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IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)
e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 17, Issue 3, Ver. II (May – Jun. 2015), PP 13-19
DOI: 10.9790/0661-17321319 www.iosrjournals.org 13 | Page
Review of Various Text Categorization Methods
Chandrashekhar P. Bhamare1
, Dinesh D. Patil2
(Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SSGB College of Engineering and Technology,
Bhusawal [M.S.], India)
Abstract : Measuring the similarity between documents is an important operation in the text processing field.
Text categorization (also known as text classification, or topic spotting) is the task of automatically sorting a set
of documents into categories from a predefine set [1]. TEXT categorization (TC) is the task of automatically
classifying unlabeled natural language documents into a predefined set of semantic categories [2]. The term
weighting methods assign appropriate weights to the terms to improve the performance of text categorization
[1]. The traditional term weighting methods borrowed from information retrieval(IR), such as binary, term
frequency (tf), tf:idf, and its various variants, belong to the unsupervised term weighting methods as the
calculation of these weighting methods do not make use of the information on the category membership of
training documents. Generally, the supervised term weighting methods adopt this known information in several
ways. Therefore, the fundamental question arise here, “Does the difference between supervised and
unsupervised term weighting methods have any relationship with different learning algorithms?”, and if we
consider normalized term frequency instead of term frequency along with relevant frequency the new method
will be ntf.rf but will this new method is effective for text categorization? So we would like to answer these
questions by implementing new supervised and unsupervised term weighing method (ntf.rf). The proposed TC
method will use a number of experiments on two benchmark text collections 20NewsGroups and Reuters.
Keywords - Text Categorization, Information Retrieval, Term weighting.
I. Introduction
Text Categorization (TC) is the task of automatically classifying unlabelled natural language
documents into a predefined set of semantic categories. As the first and a vital step, text representation converts
the content of a textual document into a compact format so that the document can be recognized and classified
by a computer or a classifier. This problem has received a special and increased attention from researchers in the
past few decades due to many reasons like the gigantic amount of digital and online documents that are easily
accessible and the increased demand to organize and retrieve these documents efficiently. The fast expansion of
the Internet globally also has increased the need for more text categorization systems. Efficient text
categorization systems are beneficial for many applications, for example, information retrieval, classification of
news stories, text filtering, categorization of incoming e-mail messages and memos, and classification of Web
1.1 Existing System
A large number of machine learning, knowledge engineering, and probabilistic-based methods have
been proposed for TC. The most popular methods include Bayesian probabilistic methods, regression models,
example-based classification, decision trees, decision rules, Rocchio method, neural networks, support vector
machines (SVM), and association rules mining. In the vector space model (VSM), the content of a document is
represented as a vector in the term space. Terms can be at various levels, such as syllables, words, phrases, or
any other complicated semantic and/or syntactic indexing units used to identify the contents of a text. Different
terms have different importance in a text, thus an important indicator wi (usually between 0 and 1) represents
how much the term ti contributes to the semantics of document d. The term weighting method is such an
important step to improve the effectiveness of TC by assigning appropriate weights to terms. Although TC has
been intensively studied for several decades, the term weighting methods for TC are usually borrowed from the
traditional information retrieval (IR) field, for example, the simplest binary representation, the most famous
tf:idf, and its various variants. Recently, the study of term weighting methods for TC has gained increasing
attention. In contrast to IR, TC is a supervised learning task as it makes use of prior information on the
membership of training documents in predefined categories. This known information is effective and has been
widely used for the feature selection [1] and the construction of text classifier to improve the performance of the
system. In this study, we group the term weighting methods into two categories according to whether the
method involves this prior information, i.e., supervised term weighting method (if it uses this known
membership information) and unsupervised term weighting method (if it does not use this information).
Generally, the supervised term weighting methods adopt this known information in several ways. One approach
Review of Various Text Categorization Methods
DOI: 10.9790/0661-17321319 www.iosrjournals.org 14 | Page
is to weight terms by using feature selection metrics they are naturally thought to be of great help to assign
appropriate weights to terms in TC. Another approach is based on statistical confidence intervals [4], which rely
on the prior knowledge of the statistical information in the labeled training data. Nevertheless, there is another
approach that combines the term weighting method with a text classifier [5]. Similar to the idea of using feature
selection scores, the scores used by the text classifier aim to distinguish the documents. Since these supervised
term weighting methods take the document distribution into consideration, they are naturally expected to be
superior to the unsupervised (traditional) term weighting methods. However, not much work has been done on
their comprehensive comparison with unsupervised term weighting methods. Although there are partial
comparisons in [3] and [4], these supervised term weighting methods have been shown to have mixed results. .
There are various works done in text categorization till date, as text categorization can be done in both
ways supervised and unsupervised there are various ways such as Racchio, decision trees, Naïve Bayes, SVM,
etc. but according to results of all these methods it is proven that SVM is one the best method used for Text
Categorization by using bag-of-words.
Decision Tree as one of the method uses information gain factor for text categorization which
categorizes documents on the basis of combination of word occurrences for which it uses the tree based methods
such as ID-3 and C4.5. but in this particular way as it is using combination of words most of words in English
language are used in different ways according to the need of statement, hence in such cases it may give the
proper results word-wise but fails to work in various situations also so we cannot state this as an effective one.
