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Essay On 21St Century
Writing an essay on the topic "Essay On 21st Century" is no easy task. The 21st century is a
complex and rapidly evolving era marked by unprecedented technological advancements, socio-
political changes, and cultural shifts. As an essayist, navigating through this vast landscape
requires a deep understanding of the multifaceted challenges and opportunities that define the
current century.
Firstly, the sheer scope of the 21st century makes it challenging to encapsulate its essence within
the confines of an essay. The era is characterized by a global interconnectedness that spans
across diverse fields such as technology, economy, politics, and culture. Trying to capture the
essence of this interconnectedness and its impact on various aspects of human life requires
meticulous research and a comprehensive analysis.
Moreover, addressing the complexities of the 21st century demands a nuanced approach. The
essay must delve into the paradoxes and contradictions that define this era, such as the
simultaneous progress and setbacks, the coexistence of innovation and inequality, and the
interplay between global unity and regional conflicts. Balancing these contrasting elements while
presenting a coherent and compelling narrative requires a keen analytical mind and a mastery of
the subject matter.
Furthermore, staying current with the ever-evolving developments in the 21st century poses
another significant challenge. The pace of change is relentless, with new technologies,
geopolitical events, and societal transformations occurring at a rapid pace. An effective essay on
the 21st century must not only capture the current state of affairs but also anticipate future
trends, adding an extra layer of complexity to the writing process.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic "Essay On 21st Century" demands intellectual rigor,
extensive research, and a keen awareness of the dynamic nature of the contemporary world. It
involves navigating through the intricacies of global issues, technological advancements, and
societal transformations, all while maintaining a coherent and insightful narrative. The difficulty
lies not only in addressing the multifaceted aspects of the 21st century but also in keeping
abreast of the constant changes that characterize this era.
For those seeking assistance in tackling such complex topics or any other writing challenges,
HelpWriting.net provides a platform where similar essays and much more can be ordered,
allowing individuals to benefit from expert guidance and support in their academic endeavors.
Essay On 21St Century Essay On 21St Century
Analyzing Colin Palmer s My Side Of The Story
My Side of the Story Some people say celebrities are a big waste of time. Others
say they have a good impact on our lives. Colin Palmer, a high school student, offers
a response that is very interesting, He said, that celebrities aren t an issue, but if you
look around at our school, neighborhoods in most peopleyou can see that there is an
issue. Thar are some teens that have taken this celebritything way too far. Teenscopy
what a celebrities wear, and how they will act. Palmer doesn t have many strong
supporting ideas. In Palmers response he states, ВЁWe teenagers are passionate
maybe even obsessed about our favorite stars, But that doesn t make it a big
problem, and it doesn t mean we won t copy their bad behaviors people have been
Essay Advances in Medical Technology
Composition I
19 Feb 2008
Advances in Medical Technology
Medical Technology has developed to a great extent over the course of many
centuries. Since the days of Hippocrates, considered the Father of Medicine ,
advances in the medical field have brought us into a brave new world. With the
advent and application of modern technology, the medical field seems to have
evolved more in the last 10 20 yrs than in the previous 1000 years. Recently, new
ground has been broken throughout the field, involving medical techniques, surgical
procedures, and electronic devices. Such advancements have streamlined the practice
and science of medicine in the 21st century.
One form of advancement in Technology that has simplified the record... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Thanks to advances in the science of Bionics, it is difficult to tell which one is
Similarly, research into the field of Implantable Biochips has led to innovations in
monitoring vital signs and personal information for soldiers on the battlefield. The
Center for Bioelectronics, Biosensors, Biochips, Based at Clemson University, is
among the leading manufacturers of these Biochips. In an article in Science Daily
based on materials provided by Clemson University, it is stated that The biochip,
about the size of a grain of rice, could measure and relay such information as lactate
and glucose levels in the event of a major hemorrhage, whether on the battlefield, at
home or on the highway .
Furthermore, we ve seen advances in Medical Technology concerning how surgeries
are performed in the 21st Century. As computers become more and more integrated
into medical procedures, we can start to envision surgical procedures that are done
robotically. One of the latest innovations in Robotic Surgery is the Da Vinci Robot
Surgery System, from Intuitive Surgical. An article in Newsweek written by
Jennifer Barrett entitled Cutting Edge , states that The robotic system has already
transformed the field of prostate surgery, for which it was approved in May 2001.
That year it was used in less than 1 percent of all prostatectomies. This year more
than 20 percent will be done with the
Managing Over The Horizon Risk
Managing Over the Horizon Risk There are known knowns. These are things we
know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things
that we know we don t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are
things we don t know we don t know Donald Rumsfeld As the financial crisis seems
largely behind us and the worldwide economy continues to improve, people are
getting excited; looking away from the latest disaster to the next big thing.
Businesses are successful once again and unemployment is hitting new lows. When
people get this excited, it is time to think about risks. When asked what could
possibly go wrong now, most people think of scary low probability events (Black
swan) like an Ebola pandemic or a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many days out those in the weather business were warning that conditions may be
right for a winter storm that is out on the horizon. A couple of days ahead of time
the same people were saying that it was probably going to hit the North Georgia
that is an emerging threat. And then it was real but little had been done to mediate
its effects ahead of time. Another example would be the 2008 global financial
crisis for which there were plenty of warning signs such as the subprime lending
meltdown in 2007. A great example of preparedness can be seen in the way LA is
planning to tackle the next big earthquake with a 126 page package of earthquake
safety recommendations focuses on fixing the three weakest elements of L.A. s
urban infrastructure: its pre 1980 buildings, its creaky, convoluted water system and
its vulnerable telecommunications network. Executives face an ever increasing
portfolio of risks that is broader and more complex. The world is getting more
volatile as it gets more connected, while external and geopolitical over the horizon
risks are becoming both more relevant and tougher to manage with globalization.
Due to this all organizations need a unique way of thinking about OTH and emerging
risks, and in many cases a dedicated process to manage these risks. It is imperative
for organizations to have a structured approach to tracking over the horizon events
that could negatively impact company performance or potentially bring
The On Facebook And Facebook
The purpose of this paper is to see if there are any differences between two separate
companies that manufacture the same genre. In this paper, the chosen companies
are the social networking sites called Facebook and MySpace. The reason to analyze
these two webpages is because when Facebook was created, it replaced and putted
MySpacein the shadow, and MySpace lost millions of users to Facebook (Hartung,
2011). This paper will find out what the reasons were that users went from
MySpace to Facebook. The date viewing these two webpage was on November 19,
2015. By looking at what kind of demographic users these two webpages have, what
are their interests, it will help create the methodology part of this section.
Principles of Design There is not much attention paid for a design when everything
is correctly ordered. The average person seldom sees design in anything at all.
While we read newspapers daily without noticing the skeletal framework that
orders the headlines, photography, graphics, text and other stylistic elements of a
page (Bivins Ryan, 1995). An example could be when we raise our glasses to toast;
we do not realize that stems are designed to keep our hands from warming the wine.
A good design is like it exists, but does not call for attention to itself.
Analysis of Facebook vs. MySpace By looking at Appendix 1 for Facebook and
Appendix 2 for MySpace, the design of Facebook webpages is pretty straight
forward, and has an easy overview, however, the design of
Essay on The Anglican Communion Church
Anglicanism is a denomination within Christianity comprising the Church of
England and churches which are historically tied to it or have similar beliefs, worship
practices and church structures. Anglicans base their faith on the Bible, traditions of
the apostolic the concept of apostolic succession, and writings of the Church Fathers.
Anglicanismforms one of the branches of Western Christianity, having fully declared
its independence from the Holy See at the time of the Elizabethan Religious
Settlement. (Sentamu, 2012) The Anglican Church of Southern Africa is the
province of the Anglican Communion in the southern part of Africa. This diocese is
made up of both low and high churches. The former referring to parishes that do not...
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In modern times, the emergence of Anglo Catholic traditions have widely been
attributed to the general emphasis of formal worship and resistance to modernisation
. Father Dane Elsworth, an Anglican priest in Durban, stated in an interview that the
Anglican church has largely been effected by liberal minded people , which he
asserts has lead to many losses in terms of liturgical practice. The modern day Anglo
Catholic movement can be traced back to the Oxford Movement of the Victorian era.
One of the main objectives of the Oxford Movement was the assertion that the Church
of England was a divinely founded institution, which adheres to the Apostolic
Succession and of the Book of Common Prayer acting as its rule of faith . The prime
idea was that Anglicanism was not at all a Protestant denomination, but rather an off
shoot of the Catholic Church, together with the Roman Catholic Church and the
Eastern Orthodox churches. It was argued by the
Music That Made The Movement
Music that Made the Movement
The United States is a country which was formed by the hard work of the First
Nations people, the British, and African Americans. Unfortunately, blacks were
subjected to slavery. In the 1900 s blacks were becoming more discontented, thus
began the emergence of the civil rights movement. Along with rallies and peaceful
protests, music played a very important role in bringing change to a society where
white supremacy reigned. In addition to their efforts, jazz and blues artists also
contributed to the building of a strong America.
Four black teenagers were arrested in the town of Marion, Indiana in the early
morning of August 7, 1930. Sixteen year old James Cameron, nineteen year old
Abram Smith and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The mob then took Abram and dragged him to a large tree to be hanged. When he
resisted, the lynchers broke his arms, stabbed him and was hung. Thomas body was
then brought from the jail and was hung next to Abram s. Miraculously, when the
mob was preparing a fire to light under the bodies of Thomas and Abram, a voice
denied James involvement in the crime. He avoided his own hanging and was
brought back to prison.
The photographs of the two bodies hanging from the tree inspired Abel Meeropol, a
teacher, to write the poem and song Strange Fruit . In 1939, jazz singer Billie Holiday
adapted the song into her set list. With lyrics such as:
Southern trees bear strange fruit,
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze,
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.
It gives the horrific imagery of the bodies hanging from the trees and glimpse of the
life in picturesque South. Holiday s performance of the song soon became a hallmark
for the early civil rights movements as she often became overcome with emotions as
she performed the song each night. Strange Fruit was the first significant protest in
words and music, the first unmuted cry against racism and is what many describe as
the beginning of the civil rights movement.
On September 15, 1963, the parishioners of the 16th Street Baptist Church of
Birmingham, Alabama congregated to for their weekly Sunday service. This
particular Sunday was the Church s Youth Day. In the
How Is Onomatopoeia Used In Huckleberry Finn
Literary Term #6: Onomatopoeia
Onomatopoeia: A word whose pronunciation is the same as the sound it represents.
Example: Boom! I see the white smoke squirt out of the ferryboat s side. You see,
they was firing cannon over the water, trying to make my carcass come to the top
(37). Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Bantam Dell,
Function: This use of onomatopoeia represents a significant change in the story
because, at this moment in the story, Huckleberry Finn is pretending to be dead. The
people of the town are using cannons to find his corpse, but will not find it because
Huckleberry Finn is not actually dead. The boom of the cannon represents how the
novel will take a turn into an entirely new direction
Nintendo Switch Essay
Though the Wii U failed to garner much of an audience, it was home to many
quality game releases that few played due to the system s limited install base.
Luckily, Nintendo has seen it fit to enhance some Wii U titles and to bring these
new and improved versions to the Nintendo Switch. Earlier this year the Switch was
graced with the release of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and now it has been given the honor
to host PokkГ©n Tournament DX. If you are familiar with the original PokkГ©n
Tournament for WiiU, then you know the game is an excellent PokГ©mon fighter.
Switch owners can now partake in action packed PokГ©mon battles wherever they
see fit; and with new modes and new PokГ©mon featured, PokkГ©n Tournament DX
is the best way to playthis exceptional... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Regrettably, Team Battle is only available in local play. The lack of Team Battles as
an online option is a missed opportunity, though one that is hopefully rectified via a
future patch.
For local multiplayer, there is a new Split screen VS. mode. Split screen
multiplayer wasn t an option on Wii U, as one player would play on the TV and
the other using the GamePad. The split screen works well on Switch, though
comes at a cost. When playing in split screen VS. mode, the game s frame rate will
be cut in half and run at 30fps opposed to the normal 60fps. Even with this sacrifice
in place, the game still plays well and shouldn t be cause for concern.
