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Bones and Skeletal System
BY: Dr. Tanvi H. Desai
(M.Pharm, Ph.D)
• A bone is made up of several bone tissues bone, cartilage, dense connective
tissue, epithelium, adipose tissue, and nervous tissue.
• The entire framework of bones and their cartilages constitutes the skeletal
• Movements such as walking require interactions between bones and muscles.
• The bones, muscles, and joints together form an integrated system called the
musculoskeletal system.
• The branch of medical science concerned with the prevention or correction of
disorders at the musculoskeletal system is called orthopedics (ortho correct;
pedi = child).
Functions of bone and the skeletal system
Bone tissue constitutes about 18% of total body weight and performs several
basic functions.
1. Support: It serves as the structural framework, supports soft tissues and
provides attachment for the tendons of most skeletal muscles.
2. Protection: The skeleton protects vital internal organs from injury, eg,
cranial bones protect the brain, vertebrae (backbones) protects the spinal
cord, and the rib cage protects the heart and lungs.
3. Assists Movement: Most skeletal muscles attach to bones and bring about
movements by pulling due to their contraction
4. Mineral Homeostasis: Bones stone several minerals, especially calcium and
phosphorus, which strengthen the bone.
On body demand, bone releases minerals into the blood to maintain critical
mineral balances (homeostasis) for distribution to other parts of the body.
5. Blood Cell Production: Red bone marrow (a connective tissue) within certain
bones produces RBCs, WBCs and platelets, a process called hemopoiesis.
• Red bone marrow consists of developing blood cells, fibroblasts, adipocytes,
and macrophages within network of reticular fibres.
• It occurs in developing bones of the foetus and in some adult bones like the
pelvis, ribs, breast bone, vertebrae, skull, and ends of the bones of the arm
and thigh.
• 6. Triglyceride storage: Yellow bone marrow consists mainly of adipose cells,
which store triglycerides (food reserve).
• A typical long bone consists of
following parts:
• 1. Diaphysis (growing between): It is
the body of the bone, which is long,
cylindrical, main portion of the bone.
• 2. Epiphyses (growing over): These are
the distal and proximal ends of the
3. Metaphyses (Between): These are the regions of mature bone where the diaphysis joins
the epiphyses.
In growing bone it represents the epiphyseal plate (a layer of hyaline cartilage that allows
the growth of bone in length).
At about ages 18-21 when a bone ceases to grow, cartilaginous epiphyseal plate is replaced
by bone, now called epiphyseal line.
4. Articular cartilage: It is a thin layer of hyaline cartilage covering that part of epiphysis
where the bone articulates with another bone.
It reduces friction and absorbs shock at freely movable joints.+
• 5. Periosteum: It is a tough sheath of dense irregular connective tissue that
surrounds the bone surface where there is no cartilage.
• Its bone forming cells enable bone to grow in thickness, but not in length.
• Periosteum also protects the bone, assists in fracture repair, helps to nourish
bone tissue, and serves as an attachment point for ligaments and tendons.
• 6. Medullary cavity (Marrow cavity): It is the space within the diaphysis that
contains fatty yellow bone marrow in adults.
• 7. Endosteum : It is a thin membrane that lines the medullary cavity. It contains
a single layer of bone forming cells and a small amount of connective tissue.
• Almost all bones of the body can be classified into five main types based on shape : long,
short, flat, irregular and sesamoid
1. Long bones: They have greater length than breadth, consist of a shaft and a variable
number of extremities (ends), and are slightly curved for strength.
• Long bones consist mostly of compact bone tissue in their diaphysis but have considerable
amounts of spongy bone tissue in their epiphyses.
• Examples: Femur (thigh bone), tibia and fibula (leg bones), humerus (arm bone), ulna and
radius (forearm bones), and phalanges (fingers and toes).
2. Short bones: These are somewhat cube shaped and nearly equal in length and width.
• They consist of spongy bone tissue surrounded by a thin layer of compact bone tissue.
• Examples: Carpal bones (except pisiform; sesamoid) and the tarsal (ankle) bones (except
calcaneous or heal bone; irregular).
3. Flat bones: They are generally thin and composed of two nearly parallel plates of
compact bone tissue enclosing a layer of spongy bone tissue.
Examples: Cranial bones, the sternum (breast bone), ribs, and scapulae (shoulder
4. Irregular bones: They have complex shape and vary in the amount of spongy and
compact bone tissue.
Examples: The vertebrae (back bones), hip bones, certain facial bones, and the
5. Sesamoid bones (bone like a sesame seed): develop in certain tendons where
there is considerable friction, tension, and physical stress, such as palms and soles
(few mm in size).
They protect tendons from excessive wear and tear (ઘસારો).
Examples: Two patellae (knee caps), located in quadriceps femoris tendon.
On the basis of location, an additional type of small sutural bones are located in
sutures (immovable joints) between certain cranial bones. Their number is variable
from person to person.
Divisions of the skeletal system
• The adult human skeleton consists of 206 named bones, most of which are paired (right and
left sides of the body).
• The skeleton of infants and children have more than 206 bones (some fuse later, eg, hip
bones and some bones of vertebral column).
• Bones of the adult skeleton are grouped into two principal divisions : the axial skeleton and
the appendicular skeleton.
• 1. The axial skeleton consists of bones arranged along the longitudinal axis (going from
head to tail).
• The parts of the axial skeleton are the skull, auditory ossicles (ear bones), hyoid bone,
vertebral column, sternum, and ribs.
• 2. The appendicular skeleton consists of the bones of the girdles and the upper and the
lower limbs.
• The parts of the appendicular skeleton are pectoral (shoulder) girdles, bones of the upper
limbs, pelvic (hip) girdles, and bones of the lower limbs.
• 1 Skull
• The skull is situated on the upper end of vertebral column and its bony structure is divided into two
• The cranium
• The face
A. Cranium: It is formed by flat and irregular bones that provide a bony protection to the brain.
• It has a base upon which the brain rests and a vault (roof) that surrounds and covers it.
• In adults, the sutures between the bones are immovable.
• The bones have various perforations (gaps) such as foramina and fissures (narrow passge) through
which nerve blood and lymph vessels passes.
• The cranium consist of;
• 1 Frontal bone 2 Parietal bones
• 2 Temporal bones 1 Occipital bone
• 1 Sphenoid bone 1 Ethmoid bone
• Frontal bone: It is the forehead bone.
• It forms part of eye sockets and the noticeable points
above the eyes, the supraorbital margins.
• Just above the supraorbital margins within the bone,
there are two air-filled cavities which have opening in to
the nasal cavity.
• The coronal suture joins the frontal and parietal bones.
• Parietal bones: These bones form the sides and roof of
the skull.
• They articulate with each other at the sagittal suture,
with the frontal bone at the coronal suture, with the
occipital bone at the lambdoidal suture and with the
temporal bones at the squamous sutures.
• Temporal bones: These bones lie one on each side of the head and
form immovable joints with the parietal, occipital, sphenoid and
zygomatic bones.
• The squamous part articulates with the parietal bone.
• The zygomatic process articulates with the zygomatic bone to form the
zygomatic arch.
• The mastoid part contains the mastoid process, a thickened portion
behind the ear.
• The temporal bone articulates with the mandible at the temporo-
mandibular joint.
• Occipital bone: It forms the back of head and base of skull.
• It has immovable joints with the parietal, temporal and sphenoid
• Sphenoid bone: It occupies the middle portion of base of skull and it
articulates with the occipital, temporal, parietal and frontal bones.
• Ethmoid bone: It occupies the anterior part of
base of the skull and helps to form the orbital
cavity, the nasal septum and the lateral walls of
the nasal cavity.
• It is very delicate bone containing many air
sinuses that opens in to the nasal cavity.
