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Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE)
Gabion Wall
[Reinforced Soil Wall]
Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE)
Gabion Wall
[Reinforced Soil Wall]
Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE)
Gabion Wall
[Reinforced Soil Wall]
Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE)
Gabion Wall
[Reinforced Soil Wall]
Gabion Gravity Wall
Rev. 11/04 Page 1 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems
Gabion Walls Installation Guide
Foundation Requirements, which must be established by the
engineer, will vary with site conditions, height of gabion
structure, etc. Generally, the top layer of soil is stripped until a
layer of the required bearing soil strength is reached. In some
cases, the foundation may consist of suitable fill material
compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of Proctor density.
To assemble each gabion, fold out the four sides and the ends;
fold adjacent sides up and join edges with spiral binders; insert
diaphragms at 3-foot centers and fasten them to the base panel
with spiral binders. Place the empty gabions in the designed
pattern on the foundation. When the entire first course is in
position, permanently secure adjacent gabions by installing
vertical spiral binders running full height at all corners.
Similarly secure both edges of all diaphragms with spiral
binders. Crimp ends of all spiral binders. Corner stiffeners are
then installed diagonally across the corners on 1-foot centers
(not used for gabions less than 3-feet high). The stiffeners must
be hooked over crossing wires and crimped closed at both ends.
Final gabion alignment must be checked before filling begins.
Fill material must be as specified by the engineer. It must have
suitable compressive strength and durability to resist the
loading, as well as the effects of water and weathering. Usually,
3 to 8-inch clean, hard stone is specified. A well graded stone-
fill increases density. Place the stone in 12-inch lifts with power
equipment, but distribute evenly by hand to minimize voids and
ensure a pleasing appearance along the exposed faces. Keep
baskets square and diaphragms straight. The fill in adjoining
cells should not vary in height by more than 1-foot. Level the
final stone layer allowing the diaphragms’ tops to be visible.
Lower lids and bind along all gabions’ edges and at diaphragms’
tops with spiral binders. Alternatively, tie or lacing wire can be
utilized for this operation.
Successive Courses
Place the next course of assembled empty gabions on top of the
filled course. Stagger the joints so that the vertical connections
are offset from one another. Bind the empty baskets to the filled
ones below the spirals or tie wire at all external bottom edges.
Bind vertical edges together with spiral binders and continue
with the same steps as for the first layer. Successive courses are
placed in like manner until the structure is complete.
Gabion Walls Design Guide
Gravity Wall Design
Gabion Walls are generally analyzed as gravity retaining walls,
that is, walls which use their own weight to resist the lateral
earth pressures. The use of horizontal layers of welded wire
mesh (Anchor Mesh) as horizontal tie-backs for soil
reinforcement (MSE Walls) is discussed separately. This
material is presented for the use of a qualified engineer familiar
with traditional procedures for retaining wall design.
Gabion walls may be stepped on either the front or the back (soil
side) face as illustrated in Figure 1. The design of both types is
based on the same principles.
Design begins with the selection of trail dimensions for a typical
vertical cross section through the wall. Four main steps must
then be followed:
1. Determine the forces acting on the wall.
2. Check that resisting moment exceeds the overturning
moment by a suitable safety factor.
3. Check that sliding resistance exceeds the active
horizontal force by a suitable safety factor.
4. Check that the resultant force falls within the middle
third of the wall’s base, and that the maximum bearing
pressure is within the allowable limit.
These steps are repeated iteratively until a suitable design that
meets all criteria is achieved. The wall stability must be
checked at the base and at each course. Pertinent equations are
given below, and an application is illustrated in Example 1.
Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE)
Walls Soil Reinforcement
When required, flat layers of welded wire mesh (Anchor Mesh)
are specified as soil reinforcement to secure the gabion wall into
the backfill. In such cases, the Anchor Mesh must be joined
securely to the gabion wall facing with spirals or tie wire at the
specified elevations as layers of backfill are placed and
Rev. 11/04 Page 2 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems
Forces Acting on the Wall
As shown in Figure 1, the main forces acting on gabion walls
are the vertical forces from the weight of the gabions and the
lateral earth pressure acting on the back face. These forces are
used herein to illustrate the main design principles. If other
forces are encountered, such as vehicular loads or seismic loads,
they must also be included in the analysis.
The weight of a unit length (one foot) of wall is simply the
product of the wall cross section and the density of the gabion
fill. The latter value may be conservatively taken as 100 lb/ft3
for typical material (Wg).
The lateral earth pressure is usually calculated by the Coulomb
equation. Although based on granular material, it is
conservative for cohesive material. According to Coulomb
theory, the total active force of the triangular pressure
distribution acting on the wall is:
2/2HswaKaP =
Equation 1
Where ws is the soil density, H is the wall height, and Ka is the
coefficient of active soil pressure. The soil density is often
taken as 120 lb/ft3 where a specific value is not available.