Local multiplayer can be played on a single screen, with the second player starting
at the far end of the battle field. Providing the player with the option of split screen
or single screen multiplayer is a welcome courtesy, as it allows you to decide
which method is best. There are three battle types available for local Basic Battle,
Extra Battle, and Team Battle. Basic is the standard type of battle you will
experience in the main game or while playing online; meanwhile Extra Battle will
have special items appear on the arena during battle.
Another new and notable addition is the inclusion of Daily Challenges. These
challenges will put your fighting skills to the test each day, as they offer a range of
unique tasks to complete. Each day will challenge you to compete in battles
Swot Analysis Of Dillard s
There are many retail giants that have had an active presence on the market for
sometime. A few that come to mind are JCPenny, Macy s and Nordstorm s.
However, one major retail chain that has spread across the country was started
right here in the state of Arkansas. Dillard s first department store was opened in
1938 in Nashville, Arkansas by its founder William Dillard. Since its inauguration,
Dillard s has turned into one of the more prominent retailers in the United States.
With an ever growing market base and clientele, Dillard s has seen successful since
the early 1950s. This success, however, leaves people with a few questions about
the Arkansas native retail giant. What does Dillard s current market look like? How
does Dillard s compare... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Once again Dillard s finds itself shrinking in comparison on sheer market size.
Compared to Dillard s 300 stores in 29 states, JCPenny has over 1,000 locations
across the United States and in Puerto Rico. This provides much contest for Dillard
s as JCPenny is a store often seen across the mall from them. With so many stores
across the nation Dillard s was able to keep it close in the gross income
department. JCPenny only reported a gross income of 4.0 billion dollars in 2015,
compared to Dillard s 2.15 billion dollars. This boasts well for Dillard s and the
quality of their merchandise. Retail conglomeration s have been extremely
influential since the early 20th century and Dillard s is no different. From their
small beginnings in Nashville, Arkansas to their impressive influence in 29 states
across the union, Dillard s has become a mainstay of quality retail. Even when they
are outnumbered by the competition, Dillard s seems to be able to hold their own.
This would me Mr. William Dillard proud and does him great honor in continuing his
World War I As The War
End All Wars knew World War I as the War. This massive war involved thirty two
countries but a country that had a very important role was Russia. In the beginning
two sides formed, the allies and the central powers. Russia was the first to mobilize
its army because it came to the aid of its ally Serbia after the assassination of their
Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a terrorist group from Austria Hungary. In result of
Russia mobilizing it s army, Germany, who was in support of Austria Hungary,
declared war on Russia. Due to the Franco Russian alliance drafted previously in
1892 France then mobilizes too. Soon after Germany declares war on France,
Belgium and Great Britain gets involved and they fought Germany on what was
known as the Western Front. A day after the Serbs defeat the Austro Hungarians at the
Battle of the Cer the Russian army decides to attack Germany, advancing to East
Prussia. The battle of Russia and Germany was known as the Battle of Stallupönen
on August 17th, 1914, which was the first battle on the Eastern Front. In this first
battle of 84,000 Russians against 16,000 Germans, The Russians were defeated. After
that the Germans played their offense and attacked the Russians on August 20th, at
The Battle of Gumbinnen. Despite the offense attack the Germans lost that battle
because of their eagerness to defeat Russia in another effort to end the two front war.
The Russian Army decided to split up with Rennenkampf in control of the First Army
and Samsonov in
Upon Julia s Clothing By Robert Herrick
Robert Herrick s poetry is known for its creative lyricism, and his sexually charged
Upon Julia s Clothing is no exception. One of his many works discussing women,
or more specifically, the feminine form, Upon Julia s Clothing is a deceptively
simple poem comprised of a mere six lines, arranged as two triplet stanzas. Herrick
creates movement within the text by utilizing bound morphemes as the final words
of lines one through three, as well as end rhyme specific to each stanza. By using
transitive verbs of direct action in the second stanza and juxtaposing them to the
suspended, inactive state of observation described in stanza one, Herrick creates
tension as he shifts from one state to another. The author further destabilizes his
narrative with the clever use of the word next as an adjectival to create separation
between the stanzas, as well shifting from concrete and proper nouns at the beginning
to more abstract nouns. Finally, Herrick alludes that... Show more content on
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The noun liquefaction in line three as well as vibration in line five have a specific
meaning attached to it, in that both imply movement. Julia shifts from translucent
and ephemeral to a thing of solid undulation. The civilized eroticism and gracefulness
of her fluttering garments imply that she is uncaught, and free (353). Nonetheless, a
drastic shift occurs, in which her energy becomes tempestuous, and while Herrick
feels in control of the situation at first, Julia s vibration ensnares him neatly. In fact,
he is so overcome, or taken, with her glittering that he is unable to break free from her
enchantment. At last, the reader understands that Julia is not a mere woman, but a
provocative temptress, and by using the extended water metaphor, Herrick compares
her to a siren, luring him to his damnation even as he welcomes her
Theme Of Hunger In Angela s Ashes
Throughout Angela s Ashes a theme of hunger has been portrayed in physical and
symbolic ways. In Ireland, most families were victims of starvation due to lack of
money, which was usually being spent in pubs by the men of the family. Francis
McCourt s family suffers this on a daily basis. Malachy McCourt, their father, could
never hold a job because he would take his weeks earnings and waste it at the pubs
every Sunday. Being hungover, he always missed the upcoming Monday s work and
was fired. Unfortunately, this had a major impact on the family. To the McCourts ,
food was also a sense of accomplishment. Having the option to eat when they pleased
gave them confedience that can be seen over various settings and characters. Angela,
the mother,
Big Island Volcanoes
During the Big Island trip, I learned the predictiction of volcanic eruptions, the study
of volcanoes, and the effects of a volcanic eruption. To start off, the Big Island is
known for its active volcanoes, meaning it constantly erupts and spews lava.
Geologists actually has a way to forecast the eruption of the volcanoes. Seismometers
can be used to pinpoint earthquakes which track the rise of magmaand its movement
along fissures. (volcanoworld) This means that geologists uses seismometers in
predicting volcanic eruptions so they can warn people about it. In conclusion,
geologists can predict a volcanic eruption using multiple instrument, seismometer
being one of them. Furthermore, I ve also learned the study of volcanoes which is
called vulcanology. The people who studies volcanoes are called vulcanologist, and
they are also the ones who knows how to use complicated instruments only used for
vulcanology such as a retroreflector, which is an instrument that reflects light back to
its source, and a geodimeter, which is an instrument to measure the distance between
two points of laser beam. A laser beam is emitted from the geodimeter, hits a
retroreflector at a second point, and returns to a... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
During pre eruption, geologists and vulcanologists are very alert on what is
happening around the volcano to see if it will have a huge effect on its surrounding,
so after it erupted, these scientists quickly see if there are any post volcanic activities.
Aside from the lava oozing and destroying the volcano s surroundings, landslide is
also one of the effects. A tiltmeter located in the uplifting zone detects the
deformation by sensing the minute change in slope caused by the uplift. (usgs.gov)
This explains how a tiltmeter helps scientists in knowing if there are any post
volcanic effects. In conclusion, a volcanic eruption can lead to a lot of events, such
as ruined grasslands and
Public Opinion In American Politics
Public opinion is often defined as the collective views, attitudes, and beliefs of the
population about a particular subject. Many suggest it is a crucial aspect of
American politics considering it affects how the country is governed, which
explains why it is such a key component in modern Political Science. There are a
series of matters that one can focus on in this field of study; nonetheless, I wanted to
take a closer look upon a topic that we did not cover in the course, and that is of my
interest. For some time now, environmental issues have been growing in prominence
to Americans since the environmental movement of the 1960s when Rachel Carson
first published Silent Spring and incited the public s concern over the use of the
widely... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
attitudes toward global warming are shaped by an individual s personal
experience. Which they validate by performing over 2100 surveys across four
different states. Respondents were provided with comprehensive information about
the effects of several factors on their views about global warming. Briefly put, the
study found that views on climate change in the United States were being shaped
by a mix of personal experiences, events, and physical changes on the planet in this
study most respondents were as although the focus of their data concentrates on the
Individual Level Causes of Belief in Climate Change. They also discover that there
are other factors at play that they have to take into consideration, which is what sets
this study apart from the one that came before it. Borick and Rabe as oppose to
Carlisle and Smith believe demographics more specifically party affiliation play a
role in an individual s views towards environmental
Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down Reader S Guide
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Reader s Guide
Directions: Read the captioned book. Then answer the questions contained in this
study guide. Post your completed document to the appropriate assignment box on the
course website.
1. What do you think of traditional Hmong birth practices (pp. 3 5)? Compare them
to the techniques used when Lia was born (p. 7). How do Hmong and American birth
practices differ?
I think the Hmong traditional give birth practice is very unsafe and dirty. The
environment of giving birth is full with bacteria, germs and easily get infection for
both mother and new born baby. However I find that the father burry the placenta
after give birth is very unique and interesting. When Lisa was born, she was ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Other doctors who wants to be accepted by the Hmong could use a little to this
7. How did you feel about the Lees refusal to give Lia her medicine? Can you
understand their motivation? Do you sympathize with it?
I cannot accept the Lee s refuse to hive lia her medicine. But as Lia s parents a
traditional Hmong family, they belief in what they had known and learnt from the
past and their culture. They believe medication should not be taken forever or
doctors cannot be trused. No, I do not sympathize with it, because Lia should be
taken by Dr. Ernst and let Dr. Ernst to help Lia.
8. How did you feel when Child Protective Services took Lia away from her parents?
Do you believe it was the right decision? Was any other solution possible in the
I think it was the best decision that CPS took Lia away from her parents. I believe
it was the right decision because Lia needed to correct way to be taken care of, not
what her parents belief with false pride. I don t think there was any other solution.
9. Were you surprised at the quality of care and the love and affection given to Lia by
her foster parents? How did Lia s foster parents feel about Lia s biological parents?
Was foster careultimately to Lia s benefit or detriment?
I did not feel surprised because Dee and Korda were certified as foster parents who
Republican Party Dbq Essay
In the past, the Democratic party was known as the conservative, traditional party that
fully supported state government while the Republican party was a supporter of the
federal government control. The Republican party began as Lincoln s party which
caught the attention and support of the colored voters. In contrast, the Democratic
partywas predominantly white during this time with ideas to keep the rights of the
state and the traditions of the South. Though these two parties have opposing views,
they began to clash and redirect their beliefs. Over time the two main political parties
have changed their platforms based on the issues of desegregation, racism in the
South and placement of federal government.
A major issue that was predominant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As the Democratic platform changed, the Republican party became very conservative
and defended state s rights due to its opposition to what was called big government
(Rise of Rep. Party, p. 567). On the issue of race, the Republican party fully
supported that the white race was superior and the state had its own right to remain
segregated. A key politician that represents this change was the former Senator
Jesse Helms. Religion was the driving force of his political views and he was very
vocal about his opinions. His campaign developed the concept of the New Right
which refers to the Christian church stepping into the realm of politics (Jesse Helms
Doc). In the 1970s and the 1980s, many organizations became available, such as the
Christian Coalition and Moral Majority, to support the church having political
influence. Since the church became a part of political campaigns, politicians became
more reserved in their discrimination in a perception known as Southern Strategy.
This popular technique was used mainly by the Republican party that was extremely
traditional known as the Tea Party or far right . The first politician to introduce the
idea was President Nixon in 1960, through his speeches to the people. The Southern
Strategy technique is used when the speaker uses choices of words to convey a
negative, underlying meaning without blatantly stating their opinion (class
discussion). As an example, Nixon expressed his support of state s rights as a way of
admitting that he supported the continuation of segregation in the
Report On Avanti Road Racing Bicycle
Diploma in Business Management (level 5) Bus509: Manage Quality Customer
Term 4 (2014)
www.avanti bicycles.co.nz
Student Name: Jeevan Veerabhattini Student ID: CIB00002CJ Submitted to: Mr.
