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Lintels, Arches, vaults, stair cases – types. Different types of floors –
Concrete, Mosaic, Terrazzo floors, Pitched, flat roofs. Lean to roof,
Coupled Roofs. Trussed roofs – King and Queen postTrusses. R.C.C
Roofs, Madras Terrace and Pre fabricated roofs.
Lintel is a horizantal member which is fixed over The openings such as
doors,windows etc. to supportthe structure or opening.
 They Provide bearing for the masonry above openings
 They can Transfer loads acting over the opening to the supporting walls
Types of Lintels
1. Stone lintels
2. wooden lintels
3. Brick lintels
4. Steel lintels
5. Reinforced concrete lintels
6. Reinforced brick lintels
1. Stone lintels:
 Used , where stones are easily available.
 Consists of a simple stone slab of greater thickness.
 These are generally used in stone masonry.
 High cost.
 Having inablity to withstand excessive transverse stresses so rarely used.
 Minimum thickness is 8 cm.
 Is it is very difficult to obtain a good stone of required depth hence rarely
2. Wooden or Timber lintels
 These are very commonly used in olden days.
 But now a days timber availability became difficult and costly too,so not
used in these days.
 Easily effected by white ants and insects.
 Not fire proof.
 Minimum thickness is 7.5 cm.
 Weak when compared with other types of lintels.
Stone lintel
3. Brick lintels
 These are generally used for small openings(<1 meters) with light loading.
 Bricks with frogs (i.e, depressions)are more suitable.
 Lintels formed by using frog bricks is termed as joggled brick lintel.
 Bricks should hard,well burnt free from defects with sharp and square edges.
 Thickness is 10 cm,20 cm…etc depends upon opening size as it is weak not
suitable for heavy loadings.
4. Steel lintels
 These are generally used in the form of rolled steel joists
 Provided at large opening and where the super-imposed loads are heavy.
 These are generally provided where there is less spaceto constructrise of an
 The steel collapses quick due to fire and hence the casing of concrete should
be provided which makes the steel more fire resistent.
Brick Lintel
5. Reinforced concrete lintels
 More durable,strength,fire resisting properties.
 They may be pre-cast.
 Economical and easy in construction.
 Used for larger spans and heavy loading.
 These are constructed with ratio of 1:2:4.
 Upto 1.2 mt length of span 15 cm deep lintel is found to be safe.
Concrete Linter
6. Reinforced brick lintels(R.B.Lintel)
 When brick linels used for large spans ,they are reinforced with steel
bars.thoseare called as R.B. Lintels.
 These are also constructed on the same principles as R.C.C lintels,the only
difference is instead of using concrete we are using good quality bricks
 Bricks arranged in parallel rows that a 2 cm or 4 cm wide spaceis left length
wise for inserting steel bars or rods
 These spaces are then filled with rich cement mortar.
The various technical terms used in arches are as follows:-
1)Abutment:-This is the end supportof an arches.
2)Pier:-This is supportan intermediate of an arch.
3)Intrados :-This is the inner curve or surface of an arch.
4)Extrados :-This is the outer curve or surface of the arches.
5)Voussoirs :-The voussoirs or arch stones are the wedge shaped units forming
the arch.
6)Springing stone:-The springing stone or springer is the first voussoir at
springing level on either side of the arches.
7)Springing line:-This is an imaginary line joining the two springing points.
8)Crown:-This is the highest point of extrados or it is the highest part of an
9)Keystone:-This is the highest central wedge shaped block of an arch.
10)Skew back:-This the surface of the abutment on which the arch rests.
11)Span:-This is the clear horizontal distance between the two supports.
12)Rise:-this is the vertical distance between the two supports.
13)Depth of arch:-This is the perpendicular distance between the intrados and
14)Haunch of an arch:-This is the portion of arch situated centrally between
the key and skew backs.
15)Spandril:-This is the triangular walling enclosed by the extrados of the arch,
a horizontal line from the crown of the arch and perpendicular line from the
springing of the outer curves.
An arch may be classified according to their:
1. Material of construction and workmanship
2. Shape of curve for3med by their soffit or intrados
3. Number of centers.
1. Material of construction and workmanship
a. Rough brick arches
 These arches are built with ordinary bricks, which are not in wedge shape.
 Also known as “RELIEVING ARCHES”.
 Made up of rectangular brick that are not cut into wedge shape. Curvature are
obtained by mortar
b. Axed brick arches
 Bricks are cut to wedge-shape.
 Joints of arches are of uniform thickness.
 Not dress finely so it does not give much attractive appearance.
c. Gaugedbrick arches
 Accurately prepared to wedge shape.
 Specially shaped bricks known as “RUBBER BRICKS” are used .
 The lime putty is used for binding the blocks
a. Rubble arches
 Made of rubble stones, which are hammer dressed, roughly to the shape and size of
voussoirs of the arch and fixed in cement mortar.
 These arches are used for small span upto 1 m.
b. Ashlar arches
 Stones are cut to proper shape of voussoirs and are fully dressed, properly joint with
cement or lime.
 The voussoirs made of full thickness of the arch.
a. Precastconcreteblock arches
 Used for small openings in building.
 The voussoirs, in the form of cement concrete blocks are prepared in special moulds
 Generally , the concrete blocks are used without reinforcement.
b. Monolithic concrete arches
 Constructed from cast-in-situ concrete ,either plain or reinforced , depending upon the
span and magnitude of loading.
 Quit suitable for larger span (3.0 m).
 The curing is done 2 to 4 weeks.
2. Classification based on shape
I. Flatarch
 Acts like a lintel, when it provided over the opening .
 Joints radiated to center.
 Used only for light loads only.
 Span up to 1.50 m.
II. Segmentalarch
 Segmental in shape and provided over the openings .
 Joints radiate from a center of arch, which lies below the springing line.
 Provided over lintel
III. Semi-circular arch
 The shape of the curve given to the arch soffit is semi-circular.
 The center of the arch lies on the springing line.
IV. Relieving arch
 When wooden lintel is provided over the wider opening, a brick relieving arch is
constructed above the lintel.
 Relieving the load of masonry over lintel.
V. Dutch or Frencharch
 Similar to the flat arch in design, but differs in shape and method of construction.
 Suitable for small opening.
3. Classification based on number of centers
I. One centred arch:
 Segmental, semi circular, flat arches come under this category.
 Sometime , a perfectly circular arch known as bull’s eye arch ,provided for circular
II. Two centred arch:
 Pointed, semi-elliptical arches come under this category.
