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1 Notations 2
2 Introduction 3
3 Methods of Riveting 3
4 Material of Rivets 4
5 Essential Qualities of a Rivet 4
6 Manufacture of Rivets 4
7 Types of Rivet Heads 4
8 Types of Riveted Joints 6
9 Lap Joint 6
10 Butt Joint 6
11 Important Terms Used in Riveted Joints 9
12 Caulking and Fullering 9
13 Failures of a Riveted Joint 10
14 Strength of a Riveted Joint 12
15 Eļ¬ƒciency of a Riveted Joint 12
16 Design of Boiler Joints 12
17 Assumptions in Designing Boiler Joints 12
18 Design of Longitudinal Butt Joint for a Boiler 13
19 Design of Circumferential Lap Joint for a Boiler 16
20 Recommended Joints for Pressure Vessels 17
21 Riveted Joint for Structural Use-Joints of Uniform Strength (Lozenge Joint) 17
22 Eccentric Loaded Riveted Joint 19
23 Examples 22
23.1 Rivet performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
23.2 Boiler joints design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
23.3 Riveted joint for structural use-Joints of uniform strength (Lozenge Joint) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
23.4 Eccentric loaded riveted joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
24 References 53
25 Contacts 53
1 Notations
ā€¢ p = Pitch of the rivets.
ā€¢ d = Diameter of the rivet hole.
ā€¢ t = Thickness of the plate.
ā€¢ Ļƒt = Permissible tensile stress for the plate material.
ā€¢ Ļ„ = Safe permissible shear stress for the rivet material.
ā€¢ n = Number of rivets.
ā€¢ Ļƒc = Safe permissible crushing stress for the rivet or plate material.
ā€¢ P = Steam pressure in boiler.
ā€¢ D = Internal diameter of shell.
ā€¢ Ī·l = Eļ¬ƒciency of the longitudinal joint.
ā€¢ C = Constant.
ā€¢ m = Margin.
ā€¢ b = Width of the plate.
ā€¢ Pt = Maximum pull acting on the joint. This is the tearing resistance of the plate at the outer row which
has only one rivet.
ā€¢ e = Eccentricity of the load i.e. the distance between the line of action of the load and the centroid of the
rivet system i.e. G.
ā€¢ A = Cross-sectional area of each rivet.
ā€¢ x1, x2, x3 etc. = Distances of rivets from OY .
ā€¢ y1, y2, y3 etc. = Distances of rivets from OX.
ā€¢ F1, F2, F3 ... = Secondary shear loads on the rivets 1, 2, 3...etc.
ā€¢ l1, l2, l3 ... = Radial distance of the rivets 1, 2, 3 ...etc. from the center of gravity G of the rivet system.
ā€¢ Īø = Angle between the primary or direct shear load (Ps) and secondary shear load (F).
2 Introduction
A rivet is a short cylindrical bar with a head integral to
it. The cylindrical portion of the rivet is called shank
or body and lower portion of shank is known as tail.
The rivets are used to make permanent fastening be-
tween the plates such as in structural work, ship build-
ing, bridges, tanks and boiler shells. The riveted joints
are widely used for joining light metals.
The fastenings (i.e.joints) may be classiļ¬ed into the fol-
lowing two groups :
1. Permanent fastenings are those fastenings
which can not be disassembled without destroy-
ing the connecting components. The examples of
permanent fastenings in order of strength are sol-
dered, brazed, welded and riveted joints.
2. Temporary or detachable fastenings are
those fastenings which can be disassembled with-
out destroying the connecting components. The
examples of temporary fastenings are screwed,
keys, cotters, pins and splined joints.
Figure 1: Rivet parts.
3 Methods of Riveting
The function of rivets in a joint is to make a connection that has strength and tightness. The strength is
necessary to prevent failure of the joint. The tightness is necessary in order to contribute to strength and to
prevent leakage as in a boiler or in a ship hull.
When two plates are to be fastened together by a rivet , the holes in the plates are punched and reamed or drilled.
Punching is the cheapest method and is used for relatively thin plates and in structural work. Since punching
injures the material around the hole, therefore drilling is used in most pressure-vessel work. In structural and
pressure vessel riveting, the diameter of the rivet hole is usually 1.5 mm larger than the nominal diameter of
the rivet.
The plates are drilled together and then separated to remove any burrs or chips so as to have a tight ļ¬‚ush joint
between the plates. A cold rivet or a red hot rivet is introduced into the plates and the point (i.e.second head)
is then formed. When a cold rivet is used, the process is known as cold riveting and when a hot rivet is used,
the process is known as hot riveting. The cold riveting process is used for structural joints while hot riveting
is used to make leak proof joints.
The riveting may be done by hand or by a riveting machine. In hand riveting, the original rivet head is backed
up by a hammer or heavy bar and then the die or set, is placed against the end to be headed and the blows
are applied by a hammer. This causes the shank to expand thus ļ¬lling the hole and the tail is converted into
a point. As the rivet cools, it tends to contract. The lateral contraction will be slight, but there will be a
longitudinal tension introduced in the rivet which holds the plates ļ¬rmly together.
In machine riveting, the die is a part of the hammer which is operated by air, hydraulic or steam pressure.
1. For steel rivets upto 12 mm diameter, the cold riveting process may be used while for larger diameter
rivets, hot riveting process is used.
2. In case of long rivets, only the tail is heated and not the whole shank.
Figure 2: Methods of riveting.
4 Material of Rivets
The material of the rivets must be tough and ductile. They are usually made of steel (low carbon steel or nickel
steel), brass, aluminum or copper, but when strength and a ļ¬‚uid tight joint is the main consideration, then the
steel rivets are used.
The rivets for general purposes shall be manufactured from steel conforming to the following Indian Standards:
1. IS : 1148-1982 (Reaļ¬ƒrmed 1992) - Speciļ¬cation for hot rolled rivet bars (up to 40 mm diameter) for
structural purposes; or
2. IS : 1149-1982 (Reaļ¬ƒrmed 1992) - Speciļ¬cation for high tensile steel rivet bars for structural purposes.
5 Essential Qualities of a Rivet
According to Indian standard, IS : 2998 1982 (Reaļ¬ƒrmed 1992), the material of a rivet must have a tensile
strength not less than 40 N/mm2
and elongation not less than 26 percent. The material must be of such quality
that when in cold condition, the shank shall be bent on itself through 180o
without cracking and after being
heated to 650o
C and quenched, it must pass the same test. The rivet when hot must ļ¬‚atten without cracking
to a diameter 2.5 times the diameter of shank.
6 Manufacture of Rivets
According to Indian standard speciļ¬cations, the rivets may be made either by cold heading or by hot forging.
If rivets are made by the cold heading process, they shall subsequently be adequately heat treated so that the
stresses set up in the cold heading process are eliminated. If they are made by hot forging process, care shall
be taken to see that the ļ¬nished rivets cool gradually.
