular, VHDL has rich type construction mechanisms, strong type checking, versatile functions and procedures, which make it more appropriate for the initial specifications to high level synthesis. Conversely, Verilog is less verbose, and its scope is more narrow, which makes it easier to use at the logic and register transfer levels. As a result of these characteristics, different groups of people prefer one or the other language, and two concurrent communities have emerged, which can hardly communicate and benefit from the work of the other. Some efforts have been made to provide automatic translation from one language to the other [15,16], which, to the knowledge of the authors, seem to be based on syntax-directed techniques, and impose very strong limitations on the source description. In order to establish firm grounds for the definition of RTL synthesis subsets, and allow the formal verification of model equivalence, where one description is written in VHDL and the other in Verilog, the most obvious approach is to define the semantics of both languages in the same formal mathematical model. The advantage is twofold: first it is possible to reduce the complexity of the task by reducing the many syntactic variations of the same behavior to a single normal form, and reason on that normal form; second, one can benefit from the existence of formal verification software, by providing a relatively simple translator from a kernel format for the semantic model to the input format of a formal verification tool that can reason on the semantic model. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents our approach to Verilog-VHDL interoperability around a Hierarchical Finite State Machine semantic model. Section 3 defines a common interpretation in that model for a RTL subset of Verilog and VHDL, the emphasis being on the illustration of the approach taken rather than on a complete formal derivation, which would exceed the space of this paper. Section 4 presents an implementation of a translator from SMP to Blif-mv, the intermediate formats for the semantic model in the Prevail and VIS systems, enabling formal verification of VHDL-Verilog equivalence in the VIS environment.
  • 3. Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs 3 2. SYNCHRONOUS DESIGNS INTEROPERABILITY THROUGH THE HFSM MODEL It is now common practice, for verification as well as for synthesis purposes, to take the deterministic Mealy finite state machine (FSM hereafter for short) as abstract model for clock-synchronized circuits described at the register transfer level. The model is based on the following hypotheses: • There is a common master clock, the edges of which determine the observation and state evolving times for the circuit; depending on the design, the rising edge, the falling edge, or both are used. Real, continuous time is thus discretized, and measured in number of occurrences of the master clock edge(s). • The memory elements of the circuit (flip-flops and latches), called registers, are all loaded synchronously with a clock edge: at the clock edge, a register loads its next value, which then becomes its current value until the next clock edge; registers hold the state of the machine. • The design is such that all registers can be set/reset to a pre-established value before circuit execution. • No combinational loop exists in the circuit, which guarantees both that there is no hidden state holding variable outside the designated registers, and that the combinational signals always stabilize, for all values of the stabilized inputs and registers. • The time span between two clock edges is long enough, and the environment provides stable values on the circuit inputs soon enough, to let all signals stabilize in the combinational part of the circuit before the next clock edge. Under these hypotheses, at each synchronous time point, the value in each circuit wire depends uniquely on the stable value of the inputs and on the current value of the registers, thus allowing to abstract the circuit behavior with the FSM model depicted on Fig.1. Combinational logic Registers Inputs Outputs Next state Current state Clock Figure 1: the FSM model for synchronous circuits. We take the following notation for a FSM: M = (Input, Output, State, s0, δ, λ)
  • 4. 4 where Input = {i1, i2, ...in} and Output = {o1, o2, ...op} are the sets of primary inputs and primary outputs, State = {s1, s2, ...sm} is the set of state variables (the m registers). These three sets are pairwise disjoint. Let Ik be the value domain of input variable ik, Ok the value domain of output variable ok, Sk the value domain of state variable sk. The input, output and state domains are the cartesian products: I = I1 × I2… × In, O = O1× O2…× Op, S = S1× S2…× Sm. s0 ∈ S is the initial state, it is a valuation of the state variables. δ: S × I → S is the state transition function computing the next state, i.e. the value that will load the registers at the next clock cycle, and λ: S × I → S is the output function computing the current value of the primary outputs. The reason why we represent a FSM in terms of its variables rather than its domains (traditionnally called alphabets) is practical: this model is the one which is directly implemented in symbolic verification systems. A complete discussion of its correspondance with the model on alphabets can be found in [17]. The FSM model is the one on which formal equivalence verification between two designs, and symbolic model checking are performed. It requires the previous flattening of hierarchical descriptions, and the elimination of all non-memorizing internal signals: the initial structure is thus lost. However, since our objective is to ease the manipulation of structured designs, and put the emphasis on component re-usability, we chose as basic model a hierarchical finite state machine model (HFSM for short): it extends the FSM model with the existence of local variables, transfer functions to the local variables, and the notion of embedded local HFSM's. The notation for a HFSM is: HM = (Input, Output, State, Local, s0, δ, λ, γ, HMSET). Local = {l1, l2, ...lk} is the set of local variables (the internal combinational wires), with domain L = L1 × L2… × Lk. γ: S × I × L → L is the function computing the values of the internal combinational nodes. The state and output functions are now typed: δ: S × I × L → S λ: S × I× L → O. HMSET = {HM1, HM2, ...HMq} is a set of embedded HFSM's (corresponding to q interconnected components). For each HMj, its set of inputs must be a subset of Input ∪ Local, and its set of outputs must be a subset of Output ∪ Local. Moreover, the sets of outputs of the HMj must be pairwise disjoint. Finally, in order to avoid naming conflicts, we shall consider that all state and local variables of the component HFSM's are prefixed with the component name. A HFSM in which the Local and HMSET are empty is a FSM. A HFSM in which the HMSET is empty can be transformed into a FSM by repeatedly replacing, in the δ and λ functions, the local variables by their γ function, until no replacement can be made. If there is no combinational loop, all local variables are eliminated. We shall thus consider that all leaves of a hierarchical model are FSM's.