• (B) Face:
• The face is formed by 13 bones in addition to
the frontal bone.
• This includes;
• 2 Cheek bones 1 Maxilla
• 2 Nasal bones 2Lacrimal bones
• 1 Vomer 2Palatine bones
• 2 Inferior conchae 1 mandible
• Cheek bones: It forms the prominences of the
cheeks, part of the floor and lateral walls of orbital
• Maxilla (Upper jaw bone):It forms the upper jaw,
the anterior part of roof of the mouth, the lateral
walls of the nasal cavity and part of the floor of
orbital cavities.
• The alveolar process projects downwards and
carries the upper teeth.
• Nasal bones: These are two small flat bones which
form the part of the lateral and superior surfaces
of the nose.
• Lacrimal bones: These are small bones present
posterior and lateral to the nasal bones and form
part of the medial walls of the orbital cavities.
• Vomer: It is a thin flat bone which extends upwards
from the hard palate to form the nasal septum.
• Palatine bones: These are two L-shaped bones.
• The horizontal parts of bones unite to form posterior
part of hard palate and to form part of the nasal
• Inferior conchae: It is a scroll-shaped bone which
forms part of nasal cavity.
• The superior and middle conchae are parts of the
ethmoid bone.
• Mandible: It is the only movable bone of the skull.
• Each half consists of two main parts: a curved body
with the alveolar ridge containing lower teeth and a
ramus projects upwards to the posterior end of the
• Hyoid Bone: It is a horse-shoe shaped bone lying
in the neck just below the mandible.
• It does not articulate with any other bone but is
attached to the styloid process of the temporal
• It gives attachment to the base of the tongue.
• Sinuses: Sinuses containing air are present in the
sphenoid, ethmoid, maxillary and frontal bones.
• They all communicate with the nasal cavity and
are lined with ciliated mucous membrane.
• Its functions are to tone the voice and to lift the
bones of the face and cranium.
Vertebral column
• Structures
• The vertebral column (spine or backbone) is composed of a series of bones called
• The vertebral column, the sternum, and the ribs form the skeleton of the trunk of the
• The vertebral column consists of bone and connective tissue; the spinal cord that it
surrounds and protects consists of nervous and connective tissue.
• The average length of vertebral column is about 71 cm in adult male and about 61 cm in
adult female.
• The total number of vertebrae during early development is 33.
• As a child grows, several vertebrae in the sacral and coccygeal regions fuse.
• The vertebral column in the adult typically contains 26 vertebrae.
• These are distributed as follows:
• 7 cervical vertebrae (cervic- = neck) are in the neck region.
• 12 thoracic vertebrae (thorax = chest) are posterior to the thoracic cavity.
• 5 lumbar vertebrae (lumb- = loin) support the lower back.
• 1 sacrum (= sacred bone) consists of five fused sacral vertebrae.
• 1 coccyx (= cuckoo; resembles the bill of cuckoo bird) usually consists of four fused
coccygeal vertebrae.
• The cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae are movable, but the sacrum and
coccyx are not.
• Functions of Vertebral Column
• It functions as a strong, flexible rod with elements that can move forward, backward, and
sideways, and can rotate.
• It forms the axis on which body weight is received.
• All the movable vertebrae have a canal in them and all are arranged in such a way that
they make one continuous passage or neural canal through which the spinal cord runs
from head to tail.
• It provides protection to the spinal cord.
• The first vertebra (atlas) articulates with the skull and it provides support to head as well
as its up-down and sideway movements.
• It serves as a point of attachment for the ribs, and together they protect the vital organs
like heart and lungs.
• It also provides a point of attachment to pelvic girdle and muscles of the back.
• Many internal organs get support or suspension with it
• Intervertebral Discs
• Intervertebral discs are found between the
bodies of adjacent vertebrae from the second
cervical (C₂) vertebra to the sacrum.
• Each disc has an outer fibrocartilaginous ring
(annulus fibrosus) and an inner soft, pulpy,
highly elastic substance called nucleus pulposus.
• The discs form strong joints, permit various
movements of the vertebral column, and absorb
vertical shock.
• Under compression, they flatten and broaden
with age, nucleus pulposus hardens and
becomes less elastic.
• Parts of a Typical Vertebra:
• Vertebrae typically consist of a body, a vertebral arch, and
several processes.
1. Body: It is thick, disc shaped, weight bearing anterior
part of a vertebra.
• Its superior and inferior portions are roughned for the
attachment of discs.
• The anterior and lateral surfaces contain nutrient foramina
openings through which blood vessels deliver nutrients
and oxygen and remove carbon dioxide and wastes from
bone tissue.
2. Vertebral arch: Two short, thick processes (pedicles: a
small stalk like structure connecting an organ or other part
to the body) project posteriorly from the vertebral body to
unite with the flat lamina to form the vertebral arch.
• Together with the body it forms vertebral
(spinal) foramen for the passage of spinal
cord and connective tissue.
• The pedicles exhibit superior and inferior
indentations called vertebral notches.
• When the vertebral notches are stacked on
top of one another, they form an opening
between adjoining vertebrae on both sides of
the column.
• Each opening, called an intervertebral
foramen, permits the passage of a single
spinal nerve that passes to a specific region
of the body.
3. Processes: Seven processes arise from
the vertebral arch :
a pair of transverse processes at the points
where laminae and pedicles join,
a single spinous process posteriorly from the
junction of the laminae;
and two superior and two inferior articular
processes which provide articulating
surfaces (facets) with the superior and
inferior vertebrae respectively.
Bones of the thorax
• The skeletal part of the thorax (chest), the thoracic cage, consists of sternum, costal
cartilages, ribs and the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae.
• The thoracic cage is narrower at the superior end and broader at its inferior end
and is flattened from front to back.
• Functions: It encloses and protects the organs in the thoracic and superior
abdominal cavities.
• It provides support for the bones of the shoulder (pectoral) girdle and upper limbs.
• 1 Sternum : The sternum (breast bone, about 15 cm long) is a flat, narrow bone
located in the center of the anterior thoracic wall and consists of 3 parts:
• the manubrium (handle like superior part),
• the body (the middle and largest part), and
• the xiphoid process (sword shaped inferior, smallest part).
2. Ribs:
• Twelve pairs of ribs give structural support to the sides of thoracic cavity.
• They increase in length from 1 to 7, and then decrease in length from 8 to 12.
• Each rib articulates posteriorly with the corresponding thoracic vertebra.
• The first 1-7 pairs of ribs have a direct anterior attachment to the sternum by a strip of
hyaline cartilage (costal cartilage), providing elasticity to the thoracic cage.
• These ribs are called true (vertebrosternal) ribs forming sternocostal joints with the
• The remaining 5 pairs (8-12) are called false ribs (either attach indirectly to the sternum or
do not attach to sternum).
• The cartilages of 8-10 pairs of ribs attach to one another and then to the cartilages of 7th
pair of ribs; these are called vertebrochondral ribs.
• The 11th and 12th pairs are called floating (vertebral) ribs and do not attach to the
sternum at all.
• Costochondritis (inflammation of one or more costal cartilages) causes local
inflammation and pain and mimics the chest pain associated with a heart attack
(angina pectoris).
• The posterior portion of the rib connects to a thoracic vertebra by its head
(vertebrocostal joint) and the articular part of a tubercle (a bony eminence on the
temporal bone in the skull).
• Intercostal spaces (between ribs) are occupied by intercostal muscles, blood vessels,
and nerves.
• The costal cartilages are sufficiently elastic in younger individuals to permit
considerable bending without breaking.
• Special rib refractors are used to create a wide separation between ribs to gain
access for surgery of lungs or other structures.