7 Types of Rivet Heads
According to Indian standard speciļ¬cations, the rivet heads are classiļ¬ed into the following three types:
1. Rivet heads for general purposes (below 12 mm diameter), according to IS : 2155 - 1982 (Reaļ¬ƒrmed 1996).
Figure 3: Rivet heads for general purposes (below 12 mm diameter).
2. Rivet heads for general purposes (From 12 mm to 48 mm diameter), according to IS : 1929 - 1982 (Reaf-
ļ¬rmed 1996).
Figure 4: Rivet heads for general purposes (from 12 mm to 48 mm diameter)
3. Rivet heads for boiler work (from 12 mm to 48 mm diameter, according to IS : 1928 - 1961 (Reaļ¬ƒrmed
Figure 5: Rivet heads for boiler work.
The snap heads are usually employed for structural work and machine riveting. The counter sunk heads are
mainly used for ship building where ļ¬‚ush surfaces are necessary. The conical heads (also known as conoidal
heads) are mainly used in case of hand hammering. The pan heads have maximum strength, but these are
diļ¬ƒcult to shape.
8 Types of Riveted Joints
Following are the two types of riveted joints, depending upon the way in which the plates are connected.
1. Lap joint, and
2. Butt joint.
9 Lap Joint
A lap joint is that in which one plate overlaps the other and the two plates are then riveted together.
10 Butt Joint
A butt joint is that in which the main plates are kept in alignment butting (i.e.touching) each other and a cover
plate (i.e.strap) is placed either on one side or on both sides of the main plates. The cover plate is then riveted
together with the main plates. Butt joints are of the following two types :
1. Single strap butt joint, the edges of the main plates butt against each other and only one cover plate
is placed on one side of the main plates and then riveted together.
2. Double strap butt joint, the edges of the main plates butt against each other and two cover plates are
placed on both sides of the main plates and then riveted together.
Figure 6: Single and double riveted lap joints.
Figure 7: Triple riveted lap joint.
Figure 8: Single riveted double strap butt joint.
Figure 9: Double riveted double strap (equal) butt joints.
Figure 10: Double riveted double strap (unequal) butt joint with zig-zag riveting.
Figure 11: Triple riveted double strap (unequal) butt joint.
11 Important Terms Used in Riveted Joints
The following terms in connection with the riveted joints are important from the subject point of view :
1. Pitch. It is the distance from the center of one rivet to the center of the next rivet measured parallel to
the seam. It is usually denoted by p.
2. Back pitch. It is the perpendicular distance between the center lines of the successive rows. It is usually
denoted by pb.
3. Diagonal pitch. It is the distance between the centers of the rivets in adjacent rows of zig-zag riveted
joint. It is usually denoted by pd.
4. Margin or marginal pitch. It is the distance between the center of rivet hole to the nearest edge of
the plate. It is usually denoted by m.
12 Caulking and Fullering
In order to make the joints leak proof or ļ¬‚uid tight in pressure vessels like steam boilers, air receivers and tanks
etc. a process known as caulking is employed. In this process, a narrow blunt tool called caulking tool, about
5 mm thick and 38 mm in breadth, is used. The edge of the tool is ground to an angle of 80o
. The tool is moved
after each blow along the edge of the plate, which is planed to a bevel of 75o
to 80o
to facilitate the forcing down
of edge. It is seen that the tool burrs down the plate at A forming a metal to metal joint. In actual practice,
both the edges at A and B are caulked. The head of the rivets as shown at C are also turned down with a
caulking tool to make a joint steam tight. A great care is taken to prevent injury to the plate below the tool.
A more satisfactory way of making the joints staunch is known as fullering which has largely superseded
caulking. In this case, a fullering tool with a thickness at the end equal to that of the plate is used in such
a way that the greatest pressure due to the blows occur near the joint, giving a clean ļ¬nish, with less risk of
damaging the plate.
Figure 12: Caulking and fullering.
13 Failures of a Riveted Joint
A riveted joint may fail in the following ways :
1. Tearing of the plate at an edge.
A joint may fail due to tearing of the plate at an edge. This can be avoided by keeping the margin,
m = 1.5d
Figure 13: Tearing of the plate at an edge.
2. Tearing of the plate across a row of rivets.
We know that tearing area per pitch length,
A = (p āˆ’ d)t
āˆ“ Tearing resistance or pull required to tear oļ¬€ the plate per pitch length,
Pt = At Ļƒt = (p āˆ’ d) t Ļƒt
When the tearing resistance (Pt) is greater than the applied load (P) per pitch length, then this type of
failure will not occur.
Figure 14: Tearing of the plate across the rows of rivets.
3. Shearing of the rivets.
We know that shearing area,
As =
...(In single shear)
= 2
...(Theoretically, in double shear)
= 1.875
...(In double shear, according to Indian Boiler Regulations)
āˆ“ Shearing resistance or pull required to shear oļ¬€ the rivet per pitch length,
Ps = n
Ļ„ ...(In single shear)
= 2 n
Ļ„ ...(Theoretically, in double shear)
= 1.875 n
Ļ„ ...(In double shear, according to Indian Boiler Regulations)
When the shearing resistance (Ps) is greater than the applied load (P) per pitch length, then this type of
failure will occur.
Figure 15: Shearing of rivets.
Figure 16: Shearing oļ¬€ a rivet in double cover butt joint.
4. Crushing of the plate or rivets.
We know that crushing area per rivet (i.e.projected area per rivet),
Ac = d t
āˆ“ Total crushing area = n d t and crushing resistance or pull required to crush the rivet per pitch length,
Pc = n d t Ļƒc
When the crushing resistance (Pc) is greater than the applied load (P) per pitch length, then this type of
failure will occur.
Note: The number of rivets under shear shall be equal to the number of rivets under crushing.
Figure 17: Shearing oļ¬€ a rivet in double cover butt joint.
14 Strength of a Riveted Joint
The strength of a joint may be deļ¬ned as the maximum force, which it can transmit, without causing it to fail.
We have that Pt , Ps and Pc are the pulls required to tear oļ¬€ the plate, shearing oļ¬€ the rivet and crushing oļ¬€
the rivet. A little consideration will show that if we go on increasing the pull on a riveted joint, it will fail when
the least of these three pulls is reached, because a higher value of the other pulls will never reach since the joint
has failed, either by tearing oļ¬€ the plate, shearing oļ¬€ the rivet or crushing oļ¬€ the rivet.
If the joint is continuous as in case of boilers, the strength is calculated per pitch length. But if the joint
is small, the strength is calculated for the whole length of the plate.
