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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3907
Design and Analysis of Composite Top Frame of Hydraulic Valve Test
Rahul Surendra Upashi1, Prof. A.C. Mattikali2, Prof. S.M. Patil3
1Master of Technology, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Maratha Mandal Engineering College, Belagavi
2Guidance By: Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, MMEC - Belagavi
3Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, MMEC - Belagavi
Abstract - The purpose of this study is to investigate bending
stress and deformationofthe compositetopframeofhydraulic
valve tests bench. In this study, Epoxy/ E-Glass composite
frame were first manufactured by Hand layup method. Then
compare the numerically and analytically stress and
deformation results of composite and conventional steel top
frame of hydraulic valve test bench.
The advanced composite materials such as Graphite, carbon,
Kevlar and glass with suitable resins are widely used because
of their high specific strength (strength/density) and high
specific modulus (modulus/density). Advanced composite
materials seem ideally suited for long industrial applications.
Their higher strength properties can be tailored to increase
the bending stress (strength) they can carry as well as
decrease thickness at they operate. Frames are used in valve
test benches, presses, and other applications. The industryis
exploiting composite material technology for machine
components in order to obtain the reduction of the weight
without decrease in quality and reliability. It is known that
weight of frame or a test bench is one of the most important
objectives in design, as reduction of weight will affect cost of
the test bench. As we know due to the hydraulic particles
some of the parts of test stand may get corroded very easily,
this can be overcome by composite frame.
1.1 Aim and Scope of the work
This work deals with the replacement of a conventional top
frame of test bench with E-glass fibre/epoxy composite top
frame of valve test bench. This project is about the
fabricating the composite frame, analyzing it numerically
and FEM method. The scope of research was on analyzing
composite frame with conventional steel frame. In our
design we were using AutoCAD to draw out the detailed
drawing of frame. The deformation, von misses’ stress will
be analyzed using numerical calculations and the Finite
Element Analysis (ANSYS) Software. From our analysis, we
will find uniqueness of composite materials and their
responses to various loading conditions.
1.2 Methodology
The numerical and finite element method is used to conduct
the analysis for this project. The software used is ANSYS;
ANSYS is a comprehensive general-purpose finite element
computer program that containsover100,000linesofcodes.
ANSYS is capable of performing static, dynamic, heat
transfer, fluid flow, and electromagnetism analyses. ANSYS
has been leading FEA program for well over 20 years. The
composite material with internal ismodeledinSOLIDEDGE.
The element size used is determined by conducting a mesh
density study. The largest element that produces accurate
results is used to produce accurate results in a model that
runs as quickly as possible. Once an element size is
determined, static analysisisperformed. The resultingstress
obtained from this analysis is validated by comparing it to
numerical results.
A composite material consists of two or more materials
mixed together to give a material with good properties. A
typical composite material consists of a material with high
mechanical strength and stiffness (reinforcement), for
example unidirectional or woven fibres, embedded in a
material with lower mechanical strength and stiffness
(matrix). To tailor the propertiesofthecompositematerial,a
laminate is formed by stacking on top of each other layers of
reinforcement oriented in different directions. The advance
in design and application of composites has accelerated in
the past decade especially in the aeronautics, defense, and
space industries. Commercial applications are also
increasing as products needing challenging materials
properties are increasing in demand. Some of the properties
that can be improved by forming a composite material are
strength, fatigue life, stiffness, temperature, dependent
behavior, corrosion resistance, thermal insulation, wear
resistance, thermal conductivity, attractiveness, weight and
acoustical insulation.
2.1 Properties of Composite
Fig.1 Properties of composite
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3908
The properties of the composite are determined by:
i) The properties of the fibre
ii) The properties of the resin
iii) The ratio of fibre to resin in the composite (Fibre Volume
iv) The geometry and orientation of the fibres in the
3.1 Need of Top Frame
Top frame specially used to mount hydraulic cylinder of test
bench for testing of various valves. The valves are mounted
between top and bottom frames of test bench. Valve’s body,
shell and seat are tested in hydraulic test bench. If the
pressure is applied for the top side, then the top frame will
have three through holes, the middleholesforcylinder’sram
movement and side tow holes are for guiding tie rod of test
bench. By using tie rods the minimum and maximum
distance (day-light) can be adjusted. The day-light can be
adjusted by the movement of top or bottom frame of test
bench and then they are tightened using fastener.
