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TYPES OF VERTICAL CUTS  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
DEPTH OF UNSUPPORTED VERTICAL CUT The critical height ( H c ) of vertical cut without supports is two times  Z o  H c   = 2  Zo   where,   Where,  Z o  is point of zero pressure Hence,  Z o 2Z o 2 c    K a
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
soldier beam  is driven into the ground before excavation and is a vertical steel or timber beam.  Laggings, which are horizontal timber planks, are placed between soldier beams as the excavation proceeds.  When the excavation reaches the desired depth, wales and struts (horizontal steel beams) are installed. The struts are horizontal compression members.  Type I use of soldier beams
interlocking sheet piles are driven in to the soil before excavation.  Wales and struts are inserted immediately after excavation reaches the appropriate depth. Type II use of sheet piles
DIFFERENT TYPES OF SHEETING AND BRACING SYSTEMS   The following types of sheeting and bracing systems for cuts are commonly used. Vertical Timber Sheeting:  Vertical timber sheeting consisting of planks about 8 to 10 cm thick are driven around the boundary of the proposed excavation to some depth below the base of the excavation. The soil between the sheeting is then excavated. The sheeting is held in place by a system of wales and struts. The wales are horizontal beams running parallel to the excavation wall. The wales are supported by horizontal struts which extend from side to side of the excavation. However, if the  excavations are relatively wide , it becomes economical to support the wales by  inclined struts, known as rakers . For inclined struts to be successful, it is essential that the soil at the base of the excavation be strong enough to provide adequate reaction. If the soil can be temporarily support itself an excavation of limited depth without an external support, the timber sheeting can be installed in the open or in a partially completed excavation. Vertical timber sheetings are economical up to a depth of 4 to 6 m.
Steel Sheet Pile:  In this method, the steel sheet piles are driven along the sides of the proposed excavation. As the soil is excavated from the enclosure, wales and struts are placed. The wales are made of steel. The struts may be of steel or wood. As the excavation progresses, another set of wales and struts is inserted. The process is continued till the excavation is complete. It is recommended that the sheet piles should be driven several meters below the bottom of excavation to prevent local heaves. If the width of a deep excavation is large, inclined bracing may be used.
Soldier Beams:  Soldier beams are H-piles which are driven at a spacing of 1.5 to 2.5 m around the boundary of the proposed excavation. As the excavation proceeds, horizontal timber planks called laggings are placed between the soldier beams. When the excavation advances to a suitable depth, wales and struts are inserted. The lagging is properly wedged between the pile flanges or behind the back flange.
Tie Backs:  In this method, no bracing in the form of struts or inclined rakers is provided. Therefore, there is no hindrance to the construction activity to be carried out inside the excavated area. The tie back is a rod or a cable connected to the sheeting or lagging on one side and anchored into soil (or rock) outside the excavation area. Inclined holes are drilled into the soil (or rock), and the hole is concreted. An enlargement or a bell is usually formed at the end of the hole. Each tie back is generally prestressed the depth of excavation is increased further to cope with the increased tension. Prestressed concrete is a method for overcoming the concrete's natural weakness in tension   Having been stressed before use Methods of increasing the load bearing capacity of concrete by applying increased tension on steel tendons or bars inside a beam. ...
Use of Slurry Trenches:  An alternative to use of sheeting and bracing system, which is being increasingly used these days, is the construction of slurry trenches around the area to be excavated and is kept filled with heavy, viscous slurry of a bentonite clay-water mixture. The slurry stabilizes the walls of the trench, and thus the excavation can be done without sheeting and bracing. Concrete is then placed through a tremie. Concrete displaces the slurry. Reinforcement can also be placed before concreting, if required. Generally, the exterior walls of the excavation are constructed in a slurry trench.
Design of Various Components of Bracing Struts:  The strut is a compression member whose load-carrying capacity depends upon slenderness ratio, l/r. The effective length ‘l’ of the member can be reduced by providing vertical and horizontal supports at intermediate points. The load carried by a strut can be determined from the pressure envelope. The struts should have a minimum vertical spacing of about 2.5 m. In the case of braced cuts in clayey soils, the depth of the first strut below the ground surface should be less than the depth of tensile crack (Zc), which is equal to , While calculating the load carried by various struts, it is generally assumed that the sheet piles (or soldier beams) are hinged at all the strut levels expect for the top and bottom struts.
The reaction R 1  per unit length is determined by taking moments of the forces acting on span a d at d, and equating them to zero. Once R 1  has been determined, the reaction component R 2 ’ is determined from the equilibrium equation in the horizontal for the span a d. For sand   For clay
Sheet piles  Sheet piles act as vertical plates supported at strut levels. The maximum bending moments in various sections such as ad, df and f h are determined. Once the maximum bending moments have been computed, the section modulus of the sheet pile can be computed and the section chosen.