15 Eļ¬ƒciency of a Riveted Joint
The eļ¬ƒciency of a riveted joint is deļ¬ned as the ratio of the strength of riveted joint to the strength of the
un-riveted or solid plate. We have already discussed that strength of the riveted joint
= Least of Pt, Ps and Pc
Strength of the un-riveted or solid plate per pitch length,
P = p t Ļƒt
āˆ“ Eļ¬ƒciency of the riveted joint,
Ī· =
Least of Pt, Ps and Pc
p t Ļƒt
16 Design of Boiler Joints
The boiler has a longitudinal joint as well as circumferential joint. The longitudinal joint is used to join the
ends of the plate to get the required diameter of a boiler. For this purpose, a butt joint with two cover plates
is used. The circumferential joint is used to get the required length of the boiler. For this purpose, a lap
joint with one ring overlapping the other alternately is used.
Since a boiler is made up of number of rings, therefore the longitudinal joints are staggered for convenience of
connecting rings at places where both longitudinal and circumferential joints occur.
17 Assumptions in Designing Boiler Joints
The following assumptions are made while designing a joint for boilers :
1. The load on the joint is equally shared by all the rivets. The assumption implies that the shell and plate
are rigid and that all the deformation of the joint takes place in the rivets themselves.
2. The tensile stress is equally distributed over the section of metal between the rivets.
3. The shearing stress in all the rivets is uniform.
4. The crushing stress is uniform.
5. There is no bending stress in the rivets.
6. The holes into which the rivets are driven do not weaken the member.
7. The rivet ļ¬lls the hole after it is driven.
8. The friction between the surfaces of the plate is neglected.
18 Design of Longitudinal Butt Joint for a Boiler
According to Indian Boiler Regulations (I.B.R), the following procedure should be adopted for the design of
longitudinal butt joint for a boiler.
1. Thickness of boiler shell.
t =
2 Ļƒt Ī·l
+ 1 mm as corrosion allowance
The following points may be noted :
(a) The thickness of the boiler shell should not be less than 7 mm.
(b) The eļ¬ƒciency of the joint may be taken from the following table.
(c) Indian Boiler Regulations (I.B.R.) allow a maximum eļ¬ƒciency of 85% for the best joint. (c) According
to I.B.R., the factor of safety should not be less than 4. The following table shows the values of factor
of safety for various kind of joints in boilers.
2. Diameter of rivets.
using Unwinā€™s empirical formula,
d = 6
t ...(when t is greater than 8 mm)
But if the thickness of plate is less than 8 mm, then the diameter of the rivet hole may be calculated by
equating the shearing resistance of the rivets to crushing resistance. In no case, the diameter of rivet hole
should not be less than the thickness of the plate, because there will be danger of punch crushing. The
following table gives the rivet diameter corresponding to the diameter of rivet hole as per IS : 1928 1961
(Reaļ¬ƒrmed 1996).
3. Pitch of rivets.
The pitch of the rivets is obtained by equating the tearing resistance of the plate to the shearing resistance
of the rivets. It may noted that
(a) The pitch of the rivets should not be less than 2d, which is necessary for the formation of head.
(b) The maximum value of the pitch of rivets for a longitudinal joint of a boiler as per I.B.R. is
Pmax = C t + 41.28 mm
Note: If the pitch of rivets as obtained by equating the tearing resistance to the shearing resistance is
more than pmax , then the value of pmax is taken.
4. Distance between the rows of rivets.
The distance between the rows of rivets as speciļ¬ed by Indian Boiler Regulations is as follows :
(a) For equal number of rivets in more than one row for lap joint or butt joint, the distance between the
rows of rivets (pb) should not be less than
0.33 p + 0.67 d, for zig-zig riveting, and
2d, for chain riveting.
(b) For joints in which the number of rivets in outer rows is half the number of rivets in inner rows and
if the inner rows are chain riveted, the distance between the outer rows and the next rows should not
be less than
0.33 p + 0.67 or 2 d, whichever is greater.
The distance between the rows in which there are full number of rivets shall not be less than 2d.
(c) For joints in which the number of rivets in outer rows is half the number of rivets in inner rows and
if the inner rows are zig-zig riveted, the distance between the outer rows and the next rows shall not
be less than 0.2 p + 1.15 d. The distance between the rows in which there are full number of rivets
(zig-zag) shall not be less than 0.165 p + 0.67 d.
Note: In the above discussion, pis the pitch of the rivets in the outer rows.
5. Thickness of butt strap.
According to I.B.R., the thicknesses for butt strap (t1) are as given below :
(a) The thickness of butt strap, in no case, shall be less than 10 mm
t1 = 1.125 t, for ordinary (chain riveting) single butt strap.
t1 = 1.125 t
p āˆ’ d
p āˆ’ 2d
, for single butt straps, every alternate rivet in outer rows being omitted.
t1 = 0.625 t, for double butt-straps of equal width having ordinary riveting (chain riveting).
t1 = 0.625 t
p āˆ’ d
p āˆ’ 2d
, for double butt straps of equal width having every alternate rivet in the
outer rows being omitted.
6. For unequal width of butt straps, the thicknesses of butt strap are
t1 = 0.75 t, for wide strap on the inside, and
t2 = 0.625 t, for narrow strap on the outside.
7. Margin.
The margin (m) is taken as 1.5 d.
Note : The above procedure may also be applied to ordinary riveted joints.
19 Design of Circumferential Lap Joint for a Boiler
The following procedure is adopted for the design of circumferential lap joint for a boiler.
1. Thickness of the shell and diameter of rivets.
The thickness of the boiler shell and the diameter of the rivet will be same as for longitudinal joint.
2. Number of rivets.
Since it is a lap joint, therefore the rivets will be in single shear. āˆ“ Shearing resistance of the rivets,
Ps = n
Knowing the inner diameter of the boiler shell (D), and the pressure of steam (P), the total shearing load
acting on the circumferential joint,
Ws =
Ļ„ =
āˆ“ n =
3. Pitch of rivets.
If the eļ¬ƒciency of the longitudinal joint is known, then the eļ¬ƒciency of the circumferential joint may be
obtained. It is generally taken as 50% of tearing eļ¬ƒciency in longitudinal joint, but if more than one
circumferential joints is used, then it is 62% for the intermediate joints. Knowing the eļ¬ƒciency of the
circumferential lap joint (Ī·c), the pitch of the rivets for the lap joint (p1) may be obtained by using the
relation :
Ī·c =
p1 āˆ’ d
4. Number of rows.
Number of rows =
Total number of rivets
Number of rivets in one row
and the number of rivets in one row
Ļ€ (D + t)
5. After ļ¬nding out the number of rows, the type of the joint (i.e. single riveted or double riveted etc.) may
be decided. Then the number of rivets in a row and pitch may be re-adjusted. In order to have a leak-proof
joint, the pitch for the joint should be checked from Indian Boiler Regulations.
6. The distance between the rows of rivets (i.e. back pitch) is calculated by using the relations as discussed
in the previous article.