If a uniformly distributed surcharge pressure (q) is present on
top of the backfill surface, it may be treated as an equivalent
layer of soil that creates a uniform pressure over the entire
height of the wall. Equation 1 is modified to:
)2/2( qHHswaKaP +=
Equation 1A
The pressure coefficient is Ka is given by:
Equation 2
α = slope angle of backfill surface
β = acute angle of back face slope with vertical (-value
where as in Fig. 1A; + value when as in Fig. 1B)
δ = angle of wall friction
φ = angle of internal friction of soil
Pa is inclined to a line normal to the slope of the back face by
the angle δ . However, because the effect of wall friction is
small, δ is usually taken as zero. Typical values of φ for
various soils are given in Table I. Values of Ka for various
combinations of ß, δ , and α are given in Table II.
The horizontal component of Pa is:
βcosaPhP =
Equation 3
The vertical component of Pa is usually neglected in design
because it reduces the overturning moment and increases the
sliding resistance.
Overturning Moment Check
The active soil pressure forces tend to overturn the wall, and this
must be properly balanced by the resisting moment developed
from the weight of the wall and other forces. Using basic
principles of statics, moments are taken about the toe of the wall
to check overturning.
This check may be expressed as
oMoSFrM ≥
Equation 4
Where Mr is the resisting moment, Mo is the overturning
moment, and SFo is the safety factor against overturning
(typically 2.0). Each moment is obtained by summing the
products of each appropriate force times its perpendicular
distance the toe of the wall.
Neglecting wall friction, the active earth force acts normal to the
slope of the back face at a distance H/3 above the base. When a
surcharge is present, the distance of the total active force above
the toe becomes
ad +
Equation 5
The overturning moment is
hPadoM =
Equation 6
The weight of the gabion wall (Wg) acts vertically through the
centroid of its cross section area. The horizontal distance to this
point from the toe of the wall (dg) may be obtained from the
statical moment of wall areas. That is, moments of areas about
the toe are taken, then divided by the total area, as shown in
Example 1.
Rev. 11/04 Page 3 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems
The resisting moment is the sum of the products of vertical
forces or weights per unit length (W) and their distance (d) from
the toe of the wall:
dWrM ∑=
Equation 7
For the simple gravity wall, the resisting moment is provided
entirely by the weight of the wall and
gWgdrM =
Equation 7A
Sliding Resistance Check
The tendency of the active earth pressure to cause the wall to
slide horizontally must be opposed by the frictional resistance at
the base of the wall. This may be expressed as
hPsSFvW ≥µ
Equation 8
Where µ is the coefficient of the sliding friction (tan of angle of
friction of soil), Wv is the sum of the vertical forces (Wg in this
case), and SFs is the safety factor against sliding (typically 1.5).
Check Bearing Pressure
First check to determine if the resultant vertical force lies within
the middle third of the base. If B denotes the width of the base,
the eccentricity, e, of the vertical force from the midwidth of the
base is
v)/WoM-r(M-B/2e =
Equation 9
For the resultant force to lie in the middle third:
6/6/ BeB ≤≤−
Equation 10
The maximum pressure under the base, P, is then
)/61)(/( BeBvWP +=
Equation 11
The maximum pressure must not exceed the allowable soil
bearing pressure, Pb:
bPP ≤
Equation 12
The safety factor must be included in Pb.
Example 1:
Given Data (Refer to Cross Section, page 5)
Wall Height………………………. H = 9 ft
Surcharge…………………………. q = 300 psf
Backfill slope angle………………. α = 0 deg
Back Face slope angle……………. β = -6 deg
Soil friction angle………………… φ = 35 deg
Soil density……………………….. ws = 120 pcf
Gabion fill density………………... wg = 100 pcf
Soil bearing pressure……………... Pb = 4000 psf
Determine if safety factors are within limits:
Pressure coefficient from Equation 2 is Ka=0.23
Active earth force, Pa, from Equation 1A is
Horizontal component from Equation 3 is
Vertical distance to Ph from Equation 5 is
Overturning moment from Equation 6 is
Weight of gabions for a 1-ft unit length is
Horizontal distance to Wg is
Rev. 11/04 Page 4 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems
Resisting moment from Equation 7 is
Safety factor against overturning from Equation 4 is
= oMrMoSF
Safety factor against sliding from Equation 8 is
hPgWsSF µ
Reaction eccentricity from Equation 9 is
Limit of eccentricity from Equation 10 is
fte 11 ≤≤−
Maximum base pressure from Equation 11 is
All safety factors are within limits. Stability checks at
intermediate levels in the walls show similar results.
Rev. 11/04 Page 5 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems
Rev. 11/04 Page 6 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems
Rev. 11/04 Page 7 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems
Reinforced Soil Walls
To increase the efficiency of MSE gabion walls, layers of wire
mesh (Anchor Mesh) may be attached to the back face and
embedded in the backfill. The Anchor Mesh layers in this
reinforced soil wall will resist the active soil force, by a
combination of friction on the wire surface and mechanical
interlock with the soil. Reinforced soil walls generally use a
single thickness of gabions. Design consists of (1) walls
stability checks similar to that for gravity walls, assuming the
gabions and the reinforced soil act together as one unit, and (2)
checks for strength and pullout resistance of the reinforcement
layers, to ensure such action. The considerations that differ
from gravity wall design are discussed below.