3.2. Function of Top Frame
1. To mount the hydraulic cylinder to apply pressure
on valves.
2. For guiding tie rod.
3. If hydraulic cylinder is mounted on bottom frame
then pressure pad is mounted on top frame.
3.3. Composite Top Frame
The main purpose of composite top frame is to increase the
bending tress of frame and other stresses, due to which at
less thickness or depth of frame can take same load as of
other materials made frame. As it is a hydraulic test bench
there will be use of liquid items in test bench due to which
material may rusted very early and life of frame may
decrease, to overcome this we use composite as material for
the top frame of hydraulic test bench.
3.4 Material Selection for Top Frame
3.4.1 Resin
Type – Epoxy lapox T – 22 (atul ceba)
Density – 1050 kg/m3
Tensile strength - 42 M pa
Young’s Modulus – 26 G pa
Cost - Rs 550/Kg.
Limiting service temperature – 25-85 degree Celsius
3.4.2 Hardner
Type – K - 46 (Atul Ceba)
Density – 850 Kg/m3
Cost – Rs 610/Kg
Mixture ratio – 2:1
Type – chopped standard mat
Density – 0.00255 Kg/cm3
Tensile Strength – 3.45 G pa
Young’s Modulus – 72.5 G pa
3.4 Fabrication of composite top frame
3.4.1 Hand Lay-Up Method
Different stages of the hand lay – up process are as under:
 Mould preparation
 Raw material preparation
 Laying up & curing
 Mould releasing stage
Fig.2 Hand lay-up composite top frame
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3909
4.1 2D Drafting of Hydraulic Valve Test Bench and Top
Frame of Hydraulic Valve Test Bench
Fig.3 Hydraulic valve test bench
Fig.4 Top Frame
4.2 ANSYS Model Of Top Frame of Hydraulic Valve Test
Fig.5 ANSYS model of top frame
5.1 Steel Top Frame
1) Full length of frame (Lf) = 0.6m
2) Length between centre of tie rod (L) = 0.36m
3) Breadth of frame (B) = 0.3m
4) Diameter holes (Do) = 0.045m
5) Load on frame (w) = 6.3MT/cm2
6) Density (ρ) = 7600Kg/m3
7) Young’s modulus (E) = 210 GPa
 Mass of the frame (m):
m = ρ x A x D
m= ρ × Lf x W x D
m = 7600 x 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.03
m = 41.04 kg
 Bending moment (M):
M= wL / 8 x (1 + 2a)
M = [(6.3 x 36) / 8] x [(30 – 4.5) / 30]
= 24.0975 T – cm
M = 23.640 x 106 N - m
 Depth of frame (D):
Bending Moment = Section Modulus [M = Z]
M = BD2 / 6
24.0975 = [30 x D2] / 6
D2 = [24.0975 x 6] / 30
D = 2.195cm = 0.02195m
D = 0.03m
 Moment of inertia (I):
I = BD3 /12
= [0.3 x 0.033] / 12
I = 6.75 x 10-7 m4
 Section modulus (Z):
Z = BD2 / 6
=0.3 x 0.032
Z =4.5 x 10-5 m3
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3910
 Max bending stress (σ):
= =
σ = x Y
Where: Y = Distance from the neutral axis
Y = D / 2 = 0.03 / 2 = 0.015 m
σ = [(23.640 x 106) / (6.75 x 10-7)] x 0.015
σ = 5.2533 x 1011 N/m2
 Maximum shear stress (τmax):
τmax = =
τmax = 1.0301 x 109 N/m2
 Total deformation (δ):
δ = (5wL4) / (384EI)
= (5 x 6.1803 x 106 x 0.364) / (384 x 210 x 109
x 6.75 x 10-7)
δ = 0.00954 m
5.2 Composite Top Frame
Note – All dimensions of frame and load remains same.