III. Three centredarch:
 Elliptical arches come under this category.
IV. Four centred arch:
 It has four center.
 Venetian arch is typical example of this type.
V. Five centred arch:
 This type of arch ,having five centre's ,gives good semi-elliptical shape.
4. Stability of an Arch:
An arch transmits the super-imposed load to the abutments or piers or side
walls through the combined action of friction between the surfaces of voussoirs
and the cohesion of mortar. Every element of an arch remains in compression and
it has also to bear the transverse shear.
Failure of an Arch due to:
i. Crushing of the masonary: In this case, the compressive stress or thrust
exceeds the safe crushing strength of the materials and the arch fails
due to crushing of the masonry. The measures to avoid failure of arch
due to this reason are as follows:
a. The material used for construction should be of adequate
b. The size of voussoirs should be properly designed to bear the
thrust transmitted through them.
c. The height of voussoirs should not be less than one-twelth of
the span. If the span exceeds 6.5 m, the thickness of arch ring
may be increased by about 20% of the thickness at the crown.
d. If necessary, the voussoirs of variable heights may be provided
i.e less height near crown and more height at skewback.
ii. Rotation of some joint about an edge: To prevent the rotation of joint,
the line of resistance should be kept within intrados and extrados. The
line of thrust should also be need to cross the joint away from the edge
so as to prevent the crushing of the edge. It shoud fall within middle-
third protion of the arch height.
iii. Sliding of voussior: To safeguard against the sliding of adjacent
voussoirs due to transverse shear, the voussoirs of greater height
should be provided. It should also be seen that the angle between the
line of resistance of the arch and the normal to any point is less than
the angle of internal friction.
iv. Uneven settlement of abutment or pier: The secondary stresses in the
arch are developed due to the uneven settlement of the supports of
arch and to avoid such conditions, the following precations should be
a. The arch should be symmetrical so that unequal settlements of
the two abutments or abutment and pier are minimezed.
b. The supports of arch should be strong enough to take or resist
the thrust as well as to bear all the loads transferred to them
through the arch.
 A vault is a ceiling of brick , concrete , Stone , timber , etc built in
principle of arch.
 A vault, in architecture, is an arch-shaped structure, usually of masonry,
used as the ceiling of room or other enclosed space, as the roof of a
building, or as the supportfor a ceiling or roof.
 Masonry vaults are usually composed of wedge-shaped pieces called
voussoirs, which are held in place, like the stones of an arch, by the
pressure of the neighboring pieces. Because of the combined pressure of
its components, any arch exerts an outward pressure at its base.
• Barrel vault
• Pitched brick barrel vault
• Groin vault
• Rib vault
• Fan vault
• Formed by an extension of arch as an unbroken series passed together one
behind another.
 Characteristics
• It is known as wagon or tunnel vault.
• Circular in shape and semi cylindrical in appearance.
• Series of arches placed side by side is known as barrel roof.
• It is the simplest form of vault.
• It is best for roofing purpose.
• Length is greater than a diameter
 Materials
• Bricks , stone , timber , wood are use generally.
• In stone barrel vault due to the problem of fenestration , they provide a
small window which restricts the more light and hence for this cloister is
• The thrust generated against wall which is its failure.
• This thrust can be solved by below things :
1. Walls should be thick(approx. 4m) and strong.
2 Two or more vaults should be kept parallel to each other.
3. Intersection of two vaults sholud be done at right angle which is known as
groin vault.
• Butressing should be done.
• Uses:church,cloisters,cellars,crypts,hallways,caponier,etc.
Types of barrel vault:
 Short span barrel vaults
 Long span barrel vault
I. Short span barrel vaults
Short span barrel vaults are those in which span is shorter than its width . It is
used for the width of the arch ribs between which the barrel vault span.
II. Long span barrel vault
Long span barrel vaults are those in which span is larger then its width.
 A Groin vault (also known as a double barrel vault) is produced by the
intersection at right angles of two barrel vault.
 A cross vault or groined vault (also sometimes known as a double barrel
vault or groin vault) is produced by the intersection at right angles of two
barrel vaults. The word "groin" refers to the edge between the intersecting
 The word “groin” refers to the edge between the intersecting vaults.
 In comparison with a barrel vault, a groin vault provides good economies
of material and labour.
 The groin vault required great skills in cutting stone to from a neat arris.
 Difficult to constructneatly becauseof the geometry of cross groins.
 The construction of groin vault can be understood most simply by
visualizing two barrel vault section at right angles merging to form a
squarish unit.
 The intersection of two or three barrel vaults produces a rib vault or
ribbed vault .
o Rib vaults is reinforced by masonry ribs.
o There are two types of rib vault.
- Quadripartite rib vault
- -Sexpartite rib vault
A fan vault is a form of vault in which the ribs are all of the same curve and
spaced equidistantly, in a manner resembling a fan
A set of steps leading from surface of a building to another surface, typically
inside the building is termed as Stairs.”
To protect people from injury and to facilitate access during movement from
one level to another in a building
Parts of staircase
1. Step :
It is a portion of stair which permits ascent & descent.
2. Tread:
It is the upper horizontal portion of step upon which the feet is placed.
3. Riser:
The vertical portion between each tread on the stair.
4. Handrail :
A handrail is a rail that is designed to be grasped by the hand so as to
provide stability or support
5. Baluster:
It is vertical member of wood or metal supporting the handrail.
6. Newelpost:
This is the vertical member which is placed at the ends of flights to connect
handrail .
7. Run :
It is the total length of stairs in a horizontal plane, including landings.
8. Nosing :
It is the projecting part of the tread beyond the face of the riser.
It is rounded to give good architectural effect.
9. String Or Stingers :
These are the sloping wooden members which supportthe steps in a stair
.They run along the slope of the stair.
Types of staircases:
1. Straight stairs
 These are the stairs along which there is no change in direction on any flight
between two successivefloors. The straight stairs can be of following types.
 Straight run with a single flight between floors
 Straight run with a series of flight without change in direction
With one flight with2 flights
2. Qurter turn stairs
They are provided when the direction of flight is to be changed by 900. The
change in direction can be effected by either introducing a quarter space
landing or by providing winders at the junctions.
3. Half turn stairs
 These stairs change their direction through 1800.
 It can be either dog-legged or open newel type.
 In case of dog legged stairs the flights are in oppositedirections and no
spaceis provided between the flights in plan.