Walls will typically be 6 degrees from vertical. To simplify
calculations, assume wall is vertical for certain calculations as
indicated in Example 2.
In checking overturning, sliding and bearing, the weight of the
soil in the reinforced zone is included with the weight of the
The tensile force in each layer of reinforcement is assumed to
resist the active earth force over an incremental height of wall.
Its calculated value must be limited to the tensile strength of the
mesh divided by the safety factor (typically 1.85). Therefore:
3000/1.85=1620 lb/ft.
As in gravity wall design, the wall is designed to resist the force
generated by a sliding wedge of soil as defined by Coulomb.
The reinforcement at each layer must ext end past the wedge by
at least 3-feet, and by a distance sufficient to provide anchorage
in the adjacent soil. Generally, this results in a B distance 0.5 to
0.7 times the height of the wall.
Additional equations used in the design of MSE walls, derived
from statics are given in Example 2.
Example 2:
Given Data (See Cross Section, page 10)
Wall Height…………… H = 24 ft (21 ft+3 ft embedment)
Wall Thickness………… T = 3 ft
Surcharge……………… Q = 300 psf
Backfill slope angle…… α = 0 deg
Back Face slope angle… β
= -6 deg
Soil friction angle……… φ
= 35 deg
Soil density…………… Ws = 120 pcf
Gabion fill density…… Wg = 100 pcf
Soil bearing pressure… Pb = 4000 psf
(1) Determine if safety factors are within limits:
The trial value for dimension B was selected as 16.5
approximately 0.7H. Also see note near the end of part 2 below
on trial selection of B to provide adequate embedment length.
In these calculations, positive values are used for the sin and tan
of β and the sign in the equation changed as necessary.
Pressure coefficient from Equation 2 is Ka=0.23
Active earth force, Pa, from Equation 1A is
Vertical distance to Pa from Equation 5 is
Overturning moment from Equation 6 is
Weight of gabions is
Horizontal distance to Wg is
+= β
Weight of surcharge is
Horizontal distance to Wq is
++= β
Weight of soil wedge is
+= β
Rev. 11/04 Page 8 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems
Horizontal distance to Ws is
Resisting moment from Equation 7 is
Safety factor against overturning from Equation 4 is
= oMrMoSF
Total vertical weight is
Safety factor against sliding from Equation 8 is
= hPWvsSF µ
Reaction eccentricity from Equation 9 is
Limit of eccentricity from Equation 10 is
fte 75.275.2 ≤≤−
Maximum base pressure from Equation 11 is
All safety factors are within limits. Stability checks at
intermediate levels in the walls show similar results.
(2) Determine if reinforcement mesh is satisfactory
The pressure on any layer a distance z (ft) below the surface is
300120 +=
The tensile strength on any layer of reinforcement in a vertical
segment of soil of thickness Sv (ft), centered about the
reinforcement layer, is
Calculate T for each layer as follows
z (ft) Sv (ft) Fv (psf) T (lb/ft) T<1620 lb/ft?
The tensile force at 18 and 21 ft exceeded the limit. Therefore,
insert an intermediate layer at 19.5 and 22.5 ft.
Recalculate the following revised table:
z (ft) Sv (ft) Fv (psf) T (lb/ft) T<1620 lb/ft?
The tensile force is now within allowable limits at all layers.
Rev. 11/04 Page 9 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems
The minimum embedment length past the wedge to provide a
safety factor of 1.5 against pullout in any layer is
)tan2/(5.1 φvfTemL Γ=
Where Γ is a “scale correction factor” assumed as 0.65.
At the top of the wall, the distance, X, to the wedge failure plane
from the back of the wall is
−−= βφ
At any layer, the length of embedment past the wedge is
[Note: Le can be calculated for the top layer of reinforcement
initially, when selecting B, to make sure it is at least 3-feet. If
not, increase B for the trial design.]
Calculate Le and Lem for each layer as follows:
z (ft) Fv (psf) T (lb/ft) Le (ft) Lem (ft) Le>Lem?
The embedded length of reinforcement in each layer is greater
than the minimum required for pullout and is also at least 3-feet.
Reinforcement design is satisfactory with mesh added at the
19.5 and 22.5-foot levels.
General Note: Every effort has been made to ensure the
accuracy and reliability of the information presented herein.
Nevertheless, the user of this brochure is responsible for
checking and verifying the data by independent means.
Application of the information must be based on responsible
professional judgment. No express warranties of merchantability
or fitness are created or intended by this document. Specification
data referring to mechanical and physical properties and chemical
analyses related solely to test performed at the time of
manufacture in specimens obtained from specific locations of the
product in accordance with prescribed sampling procedures.
