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Features of UNIX
1.Multiuser System
2.Multitasking System
3.The Building Block Approach
4.The UNIX tool kit
5.Pattern Matching
6.Programming Facility
Locating Commands
• type: To know about the location
of an executable program is to
use the type command.
$ type ls
ls is /bin/ls
• echo $PATH
Internal and External Commands
 The programs or file having an independent
existence in the /bin directory (or /usr/bin),
is branded as an external command.
 Most of the commands are external in
nature, but there are some which are not
really found in anywhere, and some which
are normally not executed even when if they
are in one of the directories specified by
PATH these are called as internal commands.
Command Structure
“Command arguments”
Commands and arguments have to be separated by spaces
or tabs to enable the system to interpret them as words.
• Options
• Filename Arguments
• Exceptions
General purpose utilities:
cal produces the calendar of a month or
cal [ [ month ] year ]
cal 03 2006
date can display any component of the
system date and time in a number of
date +%m
date +%h
date +“%h %m”
echo: Displays a message on the screen.
printf: It works likes echo but can use format
specifies like %d, %s, …
bc: is the calculator/xcalc (graphical object)
scale, ibase, obase
script:is the UNIX systems recorder which logs
all activities of a user in a separate file.
passwd is used to change a user’s password but
is not displayed on the screen. The command
prompts for the old password before the new
who shows the users working on the system and
the time of logging in.
who am i
uname: Knowing users machine’s characteristics;
by default it displays the name of the operating
system. It reveals details of the machine’s
operating system (-r). It also displays the host
name (-n) that is used by networking commands.
tty: (teletype) displays the device name of your
stty: displays and sets various terminal attributes.
Use stty sane to set the terminal to some standard
Ordinary File is also known as regular file. It
contains only data as a stream of characters.
Directory File – It’s commonly said that a
directory contains files and other directories, but
strictly speaking, it contains their names and a
number associated with each name.
Device File – All devices and peripherals are
represented by files. To read or write a device, you
have to perform these operations on its associated
File name
 A file name can consist of up to 255 characters.
 Files may or may not have extensions.
 It can consist of practically any ASCII character except
the / and the NULL character.
 Users are permitted to use control characters
 It is recommended that only the following characters
should be used
◦ Alphabetic characters and numerals.
◦ The period (.), hyphen (-), and underscore (_).
 A file can have as many dots embedded in its name;
 A file name can also begin with a dot or end with a dot.
 UNIX is case sensitive.
The Parent Child Relationship
The file system is a hierarchical
structure, and the top-most
directory is called root. Files and
directories have a parent-child
Directory Related Commands
 pwd: Present Working Directory.
 cd: Change Directory.
 mkdir: Make Directory.
 rmdir : Remove Directory. A subdirectory
cannot be removed with rmdir unless it is
empty, and one is positioned in its parent
directory or above. But can remove a
directory without using rmdir also(rm –r
can remove a directory tree recursively
even if is not empty).
Options of ls command
File Related Commands
 cat is not only used to display one or more files but also to create
a file.
 cp is used to copy files.
 rm is used to remove files.
 mv (Move)rename a file.
 more is a pager that supports a repeat factor.
 Helps to search for a pattern(/) and repeat the search (n).
 lp prints a file and can directly print Postscript documents.
 file identifies the file type beyond the normal three categories.
 wc counts the number of lines, words, and characters.
 od displays the octal value of each character and is used to
display invisible characters.
 cmp tells us where the first difference was encountered.
 comm shows the lines that are common and optionally shows
the lines unique to either or both the sorted files.
 diff lists the differences as a sequence of instructions.
Compressing and Archiving files
 gzip and gunzip compresses and
decompresses individual files(extension-
 tar always works recursively to archive
a group of files into archive. tar and
gzip are often used together to create
compressed archives (extension- .tar.gz).
 zip and unzip can perform all functions
that are found in gzip, gunzip, and tar.
zip alone can create a compressed
archive from directory structures(-r).
ls –l (Listing file attributes)
 File type and Permissions
 Links
 Ownership
 Group Ownership
 File size
 Last modification time.
 file name
There are three types of file access
supported by UNIX.
 r – read, view the contents of a file or a
 w –write, edit file/directory contents
 x –execute, run executable file
Here’s an example
 Suppose you type in ls -l and the result is
- rwx r-x r-- 1 s v 858 Aug 22 22:28 test.sh
What do all these symbols mean?
- rwx r-x r-- 1 sv sv 555 Jan 12 20:12 Test
group size Modification
File name
User – the person who created the file.
Group – the group owns the file.
Others – the rest of the world
“754” is a decimal number. But you
can represent each digit with a binary
4 => read permission
2 => write permission,
1=> execute permission
read=4; write=2; execute=1
rwx r-x r--
4 +2 +1
7 5 4
4 +0 +1 4 +0 +0
rwx r-x r-- is a symbolic way to specify file modes,
while 754 is a numeric way
(remember 7  111, 5 101, 4100 ? ).
How would you represent this file mode numerically?
--x --x –wx
How would you represent this bit string symbolically?
6 1 4
chmod mode file(s) : Change the access
mode of one or more files.
 chmod 751 my_file
 The owner of my_file has rwx(7) permission, the
group has r-x(5) permission, others have --x
Tell me what the following command will do?
chmod u=rwx, g=r, o=wr my_file
u : User
g : Group
o : Others
a : All(ugo)
+ : Assigns Permission
- : Removes Permission
=: Assigns absolute Permission
r : Read Permission
w : Write Permission
x : Execute Permission
File Permissions
 UNIX also provides a way to protect files
based on users and groups.
 Three types of permissions:
 read, process may read contents of file
 write, process may write contents of file
 execute, process may execute file
 Three sets of permissions:
 permissions for owner
 permissions for group
 permissions for other
Directory permissions
 Same types and sets of permissions as
for files
 read: process may a read the directory
contents (i.e., list files)
 write: process may add/remove files in the
 execute: process may open files in
directory or subdirectories
Utilities for Manipulating file
 chmod change file permissions
 chown change file owner
 chgrp change file group
 only owner or super-user can change
file attributes
Chmod command
 Symbolic access modes {u,g,o} /
 example: chmod +r file
 Octal access modes
octalread write execute
0 no no no
1 no no yes
2 no yes no
3 no yes yes
4 yes no no
5 yes no yes
6 yes yes no
7 yes yes yes
Directory Permissions
The default permissions of a directory on
any system will be usually 755. A directory
must never be writable by group and others.
If so be assured that every user can remove
files in the directory.
Changing File Ownership
chown : Changing File Ownership
chown options owner [:group] file(s)
Changing ownership requires superuser permission.
$ su
Password: *********
# _
chgrp: Changing Group Owner
The group owner of a file is the group to which the
owner belongs. The chgrp command changes a file’s
group owner.
A user can change the group owner of a file, but only to a
group to which the user belongs.
A user can belong to multiple groups.
UNIX – The vi Editor
vi Basics: operates in 3 modes
Command Mode : In this mode we pass commands to act on text, can not use this
mode to enter or replace text. The default mode where every key pressed is
interpreted as a command to run on text. Navigation, copying, deleting text are
performed in this mode.
Insert Mode : ready to input text, at each line <Enter>, backspace to wipe out
unwanted text, [Ctrl-w] to erase the entire word. Press [Esc] to revert back to
Command Mode. Press l (el) or h to move the cursor(h left, l right, K up, j down).
The entered text is not saved in the insert mode to save the text from buffer switch to
ex-Mode or Last Line Mode :while in Insert Mode, enter : (colon), then enter x,
press <Enter> :x <Enter>The file is now saved and you are back to the $ prompt
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UNIX – The vi Editor
• Insert Mode
• Invoke this mode by pressing on of the following keys
• i – insert text to the left of the cursor
• a – appends text to the right of the cursor
• I – insert text at the beginning of the line
• A – appends text at the end of the line
• o – opens line below
• O – opens line above
• rch Replaces single character with ch(No Esc required)
•R Replaces text from cursor to right
• s Replaces single character with any number of characters
•S Replaces entire line
• The File .exrc
• vi reads the file $HOME/.exrc (same as ~/.exrc in some
shells) on startup, You can create abbreviations, redefine your
keys to behave differently
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UNIX – The vi Editor
Input Mode – Entering and Replacing Text
Insert and append (i, a, I, A)
I Inserts text at beginning of line
AAppends text at end of line
Replace (r, R, s, S)
Open a line (o, O)
o Opens lines below
O Opens line above
:set showmode : messages like INSERT MODE, REPLACE MODE,
CHANGE MODE will now appear the last line can add this in the .exrc
file for permanent settings
Saving Text and Quiting – ex mode
:w saves file and remains in editing mode
:wq saves file and quits editing mode
:x saves file and quits editing mode
:q Quits editing mode when no changes are made on the file
:q! Quits editing mode but after abandoning changes
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UNIX – The vi Editor
• Saving Text and Quitting
• :w – save and continue
• :w anotherfile
• It is common practice to ignore the readonly label on the file
• what happens when trying :w?
• :x and :wq – save and exit
• :q and :q! – abandon all changes and quit (press [Ctrl-z] and
suspend the process)
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UNIX – The vi Editor
• Escape to the Shell (:sh and [Ctrl-z]
• :sh
• returns to shell prompt
• execute cc to compile C program
• use [Ctrl-d] or exit to return to the editor
• use [Ctrl-z] to suspend current vi session. Run your
commands and use fg to return to editor . (Job control)
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UNIX – The vi Editor
• Deleting Text
• x – deletes one or more character
• X – deletes to the left
• dd – deletes the current line
• Joining Lines
• J – joins two lines
• the current line and the line following it
•4J joins following 3 lines with current one
• Changing Case (~)
• changes the case of the text
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UNIX – The vi Editor
• Copying lines
• yy – copy current line
• y3y – will copy 3 lines
• “ayy and “ap to copy lines from one file to another
• open the new file in ex Mode :e newfile
• Paste
• after yy; p will paste the lines
• Undoing Last Editing
• u – will undo the last change
• Substitution – Search and Replace (:s)
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The shell is a process that runs when a user logs in and terminates when she logs
out. It scans the command line for metacharacters and rebuilds it before turning it
over to the kernel for execution.
