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Fascinating Insights from the World of Science
Jeroen De Flander
2Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
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3Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
Why MOST ideas fail
Fascinating Insights from the World of Science
Why ideas fail 4
Villain #1.The Curse of knowledge 5
The Tapping & ‘E’ Experiment
Villain #2. Decision Paralysis 7
The Jam Experiment
Villain #3. Message Distortion 8
The Sherlock Holmes Mystery
Villain #4. Mitigated Speech 9
The Cockpit Tragedy
Villain #5.The Pygmalion Effect 11
The Israeli Army Experiment
Villain #6. CO2
mplexity 13
Tata’s Dream
Villain #7. Willpower depletion 17
The Cookie Experiment
Head – Heart – Hands 19
Paul O’Neill’s & Donald Berwick’s amazing idea journeys 20
Jeroen De Flander 25
We all have great ideas. And we often need the help of others
to let them shine. But getting people to support our brainchild
is easier said than done. We know—and have probably experi-
enced firsthand—that people don’t always do what we like them
to do. Sometimes they just don’t seem to care about our idea
and we wonder why they don’t see the same benefits that we’re
seeing. Sometimes they seem to make all the wrong moves and
we wonder, “How difficult can it be?” And sometimes they just
seem too busy with other things and we think, “Why don’t you
push a little harder.” Just like we do.
	 We all struggle to get our ideas across. And the surprising
truth is that failure doesn’t come so much because of the quality
of the idea, but because of age-old, programmed human behav-
	 When our new idea—whether it’s a project, a corporate
strategy, a business plan or a policy to improve the education
system—comes into contact with million-year-old human dy-
namics, our idea is in trouble. These human complexities are so
powerful that they can override our own rational thinking and
stop us from executing our own ideas, as happens every New
Year for 88 percent of the population.
	 These human dynamics—the execution villains—are the
reason why most ideas take the long route to the finish line. If
we aspire to get a better return from our strategy, then we must
learn how these human behaviors impact the idea journey and
how to deal with them. Why not join me in the lab for a few in-
teresting experiments?
Why ideas fail
4Jeroen De FlanderWhy most ideas fail
5Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
THE Curse of knowledge
The Tapping Experiment
tor of 20. So what happened? Does tapping make you a poor
judge of your abilities? The simple answer is yes. The scientific
name for this human phenomenon is the Curse of Knowledge.
Here’s how it works. When a Tapper—the idea creator—taps the
song, the tune is playing along in his head. He’s hearing the mel-
ody to Happy Birthday in his head while tapping the song. But
the Listeners don’t hear that music. The only information they
get is a strange Morse code. It’s very hard for a Tapper to judge
the quality of his taps as he can’t undo the tune playing in his
head while tapping. The knowledge has ‘cursed’ him.
	 If we transport the Curse of Knowledge to the business
world, it’s not difficult to imagine that when an idea creator—a
CEO, manager, policymaker or entrepreneur—finishes commu-
nicating and thinks, “I’m sure everybody gets my great idea after
my extensive communication efforts”, he’s probably reached no
more than 3 percent of his target population. Houston, we have
a problem.
	Imagine you’re sitting with 15 other
people in a small room. The host asks
your neighbor to tap out the rhythm of
a famous song like Happy Birthday on
the table. You have to guess the tune.
How much chance do you think you
have of guessing the song correctly?
	 You’ve just taken part in an experiment designed by
Elizabeth Newton from Stanford University. Over the course
of the study, New- ton repeated the process 120 times. Only 4
songs—2.5 percent—were guessed correctly. Not many, is it?
But here’s the interesting thing. Before the Listeners tried to
guess the song title, she would ask the Tapper and the Listeners
to predict their success rate. While the Listeners thought they
would get 10 percent of the songs right, the Tappers thought the
Listeners would guess a whopping 50 percent of their songs.
	 Isn’t that amazing? The average Tapper got the message
across 1 time in 40, but they thought they’d hit a homerun 1 out
of 2. They overestimated their communication abilities by a fac-
6Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
THE Curse of knowledge
The ‘E’ Experiment
it mean? It means that the more power we have, the harder we
find it to imagine the world from someone else’s perspective.We
draw the letter backwards because we are used to others adapt-
ing to our point of view. It also means that the effect of the Curse
of Knowledge is likely to be reinforced when the person com-
municating is the boss. Houston, we might have a big problem.
	 Science teaches us that idea creators misjudge the qual-
ity of their communication due to the Curse of Knowledge. The
effect is tripled when the idea creator is, or believes he is, in a
position of power. But human nature doesn’t only impact the
behavior of the idea creator. It also impacts the behavior at the
receiving end.
	 But there’s more. Let’s try a second experiment.This time,
draw an imaginary ‘E’ on your forehead with your finger.
	 Researcher Adam Galinsky of Northwestern University
and his colleagues divided participants into two groups. Those
from the first were primed to feel powerful. How? They had to
recall and write about an incident where they had power over
others. The other group was asked to write about an incident in
which someone else had power over them. Next, all participants
were asked to draw the letter ‘E’ on their foreheads.
	 Now, there are two ways to draw an imaginary ‘E’ on your
forehead. One way is as if you’re reading it yourself, with the sol-
id bar on your left and the openings on the right. The other way
is to draw the ‘E’ as if another person is reading it, with the solid
bar on your right and the openings on the left. The first choice
produces a backward and illegible ‘E’ from the viewer’s perspec-
tive. The second choice leads to an ‘E’ that’s backwards to you.
	 The result? Surprisingly, the high-power participants
from the first group were 3 times more likely to draw a self-ori-
ented ‘E’. Galinsky argues that power makes us blind.What does
7Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
Decision Paralysis
The Jam Experiment
than those given a greater choice.
	 So what happened? Science calls this human phenom-
enon Decision Paralysis, another villain on the execution road.
Again, it’s not a deliberate action, but rather an expression of
innate human behavior, this time at the receiving end. When
someone wants us to do something (like buying jam), but pre-
sents us with too many options (24 flavors), we’re paralyzed. We
can’t decide.
Sheena Iyengar from Columbia Uni-
versity and Mark Lepper from Stanford
set up their lab in the form of a tasting
booth on 2 different Saturday’s at Drae-
ger’s supermarket, an upscale grocery
store in California. One week, they had
24 jams to sample on the table, and
the next week only 6. Customers could try as many samples as
they liked and received a $1 discount coupon for a jam of their
	 The first results were as expected. Over the course of a
5-hour period, 60 percent of people who passed the display of
24 jams stopped, while only 40 percent did at the stand with 6
on display. So more choice means greater initial appeal. But the
surprise came when they looked at the sales figures. Thirty per-
cent of the people who stopped at the ‘6 jam’ booth used the
coupon and bought jam, but only 3 percent bought something
at the ‘24 jam’ booth. People initially exposed to a limited num-
ber of options are much more likely to purchase the product
8Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
Message Distortion
The Sherlock Holmes Mystery
the most obvious thing in the world). And somehow, both words
ended up together. Why? Because there’s a nice fit. We can eas-
ily imagine Sherlock Holmes saying, “Elementary, my dear Wat-
son,” showing his unique ability and intellectual superiority
towards his friend Watson. It’s a characteristic of a communica-
tion phenomenon science calls Message Distortion, another vil-
lain on the execution road. Gordon Allport and Joseph Postman
researched message shortening. And their results are astonish-
ing. A message loses a whopping 70 percent of its details after 5
to 6 mouth-to-mouth transmissions.
Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle wrote his first
Sherlock Holmes story in 1886. The fic-
titious character was based on a real
man, Dr Joseph Bell, a renowned fo-
rensic scientist at Edinburgh Univer-
sity. Conan-Doyle wrote 60 adventures
in total. The collection is known as The
Cannon. All but 4 stories are narrated by Holmes’ loyal sidekick
Dr Watson. Together, they solve the most amazing mysteries.
