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Course code: CS213
Course title :
(Programming Languages Concepts)
Prof. Taymoor Mohamed Nazmy
Dept. of computer science, faculty of computer science, Ain Shams uni.
Ex-vice dean of post graduate studies and research Cairo, Egypt
Describing syntax and semantics
Where are we?
High-level Programming
• specification (syntax, semantics)
• variables (binding, scoping, types, …)
• statements (control, selection, assignment,…)
• compilation (lexical &
syntax analysis)
You are
here 3
Syntax and semantics
• Syntax - the form or structure of the expressions, statements, and
program units.
• Semantics - the meaning of the expressions, statements, and
program units.
• Ex:
• while (<Boolean_expr>)<statement>
• The semantics of this statement form is that when the current value
of the Boolean expression is true, the embedded statement is
• The form of a statement should strongly suggest what the statement
is meant to accomplish.
Compiler processing steps of PL
• compilers have several steps of processing to do
before their programs are runnable:
- Reads the individual characters of the source code you give it.
- Sorts the characters into words, numbers, symbols, and operators.
- Takes the sorted characters and determines the operations they
are trying to perform by matching them against patterns, and
making a tree of the operations.
- Iterates over every operation in the tree made in the last step, and
generates the equivalent binary.
Language Components
• Lexicon, Syntax, Semantics
• All languages, including computer languages have vocabulary,
grammar and meaning. In computer science and linguistics,
these concepts are referred to as lexicon, syntax and semantics,
• The lexicon of a computer language is its total inventory of
words and symbols. An item in the lexicon is called a lexeme,
which is the basic unit of meaning in a computer program.
• Lexemes are made up of smaller units called characters that
have no inherent meaning by themselves.
The Compiler check the correctness
of the language then translate it by
• Lexical analysis
– (or scanning), involves reading the individual characters of the computer
program, building each lexeme and identifying the token to which it
belongs. It can detects inputs with illegal tokens
• Parsing
– Or syntax analysis, the Parser (syntactical analyzer) takes the sequenceof tokens
and generates a tree representation, the Abstract Syntax. This tree is analyzed by
the type checker and is then used to generate the intermediate representation. It
can detects inputs with ill-formed parse trees
• Semantic analysis
– Catches all remaining errors, then the compiler translates the program
statement into the equivalent machine code instructions, a process called
code generation. 7
Syntax and semantics as a parts of Compiler Architecture
of input program
Lexical Analysis
Code Generation
Intermediate Code
Semantic Analysis
Syntactic Analysis
syntax tree
of output program
Table Error handler
Lexical rules
• Words are not elementary. They are constructed
out of characters belonging to an alphabet. Thus
the syntax of a language is defined by two sets of
rules: lexical rules and syntactic rules.
• Lexical rules specify the set of characters that
constitute the alphabet of the language and the
way such characters can be combined to form
valid words.
What is Lexical Analysis?
- The lexical analyzer deals with small-scale language constructs,
such as names and numeric literals. The syntax analyzer deals
with the large-scale constructs, such as expressions, statements,
and program units.
- The syntax analysis portion consists of two parts:
1. A low-level part called a lexical analyzer (essentially a
pattern matcher).
2. A high-level part called a syntax analyzer, or parser.
The lexical analyzer collects characters into logical
groupings and assigns internal codes to the groupings
according to their structure.
Lexical Analyzer in Perspective
– Scan Input
– Remove white space, …
– Identify Tokens
– Create Symbol Table
– Insert Tokens into AST
– Generate Errors
– Send Tokens to Parser
• In programming, a token is a single element of a
programming language. There are five categories of
• 1) constants,
• 2) identifiers,
• 3) operators,
• 4) separators,
• and 5) reserved words.
• For example, the reserved words "new" and "function"
are tokens of the JavaScript language. Operators, such as
+, -, *, and /, are also tokens of nearly all programming
Lexical analyzers extract lexemes from a given input string and
produce the corresponding tokens.
Sum = oldsum – value /100;
Token Lexeme
IDENT oldsum
IDENT value
Lexemes vs token
• A parser is a compiler or interpreter component that breaks
data into smaller elements for easy translation into another
• Parsing, syntax analysis, or syntactic analysis is the
process of analysing a string of symbols, either in natural
language, computer languages or data structures,
conforming to the rules of a formal grammar.
• A parser takes input in the form of a sequence of tokens or
program instructions and usually builds a data structure in
the form of a parse tree or an abstract syntax tree.
Parse Tree: a+b*c
<exp> * <exp>
<exp> + <exp>
b c
Parse Tree: ((a+b)*c)
<exp> + <exp>
( <exp> )
<exp> * <exp>
( <exp> )
a b
Error Management
or handler
• Errors can occur at all phases in the compiler
• Invalid input characters, syntax errors, semantic
errors, etc.
• Good compilers will attempt to recover from
errors and continue.
Abstract Syntax Tree
• The parse tree is used to recognize the components of the
program and to check that the syntax is correct.
• As the parser applies productions, it usually generates the
component of a simpler tree (known as Abstract Syntax Tree).
A syntax tree shows the structure of a program by abstracting away
irrelevant details from a parse tree.
Each node represents a computation to be performed;
The children of the node represents what that computation is
performed on.
Abstract Syntax Trees
E * E
15 ( E )
E + E
3 4
Int 15 Plus
Int 3 Int 4
Parse tree Abstract syntax tree
15*(3+4)E for Expression
Semantic analyzer
• The semantic analyzer uses the syntax tree
and the information in the symbol table to
check the source program for semantic
consistency with the language definition.
• It also gathers type information and saves it in
either the syntax tree or the symbol table, for
subsequent use during intermediate-code
• The semantics consist of:
• Runtime semantics: behavior of program at run
• Static semantics: checked by the compiler.
The semantic analyzer does the following:
Checks the static semantics of thelanguage.
Annotates the syntax tree with typeinformation, as
shown in example a.:= x + y * 2.5;
:= real
id a real + real
id x real * real
inttoreal literal 2.5 real
id y integer
Annotated syntax tree
Declaration of variables and constants before use. i.e.
Calling functions that exist (predefined in a library or defined by the user) i.e.
n = Max(4,7);
int Max(int x, int y)
int z;
if(x >
z = x;
z =
y; return z;
Passing parameters properly.
Type checking, i.e.
int x, y;
x= 3;
y = 2.5;
performs an error, cause 2.5 is not int it is float data type.
Static semantics can not be checked bythe parser.