The shell is grouped into two categories here:
•The Bourne family comprising the Bourne shell (/bin/sh) and its derivatives – the
Korn shell (/bin/ksh) and Bash (/bin/bash).
•The C shell (/bin/csh) and its derivative, Tcsh (/bin/tcsh)
The shell matches filenames with wild-cards that have to be expanded before the
command is executed. It can match any character (*) or a single one (?). It can
also match a range ([ ]) and negate a match ([!]). The * and ? don’t match a
filename beginning with a dot.
Redirection of input/ouput
• Redirection of output: >
– example:$ ls -l > my_files
• Redirection of input: <
– example: $ cat <input.data
• Append output: >>
– example: $ date >> logfile
• Arbitrary file descriptor redirection: fd>
– example: $ ls –l 2> error_log
Multiple Redirection
• cmd 2>file
– send standard error to file
– standard output remains the same
• cmd > file 2>&1
– send both standard error and standard output
to file
• cmd > file1 2>file2
– send standard output to file1
– send standard error to file2
• Like macros (#define in C)
• Shorter to define than functions, but
more limited
• Not recommended for scripts
• Example:
alias rm='rm –i'
Introduction to Filters
 A class of Unix tools called filters.
◦ Utilities that read from standard input,
transform the file, and write to standard out
 Using filters can be thought of as data
oriented programming.
◦ Each step of the computation transforms data
Examples of Filters
 Sort
◦ Input: lines from a file
◦ Output: lines from the file sorted
 Grep
◦ Input: lines from a file
◦ Output: lines that match the argument
 Awk
◦ Programmable filter
cat: The simplest filter
 The cat command copies its input to
output unchanged (identity filter). When
supplied a list of file names, it
concatenates them onto stdout.
 Some options:
◦ -nnumber output lines (starting from 1)
◦ -vdisplay control-characters in visible form
(e.g. ^C)
 Display the first few lines of a specified
 Syntax: head [-n] [filename...]
◦ -n - number of lines to display, default is 10
◦ filename... - list of filenames to display
 When more than one filename is
specified, the start of each files listing
 Displays the last part of a file
 Syntax: tail +|-number [lbc] [f] [filename]
or: tail +|-number [l] [rf] [filename]
◦ +number - begins copying at distance number from
beginning of file, if number isn’t given, defaults to
◦ -number - begins from end of file
◦ l,b,c - number is in units of lines/block/characters
◦ r - print in reverse order (lines only)
◦ f - if input is not a pipe, do not terminate after end
of file has been copied but loop. This is useful to
monitor a file being written by another process
head and tail examples
head /etc/passwd
head *.c
tail +20 /etc/passwd
ls -lt | tail -3
head –100 /etc/passwd | tail -5
tail –f /usr/local/httpd/access_log
 Copy standard input to standard output
and one or more files
◦ Captures intermediate results from a filter
in the pipeline
Unix Command Standard output
tee con’t
 Syntax: tee [ -ai ] file-list
◦ -a - append to output file rather than
overwrite, default is to overwrite (replace)
the output file
◦ -i - ignore interrupts
◦ file-list - one or more file names for
capturing output
 Examples
ls | head –10 | tee first_10 | tail –5
who | tee user_list | wc
cut: select columns
 The cut command prints selected parts of
input lines.
◦ can select columns (assumes tab-separated input)
◦ can select a range of character positions
 Some options:
◦ -f listOfCols: print only the specified columns (tab-
separated) on output
◦ -c listOfPos: print only chars in the specified
◦ -d c: use character c as the column separator
 Lists are specified as ranges (e.g. 1-5) or
comma-separated (e.g. 2,4,5).
cut examples
cut -f 1 < data
cut -f 1-3 < data
cut -f 1,4 < data
cut -f 4- < data
cut -d'|' -f 1-3 < data
cut -c 1-4 < data
Unfortunately, there's no way to refer to "last column"
without counting the columns.
paste: join columns
 The paste command displays several text files
"in parallel" on output.
 If the inputs are files a, b, c
◦ the first line of output is composed
of the first lines of a, b, c
◦ the second line of output is composed
of the second lines of a, b, c
 Lines from each file are separated by a tab
 If files are different lengths, output has all
lines from longest file, with empty strings for
missing lines.
paste example
cut -f 1 < data > data1
cut -f 2 < data > data2
cut -f 3 < data > data3
paste data1 data3 data2 > newdata
sort: Sort lines of a file
 The sort command copies input to output
but ensures that the output is arranged in
ascending order of lines.
◦ By default, sorting is based on ASCII
comparisons of the whole line.
 Other features of sort:
◦ understands text data that occurs in columns.
(can also sort on a column other than the first)
◦ can distinguish numbers and sort appropriately
◦ can sort files "in place" as well as behaving like a
◦ capable of sorting very large files
sort: Options
 Syntax: sort [-dftnr] [-o filename]
-d Dictionary order, only letters, digits,
and whitespace are significant in
determining sort order
-f Ignore case (fold into lower case)
-t Specify delimiter
-n Numeric order, sort by arithmetic value
instead of first digit
-r Sort in reverse order
-o filename - write output to filename, filename
can be the same as one of the input
 Lots of more options…
sort: Specifying fields
 Delimiter : -td
 Old way:
◦ +f[.c][options] [-f[.c][options]
 +2.1 –3 +0 –2 +3n
◦ Exclusive
◦ Start from 0 (unlike cut, which starts at 1)
 New way:
◦ -k f[.c][options][,f[.c][options]]
 -k2.1 –k0,1 –k3n
◦ Inclusive
◦ Start from 1
sort Examples
sort +2nr < data
sort –k2nr data
sort -t: +4 /etc/passwd
sort -o mydata mydata
uniq: list UNIQue items
 Remove or report adjacent duplicate lines
 Syntax: uniq [ -cdu] [input-file] [ output-
-c Supersede the -u and -d options and generate
an output report with each line preceded by
an occurrence count
-d Write only the duplicated lines
-u Write only those lines which are not
◦ The default output is the union (combination) of
-d and -u
wc: Counting results
 The word count utility, wc, counts the
number of lines, characters or words
 Options:
-lCount lines
-wCount words
-cCount characters
 Default: count lines, words and chars
wc and uniq Examples
who | sort | uniq –d
wc my_essay
who | wc
sort file | uniq | wc –l
sort file | uniq –d | wc –l
sort file | uniq –u | wc -l
tr: TRanslate Characters
 Copies standard input to standard output with
substitution or deletion of selected characters
 Syntax: tr [ -cds ] [ string1 ] [ string2 ]
•-d delete all input characters contained in string1
•-c complements the characters in string1 with
to the entire ASCII character set
•-s squeeze all strings of repeated output characters
in the last operand to single characters
tr (continued)
 tr reads from standard input.
◦ Any character that does not match a character in
string1 is passed to standard output unchanged
◦ Any character that does match a character in
string1 is translated into the corresponding
character in string2 and then passed to standard
 Examples
◦ tr s z replaces all instances of s with z
◦ tr so zx replaces all instances of s with z
and o with x
◦ tr a-z A-Z replaces all lower case characters
with upper case
◦ tr –d a-c deletes all a-c characters
tr uses
 Change delimiter
tr ‘|’ ‘:’
 Rewrite numbers
tr ,. .,
 Import DOS files
tr –d ’r’ < dos_file
 Find printable ASCII in a binary file
tr –cd ’n[a-zA-Z0-9 ]’ < binary_file
find utility and xargs
 find . -type f -print | xargs wc -l
◦ -type f for files
◦ -print to print them out
◦ xargs invokes wc 1 or more times
 wc -l a b c d e f g
wc -l h i j k l m n o
 Compare to: find . -type f –exec wc -l {}
 Regular Expressions
◦ Allow you to search for text in files
◦ grep command
 Utilities that let you write high level
programs for stream manipulation:
◦ sed
grep and sed
 Regular Expressions
◦ Allow you to search for text in files
◦ grep command
 Stream manipulation:
◦ sed
Regular Expressions
What Is a Regular Expression?
 A regular expression (regex) describes
a set of possible input strings.
 Regular expressions descend from a
fundamental concept in Computer
Science called finite automata theory
 Regular expressions are endemic to
◦ vi, ed, sed, and emacs
◦ awk, tcl, perl and Python
◦ grep, egrep, fgrep
◦ compilers
Regular Expressions
 The simplest regular expressions are a
string of literal characters to match.
 The string matches the regular
expression if it contains the substring.
UNIX Tools bad
UNIX Tools good
UNIX Tools is okay.
no match
regular expression d
Regular Expressions
 A regular expression can match a string
in more than one place.
Greenapple and the apple.
match 1 match 2
regular expression a p p l e
Regular Expressions
 The . regular expression can be used to
match any character.
For me to sit on
match 1 match 2
regular expression o .
Character Classes
 Character classes [] can be used to
match any specific set of characters.
Ten men in a den
match 1 match 2
regular expression . [ie] n
match 3
Negated Character Classes
 Character classes can be negated with
the [^] syntax.