Other Criteria for Design of Braced Cuts Braced cuts in clay may become unstable due to heaving of the bottom of the excavation. This is a type of bearing capacity failure and is discussed. Braced cuts is sand are generally stable against heaving failure but these may become unstable to upward seepage of water into the cut if the water level inside the cut is substantially lower than that outside.  Piping failures is also one of the concern to be taken care of. The walls of the braced cut may yield laterally and cause ground settlement in the surrounding area. This effect should be carefully assessed and suitable measures adopted.
MODES OF FAILURE OF BRACED CUT   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],When    H  /  c u  is less than 6, movement of bracing system and heave of clay are small.  When,    H  /  c u   approaches about 8, the   movement of a well designed bracing system becomes very large. When,    H  /  c u  exceeding 8, the bracing is likely to collapse because of large inward movement of clay outside the embedded  portion/s  of the sheet piles and excessive upward heave of clay beneath the excavation. In this case, design of simple braced system will not serve the  purpose.
Design of Braced Sheeting in Cuts
Design of Braced Sheeting in Cuts Sheet piles are used to retain the sides of the cuts in sands and clays. The sheet piles are kept in position by wales and struts. The first brace location should not exceed the depth of the potential tension cracks. Since the formation of cracks will increase the lateral pressure against the sheeting and if the cracks are filled with water, the pressure will be increased even more. The sheeting of a cut is flexible and is restrained against deflection at the first series of struts. The deflection, therefore, is likely to be as shown in Fig. (a). The pressure distribution on sheet pile walls to retain sandy soil and clay soil are shown in Figs. (b) and (c) respectively. a b c
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],d
This picture shows an internally braced cofferdam supporting a 35 foot deep excavation for a combined sewer overflow structure in Augusta, Maine.
Braced cut showing arrangement of sheet piles, wales and struts
Here you see a circular cofferdam that is supported by two cast in place concrete beams that behave much like an arched bridge or culvert. This 20 foot deep cofferdam was used to support an excavation for two clarifiers for a wastewater treatment plant in Bar Harbor, Maine. The circular design allows construction of the concrete clarifiers without interference from internal bracing.
This photo shows a sewer excavation in San Francisco supported by a driven sheet pile wall, with pipe struts extending across the excavation. Wide flange beams distribute the loads of the pipe struts to the sheet pile walls. Because the struts are compression members, their capacities are controlled by considerations of buckling. Lateral supports reduce the effective lengths of the struts and increase their capacities.
This photo shows an excavation for the bay area rapid transit (BART) system, beneath Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley, California. Street traffic is carried on timbers that form a roof on the excavation, while construction of the cut-and-cover tunnel goes on beneath. The work area is very constricted by the horizontal H-beam struts and the vertical supports for the roadway over head.
Here the sheet pile wall around a building excavation is supported by pipe struts. Those in the foreground, which extend from one side of the excavation to the other, are termed  “cross-lot”  braces. In the corner of the excavation the sheet piles are supported by  corner braces.  Corner braces reduce the constriction in part of the working area.
This photo shows the excavation support system for a building in the Embarcadaro Center in San Francisco. The wall is a slurry trench concrete wall (a concrete wall constructed in a slurry-supported trench in the ground). The sides of the excavation are supported by external supports -- H-piles driven through holes in the wall, which work in tension to hold the wall. The use of external support greatly reduces the amount of congestion within the excavation, making construction faster and less costly. Corner braces support the corners of the excavation
Here the wall is supported by “rakers,” or inclined struts. The bottom ends of the rakers are braced against the central part of the building foundation slab. The excavation was carried to full depth at the center first so that the foundation slab could be poured. Prior to installation of the rakers, the lower part of the slurry trench concrete wall was supported by an earth berm. The earth berm remains at the  far side  of the excavation.
[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
The  weathered rock  at the bottom of the Getty Center excavation is stiff enough to support itself without lagging.  At the corner braces are used
Work in progress on the new bulkhead with the tie anchors partially installed.   Project Highlights Mass Maritime Academy Pier Facility  Bourne, Massachusetts • Demolition of an existing wharf with timber piles and concrete deck.• Installation of a 350 foot long sheet-pile anchored bulkhead.• Installation of a new wharf structure (350 feet by 50 feet) supported on approximately 110, 16-inch diameter closed end pipe piles. The deck structure consisted of pre-cast concrete pile caps and deck with a finished cast in-place concrete surface.• Installation of new pre-cast concrete fender system.• Installation of new sewer line and pump station.• Installation of 2,000 tons of rip-rap bulkhead toe stabilization material.
