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Unit No. 1
Properties of Fluids
Dimensional Analysis
Prepared By :
Prof. S. G.Taji
Department of Civil Engineering
Sanjivani College of Engineering
Fluid : - Tendency to flow
Ideal Fluids
(Viscosity, Surface
Tension & it is
Real Fluids
(Viscosity, Surface
Tension and possess
o. 1
Fluid Mechanics : - Branch of science
that deals with behaviour of fluid at
rest as well as in motion.
Fluid Statics
(Study of fluids at
Fluid Kinematics
(Study of fluids in
motion without
considering the
forces causing the
Fluid Dynamics
(Study of fluids in
motion with
consideration of
the forces causing
the motion)
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Properties of Fluids
• Definition
• Formula :
• Value and units : density of water is 1 gm/cm3 or 1000 kg/m3
Mass Density
• Definition
• Formula :
• Value and units : w for water = 9810 N/m3, 9.81 kN/m3,
1000 kgf/m3 or 981 dynes/cm3
Specific Weight
Weight Density
• Definition
• Formula :
• Units : m3/N or m3/kgf or cm3/dynes
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Properties of Fluids
• Definition
• Formula :
• Units : Dimensionless / No Unit
Specific Gravity
• Definition
• Formula / Derivation :
• Units : kg.f-sec/m2 or dyne-sec/cm2 or N.s/m2
• 1 N.s/m2 = 10 poise
• Dynamic Viscosity :
• Kinematic Viscosity :
• Newtons Law of Viscosity
Fluid Newton’s law
of viscosity
Newtonian fluidsobey refer
Fluid Newton’s law
of viscosity
Non- Newtonian
Do not obey
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Properties of Fluids
• Variation of Viscosity with Temperature : Viscosity
of liquids decreses with increase in temperature while viscosity
of gases increases with increase in temperature.
• Cohesive Forces
• Molecular Momentum Transfer
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Properties of Fluids
• Relation between viscosity and temperature :
1. For liqiuds :
μ = viscosity of liquid at t oC in poise. For water : μo = 1.79*10^-3 poise
μo = viscosity of liquid at 0 oC in poise. α = 0.03368
α , β = constants for liquids/gases. β = 0.000221
2. For Gases :
For air : μo = 0.000017 poise
α = 5.6*10^-8
β = 0.1189*10^-9
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Properties of Fluids
• Types of Fluids : Thixotrophic
Bingham plastic : resist a small shear stress but flow easily under large shear
stresses, e.g. sewage sludge, toothpaste, and jellies.
Pseudo plastic : most non-Newtonian fluids fall under this group. Viscosity
decreases with increasing velocity gradient, e.g. colloidal
substances like clay, milk, and cement.
Dilatants : viscosity decreases with increasing velocity gradient, e.g.
Thixotrophic : non-linear relationship between the shear stress and the rate
of angular deformation, beyond an initial yeild stress
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Properties of Fluids
• Thermodynamic properties : Effect of T & P on L and G
• Gas Equation : p = ρ*R*T or p/v = R*T
• Universal gas equation : p = ρ*R*T = p = (m/v)*R*T
pv = m*R*T
Where, ρ = density of gas
R = Gas constant = 29.3 kgf-m/kg-k (MKS)
= 29.3 9.81 Nm/kg-k = 287 J/kg-k (SI)
T = Absolute temp in k , Tabs = 273.15 + t oC
V = Specific Volume = 1/ ρ
m = n * M , ( m = mas of gas in kg)
n = number of moles in a volume of a gas ( 1 mole = 6.02*10^23 things – Avagadros no.)
M = mas of gas molecules / mas of hydrogen atom
 Isothermal Process : p/ ρ = constant
 Adiabatic Process : p/ ρ^k = constant (k = ratio of specific heat of
a gas at constant temp. and constant volume.)