Ten men in a den
regular expression [^td] e n
More About Character Classes
[aeiou] will match any of the characters a, e, i, o, or u
[kK]orn will match korn or Korn
Ranges can also be specified in character classes
[1-9] is the same as [123456789]
[abcde] is equivalent to [a-e]
You can also combine multiple ranges
[abcde123456789] is equivalent to [a-e1-9]
Note that the - character has a special meaning in a
character class but only if it is used within a range,
[-123] would match the characters -, 1, 2, or 3
Named Character Classes
 Commonly used character classes can be
referred to by name (alpha, lower, upper,
alnum, digit, punct, cntrl)
 Syntax [:name:]
◦ [a-zA-Z] [[:alpha:]]
◦ [a-zA-Z0-9] [[:alnum:]]
◦ [45a-z] [45[:lower:]]
 Important for portability across languages
 Anchors are used to match at the beginning
or end of a line (or both).
 ^ means beginning of the line
 $ means end of the line
Ten men in a den
regular expression ^ T [ie] n
regular expression d [eor]n $
Ten men in a den
 The * is used to define zero or more
occurrences of the single regular
expression preceding it.
I got mail, yaaaaaaaaaay!
regular expression y a * y
For me to look on.
regular expression . O * .
Repetition Ranges
 Ranges can also be specified
◦ { } notation can specify a range of
repetitions for the immediately preceding
◦ {n} means exactly n occurrences
◦ {n,} means at least n occurrences
◦ {n,m} means at least n occurrences but no
more than m occurrences
 Example:
◦ .{0,} same as .*
◦ a{2,} same as aaa*
 If you want to group part of an expression
so that * or { } applies to more than just
the previous character, use ( ) notation
 Subexpresssions are treated like a single
◦ a* matches 0 or more occurrences of a
◦ abc* matches ab, abc, abcc, abccc, …
◦ (abc)* matches abc, abcabc, abcabcabc, …
◦ (abc){2,3} matches abcabc or abcabcabc
 grep comes from the ed (Unix text editor)
search command “search a global regular
expression and print it” or g/re/p
 This was such a useful command that it
was written as a standalone utility
 There are two other variants, egrep and
fgrep that comprise the grep family
 grep is the answer to the moments where
you know you want the file that contains a
specific phrase but you can’t remember
its name
Family Differences
 grep - uses regular expressions for
pattern matching
 fgrep - file grep, does not use regular
expressions, only matches fixed strings
but can get search strings from a file
 egrep - extended grep, uses a more
powerful set of regular expressions but
does not support backreferencing,
generally the fastest member of the grep
 agrep – approximate grep; not standard
 Regular expression concepts we have seen
so far are common to grep and egrep.
 grep and egrep have different syntax
◦ grep: BREs
◦ egrep: EREs (enhanced features we will
 Major syntax differences:
◦ grep: ( and ), { and }
◦ egrep: ( and ), { and }
Protecting Regex Metacharacters
 Since many of the special characters used
in regexs also have special meaning to
the shell, it’s a good idea to get in the
habit of single quoting your regexs
◦ This will protect any special characters from
being operated on by the shell
◦ If you habitually do it, you won’t have to worry
about when it is necessary
Escaping Special Characters
 Even though we are single quoting our
regexs so the shell won’t interpret the
special characters, some characters are
special to grep (eg * and .)
 To get literal characters, we escape the
character with a  (backslash)
 Suppose we want to search for the
character sequence 'a*b*'
◦ Unless we do something special, this will match
zero or more ‘a’s followed by zero or more ‘b’s,
not what we want
◦ ‘a*b*’ will fix this - now the asterisks are
treated as regular characters
Egrep: Alternation
 Regex also provides an alternation character
| for matching one or another subexpression
◦ (T|d)en will match ‘Ten’ or ‘den’
◦ ^(From|Subject): will match the From and
Subject lines of a typical email message
 It matches a beginning of line followed by either the
characters ‘From’ or ‘Subject’ followed by a ‘:’
 Subexpressions are used to limit the scope of
the alternation
◦ At(ten|nine)tion then matches “Attention” or
“Atninetion”, not “Atten” or “ninetion” as would
happen without the parenthesis - Atten|ninetion
Egrep: Repetition Shorthands
 The * (star) has already been seen to
specify zero or more occurrences of the
immediately preceding character
 + (plus) means “one or more”
 abc+d will match ‘abcd’, ‘abccd’, or
‘abccccccd’ but will not match ‘abd’
 Equivalent to {1,}
Egrep: Repetition Shorthands
 The ‘?’ (question mark) specifies an optional
character, the single character that
immediately precedes it
 July? will match ‘Jul’ or ‘July’
 Equivalent to {0,1}
 Also equivalent to (Jul|July)
 The *, ?, and + are known as quantifiers
because they specify the quantity of a match
 Quantifiers can also be used with
◦ (a*c)+ will match ‘c’, ‘ac’, ‘aac’ or ‘aacaacac’ but will
not match ‘a’ or a blank line
Grep: Backreferences
 Sometimes it is handy to be able to refer
to a match that was made earlier in a
 This is done using backreferences
◦ n is the backreference specifier, where n is a
 Looks for nth subexpression
 For example, to find if the first word of a
line is the same as the last:
◦ ^([[:alpha:]]{1,}) .* 1$
◦ The ([[:alpha:]]{1,}) matches 1 or more
Practical Regex Examples
 Variable names in C
◦ [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*
 Dollar amount with optional cents
◦ $[0-9]+(.[0-9][0-9])?
 Time of day
◦ (1[012]|[1-9]):[0-5][0-9] (am|pm)
 HTML headers <h1> <H1> <h2> …
◦ <[hH][1-4]>
grep Family
 Syntax
grep [-hilnv] [-e expression] [filename]
egrep [-hilnv] [-e expression] [-f filename]
[expression] [filename]
fgrep [-hilnxv] [-e string] [-f filename] [string]
◦ -h Do not display filenames
◦ -i Ignore case
◦ -l List only filenames containing matching lines
◦ -n Precede each matching line with its line
◦ -v Negate matches
◦ -x Match whole line only (fgrep only)
◦ -e expression Specify expression as option
◦ -f filename Take the regular expression
(egrep) or a list of strings (fgrep) from
grep Examples
 grep 'men' GrepMe
 grep 'fo*' GrepMe
 egrep 'fo+' GrepMe
 egrep -n '[Tt]he' GrepMe
 fgrep 'The' GrepMe
 egrep 'NC+[0-9]*A?' GrepMe
 fgrep -f expfile GrepMe
• Find all lines with signed numbers
$ egrep ’[-+][0-9]+.?[0-9]*’ *.c
bsearch. c: return -1;
compile. c: strchr("+1-2*3", t-> op)[1] - ’0’, dst,
convert. c: Print integers in a given base 2-16 (default 10)
convert. c: sscanf( argv[ i+1], "% d", &base);
strcmp. c: return -1;
strcmp. c: return +1;
• egrep has its limits: For example, it cannot match all lines that
contain a number divisible by 7.
Ordinary characters match themselves
(NEWLINES and metacharacters excluded)
Ordinary strings match themselves
Matches literal character m
Start of line
End of line
Any single character
Any of x, y, ^, $, or z
Any one character other than x, y, ^, $, or z
Any single character in given range
zero or more occurrences of regex r
Matches r1 followed by r2
Tagged regular expression, matches r
Set to what matched the nth tagged expression
(n = 1-9)
One or more occurrences of r
Zero or one occurrences of r
Either r1 or r2
Either r1r3 or r2r3
Zero or more occurrences of r1|r2, e.g., r1, r1r1,
r2r1, r1r1r2r1,…)
fgrep, grep, egrep
grep, egrep
This is one line of text
input line
regular expression
Sed: Stream-oriented, Non-
Interactive, Text Editor
 Look for patterns one line at a time, like
 Change lines of the file
 Non-interactive text editor
◦ Editing commands come in as script
◦ There is an interactive editor ed which accepts
the same commands
 A Unix filter
◦ Superset of previously mentioned tools
Sed Architecture
Input line
(Pattern Space)
Hold Space
Conceptual overview
 All editing commands in a sed script are
applied in order to each input line.
 If a command changes the input,
subsequent command address will be
applied to the current (modified) line in the
pattern space, not the original input line.
 The original input file is unchanged (sed is a
filter), and the results are sent to standard
output (but can be redirected to a file).
The rules for building shell variables are as
1. A variable name is any combination of alphabets,
digits and an underscore.
2. No commas or blanks are allowed within a
variable name.
3. The first character of a variable name must either
be an alphabet or an underscore.
4. Variables names should be of any reasonable
5. Variable names are case sensitive.
echo if until trap else read
case wait set fi esac eval
unset while break exec randomly
do continue ulimit shift done exit
Unmask export for return
$ PS1=“BScH” (System prompt 1)
• PS2 (The system prompt 2)
• IFS (Internal Field Separator)
• TERM (Defines the name of the terminal on which you
are working)
• TZ (Defines the name of the time zone)
Unix-defined or System Variables
Tips and Traps
 All shell variables are string variables.
 A var can contain more than one word. (“ ”).
 More than one assignment is possible in one line.
 All var dies the moment the execution of the script
is over.
 A variable which has been defined but has not been
given any value is known as null variable.
($d=“ ” , $d=' ', $d= )
 On echoing a null var, only blank line appears on
the screen.
 If a null var is used anywhere in a command shell
manages to ignore it.
 Not only the system var's but also the user defined
var's can be displayed using set commad.
• Unchanging variables ($ readonly var): When
the variables are made readonly, the shell
does not allow us to change their values.
• All such variables can be listed by entering
readonly at the $ prompt.
• Wiping out variables ($ unset var) : If we want
the shell to forget about a variable altogether,
we use the unset command.