7. After knowing the distance between the rows of rivets (pb), the overlap of the plate may be ļ¬xed by using
the relation,
Overlap = (No. of rows of rivets - 1) pb + m
20 Recommended Joints for Pressure Vessels
The following table shows the recommended joints for pressure vessels.
21 Riveted Joint for Structural Use-Joints of Uniform Strength (Lozenge Joint)
A riveted joint known as Lozenge joint used for roof, bridge work or girders etc. In such a joint, diamond
riveting is employed so that the joint is made of uniform strength.
In designing a Lozenge joint, the following procedure is adopted.
1. Diameter of rivet.
Using Unwinā€™s formula,
d = 6
2. Number of rivets.
Pt = (b āˆ’ d) t Ļƒt
Since the joint is double strap butt joint, therefore the rivets are in double shear. It is assumed that
resistance of a rivet in double shear is 1.75 times than in single shear in order to allow for possible
eccentricity of load and defective workmanship.
āˆ“ Shearing resistance of one rivet,
Ps = 1.75
and crushing resistance of one rivet,
Pc = d t Ļƒc
āˆ“ Number of rivets required for the joint,
n =
Least of Ps or Pc
3. From the number of rivets, the number of rows and the number of rivets in each row is decided.
4. Thickness of the butt straps.
The thickness of the butt strap,
t1 = 1.25 t, for single cover strap
= 0.75 t, for double cover strap
5. Eļ¬ƒciency of the joint First of all, calculate the resistances along the sections 1-1, 2-2 and 3-3.
At section 1-1, there is only one rivet hole.
āˆ“ Resistance of the joint in tearing along 1-1,
Pt1 = (b āˆ’ d) t Ļƒt
At section 2-2, there are two rivet holes.
āˆ“ Resistance of the joint in tearing along 2-2,
Pt1 = (b āˆ’ 2d) t Ļƒt + Strength of one rivet in front of section 2-2
(This is due to the fact that for tearing oļ¬€ the plate at section 2-2, the rivet in front of section 2-2 i.e.at
section 1-1 must ļ¬rst fracture).
Similarly at section 3-3 there are three rivet holes.
āˆ“ Resistance of the joint in tearing along 3-3,
Pt1 = (b āˆ’ 3d) t Ļƒt + Strength of one rivet in front of section 3-3
The least value of Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Ps or Pc is the strength of the joint.
We know that the strength of unriveted plate,
P = b t Ļƒt
āˆ“ Eļ¬ƒciency of the joint,
Ī· =
Least of Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Ps or Pc
Note: The permissible stresses employed in structural joints are higher than those used in design of
pressure vessels. The following values are usually adopted.
For plates in tension ... 140 MPa
For rivets in shear ... 105 MPa
For crushing of rivets and plates
Single shear ... 224 MPa
Double shear ... 280 MPa
6. The pitch of the rivets is obtained by equating the strength of the joint in tension to the strength of the
rivets in shear. The pitches allowed in structural joints are larger than those of pressure vessels. The
following table shows the values of pitch due to Rotscher.
7. The marginal pitch (m) should not be less than 1.5 d.
8. The distance between the rows of rivets is 2.5 d to 3 d.
22 Eccentric Loaded Riveted Joint
When the line of action of the load does not pass through the centroid of the rivet system and thus all rivets
are not equally loaded, then the joint is said to be an eccentric loaded riveted joint. The eccentric loading
results in secondary shear caused by the tendency of force to twist the joint about the center of gravity in
addition to direct shear or primary shear.
P = Eccentric load on the joint
The following procedure is adopted for the design of an eccentrically loaded riveted joint.
1. First of all, ļ¬nd the center of gravity G of the rivet system.
x =
A1x1 + A2x2 + A3x3 + ...
A1 + A2 + A3 + ...
A1x1 + A2x2 + A3x3 + ...
x1 + x2 + x3 + ...
y =
y1 + y2 + y3 + ...
2. Introduce two forces P1 and P2 at the center of gravity G of the rivet system. These forces are equal and
opposite to P.
3. Assuming that all the rivets are of the same size, the eļ¬€ect of P1 = P is to produce direct shear load on
each rivet of equal magnitude. Therefore, direct shear load on each rivet,
Ps =
, acting parallel to the load P
4. The eļ¬€ect of P2 = P is to produce a turning moment of magnitude P x e which tends to rotate the joint
about the center of gravity G of the rivet system in a clockwise direction. Due to the turning moment,
secondary shear load on each rivet is produced. In order to ļ¬nd the secondary shear load, the following
two assumptions are made :
(a) The secondary shear load is proportional to the radial distance of the rivet under consideration from
the center of gravity of the rivet system.
(b) The direction of secondary shear load is perpendicular to the line joining the center of the rivet to the
center of gravity of the rivet system.
From assumption (a),
F1 āˆ l1; F2 āˆ l2 and so on
= ...
āˆ“ F2 = F1
, and F3 = F1
We know that the sum of the external turning moment due to the eccentric load and of internal resisting
moment of the rivets must be equal to zero.
āˆ“ P e = F1l1 + F2l2 + F3l3 + ...
= F1l1 + F1
l2 + F1
l3 + ...
1 + l2
2 + l2
3 + ...
From the above expression, the value of F1 may be calculated and hence F2 and F3 etc. are known. The
direction of these forces are at right angles to the lines joining the center of rivet to the center of gravity
of the rivet system and should produce the moment in the same direction (i.e.clockwise or anticlockwise)
about the center of gravity, as the turning moment (P x e).
5. The primary (or direct) and secondary shear load may be added vectorially to determine the resultant
shear load (R) on each rivet. It may also be obtained by using the relation
R = P2
s + F2 + 2PsF cos Īø
When the secondary shear load on each rivet is equal, then the heavily loaded rivet will be one in which the
included angle between the direct shear load and secondary shear load is minimum. The maximum loaded
rivet becomes the critical one for determining the strength of the riveted joint. Knowing the permissible
shear stress (Ļ„), the diameter of the rivet hole may be obtained by using the relation,
Maximum resultant shear load (R) =
Figure 18: Eccentric loaded riveted joint.
1. In the solution of a problem, the primary and shear loads may be laid oļ¬€ approximately to scale and
generally the rivet having the maximum resultant shear load will be apparent by inspection. The values
of the load for that rivet may then be calculated.