  • 5. Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs 5 The composition of several FSM's may introduce combinational loops. Various methods to detect them are reviewed in [18,26]. When the existence of combinational stability without memory effect can be established, the composition of FSM's is equivalent to a product FSM, after component boundary removal and elimination of the interconnecting local variables[19]. In the remainder of this paper, we shall concentrate on subsets of Verilog and VHDL for which the simulation semantics are in accordance with the FSM model. Formal semantic definitions have been defined for such subsets, and we shall base our argument on [10,12] for VHDL, and on [7,9] for Verilog. For a flat HDL description, we construct its corresponding FSM model; in the case of a network of nested components, we construct its HFSM model, and keep the modularity. Our approach to Verilog-VHDL interoperability therefore involves the translation of the source text into an appropriate common HFSM representation format (see Figure 2). Description1 in VHDL and Description2 in Verilog of the same circuit are thus translated into HFSM's Model1 and Model2 in the format. Model1 and Model2 can then be input to a formal verification tool, typically a BDD-based FSM equivalence checker if the initial descriptions are at the bit-vector level, to verify their functional equivalence. One of the models, e.g. Model2 in the figure, can be input to a synthesis tool, that will produce a more detailed Model2', which can in turn be verified equivalent to Model2 (thus providing a verification of the synthesis software), or be translated back to source HDL in canonical form (Description1' and Description2' in the figure). Description1’ Description1 Description2 Description2’ VHDL VERILOG Model1 Model2 Formal Verification Synthesis Model2’ FSM SEMANTICS Figure 2: A common semantic model.
  • 6. 6 Transforming a HDL source file into a FSM includes identifying the state variables, and determining the synchronization of the circuit, i.e. when the next state values for the state variables are to be calculated. To this end, the definitions of signals and variables in VHDL on the one hand, of wires and registers in Verilog on the other hand, are not in direct semantic correspondance in the general case; restrictions in their use are necessary to guarantee that a valid synchronous FSM model can be extracted. Moreover, due to the lack of an approved standard protected access to shared variables in VHDL'93 that guarentees determinism, we exclude shared variables from our discussion. Following the VHDL semantic model of [12], the transformation of processes into their canonical form allows to determine which signals and variables are indeed state variables in the HFSM model, the other locally declared ones being eliminated. Conversely, in Verilog, all registers are considered state variables, and we leave to an optimization stage in the synthesis software the task of eliminating redundant state variables, if any. As a result, in the general case, Model1 and Model2 have not the same number of state variables. Other irritating incompatibilities between the two languages include data types. Standard VHDL includes enumerated symbolic data types, whereas Verilog does not. Due to the considerable benefit of having such a primitive, we have taken the VIS extension of Verilog, which allows it [21]. Conversely, Verilog bits are 4- valued, and VHDL bits are 2-valued: due to the lack of a uniform interpretation for « X », which is either interpreted as don’t care or as error, we currently restrict bits to the values 0 and 1. We thus consider in the two languages the same data types: bits, bit vectors, and symbolic data types restricted to enumerated identifiers. The use of integers is restricted to vector indexing; for all other purposes, objects holding integer values must be declared as bit vectors in Verilog, and of type unsigned in VHDL (importing the standard package Numeric_bit[24]): this feature will be discussed later is this paper. Furthermore, we currently do not consider resolved signal types in VHDL. For the time being, we limit ourselves to models of a fixed, statically known size. This excludes generic parameters and unconstrained arrays in VHDL. Likewise, loops are restricted to the form for and the number of iterations must be known statically; in the rest of this paper, we shall assume the loops to be unrolled in a pre-processing phase, and shall not consider them in our discussion. We now proceed describing, in a rather intuitive way, the semantics of the essential language primitives in the synchronous subset we consider. The two key points are the determination of the input, output, local and state variables, and the extraction of their transfer functions. The semantic model is expressed in terms of sets, and the transfer functions are unordered. To explain, in a uniform way, the interpretation of the sequential assignments (in VHDL processes and in Verilog always blocs), we adopt for both languages an intermediate transformation: we create intermediate abstract variables and ensure that each one is assigned only once; from there, the identification of the FSM state variables and transfer functions can easily be shown.