• $ unset PS1 is not allowed.
Positional Parameters
Positional parameters ($1 to $9)
$sh test.sh a b c d e f g h i
Setting Values of Positional
$ set a b c d e f g h i j k
$ echo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11
a b c d e f g h i a0 a1
$ shift 5
$ echo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
f g h i j k
echo $* (Here $* stands for all positional
parameters, including those beyond $9. It takes
all the parameter together not individually.)
• Comment # at the beginning of each line.
• More than one assignment can be done in a
single statement. (a=20 b=30)
• Along with expr modular division operator %.
• Multiplication symbol is always be preceded
by a .
• Terms of the expression provided to expr must
be separated by blanks.
• expr performs operations with priorities.
/, *, % First Priority
+, - Second Priority
• In case of a tie between operations of same
priority , preference is given to the operator
which occurs first (From left).
• Pair of parentheses changes normal priority.
• Innermost parentheses will have higher priority.
• Since the expr commands has been put within
accent graves it is substituted with the output of
expr, which is promptly displayed by the echo
statement on the screen.
• expr is capable of carrying out only integer
• To carry out arithmetic on real numbers bc is
a=10.5 b=3.5 c=‘echo $a + $b | bc’
Read and echo
echo -e 'E[34;47mThis is in blue.'; tput sgr0
echo -e 'E[33;44m'"yellow text on blue bkgrd"; tput sgr0
echo -e "033[4mThis is underlined text.033[0m"
echo -e "033[1mThis is bold text.033[0m"
echo -e "033[31m I am in Red 033[0m"
echo -e "033[32m I am in Green 033[0m"
Escape Sequence
033[0m Normal Characters.
033[1m Bold Characters.
033[4m Underlined Characters.
033[7m Reverse Video Characters.
clear Clear the screen
bold Bold display
rev Reverse Video Characters.
The tput Command
Control Instructions in Shell
• Sequence control Instruction.
• Selection or Decision Control Instruction.
• Repetition or Loop Control Instruction.
• Case Control Instruction.
Wildcards (patterns)
* matches any string of characters
? matches any single character
[list] matches any character in list
[low-up] matches any character in range low-up inclusive
[!list] matches any character not in list
Chapter 10
• if … then … fi
• if…then…else…fi
• Nested if…then…elif…else…fi
• else+if equals elif
• case … in … esac
test Summary
• String based tests
-z string Length of string is 0
-n string Length of string is not 0
string1 = string2 Strings are identical
string1 != string2 Strings differ
string String is not NULL
• Numeric tests
int1 –eq int2 First int equal to second
int1 –ne int2 First int not equal to second
-gt, -ge, -lt, -le greater, greater/equal, less, less/equal
• File tests
-r file File exists and is readable
-w file File exists and is writable
-f file File is regular file
-d file File is directory
-s file file exists and is not empty
• Logic
! Negate result of expression
-a, -o and operator, or operator
( expr ) groups an expression
-z string Length of string is 0
-n string Length of string is not 0
string1 = string2 Strings are identical
string1 != string2 Strings differ
string String is not NULL
String based tests
File Tests
-s file File exists and is not empty
-f file File is regular file
-d file File is directory
-c file File exists and a character special file
-b file File exists and a block special file
-r file File exists and is readable
-w file File exists and is writable
-x file File exists and is executable
-k file File exists and its sticky bit is set
! Negate result of expression
-a, -o and operator, or operator
( expr ) groups an expression
Numeric tests
int1 –eq int2 :First int equal to second
int1 –ne int2 :First int not equal to second
-gt, -ge : greater than, greater/equal
-lt, -le : less than, less/equal
• Any UNIX command. Evaluates to true if
the exit code is 0, false if the exit code > 0
• Special command /bin/test exists that does
most common expressions
– String compare
– Numeric comparison
– Check file properties
• Sample switch statement :
case $var in
opt1) command1
opt2) command
*) command
• * is a catch all condition
echo "Say something."
while true
echo "Hello"
echo "Bye"
echo "I'm sorry?"
echo "Take care.”
Case Example
• opt can be a shell pattern, or a list of shell
patterns delimited by |
• Example:
case $name in
echo "That doesn't seem like a name."
echo "Your name starts with S or V."
echo "You're different."
• You can use cases in any order (!sorted)
• Example:
case $num in
echo "I am in case 121"
echo "I am in case 7"
echo "I am in case 22"
echo "I am in default case..."
• Value of case can be a shell var, a shell
script argument or output of a command:
case $1 in
echo "cat at command line"
echo "dog at command line"
echo "parrot at command line"
echo "Incorrect argument at command line..."
• Options can be combined using or op |
case $1 in
cat | dog)
echo "Animal name"
parrot | crow)
echo "Bird"
whale | shark)
echo "fish"
echo "Incorrect argument at command line..."
echo "Enter any char"
read char
case $char in
[a-z]) echo "You enterd a small case letter"
[A-Z]) echo "Capital letter"
[0-9]) echo "Number"
?) echo "Symbol"
*) echo " More than one character"
Case example....
echo "Enter any word"
read word
case $word in
[aeiou]*) echo "You entered a word which begins with a small case
vowel letter"
[AEIOU]*) echo "Vowel capital letter"
*[0-9]) echo "Ends with a Number"
???) echo "Entered 3 letter word"
Case example....
loop statements:
While… do … done
until … do … done
for … do … done
• while statement
while control command
while loop executes till the exit status of the
control command is true and terminates when
the exit status becomes false.
• Until statement
until control command doesn’t return true
and this
and this
Until loop executes till the exit status of the
control command is false ad terminates when
this status becomes true.
• for statement
for control-variable in value1 value2 value3…
• The way if statements can be nested, similarly
whiles, untils and fors can also be nested.
• break - We often come across situations
where we want to jump out of a loop instantly,
without waiting to get back to the control
• When the keyword break is encountered
inside any loop, control automatically passes
to the first statement after the loop.
• A break is usually associated with an if.
• When the keyword continue is encountered
inside any loop, control automatically passes
to the beginning of the loop.
• continue is usually associated with an if.
for loops allow the repetition of a command
for a specific set of values.
for var in value1 value2 ...
command_set is executed with each value of var
(value1, value2, ...) in sequence
Example: Listing all files in a directory.
for i in *
echo $i
NOTE: * is a wild card that stands for all files in the
current directory, and for will go through each value
in *, which is all the files and $i has the filename.
Example: Listing all c files in a directory.
for file in *.c
mv $file $file.cpp
NOTE: This loop would pick up all C program files from
the current directory and add the extension “.cpp” at
the end of ech such file.
Conditionals are used to “test” something.
In Java or C, they test whether a Boolean
variable is true or false.
In a Bourne shell script, the only thing you
can test is whether or not a command is
Every well behaved command returns back a
return code.
0 if it was successful
Non-zero if it was unsuccessful (actually 1..255)
Use for checking validity.
Three kinds:
Check on files.
Check on strings.
Check on integers
The test command has an alias ‘[]’.
Each bracket must be surrounded by spaces
for i in 5 8 19 8 7 3
if [ $i -lt $smallest ]
echo $smallest
While loops repeat statements as long as
the next Unix command is successful.
Works similar to the while loop in C.
while [ $i -le 100 ]
sum=`expr $sum + $i`
i=`expr $i + 1`
echo The sum is $sum.
NOTE: The value of i is tested in the while to see if it
is less than or equal to 100.
Until loops repeat statements until the
next Unix command is successful.
Works similar to the do-while loop in C.
until [ $x -gt 3 ]
echo x = $x
x=`expr $x + 1`
NOTE: The value of x is tested in the until to see if
it is greater than 3.
While [ $# -le 5 ]
While who | grep $logname
While [ -r $file -a -w $file ]
There is a minor difference between the working
of while and until loops.
The while loop executes till the exit status of the
control command is true and terminates when
the exit status becomes false.
Unlike this until loop executes till the exit status
of the control command is false and terminates
when this status becomes true.
As a rule the while must have a control command
that will eventually return an exit status 1 (false),
otherwise the loop would be executed forever,
As a rule the until must have a control command
that will eventually return an exit status 0 (true),
otherwise the loop would be executed forever,
When the keyword break is encountered inside
any loop, control automatically passes to the
first statement after the loop.
(A break is usually associated with an if)
When the keyword continue is encountered inside
any loop, control automatically passes to the
beginning of the loop.
(A break is usually associated with an if)
• Filename Substitution Metacharacters
? * [..] [!..]
• I/O Redirection Metacharacters
> < >> << m> m>&n
• Process Execution Metacharacters
; () & && ||
• Quoting Metacharacters
 “ ” ’ ’ ‘ ‘
• Positional Parameters $1…$9
• Special Parameters $0 $* $@ $# $! $$ $-
$# Number of positional parameters
$- Options currently in effect
$? Exit value of last executed command
$$ Process number of current process
$! Process number of background process
$* All arguments on command line
"$@" All arguments on command line
individually quoted "$1" "$2" ...

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Commands and shell programming (3)

  • 2. Features of UNIX 1.Multiuser System 2.Multitasking System 3.The Building Block Approach 4.The UNIX tool kit 5.Pattern Matching 6.Programming Facility 7.Documentation.
  • 3. Locating Commands • type: To know about the location of an executable program is to use the type command. $ type ls ls is /bin/ls • echo $PATH
  • 4. Internal and External Commands  The programs or file having an independent existence in the /bin directory (or /usr/bin), is branded as an external command.  Most of the commands are external in nature, but there are some which are not really found in anywhere, and some which are normally not executed even when if they are in one of the directories specified by PATH these are called as internal commands.