Now think for a moment.What’s the most famous Sherlock Hol-
mes expression you know?
	 Most probably you answered, “Elementary, my dear Wat-
son.” Now here’s the interesting part. The character Sherlock
Holmes never actually uses this precise phrase. You won’t find
it in any of Conan-Doyle’s books. Holmes does say ‘Watson’ all
the time. He was his loyal companion after all. He also uses the
word ‘elementary’ repeatedly, as a way of showing how smart he
is. (They run into the most complex situations. Holmes points
out the solution and states it’s ‘elementary’ as if the solution is
9Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
Mitigated Speech
The Cockpit Tragedy
First officer:“Let’s check those [wing] tops again since we’ve
been sitting here a while.”
Captain: “I think we get to go here in a minute.”
Finally, when they were on their take-off roll, the first officer
noticed that something was wrong with the engine readings.
First officer: “That don’t seem right, does it?” (3 seconds
pause). “Ah, that’s not right.”
Captain: “Yes, it is, there’s 80.”
First officer: “Naw, I don’t think that’s right.” (7 second
pause). “Ah, maybe it is.”
Minutes later, the Air Florida aircraft failed to gain sufficient
height on take-off. It crashed into the nearby Potomac River.
There were only 5 survivors.
	 Unfortunately, the co-pilot’s inability to trigger the right
decision from the pilot isn’t a tragic stand-alone fact. According
to US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) research,
this type of communication failure occurred in 75 percent of all
plane accidents.
In an environment where ‘no’ is unac-
ceptable, people don’t dare to challenge
decisions. In such an environment, in-
dividuals are more afraid of the conse-
quences of disagreeing than the conse-
quences of someone’s wrong decision.
Even if lives are at stake. Take a look at
the following cockpit conversation between the first officer and
captain on a cold winter’s day in January, shortly before take-off:
First officer: “Look how the ice is just hanging on his, ah,
back there, see that?”
First officer: “See all those icicles on the back there and eve-
First officer: “Boy, this is a, this is a losing battle here on try-
ing to de-ice those things, it [gives] you a false feeling of se-
curity, that’s all that it does.”
Shortly after being given clearance to take off, the first of
ficer expresses his concern for the fourth time.
10Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
Mitigated Speech
The Cockpit Tragedy
	 In a potentially life-threatening situation such as the Air
Florida cockpit or Rhode Island Hospital, we would expect sub-
ordinates to be very explicit in their communication. We would
expect the nurse to say, “Don’t do anything until we get confir-
mation,” and the first officer, “Don’t take off until we’ve checked
our wings again.” Instead, they only hinted. The communica-
tion phenomenon that explains why subordinates downplay the
meaning of their message when addressing their boss is called
Mitigated Speech. It’s villain number 4 on the execution road.
11Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
The Pygmalion Effect
The Israeli Army Experiment
der an unknown CP). They were then asked to copy each train-
ee’s command potential into their personal records and learn
the names and scores before they arrived.
	 It’s important to know that, at the time, these 4 instruc-
tors didn’t know that the command potential classification—the
performance score on the list they received—was completely
random. In other words, the soldier listed as having the highest
CP could very well be the worst soldier in the group.
	 After 16 weeks, at the end of the combat course, the per-
formance of the 105 soldiers was tested in 4 different areas. One
of these performance evaluations, for example, was their profi-
ciency in the use of weapons they had been trained to master.
The outcome? Those soldiers who got marked with a high com-
mand potential significantly outperformed their classmates in
all 4 subjects. Those with an average CP scored the lowest. The
third group—those with an unknown performance potential—
ended up in the middle.The difference in performance between
the best and the worst group was 15 percent.
	 After detailed analysis, it showed that the experimentally
Consider a 15-week army course where
105 soldiers were assigned to one of 4
instructors. A few days before the start
of the program, each instructor was
briefed, including the following mes-
We have compiled much data on the trainees including
psycho- logical test scores, sociometric evaluations, grades
in previous courses, and ratings by previous commanders.
Based on this information, we have predicted the command
potential (CP) of each soldier. …Based on CP scores, we have
designated each trainee as having either a high, regular or
unknown CP, the latter due to incomplete records. When
we’re not sure, we don’t guess. Soldiers of all 3 CP levels have
been divided equally among the 4 training classes.
	 Each instructor was given their list of trainees (one-third
of whom had a high CP, one-third a regular CP, and the remain-
12Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
induced expectations—the fake command potential scores—
explained almost three-quarters of the variance in performance.
In other words, by making a superior believe a subordinate has
the ability to be a great performer, the actual performance in-
creases. And the effect isn’t marginal. It’s a whopping 2-digit fig-
	 Strange, don’t you think? When we believe a team mem-
ber has the ability to be a great performer, our belief becomes
reality. The performance expectation we have for our team
members is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The Pygmalion Effect
The Israeli Army Experiment
13Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
Tata’s Dream
admitted afterwards.
	 But, in hindsight, the first failure also proved to be very
helpful. If they were to succeed in building a ‘proper’ car and
not an upgraded four-wheel scooter or a cheap-looking alterna-
tive nobody would be interested in, they had to rethink every
aspect of the car. They had to take each component—from the
windshield wipers to the radio—and figure out what to leave
and what to throw out. And for each component they decided to
keep, they had to design it as simply as possible to keep the pro-
duction costs under control. The whole process was a balanc-
ing act. Cutting too much or being too simplistic meant com-
promising on safety, performance, and design. Cutting too little
meant a car that was too expensive.
	 To succeed in their tightrope act, they quickly under-
stood they needed help. Ratan Tata called a meeting of his top
parts suppliers and, after showing them the first flawed proto-
types, asked them for support. At first, they were skeptical. But
Tata persisted and, after some debate, most of Tata’s regular
suppliers joined the project. Rane Group, for example, focused
At Tata’s research center in Mumbai, In-
dia, there were two cars on display. One
was a complete prototype of the Nano—
the $2,500 compact car they were work-
ing on. The other was a neat bi-section
with the car’s guts clearly visible.
	 Every day, people were invited to ex-
amine the car on display in the hope they would propose sim-
plifications. It all started in 2003 with Ratan Tata’s dream. He
wanted to build the cheapest car in the world. He gave his en-
gineering team, led by 32-year-old star engineer Girish Wagh, 3
requirements. The car should be dirt cheap, respect the regula-
tory safety requirements, and drive like a real car.
	 Their initial prototype didn’t even come close. To keep
costs down, the engineers had come up with a vehicle which
had bars instead of doors, and plastic flaps to keep out the mon-
soon rains. It was closer to a quad cycle than a car and lacked
punch. Even a bigger engine, which boosted the power by near-
ly 20 percent, was still dismal. “It was an embarrassment,”Wagh
14Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
on reducing the weight of the steering system materials used,
replacing the steel rod of the steering with a steel tube—a major
cost-reducer. Typically, the product is made of two pieces, but
it was redesigned as one to save on machining and assembling
costs. Another supplier, GKN Driveline’s team, spent a year de-
veloping 32 experimental variants to create the perfect drive-
shaft— the component that transfers power from the engine to
the wheel. With the help of their French and Italian designers,
they changed the design to make it lighter and easier to manu-
	 Over time, Wagh’s team grew to 500 engineers. A core
team of 5 gathered every day at 3pm to discuss the latest de-
velopments. Each member represented a different part of the
car—engine and transmission, body, vehicle integration, safety
and regulation, and industrial design.
	 Fitting all the redesigned parts together was another
challenge. The engine, for instance, had to be redesigned 3
times. Initially,Wagh thought they’d buy an off-the-shelf engine.