  • 7. Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs 7 3. HFSM SEMANTICS FOR THE VHDL AND VERILOG SYNCHRONOUS SUBSETS Both VHDL and Verilog contain various control features that are used to synchronise the statements in a description. In VHDL these are wait statements (with a possible combination of event detection, condition and timeout), guarded signal assignments, and after clauses which impose a delay in a signal assignment. In Verilog these are wait statements (for a condition to become true), the edge sensitive "@" event-detector, and the "#" delay operator (similar to the VHDL after clause). In the FSM model, the current value of all state variables must be updated with their next state value simultaneously, and synchronously with an edge of the master clock. This implies that a choice has to be made among the following two modeling options: • either the master clock is the discretization of real time, and each advancement of time by one unit (the smallest unit in the description, e.g. the nanosecond) is a clock edge1, • or the master clock is a hardware clock, and real time is abstracted away in the description. The Verilog and VHDL synchronous subsets that we consider refer to the second modeling option. As a consequence, these subsets exclude the synchronization primitives that would introduce state changes independent of a clock edge: the wait ...for and after clauses of VHDL, and the wait and "#" of Verilog, must be forbidden. In this section, two kinds of statements will be considered: • Statements synchronised with the clock edge; for these the δ function is calculated, and possibly part of the λ function. • Non-synchronised statements, that are thus always active; for these the γ and λ functions are calculated. 3.1 Synchronised statements In VHDL, there exists two basic ways to model synchronised assignments: in a process containing a wait statement waiting on the clock edge, and a guarded assignment in a guarded block. The Verilog construct that corresponds to a synchronised process is an always statement starting with the @ event-detector (we shall write always@ for short) and containing a sequential block. An always@ containing a parallel block models synchronised concurrent statements in Verilog and corresponds to the VHDL guarded block. For Verilog, when the term "process" is used, it refers to an always@ statement. 1 Such a "synchronous" semantic model for VHDL has been defined in [25]
  • 8. 8 3.1.1 Sequential processes In VHDL, there exist several ways of expressing clock synchronisation in a process. For a full treatment of these different writing styles, we refer to [10]. One of the forms, not allowed in our subset, is the "mixed"process, that is both combinational and synchronised by the master clock; a typical example is a process describing a clocked flip-flop with asynchronous reset, which would be sensitive both on the clock and the reset signal. We thus impose a general constraint on clock synchronized processes: all wait statements in such processes must be sensitive on the clock signal only, which effectively removes the possibility of a "mixed" process. It has been shown in [12] that a process containing several wait statements can be re-written into an equivalent process containing only one wait statement. In this paper, we only consider processes in canonical form. For a clock synchronized process, where the master clock signal has been declared e.g. clk, the unique wait statement is of the form:wait on clk until boolean_expression; For Verilog, we refer to [7, chap 4], with the restriction that the "#" delay operator is banned, and only blocking procedural assignments to registers are allowed. There exist some differences between the semantics of sequential statements in Verilog, on the one hand, and sequential assignments in VHDL, on the other. This will be illustrated by the examples in Figure 3. reg x,y,z; signal x,y,z: bit; signal x,z:bit; always@(posedge clk) p0: process p0: process begin begin variable y: bit; y = z; wait on clk until clk='1'; begin x = y; y <= z; wait on clk until clk='1'; end x <= y; y := z; end process p0; x <= y; end process p0; (3.a) (3.b) (3.c) Figure 3: Verilog and VHDL sequential assignments. To understand the behavior of these processes, we associate one or more subscripted abstract variables to each declared object x in the HDL text, to hold current(x), the value of x when the description has stabilized (just before the clock edge), and the successively assigned values to the object in the process or always@ statement. Let x_0, x_1, ..x_m be the abstract variables associated with x. x_0 is associated with current(x). If x is visible in a process, before any assignment to x, x_0 is the only abstract variable associated with x. x_1, ..x_m are associated with the m successive sequential assignments to x in the same sequential process. We shall denote x_max the abstract variable for x with maximal index: at the end of the process, x_max = x_m if there are m assignments to x. It results that x_max = x_0 if x is a primary input. As an example, consider reg x in (3.a); x_0 denotes the current value of x, x_1 is created for the first assignment to x.