Symbol table
• symbol table is a data structure used by a language translator
such as a compiler or interpreter, where each identifier in a
program's source code is associated with information relating to
its declaration or appearance in the source.
• Symbol table stores the information related about the symbol.
• During early phases (lexical and syntax analysis) symbols are
discovered and put into the symbol table
• During later phases symbols are looked up to validate their
Symbol Table
• A “Dictionary” that maps names to info the compiler knows
about that name.
• What names?
– Variable and procedure names
– Literal constants and strings
• What info?
Textual name
Data type
Declaring procedure
Lexical level of declaration
If array, number and size of dimensions
If procedure, number and type of parameters
Symbol Table Management
• Typical symbol table activities:
1) To store the names of all entities in a structured form at
one place.
2) To verify if a variable has been declared.
3) To implement type checking, by verifying assignments
and expressions in the source code are semantically
4) To determine the scope of a name (scope resolution).
5) Add a new name
6) Add information for a name
7) Access information for a name
8) Determine if a name is present in the table
9) Remove a name
• Intermediate code is examined and improved.
• Can be simple:
– changing “a:=a+1” to “increment a”
– changing “3*5” to “15”
• Can be complicated:
– reorganizing data and data accesses for cache efficiency
• Optimization can improve running time by orders of
magnitude, often also decreasing program size.
Code Generation
• Generation of “real executable code” for a particular
target machine.
• It is completed by the Final Assembly phase
• Final output can either be
– assembly language for the target machine
– object code ready for linking
Compilation process
Source code
(character stream)
Lexical analysis
Token stream
Abstract syntax tree
Semantic Analysis
if (b == 0) a = b;
if ( b ) a = b ;0==
b 0
a b
int b int 0
int a
int b
Decorated AST
Compilation process
Intermediate Code Generation
Code generation
int b int 0
int a
int b
boolean int
fp 8
fp 4 fp 8
+ +
PL grammar
Why Backus-Naur form (BNF)
• BNF is a metalanguage which is used to explain
computer languages.
• In the world of computing, there are several
widely used metalanguages are Backus Naur
Form (BNF), Extended Backus Naur Form
(EBNF), Augmented Backus Naur Form (ABNF).
BNF is essential in compiler construction
Backus-Naur form (BNF)
• BNF is a meta-language. A meta-language is a language that is
used to describe other languages. The Backus Naur Form is
designed in a set of derivation rules expressed as,
• <symbol> ::= __expression__
• We describe BNF first, and then we show how it can be used to
describe the syntax of a simple programming language.
• The symbols
• ::=, < , > , * , + , ( , ) , and |
• are symbols of the metalanguage: they are metasymbols.
BNF symbols
• < > indicate a nonterminal that needs to be
further expanded, e.g. <variable>
• Symbols not enclosed in < > are terminals;
they represent themselves, e.g. if, while,
• The symbol ::= means is defined as
• The symbol | means or; it separates
• <integer> ::= <digit> | <digit><digit>
• Here, both <integer> and <digit> are Non-
Terminals and will give an output like,
• <integer> ::= 5
• <integer> ::= 86
BNF for as language descriptor
• <program> ::= <stmts>
<stmts> ::= <stmt>
<stmts> ::= <stmnt> ; <stmnts>
• <stmt> ::= <var> = <expr>
• <var> ::= a | b | c | d
• <expr> ::= <term> + <term> | <term> - <term>
• <term> ::= <var> | const
• e.g1.
<while_stmt> ::= while <logic_expr> do <stmt>
• This is a rule; it describes the structure of a while
• e.g2.
• if-then-else-statement ::= if <test>
then <statement> else <statement>
• This is a rule; it describes the structure of if statement
BNF and Parse Trees
<var> = <expr>
a <term> + <term>
<var> const
A parse tree is a hierarchical representation of BNF
BNF and Parsing
source file
input stream
parse tree
sum = x1 + x2;
x1 x2
Regular expressions
define tokens
BNF rules define
grammar elements
Imperative languages
Imperative programming
• Imperative programming based on Von Neumann’s
computer model. It describes a sequence of steps that
change the state of the computer.
• Imperative programming explicitly tells the
computer "how" to accomplish a specific task .
Comparing imperative, functional and
object oriented paradigms
What is a Type?
• A type is a qualifier that is used by the compiler
 Machine languages do not have types
• The type of a variable or constant tells the
– How much space the object occupies
– What operations on the object mean
What is a Type?
• Given an address in RAM, what does it mean?
 Could be anything!
• Types tell the compiler
– Which instruction to apply
Integer addition, floating pt addition
– How to increment pointers
Array references, fields
Data Types
 Data Type:
 In computer science and computer programming, a data type or
simply type is a classification identifying one of various types of data,
A data type is used to:
Identify the type of a variable when the variable is declared
Identify the type of the return value of a function
Identify the type of a parameter expected by a function
 Types of Data Type:
 primitive data types
 non-primitive data types 50
• Primitive Data Type: include floating-point,
integer, enumerated type, double and many
other topics from this portion.
• Non Primitive Data Type consists of:
• Composite Data Type: It may includes array,
union, record and tagged union data type.
• Abstract Data Type: Like stack, queue,
graph, tree etc.
Data Type Examples
• Predefined:
– type: int
– elements: …, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, …
– operations: +, -, *, /, %, …
• User-defined:
– type: complex
– elements: 1+3i, -5+8i, …
– operations: newComplex, add, distance, …
• Other examples of data types
• Boolean (e.g., True or False)
• Character (e.g., a)
• Date (e.g., 03/01/2016)
• Double (e.g., 1.79769313486232E308)
• Floating-point number (e.g., 1.234)
• Integer (e.g., 1234)
• Long (e.g., 123456789)
• Short (e.g., 0)
• String (e.g., abcd)
• Void (e.g., no data)
Size and Range of Integer Data
Decimal Integer
 It consists of 0-9 digits, preceded by an optional – or
+ sign.
 Valid example of decimal integer are : 123 , -321, 0 ,
654321, +78
 Embedded spaces, comma and non digit characters
are not permitted between digits.
 15 750, 20,000, $1000 are Illegal
Floating Point Types
 Floating point numbers are stored in 32 bits with
6 digits of precision.
 When the accuracy provided by float is not
sufficient double data type is used. It uses 64 bits
giving a precision of 14 digits.
 When you want to extend more precision you can use
the long double data type. It uses 80 bits
Void Types
 Void type has no values.
 Void type does not return any values.
