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Speech On Save The Earth
Save The Earth?
How can we spread awareness of the human impact on the earth; if any; using scientific fact?
Extending the awareness of human impact on earth can be done by spreading information to the
public of human impact, using social media platforms, and by applying the methods of persuasion to
convince the people in saving the earth. By spreading information on human impact on social media
platforms and using the methods of persuasion, we will encourage others to save our Earth. First,
only about 50% of people in the U.S.A. realize that global warming is caused by human activities,
although most people understand that deforestation, vehicles, and burning fossil fuels all contribute
to global warming. Also, only an average of 50–75% of adults in the U.S. think that global warming
is occurring. To have people become involved in the process saving our planet from global
warming and other harmful actions caused by humans, we need to inform them on how harmful
global warming is to our world and how human have helped to slowly destroy our world and have
impacted this destruction. These are just some of the facts on human impact that we could educate
the public about. From 1961 to 2010, the temperatures of the ocean have increased dramatically,
almost 250 joules from the temperature in 1961. Also,our global mean temperature of anomalies in
those years has risen a large amount from 1900 to 2000, almost 0.9 degrees Celsius. When people
litter, sea turtles and other animals
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Persuasive Speech On Save Nature
One of the greatest gifts on this earth is the many species of animals that roam our planet and the
wildlife that inhabit our world. A vast and diverse spectrum of wildlife keeps our planet functioning
properly and it gives humans something to wonder at. Sadly, our planet's species of animals are
disappearing due to human activity. Our human activity is causing the next mass extinction and we
are turning a blind eye to it. The sixth extinction in our known history is happening and most of
don't care or have very little knowledge of what's going on. We are ignoring that animals are
disappearing and its changing our ecosystem. "Unlike past mass extinctions, caused by events like
asteroid strikes, volcanic eruptions, and natural climate...show more content...
Wild plants and agricultural vegetations rest on on cross–fertilization for reproduction. Produce such
as fruits and vegetables, both vital parts of the human diet, are all depend on bees and various
insects to transmit from one flower to another. But when the environment is distributed by human
activity and bees start to disappear, the cycle of life is basically broken, and this reduces the
varieties of these pollinators, fruits and vegetables start to suffer and we as human start to feel the
effects of bees disappearing from the environment. Many plants also rely on animals, predominantly
animal species that consume fruit as part of their diet and disperse seeds during their extraction
process. Destroying the territory of these animals can severely affect the plant in surrounding area
that depend for reproduction through seed dispersion. "Overall ecosystem instability due to reduced
biodiversity ranks among the consequences of species extinctions. As the number of species in a
food chain decreases, there are fewer sustainable alternatives for members of the food chain that had
depended on the extinct species. Biodiversity also lends genetic variability to a population, helping it
adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions." (Dowd, 2018)The food chain and environment are
both affected by wildlife
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The Destruction Of The Earth
As humans, why do, we feel the need to destroy everything that we see? Why is it that if it does
not make us more money than it is not worth it? The Earth, the only planet in our little solar
system to contain intelligent life and the only use we can find with that intelligence is to destroy
one another and the planet we live on. Ever since the beginning of time humans have only cared
about themselves and now that greed is destroying our planet. The pollution of this planet is
astronomical, rivers and parts of the ocean filled with trash and the skies over cities have been
blackened by smog. When will all of this end and why do we have to do this to ourselves. Did you
know that it is more cost efficient to just throw something away in a landfill than to recycle. Same
thing goes for sewage and chemical waste it is a million times cheaper to dump it in the ocean than
spend the money, man hours and resource to filter the waste. Air pollution is the most intoxicating,
people assume because they cannot see it therefore it does not exist. These are common forms of
human destruction to the environment. But the real question is when are we going to stop this
destruction from consuming our planet until there is nothing left but death. Humans are greedy, I
know this, but it does not give you the right under no circumstance to destroy the Earth because you
are too lazy to recycle or filter your own waste. We only have one Earth do you want it to end up like
the Earth in Wall–E
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Global Warming Will Destroy Our Planet Earth
Title: Global Warming Will Destroy Our Planet Earth Introduction: The most important place in our
galaxy that we know is inhabitable is now being destroyed by humans. As humanity has grown over
the years, we have created many problems along the way that later we will regret. The main
problem that our planet is facing right now is called global warming. Throughout the years we have
damaged many ecosystems trying to better ourselves, and we have not yet think about once the
danger we are putting on our mother earth. The effects of global warming are already beginning to
show. This little changes later will have a huge impact in our society, and also devastate many solar
systems and everything living on earth. Thesis: If we do not do anything to change our ways of
living now, imagine later the consequences the future will have in store for the next generations to
come. Everyone will have to pay the price for the things that we have done. Paragraph 1: Throughout
the years, we humans have created many problems that later will have a huge change in our earth if
we do not do anything to change. As we all know our earth can create and destroy anything at any
moment, and unfortunately we humans are not doing anything to stop it. When man first started to
industrialize they did not know all the pollution that was being thrown out by the factories would
harm the environment. The pollution threw out tons of carbon dioxide, and other harmful gases into
our atmosphere all the
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Save Our Mother Earth
Let's save our 'Mother Earth'
It is the only planet in our solar system on which life exists with incredible biodiversity. People all
over the world celebrate this grand event to protect flora and fauna and to clean up the earth on
which we live.
The noble 'Earth' has bestowed the human beings with incredible and beautiful nature in the form of
mountains, rivers, forests and various natural resources that helped human beings to survive and
initiated our evolution. So, now it's our time to save our planet from the challenges which are
threatening the existence of the earth...
The life of Human beings originated on the planet Earth .The "Mother Earth" is calling us for her
protection. People have become selfish and they are killing...show more content...
As a new initiative to protect the earth , the concept of 'Earth Hour' has been started which is
observed in the month of March every year in which people all over the world switch off the lights
and devote in saving the environment. Demonstrations are carried out by the conservation groups at
various levels in the form of seminars, debates and discussions by the eminent personalities.
Ways to save Earth
There are many ways through which we all can contribute in the protection and conservation of
species and keeping the earth clean. We should also try to lessen the use of natural resources so that
there will be enough resources for the coming generation as well.
We should find solutions to protect and save endangered species as they are essential part of our
flora and fauna. Conservation groups should open more and more wildlife sanctuaries, national
parks and biosphere reserves. For instance, there are very less number of tigers left on the earth.
For this,'Aircel' has launched an awareness campaign to 'save tigers' in which they convince people
to write articles and blogs to aware people across the world.
People should try to use public transportation instead of personal vehicles as it will help in reducing
pollution to great extent. Lesser the
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Defending Planet Earth
Sometimes, people talk about some possibilities of their lives on the earth. For instance,people talk
about the end of the world through religious reason, or catastrophic events such ascolliding a
gigantic asteroid with an earth, and lack of the oxygen or water. It frightens me in asense of
thinking of death, but also it somehow interests me what would be really a possiblesuggestion of the
end of the earth. So, I decide to talk about what can be possible options for usto think about the final
day of the earth.One threat in human species can come from solar storms.On 23 July 2012, Bill
Murtagh,a scientist from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather
PredictionCenter in Boulder, Colorado, observed twin clouds of energetic...show more content...