1) Fiber volume fraction (Vf) = 0.45
2) Longitudinal elastic modulus (E1) = 38.6 GPa
3) Transverse elastic modulus (E2) = 8.27 GPa
4) Major Poisson’s ratio (γ12) = 0.26
5) Shear modulus (G12) = 4.14 GPa
6) Density (ρ) =2500Kg/m3
7) Young’s modulus (E) = 85 GPa
1) Each ply thickness = 0.125 mm
2) It consists of 3 layup and each layup is 15mm
3) Total thickness of frame = 30 mm
4) Bottom layup is at 00
5) Middle layup is at 300
6) Top layup is at -450
 Mass of top frame (m):
m = ρ x A x D
m= ρ × Lf x W x D
m = 2500 x 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.03
m = 13.5 kg
 Reduced stiffness matrix [Q]:
[Q] =
Q11 =
γ21 = x E2
= (0.26 x 38.6) / 8.27
γ21 = 0.0557
Q11 = 39.167 GPa
Q12 =
Q12 = 2.182 GPa
Q21 = Q12 = 2.182 GPa
Q22 =
Q22 = 8.392 GPa
Q66 = G12 = 4.14 GPa
[Q] = GPa
 Bending stiffness matrix [D]
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3911
[D] =
The plyup angles = [00, 300 & -450]
For plyup angle 00:
= GPa
For plyup angle 300:
Where, C = cosθ and S = sinθ
C = 0.866, C2 = 0.75, C3 = 0.65 & C4 = 0.562
S = 0.5, S2 = 0.25, S3 = 0.125 & S4 = 0.625
Q11 = Q11C4 + Q22S4 + 2(Q12 + 2Q66)S2C2
= (39.167x0.562) + (8.392x0.625) + 2(2.186+2 x
4.14)0.75x 0.25
Q11 = 31.182 GPa
Q12 = (Q11 + Q22 – 4Q66) S2C2 + Q12(C4 + S2)
Q12 = 7.587 GPa
Q16 = (Q11 - Q12 – 2Q66) C3S – (Q22 – Q12 – 2Q66)S3C
= (39.167-2.186-2x4.14)0.65x0.5 -
Q16 = 9.552 GPa
Q22 = Q11S4 + Q22C4 + 2(Q12 + 2Q66)S2C2
Q22 = 33.12 GPa
Q26 = (Q11 - Q12 – 2Q66) CS3 – (Q22 – Q12 – 2Q66)C3S
= (39.167-2.186-2x4.14)0.866x0.125
– (8.392-21862x4.14)0.65x0.5
Q26 = 3.781 GPa
Q66 = (Q11 + Q22 - 2Q12 - 2Q66)S2C2 + Q66(S4 + C4)
=(39.167+8.392-2x2.186-24.14)0.75x0.25 +
Q66 = 11.459 GPa
0 = GPa
For plyup angle -450:
C = 0.707, C2 = 0.5, C3 = 0.353 & C4 = 0.25
S = -0.707, S2 = 0.5, S3 = -0.353 & S4 = 0.25
0 = GPa
[D] = 109
+ 109
+ 109
[D] = 103 Pa – m3
 Total deflection (δ):
δ = (5wL4) / (384ExI)
Ex = 12 / (h3 x D-1
= 12 / (0.033 x 1.762 x 10-5)
Ex = 2.5224 x 1010 Pa
I = BD3 / 12
= (0.3 x0.033) / 12
I = 6.75 x 10-7 m4
δ = (5 x 6.1803 x 106 x 0.364) / (384 x 2.5224 x 1010 x
6.75 x 10-7)
δ = 0.07939 m
δ = 79.39 mm
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3912
 Max curvature [X]:
Max curvature is at middle of frame and cangivenas,
 Global strains(ε):
At top of layup -450
= Z
= 0.015
 Global stresses (σ):
= 109 Pa
 Principal normal stresses (σmax,min):
σmax,min =
= ( )109
σmax = 2.998 x 109 N/m2
σmin = 2.867 x 109 N/m2
 Maximum shear stress ( max):
max =
= x 109
= 1.7328 x 109 N/m2
6.1 Results
In this section, both finite element analysis and analytical
results were presented. Analytical calculations and FEM
results compare design of composite frame with the existing
steel frame. Finite element analysis utilized to study the
mechanical behavior of composite frame.