These methods generate classifiers by inductive learning rule [4]. Decision tree induction classifier are biased
towards frequent classes [7]
Naïve Bayes is again one of the method of text categorization in which user can get very reasonable
performance in an attractive frameworks [5]. In this method document is considered as a binary feature vector
which is the representation of whether term is present or not. And is also known as multivariate Bernoulli naïve
Bayes. but in this method there are two problems first is its rough parameter estimation and calculations are
done by taking all positive documents into consideration and second is in handling categories of rare terms or
insufficient data where it cannot work well[6].
Olex again one of the novel method for text categorization specially in case of automatic induction of
rule based text classifier. which needs documents to be classified into positive and negative literals. This rule
allows prediction about belongingness about the terms in document, and also is an optimization problem. Non
informative words are removed from the documents in order to increase the time efficiency; this uses chi2
information gain as one of the key method for calculating the efficiency and term goodness.
On one hand it is proved to be both effective and efficient and on other hand its local one-term-at-a-
time greedy search strategy prevents it to cope with term interaction, as no two or more terms are calculated and
evaluated at a time as a whole. Another problem is inconvenience with rule generation stems from the way how
greedy heuristics works [7].
kNN which are the instance-based classifier do not relay on statistical distribution of training data, they
cannot good positive examples. In this two different documents may be nearest neighbor even they are of
different category and a vice-versa can also occur.
Racchio method also performs well after sorting the data into positive and negative categories but does
not give that much efficiency this can also be proven by Table. 1 with the help of a labeling heuristic, called
PNLH (Positive examples and Negative examples Labeling Heuristic) which is an extension of preliminary
work in [8]. There is one more method introduced by Hisham Al- Mubaid and Syed A. umair, Lsquare using
distributional clustering and learning logic. This is mainly focused on word feature and feature clustering,
generates different separating and nested sets. This gives the results as good as the SVM with the differentiation
of very few points [4].
Table 1: Key Finding of Various Methods Used for Text Classification
Author and Year Method used Key Findings
Hisham Al-Mubaid and Syed A. Umair
Year: 2003
SVM This method is same as ours but they have tested only few
categories from the database [9].
Yiming yang, Jan O. Pedersen Year: 2005 Term weighting
method, CHI2
This method is quite expensive and is better for classifier
such as neural network [2].
Padraig Cunningham and Sarah Jane Delany
Year: 2007
K-NN k-NN is useful if analysis of neighbour is important for
classification [7].
Man Lan, Chew Lim Tan, Senior Member,
IEEE, Jian Su, and Yue Lu, Member, IEEE
Year: 2009
Tf.rf According to him relevant frequency approach is the best
way. But this method can be applied only for two
categories and two keywords from each category [1].
C. Deisy, M. Gowri, S. Baskar, S.M.A.
Kalaiarasi, N. Ramraj Year: 2010
Support Vector
They have implemented modified inverse document
frequency and have implemented classifier for radial basis
function [9].
Pascal Soucy, Guy W. Mineau
Conf Weight This can replace tf.idf method and performs well for both
with and without feature selection [4].
Review of Various Text Categorization Methods
DOI: 10.9790/0661-17321319 www.iosrjournals.org 15 | Page
1.2 Problems in Existing System
Even though there are various methods for text categorization which works differently according to the
method parameters, but this is also true that these values changes or works according to the text hence it is
necessary to check the properties of text. Some of which are listed below
1. Requires Labeled Database
2. Requires Cleaned dataset
3. Requires Linear reparability in dataset
4. Document vectors are sparse
5. High dimensional input space
6. Irrelevant features
1.3 Improvement in Existing System
1. Requires Labeled Database: Existing Systems requires labeling input for text categorization. This can be
overcome by machine learning approach which will use training and testing phase, doesn’t requires labeled
2. Requires Cleaned dataset: Existing Systems requires cleaned dataset. This can be overcome by
incorporating preprocessing in proposed system, which consist filtering, tokenization, steaming and
3. Requires Linear reparability in dataset: most of categories of Ohsumed database are linearly separable
hence classifier need to find it out first and so are many of the Reuters tasks also where the idea of existing
is to find such linear separators.
4. Document vectors are sparse: for each document there are some entries which are not zero. Kivinen,
Warmuth and Auer [8] gives both the theoretical and empirical evidences for the mistakes bound model that
additive algorithms, which have similar inductive bias like proposed system are well suited for problems
like dense concepts and sparse instances.
5. High dimensional input space: When we actually categorize the text we come across many features and
proposed system will give over fitting protection which does not depends on the number of features. They
have potential to handle large number of feature spaces.
6. Irrelevant features: To avoid the above stated problem one way is this and will do through feature selection.
Through text categorization we get very few relevant features according to their information gain factor
also many time even word occurring very few times gives the more relevant information. So the good
classifier must combine many features and this aggressive selection may lead to loss of information and
proposed system will give many parameters for feature selection, which may avoid this up to great extent.
Another two advantages of proposed system are one, it is based on simple ideas and provides clear
intuition of what we are exactly learning from those examples. Second is it performs very well in practical
applications and complex algorithm of feature extraction.
