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Human Development Index
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 1
Human Development Index
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 2
Human Development Index
The process in which someone or
something grows or changes and becomes
more advanced : healthy growth and development .
The process of developing something new.
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 3
Human Development Index
Human development
Human development is defined as the process of
enlarging people's freedom allowing them to lead a
healthy life, having decent standard of improved living
and guaranteed human rights.
It values capabilities related to health, education, long
life nutrition as ends in its self and it sees income as the
means to achieve these.
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 4
Human Development Index
What is Human Development index?
• It is a summary composite, statistic index that measures a
country's average achievements in three basic aspects of
human development: health, knowledge, and a decent
standard of living which are used to rank countries into
four tiers of human development.
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 5
Human Development Index
Human Development is a development paradigm that is
about much more than the rise or fall of national incomes.
People are the real wealth of nations.
HDI It is an index used to rank countries by level of human
development which implies that whether the country is a
developed, a developing or an underdeveloped, and also to
measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life.
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 6
Human Development Index
The origin of HDI
Mahbub ul Haq Founder of the Human Development Report.
UNDPs Human Development Reports (HDRs). These were
launched in 1990 and had the explicit purpose: ‘‘to shift the
focus of development economics from national income
accounting to people centered policies.’’
It was Amartya Sen’s work on capabilities and functioning that
provided the underlying conceptual framework.
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Human Development Index
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Human Development Index
Components of HDI
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Human Development Index
Health is measured is measured by life expectancy at birth.
Life expectancy at birth is number of years a new born
infant could expect to live if prevailing patterns of age
specific mortality rates at the time of birth stay the same
through out the infant’s life.
The life expectancy at birth component of Hdi is calculated
using minimum value of 20 years and maximum value at 85
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 10
Human Development Index
The education component of HDI is measured by the mean
of years of schooling for adults aged 25 years and expected
years of schooling for children of school entering age.
Knowledge and education, as measured by the adult
literacy rate (with two-thirds weighting) and the combined
primary, secondary, and tertiary gross enrollment ratio (with
one-third weighting).
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 11
Human Development Index
Standard of living
Standard of living is measured by the natural logarithm of
gross domestic product (GDP) per capita at purchasing
power parity (PPP) in United States dollars.
Gross national income(GNI) per capita: Aggregate income
of an economy generated by its production and its
ownership of the factors of production, less the income paid
for the use of factors of production owned by the rest of the
world, converted to international dollars using PPP rates
divided by the midyear population.
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 12
Human Development Index
Changes occurred in new Human
Development Index (HDI)
1. There is a change of goalposts in three indices of HDI.
2. Geometric mean is taken for assessment of HDI.
Changes occurred in Life Expectancy Index (LEI) in new
HDI calculation
As per old HDI, the minimum life expectancy was 25 years. In
new HDI, the minimum life expectancy is reduced to 20 years. As
per old HDI, the maximum life expectancy was 85 years. And
now maximum life expectancy is reduced to 83.5 years. The
formula to calculate the LEI is same given in old HDI.
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 13
Human Development Index
Changes occurred in Education Index (EI) in new HDI
As per old HDI, there were two indices named Adult Literacy
Index (ALI) and Gross Enrolment Index (GEI). As per new
HDI, these are replaced by Minimum Years of School Index
(MYSI) and Expected Years of Schooling Index (EYSI).
MYSI is given minimum value as zero and maximum value as
13.2 and EYSI is given minimum value of zero and maximum
value as 20.6. For total education index minimum value is set
as zero and maximum value is set as 0.951. The formula is
changed for calculation of new Education Index.
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 14
Changes occurred in new Human
Development Index (HDI)
Human Development Index
Changes occurred in Income Index (II) in new HDI calculation
As per old HDI, the minimum income was $100 and maximum was
$40, 000. As per new HDI, the minimum income is $163 and
maximum income is $108, 211. In old HDI, Gross Domestic Product
was taken and in new HDI, Gross national Income was taken. The
formula to calculation of new Income Index remained the same.
Changes occurred in new HDI calculation
There used to be taking of average mean of three indices to determine
old HDI, but as per new HDI, the geometric value of three indices is
taken as HDI.
