iot cloud computing blockchain ai big data analytics big data information security internet of things hybrid cloud ioe google cybersecurity ibm security quantum cryptography mobile quantum computing it byod openstack sdn machine learning bitcoin data lake dark data emm quantum theory virtualization cryptographic zero trust model covid19 5g private cloud microsoft hadoop bi fog computing enterprise mobility management affective computing data science deep learning robots ddos networks public cloud hp cisco robotic systems facebook clo virtual machines mobile policy management saas paas internet of everything antimalware network security vr network functions virtualization predictive analytics drones wearable computing devices business encryption heartbleed internet quantum teleporrtation crowdsourcing supply chain art uvi who stablecoin cryptocurrancy libra cloud ux ui iomt smart contracts wannacry banafa digital transformation ia amazon m2m google analytics vir io zero apple wave salesforce watson sand box big da unix mac os bash bug vmware cloudstack redhat intercloud google's self-driving cars googlex mit em big mobile security mobile retail app-based services mobile payments e-commerce m-commerce autonomic computing sddc server virtualization software defined data center (sddc) software defined storage (sds) start-ups entrepreneurs mam mpm infrastructure as service i-as-a-s thick data iaas third platform quantum computers antimal ant-virus zero-day vulnerability heuristic analysis human-computer interaction emotion computing e-learning virtual reality online education content distribution network content delivery network cdn neural network it-as-a-service (itaas) (nfv) (sdn) software design networking personal cloud contextual computing unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) software-defined networking the internet of everything the smart platform smartphone the third platform mobile cloud computing good managers
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