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Data Flow Architecture
In data flow architecture, the whole software system is seen as a
series of transformations on consecutive pieces or set of input data,
where data and operations are independent of each other. In this
approach, the data enters into the system and then flows through the
modules one at a time until they are assigned to some final
destination (output or a data store).
The connections between the components or modules may be
implemented as I/O stream, I/O buffers, piped, or other types of
connections. The data can be flown in the graph topology with cycles,
in a linear structure without cycles, or in a tree type structure.
The main objective of this approach is to achieve the qualities of
reuse and modifiability. It is suitable for applications that involve a
well-defined series of independent data transformations or
computations on orderly defined input and output such as compilers
and business data processing applications.
There are three types of execution sequences between modules−
1. Batch sequential
2. Pipe and filter or non-sequential pipeline mode
3. Process control
1. Batch Sequential
Batch sequential is a classical data processing model, in which a
data transformation subsystem can initiate its process only after its
previous subsystem is completely through −
The flow of data carries a batch of data as a whole from one
subsystem to another.
The communications between the modules are conducted through
temporary intermediate files which can be removed by successive
It is applicable for those applications where data is batched, and
each subsystem reads related input files and writes output files.
Typical application of this architecture includes business data
processing such as banking and utility billing.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Batch Sequential
1. Provides simpler divisions on subsystems.
2. Each subsystem can be an independent program working on
input data and producing output data.
1. Provides high latency and low throughput.
2. Does not provide concurrency and interactive interface.
3. External control is required for implementation.
2. Pipe and Filter Architecture
This approach lays emphasis on the incremental
transformation of data by successive component. In this
approach, the flow of data is driven by data and the
whole system is decomposed into components of data
source, filters, pipes, and data sinks.
The connections between modules are data stream
which is first-in/first-out buffer that can be stream of
bytes, characters, or any other type of such kind. The
main feature of this architecture is its concurrent and
incremented execution.
A filter is an independent data stream transformer or stream
transducers. It transforms the data of the input data stream, processes
it, and writes the transformed data stream over a pipe for the next
filter to process. It works in an incremental mode, in which it starts
working as soon as data arrives through connected pipe. There are
two types of filters − active filter and passive filter.
Active filter
Active filter lets connected pipes to pull data in and push out the
transformed data. It operates with passive pipe, which provides
read/write mechanisms for pulling and pushing. This mode is used in
UNIX pipe and filter mechanism.
Passive filter
Passive filter lets connected pipes to push data in and pull data out. It
operates with active pipe, which pulls data from a filter and pushes
data into the next filter. It must provide read/write mechanism.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Pipe and Filter Architecture
Provides concurrency and high throughput for excessive data
Provides reusability and simplifies system maintenance.
Provides modifiability and low coupling between filters.
Provides simplicity by offering clear divisions between any two
filters connected by pipe.
Provides flexibility by supporting both sequential and parallel
Not suitable for dynamic interactions.
A low common denominator is needed for transmission of data in
ASCII formats.
Overhead of data transformation between filters.
Does not provide a way for filters to cooperatively interact to solve
a problem.
Difficult to configure this architecture dynamically.
Pipes are stateless and they carry binary or character stream which
exist between two filters. It can move a data stream from one filter to
another. Pipes use a little contextual information and retain no state
information between instantiations.
3. Process Control Architecture
It is a type of data flow architecture where data is neither batched sequential nor
pipelined stream. The flow of data comes from a set of variables, which controls the
execution of process. It decomposes the entire system into subsystems or modules and
connects them.
Types of Subsystems
A process control architecture would have a processing unit for changing the process
control variables and a controller unit for calculating the amount of changes.
A controller unit must have the following elements −
Controlled Variable − Controlled Variable provides values for the underlying system
and should be measured by sensors. For example, speed in cruise control system.