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 15
Changes occurred in new Human
Development Index (HDI)
Human Development Index
Calculation of HDI of Nepal
As of 2013
LE= 67.8 years
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Human Development Index
Therfore, EI=
In (2660)−In(100)
In(75000)− In(100)
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Calculation of HDI of Nepal
Human Development Index
MYSI=mean year of schooling index
EYSI= Expected year of schooling index
MYS=mean year of schooling
EYS=expected year of schooling
𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥(𝐼𝐼) =
𝐼𝑛(𝐺𝑁𝐼𝑝𝑐) − 𝐼𝑛(100)
𝐼𝑛(75000) − 𝐼𝑛(100)
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 18
Calculation of HDI of Nepal
Human Development Index
HDI= Human Development Index
𝟎. 𝟕𝟑𝟓𝟒 ∗ 𝟎. 𝟒𝟓𝟏𝟏 ∗ 𝟎. 𝟒𝟗𝟓𝟔 =0.548 (approx).
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Calculation of HDI of Nepal
Human Development Index
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Human Development Index
Top 10 HDI Rankings
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Human Development Index
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Human Development Index
Source: UNDP 2016 Human Development Report released
in 21 march 2017
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Human Development Index
HDI of Nepal
Nepal has graduated to medium human development
grouping in the United Nations’ Human Development
Index (HDI), indicating Nepalese are growing healthier,
becoming more educated and earning more.
Nepal secured a score of 0.558 in HDI in 2015, as
against 0.548 in 2014, says the Human Development
Report 2016 published by the UN.
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 24
Human Development Index
In the same course of development and with this
score, Nepal secured 144th position in the HDI
among 188 countries surveyed by the UN. This
ranking is same as that of the previous year. The
slight improvement in the score also helped Nepal to
escalate to the medium human development group
from the low human development group.
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 25
HDI of Nepal
Human Development Index
The 2014 Nepal National Human Development Report had found
wide variations in HDI values across population groups in Nepal.
The Newar people have the highest HDI value, 0.565. Close on the
heels are Brahmins and Chhetris, with HDI value of 0.538. This
was followed by Janajatis, with HDI value of 0.482, Dalits HDI
value is 0.434 and Muslims HDI value is 0.422.
The variations in HDI values are even significant within these
groups, depending on where they live. The highest inequalities are
in education, and this may have pronounced long-term effects on
capabilities later in life.
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 26
HDI of Nepal
Human Development Index
The Welcome to School Initiative, for instance, led to an
increase in net enrolment of 470,000 children, 57 percent of
them are girls, within a year of its implementation in 2005.
The programme primarily focused on girls and disadvantaged
groups. “Nepal’s policy on adolescent girls was initially
centered on health and education but now encompasses needs
in employment, various skills development and civic
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 27
HDI of Nepal
Human Development Index
Nepal in HDIYears HDI scores
2000 0.446
2010 0.529
2011 0.538
2012 0.545
2013 0.551
2014 0.555
2015 0.558
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Human Development Index
Nepal status in HDI
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Human Development Index
HDI and its Components
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 30
Human Development Index
Components Datas
Health Life expectancy at birth (years)
Education Expected years of schooling (years)
Income/composition of
Gross national income (GNI) per capita (2011
Inequality Inequality-adjusted HDI (IHDI)
Gender Gender Development Index (GDI)
Poverty Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
Work employment and
Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 31
Human Development Index
Human Security Homicide rate (per 100,000
Trade and financial flow Exports and imports (% of GDP)
Mobility and communication Internet users (% of population)
Environment sustainability Carbon dioxide emissions per
capita (tonnes)
Demography Population, total (millions)
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Human Development Index
Efforts of HDI for human development
Universalism—from principles to practice
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Human Development Index
Reaching everyone—analytical and assessment
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Efforts of HDI for human development
Human Development Index
 Caring for those left out—national policy options
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 35
Efforts of HDI for human development
Human Development Index
 Transforming global institutions
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 36
Efforts of HDI for human development
Human Development Index
UNDP in Nepal
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 37
Human Development Index
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or known as the
Global Goals, are a universal call to action in order to end poverty,
protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and
These 17 Goals build on the successes of the Millennium
Development Goals, while including new areas such as climate
change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption,
peace and justice, among other priorities. The goals are
interconnected often the key to success on one will involve tackling
issues more commonly associated with another.