 On the other hand in open newel stairs, there is a well or opening between
the flights and it may be used to accommodatea lift. These stairs are used at
places where sufficient spaceis available.
4. Circular stairs
 These stairs, when viewed from above, appear to follow circle with a single
centre of curvature and large radius. These stairs are generally provided at
the rear of a building to give access for servicing at various floors. All the
steps radiate from a newel postin the form of winders. These stairs can be
constructed in stone, castiron or R.C.C.
 Structural component made to provide a level surface .
 It is a horizontal sanitary surface that supports the occupants of a building,
furniture and equipment.
The floor is divided into three components
Sub base
Base concrete
Floor finish
1. Concrete flooring
 Preparation of sub base, earth filling is consolidated throroughly so no
loose pockets left in whole area.
 10 to 15cm thick layer of clean coarsesand is then spread over the whole
 Finish is laid with base concrete on ground.
 Topping is laid within 2-3 hours of laying the base concrete
 Base concrete imparts strength and have good wearing properties.
Base concrete
 Consists of 100 mm thick1:4:8 cement concrete
 Before placing the baseconcrete, the sub base should be properly wetted.
 Surface should not be finished smooth but kept rough to provide
adequate bond for topping.
 Topping consist of 1:2:4 cement concrete with a minimum thickness of
25 mm. Topping should be placed in position as soonas possible but not
later than 2to 3 hours of laying
2. Mosaic Flooring
 Flooring is made up of marble chips laid on thin layer of concrete topping.
 Widely used in school, residential buildings, hospitals, offices and other
public buildings
 White cement or grey cement.
 Marble chips, size varies from 3mm to 6mm.
 First of all, a hard concrete base is laid.
 Over this concrete base, while it is still wet, a 2cm layer of cement
mortar(1:2) is evenly laid.
 Upon the bed of cement mortar, small pieces of broken tiles are arranged in
definite patterns.
 After this, cement or coloured cement is sprinkled at the top and surface is
rolled by light stone roller.
 Prove economical and hence commonly used
3. Terrazzo floors,
 It is the specially prepared concrete surface containing cement and marble
chips in This is special type of concrete flooring in which marble chips are
used as aggregates, and this concrete on polishing with carborundum stone
presents a smoothsurface.
 Terrazzo flooring is becoming very popular these days for providing floor
finishes in banks, hotels, office buildings and other public or social buildings
for excellent water resisting properties and decorative effects.
 Normally, terrazzo mixing having proportions 1:2 to 3(1 cement : 2 to 3
marble chips)
 Terrazzo finish is atleast 10mm thick and comprises a mixture of desired
cement, marble powderand coarseaggregate, such as chippings of marble,
quartzite, pearl, glass etc sizes grading from 2mm to 8mm.
 The cement concrete base is covered uniformly by a 6mm sand, over which
a tar paper is placed. on this paper, a layer of rich mortar(1:3) about 30mm
thick is deposited.
 When the mortar bed has sufficiently hardened, a terrazzo mixture(1
cement:3 marble chips), 6 to 12mm thick, with water just sufficient to make
a workable is applied.
 About 85% of the marble or aggregate should be exposed over the finished
surface and to achieve this, is may be necessary to add additional chips
during the rolling process.
 After curing for several days, the surface is carefully polished by means of a
grinding machine fitted with carborundum stone.
• Roofis defined as the upper most part of a building , which is constructed in
the form of a frame work to give protection to the buildings against rain,
heat, snow, wind etc…
• Roofs protectbuildings and occupants from wind, rain, cold, sun, heat, dust,
• Roofs comein many shapes.
• The characteristics of a roof are dependent upon the purpose of the building
that it covers,the available roofing materials and the local traditions of
construction and wider concepts of architectural design.
• In most countries a roof protects primarily against rain.
• A verandah may be roofed with material that protects against sunlight but
admits the other elements.
Requirements or qualities of an ideal roof:
• A roof must be weather resistant to rain, snow, wind and sun.
• The durability of a roof should be equal to or in excess of those materials
used in the remainder of the building.
• A roof should have good thermal insulation properties.
• A roof should require a minimum of maintenance.
• A roof should be constructed in such a way as to retain structural stability
when dead and imposed loads are applied to it ( dead loads is the weight of
materials used to make the roof, imposed loads are loads created by wind,
snow, etc.
Elements of a roof:
When designing a roofthe following points should be considered in relation to its
final appearance.
 Span:-
clear distance between the supports.
 Rise:-
vertical distance between ridge and wall plate.
 Pitch:-
ratio of rise to span.
 Ridge:- apex or headline of a slopping roof
 Hip:- external angle formed at the intersection of two roof slopes.
 Eaves :- lower edge of a sloping roof
 Gable:-If roof slopes in two direction, the closing wall in that portion may
be a combination of triangular and rectangular wall.The triangular upper
part of the wall formed at the end of pitched roof is known as Gable.
 Valley:-When two roof surfaces together at an angle less than 180
degree,a valley is formed.
 Purlins:-
woodenmembers are connected to trusses and to supportcommon rafters
It placed horizontally over the principal rafter
 Rafters:-
Inclined member placed above the purlins and extend from ridge to eave.
Common rafters are intermediate rafters, which give supportto the roof
covering (30-45cm spacing)
 Batten :-Small c/s of wood, fixed on common rafter to supportroofing
 Cleat:-Small pieces of steel or timber, angel or channel section, used to
connect purlins to principal rafter.
 A roof is designated as flat if its slope is less than ten degrees.
 Flat roofs have traditionally been used in hot climates where water
accumulation is not a problem.
 Slope less than 3:12 or 25 percent.
 If the slope is too shallow, puddles of water will stand for extended periods.
 Leading to premature deterioration of the roofing materials in those areas.
 If water accumulates cause by structural deflection, progressive structural
collapse becomes possibility.
Advantages of flat roof design:
 No space lost below roof, i.e. no dead space
 Less material is used than in a sloped roof
 The rooftop is potentially useful as a terrace, or sleeping porch
 Potentially pleasing appearance
 Easier to build than a sloped roof
Disadvantagesofflat roof
• Roofelements can not overlap, hence waterproofing must be more complex,
and more thorough
• Drainage is not automatic
• Supportof snow load must be insured
Types of flat roofs
I. Madras terrace roof
II. Reinforcedbrick cement roof
III. Reinforcedcement concrete roof
I. Madras terrace roof
 Woodenflat roof
 Roofhaving slope less than 1 in 100
 Teak wood joist are placed on rolled steel joists.