Input Variable − Measures an input to the process. For example, temperature of
return air in temperature control system
Manipulated Variable − Manipulated Variable value is adjusted or changed by the
Process Definition − It includes mechanisms for manipulating some process
Sensor − Obtains values of process variables pertinent to control and can be used as a
feedback reference to recalculate manipulated variables.
Set Point − It is the desired value for a controlled variable.
Control Algorithm − It is used for deciding how to manipulate process variables.
Application Areas:
Process control architecture is suitable in the following
domains −
Embedded system software design, where the system is
manipulated by process control variable data.
Applications, which aim is to maintain specified properties
of the outputs of the process at given reference values.
Applicable for car-cruise control and building temperature
control systems.
Real-time system software to control automobile anti-lock
brakes, nuclear power plants, etc.
Data-Centered Architecture
In data-centered architecture, the data is centralized and accessed
frequently by other components, which modify data. The main
purpose of this style is to achieve integrality of data. Data-centered
architecture consists of different components that communicate
through shared data repositories. The components access a shared
data structure and are relatively independent, in that, they interact
only through the data store.
The most well-known examples of the data-centered architecture is
a database architecture, in which the common database schema is
created with data definition protocol – for example, a set of related
tables with fields and data types in an RDBMS.
Another example of data-centered architectures is the web
architecture which has a common data schema (i.e. meta-structure
of the Web) and follows hypermedia data model and processes
communicate through the use of shared web-based data services.
Types of Components
There are two types of components −
A central data structure or data store or data repository, which is
responsible for providing permanent data storage. It represents the
current state.
A data accessor or a collection of independent components that
operate on the central data store, perform computations, and might
put back the results.
Interactions or communication between the data accessors is only
through the data store. The data is the only means of communication
among clients. The flow of control differentiates the architecture into
two categories −
1. Repository Architecture Style
2. Blackboard Architecture Style
1. Repository Architecture
Repository Architecture StyleIn Repository Architecture Style, the data store is
passive and the clients (software components or agents) of the data store are active,
which control the logic flow. The participating components check the data-store for
The client sends a request to the system to perform actions (e.g. insert data).
The computational processes are independent and triggered by incoming requests.
If the types of transactions in an input stream of transactions trigger selection of
processes to execute, then it is traditional database or repository architecture, or
passive repository.
This approach is widely used in DBMS, library information system, the interface
repository in CORBA, compilers and CASE (computer aided software engineering)
Advantages & Disadvantages of Repository Architecture
Provides data integrity, backup and restore features.
Provides scalability and reusability of agents as they do not have
direct communication with each other.
Reduces overhead of transient data between software components.
It is more vulnerable to failure and data replication or duplication is
High dependency between data structure of data store and its agents.
Changes in data structure highly affect the clients.
Evolution of data is difficult and expensive.
Cost of moving data on network for distributed data.
2. Blackboard Architecture Style
In Blackboard Architecture Style, the data store is active and its clients are
passive. Therefore the logical flow is determined by the current data status in
data store.
It has a blackboard component, acting as a central data repository, and an
internal representation is built and acted upon by different computational
A number of components that act independently on the common data structure
are stored in the blackboard.
In this style, the components interact only through the blackboard. The data-
store alerts the clients whenever there is a data-store change.
The current state of the solution is stored in the blackboard and processing is
triggered by the state of the blackboard.
The system sends notifications known as trigger and data to the clients when
changes occur in the data.
This approach is found in certain AI applications and complex applications,
such as speech recognition, image recognition, security system, and business
resource management systems etc.
If the current state of the central data structure is the main trigger of selecting
processes to execute, the repository can be a blackboard and this shared data
source is an active agent.
A major difference with traditional database systems is that the invocation of
computational elements in a blackboard architecture is triggered by the
current state of the blackboard, and not by external inputs.
Parts of Blackboard Model:------
The blackboard model is usually presented with three major parts −
Knowledge Sources (KS)
Knowledge Sources, also known as Listeners or Subscribers are distinct and
independent units. They solve parts of a problem and aggregate partial results.