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 38
What are the sustainable development
Human Development Index
HDI as the indicator of overall
Life expectancy
Measuring of standard of living
Per capita income
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 39
Human Development Index
Limited evaluation of human development.
HDI does not measures qualitative factors such as
cultural identity, gender opportunities.
Purchasing power parity value used to adjust GNI data
change quickly and can be inaccurate or misleading.
No replicate on quality of life factors, such as
empowerment movements or overall feelings of security.
Focuses on long term development without considering
nature and ecosystem.
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 40
Human Development Index
Poverty is a condition of having an insufficient resources
or income.in its most extreme form, poverty is a lack of
basic human needs such as adequate and nutritious food,
clothing housing, clean water and health services
Extreme poverty can cause terrible suffering and death and
even modest level of poverty can prevent people from
realizing many of their desires.
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 41
Human Development Index
Causes And Effects Of Poverty
Causes of poverty
Global distribution of resources
Inadequate education and employment
Economic and demographic trends
Welfare dependency
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Human Development Index
Effects of poverty
Malnutrition and starvation
Infectious disease
Mental illness and drugs dependency
Crime and violence
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 43
Causes And Effects Of Poverty
Human Development Index
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Human Development Index
6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 45

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Human Development Index; Components of Human Development Index, Significance and limitations

  • 2. Human Development Index 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 2 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX (HDI) • PRESENTED BY: PALISTHA SAINJU
  • 3. Human Development Index Development The process in which someone or something grows or changes and becomes more advanced : healthy growth and development . The process of developing something new. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 3
  • 4. Human Development Index Human development Human development is defined as the process of enlarging people's freedom allowing them to lead a healthy life, having decent standard of improved living and guaranteed human rights. It values capabilities related to health, education, long life nutrition as ends in its self and it sees income as the means to achieve these. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 4
  • 5. Human Development Index What is Human Development index? • It is a summary composite, statistic index that measures a country's average achievements in three basic aspects of human development: health, knowledge, and a decent standard of living which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 5
  • 6. Human Development Index THE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT Human Development is a development paradigm that is about much more than the rise or fall of national incomes. People are the real wealth of nations. HDI It is an index used to rank countries by level of human development which implies that whether the country is a developed, a developing or an underdeveloped, and also to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 6
  • 7. Human Development Index The origin of HDI Mahbub ul Haq Founder of the Human Development Report. UNDPs Human Development Reports (HDRs). These were launched in 1990 and had the explicit purpose: ‘‘to shift the focus of development economics from national income accounting to people centered policies.’’ It was Amartya Sen’s work on capabilities and functioning that provided the underlying conceptual framework. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 7
  • 9. Human Development Index Components of HDI 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 9
  • 10. Human Development Index Health Health is measured is measured by life expectancy at birth. Life expectancy at birth is number of years a new born infant could expect to live if prevailing patterns of age specific mortality rates at the time of birth stay the same through out the infant’s life. The life expectancy at birth component of Hdi is calculated using minimum value of 20 years and maximum value at 85 years. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 10
  • 11. Human Development Index Education The education component of HDI is measured by the mean of years of schooling for adults aged 25 years and expected years of schooling for children of school entering age. Knowledge and education, as measured by the adult literacy rate (with two-thirds weighting) and the combined primary, secondary, and tertiary gross enrollment ratio (with one-third weighting). 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 11