Appendicular skeleton
• The appendicular skeleton consists of the pectoral girdle
with the upper limbs and the pelvic girdle with the
lower limbs.
• 1 Pectoral (Shoulder Girdle): The human body has two
pectoral girdles that attach the bones of the upper limbs
to the axial skeleton.
• The pectoral girdles consists of: 1 Clavicle and 1 Scapula
a. Clavicle (Collar Bone): It is 'S' shaped long bone which
has a double curve.
• The medial end is rounded and articulates with the
manubrium of the sternum to form the sternoclavicular
• The broad, fat, lateral end the acromial end, articulates
with the acromion of the scapula form the
acromioclavicular joint.
• The clavicle provides the bony link between the upper limb
and the axial skeleton.
b. Scapula: It is a large, flat, triangular shaped bone, lying on
the posterior chest wall superficial to the ribs.
• At the lateral angle there is a thin articular surface called as
glenoid cavity in which the head of the humerus fits and
forms the shoulder joint.
• On the posterior surface there is a spinous process called
as acromion process.
• Acromion process articulates with the clavicle at the
acromioclavicular joint.
• The coracoid process, a projection from the upper border
of the bone, gives attachment to muscles that move the
shoulder joint.
• 2 Upper Limbs (Upper Extremity): Each upper limb has 30
bones in three locations.
• It consists of:
• The 1 Humerus in the arm
• The 1 Ulna and 1 Radius in the forearm
• The 8 Carpals in the carpus (wrist)
• The 5 Metacarpals in the metacarpus (palm)
• The 14 Phalanges (bones of the digits) in the hand
• Humerus: It is the longest and largest bone of the upper
• It articulates proximally with the scapula and distally to the
elbow with two bones the ulna and the radius.
• The proximal end of the humerus has rounded head that
articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula.
• Neck is present distal to the head of humerus.
• The greater tubercle is a lateral projection present distal to
the neck.
• The lesser tubercle projects anteriorly.
• Between the two tubercles there is a groove called as intertubercular sulcus.
• The shaft of the humerus is roughly cylindrical at its proximal end, but it
becomes flattened and broad at its distal end.
• At the middle of the shaft, there is a roughened V-shaped area called as
deltoid tuberosity.
• The capitulum is a rounded knob that articulates with the head of the radius.
• The trochlea located medial to the capitulum articulates with the ulna.
• The medial epicondyle and lateral epicondyle are rough projections present
on either side of distal end of the humerus.
• Ulna: Ulna and radius are the two bones of
the forearm.
• The ulna is relatively longer than the radius.
• At the proximal end of the ulna, olecranon
process is present.
• The trochlear notch is a large curved area
between the olecranon and coronoid process.
• The radial notch is a point that articulates
with the head of the radius.
• The distal end of the ulna consists of a head.
• At the distal end of ulna styloid process is
• Radius: The radius is the smaller bone of the forearm and is
located on the lateral side of the forearm.
• The radius is narrow at its proximal end and widens at its
distal end.
• The proximal end of the radius has a disc-shaped head that
articulates with the capitulum of the humerus at the elbow
• The ulna and radius articulate directly at their proximal and
distal ends.
• The proximal end of the radius articulates with the radial
notch of the ulna which is called as proximal radioulnar
• A rough area of the neck is called as radial tuberosity.
• The shaft of the radius to the distal end form a styloid
• A broad and fibrous connective tissue called as
interosseous membrane joins the shafts of radius and ulna.
• The distal end of the radius articulates with three
bones of the wrist (the lunate, the scaphoid, and
the triquetrum) to form the radiocarpal joint.
• The Carpels (Wrist): It is the proximal region of
the hand. It consists of eight small bones
arranged in two transverse rows consisting of
four bones each.
• It consists of:
• Proximal row: Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform.
• Distal row: Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate.
• The bones of the proximal row are associated
with the wrist joint.
• The bones of the distal row form joints with the
metacarpal bones.
• The Metacarpus (Palm): It is the intermediate region of
the hand. It consists of five bones called metacarpals.
• It consists of:
• Proximal base
• Intermediate shaft
• Distal head
• The metacarpal bones are numbered as 1-5, starting
with the thumb.
• The bases articulate with the distal row of carpal bones
to form the carpometacarpal joints.
• The heads articulate with the proximal phalanges to
form the metacarpophalangeal joints.
• Phalanges (Finger Bones): It makes up the distal part of
the hand.
• There are 14 phalanges in the five digits of each hand.
• A single bone of a digit is called as a phalanx.
• Each phalanx consists of:
• Proximal base
• Intermediate shaft
• Distal head
• The thumb has two phalanges and other four digits
have three phalanges.
• The first row of phalanges (proximal row) articulates
with the metacarpal bones and second row of
• The second row of phalanges (middle row) articulates
with the proximal row and the third row called as distal
• Joints between phalanges are called interphalangeal
• Pelvic (Hip) Girdle: It consists of two hip bones
called as pelvic bones.
• The hip bones unite together to form the pubic
• The hip bones unite together posteriorly with
the sacrum at the sacroiliac joints.
• The complete ring composed of the hip bones,
pubic symphysis, and sacrum forms a deep,
basin like structure called as the bony pelvis.
• The bony pelvis provides a strong support for
the vertebral column, pelvic and lower
abdominal organs.
• A hip bone consists of three bones:
• Ilium✓
• Pubis
• Ischium
• Ilium:
• It is the largest hip bone.
• It is composed of a superior wing and an inferior
• The body helps to form the acetabulum, the
socket for the head of femur.
• The superior border of ilium is called as the iliac
• The iliac crest ends spine that serve as points of
attachment for the muscles of the trunk, hip, and
• Ischium: It is the posterior portion of the hip bone.
• It is composed of a superior body and an inferior ramus.
• The ramus is the portion of ischium that fuses with the pubis.
• Together the ramus and the pubis surround the obturator foramen, the
largest foramen in the skeleton.
• Pubic: It is the inferior part of hip bone.
• The acetabulum is a deep fossa formed by the ilium, ischium and pubis.
• It functions as the socket that accepts the rounded head of the femur.
• 4 Lower Limb (Lower Extremity):
• Each lower limb consists of 30 bones in four
• They consists of:
• Femur in the thigh
• Patella (knee cap)
• Tibia and fibula in the leg
• 7 tarsals in the tarsus (ankle)
• 5 metatarsals in the metatarsus
• 14 phalanges (bones of the digits) in the foot
• Femur (Thigh Bone): It is the longest, heaviest and
strongest bone of the body.
• Its distal end articulates with the tibia and patella.
• The proximal end consists of a rounded head that
articulates with the acetabulum of the hip bone to
form the hip joint.
• The neck is a constricted portion present distal to the
• The distal end of the femur consists of medial condyle
and lateral condyle.
• These articulate with the medial and lateral condyles
of the tibia.
• A depressed area between the condyles on the
posterior surface is called the intercondylar fossa.
• Patella (Knee Cap): It is a small,
triangular bone located anterior to the
knee joint.
• It consists of two parts:
• Base: It is broad proximal end of patella.
• Apex: It is pointed distal end.
• The posterior surface contains two
articular surfaces,
• one for medial condyle of the femur and
• another for lateral condyle of the femur.
• Tibia: Tibia or shin bone is the larger and weight
bearing bone of the leg.
• It articulates at its proximal end with the femur
and fibula, and at its distal end with the fibula and
the talus bone of the ankle.
• The proximal end of tibia is expanded into lateral
condyle and medial condyle. These articulate with
the condyles of the femur.
• The tibia at its anterior surface consists of tibial
• The distal end of tibia forms the medial malleolus.
• Medial malleolus articulates with the talus of the
• Fibula: The fibula is parallel and lateral to the tibia, but it is smaller.