  • 5. Command Structure “Command arguments” Commands and arguments have to be separated by spaces or tabs to enable the system to interpret them as words. • Options • Filename Arguments • Exceptions
  • 6. General purpose utilities: cal produces the calendar of a month or year. cal [ [ month ] year ] cal 03 2006 date can display any component of the system date and time in a number of formats. date +%m date +%h date +“%h %m”
  • 7. echo: Displays a message on the screen. printf: It works likes echo but can use format specifies like %d, %s, … bc: is the calculator/xcalc (graphical object) scale, ibase, obase script:is the UNIX systems recorder which logs all activities of a user in a separate file. passwd is used to change a user’s password but is not displayed on the screen. The command prompts for the old password before the new one.
  • 8. who shows the users working on the system and the time of logging in. who am i uname: Knowing users machine’s characteristics; by default it displays the name of the operating system. It reveals details of the machine’s operating system (-r). It also displays the host name (-n) that is used by networking commands. tty: (teletype) displays the device name of your terminal. stty: displays and sets various terminal attributes. Use stty sane to set the terminal to some standard values.
  • 9. File Ordinary File is also known as regular file. It contains only data as a stream of characters. Directory File – It’s commonly said that a directory contains files and other directories, but strictly speaking, it contains their names and a number associated with each name. Device File – All devices and peripherals are represented by files. To read or write a device, you have to perform these operations on its associated file
  • 10. File name  A file name can consist of up to 255 characters.  Files may or may not have extensions.  It can consist of practically any ASCII character except the / and the NULL character.  Users are permitted to use control characters  It is recommended that only the following characters should be used ◦ Alphabetic characters and numerals. ◦ The period (.), hyphen (-), and underscore (_).  A file can have as many dots embedded in its name;  A file name can also begin with a dot or end with a dot.  UNIX is case sensitive.
  • 11. The Parent Child Relationship The file system is a hierarchical structure, and the top-most directory is called root. Files and directories have a parent-child relationship.
  • 12. Directory Related Commands  pwd: Present Working Directory.  cd: Change Directory.  mkdir: Make Directory.  rmdir : Remove Directory. A subdirectory cannot be removed with rmdir unless it is empty, and one is positioned in its parent directory or above. But can remove a directory without using rmdir also(rm –r can remove a directory tree recursively even if is not empty).
  • 13. Options of ls command
  • 15.
  • 16. File Related Commands  cat is not only used to display one or more files but also to create a file.  cp is used to copy files.  rm is used to remove files.  mv (Move)rename a file.  more is a pager that supports a repeat factor.  Helps to search for a pattern(/) and repeat the search (n).  lp prints a file and can directly print Postscript documents.  file identifies the file type beyond the normal three categories.  wc counts the number of lines, words, and characters.  od displays the octal value of each character and is used to display invisible characters.  cmp tells us where the first difference was encountered.  comm shows the lines that are common and optionally shows the lines unique to either or both the sorted files.  diff lists the differences as a sequence of instructions.
  • 17. Compressing and Archiving files  gzip and gunzip compresses and decompresses individual files(extension- .gz).  tar always works recursively to archive a group of files into archive. tar and gzip are often used together to create compressed archives (extension- .tar.gz).  zip and unzip can perform all functions that are found in gzip, gunzip, and tar. zip alone can create a compressed archive from directory structures(-r).
  • 18. ls –l (Listing file attributes)  File type and Permissions  Links  Ownership  Group Ownership  File size  Last modification time.  file name
  • 19. Permissions There are three types of file access supported by UNIX.  r – read, view the contents of a file or a directory  w –write, edit file/directory contents  x –execute, run executable file 19
  • 20. Permissions Here’s an example  Suppose you type in ls -l and the result is - rwx r-x r-- 1 s v 858 Aug 22 22:28 test.sh What do all these symbols mean? 20
  • 21. Permissions - rwx r-x r-- 1 sv sv 555 Jan 12 20:12 Test type owner group size Modification date/time File name User permission s Group permissio ns Other Permissio ns links 21
  • 22. Permissions User – the person who created the file. Group – the group owns the file. Others – the rest of the world “754” is a decimal number. But you can represent each digit with a binary number. 4 => read permission 2 => write permission, 1=> execute permission 22
  • 23. Permissions read=4; write=2; execute=1 rwx r-x r-- 4 +2 +1 7 5 4 4 +0 +1 4 +0 +0 23
  • 24. Permissions rwx r-x r-- is a symbolic way to specify file modes, while 754 is a numeric way (remember 7  111, 5 101, 4100 ? ). How would you represent this file mode numerically? --x --x –wx How would you represent this bit string symbolically? 6 1 4 24
  • 25. Permissions chmod mode file(s) : Change the access mode of one or more files. Examples:  chmod 751 my_file  The owner of my_file has rwx(7) permission, the group has r-x(5) permission, others have --x permission. Tell me what the following command will do? chmod u=rwx, g=r, o=wr my_file 25
  • 26. u : User g : Group o : Others a : All(ugo) + : Assigns Permission - : Removes Permission =: Assigns absolute Permission r : Read Permission w : Write Permission x : Execute Permission
  • 27. File Permissions  UNIX also provides a way to protect files based on users and groups.  Three types of permissions:  read, process may read contents of file  write, process may write contents of file  execute, process may execute file  Three sets of permissions:  permissions for owner  permissions for group  permissions for other
  • 28. Directory permissions  Same types and sets of permissions as for files  read: process may a read the directory contents (i.e., list files)  write: process may add/remove files in the directory  execute: process may open files in directory or subdirectories
  • 29. Utilities for Manipulating file attributes  chmod change file permissions  chown change file owner  chgrp change file group  only owner or super-user can change file attributes
  • 30. Chmod command  Symbolic access modes {u,g,o} / {r,w,x}  example: chmod +r file  Octal access modes octalread write execute 0 no no no 1 no no yes 2 no yes no 3 no yes yes 4 yes no no 5 yes no yes 6 yes yes no 7 yes yes yes
  • 31. Directory Permissions The default permissions of a directory on any system will be usually 755. A directory must never be writable by group and others. If so be assured that every user can remove files in the directory.
  • 32. Changing File Ownership chown : Changing File Ownership chown options owner [:group] file(s) Changing ownership requires superuser permission. $ su Password: ********* # _
  • 33. chgrp: Changing Group Owner The group owner of a file is the group to which the owner belongs. The chgrp command changes a file’s group owner. A user can change the group owner of a file, but only to a group to which the user belongs. A user can belong to multiple groups.
  • 34. UNIX – The vi Editor vi Basics: operates in 3 modes Command Mode : In this mode we pass commands to act on text, can not use this mode to enter or replace text. The default mode where every key pressed is interpreted as a command to run on text. Navigation, copying, deleting text are performed in this mode. Insert Mode : ready to input text, at each line <Enter>, backspace to wipe out unwanted text, [Ctrl-w] to erase the entire word. Press [Esc] to revert back to Command Mode. Press l (el) or h to move the cursor(h left, l right, K up, j down). The entered text is not saved in the insert mode to save the text from buffer switch to ex-Mode ex-Mode or Last Line Mode :while in Insert Mode, enter : (colon), then enter x, press <Enter> :x <Enter>The file is now saved and you are back to the $ prompt 07/20/11 34
  • 35. UNIX – The vi Editor • Insert Mode • Invoke this mode by pressing on of the following keys • i – insert text to the left of the cursor • a – appends text to the right of the cursor • I – insert text at the beginning of the line • A – appends text at the end of the line • o – opens line below • O – opens line above • rch Replaces single character with ch(No Esc required) •R Replaces text from cursor to right • s Replaces single character with any number of characters •S Replaces entire line • The File .exrc • vi reads the file $HOME/.exrc (same as ~/.exrc in some shells) on startup, You can create abbreviations, redefine your keys to behave differently 07/20/11 35
  • 36. UNIX – The vi Editor Input Mode – Entering and Replacing Text Insert and append (i, a, I, A) I Inserts text at beginning of line AAppends text at end of line Replace (r, R, s, S) Open a line (o, O) o Opens lines below O Opens line above :set showmode : messages like INSERT MODE, REPLACE MODE, CHANGE MODE will now appear the last line can add this in the .exrc file for permanent settings Saving Text and Quiting – ex mode :w saves file and remains in editing mode :wq saves file and quits editing mode :x saves file and quits editing mode :q Quits editing mode when no changes are made on the file :q! Quits editing mode but after abandoning changes 07/20/11 36
  • 37. UNIX – The vi Editor • Saving Text and Quitting • :w – save and continue • :w anotherfile • It is common practice to ignore the readonly label on the file • what happens when trying :w? • :x and :wq – save and exit • :q and :q! – abandon all changes and quit (press [Ctrl-z] and suspend the process) 07/20/11 37
  • 38. UNIX – The vi Editor • Escape to the Shell (:sh and [Ctrl-z] • :sh • returns to shell prompt • execute cc to compile C program • use [Ctrl-d] or exit to return to the editor • use [Ctrl-z] to suspend current vi session. Run your commands and use fg to return to editor . (Job control) 07/20/11 38
  • 39. UNIX – The vi Editor • Deleting Text • x – deletes one or more character • X – deletes to the left • dd – deletes the current line • Joining Lines • J – joins two lines • the current line and the line following it •4J joins following 3 lines with current one • Changing Case (~) • changes the case of the text 07/20/11 39
  • 40. UNIX – The vi Editor • Copying lines • yy – copy current line • y3y – will copy 3 lines • “ayy and “ap to copy lines from one file to another • open the new file in ex Mode :e newfile • Paste • after yy; p will paste the lines • Undoing Last Editing • u – will undo the last change • Substitution – Search and Replace (:s) 07/20/11 40
  • 41. Shell The shell is a process that runs when a user logs in and terminates when she logs out. It scans the command line for metacharacters and rebuilds it before turning it over to the kernel for execution. The shell is grouped into two categories here: •The Bourne family comprising the Bourne shell (/bin/sh) and its derivatives – the Korn shell (/bin/ksh) and Bash (/bin/bash). •The C shell (/bin/csh) and its derivative, Tcsh (/bin/tcsh) The shell matches filenames with wild-cards that have to be expanded before the command is executed. It can match any character (*) or a single one (?). It can also match a range ([ ]) and negate a match ([!]). The * and ? don’t match a filename beginning with a dot.