 Sufficient slope is provided
o Terrace bricks of size 15x75x25mm to be laid on across joists.
o Brick bat concrete of thickness 75mm to be laid(consists 1 part of
gravel and sand :0.5)
 Rammed and allow to set for three days.
 Flat tiles are then laid over this concrete.
 Surface of this roofis finished with 3 coats of plaster.
II. Reinforcedbrick cement roof
 Bricks are laid horizontally between the steel bars and concrete mix is
inserted in the joints.
 Top surface of the slab is plastered with a 2cm thick cement mortar.
 Over that apply two layers of hot bitumen for water proofing.
 Over that bitumen coatapply one more coat of cement paste of thickness
 Provide sufficient slope at top surface for drainage of water
III. Reinforcedcement concrete roof
 Made up of concrete and steel.
Types of roofslab:-
 One way slab:- length/width > 2
 Two way slab:- length/width < 2
For one way slab
 Reinforcement to be run parallel to the shorter span
For two way slab
 Main reinforcement runs parallel to both sides of the room
 At corners suitable mesh reinforcement to be provided to resist temperature
Sloping top surface they are suitable for places where rainfall or snowfall is heavy.
Types of pitched roofs
I. Lean-to-roof
II. Couple roof
III. Couple close roof
IV. Collar and tie roof – double or purlin roof
I. Lean-to-roof
 It is used covering verandah, sheds and outhouses connected to main
 Upper side common rafters are supported on a wall plate which in turn
rest on a projecting corbel stone from the wall.
 Lower side rest on the wall plate.
 Roofing material rests on battens, battens on common rafter and common
rafter on wall plate.
 Maximum span of the roof is 2.5m
II. Couple roof
 It is formed by a pair of inclined rafters, centre ridge piece and wall plate for
supporting the whole roof.
 Battens are supported on common rafters and roofing material on battens
 Span of couple roofis limited to 3.5m
III. Couple close roof
 Similar to couple.
 Two rafters are connected by a wooden member which acts as a tie.
 Tie prevents the outward spreading of roof
 It can also act as supportfor ceiling.
 It can be economically used for spans up to 4.2m.
IV. Collar beam roof
 Members are same but just raising the position of tie beam.
 Used to increase the height of room
 For spans between 4 to 4.5m
V. Collarand tie roof/purlin roof or double roof
 For spans greater than 3m rafters are uneconomical.
 To reduce the size of rafters, intermediate supports called purlins.
 Roofcan be economically adopted for spans up to 4.8m.
 It is also Also known as purlin roof or double roof.
• A truss consists of typically straight members connected at joints,
traditionally termed panel points.
I. King post truss
 Used when span > 5m
 The triangular shape of truss frame offers greater rigidity.
 Central vertical post-king post-provides supportfor tie beam.
 Two inclined members provided on either side of king post-strut-used to
prevent the principal rafter from bending at the Centre.
 It is used for spans up to 5m to 8m.
 Suitable joints are provided between the rafter and tie beam, between the
principal rafter and king-post, between the king-post and tie beam and at
the ends of struts. The joints are further strengthened by straps or bolts.
II.Queen post truss
 This truss differs from a king-post truss in having two vertical members,
known as the queen-posts.
 The upper ends of the queen-posts are kept in position by means of a
horizontal member, known as a straining beam.
 A straining sill is introduced on the tie beam between the queen-posts to
counteract the thrust of struts.
 It is used for spans up to 8m to 12m span.
Pre-fabricated Roof:
The prefabricated roof trusses are built specifically to unique roof truss plans. The
structural integrity of this roofs are controlled by computer assisted design
software. The precision technique used in this roofs ensures less wastage of lumber
making it environmentally friendly. It reduces the effects of weather on the
Uses or benefits for opting prefabricated roofs are:
o It fastens the construction process with least cost.
o It has a feasibility to opt for complex roof designs with great flexibility.
o Materials used retains their strength, as they are not exposed to weather or
outside climate during their fabrication process.
o Prefabricated truss roofs are very economical.
o It also avoids heavy labour costs as it requires only unskilled labour.
o In general, roof trusses allow longer span and can carry loads without any
extra load bearing supports.
Previous Year Questions(Some questions are repeated)
1. Write a short notes on king posttruss?(2015)
2. Write a short note on Arches, Vaults, Stair cases?(2015)
3. Classify various types of lintels and discuss their relative use?(2015)
4. Write short notes on Queen posttruss?(2015)
5. Explain with neat sketches about (2015)
a) Lean to roof
b) Coupled roof
6. Different type of roofs? (2015)
7. Explain any two types of flooring in detail? (2015)
8. Draw neatly king posttrusses? (2015)
9. Write short notes on coupled roof and draw it?(2015)
10. What are the different types of roofs explain any two? (2015)
11. Discuss the advantages of flat roofover sloped roof? (2015)
12. Define a neat roof and mention its advantages & disadvantages over pitched
13. Explain king posttruss along with a neat sketch?(2015)
14. What is lintel. Explain(2015)
15. Discuss various modes of failures of an arch. What are the remedies. (2015)
16. Enumerate, with the help of sketches, various types of arches based on its
shape. (2015)
17. Define the following terms: pitch, Hip, Eaves, Cleat and Template. (2015)
18. Explain with sketches, various basic forms of pitched roofs? (2015)
19. Write about concrete floors? (2015)
20. How are stone stairs constructed and supported? (2015)
22. How are the reads and risers proportioned? (2015)
23. Explain the following items in case of staircases (i) Balustrade (ii) Handrail
(iii) Soffit and (iv) Pitch(2017)
24. Explain coupled roofwith sketch. (2017)
25. List out how stairs are classified? (2016)
26. Define a lintel and mention the materials which are commonly used in their
construction. (2016)
27. What is a prefabricated roof? Explain their use in building construction. (2016)
28. Draw the sketch of Madras terrace roof(2016)
29. Draw the sketch of a RCC lintel and weather shade with all details. (2016)
30. Explain the classification of Arches Give a complete list of various types of
arches. (2016)
31. what is vault? Explain with sketches. (2017)
32. Explain the following items in case of Staircases (i) balustrade (ii) handrail
(iii) soffit and (iv) pitch (2016)
33. Explain the coupled roof with sketch. (2016)
34. Draw the sketch of prefabricated roof.(2016)
35. Explain the pitched roof, flat roof and lean to roof.(2016)

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Unit 4(bmc)

  • 1. UNIT. IV:BUILDING COMPONENTS Lintels, Arches, vaults, stair cases – types. Different types of floors – Concrete, Mosaic, Terrazzo floors, Pitched, flat roofs. Lean to roof, Coupled Roofs. Trussed roofs – King and Queen postTrusses. R.C.C Roofs, Madras Terrace and Pre fabricated roofs. Lintels: Lintel is a horizantal member which is fixed over The openings such as doors,windows etc. to supportthe structure or opening.  They Provide bearing for the masonry above openings  They can Transfer loads acting over the opening to the supporting walls Types of Lintels 1. Stone lintels 2. wooden lintels 3. Brick lintels 4. Steel lintels 5. Reinforced concrete lintels 6. Reinforced brick lintels 1. Stone lintels:  Used , where stones are easily available.  Consists of a simple stone slab of greater thickness.  These are generally used in stone masonry.  High cost.  Having inablity to withstand excessive transverse stresses so rarely used.  Minimum thickness is 8 cm.  Is it is very difficult to obtain a good stone of required depth hence rarely used.