Interaction among knowledge sources takes place uniquely through the
Blackboard Data Structure
The problem-solving state data is organized into an application-dependent
hierarchy. Knowledge sources make changes to the blackboard that lead
incrementally to a solution to the problem.
Control manages tasks and checks the work state.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Blackboard Model
Provides scalability which provides easy to add or update knowledge source.
Provides concurrency that allows all knowledge sources to work in parallel as
they are independent of each other.
Supports experimentation for hypotheses.
Supports reusability of knowledge source agents.
The structure change of blackboard may have a significant impact on all of its
agents as close dependency exists between blackboard and knowledge source.
It can be difficult to decide when to terminate the reasoning as only
approximate solution is expected.
Problems in synchronization of multiple agents.
Major challenges in designing and testing of system.
Call and Return architectures
Call and Return architectures:
It is used to create a program that is easy to scale and modify.
Many sub-styles exist within this category.
Two of them are explained below.
1. Remote procedure call architecture: This component is used to
present in a main program or sub program architecture distributed
among multiple computers on a network.
2. Main program or Subprogram architectures: The main
program structure decomposes into number of subprograms or
function into a control hierarchy. Main program contains number of
subprograms that can invoke other components.
Layered architecture
Layered architecture:
A number of different layers are defined with each layer
performing a well-defined set of operations. Each layer will do
some operations that becomes closer to machine instruction set
At the outer layer, components will receive the user interface
operations and at the inner layers, components will perform the
operating system interfacing(communication and coordination
with OS)
Intermediate layers to utility services and application software
Microservices Architecture
Microservices Architecture:
Microservices are independently maintainable, testable, and deployable. The
loose coupling makes them faster and easier to maintain. An application is
divided into multiple independent modules that communicate through a well-
defined interface using lightweight APIs. Standalone functionalities allow a
complex design to be organized around specific business needs. As a company
grows and evolves its tech stack, Microservices allow seamless integration of
new features.
Types of Microservices :---
There are two types of Microservices:
1. Differential: Microservices architecture decomposes into self-encapsulated
services, which can break into different transactions. This means a local
transaction is distributed into multiple services.
2. Integral: Microservices applications weave multiple atomic microservices
into holistic user experiences. It addresses on-demand provisioning, dynamic
composition, and service level management.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Microservices
Advantages of Microservices :—
Here are some unique advantages which set Microservices apart from other
architecture styles:
● Autonomous: Each component of service in a Microservices architecture
can be developed, deployed, operated, and scaled without affecting the
functionality of other services.
● Specialized: Each service is built with a set of capabilities and focuses on
solving a specific problem. Over time, if it scales, the service can be further
bifurcated into smaller services. It helps teams to measure the size of
infrastructure needs, the value of a product, and sustain reliability if the system
is facing a surge in demand.
● Resilience: In the Microservices architecture, independence prevails —
failure of any service does not affect the entire application.
● Technological Freedom: A Microservices system does not adopt the “one
size fits all” strategy. Teams can choose the best tool to address their issues and
goals independently.
● Easy Deployment: Microservices allow continuous integration and delivery
which makes it easy to try out new concepts or roll back if something goes
wrong. The low cost of failure encourages development, promotes software
upgrades, and accelerates time-to-market for new features.
Disadvantages of Microservices :—
Here is a list of some potential pain areas associated with Microservices:
● Complex Communication: Increased interconnections and
interdependencies raise complexity and the chance of mismanagement.
● More Resources: ‘More services mean more resources’
Microservices are great for large companies but can be complicated for small
companies in terms of resources and implementation.
● Independence: The same independence which acts as an advantage is also
a disadvantage. As each service has its own database and transaction
management, data consistency becomes difficult.
● Security: Increased inter-service communication results in a security threat
for a network hack.