  • 42. Redirection of input/ouput • Redirection of output: > – example:$ ls -l > my_files • Redirection of input: < – example: $ cat <input.data • Append output: >> – example: $ date >> logfile • Arbitrary file descriptor redirection: fd> – example: $ ls –l 2> error_log
  • 43. Multiple Redirection • cmd 2>file – send standard error to file – standard output remains the same • cmd > file 2>&1 – send both standard error and standard output to file • cmd > file1 2>file2 – send standard output to file1 – send standard error to file2
  • 44. Aliases • Like macros (#define in C) • Shorter to define than functions, but more limited • Not recommended for scripts • Example: alias rm='rm –i'
  • 45. Introduction to Filters  A class of Unix tools called filters. ◦ Utilities that read from standard input, transform the file, and write to standard out  Using filters can be thought of as data oriented programming. ◦ Each step of the computation transforms data stream.
  • 46. Examples of Filters  Sort ◦ Input: lines from a file ◦ Output: lines from the file sorted  Grep ◦ Input: lines from a file ◦ Output: lines that match the argument  Awk ◦ Programmable filter
  • 47. cat: The simplest filter  The cat command copies its input to output unchanged (identity filter). When supplied a list of file names, it concatenates them onto stdout.  Some options: ◦ -nnumber output lines (starting from 1) ◦ -vdisplay control-characters in visible form (e.g. ^C)
  • 48. head  Display the first few lines of a specified file  Syntax: head [-n] [filename...] ◦ -n - number of lines to display, default is 10 ◦ filename... - list of filenames to display  When more than one filename is specified, the start of each files listing displays ==>filename<==
  • 49. tail  Displays the last part of a file  Syntax: tail +|-number [lbc] [f] [filename] or: tail +|-number [l] [rf] [filename] ◦ +number - begins copying at distance number from beginning of file, if number isn’t given, defaults to 10 ◦ -number - begins from end of file ◦ l,b,c - number is in units of lines/block/characters ◦ r - print in reverse order (lines only) ◦ f - if input is not a pipe, do not terminate after end of file has been copied but loop. This is useful to monitor a file being written by another process
  • 50. head and tail examples head /etc/passwd head *.c tail +20 /etc/passwd ls -lt | tail -3 head –100 /etc/passwd | tail -5 tail –f /usr/local/httpd/access_log
  • 51. tee  Copy standard input to standard output and one or more files ◦ Captures intermediate results from a filter in the pipeline Unix Command Standard output file-list
  • 52. tee con’t  Syntax: tee [ -ai ] file-list ◦ -a - append to output file rather than overwrite, default is to overwrite (replace) the output file ◦ -i - ignore interrupts ◦ file-list - one or more file names for capturing output  Examples ls | head –10 | tee first_10 | tail –5 who | tee user_list | wc
  • 53. cut: select columns  The cut command prints selected parts of input lines. ◦ can select columns (assumes tab-separated input) ◦ can select a range of character positions  Some options: ◦ -f listOfCols: print only the specified columns (tab- separated) on output ◦ -c listOfPos: print only chars in the specified positions ◦ -d c: use character c as the column separator  Lists are specified as ranges (e.g. 1-5) or comma-separated (e.g. 2,4,5).
  • 54. cut examples cut -f 1 < data cut -f 1-3 < data cut -f 1,4 < data cut -f 4- < data cut -d'|' -f 1-3 < data cut -c 1-4 < data Unfortunately, there's no way to refer to "last column" without counting the columns.
  • 55. paste: join columns  The paste command displays several text files "in parallel" on output.  If the inputs are files a, b, c ◦ the first line of output is composed of the first lines of a, b, c ◦ the second line of output is composed of the second lines of a, b, c  Lines from each file are separated by a tab character.  If files are different lengths, output has all lines from longest file, with empty strings for missing lines.
  • 56. paste example cut -f 1 < data > data1 cut -f 2 < data > data2 cut -f 3 < data > data3 paste data1 data3 data2 > newdata
  • 57. sort: Sort lines of a file  The sort command copies input to output but ensures that the output is arranged in ascending order of lines. ◦ By default, sorting is based on ASCII comparisons of the whole line.  Other features of sort: ◦ understands text data that occurs in columns. (can also sort on a column other than the first) ◦ can distinguish numbers and sort appropriately ◦ can sort files "in place" as well as behaving like a filter ◦ capable of sorting very large files
  • 58. sort: Options  Syntax: sort [-dftnr] [-o filename] [filename(s)] -d Dictionary order, only letters, digits, and whitespace are significant in determining sort order -f Ignore case (fold into lower case) -t Specify delimiter -n Numeric order, sort by arithmetic value instead of first digit -r Sort in reverse order -o filename - write output to filename, filename can be the same as one of the input files  Lots of more options…
  • 59. sort: Specifying fields  Delimiter : -td  Old way: ◦ +f[.c][options] [-f[.c][options]  +2.1 –3 +0 –2 +3n ◦ Exclusive ◦ Start from 0 (unlike cut, which starts at 1)  New way: ◦ -k f[.c][options][,f[.c][options]]  -k2.1 –k0,1 –k3n ◦ Inclusive ◦ Start from 1
  • 60. sort Examples sort +2nr < data sort –k2nr data sort -t: +4 /etc/passwd sort -o mydata mydata
  • 61. uniq: list UNIQue items  Remove or report adjacent duplicate lines  Syntax: uniq [ -cdu] [input-file] [ output- file] -c Supersede the -u and -d options and generate an output report with each line preceded by an occurrence count -d Write only the duplicated lines -u Write only those lines which are not duplicated ◦ The default output is the union (combination) of -d and -u
  • 62. wc: Counting results  The word count utility, wc, counts the number of lines, characters or words  Options: -lCount lines -wCount words -cCount characters  Default: count lines, words and chars
  • 63. wc and uniq Examples who | sort | uniq –d wc my_essay who | wc sort file | uniq | wc –l sort file | uniq –d | wc –l sort file | uniq –u | wc -l
  • 64. tr: TRanslate Characters  Copies standard input to standard output with substitution or deletion of selected characters  Syntax: tr [ -cds ] [ string1 ] [ string2 ] •-d delete all input characters contained in string1 •-c complements the characters in string1 with respect to the entire ASCII character set •-s squeeze all strings of repeated output characters in the last operand to single characters
  • 65. tr (continued)  tr reads from standard input. ◦ Any character that does not match a character in string1 is passed to standard output unchanged ◦ Any character that does match a character in string1 is translated into the corresponding character in string2 and then passed to standard output  Examples ◦ tr s z replaces all instances of s with z ◦ tr so zx replaces all instances of s with z and o with x ◦ tr a-z A-Z replaces all lower case characters with upper case characters ◦ tr –d a-c deletes all a-c characters
  • 66. tr uses  Change delimiter tr ‘|’ ‘:’  Rewrite numbers tr ,. .,  Import DOS files tr –d ’r’ < dos_file  Find printable ASCII in a binary file tr –cd ’n[a-zA-Z0-9 ]’ < binary_file
  • 67. find utility and xargs  find . -type f -print | xargs wc -l ◦ -type f for files ◦ -print to print them out ◦ xargs invokes wc 1 or more times  wc -l a b c d e f g wc -l h i j k l m n o …  Compare to: find . -type f –exec wc -l {} ;
  • 68.  Regular Expressions ◦ Allow you to search for text in files ◦ grep command  Utilities that let you write high level programs for stream manipulation: ◦ sed
  • 69. grep and sed  Regular Expressions ◦ Allow you to search for text in files ◦ grep command  Stream manipulation: ◦ sed
  • 71. What Is a Regular Expression?  A regular expression (regex) describes a set of possible input strings.  Regular expressions descend from a fundamental concept in Computer Science called finite automata theory  Regular expressions are endemic to Unix ◦ vi, ed, sed, and emacs ◦ awk, tcl, perl and Python ◦ grep, egrep, fgrep ◦ compilers
  • 72. Regular Expressions  The simplest regular expressions are a string of literal characters to match.  The string matches the regular expression if it contains the substring.
  • 73. UNIX Tools bad match UNIX Tools good match UNIX Tools is okay. no match regular expression d
  • 74. Regular Expressions  A regular expression can match a string in more than one place. Greenapple and the apple. match 1 match 2 regular expression a p p l e
  • 75. Regular Expressions  The . regular expression can be used to match any character. For me to sit on match 1 match 2 regular expression o .