• The proximal head of the fibula articulates with the lateral condyle of the
tibia to form the proximal tibiofibular joint.
• The distal end is arrowhead shaped and consists of a projection called as
lateral malleolus that articulates with the talus of the ankle.
• The tibia and fibula are connected by an interosseous membrane.
• The fibula articulates with the tibia at the fibular notch to form the distal
tibiofibular joint.
• Tarsals, Metatarsals and
• Tarsals (Ankle): It is the proximal region of
the foot. It consists of seven tarsal bones.
• They consist of talus and calcaneus located in
the posterior part of the foot.
• The talus is the most superior tarsal bone.
• The calcaneus is the largest and strongest
tarsal bone.
• The anterior tarsal bones are the navicular,
three cuneiform bones, and the cuboid.
• Joints between tarsal bones are called as intertarsal joints.
• Metatarsus: It is the intermediate region of the foot, consists of five
metatarsal bones numbered 1-5 from the medial to lateral position.
• Each metatarsal consists of:
• Proximal base
• Intermediate shaft
• Distal head
• The metatarsals articulate proximally with the first, second, and third
cuneiform bone and with the cuboid to form the tarsometatarsal joints.
• Distally they articulate with the proximal row of phalanges to form
metatarsophalangeal joints.
• Phalanges: It is the distal component of the foot.
• The phalanges are numbered from 1-5 beginning with the great toe, from medial
to lateral.
• Each phalanx consists of:
• Proximal base
• Intermediate shaft
• Distal head
• The toe has two large phalanges called proximal and distal phalanges.
• The other four toes consist of three phalanges proximal, middle and distal.
• Joints between phalanges of the foot are called interphalangeal joints.
Organization of skeletal muscle
• 1 Skeletal Muscle Tissue. Skeletal
muscles are made up of hundreds to
thousands of cells which are called as
muscle fibres.
• The muscle fibres are of elongated
• The outermost layer encircling the
entire muscle called as epimysium.
• Perimysium surrounds a group of 10 to
100 or more muscle fibres separating
them into bundles called as fascicles.
• Endomysium is a sheath of areolar
connective tissue that penetrates the
interior of each fascicle and separates
individual muscle fibres from one
• The epimysium, perimysium and endomysium binds the fibres into highly organized
structure and blends together at the end of muscles to form tendons which are rope
shaped but sometimes it takes sheet like structure called as aponeurosis.
• The tendon attaches the muscle to bones.
• Skeletal Muscle Fibre: It is roughly cylindrical in shape.
• They lie parallel to one another with alternate dark and light strips.
• Individual fibre may be very long, up to 25 cm in the longest muscle.
• Each cell has several nuclei which are situated just under the cell membrane called
as sarcolemma.
• The cytoplasm of muscle cells is called as sarcoplasm.
• Skeletal muscle fibres contain many mitochondria which are used for production of
ATP from glucose and oxygen.
• Sarcoplasm also contains red coloured, oxygen
binding protein called as myoglobin which
stores oxygen within the molecule.
• Myofibrils and Sarcoplasmic Reticulum: At
higher magnification, the sarcoplasm appears
stuffed with little threads.
• These small structures are called as myofibrils.
• Myofibrils are about 2 µm in diameter.
• A fluid-filled system of membranous sacs called
as sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), encircles each
• In relaxed muscle fibre, the SR stores calcium
• Release of calcium from the terminal cisterns of
the SR triggers muscle contraction.
• Filaments and Sarcomere: Within myofibrils are smaller structure called as filaments.
• Two types of filaments are present:
• Thin filament
• Thick filament
• Thin filaments are 8 mm in diameter and 1-2 µm long.
• Thick filaments are 16 mm in diameter and 1-2 μm long.
• Both these thin and thick filaments are involved in contraction.
• The filaments in the myofibrils do not extend the entire length of a muscle fibre.
• Instead they are arranged in compartments called as
sarcomere, the basic functional unite of myofibrils.
• Z-discs separate one sarcomere from the next.
• Sarcomere is the repeating contractile units of myofibril.
• It is a segment consisting of a highly organized assembly of
filaments surrounded by two Z lines.
• Two important proteins namely actin and myosin form thin
and thick filaments respectively.
• The filaments partly overlap and slide past each other during
• Vertical protein plates called Z discs form the side boundaries
of a sarcomere.
• During contraction, the thick filaments pull the thin filaments
towards the center of the sarcomeres.
• This movement causes the sarcomere, myofibrils and the
muscle fibres to shorten.
• Muscle protein: Myofibrils are made up of three types of proteins.
1. Contractile protein: It helps in contraction process.
2. Regulatory protein: It regulates the contraction process by switching on or shutting the
3. Structural protein: It keeps thick and thin filaments in proper alignment and responsible for
myofibril elasticity and extensibility.
• Thick filaments are made up of protein called as myosin.
• Thin filaments are made up of protein called as actin.
• Smaller amount of two regulatory proteins, tropomyosin and troponin are also
part of thin filament.
Physiology of muscle contraction
• Sliding Filament Mechanism of Muscle Contraction:
• The length of skeletal muscle shortens during contraction because the thick and thin filaments slide
over one another.
• The process is known as the sliding filament mechanism.
• The thick filaments contain 300 myosin molecules.
• It consists of two parts:
• Myosin tail
• Myosin heads
• Myosin tail forms the shaft (tube) of the thick filament and heads project towards the thin filament.
• Thin filaments contain actin, troponin and tropomyosin. At the onset of contraction, the sarcoplasmic
reticulum releases calcium ions (Ca+2) in to the cytosol.
• There, they bind to troponin and cause the troponin-tropomyosin complexes to move away from
myosin binding site on actin
• Once the binding sites are free, the repeating sequence of events of the
contraction cycle occurs that causes the filaments to slide on each other.
• The contraction cycle consists of four steps:
1. ATP Hydrolysis: The myosin head includes an ATP-binding site and an ATPase, an
enzyme that hydrolyses ATP into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and a phosphate
• This hydrolysis gives energy to myosin head.
• ADP and a phosphate group remain attached to the myosin head.
2. Attachment of myosin to actin to form cross-bridges: The energized myosin head
attaches to the myosin binding site on actin and releases the previously hydrolysed
phosphate group.
When the myosin heads attach to actin during contraction, they are referred to as
3. Power stroke: Once the cross-bridges are formed, the power stroke occurs.
• The cross-bridge rotates towards the centre of the sarcomere and releases the
ADP molecule.
• The cross-bridge generates a force which slides the thin filament over the thick
4. Detachment of myosin from actin: At the end of the power stroke, the cross-
bridge remains firmly attached to actin until it binds another molecule of ATP.
As ATP binds to the ATP binding site on the myosin head, the myosin head detaches
from actin
Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ)
• The neurons that stimulate the skeletal muscle
fibres to contract are called somatic motor
• Neuromuscular junction is the synapse between a
somatic motor neuron and a skeletal muscle fibre.
• A synapseis a region between two neurons, or
between a neuron and a target cells (between
somatic motor neuron and muscle fibre).
• Synapse contains a small gap, called as synaptic
cleft which separates the two cells.
• The first cell communicates with the second cell by
releasing a chemical called as neurotransmitter.
• At the NMJ, the end of the motor neuron called as
axon terminal, divides into a cluster of synaptic
end bulbs.
• In the cytosol within each synaptic end bulb contains hundreds of membrane
enclosed sacs called synaptic vesicles.
• Inside each synaptic vesicle are thousands of molecules of acetylcholine (Ach),
the neurotransmitter, released at the NMJ.
• The region of the sarcolemma opposite the synaptic end bulbs, called the
motor end plate is the muscle fibre part of the NMJ.
• Within each motor end plate are 30 to 40 million acetylcholine receptors are
present and provides a large surface area for Ach binding.
