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© 2014 IBM Corporation
Cognitive Computing in the Mobile App
James Kobielus
IBM Big Data Evangelist
March 12, 2015
© 2014 IBM Corporation2
Smart mobility
demands access to
expert, app-centric,
data-driven guidance
everywhere you go
© 2014 IBM Corporation3
Mobile Adoption Continues to Explode
1 Trillion
2013 2014 2015
Devices Sold
41% CAGR
© 2014 IBM Corporation44
Mobile App Economy: Optimizing Every Decision, Interaction,
and Transaction
© 2014 IBM Corporation5
Mobile Is Primary
91% of mobile users keep
their device within arms
reach 100% of the time
Insights From Mobile
Data Provide New
75% of mobile shoppers
take action after receiving
location based messages
Mobile Must Create A
Continuous Brand
90% of users use multiple
screens as channels come
together to create
integrated experiences Mobile Is About Transacting
Mobile commerce transactions will reach
$3.2 trillion in 2017
Mobile App Economy: Driving Business Transformation
Mobile enables the
Internet of Things
The installed base for the Internet
of Things (IoT) will grow to
approximately 212 billon devices
in 2020, a number that includes
30 billion connected devices
© 2014 IBM Corporation6
Mobile App Economy: Reshaping Enterprise IT
Different talent
requirements: small highly
skilled development teams
• Facebook-like software
development approach
• Short, frequent
incremental release cycles
Elevated expectations for
user experience
Development to multiple
form factors
Frictionless development
to operations cycle
APIs unlock data as a
platform to create new
Leverage cloud scale to
support millions of devices
• 20M apps installed
daily on facebook
• 50B mobile app
downloads in 2012
• + 500K US jobs in
last 3 years
© 2014 IBM Corporation7
Smart Mobility--Tapping Cognitive-Computing Guidance in the
Cloud--is the Foundation of this New Economy
Always on
Always engaged
© 2014 IBM Corporation8
Cognitive computing
the ability of automated systems to:
• handle the conscious, critical, logical,
attentive, reasoning, evaluative modes of
• learn from data and from interactions with
• adapt their behavior to these inputs without
explicit programming
© 2014 IBM Corporation9
What could
Predictive analytics
and modeling
What action
should I take?
What is
Discovery and
Why did it
Reporting, analysis,
content analytics
Thinking—aka Cognition--in Discovery, Learning, & Decision
© 2014 IBM Corporation10
1900+ 1950+ 2010+
Data-Driven Guidance: The Cognitive Systems Era
Learning unparalleled insights algorithmically from fresh streams of big data
processing logic
processing logic
processing logic
The cognitive revolution: dynamically
optimized app logic without hardwired
or explicit programming
© 2014 IBM Corporation11
natural language
and human style
Adapts and learns
from training,
interaction, and
Generates and
Watson understands me.
Watson engages me.
Watson learns and
improves over time.
Watson helps me
Watson establishes trust.
Watson has endless
capacity for insight.
Watson operates in a
timely fashion.
The premier cognitive computing cloud
© 2014 IBM Corporation12
Machine Learning & Big Data: Watson’s Cognitive Foundation
Statistical algorithms for learning from data
Abstracts quantitative models from data and prior
Enables data-driven analysis, inference, pattern recognition,
and prediction
Data at Scale Data in Many Forms Data in Motion
Volume Variety Velocity
Watson’s cognitive fabric uses
machine learning to find deep
patterns within big data
© 2014 IBM Corporation13
Planning &
Discovery &
Business Intelligence & Predictive Analytics
Information Integration & Governance
Data Mgmt &
Planning &
Discovery &
Business Intelligence & Predictive AnalyticsBusiness Intelligence & Predictive Analytics
Information Integration & Governance
Data Mgmt &
Discover fresh insights
• Predictive and content analytics to
uncover patterns not yet known
• Interactive exploration across all data
Operate in real time
• Real-time analytics
• Enterprise-class Hadoop
• In-memory computing for speed of
thought analytics
• Deliver real-time data/analytic-driven
guidance to mobile, social, Internet of
Things, and other applications
Establish trust so you can act with
• Transparency and context to decision-making
• Governance across complete data lifecycle
• Security, privacy, compliance
Software capabilities
that fuel the new
cognitive systems era
Watson Foundations: Cognitive Computing Across the Portfolio
© 2014 IBM Corporation14
Watson Tooling: Cognitive App Development in the Bluemix Cloud
Big Data
Web and
Internet of
Business Users
© 2014 IBM Corporation15
 IBM MobileFirst Collaboration Services
 IBM MobileFirst Network Services
(Presence Zones)
 IBM MobileFirst Infrastructure Consulting
 IBM MobileFirst Application Platform
 IBM MobileFirst Application Platform
 IBM MobileFirst Device Procurement &
Deployment Services
 IBM MobileFirst Managed Mobility Services
 IBM Mobile Virtualization Services
 IBM MobileFirst Network Services (WLAN)
IBM Mobility Services: A Comprehensive Mobile Enablement Portfolio
© 2014 IBM Corporation16
Integrated DevOps
for Mobile
Obtain Insight
Scan & Certify
IBM MobileFirst Enterprise: Accelerating the Mobile App Lifecycle
© 2014 IBM Corporation17
IBM’s Strategic Partnership with Apple Strengthens our Mobility Portfolio
© 2014 IBM Corporation18
Key Elements of the IBM-Apple Partnership
© 2014 IBM Corporation19
Engaged innovators
Tools, APIs enabling
ISVs with self-service
training, development,
and testing of their
cognitive application.