  • 12. Human Development Index Standard of living Standard of living is measured by the natural logarithm of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) in United States dollars. Gross national income(GNI) per capita: Aggregate income of an economy generated by its production and its ownership of the factors of production, less the income paid for the use of factors of production owned by the rest of the world, converted to international dollars using PPP rates divided by the midyear population. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 12
  • 13. Human Development Index Changes occurred in new Human Development Index (HDI) 1. There is a change of goalposts in three indices of HDI. 2. Geometric mean is taken for assessment of HDI. Changes occurred in Life Expectancy Index (LEI) in new HDI calculation As per old HDI, the minimum life expectancy was 25 years. In new HDI, the minimum life expectancy is reduced to 20 years. As per old HDI, the maximum life expectancy was 85 years. And now maximum life expectancy is reduced to 83.5 years. The formula to calculate the LEI is same given in old HDI. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 13
  • 14. Human Development Index Changes occurred in Education Index (EI) in new HDI calculation As per old HDI, there were two indices named Adult Literacy Index (ALI) and Gross Enrolment Index (GEI). As per new HDI, these are replaced by Minimum Years of School Index (MYSI) and Expected Years of Schooling Index (EYSI). MYSI is given minimum value as zero and maximum value as 13.2 and EYSI is given minimum value of zero and maximum value as 20.6. For total education index minimum value is set as zero and maximum value is set as 0.951. The formula is changed for calculation of new Education Index. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 14 Changes occurred in new Human Development Index (HDI)
  • 15. Human Development Index Changes occurred in Income Index (II) in new HDI calculation As per old HDI, the minimum income was $100 and maximum was $40, 000. As per new HDI, the minimum income is $163 and maximum income is $108, 211. In old HDI, Gross Domestic Product was taken and in new HDI, Gross national Income was taken. The formula to calculation of new Income Index remained the same. Changes occurred in new HDI calculation There used to be taking of average mean of three indices to determine old HDI, but as per new HDI, the geometric value of three indices is taken as HDI. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 15 Changes occurred in new Human Development Index (HDI)
  • 16. Human Development Index Calculation of HDI of Nepal As of 2013 LE= 67.8 years MYS=3.2 EYS=12.4 GNIpc=$2660 Now, LEI= LE−20 85−20 = 67.8−20 85−20 =0.7354 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 16
  • 17. Human Development Index EI= MYSI+EYSI 2 MYSI= 𝑀𝑌𝑆 15 = 3.2 15 =0.2133 EYSI= 𝐸𝑌𝑆 18 = 12.4 18 =0.6889 Therfore, EI= 0.2133+0.6889 2 =0.4511 AND, II= In (2660)−In(100) In(75000)− In(100) =0.4956 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 17 Calculation of HDI of Nepal
  • 18. Human Development Index 𝑀𝑌𝑆𝐼 = 𝑀𝑌𝑆 15 𝐴𝑁𝐷 𝐸𝑌𝑆𝐼 = 𝐸𝑌𝑆 18 HERE, MYSI=mean year of schooling index EYSI= Expected year of schooling index MYS=mean year of schooling EYS=expected year of schooling 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥(𝐼𝐼) = 𝐼𝑛(𝐺𝑁𝐼𝑝𝑐) − 𝐼𝑛(100) 𝐼𝑛(75000) − 𝐼𝑛(100) 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 18 Calculation of HDI of Nepal
  • 19. Human Development Index 𝐻𝐷𝐼 = 3 𝐿𝐸𝐼 ∗ 𝐸𝐼 ∗ 𝐼𝐼 Where, HDI= Human Development Index HDI= 𝟑 𝟎. 𝟕𝟑𝟓𝟒 ∗ 𝟎. 𝟒𝟓𝟏𝟏 ∗ 𝟎. 𝟒𝟗𝟓𝟔 =0.548 (approx). 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 19 Calculation of HDI of Nepal
  • 20. Human Development Index 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 20
  • 21. Human Development Index Top 10 HDI Rankings 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 21
  • 22. Human Development Index 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 22
  • 23. Human Development Index Source: UNDP 2016 Human Development Report released in 21 march 2017 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 23
  • 24. Human Development Index HDI of Nepal Nepal has graduated to medium human development grouping in the United Nations’ Human Development Index (HDI), indicating Nepalese are growing healthier, becoming more educated and earning more. Nepal secured a score of 0.558 in HDI in 2015, as against 0.548 in 2014, says the Human Development Report 2016 published by the UN. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 24
  • 25. Human Development Index In the same course of development and with this score, Nepal secured 144th position in the HDI among 188 countries surveyed by the UN. This ranking is same as that of the previous year. The slight improvement in the score also helped Nepal to escalate to the medium human development group from the low human development group. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 25 HDI of Nepal
  • 26. Human Development Index The 2014 Nepal National Human Development Report had found wide variations in HDI values across population groups in Nepal. The Newar people have the highest HDI value, 0.565. Close on the heels are Brahmins and Chhetris, with HDI value of 0.538. This was followed by Janajatis, with HDI value of 0.482, Dalits HDI value is 0.434 and Muslims HDI value is 0.422. The variations in HDI values are even significant within these groups, depending on where they live. The highest inequalities are in education, and this may have pronounced long-term effects on capabilities later in life. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 26 HDI of Nepal