Considering how people don't learn so much from the past such as World War I andWorld War II,
I cannot assure that there won't be another world class war waiting for us in thefuture. In our daily
lives, people kill each other in direct ways or indirect ways. Even though youmay have enthusiasm
in science so you develope such great tools or machines, those can killor save people based on how
it is
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Recycling: Save Planet Earth
Recycling: Save Planet Earth
Preserving the environment is very important. One way that would be possible is by recycling.
Recycling is the recovery and reprocessing of waste materials for use in new products. There are
important environmental and economic benefits connected with recycling. Common materials that
are recycled consist of aluminum cans, glass, paper, wood, and plastic ("Recycling"). Cleveland,
Ohio joined the ranks of requiring recycling and also fines the homeowners for not disposing of
waste correctly or leaving cans out too early or too long (McElroy 1). Michele McCay says that
recycling is one of the easiest, most tangible ways of taking action for the planet (par. 1). If that is
the case, why is it not required in all...show more content...
Natural resources are naturally occurring substances or features of the environment that can be
exploited by humans to satisfy needs and wants. Natural resources can be fresh water, air,
sunlight, or even a living organism such as a fish or trees. Recycling products like paper can save
trees and fresh water. Recycled paper supplies almost half of the raw materials used to make new
paper products. Without recycling, this material would come from trees. In the article, "Reasons
Why You Should Recycle," Jason Brennan states that Americans' disposed of 83 million tons of
paper products in 2003 (par. 4). According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), by
recycling nearly half of that, people saved 705 million trees and 290 billion gallons of fresh water
(par. 3). Recycling products like plastic can lessen oil consumption, as well. Natural resources are
very important. Not only does recycling save natural resources, but it also conserves energy.
Second, when a person recycles, it conserves energy. Recycling could translate into a huge
decrease in energy costs. It takes less energy to make products from recycled materials than it does
to make products from new materials. It takes less energy to recycle old aluminum cans than it
does to make it from new materials. Jason Brennan states that in 2003, the energy savings from
recycling 54 billion aluminum cans exceeded the energy equivalent of 15 million barrels of oil (par.
3). Seven years
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Yahoo ! Answers: Why Should We Save The Planet?
In the case study Yahoo! Answers: Why Should We Save the Planet?, the student redbeard_90
wants to know why we should stop changing the planet, furthermore, aren't we making changes that
better suit our way of life? This is most likely a question that many people are asking, and the
answer differs depending on who you ask. Opinions differ in whether the earth should be open to
everyone to improve our life, and others was to be conservative and maintain for generations to
come Redbeard_90 asked: "why should we save the planet?" The question can be addressed through
the second justification of environmental protection, we should save it in the name of future
generations (Brusseau, 2012). It all started with the Roman's opening access to the shore
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Pollution is Destroying Our Planet Essay
The Earth is a beautiful place to live in, it's amazing how many things we take for granted.
When you can't be bothered leaving your bed, you don't think about the experiences you can have
in this world. You don't take notice of the true beauty it brings, instead you overlook it and all you
see is cold mornings and school. But what if one day you wake up and it's all gone? Then you
would have wished you appreciated it more. You never realise how much you take for granted until
you've lost it. Pollution is destroying our planet, through our air, water and land. When will you
realise how much your planet does for you?
Above all, air pollution is threatening all life on earth. Most of air pollution we cause results from
the burning of...show more content...
Waterways are in serious danger of environmental catastrophe as a result of industrial waste and
domestic rubbish. Everything living thing depends on water for life.
Pollution affects marine life and freshwater animals. Factories built on the banks of estuaries
have been found dumping residue and waste in waterways. Poisons and other toxins have leaked
into the banks destroying species of native and endangered flora and causing outbreaks of disease
within these plants. Similar to this has been the impact on the habitats of waterborne creatures
interrupting delicate ecosystems and leading to the starvation and death of fish species. The flow
on the effect of diseased estuaries can be found in oceans where the food sources of large fish
species are being depleted. The impact of waste is compounded by the dumping of domestic
rubbish. Plastic bags, aluminium, tin and other rubbish that is an eyesore, becomes an ideal
breeding ground for dangerous bacteria that can cause disease. Did you know there is such thing as
a pacific garbage patch?
In late 1997 there was a discovery of a new continent that exists between the Hawaiian
Islands and the coast of California. This continent which is approximately two times the size of
Texas is not one that is comprised by land. Disturbingly it is a result of an estimated 3.5 million tons
of floating plastic garbage that continuously circles in
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All About Our Planet Earth Essay
The Earth is a relatively small celestial object. It is the third planet orbiting an average star, our
Sun, located in the Orion arm, sometimes called the Orion Spur; it is a minor arm located in
between the Sagittarius Arm and the Perseus arm of the Milky Way, a barred spiral galaxy. Our
solar system orbits the central bulge of our galaxy at a radius of 1.7 billion AU and our period of
galactic revolution is 230 million years at a tangential velocity of 828,000 km/hr relative to the
center. Our solar system has one main sequence star, 4 inner rocky planets, the asteroid belt, 4 outer
large gaseous planets, the Kuiper Belt of small icy objects, and the outermost Oort Cloud of icy
objects made of water, ammonia, and methane. It extends from...show more content...
The supernova process generates elements more massive than iron, like the heavier elements we
find within our solar system, and ejects them. With a cloud of about 90% H, 9% He, and small
amounts of everything else, such as iron, carbon, and oxygen, and the movement of pressure waves
through the cloud due to the At the center of this contracting and rotating cloud, compressed H and
He gases formed a hot protostar. When temperature and pressure within the core of this protostar
increased to a critical point, a type of nuclear fusion, also called proton–proton fusion, began, and
thus our sun was born. At the same time, the remaining gas cloud that had enough inertia to avoid
being swept into the Sun collapsed into the form of a rotating sphere. According to the Condensation
theory, the first solid particles formed and then grew as they accreted the surrounding material. Soon,
these larger bodies, called planetesimals, had enough gravity to pull in more matter. The
planetesimals then collided to form the planets. The inner planets formed at temperatures high
enough that only heavier elements could form solids, so these planets are composed of rock and
metal. The lighter gaseous elements were swept outward by solarwinds. The Earth then began as an
accreting molten sphere. The Earth's thermal energy came from an initial stage of nuclear fission at
its center. Radioactive decay of
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It is highly obvious that climate change is happening in most countries. In more detail, global
temperatures have been rising for over a century, speeding up in the last few years, contributing to
global warming. If that continues, disastrous scenarios can happen, but it is definitely not too late to
save the Earth from destruction. This essay's purpose will be identifying the disadvantages of
climate change and how this problem can be solved in the future.
To begin with, in order to save the planet, people have adopted a 3R approach, which is recycle,
reduce, reuse. People have started to adopt recycling habits. These recycled materials, which were
used before and can be used again, are picked up and turned into new, useful products by the large
companies. People recycle because it may reduce greenhouse gas emissions from landfill, can reduce
deforestation, saves energy and produces more energy–efficient products. As it is well known, the
most important feature of recycling is that it prevents methane emissions of landfills.