The team evaluated all the small-capacity engines available, but
found nothing suitable. So, in early 2005, they decided to build
their own. The first was a 540cc engine that, when fitted on the
prototype, lacked the necessary power. So its capacity was in-
creased by 9 percent. But it still didn’t deliver enough power. So
they added another 9 percent before Wagh finally settled on a
623cc engine. This, however, required re-aligning the foot pedal
to have sufficient legroom. And so on. In the end, the tightrope
act paid off. When Ratan Tata stepped out of the driver’s seat
from the first Tata Nano, it made a lasting impression. What
shook the automobile world most was the fact that the design-
ers seemed to have done the impossible. The car was dirt cheap,
but didn’t look like it. It didn’t look like an upgraded 4-wheel
scooter. Instead, it was a nice-looking, real car… but with the
price tag of a scooter.
	 The challenges these engineers faced are comparable
with those we face when we decide to combat CO2
mplexity. As
with the Nano, we have to ask ourselves which process compo-
nents we need and which can be left out. We should ask ques-
tions like, “Do we really need Balanced Scorecard software?”
Tata’s Dream
15Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
carefully balancing the overly simple and the overly complex.
Tip over to the complex side and you’ll fall in the complexity
swamp. Tip over to the simple side and the value is lost.
and “Do we really need to keep tracking those KPI’s?” Or “Do we
really need to include the corporate values as evaluation criteria
in our individual objective-setting process?”
	 Our next challenge is to simplify, as far as possible, those
components that we decide to keep. Einstein understood this
challenge perfectly. He said, “We need to make things simple,
but not too simple.” To combat the CO2
mplexity villain, we
need smart simplicity. To combat CO2
mplexity, we have to make
things simple.We have to ask ourselves questions like, “We have
to manage projects, but do we need all the bells and whistles
from the 100-page manual for every project?” and “We have a
KPI dashboard, but do we need all those KPI’s?” But we can’t
make things too simple. They still need to serve their purpose,
like the size of the engine to keep speed and real doors for safe-
ty and comfort. We can probably simplify our budget process,
but we do need its core. We can probably get rid of some of the
complexity of our project management process, but we do need
to manage our projects in a professional way. I’m sure you get
the picture. Successful strategists walkThe SimplicityTightrope,
Tata’s Dream
16Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
Willpower Depletion
The Cookie Experiment
the group who had selected to eat radishes? The effect of the
manipulation was immediate and undeniable.
	 On average, the cookie contestants kept going for 18
minutes, making 34 attempts to solve the puzzle. However, the
radish group gave up after 8 minutes, having made only 19 at-
tempts. As they had to resist the cookies and force themselves
to eat vegetables, they could no longer muster the will to fully
engage in another torturous task. They were already mentally
exhausted. They ran out of willpower. The villain won.
In the first part of the experiment,
Baumeister’s team kept 67 hungry
participants in a room that smelled of
freshly baked chocolate cookies. He
teased them further by showing them
the treats. Half of the group was al-
lowed to dig in and eat the cookies and
the second group was asked to eat radishes.
	 Next, Baumeister’s team gave the participants a second,
supposedly unrelated challenge. They had to trace a geomet-
ric figure without retracing any lines or lifting their pencils off
the paper. After a brief test period, they were told that they had
as many attempts as they wanted. They would be judged only
on whether or not they could finish tracing the figure. If they
wished to stop beforehand, they had to ring a bell.
	 Unknown to the participants, these geometric figures
were impossible to solve. The researchers wanted to test the ef-
fect of Willpower Depletion. In other words, would the group
who had eaten the cookies put in more execution effort than
17Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
The 7 villains on the execution road
If we want our idea to be successful, we have to navigate
these powerful human complexities.
1. If we want people to understand our idea, we have to
overcome the Curse of Knowledge.
2. If we want people to make the right choices, we have
to combat the villain Decision Paralysis.
3. If we want to keep the core of our idea visible, we
have to fight Message Distortion.
4. If we want others to challenge questionable deci-
sions, we have to circumvent Mitigated Speech.
5. If we want the whole team to perform at peak level,
we should tackle Golem.
6. If we want to speed up decisions, we should reduce
7. If we want people to keep pushing our idea forward,
we have to outwit Willpower Depletion.
18Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
Each execution villain offers us a way of making sense of the
complex human dynamics that every idea has to navigate. They
provide us with direction on how to get our idea into the heads,
hearts, and hands of others.
	 Thinking about the specific behaviors of the villains trig-
gers fundamental why questions on the impact of human be-
havior on our idea like,“Why doesn’t repeating my idea message
help create understanding?”Thinking about tactics to outwit the
bad guys on the execution road help us answer important ques-
tions on how to make a successful H3-connection like, “How do
I trigger the right emotions with my idea story?”, or“How can we
increase commitment to the strategy?”
	 We’ll also discover that successful strategists found an
answer to 3 crucial questions: (1) How do I make others care
about my idea— care enough so they are willing to figure out
how they can contribute to success; (2) How do I make others
aware of what the idea is all about—aware enough so they can
make autonomous decisions that positively impact success; (3)
How do I keep others going and energize them enough to keep
them traveling the execution path even when I’m not around?
	 The name given to this successful triple connection—the
connection between a big idea and the travelers it meets on its
execution path—is the H3-connection. It’s our gateway to trave-
ling the Execution Shortcut. Let’s take a look at two successful
idea journeys.
Head – Heart - Hands
19Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
One windy day in October 1987, a few minutes before noon, a
51- year-old man with an idea took to the stage of a posh ho-
tel in Manhattan, New York. He wore a gray pinstripe suit and a
matching red power tie. He looked fit, solid, and confident. Just
like your typical chief executive.  
	 Then he started to speak.
	 “I want to talk to you about worker safety” he kicked off
with. He then highlighted the company’s statistics, telling the
crowd that numerous workers were so badly injured that they
were forced to stay off work for a while.“Our safety record is bet-
ter than the general American workforce, especially considering
that our employees work with metals that are 1,500 degrees and
machines that can rip a man’s arm off. But it’s not good enough,”
he told the crowd, “I intend to go for zero injuries.”
	 The audience—a group of prominent Wall Street in-
vestors and stock analysts—was utterly confused. This wasn’t
what they’d expected at all. They’d imagined big promises about
future earnings, a bold vision or talk of some serious cost cut-
ting. Anything but a safety lecture.
	 As soon as the presentation was over, they scuttled out
of the room. One financial advisor raced to a payphone in the
hotel lobby, called his 20 largest clients and said, “The board has
put a hippy in charge and he’s going to kill the company.” He
then urged each of them to get rid of all their stock immediately,
before the news came out.
	 It turned out to be the worst piece of advice he ever gave.
	 When the Aluminum Company of America—better
known as Alcoa—failed to perform, they hired Paul O’Neill as
their new CEO, hoping he could turn the tide. He did. In the end,
he stayed with the company for 13 years. Under his watch, Al-
coa’s injury rate fell to one-twentieth the US average. The stock
price had risen to 5 times the level of 1987. If that financial ad-
visor had told his clients to buy a million stock instead, they
would have earned more than 1 million in dividends and their
stock would be worth 5 million.
	 Even today, O’Neill’s legacy lives on. Alcoa remains one of
the safest companies in the world. In 2010, not one single em-
ployee day was lost due to injury in 82 percent of Alcoa factories.
Paul O’Neill’s & Donald Berwick’s amazing idea journeys
20Jeroen De FlanderWhy most ideas fail
In fact, on average, you’re more likely to get injured at an ac-
countancy office or software company than by handling molten
aluminum at Alcoa.