 These are used to specify the return values from the
function when they don‟t have any value to return
Character Types
2 dimensional array
• A (possibly heterogeneous) aggregate of data
elements in which the individual elements are
identified by names
int x = 20;
int *p;
p = &x;
*p = 20;
Declares a pointer
to an integer
& is address operator
gets address of x
* dereference operator
gets value at p
A pointer is a variable holding an address value
int x = 20;
int *p;
p = &x;
*p = 20;
*p refers to the value stored in x.
A pointer is a variable holding an address value
• Constants and variables must be declared before they can be used.
• A constant declaration specifies the type, the name and the value of the
• A variable declaration specified the name and possibly the initial value of
the variable.
• When you declare a constant or a variable, the compiler
1. Reserves a memory location in which to store the value of the constant
or variable.
2. Associates the name of the constant or variable with the memory
location. (You will use this name for referring to the constant or
• A variable is an abstraction of a memory cell
• Variables can be characterized by several
– Name
– Address
– Value
– Type
– Lifetime
– Scope
• Address
– the memory address with which it is associated
– A variable may have different addresses at different times
during execution – e.g., local variables in subprograms
– A variable may have different addresses at different places in
a program – e.g., variable allocated from the runtime stack
– Aliases
• If two variable names can be used to access the same memory
• harmful to readability (program readers must remember all of them)
• How aliases can be created:
– Pointers, reference variables, Pascal variant records, C and C++ unions,
• Type
– determines the range of values of variables and the
set of operations that are defined for values of that
• int type in Java specifies a value range of –2147483648
to 2147483647 and arithmetic operations for addition,
subtraction, division, etc
– in the case of floating point, type also determines
the precision (single or double)
• Value
– the contents of the memory cells with which the
variable is associated
– Abstract memory cell - the physical cell or
collection of cells associated with a variable
• The l-value of a variable is its address
• The r-value of a variable is its value
slide 73
Variables: Locations and Values
• When a variable is declared, it is bound to some
memory location and becomes its identifier
– Location could be in global, heap, or stack storage
• l-value: memory location (address)
• r-value: value stored at the memory location identified
by l-value
• Assignment: A (target) = B (expression)
– Destructive update: overwrites the memory location
identified by A with a value of expression B
slide 74
Variables and Assignment
• On the RHS of an assignment, use the variable’s
r-value; on the LHS, use its l-value
– Example: x = x+1
– Meaning: “get r-value of x, add 1, store the result
into the l-value of x”
• Example: x=x*y means “compute rval(x)*rval(y) and
store it in lval(x)”
Names, binding, type
checking, and scope
• The central feature of imperative languages are variables
• Variables are abstractions for memory cells in a Von
Neumann architecture computer
• Attributes of variables
– Name, Type, Address, Value, …
• Other important concepts
– Binding and Binding times
– Strong typing
– Type compatibility rules
– Scoping rules
• Name: representation for something else
– E.g.: identifiers, some symbols
• Binding: association between two things;
– Name and the thing that it names
• Scope of binding: part of (textual) program that
binding is active
• Binding time: point at which binding created
– Generally: point at which any implementation decision
is made.
Names (Identifiers)
• Names are not only associated with variables
– Also associated with labels, subprograms, formal
parameters, and other program constructs
• Design issues for names:
– Maximum length?
– Are connector characters allowed? (“_”)
– Are names case sensitive?
– Are the special words: reserved words or keywords?
• Length
– Language examples:
• FORTRAN I: maximum 6
• COBOL: maximum 30
• FORTRAN 90 and ANSI C (1989): maximum 31
– Ansi C (1989): no length limitation, but only first 31 chars significant
• Ada and Java: no limit, and all are significant
• C++: no limit, but implementors often impose one
• Connector characters
– C, C++, and Perl allows “_” character in identifier names
– Fortran 77 allows spaces in identifier names:
Sum Of Salaries and SumOfSalaries refer to the same identifier
• Case sensitivity
– C, C++, and Java names are case sensitive
– Disadvantages:
• readability (names that look alike are different)
• writability (must remember exact spelling)
– Java: predefined names are mixed case (e.g.
– Earlier versions of Fortran use only uppercase letters
for names
Case Sensitive or Case
foobar == FooBar == FOOBAR
C-basedlanguages:case sensitive
C convention: variable namesonly lower caseletters
Pascal:case insensitive
Javaconvention: CamelCaseinstead ofunder_scores
• Special words
– Make program more readable by naming actions to
be performed and to separate syntactic entities of
– A reserved word is a special word that cannot be
used as a user-defined name
Special Words
keyword:identifier with special
meaningin certaincontexts
reserved word: specialword
that cannot beusedasaname
Integer Apple
Integer = 4
Integer Real
Real Integerpackage
class User {
private String name;
public String get_name
return name;
• A binding is an association, such as between
an attribute and an entity, or between an
operation and a symbol
• Binding time is the time at which a binding
takes place
Binding Times
• Possible binding times:
1. Language design time
e.g., bind operator symbols to operations
2. Language implementation time
e.g., bind floating point type to a representation
3. Compile time
e.g., bind a variable to a type in C or Java
4. Load time
e.g., bind a FORTRAN 77 variable to a memory cell (or a C static variable)
5. Runtime
e.g., bind a nonstatic local variable to a memory cell
Storage Binding
• Storage Bindings
– Allocation
• getting a cell from some pool of available memory cells
– Deallocation
• putting a cell back into the pool of memory cells
• Lifetime of a variable is the time during which it is bound to a
particular memory cell
– 4 types of variables (based on lifetime of storage binding)
• Static
• Stack-dynamic
• Explicit heap-dynamic
• Implicit heap-dynamic
Type Systems
• A language’s type system specifies which
operations are valid for which types
• The goal of type checking is to ensure that
operations are used with the correct types
– Enforces intended interpretation of values, because
nothing else will!
• Type systems provide a concise formalization of
the semantic checking rules
Type Checking
• Type checking ensures that the operands and the operator are of
compatible types
• Generalized to include subprograms and assignments
• Compatible type is either
– legal for the operator, or
– language rules allow it to be converted to a legal type
• Coercion
– Automatic conversion
• Type error
– Application of an operator to an operand of incorrect type
• Nearly all type checking can be static for static type bindings
• Type checking must be dynamic for dynamic type bindings
Kinds of Type Checking
• Three kinds of languages:
– Statically typed: All or almost all checking of types
is done as part of compilation (C, Java, Cool)
– Dynamically typed: Almost all checking of types is
done as part of program execution (Scheme)
– Untyped: No type checking (machine code)
Also called lexicalscoping.