Secondly, there have been introduced new technologies aimed at removing carbon dioxide. Some
climate scientists are quite optimistic. Two degrees of warming will almost certainly wipe low lying
islands off the map, but they think 1.5 C might just be within reach....show more content...
Green energy sources can contribute to "social and economic development, sustainability of energy,
climate change minimization and the reduction of negative environmental and health impact". The
use of solar and wind energy became more widespread. Having solar panels installed is something
readily possible and available. Incentives and discounts given by governments, agencies and energy
companies make solar energy something to look into and wind energy is now one of the most
cost–effective sources of new generation, competing with new installations of coal, gas and nuclear
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Planets and Solar System Essay example
Planets and Solar System
"A planet is a celestial body that revolves around a central star and does not shine by its own light
" (Grolier, 1992). The only planetary system that is known to man is our solar system. It is made up
of nine planets which range in size and make–up. The nine major planets in our solar system are
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. There are also many other
minor planets which are also in our solar system, but they are unimportant compared to the nine
major planets. In this paper I will discuss the planets and how they are each unique.
Mercury which is the planet that is closest to the sun is the first planet I will discuss. Mercury is the
smallest of the inner...show more content...
It is called this because it closely resembles the Earth's mass, density and diameter. The only thing
different is that Venus " is shrouded in thick clouds that completely hide the surface of the planet "
(Grolier, 1992). The surface temperature is also much warmer than that of Earth.
Venus completes one revolution around the sun in 224.7 days.
This makes the Venusian day equal to 117 earth days. It is thought that this slowrotation may be the
reason why Venus has no magnetic field.
The atmosphere of Venus made up of 98% carbon dioxide and 2% Nitrogen. This atmosphere also
has the presence of helium, neon and argon. This is yet another thing which makes Venus different
from Earth.
The surface of Venus is quite a bit like that of the Earth.
The surface has volcanoes and smooth plains. " Much of the volcanic activity on Venus takes the
form of Basaltic eruptions that inundate large ares, much as the mare volcanism flooded the
impacted basins on the near side of the moon " (Morrison, 93,
1993). One thing that differs from Earth is that there is no water liquid on the Venusian surface.
Some of the scientific data that follows was taken out of Cattermole's book. The mean distance from
the sun is 108.20 Km.
The equatorial diameter is 12,012 Km and the equatorial rotation is 243 days. Finally the mass of
Venus is 4.87*10^24 (Cattermole, 63, 1993). Venus, although different than Earth, is still our sister
Mars is
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100 Ways to Save Mother Earth
100 Ways To Save Mother Earth– Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Respond
Our Mother Earth is currently suffering from different types of pollution brought about by humans.
And with this, a lot of negative effects have emerged. Reports of flash floods brought about by
illegal logging can be seen on the news. Destruction of the forest and exploitation of wild life
resulted in the extinction of exotic animals. Increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere brought
global warming.
There are numerous environmental issues that we have to address. Where do we start? The answer
is simple: Within ourselves. If every single person in the entire planet will care about their
environment and do their part, it can bring about a lot of change and we can save our...show more
* 6Read the newspaper online instead of buying the paper one. * 7Utilize a digital planner or a
smartphone reminder app as substitute for paper planners. * 8Try using a digital sketch tablet
instead of a sketch pad made out of paper. Popular digital sketch tablet brands include: Wacom Pen
Tablet, and HP Digital Sketch Pad. * 9Scan your documents if you want to save a copy for future use
rather than photocopying it.
Use an Ereader Rather Than Buy a lot of Books
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Any more suggestions how we can save on Paper? submit * Reply
PRIYANGA Sep 28, 2012 @ 12:39 am
mouse1996 Aug 26, 2012 @ 12:23 am
I never really thought that my e–reader was helping save the earth, but it is actually. Very neat. *
Julianne Abrenica Aug 18, 2012 @ 10:55 pm reduce reuse reycle * Reply sraju Aug 10, 2012 @
5:35 am make useful things out of paper * Reply srajan shriya Aug 10, 2012 @ 5:21 am paper
recycling is very important do not waste it as it is use full * Load More
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Use Plastic
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A Plant-Based Diet Could Save The Planet Essay
A Plant–Based Diet Could Save The Planet
The year is 3000, the earth is obsolete of vegetation, forestry, and of all life. The landscape is barren
and desolate, full of poisonous gases and an uninhabitable planet. Many assume this is an
exaggeration of what life will be like in 900 or so years, the growing idea of climate change is not.
With human's neglecting their options to halt climate change, our environment slowly deteriorating
is not a far–fetched science fiction story. Becoming a vegetarian is an easy and affordable way to
help fight climate change. But, when many people are not willing to take that giant of a leap, there
are other ethical alternatives and organizational initiatives that help limit meat consumption. With
the human...show more content...
The first three words that come to most minds when hearing "climate change" would most likely be
deforestation, pollution, and fossil fuels. But almost as though it is a hidden secret, the McDouble
and chicken nuggets consumed leisurely at lunch break is theoretically, according to reporter Lecia
Bushak (2013), eating the earth. Vegetable and fruit consumption is rising, and red meat is also. An
excess number of calories are being consumed, producing skyrocketing food–related Greenhouse Gas
emissions. University of Oxford researcher Marco Springmann (2016) reports that these emissions
would theoretically fall to 29% if global dietary guidelines were adopted, and if vegetarian diets
were followed, 63 to 70%.
Counterarguments that,"entirely grass–fed organic cattle," producing a significantly smaller amount
of greenhouse gases, has no correlation to the CO₂ emissions (Englehart and Köhler, 2010). 18
percent of global greenhouse gas emission, according to a 2006 Food and Agriculture Organization
study, is produced by livestock, which doesn't even include the extra amenities needed for care
(Bushak, 2013). Scharfenberg reports that 30 percent of the inhabitable land on earth is filled with
livestock. The space occupied is the least of our problems. Manure and pesticides leaks into nearby
fresh water, numerous diseases affect crops, and
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Essay on To Save the Earth
To Save the Earth
I wonder how much the front yard of my childhood home is worth. Of course, it's worth less now
than before. Once, a stately tree stood in each corner: a tall lilac, a pine, a cherry tree, and a
droopy evergreen. My favorite tree lived in the middle. I never knew what kind it was, but every
spring it blossomed in delicate pink, and on warm afternoons, I read under its canopy. The frontyard
no longer looks like that, however. My father removed the lilac bush because it made the lawn too
difficult to mow, and cut many of the branches from thepine and my pink–flowered tree so that
friends could park their cars on our lawn rather than getting ticketed for parking on the street.
Eventually, my tree died from those...show more content...
He likens destroying our environmental heritage to destroying our cultural one. He questions
whether we can really replace or improve upon the works of Shakespeare, Beethoven, Goethe and
the Beatles the way some claim science will one day allow us to do with living creatures. Pointing
to various psychological studies, Wilson also suggests that we instinctively feel an affinity for other
forms of life and hence that living in balance with nature is necessary for our mental well being.
Although thought–provoking, his stance isn't persuasive enough to convince someone like my dad,
or even me.