  • 76. Character Classes  Character classes [] can be used to match any specific set of characters. Ten men in a den match 1 match 2 regular expression . [ie] n match 3
  • 77. Negated Character Classes  Character classes can be negated with the [^] syntax. Ten men in a den match regular expression [^td] e n
  • 78. More About Character Classes [aeiou] will match any of the characters a, e, i, o, or u [kK]orn will match korn or Korn Ranges can also be specified in character classes [1-9] is the same as [123456789] [abcde] is equivalent to [a-e] You can also combine multiple ranges [abcde123456789] is equivalent to [a-e1-9] Note that the - character has a special meaning in a character class but only if it is used within a range, [-123] would match the characters -, 1, 2, or 3
  • 79. Named Character Classes  Commonly used character classes can be referred to by name (alpha, lower, upper, alnum, digit, punct, cntrl)  Syntax [:name:] ◦ [a-zA-Z] [[:alpha:]] ◦ [a-zA-Z0-9] [[:alnum:]] ◦ [45a-z] [45[:lower:]]  Important for portability across languages
  • 80. Anchors  Anchors are used to match at the beginning or end of a line (or both).  ^ means beginning of the line  $ means end of the line
  • 81. Ten men in a den match regular expression ^ T [ie] n regular expression d [eor]n $ Ten men in a den match ^$^word$
  • 82. Repetition  The * is used to define zero or more occurrences of the single regular expression preceding it.
  • 83. I got mail, yaaaaaaaaaay! match regular expression y a * y For me to look on. match regular expression . O * . .*
  • 84. Repetition Ranges  Ranges can also be specified ◦ { } notation can specify a range of repetitions for the immediately preceding regex ◦ {n} means exactly n occurrences ◦ {n,} means at least n occurrences ◦ {n,m} means at least n occurrences but no more than m occurrences  Example: ◦ .{0,} same as .* ◦ a{2,} same as aaa*
  • 85. Subexpressions  If you want to group part of an expression so that * or { } applies to more than just the previous character, use ( ) notation  Subexpresssions are treated like a single character ◦ a* matches 0 or more occurrences of a ◦ abc* matches ab, abc, abcc, abccc, … ◦ (abc)* matches abc, abcabc, abcabcabc, … ◦ (abc){2,3} matches abcabc or abcabcabc
  • 86. grep  grep comes from the ed (Unix text editor) search command “search a global regular expression and print it” or g/re/p  This was such a useful command that it was written as a standalone utility  There are two other variants, egrep and fgrep that comprise the grep family  grep is the answer to the moments where you know you want the file that contains a specific phrase but you can’t remember its name
  • 87. Family Differences  grep - uses regular expressions for pattern matching  fgrep - file grep, does not use regular expressions, only matches fixed strings but can get search strings from a file  egrep - extended grep, uses a more powerful set of regular expressions but does not support backreferencing, generally the fastest member of the grep family  agrep – approximate grep; not standard
  • 88. Syntax  Regular expression concepts we have seen so far are common to grep and egrep.  grep and egrep have different syntax ◦ grep: BREs ◦ egrep: EREs (enhanced features we will discuss)  Major syntax differences: ◦ grep: ( and ), { and } ◦ egrep: ( and ), { and }
  • 89. Protecting Regex Metacharacters  Since many of the special characters used in regexs also have special meaning to the shell, it’s a good idea to get in the habit of single quoting your regexs ◦ This will protect any special characters from being operated on by the shell ◦ If you habitually do it, you won’t have to worry about when it is necessary
  • 90. Escaping Special Characters  Even though we are single quoting our regexs so the shell won’t interpret the special characters, some characters are special to grep (eg * and .)  To get literal characters, we escape the character with a (backslash)  Suppose we want to search for the character sequence 'a*b*' ◦ Unless we do something special, this will match zero or more ‘a’s followed by zero or more ‘b’s, not what we want ◦ ‘a*b*’ will fix this - now the asterisks are treated as regular characters
  • 91. Egrep: Alternation  Regex also provides an alternation character | for matching one or another subexpression ◦ (T|d)en will match ‘Ten’ or ‘den’ ◦ ^(From|Subject): will match the From and Subject lines of a typical email message  It matches a beginning of line followed by either the characters ‘From’ or ‘Subject’ followed by a ‘:’  Subexpressions are used to limit the scope of the alternation ◦ At(ten|nine)tion then matches “Attention” or “Atninetion”, not “Atten” or “ninetion” as would happen without the parenthesis - Atten|ninetion
  • 92. Egrep: Repetition Shorthands  The * (star) has already been seen to specify zero or more occurrences of the immediately preceding character  + (plus) means “one or more”  abc+d will match ‘abcd’, ‘abccd’, or ‘abccccccd’ but will not match ‘abd’  Equivalent to {1,}
  • 93. Egrep: Repetition Shorthands cont  The ‘?’ (question mark) specifies an optional character, the single character that immediately precedes it  July? will match ‘Jul’ or ‘July’  Equivalent to {0,1}  Also equivalent to (Jul|July)  The *, ?, and + are known as quantifiers because they specify the quantity of a match  Quantifiers can also be used with subexpressions ◦ (a*c)+ will match ‘c’, ‘ac’, ‘aac’ or ‘aacaacac’ but will not match ‘a’ or a blank line
  • 94. Grep: Backreferences  Sometimes it is handy to be able to refer to a match that was made earlier in a regex  This is done using backreferences ◦ n is the backreference specifier, where n is a number  Looks for nth subexpression  For example, to find if the first word of a line is the same as the last: ◦ ^([[:alpha:]]{1,}) .* 1$ ◦ The ([[:alpha:]]{1,}) matches 1 or more letters
  • 95. Practical Regex Examples  Variable names in C ◦ [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*  Dollar amount with optional cents ◦ $[0-9]+(.[0-9][0-9])?  Time of day ◦ (1[012]|[1-9]):[0-5][0-9] (am|pm)  HTML headers <h1> <H1> <h2> … ◦ <[hH][1-4]>
  • 96. grep Family  Syntax grep [-hilnv] [-e expression] [filename] egrep [-hilnv] [-e expression] [-f filename] [expression] [filename] fgrep [-hilnxv] [-e string] [-f filename] [string] [filename] ◦ -h Do not display filenames ◦ -i Ignore case ◦ -l List only filenames containing matching lines ◦ -n Precede each matching line with its line number ◦ -v Negate matches ◦ -x Match whole line only (fgrep only) ◦ -e expression Specify expression as option ◦ -f filename Take the regular expression (egrep) or a list of strings (fgrep) from filename
  • 97. grep Examples  grep 'men' GrepMe  grep 'fo*' GrepMe  egrep 'fo+' GrepMe  egrep -n '[Tt]he' GrepMe  fgrep 'The' GrepMe  egrep 'NC+[0-9]*A?' GrepMe  fgrep -f expfile GrepMe • Find all lines with signed numbers $ egrep ’[-+][0-9]+.?[0-9]*’ *.c bsearch. c: return -1; compile. c: strchr("+1-2*3", t-> op)[1] - ’0’, dst, convert. c: Print integers in a given base 2-16 (default 10) convert. c: sscanf( argv[ i+1], "% d", &base); strcmp. c: return -1; strcmp. c: return +1; • egrep has its limits: For example, it cannot match all lines that contain a number divisible by 7.
  • 98. x xyz Ordinary characters match themselves (NEWLINES and metacharacters excluded) Ordinary strings match themselves m ^ $ . [xy^$x] [^xy^$z] [a-z] r* r1r2 Matches literal character m Start of line End of line Any single character Any of x, y, ^, $, or z Any one character other than x, y, ^, $, or z Any single character in given range zero or more occurrences of regex r Matches r1 followed by r2 (r) n {n,m} Tagged regular expression, matches r Set to what matched the nth tagged expression (n = 1-9) Repetition r+ r? r1|r2 (r1|r2)r3 (r1|r2)* {n,m} One or more occurrences of r Zero or one occurrences of r Either r1 or r2 Either r1r3 or r2r3 Zero or more occurrences of r1|r2, e.g., r1, r1r1, r2r1, r1r1r2r1,…) Repetition fgrep, grep, egrep grep, egrep grep egrep This is one line of text o.*o input line regular expression Quick Reference
  • 99. Sed: Stream-oriented, Non- Interactive, Text Editor  Look for patterns one line at a time, like grep  Change lines of the file  Non-interactive text editor ◦ Editing commands come in as script ◦ There is an interactive editor ed which accepts the same commands  A Unix filter ◦ Superset of previously mentioned tools
  • 101. Conceptual overview  All editing commands in a sed script are applied in order to each input line.  If a command changes the input, subsequent command address will be applied to the current (modified) line in the pattern space, not the original input line.  The original input file is unchanged (sed is a filter), and the results are sent to standard output (but can be redirected to a file).
  • 102.
  • 103. The rules for building shell variables are as follows: 1. A variable name is any combination of alphabets, digits and an underscore. 2. No commas or blanks are allowed within a variable name. 3. The first character of a variable name must either be an alphabet or an underscore. 4. Variables names should be of any reasonable length. 5. Variable names are case sensitive.
  • 104. echo if until trap else read case wait set fi esac eval unset while break exec randomly do continue ulimit shift done exit Unmask export for return
  • 105. $ PS1=“BScH” (System prompt 1) • PS2 (The system prompt 2) • PATH • HOME • LOGNAME • MAIL • MAILCHECK • IFS (Internal Field Separator) • SHELL • TERM (Defines the name of the terminal on which you are working) • TZ (Defines the name of the time zone) Unix-defined or System Variables
  • 106. Tips and Traps  All shell variables are string variables.  A var can contain more than one word. (“ ”).  More than one assignment is possible in one line.  All var dies the moment the execution of the script is over.  A variable which has been defined but has not been given any value is known as null variable. ($d=“ ” , $d=' ', $d= )  On echoing a null var, only blank line appears on the screen.  If a null var is used anywhere in a command shell manages to ignore it.  Not only the system var's but also the user defined var's can be displayed using set commad.
  • 107. • Unchanging variables ($ readonly var): When the variables are made readonly, the shell does not allow us to change their values. • All such variables can be listed by entering readonly at the $ prompt. • Wiping out variables ($ unset var) : If we want the shell to forget about a variable altogether, we use the unset command. • $ unset PS1 is not allowed.