Ifa variable name's scope isa certain function,
then itsscope isthe program textof the function
definition:withinthat text, the variable name exists,
and is bound to itsvariable, but outside that text,
the variable name does not exist.
Indynamic scoping (ordynamic scope), ifa
variable name's scope is a certain function, then its
scopeisthe time-period duringwhich the function is
While the function isrunning,the variable name exists,
and isbound to itsvariable, but after the function
returns,the variable name does not exist.
Expressions and assignment
• LHS = Left Hand Side
 Means replace contents
 Set value where this thing is stored
• RHS = Right Hand Side
– Means value
– Evaluate expression, function, etc.
– Arrive at a value to store in LHS
• Fixed values such as numbers, letters, and
strings are called “constants” - because their
value does not change
• Numeric constants are as you expect
• String constants use single-quotes (')
or double-quotes (")
>>> print 123
>>> print 98.6
>>> print 'Hello world'
Hello world
Sentences or Lines
x = 2
x = x + 2
print x
Variable Operator Constant Reserved Word
Assignment Statement
Assignment with expression
Print statement
Assignment Statements
• We assign a value to a variable using the assignment
statement (=)
• An assignment statement consists of an expression on
the right hand side and a variable to store the result
x = 3.9 * x * ( 1 - x )
x = 3.9 * x * ( 1 - x )
Right side is an expression. Once
expression is evaluated, the result is
placed in (assigned to) x.
A variable is a memory location used to
store a value (0.6).
x = 3.9 * x * ( 1 - x )
0.6 0.93x
Right side is an expression. Once
expression is evaluated, the result is
placed in (assigned to) the variable on
the left side (i.e. x).
A variable is a memory location used to
store a value. The value stored in a
variable can be updated by replacing the
old value (0.6) with a new value (0.93).
Order of Evaluation
• When we string operators together - it must know
which one to do first
• This is called “operator precedence”
• Which operator “takes precedence” over the others
x = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4 / 5 ** 6
Operator Precedence Rules
• Highest precedence rule to lowest precedence
• Parenthesis are always respected
• Exponentiation (raise to a power)
• Multiplication, Division, and Remainder
• Addition and Subtraction
• Left to right
Left to Right
Left to Right
1 + 2 ** 3 / 4 * 5
1 + 8 / 4 * 5
1 + 2 * 5
1 + 10
>>> x = 1 + 2 ** 3 / 4 * 5
>>> print x
Left to Right
>>> x = 1 + 2 ** 3 / 4 * 5
>>> print x
1 + 2 ** 3 / 4 * 5
1 + 8 / 4 * 5
1 + 2 * 5
1 + 10
Note 8/4 goes before 4*5
because of the left-right rule.
Arithmetic Expressions
Boolean Expressions
Relational Expressions
Arithmetic Expressions can either be
integer expressions or real expressions.
Sometimes a mixed expressions can also
be formed which is a mixer of real and
integer expressions.
• An expression is a sequence of operands and operators
that reduces to a single value.
– Example: 2 * 5
• Operators
– An operator is a language-specific syntactical token that requires
an action to be taken.
• Operand
– A operand receives an operator’s action.
– The operands of multiply are the multiplier and the multiplicand.
=> OPERATORS: “An operator is a symbol (+,-,*,/) that
directs the computer to perform certain mathematical or
logical manipulations and is usually used to manipulate data
and variables”
=>The objects of the operation(s) are referred to as
Ex: a + b
3 + 5
2 - 4
Num * 5
Sum / Count
Count % 4
Count ++
Count --
Division (quotient)
Division (remainder)
Arithmetic operators
Store 5 in Num
Num = Num + 5
Num = Num - 5
Num = Num * 5
Num = Num / 5
Num = Num % 5
Num = 5
Num += 5
Num -= 5
Num *= 5
Num /= 5
Num %= 5
Assignment operators
• Integer Expressions are formed by connecting integer
constants and/or integer variables using integer
arithmetic operators.
• The following are valid integer expressions :
• int I,J,K,X,Y,Z,count;
• A) k - x
• B) k + x – y + count
• C) –j + k * y
• D) z % y
• Real Expressions are formed by connecting real
constants and/or real variables using real arithmetic
• The following are valid real expressions:
• float qty,amount,,value;
• double fin,inter; const bal=250.53;
• i) qty/amount
• ii) (amount + qty*value)-bal
• iii) fin + qty* inter
• iv) inter – (qty * value) + fin 116
The process of converting one
predefined type into another is
called Type Conversion.
C++ facilitates the type
conversion .
Boolean expression
• Boolean expression is used expression in a
programming language that produces a Boolean
value when evaluated, that is one of true or false.
• A Boolean expression may be composed of a
combination of the Boolean constants true or
false, Boolean-typed variables, Boolean-valued
operators, and Boolean-valued functions.
! ( Num1 < Num2 )
(Num1 < 5 ) && (Num2 > 10 )
(Num1 < 5 ) || (Num2 > 10 )
Logical operators
Num1 < 5
Num1 <= 5
Num2 > 3
Num2 >= 3
Num1 == Num2
Num1 != Num2
Less than
Less than or equal to
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Equal to
Not equal to
Relational operators
End of Part 2

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Plc part 2

  • 1. Course code: CS213 Course title : (Programming Languages Concepts) PART: 2 Prof. Taymoor Mohamed Nazmy Dept. of computer science, faculty of computer science, Ain Shams uni. Ex-vice dean of post graduate studies and research Cairo, Egypt 1
  • 2. Describing syntax and semantics 2
  • 3. Where are we? High-level Programming Languages Logic Functional Imperative Concepts • specification (syntax, semantics) • variables (binding, scoping, types, …) • statements (control, selection, assignment,…) Implementation • compilation (lexical & syntax analysis) Assembly Language Machine Language Object Oriented You are here 3
  • 4. Syntax and semantics • Syntax - the form or structure of the expressions, statements, and program units. • Semantics - the meaning of the expressions, statements, and program units. • Ex: • while (<Boolean_expr>)<statement> • The semantics of this statement form is that when the current value of the Boolean expression is true, the embedded statement is executed. • The form of a statement should strongly suggest what the statement is meant to accomplish. 4
  • 5. Compiler processing steps of PL • compilers have several steps of processing to do before their programs are runnable: - Reads the individual characters of the source code you give it. - Sorts the characters into words, numbers, symbols, and operators. - Takes the sorted characters and determines the operations they are trying to perform by matching them against patterns, and making a tree of the operations. - Iterates over every operation in the tree made in the last step, and generates the equivalent binary. 5
  • 6. 17-6 Language Components • Lexicon, Syntax, Semantics • All languages, including computer languages have vocabulary, grammar and meaning. In computer science and linguistics, these concepts are referred to as lexicon, syntax and semantics, respectively. • The lexicon of a computer language is its total inventory of words and symbols. An item in the lexicon is called a lexeme, which is the basic unit of meaning in a computer program. • Lexemes are made up of smaller units called characters that have no inherent meaning by themselves.