To convince someone like my dad that the environment is worth saving, a monetary value needs
to be attached to it. Wilson does so, exploring the value of the environment as both a source of
raw materials and a provider of services. Particularly compelling is his discussion of the forested
watershed in the Catskill Mountains of New York, which purifies the water supply for New York
City. As the watershed became more and more polluted, "Officials in New York City...could build a
filtration plant to replace the Catskills Watershed, at $6 billion to $8 billion capital cost, followed by
$300 million annual running costs; or else they could restore the Catskills Watershed to somewhere
near its original purification capacity for $1 billion, with subsequently low maintenance costs."
He also estimates that
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The Planet Of The Earth Essay
The earth might seem to be large enough with a radius of about 6400 km and large circumstance of
about 40,000 km, but in fact, earth is the only planet of the solar system and the only member of the
myriads of systems in the universe, which presents a condition of air, water and land. Thus, it is
unique among the planets having abundant water, an atmosphere and surface temperature
configuration that have supported life. So, "why is there life on Earth?" Unlike other planets, the
Earth has a strong magnetic field of its own. It is the densest planet. As an illustration, if it weren't for
the Earth's magnetic field we would be subject to bursts of radiation on the ground that would be, at
the very least, unhealthy. Additionally, the more serious, long term impact would be the erosion of
the atmosphere. Without a doubt, the most important planet to us is the Earth that distinguishes
itself from other heavenly bodies of the solar system.
"We think that life develops spontaneously on Earth, so it must be possible for life to develop on
suitable planets elsewhere in the universe." (Stephen Hawking)
2. Summary:
In "The Nine Planets of the Solar System," posted on the NASA website, Earth is revealed to be a
very nurturing planet as well as Earth is the only one in which life exists. First, according to NASA,
the Earth possesses a moderate pattern of temperature. Second, the article also states, the Earth
rotates around its axis, which is tilted 23.5 degree, to result in the
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We Are Destroying Our Planet Essay
Everyday we are destroying our planet. Global warming is one of the biggest problems in
humanity. Our society has to take immediate action in order to survive there is not much time left
as we continue to grow with this problem at this rate. The increase of global warming is getting
out of control. We need to take care of our planet before we run out of time, and the damage
become unfixable. One of the major problems is the gas emissions called "The Greenhouse
effect" this gas emissions are the most dangerous face of global warming. People believe this is a
normal thing and it is but as we pollute the world everyday this process becomes more harming to
the environment. If we didn 't have greenhouse gases which they trap heat in the atmosphere, the
Earth would be a very cold place. Which it 'll cause us to freeze to death, Greenhouse gases keep
the Earth warm through a process called the greenhouse effect. We need the heat that is trapped by
the greenhouse gases to keep us warm and alive. But the increasing amount of methane and carbon
dioxide is causing an accelerated greenhouse effect, raising up the temperature of the earth and
causing global warming. Global warming is then causing climate change. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is
one of the components of global warming.
Carbon dioxide is released through natural processes like respiration and volcano eruptions and
through human activities such as deforestation, land use changes, and burning fossil fuels.
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Personal Statement : Save The Planet Essay
When I was seven years old I got my first animal. A beautiful tiger kitten that I named Kaylee.
Kaylee was perfect in every way, and I loved her to bits. Looking back on this memory, I can see
that this is the moment my love for animals sprouted, making me a new person. Today I look
around, and still marvel in the beauty of all creatures. Creatures that are fluffy, scaly, feathery and
everything else! My obsession for pets drove my parents crazy. I have owned a large assortment
of animals such as dogs, cats, reptiles, birds, and even a fox. My passion grew larger, and larger.
This passion for animals is the reason why the beautiful planet earth, and the preservation of its
beauty, has become my career goal. The planet means a lot to me, and now I have a chance to be a
part of the change that saves it from global warming. Since my goal is to help save the planet, I am
specifically interested in a career that focuses on research. Being that I plan to do research in the
future, that means I will most likely have to write up a findings report. This type of career will
most likely involve me researching ways to reduce pollution, and other factors that relate to
global warming. Because global warming is such a big issue, I should have plenty of research to
do on it, whether that be finding more causes of it, or solving already known causes. My report
could be on an incredible amount of issues, such as how electric vehicles reduce greenhouse gases.
My report could be even more
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Are we alone in the universe? Is anything or anybody out there? These are age old questions,
asked from people of all ages and races. But the first questions we need to ask are if it is even
possible? Are there any other planets out there that are habitable? What does a planet need to be
habitable? Without a habitable planet life cannot sustain in the universe, the search for life in the
universe has been long and hard with no results proving life to exist outside of earth. The most
predominant searchers of those at the SETI Institute or Search for Extra–Terrestrial Intelligence
Institute, a privately funded organization, that uses various methods to search for electromagnetic
transmissions, the assumed method of contact, from distant...show more content...
This means a planet could have simple single cell organisms living on the surface or below it, but if
they were not capable of evolving because of the planetary conditions the planet would not be
considered habitable.
Earth, our home, and the only confirmed planet to have life. What makes earth different from all
the rest? There are six factors that make earth the habitable planet that it is now: water,
temperature, atmosphere, energy, biogenic compounds and distance from a sun (What makes
Earth Habitable). Earth has liquid water available on a continuous basis, which is placed in areas
that prevent it all from evaporating or freezing. There is a temperature range adequate for living
cells to live, around negative 15 degrees Celsius to 115 degrees Celsius. Temperatures to low and
the reactions in living cells would happen to slow to support life, and to high proteins and genetic
compounds would begin to break down. Temperature is also important to water, a temperature to hot
and the water evaporates to low and it will freeze. Earth has a temperature that ranges between to the
ends of the spectrum. An atmosphere that supports life on the surface of the earth needs to moderate
and support seasonal temperatures and day to night changes. The atmosphere also needs to be dense
enough to protect us from ultraviolet radiation. Earth has light energy from the sun as well as
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Recycling to Preserve Our Environment Essay
Many people assume that the environment is not in danger. They believe that as technology
advances, we do not need to worry about renewing natural resources, recycling, and finding new
ways to produce energy. They state that one person in the world does not make a large difference. In
reality, each individual's contribution greatly affects our environment. Our natural resources are
slowly disappearing, and we must work together to save them and the Earth from ruin. Recycling is
important in the effort to preserve our environment for future generations. We are running out of
locations to put landfills. Recycling is a simple and effective way to reduce the amount of waste
stored in landfills, yet many people do not know how easy it can...show more content...
It seems like a small, insignificant action, but the way I see it, I save money on trash bags while
getting a second use out of the plastic bags. Some people would just throw away the bags and buy
new trash bags, but doing that would send double the plastic bags to be filled in a landfill.