2. When the thickness of the plate is given, then the diameter of the rivet hole may be checked against
3. When the eccentric load P is inclined at some angle, then the same procedure as discussed above may be
followed to ļ¬nd the size of rivet
23 Examples
23.1 Rivet performance
23.2 Boiler joints design
23.3 Riveted joint for structural use-Joints of uniform strength (Lozenge Joint)
23.4 Eccentric loaded riveted joint
24 References
1. R.S. KHURMI, J.K. GUPTA, A Textbook Of Machine Design
25 Contacts

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Riveted joints

  • 1. Contents 1 Notations 2 2 Introduction 3 3 Methods of Riveting 3 4 Material of Rivets 4 5 Essential Qualities of a Rivet 4 6 Manufacture of Rivets 4 7 Types of Rivet Heads 4 8 Types of Riveted Joints 6 9 Lap Joint 6 10 Butt Joint 6 11 Important Terms Used in Riveted Joints 9 12 Caulking and Fullering 9 13 Failures of a Riveted Joint 10 14 Strength of a Riveted Joint 12 15 Eļ¬ƒciency of a Riveted Joint 12 16 Design of Boiler Joints 12 17 Assumptions in Designing Boiler Joints 12 18 Design of Longitudinal Butt Joint for a Boiler 13 19 Design of Circumferential Lap Joint for a Boiler 16 20 Recommended Joints for Pressure Vessels 17 21 Riveted Joint for Structural Use-Joints of Uniform Strength (Lozenge Joint) 17 22 Eccentric Loaded Riveted Joint 19 23 Examples 22 23.1 Rivet performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 23.2 Boiler joints design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 23.3 Riveted joint for structural use-Joints of uniform strength (Lozenge Joint) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 23.4 Eccentric loaded riveted joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 24 References 53 25 Contacts 53
  • 2. 1 Notations ā€¢ p = Pitch of the rivets. ā€¢ d = Diameter of the rivet hole. ā€¢ t = Thickness of the plate. ā€¢ Ļƒt = Permissible tensile stress for the plate material. ā€¢ Ļ„ = Safe permissible shear stress for the rivet material. ā€¢ n = Number of rivets. ā€¢ Ļƒc = Safe permissible crushing stress for the rivet or plate material. ā€¢ P = Steam pressure in boiler. ā€¢ D = Internal diameter of shell. ā€¢ Ī·l = Eļ¬ƒciency of the longitudinal joint. ā€¢ C = Constant. ā€¢ m = Margin. ā€¢ b = Width of the plate. ā€¢ Pt = Maximum pull acting on the joint. This is the tearing resistance of the plate at the outer row which has only one rivet. ā€¢ e = Eccentricity of the load i.e. the distance between the line of action of the load and the centroid of the rivet system i.e. G. ā€¢ A = Cross-sectional area of each rivet. ā€¢ x1, x2, x3 etc. = Distances of rivets from OY . ā€¢ y1, y2, y3 etc. = Distances of rivets from OX. ā€¢ F1, F2, F3 ... = Secondary shear loads on the rivets 1, 2, 3...etc. ā€¢ l1, l2, l3 ... = Radial distance of the rivets 1, 2, 3 ...etc. from the center of gravity G of the rivet system. ā€¢ Īø = Angle between the primary or direct shear load (Ps) and secondary shear load (F).
  • 3. 2 Introduction A rivet is a short cylindrical bar with a head integral to it. The cylindrical portion of the rivet is called shank or body and lower portion of shank is known as tail. The rivets are used to make permanent fastening be- tween the plates such as in structural work, ship build- ing, bridges, tanks and boiler shells. The riveted joints are widely used for joining light metals. The fastenings (i.e.joints) may be classiļ¬ed into the fol- lowing two groups : 1. Permanent fastenings are those fastenings which can not be disassembled without destroy- ing the connecting components. The examples of permanent fastenings in order of strength are sol- dered, brazed, welded and riveted joints. 2. Temporary or detachable fastenings are those fastenings which can be disassembled with- out destroying the connecting components. The examples of temporary fastenings are screwed, keys, cotters, pins and splined joints. Figure 1: Rivet parts. 3 Methods of Riveting The function of rivets in a joint is to make a connection that has strength and tightness. The strength is necessary to prevent failure of the joint. The tightness is necessary in order to contribute to strength and to prevent leakage as in a boiler or in a ship hull. When two plates are to be fastened together by a rivet , the holes in the plates are punched and reamed or drilled. Punching is the cheapest method and is used for relatively thin plates and in structural work. Since punching injures the material around the hole, therefore drilling is used in most pressure-vessel work. In structural and pressure vessel riveting, the diameter of the rivet hole is usually 1.5 mm larger than the nominal diameter of the rivet. The plates are drilled together and then separated to remove any burrs or chips so as to have a tight ļ¬‚ush joint between the plates. A cold rivet or a red hot rivet is introduced into the plates and the point (i.e.second head) is then formed. When a cold rivet is used, the process is known as cold riveting and when a hot rivet is used, the process is known as hot riveting. The cold riveting process is used for structural joints while hot riveting is used to make leak proof joints. The riveting may be done by hand or by a riveting machine. In hand riveting, the original rivet head is backed up by a hammer or heavy bar and then the die or set, is placed against the end to be headed and the blows are applied by a hammer. This causes the shank to expand thus ļ¬lling the hole and the tail is converted into a point. As the rivet cools, it tends to contract. The lateral contraction will be slight, but there will be a longitudinal tension introduced in the rivet which holds the plates ļ¬rmly together. In machine riveting, the die is a part of the hammer which is operated by air, hydraulic or steam pressure. Notes: 1. For steel rivets upto 12 mm diameter, the cold riveting process may be used while for larger diameter rivets, hot riveting process is used. 2. In case of long rivets, only the tail is heated and not the whole shank. Figure 2: Methods of riveting.
  • 4. 4 Material of Rivets The material of the rivets must be tough and ductile. They are usually made of steel (low carbon steel or nickel steel), brass, aluminum or copper, but when strength and a ļ¬‚uid tight joint is the main consideration, then the steel rivets are used. The rivets for general purposes shall be manufactured from steel conforming to the following Indian Standards: 1. IS : 1148-1982 (Reaļ¬ƒrmed 1992) - Speciļ¬cation for hot rolled rivet bars (up to 40 mm diameter) for structural purposes; or 2. IS : 1149-1982 (Reaļ¬ƒrmed 1992) - Speciļ¬cation for high tensile steel rivet bars for structural purposes. 5 Essential Qualities of a Rivet According to Indian standard, IS : 2998 1982 (Reaļ¬ƒrmed 1992), the material of a rivet must have a tensile strength not less than 40 N/mm2 and elongation not less than 26 percent. The material must be of such quality that when in cold condition, the shank shall be bent on itself through 180o without cracking and after being heated to 650o C and quenched, it must pass the same test. The rivet when hot must ļ¬‚atten without cracking to a diameter 2.5 times the diameter of shank. 6 Manufacture of Rivets According to Indian standard speciļ¬cations, the rivets may be made either by cold heading or by hot forging. If rivets are made by the cold heading process, they shall subsequently be adequately heat treated so that the stresses set up in the cold heading process are eliminated. If they are made by hot forging process, care shall be taken to see that the ļ¬nished rivets cool gradually. 7 Types of Rivet Heads According to Indian standard speciļ¬cations, the rivet heads are classiļ¬ed into the following three types: 1. Rivet heads for general purposes (below 12 mm diameter), according to IS : 2155 - 1982 (Reaļ¬ƒrmed 1996). Figure 3: Rivet heads for general purposes (below 12 mm diameter).