Rev. 11/04 Page 10 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems
Rev. 11/04 Page 11 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems
Table I
Angles of Internal Friction and Unit Weights of Soil*
Angle of Internal Friction
Soil Type Soil Condition (deg)φ Soil Density, w (lb/ft3)
Course sand, sand & gravel
Compact soil
Medium sand
Compact soil
Fine silty sand, sandy silt
Compact soil
Uniform silt
Compact soil
Clay-silt Soft/medium 20 90/120
Silty clay Soft/medium 15 90/120
Clay Soft/medium 0/10 90/120
*F.S. Merritt, Ed., “Standard Handbook for Civil Engineers” McGraw-Hill, 1983
Rev. 11/04 Page 12 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems
Table II
Active Pressure Coefficient, Ka
β α 10=φ 15=φ 20=φ 25=φ 30=φ 35=φ 40=φ
-6 0 0.68 0.56 0.45 0.37 0.29 0.23 0.18
-6 5 0.74 0.6 0.49 0.39 0.31 0.24 0.19
-6 10 0.94 0.67 0.53 0.42 0.33 0.26 0.2
-6 15 0.89 0.59 0.46 0.35 0.27 0.21
-6 20 0.82 0.52 0.39 0.29 0.22
-6 25 0.75 0.44 0.32 0.24
-6 30 0.67 0.37 0.26
-6 35 0.58 0.3
-6 40 0.49
0 0 0.7 0.59 0.49 0.41 0.33 0.27 0.22
0 5 0.77 0.63 0.52 0.43 0.35 0.28 0.23
0 10 0.97 0.7 0.57 0.46 0.37 0.3 0.24
0 15 0.93 0.64 0.5 0.4 0.32 0.25
0 20 0.88 0.57 0.44 0.34 0.27
0 25 0.82 0.5 0.38 0.29
0 30 0.75 0.44 0.32
0 35 0.67 0.37
0 40 0.59
5 0 0.73 0.62 0.52 0.44 0.37 0.31 0.25
5 5 0.8 0.67 0.56 0.47 0.39 0.32 0.26
5 10 1 0.74 0.61 0.5 0.41 0.34 0.28
5 15 0.98 0.68 0.55 0.45 0.36 0.29
5 20 0.94 0.62 0.49 0.39 0.31
5 25 0.89 0.56 0.43 0.34
5 30 0.83 0.5 0.37
5 35 0.76 0.43
5 40 0.68
10 0 0.76 0.65 0.56 0.48 0.41 0.34 0.29
10 5 0.83 0.7 0.6 0.51 0.43 0.36 0.3
10 10 1.05 0.78 0.65 0.55 0.46 0.38 0.32
10 15 1.04 0.74 0.6 0.5 0.41 0.34
10 20 1.02 0.68 0.55 0.44 0.36
10 25 0.98 0.63 0.49 0.39
10 30 0.92 0.57 0.43
10 35 0.86 0.5
10 40 0.79
15 0 0.79 0.69 0.6 0.52 0.45 0.39 0.33
15 5 0.87 0.75 0.65 0.56 0.48 0.41 0.35
15 10 1.1 0.83 0.71 0.6 0.51 0.43 0.37
15 15 1.11 0.8 0.66 0.55 0.47 0.39
15 20 1.1 0.75 0.61 0.51 0.42
15 25 1.08 0.7 0.56 0.45
15 30 1.04 0.65 0.5
15 35 0.98 0.58
15 40 0.91
Modular Gabion Systems
A Division of C. E. Shepherd Company
2221 Canada Dry Street
Houston TX 77023
800.324.8282 • 713.924.4371

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Gabion walls design guide

  • 1. Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Gabion Wall [Reinforced Soil Wall] GABION WALLS DESIGN Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Gabion Wall [Reinforced Soil Wall] GABION WALLS DESIGN Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Gabion Wall [Reinforced Soil Wall] GABION WALLS DESIGN Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Gabion Wall [Reinforced Soil Wall] GABION WALLS DESIGN Gabion Gravity Wall
  • 2. Rev. 11/04 Page 1 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems Gabion Walls Installation Guide Foundation Foundation Requirements, which must be established by the engineer, will vary with site conditions, height of gabion structure, etc. Generally, the top layer of soil is stripped until a layer of the required bearing soil strength is reached. In some cases, the foundation may consist of suitable fill material compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of Proctor density. Assembly To assemble each gabion, fold out the four sides and the ends; fold adjacent sides up and join edges with spiral binders; insert diaphragms at 3-foot centers and fasten them to the base panel with spiral binders. Place the empty gabions in the designed pattern on the foundation. When the entire first course is in position, permanently secure adjacent gabions by installing vertical spiral binders running full height at all corners. Similarly secure both edges of all diaphragms with spiral binders. Crimp ends of all spiral binders. Corner stiffeners are then installed diagonally across the corners on 1-foot centers (not used for gabions less than 3-feet high). The stiffeners must be hooked over crossing wires and crimped closed at both ends. Final gabion alignment must be checked before filling begins. Filling Fill material must be as specified by the engineer. It must have suitable compressive strength and durability to resist the loading, as well as the effects of water and weathering. Usually, 3 to 8-inch clean, hard stone is specified. A well graded stone- fill increases density. Place the stone in 12-inch lifts with power equipment, but distribute evenly by hand to minimize voids and ensure a pleasing appearance along the exposed faces. Keep baskets square and diaphragms straight. The fill in adjoining cells should not vary in height by more than 1-foot. Level the final stone layer allowing the diaphragms’ tops to be visible. Lower lids and bind along all gabions’ edges and at diaphragms’ tops with spiral binders. Alternatively, tie or lacing wire can be utilized for this operation. Successive Courses Place the next course of assembled empty gabions on top of the filled course. Stagger the joints so that the vertical connections are offset from one another. Bind the empty baskets to the filled ones below the spirals or tie wire at all external bottom edges. Bind vertical edges together with spiral binders and continue with the same steps as for the first layer. Successive courses are placed in like manner until the structure is complete. Gabion Walls Design Guide Gravity Wall