• A neuromuscular junction includes all the synaptic end bulbs on one side of
the synaptic cleft, plus the motor end plate of the muscle fibre on the other

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Skeletal System.pdf

  • 1. Bones and Skeletal System BY: Dr. Tanvi H. Desai (M.Pharm, Ph.D)
  • 2. Introduction • A bone is made up of several bone tissues bone, cartilage, dense connective tissue, epithelium, adipose tissue, and nervous tissue. • The entire framework of bones and their cartilages constitutes the skeletal system. • Movements such as walking require interactions between bones and muscles. • The bones, muscles, and joints together form an integrated system called the musculoskeletal system. • The branch of medical science concerned with the prevention or correction of disorders at the musculoskeletal system is called orthopedics (ortho correct; pedi = child).
  • 3. Functions of bone and the skeletal system Bone tissue constitutes about 18% of total body weight and performs several basic functions. 1. Support: It serves as the structural framework, supports soft tissues and provides attachment for the tendons of most skeletal muscles. 2. Protection: The skeleton protects vital internal organs from injury, eg, cranial bones protect the brain, vertebrae (backbones) protects the spinal cord, and the rib cage protects the heart and lungs. 3. Assists Movement: Most skeletal muscles attach to bones and bring about movements by pulling due to their contraction 4. Mineral Homeostasis: Bones stone several minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen the bone.
  • 4. On body demand, bone releases minerals into the blood to maintain critical mineral balances (homeostasis) for distribution to other parts of the body. 5. Blood Cell Production: Red bone marrow (a connective tissue) within certain bones produces RBCs, WBCs and platelets, a process called hemopoiesis. • Red bone marrow consists of developing blood cells, fibroblasts, adipocytes, and macrophages within network of reticular fibres. • It occurs in developing bones of the foetus and in some adult bones like the pelvis, ribs, breast bone, vertebrae, skull, and ends of the bones of the arm and thigh. • 6. Triglyceride storage: Yellow bone marrow consists mainly of adipose cells, which store triglycerides (food reserve).
  • 5. STRUCTURE OF BONE • A typical long bone consists of following parts: • 1. Diaphysis (growing between): It is the body of the bone, which is long, cylindrical, main portion of the bone. • 2. Epiphyses (growing over): These are the distal and proximal ends of the bone.
  • 6. 3. Metaphyses (Between): These are the regions of mature bone where the diaphysis joins the epiphyses. In growing bone it represents the epiphyseal plate (a layer of hyaline cartilage that allows the growth of bone in length). At about ages 18-21 when a bone ceases to grow, cartilaginous epiphyseal plate is replaced by bone, now called epiphyseal line. 4. Articular cartilage: It is a thin layer of hyaline cartilage covering that part of epiphysis where the bone articulates with another bone. It reduces friction and absorbs shock at freely movable joints.+
  • 7. • 5. Periosteum: It is a tough sheath of dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds the bone surface where there is no cartilage. • Its bone forming cells enable bone to grow in thickness, but not in length. • Periosteum also protects the bone, assists in fracture repair, helps to nourish bone tissue, and serves as an attachment point for ligaments and tendons. • 6. Medullary cavity (Marrow cavity): It is the space within the diaphysis that contains fatty yellow bone marrow in adults. • 7. Endosteum : It is a thin membrane that lines the medullary cavity. It contains a single layer of bone forming cells and a small amount of connective tissue.
  • 8. TYPES OF BONES • Almost all bones of the body can be classified into five main types based on shape : long, short, flat, irregular and sesamoid 1. Long bones: They have greater length than breadth, consist of a shaft and a variable number of extremities (ends), and are slightly curved for strength. • Long bones consist mostly of compact bone tissue in their diaphysis but have considerable amounts of spongy bone tissue in their epiphyses. • Examples: Femur (thigh bone), tibia and fibula (leg bones), humerus (arm bone), ulna and radius (forearm bones), and phalanges (fingers and toes). 2. Short bones: These are somewhat cube shaped and nearly equal in length and width. • They consist of spongy bone tissue surrounded by a thin layer of compact bone tissue. • Examples: Carpal bones (except pisiform; sesamoid) and the tarsal (ankle) bones (except calcaneous or heal bone; irregular).
  • 9. 3. Flat bones: They are generally thin and composed of two nearly parallel plates of compact bone tissue enclosing a layer of spongy bone tissue. Examples: Cranial bones, the sternum (breast bone), ribs, and scapulae (shoulder blades). 4. Irregular bones: They have complex shape and vary in the amount of spongy and compact bone tissue. Examples: The vertebrae (back bones), hip bones, certain facial bones, and the calcaneous. 5. Sesamoid bones (bone like a sesame seed): develop in certain tendons where there is considerable friction, tension, and physical stress, such as palms and soles (few mm in size). They protect tendons from excessive wear and tear (ઘસારો). Examples: Two patellae (knee caps), located in quadriceps femoris tendon. On the basis of location, an additional type of small sutural bones are located in sutures (immovable joints) between certain cranial bones. Their number is variable from person to person.
  • 10. Divisions of the skeletal system • The adult human skeleton consists of 206 named bones, most of which are paired (right and left sides of the body). • The skeleton of infants and children have more than 206 bones (some fuse later, eg, hip bones and some bones of vertebral column). • Bones of the adult skeleton are grouped into two principal divisions : the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. • 1. The axial skeleton consists of bones arranged along the longitudinal axis (going from head to tail). • The parts of the axial skeleton are the skull, auditory ossicles (ear bones), hyoid bone, vertebral column, sternum, and ribs. • 2. The appendicular skeleton consists of the bones of the girdles and the upper and the lower limbs. • The parts of the appendicular skeleton are pectoral (shoulder) girdles, bones of the upper limbs, pelvic (hip) girdles, and bones of the lower limbs.
  • 11.
  • 12. AXIAL SKELETON • 1 Skull • The skull is situated on the upper end of vertebral column and its bony structure is divided into two parts: • The cranium • The face A. Cranium: It is formed by flat and irregular bones that provide a bony protection to the brain. • It has a base upon which the brain rests and a vault (roof) that surrounds and covers it. • In adults, the sutures between the bones are immovable. • The bones have various perforations (gaps) such as foramina and fissures (narrow passge) through which nerve blood and lymph vessels passes. • The cranium consist of; • 1 Frontal bone 2 Parietal bones • 2 Temporal bones 1 Occipital bone • 1 Sphenoid bone 1 Ethmoid bone
  • 13.
  • 14. • Frontal bone: It is the forehead bone. • It forms part of eye sockets and the noticeable points above the eyes, the supraorbital margins. • Just above the supraorbital margins within the bone, there are two air-filled cavities which have opening in to the nasal cavity. • The coronal suture joins the frontal and parietal bones. • Parietal bones: These bones form the sides and roof of the skull. • They articulate with each other at the sagittal suture, with the frontal bone at the coronal suture, with the occipital bone at the lambdoidal suture and with the temporal bones at the squamous sutures.
  • 15. • Temporal bones: These bones lie one on each side of the head and form immovable joints with the parietal, occipital, sphenoid and zygomatic bones. • The squamous part articulates with the parietal bone. • The zygomatic process articulates with the zygomatic bone to form the zygomatic arch. • The mastoid part contains the mastoid process, a thickened portion behind the ear. • The temporal bone articulates with the mandible at the temporo- mandibular joint. • Occipital bone: It forms the back of head and base of skull. • It has immovable joints with the parietal, temporal and sphenoid bones. • Sphenoid bone: It occupies the middle portion of base of skull and it articulates with the occipital, temporal, parietal and frontal bones.