  • 7. The Compiler check the correctness of the language then translate it by • Lexical analysis – (or scanning), involves reading the individual characters of the computer program, building each lexeme and identifying the token to which it belongs. It can detects inputs with illegal tokens • Parsing – Or syntax analysis, the Parser (syntactical analyzer) takes the sequenceof tokens and generates a tree representation, the Abstract Syntax. This tree is analyzed by the type checker and is then used to generate the intermediate representation. It can detects inputs with ill-formed parse trees • Semantic analysis – Catches all remaining errors, then the compiler translates the program statement into the equivalent machine code instructions, a process called code generation. 7
  • 8. Syntax and semantics as a parts of Compiler Architecture Analysis of input program (front-end) character stream Lexical Analysis Code Generation Optimization Intermediate Code Generation Semantic Analysis Syntactic Analysis annotated AST abstract syntax tree token stream target language intermediate form intermediate form Synthesis of output program (back-end) Symbol Table Error handler 8
  • 9. Lexical rules • Words are not elementary. They are constructed out of characters belonging to an alphabet. Thus the syntax of a language is defined by two sets of rules: lexical rules and syntactic rules. • Lexical rules specify the set of characters that constitute the alphabet of the language and the way such characters can be combined to form valid words. 9
  • 10. What is Lexical Analysis? - The lexical analyzer deals with small-scale language constructs, such as names and numeric literals. The syntax analyzer deals with the large-scale constructs, such as expressions, statements, and program units. - The syntax analysis portion consists of two parts: 1. A low-level part called a lexical analyzer (essentially a pattern matcher). 2. A high-level part called a syntax analyzer, or parser. The lexical analyzer collects characters into logical groupings and assigns internal codes to the groupings according to their structure. 10
  • 11. Lexical Analyzer in Perspective • LEXICALANALYZER – Scan Input – Remove white space, … – Identify Tokens – Create Symbol Table – Insert Tokens into AST – Generate Errors – Send Tokens to Parser 11
  • 12. Token • In programming, a token is a single element of a programming language. There are five categories of tokens: • 1) constants, • 2) identifiers, • 3) operators, • 4) separators, • and 5) reserved words. • For example, the reserved words "new" and "function" are tokens of the JavaScript language. Operators, such as +, -, *, and /, are also tokens of nearly all programming languages. 12
  • 13. 13
  • 14. Lexical analyzers extract lexemes from a given input string and produce the corresponding tokens. Sum = oldsum – value /100; Token Lexeme IDENT sum ASSIGN_OP = IDENT oldsum SUBTRACT_OP - IDENT value DIVISION_OP / INT_LIT 100 SEMICOLON ; Lexemes vs token 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. Parser • A parser is a compiler or interpreter component that breaks data into smaller elements for easy translation into another language. • Parsing, syntax analysis, or syntactic analysis is the process of analysing a string of symbols, either in natural language, computer languages or data structures, conforming to the rules of a formal grammar. • A parser takes input in the form of a sequence of tokens or program instructions and usually builds a data structure in the form of a parse tree or an abstract syntax tree. 16
  • 17. Parse Tree: a+b*c <exp> * <exp> <exp> <exp> + <exp> b c a Parse Tree: ((a+b)*c) <exp> <exp> + <exp> ( <exp> ) <exp> * <exp> ( <exp> ) a b c 17
  • 18. Error Management or handler • Errors can occur at all phases in the compiler • Invalid input characters, syntax errors, semantic errors, etc. • Good compilers will attempt to recover from errors and continue. 18
  • 19. Abstract Syntax Tree • The parse tree is used to recognize the components of the program and to check that the syntax is correct. • As the parser applies productions, it usually generates the component of a simpler tree (known as Abstract Syntax Tree). A syntax tree shows the structure of a program by abstracting away irrelevant details from a parse tree. Each node represents a computation to be performed; The children of the node represents what that computation is performed on. 19
  • 20. Abstract Syntax Trees E E * E 15 ( E ) E + E 3 4 Times Int 15 Plus Int 3 Int 4 Parse tree Abstract syntax tree 15*(3+4)E for Expression 20
  • 21. Semantic analyzer • The semantic analyzer uses the syntax tree and the information in the symbol table to check the source program for semantic consistency with the language definition. • It also gathers type information and saves it in either the syntax tree or the symbol table, for subsequent use during intermediate-code generation. 21
  • 22. • The semantics consist of: • Runtime semantics: behavior of program at run time. • Static semantics: checked by the compiler. 22
  • 23. SEMANTIC ANALYZER(CONT.) 6 The semantic analyzer does the following: Checks the static semantics of thelanguage. Annotates the syntax tree with typeinformation, as shown in example a.:= x + y * 2.5; := real id a real + real id x real * real inttoreal literal 2.5 real id y integer Annotated syntax tree 23
  • 24. STATIC SEMANTICS 2 4 Declaration of variables and constants before use. i.e. int x; x=3; Calling functions that exist (predefined in a library or defined by the user) i.e. n = Max(4,7); int Max(int x, int y) { int z; if(x > y) z = x; else z = y; return z; } 24
  • 25. STATIC SEMANTICS 2 5 Passing parameters properly. Type checking, i.e. int x, y; x= 3; y = 2.5; performs an error, cause 2.5 is not int it is float data type. Static semantics can not be checked bythe parser. 25
  • 26. Symbol table • symbol table is a data structure used by a language translator such as a compiler or interpreter, where each identifier in a program's source code is associated with information relating to its declaration or appearance in the source. • Symbol table stores the information related about the symbol. • During early phases (lexical and syntax analysis) symbols are discovered and put into the symbol table • During later phases symbols are looked up to validate their usage. 26
  • 27. 27 Symbol Table • A “Dictionary” that maps names to info the compiler knows about that name. • What names? – Variable and procedure names – Literal constants and strings • What info? Textual name Data type Declaring procedure Lexical level of declaration If array, number and size of dimensions If procedure, number and type of parameters
  • 28. Symbol Table Management • Typical symbol table activities: 1) To store the names of all entities in a structured form at one place. 2) To verify if a variable has been declared. 3) To implement type checking, by verifying assignments and expressions in the source code are semantically correct. 4) To determine the scope of a name (scope resolution). 5) Add a new name 6) Add information for a name 7) Access information for a name 8) Determine if a name is present in the table 9) Remove a name 28
  • 29. 29