Reactive Architecture
Reactive Architecture:-
A Reactive system is an architectural style that allows multiple individual
applications to coalesce as a single unit, reacting to its surroundings while aware of
each other, and enable automatic scale up and down, load balancing, responsiveness
under failure, and more.
Reactive Architecture can elastically scale in the face of varying incoming traffic.
Scaling usually serves one of two purposes: either we need to scale out (by adding
more machines) and up (by adding beefier machines), or we need to scale down,
reducing the number of resources occupied by our application.
An interesting scaling pattern popularized by the likes of Netflix is predictive
scaling, in which we know when spikes are going to hit so we can proactively
provision servers for that period, and once traffic starts going down again, decrease
the cluster size incrementally.
Reactive programming is an asynchronous programming paradigm,
concerned with streams of information and the propagation of
changes. This differs from imperative programming, where that
paradigm uses statements to change a program’s state.
Reactive Architecture is nothing more than the combination of
reactive programming and software architectures. Also known as
reactive systems, the goal is to make the system responsive, resilient,
elastic, and message driven.
Benefits of Reactive Architecture :-
•Be responsive to interactions with its users
•Handle failure and remain available during outages
•Strive under varying load conditions
•Be able to send, receive, and route messages in varying network
Features of Reactive Architecture
Authors of Reactive Manifesto believe that Reactive Systems are:----
1. Responsive
2. Resilient
3. Elastic
4. Message Driven
1. Responsive:----
Responsive systems focus on providing rapid and consistent response times,
establishing reliable upper bounds so they deliver a consistent quality of service.
This consistent behavior in turn simplifies error handling, builds end user
confidence, and encourages further interaction.
2. Resilient :-----
Resilience is achieved by replication, containment, isolation and delegation.
3. Elastic:----
elasticity achieve in a cost-effective way on commodity hardware and software
The system stays responsive under varying workload. Reactive Systems can react
to changes in the input rate by increasing or decreasing the resources allocated
to service these inputs.
This implies designs that have no contention points or central bottlenecks,
resulting in the ability to shard or replicate components and distribute inputs
among them.
4. Message Driven:------
Message Driven as a means of communication makes it possible for the
management of failure to work with the same constructs and semantics across a
cluster or within a single host.
Representational state transfer architecture (REST)
REST, or REpresentational State Transfer, is an architectural style for providing
standards between computer systems on the web, making it easier for systems to
communicate with each other. REST-compliant systems, often called RESTful
systems, are characterized by how they are stateless and separate the concerns of
client and server.
We will go into what these terms mean and why they are beneficial
characteristics for services on the Web.
REST Architectural Constraints:-----
EST defines 6 architectural constraints which make any web service – a true
1. Uniform interface
2. Client–server
3. Stateless
4. Cacheable
5. Layered system
1. Uniform interface:----
Any single resource should not be too large and contain each and everything in its
representation. Whenever relevant, a resource should contain links pointing to
relative URIs to fetch related information.
Also, the resource representations across the system should follow specific guidelines
such as naming conventions, link formats, or data format (XML or/and JSON).
All resources should be accessible through a common approach such as HTTP GET
and similarly modified using a consistent approach.
2. Client–server:----
Client–server means “the client application and server application MUST be able to
evolve separately without any dependency on each other.”
A client should know only resource URIs, and that’s all.
3. Stateless:----
All client-server interactions stateless. The server will not store anything about the
latest HTTP request the client made.
It will treat every request as new. No session, no history.
4. Cacheable:-----
The webpage you are reading here is also a cached version of the HTML page.
Caching brings performance improvement for the client-side and better scope for
scalability for a server because the load has reduced.
5. Layered system:-----
REST allows you to use a layered system architecture where you deploy the APIs
on server A, and store data on server B and authenticate requests in Server C.
For example. A client cannot ordinarily tell whether it is connected directly to the
end server or an intermediary along the way.