  • 9. Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs 9 A sequence of register assignments in Verilog is sequential and immediate, in that an assigned value is the value being used if that register is referred to in a following statement inside the same process. The same applies to variable assignments in VHDL. Thus, while interpreting an expression, any reference to a Verilog register x, or to a VHDL variable x, is made a reference to x_max. Conversely, in an expression, the current value of signals may only be referenced: this is interpreted as a reference to x_0. The interpretations of the description fragments of Figure 3 are shown on the corresponding abstract variables assignments of Figure 4. x_0 <- current(x), y0 <- current(y), z0 <- current(z) -- common to the 3 cases y_1 <- z_0 y_1 <- z_0 y_1 <- z_0 x_1 <- y_1 x_1 <- y_0 x_1 <- y_1 (4.a) (4.b) (4.c) Figure 4: Interpretation of the sequential assignments of Figure 3. Let us now consider the case of multiple assignments to the same object. For each assignment, a new subscripted abstract variable is created. Two equivalent synchronized sequences are given in Verilog and VHDL in Figure 5, and their interpretation at the initialization of the model is shown in Figure 6. module fourvar (clk,o0, o1, o2, o3); ENTITY fourvar IS input clk; PORT(clk:INBIT;o0,o1,o2,o3:OUT BIT); output o0, o1, o2, o3; END fourvar; reg v0, v1, v2, v3; ARCHITECTURE seq OF fourvar IS assign o0 = v0; begin assign o1 = v1; p0: PROCESS assign o2 = v2; VARIABLE v0, v1, v2, v3: BIT:='0'; assign o3 = v3; BEGIN initial begin WAIT ON clk UNTIL clk = '1'; v0 = 0;v1 = 0;v2 = 0;v3 = 0; v1 := v0 XOR v2; end v0 := v1 AND (NOT v3); always@(posedge clk) begin v2 := (NOT v0) OR (NOT v1); v1 = v0 ^ v2; v3 := NOT v3; v0 = v1 & ~v3; v1 := NOT v1 AND v3; v2 = ~v0 | ~v1; o0 <= v0; o2 <= v2; v3 = ~v3; o1 <= v1; o3 <= v3; v1 = ~v1 & v3; END PROCESS p0; end END seq; endmodule (5.a) (5.b) Figure 5: Equivalent Verilog and VHDL sequential synchronised assignments.
  • 10. 10 v0_0 <- 0 v0_0 <- 0 v1_0 <- 0 v1_0 <- 0 v2_0 <- 0 v2_0 <- 0 v3_0 <- 0 v3_0 <- 0 end of interpretation of initial o0_0 <- 0 o1_0 <- 0 o2_0 <- 0 o3_0 <- 0, end of interpretation of declarations o0_1 <- v0_0 begin process o1_1 <- v1_0 v1_1 <- v0_0 xor v2_0 o2_1 <- v2_0 v0_1 <- v1_1 and not v3_0 o3_1 <- v3_0 v2_1 <- not v0_1 or not v1_1 end of concurrent continuous assign v3_1 <- not v3_0 begin always v1_2 <- not v1_1 and v3_1 v1_1 <- v0_0 xor v2_0 o0_1 <- v0_1 v0_1 <- v1_1 and not v3_0 o1_1 <- v1_2 v2_1 <- not v0_1 or not v1_1 o2_1 <- v2_1 v3_1 <- not v3_0 o3_1 <- v3_1 v1_2 <- not v1_1 and v3_1 end of process interpretation end of always (6.a) (6.b) Figure 6: Interpretation of Figure 5 with abstract variables. To construct the HFSM model, for both languages, it is straightforward to associate the Input, Output and Local sets with the corresponding input, output and internal wires (Verilog) or signals (VHDL). Now we proceed to identify the state variables of the FSM, and then we compute the δ and λ functions. For the Verilog description, previous works consider all declared registers as memorizing, and associate with them a state variable[7]. Although this may lead to a non minimal set of state variables, it is the most obvious choice, since registers can be accessed in several concurrent always@ statements (but modified in only one to ensure determinism): the decision that a register is a redundant state variable cannot be made locally to an always@ bloc. In the example of Figures 5.a and 6.a, state variables are associated with v0, v1, v2, v3. For VHDL, the state variables have to be inferred. The following rules are usually taken: • all signals assigned in a synchronized process are memorizing • following the criteria enumerated in [11], variables that are not referenced before being assigned to are not memorizing. With our transformation, this becomes a simple rule: a VHDL variable is a state variable if and only if its corresponding abstract variable indexed 0 is referenced at least once in the right hand side of an
  • 11. Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs 11 assignment. In Figure 6, v1_0 is never referenced, thus v1 is not a state variable. According to the above, in the example of Figures 5-b and 6-b, state variables are associated with v0, v2, v3, o0, o1, o2, o3. At this point, it is necessary to consider closely the visibility rules and the simulation semantics of the two languages. When the model is stable and a clock edge is simulated, in Verilog the simulation of the always@ blocs assigns in the state variables their new values and leave the wires unchanged. Subsequent stabilization of the model is performed by one or more simulation cycles over the assign statements, which compute their new value using the new value of the registers. In VHDL, a memorizing variable declared in a process is invisible outside the process, and thus cannot affect the outputs, unless the process also assigns a signal that is a function of that variable. The simulation of a synchronized process computes in the variables their new values and simultaneously in the signal drivers the new values of the signals assigned in the process. Subsequent stabilization of the model is performed by first updating the signals assigned in the synchronized processes (and these signals will remain stable until the next clock edge), and then, as in Verilog, performing one or more simulation cycles over the non-synchronized statements. It should be clear by now that not all signals assigned in a VHDL synchronized process are independent state variables, and that the rule above is too coarse an approximation. The addition of the following rule allows to infer the minimal number of state variables assigned in a synchronous process: • A signal y is not a state variable if and only if its corresponding abstract variable y_max is only a function of local process variables, these variables are all state variables, and for each such variable z of its associated z_max. In particular, a signal which is a function of another signal is a state variable. For instance, in Figure 6-b signal o3 has two associated abstract variables: o3_0 and o3_1; o3_1 is a function of v3_1, and v3_1 is v3_max. Thus o3 is not a state variable. The same argument applies to o0, and o2. It does not apply to o1 because v1_2, although it is v1_max, was not identified as a state variable. Thus a state variable must be created for o1. o1 being already an output variable, a new name has to be created; for the sake of simplicity, let’s call it oo12. The computation of the δ and λ functions can now proceed. Let x_0, x_1, ..x_max be the abstract variables for a declared HDL object x. If x has been identified as a state variable, and x_max is of the form: x_max <- f(z1_i1, z2_i2…zn_in) 2 In this particular example, it is clear that oo1 is identical to the variable v1 that was not considered a state; but in the general case, the right hand side of o1 could be a complex expression.