Design Gabion Walls are generally analyzed as gravity retaining walls, that is, walls which use their own weight to resist the lateral earth pressures. The use of horizontal layers of welded wire mesh (Anchor Mesh) as horizontal tie-backs for soil reinforcement (MSE Walls) is discussed separately. This material is presented for the use of a qualified engineer familiar with traditional procedures for retaining wall design. Gabion walls may be stepped on either the front or the back (soil side) face as illustrated in Figure 1. The design of both types is based on the same principles. Design begins with the selection of trail dimensions for a typical vertical cross section through the wall. Four main steps must then be followed: 1. Determine the forces acting on the wall. 2. Check that resisting moment exceeds the overturning moment by a suitable safety factor. 3. Check that sliding resistance exceeds the active horizontal force by a suitable safety factor. 4. Check that the resultant force falls within the middle third of the wall’s base, and that the maximum bearing pressure is within the allowable limit. These steps are repeated iteratively until a suitable design that meets all criteria is achieved. The wall stability must be checked at the base and at each course. Pertinent equations are given below, and an application is illustrated in Example 1. Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Walls Soil Reinforcement When required, flat layers of welded wire mesh (Anchor Mesh) are specified as soil reinforcement to secure the gabion wall into the backfill. In such cases, the Anchor Mesh must be joined securely to the gabion wall facing with spirals or tie wire at the specified elevations as layers of backfill are placed and compacted.
  • 3. Rev. 11/04 Page 2 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems GRAVITY WALLS Forces Acting on the Wall As shown in Figure 1, the main forces acting on gabion walls are the vertical forces from the weight of the gabions and the lateral earth pressure acting on the back face. These forces are used herein to illustrate the main design principles. If other forces are encountered, such as vehicular loads or seismic loads, they must also be included in the analysis. The weight of a unit length (one foot) of wall is simply the product of the wall cross section and the density of the gabion fill. The latter value may be conservatively taken as 100 lb/ft3 for typical material (Wg). The lateral earth pressure is usually calculated by the Coulomb equation. Although based on granular material, it is conservative for cohesive material. According to Coulomb theory, the total active force of the triangular pressure distribution acting on the wall is: 2/2HswaKaP = Equation 1 Where ws is the soil density, H is the wall height, and Ka is the coefficient of active soil pressure. The soil density is often taken as 120 lb/ft3 where a specific value is not available. If a uniformly distributed surcharge pressure (q) is present on top of the backfill surface, it may be treated as an equivalent layer of soil that creates a uniform pressure over the entire height of the wall. Equation 1 is modified to: )2/2( qHHswaKaP += Equation 1A The pressure coefficient is Ka is given by: 2 )cos()cos( )sin()sin( 1)cos(2cos )(2cos         −+ −+ ++ − = βαβδ αφδφ βδβ βφ aK Equation 2 Where: α = slope angle of backfill surface β = acute angle of back face slope with vertical (-value where as in Fig. 1A; + value when as in Fig. 1B) δ = angle of wall friction φ = angle of internal friction of soil Pa is inclined to a line normal to the slope of the back face by the angle δ . However, because the effect of wall friction is small, δ is usually taken as zero. Typical values of φ for various soils are given in Table I. Values of Ka for various combinations of ß, δ , and α are given in Table II. The horizontal component of Pa is: βcosaPhP = Equation 3 The vertical component of Pa is usually neglected in design because it reduces the overturning moment and increases the sliding resistance. Overturning Moment Check The active soil pressure forces tend to overturn the wall, and this must be properly balanced by the resisting moment developed from the weight of the wall and other forces. Using basic principles of statics, moments are taken about the toe of the wall to check overturning. This check may be expressed as oMoSFrM ≥ Equation 4 Where Mr is the resisting moment, Mo is the overturning moment, and SFo is the safety factor against overturning (typically 2.0). Each moment is obtained by summing the products of each appropriate force times its perpendicular distance the toe of the wall. Neglecting wall friction, the active earth force acts normal to the slope of the back face at a distance H/3 above the base. When a surcharge is present, the distance of the total active force above the toe becomes βsin )/2(3 )/3( B swqH swqHH ad + + + = Equation 5 The overturning moment is hPadoM = Equation 6 The weight of the gabion wall (Wg) acts vertically through the centroid of its cross section area. The horizontal distance to this point from the toe of the wall (dg) may be obtained from the statical moment of wall areas. That is, moments of areas about the toe are taken, then divided by the total area, as shown in Example 1.