Simon Glasgow
Avanti bicycles is an Australasian organization starting from New Zealand and now
circulates bikes to numerous nations inside Oceania, Asia and Europe. Avanti put its
first bike into the New Zealand advertise in 1985 and from that point forward has
manufactured its range to 100+ models cooking for all zones of cycling from kid s
bicycles directly through to Olympic bicycles. (www .avanti.com)
Avanti In addition to the national system of autonomously claimed, master cycling
stores that give each rider the best brands, best administration and best guidance
Avanti have 5 heading bicycle brands with in excess of 290 models of street,
mountain and BMX bicycles to look over, including a scope of cycles particularly
intended for female riders.
There are such a variety of sorts of
Life And Nature In Whitman s Songs Of Myself
Short Essay Assignment
Has anyone supposed it lucky to be born? / I hasten to inform him or her it is just
as lucky to die, and I know it (section 7, 131), this is how Whitman starts section 7,
celebrating life and death, proving that each one of us can be optimistic, even if
everything around is falling apart. Whitman in his poem Songs of Myself , develops
a new understanding of everything around, including life, self, and nature. He
through his unique thoughts is able to overcome any difficulties in life, even if it is
undefeated. In his poem, you as a reader will simply notice the unity of life and death,
self and nature, and his brilliant ability to combine all these elements together in such
a beautiful way. At the same time, Whitman... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Whitman has always assert the unity of his self with nature and land, as shown in
the preface of leaves of grass , where he appears to be more linked to his own land
and his own nationality, he also expect the other American poets to behave the
same way he did. According to him, a good American poet shouldn t stop
developing, he should always be able to reflect his good manners as equality and
solidarity, he should also be linked to his country issues and problems, as when he
said at the very end of his preface The proof of a poet is that his country absorbs
him as affectionately as he has absorbed it. Darwish also expresses the same idea
but in a different way, due to the political conditions which his country goes through.
The second poem, which also shows this unity between self and nature in Darwish
poems is we have on this earth what makes life worth living , the title itself makes
the reader optimistic and eager to discover the elements hidden in it. Darwish tries in
this poem to count some of the things which he believes it makes life worth living, as
in the following lines:
We have on this earth what makes life worth
Criminal Sentence For Mass Murders
The research that I have found based upon mass murders is that having a publicly
criminal sentence doesn t stop the crimes from taking place. Mass murders are
regarded as a killing of four people or more at a time. If you take murder in general
you would notice that as of October 14, 2015 around 12:30 am the number of
homicides in the U.S. is 13,208. It is very clear that sentencing for homicides are
publicly published. Also, the number of mass shootings that have so far taken place
since the beginning of the year is 43. When there is an act of terrorism if the person
who was involved is still alive after the indecent its publicly known they will more
than likely receive the death penalty. In 2013, during a Boston Marathon, bomber
The Pros And Cons Of American Foreign Policy Of The
Dictionary.com defines foreign policy as a policy pursued by a nation in its dealing
with other nations, designed to achieve national objectives (Dictionary.com, 2015).
According to U.S History (2015), The United States American foreign policy is
founded on interactions with foreign nations and establish standards of collaboration
for its governments, conglomerates and citizens. The objectives of the foreign policy
of the United States, plus all the Agencies and Bureaus in the United States
Department of State are to shape and endure an additional democratic, safe, and
affluent domain for the advantage of the American societies and the global
community. Jurisdictional goals listed by the United States House Committee on
Foreign Affairs
This Place Uses Aol Consulting Performance Pyramid to...
1. Introduction 2. People Management Principles It is no secret that at a core of
every successful organisation lies the management of people. When the employees
are successfully managed, they work more effectively and efficiently to deliver
desired output. 2.1. Motivation This Place uses the Aol Consulting Performance
Pyramid as its core fundament for motivating its employees. Safety/Security This
Place provides its employees with a safe working environment that does not apply
any unnecessary pressure and allows them to open up and let their creativity run,
which in its turn provides fresh ideas and concepts generation. Employees at This
Place also feel secure for their job, as it is a small company (7 employees) and...
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This Place, being a digital development firm has a relaxed and casual approach to
the work attire and work environment. Every intern or new employee is welcomed
by the team and is provided with any assistance that he/she might need, resulting in
faster rate of adaptation and general workplace environment satisfaction. However
at the later stages, due to a small number of employees and individualistic
environment, one could find himself unattached at times. Work/Life Harmony This
Place is not a trading corporation on Wall Street, so it never asks its employees to
work extra hours or sacrifice their sleep or time of work. The management
understands that there has to be a perfect equilibrium between work and life outside
it and no amount of rewards will substitute personal time. 2.2. Training and
Development This Place approaches Training and Development of its employees
using the Training Cycle model: Need Identification This place individually compare
the skill that an employee possesses to the skills that will make him competent for a
job. They will then identify the missing skills and base his/her training around the
skills that needs to be obtained Training Delivery The training takes place,
encompassing the tasks that develop the missing set of skills that the employee needs
to obtain Training Evaluation Upon the completion of the training, the results are
evaluated to see if the desired set
A Comparison Of Two Versions Of Romeo And Juliet
A Comparison of Two Versions of Romeo and Juliet In this essay the opening
sequences of the two versions of Shakespeare s disastrous love story, Romeo and
Juliet have been compared. The traditional and conventional version, which was
made in 1968 in Italy, was directed by Franco Zeffirali, and the modernized and the
updated version, was made by Baz Lurhmann in 1996 and is set in modern Verona
Beach.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This ideal idea results in a stunning modernized version of the old Shakespeare s
story. Before comparing the two versions, the importance of an opening sequence
for a movie in general has to be discussed. The opening sequence of a movie
introduces the audience to the setting, mode and situation on which the movie is
based upon. It establishes the story of the film and attracts the attention of its
audiences, so the opening sequence of a movie plays a crucial role to catch the
spectators attention at the beginning until it finishes. The opening sequence of
Zeffirali movie starts with high angle shot of the Italian scenery and an
inspirational voice reads the famous prologue. The opening sequence of this version
begins in the medieval town market, where Capulet servants dressed in bright
clownish colours meet Montague servants dressed in dark and sombre clothes.
After short period of joke and adversary talk, the Capulets provoke a fight. Benvolio,
Montague and friend of Romeo, unsuccessfully tries to stop the fight. After a split
second the town fills up with the scream and shout. A dual begins between Benvolio
and Tybalt (Capulet and Juliet s cousin) in the town centre Tybalt slashes Benvolio s
eye and the ringing of church bell calls on the other members of the families to join
in the
Why Prejudice Is Wrong
What is prejudice? Prejudice is believing someone else is wrong or right based on
one key factor like skin color, gender, level, etc. Personally I think prejudice is
wrong, but a large majority of the world says otherwise. Prejudice dates back to
practically the beginning of time whether it was when the ancient Romans enslaved
millions of people or in the 1700 and 1800 hundreds when black slaves were traded
bought and sold all over America, or 1933 to 1945 during the holocaust. Many people
think that prejudiceand racismare gone but everywhere you turn you can find
something prejudice happening whether it be here or in different countries. In our
current society it is still quite a big deal. For example, all of the black lives matter
Shouldice Hospital Case
Sullivan University, Louisville
Shouldice Hospital Case Study
Mrudula Anne
Executive Summary Shouldice Hospital has been devoted to repairing hernias for
over half a century. The current capacity of Shouldice is at 89 beds, however the
demand for its services are a lot higher than its bed capacity and growing at 100
patients/6 months. Thus, Shouldice needs to find a way to expand its capacity while
maintaining the quality of its service.
Given the increasing demand for the services at Shouldice, my recommendation is to
work on opening Shouldice hospital extra hours to accommodate the increasing
demand for their services. The alternative would be to increase the number of beds
by expanding the physical premises of the hospital. ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Demand for 116 beds on Wednesday and Thursday
2.Demand for 99 beds on Tuesday
Thus by increasing the number of beds, this would help give the hospital a more
wiggle room to schedule more operations per day and help run at its capacity.
Taking time perishability of the service goods (hospital beds) into account I think
the number of beds need to be increased to 110 instead of 116. Hence the
percentage increase in beds required would be (110 89)/89 = 23.60%. Thus, the
current demand can be met and Shouldice can be operated at its fullest capacity by
increasing the number of beds by 23.6%.
As pointed out in the previous section, the bottleneck at the beds, which is
bleeding to the number of operations and the utility of the existing operation rooms
needs to be addressed as soon as possible. At is full capacity Shouldice can perform
38 operations per day, when there is no restriction on the number of beds available.
Spread over 5 operation rooms, it averages out to 38/5 = 7.6 operations per room
in any given day. These operations needs to be spread out and spaced evenly to
make sure the rooms can be used to their full capacity at 6 to 7 operations per day.
With the current working hours of 4 in the morning and 4 in the evening, it is
difficult to accommodate 6 to 7 operations per day in a room. Hence along with the
increase in the number of beds, Shouldice also needs to increase its hours of
operations to 10 hours a day or open one extra day in a
Nazi Propaganda Film
Seldom has a history classes had film, myth, and Nazis been as integrated as this
Nazi Cinema class. Most people watch films as a form of entertainment, were as
we are introduced to new form of cinema as well as new ways to study historical
merit. This will explain specific aspects of Nazi history ranging from 1930 to 1937.
Such as the power of propaganda, the Hitler Youth, and Women in Nazi Germany
while relating it with these films Triumph of the Will (1934), Hitler Youth Quex
(1933), and La Habanera (1937).
Looking deep into the beginning of the creation of a Nazi Germany requires looking
into causes why Germany would allow a takeover. As World War Iended Germany
had been devised. Many of the middle class families that lived in Germany ... Show
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Just by taking a look at the opening shot we are seeing from Hitler s view as he looks
down upon Germany. His view is high above Germany and its people, as if he is
looking down from the heavens. As the view changes it is of the people in the
crowd waiting to see Hitler. We are now looking at him as he ascends from the sky
full of beautiful, light, fluffy clouds. As if he were a god coming down from the
heavens just for Germany to save them in their desperate time of need. As Hitler
steps from the plane we are now in the view of him or perhaps a guard, the entire
crowd is beside themselves to be in the presence of das FГјhrer. This creation of this
god like man, in which all extremely outwardly show such love for definitely creates
an appeal to the hearts of the national masses .
Another scene in which drew a huge amount of emotion would be the night rally.
With a combination of darkly lit atmosphere with large fires blazing, creating a
smoke filling the screen
Consequences Of Fanny Girden s Flowers For Algernon
Actions have Consequences From the story, Flowers for Algernon Fanny Girden
said, It was evil when Eve listened to the snake and ate from the tree of knowledge.
It was evil when she saw that she was naked. If not for that none of us would grow
old and die (329). Fanny explains how Charlie went against nature by getting the
surgery to increase his intelligence. Furthermore, Charlie Gordon a thirty seven
year old man with a low IQ of 68 gets an operation done on him to raise his
intelligence. But what he does not know the many problems the surgery will cause
him. In the story Flowers for Algernon a science fiction short story by Daniel Keyes,
Charlie Gordon should not have had the operation in order for him to increase his...
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Sometimes somebody will say hey look Joe or Frank or George he really pulled a
Charlie Gordon (315). Charlie vividly explains how he is under the intentions that
Joe,Frank, or George are truly his friends. Proving his obliviousness towards the
world around him. This could be a positive effect of not receiving the surgery.