  • 12. 12 all the zj_ij are substituted by their right hand side, and the substitution is repeated until x_max depends only on abstract variables subscripted 0. The resulting function x_next is the next-state function for x. The final form of the function is obtained by removing all indices. If x is a VHDL signal that is assigned in a synchronous process and that is not a state variable, only the zj_ij that do not correspond to state variables are substituted by their right and side, until x_max depends only on state abstract variables z_max. In all other cases, the substitution in x_max is done for all variables, until x_max depends only on abstract variables subscripted 0. The resulting function x_tr is the transfer function for x, in particular the output function if x is an output. Once again, the final form of the function is obtained by removing all indices. δ: Verilog: v0_next <- (v0_0 xor v2_0) and not v3_0 v1_next <- not (v0_0 xor v2_0) and not v3_0 v2_next <- not ((v0_0 xor v2_0) and not v3_0) or not(v0_0 xor v2_0) v3_next <- not v3_0 VHDL: v0_next <- (v0_0 xor v2_0) and not v3_0 oo1_next <- not (v0_0 xor v2_0) and not v3_0 v2_next <- not ((v0_0 xor v2_0) and not v3_0) or not (v0_0 xor v2_0) v3_next <- not v3_0 Final form of δ: Verilog: δv0 <- (v0 xor v2) and not v3 δv1 <- not (v0 xor v2) and not v3 δv2 <- not ((v0 xor v2) and not v3) or not(v0 xor v2) δv3 <- not v3 VHDL: δv0 <- (v0 xor v2) and not v3 δoo1 <- not (v0 xor v2) and not v3 δv2 <- not ((v0 xor v2) and not v3) or not(v0 xor v2) δv3 <- not v3 λ: Verilog: o0_1 <- v0_0 o1_1 <- v1_0 o2_1 <- v2_0 o3_1 <- v3_0 VHDL: o0_1 <- v0_1 o1_1 <- oo1 o2_1 <- v2_1 o3_1 <- v3_1 Final form of λ: Verilog: λo0 <- v0 λo1 <- v1 λo2 <- v2 λo3 <- v3
  • 13. Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs 13 VHDL: λo0 <- v0 λo1 <- oo1 λo2 <- v2 λo3 <- v3 Figure 7: Construction of the FSM model We intuitively expected the two descriptions of figure 5 to have the same FSM model. This is indeed what has been obtained, but the method to extract it from Verilog and from VHDL is different, and must be based on a reasonning that takes into account the simulation semantics of each language. 3.1.2 VHDL dataflow descriptions and Verilog always@ Concurrent synchronised assignments can be modeled in VHDL by guarded concurrent assignments in a guarded block, and in Verilog by an always@ statement with a parallell block. For this case, the inference of state variables is more straightforward and similar between the two languages, as can be seen in the example of Figure 8: module fourvar2 (clk,o0, o1, o2, o3); ARCHITECTURE conc OF fourvar IS input clk; SIGNAL v0, v1, v3: BIT:='0'; output o0, o1, o2, o3; SIGNAL v2: BIT:='1'; reg v0, v1, v2, v3; BEGIN assign o0 = v0; o0 <= v0; assign o1 = v1; o1 <= v1; assign o2 = v2; o2 <= v2; assign o3 = v3; o3 <= v3; initial begin b0:BLOCK((clk='1') and not clk'stable) v0 = 0;v1 = 0;v2 = 1;v3 = 0; BEGIN end v0 <= GUARDED v1 and (not v3); always@(posedge clk) fork v1 <= GUARDED v0 xor v2; v0 = v1 & ~v3; v2 <= GUARDED not v0 or (not v1); v1 = v0 ^ v2; v3 <= GUARDED not v3; v2 = ~v0 | ~v1; END BLOCK b0; v3 = ~v3; END conc; join endmodule Figure 8: Equivalent Verilog and VHDL concurrent synchronised assignments In this example there is a strong syntactic resemblance between the two descriptions, and we can directly establish the same interpretation for both of them. This is due to the fact that, both in Verilog and in VHDL, concurrent assignments always refer, in their right hand sides, to the current value of the referenced objects, and all objects are assigned only once. The always@…fork…join statement in