	 So how did that happen? Alcoa doesn’t specialize in sell-
ing safety equipment. They’re into aluminum. You wouldn’t
have expected O’Neill’s crazy idea to get very far. But somehow
it did. As a result, a sluggish aluminum company became one of
the most successful companies in the industry. And it went from
strength to strength, long after the individual who had sparked
its journey had left the company.
Early on December 14 2004 at a large industry convention, a 57-
year- old man with an idea took to the stage. He said, “Here’s
what I think we should do. I think we should save 100,000 lives.
And I think we should do that by June 14 2006—18 months from
today. ‘Some’ is not a number and ‘soon’ is not a time. Here’s the
number: 100,000. Here’s the time: June 14 2006—9am.”
	 The audience—a large group of healthcare leaders—was
surprised. This wasn’t what they’d expected at all. Of course
there was a problem. At the time, everyone knew that the im-
provement potential was huge. “Between the healthcare we
have and the care we could have lies not a gap, but a chasm,”
concluded the US Institute of Medicine in 2001 in their land-
mark report about healthcare in the next century. But it’s one
thing to know about an execution gap, and another to close it.
The road to the finish line was filled with road blocks. And the
healthcare leaders just didn’t see how Donald Berwick, CEO of
a small not-for- profit organization, could mobilize 3,000 hospi-
tals—75 percent of all US hospital beds—to buy in to his crazy
idea to save 100,000 lives in 18 months.
	 But they were proved wrong.
	 Exactly 18 months later, Berwick took to the stage again
and said, “Hospitals enrolled in the 100,000 Lives Campaign
have collectively prevented an estimated 122,300 avoidable
deaths and, as importantly, have begun to institutionalize new
standards of care that will continue to save lives and improve
health outcomes into the future.”
	 On July 7 2010, Berwick left his position as president and
Paul O’Neill’s & Donald Berwick’s amazing idea journeys
21Jeroen De FlanderWhy most ideas fail
countries listed on the New York Stock Exchange and a not-for-
profit organization with 75 employees—both ideas followed a
very similar travel pattern on their way to success.
First of all, both ideas found a way into the hearts of the peo-
ple involved. It tapped into their emotional side and made them
care. And so they decided to become a part of its journey. “Why
he heard that O’Neill was looking for ideas to improve safety. He
suggested grouping the painting machines in order to switch
the pigments faster so they’d respond more flexibly to customer
demands. “It was like he gave us the winning lottery numbers,”
an executive said. Within a year, the aluminum siding profits
had doubled. Once the Alcoa employees believed they were part
of something important, they all started to pile in. It wasn’t that
the healthcare professionals hadn’t known that lives could be
saved. Every person in the room had been aware of that. But just
knowing wasn’t enough. It wasn’t until that memorable Decem-
ber day when Berwick launched his bold idea that they really
CEO of the Institute for Healthcare Improvements (IHI). But his
legacy lives on. By December 2008, 4,050 hospitals had joined
the program. Eight states enrolled 100 percent of their hospi-
tals in the campaign. Other countries like Brazil, Canada, and
Denmark also embraced the program. On top of that, there was
a clear spillover effect to other domains like the 100,000 Homes
Campaign—a national movement of communities working to-
gether to find permanent homes for 100,000 of the country’s
most vulnerable homeless individuals and families by July 2014.
What’s Berwick’s secret? How can one individual with no hierar-
chical power inspire and guide thousands of executives, physi-
cians, and nurses in 3,000 hospitals enough to save over 120,000
lives in 18 months? And how does the idea keep going strong
long after the individual who sparked its journey has left?
	 O’Neill’s safety idea and Berwick’s dream to save 100,000
lives are textbook examples of successful idea journeys. And
although their organizations might sound as if they don’t have
very much—a 60,000-strong company with operations in 30
22Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
And success is permanent. People keep pushing the idea
forwards, long after the idea creator has left the scene. Take Al-
coa. It’s now a safer place than it was when O’Neill left. And every
week, new hospitals all over the world join the program. Some-
how, the idea has found a way into the hands of the people. The
idea stuck—the third shared characteristic of both journeys.
started to care. Somehow he found a way into their hearts.
The second remarkable characteristic shared by both jour-
neys is that both ideas found its way into their heads. Travel-
ers on the execution road understood what had to be done to
succeed. Berwick’s team scripted 6 simple interventions with
matching tips and tools each hospital could easily embrace. For
example, when a patient is on a ventilator, their head should be
elevated at a 45-degree angle to avoid suffocation. Doctors and
nurses alike were encouraged to draw a line on the wall behind
the bed of every patient on a ventilator and to tell everyone—
family, other patients, and janitors—to notify someone imme-
diately if the patient’s head dropped below the line on the wall.
At Alcoa, O’Neill installed a simple feedback loop. If someone
was injured, the manager in charge had to report directly to him
within 24 hours with a plan to prevent such an injury reoccur-
ring. O’Neill made it very clear how they could contribute to the
success of the idea.
23Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
IN THE END, STRATEGY SUCCESS largely depends on the strat-
egist’s ability to make successful H3-connections. And while the
need for this triple connection is obvious—so obvious most idea
creators don’t think twice about it—successful H3-connections
are much harder to make than most of us think. Not so much
about who we are, but because of how we are programmed as
human beings. When our idea comes into contact with million-
year-old human dynamics, our idea is in trouble. If we want
people to understand our idea, we have to find a way to beat the
7 execution villains. These powerful human complexities make
strategy journeys extremely challenging. They also explain why
most ideas take the long road to the finish line. Or worse, never
make it at all.
	 But if there is difficulty on the execution road, there is a
our big idea, adopting a crew concept, and boosting belief, we
can motivate others. By providing prioritization support, a fin-
ish line and a few well-chosen signposts, we can improve deci-
siveness. By simplifying the working environment and cultivat-
ing the right execution habits, we can energize travelers. And
that’s great news. It means we can influence the path our idea
takes. It means we can greatly improve the odds of idea success
in our favor. In the end, traveling the Execution Shortcut means
tapping into the hidden potential we all have as human beings.
So why not tap into this well of human strength? Why not be a
H3-connector? Connect your idea with the Hearts, Heads, and
Hands of your fellow travelers and uncover the hidden path to
24Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
About the author
Jeroen De Flander is one of the world’s most influential thinkers on
strategy execution and a highly regarded keynote speaker. He has
shared the stage with prominent thinkers like Michael Porter. His first
book Strategy Execution Heroes reached the Amazon bestseller list in
5 countries and was nominated for Management Book of the Year 2012
in the Netherlands.
25Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
What others say about The Execution Shortcut
“De Flander has added another chapter to the emerging science of strategy execution.” 
Prof.ssor Robert Kaplan, Harvard Business School & Dr David Norton
”The Execution Shortcut is a fantastic read! It is full of wonderful advice and practical examples and
explains in a clear and engaging style how to get your ideas or strategies implemented.
You will not only enjoy reading this book—you will act on it!” 
Costas Markides, Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship, London Business School
“This book explains in an engaging way how Just Do It’s don’t come automatically. It only happens
when the mind is triggered, the heart inspired, and willpower strengthened.“
Bert Stevens, Vice President Europe Operations, Nike
 “The Execution Shortcut offers a great roadmap to win in the new reality of business.”
Jorge Inda Meza, Global Director of Strategic Innovation, AB InBev
“This book gives brilliant tips on execution excellence.“
Atul Jain, Senior Vice President, Samsung
“The Execution Shortcut is a must read for every leader who wants to boost strategy
commitment and guide others through the implementation maze.“
Caroline Hillegeer, Senior Vice President Strategy, GDFSUEZ
“I can recommend this book to any leader.” 