  • 2. 2. Wooden or Timber lintels  These are very commonly used in olden days.  But now a days timber availability became difficult and costly too,so not used in these days.  Easily effected by white ants and insects.  Not fire proof.  Minimum thickness is 7.5 cm.  Weak when compared with other types of lintels. Stone lintel Timberlintel
  • 3. 3. Brick lintels  These are generally used for small openings(<1 meters) with light loading.  Bricks with frogs (i.e, depressions)are more suitable.  Lintels formed by using frog bricks is termed as joggled brick lintel.  Bricks should hard,well burnt free from defects with sharp and square edges.  Thickness is 10 cm,20 cm…etc depends upon opening size as it is weak not suitable for heavy loadings. 4. Steel lintels  These are generally used in the form of rolled steel joists  Provided at large opening and where the super-imposed loads are heavy.  These are generally provided where there is less spaceto constructrise of an arch.  The steel collapses quick due to fire and hence the casing of concrete should be provided which makes the steel more fire resistent. Brick Lintel
  • 4. 5. Reinforced concrete lintels  More durable,strength,fire resisting properties.  They may be pre-cast.  Economical and easy in construction.  Used for larger spans and heavy loading.  These are constructed with ratio of 1:2:4.  Upto 1.2 mt length of span 15 cm deep lintel is found to be safe. Concrete Linter
  • 5. 6. Reinforced brick lintels(R.B.Lintel)  When brick linels used for large spans ,they are reinforced with steel bars.thoseare called as R.B. Lintels.  These are also constructed on the same principles as R.C.C lintels,the only difference is instead of using concrete we are using good quality bricks  Bricks arranged in parallel rows that a 2 cm or 4 cm wide spaceis left length wise for inserting steel bars or rods  These spaces are then filled with rich cement mortar. Arches: The various technical terms used in arches are as follows:- 1)Abutment:-This is the end supportof an arches. 2)Pier:-This is supportan intermediate of an arch.
  • 6. 3)Intrados :-This is the inner curve or surface of an arch. 4)Extrados :-This is the outer curve or surface of the arches. 5)Voussoirs :-The voussoirs or arch stones are the wedge shaped units forming the arch. 6)Springing stone:-The springing stone or springer is the first voussoir at springing level on either side of the arches. 7)Springing line:-This is an imaginary line joining the two springing points. 8)Crown:-This is the highest point of extrados or it is the highest part of an arches. 9)Keystone:-This is the highest central wedge shaped block of an arch. 10)Skew back:-This the surface of the abutment on which the arch rests. 11)Span:-This is the clear horizontal distance between the two supports. 12)Rise:-this is the vertical distance between the two supports. 13)Depth of arch:-This is the perpendicular distance between the intrados and extrados. 14)Haunch of an arch:-This is the portion of arch situated centrally between the key and skew backs. 15)Spandril:-This is the triangular walling enclosed by the extrados of the arch, a horizontal line from the crown of the arch and perpendicular line from the springing of the outer curves. An arch may be classified according to their: 1. Material of construction and workmanship 2. Shape of curve for3med by their soffit or intrados 3. Number of centers.
  • 7. 1. Material of construction and workmanship I. BRICK ARCHES a. Rough brick arches  These arches are built with ordinary bricks, which are not in wedge shape.  Also known as “RELIEVING ARCHES”.  Made up of rectangular brick that are not cut into wedge shape. Curvature are obtained by mortar b. Axed brick arches  Bricks are cut to wedge-shape.  Joints of arches are of uniform thickness.  Not dress finely so it does not give much attractive appearance. c. Gaugedbrick arches  Accurately prepared to wedge shape.  Specially shaped bricks known as “RUBBER BRICKS” are used .  The lime putty is used for binding the blocks II. STONE ARCHES a. Rubble arches  Made of rubble stones, which are hammer dressed, roughly to the shape and size of voussoirs of the arch and fixed in cement mortar.  These arches are used for small span upto 1 m. b. Ashlar arches  Stones are cut to proper shape of voussoirs and are fully dressed, properly joint with cement or lime.  The voussoirs made of full thickness of the arch.
  • 8. III. CONCRETE ARCHES a. Precastconcreteblock arches  Used for small openings in building.  The voussoirs, in the form of cement concrete blocks are prepared in special moulds  Generally , the concrete blocks are used without reinforcement. b. Monolithic concrete arches  Constructed from cast-in-situ concrete ,either plain or reinforced , depending upon the span and magnitude of loading.  Quit suitable for larger span (3.0 m).  The curing is done 2 to 4 weeks. 2. Classification based on shape I. Flatarch  Acts like a lintel, when it provided over the opening .  Joints radiated to center.  Used only for light loads only.  Span up to 1.50 m.
  • 9. II. Segmentalarch  Segmental in shape and provided over the openings .  Joints radiate from a center of arch, which lies below the springing line.  Provided over lintel III. Semi-circular arch  The shape of the curve given to the arch soffit is semi-circular.  The center of the arch lies on the springing line.
  • 10. IV. Relieving arch  When wooden lintel is provided over the wider opening, a brick relieving arch is constructed above the lintel.  Relieving the load of masonry over lintel. V. Dutch or Frencharch  Similar to the flat arch in design, but differs in shape and method of construction.  Suitable for small opening.