6.2 ANSYS Results
6.2.1 The Equivalent(von-mises)stressofcomposite top
frame shown in Fig.
Fig.6 Equivalent stress of composite frame
6.2.3. The Total deformation of composite top frame
shown in fig.
Fig.7 Total deformation of composite frame
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3913
6.3 Validation and comparison of Analytical and ANSYS
The following table gives the comparison of analytical and
ANSYS results.
Results Steel E-Glass
Analytical Analytical Ansys
Mass (Kg) 41.04 13.5 13.5
5.2533x1011 2.998x109 3.6029x1010
0.00945 0.07939 0.0529
Max shear
1.0301x109 1.7328x109 -
6.4. Discussions:
The conclusions obtained in FEA and Analytical results of
Composite shaft are summarized as follow:
1. The Design bending stressobtainedforcompositeframeis
less than bending stress obtained for steel frame.
2. Shear strength obtained for composite fame is same as of
steel frame.
3. Total deformation of the composite frame 12% more than
steel frame.
4. The mass of composite frame is 3times less than steel
1. The usage of composite materials has resulted in
considerable amount of weight saving in the range
of 81% to 72% when compared to conventional
steel frame.
2. If we look at weight saving we can definitelyreplace
composite with conventional steel frame but if we
consider the obtained results such as deformation,
bending stress of composite frame then it is
somewhat difficult to replace steel frame. The
bending stress of composite frame is 6.86% less
than steel frame.
3. Apart from being lightweight, the use of composites
also ensures long life due it anti-corrosion and
fatigue life.
4. If we consider cost of glass/epoxy composite, it is
slightly higher than steel but lesser than
5. Hydraulic cylinder is mounted on top frame by
fasting, in case of composite frame through holes
are produced on frame and then mounted with nut
and bolt system.
6. The composite frames are best in case ware
7. The composite are recyclable so they can be reuse.
8. So in comparison of mass, cost, safety and recycling
steel frame can be replaced by composite frame.
9. The successful application of the presentdesigncan
make a huge improvement in industrial application.
It’s my pleasure to thank my guides Prof.A.C.Mattikali and
1. Autar K. Kaw, Mechanics of composite material,
second edition
2. P.K. Mallick, S. Newman, Composite materials
technology. Hanser Publishers. pp. 206-10, 1990.
3. D.G. Lee, Hak Sung Kim, Jong Woon Kim, Jin Kook
Kim, Composite Structures 63 (2004) pp.87–99.
4. Bhirud Pankaj Prakash, Bimlesh Kumar Sinha,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production
Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092, Volume- 2, Issue- 2,
Feb.- 2014, pp.24–29.
Rahul Surendra Upashi
Master of Technology
Dept of Mechanical Engineering
MMEC - Belagavi
Table No.1 Comparison of Analytical and ANSYS

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IRJET Journal
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Typified design of modified compound fink truss based on IS 800:2007 and IS 8...
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Fail Safe Design of Skin and Bulkhead of an Aircraft Stiffened Panel by Resid...
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IRJET Journal
IRJET- Comparative Study of Super-Structure Stability Systems for Economic Co...
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IRJET Journal
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IRJET Journal
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Fail Safe Design of an Aircraft Stiffened Panel by Stress Intensity Factor De...
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Design of Experiments and Optimization of Grouted Connections of Wind Turbine...