Thank You
Data Flow Architecture_UNIT_2.pptx

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Data Flow Architecture_UNIT_2.pptx

  • 2. In data flow architecture, the whole software system is seen as a series of transformations on consecutive pieces or set of input data, where data and operations are independent of each other. In this approach, the data enters into the system and then flows through the modules one at a time until they are assigned to some final destination (output or a data store). The connections between the components or modules may be implemented as I/O stream, I/O buffers, piped, or other types of connections. The data can be flown in the graph topology with cycles, in a linear structure without cycles, or in a tree type structure. The main objective of this approach is to achieve the qualities of reuse and modifiability. It is suitable for applications that involve a well-defined series of independent data transformations or computations on orderly defined input and output such as compilers and business data processing applications. There are three types of execution sequences between modules− 1. Batch sequential 2. Pipe and filter or non-sequential pipeline mode 3. Process control
  • 4. Batch sequential is a classical data processing model, in which a data transformation subsystem can initiate its process only after its previous subsystem is completely through − The flow of data carries a batch of data as a whole from one subsystem to another. The communications between the modules are conducted through temporary intermediate files which can be removed by successive subsystems. It is applicable for those applications where data is batched, and each subsystem reads related input files and writes output files. Typical application of this architecture includes business data processing such as banking and utility billing.
  • 5. Advantages & Disadvantages of Batch Sequential
  • 6. Advantages:- 1. Provides simpler divisions on subsystems. 2. Each subsystem can be an independent program working on input data and producing output data. Disadvantages:- 1. Provides high latency and low throughput. 2. Does not provide concurrency and interactive interface. 3. External control is required for implementation.
  • 7. 2. Pipe and Filter Architecture
  • 8. This approach lays emphasis on the incremental transformation of data by successive component. In this approach, the flow of data is driven by data and the whole system is decomposed into components of data source, filters, pipes, and data sinks. The connections between modules are data stream which is first-in/first-out buffer that can be stream of bytes, characters, or any other type of such kind. The main feature of this architecture is its concurrent and incremented execution.
  • 9. Filter A filter is an independent data stream transformer or stream transducers. It transforms the data of the input data stream, processes it, and writes the transformed data stream over a pipe for the next filter to process. It works in an incremental mode, in which it starts working as soon as data arrives through connected pipe. There are two types of filters − active filter and passive filter. Active filter Active filter lets connected pipes to pull data in and push out the transformed data. It operates with passive pipe, which provides read/write mechanisms for pulling and pushing. This mode is used in UNIX pipe and filter mechanism. Passive filter Passive filter lets connected pipes to push data in and pull data out. It operates with active pipe, which pulls data from a filter and pushes data into the next filter. It must provide read/write mechanism.
  • 10.
  • 11. Advantages & Disadvantages of Pipe and Filter Architecture
  • 12. Advantages Provides concurrency and high throughput for excessive data processing. Provides reusability and simplifies system maintenance. Provides modifiability and low coupling between filters. Provides simplicity by offering clear divisions between any two filters connected by pipe. Provides flexibility by supporting both sequential and parallel execution.
  • 13. Disadvantages Not suitable for dynamic interactions. A low common denominator is needed for transmission of data in ASCII formats. Overhead of data transformation between filters. Does not provide a way for filters to cooperatively interact to solve a problem. Difficult to configure this architecture dynamically.
  • 14. Pipe Pipes are stateless and they carry binary or character stream which exist between two filters. It can move a data stream from one filter to another. Pipes use a little contextual information and retain no state information between instantiations.
  • 15. 3. Process Control Architecture
  • 16. It is a type of data flow architecture where data is neither batched sequential nor pipelined stream. The flow of data comes from a set of variables, which controls the execution of process. It decomposes the entire system into subsystems or modules and connects them. Types of Subsystems A process control architecture would have a processing unit for changing the process control variables and a controller unit for calculating the amount of changes. A controller unit must have the following elements − Controlled Variable − Controlled Variable provides values for the underlying system and should be measured by sensors. For example, speed in cruise control system. Input Variable − Measures an input to the process. For example, temperature of return air in temperature control system Manipulated Variable − Manipulated Variable value is adjusted or changed by the controller. Process Definition − It includes mechanisms for manipulating some process variables. Sensor − Obtains values of process variables pertinent to control and can be used as a feedback reference to recalculate manipulated variables. Set Point − It is the desired value for a controlled variable. Control Algorithm − It is used for deciding how to manipulate process variables.