  • 30. Optimizers • Intermediate code is examined and improved. • Can be simple: – changing “a:=a+1” to “increment a” – changing “3*5” to “15” • Can be complicated: – reorganizing data and data accesses for cache efficiency • Optimization can improve running time by orders of magnitude, often also decreasing program size. 30
  • 31. Code Generation • Generation of “real executable code” for a particular target machine. • It is completed by the Final Assembly phase • Final output can either be – assembly language for the target machine – object code ready for linking 31
  • 32. 32 Compilation process Source code (character stream) Lexical analysis Parsing Token stream Abstract syntax tree (AST) Semantic Analysis if (b == 0) a = b; if ( b ) a = b ;0== if == b 0 = a b if == int b int 0 = int a lvalue int b boolean Decorated AST int ; ;
  • 33. 33 Compilation process Intermediate Code Generation Optimization Code generation if == int b int 0 = int a lvalue int b boolean int ; CJUMP == MEM fp 8 + CONST MOVE 0 MEM MEM fp 4 fp 8 NOP + + CJUMP == CONST MOVE 0 DX CX NOPCX CMP CX, 0 CMOVZ DX,CX
  • 35. Why Backus-Naur form (BNF) • BNF is a metalanguage which is used to explain computer languages. • In the world of computing, there are several widely used metalanguages are Backus Naur Form (BNF), Extended Backus Naur Form (EBNF), Augmented Backus Naur Form (ABNF). BNF is essential in compiler construction 35
  • 36. Backus-Naur form (BNF) • BNF is a meta-language. A meta-language is a language that is used to describe other languages. The Backus Naur Form is designed in a set of derivation rules expressed as, • <symbol> ::= __expression__ • We describe BNF first, and then we show how it can be used to describe the syntax of a simple programming language. • The symbols • ::=, < , > , * , + , ( , ) , and | • are symbols of the metalanguage: they are metasymbols. 36
  • 37. BNF symbols • < > indicate a nonterminal that needs to be further expanded, e.g. <variable> • Symbols not enclosed in < > are terminals; they represent themselves, e.g. if, while, • The symbol ::= means is defined as • The symbol | means or; it separates alternatives, 37
  • 38. • <integer> ::= <digit> | <digit><digit> • Here, both <integer> and <digit> are Non- Terminals and will give an output like, • <integer> ::= 5 • <integer> ::= 86 38
  • 39. BNF for as language descriptor • <program> ::= <stmts> <stmts> ::= <stmt> <stmts> ::= <stmnt> ; <stmnts> • <stmt> ::= <var> = <expr> • <var> ::= a | b | c | d • <expr> ::= <term> + <term> | <term> - <term> • <term> ::= <var> | const 39
  • 40. • e.g1. <while_stmt> ::= while <logic_expr> do <stmt> • This is a rule; it describes the structure of a while statement. • e.g2. • if-then-else-statement ::= if <test> then <statement> else <statement> • This is a rule; it describes the structure of if statement 40
  • 41. BNF and Parse Trees <program> <stmts> <stmt> <var> = <expr> a <term> + <term> <var> const b A parse tree is a hierarchical representation of BNF 41
  • 42. 42 BNF and Parsing source file Scanner Parser input stream parse tree sum = x1 + x2; sum = x1 + x2 ; sum = + x1 x2 tokens Regular expressions define tokens BNF rules define grammar elements
  • 44. Imperative programming • Imperative programming based on Von Neumann’s computer model. It describes a sequence of steps that change the state of the computer. • Imperative programming explicitly tells the computer "how" to accomplish a specific task . 44
  • 45.
  • 46. Comparing imperative, functional and object oriented paradigms 46
  • 47.
  • 48. What is a Type? • A type is a qualifier that is used by the compiler  Machine languages do not have types • The type of a variable or constant tells the compiler: – How much space the object occupies – What operations on the object mean
  • 49. What is a Type? • Given an address in RAM, what does it mean?  Could be anything! • Types tell the compiler – Which instruction to apply Integer addition, floating pt addition – How to increment pointers Array references, fields
  • 50. Data Types  Data Type:  In computer science and computer programming, a data type or simply type is a classification identifying one of various types of data, A data type is used to: Identify the type of a variable when the variable is declared Identify the type of the return value of a function Identify the type of a parameter expected by a function  Types of Data Type:  primitive data types  non-primitive data types 50
  • 51. • Primitive Data Type: include floating-point, integer, enumerated type, double and many other topics from this portion. • Non Primitive Data Type consists of: • Composite Data Type: It may includes array, union, record and tagged union data type. • Abstract Data Type: Like stack, queue, graph, tree etc. 51
  • 52. 52
  • 53. Data Type Examples • Predefined: – type: int – elements: …, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, … – operations: +, -, *, /, %, … • User-defined: – type: complex – elements: 1+3i, -5+8i, … – operations: newComplex, add, distance, … 53
  • 54. • Other examples of data types • Boolean (e.g., True or False) • Character (e.g., a) • Date (e.g., 03/01/2016) • Double (e.g., 1.79769313486232E308) • Floating-point number (e.g., 1.234) • Integer (e.g., 1234) • Long (e.g., 123456789) • Short (e.g., 0) • String (e.g., abcd) • Void (e.g., no data) 54
  • 55. Size and Range of Integer Data 55
  • 56. Decimal Integer  It consists of 0-9 digits, preceded by an optional – or + sign.  Valid example of decimal integer are : 123 , -321, 0 , 654321, +78  Embedded spaces, comma and non digit characters are not permitted between digits.  15 750, 20,000, $1000 are Illegal 56
  • 57. Floating Point Types  Floating point numbers are stored in 32 bits with 6 digits of precision.  When the accuracy provided by float is not sufficient double data type is used. It uses 64 bits giving a precision of 14 digits.  When you want to extend more precision you can use the long double data type. It uses 80 bits 57
  • 58. Void Types  Void type has no values.  Void type does not return any values.  These are used to specify the return values from the function when they don‟t have any value to return 58
  • 60. 60
  • 61. 61
  • 62. 62
  • 64. Records • A (possibly heterogeneous) aggregate of data elements in which the individual elements are identified by names 64
  • 65. Pointers int x = 20; int *p; p = &x; *p = 20; Declares a pointer to an integer & is address operator gets address of x * dereference operator gets value at p 65 A pointer is a variable holding an address value
  • 66. Pointers int x = 20; int *p; p = &x; *p = 20; *p refers to the value stored in x. p x20 A pointer is a variable holding an address value 66
  • 67. Declarations • Constants and variables must be declared before they can be used. • A constant declaration specifies the type, the name and the value of the constant. • A variable declaration specified the name and possibly the initial value of the variable. • When you declare a constant or a variable, the compiler 1. Reserves a memory location in which to store the value of the constant or variable. 2. Associates the name of the constant or variable with the memory location. (You will use this name for referring to the constant or variable.) 67
  • 68.