  • 14. 14 the Verilog description is equivalent to four concurrent statements always@ assigning each one register. Likewise, the four concurrent guarded signal assignments in VHDL are equivalent to four concurrent synchronized process statements assigning each one signal. The interpretation in terms of abstract variables (Figure 9), and the derivation of the FSM explained in section 3.1.1 above thus apply. v0_0 <- 0,v1_0 <- 0,v2_0 <- 1,v3_0 <- 0 end of interpretation of initial values o0_1 <- v0_0, o1_1 <- v1_0, o2_1 <- v2_0, o3_1 <- v3_0 end of concurrent continuous assignments begin synchronised concurrent block v0_1 <- v1_0 and not v3_0, v1_1 <- v0_0 xor v2_0 v2_1 <- not v0_0 or not v1_0, v3_1 <- not v3_0 end of synchronised concurrent block Figure 9: Interpretation of Figure 8 with abstract variables In this particular case it is trivial to determine the δ and λ functions. We only give δ: δ v0 <- v1 and not v3 δ v1 <- v0 xor v2 δ v2 <- not v0 or not v1 δ v3 <- not v3 3.2 Non-synchronised statements Combinational connections or input/output relations are usually modeled in a HDL by concurrent statements. In VHDL the basic construct is a concurrent signal assignment, and the corresponding Verilog construct is the continuous assignment to wires. Since input and output ports are combinational in our HFSM model, port maps can be regarded as non-synchronised statements, so the formalisation of component instantiation will also be given in this section. 3.2.1 Combinational signal and net assignments The possible syntax for concurrent signal assignments is rich, particularly in VHDL. Moreover, in VHDL, a concurrent signal assignment is equivalent to a process where all the signals referred to in the right hand side of the assignment are in the sensitivity list of a unique final wait on statement. Conversely, a process put in normal form with a unique final wait statement describes a combinational circuit if the following three conditions are fulfilled:
  • 15. Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs 15 • the sensitivity list of the wait statement contains all the signals referenced in the process, • all process variables are assigned to before being used in an expression, • a signal being assigned under a condition (if or case) is assigned in all alternatives, and all alternatives are stated. For a combinational process, it has been shown in [12] how to eliminate the internal variables, and compute the transition function of all signals assigned in the process, as a set of concurrent signal assignments. In this section we will only illustrate a conditional form on a simple example in the two languages: module comb(s1, s2, y); ENTITY ent is input s1, s2; PORT(s1, s2:IN BIT_VECTOR(0 TO 1); output y; y: OUT BIT_VECTOR(0 TO 1)); wire [0:1] s1, s2, y; END ent; assign y = ARCHITECTURE comb OF ent IS ((s1 ^ s2)==2'b00) ? s1 signal x: BIT_VECTOR(0 TO 1); : ((s1 ^ s2)==2'b01) ? s2 BEGIN : ((s1 ^ s2)==2'b10) ? s1 | s2 with x select y <= : s1 & s2; s1 when B"00", endmodule s2 when B"01", s1 or s2 when B"10", s1 and s2 when B"11"; x <= s1 xor s2; END comb; Figure 10: Equivalent Verilog and VHDL combinational assignments. To find the FSM representation, we only need to calculate λ in both examples, and γ for the local signal x of the VHDL description, since the circuits are combinational and contain no state variables. For the VHDL, during the computation of λ, the x variable is eliminated, and λ depends only on the current values of the inputs s1 and s2. The HFSM thus reduces to a FSM identical to the one derived from the Verilog. Due to space limitations we leave out this straightforward derivation. 3.2.2 Component Instantiation Components can be instantiated and their ports be connected to signals (VHDL) or wires (Verilog) of the parent description. In our HFSM model, this corresponds to calculating the γ function for the internal nodes. The connections of the component ports may also affect the output function, λ. The example of Figure 7, showing a modulo-8 counter in Verilog, will serve to illustrate this.