Patrick Bodart, Principal Director, European Patent Office
“De Flander’s latest book charts a strategy for taking any idea off the drawing board and into real life.
A great help to anyone looking to bring a good idea into the real world.”
26Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
Visual Summary Core Ideas
27Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander
Feel free to post this e-book on your blog or email it to whomever
you believe would benefit from reading it.
Thank you!

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Strategy execution ebook why most ideas fail pdf

  • 1. Fascinating Insights from the World of Science Jeroen De Flander WHY MOST IDEAS FAIL
  • 2. 2Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander Dear Reader, portions of this e-book appear in The Execution Shortcut. Feel free to post this e-book on your blog or email it to whomever you believe would benefit from reading it. Thank you.
  • 3. 3Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander Why MOST ideas fail Fascinating Insights from the World of Science Why ideas fail 4 Villain #1.The Curse of knowledge 5 The Tapping & ‘E’ Experiment Villain #2. Decision Paralysis 7 The Jam Experiment Villain #3. Message Distortion 8 The Sherlock Holmes Mystery Villain #4. Mitigated Speech 9 The Cockpit Tragedy Villain #5.The Pygmalion Effect 11 The Israeli Army Experiment Villain #6. CO2 mplexity 13 Tata’s Dream Villain #7. Willpower depletion 17 The Cookie Experiment Head – Heart – Hands 19 Paul O’Neill’s & Donald Berwick’s amazing idea journeys 20 Jeroen De Flander 25
  • 4. We all have great ideas. And we often need the help of others to let them shine. But getting people to support our brainchild is easier said than done. We know—and have probably experi- enced firsthand—that people don’t always do what we like them to do. Sometimes they just don’t seem to care about our idea and we wonder why they don’t see the same benefits that we’re seeing. Sometimes they seem to make all the wrong moves and we wonder, “How difficult can it be?” And sometimes they just seem too busy with other things and we think, “Why don’t you push a little harder.” Just like we do. We all struggle to get our ideas across. And the surprising truth is that failure doesn’t come so much because of the quality of the idea, but because of age-old, programmed human behav- ior. When our new idea—whether it’s a project, a corporate strategy, a business plan or a policy to improve the education system—comes into contact with million-year-old human dy- namics, our idea is in trouble. These human complexities are so powerful that they can override our own rational thinking and stop us from executing our own ideas, as happens every New Year for 88 percent of the population. These human dynamics—the execution villains—are the reason why most ideas take the long route to the finish line. If we aspire to get a better return from our strategy, then we must learn how these human behaviors impact the idea journey and how to deal with them. Why not join me in the lab for a few in- teresting experiments? Why ideas fail 4Jeroen De FlanderWhy most ideas fail
  • 5. 5Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander THE Curse of knowledge The Tapping Experiment tor of 20. So what happened? Does tapping make you a poor judge of your abilities? The simple answer is yes. The scientific name for this human phenomenon is the Curse of Knowledge. Here’s how it works. When a Tapper—the idea creator—taps the song, the tune is playing along in his head. He’s hearing the mel- ody to Happy Birthday in his head while tapping the song. But the Listeners don’t hear that music. The only information they get is a strange Morse code. It’s very hard for a Tapper to judge the quality of his taps as he can’t undo the tune playing in his head while tapping. The knowledge has ‘cursed’ him. If we transport the Curse of Knowledge to the business world, it’s not difficult to imagine that when an idea creator—a CEO, manager, policymaker or entrepreneur—finishes commu- nicating and thinks, “I’m sure everybody gets my great idea after my extensive communication efforts”, he’s probably reached no more than 3 percent of his target population. Houston, we have a problem. Imagine you’re sitting with 15 other people in a small room. The host asks your neighbor to tap out the rhythm of a famous song like Happy Birthday on the table. You have to guess the tune. How much chance do you think you have of guessing the song correctly? You’ve just taken part in an experiment designed by Elizabeth Newton from Stanford University. Over the course of the study, New- ton repeated the process 120 times. Only 4 songs—2.5 percent—were guessed correctly. Not many, is it? But here’s the interesting thing. Before the Listeners tried to guess the song title, she would ask the Tapper and the Listeners to predict their success rate. While the Listeners thought they would get 10 percent of the songs right, the Tappers thought the Listeners would guess a whopping 50 percent of their songs. Isn’t that amazing? The average Tapper got the message across 1 time in 40, but they thought they’d hit a homerun 1 out of 2. They overestimated their communication abilities by a fac-
  • 6. 6Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander THE Curse of knowledge The ‘E’ Experiment it mean? It means that the more power we have, the harder we find it to imagine the world from someone else’s perspective.We draw the letter backwards because we are used to others adapt- ing to our point of view. It also means that the effect of the Curse of Knowledge is likely to be reinforced when the person com- municating is the boss. Houston, we might have a big problem. Science teaches us that idea creators misjudge the qual- ity of their communication due to the Curse of Knowledge. The effect is tripled when the idea creator is, or believes he is, in a position of power. But human nature doesn’t only impact the behavior of the idea creator. It also impacts the behavior at the receiving end. But there’s more. Let’s try a second experiment.This time, draw an imaginary ‘E’ on your forehead with your finger. Researcher Adam Galinsky of Northwestern University and his colleagues divided participants into two groups. Those from the first were primed to feel powerful. How? They had to recall and write about an incident where they had power over others. The other group was asked to write about an incident in which someone else had power over them. Next, all participants were asked to draw the letter ‘E’ on their foreheads. Now, there are two ways to draw an imaginary ‘E’ on your forehead. One way is as if you’re reading it yourself, with the sol- id bar on your left and the openings on the right. The other way is to draw the ‘E’ as if another person is reading it, with the solid bar on your right and the openings on the left. The first choice produces a backward and illegible ‘E’ from the viewer’s perspec- tive. The second choice leads to an ‘E’ that’s backwards to you. The result? Surprisingly, the high-power participants from the first group were 3 times more likely to draw a self-ori- ented ‘E’. Galinsky argues that power makes us blind.What does
  • 7. 7Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander Decision Paralysis The Jam Experiment than those given a greater choice. So what happened? Science calls this human phenom- enon Decision Paralysis, another villain on the execution road. Again, it’s not a deliberate action, but rather an expression of innate human behavior, this time at the receiving end. When someone wants us to do something (like buying jam), but pre- sents us with too many options (24 flavors), we’re paralyzed. We can’t decide. Sheena Iyengar from Columbia Uni- versity and Mark Lepper from Stanford set up their lab in the form of a tasting booth on 2 different Saturday’s at Drae- ger’s supermarket, an upscale grocery store in California. One week, they had 24 jams to sample on the table, and the next week only 6. Customers could try as many samples as they liked and received a $1 discount coupon for a jam of their choosing. The first results were as expected. Over the course of a 5-hour period, 60 percent of people who passed the display of 24 jams stopped, while only 40 percent did at the stand with 6 on display. So more choice means greater initial appeal. But the surprise came when they looked at the sales figures. Thirty per- cent of the people who stopped at the ‘6 jam’ booth used the coupon and bought jam, but only 3 percent bought something at the ‘24 jam’ booth. People initially exposed to a limited num- ber of options are much more likely to purchase the product
