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International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.5, May 2014 
E-ISSN: 2321-9637 
An Algorithmic Approach of Keyword Extraction 
based Text Document Classification 
Yoganand.C.S1, Vadivel.R2 
PG Student of CSE1, Assistant Professor of CSE2 
Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore1, 2 
Abstract-The various institutions and industries are converting their documents into electronic text files. The 
documents may contains applications, personal documents, properties documents etc. The categorization of the 
text documents are really makes a very big issue. In this paper we propose the various techniques for the 
document classification process. These documents may be in the form of supervised, unsupervised or semi-supervised 
documents. The supervised documents are the standard documents which are contains the proper 
format of data. They can be classified by using the Naïve Bayes model with the help Hidden Markov Model 
(HMM). The keyword and key Phrases are extracted and used as a training set for the further document 
classification along with the training dataset. The keyword extraction can be done based on the Word count 
method and Porter stemming algorithms. Further documents can be classified using Naïve Bayes and Support 
Vector Machine (SVM), Subspace, Decision Tree and k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) methods. 
Index Terms-Support Vector Machines (SVM), Hidden Markov Model (HMM), k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN), 
Text categorization, mapping models. 
Nowadays all institutions and private companies 
keep their files in electronic format in order to reduce 
the paperwork and, at the same time provide instant 
access to the information contained. Document 
clustering and classification in one of the most 
important text mining methods that are developed to 
help users effectively navigate, summarize and 
organize text documents. Document classification can 
be defined as the task of automatically categorizing 
collections of electronic documents into their 
annotated classes based on their contents [3]. Recent 
years, this has become important due to the advent of 
large amounts of data in digital form. Document 
classification in the form of text classification systems 
have been widely implemented in numerous 
applications such as spam filtering, emails 
categorizing, directory maintenance and plagiarism 
checking processes [6]. 
Data mining is useful in discovering implicit, 
potentially valuable information or knowledge and 
previously unknown from large datasets. Text 
Document classification denotes the test of assigning 
raw text documents to one or more pre-defined 
categories [2]. This is a direct concept from machine 
learning, which denotes the declaration of a set of 
labelled categories as a way to represent the 
documents, and a text classifier trained with a labelled 
training set. Among these approaches, Bayesian 
classification has been widely implemented in many 
real world applications due to its relatively simple 
training and clustering algorithms [7]. 
The concept of text categorization is the 
classification of documents into a fixed number of 
predefined categories or classes [4]. Each document 
can be classified into exactly one or more category 
automatically. Some of the documents are not 
classified into any category [5]. This is known as 
supervised learning problem. Since categories may 
overlap, each category is treated as a separate binary 
classification problem.Each of the document 
classification schemes previously mentioned has its 
own unique properties and associated problems. The 
decision tree induction algorithms and the rule 
induction algorithm are simple to understand and 
interpret the classification [1]. However, these 
algorithms do not work well when the number of 
distinguishing features between documents is large. 
The k-NN algorithm is easy to implement and shows 
its effectiveness in a variety of problem domains [8]. 
As a trade-off to its simplicity, Bayesian classification 
has been reported as one of the poorest-performing 
classification approaches by many research groups 
through extensive experiments and evaluations [7]. 
The paper is organized as follows: section 1 deals 
with Introduction of my paper. Section 2 includes the 
literature survey of my concept. Section 3 explains 
related work, Section 4 gives brief explanation about 
proposed system, system architecture and workflow 
of the project. Section 5 contains Experimental setup 
details and Section 6 contains the Performance 
analysis, results graph of the document classification 
and so on.
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.5, May 2014 
E-ISSN: 2321-9637 
2.1. Naïve Bayes Model for Textclassification 
Naïve Bayes classifiers which are widely used for 
text classification in machine learning are based on 
the conditional probability of features measures 
belonging to a class, feature selection methods are 
used for feature selection. An auxiliary feature 
method is used for text classification [3]. The 
auxiliary feature is chosen from collection of features 
which is determined by using existing feature 
selection method. To improve classification accuracy 
the corresponding conditional probability is adjusted 
[5]. The feature with auxiliary feature was found and 
the probability of the feature with auxiliary feature 
was adjusted after feature selection. 
2.2. Support Vector Machine 
The application of Support vector machine 
(SVM) method is the Text Classification. The SVM 
need both positive and negative training set which are 
uncommon for other classification methods [11]. 