  • 16. • Ethmoid bone: It occupies the anterior part of base of the skull and helps to form the orbital cavity, the nasal septum and the lateral walls of the nasal cavity. • It is very delicate bone containing many air sinuses that opens in to the nasal cavity. • (B) Face: • The face is formed by 13 bones in addition to the frontal bone. • This includes; • 2 Cheek bones 1 Maxilla • 2 Nasal bones 2Lacrimal bones • 1 Vomer 2Palatine bones • 2 Inferior conchae 1 mandible
  • 17. • Cheek bones: It forms the prominences of the cheeks, part of the floor and lateral walls of orbital cavities. • Maxilla (Upper jaw bone):It forms the upper jaw, the anterior part of roof of the mouth, the lateral walls of the nasal cavity and part of the floor of orbital cavities. • The alveolar process projects downwards and carries the upper teeth. • Nasal bones: These are two small flat bones which form the part of the lateral and superior surfaces of the nose. • Lacrimal bones: These are small bones present posterior and lateral to the nasal bones and form part of the medial walls of the orbital cavities.
  • 18. • Vomer: It is a thin flat bone which extends upwards from the hard palate to form the nasal septum. • Palatine bones: These are two L-shaped bones. • The horizontal parts of bones unite to form posterior part of hard palate and to form part of the nasal cavity. • Inferior conchae: It is a scroll-shaped bone which forms part of nasal cavity. • The superior and middle conchae are parts of the ethmoid bone. • Mandible: It is the only movable bone of the skull. • Each half consists of two main parts: a curved body with the alveolar ridge containing lower teeth and a ramus projects upwards to the posterior end of the body.
  • 19. • Hyoid Bone: It is a horse-shoe shaped bone lying in the neck just below the mandible. • It does not articulate with any other bone but is attached to the styloid process of the temporal bone. • It gives attachment to the base of the tongue. • Sinuses: Sinuses containing air are present in the sphenoid, ethmoid, maxillary and frontal bones. • They all communicate with the nasal cavity and are lined with ciliated mucous membrane. • Its functions are to tone the voice and to lift the bones of the face and cranium.
  • 20. Vertebral column • Structures • The vertebral column (spine or backbone) is composed of a series of bones called vertebrae. • The vertebral column, the sternum, and the ribs form the skeleton of the trunk of the body. • The vertebral column consists of bone and connective tissue; the spinal cord that it surrounds and protects consists of nervous and connective tissue. • The average length of vertebral column is about 71 cm in adult male and about 61 cm in adult female. • The total number of vertebrae during early development is 33. • As a child grows, several vertebrae in the sacral and coccygeal regions fuse. • The vertebral column in the adult typically contains 26 vertebrae.
  • 21. • These are distributed as follows: • 7 cervical vertebrae (cervic- = neck) are in the neck region. • 12 thoracic vertebrae (thorax = chest) are posterior to the thoracic cavity. • 5 lumbar vertebrae (lumb- = loin) support the lower back. • 1 sacrum (= sacred bone) consists of five fused sacral vertebrae. • 1 coccyx (= cuckoo; resembles the bill of cuckoo bird) usually consists of four fused coccygeal vertebrae. • The cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae are movable, but the sacrum and coccyx are not.
  • 22.
  • 23. • Functions of Vertebral Column • It functions as a strong, flexible rod with elements that can move forward, backward, and sideways, and can rotate. • It forms the axis on which body weight is received. • All the movable vertebrae have a canal in them and all are arranged in such a way that they make one continuous passage or neural canal through which the spinal cord runs from head to tail. • It provides protection to the spinal cord. • The first vertebra (atlas) articulates with the skull and it provides support to head as well as its up-down and sideway movements. • It serves as a point of attachment for the ribs, and together they protect the vital organs like heart and lungs. • It also provides a point of attachment to pelvic girdle and muscles of the back. • Many internal organs get support or suspension with it
  • 24. • Intervertebral Discs • Intervertebral discs are found between the bodies of adjacent vertebrae from the second cervical (C₂) vertebra to the sacrum. • Each disc has an outer fibrocartilaginous ring (annulus fibrosus) and an inner soft, pulpy, highly elastic substance called nucleus pulposus. • The discs form strong joints, permit various movements of the vertebral column, and absorb vertical shock. • Under compression, they flatten and broaden with age, nucleus pulposus hardens and becomes less elastic.
  • 25. • Parts of a Typical Vertebra: • Vertebrae typically consist of a body, a vertebral arch, and several processes. 1. Body: It is thick, disc shaped, weight bearing anterior part of a vertebra. • Its superior and inferior portions are roughned for the attachment of discs. • The anterior and lateral surfaces contain nutrient foramina openings through which blood vessels deliver nutrients and oxygen and remove carbon dioxide and wastes from bone tissue. 2. Vertebral arch: Two short, thick processes (pedicles: a small stalk like structure connecting an organ or other part to the body) project posteriorly from the vertebral body to unite with the flat lamina to form the vertebral arch.
  • 26. • Together with the body it forms vertebral (spinal) foramen for the passage of spinal cord and connective tissue. • The pedicles exhibit superior and inferior indentations called vertebral notches. • When the vertebral notches are stacked on top of one another, they form an opening between adjoining vertebrae on both sides of the column. • Each opening, called an intervertebral foramen, permits the passage of a single spinal nerve that passes to a specific region of the body.
  • 27. 3. Processes: Seven processes arise from the vertebral arch : a pair of transverse processes at the points where laminae and pedicles join, a single spinous process posteriorly from the junction of the laminae; and two superior and two inferior articular processes which provide articulating surfaces (facets) with the superior and inferior vertebrae respectively.
  • 28. Bones of the thorax • The skeletal part of the thorax (chest), the thoracic cage, consists of sternum, costal cartilages, ribs and the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae. • The thoracic cage is narrower at the superior end and broader at its inferior end and is flattened from front to back. • Functions: It encloses and protects the organs in the thoracic and superior abdominal cavities. • It provides support for the bones of the shoulder (pectoral) girdle and upper limbs. • 1 Sternum : The sternum (breast bone, about 15 cm long) is a flat, narrow bone located in the center of the anterior thoracic wall and consists of 3 parts: • the manubrium (handle like superior part), • the body (the middle and largest part), and • the xiphoid process (sword shaped inferior, smallest part).
  • 29.
  • 30. 2. Ribs: • Twelve pairs of ribs give structural support to the sides of thoracic cavity. • They increase in length from 1 to 7, and then decrease in length from 8 to 12. • Each rib articulates posteriorly with the corresponding thoracic vertebra. • The first 1-7 pairs of ribs have a direct anterior attachment to the sternum by a strip of hyaline cartilage (costal cartilage), providing elasticity to the thoracic cage. • These ribs are called true (vertebrosternal) ribs forming sternocostal joints with the sternum. • The remaining 5 pairs (8-12) are called false ribs (either attach indirectly to the sternum or do not attach to sternum). • The cartilages of 8-10 pairs of ribs attach to one another and then to the cartilages of 7th pair of ribs; these are called vertebrochondral ribs.
  • 31. • The 11th and 12th pairs are called floating (vertebral) ribs and do not attach to the sternum at all. • Costochondritis (inflammation of one or more costal cartilages) causes local inflammation and pain and mimics the chest pain associated with a heart attack (angina pectoris). • The posterior portion of the rib connects to a thoracic vertebra by its head (vertebrocostal joint) and the articular part of a tubercle (a bony eminence on the temporal bone in the skull). • Intercostal spaces (between ribs) are occupied by intercostal muscles, blood vessels, and nerves. • The costal cartilages are sufficiently elastic in younger individuals to permit considerable bending without breaking. • Special rib refractors are used to create a wide separation between ribs to gain access for surgery of lungs or other structures.