  • 108. Positional Parameters Positional parameters ($1 to $9) $sh test.sh a b c d e f g h i
  • 109. Setting Values of Positional Parameters. $ set a b c d e f g h i j k $ echo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 a b c d e f g h i a0 a1 $ shift 5 $ echo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 f g h i j k echo $* (Here $* stands for all positional parameters, including those beyond $9. It takes all the parameter together not individually.)
  • 110. • Comment # at the beginning of each line. • More than one assignment can be done in a single statement. (a=20 b=30) • Along with expr modular division operator %. • Multiplication symbol is always be preceded by a . • Terms of the expression provided to expr must be separated by blanks.
  • 111. • expr performs operations with priorities. /, *, % First Priority +, - Second Priority • In case of a tie between operations of same priority , preference is given to the operator which occurs first (From left). • Pair of parentheses changes normal priority. • Innermost parentheses will have higher priority.
  • 112. • Since the expr commands has been put within accent graves it is substituted with the output of expr, which is promptly displayed by the echo statement on the screen. • expr is capable of carrying out only integer arithmetic. • To carry out arithmetic on real numbers bc is used. a=10.5 b=3.5 c=‘echo $a + $b | bc’
  • 113. Read and echo echo -e 'E[34;47mThis is in blue.'; tput sgr0 echo -e 'E[33;44m'"yellow text on blue bkgrd"; tput sgr0 echo -e "033[4mThis is underlined text.033[0m" echo -e "033[1mThis is bold text.033[0m" echo -e "033[31m I am in Red 033[0m" echo -e "033[32m I am in Green 033[0m"
  • 114. Escape Sequence 033[0m Normal Characters. 033[1m Bold Characters. 033[4m Underlined Characters. 033[7m Reverse Video Characters. clear Clear the screen bold Bold display rev Reverse Video Characters. The tput Command
  • 115. Control Instructions in Shell • Sequence control Instruction. • Selection or Decision Control Instruction. • Repetition or Loop Control Instruction. • Case Control Instruction.
  • 116. Wildcards (patterns) * matches any string of characters ? matches any single character [list] matches any character in list [low-up] matches any character in range low-up inclusive [!list] matches any character not in list
  • 118. • if … then … fi • if…then…else…fi • Nested if…then…elif…else…fi • else+if equals elif • case … in … esac
  • 119. test Summary • String based tests -z string Length of string is 0 -n string Length of string is not 0 string1 = string2 Strings are identical string1 != string2 Strings differ string String is not NULL • Numeric tests int1 –eq int2 First int equal to second int1 –ne int2 First int not equal to second -gt, -ge, -lt, -le greater, greater/equal, less, less/equal • File tests -r file File exists and is readable -w file File exists and is writable -f file File is regular file -d file File is directory -s file file exists and is not empty • Logic ! Negate result of expression -a, -o and operator, or operator ( expr ) groups an expression
  • 120. -z string Length of string is 0 -n string Length of string is not 0 string1 = string2 Strings are identical string1 != string2 Strings differ string String is not NULL String based tests
  • 121. File Tests -s file File exists and is not empty -f file File is regular file -d file File is directory -c file File exists and a character special file -b file File exists and a block special file -r file File exists and is readable -w file File exists and is writable -x file File exists and is executable -k file File exists and its sticky bit is set
  • 122. Logic ! Negate result of expression -a, -o and operator, or operator ( expr ) groups an expression Numeric tests int1 –eq int2 :First int equal to second int1 –ne int2 :First int not equal to second -gt, -ge : greater than, greater/equal -lt, -le : less than, less/equal
  • 123. • Any UNIX command. Evaluates to true if the exit code is 0, false if the exit code > 0 • Special command /bin/test exists that does most common expressions – String compare – Numeric comparison – Check file properties
  • 124. • Sample switch statement : case $var in opt1) command1 command2 ;; opt2) command ;; *) command ;; esac • * is a catch all condition
  • 125. echo "Say something." while true do read INPUT_STRING case $INPUT_STRING in hello) echo "Hello" ;; bye) echo "Bye" ;; *) echo "I'm sorry?" ;; esac done echo "Take care.” Case Example
  • 126. • opt can be a shell pattern, or a list of shell patterns delimited by | • Example: case $name in *[0-9]*) echo "That doesn't seem like a name." ;; S*|V*) echo "Your name starts with S or V." ;; *) echo "You're different." ;; esac
  • 127. • You can use cases in any order (!sorted) • Example: case $num in 121) echo "I am in case 121" ;; 7) echo "I am in case 7" ;; 22) echo "I am in case 22" ;; *) echo "I am in default case..." ;; esac
  • 128. • Value of case can be a shell var, a shell script argument or output of a command: case $1 in cat) echo "cat at command line" ;; dog) echo "dog at command line" ;; parrot) echo "parrot at command line" ;; *) echo "Incorrect argument at command line..." ;; esac
  • 129. • Options can be combined using or op | case $1 in cat | dog) echo "Animal name" ;; parrot | crow) echo "Bird" ;; whale | shark) echo "fish" ;; *) echo "Incorrect argument at command line..." ;; esac
  • 130. echo "Enter any char" read char case $char in [a-z]) echo "You enterd a small case letter" ;; [A-Z]) echo "Capital letter" ;; [0-9]) echo "Number" ;; ?) echo "Symbol" ;; *) echo " More than one character" ;; esac Case example....
  • 131. echo "Enter any word" read word case $word in [aeiou]*) echo "You entered a word which begins with a small case vowel letter" ;; [AEIOU]*) echo "Vowel capital letter" ;; *[0-9]) echo "Ends with a Number" ;; ???) echo "Entered 3 letter word" ;; Esac Case example....
  • 132.
  • 133. loop statements: While… do … done until … do … done for … do … done
  • 134. • while statement while control command do command1 command2 done while loop executes till the exit status of the control command is true and terminates when the exit status becomes false.
  • 135. • Until statement until control command doesn’t return true do this and this and this done Until loop executes till the exit status of the control command is false ad terminates when this status becomes true.
  • 136. • for statement for control-variable in value1 value2 value3… do command1 command2 command3 done
  • 137. • The way if statements can be nested, similarly whiles, untils and fors can also be nested.
  • 138. • break - We often come across situations where we want to jump out of a loop instantly, without waiting to get back to the control command. • When the keyword break is encountered inside any loop, control automatically passes to the first statement after the loop. • A break is usually associated with an if.
  • 139. • When the keyword continue is encountered inside any loop, control automatically passes to the beginning of the loop. • continue is usually associated with an if.
  • 140. for loops allow the repetition of a command for a specific set of values. Syntax: for var in value1 value2 ... do command_set done command_set is executed with each value of var (value1, value2, ...) in sequence
  • 141. Example: Listing all files in a directory. for i in * do echo $i done NOTE: * is a wild card that stands for all files in the current directory, and for will go through each value in *, which is all the files and $i has the filename.
  • 142. Example: Listing all c files in a directory. for file in *.c do mv $file $file.cpp done NOTE: This loop would pick up all C program files from the current directory and add the extension “.cpp” at the end of ech such file.
  • 143. Conditionals are used to “test” something. In Java or C, they test whether a Boolean variable is true or false. In a Bourne shell script, the only thing you can test is whether or not a command is “successful”.
  • 144. Every well behaved command returns back a return code. 0 if it was successful Non-zero if it was unsuccessful (actually 1..255)
  • 145. Use for checking validity. Three kinds: Check on files. Check on strings. Check on integers
  • 146. The test command has an alias ‘[]’. Each bracket must be surrounded by spaces smallest=100 for i in 5 8 19 8 7 3 do if [ $i -lt $smallest ] then smallest=$i fi done echo $smallest
  • 147. While loops repeat statements as long as the next Unix command is successful. Works similar to the while loop in C.
  • 148. i=1 sum=0 while [ $i -le 100 ] do sum=`expr $sum + $i` i=`expr $i + 1` done echo The sum is $sum. NOTE: The value of i is tested in the while to see if it is less than or equal to 100.
  • 149. Until loops repeat statements until the next Unix command is successful. Works similar to the do-while loop in C.
  • 150. x=1 until [ $x -gt 3 ] do echo x = $x x=`expr $x + 1` done NOTE: The value of x is tested in the until to see if it is greater than 3.
  • 151. While [ $# -le 5 ] While who | grep $logname While [ -r $file -a -w $file ]
  • 152. There is a minor difference between the working of while and until loops. The while loop executes till the exit status of the control command is true and terminates when the exit status becomes false. Unlike this until loop executes till the exit status of the control command is false and terminates when this status becomes true.
  • 153. As a rule the while must have a control command that will eventually return an exit status 1 (false), otherwise the loop would be executed forever, indefinitely.
  • 154. As a rule the until must have a control command that will eventually return an exit status 0 (true), otherwise the loop would be executed forever, indefinitely.
  • 155. When the keyword break is encountered inside any loop, control automatically passes to the first statement after the loop. (A break is usually associated with an if)
  • 156. When the keyword continue is encountered inside any loop, control automatically passes to the beginning of the loop. (A break is usually associated with an if)
  • 157. • Filename Substitution Metacharacters ? * [..] [!..] • I/O Redirection Metacharacters > < >> << m> m>&n • Process Execution Metacharacters ; () & && || • Quoting Metacharacters “ ” ’ ’ ‘ ‘ • Positional Parameters $1…$9 • Special Parameters $0 $* $@ $# $! $$ $-
  • 158. $# Number of positional parameters $- Options currently in effect $? Exit value of last executed command $$ Process number of current process $! Process number of background process $* All arguments on command line "$@" All arguments on command line individually quoted "$1" "$2" ...