Another simple way to reduce landfill size and preserve resources is to refill water bottles. By
refilling water bottles, people save a considerable amount of energy and natural resources by not
having to purchase single serve bottles, which are made of nonrenewable petroleum. Additionally,
the plastic manufacturing process is associated with toxic byproducts. Most people are reluctant to
refill their water bottles because they assume that tap water is not as ?clean? as bottled water. That
is a common misconception, however. In 2000, a study in The Archives of Family Medicine
compared 57 samples of bottled water to the tap water in Cleveland and found that while 39 samples
of the bottled water were cleaner than tap, more than a dozen had at least 10 times the bacterial
levels found in the city's water. Tap water is often better regulated than bottled water and has to meet
more stringent health standards at both the federal and local levels. According to the New Jersey
Department of Environmental Protections (NJDEP) Solid Waste Management Plan SectionB.1.,
?Source Reduction is the first tier of the solid waste management hierarchy. The
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Save Planet Earth Essay

  • 1. Speech On Save The Earth Save The Earth? How can we spread awareness of the human impact on the earth; if any; using scientific fact? Extending the awareness of human impact on earth can be done by spreading information to the public of human impact, using social media platforms, and by applying the methods of persuasion to convince the people in saving the earth. By spreading information on human impact on social media platforms and using the methods of persuasion, we will encourage others to save our Earth. First, only about 50% of people in the U.S.A. realize that global warming is caused by human activities, although most people understand that deforestation, vehicles, and burning fossil fuels all contribute to global warming. Also, only an average of 50–75% of adults in the U.S. think that global warming is occurring. To have people become involved in the process saving our planet from global warming and other harmful actions caused by humans, we need to inform them on how harmful global warming is to our world and how human have helped to slowly destroy our world and have impacted this destruction. These are just some of the facts on human impact that we could educate the public about. From 1961 to 2010, the temperatures of the ocean have increased dramatically, almost 250 joules from the temperature in 1961. Also,our global mean temperature of anomalies in those years has risen a large amount from 1900 to 2000, almost 0.9 degrees Celsius. When people litter, sea turtles and other animals Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. Persuasive Speech On Save Nature One of the greatest gifts on this earth is the many species of animals that roam our planet and the wildlife that inhabit our world. A vast and diverse spectrum of wildlife keeps our planet functioning properly and it gives humans something to wonder at. Sadly, our planet's species of animals are disappearing due to human activity. Our human activity is causing the next mass extinction and we are turning a blind eye to it. The sixth extinction in our known history is happening and most of don't care or have very little knowledge of what's going on. We are ignoring that animals are disappearing and its changing our ecosystem. "Unlike past mass extinctions, caused by events like asteroid strikes, volcanic eruptions, and natural climate...show more content... Wild plants and agricultural vegetations rest on on cross–fertilization for reproduction. Produce such as fruits and vegetables, both vital parts of the human diet, are all depend on bees and various insects to transmit from one flower to another. But when the environment is distributed by human activity and bees start to disappear, the cycle of life is basically broken, and this reduces the varieties of these pollinators, fruits and vegetables start to suffer and we as human start to feel the effects of bees disappearing from the environment. Many plants also rely on animals, predominantly animal species that consume fruit as part of their diet and disperse seeds during their extraction process. Destroying the territory of these animals can severely affect the plant in surrounding area that depend for reproduction through seed dispersion. "Overall ecosystem instability due to reduced biodiversity ranks among the consequences of species extinctions. As the number of species in a food chain decreases, there are fewer sustainable alternatives for members of the food chain that had depended on the extinct species. Biodiversity also lends genetic variability to a population, helping it adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions." (Dowd, 2018)The food chain and environment are both affected by wildlife Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. The Destruction Of The Earth As humans, why do, we feel the need to destroy everything that we see? Why is it that if it does not make us more money than it is not worth it? The Earth, the only planet in our little solar system to contain intelligent life and the only use we can find with that intelligence is to destroy one another and the planet we live on. Ever since the beginning of time humans have only cared about themselves and now that greed is destroying our planet. The pollution of this planet is astronomical, rivers and parts of the ocean filled with trash and the skies over cities have been blackened by smog. When will all of this end and why do we have to do this to ourselves. Did you know that it is more cost efficient to just throw something away in a landfill than to recycle. Same thing goes for sewage and chemical waste it is a million times cheaper to dump it in the ocean than spend the money, man hours and resource to filter the waste. Air pollution is the most intoxicating, people assume because they cannot see it therefore it does not exist. These are common forms of human destruction to the environment. But the real question is when are we going to stop this destruction from consuming our planet until there is nothing left but death. Humans are greedy, I know this, but it does not give you the right under no circumstance to destroy the Earth because you are too lazy to recycle or filter your own waste. We only have one Earth do you want it to end up like the Earth in Wall–E Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. Global Warming Will Destroy Our Planet Earth Title: Global Warming Will Destroy Our Planet Earth Introduction: The most important place in our galaxy that we know is inhabitable is now being destroyed by humans. As humanity has grown over the years, we have created many problems along the way that later we will regret. The main problem that our planet is facing right now is called global warming. Throughout the years we have damaged many ecosystems trying to better ourselves, and we have not yet think about once the danger we are putting on our mother earth. The effects of global warming are already beginning to show. This little changes later will have a huge impact in our society, and also devastate many solar systems and everything living on earth. Thesis: If we do not do anything to change our ways of living now, imagine later the consequences the future will have in store for the next generations to come. Everyone will have to pay the price for the things that we have done. Paragraph 1: Throughout the years, we humans have created many problems that later will have a huge change in our earth if we do not do anything to change. As we all know our earth can create and destroy anything at any moment, and unfortunately we humans are not doing anything to stop it. When man first started to industrialize they did not know all the pollution that was being thrown out by the factories would harm the environment. The pollution threw out tons of carbon dioxide, and other harmful gases into our atmosphere all the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. Save Our Mother Earth Let's save our 'Mother Earth' It is the only planet in our solar system on which life exists with incredible biodiversity. People all over the world celebrate this grand event to protect flora and fauna and to clean up the earth on which we live. The noble 'Earth' has bestowed the human beings with incredible and beautiful nature in the form of mountains, rivers, forests and various natural resources that helped human beings to survive and initiated our evolution. So, now it's our time to save our planet from the challenges which are threatening the existence of the earth... The life of Human beings originated on the planet Earth .The "Mother Earth" is calling us for her protection. People have become selfish and they are killing...show more content... As a new initiative to protect the earth , the concept of 'Earth Hour' has been started which is observed in the month of March every year in which people all over the world switch off the lights and devote in saving the environment. Demonstrations are carried out by the conservation groups at various levels in the form of seminars, debates and discussions by the eminent personalities. Ways to save Earth There are many ways through which we all can contribute in the protection and conservation of species and keeping the earth clean. We should also try to lessen the use of natural resources so that there will be enough resources for the coming generation as well. We should find solutions to protect and save endangered species as they are essential part of our flora and fauna. Conservation groups should open more and more wildlife sanctuaries, national parks and biosphere reserves. For instance, there are very