II. Proposed System
2.1 Term Weighting Methods: A Brief Review
In text representation terms are words or phrases or any indexing term and each is represented by a
value whose measure gives the importance of that term. All documents are categorized to get the features and
those features acts as a keyword. The frequency of keyword that is the number of times the particular term
occurs in the document is denoted by tf (term frequency), likewise there are various terms which gives
frequency count of keywords which are given in table 2 as given below.
Table 2: Term Frequency Factor [1]
Term frequency factor Denoted by Description
1.0 Binary Binary weight =1 for terms present in a vector
Tf alone Tf Row term frequency(no of times term occurs in a document)
Log(1+tf) Log tf Logarithm of a term frequency
1-(1/(1+tf)) ITF Inverse term frequency usually tf-1
ntf Ntf Normalized term frequency
In Table 2 four are commonly used term frequency factor in which binary term gives only the presence
of term by 0 and 1 but it does not give importance of term hence we cannot use this in feature generation this is
used in Naïve Bayes and Decision Trees also. Next is most popular term frequency representation which adopts
raw term frequency however different variants of this also gives log(1+tf) which is nearly as same as log(tf) this
is used to scale the unfavorably high term frequency in the documents[1], this is again reduced to certain extend
by formula 1-(1/(1+tf)) known as inverse term frequency but this frequency factor is not as effective as an term
frequency, no doubt it reduces the value of term frequency when it is high but it does not support to the new
Review of Various Text Categorization Methods
DOI: 10.9790/0661-17321319 www.iosrjournals.org 16 | Page
input document of classifier to categorize if it is not exactly the keyword but very close to the keyword. In that
case we need to use the term frequency but if we do so again we need to minimize the unfavorable high value so
the another solution that we are proposing in this is normalized term frequency factor denoted as ntf. Which is
given by the equation (1) where i is the keyword that we want to search for and j is the document in which it
occurs, while ki is the maximum times occurring keyword in that document which may be or may not be same
as i.
ntf 
 (1)
This gives the normalized term frequency of the document. There are various term weighting methods
used for text categorization before this which are listed in table 4, if we go according to that we need to
calculated few parameters such as information gain (ig), odds ratio (OR), chi square(x2
), relevant frequency (rf)
and inverse document frequency (idf) this calculation is done by dividing the documents in to positive and
negative categories and all the calculations are done on the term basis. Suppose there are six terms t1, t2, t3, t4,
t5 and t6 as shown in Figure 2 Given one chosen positive category on data collection. Each column represents
Fig 1: Examples of different distributions of documents that contain six terms in the whole collection [1]
Distribution in the corpus for each term and height is number of documents. The horizontal line divides
these documents into two categories the positive (above) and negative(below) the heights of the column above
and below the horizontal line denote the number of documents in the positive and negative categories,
respectively. The height of the shaded part is the number of documents that contains this term we use a, b, c and
d to denote the number of different document as listed below
 a to denote the number of documents in positive category that contains this term
 b to denote the number of documents in positive category that do not contains this term
 c to denote the number of documents in negative category that contains this term
 d to denote the number of documents in negative category that do not contains this term[1]
Table 3 : Summary of Nine Different Term Weighting Methods[1]
Methods Denoted by Description
Unsupervised Term
Binary 1 for presence, 0 for absence
Tf Term frequency alone
tf.idf Classic tf and idf
Supervised Term Weighting
tf.rf Term and relevant frequency
Rf relevant frequency alone
Tf and chi square
tf.ig Tf and information gain
tf.logOR Tf and logarithm of odds ratio
ntf.rf Proposed method
Now after getting normalized term frequency you need to find for relevant frequency which need two
main parameters one that the number of documents in positive category that contains this term that is a, and the
number of documents in negative category that contains this term that is c, based on these two parameters
relevant frequency is calculated as given in equation (7)
)(2log c
rf  (2)
Review of Various Text Categorization Methods
DOI: 10.9790/0661-17321319 www.iosrjournals.org 17 | Page
By looking at above equation in worst case it may happen that there are no such documents in which
the given term is not occurring at all in that case the denominator will become zero and will lead to divide by
zero error hence in that case the another option is chose one instead of c, and equation(7) will be modified as
equation(8) as given below
)( ),1.(max2log c
rf  (3)
As the term weighting methods described in table 4 we can go to the calculation of our proposed term
weighting method that calculating ntf and rf and multiplying the both which will generate the new term
weighting method. When we make term frequency as an normalized one it gives the frequency in range of 0 to 1
which we can call as an normalized one and restrict to unfavorable term count values that is why chosen
normalized frequency rather that term frequency when we combine that with idf we get the weights of the terms
which generate the vector space model.
2.2 Block Diagram of Proposed System
This input data is then filtered i.e. the special characters and special symbols such as @, <, >, $, ^, etc.
are removed. Tokenization During this phase, all remaining text is parsed, lowercased and all punctuation
removed. Stemming techniques are used to find out the root/stem of a word. Stemming converts words to their
stems, which incorporates a great deal of language-dependent linguistic knowledge. Pruning also counts the
number of times a particular term is occurring in the document which is also called as term frequency. In this
way the documents will be preprocessed and in pruning it will measure the number of times of the term
occurrences in the particular document as shown below. On the basis of this count, term frequency is calculated
as the term frequency is nothing but the number of times occurrence of term in the document. Now the data is
ready for further processing which is the generating vector space model for which we need term weighting
method to be calculated first. Here as we are going to use classic tf.idf and its normalization form ntf.idf, will
have to calculate their weight as well to get VSM and proper term weight.