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Properties of Fluids
• Defination
• Formula : 1 / Bulk Modulus (K)Compressibility
• Definition
• Formula :
• Effect of T & P : dp K and T K (liquids)
• T P K (gases)
• Isothermal Process : p = K
• Adiabatic process : K = pk
Bulk Modulus
• Definition
• Formula : 1. Liquid Droplet : p = 4σ/d
• 2. Hollow Bubble : p = 8σ/d
• 3. Liquid Jet : p = 2σ/d
• Units : N/cm2
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Properties of Fluids
•Expression for capillary Rise:
•Expression for capillary Fall :Capillarity
Vapour Pressure
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Dimensional Analysis
• Method of Dimensions.
• Mathematical Technique used in research work for design and
conducting model tests.
• Deals with the dimensions of physical quantities involved in the
• All physical quantities are measured by comparison with respect to
an arbitrarily fixed value.
• Length L, Mass M and Time T are three fixed dimensions which are
of importance in fluid mechanics.
• These fixed dimensions are called as Fundamental Dimensions or
Fundamental Quantities.
• The quantities those are derived from these fundamental
quantities are known as Secondary or Derived Quantities. They
possess more than one fundamental dimensions.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Dimensional Analysis
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Dimensional Analysis
• Dimensional Homogenity : It means the dimensions of each term
in an equation on both sides are equal.
• Dimensions of L.H.S = Dimensions of R.H.S
Methodsof Dimensional
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Rayleigh’s Method
• To define relationship among the variables.
• This method is used for determining the expression for a variable
which depends upon maximum three or four variables only.
• Thus the expression is obtained for dependent vriable.
Rayleigh’s Method
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Rayleigh’s Method
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Buckingham’s π -Theorem
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Buckingham’s π -Theorem
Method of Selecting Repeating Variables :
1. The dependent variable should not be selected as repeating
2. Repeating variables selected should not form a dimensionless
3. Repeating variables togethes must have same number of
fundamental dimensions.
4. No two repeating variables should have same dimensions.
5. Repeating variables should be selected from each of the
following properties
i. Geometric Property : Length, height, width, area.
ii. Flow Property : Velocity, Acceleration, Discharge.
iii. Fluid Property : Mass density, Viscosity, Surface tension.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Buckingham’s π -Theorem
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Buckingham’s π -Theorem
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Buckingham’s π -Theorem
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Model Analysis
• For predicting the performance of the hydraulic
structures (such as dams, spillways etc.) or hydraulic
machines (such as turbines, pumps etc.) before
actually constructing or manufacturing, models of the
structures or machines are made and tests are
conducted on them to obtain the desired information.
• Model is a small replica of the actual structure or
• The actual structure or machine is called as Prototype.
• Models can be smaller or larger than the Prototype.
• Model Analysis is actually an experimental method of
finding solutions of complex flow problems.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Model Analysis
• Advantages of Dimensional and Modal Analysis :
1. Performance of the hydraulic structure or hydraulic machine
can be easily predicted, in advance from its model.
2. With the help of D.A, a relationship between the variables
influencing a flow problem in terms of dimensionless
parameters is obtained. This relationship helps in conducting
tests on the models.
3. Merits of alternative designs can be predicted with the help
of model testing. The most and safe design is finally
4. The tests performed on the models can be utilized for
obtaining useful information about the performance of the
• This can be obtained only if similarity exists between the
model and prototype. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Similitude or Similarities
 Similitude is defined as the similarity between the model
and prototype in every aspect, which means that the
model and prototype have similar properties.
 Types of Similarities:
1. Geometric Similarity : Length, Breadth, Depth, Diameter,
Area, Volume etc.
2. Kinematic Similarity : Velocity, Acceleration etc.,
3. Dynamic Similarity : Time, Discharge, Force, Pressure
Intensity, Torque, Power
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Similitude or Similarities
1. Geometric Similarity : The geometric similarity is said to
be exist between the model and prototype if the ratio of
all corresponding linear dimensions in the model and
prototype are equal.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Similitude or Similarities
2. Kinematic Similarity : The kinematic similarity is said to be
exist between model and prototype if the ratios of
velocity and acceleration at corresponding points in the
model and at the corresponding points in the prototype
are the same.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Similitude or Similarities
3. Dynamic Similarity : The dynamic similarity is said to be
exist between model & prototype if the ratios of
corresponding forces acting at the corresponding points
are Equal.