  • 4. Rev. 11/04 Page 3 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems The resisting moment is the sum of the products of vertical forces or weights per unit length (W) and their distance (d) from the toe of the wall: dWrM ∑= Equation 7 For the simple gravity wall, the resisting moment is provided entirely by the weight of the wall and gWgdrM = Equation 7A Sliding Resistance Check The tendency of the active earth pressure to cause the wall to slide horizontally must be opposed by the frictional resistance at the base of the wall. This may be expressed as hPsSFvW ≥µ Equation 8 Where µ is the coefficient of the sliding friction (tan of angle of friction of soil), Wv is the sum of the vertical forces (Wg in this case), and SFs is the safety factor against sliding (typically 1.5). Check Bearing Pressure First check to determine if the resultant vertical force lies within the middle third of the base. If B denotes the width of the base, the eccentricity, e, of the vertical force from the midwidth of the base is v)/WoM-r(M-B/2e = Equation 9 For the resultant force to lie in the middle third: 6/6/ BeB ≤≤− Equation 10 The maximum pressure under the base, P, is then )/61)(/( BeBvWP += Equation 11 The maximum pressure must not exceed the allowable soil bearing pressure, Pb: bPP ≤ Equation 12 The safety factor must be included in Pb. Example 1: Given Data (Refer to Cross Section, page 5) Wall Height………………………. H = 9 ft Surcharge…………………………. q = 300 psf Backfill slope angle………………. α = 0 deg Back Face slope angle……………. β = -6 deg Soil friction angle………………… φ = 35 deg Soil density……………………….. ws = 120 pcf Gabion fill density………………... wg = 100 pcf Soil bearing pressure……………... Pb = 4000 psf Determine if safety factors are within limits: Pressure coefficient from Equation 2 is Ka=0.23 Active earth force, Pa, from Equation 1A is ftlb xxaP /739,1 )930029120(23.0 = += Horizontal component from Equation 3 is ftlb hP /730,1 6cos1739 = = Vertical distance to Ph from Equation 5 is ft ad 91.2 )6sin(6 )120/30029(3 )120/30039(9 = −+ ×+ ×+ = Overturning moment from Equation 6 is ftlbft oM /5034 173091.2 −= ×= Weight of gabions for a 1-ft unit length is ftlb gW /4050 1005.40 100)95.1318( = ×= ++= Horizontal distance to Wg is ft AAxdg 96.3 5.40/ )6sin5.76cos5.4(9)6sin5.4 6cos75.3(5.13)6sin5.16cos3(18 / =       +++ ++ = ΣΣ=
  • 5. Rev. 11/04 Page 4 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems Resisting moment from Equation 7 is ftlbft xrM /038,16 405096.3 −= = Safety factor against overturning from Equation 4 is 00.219.3 5034/038.16 / >= = = oMrMoSF OK Safety factor against sliding from Equation 8 is 50.164.1 1730/405035tan / >= = = x hPgWsSF µ OK Reaction eccentricity from Equation 9 is ft e 283.0 4050/)503416038(2/6 = −−= Limit of eccentricity from Equation 10 is fte 11 ≤≤− OK Maximum base pressure from Equation 11 is psfpsf xp 4000866 )6/283.61)(6/4050( <= += OK All safety factors are within limits. Stability checks at intermediate levels in the walls show similar results.