less number of tigers left on the earth. For this,'Aircel' has launched an awareness campaign to 'save tigers' in which they convince people to write articles and blogs to aware people across the world. People should try to use public transportation instead of personal vehicles as it will help in reducing pollution to great extent. Lesser the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. Defending Planet Earth Sometimes, people talk about some possibilities of their lives on the earth. For instance,people talk about the end of the world through religious reason, or catastrophic events such ascolliding a gigantic asteroid with an earth, and lack of the oxygen or water. It frightens me in asense of thinking of death, but also it somehow interests me what would be really a possiblesuggestion of the end of the earth. So, I decide to talk about what can be possible options for usto think about the final day of the earth.One threat in human species can come from solar storms.On 23 July 2012, Bill Murtagh,a scientist from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather PredictionCenter in Boulder, Colorado, observed twin clouds of energetic...show more content... Considering how people don't learn so much from the past such as World War I andWorld War II, I cannot assure that there won't be another world class war waiting for us in thefuture. In our daily lives, people kill each other in direct ways or indirect ways. Even though youmay have enthusiasm in science so you develope such great tools or machines, those can killor save people based on how it is Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 7. Recycling: Save Planet Earth Recycling: Save Planet Earth Preserving the environment is very important. One way that would be possible is by recycling. Recycling is the recovery and reprocessing of waste materials for use in new products. There are important environmental and economic benefits connected with recycling. Common materials that are recycled consist of aluminum cans, glass, paper, wood, and plastic ("Recycling"). Cleveland, Ohio joined the ranks of requiring recycling and also fines the homeowners for not disposing of waste correctly or leaving cans out too early or too long (McElroy 1). Michele McCay says that recycling is one of the easiest, most tangible ways of taking action for the planet (par. 1). If that is the case, why is it not required in all...show more content... Natural resources are naturally occurring substances or features of the environment that can be exploited by humans to satisfy needs and wants. Natural resources can be fresh water, air, sunlight, or even a living organism such as a fish or trees. Recycling products like paper can save trees and fresh water. Recycled paper supplies almost half of the raw materials used to make new paper products. Without recycling, this material would come from trees. In the article, "Reasons Why You Should Recycle," Jason Brennan states that Americans' disposed of 83 million tons of paper products in 2003 (par. 4). According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), by recycling nearly half of that, people saved 705 million trees and 290 billion gallons of fresh water (par. 3). Recycling products like plastic can lessen oil consumption, as well. Natural resources are very important. Not only does recycling save natural resources, but it also conserves energy. Second, when a person recycles, it conserves energy. Recycling could translate into a huge decrease in energy costs. It takes less energy to make products from recycled materials than it does to make products from new materials. It takes less energy to recycle old aluminum cans than it does to make it from new materials. Jason Brennan states that in 2003, the energy savings from recycling 54 billion aluminum cans exceeded the energy equivalent of 15 million barrels of oil (par. 3). Seven years Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 8. Yahoo ! Answers: Why Should We Save The Planet? In the case study Yahoo! Answers: Why Should We Save the Planet?, the student redbeard_90 wants to know why we should stop changing the planet, furthermore, aren't we making changes that better suit our way of life? This is most likely a question that many people are asking, and the answer differs depending on who you ask. Opinions differ in whether the earth should be open to everyone to improve our life, and others was to be conservative and maintain for generations to come Redbeard_90 asked: "why should we save the planet?" The question can be addressed through the second justification of environmental protection, we should save it in the name of future generations (Brusseau, 2012). It all started with the Roman's opening access to the shore Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 9. Pollution is Destroying Our Planet Essay The Earth is a beautiful place to live in, it's amazing how many things we take for granted. When you can't be bothered leaving your bed, you don't think about the experiences you can have in this world. You don't take notice of the true beauty it brings, instead you overlook it and all you see is cold mornings and school. But what if one day you wake up and it's all gone? Then you would have wished you appreciated it more. You never realise how much you take for granted until you've lost it. Pollution is destroying our planet, through our air, water and land. When will you realise how much your planet does for you? Above all, air pollution is threatening all life on earth. Most of air pollution we cause results from the burning of...show more content... Waterways are in serious danger of environmental catastrophe as a result of industrial waste and domestic rubbish. Everything living thing depends on water for life. Pollution affects marine life and freshwater animals. Factories built on the banks of estuaries have been found dumping residue and waste in waterways. Poisons and other toxins have leaked into the banks destroying species of native and endangered flora and causing outbreaks of disease within these plants. Similar to this has been the impact on the habitats of waterborne creatures interrupting delicate ecosystems and leading to the starvation and death of fish species. The flow on the effect of diseased estuaries can be found in oceans where the food sources of large fish species are being depleted. The impact of waste is compounded by the dumping of domestic rubbish. Plastic bags, aluminium, tin and other rubbish that is an eyesore, becomes an ideal breeding ground for dangerous bacteria that can cause disease. Did you know there is such thing as a pacific garbage patch? In late 1997 there was a discovery of a new continent that exists between the Hawaiian Islands and the coast of California. This continent which is approximately two times the size of Texas is not one that is comprised by land. Disturbingly it is a result of an estimated 3.5 million tons of floating plastic garbage that continuously circles in Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 10. All About Our Planet Earth Essay The Earth is a relatively small celestial object. It is the third planet orbiting an average star, our Sun, located in the Orion arm, sometimes called the Orion Spur; it is a minor arm located in between the Sagittarius Arm and the Perseus arm of the Milky Way, a barred spiral galaxy. Our solar system orbits the central bulge of our galaxy at a radius of 1.7 billion AU and our period of galactic revolution is 230 million years at a tangential velocity of 828,000 km/hr relative to the center. Our solar system has one main sequence star, 4 inner rocky planets, the asteroid belt, 4 outer large gaseous planets, the Kuiper Belt of small icy objects, and the outermost Oort Cloud of icy objects made of water, ammonia, and methane. It extends from...show more content... The supernova process generates elements more massive than iron, like the heavier elements we find within our solar system, and ejects them. With a cloud of about 90% H, 9% He, and small amounts of everything else, such as iron, carbon, and oxygen, and the movement of pressure waves through the cloud due to the At the center of this contracting and rotating cloud, compressed H and He gases formed a hot protostar. When temperature and pressure within the core of this protostar increased to a critical point, a type of nuclear fusion, also called proton–proton fusion, began, and thus our sun was born. At the same time, the remaining gas cloud that had enough inertia to avoid being swept into the Sun collapsed into the form of a rotating sphere. According to the Condensation theory, the first solid particles formed and then grew as they accreted the surrounding material. Soon, these larger bodies, called planetesimals, had enough gravity to pull in more matter. The planetesimals then collided to form the planets. The inner planets formed at temperatures high enough that only heavier elements could form solids, so these planets are composed of rock and metal. The lighter gaseous elements were swept outward by solarwinds. The Earth then began as an accreting molten sphere. The Earth's thermal energy came from an initial stage of nuclear fission at its center. Radioactive decay of Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 11. It is highly obvious that climate change is happening in most countries. In more detail, global temperatures have been rising for over a century, speeding up in the last few years, contributing to global warming. If that continues, disastrous scenarios can happen, but it is definitely not too late to save the Earth from destruction. This essay's purpose will be identifying the disadvantages of climate change and how this problem can be solved in the future. To begin with, in order to save the planet, people have