• It means for dynamic similarity between the model and
prototype, the dimensionless numbers should be same
for model and prototype.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Types of Forces Acting on Moving Fluid
1. Inertia Force (Fi) : It is the product of mass and acceleration
of the flowing fluid and acts in the direction opposite to the
direction of acceleration.
• It always exists in the fluid flow problems.
2. Viscous Force (Fv) : It is equal to the product of shear stress
due to viscosity and surface area of the flow.
3. Gravity Force (Fg) : It is equal to the product of mass and
acceleration due to gravity of the flowing fluid.
4. Pressure Force (Fp) : It is equal to the product of pressure
intensity and cross sectional area of flowing fluid.
5. Surface Tension Force (Fs) : It is equal to the product of
surface tension and length of surface of the flowing.
6. Elastic Force (Fe) : It is equal to the product of elastic stress
and area of the flowing fluid.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Dimensionless Numbers
• Dimensionless numbers are obtained by dividing the
inertia force by viscous force or gravity force or pressure
force or surface tension force or elastic force.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Model Laws
• The laws on which the models are designed for dynamic similarity
are called model laws or laws of similarity.
1. Reynold’s Model Law : Model law in which models are based on
Reynold’s number.
Models based on Reynolds’s Number includes:
a) Pipe Flow.
b) Resistance experienced by Sub-marines, airplanes, fully
immersed bodies.
2. Froude Model Law : Model law in which models are based on
Froude’s number.
Froude Model Law is applied in the following fluid flow problems:
a) Free Surface Flows such as Flow over spillways, Weirs, Sluices,
Channels etc.
b) Flow of jet from an orifice or nozzle.
c) Where waves are likely to formed on surface.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Reynold’s Model Law
• If the viscous forces are predominant, the models are designed for
dynamic similarity based on Reynold’s number.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Froude Model Law
• If the gravity force is predominant, the models are designed for
dynamic similarity based on Froude number.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
• 10 properties of fluids with numerical.
• Effect of temperature and pressure on all the properties
of fluids.
• Rheological diagram and types of fluids.
• Fundamental and secondary quantities.
• Dimensional Homogeneity.
• Rayleigh’s method and Buckingham's π – theorem.
• Model Analysis and 3 types of similarities.
• 5 types of forces and 5 dimensionless numbers.
• 2 model laws and scale ratio of different quantities.
• Near about 30 formulae's.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Unit No. 2
Fluid Statics
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Fluid Pressure at a point
• Consider a small area dA in large mass of a fluid.
• Force or Pressure force F = p*A
• Units : kgf/m2 and kgf/cm2 (MKS)
N/m2 or N/mm2 (SI)
• N/m2 = Pa (Pascal)
• 1 kPa = 1000 N/m2
• 1 bar = 100 kPa = 10^5 N/m2
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Pascal’s Law
• It states that pressure or intensity of pressure at a point in a
static fluid is equal in all directions.
• Resolving forces in x-direction
• Resolving forces in y-direction
• Equating both we get
Hydrostatic Law
Relationship between Pressure
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Relationship between Pressure
• Absolute Pressure : Pressure measured with reference to absolute
zero pressure.
• Gauge Pressure : Pressure measured w.r. to atmospheric pressure.
It is always above the atmospheric pressure.
• Vacuum Pressure : Pressure measured below the atmospheric
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Measurement of Pressure
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Measurement of Pressure
• Piezometer : Simplest form of manometer used for
measuring gauge pressures. It consist of a vertical tube
open at one end and attached to a container at the
other end. It measures the pressure of a liquid in a
• The rise of liquid gives the pressure head at that point.
Measurement of Pressure
• U-tube Manometer : Consist of a glass tube bent in U-shape,
one end of which is connected to a point at which pressure is
to be measured and other end open to the atmosphere.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Measurement of Pressure
• U-tube Manometer : Consist of a glass tube bent in U-shape,
one end of which is connected to a point at which pressure is
to be measured and other end open to the atmosphere.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Measurement of Pressure
• Single column Manometer : Modified form of a U-tube
manometer in which a reservoir, having a large cross-
sectional area (@100 times) as compared to the area of
the tube is connected to one of the limbs of the
• Due to large cross-sectional area of the reservoir, for any
variation in pressure, the change in the liquid level in the
reservoir will be very small which may be neglected and
hence the pressure is given by the height of the liquid in
the other limb.