  • 32. Appendicular skeleton • The appendicular skeleton consists of the pectoral girdle with the upper limbs and the pelvic girdle with the lower limbs. • 1 Pectoral (Shoulder Girdle): The human body has two pectoral girdles that attach the bones of the upper limbs to the axial skeleton. • The pectoral girdles consists of: 1 Clavicle and 1 Scapula a. Clavicle (Collar Bone): It is 'S' shaped long bone which has a double curve. • The medial end is rounded and articulates with the manubrium of the sternum to form the sternoclavicular joint.
  • 33. • The broad, fat, lateral end the acromial end, articulates with the acromion of the scapula form the acromioclavicular joint. • The clavicle provides the bony link between the upper limb and the axial skeleton. b. Scapula: It is a large, flat, triangular shaped bone, lying on the posterior chest wall superficial to the ribs. • At the lateral angle there is a thin articular surface called as glenoid cavity in which the head of the humerus fits and forms the shoulder joint. • On the posterior surface there is a spinous process called as acromion process. • Acromion process articulates with the clavicle at the acromioclavicular joint. • The coracoid process, a projection from the upper border of the bone, gives attachment to muscles that move the shoulder joint.
  • 34. • 2 Upper Limbs (Upper Extremity): Each upper limb has 30 bones in three locations. • It consists of: • The 1 Humerus in the arm • The 1 Ulna and 1 Radius in the forearm • The 8 Carpals in the carpus (wrist) • The 5 Metacarpals in the metacarpus (palm) • The 14 Phalanges (bones of the digits) in the hand • Humerus: It is the longest and largest bone of the upper limb. • It articulates proximally with the scapula and distally to the elbow with two bones the ulna and the radius. • The proximal end of the humerus has rounded head that articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula. • Neck is present distal to the head of humerus. • The greater tubercle is a lateral projection present distal to the neck.
  • 35. • The lesser tubercle projects anteriorly. • Between the two tubercles there is a groove called as intertubercular sulcus. • The shaft of the humerus is roughly cylindrical at its proximal end, but it becomes flattened and broad at its distal end. • At the middle of the shaft, there is a roughened V-shaped area called as deltoid tuberosity. • The capitulum is a rounded knob that articulates with the head of the radius. • The trochlea located medial to the capitulum articulates with the ulna. • The medial epicondyle and lateral epicondyle are rough projections present on either side of distal end of the humerus.
  • 36. • Ulna: Ulna and radius are the two bones of the forearm. • The ulna is relatively longer than the radius. • At the proximal end of the ulna, olecranon process is present. • The trochlear notch is a large curved area between the olecranon and coronoid process. • The radial notch is a point that articulates with the head of the radius. • The distal end of the ulna consists of a head. • At the distal end of ulna styloid process is present.
  • 37. • Radius: The radius is the smaller bone of the forearm and is located on the lateral side of the forearm. • The radius is narrow at its proximal end and widens at its distal end. • The proximal end of the radius has a disc-shaped head that articulates with the capitulum of the humerus at the elbow joint. • The ulna and radius articulate directly at their proximal and distal ends. • The proximal end of the radius articulates with the radial notch of the ulna which is called as proximal radioulnar joint. • A rough area of the neck is called as radial tuberosity. • The shaft of the radius to the distal end form a styloid process. • A broad and fibrous connective tissue called as interosseous membrane joins the shafts of radius and ulna.
  • 38. • The distal end of the radius articulates with three bones of the wrist (the lunate, the scaphoid, and the triquetrum) to form the radiocarpal joint. • The Carpels (Wrist): It is the proximal region of the hand. It consists of eight small bones arranged in two transverse rows consisting of four bones each. • It consists of: • Proximal row: Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform. • Distal row: Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate. • The bones of the proximal row are associated with the wrist joint. • The bones of the distal row form joints with the metacarpal bones.
  • 39. • The Metacarpus (Palm): It is the intermediate region of the hand. It consists of five bones called metacarpals. • It consists of: • Proximal base • Intermediate shaft • Distal head • The metacarpal bones are numbered as 1-5, starting with the thumb. • The bases articulate with the distal row of carpal bones to form the carpometacarpal joints. • The heads articulate with the proximal phalanges to form the metacarpophalangeal joints. • Phalanges (Finger Bones): It makes up the distal part of the hand. • There are 14 phalanges in the five digits of each hand.
  • 40. • A single bone of a digit is called as a phalanx. • Each phalanx consists of: • Proximal base • Intermediate shaft • Distal head • The thumb has two phalanges and other four digits have three phalanges. • The first row of phalanges (proximal row) articulates with the metacarpal bones and second row of phalanges. • The second row of phalanges (middle row) articulates with the proximal row and the third row called as distal row. • Joints between phalanges are called interphalangeal joints.
  • 41. • Pelvic (Hip) Girdle: It consists of two hip bones called as pelvic bones. • The hip bones unite together to form the pubic symphysis. • The hip bones unite together posteriorly with the sacrum at the sacroiliac joints. • The complete ring composed of the hip bones, pubic symphysis, and sacrum forms a deep, basin like structure called as the bony pelvis. • The bony pelvis provides a strong support for the vertebral column, pelvic and lower abdominal organs.
  • 42. • A hip bone consists of three bones: • Ilium✓ • Pubis • Ischium • Ilium: • It is the largest hip bone. • It is composed of a superior wing and an inferior body. • The body helps to form the acetabulum, the socket for the head of femur. • The superior border of ilium is called as the iliac crest. • The iliac crest ends spine that serve as points of attachment for the muscles of the trunk, hip, and thighs
  • 43. • Ischium: It is the posterior portion of the hip bone. • It is composed of a superior body and an inferior ramus. • The ramus is the portion of ischium that fuses with the pubis. • Together the ramus and the pubis surround the obturator foramen, the largest foramen in the skeleton. • Pubic: It is the inferior part of hip bone. • The acetabulum is a deep fossa formed by the ilium, ischium and pubis. • It functions as the socket that accepts the rounded head of the femur.
  • 44. • 4 Lower Limb (Lower Extremity): • Each lower limb consists of 30 bones in four locations. • They consists of: • Femur in the thigh • Patella (knee cap) • Tibia and fibula in the leg • 7 tarsals in the tarsus (ankle) • 5 metatarsals in the metatarsus • 14 phalanges (bones of the digits) in the foot
  • 45. • Femur (Thigh Bone): It is the longest, heaviest and strongest bone of the body. • Its distal end articulates with the tibia and patella. • The proximal end consists of a rounded head that articulates with the acetabulum of the hip bone to form the hip joint. • The neck is a constricted portion present distal to the head. • The distal end of the femur consists of medial condyle and lateral condyle. • These articulate with the medial and lateral condyles of the tibia. • A depressed area between the condyles on the posterior surface is called the intercondylar fossa.
  • 46. • Patella (Knee Cap): It is a small, triangular bone located anterior to the knee joint. • It consists of two parts: • Base: It is broad proximal end of patella. • Apex: It is pointed distal end. • The posterior surface contains two articular surfaces, • one for medial condyle of the femur and • another for lateral condyle of the femur.
  • 47. • Tibia: Tibia or shin bone is the larger and weight bearing bone of the leg. • It articulates at its proximal end with the femur and fibula, and at its distal end with the fibula and the talus bone of the ankle. • The proximal end of tibia is expanded into lateral condyle and medial condyle. These articulate with the condyles of the femur. • The tibia at its anterior surface consists of tibial tuberosity. • The distal end of tibia forms the medial malleolus. • Medial malleolus articulates with the talus of the ankle.
  • 48. • Fibula: The fibula is parallel and lateral to the tibia, but it is smaller. • The proximal head of the fibula articulates with the lateral condyle of the tibia to form the proximal tibiofibular joint. • The distal end is arrowhead shaped and consists of a projection called as lateral malleolus that articulates with the talus of the ankle. • The tibia and fibula are connected by an interosseous membrane. • The fibula articulates with the tibia at the fibular notch to form the distal tibiofibular joint.