Fig. block diagram of proposed system
Review of Various Text Categorization Methods
DOI: 10.9790/0661-17321319 www.iosrjournals.org 18 | Page
2.3 Flowchart of Proposed System
The basic design of this work is to transform documents into a representation suitable for
categorization and then categorize documents to the predefined categories based on the training weights and the
flow is as shown in figure
Fig. flowchart of proposed system.
2.4 Algorithm of Proposed System
Proposed algorithm for text categorization:
Set of documents D = {D1, D2, . . . , Dm}
// Set of documents to be classified
Fixed set of categories C = {C1, C2, . . . , Cn}
//set of categories in which documents should be classified
Output: Determine di Ɛ C // where di is ith
document from Set of documents D.
1. Wordlist {m, 1} each word in the document
2. // read each word in the document to be classified and set each word in different row which will make a list
3. Wordlist {m, 2}  Filtering (Wordlist)
// above generated list will be given to filtering phase which will remove special characters from the list and
will modify it in second column
4. Wordlist {m, 3}  Tokenization (Wordlist)
// list from second column will be accepted as an input and all stop words will be removed from the list.
Modified list will be in third column
5. Wordlist {m, 4}  Stemming (Wordlist)
// list from third column will be accepted as an input and all words will be converted in their proper verb
form. Modified list will be in fourth column
6. Wordlist  Pruning (Wordlist)
// list from fourth column will be accepted as an input and all words will be counted by their number of
occurrences in the list. Modified list will be given to another uitable.
7. ntf  (tf, k, t)
// by accepting the output of pruning and performing operation as given in equation (27) we will get
normalized term frequency.
Review of Various Text Categorization Methods
DOI: 10.9790/0661-17321319 www.iosrjournals.org 19 | Page
8. idf  log(n/N) // as given in equation (28) inverse document frequency will be calculated
9. VSM  ntf * idf // as given in equation (29) and (30) vector space model and normalized vector space
model is calculated.
10. Crate Classifier // depending on the methodology getting used classifier will be created
11. Use Classifier C (Y/X) // by passing appropriate parameters to the above created classifier document get
12. Select the best classification result // finally we will get the classification results
2.5 Method : Proposed system will work in three major steps
Step 1: Preprocessing
 Filtering: Filters the input dataset.
 Tokenization: It removes lowercased and all punctuation.
 Stemming: IT converts words to their root stems.
 Pruning: It counts the number of times a particular term is occurring in the document.
Step 2: Training the Classifier
 Calculating tf, idf, VSM: calculate the weights as well to get VSM and proper term weight.
 Keyword List: It contains all terms occurring in the documents of respective category.
 Training the classifier: It trains in supervised and unsupervised manner.
Step 3: Testing the classifier: It test the accuracy of classifier by providing unseen dataset.
III. Conclusion And Future Work
The performance of term weighting methods specially unsupervised term weighting methods has close
relationship with learning algorithms and data corpora and we can also state that ntf.rf and ntf.idf will give
better performance than tf.rf and tf has no relationship with algorithm and data corpora. Proposed system will
perform very well in all cases. There is no doubt that tf.rf performs well is proved by all evidences but this is not
well suited when there are large number of categories and more number of keywords hence in that case ntf.rf
and even more that that ntf.idf is well doing. And a good text categorization can be performed in both supervises
and unsupervised machine learning. Proposed system will use term weighting methods with preprocessing, so it
will not requires labeled data and with the help of this, automatically result will be improved in the form of
precession, recall and accuracy.
In future we are planning to test the data for all other term weighting methods as well, for supervised as
well as unsupervised. Along with this we want to test the data for different natural language datasets, which are
globally available.
[1] Man lan, Chew lim Tan, senier member, IEEE, Jian Su and Yue Lu, member, IEEE “Supervised and traditional term weighting
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[4] P.Soucy and G. W. Mineau, “ beyond TFIDF weighting for text categorizationin vector space model”, Proc. Int’l Joint Conf.
Artifial Intelligence. Pp. 1130-1135, 2005.
[5] Thorsten Joachims, “Text Categorization with Support Vector Machines: Learning with many relevant features” Universitat
Dortmund informatik ls8, baropar, 44221 Dortmund, Germany.