  • 16. 16 module counter(clk, o0, o1, o2); output o0, o1, o2; input clk; wire out0, out1, out2; counter_cell bit0 (clk, 1'b1, out0, o0); counter_cell bit1 (clk, out0, out1, o1); counter_cell bit2 (clk, out1, out2, o2); endmodule `include counter_cell.v module counter_cell(clk,carry_in,carry_out,val); input clk; input carry_in; output carry_out, val; reg value; assign carry_out = value & carry_in; assign val = value; initial value = 0; always @(clk) begin case(value) 0: value = carry_in; 1: if (carry_in ==0) value = 1; else value = 0; endcase end endmodule Figure 11: Verilog structural modulo 8 counter. Finding the corresponding HFSM is straightforward, and would be done analogously for a VHDL modulo-8 counter. First we extract the FSM for the component counter_cell. Then we create the three component instances, by triplicating their Input, Output, and State sets, and prefixing all the variables as well as the λ and δ functions with the component name. Finally, the port mapping is established by identifying each component input with its corresponding actual input port, and assigning each component actual output to its corresponding output port. This leads to: bit0Input = {1} γout0<- bit0carryout λo0 <- bit0val bit1Input = { out0} γout1<- bit1carryout λo1 <- bit1val bit2Input = { out1} γout2<- bit2carryout λo2 <- bit2val
  • 17. Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs 17 3.3 Type and dimension of the allowed objects Existing formal verification tools normally have bits as the basic type, so it is natural for our purpose to concentrate on bits and bit vectors. By implementing integers or natural numbers by signed/unsigned bit vectors, it is also possible to define integer operations such as arithmetic and comparison operators. Semantics exist for this in Verilog that are highly consistent with a subset of the Numeric Bit standard package for VHDL, restricted to type Unsigned [24]. In addition to bits and bit vectors, enumerated types are also included in the common subset, and vectors of enumerated variables are also allowed. We currently do not support multi- dimensional arrays. The VHDL boolean type is allowed but is translated to bit, where true is interpreted as '1' and false as '0'. On objects of type bit, the basic boolean and comparison operators are in direct correspondence in the two languages; likewise, for objects of bit vector type, bit- wise boolean operators, equality comparison, shift and concatenation correspond. Care must be taken with comparison operators ">", "<", ">=" and "<=" which may return a different result in VHDL depending upon the type: unsigned and bit-vector objects are interpreted differently. For enumerated objects, equality comparison is allowed on scalars, and also vector concatenation. Element and slice access is accepted for vector objects of all types in both left and right hand sides. Regarding vector objects, care should be taken with the notion of significant bit, specially since it differs somewhat between the two languages. The Verilog LRM specifies that the leftmost index in a declaration corrsponds to the msb, and a constant bit vector has consequently the most significant bit the most to the left. For VHDL, there is no explicit notion of most significant bit for bit vectors, and it is to the left for Unsigned. To ensure the maximal security when assigning a constant to a bit vector, it is wise to refrain from using integers on the right hand side in Verilog; bit string notations are preferred, as they identically map from left to right in the two languages, and give the same bit-wise results. Consider the assignments in Figure 9: wire [0:1] a, c; signal a, c : BIT_VECTOR(0 TO 1); wire [1:0] b; signal b : BIT_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0); assign a = 2'b01; a <= B"01"; assign b = 2'b01; b <= B"01"; assign c = b; c <= b; Figure 12: Verilog and VHDL vector assignments. Following these assignments, the Verilog wires would have the following content: a[0]=0, a[1]=1, b[0]=1, b[1]=0, c[0]=0, c[1]=1. For the VHDL example, we would have the same results: a(0)=0, a(1)=1, b(0)=1, b(1)=0, c(0)=0, c(1)=1.
  • 18. 18 In formal verification as well as synthesis, it is common practice to consider each declared object (VHDL signal or variable, Verilog wire or reg) as atomic with respect to its memory property. This implies some restrictions on the assignment to VHDL vector objects. Notably it will not be considered legal to treat different parts of a vector so that some elements are memorising and others are not, as would be the case in the example of Figure 13: signal x :bit_vector(0 to 1); x(0) <= in1; b0: block (clk = '1' and not clk'stable) begin x(1) <= guarded in2; end block b0; Figure 13: Ambiguous memory property in VHDL In this example x(0) would be non-memorising and x(1) would be memorising. In Verilog this would not be possible, since x(0) would have to be declared as a wire and x(1) as a reg, so they could no longer be part of the same bit vector. Regarding assignments to vector objects in general, for both languages, it will be allowed to assign distinct parts in different assignments (processes), as long as a given vector part is only assigned to in a single assignment (process). 4. LINKING VHDL AND VERILOG FOR FORMAL VERIFICATION AND SYNTHESIS As a first step to validate the above common semantic correspondance between VHDL and Verilog, we decided to establish a link between two existing systems: the VIS system developped at UC Berkeley, taking Verilog as input language [20], and the Prevail system developped at UJF-TIMA, taking VHDL as input language[23]. For Verilog, we rely on the semantic model and compiler developed by the VIS group, and on their representation of a hierarchical FSM using the Blif- mv format[21,22]; Blif-mv is used as input to the equivalence checker, model checker, and synthesis tools developed by the VIS group. In Prevail, VHDL is first translated into an internal PIF format, which is more than a hierarchical FSM representation, since it is also intended to represent other models (e.g. generic parameters are allowed, and repetition statements are not expanded). From PIF, specialized translators extract the appropriate information, and produce the appropriate format for various verification systems; among these, the Smax format is a functional representation of a flattened FSM, used as input to the LOVERT equivalence checker and to our model checker. We were thus missing in the PREVAIL system an explicit representation of hierarchical FSM's: we defined this format, called SMP, as an extension of the Smax format. The current status of the
  • 19. Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs 19 development, which at the time of writing this paper only provides a Prevail to VIS link (the other direction is planned), is shown in Figure 14. Verilog Description VHDL Description VL2MV VHDL2PIF Blif-mv format PIF format Verification and Synthesis Verification and Diagnosis Existing VIS system Existing Prevail system SMP format PIF2SMP SMP2MV Current status of semantic link Figure 14: Link between Prevail and VIS Under the present state, the semantic link offers the following new possibilities: • Equivalence verification between VHDL and Verilog designs, using the VIS system. • Translation of VHDL designer libraries to be used in interaction with Verilog modules in the VIS environment • CTL fair model checking in the VIS environment on VHDL designs • Benchmarking (comparison) between equivalence testing results and CTL model checking results on VHDL designs performed in Prevail, and the corresponding results obtained in VIS.