Cross section of sheeting and bracing systems
Deflection pattern of braced cuts
Deflection pattern of braced cuts
EARTH  PRESSURE  DISTRIBUTION ,[object Object],[object Object]
Tributary area method Equivalent beam method  LOADS  ON  BRACES
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]

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Unit iii braced_cuts

  • 2.
  • 3. DEPTH OF UNSUPPORTED VERTICAL CUT The critical height ( H c ) of vertical cut without supports is two times Z o H c = 2 Zo where, Where, Z o is point of zero pressure Hence, Z o 2Z o 2 c  K a
  • 4.
  • 6. soldier beam is driven into the ground before excavation and is a vertical steel or timber beam. Laggings, which are horizontal timber planks, are placed between soldier beams as the excavation proceeds. When the excavation reaches the desired depth, wales and struts (horizontal steel beams) are installed. The struts are horizontal compression members. Type I use of soldier beams
  • 7. interlocking sheet piles are driven in to the soil before excavation. Wales and struts are inserted immediately after excavation reaches the appropriate depth. Type II use of sheet piles
  • 8. DIFFERENT TYPES OF SHEETING AND BRACING SYSTEMS The following types of sheeting and bracing systems for cuts are commonly used. Vertical Timber Sheeting: Vertical timber sheeting consisting of planks about 8 to 10 cm thick are driven around the boundary of the proposed excavation to some depth below the base of the excavation. The soil between the sheeting is then excavated. The sheeting is held in place by a system of wales and struts. The wales are horizontal beams running parallel to the excavation wall. The wales are supported by horizontal struts which extend from side to side of the excavation. However, if the excavations are relatively wide , it becomes economical to support the wales by inclined struts, known as rakers . For inclined struts to be successful, it is essential that the soil at the base of the excavation be strong enough to provide adequate reaction. If the soil can be temporarily support itself an excavation of limited depth without an external support, the timber sheeting can be installed in the open or in a partially completed excavation. Vertical timber sheetings are economical up to a depth of 4 to 6 m.
  • 10. Steel Sheet Pile: In this method, the steel sheet piles are driven along the sides of the proposed excavation. As the soil is excavated from the enclosure, wales and struts are placed. The wales are made of steel. The struts may be of steel or wood. As the excavation progresses, another set of wales and struts is inserted. The process is continued till the excavation is complete. It is recommended that the sheet piles should be driven several meters below the bottom of excavation to prevent local heaves. If the width of a deep excavation is large, inclined bracing may be used.
  • 11. Soldier Beams: Soldier beams are H-piles which are driven at a spacing of 1.5 to 2.5 m around the boundary of the proposed excavation. As the excavation proceeds, horizontal timber planks called laggings are placed between the soldier beams. When the excavation advances to a suitable depth, wales and struts are inserted. The lagging is properly wedged between the pile flanges or behind the back flange.
  • 12. Tie Backs: In this method, no bracing in the form of struts or inclined rakers is provided. Therefore, there is no hindrance to the construction activity to be carried out inside the excavated area. The tie back is a rod or a cable connected to the sheeting or lagging on one side and anchored into soil (or rock) outside the excavation area. Inclined holes are drilled into the soil (or rock), and the hole is concreted. An enlargement or a bell is usually formed at the end of the hole. Each tie back is generally prestressed the depth of excavation is increased further to cope with the increased tension. Prestressed concrete is a method for overcoming the concrete's natural weakness in tension Having been stressed before use Methods of increasing the load bearing capacity of concrete by applying increased tension on steel tendons or bars inside a beam. ...
  • 13. Use of Slurry Trenches: An alternative to use of sheeting and bracing system, which is being increasingly used these days, is the construction of slurry trenches around the area to be excavated and is kept filled with heavy, viscous slurry of a bentonite clay-water mixture. The slurry stabilizes the walls of the trench, and thus the excavation can be done without sheeting and bracing. Concrete is then placed through a tremie. Concrete displaces the slurry. Reinforcement can also be placed before concreting, if required. Generally, the exterior walls of the excavation are constructed in a slurry trench.
  • 14. Design of Various Components of Bracing Struts: The strut is a compression member whose load-carrying capacity depends upon slenderness ratio, l/r. The effective length ‘l’ of the member can be reduced by providing vertical and horizontal supports at intermediate points. The load carried by a strut can be determined from the pressure envelope. The struts should have a minimum vertical spacing of about 2.5 m. In the case of braced cuts in clayey soils, the depth of the first strut below the ground surface should be less than the depth of tensile crack (Zc), which is equal to , While calculating the load carried by various struts, it is generally assumed that the sheet piles (or soldier beams) are hinged at all the strut levels expect for the top and bottom struts.
  • 15. The reaction R 1 per unit length is determined by taking moments of the forces acting on span a d at d, and equating them to zero. Once R 1 has been determined, the reaction component R 2 ’ is determined from the equilibrium equation in the horizontal for the span a d. For sand For clay
  • 16.  