These negative and positive training set are needed for 
the SVM to seek for the decision surface that best 
separates the positive from the negative data in the n 
dimensional space, is called as hyper plane [16]. SVM 
classifier method is outstanding from other with its 
effectiveness to improve performance of text 
classification combining the HMM and SVM where 
HMMs are used to as a feature extractor and then a 
new feature vector is normalized as the input of 
SVMs, so unknown texts are successfully classified 
based on the trained SVMs, also by combing with 
Bayes use to reduce number of feature which as 
reducing number of dimension [13]. 
2.3. Decision Tree 
When decision tree is used for text classification 
it consist tree internal node are label by term, 
branches departing from them are labelled by test on 
the weight, and leaf node are represent corresponding 
class labels .Tree can classify the document by 
running through the query structure from root to until 
it reaches a particular leaf, which represents the goal 
for the classification of the text document [9]. The 
decision tree classification method is outstanding 
from other decision support tools with several 
advantages like its simplicity in interpreting and 
understanding, even for non-expert users [14]. So it is 
only used in some applications processes. 
2.4. Decision Rule 
Decision rules classification method uses the 
rule-based inference to classify documents to their 
annotated categories. A popular format for 
interpretable solutions is the Disjunctive Normal 
Form (DNF) model [19]. A classifier for category ci 
built by an inductive rule learning method consists of 
a DNF rule. In the case of handling a dataset with 
large number of features for each category, strict 
implementation is recommended to reduce the size of 
rules set without affecting the performance of the 
classification [16]. The presents a hybrid method of 
rule based processing and back-propagation neural 
networks for spam filtering. 
2.5. Term Frequency/Inverse Document 
Frequency (TF-IDF) 
A new improved term frequency/inverse 
document frequency (TF-IDF) approach which uses 
confidence, support and characteristic words to 
enhance the recall and precision of text classification. 
Synonyms defined by a lexicon are processed in the 
improved TF-IDF approach [17]. It need to find the 
best matching category for the text document. The 
term (word) frequency/inverse document frequency 
(TF-IDF) approach is commonly used to weigh each 
word in the text document according to how unique it 
is. In other words, the TF-IDF approach captures the 
relevancy among words, text documents and 
particular categories [1]. It put forward the novel 
improved TF-IDF approach for text classification, and 
will focus on this approach in the remainder of this 
paper, and will describe in detail the motivation, 
methodology, and implementation of the improved 
TF-IDF approach. 
The Naïve Bayes text document classification 
will be depends only on the Bayesian rule. The 
Bayesian rule is given below: 
P(D1|D2) = ( P(D2|D1) * P(D1) ) / P(D2) (1) 
where D1and D1are the two documents or two 
constraints of Bayesian rule. 
The probability of D1 happening given D2is 
determined from the probability of D2given D1, the 
probability of D1 occurring and the probability of D2. 
The Bayes Rule enables the calculation of the 
likelihood of event D1 given that D2 has happened. 
This is used in text classification to determine the 
probability that a document D2is of type D1 just by 
looking at the frequencies of words in the document. 
You can think of the Bayes Rule as showing how to 
update the probability of event D1 happening given 
that you've observed D2. 
A category is represented by a collection of 
words and their frequencies; the frequency is the 
number of times that each word has been seen in the 
documents used to train the classifier.Suppose there 
are n categories C0 to Cn-1. Determining which 
category a document D is most associated with means 
calculating the probability that document D is in 
category Ci, written P(Ci|D), for each category 
Ci.Using the Bayes Rule, you can calculate P(Ci|D) by 
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.5, May 2014 
E-ISSN: 2321-9637 
P(Ci|D) = ( P(D|Ci ) * P(Ci) ) / P(D) (2) 
P(Ci|D) is the probability that document D is in 
category Ci; that is, the probability that given the set 
of words in D, they appear in category Ci. P(D|Ci) is 
the probability that for a given category Ci, the words 
in D appear in that category.P(Ci) is the probability of 
a given category; that is, the probability of a 
document being in category Ci without considering its 
contents. P(D) is the probability of that specific 
document occurring. 
To calculate which category D should go in, you 
need to calculate P(Ci|D) for each of the categories 
and find the largest probability. Because each of those 
calculations involves the unknown but fixed value 
P(D), you just ignore it and calculate: 
P(Ci |D) = P(D|Ci) * P(Ci) (3) 
P(D) can also be safely ignored because you are 
interested in the relative not absolute values of 
P(Ci|D), and P(D) simply acts as a scaling factor on 
P(Ci|D).D is split into the set of words in the 
document, called W0 through Wm-1. To calculate 
P(D|Ci), calculate the product of the probabilities for 
each word; that is, the likelihood that each word 
appears in Ci. Here's the "naïve" step: Assume that 
words appear independently from other words (which 
is clearly not true for most languages) and P(D|Ci) is 
the simple product of the probabilities for each word: 
P(D|Ci) = P(W0|Ci) * P(W1|Ci) * ... * P(Wm-1|Ci) (4) 
For any category, P(Wj|Ci) is calculated as the 
number of times Wj appears in Ci divided by the total 
number of words in Ci. P(Ci) is calculated as the total 
number of words in Ci divided by the total number of 
words in all the categories put together. Hence, 
P(Ci|D) is: 
P(W0|Ci) * P(W1|Ci) * ... * P(W m-1|Ci) * P(Ci) (5) 
for each category, and picking the largest determines 
the category for document D. 