  • 20. 20 At this point, it is worth characterising the two formats, since they have been independently designed, and thus differ on some points. Then we will outline the principles of our translator tool, and mention some empirical results that have been obtained to partially verify the functionality of the translator. Blif-mv consists of symbolic hardware, where high level objects are modeled either by wires, if they are non-memorising, or latches, if they are memorising. These objects are very close to those found in Verilog. Blif-mv also contains so called multi-variables, which is a representation of enumerated variables. The next value of latches is the output wire of a circuit representation of the transition function. In Blif-mv, all objects are scalar, and all functions are either a subcircuit (a network of more elementary functions) or a function given in tabular form. No predefined function exists. SMP, just as Smax, associates with each object the list of its main characteristics: value type, dimensions, initial value, transfer function, and whether or not it is memorizing. If the object is a vector, there may be different transfer functions associated to distinct slices of the vector. The general form of a transfer function is a set of conditional transfers, where all conditions must be mutually exclusive, and the union of all conditions is equal to 1 for non memorising objects. All the classical boolean functions are pre-defined in SMP, on scalars as well as vectors, and new functions are constructed by composition of existing ones, in standard prefix notation. SMP is coded as Common LISP property lists, and in this sense is more abstract than Blif-mv. In order to translate from SMP to Blif-mv, we constructed a library of Blif-mv subcircuits, one for each primitive function of SMP. Transfer functions, unless unconditional, are translated in terms of a series of multiplexors, one for each (condition, function) pair. The principle for these series of multiplexors will be the same for memorising and non-memorising elements, except that the last multiplexor for a memory always will contain the old value of the memory. This general treatment can be simplified for conditional transfers which corresponds to the VHDL select concurrent assignment, that can be implemented by a single multiplexor, thus shortening the resulting the Blif-mv code. Finally, SMP operations on vectors have to be expanded in Blif-mv. We have manually translated a characteristic set of benchmarks, either from VHDL to Verilog, or vice versa, and purposely used a variety of writing styles in VHDL: one or several processes, guarded blocks, concurrent signal assignments. First equivalence tests were done by exhaustive simulation, using independent commercial simulators. By visual inspection, the Blif-mv file originating from VHDL through our semantic link appears quite different from the one obtained from Verilog. Using the VIS sequential verifier, we were able to prove their equivalence. The same VHDL description was also model checked within VIS and Prevail, on the same CTL formulas (we had to restrict the properties to what is accepted by both systems: Prevail does not implement fairness, and VIS does not implement
  • 21. Verilog-VHDL interoperability for synchronous designs 21 past-looking temporal operators); the same formulas passed, or failed, in the two systems. 5. CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES This work has the objective to bridge the gap between VHDL and Verilog, with an emphasis on formal verification environments. A common hierarchical finite state machine model has been selected, as well as a specification of subsets of the two languages that can be transformed to this model. The originality of our work resides in a unified methodology to extract the semantic HFSM model for the two languages. Our hierarchical FSM model can be implemented by either of the formats SMP, designed in the Prevail environment, or Blif-mv, that is the input format to the VIS system. We presented a translator from SMP to Blif-mv, which establishes a link between Prevail and VIS. This notably gives the possibility to have a VHDL input to VIS, and to verify the equivalence of two descriptions, one written in each language. Such equivalences have indeed been obtained, which in a way also constitutes a validation of the independently developed compilers Vl2mv and Vhdl2Pif. Future work that can be envisaged in this area include the following: • Extend the formal specification of semantic equivalence to larger subsets of VHDL and Verilog. • Formally prove that the semantic equivalence we presented is also valid for the simulation semantics of the languages, which would require a formal model of the simulators. • Provide Verilog input to Prevail. This would enable VIS users to benefit from the automatic error diagnosis tool of Prevail, along with the same kind of benefits as provided by the Prevail to VIS link: the possibility of benchmarking and library reuse across the two languages VHDL and Verilog, this time in the Prevail environment. Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Robert Brayton, Szu-Tsung Cheng ,Yuji Kukimoto and Rajeev Ranjan of U.C. Berkeley for their friendly cooperation, and their kind help concerning the VIS system and the vl2mv compiler. 6. REFERENCES [1] IEEE: " Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual ", IEEE Standard 1076- 1993, 1993 [2] R. Airiau, J.M. Bergé, V. Olive, J. Rouillard: "VHDL: du langage à la modélisation", Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 1990
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