  • 8. 8Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander Message Distortion The Sherlock Holmes Mystery the most obvious thing in the world). And somehow, both words ended up together. Why? Because there’s a nice fit. We can eas- ily imagine Sherlock Holmes saying, “Elementary, my dear Wat- son,” showing his unique ability and intellectual superiority towards his friend Watson. It’s a characteristic of a communica- tion phenomenon science calls Message Distortion, another vil- lain on the execution road. Gordon Allport and Joseph Postman researched message shortening. And their results are astonish- ing. A message loses a whopping 70 percent of its details after 5 to 6 mouth-to-mouth transmissions. Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle wrote his first Sherlock Holmes story in 1886. The fic- titious character was based on a real man, Dr Joseph Bell, a renowned fo- rensic scientist at Edinburgh Univer- sity. Conan-Doyle wrote 60 adventures in total. The collection is known as The Cannon. All but 4 stories are narrated by Holmes’ loyal sidekick Dr Watson. Together, they solve the most amazing mysteries. Now think for a moment.What’s the most famous Sherlock Hol- mes expression you know? Most probably you answered, “Elementary, my dear Wat- son.” Now here’s the interesting part. The character Sherlock Holmes never actually uses this precise phrase. You won’t find it in any of Conan-Doyle’s books. Holmes does say ‘Watson’ all the time. He was his loyal companion after all. He also uses the word ‘elementary’ repeatedly, as a way of showing how smart he is. (They run into the most complex situations. Holmes points out the solution and states it’s ‘elementary’ as if the solution is
  • 9. 9Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander Mitigated Speech The Cockpit Tragedy First officer:“Let’s check those [wing] tops again since we’ve been sitting here a while.” Captain: “I think we get to go here in a minute.” Finally, when they were on their take-off roll, the first officer noticed that something was wrong with the engine readings. First officer: “That don’t seem right, does it?” (3 seconds pause). “Ah, that’s not right.” Captain: “Yes, it is, there’s 80.” First officer: “Naw, I don’t think that’s right.” (7 second pause). “Ah, maybe it is.” Minutes later, the Air Florida aircraft failed to gain sufficient height on take-off. It crashed into the nearby Potomac River. There were only 5 survivors. Unfortunately, the co-pilot’s inability to trigger the right decision from the pilot isn’t a tragic stand-alone fact. According to US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) research, this type of communication failure occurred in 75 percent of all plane accidents. In an environment where ‘no’ is unac- ceptable, people don’t dare to challenge decisions. In such an environment, in- dividuals are more afraid of the conse- quences of disagreeing than the conse- quences of someone’s wrong decision. Even if lives are at stake. Take a look at the following cockpit conversation between the first officer and captain on a cold winter’s day in January, shortly before take-off: First officer: “Look how the ice is just hanging on his, ah, back there, see that?” (waits) First officer: “See all those icicles on the back there and eve- rything?” (waits) First officer: “Boy, this is a, this is a losing battle here on try- ing to de-ice those things, it [gives] you a false feeling of se- curity, that’s all that it does.” Shortly after being given clearance to take off, the first of ficer expresses his concern for the fourth time.
  • 10. 10Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander Mitigated Speech The Cockpit Tragedy In a potentially life-threatening situation such as the Air Florida cockpit or Rhode Island Hospital, we would expect sub- ordinates to be very explicit in their communication. We would expect the nurse to say, “Don’t do anything until we get confir- mation,” and the first officer, “Don’t take off until we’ve checked our wings again.” Instead, they only hinted. The communica- tion phenomenon that explains why subordinates downplay the meaning of their message when addressing their boss is called Mitigated Speech. It’s villain number 4 on the execution road.
  • 11. 11Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander The Pygmalion Effect The Israeli Army Experiment der an unknown CP). They were then asked to copy each train- ee’s command potential into their personal records and learn the names and scores before they arrived. It’s important to know that, at the time, these 4 instruc- tors didn’t know that the command potential classification—the performance score on the list they received—was completely random. In other words, the soldier listed as having the highest CP could very well be the worst soldier in the group. After 16 weeks, at the end of the combat course, the per- formance of the 105 soldiers was tested in 4 different areas. One of these performance evaluations, for example, was their profi- ciency in the use of weapons they had been trained to master. The outcome? Those soldiers who got marked with a high com- mand potential significantly outperformed their classmates in all 4 subjects. Those with an average CP scored the lowest. The third group—those with an unknown performance potential— ended up in the middle.The difference in performance between the best and the worst group was 15 percent. After detailed analysis, it showed that the experimentally Consider a 15-week army course where 105 soldiers were assigned to one of 4 instructors. A few days before the start of the program, each instructor was briefed, including the following mes- sage: We have compiled much data on the trainees including psycho- logical test scores, sociometric evaluations, grades in previous courses, and ratings by previous commanders. Based on this information, we have predicted the command potential (CP) of each soldier. …Based on CP scores, we have designated each trainee as having either a high, regular or unknown CP, the latter due to incomplete records. When we’re not sure, we don’t guess. Soldiers of all 3 CP levels have been divided equally among the 4 training classes. Each instructor was given their list of trainees (one-third of whom had a high CP, one-third a regular CP, and the remain-
  • 12. 12Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander induced expectations—the fake command potential scores— explained almost three-quarters of the variance in performance. In other words, by making a superior believe a subordinate has the ability to be a great performer, the actual performance in- creases. And the effect isn’t marginal. It’s a whopping 2-digit fig- ure! Strange, don’t you think? When we believe a team mem- ber has the ability to be a great performer, our belief becomes reality. The performance expectation we have for our team members is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The Pygmalion Effect The Israeli Army Experiment
  • 13. 13Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander CO2 mplexity Tata’s Dream admitted afterwards. But, in hindsight, the first failure also proved to be very helpful. If they were to succeed in building a ‘proper’ car and not an upgraded four-wheel scooter or a cheap-looking alterna- tive nobody would be interested in, they had to rethink every aspect of the car. They had to take each component—from the windshield wipers to the radio—and figure out what to leave and what to throw out. And for each component they decided to keep, they had to design it as simply as possible to keep the pro- duction costs under control. The whole process was a balanc- ing act. Cutting too much or being too simplistic meant com- promising on safety, performance, and design. Cutting too little meant a car that was too expensive. To succeed in their tightrope act, they quickly under- stood they needed help. Ratan Tata called a meeting of his top parts suppliers and, after showing them the first flawed proto- types, asked them for support. At first, they were skeptical. But Tata persisted and, after some debate, most of Tata’s regular suppliers joined the project. Rane Group, for example, focused At Tata’s research center in Mumbai, In- dia, there were two cars on display. One was a complete prototype of the Nano— the $2,500 compact car they were work- ing on. The other was a neat bi-section with the car’s guts clearly visible. Every day, people were invited to ex- amine the car on display in the hope they would propose sim- plifications. It all started in 2003 with Ratan Tata’s dream. He wanted to build the cheapest car in the world. He gave his en- gineering team, led by 32-year-old star engineer Girish Wagh, 3 requirements. The car should be dirt cheap, respect the regula- tory safety requirements, and drive like a real car. Their initial prototype didn’t even come close. To keep costs down, the engineers had come up with a vehicle which had bars instead of doors, and plastic flaps to keep out the mon- soon rains. It was closer to a quad cycle than a car and lacked punch. Even a bigger engine, which boosted the power by near- ly 20 percent, was still dismal. “It was an embarrassment,”Wagh