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IRJET- Design and Analysis of Composite Top Frame of Hydraulic Valve Test Bench

  • 1. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3907 Design and Analysis of Composite Top Frame of Hydraulic Valve Test Bench Rahul Surendra Upashi1, Prof. A.C. Mattikali2, Prof. S.M. Patil3 1Master of Technology, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Maratha Mandal Engineering College, Belagavi 2Guidance By: Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, MMEC - Belagavi 3Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, MMEC - Belagavi ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract - The purpose of this study is to investigate bending stress and deformationofthe compositetopframeofhydraulic valve tests bench. In this study, Epoxy/ E-Glass composite frame were first manufactured by Hand layup method. Then compare the numerically and analytically stress and deformation results of composite and conventional steel top frame of hydraulic valve test bench. 1. INTRODUCTION The advanced composite materials such as Graphite, carbon, Kevlar and glass with suitable resins are widely used because of their high specific strength (strength/density) and high specific modulus (modulus/density). Advanced composite materials seem ideally suited for long industrial applications. Their higher strength properties can be tailored to increase the bending stress (strength) they can carry as well as decrease thickness at they operate. Frames are used in valve test benches, presses, and other applications. The industryis exploiting composite material technology for machine components in order to obtain the reduction of the weight without decrease in quality and reliability. It is known that weight of frame or a test bench is one of the most important objectives in design, as reduction of weight will affect cost of the test bench. As we know due to the hydraulic particles some of the parts of test stand may get corroded very easily, this can be overcome by composite frame. 1.1 Aim and Scope of the work This work deals with the replacement of a conventional top frame of test bench with E-glass fibre/epoxy composite top frame of valve test bench. This project is about the fabricating the composite frame, analyzing it numerically and FEM method. The scope of research was on analyzing composite frame with conventional steel frame. In our design we were using AutoCAD to draw out the detailed drawing of frame. The deformation, von misses’ stress will be analyzed using numerical calculations and the Finite Element Analysis (ANSYS) Software. From our analysis, we will find uniqueness of composite materials and their responses to various loading conditions. 1.2 Methodology The numerical and finite element method is used to conduct the analysis for this project. The software used is ANSYS; ANSYS is a comprehensive general-purpose finite element computer program that containsover100,000linesofcodes. ANSYS is capable of performing static, dynamic, heat transfer, fluid flow, and electromagnetism analyses. ANSYS has been leading FEA program for well over 20 years. The composite material with internal ismodeledinSOLIDEDGE. The element size used is determined by conducting a mesh density study. The largest element that produces accurate results is used to produce accurate results in a model that runs as quickly as possible. Once an element size is determined, static analysisisperformed. The resultingstress obtained from this analysis is validated by comparing it to numerical results. 