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Review of Various Text Categorization Methods

  • 1. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 17, Issue 3, Ver. II (May – Jun. 2015), PP 13-19 www.iosrjournals.org DOI: 10.9790/0661-17321319 www.iosrjournals.org 13 | Page Review of Various Text Categorization Methods Chandrashekhar P. Bhamare1 , Dinesh D. Patil2 1,2. (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SSGB College of Engineering and Technology, Bhusawal [M.S.], India) Abstract : Measuring the similarity between documents is an important operation in the text processing field. Text categorization (also known as text classification, or topic spotting) is the task of automatically sorting a set of documents into categories from a predefine set [1]. TEXT categorization (TC) is the task of automatically classifying unlabeled natural language documents into a predefined set of semantic categories [2]. The term weighting methods assign appropriate weights to the terms to improve the performance of text categorization [1]. The traditional term weighting methods borrowed from information retrieval(IR), such as binary, term frequency (tf), tf:idf, and its various variants, belong to the unsupervised term weighting methods as the calculation of these weighting methods do not make use of the information on the category membership of training documents. Generally, the supervised term weighting methods adopt this known information in several ways. Therefore, the fundamental question arise here, “Does the difference between supervised and unsupervised term weighting methods have any relationship with different learning algorithms?”, and if we consider normalized term frequency instead of term frequency along with relevant frequency the new method will be ntf.rf but will this new method is effective for text categorization? So we would like to answer these questions by implementing new supervised and unsupervised term weighing method (ntf.rf). The proposed TC method will use a number of experiments on two benchmark text collections 20NewsGroups and Reuters. Keywords - Text Categorization, Information Retrieval, Term weighting. I. Introduction Text Categorization (TC) is the task of automatically classifying unlabelled natural language documents into a predefined set of semantic categories. As the first and a vital step, text representation converts the content of a textual document into a compact format so that the document can be recognized and classified by a computer or a classifier. This problem has received a special and increased attention from researchers in the past few decades due to many reasons like the gigantic amount of digital and online documents that are easily accessible and the increased demand to organize and retrieve these documents efficiently. The fast expansion of the Internet globally also has increased the need for more text categorization systems. Efficient text categorization systems are beneficial for many applications, for example, information retrieval, classification of news stories, text filtering, categorization of incoming e-mail messages and memos, and classification of Web pages. 1.1 Existing System A large number of machine learning, knowledge engineering, and probabilistic-based methods have been proposed for TC. The most popular methods include Bayesian probabilistic methods, regression models, example-based classification, decision trees, decision rules, Rocchio method, neural networks, support vector machines (SVM), and association rules mining. In the vector space model (VSM), the content of a document is represented as a vector in the term space. Terms can be at various levels, such as syllables, words, phrases, or any other complicated semantic and/or syntactic indexing units used to identify the contents of a text. Different terms have different importance in a text, thus an important indicator wi (usually between 0 and 1) represents how much the term ti contributes to the semantics of document d. The term weighting method is such an important step to improve the effectiveness of TC by assigning appropriate weights to terms. Although TC has been intensively studied for several decades, the term weighting methods for TC are usually borrowed from the traditional information retrieval (IR) field, for example, the simplest binary representation, the most famous tf:idf, and its various variants. Recently, the study of term weighting methods for TC has gained increasing attention. In contrast to IR, TC is a supervised learning task as it makes use of prior information on the membership of training documents in predefined categories. This known information is effective and has been widely used for the feature selection [1] and the construction of text classifier to improve the performance of the system. In this study, we group the term weighting methods into two categories according to whether the method involves this prior information, i.e., supervised term weighting method (if it uses this known membership information) and unsupervised term weighting method (if it does not use this information). Generally, the supervised term weighting methods adopt this known information in several ways. One approach
  • 2. Review of Various Text Categorization Methods DOI: 10.9790/0661-17321319 www.iosrjournals.org 14 | Page is to weight terms by using feature selection metrics they are naturally thought to be of great help to assign appropriate weights to terms in TC. Another approach is based on statistical confidence intervals [4], which rely on the prior knowledge of the statistical information in the labeled training data. Nevertheless, there is another approach that combines the term weighting method with a text classifier [5]. Similar to the idea of using feature selection scores, the scores used by the text classifier aim to distinguish the documents. Since these supervised term weighting methods take the document distribution into consideration, they are naturally expected to be superior to the unsupervised (traditional) term weighting methods. However, not much work has been done on their comprehensive comparison with unsupervised term weighting methods. Although there are partial comparisons in [3] and [4], these supervised term weighting methods have been shown to have mixed results. . There are various works done in text categorization till date, as text categorization can be done in both ways supervised and unsupervised there are various ways such as Racchio, decision trees, Naïve Bayes, SVM, etc. but according to results of all these methods it is proven that SVM is one the best method used for Text Categorization by using bag-of-words. Decision Tree as one of the method uses information gain factor for text categorization which categorizes documents on the basis of combination of word occurrences for which it uses the tree based methods such as ID-3 and C4.5. but in this particular way as it is using combination of words most of words in English language are used in different ways according to the need of statement, hence in such cases it may give the proper results word-wise but fails to work in various situations also so we cannot state this as an effective one. These methods generate classifiers by inductive learning rule [4]. Decision tree induction classifier are biased towards frequent classes [7] Naïve Bayes is again one of the method of text categorization in which user can get very reasonable performance in an attractive frameworks [5]. In this