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Measuring and
Monetizing Strategic
David Wilsey and Joe DeCarlo
Balanced Scorecard Institute
March 2018
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
Learning Topics
• How to define what innovation means
• How to design and implement measures of Innovation
• Keys to monetizing innovation
• How to develop and maintain a culture of innovation and
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
• 40+ years experience in business structuring,
strategy formulation and implementation, change
management, design and execution of innovative
operational business models and solutions in the
private, public, government and nonprofit sectors
through first-line and executive level management
• Profit and loss responsibilities:
– Senior executive university management and
instructor positions at the Milwaukee School
of Engineering
– Special Projects Manager and Systems Engineer
in marketing, hardware and software
engineering, product development and
management, consulting, education, and
publishing with IBM
– Member of inaugural Executive-in-Residence
team for technology start-ups at the Plug
and Play Technology incubator in Sunnyvale,
• Bachelor in Industrial Management, MBA –
Technology Management and Doctoral candidate
David Wilsey
BSI Chief Operating Officer
Joe DeCarlo
BSI Vice President,
International Group & Senior
• Strategic planning and performance
measurement specialist with over 12
years’ experience leading BSI client
consulting and training engagements
• Leads BSI’s internal operations and has
helped design all of BSI’s Certification
• Co-author of The Institute Way: Simplify
Strategic Planning with the Balanced
Scorecard and the Strategy Professional
Resource Center’s Association for
Strategic Planning SMP/SPP/SPA
Certification Exam Study Guide
• Bachelor in Music Education and an MBA
in Innovation Management, North
Carolina State University
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
Measuring and Monetizing Strategic Innovation
How to Measure
an Intangible Like
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
Poll Question: What Do You Mean By “Innovation”
When you talk about “Innovation” at your organization,
which of the following do you mostly mean?
A. A high level “new product development”-type
strategy for the organization
B. Only one step in a larger strategy or process (E.g. we
might need to be innovative as part of our
operational excellence strategy)
C. A description of your desired organizational culture
D. Something else
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
There Are Different Approaches to Innovation
Innovation can be one step in a
strategy or process
Innovation can be a focus
of our culture
Innovation can be a strategy
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
The Horizons of Strategic Innovation
Horizon 1
• Extend and defend core businesses
• Core – innovation in existing operations and markets
Horizon 2
• Build emerging businesses
• Adjacent – innovation in new but related areas of
business and markets
Horizon 3
• Create viable options for new businesses
• Transformative – innovation to create new
businesses and markets
Time (years)
Business and
Source: Adapted from The Alchemy of Growth, Baghai, Coley, White (1999)
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
The Horizons of Strategic Innovation
Government and
Horizon 1
• Core – innovation in delivery of existing operations, and
programs and services
Horizon 2
• Improve the cost-effectiveness of existing programs
and services
Horizon 3
• Transformative – innovation to solve
problems with new solutions and/or new
Time (years)
Source: Adapted from The Alchemy of Growth, Baghai, Coley, White (1999)
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
“Positioning choices made (the path) and
action taken (the plan) to move the
organization from its current state to some
future desirable state”
The Institute Way: Simplify Strategic Planning & Management with the
Balanced Scorecard
What is Strategy?
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
Innovation As a Strategy
Strategic Themes:
Main focus areas of the
organization; the organization’s
“Pillars of Excellence”, used to
focus staff effort on
accomplishing the vision. For each
Theme there is a Strategic Result
Strategic Result:
Desired outcome for the
main focus areas of the
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
Innovation Management As a Process
Design In
Form a New
Market Opportunity
• Opportunity Identification
• Market Research
• Voice of the Customer
• Competitor Analysis
• Product Planning
New Product Development (NPD)
• Concept Generation
• Product Specification
• Concept Refinement and Testing
• Manufacturing Prototyping
• Process Prototyping
• Market Launch Strategy
• Project Management
Technology Evaluation
& Selection
• Portfolio Prioritization
• Market Opportunity Scanning
• Market Matching
• Technology Refinements
New Venture Creation (NVC)
• Opportunity Analysis
• Business Planning
• Firm Financing
• Organizational Design
Launch / Commercialization
• Manufacturing Ramp-Up
• Operations Management
• Distribution and Fulfillment
• Product Management
• Follow-on Sales and Service
Adapted from Innovation Management, Montoya-Weiss, M, Integrated Product Development Lab. (2004). BUS 565, Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
Example: International Multimedia Company
Strategic Result : We will be a leading innovator of multimedia products
Culture of
Improve Cross-
Improve Project
Improve New Product Development
New Product
Improve Project
& Portfolio
Improve Concept
Development &
Improve Market
Number of
Speed to
Lower Life-cycle
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
Innovation as a Part of Strategy
City Mission: Be a world-class model for a successful urban community
Supporting (Innovation) Initiatives:
1. Service Redesign Project
2. Cost Reduction Process Redesign Project
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
Innovation As a Culture Focus
“If you want to be inventive, you have to experiment a lot, which
means you will fail a lot. You want to embrace “high-judgment
failure” — this was worth trying, it didn’t work, so let’s try
something different…All of our most important successes at
Amazon have been through that kind of failure: Fail, try again,
and repeat that loop.”