  • 14. 14Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander on reducing the weight of the steering system materials used, replacing the steel rod of the steering with a steel tube—a major cost-reducer. Typically, the product is made of two pieces, but it was redesigned as one to save on machining and assembling costs. Another supplier, GKN Driveline’s team, spent a year de- veloping 32 experimental variants to create the perfect drive- shaft— the component that transfers power from the engine to the wheel. With the help of their French and Italian designers, they changed the design to make it lighter and easier to manu- facture. Over time, Wagh’s team grew to 500 engineers. A core team of 5 gathered every day at 3pm to discuss the latest de- velopments. Each member represented a different part of the car—engine and transmission, body, vehicle integration, safety and regulation, and industrial design. Fitting all the redesigned parts together was another challenge. The engine, for instance, had to be redesigned 3 times. Initially,Wagh thought they’d buy an off-the-shelf engine. The team evaluated all the small-capacity engines available, but found nothing suitable. So, in early 2005, they decided to build their own. The first was a 540cc engine that, when fitted on the prototype, lacked the necessary power. So its capacity was in- creased by 9 percent. But it still didn’t deliver enough power. So they added another 9 percent before Wagh finally settled on a 623cc engine. This, however, required re-aligning the foot pedal to have sufficient legroom. And so on. In the end, the tightrope act paid off. When Ratan Tata stepped out of the driver’s seat from the first Tata Nano, it made a lasting impression. What shook the automobile world most was the fact that the design- ers seemed to have done the impossible. The car was dirt cheap, but didn’t look like it. It didn’t look like an upgraded 4-wheel scooter. Instead, it was a nice-looking, real car… but with the price tag of a scooter. The challenges these engineers faced are comparable with those we face when we decide to combat CO2 mplexity. As with the Nano, we have to ask ourselves which process compo- nents we need and which can be left out. We should ask ques- tions like, “Do we really need Balanced Scorecard software?” CO2 mplexity Tata’s Dream
  • 15. 15Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander carefully balancing the overly simple and the overly complex. Tip over to the complex side and you’ll fall in the complexity swamp. Tip over to the simple side and the value is lost. and “Do we really need to keep tracking those KPI’s?” Or “Do we really need to include the corporate values as evaluation criteria in our individual objective-setting process?” Our next challenge is to simplify, as far as possible, those components that we decide to keep. Einstein understood this challenge perfectly. He said, “We need to make things simple, but not too simple.” To combat the CO2 mplexity villain, we need smart simplicity. To combat CO2 mplexity, we have to make things simple.We have to ask ourselves questions like, “We have to manage projects, but do we need all the bells and whistles from the 100-page manual for every project?” and “We have a KPI dashboard, but do we need all those KPI’s?” But we can’t make things too simple. They still need to serve their purpose, like the size of the engine to keep speed and real doors for safe- ty and comfort. We can probably simplify our budget process, but we do need its core. We can probably get rid of some of the complexity of our project management process, but we do need to manage our projects in a professional way. I’m sure you get the picture. Successful strategists walkThe SimplicityTightrope, CO2 mplexity Tata’s Dream
  • 16. 16Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander Willpower Depletion The Cookie Experiment the group who had selected to eat radishes? The effect of the manipulation was immediate and undeniable. On average, the cookie contestants kept going for 18 minutes, making 34 attempts to solve the puzzle. However, the radish group gave up after 8 minutes, having made only 19 at- tempts. As they had to resist the cookies and force themselves to eat vegetables, they could no longer muster the will to fully engage in another torturous task. They were already mentally exhausted. They ran out of willpower. The villain won. In the first part of the experiment, Baumeister’s team kept 67 hungry participants in a room that smelled of freshly baked chocolate cookies. He teased them further by showing them the treats. Half of the group was al- lowed to dig in and eat the cookies and the second group was asked to eat radishes. Next, Baumeister’s team gave the participants a second, supposedly unrelated challenge. They had to trace a geomet- ric figure without retracing any lines or lifting their pencils off the paper. After a brief test period, they were told that they had as many attempts as they wanted. They would be judged only on whether or not they could finish tracing the figure. If they wished to stop beforehand, they had to ring a bell. Unknown to the participants, these geometric figures were impossible to solve. The researchers wanted to test the ef- fect of Willpower Depletion. In other words, would the group who had eaten the cookies put in more execution effort than
  • 17. 17Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander The 7 villains on the execution road If we want our idea to be successful, we have to navigate these powerful human complexities. 1. If we want people to understand our idea, we have to overcome the Curse of Knowledge. 2. If we want people to make the right choices, we have to combat the villain Decision Paralysis. 3. If we want to keep the core of our idea visible, we have to fight Message Distortion. 4. If we want others to challenge questionable deci- sions, we have to circumvent Mitigated Speech. 5. If we want the whole team to perform at peak level, we should tackle Golem. 6. If we want to speed up decisions, we should reduce CO2 mplexity. 7. If we want people to keep pushing our idea forward, we have to outwit Willpower Depletion.
  • 18. 18Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander Each execution villain offers us a way of making sense of the complex human dynamics that every idea has to navigate. They provide us with direction on how to get our idea into the heads, hearts, and hands of others. Thinking about the specific behaviors of the villains trig- gers fundamental why questions on the impact of human be- havior on our idea like,“Why doesn’t repeating my idea message help create understanding?”Thinking about tactics to outwit the bad guys on the execution road help us answer important ques- tions on how to make a successful H3-connection like, “How do I trigger the right emotions with my idea story?”, or“How can we increase commitment to the strategy?” We’ll also discover that successful strategists found an answer to 3 crucial questions: (1) How do I make others care about my idea— care enough so they are willing to figure out how they can contribute to success; (2) How do I make others aware of what the idea is all about—aware enough so they can make autonomous decisions that positively impact success; (3) How do I keep others going and energize them enough to keep them traveling the execution path even when I’m not around? The name given to this successful triple connection—the connection between a big idea and the travelers it meets on its execution path—is the H3-connection. It’s our gateway to trave- ling the Execution Shortcut. Let’s take a look at two successful idea journeys. Head – Heart - Hands
  • 19. 19Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander One windy day in October 1987, a few minutes before noon, a 51- year-old man with an idea took to the stage of a posh ho- tel in Manhattan, New York. He wore a gray pinstripe suit and a matching red power tie. He looked fit, solid, and confident. Just like your typical chief executive.   Then he started to speak.  “I want to talk to you about worker safety” he kicked off with. He then highlighted the company’s statistics, telling the crowd that numerous workers were so badly injured that they were forced to stay off work for a while.“Our safety record is bet- ter than the general American workforce, especially considering that our employees work with metals that are 1,500 degrees and machines that can rip a man’s arm off. But it’s not good enough,” he told the crowd, “I intend to go for zero injuries.” The audience—a group of prominent Wall Street in- vestors and stock analysts—was utterly confused. This wasn’t what they’d expected at all. They’d imagined big promises about future earnings, a bold vision or talk of some serious cost cut- ting. Anything but a safety lecture. As soon as the presentation was over, they scuttled out of the room. One financial advisor raced to a payphone in the hotel lobby, called his 20 largest clients and said, “The board has put a hippy in charge and he’s going to kill the company.” He then urged each of them to get rid of all their stock immediately, before the news came out. It turned out to be the worst piece of advice he ever gave. When the Aluminum Company of America—better known as Alcoa—failed to perform, they hired Paul O’Neill as their new CEO, hoping he could turn the tide. He did. In the end, he stayed with the company for 13 years. Under his watch, Al- coa’s injury rate fell to one-twentieth the US average. The stock price had risen to 5 times the level of 1987. If that financial ad- visor had told his clients to buy a million stock instead, they would have earned more than 1 million in dividends and their stock would be worth 5 million. Even today, O’Neill’s legacy lives on. Alcoa remains one of the safest companies in the world. In 2010, not one single em- ployee day was lost due to injury in 82 percent of Alcoa factories. Paul O’Neill’s & Donald Berwick’s amazing idea journeys