method document is considered as a binary feature vector which is the representation of whether term is present or not. And is also known as multivariate Bernoulli naïve Bayes. but in this method there are two problems first is its rough parameter estimation and calculations are done by taking all positive documents into consideration and second is in handling categories of rare terms or insufficient data where it cannot work well[6]. Olex again one of the novel method for text categorization specially in case of automatic induction of rule based text classifier. which needs documents to be classified into positive and negative literals. This rule allows prediction about belongingness about the terms in document, and also is an optimization problem. Non informative words are removed from the documents in order to increase the time efficiency; this uses chi2 and information gain as one of the key method for calculating the efficiency and term goodness. On one hand it is proved to be both effective and efficient and on other hand its local one-term-at-a- time greedy search strategy prevents it to cope with term interaction, as no two or more terms are calculated and evaluated at a time as a whole. Another problem is inconvenience with rule generation stems from the way how greedy heuristics works [7]. kNN which are the instance-based classifier do not relay on statistical distribution of training data, they cannot good positive examples. In this two different documents may be nearest neighbor even they are of different category and a vice-versa can also occur. Racchio method also performs well after sorting the data into positive and negative categories but does not give that much efficiency this can also be proven by Table. 1 with the help of a labeling heuristic, called PNLH (Positive examples and Negative examples Labeling Heuristic) which is an extension of preliminary work in [8]. There is one more method introduced by Hisham Al- Mubaid and Syed A. umair, Lsquare using distributional clustering and learning logic. This is mainly focused on word feature and feature clustering, generates different separating and nested sets. This gives the results as good as the SVM with the differentiation of very few points [4]. Table 1: Key Finding of Various Methods Used for Text Classification Author and Year Method used Key Findings Hisham Al-Mubaid and Syed A. Umair Year: 2003 SVM This method is same as ours but they have tested only few categories from the database [9]. Yiming yang, Jan O. Pedersen Year: 2005 Term weighting method, CHI2 This method is quite expensive and is better for classifier such as neural network [2]. Padraig Cunningham and Sarah Jane Delany Year: 2007 K-NN k-NN is useful if analysis of neighbour is important for classification [7]. Man Lan, Chew Lim Tan, Senior Member, IEEE, Jian Su, and Yue Lu, Member, IEEE Year: 2009 Tf.rf According to him relevant frequency approach is the best way. But this method can be applied only for two categories and two keywords from each category [1]. C. Deisy, M. Gowri, S. Baskar, S.M.A. Kalaiarasi, N. Ramraj Year: 2010 Support Vector Machine They have implemented modified inverse document frequency and have implemented classifier for radial basis function [9]. Pascal Soucy, Guy W. Mineau 2014 Conf Weight This can replace tf.idf method and performs well for both with and without feature selection [4].
  • 3. Review of Various Text Categorization Methods DOI: 10.9790/0661-17321319 www.iosrjournals.org 15 | Page 1.2 Problems in Existing System Even though there are various methods for text categorization which works differently according to the method parameters, but this is also true that these values changes or works according to the text hence it is necessary to check the properties of text. Some of which are listed below 1. Requires Labeled Database 2. Requires Cleaned dataset 3. Requires Linear reparability in dataset 4. Document vectors are sparse 5. High dimensional input space 6. Irrelevant features 1.3 Improvement in Existing System 1. Requires Labeled Database: Existing Systems requires labeling input for text categorization. This can be overcome by machine learning approach which will use training and testing phase, doesn’t requires labeled dataset. 2. Requires Cleaned dataset: Existing Systems requires cleaned dataset. This can be overcome by incorporating preprocessing in proposed system, which consist filtering, tokenization, steaming and pruning. 3. Requires Linear reparability in dataset: most of categories of Ohsumed database are linearly separable hence classifier need to find it out first and so are many of the Reuters tasks also where the idea of existing is to find such linear separators. 4. Document vectors are sparse: for each document there are some entries which are not zero. Kivinen, Warmuth and Auer [8] gives both the theoretical and empirical evidences for the mistakes bound model that additive algorithms, which have similar inductive bias like proposed system are well suited for problems like dense concepts and sparse instances. 5. High dimensional input space: When we actually categorize the text we come across many features and proposed system will give over fitting protection which does not depends on the number of features. They have potential to handle large number of feature spaces. 6. Irrelevant features: To avoid the above stated problem one way is this and will do through feature selection. Through text categorization we get very few relevant features according to their information gain factor also many time even word occurring very few times gives the more relevant information. So the good classifier must combine many features and this aggressive selection may lead to loss of information and proposed system will give many parameters for feature selection, which may avoid this up to great extent. Another two advantages of proposed system are one, it is based on simple ideas and provides clear intuition of what we are exactly learning from those examples. Second is it performs very well in practical applications and complex algorithm of feature extraction. II. Proposed System 2.1 Term Weighting Methods: A Brief Review In text representation terms are words or phrases or any indexing term and each is represented by a value whose measure gives the importance of that term. All documents are categorized to get the features and those features acts as a keyword. The frequency of keyword that is the number of times the particular term occurs in the document is denoted by tf (term frequency), likewise there are various terms which gives frequency count of keywords which are given in table 2 as given below. Table 2: Term Frequency Factor [1] Term frequency factor Denoted by Description 1.0 Binary Binary weight =1 for terms present in a vector Tf alone Tf Row term frequency(no of times term occurs in a document) Log(1+tf) Log tf Logarithm of a term frequency 1-(1/(1+tf)) ITF Inverse term frequency usually tf-1 ntf Ntf Normalized term frequency In Table 2 four are commonly used term frequency factor in which binary term gives only the presence of term by 0 and 1 but it does not give importance of term hence we cannot use this in feature generation this is used in Naïve Bayes and Decision Trees also. Next is most popular term frequency representation which adopts raw term frequency however different variants of this also gives log(1+tf) which is nearly as same as log(tf) this is used to scale the unfavorably high term frequency in the documents[1], this is again reduced to certain extend by formula 1-(1/(1+tf)) known as inverse term frequency but this frequency factor is not as effective as an term frequency, no doubt it reduces the value of term frequency when it is high but it does not support to the new