The documents are also classified by using the 
SVM. They use hyperplane method for classification. 
The hyperplane can be estimated using the same word 
count and occurrences of words in the document. 
Hyperplane can classify the text documents based on 
the weight or term frequency values of the documents. 
The Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) model is used for 
SVM classification. 
The Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine 
algorithms are used for document classification. The 
keywords can be extracted from documents using 
porter-stemming algorithm. Fig.1 shows the workflow 
diagram on the proposed system. The extracted 
keywords and key-phrases are used as the training set 
for further document classification. The TF-IDF 
method is used to calculate the probability of word 
occurrence in each document. TF is the Term 
Frequency, it helps to calculate the occurrence of 
word in each page of the document, IDF is the Inverse 
Term Frequency, and it helps to calculate the 
complete word occurrence count in whole documents. 
The preprocessing steps involved in document 
classifications are stop words removal and stemming 
4.1. Stop Word Removal 
This is the first step in preprocessing which will 
generate a list of terms that describes the document 
satisfactorily. The document is parsed through to find 
out the list of all the words. The next process in this 
step is to reduce the size of the list created by the 
parsing process, generally using methods of stop 
words removal and stemming. The stop words 
removal accounts to 20% to 30% of total words 
counts while the process of stemming reduce the 
number of terms in the document. Both the process 
helps in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of 
text processing as they reduce the indexing file 
size.Stop words are removed from each of the 
document by comparing the with the stop word list. 
This process reduces the number of words in the 
document significantly since these stop words are 
insignificant for search keywords. Stop words can be 
pre-specified list of words or they can depend on the 
context of the corpus. 
4.2. Stemming 
The next process in phase one after stop word 
removal is stemming. Stemming is process of 
linguistic normalization in which the variant forms of 
a word is reduced to a common form. For example: 
the word, connect has various forms such as connect, 
connection, connective, connected, etc., Stemming 
process reduces all these forms of words to a 
normalized word connect. Porter’s English stemmer 
algorithm is used to stem the words for each of the 
document in our stemming process. 
4.3. Feature Selection 
Feature selection is the process of selecting a 
subset of the terms occurring in the training set and 
using only this subset as features in text classification. 
Feature selection serves two main purposes. First, it 
makes training and applying a classifier more 
efficient by decreasing the size of the effective 
vocabulary. This is of particular importance for 
classifiers that, unlike NB, are expensive to train. 
Second, feature selection often increases classification 
accuracy by eliminating noise features. A noise 
feature is one that, when added to the document 
representation, increases the classification error on 
new data. Here the Information Gain (IG). These 
features are selected based on the frequency 
measurement of the document.
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.5, May 2014 
E-ISSN: 2321-9637 
4.4. Document Representation 
A term-document matrix can be encoded as a 
collection of n documents and m terms. An entry in 
the matrix corresponds to the “weight” of a term in 
the document; zero means the term has no 
significance in the document or it simply doesn’t exist 
in the document. The whole document collection can 
therefore be seen as a m x n-feature matrix A (with m 
as the number of documents) where the element aij 
represents the frequency of occurrence of feature j in 
document i. This was of representing the document 
is called term-frequency method. The most popular 
term weighting is the Inverse document frequency, 
where the term frequency is weighed with respect to 
the total number of times the term appears in the 
corpus. There is an extension of this designated the 
term frequency inverse document frequency (tf-idf). 
The formulation of tf-idf is given as follows:- 
Wij = tfi,j * log (N / dfi) 
where Wij is the weight of the term i in document j, 
tfi,j = number of occurrences of term i in document j, 
N is the total number of documents in the corpus, dfi 
= is the number of documents containing the term i. 
Then the Naïve Bayes and Support Vector 
Machine classification algorithms are applied one by 
one for the document classification. The classification 
results will be calculated and compared for both the 
methods. Finally it produces the better performance 
on classification accuracy. The k-NN technique helps 
to cluster or group the classified documents into the 
proper category. These are all done by using the 
various steps for classification. 