Lastly, Charlie would be the definition of independent. For he works, lives, and
provides for himself. Charlie creates a stable living environment for himself, and
even gets paid to work a job at a factory. Despite what people may think of him he
perseveres, proving that he can try just as hard as anyone else. For, Charlie gets
judged everyday for his lack of intelligence. But he is really setting an example of
independence, with no one to rely on. Charlie is brilliant and is capable to do
anything, even without the surgery. Additionally, Charlie s lifestyle greatly changed
from before his operation, not knowing the many disadvantages Charlie was
confronted with. On the contrary, the naysayers may argue that Charlie should have
had the operation because he had gotten an experience to be smart;however, the
operations negatives outweigh the positives. However, the other side experienced
many difficulties. Such as when Dr.Strauss and Dr.Nemur the doctors that performed
on Charlie; had a conversation with him and struggled on a response. As Charlie
explains in
The, That Makes Your Hair Disappear
312.39: The Trich That Makes Your Hair Disappear Jennifer Raikes, the president of
Trichotillomania Learning Center, recalls that, The rhythm of running my fingers
over my eyebrows is soothing. One half of my mind is attuned to the texture of each
hair, the tickle against my thumb. Very soon, she would feel that ... this hairfeels out
of place; it s too thick, too coarse. I need to get it out. This is the urge that has been
haunting her since her childhood. As she entered her adulthood, she learned that she
is not the only one with trichotillomania, the impulse control disorder that urges one
to pull out his or her hairs. In fact, trichotillomania is plaguing the lives of one in
every fifty Americans (Raikes 38). This disorder... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Lastly, Criterion D and Criterion E demand that the hair pulling cannot be associated
with any other type of medical disorder or conditions (American Psychiatric
Association, 251 252). Since the action of excessive hair pulling can be attributed to
delusion or hallucination caused by psychological disorders like schizophrenia,
physicians must test for the existence of other mental conditions before diagnosing a
patient s symptoms as trichotillomania. Diagnosing trichotillomania definitely
requires caution and precision (Thackery and Harris, 998 1001). An early diagnosis
of trichotillomania becomes important because trichotillomania can cause temporary
and permanent damage to the human body. For example, uncontrolled hair pulling
can lead to skin bleeding. In severe cases, infections can affect the bleeding areas,
causing serious damage to the skin (Phillipson and Gibson). Patients may also
swallow the hairs that are removed from the body, causing hair clusters to form inside
the stomach. This condition, called trichophagia, can lead to stomach pain or even
stomach bleeding ( Trichotillomania ). Other forms of damage caused by
uncontrolled hair pulling may include short and broken hairs, damaged hair follicles,
and increased existence of non growing hairs. These are common harms of
trichotillomania that may have the
Thoreau And Transcendentalism
For centuries, Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson have long been
considered the leading benefactors of transcendentalism. Transcendentalism, a system
based on the idea that, in order to understand the nature of reality, one must first
examine and analyze the reasoning process that governs the nature of experience, is
an ideology that the poet Walt Whitman, a quintessential American voice, embodies
the lifestyle of. The experience should be one free from social conformity which
Thoreau and Emerson are inexplicably governed by. Though both are major steeples
in the philosophy, Walt Whitman deserves as much credit for his impact on
Transcendentalism. With his commentary about nature, deviation from modern
society, and reasons to live... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Using free verse in his poetry was considered outlandishly informal in structured
society but the point resonants within contemporary culture as structured aberrance.
This is but only one example of his maverick like annotations. In the poem, Song of
Myself, Whitman spends fifty two lines celebrating himself (Wiggins 428). This
anomalous form of self love is important, as it coincides heavily within the
parameters of how self respect is described within Transcendentalism. The tier of self
purpose and living with dignity used to deviate from society. The catechism he uses
to assesses this mediocrity are simple inquiries posed to provoke a discussion about
Walmart vs. Target Essay
Prepared for
Professor Devon Bazata
Business and Professional Writing
Prepared by
Kathryn Haines
Fall 1, 2012
Many discount retailers have come and gone over the years, but Wal Mart and more
recently Target, have employed business models that continually deliver profits, even
in the struggling economy of the United states in recent years. Wal Mart and Target
both have expanded rapidly since their inception and while Wal Mart has become an
international retailer with stores in fifteen countries and all over the United States
while Target has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Because of the success of Target stores, the company was renamed Target Corporation
in August 2000. Target Corporation has three main divisions: Target Stores, Mervyn
s, and Marshall Field s. Target Stores, the second largest discount retailer, offers
products geared to attract a more affluent discount shopper. The Target customer is
much younger than other discount BIG BOX stores with an average age of just 40,
mostly female, have children and are college graduates. The distinction in customer
base is important due to the emphasis on quality at lower prices. Target separates
itself from its competitors by offering more up to date and stylish products, better
quality, while still keeping prices lower. The attractiveness of the store presentations
and the employee attentiveness also gives Target an edge against other BIG BOX
discount retailers.
Target s sales revenues have consistently grown since 2008, in spite of economical
challenges. Ending sales for 2011 topped $69 million, a $2 million increase over the
previous year. Sales increases show that their marketing, advertising and
communication styles are working to bring in new customers and to retain the
customers they have.
Wal Mart and Target are both discount BIG BOX retailers which have made the most
of their strengths and have drawn upon the differences in their customer bases,
product mix and business strategy. Even though both
The Great Depression By Milton Freidman And Paul
Introduction: Background Information
The Great Depression is defined as an era of hardship and was the economic
downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world . The United States was
predominantly affected by the Great Depression, soon after stock market crash of
October 1929. This fiscal crisis sent Wall Street, the center of economics in New
York into a state of prolonged recession that affected foreign economies.
In the next few years in America, unemployment increased immensely, consumer and
investor spending decreased and by 1933, the Great Depression had reached its nadir
as some 13 15 million Americans were unemployed and nearly half of the country s
banks had collapsed.
Since its occurrence, The Great Depression has sparked debates among economists
and perhaps the most accurately represented are from a television debate in 1969.
Two economists, Milton Freidman and Paul Samuelson presented their positions on
the Depression. Friedman, believed it had a single cause: errors in carrying out
monetary policy in the United States. Samuelson argued it was the result of a series
of historical accidents. These opinions are quite famous when referring to this topic,
but many economists, such as Mr. Charles Kindleberger, believes there are more
factors that should be taken into consideration.
Part A: Identification of the Thesis
The World in Depression 1929 1939 provides further insight on the Great Depression
and the fundamental inquiry that
The 5 Communication Styles Based On The Lecture
PD7 A2
The 5 communication styles based on the lecture material are competing, avoiding,
accommodating, compromising and collaborating.
The competing style is used when people trying to achieve a goal or accomplish
something. It is used during arguments, such as when you are arguing against
somebody else to prove a point.
The avoiding style is used when a person shows little interest in the other party they
are communicating with. This is used when often when interacting with a person you
identify as an unimportant stranger, such as when you bump into a stranger in a
crowd and apologize.
The compromising style is used when a person cares about who they are interacting
with and care about their objectives / goals. An example of this would be scheduling
with a friend over when to meet up to do something since you care about their
opinion and are willing to try to compromise.
The accommodating stance is used when you care more about the other party s
goals more than your own (in many cases). An example of this would be if your
boss asked you to work overtime and even though you didn t want to you agreed to
do it.
The collaborating stance is used when both parties plan to accomplish their goals
fully (unlike compromising where the goals cannot be fully met) and to improve the
relationship between them. An example of this would be trading with somebody
where both sides end up better off afterwards.
The 4 communication tools for understanding cultural differences as
Should The Holocaust Let Genocide Happen Again
Holocaust and genocide equal millions dead. We should have used the Holocaust as
a learning moment to not let genocide happen again because of the horror that
happened, and all those unnecessary deaths. In order to keep the Holocaust from
happening again we need to go back and look at our past mistakes and learn from
them to keep it from happening ever again.
Hitler didn t have a high education level, yet he still got very far with his plans.
With a mixed record as a student, Hitler never advanced beyond a secondary
education. (1) Which means that he learned everything as he went. He shouldn t
have been smart enough to come up with his very strategic moves to get him the
power he needed to eventually do what he had always intended to do. If ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Nazi Holocaust 1938 1945 6,000,000 Deaths. (2) That many deaths in a 7 year
period is just horrific. It began with a simple boycott of Jewish shops and ended in
the gas chambers at Auschwitz as Adolf Hitlerand his followers attempted to
exterminate the entire Jewish population of Europe. (2) Hitler obviously hated the
jews he blamed them for everything. He blamed them for all of germany s
problems. The first mass arrest of Jews also occurred as over 25,000 men were
hauled off to concentration camps. (2) Then the Night of Broken Glass happened
and Jewish shops and synagogues were all burned. The Night of Broken Glass
(kristallnacht) occurred on Nov. 9 10 after a 17yrd. Herschel Grynszpan shot and
killed Ernst Vom Rath, a German embassy official in Paris, in retaliation for the
harsh treatment of his Jewish parents had received from the Nazis. (2) This was
not a smart idea because what happened after he did that was horrendous. The
Germans retaliated in a big way. Ninety Jews were killed, 500 synagogues were
burned and most of the Jewish shops had their windows smashed. (2) Innocent
people died and their stores had smashed windows, they must have been terrified.
Spurred on by Joseph Goebbels, Nazis used the death of Vom Rath as an excuse to
conduct the first state run program against jews. (2) If boy wouldn t have done what
he did all the tragedies that happened afterwards probably
Messenger RNA Interference Pathway
RNA interference pathways play an integral role in the silencing of gene
expressions, predominately by destroying specific targeted molecules of messenger
RNA (mRNA). Messenger RNA are single stranded RNA molecules which move
from the nucleus of the cell to the cytoplasm, while sending and receiving genetic
information from DNAvia ribosomes, to where the specific amino acid sequence of
the protein involved in geneexpression is located, as the article, Messenger RNA
Glossary Entry explains. The RNA interference pathway (RNAi) breaks double
stranded (dsRNA) molecules which match a specified targeted gene into short single
stranded RNA (ssRNA), which triggers the deterioration of the mRNA in its
corresponding sequence. According to Cartel,... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
It is greatly involved in immunity. Mostly in plants, it is greatly involved in the
immune response system to prevent viruses and harmful genetic material from
damaging the cell. In animals, the RNAi pathway serves an antiviral purpose,
providing protection against pathogens, bacteria, and other harmful organisms that
could potentially put the cell in danger. Jaronczyk s findings exaplain that RNAi
pathways also play a large role in the regulation of development of cell growth and
development. It regulates the timing of morphogenesis, a process which organizes
the special distribution of cells during its embryotic development stages. It also
regulates the maintenance of undifferentiated cell types, or those who are not yet
specialized. Finally, RNAi pathways help in RNA activation, and event in which
specific short dsRNA molecules bring about the targeted gene expression. Even
evidence of RNA interference pathways are relevant in the everyday lives of humans
such as insecticides, genetically engineered foods, and new treatments for cancer as
described by Hannon in RNAi: A Guide to Gene Silencing
Poker Argumentative Essay
An old man accidentally entering the wrong competition, accidentally won a World
Series of Poker.
Christian Pham, from Minnesota, beating 219 of the best players in the game, on
Thursday emerged victorious over the prestigious tournament.
No limit deuce to seven draw lowball: professional poker player who Texas Hold em,
but is instead a separate incident on the same day to sign up to play, there is no limit
to sign up.
Mr. Pham sat down to play it when he only realized his error and explained how his
first card Poker News was introduced: I got the table, and I ve dealt five cards when I
did something wrong realized that ...
I think, My God! Said in Minnesota because we do not have the game. It was the first
time I played this game,
Changes in the Environment Affecting the Marketing...
Changes in the environment affecting the marketing activities of Indian Industries
Marketing Management
Marketing Environment
The market environment is a marketing term and refers to all of the forces outside of
marketing that affect marketing management s ability to build and maintain
successful relationships with target customers. The market environment consists of
both the macro environment and the microenvironment.
The microenvironment refers to the forces that are close to the company and affect
its ability to serve its customers. It includes the company itself, its suppliers,
marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and publics.
The macroenvironment refers to all forces that are part of the larger society and ...
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For example, financial publics can hinder a company s ability to obtain funds
affecting the level of credit a company has. Media publics include newspapers and
magazines that can publish articles of interest regarding the company and editorials
that may influence customers opinions. Government publics can affect the company
by passing legislation and laws that put restrictions on the company s actions. Citizen
action publics include environmental groups and minority groups and can question
the actions of a company and put them in the public spotlight. Local publics are
neighborhood and community organizations and will also question a company s
impact on the local area and the level of responsibility of their actions. The general
public can greatly affect the company as any change in their attitude, whether
positive or negative, can cause sales to go up or down because the general public is
often the company s customer base. And finally those who are employed within the
company and deal with the organization and construction of the company s product
Demography refers to studying human populations in terms of size, density, location,
age, gender, race, and occupation. This is a very important factor to study for
marketers and helps to divide the population into market segments and target markets.