  • 11. 3. Classification based on number of centers I. One centred arch:  Segmental, semi circular, flat arches come under this category.  Sometime , a perfectly circular arch known as bull’s eye arch ,provided for circular window. II. Two centred arch:  Pointed, semi-elliptical arches come under this category. III. Three centredarch:  Elliptical arches come under this category. IV. Four centred arch:  It has four center.  Venetian arch is typical example of this type. V. Five centred arch:  This type of arch ,having five centre's ,gives good semi-elliptical shape. 4. Stability of an Arch: An arch transmits the super-imposed load to the abutments or piers or side walls through the combined action of friction between the surfaces of voussoirs and the cohesion of mortar. Every element of an arch remains in compression and it has also to bear the transverse shear. Failure of an Arch due to: i. Crushing of the masonary: In this case, the compressive stress or thrust exceeds the safe crushing strength of the materials and the arch fails due to crushing of the masonry. The measures to avoid failure of arch due to this reason are as follows:
  • 12. a. The material used for construction should be of adequate strength. b. The size of voussoirs should be properly designed to bear the thrust transmitted through them. c. The height of voussoirs should not be less than one-twelth of the span. If the span exceeds 6.5 m, the thickness of arch ring may be increased by about 20% of the thickness at the crown. d. If necessary, the voussoirs of variable heights may be provided i.e less height near crown and more height at skewback. ii. Rotation of some joint about an edge: To prevent the rotation of joint, the line of resistance should be kept within intrados and extrados. The line of thrust should also be need to cross the joint away from the edge so as to prevent the crushing of the edge. It shoud fall within middle- third protion of the arch height. iii. Sliding of voussior: To safeguard against the sliding of adjacent voussoirs due to transverse shear, the voussoirs of greater height should be provided. It should also be seen that the angle between the line of resistance of the arch and the normal to any point is less than the angle of internal friction. iv. Uneven settlement of abutment or pier: The secondary stresses in the arch are developed due to the uneven settlement of the supports of arch and to avoid such conditions, the following precations should be taken: a. The arch should be symmetrical so that unequal settlements of the two abutments or abutment and pier are minimezed. b. The supports of arch should be strong enough to take or resist the thrust as well as to bear all the loads transferred to them through the arch.
  • 13. Vaults:  A vault is a ceiling of brick , concrete , Stone , timber , etc built in principle of arch.  A vault, in architecture, is an arch-shaped structure, usually of masonry, used as the ceiling of room or other enclosed space, as the roof of a building, or as the supportfor a ceiling or roof.  Masonry vaults are usually composed of wedge-shaped pieces called voussoirs, which are held in place, like the stones of an arch, by the pressure of the neighboring pieces. Because of the combined pressure of its components, any arch exerts an outward pressure at its base. TYPES OF VAULTS • Barrel vault • Pitched brick barrel vault • Groin vault • Rib vault • Fan vault
  • 14. 1. BARRELVAULT • Formed by an extension of arch as an unbroken series passed together one behind another.  Characteristics • It is known as wagon or tunnel vault. • Circular in shape and semi cylindrical in appearance. • Series of arches placed side by side is known as barrel roof.
  • 15. • It is the simplest form of vault. • It is best for roofing purpose. • Length is greater than a diameter  Materials • Bricks , stone , timber , wood are use generally. • In stone barrel vault due to the problem of fenestration , they provide a small window which restricts the more light and hence for this cloister is used.  STRENGTH • The thrust generated against wall which is its failure. • This thrust can be solved by below things : 1. Walls should be thick(approx. 4m) and strong. 2 Two or more vaults should be kept parallel to each other. 3. Intersection of two vaults sholud be done at right angle which is known as groin vault. • Butressing should be done. • Uses:church,cloisters,cellars,crypts,hallways,caponier,etc. Types of barrel vault:  Short span barrel vaults  Long span barrel vault I. Short span barrel vaults
  • 16. Short span barrel vaults are those in which span is shorter than its width . It is used for the width of the arch ribs between which the barrel vault span. II. Long span barrel vault Long span barrel vaults are those in which span is larger then its width. 2. GROIN VAULT  A Groin vault (also known as a double barrel vault) is produced by the intersection at right angles of two barrel vault.  A cross vault or groined vault (also sometimes known as a double barrel vault or groin vault) is produced by the intersection at right angles of two
  • 17. barrel vaults. The word "groin" refers to the edge between the intersecting vaults. Characteristics  The word “groin” refers to the edge between the intersecting vaults.  In comparison with a barrel vault, a groin vault provides good economies of material and labour.  The groin vault required great skills in cutting stone to from a neat arris.  Difficult to constructneatly becauseof the geometry of cross groins.  The construction of groin vault can be understood most simply by visualizing two barrel vault section at right angles merging to form a squarish unit. 3. RIB VAULT Definition  The intersection of two or three barrel vaults produces a rib vault or ribbed vault .  TYPES OF RIB VAULT o Rib vaults is reinforced by masonry ribs. o There are two types of rib vault. - Quadripartite rib vault - -Sexpartite rib vault
  • 18.
  • 19. 4. FAN VAULT A fan vault is a form of vault in which the ribs are all of the same curve and spaced equidistantly, in a manner resembling a fan STAIR CASES Stairs: A set of steps leading from surface of a building to another surface, typically inside the building is termed as Stairs.” Function: To protect people from injury and to facilitate access during movement from one level to another in a building Parts of staircase 1. Step : It is a portion of stair which permits ascent & descent. 2. Tread:
  • 20. It is the upper horizontal portion of step upon which the feet is placed. 3. Riser: The vertical portion between each tread on the stair. 4. Handrail : A handrail is a rail that is designed to be grasped by the hand so as to provide stability or support 5. Baluster: It is vertical member of wood or metal supporting the handrail. 6. Newelpost: This is the vertical member which is placed at the ends of flights to connect handrail . 7. Run : It is the total length of stairs in a horizontal plane, including landings. 8. Nosing : It is the projecting part of the tread beyond the face of the riser. It is rounded to give good architectural effect. 9. String Or Stingers : These are the sloping wooden members which supportthe steps in a stair .They run along the slope of the stair.
  • 21.
  • 22. Types of staircases: 1. Straight stairs  These are the stairs along which there is no change in direction on any flight between two successivefloors. The straight stairs can be of following types.  Straight run with a single flight between floors  Straight run with a series of flight without change in direction With one flight with2 flights 2. Qurter turn stairs They are provided when the direction of flight is to be changed by 900. The change in direction can be effected by either introducing a quarter space landing or by providing winders at the junctions.