Fig. 1. System Architecture 
Finally the supervised and unsupervised 
document classification accuracy will increased by 
using these various classification algorithms based on 
keyword extraction processes. 
To set a benchmark for Document Classification 
and allow for comparisons of other methods with the 
proposed approach in this paper. The experiments are 
performed on Intel Core i -3 3210, 2.3 GHz processor 
and 4 GB RAM with Windows7 as an operating 
system and the experiments are implemented in 
Microsoft visual studio 2008 using C#.Netwith MS 
SQL server and Java for document analysis and 
classification process. 
To measure the effectiveness of the classification 
this approach can be applied and verified based on 
various datasets. The various collections of datasets 
are tabulated below with their topics. It contains the 
total of 814 documents belonging to seven different 
classes (business (B), entertainment (E), health (H), 
international (I), politics (P), sports (S) and 
technology (T)) used for training and two test data 
sets (news items at different time intervals, see Table 
1).The Reuters 21578 dataset is used as training 
dataset for document classification process.
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.5, May 2014 
E-ISSN: 2321-9637 
Table 1. Training and Test Datasets 
Categories B E H I P S T 
Training Data 
No. of 
130 133 91 110 130 130 90 
Total no. of 
1848 2048 1213 1974 2070 1659 1364 
Test data 
No. of 
110 111 79 80 110 111 79 
Total no. of 
2155 2583 1535 1999 2439 1952 1618 
Test Data 
No. of 
100 101 78 70 101 101 70 
Total no. of 
2046 2834 1803 2604 2070 1974 1689 
The Table 2 contains the comparison of four 
algorithms. The four algorithms are Naïve Bayes 
(NB), Nearest Neighbor (NN), Decision Tree (DT) 
and Sub Space (SS) model. The various algorithm 
classification measures are tabulated.The NB 
algorithm performs better on test data set 1. The 
recognition rate is 83.1%. The SS algorithm 
performance good on the Test Data Set 2. 
Table 2. Comparison of Four algorithms 
Test Data’s NB NN DT SS 
No. of 
115 165 178 139 
Recognition rate 
83.1 75.7 73. 
No. of 
125 179 144 111 
Recognition rate 
The Table 3 contains of IDF calculation of 
documents based on the total number of 
documents(N) and Document frequency (n). The IDF 
value is also based on the Number of Categories (C) 
of the documents. The IDF is the Inverse Document 
Frequency of the document. The IDF is calculated 
based on the probability of the Document Frequency. 
Table 3 IDF Calculation 
Total No of 
12 No. of 
Categories (C) 
7 5 3 3 6 
IDF log  
Fig.2. Best case and Average Case of Classification 
The performance analyses of different algorithms 
are discussed in detail and explain in graph as follows. 
The Fig. 2.Can be plotted based on the Table 2 values. 
In x- Axis the number of datasets and various 
algorithms are taken. In y-Axis the no of documents 
are taken. The Fig.3 expose the best case and average 
case performance accuracy of the document 
classification. The Fig. 4 exposes the worst case of 
document classification measure. 
Fig.3. Worst Case of Classification 
Test data set1 Test data set2 
Test data set1 Test data set2 
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.5, May 2014 
E-ISSN: 2321-9637 
Fig. 4. Chart for Algorithm Comparison 
In this paper a system has been proposed for the 
organization of a document in terms of content. It 
comprises two stages where first one is the extraction 
of keywords and key phrases for the document 
classification, second one is the process of classifying 
the documents based on the keywords and training 
dataset. This content based classification is applicable 
in the plagiarism processing and in the machine 
learning processes. In future by combining these 
different algorithms to improve the classification 
accuracy. The future enhancement idea includes the 
WordMap creation based on the relationships between 
the keywords. It also improves the classification 
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Paper id 25201435

  • 1. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.5, May 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 An Algorithmic Approach of Keyword Extraction 96 based Text Document Classification Yoganand.C.S1, Vadivel.R2 PG Student of CSE1, Assistant Professor of CSE2 Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore1, 2 info.yoganand@gmail.com1,vadivelcse@gmail.com2 Abstract-The various institutions and industries are converting their documents into electronic text files. The documents may contains applications, personal documents, properties documents etc. The categorization of the text documents are really makes a very big issue. In this paper we propose the various techniques for the document classification process. These documents may be in the form of supervised, unsupervised or semi-supervised documents. The supervised documents are the standard documents which are contains the proper format of data. They can be classified by using the Naïve Bayes model with the help Hidden Markov Model (HMM). The keyword and key Phrases are extracted and used as a training set for the further document classification along with the training dataset. The keyword extraction can be done based on the Word count method and Porter stemming algorithms. Further documents can be classified using Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine (SVM), Subspace, Decision Tree and k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) methods. Index Terms-Support Vector Machines (SVM), Hidden Markov Model (HMM), k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN), Text categorization, mapping models. 