As India is having one billion population and the purchasing power of people and the
number of such people being high than previous years the
Comparing Survival In Auschwitz And Hitler s Lack Of
In both Primo Levi s Survival in Auschwitz and Lydia Chukovskaya s Sofia
Petrovna, basic human and individual rights were compromised and destroyed. In
Survival in Auschwitz, all the comforts and basic necessities for life are taken
away. Food and shelter were very limited and were almost nonexistent. In Sofia
Petrovna, she is brainwashed by the government, and eventually goes mad because
of all the stress in her everyday life. Both of these novels accurately demonstrate the
Stalinist and Nazi government s lack of respect for the people that they should be
protecting. While both Josef Stalin and Adolph Hitler s overall goals were different,
they were both very selfish in their desires. Adolph Hitler desired to make Germany a
great nation... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Stalin had individuals arrested without any reasonable explanation for their arrest,
other than they were a threat to the regime and his quest for total control. He had
the power to arrest and do away with anyone that disagreed or posed a threat to the
regime. This compromised the individual s rights in that the people could never
feel safe because there was no rhyme or reason to the way people were targeted in
Russia. Hitler wanted to create a perfect and flawless race. Therefore, he ordered
the Nazi soldiers to round up anyone who was Jewish, homosexual, mentally and
physically disabled, and even the Jehovah s Witnesses. These innocent people
were held in terrible conditions at massive concentration camps. These people
were immediately stripped of their individual rights. They were separated from
their families, forced to work in terrible conditions, and eventually exterminated.
Stalin and Hitler had absolutely no respect for their people s individual rights
whatsoever. Finally, the people living under Stalin and Hitler s rule in their
prospective countries were miserable. Even the people not captured by these
governments lived in constant fear of one day being captured. Both Stalin and
Hitler instilled fear in their people so the people would not revolt. They gained their
followers and believers by scaring their people to death. The people that were
captured by the government and later killed lived in terrible conditions their last few
days on
Exodus Decoded Essay
The main argument in Exodus Decoded was that the Exodus actually happened
and is not just a story in the Bible. There were many strengths and weaknesses in
Simcha Jacobovici s experiment. In the movie, he was excavating a site where
Moses followers had lived and before going to the sacred land and that was a
strength in his experiment because he was where it began in the story. A weakness
he had was that he never seemed to be wrong when it comes to finding where Moses
and his followers ended up and to see if the Exodusreally happened. Another strength
was that he had the Stella of Ahmose. This helped explain what the Exodus was.
Pharaoh Ahmose s was an important person to find because in the exodus it was said
that Ahmose went with Moses... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is because to me it seemed more dramatic than an actual experiment.
Throughout the video he would say no one knew something that happened in the
Exodus, or some proof of the exodus was never found until now. I feel that it was
not impressive. I feel like he was a bit goofing off with the drama of the video.
Also, when he brought up the Ark of Covenant and where it was place lasted. He
had no solid proof as to where it was. No one knows where the Ark of Covenant is
since the exodus and I believe if we knew where the exact one from the Exodus is,
then we will be able to clearly stated that the Exodus happened. The Ark of
Covenant is an important artifact when dealing with the Exodus. There were many
areas in this video where I could not stay focused while watching it because of what
I feel like was cliche to do to be dramatic when they thought they found something.
In all the dramatic scenes, there was not one moment where he did not find
something. This documentary just seem too good to be true. Some aspects of this
video just did not really fit in. It jumped around a bit I feel. That made it a little
confusing which did not make it compelling for me. Although I did enjoy watching
the movie and learning a few things from
DUI Case Study
Is there a way I can get my driver s license reinstated after getting convicted for
Driving Under the Influence (DUI)?
DUI #1 From the effective date of the conviction, your revocation will last
anywhere from 180 days up to one year. If there were serious injuries accompanying
your first DUI offense, the revocation will be a minimum of 3 years. Prior to the
revocation period being expired, you can make an application for a hardship driver s
license in your local county. If the judge orders it, you will have to complete DUI
School and treatment. At any Administrative Reviews Office (do a search on the
site for Need Driver License for Work or Under Suspension), you can make an
application for a hardship driver s license in your county. ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The FR 44 will serve as proof of liability insurance and it must be constantly kept up
for at least 3 years from when your DUI Revocation was reinstated. Any, future
violations could cost anywhere from $150 to as high as $500 in reinstatement charges.
DUI #2 If your second DUI violation is more than 5 years from the first conviction,
your driver s license will be revoked for 180 days minimum up to one year.
Reinstating for early hardship is not allowed. Prior to even requesting for a full
reinstatement of your driver s license, you have to serve the total revocation time.
If the second conviction is less than5 years from the previous offense, a revocation
of a minimum of 5 years will apply. Once you have served at least 1 year from the
revocation s effective date, you will be able to submit an application at the
Administrative Reviews Headquarters for a hardship driver s license. If the judge
ordered treatment and DUI School, they have to be totally completed and you also
need to get a positive review from the Special Supervision Services Program to
qualify for a hardship driver s license. If you get the go ahead for an early hardship
reinstatement, this proof will need to be submitted at the driver s license location.
Throughout the revocation period, you have to stay in the Special Supervision
Services Program in order to keep your hardship driver s license.
Once the revocation period is done, in order to get your
Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitates ( Micp )
Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitates (MICP) is a new and sustainable technology
used to improve the properties of construction materials. This technique works by
introducing bacteria solution (e.g., Sporosarcina pasteurii, B. megaterium,
Spoloactobacilus, Clostridium and Desulfotomaculum) into the soil matrix, and then
injection of a chemical solution consisting of urea and one of calcium salts (e.g.,
calcium chloride and calcium acetate) into the soil matrix several times.
A number of factors must be considered to enable the use and control of the MICP
process in field applications, including the concentrations of bacteria solution, the
concentrations of the chemical solutions, in addition to methods to introduce the
bacteria and these chemical solutions to the soil.
The main aim of this research is to provide an overview of the various factors
affecting the MICP within the soil, where the research studied the effect of bacteria,
soil particle size, nutrients, chemical solutions, pH, temperature and injection
strategies on the efficiency of MICP as a method to improve the chemical and
mechanical properties of the soil.
Keywords: MICP, Bacteria, Nutrients, Chemical Solutions, PH, Temperature,
Injection Strategies, Soil Particle Size
In the last two decades, new and sustainable technology appeared to improve the
mechanical and physical properties of construction materials, this technique is called
Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitates (MICP).
The Organization Of Symmetry Financial Essay
This analysis is on the organization of Symmetry Financial. This essay will discuss
the attitudes, leadership, managerial policies, and practices used by them. By using
this data, I will provide a list of recommendations on how to improve the company.
This analysis will describe the culture, nature of the company, motivational
techniques, and modes of communication used. I will provide information about the
company to ensure that the readers understand all of the different categories used to
analyze the company. I will provide information on how individuals, and groups of
people behave within the organization. I will also be evaluating their leadership
techniques and how the owners assist in the day to day running of the business.
One of the most important things a business needs to be successful is happy
employees. It is important for employees and managers have an established plan to
deal with critical matters. Managers must study the behavior of their employees to
decide how they will achieve their desired goals. Organizational behavior is the study
of human behavior in organizational settings, the interface between human behavior
and the organization, and the organization itself. (Griffin, 2012) We can divide
organizational behavior in 3 separate categories. The first one is the individuals
within the organization. The second is the work group which is made by placing
workers into specific groups. The last one is how the organization itself behaves.
Freedom Is Not Free Essay
Freedom is not Free
Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you re living? (Bob
Marley) This is a question that is at the forefront of the minds of so many people
today. Similarly, the main character Riel is playing with the demons of that question
throughout the story. He faces many questions, decisions, and facts that he must
come to terms with, or explore himself through. We first meet our characters while
they re high on MDMA. They are 4 roommates, Kelly, Erika, Riel, and Frances. The
Non Babylonians is about the unattainable idea of freedom and equality and shows
that by attacking social injustices based on differences.
In The Non Babylonians the main character, Riel, who is undergoing much pressure
while ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The words freedom and equality have different meanings to different people.
Throughout the story, the protagonist Riel, a college student who is of mixed race,
is continuously trying to break free from the chains that are holding him to
conformity, those chains being his life in Port Corbus. Where there was an
extreme lack in diversity, Everyone in his family was white; everyone he knew in
Port Corbus was white. On the issue of illegal aliens, at least, all the people in Riel
s life thought alike. (Compton 238). To him, living this way was not living at all as
he had much interest in social issues, diversity, and influential people who had
spoken out about social injustices and racial inequality such as Malcolm X, and his
favorite musical artist M.C. Kaaba. While he was living in Port Corbus, he felt
like a flightless bird which is why when college came around he felt free, and he
embraced it hard. Freedom and equality are ideals that people constantly strive for,
but the uncertainty in their obtainability make it very difficulty to stay on course and
soon, it becomes about chasing a feeling. The coming semester would be make or
break because Riel was on academic probation. The apartment, friends, clubs, and
drugs had eclipsed everything else somehow. (Compton 239). Even though

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Essay On 21St Century. Essay on influence of 20th and 21st fashion

  • 1. Essay On 21St Century Writing an essay on the topic "Essay On 21st Century" is no easy task. The 21st century is a complex and rapidly evolving era marked by unprecedented technological advancements, socio- political changes, and cultural shifts. As an essayist, navigating through this vast landscape requires a deep understanding of the multifaceted challenges and opportunities that define the current century. Firstly, the sheer scope of the 21st century makes it challenging to encapsulate its essence within the confines of an essay. The era is characterized by a global interconnectedness that spans across diverse fields such as technology, economy, politics, and culture. Trying to capture the essence of this interconnectedness and its impact on various aspects of human life requires meticulous research and a comprehensive analysis. Moreover, addressing the complexities of the 21st century demands a nuanced approach. The essay must delve into the paradoxes and contradictions that define this era, such as the simultaneous progress and setbacks, the coexistence of innovation and inequality, and the interplay between global unity and regional conflicts. Balancing these contrasting elements while presenting a coherent and compelling narrative requires a keen analytical mind and a mastery of the subject matter. Furthermore, staying current with the ever-evolving developments in the 21st century poses another significant challenge. The pace of change is relentless, with new technologies, geopolitical events, and societal transformations occurring at a rapid pace. An effective essay on the 21st century must not only capture the current state of affairs but also anticipate future trends, adding an extra layer of complexity to the writing process. In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic "Essay On 21st Century" demands intellectual rigor, extensive research, and a keen awareness of the dynamic nature of the contemporary world. It involves navigating through the intricacies of global issues, technological advancements, and societal transformations, all while maintaining a coherent and insightful narrative. The difficulty lies not only in addressing the multifaceted aspects of the 21st century but also in keeping abreast of the constant changes that characterize this era. For those seeking assistance in tackling such complex topics or any other writing challenges, HelpWriting.net provides a platform where similar essays and much more can be ordered, allowing individuals to benefit from expert guidance and support in their academic endeavors. Essay On 21St Century Essay On 21St Century
  • 2. Analyzing Colin Palmer s My Side Of The Story My Side of the Story Some people say celebrities are a big waste of time. Others say they have a good impact on our lives. Colin Palmer, a high school student, offers a response that is very interesting, He said, that celebrities aren t an issue, but if you look around at our school, neighborhoods in most peopleyou can see that there is an issue. Thar are some teens that have taken this celebritything way too far. Teenscopy what a celebrities wear, and how they will act. Palmer doesn t have many strong supporting ideas. In Palmers response he states, ВЁWe teenagers are passionate maybe even obsessed about our favorite stars, But that doesn t make it a big problem, and it doesn t mean we won t copy their bad behaviors people have been