2. LITERATURE SURVEY A composite material consists of two or more materials mixed together to give a material with good properties. A typical composite material consists of a material with high mechanical strength and stiffness (reinforcement), for example unidirectional or woven fibres, embedded in a material with lower mechanical strength and stiffness (matrix). To tailor the propertiesofthecompositematerial,a laminate is formed by stacking on top of each other layers of reinforcement oriented in different directions. The advance in design and application of composites has accelerated in the past decade especially in the aeronautics, defense, and space industries. Commercial applications are also increasing as products needing challenging materials properties are increasing in demand. Some of the properties that can be improved by forming a composite material are strength, fatigue life, stiffness, temperature, dependent behavior, corrosion resistance, thermal insulation, wear resistance, thermal conductivity, attractiveness, weight and acoustical insulation. 2.1 Properties of Composite Fig.1 Properties of composite
  • 2. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3908 The properties of the composite are determined by: i) The properties of the fibre ii) The properties of the resin iii) The ratio of fibre to resin in the composite (Fibre Volume Fraction) iv) The geometry and orientation of the fibres in the composite. 3. TOP FRAME OF HYDRAULIC VALVE TEST BENCH 3.1 Need of Top Frame Top frame specially used to mount hydraulic cylinder of test bench for testing of various valves. The valves are mounted between top and bottom frames of test bench. Valve’s body, shell and seat are tested in hydraulic test bench. If the pressure is applied for the top side, then the top frame will have three through holes, the middleholesforcylinder’sram movement and side tow holes are for guiding tie rod of test bench. By using tie rods the minimum and maximum distance (day-light) can be adjusted. The day-light can be adjusted by the movement of top or bottom frame of test bench and then they are tightened using fastener. 3.2. Function of Top Frame 1. To mount the hydraulic cylinder to apply pressure on valves. 2. For guiding tie rod. 3. If hydraulic cylinder is mounted on bottom frame then pressure pad is mounted on top frame. 3.3. Composite Top Frame The main purpose of composite top frame is to increase the bending tress of frame and other stresses, due to which at less thickness or depth of frame can take same load as of other materials made frame. As it is a hydraulic test bench there will be use of liquid items in test bench due to which material may rusted very early and life of frame may decrease, to overcome this we use composite as material for the top frame of hydraulic test bench. 3.4 Material Selection for Top Frame 3.4.1 Resin SPECIFICATIONS: Type – Epoxy lapox T – 22 (atul ceba) Density – 1050 kg/m3 Tensile strength - 42 M pa Young’s Modulus – 26 G pa Cost - Rs 550/Kg. Limiting service temperature – 25-85 degree Celsius 3.4.2 Hardner SPECIFICATIONS: Type – K - 46 (Atul Ceba) Density – 850 Kg/m3 Cost – Rs 610/Kg Mixture ratio – 2:1 3.4.3 E-GLASS FIBRE SPECIFICATIONS: Type – chopped standard mat Density – 0.00255 Kg/cm3 Tensile Strength – 3.45 G pa Young’s Modulus – 72.5 G pa 3.4 Fabrication of composite top frame 3.4.1 Hand Lay-Up Method Different stages of the hand lay – up process are as under:  Mould preparation  Raw material preparation  Laying up & curing  Mould releasing stage Fig.2 Hand lay-up composite top frame