  • 5. 2. Rivet heads for general purposes (From 12 mm to 48 mm diameter), according to IS : 1929 - 1982 (Reaf- ļ¬rmed 1996). Figure 4: Rivet heads for general purposes (from 12 mm to 48 mm diameter) 3. Rivet heads for boiler work (from 12 mm to 48 mm diameter, according to IS : 1928 - 1961 (Reaļ¬ƒrmed 1996). Figure 5: Rivet heads for boiler work. The snap heads are usually employed for structural work and machine riveting. The counter sunk heads are mainly used for ship building where ļ¬‚ush surfaces are necessary. The conical heads (also known as conoidal
  • 6. heads) are mainly used in case of hand hammering. The pan heads have maximum strength, but these are diļ¬ƒcult to shape. 8 Types of Riveted Joints Following are the two types of riveted joints, depending upon the way in which the plates are connected. 1. Lap joint, and 2. Butt joint. 9 Lap Joint A lap joint is that in which one plate overlaps the other and the two plates are then riveted together. 10 Butt Joint A butt joint is that in which the main plates are kept in alignment butting (i.e.touching) each other and a cover plate (i.e.strap) is placed either on one side or on both sides of the main plates. The cover plate is then riveted together with the main plates. Butt joints are of the following two types : 1. Single strap butt joint, the edges of the main plates butt against each other and only one cover plate is placed on one side of the main plates and then riveted together. 2. Double strap butt joint, the edges of the main plates butt against each other and two cover plates are placed on both sides of the main plates and then riveted together. Figure 6: Single and double riveted lap joints.
  • 7. Figure 7: Triple riveted lap joint. Figure 8: Single riveted double strap butt joint.
  • 8. Figure 9: Double riveted double strap (equal) butt joints. Figure 10: Double riveted double strap (unequal) butt joint with zig-zag riveting.
  • 9. Figure 11: Triple riveted double strap (unequal) butt joint. 11 Important Terms Used in Riveted Joints The following terms in connection with the riveted joints are important from the subject point of view : 1. Pitch. It is the distance from the center of one rivet to the center of the next rivet measured parallel to the seam. It is usually denoted by p. 2. Back pitch. It is the perpendicular distance between the center lines of the successive rows. It is usually denoted by pb. 3. Diagonal pitch. It is the distance between the centers of the rivets in adjacent rows of zig-zag riveted joint. It is usually denoted by pd. 4. Margin or marginal pitch. It is the distance between the center of rivet hole to the nearest edge of the plate. It is usually denoted by m. 12 Caulking and Fullering In order to make the joints leak proof or ļ¬‚uid tight in pressure vessels like steam boilers, air receivers and tanks etc. a process known as caulking is employed. In this process, a narrow blunt tool called caulking tool, about 5 mm thick and 38 mm in breadth, is used. The edge of the tool is ground to an angle of 80o . The tool is moved after each blow along the edge of the plate, which is planed to a bevel of 75o to 80o to facilitate the forcing down of edge. It is seen that the tool burrs down the plate at A forming a metal to metal joint. In actual practice, both the edges at A and B are caulked. The head of the rivets as shown at C are also turned down with a caulking tool to make a joint steam tight. A great care is taken to prevent injury to the plate below the tool. A more satisfactory way of making the joints staunch is known as fullering which has largely superseded caulking. In this case, a fullering tool with a thickness at the end equal to that of the plate is used in such a way that the greatest pressure due to the blows occur near the joint, giving a clean ļ¬nish, with less risk of damaging the plate.
  • 10. Figure 12: Caulking and fullering. 13 Failures of a Riveted Joint A riveted joint may fail in the following ways : 1. Tearing of the plate at an edge. A joint may fail due to tearing of the plate at an edge. This can be avoided by keeping the margin, m = 1.5d Figure 13: Tearing of the plate at an edge. 2. Tearing of the plate across a row of rivets. We know that tearing area per pitch length, A = (p āˆ’ d)t āˆ“ Tearing resistance or pull required to tear oļ¬€ the plate per pitch length, Pt = At Ļƒt = (p āˆ’ d) t Ļƒt When the tearing resistance (Pt) is greater than the applied load (P) per pitch length, then this type of failure will not occur. Figure 14: Tearing of the plate across the rows of rivets.
  • 11. 3. Shearing of the rivets. We know that shearing area, As = Ļ€ 4 d2 ...(In single shear) = 2 Ļ€ 4 d2 ...(Theoretically, in double shear) = 1.875 Ļ€ 4 d2 ...(In double shear, according to Indian Boiler Regulations) āˆ“ Shearing resistance or pull required to shear oļ¬€ the rivet per pitch length, Ps = n Ļ€ 4 d2 Ļ„ ...(In single shear) = 2 n Ļ€ 4 d2 Ļ„ ...(Theoretically, in double shear) = 1.875 n Ļ€ 4 d2 Ļ„ ...(In double shear, according to Indian Boiler Regulations) When the shearing resistance (Ps) is greater than the applied load (P) per pitch length, then this type of failure will occur. Figure 15: Shearing of rivets. Figure 16: Shearing oļ¬€ a rivet in double cover butt joint. 4. Crushing of the plate or rivets. We know that crushing area per rivet (i.e.projected area per rivet), Ac = d t āˆ“ Total crushing area = n d t and crushing resistance or pull required to crush the rivet per pitch length, Pc = n d t Ļƒc When the crushing resistance (Pc) is greater than the applied load (P) per pitch length, then this type of failure will occur. Note: The number of rivets under shear shall be equal to the number of rivets under crushing.