1. INTRODUCTION Nowadays all institutions and private companies keep their files in electronic format in order to reduce the paperwork and, at the same time provide instant access to the information contained. Document clustering and classification in one of the most important text mining methods that are developed to help users effectively navigate, summarize and organize text documents. Document classification can be defined as the task of automatically categorizing collections of electronic documents into their annotated classes based on their contents [3]. Recent years, this has become important due to the advent of large amounts of data in digital form. Document classification in the form of text classification systems have been widely implemented in numerous applications such as spam filtering, emails categorizing, directory maintenance and plagiarism checking processes [6]. Data mining is useful in discovering implicit, potentially valuable information or knowledge and previously unknown from large datasets. Text Document classification denotes the test of assigning raw text documents to one or more pre-defined categories [2]. This is a direct concept from machine learning, which denotes the declaration of a set of labelled categories as a way to represent the documents, and a text classifier trained with a labelled training set. Among these approaches, Bayesian classification has been widely implemented in many real world applications due to its relatively simple training and clustering algorithms [7]. The concept of text categorization is the classification of documents into a fixed number of predefined categories or classes [4]. Each document can be classified into exactly one or more category automatically. Some of the documents are not classified into any category [5]. This is known as supervised learning problem. Since categories may overlap, each category is treated as a separate binary classification problem.Each of the document classification schemes previously mentioned has its own unique properties and associated problems. The decision tree induction algorithms and the rule induction algorithm are simple to understand and interpret the classification [1]. However, these algorithms do not work well when the number of distinguishing features between documents is large. The k-NN algorithm is easy to implement and shows its effectiveness in a variety of problem domains [8]. As a trade-off to its simplicity, Bayesian classification has been reported as one of the poorest-performing classification approaches by many research groups through extensive experiments and evaluations [7]. The paper is organized as follows: section 1 deals with Introduction of my paper. Section 2 includes the literature survey of my concept. Section 3 explains related work, Section 4 gives brief explanation about proposed system, system architecture and workflow of the project. Section 5 contains Experimental setup details and Section 6 contains the Performance analysis, results graph of the document classification and so on.
  • 2. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.5, May 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 97 2. LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1. Naïve Bayes Model for Textclassification Naïve Bayes classifiers which are widely used for text classification in machine learning are based on the conditional probability of features measures belonging to a class, feature selection methods are used for feature selection. An auxiliary feature method is used for text classification [3]. The auxiliary feature is chosen from collection of features which is determined by using existing feature selection method. To improve classification accuracy the corresponding conditional probability is adjusted [5]. The feature with auxiliary feature was found and the probability of the feature with auxiliary feature was adjusted after feature selection. 2.2. Support Vector Machine The application of Support vector machine (SVM) method is the Text Classification. The SVM need both positive and negative training set which are uncommon for other classification methods [11]. These negative and positive training set are needed for the SVM to seek for the decision surface that best separates the positive from the negative data in the n dimensional space, is called as hyper plane [16]. SVM classifier method is outstanding from other with its effectiveness to improve performance of text classification combining the HMM and SVM where HMMs are used to as a feature extractor and then a new feature vector is normalized as the input of SVMs, so unknown texts are successfully classified based on the trained SVMs, also by combing with Bayes use to reduce number of feature which as reducing number of dimension [13]. 2.3. Decision Tree When decision tree is used for text classification it consist tree internal node are label by term, branches departing from them are labelled by test on the weight, and leaf node are represent corresponding class labels .Tree can classify the document by running through the query structure from root to until it reaches a particular leaf, which represents the goal for the classification of the text document [9]. The decision tree classification method is outstanding from other decision support tools with several advantages like its simplicity in interpreting and understanding, even for non-expert users [14]. So it is only used in some applications processes. 2.4. Decision Rule Decision rules classification method uses the rule-based inference to classify documents to their annotated categories. A popular format for interpretable solutions is the Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) model [19]. A classifier for category ci built by an inductive rule learning method consists of a DNF rule. In the case of handling a dataset with large number of features for each category, strict implementation is recommended to reduce the size of rules set without affecting the performance of the classification [16]. The presents a hybrid method of rule based processing and back-propagation neural networks for spam filtering. 2.5. Term Frequency/Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) A new improved term frequency/inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) approach which uses confidence, support and characteristic words to enhance the recall and precision of text classification. Synonyms defined by a lexicon are processed in the improved TF-IDF approach [17]. It need to find the best matching category for the text document. The term (word) frequency/inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) approach is commonly used to weigh each word in the text document according to how unique it is. In other words, the TF-IDF approach captures the relevancy among words, text documents and particular categories [1]. It put forward the novel improved TF-IDF approach for text classification, and will focus on this approach in the remainder of this paper, and will describe in detail the motivation, methodology, and implementation of the improved TF-IDF approach. 