adopted a 3R approach, which is recycle, reduce, reuse. People have started to adopt recycling habits. These recycled materials, which were used before and can be used again, are picked up and turned into new, useful products by the large companies. People recycle because it may reduce greenhouse gas emissions from landfill, can reduce deforestation, saves energy and produces more energy–efficient products. As it is well known, the most important feature of recycling is that it prevents methane emissions of landfills. Secondly, there have been introduced new technologies aimed at removing carbon dioxide. Some climate scientists are quite optimistic. Two degrees of warming will almost certainly wipe low lying islands off the map, but they think 1.5 C might just be within reach....show more content... Green energy sources can contribute to "social and economic development, sustainability of energy, climate change minimization and the reduction of negative environmental and health impact". The use of solar and wind energy became more widespread. Having solar panels installed is something readily possible and available. Incentives and discounts given by governments, agencies and energy companies make solar energy something to look into and wind energy is now one of the most cost–effective sources of new generation, competing with new installations of coal, gas and nuclear Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 12. Planets and Solar System Essay example Planets and Solar System "A planet is a celestial body that revolves around a central star and does not shine by its own light " (Grolier, 1992). The only planetary system that is known to man is our solar system. It is made up of nine planets which range in size and make–up. The nine major planets in our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. There are also many other minor planets which are also in our solar system, but they are unimportant compared to the nine major planets. In this paper I will discuss the planets and how they are each unique. Mercury which is the planet that is closest to the sun is the first planet I will discuss. Mercury is the smallest of the inner...show more content... It is called this because it closely resembles the Earth's mass, density and diameter. The only thing different is that Venus " is shrouded in thick clouds that completely hide the surface of the planet " (Grolier, 1992). The surface temperature is also much warmer than that of Earth. Venus completes one revolution around the sun in 224.7 days. This makes the Venusian day equal to 117 earth days. It is thought that this slowrotation may be the reason why Venus has no magnetic field. The atmosphere of Venus made up of 98% carbon dioxide and 2% Nitrogen. This atmosphere also has the presence of helium, neon and argon. This is yet another thing which makes Venus different from Earth. The surface of Venus is quite a bit like that of the Earth. The surface has volcanoes and smooth plains. " Much of the volcanic activity on Venus takes the form of Basaltic eruptions that inundate large ares, much as the mare volcanism flooded the impacted basins on the near side of the moon " (Morrison, 93, 1993). One thing that differs from Earth is that there is no water liquid on the Venusian surface. Some of the scientific data that follows was taken out of Cattermole's book. The mean distance from the sun is 108.20 Km. The equatorial diameter is 12,012 Km and the equatorial rotation is 243 days. Finally the mass of Venus is 4.87*10^24 (Cattermole, 63, 1993). Venus, although different than Earth, is still our sister planet. Mars is
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  • 14. 100 Ways to Save Mother Earth 100 Ways To Save Mother Earth– Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Respond Our Mother Earth is currently suffering from different types of pollution brought about by humans. And with this, a lot of negative effects have emerged. Reports of flash floods brought about by illegal logging can be seen on the news. Destruction of the forest and exploitation of wild life resulted in the extinction of exotic animals. Increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere brought global warming. There are numerous environmental issues that we have to address. Where do we start? The answer is simple: Within ourselves. If every single person in the entire planet will care about their environment and do their part, it can bring about a lot of change and we can save our...show more content... * 6Read the newspaper online instead of buying the paper one. * 7Utilize a digital planner or a smartphone reminder app as substitute for paper planners. * 8Try using a digital sketch tablet instead of a sketch pad made out of paper. Popular digital sketch tablet brands include: Wacom Pen Tablet, and HP Digital Sketch Pad. * 9Scan your documents if you want to save a copy for future use rather than photocopying it. Use an Ereader Rather Than Buy a lot of Books Check out Amazon's best selling ereader: the Kindle Kindle, Wi–Fi, 6" E Ink Display – for international shipment Amazon Price: $89.00 (as of 09/28/2012) Any more suggestions how we can save on Paper? submit * Reply PRIYANGA Sep 28, 2012 @ 12:39 am DON'T THROW NOTES WITH PAGES LEFT UNWRITTEN .. COLLECT ALL UNWRITTEN PAGES AND BIND THOSE TO MAKE A ROUGH NOTE OR SOMETHIING ELSE........... * Reply mouse1996 Aug 26, 2012 @ 12:23 am I never really thought that my e–reader was helping save the earth, but it is actually. Very neat. * Reply Julianne Abrenica Aug 18, 2012 @ 10:55 pm reduce reuse reycle * Reply sraju Aug 10, 2012 @ 5:35 am make useful things out of paper * Reply srajan shriya Aug 10, 2012 @ 5:21 am paper recycling is very important do not waste it as it is use full * Load More Show All * Share this Guestbook * Stumbleupon * Facebook * MySpace * Twitter * Digg * Delicious * RSS * Email Use Plastic Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 15. A Plant-Based Diet Could Save The Planet Essay A Plant–Based Diet Could Save The Planet The year is 3000, the earth is obsolete of vegetation, forestry, and of all life. The landscape is barren and desolate, full of poisonous gases and an uninhabitable planet. Many assume this is an exaggeration of what life will be like in 900 or so years, the growing idea of climate change is not. With human's neglecting their options to halt climate change, our environment slowly deteriorating is not a far–fetched science fiction story. Becoming a vegetarian is an easy and affordable way to help fight climate change. But, when many people are not willing to take that giant of a leap, there are other ethical alternatives and organizational initiatives that help limit meat consumption. With the human...show more content... The first three words that come to most minds when hearing "climate change" would most likely be deforestation, pollution, and fossil fuels. But almost as though it is a hidden secret, the McDouble and chicken nuggets consumed leisurely at lunch break is theoretically, according to reporter Lecia Bushak (2013), eating the earth. Vegetable and fruit consumption is rising, and red meat is also. An excess number of calories are being consumed, producing skyrocketing food–related Greenhouse Gas emissions. University of Oxford researcher Marco Springmann (2016) reports that these emissions would theoretically fall to 29% if global dietary guidelines were adopted, and if vegetarian diets were followed, 63 to 70%. Counterarguments that,"entirely grass–fed organic cattle," producing a significantly smaller amount of greenhouse gases, has no correlation to the COв‚‚ emissions (Englehart and KГ¶hler, 2010). 18 percent of global greenhouse gas emission, according to a 2006 Food and Agriculture Organization study, is produced by livestock, which doesn't even include the extra amenities needed for care (Bushak, 2013). Scharfenberg reports that 30 percent of the inhabitable land on earth is filled with livestock. The space occupied is the least of our problems. Manure and pesticides leaks into nearby fresh water, numerous diseases affect crops, and Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 16. Essay on To Save the Earth To Save the Earth I wonder how much the front yard of my childhood home is worth. Of course, it's worth less now than before. Once, a stately tree stood in each corner: a tall lilac, a pine, a cherry tree, and a droopy evergreen. My favorite tree lived in the middle. I never knew what kind it was, but every spring it blossomed in delicate pink, and on warm afternoons, I read under its canopy. The frontyard no longer looks like that, however. My father removed the lilac bush because it made the lawn too difficult to mow, and cut many of the branches from thepine and my pink–flowered tree so that friends could park their cars on our lawn rather than getting ticketed for parking on the street. Eventually, my tree died from those...show more content... He likens destroying our environmental heritage to destroying our cultural one. He questions whether we can really replace or improve upon the works of Shakespeare, Beethoven, Goethe and the Beatles the way some claim science will one day allow us to do with living creatures. Pointing to various psychological studies, Wilson also suggests that we instinctively feel an affinity for other forms of life and hence that living in balance with nature is necessary for our mental well being. Although thought–provoking, his stance isn't persuasive enough to convince someone like my dad, or even me. To convince someone like my dad that the environment is worth saving, a monetary value needs to be attached to it. Wilson does so, exploring the value of the environment as both a source of raw materials and a provider of services. Particularly compelling is his