  • 4. Review of Various Text Categorization Methods DOI: 10.9790/0661-17321319 www.iosrjournals.org 16 | Page input document of classifier to categorize if it is not exactly the keyword but very close to the keyword. In that case we need to use the term frequency but if we do so again we need to minimize the unfavorable high value so the another solution that we are proposing in this is normalized term frequency factor denoted as ntf. Which is given by the equation (1) where i is the keyword that we want to search for and j is the document in which it occurs, while ki is the maximum times occurring keyword in that document which may be or may not be same as i. ),(max ),( jkfreq jifreq iTk ntf   (1) This gives the normalized term frequency of the document. There are various term weighting methods used for text categorization before this which are listed in table 4, if we go according to that we need to calculated few parameters such as information gain (ig), odds ratio (OR), chi square(x2 ), relevant frequency (rf) and inverse document frequency (idf) this calculation is done by dividing the documents in to positive and negative categories and all the calculations are done on the term basis. Suppose there are six terms t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 and t6 as shown in Figure 2 Given one chosen positive category on data collection. Each column represents document Fig 1: Examples of different distributions of documents that contain six terms in the whole collection [1] Distribution in the corpus for each term and height is number of documents. The horizontal line divides these documents into two categories the positive (above) and negative(below) the heights of the column above and below the horizontal line denote the number of documents in the positive and negative categories, respectively. The height of the shaded part is the number of documents that contains this term we use a, b, c and d to denote the number of different document as listed below  a to denote the number of documents in positive category that contains this term  b to denote the number of documents in positive category that do not contains this term  c to denote the number of documents in negative category that contains this term  d to denote the number of documents in negative category that do not contains this term[1] Table 3 : Summary of Nine Different Term Weighting Methods[1] Methods Denoted by Description Unsupervised Term Weighting Binary 1 for presence, 0 for absence Tf Term frequency alone tf.idf Classic tf and idf Supervised Term Weighting tf.rf Term and relevant frequency Rf relevant frequency alone tf.x2 Tf and chi square tf.ig Tf and information gain tf.logOR Tf and logarithm of odds ratio ntf.rf Proposed method Now after getting normalized term frequency you need to find for relevant frequency which need two main parameters one that the number of documents in positive category that contains this term that is a, and the number of documents in negative category that contains this term that is c, based on these two parameters relevant frequency is calculated as given in equation (7) )(2log c a rf  (2)
  • 5. Review of Various Text Categorization Methods DOI: 10.9790/0661-17321319 www.iosrjournals.org 17 | Page By looking at above equation in worst case it may happen that there are no such documents in which the given term is not occurring at all in that case the denominator will become zero and will lead to divide by zero error hence in that case the another option is chose one instead of c, and equation(7) will be modified as equation(8) as given below )( ),1.(max2log c a rf  (3) As the term weighting methods described in table 4 we can go to the calculation of our proposed term weighting method that calculating ntf and rf and multiplying the both which will generate the new term weighting method. When we make term frequency as an normalized one it gives the frequency in range of 0 to 1 which we can call as an normalized one and restrict to unfavorable term count values that is why chosen normalized frequency rather that term frequency when we combine that with idf we get the weights of the terms which generate the vector space model. 2.2 Block Diagram of Proposed System This input data is then filtered i.e. the special characters and special symbols such as @, <, >, $, ^, etc. are removed. Tokenization During this phase, all remaining text is parsed, lowercased and all punctuation removed. Stemming techniques are used to find out the root/stem of a word. Stemming converts words to their stems, which incorporates a great deal of language-dependent linguistic knowledge. Pruning also counts the number of times a particular term is occurring in the document which is also called as term frequency. In this way the documents will be preprocessed and in pruning it will measure the number of times of the term occurrences in the particular document as shown below. On the basis of this count, term frequency is calculated as the term frequency is nothing but the number of times occurrence of term in the document. Now the data is ready for further processing which is the generating vector space model for which we need term weighting method to be calculated first. Here as we are going to use classic tf.idf and its normalization form ntf.idf, will have to calculate their weight as well to get VSM and proper term weight. Fig. block diagram of proposed system
  • 6. Review of Various Text Categorization Methods DOI: 10.9790/0661-17321319 www.iosrjournals.org 18 | Page 2.3 Flowchart of Proposed System The basic design of this work is to transform documents into a representation suitable for categorization and then categorize documents to the predefined categories based on the training weights and the flow is as shown in figure Fig. flowchart of proposed system. 2.4 Algorithm of Proposed System Proposed algorithm for text categorization: Input Set of documents D = {D1, D2, . . . , Dm} // Set of documents to be classified Fixed set of categories C = {C1, C2, . . . , Cn} //set of categories in which documents should be classified Output: Determine di Ɛ C // where di is ith document from Set of documents D. Steps: 1. Wordlist {m, 1} each word in the document 2. // read each word in the document to be classified and set each word in different row which will make a list 3. Wordlist {m, 2}  Filtering (Wordlist) // above generated list will be given to filtering phase which will remove special characters from the list and will modify it in second column 4. Wordlist {m, 3}  Tokenization (Wordlist) // list from second column will be accepted as an input and all stop words will be removed from the list. Modified list will be in third column 5. Wordlist {m, 4}  Stemming (Wordlist) // list from third column will be accepted as an input and all words will be converted in their proper verb form. Modified list will be in fourth column 6. Wordlist  Pruning (Wordlist) // list from fourth column will be accepted as an input and all words will be counted by their number of occurrences in the list. Modified list will be given to another uitable. 7. ntf  (tf, k, t) // by accepting the output of pruning and performing operation as given in equation (27) we will get normalized term frequency.