3. RELATED WORK The Naïve Bayes text document classification will be depends only on the Bayesian rule. The Bayesian rule is given below: P(D1|D2) = ( P(D2|D1) * P(D1) ) / P(D2) (1) where D1and D1are the two documents or two constraints of Bayesian rule. The probability of D1 happening given D2is determined from the probability of D2given D1, the probability of D1 occurring and the probability of D2. The Bayes Rule enables the calculation of the likelihood of event D1 given that D2 has happened. This is used in text classification to determine the probability that a document D2is of type D1 just by looking at the frequencies of words in the document. You can think of the Bayes Rule as showing how to update the probability of event D1 happening given that you've observed D2. A category is represented by a collection of words and their frequencies; the frequency is the number of times that each word has been seen in the documents used to train the classifier.Suppose there are n categories C0 to Cn-1. Determining which category a document D is most associated with means calculating the probability that document D is in category Ci, written P(Ci|D), for each category Ci.Using the Bayes Rule, you can calculate P(Ci|D) by computing:
  • 3. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.5, May 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 98 P(Ci|D) = ( P(D|Ci ) * P(Ci) ) / P(D) (2) P(Ci|D) is the probability that document D is in category Ci; that is, the probability that given the set of words in D, they appear in category Ci. P(D|Ci) is the probability that for a given category Ci, the words in D appear in that category.P(Ci) is the probability of a given category; that is, the probability of a document being in category Ci without considering its contents. P(D) is the probability of that specific document occurring. To calculate which category D should go in, you need to calculate P(Ci|D) for each of the categories and find the largest probability. Because each of those calculations involves the unknown but fixed value P(D), you just ignore it and calculate: P(Ci |D) = P(D|Ci) * P(Ci) (3) P(D) can also be safely ignored because you are interested in the relative not absolute values of P(Ci|D), and P(D) simply acts as a scaling factor on P(Ci|D).D is split into the set of words in the document, called W0 through Wm-1. To calculate P(D|Ci), calculate the product of the probabilities for each word; that is, the likelihood that each word appears in Ci. Here's the "naïve" step: Assume that words appear independently from other words (which is clearly not true for most languages) and P(D|Ci) is the simple product of the probabilities for each word: P(D|Ci) = P(W0|Ci) * P(W1|Ci) * ... * P(Wm-1|Ci) (4) For any category, P(Wj|Ci) is calculated as the number of times Wj appears in Ci divided by the total number of words in Ci. P(Ci) is calculated as the total number of words in Ci divided by the total number of words in all the categories put together. Hence, P(Ci|D) is: P(W0|Ci) * P(W1|Ci) * ... * P(W m-1|Ci) * P(Ci) (5) for each category, and picking the largest determines the category for document D. The documents are also classified by using the SVM. They use hyperplane method for classification. The hyperplane can be estimated using the same word count and occurrences of words in the document. Hyperplane can classify the text documents based on the weight or term frequency values of the documents. The Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) model is used for SVM classification. 4. PROPOSED WORK The Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine algorithms are used for document classification. The keywords can be extracted from documents using porter-stemming algorithm. Fig.1 shows the workflow diagram on the proposed system. The extracted keywords and key-phrases are used as the training set for further document classification. The TF-IDF method is used to calculate the probability of word occurrence in each document. TF is the Term Frequency, it helps to calculate the occurrence of word in each page of the document, IDF is the Inverse Term Frequency, and it helps to calculate the complete word occurrence count in whole documents. The preprocessing steps involved in document classifications are stop words removal and stemming methods. 4.1. Stop Word Removal This is the first step in preprocessing which will generate a list of terms that describes the document satisfactorily. The document is parsed through to find out the list of all the words. The next process in this step is to reduce the size of the list created by the parsing process, generally using methods of stop words removal and stemming. The stop words removal accounts to 20% to 30% of total words counts while the process of stemming reduce the number of terms in the document. Both the process helps in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of text processing as they reduce the indexing file size.Stop words are removed from each of the document by comparing the with the stop word list. This process reduces the number of words in the document significantly since these stop words are insignificant for search keywords. Stop words can be pre-specified list of words or they can depend on the context of the corpus. 4.2. Stemming The next process in phase one after stop word removal is stemming. Stemming is process of linguistic normalization in which the variant forms of a word is reduced to a common form. For example: the word, connect has various forms such as connect, connection, connective, connected, etc., Stemming process reduces all these forms of words to a normalized word connect. Porter’s English stemmer algorithm is used to stem the words for each of the document in our stemming process. 4.3. Feature Selection Feature selection is the process of selecting a subset of the terms occurring in the training set and using only this subset as features in text classification. Feature selection serves two main purposes. First, it makes training and applying a classifier more efficient by decreasing the size of the effective vocabulary. This is of particular importance for classifiers that, unlike NB, are expensive to train. Second, feature selection often increases classification accuracy by eliminating noise features. A noise feature is one that, when added to the document representation, increases the classification error on new data. Here the Information Gain (IG). These features are selected based on the frequency measurement of the document.