  • 12. Figure 17: Shearing oļ¬€ a rivet in double cover butt joint. 14 Strength of a Riveted Joint The strength of a joint may be deļ¬ned as the maximum force, which it can transmit, without causing it to fail. We have that Pt , Ps and Pc are the pulls required to tear oļ¬€ the plate, shearing oļ¬€ the rivet and crushing oļ¬€ the rivet. A little consideration will show that if we go on increasing the pull on a riveted joint, it will fail when the least of these three pulls is reached, because a higher value of the other pulls will never reach since the joint has failed, either by tearing oļ¬€ the plate, shearing oļ¬€ the rivet or crushing oļ¬€ the rivet. If the joint is continuous as in case of boilers, the strength is calculated per pitch length. But if the joint is small, the strength is calculated for the whole length of the plate. 15 Eļ¬ƒciency of a Riveted Joint The eļ¬ƒciency of a riveted joint is deļ¬ned as the ratio of the strength of riveted joint to the strength of the un-riveted or solid plate. We have already discussed that strength of the riveted joint = Least of Pt, Ps and Pc Strength of the un-riveted or solid plate per pitch length, P = p t Ļƒt āˆ“ Eļ¬ƒciency of the riveted joint, Ī· = Least of Pt, Ps and Pc p t Ļƒt 16 Design of Boiler Joints The boiler has a longitudinal joint as well as circumferential joint. The longitudinal joint is used to join the ends of the plate to get the required diameter of a boiler. For this purpose, a butt joint with two cover plates is used. The circumferential joint is used to get the required length of the boiler. For this purpose, a lap joint with one ring overlapping the other alternately is used. Since a boiler is made up of number of rings, therefore the longitudinal joints are staggered for convenience of connecting rings at places where both longitudinal and circumferential joints occur. 17 Assumptions in Designing Boiler Joints The following assumptions are made while designing a joint for boilers : 1. The load on the joint is equally shared by all the rivets. The assumption implies that the shell and plate are rigid and that all the deformation of the joint takes place in the rivets themselves. 2. The tensile stress is equally distributed over the section of metal between the rivets. 3. The shearing stress in all the rivets is uniform. 4. The crushing stress is uniform. 5. There is no bending stress in the rivets. 6. The holes into which the rivets are driven do not weaken the member. 7. The rivet ļ¬lls the hole after it is driven. 8. The friction between the surfaces of the plate is neglected.
  • 13. 18 Design of Longitudinal Butt Joint for a Boiler According to Indian Boiler Regulations (I.B.R), the following procedure should be adopted for the design of longitudinal butt joint for a boiler. 1. Thickness of boiler shell. t = P D 2 Ļƒt Ī·l + 1 mm as corrosion allowance The following points may be noted : (a) The thickness of the boiler shell should not be less than 7 mm. (b) The eļ¬ƒciency of the joint may be taken from the following table. (c) Indian Boiler Regulations (I.B.R.) allow a maximum eļ¬ƒciency of 85% for the best joint. (c) According to I.B.R., the factor of safety should not be less than 4. The following table shows the values of factor of safety for various kind of joints in boilers. 2. Diameter of rivets. using Unwinā€™s empirical formula, d = 6 āˆš t ...(when t is greater than 8 mm) But if the thickness of plate is less than 8 mm, then the diameter of the rivet hole may be calculated by equating the shearing resistance of the rivets to crushing resistance. In no case, the diameter of rivet hole should not be less than the thickness of the plate, because there will be danger of punch crushing. The following table gives the rivet diameter corresponding to the diameter of rivet hole as per IS : 1928 1961 (Reaļ¬ƒrmed 1996).
  • 14.
  • 15. 3. Pitch of rivets. The pitch of the rivets is obtained by equating the tearing resistance of the plate to the shearing resistance of the rivets. It may noted that (a) The pitch of the rivets should not be less than 2d, which is necessary for the formation of head. (b) The maximum value of the pitch of rivets for a longitudinal joint of a boiler as per I.B.R. is Pmax = C t + 41.28 mm Note: If the pitch of rivets as obtained by equating the tearing resistance to the shearing resistance is more than pmax , then the value of pmax is taken. 4. Distance between the rows of rivets. The distance between the rows of rivets as speciļ¬ed by Indian Boiler Regulations is as follows : (a) For equal number of rivets in more than one row for lap joint or butt joint, the distance between the rows of rivets (pb) should not be less than 0.33 p + 0.67 d, for zig-zig riveting, and 2d, for chain riveting. (b) For joints in which the number of rivets in outer rows is half the number of rivets in inner rows and if the inner rows are chain riveted, the distance between the outer rows and the next rows should not be less than 0.33 p + 0.67 or 2 d, whichever is greater. The distance between the rows in which there are full number of rivets shall not be less than 2d. (c) For joints in which the number of rivets in outer rows is half the number of rivets in inner rows and if the inner rows are zig-zig riveted, the distance between the outer rows and the next rows shall not be less than 0.2 p + 1.15 d. The distance between the rows in which there are full number of rivets (zig-zag) shall not be less than 0.165 p + 0.67 d. Note: In the above discussion, pis the pitch of the rivets in the outer rows. 5. Thickness of butt strap. According to I.B.R., the thicknesses for butt strap (t1) are as given below : (a) The thickness of butt strap, in no case, shall be less than 10 mm (b) t1 = 1.125 t, for ordinary (chain riveting) single butt strap. t1 = 1.125 t p āˆ’ d p āˆ’ 2d , for single butt straps, every alternate rivet in outer rows being omitted. t1 = 0.625 t, for double butt-straps of equal width having ordinary riveting (chain riveting). t1 = 0.625 t p āˆ’ d p āˆ’ 2d , for double butt straps of equal width having every alternate rivet in the outer rows being omitted.
  • 16. 6. For unequal width of butt straps, the thicknesses of butt strap are t1 = 0.75 t, for wide strap on the inside, and t2 = 0.625 t, for narrow strap on the outside. 7. Margin. The margin (m) is taken as 1.5 d. Note : The above procedure may also be applied to ordinary riveted joints. 19 Design of Circumferential Lap Joint for a Boiler The following procedure is adopted for the design of circumferential lap joint for a boiler. 1. Thickness of the shell and diameter of rivets. The thickness of the boiler shell and the diameter of the rivet will be same as for longitudinal joint. 2. Number of rivets. Since it is a lap joint, therefore the rivets will be in single shear. āˆ“ Shearing resistance of the rivets, Ps = n Ļ€ 4 d2 Ļ„ Knowing the inner diameter of the boiler shell (D), and the pressure of steam (P), the total shearing load acting on the circumferential joint, Ws = Ļ€ 4 D2 P n Ļ€ 4 d2 Ļ„ = Ļ€ 4 D2 P āˆ“ n = D d 2 P Ļ„ 3. Pitch of rivets. If the eļ¬ƒciency of the longitudinal joint is known, then the eļ¬ƒciency of the circumferential joint may be obtained. It is generally taken as 50% of tearing eļ¬ƒciency in longitudinal joint, but if more than one circumferential joints is used, then it is 62% for the intermediate joints. Knowing the eļ¬ƒciency of the circumferential lap joint (Ī·c), the pitch of the rivets for the lap joint (p1) may be obtained by using the relation : Ī·c = p1 āˆ’ d p1 4. Number of rows. Number of rows = Total number of rivets Number of rivets in one row and the number of rivets in one row = Ļ€ (D + t) p1 5. After ļ¬nding out the number of rows, the type of the joint (i.e. single riveted or double riveted etc.) may be decided. Then the number of rivets in a row and pitch may be re-adjusted. In order to have a leak-proof joint, the pitch for the joint should be checked from Indian Boiler Regulations. 6. The distance between the rows of rivets (i.e. back pitch) is calculated by using the relations as discussed in the previous article. 7. After knowing the distance between the rows of rivets (pb), the overlap of the plate may be ļ¬xed by using the relation, Overlap = (No. of rows of rivets - 1) pb + m