  • 7. Review of Various Text Categorization Methods DOI: 10.9790/0661-17321319 www.iosrjournals.org 19 | Page 8. idf  log(n/N) // as given in equation (28) inverse document frequency will be calculated 9. VSM  ntf * idf // as given in equation (29) and (30) vector space model and normalized vector space model is calculated. 10. Crate Classifier // depending on the methodology getting used classifier will be created 11. Use Classifier C (Y/X) // by passing appropriate parameters to the above created classifier document get categorized 12. Select the best classification result // finally we will get the classification results 2.5 Method : Proposed system will work in three major steps Step 1: Preprocessing  Filtering: Filters the input dataset.  Tokenization: It removes lowercased and all punctuation.  Stemming: IT converts words to their root stems.  Pruning: It counts the number of times a particular term is occurring in the document. Step 2: Training the Classifier  Calculating tf, idf, VSM: calculate the weights as well to get VSM and proper term weight.  Keyword List: It contains all terms occurring in the documents of respective category.  Training the classifier: It trains in supervised and unsupervised manner. Step 3: Testing the classifier: It test the accuracy of classifier by providing unseen dataset. III. Conclusion And Future Work The performance of term weighting methods specially unsupervised term weighting methods has close relationship with learning algorithms and data corpora and we can also state that ntf.rf and ntf.idf will give better performance than tf.rf and tf has no relationship with algorithm and data corpora. Proposed system will perform very well in all cases. There is no doubt that tf.rf performs well is proved by all evidences but this is not well suited when there are large number of categories and more number of keywords hence in that case ntf.rf and even more that that ntf.idf is well doing. And a good text categorization can be performed in both supervises and unsupervised machine learning. Proposed system will use term weighting methods with preprocessing, so it will not requires labeled data and with the help of this, automatically result will be improved in the form of precession, recall and accuracy. In future we are planning to test the data for all other term weighting methods as well, for supervised as well as unsupervised. Along with this we want to test the data for different natural language datasets, which are globally available. References [1] Man lan, Chew lim Tan, senier member, IEEE, Jian Su and Yue Lu, member, IEEE “Supervised and traditional term weighting method for Automatic Text Categorization” IEEE Trans. on pattern Analysis and Machine Intellegence, Vol 31, no 4, April 2009. [2] Z-H. Deng, S.-W. Tang, D.-Q. Yang, M.- M. Zhang, L.-Y. Li, and K.Q. Xie, “A Comparative Study on Feature Weight in Text Categorization,” Proc. Asia-Pacific Web Conf., vol. 3007, pp. 588-597, 2004. [3] F Debole and F. Sebastini, “Supervisedterm weighting method for automated text categorization” Proc. ACM Symp, Applied Computing, pp. 784-788, 2003. [4] P.Soucy and G. W. Mineau, “ beyond TFIDF weighting for text categorizationin vector space model”, Proc. Int’l Joint Conf. Artifial Intelligence. Pp. 1130-1135, 2005. [5] Thorsten Joachims, “Text Categorization with Support Vector Machines: Learning with many relevant features” Universitat Dortmund informatik ls8, baropar, 44221 Dortmund, Germany. [6] Sang-Bum, Kim, Kyong-Soo Han, hai-Chang Rim, and Sung Hyon Myaeng,” Some effective techniques for naïve Bayes text Classification” IEEE trans. On Knowledge and Data Engineering Vol 18, no 11, Nov 2006. [7] Pasquale Rullo, Veronica Lucia Policicchio, Chiara Cumbo, and Salvature liritano,” Olex: Effective Rule Learning for Text Categorization”, IEEE trans. On Knowledge and Data Engineering Vol 21, no 8, Aug 2009. [8] Hisham al-Mubaid and Syed A. Umair, ”A new Text Categorization Technique using Distributional Clustering and learning Logic” IEEE trans. On Knowledge and Data Engineering Vol 18, no 9, Sept 2006. [9] Marti A. Hearst, University of California, Berkeley, “Support Vector Machine”. [10] Thornsten Joachims and Megh Meel Gure ”Text Categorization with support vector machines: Learning with Many Relevant Features”. [11] Aixin Sun, Ee-Peng Lim, senier member, IEEE, Wee-Keong Ng, Member, IEEE Computer Society and Jaideeep srivastava, Felleow, IEEE, “ Blocking Reduction Strategies in Heirarchhical text Classification”, IEEE trans. On Knowledge and Data Engineering Vol 16, no 10, Oct 2004. [12] Axin Sun, Ee-Peng Lim and Ying Liu, “What makes Categories difficult to Classify? A stydy on predicting classification performance for Categories”.