  • 20. 20Jeroen De FlanderWhy most ideas fail In fact, on average, you’re more likely to get injured at an ac- countancy office or software company than by handling molten aluminum at Alcoa. So how did that happen? Alcoa doesn’t specialize in sell- ing safety equipment. They’re into aluminum. You wouldn’t have expected O’Neill’s crazy idea to get very far. But somehow it did. As a result, a sluggish aluminum company became one of the most successful companies in the industry. And it went from strength to strength, long after the individual who had sparked its journey had left the company.   Early on December 14 2004 at a large industry convention, a 57- year- old man with an idea took to the stage. He said, “Here’s what I think we should do. I think we should save 100,000 lives. And I think we should do that by June 14 2006—18 months from today. ‘Some’ is not a number and ‘soon’ is not a time. Here’s the number: 100,000. Here’s the time: June 14 2006—9am.” The audience—a large group of healthcare leaders—was surprised. This wasn’t what they’d expected at all. Of course there was a problem. At the time, everyone knew that the im- provement potential was huge. “Between the healthcare we have and the care we could have lies not a gap, but a chasm,” concluded the US Institute of Medicine in 2001 in their land- mark report about healthcare in the next century. But it’s one thing to know about an execution gap, and another to close it. The road to the finish line was filled with road blocks. And the healthcare leaders just didn’t see how Donald Berwick, CEO of a small not-for- profit organization, could mobilize 3,000 hospi- tals—75 percent of all US hospital beds—to buy in to his crazy idea to save 100,000 lives in 18 months. But they were proved wrong. Exactly 18 months later, Berwick took to the stage again and said, “Hospitals enrolled in the 100,000 Lives Campaign have collectively prevented an estimated 122,300 avoidable deaths and, as importantly, have begun to institutionalize new standards of care that will continue to save lives and improve health outcomes into the future.” On July 7 2010, Berwick left his position as president and Paul O’Neill’s & Donald Berwick’s amazing idea journeys
  • 21. 21Jeroen De FlanderWhy most ideas fail countries listed on the New York Stock Exchange and a not-for- profit organization with 75 employees—both ideas followed a very similar travel pattern on their way to success. First of all, both ideas found a way into the hearts of the peo- ple involved. It tapped into their emotional side and made them care. And so they decided to become a part of its journey. “Why notsharemyotheridea?,”thoughtonelow-levelemployeewhen he heard that O’Neill was looking for ideas to improve safety. He suggested grouping the painting machines in order to switch the pigments faster so they’d respond more flexibly to customer demands. “It was like he gave us the winning lottery numbers,” an executive said. Within a year, the aluminum siding profits had doubled. Once the Alcoa employees believed they were part of something important, they all started to pile in. It wasn’t that the healthcare professionals hadn’t known that lives could be saved. Every person in the room had been aware of that. But just knowing wasn’t enough. It wasn’t until that memorable Decem- ber day when Berwick launched his bold idea that they really CEO of the Institute for Healthcare Improvements (IHI). But his legacy lives on. By December 2008, 4,050 hospitals had joined the program. Eight states enrolled 100 percent of their hospi- tals in the campaign. Other countries like Brazil, Canada, and Denmark also embraced the program. On top of that, there was a clear spillover effect to other domains like the 100,000 Homes Campaign—a national movement of communities working to- gether to find permanent homes for 100,000 of the country’s most vulnerable homeless individuals and families by July 2014. What’s Berwick’s secret? How can one individual with no hierar- chical power inspire and guide thousands of executives, physi- cians, and nurses in 3,000 hospitals enough to save over 120,000 lives in 18 months? And how does the idea keep going strong long after the individual who sparked its journey has left? O’Neill’s safety idea and Berwick’s dream to save 100,000 lives are textbook examples of successful idea journeys. And although their organizations might sound as if they don’t have very much—a 60,000-strong company with operations in 30 1
  • 22. 22Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander And success is permanent. People keep pushing the idea forwards, long after the idea creator has left the scene. Take Al- coa. It’s now a safer place than it was when O’Neill left. And every week, new hospitals all over the world join the program. Some- how, the idea has found a way into the hands of the people. The idea stuck—the third shared characteristic of both journeys. started to care. Somehow he found a way into their hearts. The second remarkable characteristic shared by both jour- neys is that both ideas found its way into their heads. Travel- ers on the execution road understood what had to be done to succeed. Berwick’s team scripted 6 simple interventions with matching tips and tools each hospital could easily embrace. For example, when a patient is on a ventilator, their head should be elevated at a 45-degree angle to avoid suffocation. Doctors and nurses alike were encouraged to draw a line on the wall behind the bed of every patient on a ventilator and to tell everyone— family, other patients, and janitors—to notify someone imme- diately if the patient’s head dropped below the line on the wall. At Alcoa, O’Neill installed a simple feedback loop. If someone was injured, the manager in charge had to report directly to him within 24 hours with a plan to prevent such an injury reoccur- ring. O’Neill made it very clear how they could contribute to the success of the idea. 2 3
  • 23. 23Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander IN THE END, STRATEGY SUCCESS largely depends on the strat- egist’s ability to make successful H3-connections. And while the need for this triple connection is obvious—so obvious most idea creators don’t think twice about it—successful H3-connections are much harder to make than most of us think. Not so much about who we are, but because of how we are programmed as human beings. When our idea comes into contact with million- year-old human dynamics, our idea is in trouble. If we want people to understand our idea, we have to find a way to beat the 7 execution villains. These powerful human complexities make strategy journeys extremely challenging. They also explain why most ideas take the long road to the finish line. Or worse, never make it at all. But if there is difficulty on the execution road, there is a largemeasureofhopeaswell.Simplybywrappingastoryaround our big idea, adopting a crew concept, and boosting belief, we can motivate others. By providing prioritization support, a fin- ish line and a few well-chosen signposts, we can improve deci- siveness. By simplifying the working environment and cultivat- ing the right execution habits, we can energize travelers. And that’s great news. It means we can influence the path our idea takes. It means we can greatly improve the odds of idea success in our favor. In the end, traveling the Execution Shortcut means tapping into the hidden potential we all have as human beings. So why not tap into this well of human strength? Why not be a H3-connector? Connect your idea with the Hearts, Heads, and Hands of your fellow travelers and uncover the hidden path to success.
  • 24. 24Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander About the author Jeroen De Flander is one of the world’s most influential thinkers on strategy execution and a highly regarded keynote speaker. He has shared the stage with prominent thinkers like Michael Porter. His first book Strategy Execution Heroes reached the Amazon bestseller list in 5 countries and was nominated for Management Book of the Year 2012 in the Netherlands.
  • 25. 25Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander What others say about The Execution Shortcut “De Flander has added another chapter to the emerging science of strategy execution.”  Prof.ssor Robert Kaplan, Harvard Business School & Dr David Norton ”The Execution Shortcut is a fantastic read! It is full of wonderful advice and practical examples and explains in a clear and engaging style how to get your ideas or strategies implemented. You will not only enjoy reading this book—you will act on it!”  Costas Markides, Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship, London Business School “This book explains in an engaging way how Just Do It’s don’t come automatically. It only happens when the mind is triggered, the heart inspired, and willpower strengthened.“ Bert Stevens, Vice President Europe Operations, Nike  “The Execution Shortcut offers a great roadmap to win in the new reality of business.” Jorge Inda Meza, Global Director of Strategic Innovation, AB InBev “This book gives brilliant tips on execution excellence.“ Atul Jain, Senior Vice President, Samsung “The Execution Shortcut is a must read for every leader who wants to boost strategy commitment and guide others through the implementation maze.“ Caroline Hillegeer, Senior Vice President Strategy, GDFSUEZ “I can recommend this book to any leader.”  Patrick Bodart, Principal Director, European Patent Office “De Flander’s latest book charts a strategy for taking any idea off the drawing board and into real life. A great help to anyone looking to bring a good idea into the real world.” -- KIRKUS REVIEWS
  • 26. 26Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander THE SHORTCUT MAP Visual Summary Core Ideas
  • 27. 27Why most ideas fail Jeroen De Flander Feel free to post this e-book on your blog or email it to whomever you believe would benefit from reading it. Thank you!