Subject matter experts
Providing a marketplace
for skills - linguistics,
natural language
processing, machine
learning, user
experience design, and
Equity investment
Equity Fund.
Free and for-fee data,
including general
knowledge, industry-
specific content, to help
fuel Powered by
Watson apps.
Watson Ecosystem: Cognitive Enablement of Partners
© 2014 IBM Corporation20
IBM: A Longtime Market Leader in Mobility
© 2014 IBM Corporation21
…HowCan WeDo ItBetter?
© 2014 IBM Corporation22
© 2014 IBM Corporation23
Legal Disclaimer
• © IBM Corporation 2014. All Rights Reserved.
• The information contained in this publication is provided for informational purposes only. While efforts were made to verify the completeness and accuracy of the information contained
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SmartData Webinar: Cognitive Computing in the Mobile App Economy

  • 1. © 2014 IBM Corporation Cognitive Computing in the Mobile App Economy James Kobielus IBM Big Data Evangelist March 12, 2015
  • 2. © 2014 IBM Corporation2 Smart mobility demands access to expert, app-centric, data-driven guidance everywhere you go 24x7.
  • 3. © 2014 IBM Corporation3 Mobile Adoption Continues to Explode 1 Trillion Connected Devices 2013 2014 2015 5.6 Billion Personal Devices Sold 41% CAGR Wearable Wireless Devices
  • 4. © 2014 IBM Corporation44 Mobile App Economy: Optimizing Every Decision, Interaction, and Transaction
  • 5. © 2014 IBM Corporation5 Mobile Is Primary 91% of mobile users keep their device within arms reach 100% of the time Insights From Mobile Data Provide New Opportunities 75% of mobile shoppers take action after receiving location based messages Mobile Must Create A Continuous Brand Experience 90% of users use multiple screens as channels come together to create integrated experiences Mobile Is About Transacting Mobile commerce transactions will reach $3.2 trillion in 2017 Mobile App Economy: Driving Business Transformation Mobile enables the Internet of Things The installed base for the Internet of Things (IoT) will grow to approximately 212 billon devices in 2020, a number that includes 30 billion connected devices
  • 6. © 2014 IBM Corporation6 Mobile App Economy: Reshaping Enterprise IT “SMALL TEAMS” “CLOUD SCALE” APIS & FRAMEWORKS “THE HACKER WAY” Different talent requirements: small highly skilled development teams • Facebook-like software development approach • Short, frequent incremental release cycles ENGAGING USER EXPERIENCE Elevated expectations for user experience MOBILE FIRST Development to multiple form factors “DEVOPS” Frictionless development to operations cycle APIs unlock data as a platform to create new ecosystems Leverage cloud scale to support millions of devices • 20M apps installed daily on facebook • 50B mobile app downloads in 2012 • + 500K US jobs in last 3 years APP ECONOMY DEVOPS
  • 7. © 2014 IBM Corporation7 Smart Mobility--Tapping Cognitive-Computing Guidance in the Cloud--is the Foundation of this New Economy BIG DATA & ANALYTICS SOCIAL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE MOBILITY CLOUD COMPUTING Always on Always optimized Always engaged Always mobile
  • 8. © 2014 IBM Corporation8 Cognitive computing the ability of automated systems to: • handle the conscious, critical, logical, attentive, reasoning, evaluative modes of thought • learn from data and from interactions with people • adapt their behavior to these inputs without explicit programming
  • 9. © 2014 IBM Corporation9 Business Applications What could happen? Predictive analytics and modeling What action should I take? Decision management What is happening? Discovery and exploration Why did it happen? Reporting, analysis, content analytics Cognitive processes Thinking—aka Cognition--in Discovery, Learning, & Decision Support
  • 10. © 2014 IBM Corporation10 1900+ 1950+ 2010+ Data-Driven Guidance: The Cognitive Systems Era Learning unparalleled insights algorithmically from fresh streams of big data Hardwired processing logic Software-explicit processing logic Data-derived processing logic The cognitive revolution: dynamically optimized app logic without hardwired or explicit programming
  • 11. © 2014 IBM Corporation11 Understands natural language and human style communication Adapts and learns from training, interaction, and outcomes Generates and evaluates evidence-based hypothesis 1 2 3 Watson understands me. Watson engages me. Watson learns and improves over time. Watson helps me discover. Watson establishes trust. Watson has endless capacity for insight. Watson operates in a timely fashion. The premier cognitive computing cloud