  • 23. 3. Half turn stairs  These stairs change their direction through 1800.  It can be either dog-legged or open newel type.  In case of dog legged stairs the flights are in oppositedirections and no spaceis provided between the flights in plan.  On the other hand in open newel stairs, there is a well or opening between the flights and it may be used to accommodatea lift. These stairs are used at places where sufficient spaceis available.
  • 24. 4. Circular stairs  These stairs, when viewed from above, appear to follow circle with a single centre of curvature and large radius. These stairs are generally provided at the rear of a building to give access for servicing at various floors. All the steps radiate from a newel postin the form of winders. These stairs can be constructed in stone, castiron or R.C.C.
  • 25. FLOORS  Structural component made to provide a level surface .  It is a horizontal sanitary surface that supports the occupants of a building, furniture and equipment. STRUCTURE OF A FLOOR The floor is divided into three components Sub base Base concrete Floor finish 1. Concrete flooring  Preparation of sub base, earth filling is consolidated throroughly so no loose pockets left in whole area.  10 to 15cm thick layer of clean coarsesand is then spread over the whole area.  Finish is laid with base concrete on ground.  Topping is laid within 2-3 hours of laying the base concrete  Base concrete imparts strength and have good wearing properties. Base concrete  Consists of 100 mm thick1:4:8 cement concrete  Before placing the baseconcrete, the sub base should be properly wetted.  Surface should not be finished smooth but kept rough to provide adequate bond for topping. Floorfinishing  Topping consist of 1:2:4 cement concrete with a minimum thickness of 25 mm. Topping should be placed in position as soonas possible but not later than 2to 3 hours of laying
  • 26. 2. Mosaic Flooring  Flooring is made up of marble chips laid on thin layer of concrete topping.  Widely used in school, residential buildings, hospitals, offices and other public buildings Materials  White cement or grey cement.  Marble chips, size varies from 3mm to 6mm. Preparation  First of all, a hard concrete base is laid.  Over this concrete base, while it is still wet, a 2cm layer of cement mortar(1:2) is evenly laid.  Upon the bed of cement mortar, small pieces of broken tiles are arranged in definite patterns.  After this, cement or coloured cement is sprinkled at the top and surface is rolled by light stone roller.  Prove economical and hence commonly used
  • 27. 3. Terrazzo floors,  It is the specially prepared concrete surface containing cement and marble chips in This is special type of concrete flooring in which marble chips are used as aggregates, and this concrete on polishing with carborundum stone presents a smoothsurface.  Terrazzo flooring is becoming very popular these days for providing floor finishes in banks, hotels, office buildings and other public or social buildings for excellent water resisting properties and decorative effects.  Normally, terrazzo mixing having proportions 1:2 to 3(1 cement : 2 to 3 marble chips)  Terrazzo finish is atleast 10mm thick and comprises a mixture of desired cement, marble powderand coarseaggregate, such as chippings of marble, quartzite, pearl, glass etc sizes grading from 2mm to 8mm.  The cement concrete base is covered uniformly by a 6mm sand, over which a tar paper is placed. on this paper, a layer of rich mortar(1:3) about 30mm thick is deposited.  When the mortar bed has sufficiently hardened, a terrazzo mixture(1 cement:3 marble chips), 6 to 12mm thick, with water just sufficient to make a workable is applied.  About 85% of the marble or aggregate should be exposed over the finished surface and to achieve this, is may be necessary to add additional chips during the rolling process.
  • 28.  After curing for several days, the surface is carefully polished by means of a grinding machine fitted with carborundum stone. Roofs • Roofis defined as the upper most part of a building , which is constructed in the form of a frame work to give protection to the buildings against rain, heat, snow, wind etc… • Roofs protectbuildings and occupants from wind, rain, cold, sun, heat, dust, etc. • Roofs comein many shapes. Charectersticsofroof: • The characteristics of a roof are dependent upon the purpose of the building that it covers,the available roofing materials and the local traditions of construction and wider concepts of architectural design.
  • 29. • In most countries a roof protects primarily against rain. • A verandah may be roofed with material that protects against sunlight but admits the other elements. Requirements or qualities of an ideal roof: • A roof must be weather resistant to rain, snow, wind and sun. • The durability of a roof should be equal to or in excess of those materials used in the remainder of the building. • A roof should have good thermal insulation properties. • A roof should require a minimum of maintenance. • A roof should be constructed in such a way as to retain structural stability when dead and imposed loads are applied to it ( dead loads is the weight of materials used to make the roof, imposed loads are loads created by wind, snow, etc. Elements of a roof: When designing a roofthe following points should be considered in relation to its final appearance.  Span:- clear distance between the supports.  Rise:- vertical distance between ridge and wall plate.  Pitch:- ratio of rise to span.
  • 30.
  • 31.  Ridge:- apex or headline of a slopping roof  Hip:- external angle formed at the intersection of two roof slopes.  Eaves :- lower edge of a sloping roof  Gable:-If roof slopes in two direction, the closing wall in that portion may be a combination of triangular and rectangular wall.The triangular upper part of the wall formed at the end of pitched roof is known as Gable.  Valley:-When two roof surfaces together at an angle less than 180 degree,a valley is formed.  Purlins:- woodenmembers are connected to trusses and to supportcommon rafters It placed horizontally over the principal rafter  Rafters:- Inclined member placed above the purlins and extend from ridge to eave. Common rafters are intermediate rafters, which give supportto the roof covering (30-45cm spacing)  Batten :-Small c/s of wood, fixed on common rafter to supportroofing material.
  • 32.  Cleat:-Small pieces of steel or timber, angel or channel section, used to connect purlins to principal rafter. 1. FLAT ROOFS  A roof is designated as flat if its slope is less than ten degrees.  Flat roofs have traditionally been used in hot climates where water accumulation is not a problem.  Slope less than 3:12 or 25 percent.  If the slope is too shallow, puddles of water will stand for extended periods.  Leading to premature deterioration of the roofing materials in those areas.  If water accumulates cause by structural deflection, progressive structural collapse becomes possibility. Advantages of flat roof design:  No space lost below roof, i.e. no dead space  Less material is used than in a sloped roof  The rooftop is potentially useful as a terrace, or sleeping porch  Potentially pleasing appearance  Easier to build than a sloped roof Disadvantagesofflat roof
  • 33. • Roofelements can not overlap, hence waterproofing must be more complex, and more thorough • Drainage is not automatic • Supportof snow load must be insured Types of flat roofs I. Madras terrace roof II. Reinforcedbrick cement roof III. Reinforcedcement concrete roof I. Madras terrace roof  Woodenflat roof  Roofhaving slope less than 1 in 100  Teak wood joist are placed on rolled steel joists.  Sufficient slope is provided o Terrace bricks of size 15x75x25mm to be laid on across joists. o Brick bat concrete of thickness 75mm to be laid(consists 1 part of gravel and sand :0.5)  Rammed and allow to set for three days.  Flat tiles are then laid over this concrete.  Surface of this roofis finished with 3 coats of plaster.