  • 69. Variables • A variable is an abstraction of a memory cell • Variables can be characterized by several attributes: – Name – Address – Value – Type – Lifetime – Scope
  • 70. Variables • Address – the memory address with which it is associated – A variable may have different addresses at different times during execution – e.g., local variables in subprograms – A variable may have different addresses at different places in a program – e.g., variable allocated from the runtime stack – Aliases • If two variable names can be used to access the same memory location • harmful to readability (program readers must remember all of them) • How aliases can be created: – Pointers, reference variables, Pascal variant records, C and C++ unions, and FORTRAN EQUIVALENCE
  • 71. Variables • Type – determines the range of values of variables and the set of operations that are defined for values of that type • int type in Java specifies a value range of –2147483648 to 2147483647 and arithmetic operations for addition, subtraction, division, etc – in the case of floating point, type also determines the precision (single or double)
  • 72. Variables • Value – the contents of the memory cells with which the variable is associated – Abstract memory cell - the physical cell or collection of cells associated with a variable • The l-value of a variable is its address • The r-value of a variable is its value
  • 73. slide 73 Variables: Locations and Values • When a variable is declared, it is bound to some memory location and becomes its identifier – Location could be in global, heap, or stack storage • l-value: memory location (address) • r-value: value stored at the memory location identified by l-value • Assignment: A (target) = B (expression) – Destructive update: overwrites the memory location identified by A with a value of expression B
  • 74. slide 74 Variables and Assignment • On the RHS of an assignment, use the variable’s r-value; on the LHS, use its l-value – Example: x = x+1 – Meaning: “get r-value of x, add 1, store the result into the l-value of x” • Example: x=x*y means “compute rval(x)*rval(y) and store it in lval(x)”
  • 75.
  • 77. Introduction • The central feature of imperative languages are variables • Variables are abstractions for memory cells in a Von Neumann architecture computer • Attributes of variables – Name, Type, Address, Value, … • Other important concepts – Binding and Binding times – Strong typing – Type compatibility rules – Scoping rules 77
  • 78. Preliminaries • Name: representation for something else – E.g.: identifiers, some symbols • Binding: association between two things; – Name and the thing that it names • Scope of binding: part of (textual) program that binding is active • Binding time: point at which binding created – Generally: point at which any implementation decision is made. 78
  • 79. Names (Identifiers) • Names are not only associated with variables – Also associated with labels, subprograms, formal parameters, and other program constructs • Design issues for names: – Maximum length? – Are connector characters allowed? (“_”) – Are names case sensitive? – Are the special words: reserved words or keywords? 79
  • 80. Names • Length – Language examples: • FORTRAN I: maximum 6 • COBOL: maximum 30 • FORTRAN 90 and ANSI C (1989): maximum 31 – Ansi C (1989): no length limitation, but only first 31 chars significant • Ada and Java: no limit, and all are significant • C++: no limit, but implementors often impose one • Connector characters – C, C++, and Perl allows “_” character in identifier names – Fortran 77 allows spaces in identifier names: Sum Of Salaries and SumOfSalaries refer to the same identifier 80
  • 81. Names • Case sensitivity – C, C++, and Java names are case sensitive – Disadvantages: • readability (names that look alike are different) • writability (must remember exact spelling) – Java: predefined names are mixed case (e.g. IndexOutOfBoundsException) – Earlier versions of Fortran use only uppercase letters for names 81
  • 82. Case Sensitive or Case Insensitive? foobar == FooBar == FOOBAR ? C-basedlanguages:case sensitive C convention: variable namesonly lower caseletters Pascal:case insensitive Javaconvention: CamelCaseinstead ofunder_scores 82
  • 83. Names • Special words – Make program more readable by naming actions to be performed and to separate syntactic entities of programs – A reserved word is a special word that cannot be used as a user-defined name 83
  • 84. Special Words keyword:identifier with special meaningin certaincontexts reserved word: specialword that cannot beusedasaname Integer Apple Integer = 4 type name Fortran Integer Real Real Integerpackage example; class User { private String name; public String get_name { return name; } } Java 84
  • 85. Binding • A binding is an association, such as between an attribute and an entity, or between an operation and a symbol • Binding time is the time at which a binding takes place
  • 86. 86
  • 87. Binding Times • Possible binding times: 1. Language design time e.g., bind operator symbols to operations 2. Language implementation time e.g., bind floating point type to a representation 3. Compile time e.g., bind a variable to a type in C or Java 4. Load time e.g., bind a FORTRAN 77 variable to a memory cell (or a C static variable) 5. Runtime e.g., bind a nonstatic local variable to a memory cell 87
  • 88. 88
  • 89. Storage Binding • Storage Bindings – Allocation • getting a cell from some pool of available memory cells – Deallocation • putting a cell back into the pool of memory cells • Lifetime of a variable is the time during which it is bound to a particular memory cell – 4 types of variables (based on lifetime of storage binding) • Static • Stack-dynamic • Explicit heap-dynamic • Implicit heap-dynamic 89
  • 90. 90 Type Systems • A language’s type system specifies which operations are valid for which types • The goal of type checking is to ensure that operations are used with the correct types – Enforces intended interpretation of values, because nothing else will! • Type systems provide a concise formalization of the semantic checking rules
  • 91. Type Checking • Type checking ensures that the operands and the operator are of compatible types • Generalized to include subprograms and assignments • Compatible type is either – legal for the operator, or – language rules allow it to be converted to a legal type • Coercion – Automatic conversion • Type error – Application of an operator to an operand of incorrect type • Nearly all type checking can be static for static type bindings • Type checking must be dynamic for dynamic type bindings 91
  • 92. 92 Kinds of Type Checking • Three kinds of languages: – Statically typed: All or almost all checking of types is done as part of compilation (C, Java, Cool) – Dynamically typed: Almost all checking of types is done as part of program execution (Scheme) – Untyped: No type checking (machine code)
  • 93. 93
  • 94. Also called lexicalscoping. Ifa variable name's scope isa certain function, then itsscope isthe program textof the function definition:withinthat text, the variable name exists, and is bound to itsvariable, but outside that text, the variable name does not exist. 94
  • 95. Indynamic scoping (ordynamic scope), ifa variable name's scope is a certain function, then its scopeisthe time-period duringwhich the function is executing. While the function isrunning,the variable name exists, and isbound to itsvariable, but after the function returns,the variable name does not exist. 95
  • 97. LHS and RHS • LHS = Left Hand Side  Means replace contents  Set value where this thing is stored • RHS = Right Hand Side – Means value – Evaluate expression, function, etc. – Arrive at a value to store in LHS
  • 98. Constants • Fixed values such as numbers, letters, and strings are called “constants” - because their value does not change • Numeric constants are as you expect • String constants use single-quotes (') or double-quotes (") >>> print 123 123 >>> print 98.6 98.6 >>> print 'Hello world' Hello world 98
  • 99.