  • 3. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3909 4. DRAFTING AND MODELING 4.1 2D Drafting of Hydraulic Valve Test Bench and Top Frame of Hydraulic Valve Test Bench Fig.3 Hydraulic valve test bench Fig.4 Top Frame 4.2 ANSYS Model Of Top Frame of Hydraulic Valve Test Bench Fig.5 ANSYS model of top frame 5. ANALYTICAL CALCULATION 5.1 Steel Top Frame Specification: 1) Full length of frame (Lf) = 0.6m 2) Length between centre of tie rod (L) = 0.36m 3) Breadth of frame (B) = 0.3m 4) Diameter holes (Do) = 0.045m 5) Load on frame (w) = 6.3MT/cm2 6) Density (ρ) = 7600Kg/m3 7) Young’s modulus (E) = 210 GPa  Mass of the frame (m): m = ρ x A x D m= ρ × Lf x W x D m = 7600 x 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.03 m = 41.04 kg  Bending moment (M): M= wL / 8 x (1 + 2a) M = [(6.3 x 36) / 8] x [(30 – 4.5) / 30] = 24.0975 T – cm M = 23.640 x 106 N - m  Depth of frame (D): Bending Moment = Section Modulus [M = Z] M = BD2 / 6 24.0975 = [30 x D2] / 6 D2 = [24.0975 x 6] / 30 D = 2.195cm = 0.02195m D = 0.03m  Moment of inertia (I): I = BD3 /12 = [0.3 x 0.033] / 12 I = 6.75 x 10-7 m4  Section modulus (Z): Z = BD2 / 6 =0.3 x 0.032 Z =4.5 x 10-5 m3
  • 4. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3910  Max bending stress (σ): = = σ = x Y Where: Y = Distance from the neutral axis Y = D / 2 = 0.03 / 2 = 0.015 m σ = [(23.640 x 106) / (6.75 x 10-7)] x 0.015 σ = 5.2533 x 1011 N/m2  Maximum shear stress (τmax): τmax = = = τmax = 1.0301 x 109 N/m2  Total deformation (δ): δ = (5wL4) / (384EI) = (5 x 6.1803 x 106 x 0.364) / (384 x 210 x 109 x 6.75 x 10-7) δ = 0.00954 m 5.2 Composite Top Frame Specification: Note – All dimensions of frame and load remains same. 1) Fiber volume fraction (Vf) = 0.45 2) Longitudinal elastic modulus (E1) = 38.6 GPa 3) Transverse elastic modulus (E2) = 8.27 GPa 4) Major Poisson’s ratio (γ12) = 0.26 5) Shear modulus (G12) = 4.14 GPa 6) Density (ρ) =2500Kg/m3 7) Young’s modulus (E) = 85 GPa Considerations: 1) Each ply thickness = 0.125 mm 2) It consists of 3 layup and each layup is 15mm thick 3) Total thickness of frame = 30 mm 4) Bottom layup is at 00 5) Middle layup is at 300 6) Top layup is at -450  Mass of top frame (m): m = ρ x A x D m= ρ × Lf x W x D m = 2500 x 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.03 m = 13.5 kg  Reduced stiffness matrix [Q]: [Q] = Q11 = γ21 = x E2 = (0.26 x 38.6) / 8.27 γ21 = 0.0557 = Q11 = 39.167 GPa Q12 = = Q12 = 2.182 GPa Q21 = Q12 = 2.182 GPa Q22 = = Q22 = 8.392 GPa Q66 = G12 = 4.14 GPa [Q] = GPa  Bending stiffness matrix [D]
  • 5. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3911 [D] = The plyup angles = [00, 300 & -450] For plyup angle 00: [Q]0 0=[Q] = GPa For plyup angle 300: Where, C = cosθ and S = sinθ C = 0.866, C2 = 0.75, C3 = 0.65 & C4 = 0.562 S = 0.5, S2 = 0.25, S3 = 0.125 & S4 = 0.625 Q11 = Q11C4 + Q22S4 + 2(Q12 + 2Q66)S2C2 = (39.167x0.562) + (8.392x0.625) + 2(2.186+2 x 4.14)0.75x 0.25 Q11 = 31.182 GPa Q12 = (Q11 + Q22 – 4Q66) S2C2 + Q12(C4 + S2) =(39.167+8.392-4x4.14)0.25x0.75+2.186(0.562x0.25) Q12 = 7.587 GPa Q16 = (Q11 - Q12 – 2Q66) C3S – (Q22 – Q12 – 2Q66)S3C = (39.167-2.186-2x4.14)0.65x0.5 - (8.392-2.186-2x4.14)0.125x0.866 Q16 = 9.552 GPa Q22 = Q11S4 + Q22C4 + 2(Q12 + 2Q66)S2C2 =(39.167x0.625)+(8.392x0.562)+ 2(2.186+2x4.14)0.75x0.25 Q22 = 33.12 GPa Q26 = (Q11 - Q12 – 2Q66) CS3 – (Q22 – Q12 – 2Q66)C3S = (39.167-2.186-2x4.14)0.866x0.125 – (8.392-21862x4.14)0.65x0.5 Q26 = 3.781 GPa Q66 = (Q11 + Q22 - 2Q12 - 2Q66)S2C2 + Q66(S4 + C4) =(39.167+8.392-2x2.186-24.14)0.75x0.25 + 4.14(0.625x0.562) Q66 = 11.459 GPa [Q]30 0 = GPa ///ly For plyup angle -450: C = 0.707, C2 = 0.5, C3 = 0.353 & C4 = 0.25 S = -0.707, S2 = 0.5, S3 = -0.353 & S4 = 0.25 [Q]-45 0 = GPa [D] = 109 + 109 + 109 [D] = 103 Pa – m3 [D]-1=  Total deflection (δ): δ = (5wL4) / (384ExI) Ex = 12 / (h3 x D-1 11) = 12 / (0.033 x 1.762 x 10-5) Ex = 2.5224 x 1010 Pa I = BD3 / 12 = (0.3 x0.033) / 12 I = 6.75 x 10-7 m4 δ = (5 x 6.1803 x 106 x 0.364) / (384 x 2.5224 x 1010 x 6.75 x 10-7) δ = 0.07939 m δ = 79.39 mm