  • 3. Essay Advances in Medical Technology Composition I 19 Feb 2008 Advances in Medical Technology Medical Technology has developed to a great extent over the course of many centuries. Since the days of Hippocrates, considered the Father of Medicine , advances in the medical field have brought us into a brave new world. With the advent and application of modern technology, the medical field seems to have evolved more in the last 10 20 yrs than in the previous 1000 years. Recently, new ground has been broken throughout the field, involving medical techniques, surgical procedures, and electronic devices. Such advancements have streamlined the practice and science of medicine in the 21st century. One form of advancement in Technology that has simplified the record... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Thanks to advances in the science of Bionics, it is difficult to tell which one is artificial. Similarly, research into the field of Implantable Biochips has led to innovations in monitoring vital signs and personal information for soldiers on the battlefield. The Center for Bioelectronics, Biosensors, Biochips, Based at Clemson University, is among the leading manufacturers of these Biochips. In an article in Science Daily based on materials provided by Clemson University, it is stated that The biochip, about the size of a grain of rice, could measure and relay such information as lactate and glucose levels in the event of a major hemorrhage, whether on the battlefield, at home or on the highway . Furthermore, we ve seen advances in Medical Technology concerning how surgeries are performed in the 21st Century. As computers become more and more integrated into medical procedures, we can start to envision surgical procedures that are done robotically. One of the latest innovations in Robotic Surgery is the Da Vinci Robot Surgery System, from Intuitive Surgical. An article in Newsweek written by Jennifer Barrett entitled Cutting Edge , states that The robotic system has already transformed the field of prostate surgery, for which it was approved in May 2001. That year it was used in less than 1 percent of all prostatectomies. This year more than 20 percent will be done with the
  • 4. Managing Over The Horizon Risk Managing Over the Horizon Risk There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don t know we don t know Donald Rumsfeld As the financial crisis seems largely behind us and the worldwide economy continues to improve, people are getting excited; looking away from the latest disaster to the next big thing. Businesses are successful once again and unemployment is hitting new lows. When people get this excited, it is time to think about risks. When asked what could possibly go wrong now, most people think of scary low probability events (Black swan) like an Ebola pandemic or a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many days out those in the weather business were warning that conditions may be right for a winter storm that is out on the horizon. A couple of days ahead of time the same people were saying that it was probably going to hit the North Georgia that is an emerging threat. And then it was real but little had been done to mediate its effects ahead of time. Another example would be the 2008 global financial crisis for which there were plenty of warning signs such as the subprime lending meltdown in 2007. A great example of preparedness can be seen in the way LA is planning to tackle the next big earthquake with a 126 page package of earthquake safety recommendations focuses on fixing the three weakest elements of L.A. s urban infrastructure: its pre 1980 buildings, its creaky, convoluted water system and its vulnerable telecommunications network. Executives face an ever increasing portfolio of risks that is broader and more complex. The world is getting more volatile as it gets more connected, while external and geopolitical over the horizon risks are becoming both more relevant and tougher to manage with globalization. Due to this all organizations need a unique way of thinking about OTH and emerging risks, and in many cases a dedicated process to manage these risks. It is imperative for organizations to have a structured approach to tracking over the horizon events that could negatively impact company performance or potentially bring
  • 5. The On Facebook And Facebook The purpose of this paper is to see if there are any differences between two separate companies that manufacture the same genre. In this paper, the chosen companies are the social networking sites called Facebook and MySpace. The reason to analyze these two webpages is because when Facebook was created, it replaced and putted MySpacein the shadow, and MySpace lost millions of users to Facebook (Hartung, 2011). This paper will find out what the reasons were that users went from MySpace to Facebook. The date viewing these two webpage was on November 19, 2015. By looking at what kind of demographic users these two webpages have, what are their interests, it will help create the methodology part of this section. Principles of Design There is not much attention paid for a design when everything is correctly ordered. The average person seldom sees design in anything at all. While we read newspapers daily without noticing the skeletal framework that orders the headlines, photography, graphics, text and other stylistic elements of a page (Bivins Ryan, 1995). An example could be when we raise our glasses to toast; we do not realize that stems are designed to keep our hands from warming the wine. A good design is like it exists, but does not call for attention to itself. Analysis of Facebook vs. MySpace By looking at Appendix 1 for Facebook and Appendix 2 for MySpace, the design of Facebook webpages is pretty straight forward, and has an easy overview, however, the design of
  • 6. Essay on The Anglican Communion Church Anglicanism is a denomination within Christianity comprising the Church of England and churches which are historically tied to it or have similar beliefs, worship practices and church structures. Anglicans base their faith on the Bible, traditions of the apostolic the concept of apostolic succession, and writings of the Church Fathers. Anglicanismforms one of the branches of Western Christianity, having fully declared its independence from the Holy See at the time of the Elizabethan Religious Settlement. (Sentamu, 2012) The Anglican Church of Southern Africa is the province of the Anglican Communion in the southern part of Africa. This diocese is made up of both low and high churches. The former referring to parishes that do not... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In modern times, the emergence of Anglo Catholic traditions have widely been attributed to the general emphasis of formal worship and resistance to modernisation . Father Dane Elsworth, an Anglican priest in Durban, stated in an interview that the Anglican church has largely been effected by liberal minded people , which he asserts has lead to many losses in terms of liturgical practice. The modern day Anglo Catholic movement can be traced back to the Oxford Movement of the Victorian era. One of the main objectives of the Oxford Movement was the assertion that the Church of England was a divinely founded institution, which adheres to the Apostolic Succession and of the Book of Common Prayer acting as its rule of faith . The prime idea was that Anglicanism was not at all a Protestant denomination, but rather an off shoot of the Catholic Church, together with the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox churches. It was argued by the
  • 7. Music That Made The Movement Music that Made the Movement The United States is a country which was formed by the hard work of the First Nations people, the British, and African Americans. Unfortunately, blacks were subjected to slavery. In the 1900 s blacks were becoming more discontented, thus began the emergence of the civil rights movement. Along with rallies and peaceful protests, music played a very important role in bringing change to a society where white supremacy reigned. In addition to their efforts, jazz and blues artists also contributed to the building of a strong America. Four black teenagers were arrested in the town of Marion, Indiana in the early morning of August 7, 1930. Sixteen year old James Cameron, nineteen year old Abram Smith and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The mob then took Abram and dragged him to a large tree to be hanged. When he resisted, the lynchers broke his arms, stabbed him and was hung. Thomas body was then brought from the jail and was hung next to Abram s. Miraculously, when the mob was preparing a fire to light under the bodies of Thomas and Abram, a voice denied James involvement in the crime. He avoided his own hanging and was brought back to prison. The photographs of the two bodies hanging from the tree inspired Abel Meeropol, a teacher, to write the poem and song Strange Fruit . In 1939, jazz singer Billie Holiday adapted the song into her set list. With lyrics such as: Southern trees bear strange fruit, Blood on the leaves and blood at the root, Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze, Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees. It gives the horrific imagery of the bodies hanging from the trees and glimpse of the life in picturesque South. Holiday s performance of the song soon became a hallmark for the early civil rights movements as she often became overcome with emotions as she performed the song each night. Strange Fruit was the first significant protest in words and music, the first unmuted cry against racism and is what many describe as the beginning of the civil rights movement. On September 15, 1963, the parishioners of the 16th Street Baptist Church of Birmingham, Alabama congregated to for their weekly Sunday service. This particular Sunday was the Church s Youth Day. In the
  • 8. How Is Onomatopoeia Used In Huckleberry Finn Literary Term #6: Onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia: A word whose pronunciation is the same as the sound it represents. Example: Boom! I see the white smoke squirt out of the ferryboat s side. You see, they was firing cannon over the water, trying to make my carcass come to the top (37). Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Bantam Dell, 2003.Print. Function: This use of onomatopoeia represents a significant change in the story because, at this moment in the story, Huckleberry Finn is pretending to be dead. The people of the town are using cannons to find his corpse, but will not find it because Huckleberry Finn is not actually dead. The boom of the cannon represents how the novel will take a turn into an entirely new direction
  • 9. Nintendo Switch Essay Though the Wii U failed to garner much of an audience, it was home to many quality game releases that few played due to the system s limited install base. Luckily, Nintendo has seen it fit to enhance some Wii U titles and to bring these new and improved versions to the Nintendo Switch. Earlier this year the Switch was graced with the release of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and now it has been given the honor to host PokkГ©n Tournament DX. If you are familiar with the original PokkГ©n Tournament for WiiU, then you know the game is an excellent PokГ©mon fighter. Switch owners can now partake in action packed PokГ©mon battles wherever they see fit; and with new modes and new PokГ©mon featured, PokkГ©n Tournament DX is the best way to playthis exceptional... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Regrettably, Team Battle is only available in local play. The lack of Team Battles as an online option is a missed opportunity, though one that is hopefully rectified via a future patch. For local multiplayer, there is a new Split screen VS. mode. Split screen multiplayer wasn t an option on Wii U, as one player would play on the TV and the other using the GamePad. The split screen works well on Switch, though comes at a cost. When playing in split screen VS. mode, the game s frame rate will be cut in half and run at 30fps opposed to the normal 60fps. Even with this sacrifice in place, the game still plays well and shouldn t be cause for concern. Local multiplayer can be played on a single screen, with the second player starting at the far end of the battle field. Providing the player with the option of split screen or single screen multiplayer is a welcome courtesy, as it allows you to decide which method is best. There are three battle types available for local Basic Battle, Extra Battle, and Team Battle. Basic is the standard type of battle you will experience in the main game or while playing online; meanwhile Extra Battle will have special items appear on the arena during battle. Another new and notable addition is the inclusion of Daily Challenges. These challenges will put your fighting skills to the test each day, as they offer a range of unique tasks to complete. Each day will challenge you to compete in battles
  • 10. Swot Analysis Of Dillard s There are many retail giants that have had an active presence on the market for sometime. A few that come to mind are JCPenny, Macy s and Nordstorm s. However, one major retail chain that has spread across the country was started right here in the state of Arkansas. Dillard s first department store was opened in 1938 in Nashville, Arkansas by its founder William Dillard. Since its inauguration, Dillard s has turned into one of the more prominent retailers in the United States. With an ever growing market base and clientele, Dillard s has seen successful since the early 1950s. This success, however, leaves people with a few questions about the Arkansas native retail giant. What does Dillard s current market look like? How does Dillard s compare... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once again Dillard s finds itself shrinking in comparison on sheer market size. Compared to Dillard s 300 stores in 29 states, JCPenny has over 1,000 locations across the United States and in Puerto Rico. This provides much contest for Dillard s as JCPenny is a store often seen across the mall from them. With so many stores across the nation Dillard s was able to keep it close in the gross income department. JCPenny only reported a gross income of 4.0 billion dollars in 2015, compared to Dillard s 2.15 billion dollars. This boasts well for Dillard s and the quality of their merchandise. Retail conglomeration s have been extremely influential since the early 20th century and Dillard s is no different. From their small beginnings in Nashville, Arkansas to their impressive influence in 29 states across the union, Dillard s has become a mainstay of quality retail. Even when they are outnumbered by the competition, Dillard s seems to be able to hold their own. This would me Mr. William Dillard proud and does him great honor in continuing his
  • 11. World War I As The War End All Wars knew World War I as the War. This massive war involved thirty two countries but a country that had a very important role was Russia. In the beginning two sides formed, the allies and the central powers. Russia was the first to mobilize its army because it came to the aid of its ally Serbia after the assassination of their Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a terrorist group from Austria Hungary. In result of Russia mobilizing it s army, Germany, who was in support of Austria Hungary, declared war on Russia. Due to the Franco Russian alliance drafted previously in 1892 France then mobilizes too. Soon after Germany declares war on France, Belgium and Great Britain gets involved and they fought Germany on what was known as the Western Front. A day after the Serbs defeat the Austro Hungarians at the Battle of the Cer the Russian army decides to attack Germany, advancing to East Prussia. The battle of Russia and Germany was known as the Battle of StallupГ¶nen on August 17th, 1914, which was the first battle on the Eastern Front. In this first battle of 84,000 Russians against 16,000 Germans, The Russians were defeated. After that the Germans played their offense and attacked the Russians on August 20th, at The Battle of Gumbinnen. Despite the offense attack the Germans lost that battle because of their eagerness to defeat Russia in another effort to end the two front war. The Russian Army decided to split up with Rennenkampf in control of the First Army and Samsonov in