  • 100. Sentences or Lines x = 2 x = x + 2 print x Variable Operator Constant Reserved Word Assignment Statement Assignment with expression Print statement 100
  • 101. Assignment Statements • We assign a value to a variable using the assignment statement (=) • An assignment statement consists of an expression on the right hand side and a variable to store the result x = 3.9 * x * ( 1 - x ) 101
  • 102. x = 3.9 * x * ( 1 - x ) 0.6x Right side is an expression. Once expression is evaluated, the result is placed in (assigned to) x. 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.93 A variable is a memory location used to store a value (0.6). 102
  • 103. x = 3.9 * x * ( 1 - x ) 0.6 0.93x Right side is an expression. Once expression is evaluated, the result is placed in (assigned to) the variable on the left side (i.e. x). 0.93 A variable is a memory location used to store a value. The value stored in a variable can be updated by replacing the old value (0.6) with a new value (0.93). 103
  • 104. Order of Evaluation • When we string operators together - it must know which one to do first • This is called “operator precedence” • Which operator “takes precedence” over the others x = 1 + 2 * 3 - 4 / 5 ** 6 104
  • 105. Operator Precedence Rules • Highest precedence rule to lowest precedence rule • Parenthesis are always respected • Exponentiation (raise to a power) • Multiplication, Division, and Remainder • Addition and Subtraction • Left to right Parenthesis Power Multiplication Addition Left to Right 105
  • 106. Parenthesis Power Multiplication Addition Left to Right 1 + 2 ** 3 / 4 * 5 1 + 8 / 4 * 5 1 + 2 * 5 1 + 10 11 >>> x = 1 + 2 ** 3 / 4 * 5 >>> print x 11 >>> 106
  • 107. Parenthesis Power Multiplication Addition Left to Right >>> x = 1 + 2 ** 3 / 4 * 5 >>> print x 11 >>> 1 + 2 ** 3 / 4 * 5 1 + 8 / 4 * 5 1 + 2 * 5 1 + 10 11 Note 8/4 goes before 4*5 because of the left-right rule. 107
  • 108. 108
  • 110. Arithmetic Expressions can either be integer expressions or real expressions. Sometimes a mixed expressions can also be formed which is a mixer of real and integer expressions. 110
  • 111. Expressions • An expression is a sequence of operands and operators that reduces to a single value. – Example: 2 * 5 • Operators – An operator is a language-specific syntactical token that requires an action to be taken. • Operand – A operand receives an operator’s action. – The operands of multiply are the multiplier and the multiplicand. 111
  • 112. => OPERATORS: “An operator is a symbol (+,-,*,/) that directs the computer to perform certain mathematical or logical manipulations and is usually used to manipulate data and variables” =>The objects of the operation(s) are referred to as Operands. Ex: a + b operands Operator 112
  • 113. Example ---------------------- 3 + 5 2 - 4 Num * 5 Sum / Count Count % 4 ----------------------- Count ++ Count -- Operator ---------------- + - * / % ---------- ++ -- Definition ---------------- Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division (quotient) Division (remainder) ----------------------- Increment Decrement Arithmetic operators 113
  • 114. Meaning ---------------------- Store 5 in Num Num = Num + 5 Num = Num - 5 Num = Num * 5 Num = Num / 5 Num = Num % 5 Operator ---------------- == += -= *= /= %= Example ---------------- Num = 5 Num += 5 Num -= 5 Num *= 5 Num /= 5 Num %= 5 Assignment operators 114
  • 115. • Integer Expressions are formed by connecting integer constants and/or integer variables using integer arithmetic operators. • The following are valid integer expressions : • int I,J,K,X,Y,Z,count; • A) k - x • B) k + x – y + count • C) –j + k * y • D) z % y 115
  • 116. • Real Expressions are formed by connecting real constants and/or real variables using real arithmetic operators. • The following are valid real expressions: • float qty,amount,,value; • double fin,inter; const bal=250.53; • i) qty/amount • ii) (amount + qty*value)-bal • iii) fin + qty* inter • iv) inter – (qty * value) + fin 116
  • 117. The process of converting one predefined type into another is called Type Conversion. C++ facilitates the type conversion . 117
  • 118. Boolean expression • Boolean expression is used expression in a programming language that produces a Boolean value when evaluated, that is one of true or false. • A Boolean expression may be composed of a combination of the Boolean constants true or false, Boolean-typed variables, Boolean-valued operators, and Boolean-valued functions. 118
  • 119. Example ---------------------- ! ( Num1 < Num2 ) (Num1 < 5 ) && (Num2 > 10 ) (Num1 < 5 ) || (Num2 > 10 ) Operator ---------------- ! && || Definition ---------------- NOT AND OR Logical operators 119
  • 120. 120
  • 121. Example ---------------------- Num1 < 5 Num1 <= 5 Num2 > 3 Num2 >= 3 Num1 == Num2 Num1 != Num2 Operator ---------------- < <= > >= == != Definition ---------------- Less than Less than or equal to Greater than Greater than or equal to Equal to Not equal to Relational operators 121
  • 122. End of Part 2 122