Jeff Bezos, CEO Amazon.com
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
Enablers of Successful Innovation
• Innovation becomes a priority and is managed systematically
• Empowered employees, partners, customers and others
• Failure is accepted as a part of the process
• Ideas are systematically identified and captured
• Structured but dynamic
• Develop new capabilities
• Support business cases
• Ensure the innovations are subsequently delivered
• Benefits realized and visibly counted
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
Inclusion and Ownership is a Key Benefit of a
Team-Based Approach
• Strategies created by a cross-functional
representation of the organization are owned
ꟷ the organization
• Strategies created entirely by a consultant are
owned by…
ꟷ the consultant
• Strategies created entirely by a small exclusive
team are owned by…
ꟷ the exclusive team
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
KPIs and Performance Measures:
• Are expressed quantifiably, such as:
– # of safety accidents
– % of product defects
– Graduation rate
• Are NOT initiatives, actions or tasks (e.g.
“redesign the website”)
• Are NOT “surveys” (the tool itself)
• Are NOT a piece of software
Performance Measure (KPI) Definition
Performance Measures (or Key Performance Indicators - KPIs) are
the critical (key) indicators of progress toward a desirable outcome
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
Good Performance Measures:
• Provide objective evidence of progress on achieving a
strategic objective
• Measure what is intended to be measured to help inform
better decision making
• Offer a comparison that gauges the degree of performance
change over time
• Track efficiency, effectiveness, quality, timeliness,
governance, compliance, behaviors, economics, project
performance and resource utilization
• Are valid, verifiable and balanced between leading and
lagging indicators
Characteristics of Good Performance Measures
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
Strategy is hard to measure because it is often written using
abstract language or vague ideals that are hard to interpret:
• We employ “best practices”
• Performance is “Optimized” or “Maximized” or “World
• Employees are more “Efficient,” “Effective” or
The “Intended Result” in the Objective Commentary should
avoid this practice:
• Use plain concrete language: Not “Improve Thought
Leadership,” but “More people read or recommend our
• Use sensory language to visualize the desired end result
Describe the Intended Result of Innovation Strategy
Adapted from the PuMP Performance Measure Blueprint Workshop, by Performance Measure Specialist Stacey Barr (www.staceybarr.com)
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
• Concrete, sensory-specific language describes things you can see, hear, smell,
taste, or feel
• Abstract language refer to concepts or vague ideals like sustainable, innovative,
reliable, leadership, quality, effective, leverage, efficient, resilient, optimized,
world-class, responsive…
• Concrete words are 2-3 times more memorable than abstractions
Write Intended Results Using Concrete Language
Improve the
Intended Results:
• Checkout is faster
• Facilities are safe and clean
• Checkout cycle time
• Store safe/cleanliness audit score
You can only measure what you can observe or detect.
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
Concrete Language Is More Memorable
and Measurable
You can only measure what you can observe or detect
Concrete: I want a fleet of
quiet, blue, four-door, fuel-
efficient cars
Abstract: I want world-class,
high quality, great value, high-
performing cars
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
• New Market Revenues Increase
• Successful New Products Are Developed
• New Potential Markets Are Identified Quickly
• Avoidable Costs Are Reduced
• Customer Needs Are Met Quickly
• Employees Tell Us They Feel Empowered
• Targeted Potential Employees Want to Work Here
Examples of Innovation Results
The right result(s) for your organization will depend
on your own specific strategy.