  • 6. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3912  Max curvature [X]: Max curvature is at middle of frame and cangivenas, = = =  Global strains(ε): At top of layup -450 = Z = 0.015 =  Global stresses (σ): = = = 109 Pa  Principal normal stresses (σmax,min): σmax,min = = ( )109 σmax = 2.998 x 109 N/m2 σmin = 2.867 x 109 N/m2  Maximum shear stress ( max): max = = x 109 = 1.7328 x 109 N/m2 6. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 6.1 Results In this section, both finite element analysis and analytical results were presented. Analytical calculations and FEM results compare design of composite frame with the existing steel frame. Finite element analysis utilized to study the mechanical behavior of composite frame. 6.2 ANSYS Results 6.2.1 The Equivalent(von-mises)stressofcomposite top frame shown in Fig. Fig.6 Equivalent stress of composite frame 6.2.3. The Total deformation of composite top frame shown in fig. Fig.7 Total deformation of composite frame
  • 7. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3913 6.3 Validation and comparison of Analytical and ANSYS Results The following table gives the comparison of analytical and ANSYS results. Results Steel E-Glass Analytical Analytical Ansys Mass (Kg) 41.04 13.5 13.5 Max bending stress (N/m2) 5.2533x1011 2.998x109 3.6029x1010 Deflection (m) 0.00945 0.07939 0.0529 Max shear stress (N/m2) 1.0301x109 1.7328x109 - 6.4. Discussions: The conclusions obtained in FEA and Analytical results of Composite shaft are summarized as follow: 1. The Design bending stressobtainedforcompositeframeis less than bending stress obtained for steel frame. 2. Shear strength obtained for composite fame is same as of steel frame. 3. Total deformation of the composite frame 12% more than steel frame. 4. The mass of composite frame is 3times less than steel frame. 7. CONCLUSIONS 1. The usage of composite materials has resulted in considerable amount of weight saving in the range of 81% to 72% when compared to conventional steel frame. 2. If we look at weight saving we can definitelyreplace composite with conventional steel frame but if we consider the obtained results such as deformation, bending stress of composite frame then it is somewhat difficult to replace steel frame. The bending stress of composite frame is 6.86% less than steel frame. 3. Apart from being lightweight, the use of composites also ensures long life due it anti-corrosion and fatigue life. 4. If we consider cost of glass/epoxy composite, it is slightly higher than steel but lesser than carbon/epoxy. 5. Hydraulic cylinder is mounted on top frame by fasting, in case of composite frame through holes are produced on frame and then mounted with nut and bolt system. 6. The composite frames are best in case ware conditions. 7. The composite are recyclable so they can be reuse. 8. So in comparison of mass, cost, safety and recycling steel frame can be replaced by composite frame. 9. The successful application of the presentdesigncan make a huge improvement in industrial application. 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It’s my pleasure to thank my guides Prof.A.C.Mattikali and Prof.S.MPatil REFERNECES 1. Autar K. Kaw, Mechanics of composite material, second edition 2. P.K. Mallick, S. Newman, Composite materials technology. Hanser Publishers. pp. 206-10, 1990. 3. D.G. Lee, Hak Sung Kim, Jong Woon Kim, Jin Kook Kim, Composite Structures 63 (2004) pp.87–99. 4. Bhirud Pankaj Prakash, Bimlesh Kumar Sinha, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092, Volume- 2, Issue- 2, Feb.- 2014, pp.24–29. BIOGRAPHIES Rahul Surendra Upashi Master of Technology Dept of Mechanical Engineering MMEC - Belagavi Table No.1 Comparison of Analytical and ANSYS results