  • 17. 20 Recommended Joints for Pressure Vessels The following table shows the recommended joints for pressure vessels. 21 Riveted Joint for Structural Use-Joints of Uniform Strength (Lozenge Joint) A riveted joint known as Lozenge joint used for roof, bridge work or girders etc. In such a joint, diamond riveting is employed so that the joint is made of uniform strength. In designing a Lozenge joint, the following procedure is adopted. 1. Diameter of rivet. Using Unwinā€™s formula, d = 6 āˆš t
  • 18. 2. Number of rivets. Pt = (b āˆ’ d) t Ļƒt Since the joint is double strap butt joint, therefore the rivets are in double shear. It is assumed that resistance of a rivet in double shear is 1.75 times than in single shear in order to allow for possible eccentricity of load and defective workmanship. āˆ“ Shearing resistance of one rivet, Ps = 1.75 Ļ€ 4 d2 Ļ„ and crushing resistance of one rivet, Pc = d t Ļƒc āˆ“ Number of rivets required for the joint, n = Pt Least of Ps or Pc 3. From the number of rivets, the number of rows and the number of rivets in each row is decided. 4. Thickness of the butt straps. The thickness of the butt strap, t1 = 1.25 t, for single cover strap = 0.75 t, for double cover strap 5. Eļ¬ƒciency of the joint First of all, calculate the resistances along the sections 1-1, 2-2 and 3-3. At section 1-1, there is only one rivet hole. āˆ“ Resistance of the joint in tearing along 1-1, Pt1 = (b āˆ’ d) t Ļƒt At section 2-2, there are two rivet holes. āˆ“ Resistance of the joint in tearing along 2-2, Pt1 = (b āˆ’ 2d) t Ļƒt + Strength of one rivet in front of section 2-2 (This is due to the fact that for tearing oļ¬€ the plate at section 2-2, the rivet in front of section 2-2 i.e.at section 1-1 must ļ¬rst fracture). Similarly at section 3-3 there are three rivet holes. āˆ“ Resistance of the joint in tearing along 3-3, Pt1 = (b āˆ’ 3d) t Ļƒt + Strength of one rivet in front of section 3-3 The least value of Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Ps or Pc is the strength of the joint. We know that the strength of unriveted plate, P = b t Ļƒt āˆ“ Eļ¬ƒciency of the joint, Ī· = Least of Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Ps or Pc P
  • 19. Note: The permissible stresses employed in structural joints are higher than those used in design of pressure vessels. The following values are usually adopted. For plates in tension ... 140 MPa For rivets in shear ... 105 MPa For crushing of rivets and plates Single shear ... 224 MPa Double shear ... 280 MPa 6. The pitch of the rivets is obtained by equating the strength of the joint in tension to the strength of the rivets in shear. The pitches allowed in structural joints are larger than those of pressure vessels. The following table shows the values of pitch due to Rotscher. 7. The marginal pitch (m) should not be less than 1.5 d. 8. The distance between the rows of rivets is 2.5 d to 3 d. 22 Eccentric Loaded Riveted Joint When the line of action of the load does not pass through the centroid of the rivet system and thus all rivets are not equally loaded, then the joint is said to be an eccentric loaded riveted joint. The eccentric loading
  • 20. results in secondary shear caused by the tendency of force to twist the joint about the center of gravity in addition to direct shear or primary shear. Let P = Eccentric load on the joint The following procedure is adopted for the design of an eccentrically loaded riveted joint. 1. First of all, ļ¬nd the center of gravity G of the rivet system. x = A1x1 + A2x2 + A3x3 + ... A1 + A2 + A3 + ... A1x1 + A2x2 + A3x3 + ... nA = x1 + x2 + x3 + ... n y = y1 + y2 + y3 + ... n 2. Introduce two forces P1 and P2 at the center of gravity G of the rivet system. These forces are equal and opposite to P. 3. Assuming that all the rivets are of the same size, the eļ¬€ect of P1 = P is to produce direct shear load on each rivet of equal magnitude. Therefore, direct shear load on each rivet, Ps = P n , acting parallel to the load P 4. The eļ¬€ect of P2 = P is to produce a turning moment of magnitude P x e which tends to rotate the joint about the center of gravity G of the rivet system in a clockwise direction. Due to the turning moment, secondary shear load on each rivet is produced. In order to ļ¬nd the secondary shear load, the following two assumptions are made : (a) The secondary shear load is proportional to the radial distance of the rivet under consideration from the center of gravity of the rivet system. (b) The direction of secondary shear load is perpendicular to the line joining the center of the rivet to the center of gravity of the rivet system. From assumption (a), F1 āˆ l1; F2 āˆ l2 and so on or F1 l1 = F2 l2 = F3 l3 = ... āˆ“ F2 = F1 l2 l1 , and F3 = F1 l3 l1 We know that the sum of the external turning moment due to the eccentric load and of internal resisting moment of the rivets must be equal to zero. āˆ“ P e = F1l1 + F2l2 + F3l3 + ... = F1l1 + F1 l2 l1 l2 + F1 l3 l1 l3 + ... = F1 l1 l2 1 + l2 2 + l2 3 + ... From the above expression, the value of F1 may be calculated and hence F2 and F3 etc. are known. The direction of these forces are at right angles to the lines joining the center of rivet to the center of gravity of the rivet system and should produce the moment in the same direction (i.e.clockwise or anticlockwise) about the center of gravity, as the turning moment (P x e). 5. The primary (or direct) and secondary shear load may be added vectorially to determine the resultant shear load (R) on each rivet. It may also be obtained by using the relation R = P2 s + F2 + 2PsF cos Īø When the secondary shear load on each rivet is equal, then the heavily loaded rivet will be one in which the included angle between the direct shear load and secondary shear load is minimum. The maximum loaded rivet becomes the critical one for determining the strength of the riveted joint. Knowing the permissible shear stress (Ļ„), the diameter of the rivet hole may be obtained by using the relation, Maximum resultant shear load (R) = Ļ€ 4 d2 Ļ„
  • 21. Figure 18: Eccentric loaded riveted joint. Notes: 1. In the solution of a problem, the primary and shear loads may be laid oļ¬€ approximately to scale and generally the rivet having the maximum resultant shear load will be apparent by inspection. The values of the load for that rivet may then be calculated. 2. When the thickness of the plate is given, then the diameter of the rivet hole may be checked against crushing. 3. When the eccentric load P is inclined at some angle, then the same procedure as discussed above may be followed to ļ¬nd the size of rivet
  • 22. 23 Examples 23.1 Rivet performance
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  • 37. 23.3 Riveted joint for structural use-Joints of uniform strength (Lozenge Joint)
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  • 42. 23.4 Eccentric loaded riveted joint
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  • 53. 24 References 1. R.S. KHURMI, J.K. GUPTA, A Textbook Of Machine Design 25 Contacts mohamed.atyya94@eng-st.cu.edu.eg