  • 49. • Tarsals, Metatarsals and Phalanges: • Tarsals (Ankle): It is the proximal region of the foot. It consists of seven tarsal bones. • They consist of talus and calcaneus located in the posterior part of the foot. • The talus is the most superior tarsal bone. • The calcaneus is the largest and strongest tarsal bone. • The anterior tarsal bones are the navicular, three cuneiform bones, and the cuboid.
  • 50. • Joints between tarsal bones are called as intertarsal joints. • Metatarsus: It is the intermediate region of the foot, consists of five metatarsal bones numbered 1-5 from the medial to lateral position. • Each metatarsal consists of: • Proximal base • Intermediate shaft • Distal head • The metatarsals articulate proximally with the first, second, and third cuneiform bone and with the cuboid to form the tarsometatarsal joints. • Distally they articulate with the proximal row of phalanges to form metatarsophalangeal joints.
  • 51. • Phalanges: It is the distal component of the foot. • The phalanges are numbered from 1-5 beginning with the great toe, from medial to lateral. • Each phalanx consists of: • Proximal base • Intermediate shaft • Distal head • The toe has two large phalanges called proximal and distal phalanges. • The other four toes consist of three phalanges proximal, middle and distal. • Joints between phalanges of the foot are called interphalangeal joints.
  • 52. Organization of skeletal muscle • 1 Skeletal Muscle Tissue. Skeletal muscles are made up of hundreds to thousands of cells which are called as muscle fibres. • The muscle fibres are of elongated shapes. • The outermost layer encircling the entire muscle called as epimysium. • Perimysium surrounds a group of 10 to 100 or more muscle fibres separating them into bundles called as fascicles. • Endomysium is a sheath of areolar connective tissue that penetrates the interior of each fascicle and separates individual muscle fibres from one another.
  • 53. • The epimysium, perimysium and endomysium binds the fibres into highly organized structure and blends together at the end of muscles to form tendons which are rope shaped but sometimes it takes sheet like structure called as aponeurosis. • The tendon attaches the muscle to bones. • Skeletal Muscle Fibre: It is roughly cylindrical in shape. • They lie parallel to one another with alternate dark and light strips. • Individual fibre may be very long, up to 25 cm in the longest muscle. • Each cell has several nuclei which are situated just under the cell membrane called as sarcolemma. • The cytoplasm of muscle cells is called as sarcoplasm. • Skeletal muscle fibres contain many mitochondria which are used for production of ATP from glucose and oxygen.
  • 54. • Sarcoplasm also contains red coloured, oxygen binding protein called as myoglobin which stores oxygen within the molecule. • Myofibrils and Sarcoplasmic Reticulum: At higher magnification, the sarcoplasm appears stuffed with little threads. • These small structures are called as myofibrils. • Myofibrils are about 2 µm in diameter. • A fluid-filled system of membranous sacs called as sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), encircles each myofibrils. • In relaxed muscle fibre, the SR stores calcium ions. • Release of calcium from the terminal cisterns of the SR triggers muscle contraction.
  • 55. • Filaments and Sarcomere: Within myofibrils are smaller structure called as filaments. • Two types of filaments are present: • Thin filament • Thick filament • Thin filaments are 8 mm in diameter and 1-2 µm long. • Thick filaments are 16 mm in diameter and 1-2 μm long. • Both these thin and thick filaments are involved in contraction. • The filaments in the myofibrils do not extend the entire length of a muscle fibre.
  • 56. • Instead they are arranged in compartments called as sarcomere, the basic functional unite of myofibrils. • Z-discs separate one sarcomere from the next. • Sarcomere is the repeating contractile units of myofibril. • It is a segment consisting of a highly organized assembly of filaments surrounded by two Z lines. • Two important proteins namely actin and myosin form thin and thick filaments respectively. • The filaments partly overlap and slide past each other during contraction. • Vertical protein plates called Z discs form the side boundaries of a sarcomere. • During contraction, the thick filaments pull the thin filaments towards the center of the sarcomeres. • This movement causes the sarcomere, myofibrils and the muscle fibres to shorten.
  • 57. • Muscle protein: Myofibrils are made up of three types of proteins. 1. Contractile protein: It helps in contraction process. 2. Regulatory protein: It regulates the contraction process by switching on or shutting the process. 3. Structural protein: It keeps thick and thin filaments in proper alignment and responsible for myofibril elasticity and extensibility. • Thick filaments are made up of protein called as myosin. • Thin filaments are made up of protein called as actin. • Smaller amount of two regulatory proteins, tropomyosin and troponin are also part of thin filament.
  • 58. Physiology of muscle contraction • Sliding Filament Mechanism of Muscle Contraction: • The length of skeletal muscle shortens during contraction because the thick and thin filaments slide over one another. • The process is known as the sliding filament mechanism. • The thick filaments contain 300 myosin molecules. • It consists of two parts: • Myosin tail • Myosin heads • Myosin tail forms the shaft (tube) of the thick filament and heads project towards the thin filament. • Thin filaments contain actin, troponin and tropomyosin. At the onset of contraction, the sarcoplasmic reticulum releases calcium ions (Ca+2) in to the cytosol. • There, they bind to troponin and cause the troponin-tropomyosin complexes to move away from myosin binding site on actin
  • 59. • Once the binding sites are free, the repeating sequence of events of the contraction cycle occurs that causes the filaments to slide on each other. • The contraction cycle consists of four steps: 1. ATP Hydrolysis: The myosin head includes an ATP-binding site and an ATPase, an enzyme that hydrolyses ATP into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and a phosphate group. • This hydrolysis gives energy to myosin head. • ADP and a phosphate group remain attached to the myosin head. 2. Attachment of myosin to actin to form cross-bridges: The energized myosin head attaches to the myosin binding site on actin and releases the previously hydrolysed phosphate group.
  • 60. When the myosin heads attach to actin during contraction, they are referred to as crossbridges. 3. Power stroke: Once the cross-bridges are formed, the power stroke occurs. • The cross-bridge rotates towards the centre of the sarcomere and releases the ADP molecule. • The cross-bridge generates a force which slides the thin filament over the thick filament. 4. Detachment of myosin from actin: At the end of the power stroke, the cross- bridge remains firmly attached to actin until it binds another molecule of ATP. As ATP binds to the ATP binding site on the myosin head, the myosin head detaches from actin
  • 61.
  • 62. Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ) • The neurons that stimulate the skeletal muscle fibres to contract are called somatic motor neurons. • Neuromuscular junction is the synapse between a somatic motor neuron and a skeletal muscle fibre. • A synapseis a region between two neurons, or between a neuron and a target cells (between somatic motor neuron and muscle fibre). • Synapse contains a small gap, called as synaptic cleft which separates the two cells. • The first cell communicates with the second cell by releasing a chemical called as neurotransmitter. • At the NMJ, the end of the motor neuron called as axon terminal, divides into a cluster of synaptic end bulbs.
  • 63. • In the cytosol within each synaptic end bulb contains hundreds of membrane enclosed sacs called synaptic vesicles. • Inside each synaptic vesicle are thousands of molecules of acetylcholine (Ach), the neurotransmitter, released at the NMJ. • The region of the sarcolemma opposite the synaptic end bulbs, called the motor end plate is the muscle fibre part of the NMJ. • Within each motor end plate are 30 to 40 million acetylcholine receptors are present and provides a large surface area for Ach binding. • A neuromuscular junction includes all the synaptic end bulbs on one side of the synaptic cleft, plus the motor end plate of the muscle fibre on the other side.