  • 17. Sheet piles Sheet piles act as vertical plates supported at strut levels. The maximum bending moments in various sections such as ad, df and f h are determined. Once the maximum bending moments have been computed, the section modulus of the sheet pile can be computed and the section chosen.
  • 18. Other Criteria for Design of Braced Cuts Braced cuts in clay may become unstable due to heaving of the bottom of the excavation. This is a type of bearing capacity failure and is discussed. Braced cuts is sand are generally stable against heaving failure but these may become unstable to upward seepage of water into the cut if the water level inside the cut is substantially lower than that outside. Piping failures is also one of the concern to be taken care of. The walls of the braced cut may yield laterally and cause ground settlement in the surrounding area. This effect should be carefully assessed and suitable measures adopted.
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  • 28. Design of Braced Sheeting in Cuts
  • 30. Design of Braced Sheeting in Cuts Sheet piles are used to retain the sides of the cuts in sands and clays. The sheet piles are kept in position by wales and struts. The first brace location should not exceed the depth of the potential tension cracks. Since the formation of cracks will increase the lateral pressure against the sheeting and if the cracks are filled with water, the pressure will be increased even more. The sheeting of a cut is flexible and is restrained against deflection at the first series of struts. The deflection, therefore, is likely to be as shown in Fig. (a). The pressure distribution on sheet pile walls to retain sandy soil and clay soil are shown in Figs. (b) and (c) respectively. a b c
  • 31.
  • 32. This picture shows an internally braced cofferdam supporting a 35 foot deep excavation for a combined sewer overflow structure in Augusta, Maine.
  • 33. Braced cut showing arrangement of sheet piles, wales and struts
  • 34. Here you see a circular cofferdam that is supported by two cast in place concrete beams that behave much like an arched bridge or culvert. This 20 foot deep cofferdam was used to support an excavation for two clarifiers for a wastewater treatment plant in Bar Harbor, Maine. The circular design allows construction of the concrete clarifiers without interference from internal bracing.
  • 35.  
  • 36. This photo shows a sewer excavation in San Francisco supported by a driven sheet pile wall, with pipe struts extending across the excavation. Wide flange beams distribute the loads of the pipe struts to the sheet pile walls. Because the struts are compression members, their capacities are controlled by considerations of buckling. Lateral supports reduce the effective lengths of the struts and increase their capacities.
  • 37. This photo shows an excavation for the bay area rapid transit (BART) system, beneath Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley, California. Street traffic is carried on timbers that form a roof on the excavation, while construction of the cut-and-cover tunnel goes on beneath. The work area is very constricted by the horizontal H-beam struts and the vertical supports for the roadway over head.
  • 38. Here the sheet pile wall around a building excavation is supported by pipe struts. Those in the foreground, which extend from one side of the excavation to the other, are termed “cross-lot” braces. In the corner of the excavation the sheet piles are supported by corner braces. Corner braces reduce the constriction in part of the working area.
  • 39. This photo shows the excavation support system for a building in the Embarcadaro Center in San Francisco. The wall is a slurry trench concrete wall (a concrete wall constructed in a slurry-supported trench in the ground). The sides of the excavation are supported by external supports -- H-piles driven through holes in the wall, which work in tension to hold the wall. The use of external support greatly reduces the amount of congestion within the excavation, making construction faster and less costly. Corner braces support the corners of the excavation
  • 40. Here the wall is supported by “rakers,” or inclined struts. The bottom ends of the rakers are braced against the central part of the building foundation slab. The excavation was carried to full depth at the center first so that the foundation slab could be poured. Prior to installation of the rakers, the lower part of the slurry trench concrete wall was supported by an earth berm. The earth berm remains at the far side of the excavation.
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  • 43. The weathered rock at the bottom of the Getty Center excavation is stiff enough to support itself without lagging. At the corner braces are used
  • 44. Work in progress on the new bulkhead with the tie anchors partially installed.   Project Highlights Mass Maritime Academy Pier Facility Bourne, Massachusetts • Demolition of an existing wharf with timber piles and concrete deck.• Installation of a 350 foot long sheet-pile anchored bulkhead.• Installation of a new wharf structure (350 feet by 50 feet) supported on approximately 110, 16-inch diameter closed end pipe piles. The deck structure consisted of pre-cast concrete pile caps and deck with a finished cast in-place concrete surface.• Installation of new pre-cast concrete fender system.• Installation of new sewer line and pump station.• Installation of 2,000 tons of rip-rap bulkhead toe stabilization material.
  • 45. Cross section of sheeting and bracing systems
  • 46. Deflection pattern of braced cuts
  • 47. Deflection pattern of braced cuts
  • 48.
  • 52. Tributary area method Equivalent beam method LOADS ON BRACES
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