  • 17. Application Areas: Process control architecture is suitable in the following domains − Embedded system software design, where the system is manipulated by process control variable data. Applications, which aim is to maintain specified properties of the outputs of the process at given reference values. Applicable for car-cruise control and building temperature control systems. Real-time system software to control automobile anti-lock brakes, nuclear power plants, etc.
  • 19. In data-centered architecture, the data is centralized and accessed frequently by other components, which modify data. The main purpose of this style is to achieve integrality of data. Data-centered architecture consists of different components that communicate through shared data repositories. The components access a shared data structure and are relatively independent, in that, they interact only through the data store. The most well-known examples of the data-centered architecture is a database architecture, in which the common database schema is created with data definition protocol – for example, a set of related tables with fields and data types in an RDBMS. Another example of data-centered architectures is the web architecture which has a common data schema (i.e. meta-structure of the Web) and follows hypermedia data model and processes communicate through the use of shared web-based data services.
  • 20.
  • 22. There are two types of components − A central data structure or data store or data repository, which is responsible for providing permanent data storage. It represents the current state. A data accessor or a collection of independent components that operate on the central data store, perform computations, and might put back the results. Interactions or communication between the data accessors is only through the data store. The data is the only means of communication among clients. The flow of control differentiates the architecture into two categories − 1. Repository Architecture Style 2. Blackboard Architecture Style
  • 23. 1. Repository Architecture Repository Architecture StyleIn Repository Architecture Style, the data store is passive and the clients (software components or agents) of the data store are active, which control the logic flow. The participating components check the data-store for changes. The client sends a request to the system to perform actions (e.g. insert data). The computational processes are independent and triggered by incoming requests. If the types of transactions in an input stream of transactions trigger selection of processes to execute, then it is traditional database or repository architecture, or passive repository. This approach is widely used in DBMS, library information system, the interface repository in CORBA, compilers and CASE (computer aided software engineering) environments.
  • 24.
  • 25. Advantages & Disadvantages of Repository Architecture
  • 26. Advantages Provides data integrity, backup and restore features. Provides scalability and reusability of agents as they do not have direct communication with each other. Reduces overhead of transient data between software components. Disadvantages It is more vulnerable to failure and data replication or duplication is possible. High dependency between data structure of data store and its agents. Changes in data structure highly affect the clients. Evolution of data is difficult and expensive. Cost of moving data on network for distributed data.
  • 27. 2. Blackboard Architecture Style In Blackboard Architecture Style, the data store is active and its clients are passive. Therefore the logical flow is determined by the current data status in data store. It has a blackboard component, acting as a central data repository, and an internal representation is built and acted upon by different computational elements. A number of components that act independently on the common data structure are stored in the blackboard. In this style, the components interact only through the blackboard. The data- store alerts the clients whenever there is a data-store change. The current state of the solution is stored in the blackboard and processing is triggered by the state of the blackboard. The system sends notifications known as trigger and data to the clients when changes occur in the data.
  • 28. This approach is found in certain AI applications and complex applications, such as speech recognition, image recognition, security system, and business resource management systems etc. If the current state of the central data structure is the main trigger of selecting processes to execute, the repository can be a blackboard and this shared data source is an active agent. A major difference with traditional database systems is that the invocation of computational elements in a blackboard architecture is triggered by the current state of the blackboard, and not by external inputs.