discussion of the forested watershed in the Catskill Mountains of New York, which purifies the water supply for New York City. As the watershed became more and more polluted, "Officials in New York City...could build a filtration plant to replace the Catskills Watershed, at $6 billion to $8 billion capital cost, followed by $300 million annual running costs; or else they could restore the Catskills Watershed to somewhere near its original purification capacity for $1 billion, with subsequently low maintenance costs." He also estimates that Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 17. The Planet Of The Earth Essay The earth might seem to be large enough with a radius of about 6400 km and large circumstance of about 40,000 km, but in fact, earth is the only planet of the solar system and the only member of the myriads of systems in the universe, which presents a condition of air, water and land. Thus, it is unique among the planets having abundant water, an atmosphere and surface temperature configuration that have supported life. So, "why is there life on Earth?" Unlike other planets, the Earth has a strong magnetic field of its own. It is the densest planet. As an illustration, if it weren't for the Earth's magnetic field we would be subject to bursts of radiation on the ground that would be, at the very least, unhealthy. Additionally, the more serious, long term impact would be the erosion of the atmosphere. Without a doubt, the most important planet to us is the Earth that distinguishes itself from other heavenly bodies of the solar system. "We think that life develops spontaneously on Earth, so it must be possible for life to develop on suitable planets elsewhere in the universe." (Stephen Hawking) 2. Summary: In "The Nine Planets of the Solar System," posted on the NASA website, Earth is revealed to be a very nurturing planet as well as Earth is the only one in which life exists. First, according to NASA, the Earth possesses a moderate pattern of temperature. Second, the article also states, the Earth rotates around its axis, which is tilted 23.5 degree, to result in the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 18. We Are Destroying Our Planet Essay Everyday we are destroying our planet. Global warming is one of the biggest problems in humanity. Our society has to take immediate action in order to survive there is not much time left as we continue to grow with this problem at this rate. The increase of global warming is getting out of control. We need to take care of our planet before we run out of time, and the damage become unfixable. One of the major problems is the gas emissions called "The Greenhouse effect" this gas emissions are the most dangerous face of global warming. People believe this is a normal thing and it is but as we pollute the world everyday this process becomes more harming to the environment. If we didn 't have greenhouse gases which they trap heat in the atmosphere, the Earth would be a very cold place. Which it 'll cause us to freeze to death, Greenhouse gases keep the Earth warm through a process called the greenhouse effect. We need the heat that is trapped by the greenhouse gases to keep us warm and alive. But the increasing amount of methane and carbon dioxide is causing an accelerated greenhouse effect, raising up the temperature of the earth and causing global warming. Global warming is then causing climate change. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the components of global warming. Carbon dioxide is released through natural processes like respiration and volcano eruptions and through human activities such as deforestation, land use changes, and burning fossil fuels. Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 19. Personal Statement : Save The Planet Essay When I was seven years old I got my first animal. A beautiful tiger kitten that I named Kaylee. Kaylee was perfect in every way, and I loved her to bits. Looking back on this memory, I can see that this is the moment my love for animals sprouted, making me a new person. Today I look around, and still marvel in the beauty of all creatures. Creatures that are fluffy, scaly, feathery and everything else! My obsession for pets drove my parents crazy. I have owned a large assortment of animals such as dogs, cats, reptiles, birds, and even a fox. My passion grew larger, and larger. This passion for animals is the reason why the beautiful planet earth, and the preservation of its beauty, has become my career goal. The planet means a lot to me, and now I have a chance to be a part of the change that saves it from global warming. Since my goal is to help save the planet, I am specifically interested in a career that focuses on research. Being that I plan to do research in the future, that means I will most likely have to write up a findings report. This type of career will most likely involve me researching ways to reduce pollution, and other factors that relate to global warming. Because global warming is such a big issue, I should have plenty of research to do on it, whether that be finding more causes of it, or solving already known causes. My report could be on an incredible amount of issues, such as how electric vehicles reduce greenhouse gases. My report could be even more Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 20. Are we alone in the universe? Is anything or anybody out there? These are age old questions, asked from people of all ages and races. But the first questions we need to ask are if it is even possible? Are there any other planets out there that are habitable? What does a planet need to be habitable? Without a habitable planet life cannot sustain in the universe, the search for life in the universe has been long and hard with no results proving life to exist outside of earth. The most predominant searchers of those at the SETI Institute or Search for Extra–Terrestrial Intelligence Institute, a privately funded organization, that uses various methods to search for electromagnetic transmissions, the assumed method of contact, from distant...show more content... This means a planet could have simple single cell organisms living on the surface or below it, but if they were not capable of evolving because of the planetary conditions the planet would not be considered habitable. Earth, our home, and the only confirmed planet to have life. What makes earth different from all the rest? There are six factors that make earth the habitable planet that it is now: water, temperature, atmosphere, energy, biogenic compounds and distance from a sun (What makes Earth Habitable). Earth has liquid water available on a continuous basis, which is placed in areas that prevent it all from evaporating or freezing. There is a temperature range adequate for living cells to live, around negative 15 degrees Celsius to 115 degrees Celsius. Temperatures to low and the reactions in living cells would happen to slow to support life, and to high proteins and genetic compounds would begin to break down. Temperature is also important to water, a temperature to hot and the water evaporates to low and it will freeze. Earth has a temperature that ranges between to the ends of the spectrum. An atmosphere that supports life on the surface of the earth needs to moderate and support seasonal temperatures and day to night changes. The atmosphere also needs to be dense enough to protect us from ultraviolet radiation. Earth has light energy from the sun as well as Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 21. Recycling to Preserve Our Environment Essay Many people assume that the environment is not in danger. They believe that as technology advances, we do not need to worry about renewing natural resources, recycling, and finding new ways to produce energy. They state that one person in the world does not make a large difference. In reality, each individual's contribution greatly affects our environment. Our natural resources are slowly disappearing, and we must work together to save them and the Earth from ruin. Recycling is important in the effort to preserve our environment for future generations. We are running out of locations to put landfills. Recycling is a simple and effective way to reduce the amount of waste stored in landfills, yet many people do not know how easy it can...show more content... It seems like a small, insignificant action, but the way I see it, I save money on trash bags while getting a second use out of the plastic bags. Some people would just throw away the bags and buy new trash bags, but doing that would send double the plastic bags to be filled in a landfill. Another simple way to reduce landfill size and preserve resources is to refill water bottles. By refilling water bottles, people save a considerable amount of energy and natural resources by not having to purchase single serve bottles, which are made of nonrenewable petroleum. Additionally, the plastic manufacturing process is associated with toxic byproducts. Most people are reluctant to refill their water bottles because they assume that tap water is not as ?clean? as bottled water. That is a common misconception, however. In 2000, a study in The Archives of Family Medicine compared 57 samples of bottled water to the tap water in Cleveland and found that while 39 samples of the bottled water were cleaner than tap, more than a dozen had at least 10 times the bacterial levels found in the city's water. Tap water is often better regulated than bottled water and has to meet more stringent health standards at both the federal and local levels. According to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protections (NJDEP) Solid Waste Management Plan SectionB.1., ?Source Reduction is the first tier of the solid waste management hierarchy. The Get more content on HelpWriting.net