  • 4. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.5, May 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 99 4.4. Document Representation A term-document matrix can be encoded as a collection of n documents and m terms. An entry in the matrix corresponds to the “weight” of a term in the document; zero means the term has no significance in the document or it simply doesn’t exist in the document. The whole document collection can therefore be seen as a m x n-feature matrix A (with m as the number of documents) where the element aij represents the frequency of occurrence of feature j in document i. This was of representing the document is called term-frequency method. The most popular term weighting is the Inverse document frequency, where the term frequency is weighed with respect to the total number of times the term appears in the corpus. There is an extension of this designated the term frequency inverse document frequency (tf-idf). The formulation of tf-idf is given as follows:- Wij = tfi,j * log (N / dfi) where Wij is the weight of the term i in document j, tfi,j = number of occurrences of term i in document j, N is the total number of documents in the corpus, dfi = is the number of documents containing the term i. Then the Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine classification algorithms are applied one by one for the document classification. The classification results will be calculated and compared for both the methods. Finally it produces the better performance on classification accuracy. The k-NN technique helps to cluster or group the classified documents into the proper category. These are all done by using the various steps for classification. Fig. 1. System Architecture Finally the supervised and unsupervised document classification accuracy will increased by using these various classification algorithms based on keyword extraction processes. 5. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP To set a benchmark for Document Classification and allow for comparisons of other methods with the proposed approach in this paper. The experiments are performed on Intel Core i -3 3210, 2.3 GHz processor and 4 GB RAM with Windows7 as an operating system and the experiments are implemented in Microsoft visual studio 2008 using C#.Netwith MS SQL server and Java for document analysis and classification process. To measure the effectiveness of the classification this approach can be applied and verified based on various datasets. The various collections of datasets are tabulated below with their topics. It contains the total of 814 documents belonging to seven different classes (business (B), entertainment (E), health (H), international (I), politics (P), sports (S) and technology (T)) used for training and two test data sets (news items at different time intervals, see Table 1).The Reuters 21578 dataset is used as training dataset for document classification process.
  • 5. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.5, May 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 100 Table 1. Training and Test Datasets Categories B E H I P S T Training Data No. of documents 130 133 91 110 130 130 90 Total no. of terms 1848 2048 1213 1974 2070 1659 1364 Test data Set1 No. of documents 110 111 79 80 110 111 79 Total no. of terms 2155 2583 1535 1999 2439 1952 1618 Test Data Set2 No. of documents 100 101 78 70 101 101 70 Total no. of terms 2046 2834 1803 2604 2070 1974 1689 The Table 2 contains the comparison of four algorithms. The four algorithms are Naïve Bayes (NB), Nearest Neighbor (NN), Decision Tree (DT) and Sub Space (SS) model. The various algorithm classification measures are tabulated.The NB algorithm performs better on test data set 1. The recognition rate is 83.1%. The SS algorithm performance good on the Test Data Set 2. Table 2. Comparison of Four algorithms Test Data’s NB NN DT SS Tes t dat a set1 No. of misclassification s 115 165 178 139 Recognition rate (%) 83.1 75.7 73. 8 79.6 Tes t dat a set2 No. of misclassification s 125 179 144 111 Recognition rate (%) 79.8 7 71.1 8 76. 8 82.1 3 The Table 3 contains of IDF calculation of documents based on the total number of documents(N) and Document frequency (n). The IDF value is also based on the Number of Categories (C) of the documents. The IDF is the Inverse Document Frequency of the document. The IDF is calculated based on the probability of the Document Frequency. Table 3 IDF Calculation Total No of Documents (N) 12 No. of Categories (C) 2 Document Frequency (n) 7 5 3 3 6 IDF log 0.2 341 0.4 771 0.6 021 0. 60 21 0.30 10 6. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 100 80 60 40 20 Fig.2. Best case and Average Case of Classification The performance analyses of different algorithms are discussed in detail and explain in graph as follows. The Fig. 2.Can be plotted based on the Table 2 values. In x- Axis the number of datasets and various algorithms are taken. In y-Axis the no of documents are taken. The Fig.3 expose the best case and average case performance accuracy of the document classification. The Fig. 4 exposes the worst case of document classification measure. Fig.3. Worst Case of Classification 0 Test data set1 Test data set2 NB NN DT SS 200 150 100 50 0 Test data set1 Test data set2 NB NN DT SS