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
“Monetizing” Innovation Means Realizing Value from Your
Innovation Strategies and Initiatives
• Innovation is about Creating New or Additional Value, Not Necessarily New Things
• Innovation Comes in Many Forms in an Organization
• Innovation is Systemic and Should Take Into Account All Aspects of the Organization
For example:
Companies Develop innovative
new products or services
• Gillette Mach3 Turbo razor and the creation of additional Blue Ocean competitors for a period
of time (Harry’s, Dollar Shave Club, Dorco, Bevel, Wet Shave Club,
• Apple iPod music player, iTunes music service, Amazon Music, Pandora and the creation of
additional Blue Ocean competitors for a period of time
Redefine how company gets
paid or create innovative new
revenue streams (value
• Paid search versus free search
• Blockbuster revenue-sharing with movie distributors (What happened to Blockbuster?) Redbox
springs up. Streaming video Blue Ocean. Amazon Prime. And at one time Netflix was though to
be the next Blockbuster
Redesign or upgrade core
operating processes to improve
efficiency and effectiveness
• Any international automotive manufacturer or warehousing systems embrace automation and
• Artificial intelligence foothold in knowledge based and databased systems
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
“Monetizing” Innovation Means Finding and Managing the
Connections Between Leading and Lagging Measures
Leading Indicator:
An indicator of performance that is
a precursor of future success.
Leading and Lagging are Relative Terms
Lagging Indicator:
An indicator of past performance that
shows how successful we were in
achieving results.
# of High Potential
Market Opportunities
# of New
from New
This is a leading indicator for… …this lagging indicator
Which is a leading indicator for… …this lagging indicator
©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute.
“Monetizing” Innovation Means Finding and Managing the
Connections Between Leading and Lagging Measures
Culture of
Knowledge and
Skills, Branding
Quality of
Idea Flow
Product &
Partner and
Sales to
Profit, ROE
Sales and
Product and
through Cost
Quality of
David Wilsey and Joe DeCarlo
Balanced Scorecard Institute
March 2018

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Webinar: Measuring And Monetizing Strategic Innovation

  • 1. www.balancedscorecard.org Measuring and Monetizing Strategic Innovation David Wilsey and Joe DeCarlo Balanced Scorecard Institute March 2018
  • 2. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. Learning Topics • How to define what innovation means • How to design and implement measures of Innovation • Keys to monetizing innovation • How to develop and maintain a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship
  • 3. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. Presenters • 40+ years experience in business structuring, strategy formulation and implementation, change management, design and execution of innovative operational business models and solutions in the private, public, government and nonprofit sectors through first-line and executive level management positions • Profit and loss responsibilities: – Senior executive university management and instructor positions at the Milwaukee School of Engineering – Special Projects Manager and Systems Engineer in marketing, hardware and software engineering, product development and management, consulting, education, and publishing with IBM – Member of inaugural Executive-in-Residence team for technology start-ups at the Plug and Play Technology incubator in Sunnyvale, CA • Bachelor in Industrial Management, MBA – Technology Management and Doctoral candidate David Wilsey BSMP, KPIP, SMP, MBA BSI Chief Operating Officer Joe DeCarlo BSMP, PMMP, PMM, MBA BSI Vice President, International Group & Senior Consultant • Strategic planning and performance measurement specialist with over 12 years’ experience leading BSI client consulting and training engagements • Leads BSI’s internal operations and has helped design all of BSI’s Certification Programs • Co-author of The Institute Way: Simplify Strategic Planning with the Balanced Scorecard and the Strategy Professional Resource Center’s Association for Strategic Planning SMP/SPP/SPA Certification Exam Study Guide • Bachelor in Music Education and an MBA in Innovation Management, North Carolina State University
  • 4. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. Measuring and Monetizing Strategic Innovation CHALLENGE: How to Measure an Intangible Like Innovation?
  • 5. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. Poll Question: What Do You Mean By “Innovation” When you talk about “Innovation” at your organization, which of the following do you mostly mean? A. A high level “new product development”-type strategy for the organization B. Only one step in a larger strategy or process (E.g. we might need to be innovative as part of our operational excellence strategy) C. A description of your desired organizational culture D. Something else
  • 6. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. There Are Different Approaches to Innovation Innovation can be one step in a strategy or process Innovation can be a focus of our culture Innovation can be a strategy INNOVATION STRATEGY
  • 7. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. The Horizons of Strategic Innovation Horizon 1 • Extend and defend core businesses • Core – innovation in existing operations and markets Horizon 2 • Build emerging businesses • Adjacent – innovation in new but related areas of business and markets Horizon 3 • Create viable options for new businesses • Transformative – innovation to create new businesses and markets ProfitPerformance Time (years) Business and Industry Source: Adapted from The Alchemy of Growth, Baghai, Coley, White (1999)
  • 8. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. The Horizons of Strategic Innovation Government and Non-Profit Horizon 1 • Core – innovation in delivery of existing operations, and programs and services Horizon 2 • Improve the cost-effectiveness of existing programs and services Horizon 3 • Transformative – innovation to solve problems with new solutions and/or new partners Time (years) ProgramandServiceReachandEffectiveness Source: Adapted from The Alchemy of Growth, Baghai, Coley, White (1999)
  • 9. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. “Positioning choices made (the path) and action taken (the plan) to move the organization from its current state to some future desirable state” The Institute Way: Simplify Strategic Planning & Management with the Balanced Scorecard What is Strategy?