  • 29. Parts of Blackboard Model:------ The blackboard model is usually presented with three major parts − Knowledge Sources (KS) Knowledge Sources, also known as Listeners or Subscribers are distinct and independent units. They solve parts of a problem and aggregate partial results. Interaction among knowledge sources takes place uniquely through the blackboard. Blackboard Data Structure The problem-solving state data is organized into an application-dependent hierarchy. Knowledge sources make changes to the blackboard that lead incrementally to a solution to the problem. Control Control manages tasks and checks the work state.
  • 30.
  • 31. Advantages & Disadvantages of Blackboard Model
  • 32. Advantages Provides scalability which provides easy to add or update knowledge source. Provides concurrency that allows all knowledge sources to work in parallel as they are independent of each other. Supports experimentation for hypotheses. Supports reusability of knowledge source agents. Disadvantages The structure change of blackboard may have a significant impact on all of its agents as close dependency exists between blackboard and knowledge source. It can be difficult to decide when to terminate the reasoning as only approximate solution is expected. Problems in synchronization of multiple agents. Major challenges in designing and testing of system.
  • 33. Call and Return architectures
  • 34. Call and Return architectures: It is used to create a program that is easy to scale and modify. Many sub-styles exist within this category. Two of them are explained below. 1. Remote procedure call architecture: This component is used to present in a main program or sub program architecture distributed among multiple computers on a network. 2. Main program or Subprogram architectures: The main program structure decomposes into number of subprograms or function into a control hierarchy. Main program contains number of subprograms that can invoke other components.
  • 35.
  • 37. Layered architecture: A number of different layers are defined with each layer performing a well-defined set of operations. Each layer will do some operations that becomes closer to machine instruction set progressively. At the outer layer, components will receive the user interface operations and at the inner layers, components will perform the operating system interfacing(communication and coordination with OS) Intermediate layers to utility services and application software functions.
  • 38.
  • 40. Microservices Architecture: Microservices are independently maintainable, testable, and deployable. The loose coupling makes them faster and easier to maintain. An application is divided into multiple independent modules that communicate through a well- defined interface using lightweight APIs. Standalone functionalities allow a complex design to be organized around specific business needs. As a company grows and evolves its tech stack, Microservices allow seamless integration of new features. Types of Microservices :--- There are two types of Microservices: 1. Differential: Microservices architecture decomposes into self-encapsulated services, which can break into different transactions. This means a local transaction is distributed into multiple services. 2. Integral: Microservices applications weave multiple atomic microservices into holistic user experiences. It addresses on-demand provisioning, dynamic composition, and service level management.
  • 41. Advantages & Disadvantages of Microservices
  • 42. Advantages of Microservices :— Here are some unique advantages which set Microservices apart from other architecture styles: ● Autonomous: Each component of service in a Microservices architecture can be developed, deployed, operated, and scaled without affecting the functionality of other services. ● Specialized: Each service is built with a set of capabilities and focuses on solving a specific problem. Over time, if it scales, the service can be further bifurcated into smaller services. It helps teams to measure the size of infrastructure needs, the value of a product, and sustain reliability if the system is facing a surge in demand. ● Resilience: In the Microservices architecture, independence prevails — failure of any service does not affect the entire application. ● Technological Freedom: A Microservices system does not adopt the “one size fits all” strategy. Teams can choose the best tool to address their issues and goals independently. ● Easy Deployment: Microservices allow continuous integration and delivery which makes it easy to try out new concepts or roll back if something goes wrong. The low cost of failure encourages development, promotes software upgrades, and accelerates time-to-market for new features.
  • 43. Disadvantages of Microservices :— Here is a list of some potential pain areas associated with Microservices: ● Complex Communication: Increased interconnections and interdependencies raise complexity and the chance of mismanagement. ● More Resources: ‘More services mean more resources’ Microservices are great for large companies but can be complicated for small companies in terms of resources and implementation. ● Independence: The same independence which acts as an advantage is also a disadvantage. As each service has its own database and transaction management, data consistency becomes difficult. ● Security: Increased inter-service communication results in a security threat for a network hack.