  • 12. © 2014 IBM Corporation12 Machine Learning & Big Data: Watson’s Cognitive Foundation Statistical algorithms for learning from data Abstracts quantitative models from data and prior knowledge Enables data-driven analysis, inference, pattern recognition, and prediction Machine learning Data at Scale Data in Many Forms Data in Motion Volume Variety Velocity Big data Watson’s cognitive fabric uses machine learning to find deep patterns within big data
  • 13. © 2014 IBM Corporation13 WATSON FOUNDATIONS Decision Management Planning & Forecasting Discovery & Exploration Business Intelligence & Predictive Analytics Content Analytics Information Integration & Governance Data Mgmt & Warehouse Hadoop System Stream Computing Content Management WATSON FOUNDATIONS Decision Management Planning & Forecasting Discovery & Exploration Business Intelligence & Predictive AnalyticsBusiness Intelligence & Predictive Analytics Content Analytics Information Integration & Governance Data Mgmt & Warehouse Hadoop System Stream Computing Content Management Discover fresh insights • Predictive and content analytics to uncover patterns not yet known • Interactive exploration across all data Operate in real time • Real-time analytics • Enterprise-class Hadoop • In-memory computing for speed of thought analytics • Deliver real-time data/analytic-driven guidance to mobile, social, Internet of Things, and other applications Establish trust so you can act with confidence • Transparency and context to decision-making • Governance across complete data lifecycle • Security, privacy, compliance Software capabilities that fuel the new cognitive systems era Watson Foundations: Cognitive Computing Across the Portfolio
  • 14. © 2014 IBM Corporation14 Cloud Watson Tooling: Cognitive App Development in the Bluemix Cloud Mobile Services Big Data services Watson Services Security Services Web and application services Cloud Integration Services Database services Internet of Things Services Business Users DevOps Services
  • 15. © 2014 IBM Corporation15  IBM MobileFirst Collaboration Services  IBM MobileFirst Network Services (Presence Zones)  IBM MobileFirst Infrastructure Consulting  IBM MobileFirst Application Platform Services  IBM MobileFirst Application Platform Services  IBM MobileFirst Device Procurement & Deployment Services  IBM MobileFirst Managed Mobility Services  IBM Mobile Virtualization Services  IBM MobileFirst Network Services (WLAN) IBM Mobility Services: A Comprehensive Mobile Enablement Portfolio
  • 16. © 2014 IBM Corporation16 Operationalize Integrated DevOps for Mobile Develop Obtain Insight Manage Deploy Instrument Integrate Test Scan & Certify IBM MobileFirst Enterprise: Accelerating the Mobile App Lifecycle
  • 17. © 2014 IBM Corporation17 IBM’s Strategic Partnership with Apple Strengthens our Mobility Portfolio
  • 18. © 2014 IBM Corporation18 Key Elements of the IBM-Apple Partnership
  • 19. © 2014 IBM Corporation19 1,000+ Engaged innovators Watson Developer Cloud Tools, APIs enabling ISVs with self-service training, development, and testing of their cognitive application. 500+ Subject matter experts Watson Talent Hub Providing a marketplace for skills - linguistics, natural language processing, machine learning, user experience design, and analytics. 100M+ Equity investment Watson Content Store Equity Fund. Free and for-fee data, including general knowledge, industry- specific content, to help fuel Powered by Watson apps. Watson Ecosystem: Cognitive Enablement of Partners
  • 20. © 2014 IBM Corporation20 INNOVATIONLEADERSHIP IBM: A Longtime Market Leader in Mobility SCALE
  • 21. © 2014 IBM Corporation21 THINK. …HowCan WeDo ItBetter?
  • 22. © 2014 IBM Corporation22
  • 23. © 2014 IBM Corporation23 Legal Disclaimer • © IBM Corporation 2014. All Rights Reserved. • The information contained in this publication is provided for informational purposes only. While efforts were made to verify the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this publication, it is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In addition, this information is based on IBM’s current product plans and strategy, which are subject to change by IBM without notice. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, this publication or any other materials. 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