  • 10. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. Innovation As a Strategy Theme:StrategicPartnering Theme:InnovationExcellence Strategic Result Strategic Result Strategic Result Strategic Themes: Main focus areas of the organization; the organization’s “Pillars of Excellence”, used to focus staff effort on accomplishing the vision. For each Theme there is a Strategic Result Strategic Result: Desired outcome for the main focus areas of the strategy. Theme:OperationalExcellence
  • 11. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. Innovation Management As a Process SOURCES OF INNOVATION Design In House Form a New Venture Market Opportunity Analysis • Opportunity Identification • Market Research • Voice of the Customer • Competitor Analysis • Product Planning New Product Development (NPD) • Concept Generation • Product Specification • Concept Refinement and Testing • Manufacturing Prototyping • Process Prototyping • Market Launch Strategy • Project Management Technology Evaluation & Selection • Portfolio Prioritization • Market Opportunity Scanning • Market Matching • Technology Refinements New Venture Creation (NVC) • Opportunity Analysis • Business Planning • Firm Financing • Organizational Design Launch / Commercialization • Manufacturing Ramp-Up • Operations Management • Distribution and Fulfillment • Product Management • Follow-on Sales and Service NPD Adapted from Innovation Management, Montoya-Weiss, M, Integrated Product Development Lab. (2004). BUS 565, Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
  • 12. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. Example: International Multimedia Company Financial Perspective Customer Process Organiztional Capacity Strategic Result : We will be a leading innovator of multimedia products Maximize Technological Capacity Improve Culture of Innovation Improve Cross- Functional Teamwork Improve Project Management Expertise Improve New Product Development Improve New Product Marketing Improve Project & Portfolio Management Improve Product Launch Improve Concept Development & Prioritization Improve Market Opportunity Analysis Expand Number of Markets Improve Customer Satisfaction Increase Speed to Market Lower Life-cycle Production Costs Increase Revenue Increase Profits
  • 13. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. Innovation as a Part of Strategy City Mission: Be a world-class model for a successful urban community Theme:EconomicAbundance Theme:GovernmentReform Strategic Result Strategic Result Strategic Result Theme:OperationalExcellence Supporting (Innovation) Initiatives: 1. Service Redesign Project 2. Cost Reduction Process Redesign Project
  • 14. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. Innovation As a Culture Focus “If you want to be inventive, you have to experiment a lot, which means you will fail a lot. You want to embrace “high-judgment failure” — this was worth trying, it didn’t work, so let’s try something different…All of our most important successes at Amazon have been through that kind of failure: Fail, try again, and repeat that loop.” Jeff Bezos, CEO Amazon.com
  • 15. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. Enablers of Successful Innovation Leadership: • Innovation becomes a priority and is managed systematically People: • Empowered employees, partners, customers and others • Failure is accepted as a part of the process Process: • Ideas are systematically identified and captured • Structured but dynamic • Develop new capabilities • Support business cases • Ensure the innovations are subsequently delivered • Benefits realized and visibly counted
  • 16. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. Inclusion and Ownership is a Key Benefit of a Team-Based Approach • Strategies created by a cross-functional representation of the organization are owned by… ꟷ the organization • Strategies created entirely by a consultant are owned by… ꟷ the consultant • Strategies created entirely by a small exclusive team are owned by… ꟷ the exclusive team 
  • 17. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. KPIs and Performance Measures: • Are expressed quantifiably, such as: – # of safety accidents – % of product defects – Graduation rate • Are NOT initiatives, actions or tasks (e.g. “redesign the website”) • Are NOT “surveys” (the tool itself) • Are NOT a piece of software Performance Measure (KPI) Definition Performance Measures (or Key Performance Indicators - KPIs) are the critical (key) indicators of progress toward a desirable outcome 
  • 18. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. Good Performance Measures: • Provide objective evidence of progress on achieving a strategic objective • Measure what is intended to be measured to help inform better decision making • Offer a comparison that gauges the degree of performance change over time • Track efficiency, effectiveness, quality, timeliness, governance, compliance, behaviors, economics, project performance and resource utilization • Are valid, verifiable and balanced between leading and lagging indicators Characteristics of Good Performance Measures