  • 34. II. Reinforcedbrick cement roof  Bricks are laid horizontally between the steel bars and concrete mix is inserted in the joints.  Top surface of the slab is plastered with a 2cm thick cement mortar.  Over that apply two layers of hot bitumen for water proofing.  Over that bitumen coatapply one more coat of cement paste of thickness 5cm.  Provide sufficient slope at top surface for drainage of water III. Reinforcedcement concrete roof  Made up of concrete and steel. Types of roofslab:-  One way slab:- length/width > 2  Two way slab:- length/width < 2
  • 35. For one way slab  Reinforcement to be run parallel to the shorter span For two way slab  Main reinforcement runs parallel to both sides of the room  At corners suitable mesh reinforcement to be provided to resist temperature stresses 2. PITCHED ROOFS Sloping top surface they are suitable for places where rainfall or snowfall is heavy. Types of pitched roofs I. Lean-to-roof II. Couple roof III. Couple close roof IV. Collar and tie roof – double or purlin roof I. Lean-to-roof  It is used covering verandah, sheds and outhouses connected to main building.  Upper side common rafters are supported on a wall plate which in turn rest on a projecting corbel stone from the wall.  Lower side rest on the wall plate.  Roofing material rests on battens, battens on common rafter and common rafter on wall plate.
  • 36.  Maximum span of the roof is 2.5m II. Couple roof  It is formed by a pair of inclined rafters, centre ridge piece and wall plate for supporting the whole roof.  Battens are supported on common rafters and roofing material on battens  Span of couple roofis limited to 3.5m
  • 37. III. Couple close roof  Similar to couple.  Two rafters are connected by a wooden member which acts as a tie.  Tie prevents the outward spreading of roof  It can also act as supportfor ceiling.  It can be economically used for spans up to 4.2m. IV. Collar beam roof  Members are same but just raising the position of tie beam.  Used to increase the height of room  For spans between 4 to 4.5m
  • 38. V. Collarand tie roof/purlin roof or double roof  For spans greater than 3m rafters are uneconomical.  To reduce the size of rafters, intermediate supports called purlins.  Roofcan be economically adopted for spans up to 4.8m.  It is also Also known as purlin roof or double roof.
  • 39. 3. TRUSSED ROOFS • A truss consists of typically straight members connected at joints, traditionally termed panel points. I. King post truss  Used when span > 5m  The triangular shape of truss frame offers greater rigidity.  Central vertical post-king post-provides supportfor tie beam.  Two inclined members provided on either side of king post-strut-used to prevent the principal rafter from bending at the Centre.  It is used for spans up to 5m to 8m.  Suitable joints are provided between the rafter and tie beam, between the principal rafter and king-post, between the king-post and tie beam and at the ends of struts. The joints are further strengthened by straps or bolts.
  • 40. II.Queen post truss  This truss differs from a king-post truss in having two vertical members, known as the queen-posts.  The upper ends of the queen-posts are kept in position by means of a horizontal member, known as a straining beam.  A straining sill is introduced on the tie beam between the queen-posts to counteract the thrust of struts.  It is used for spans up to 8m to 12m span.
  • 41. Pre-fabricated Roof: The prefabricated roof trusses are built specifically to unique roof truss plans. The structural integrity of this roofs are controlled by computer assisted design software. The precision technique used in this roofs ensures less wastage of lumber making it environmentally friendly. It reduces the effects of weather on the construction. Uses or benefits for opting prefabricated roofs are: o It fastens the construction process with least cost. o It has a feasibility to opt for complex roof designs with great flexibility. o Materials used retains their strength, as they are not exposed to weather or outside climate during their fabrication process. o Prefabricated truss roofs are very economical. o It also avoids heavy labour costs as it requires only unskilled labour. o In general, roof trusses allow longer span and can carry loads without any extra load bearing supports.
  • 42. Previous Year Questions(Some questions are repeated) 1. Write a short notes on king posttruss?(2015) 2. Write a short note on Arches, Vaults, Stair cases?(2015) 3. Classify various types of lintels and discuss their relative use?(2015) 4. Write short notes on Queen posttruss?(2015) 5. Explain with neat sketches about (2015)
  • 43. a) Lean to roof b) Coupled roof 6. Different type of roofs? (2015) 7. Explain any two types of flooring in detail? (2015) 8. Draw neatly king posttrusses? (2015) 9. Write short notes on coupled roof and draw it?(2015) 10. What are the different types of roofs explain any two? (2015) 11. Discuss the advantages of flat roofover sloped roof? (2015) 12. Define a neat roof and mention its advantages & disadvantages over pitched roofs.(2015) 13. Explain king posttruss along with a neat sketch?(2015) 14. What is lintel. Explain(2015) 15. Discuss various modes of failures of an arch. What are the remedies. (2015) 16. Enumerate, with the help of sketches, various types of arches based on its shape. (2015) 17. Define the following terms: pitch, Hip, Eaves, Cleat and Template. (2015) 18. Explain with sketches, various basic forms of pitched roofs? (2015) 19. Write about concrete floors? (2015) 20. How are stone stairs constructed and supported? (2015) 22. How are the reads and risers proportioned? (2015)
  • 44. 23. Explain the following items in case of staircases (i) Balustrade (ii) Handrail (iii) Soffit and (iv) Pitch(2017) 24. Explain coupled roofwith sketch. (2017) 25. List out how stairs are classified? (2016) 26. Define a lintel and mention the materials which are commonly used in their construction. (2016) 27. What is a prefabricated roof? Explain their use in building construction. (2016) 28. Draw the sketch of Madras terrace roof(2016) 29. Draw the sketch of a RCC lintel and weather shade with all details. (2016) 30. Explain the classification of Arches Give a complete list of various types of arches. (2016) 31. what is vault? Explain with sketches. (2017) 32. Explain the following items in case of Staircases (i) balustrade (ii) handrail (iii) soffit and (iv) pitch (2016) 33. Explain the coupled roof with sketch. (2016) 34. Draw the sketch of prefabricated roof.(2016) 35. Explain the pitched roof, flat roof and lean to roof.(2016)