  • 27. Human Development Index The Welcome to School Initiative, for instance, led to an increase in net enrolment of 470,000 children, 57 percent of them are girls, within a year of its implementation in 2005. The programme primarily focused on girls and disadvantaged groups. “Nepal’s policy on adolescent girls was initially centered on health and education but now encompasses needs in employment, various skills development and civic participation. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 27 HDI of Nepal
  • 28. Human Development Index Nepal in HDIYears HDI scores 2000 0.446 2010 0.529 2011 0.538 2012 0.545 2013 0.551 2014 0.555 2015 0.558 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 28
  • 29. Human Development Index Nepal status in HDI 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 29
  • 30. Human Development Index HDI and its Components 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 30
  • 31. Human Development Index Components Datas Health Life expectancy at birth (years) 70.0 Education Expected years of schooling (years) 12.2 Income/composition of resources Gross national income (GNI) per capita (2011 PPP$) 2,337 Inequality Inequality-adjusted HDI (IHDI) 0.407 Gender Gender Development Index (GDI) 0.925 Poverty Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) 0.116 Work employment and vulnerability Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) 0.116 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 31
  • 32. Human Development Index Human Security Homicide rate (per 100,000 people) 2.9 Trade and financial flow Exports and imports (% of GDP) 53.2 Mobility and communication Internet users (% of population) 17.6 Environment sustainability Carbon dioxide emissions per capita (tonnes) 0.2 Demography Population, total (millions) 28.5 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 32
  • 33. Human Development Index Efforts of HDI for human development Universalism—from principles to practice 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 33
  • 34. Human Development Index Reaching everyone—analytical and assessment issues 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 34 Efforts of HDI for human development
  • 35. Human Development Index  Caring for those left out—national policy options 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 35 Efforts of HDI for human development
  • 36. Human Development Index  Transforming global institutions 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 36 Efforts of HDI for human development
  • 37. Human Development Index UNDP in Nepal 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 37
  • 38. Human Development Index The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or known as the Global Goals, are a universal call to action in order to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. These 17 Goals build on the successes of the Millennium Development Goals, while including new areas such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice, among other priorities. The goals are interconnected often the key to success on one will involve tackling issues more commonly associated with another. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 38 What are the sustainable development goals?
  • 39. Human Development Index HDI as the indicator of overall Development Schooling Life expectancy Measuring of standard of living Per capita income 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 39
  • 40. Human Development Index Limitations Limited evaluation of human development. HDI does not measures qualitative factors such as cultural identity, gender opportunities. Purchasing power parity value used to adjust GNI data change quickly and can be inaccurate or misleading. No replicate on quality of life factors, such as empowerment movements or overall feelings of security. Focuses on long term development without considering nature and ecosystem. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 40
  • 41. Human Development Index Poverty Poverty is a condition of having an insufficient resources or income.in its most extreme form, poverty is a lack of basic human needs such as adequate and nutritious food, clothing housing, clean water and health services Extreme poverty can cause terrible suffering and death and even modest level of poverty can prevent people from realizing many of their desires. 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 41
  • 42. Human Development Index Causes And Effects Of Poverty Causes of poverty Overpopulation Global distribution of resources Inadequate education and employment Economic and demographic trends Welfare dependency 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 42
  • 43. Human Development Index Effects of poverty Malnutrition and starvation Infectious disease Mental illness and drugs dependency Crime and violence Illiteracy 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 43 Causes And Effects Of Poverty
  • 44. Human Development Index 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 44
  • 45. Human Development Index 6/26/2017 Palistha Sainju 45