  • 19. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. Strategy is hard to measure because it is often written using abstract language or vague ideals that are hard to interpret: • We employ “best practices” • Performance is “Optimized” or “Maximized” or “World Class” • Employees are more “Efficient,” “Effective” or “Productive” The “Intended Result” in the Objective Commentary should avoid this practice: • Use plain concrete language: Not “Improve Thought Leadership,” but “More people read or recommend our content” • Use sensory language to visualize the desired end result Describe the Intended Result of Innovation Strategy Adapted from the PuMP Performance Measure Blueprint Workshop, by Performance Measure Specialist Stacey Barr (www.staceybarr.com) 
  • 20. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. • Concrete, sensory-specific language describes things you can see, hear, smell, taste, or feel • Abstract language refer to concepts or vague ideals like sustainable, innovative, reliable, leadership, quality, effective, leverage, efficient, resilient, optimized, world-class, responsive… • Concrete words are 2-3 times more memorable than abstractions Write Intended Results Using Concrete Language Objective: Improve the Customer Experience Intended Results: • Checkout is faster • Facilities are safe and clean Measures • Checkout cycle time • Store safe/cleanliness audit score You can only measure what you can observe or detect.
  • 21. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. Concrete Language Is More Memorable and Measurable You can only measure what you can observe or detect Concrete: I want a fleet of quiet, blue, four-door, fuel- efficient cars Abstract: I want world-class, high quality, great value, high- performing cars
  • 22. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. • New Market Revenues Increase • Successful New Products Are Developed • New Potential Markets Are Identified Quickly • Avoidable Costs Are Reduced • Customer Needs Are Met Quickly • Employees Tell Us They Feel Empowered • Targeted Potential Employees Want to Work Here Examples of Innovation Results The right result(s) for your organization will depend on your own specific strategy.
  • 23. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. “Monetizing” Innovation Means Realizing Value from Your Innovation Strategies and Initiatives • Innovation is about Creating New or Additional Value, Not Necessarily New Things • Innovation Comes in Many Forms in an Organization • Innovation is Systemic and Should Take Into Account All Aspects of the Organization For example: Companies Develop innovative new products or services • Gillette Mach3 Turbo razor and the creation of additional Blue Ocean competitors for a period of time (Harry’s, Dollar Shave Club, Dorco, Bevel, Wet Shave Club, • Apple iPod music player, iTunes music service, Amazon Music, Pandora and the creation of additional Blue Ocean competitors for a period of time Redefine how company gets paid or create innovative new revenue streams (value captures) • Paid search versus free search • Blockbuster revenue-sharing with movie distributors (What happened to Blockbuster?) Redbox springs up. Streaming video Blue Ocean. Amazon Prime. And at one time Netflix was though to be the next Blockbuster Redesign or upgrade core operating processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness • Any international automotive manufacturer or warehousing systems embrace automation and robotics • Artificial intelligence foothold in knowledge based and databased systems
  • 24. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. “Monetizing” Innovation Means Finding and Managing the Connections Between Leading and Lagging Measures Leading Indicator: An indicator of performance that is a precursor of future success. Leading and Lagging are Relative Terms Lagging Indicator: An indicator of past performance that shows how successful we were in achieving results. # of High Potential Market Opportunities Identified # of New Products Launched Revenues from New Markets This is a leading indicator for… …this lagging indicator Which is a leading indicator for… …this lagging indicator 
  • 25. ©1997-2018 Balanced Scorecard Institute. “Monetizing” Innovation Means Finding and Managing the Connections Between Leading and Lagging Measures Outcomes Outputs Processes Inputs Technology Tools, Infrastructure Innovation Funding Culture of Innovation Talent Management, Knowledge and Skills, Branding Improve Project Management Expertise Innovation Portfolio Expansion Quality of Innovation Idea Flow Improve Product & Production Launch Partner and Alliance Additional Value Effective Project Execution Technology Leadership Sales to Current Customers Growth Expanded Customer Base Profit, ROE Growth Sales and Revenue Growth Value Recognition Process Improvements Product and Service Performance Efficiency through Cost Reduction Improved Quality of Life
  • 26. www.balancedscorecard.org Questions? David Wilsey and Joe DeCarlo Balanced Scorecard Institute March 2018