• The other limb may be vertical or inclined.
1. Vertical single column manometer
2. Inclined single column manometer
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Measurement of Pressure
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Measurement of Pressure
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Measurement of Pressure
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Measurement of Pressure
• Differential Manometers: Devices used for measuring
the difference of pressure between two points in a pipe
or in two different pipes.
• It consist of a U-tube, containing heavy liquid, whose
two ends are connected to the points whose difference
of pressure is to be determined.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Measurement of Pressure
• When pipes are at different level
Measurement of Pressure
• When pipes are at same level
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Measurement of Pressure
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Measurement of Pressure
• Bourdon tube pressure gauge
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Measurement of Pressure
• Bellows pressure gauge
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Measurement of Pressure
• Diaphragm pressure gauge
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Hydrostatic Forces
• Hydrostatic force : Force exerted by a static fluid on any
object submerged in it.
• This means that there will be no relative movement
between adjacent fluid layers.
• Therefore the velocity gradient will be equal to zero.
• Shear stress between two adjacent layers will also be
equal to zero.
• Only a force can be exerted by a fluid on the surrounding
walls and base which is called as hydrostatic force.
• Hence in hydrostatic force analysis we should know
1. Total Pressure Force.
2. Centre of Pressure.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Hydrostatic Forces
• Total Pressure Force : Force exerted by a static fluid on a
surface either plane or curved when the fluid comes in
contact with the surfaces.
• Always acts normal to the surface.
• Centre of Pressure : The point of application of the total
pressure force on the surface is known as centre of
• The four cases of submerged surfaces on which total
pressure force and center of pressure is to be
determined are as follows :
1. Vertical plane surfaces
2. Horizontal plane surfaces
3. Inclined plane surfaces
4. Curved surfaces Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Hydrostatic Forces
Hydrostatic Forces
Hydrostatic Forces
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Hydrostatic Forces
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Hydrostatic Forces
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Hydrostatic Forces
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Buoyancy or Force of Buoyancy
• When any object is immersed in liquid, the liquid exert some
force on that object.
• The vertical force exerted by the liquid is called as Buoyancy
or Force of Buoyancy.
• This force of buoyancy is equal to the weight of the liquid
displaced by the body.
• For equilibrium condition, weight of the body is equal to the
force exerted by the liquid.
• Centre of Buoyancy : It is the point through which force of
buoyancy acts.
• It will act at the center of gravity of weight of liquid displaced
by the body.
Buoyancy or Force of Buoyancy
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Meta centre and Metacentric Height
• Meta centre : It is defined as a point with respect to which a
body oscillates in a liquid, when a body is tilted through a
small angle.
• It can also be defined as the intersecting point between
neutral axis line of the body and line of action of force of
• Metacentric Height : Distance between the meta centre and
center of gravity is known as metacentric height.
Stability of submerged and floating
• Stability of submerged body is determined by the position of
centre of buoyancy with respect to centre of gravity.
• When centre of buoyancy is above centre of gravity, then the
submerged body remains in stable equilibrium.
• When centre of buoyancy is below centre of gravity, then the
submerged body remains in unstable equilibrium.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Stability of submerged and floating
• Stability of floating body is determined by the position of
meta centre with respect to centre of gravity.
• When meta centre is above centre of gravity, then the body
remains in stable equilibrium.
• When meta centre is below centre of gravity, then the body
remains in unstable equilibrium.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Analytical method of determining
Metacentric Height
Experimental method of determining
Metacentric Height
• Pascal’s law and Hydrostatic law.
• Relationship between different pressures.
• Pressure measurement devices.
• 4 cases of total pressure and centre of pressure.
• Buoyancy and centre of buoyancy.
• Meta centre and Metacentric height.
• Stability of submerged and floating bodies.
• Analytical and Experimental determination of
meta-centric height.
• Near about 12 derivations.
Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
Thank You
Best of Luck

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Properties of Fluids, Fluid Static, Buoyancy and Dimensional Analysis

  • 1. Unit No. 1 Properties of Fluids and Dimensional Analysis Prepared By : Prof. S. G.Taji Department of Civil Engineering Sanjivani College of Engineering Kopargaon
  • 2. Fluid : - Tendency to flow Ideal Fluids (Viscosity, Surface Tension & it is incompressible) Real Fluids (Viscosity, Surface Tension and possess Compressibility) o. 1
  • 3. Fluid Mechanics : - Branch of science that deals with behaviour of fluid at rest as well as in motion. Fluid Statics (Study of fluids at rest) Fluid Kinematics (Study of fluids in motion without considering the forces causing the motion) Fluid Dynamics (Study of fluids in motion with consideration of the forces causing the motion) Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 4. Properties of Fluids • Definition • Formula : • Value and units : density of water is 1 gm/cm3 or 1000 kg/m3 Mass Density • Definition • Formula : • Value and units : w for water = 9810 N/m3, 9.81 kN/m3, 1000 kgf/m3 or 981 dynes/cm3 Specific Weight or Weight Density • Definition • Formula : • Units : m3/N or m3/kgf or cm3/dynes Specific Volume Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 5. Properties of Fluids • Definition • Formula : • Units : Dimensionless / No Unit Specific Gravity • Definition • Formula / Derivation : • Units : kg.f-sec/m2 or dyne-sec/cm2 or N.s/m2 • 1 N.s/m2 = 10 poise • Dynamic Viscosity : • Kinematic Viscosity : • Newtons Law of Viscosity Viscosity Fluid Newton’s law of viscosity Newtonian fluidsobey refer Fluid Newton’s law of viscosity Non- Newtonian fluids Do not obey Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 6. Properties of Fluids • Variation of Viscosity with Temperature : Viscosity of liquids decreses with increase in temperature while viscosity of gases increases with increase in temperature. • Cohesive Forces • Molecular Momentum Transfer Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 7. Properties of Fluids • Relation between viscosity and temperature : 1. For liqiuds : μ = viscosity of liquid at t oC in poise. For water : μo = 1.79*10^-3 poise μo = viscosity of liquid at 0 oC in poise. α = 0.03368 α , β = constants for liquids/gases. β = 0.000221 2. For Gases : For air : μo = 0.000017 poise α = 5.6*10^-8 β = 0.1189*10^-9 Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 8. Properties of Fluids • Types of Fluids : Thixotrophic Bingham plastic : resist a small shear stress but flow easily under large shear stresses, e.g. sewage sludge, toothpaste, and jellies. Pseudo plastic : most non-Newtonian fluids fall under this group. Viscosity decreases with increasing velocity gradient, e.g. colloidal substances like clay, milk, and cement. Dilatants : viscosity decreases with increasing velocity gradient, e.g. quicksand. Thixotrophic : non-linear relationship between the shear stress and the rate of angular deformation, beyond an initial yeild stress Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 9. Properties of Fluids • Thermodynamic properties : Effect of T & P on L and G • Gas Equation : p = ρ*R*T or p/v = R*T • Universal gas equation : p = ρ*R*T = p = (m/v)*R*T pv = m*R*T Where, ρ = density of gas R = Gas constant = 29.3 kgf-m/kg-k (MKS) = 29.3 9.81 Nm/kg-k = 287 J/kg-k (SI) T = Absolute temp in k , Tabs = 273.15 + t oC V = Specific Volume = 1/ ρ m = n * M , ( m = mas of gas in kg) n = number of moles in a volume of a gas ( 1 mole = 6.02*10^23 things – Avagadros no.) M = mas of gas molecules / mas of hydrogen atom  Isothermal Process : p/ ρ = constant  Adiabatic Process : p/ ρ^k = constant (k = ratio of specific heat of a gas at constant temp. and constant volume.) Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 10. Properties of Fluids • Defination • Formula : 1 / Bulk Modulus (K)Compressibility • Definition • Formula : • Effect of T & P : dp K and T K (liquids) • T P K (gases) • Isothermal Process : p = K • Adiabatic process : K = pk Bulk Modulus • Definition • Formula : 1. Liquid Droplet : p = 4σ/d • 2. Hollow Bubble : p = 8σ/d • 3. Liquid Jet : p = 2σ/d • Units : N/cm2 Surface Tension Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 11. Properties of Fluids •Definition •Expression for capillary Rise: •Expression for capillary Fall :Capillarity Vapour Pressure & Cavitation Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 12. Dimensional Analysis • Method of Dimensions. • Mathematical Technique used in research work for design and conducting model tests. • Deals with the dimensions of physical quantities involved in the phenomenon. • All physical quantities are measured by comparison with respect to an arbitrarily fixed value. • Length L, Mass M and Time T are three fixed dimensions which are of importance in fluid mechanics. • These fixed dimensions are called as Fundamental Dimensions or Fundamental Quantities. • The quantities those are derived from these fundamental quantities are known as Secondary or Derived Quantities. They possess more than one fundamental dimensions. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 13. Dimensional Analysis Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 14. Dimensional Analysis • Dimensional Homogenity : It means the dimensions of each term in an equation on both sides are equal. • Dimensions of L.H.S = Dimensions of R.H.S Methodsof Dimensional Analysis Rayleigh’s Method Bckingham’s π-Theorem Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 15. Rayleigh’s Method • To define relationship among the variables. • This method is used for determining the expression for a variable which depends upon maximum three or four variables only. • Thus the expression is obtained for dependent vriable.
  • 16. Rayleigh’s Method Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 17. Rayleigh’s Method Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 19. Buckingham’s π -Theorem Method of Selecting Repeating Variables : 1. The dependent variable should not be selected as repeating variable. 2. Repeating variables selected should not form a dimensionless group. 3. Repeating variables togethes must have same number of fundamental dimensions. 4. No two repeating variables should have same dimensions. 5. Repeating variables should be selected from each of the following properties i. Geometric Property : Length, height, width, area. ii. Flow Property : Velocity, Acceleration, Discharge. iii. Fluid Property : Mass density, Viscosity, Surface tension. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 20. Buckingham’s π -Theorem Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 21. Buckingham’s π -Theorem Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 22. Buckingham’s π -Theorem Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 23. Model Analysis • For predicting the performance of the hydraulic structures (such as dams, spillways etc.) or hydraulic machines (such as turbines, pumps etc.) before actually constructing or manufacturing, models of the structures or machines are made and tests are conducted on them to obtain the desired information. • Model is a small replica of the actual structure or machine. • The actual structure or machine is called as Prototype. • Models can be smaller or larger than the Prototype. • Model Analysis is actually an experimental method of finding solutions of complex flow problems. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 24. Model Analysis • Advantages of Dimensional and Modal Analysis : 1. Performance of the hydraulic structure or hydraulic machine can be easily predicted, in advance from its model. 2. With the help of D.A, a relationship between the variables influencing a flow problem in terms of dimensionless parameters is obtained. This relationship helps in conducting tests on the models. 3. Merits of alternative designs can be predicted with the help of model testing. The most and safe design is finally adopted. 4. The tests performed on the models can be utilized for obtaining useful information about the performance of the prototypes. • This can be obtained only if similarity exists between the model and prototype. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 25. Similitude or Similarities  Similitude is defined as the similarity between the model and prototype in every aspect, which means that the model and prototype have similar properties.  Types of Similarities: 1. Geometric Similarity : Length, Breadth, Depth, Diameter, Area, Volume etc. 2. Kinematic Similarity : Velocity, Acceleration etc., 3. Dynamic Similarity : Time, Discharge, Force, Pressure Intensity, Torque, Power Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 26. Similitude or Similarities 1. Geometric Similarity : The geometric similarity is said to be exist between the model and prototype if the ratio of all corresponding linear dimensions in the model and prototype are equal. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 27. Similitude or Similarities 2. Kinematic Similarity : The kinematic similarity is said to be exist between model and prototype if the ratios of velocity and acceleration at corresponding points in the model and at the corresponding points in the prototype are the same. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 28. Similitude or Similarities 3. Dynamic Similarity : The dynamic similarity is said to be exist between model & prototype if the ratios of corresponding forces acting at the corresponding points are Equal. • It means for dynamic similarity between the model and prototype, the dimensionless numbers should be same for model and prototype. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 29. Types of Forces Acting on Moving Fluid 1. Inertia Force (Fi) : It is the product of mass and acceleration of the flowing fluid and acts in the direction opposite to the direction of acceleration. • It always exists in the fluid flow problems. 2. Viscous Force (Fv) : It is equal to the product of shear stress due to viscosity and surface area of the flow. 3. Gravity Force (Fg) : It is equal to the product of mass and acceleration due to gravity of the flowing fluid. 4. Pressure Force (Fp) : It is equal to the product of pressure intensity and cross sectional area of flowing fluid. 5. Surface Tension Force (Fs) : It is equal to the product of surface tension and length of surface of the flowing. 6. Elastic Force (Fe) : It is equal to the product of elastic stress and area of the flowing fluid. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 30. Dimensionless Numbers • Dimensionless numbers are obtained by dividing the inertia force by viscous force or gravity force or pressure force or surface tension force or elastic force. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 31. Model Laws • The laws on which the models are designed for dynamic similarity are called model laws or laws of similarity. 1. Reynold’s Model Law : Model law in which models are based on Reynold’s number. Models based on Reynolds’s Number includes: a) Pipe Flow. b) Resistance experienced by Sub-marines, airplanes, fully immersed bodies. 2. Froude Model Law : Model law in which models are based on Froude’s number. Froude Model Law is applied in the following fluid flow problems: a) Free Surface Flows such as Flow over spillways, Weirs, Sluices, Channels etc. b) Flow of jet from an orifice or nozzle. c) Where waves are likely to formed on surface. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 32. Reynold’s Model Law • If the viscous forces are predominant, the models are designed for dynamic similarity based on Reynold’s number. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 33. Froude Model Law • If the gravity force is predominant, the models are designed for dynamic similarity based on Froude number. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 34. Summary • 10 properties of fluids with numerical. • Effect of temperature and pressure on all the properties of fluids. • Rheological diagram and types of fluids. • Fundamental and secondary quantities. • Dimensional Homogeneity. • Rayleigh’s method and Buckingham's π – theorem. • Model Analysis and 3 types of similarities. • 5 types of forces and 5 dimensionless numbers. • 2 model laws and scale ratio of different quantities. • Near about 30 formulae's. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 35. Unit No. 2 Fluid Statics And Buoyancy Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 36. Fluid Pressure at a point • Consider a small area dA in large mass of a fluid. • • • Force or Pressure force F = p*A • Units : kgf/m2 and kgf/cm2 (MKS) N/m2 or N/mm2 (SI) • N/m2 = Pa (Pascal) • 1 kPa = 1000 N/m2 • 1 bar = 100 kPa = 10^5 N/m2 Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 37. Pascal’s Law • It states that pressure or intensity of pressure at a point in a static fluid is equal in all directions. • Resolving forces in x-direction • Resolving forces in y-direction • Equating both we get
  • 40. Relationship between Pressure • Absolute Pressure : Pressure measured with reference to absolute zero pressure. • Gauge Pressure : Pressure measured w.r. to atmospheric pressure. It is always above the atmospheric pressure. • Vacuum Pressure : Pressure measured below the atmospheric pressure. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 41. Measurement of Pressure Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 42. Measurement of Pressure • Piezometer : Simplest form of manometer used for measuring gauge pressures. It consist of a vertical tube open at one end and attached to a container at the other end. It measures the pressure of a liquid in a container. • The rise of liquid gives the pressure head at that point.