  • 6. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.5, May 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 101 200 150 100 50 Fig. 4. Chart for Algorithm Comparison 7. CONCLUSION In this paper a system has been proposed for the organization of a document in terms of content. It comprises two stages where first one is the extraction of keywords and key phrases for the document classification, second one is the process of classifying the documents based on the keywords and training dataset. This content based classification is applicable in the plagiarism processing and in the machine learning processes. In future by combining these different algorithms to improve the classification accuracy. The future enhancement idea includes the WordMap creation based on the relationships between the keywords. It also improves the classification performance. REFERENCES [1] Bhamidipati. N. L and Pal. S. K, “Stemming via distribution-based word segregation for classification and retrieval,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. B, Cybern, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 350– 360, Apr. 2007. [2] Chakrabarti.S, Roy.S, and Soundalgekar.M.V, “Fast and Accurate Text Classification via Multiple Linear Discriminant Projection,” VLDB J., Int’l J. Very Large Data Bases, pp. 170-185, 2003. [3] Cunningham.P, Nowlan.N, Delany.S.J, and Haahr.M, “A Case-Based Approach in Spam Filtering that Can Track Concept Drift,” Proc. ICCBR Workshop Long-Lived CBR Systems, 2003. [4] Dino Isa, Lam Hong Lee, V.P. Kallimani, and R. RajKumar, “Text Document Preprocessing with the Bayes Formula for Classification Using the Support Vector Machine” in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 9, September 2008 [5] Han.E.H, Karypis.G, and Kumar.V, “Text Categorization Using Weight Adjusted k-Nearest Neighbor Classification,” Dept. of Computer Science and Eng., Army HPC Research Center, Univ. of Minnesota, 1999. [6] Hartley.M, Isa.D, Kallimani.V.P, and Lee.L.H, “A Domain Knowledge Preserving in Process Engineering Using Self-Organizing Concept,” technical report, Intelligent System Group, Faculty of Eng. and Computer Science, Univ. of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus, 2006. [7] J.G.Liang, X.F.Zhou, P.Liu, L.Guo, S.Bai “An EMM-based Approach for Text Classification” in Procedia Computer Science 17, 506 – 513, 2013 [8] Kerner. Y.H, Gross.Z, and Masa.A, Automatic extraction and learning of key phrases from scientific articles. In Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, pages 657–669, 2005. [9] Lam Hong Lee, Dino Isa, Wou Onn Choo, Wen Yeen Chue, “High Relevance Keyword Extraction facility for Bayesian text classification on different domains of varying characteristic“ in Expert Systems with Applications 39, 1147– 1155, 2012 [10]Matsuo. Y and Ishizuka. M, Keyword extraction from a single document using word co-occurrence statistical information. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence, 13(1):157–169, 2004. [11]McCallum.A and Nigam.K, “A Comparison of Event Models for Naïve Bayes Text Classification,” J. Machine Learning Research 3, pp. 1265-1287, 2003. [12]Sang-Bum Kim, Kyoung-Soo Han, Hae-Chang Rim, and Sung Hyon Myaeng, “Some Effective Techniques for Naive Bayes Text Classification” in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 11, November 2006. [13]Wang.J, Yao.Y, and Liu. Z. J, “A new text classification method based on HMM-SVM,” in Proc. Int. Symp. Commun. Inf. Technol., Sydney, N.S.W., Australia, Oct. 17–19, 2007, pp. 1516– 1519. [14]Wei Zhang, Feng Gao, “An Improvement to Naive Bayes for Text Classification” in Procedia Engineering 15, 2160 – 2164, 2011 [15]Wen Zhang, Taketoshi Yoshida, Xijin Tang, “Text classification based on multi-word with support vector machine” in Knowledge-Based Systems 21, 879–886, 2008. [16]Yang.Y, “An evaluation of statistical approaches to text categorization,” J. Inf. Retrieval, vol. 1, no. 1/2, pp. 69–90, 1999. 0 Test data set1 Test data set1 Test data set2 Test data set2 NB NN DT SS