  • 6. Rev. 11/04 Page 5 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems
  • 7. Rev. 11/04 Page 6 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems
  • 8. Rev. 11/04 Page 7 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems Reinforced Soil Walls To increase the efficiency of MSE gabion walls, layers of wire mesh (Anchor Mesh) may be attached to the back face and embedded in the backfill. The Anchor Mesh layers in this reinforced soil wall will resist the active soil force, by a combination of friction on the wire surface and mechanical interlock with the soil. Reinforced soil walls generally use a single thickness of gabions. Design consists of (1) walls stability checks similar to that for gravity walls, assuming the gabions and the reinforced soil act together as one unit, and (2) checks for strength and pullout resistance of the reinforcement layers, to ensure such action. The considerations that differ from gravity wall design are discussed below. Walls will typically be 6 degrees from vertical. To simplify calculations, assume wall is vertical for certain calculations as indicated in Example 2. In checking overturning, sliding and bearing, the weight of the soil in the reinforced zone is included with the weight of the wall. The tensile force in each layer of reinforcement is assumed to resist the active earth force over an incremental height of wall. Its calculated value must be limited to the tensile strength of the mesh divided by the safety factor (typically 1.85). Therefore: 3000/1.85=1620 lb/ft. As in gravity wall design, the wall is designed to resist the force generated by a sliding wedge of soil as defined by Coulomb. The reinforcement at each layer must ext end past the wedge by at least 3-feet, and by a distance sufficient to provide anchorage in the adjacent soil. Generally, this results in a B distance 0.5 to 0.7 times the height of the wall. Additional equations used in the design of MSE walls, derived from statics are given in Example 2. Example 2: Given Data (See Cross Section, page 10) Wall Height…………… H = 24 ft (21 ft+3 ft embedment) Wall Thickness………… T = 3 ft Surcharge……………… Q = 300 psf Backfill slope angle…… α = 0 deg Back Face slope angle… β = -6 deg Soil friction angle……… φ = 35 deg Soil density…………… Ws = 120 pcf Gabion fill density…… Wg = 100 pcf Soil bearing pressure… Pb = 4000 psf (1) Determine if safety factors are within limits: The trial value for dimension B was selected as 16.5 approximately 0.7H. Also see note near the end of part 2 below on trial selection of B to provide adequate embedment length. In these calculations, positive values are used for the sin and tan of β and the sign in the equation changed as necessary. Pressure coefficient from Equation 2 is Ka=0.23 Active earth force, Pa, from Equation 1A is ftlb aP /9605 )243002/224120(23.0 = ×+×= Vertical distance to Pa from Equation 5 is ft ad 22.9 )120/300224(3 )120/300324(24 = ×+ ×+ = Overturning moment from Equation 6 is ftlbft oM /600,88 960522.9 −= ×= Weight of gabions is ftlb g W /7200 100243( = ××= Horizontal distance to Wg is ft Htgd 76.2 6tan)2/24(2/3 tan)2/(2/ = += += β Weight of surcharge is ftlb HtBq qbgW /3290 )98.10(300 )6tan24365.1(300 )tan( = = −−= −−= = β Horizontal distance to Wq is ft tHbqd 01.11 36tan242/98.10 tan2/ = ++= ++= β Weight of soil wedge is ftlb x sHwbHsW /250,35 12024)98.102/6tan24( )2/tan( = += += β
  • 9. Rev. 11/04 Page 8 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems Horizontal distance to Ws is ft x sWsw tHb HbtHH sd 67.10 35250 120 )36tan242/98.10( )98.1024()33/6tan24)(6tan224( / )tan2/( )()3/tan)(tan2( =         ++ ++ =         ++ ++= β ββ Resisting moment from Equation 7 is ftlbft qdqWgdgWsdsWrM /200,432 01.11329076.2720067.10250,35 −= ×+×+×= ++= Safety factor against overturning from Equation 4 is 00.288.4 600,88/200,432 / >= = = oMrMoSF OK Total vertical weight is ftlb qWgWsWvW /740,45 32907200250,35 = ++= ++= Safety factor against sliding from Equation 8 is 50.133.3 9605/740,4535tan / >= ×= = hPWvsSF µ OK Reaction eccentricity from Equation 9 is ft e 738.0 740,45)600,88200,432(2/5.16 = −−= Limit of eccentricity from Equation 10 is fte 75.275.2 ≤≤− OK Maximum base pressure from Equation 11 is psfpsf p 40003520 )5.16/738.061)(5.16/740,45( <= ×+= OK All safety factors are within limits. Stability checks at intermediate levels in the walls show similar results. (2) Determine if reinforcement mesh is satisfactory The pressure on any layer a distance z (ft) below the surface is psfz qzswvf 300120 += += The tensile strength on any layer of reinforcement in a vertical segment of soil of thickness Sv (ft), centered about the reinforcement layer, is vfvS vfaKvST 23.0= = Calculate T for each layer as follows z (ft) Sv (ft) Fv (psf) T (lb/ft) T<1620 lb/ft? 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 4.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.5 660 1020 1380 1740 2100 2460 2820 3180 683 704 952 1200 1449 1697 1946 1097 Y Y Y Y Y N N Y The tensile force at 18 and 21 ft exceeded the limit. Therefore, insert an intermediate layer at 19.5 and 22.5 ft. Recalculate the following revised table: z (ft) Sv (ft) Fv (psf) T (lb/ft) T<1620 lb/ft? 3 6 9 12 15 18 19.5 21 22.5 24 4.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.25 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.75 660 1020 1380 1740 2100 2460 2640 2820 3000 3180 683 704 952 1200 1449 1273 911 973 1035 549 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y The tensile force is now within allowable limits at all layers.