  • 43. Measurement of Pressure • U-tube Manometer : Consist of a glass tube bent in U-shape, one end of which is connected to a point at which pressure is to be measured and other end open to the atmosphere. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 44. Measurement of Pressure • U-tube Manometer : Consist of a glass tube bent in U-shape, one end of which is connected to a point at which pressure is to be measured and other end open to the atmosphere. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 45. Measurement of Pressure • Single column Manometer : Modified form of a U-tube manometer in which a reservoir, having a large cross- sectional area (@100 times) as compared to the area of the tube is connected to one of the limbs of the manometer. • Due to large cross-sectional area of the reservoir, for any variation in pressure, the change in the liquid level in the reservoir will be very small which may be neglected and hence the pressure is given by the height of the liquid in the other limb. • The other limb may be vertical or inclined. 1. Vertical single column manometer 2. Inclined single column manometer Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 46. Measurement of Pressure Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 47. Measurement of Pressure Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 48. Measurement of Pressure Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 49. Measurement of Pressure • Differential Manometers: Devices used for measuring the difference of pressure between two points in a pipe or in two different pipes. • It consist of a U-tube, containing heavy liquid, whose two ends are connected to the points whose difference of pressure is to be determined. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 50. Measurement of Pressure • When pipes are at different level
  • 51. Measurement of Pressure • When pipes are at same level Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 52. Measurement of Pressure Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 53. Measurement of Pressure • Bourdon tube pressure gauge Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 54. Measurement of Pressure • Bellows pressure gauge Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 55. Measurement of Pressure • Diaphragm pressure gauge Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 56. Hydrostatic Forces • Hydrostatic force : Force exerted by a static fluid on any object submerged in it. • This means that there will be no relative movement between adjacent fluid layers. • Therefore the velocity gradient will be equal to zero. • Shear stress between two adjacent layers will also be equal to zero. • Only a force can be exerted by a fluid on the surrounding walls and base which is called as hydrostatic force. • Hence in hydrostatic force analysis we should know about 1. Total Pressure Force. 2. Centre of Pressure. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 57. Hydrostatic Forces • Total Pressure Force : Force exerted by a static fluid on a surface either plane or curved when the fluid comes in contact with the surfaces. • Always acts normal to the surface. • Centre of Pressure : The point of application of the total pressure force on the surface is known as centre of pressure. • The four cases of submerged surfaces on which total pressure force and center of pressure is to be determined are as follows : 1. Vertical plane surfaces 2. Horizontal plane surfaces 3. Inclined plane surfaces 4. Curved surfaces Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 60. Hydrostatic Forces Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 61. Hydrostatic Forces Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 62. Hydrostatic Forces Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 63. Hydrostatic Forces Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 64. Buoyancy or Force of Buoyancy • When any object is immersed in liquid, the liquid exert some force on that object. • The vertical force exerted by the liquid is called as Buoyancy or Force of Buoyancy. • This force of buoyancy is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the body. • For equilibrium condition, weight of the body is equal to the force exerted by the liquid. • Centre of Buoyancy : It is the point through which force of buoyancy acts. • It will act at the center of gravity of weight of liquid displaced by the body.
  • 65. Buoyancy or Force of Buoyancy Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 66. Meta centre and Metacentric Height • Meta centre : It is defined as a point with respect to which a body oscillates in a liquid, when a body is tilted through a small angle. • It can also be defined as the intersecting point between neutral axis line of the body and line of action of force of buoyancy. • Metacentric Height : Distance between the meta centre and center of gravity is known as metacentric height.
  • 67. Stability of submerged and floating body • Stability of submerged body is determined by the position of centre of buoyancy with respect to centre of gravity. • When centre of buoyancy is above centre of gravity, then the submerged body remains in stable equilibrium. • When centre of buoyancy is below centre of gravity, then the submerged body remains in unstable equilibrium. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 68. Stability of submerged and floating body • Stability of floating body is determined by the position of meta centre with respect to centre of gravity. • When meta centre is above centre of gravity, then the body remains in stable equilibrium. • When meta centre is below centre of gravity, then the body remains in unstable equilibrium. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji
  • 69. Analytical method of determining Metacentric Height
  • 70. Experimental method of determining Metacentric Height
  • 71. Summary • Pascal’s law and Hydrostatic law. • Relationship between different pressures. • Pressure measurement devices. • 4 cases of total pressure and centre of pressure. • Buoyancy and centre of buoyancy. • Meta centre and Metacentric height. • Stability of submerged and floating bodies. • Analytical and Experimental determination of meta-centric height. • Near about 12 derivations. Prepared By : Prof S. G. Taji