  • 44.
  • 46. Reactive Architecture:- A Reactive system is an architectural style that allows multiple individual applications to coalesce as a single unit, reacting to its surroundings while aware of each other, and enable automatic scale up and down, load balancing, responsiveness under failure, and more. Reactive Architecture can elastically scale in the face of varying incoming traffic. Scaling usually serves one of two purposes: either we need to scale out (by adding more machines) and up (by adding beefier machines), or we need to scale down, reducing the number of resources occupied by our application. An interesting scaling pattern popularized by the likes of Netflix is predictive scaling, in which we know when spikes are going to hit so we can proactively provision servers for that period, and once traffic starts going down again, decrease the cluster size incrementally.
  • 47. Reactive programming is an asynchronous programming paradigm, concerned with streams of information and the propagation of changes. This differs from imperative programming, where that paradigm uses statements to change a program’s state. Reactive Architecture is nothing more than the combination of reactive programming and software architectures. Also known as reactive systems, the goal is to make the system responsive, resilient, elastic, and message driven.
  • 48. Benefits of Reactive Architecture :- •Be responsive to interactions with its users •Handle failure and remain available during outages •Strive under varying load conditions •Be able to send, receive, and route messages in varying network conditions
  • 49. Features of Reactive Architecture
  • 50. Authors of Reactive Manifesto believe that Reactive Systems are:---- 1. Responsive 2. Resilient 3. Elastic 4. Message Driven 1. Responsive:---- Responsive systems focus on providing rapid and consistent response times, establishing reliable upper bounds so they deliver a consistent quality of service. This consistent behavior in turn simplifies error handling, builds end user confidence, and encourages further interaction.
  • 51. 2. Resilient :----- Resilience is achieved by replication, containment, isolation and delegation. 3. Elastic:---- elasticity achieve in a cost-effective way on commodity hardware and software platforms. The system stays responsive under varying workload. Reactive Systems can react to changes in the input rate by increasing or decreasing the resources allocated to service these inputs. This implies designs that have no contention points or central bottlenecks, resulting in the ability to shard or replicate components and distribute inputs among them. 4. Message Driven:------ Message Driven as a means of communication makes it possible for the management of failure to work with the same constructs and semantics across a cluster or within a single host.
  • 52. Representational state transfer architecture (REST)
  • 53. REST:- REST, or REpresentational State Transfer, is an architectural style for providing standards between computer systems on the web, making it easier for systems to communicate with each other. REST-compliant systems, often called RESTful systems, are characterized by how they are stateless and separate the concerns of client and server. We will go into what these terms mean and why they are beneficial characteristics for services on the Web. REST Architectural Constraints:----- EST defines 6 architectural constraints which make any web service – a true RESTful API. 1. Uniform interface 2. Client–server 3. Stateless 4. Cacheable 5. Layered system
  • 54. 1. Uniform interface:---- Any single resource should not be too large and contain each and everything in its representation. Whenever relevant, a resource should contain links pointing to relative URIs to fetch related information. Also, the resource representations across the system should follow specific guidelines such as naming conventions, link formats, or data format (XML or/and JSON). All resources should be accessible through a common approach such as HTTP GET and similarly modified using a consistent approach. 2. Client–server:---- Client–server means “the client application and server application MUST be able to evolve separately without any dependency on each other.” A client should know only resource URIs, and that’s all.
  • 55. 3. Stateless:---- All client-server interactions stateless. The server will not store anything about the latest HTTP request the client made. It will treat every request as new. No session, no history. 4. Cacheable:----- The webpage you are reading here is also a cached version of the HTML page. Caching brings performance improvement for the client-side and better scope for scalability for a server because the load has reduced. 5. Layered system:----- REST allows you to use a layered system architecture where you deploy the APIs on server A, and store data on server B and authenticate requests in Server C. For example. A client cannot ordinarily tell whether it is connected directly to the end server or an intermediary along the way.