  • 10. Rev. 11/04 Page 9 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems The minimum embedment length past the wedge to provide a safety factor of 1.5 against pullout in any layer is )tan2/(5.1 φvfTemL Γ= Where Γ is a “scale correction factor” assumed as 0.65. vfT vfxTemL /65.1 )35tan65.02/(5.1 = = At the top of the wall, the distance, X, to the wedge failure plane from the back of the wall is ft HHX 54.11 )6tan(24)5.27tan(24 tan)2/45tan( = −= −−= βφ At any layer, the length of embedment past the wedge is z z HzHXtBeL 481.0956.1 24/)24(54.1135.16 /)( += −−−= −−−= [Note: Le can be calculated for the top layer of reinforcement initially, when selecting B, to make sure it is at least 3-feet. If not, increase B for the trial design.] Calculate Le and Lem for each layer as follows: z (ft) Fv (psf) T (lb/ft) Le (ft) Lem (ft) Le>Lem? 3 6 9 12 15 18 19.5 21 22.5 24 660 1020 1380 1740 2100 2460 2640 2820 3000 3180 683 704 952 1200 1449 1273 911 973 1035 549 3.40 4.84 6.29 7.73 9.17 10.62 11.34 12.06 12.78 13.50 1.71 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 0.85 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.28 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y The embedded length of reinforcement in each layer is greater than the minimum required for pullout and is also at least 3-feet. Reinforcement design is satisfactory with mesh added at the 19.5 and 22.5-foot levels. General Note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented herein. Nevertheless, the user of this brochure is responsible for checking and verifying the data by independent means. Application of the information must be based on responsible professional judgment. No express warranties of merchantability or fitness are created or intended by this document. Specification data referring to mechanical and physical properties and chemical analyses related solely to test performed at the time of manufacture in specimens obtained from specific locations of the product in accordance with prescribed sampling procedures.
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  • 12. Rev. 11/04 Page 11 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems Table I Angles of Internal Friction and Unit Weights of Soil* Angle of Internal Friction Soil Type Soil Condition (deg)φ Soil Density, w (lb/ft3) Course sand, sand & gravel Compact soil Loose 40 35 140 90 Medium sand Compact soil Loose 40 30 130 90 Fine silty sand, sandy silt Compact soil Loose 30 25 130 85 Uniform silt Compact soil Loose 30 25 135 85 Clay-silt Soft/medium 20 90/120 Silty clay Soft/medium 15 90/120 Clay Soft/medium 0/10 90/120 *F.S. Merritt, Ed., “Standard Handbook for Civil Engineers” McGraw-Hill, 1983
  • 13. Rev. 11/04 Page 12 of 12 Modular Gabion Systems Table II Active Pressure Coefficient, Ka β α 10=φ 15=φ 20=φ 25=φ 30=φ 35=φ 40=φ -6 0 0.68 0.56 0.45 0.37 0.29 0.23 0.18 -6 5 0.74 0.6 0.49 0.39 0.31 0.24 0.19 -6 10 0.94 0.67 0.53 0.42 0.33 0.26 0.2 -6 15 0.89 0.59 0.46 0.35 0.27 0.21 -6 20 0.82 0.52 0.39 0.29 0.22 -6 25 0.75 0.44 0.32 0.24 -6 30 0.67 0.37 0.26 -6 35 0.58 0.3 -6 40 0.49 0 0 0.7 0.59 0.49 0.41 0.33 0.27 0.22 0 5 0.77 0.63 0.52 0.43 0.35 0.28 0.23 0 10 0.97 0.7 0.57 0.46 0.37 0.3 0.24 0 15 0.93 0.64 0.5 0.4 0.32 0.25 0 20 0.88 0.57 0.44 0.34 0.27 0 25 0.82 0.5 0.38 0.29 0 30 0.75 0.44 0.32 0 35 0.67 0.37 0 40 0.59 5 0 0.73 0.62 0.52 0.44 0.37 0.31 0.25 5 5 0.8 0.67 0.56 0.47 0.39 0.32 0.26 5 10 1 0.74 0.61 0.5 0.41 0.34 0.28 5 15 0.98 0.68 0.55 0.45 0.36 0.29 5 20 0.94 0.62 0.49 0.39 0.31 5 25 0.89 0.56 0.43 0.34 5 30 0.83 0.5 0.37 5 35 0.76 0.43 5 40 0.68 10 0 0.76 0.65 0.56 0.48 0.41 0.34 0.29 10 5 0.83 0.7 0.6 0.51 0.43 0.36 0.3 10 10 1.05 0.78 0.65 0.55 0.46 0.38 0.32 10 15 1.04 0.74 0.6 0.5 0.41 0.34 10 20 1.02 0.68 0.55 0.44 0.36 10 25 0.98 0.63 0.49 0.39 10 30 0.92 0.57 0.43 10 35 0.86 0.5 10 40 0.79 15 0 0.79 0.69 0.6 0.52 0.45 0.39 0.33 15 5 0.87 0.75 0.65 0.56 0.48 0.41 0.35 15 10 1.1 0.83 0.71 0.6 0.51 0.43 0.37 15 15 1.11 0.8 0.66 0.55 0.47 0.39 15 20 1.1 0.75 0.61 0.51 0.42 15 25 1.08 0.7 0.56 0.45 15 30 1.04 0.65 0.5 15 35 0.98 0.58 15 40 0.91
  • 14. Modular Gabion Systems A Division of C. E. Shepherd Company 2221 Canada Dry Street Houston TX 77023 800.324.8282 • 713.924.4371 www.gabions.net