  • 12. Upon Julia s Clothing By Robert Herrick Robert Herrick s poetry is known for its creative lyricism, and his sexually charged Upon Julia s Clothing is no exception. One of his many works discussing women, or more specifically, the feminine form, Upon Julia s Clothing is a deceptively simple poem comprised of a mere six lines, arranged as two triplet stanzas. Herrick creates movement within the text by utilizing bound morphemes as the final words of lines one through three, as well as end rhyme specific to each stanza. By using transitive verbs of direct action in the second stanza and juxtaposing them to the suspended, inactive state of observation described in stanza one, Herrick creates tension as he shifts from one state to another. The author further destabilizes his narrative with the clever use of the word next as an adjectival to create separation between the stanzas, as well shifting from concrete and proper nouns at the beginning to more abstract nouns. Finally, Herrick alludes that... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The noun liquefaction in line three as well as vibration in line five have a specific meaning attached to it, in that both imply movement. Julia shifts from translucent and ephemeral to a thing of solid undulation. The civilized eroticism and gracefulness of her fluttering garments imply that she is uncaught, and free (353). Nonetheless, a drastic shift occurs, in which her energy becomes tempestuous, and while Herrick feels in control of the situation at first, Julia s vibration ensnares him neatly. In fact, he is so overcome, or taken, with her glittering that he is unable to break free from her enchantment. At last, the reader understands that Julia is not a mere woman, but a provocative temptress, and by using the extended water metaphor, Herrick compares her to a siren, luring him to his damnation even as he welcomes her
  • 13. Theme Of Hunger In Angela s Ashes Throughout Angela s Ashes a theme of hunger has been portrayed in physical and symbolic ways. In Ireland, most families were victims of starvation due to lack of money, which was usually being spent in pubs by the men of the family. Francis McCourt s family suffers this on a daily basis. Malachy McCourt, their father, could never hold a job because he would take his weeks earnings and waste it at the pubs every Sunday. Being hungover, he always missed the upcoming Monday s work and was fired. Unfortunately, this had a major impact on the family. To the McCourts , food was also a sense of accomplishment. Having the option to eat when they pleased gave them confedience that can be seen over various settings and characters. Angela, the mother,
  • 14. Big Island Volcanoes During the Big Island trip, I learned the predictiction of volcanic eruptions, the study of volcanoes, and the effects of a volcanic eruption. To start off, the Big Island is known for its active volcanoes, meaning it constantly erupts and spews lava. Geologists actually has a way to forecast the eruption of the volcanoes. Seismometers can be used to pinpoint earthquakes which track the rise of magmaand its movement along fissures. (volcanoworld) This means that geologists uses seismometers in predicting volcanic eruptions so they can warn people about it. In conclusion, geologists can predict a volcanic eruption using multiple instrument, seismometer being one of them. Furthermore, I ve also learned the study of volcanoes which is called vulcanology. The people who studies volcanoes are called vulcanologist, and they are also the ones who knows how to use complicated instruments only used for vulcanology such as a retroreflector, which is an instrument that reflects light back to its source, and a geodimeter, which is an instrument to measure the distance between two points of laser beam. A laser beam is emitted from the geodimeter, hits a retroreflector at a second point, and returns to a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During pre eruption, geologists and vulcanologists are very alert on what is happening around the volcano to see if it will have a huge effect on its surrounding, so after it erupted, these scientists quickly see if there are any post volcanic activities. Aside from the lava oozing and destroying the volcano s surroundings, landslide is also one of the effects. A tiltmeter located in the uplifting zone detects the deformation by sensing the minute change in slope caused by the uplift. (usgs.gov) This explains how a tiltmeter helps scientists in knowing if there are any post volcanic effects. In conclusion, a volcanic eruption can lead to a lot of events, such as ruined grasslands and
  • 15. Public Opinion In American Politics Public opinion is often defined as the collective views, attitudes, and beliefs of the population about a particular subject. Many suggest it is a crucial aspect of American politics considering it affects how the country is governed, which explains why it is such a key component in modern Political Science. There are a series of matters that one can focus on in this field of study; nonetheless, I wanted to take a closer look upon a topic that we did not cover in the course, and that is of my interest. For some time now, environmental issues have been growing in prominence to Americans since the environmental movement of the 1960s when Rachel Carson first published Silent Spring and incited the public s concern over the use of the widely... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... attitudes toward global warming are shaped by an individual s personal experience. Which they validate by performing over 2100 surveys across four different states. Respondents were provided with comprehensive information about the effects of several factors on their views about global warming. Briefly put, the study found that views on climate change in the United States were being shaped by a mix of personal experiences, events, and physical changes on the planet in this study most respondents were as although the focus of their data concentrates on the Individual Level Causes of Belief in Climate Change. They also discover that there are other factors at play that they have to take into consideration, which is what sets this study apart from the one that came before it. Borick and Rabe as oppose to Carlisle and Smith believe demographics more specifically party affiliation play a role in an individual s views towards environmental
  • 16. Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down Reader S Guide The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Reader s Guide Directions: Read the captioned book. Then answer the questions contained in this study guide. Post your completed document to the appropriate assignment box on the course website. 1. What do you think of traditional Hmong birth practices (pp. 3 5)? Compare them to the techniques used when Lia was born (p. 7). How do Hmong and American birth practices differ? I think the Hmong traditional give birth practice is very unsafe and dirty. The environment of giving birth is full with bacteria, germs and easily get infection for both mother and new born baby. However I find that the father burry the placenta after give birth is very unique and interesting. When Lisa was born, she was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Other doctors who wants to be accepted by the Hmong could use a little to this philosophy. 7. How did you feel about the Lees refusal to give Lia her medicine? Can you understand their motivation? Do you sympathize with it? I cannot accept the Lee s refuse to hive lia her medicine. But as Lia s parents a traditional Hmong family, they belief in what they had known and learnt from the past and their culture. They believe medication should not be taken forever or doctors cannot be trused. No, I do not sympathize with it, because Lia should be taken by Dr. Ernst and let Dr. Ernst to help Lia. 8. How did you feel when Child Protective Services took Lia away from her parents? Do you believe it was the right decision? Was any other solution possible in the situation? I think it was the best decision that CPS took Lia away from her parents. I believe it was the right decision because Lia needed to correct way to be taken care of, not what her parents belief with false pride. I don t think there was any other solution. 9. Were you surprised at the quality of care and the love and affection given to Lia by her foster parents? How did Lia s foster parents feel about Lia s biological parents? Was foster careultimately to Lia s benefit or detriment? I did not feel surprised because Dee and Korda were certified as foster parents who
  • 17. Republican Party Dbq Essay In the past, the Democratic party was known as the conservative, traditional party that fully supported state government while the Republican party was a supporter of the federal government control. The Republican party began as Lincoln s party which caught the attention and support of the colored voters. In contrast, the Democratic partywas predominantly white during this time with ideas to keep the rights of the state and the traditions of the South. Though these two parties have opposing views, they began to clash and redirect their beliefs. Over time the two main political parties have changed their platforms based on the issues of desegregation, racism in the South and placement of federal government. A major issue that was predominant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As the Democratic platform changed, the Republican party became very conservative and defended state s rights due to its opposition to what was called big government (Rise of Rep. Party, p. 567). On the issue of race, the Republican party fully supported that the white race was superior and the state had its own right to remain segregated. A key politician that represents this change was the former Senator Jesse Helms. Religion was the driving force of his political views and he was very vocal about his opinions. His campaign developed the concept of the New Right which refers to the Christian church stepping into the realm of politics (Jesse Helms Doc). In the 1970s and the 1980s, many organizations became available, such as the Christian Coalition and Moral Majority, to support the church having political influence. Since the church became a part of political campaigns, politicians became more reserved in their discrimination in a perception known as Southern Strategy. This popular technique was used mainly by the Republican party that was extremely traditional known as the Tea Party or far right . The first politician to introduce the idea was President Nixon in 1960, through his speeches to the people. The Southern Strategy technique is used when the speaker uses choices of words to convey a negative, underlying meaning without blatantly stating their opinion (class discussion). As an example, Nixon expressed his support of state s rights as a way of admitting that he supported the continuation of segregation in the
  • 18. Report On Avanti Road Racing Bicycle Diploma in Business Management (level 5) Bus509: Manage Quality Customer Service Term 4 (2014) : REPORT ON AVANTI ROAD RACING BICYCLE: www.avanti bicycles.co.nz Student Name: Jeevan Veerabhattini Student ID: CIB00002CJ Submitted to: Mr. Simon Glasgow INTRODUCTION: Avanti bicycles is an Australasian organization starting from New Zealand and now circulates bikes to numerous nations inside Oceania, Asia and Europe. Avanti put its first bike into the New Zealand advertise in 1985 and from that point forward has manufactured its range to 100+ models cooking for all zones of cycling from kid s bicycles directly through to Olympic bicycles. (www .avanti.com) Avanti In addition to the national system of autonomously claimed, master cycling stores that give each rider the best brands, best administration and best guidance anyplace. Avanti have 5 heading bicycle brands with in excess of 290 models of street, mountain and BMX bicycles to look over, including a scope of cycles particularly intended for female riders. There are such a variety of sorts of
  • 19. Life And Nature In Whitman s Songs Of Myself Short Essay Assignment Has anyone supposed it lucky to be born? / I hasten to inform him or her it is just as lucky to die, and I know it (section 7, 131), this is how Whitman starts section 7, celebrating life and death, proving that each one of us can be optimistic, even if everything around is falling apart. Whitman in his poem Songs of Myself , develops a new understanding of everything around, including life, self, and nature. He through his unique thoughts is able to overcome any difficulties in life, even if it is undefeated. In his poem, you as a reader will simply notice the unity of life and death, self and nature, and his brilliant ability to combine all these elements together in such a beautiful way. At the same time, Whitman... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Whitman has always assert the unity of his self with nature and land, as shown in the preface of leaves of grass , where he appears to be more linked to his own land and his own nationality, he also expect the other American poets to behave the same way he did. According to him, a good American poet shouldn t stop developing, he should always be able to reflect his good manners as equality and solidarity, he should also be linked to his country issues and problems, as when he said at the very end of his preface The proof of a poet is that his country absorbs him as affectionately as he has absorbed it. Darwish also expresses the same idea but in a different way, due to the political conditions which his country goes through. The second poem, which also shows this unity between self and nature in Darwish poems is we have on this earth what makes life worth living , the title itself makes the reader optimistic and eager to discover the elements hidden in it. Darwish tries in this poem to count some of the things which he believes it makes life worth living, as in the following lines: We have on this earth what makes life worth
  • 20. Criminal Sentence For Mass Murders The research that I have found based upon mass murders is that having a publicly criminal sentence doesn t stop the crimes from taking place. Mass murders are regarded as a killing of four people or more at a time. If you take murder in general you would notice that as of October 14, 2015 around 12:30 am the number of homicides in the U.S. is 13,208. It is very clear that sentencing for homicides are publicly published. Also, the number of mass shootings that have so far taken place since the beginning of the year is 43. When there is an act of terrorism if the person who was involved is still alive after the indecent its publicly known they will more than likely receive the death penalty. In 2013, during a Boston Marathon, bomber Dzhokhar
  • 21. The Pros And Cons Of American Foreign Policy Of The United... Dictionary.com defines foreign policy as a policy pursued by a nation in its dealing with other nations, designed to achieve national objectives (Dictionary.com, 2015). According to U.S History (2015), The United States American foreign policy is founded on interactions with foreign nations and establish standards of collaboration for its governments, conglomerates and citizens. The objectives of the foreign policy of the United States, plus all the Agencies and Bureaus in the United States Department of State are to shape and endure an additional democratic, safe, and affluent domain for the advantage of the American societies and the global community. Jurisdictional goals listed by the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs
  • 22. This Place Uses Aol Consulting Performance Pyramid to... 1. Introduction 2. People Management Principles It is no secret that at a core of every successful organisation lies the management of people. When the employees are successfully managed, they work more effectively and efficiently to deliver desired output. 2.1. Motivation This Place uses the Aol Consulting Performance Pyramid as its core fundament for motivating its employees. Safety/Security This Place provides its employees with a safe working environment that does not apply any unnecessary pressure and allows them to open up and let their creativity run, which in its turn provides fresh ideas and concepts generation. Employees at This Place also feel secure for their job, as it is a small company (7 employees) and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This Place, being a digital development firm has a relaxed and casual approach to the work attire and work environment. Every intern or new employee is welcomed by the team and is provided with any assistance that he/she might need, resulting in faster rate of adaptation and general workplace environment satisfaction. However at the later stages, due to a small number of employees and individualistic environment, one could find himself unattached at times. Work/Life Harmony This Place is not a trading corporation on Wall Street, so it never asks its employees to work extra hours or sacrifice their sleep or time of work. The management understands that there has to be a perfect equilibrium between work and life outside it and no amount of rewards will substitute personal time. 2.2. Training and Development This Place approaches Training and Development of its employees using the Training Cycle model: Need Identification This place individually compare the skill that an employee possesses to the skills that will make him competent for a job. They will then identify the missing skills and base his/her training around the skills that needs to be obtained Training Delivery The training takes place, encompassing the tasks that develop the missing set of skills that the employee needs to obtain Training Evaluation Upon the completion of the training, the results are evaluated to see if the desired set
  • 23. A Comparison Of Two Versions Of Romeo And Juliet A Comparison of Two Versions of Romeo and Juliet In this essay the opening sequences of the two versions of Shakespeare s disastrous love story, Romeo and Juliet have been compared. The traditional and conventional version, which was made in 1968 in Italy, was directed by Franco Zeffirali, and the modernized and the updated version, was made by Baz Lurhmann in 1996 and is set in modern Verona Beach.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This ideal idea results in a stunning modernized version of the old Shakespeare s story. Before comparing the two versions, the importance of an opening sequence for a movie in general has to be discussed. The opening sequence of a movie introduces the audience to the setting, mode and situation on which the movie is based upon. It establishes the story of the film and attracts the attention of its audiences, so the opening sequence of a movie plays a crucial role to catch the spectators attention at the beginning until it finishes. The opening sequence of Zeffirali movie starts with high angle shot of the Italian scenery and an inspirational voice reads the famous prologue. The opening sequence of this version begins in the medieval town market, where Capulet servants dressed in bright clownish colours meet Montague servants dressed in dark and sombre clothes. After short period of joke and adversary talk, the Capulets provoke a fight. Benvolio, Montague and friend of Romeo, unsuccessfully tries to stop the fight. After a split second the town fills up with the scream and shout. A dual begins between Benvolio and Tybalt (Capulet and Juliet s cousin) in the town centre Tybalt slashes Benvolio s eye and the ringing of church bell calls on the other members of the families to join in the
  • 24. Why Prejudice Is Wrong What is prejudice? Prejudice is believing someone else is wrong or right based on one key factor like skin color, gender, level, etc. Personally I think prejudice is wrong, but a large majority of the world says otherwise. Prejudice dates back to practically the beginning of time whether it was when the ancient Romans enslaved millions of people or in the 1700 and 1800 hundreds when black slaves were traded bought and sold all over America, or 1933 to 1945 during the holocaust. Many people think that prejudiceand racismare gone but everywhere you turn you can find something prejudice happening whether it be here or in different countries. In our current society it is still quite a big deal. For example, all of the black lives matter protests
  • 25. Shouldice Hospital Case Sullivan University, Louisville Shouldice Hospital Case Study Mrudula Anne Executive Summary Shouldice Hospital has been devoted to repairing hernias for over half a century. The current capacity of Shouldice is at 89 beds, however the demand for its services are a lot higher than its bed capacity and growing at 100 patients/6 months. Thus, Shouldice needs to find a way to expand its capacity while maintaining the quality of its service. Given the increasing demand for the services at Shouldice, my recommendation is to work on opening Shouldice hospital extra hours to accommodate the increasing demand for their services. The alternative would be to increase the number of beds by expanding the physical premises of the hospital. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Demand for 116 beds on Wednesday and Thursday 2.Demand for 99 beds on Tuesday Thus by increasing the number of beds, this would help give the hospital a more wiggle room to schedule more operations per day and help run at its capacity. Taking time perishability of the service goods (hospital beds) into account I think the number of beds need to be increased to 110 instead of 116. Hence the percentage increase in beds required would be (110 89)/89 = 23.60%. Thus, the current demand can be met and Shouldice can be operated at its fullest capacity by increasing the number of beds by 23.6%. Recommendation As pointed out in the previous section, the bottleneck at the beds, which is bleeding to the number of operations and the utility of the existing operation rooms needs to be addressed as soon as possible. At is full capacity Shouldice can perform 38 operations per day, when there is no restriction on the number of beds available. Spread over 5 operation rooms, it averages out to 38/5 = 7.6 operations per room in any given day. These operations needs to be spread out and spaced evenly to make sure the rooms can be used to their full capacity at 6 to 7 operations per day. With the current working hours of 4 in the morning and 4 in the evening, it is difficult to accommodate 6 to 7 operations per day in a room. Hence along with the increase in the number of beds, Shouldice also needs to increase its hours of operations to 10 hours a day or open one extra day in a
  • 26. Nazi Propaganda Film Seldom has a history classes had film, myth, and Nazis been as integrated as this Nazi Cinema class. Most people watch films as a form of entertainment, were as we are introduced to new form of cinema as well as new ways to study historical merit. This will explain specific aspects of Nazi history ranging from 1930 to 1937. Such as the power of propaganda, the Hitler Youth, and Women in Nazi Germany , while relating it with these films Triumph of the Will (1934), Hitler Youth Quex (1933), and La Habanera (1937). Looking deep into the beginning of the creation of a Nazi Germany requires looking into causes why Germany would allow a takeover. As World War Iended Germany had been devised. Many of the middle class families that lived in Germany ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Just by taking a look at the opening shot we are seeing from Hitler s view as he looks down upon Germany. His view is high above Germany and its people, as if he is looking down from the heavens. As the view changes it is of the people in the crowd waiting to see Hitler. We are now looking at him as he ascends from the sky full of beautiful, light, fluffy clouds. As if he were a god coming down from the heavens just for Germany to save them in their desperate time of need. As Hitler steps from the plane we are now in the view of him or perhaps a guard, the entire crowd is beside themselves to be in the presence of das FГјhrer. This creation of this god like man, in which all extremely outwardly show such love for definitely creates an appeal to the hearts of the national masses . Another scene in which drew a huge amount of emotion would be the night rally. With a combination of darkly lit atmosphere with large fires blazing, creating a smoke filling the screen
  • 27. Consequences Of Fanny Girden s Flowers For Algernon Actions have Consequences From the story, Flowers for Algernon Fanny Girden said, It was evil when Eve listened to the snake and ate from the tree of knowledge. It was evil when she saw that she was naked. If not for that none of us would grow old and die (329). Fanny explains how Charlie went against nature by getting the surgery to increase his intelligence. Furthermore, Charlie Gordon a thirty seven year old man with a low IQ of 68 gets an operation done on him to raise his intelligence. But what he does not know the many problems the surgery will cause him. In the story Flowers for Algernon a science fiction short story by Daniel Keyes, Charlie Gordon should not have had the operation in order for him to increase his... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sometimes somebody will say hey look Joe or Frank or George he really pulled a Charlie Gordon (315). Charlie vividly explains how he is under the intentions that Joe,Frank, or George are truly his friends. Proving his obliviousness towards the world around him. This could be a positive effect of not receiving the surgery. Lastly, Charlie would be the definition of independent. For he works, lives, and provides for himself. Charlie creates a stable living environment for himself, and even gets paid to work a job at a factory. Despite what people may think of him he perseveres, proving that he can try just as hard as anyone else. For, Charlie gets judged everyday for his lack of intelligence. But he is really setting an example of independence, with no one to rely on. Charlie is brilliant and is capable to do anything, even without the surgery. Additionally, Charlie s lifestyle greatly changed from before his operation, not knowing the many disadvantages Charlie was confronted with. On the contrary, the naysayers may argue that Charlie should have had the operation because he had gotten an experience to be smart;however, the operations negatives outweigh the positives. However, the other side experienced many difficulties. Such as when Dr.Strauss and Dr.Nemur the doctors that performed on Charlie; had a conversation with him and struggled on a response. As Charlie explains in
  • 28. The, That Makes Your Hair Disappear 312.39: The Trich That Makes Your Hair Disappear Jennifer Raikes, the president of Trichotillomania Learning Center, recalls that, The rhythm of running my fingers over my eyebrows is soothing. One half of my mind is attuned to the texture of each hair, the tickle against my thumb. Very soon, she would feel that ... this hairfeels out of place; it s too thick, too coarse. I need to get it out. This is the urge that has been haunting her since her childhood. As she entered her adulthood, she learned that she is not the only one with trichotillomania, the impulse control disorder that urges one to pull out his or her hairs. In fact, trichotillomania is plaguing the lives of one in every fifty Americans (Raikes 38). This disorder... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lastly, Criterion D and Criterion E demand that the hair pulling cannot be associated with any other type of medical disorder or conditions (American Psychiatric Association, 251 252). Since the action of excessive hair pulling can be attributed to delusion or hallucination caused by psychological disorders like schizophrenia, physicians must test for the existence of other mental conditions before diagnosing a patient s symptoms as trichotillomania. Diagnosing trichotillomania definitely requires caution and precision (Thackery and Harris, 998 1001). An early diagnosis of trichotillomania becomes important because trichotillomania can cause temporary and permanent damage to the human body. For example, uncontrolled hair pulling can lead to skin bleeding. In severe cases, infections can affect the bleeding areas, causing serious damage to the skin (Phillipson and Gibson). Patients may also swallow the hairs that are removed from the body, causing hair clusters to form inside the stomach. This condition, called trichophagia, can lead to stomach pain or even stomach bleeding ( Trichotillomania ). Other forms of damage caused by uncontrolled hair pulling may include short and broken hairs, damaged hair follicles, and increased existence of non growing hairs. These are common harms of trichotillomania that may have the
  • 29. Thoreau And Transcendentalism For centuries, Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson have long been considered the leading benefactors of transcendentalism. Transcendentalism, a system based on the idea that, in order to understand the nature of reality, one must first examine and analyze the reasoning process that governs the nature of experience, is an ideology that the poet Walt Whitman, a quintessential American voice, embodies the lifestyle of. The experience should be one free from social conformity which Thoreau and Emerson are inexplicably governed by. Though both are major steeples in the philosophy, Walt Whitman deserves as much credit for his impact on Transcendentalism. With his commentary about nature, deviation from modern society, and reasons to live... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Using free verse in his poetry was considered outlandishly informal in structured society but the point resonants within contemporary culture as structured aberrance. This is but only one example of his maverick like annotations. In the poem, Song of Myself, Whitman spends fifty two lines celebrating himself (Wiggins 428). This anomalous form of self love is important, as it coincides heavily within the parameters of how self respect is described within Transcendentalism. The tier of self purpose and living with dignity used to deviate from society. The catechism he uses to assesses this mediocrity are simple inquiries posed to provoke a discussion about
  • 30. Walmart vs. Target Essay WALMART AND TARGET: A COMMUNICATION COMPARISON Prepared for Professor Devon Bazata Business and Professional Writing Prepared by Kathryn Haines Fall 1, 2012 WALMART AND TARGET: A COMMUNICATION COMPARISON INTRODUCTION Many discount retailers have come and gone over the years, but Wal Mart and more recently Target, have employed business models that continually deliver profits, even in the struggling economy of the United states in recent years. Wal Mart and Target both have expanded rapidly since their inception and while Wal Mart has become an international retailer with stores in fifteen countries and all over the United States while Target has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because of the success of Target stores, the company was renamed Target Corporation in August 2000. Target Corporation has three main divisions: Target Stores, Mervyn s, and Marshall Field s. Target Stores, the second largest discount retailer, offers products geared to attract a more affluent discount shopper. The Target customer is much younger than other discount BIG BOX stores with an average age of just 40, mostly female, have children and are college graduates. The distinction in customer base is important due to the emphasis on quality at lower prices. Target separates itself from its competitors by offering more up to date and stylish products, better quality, while still keeping prices lower. The attractiveness of the store presentations and the employee attentiveness also gives Target an edge against other BIG BOX discount retailers. Target s sales revenues have consistently grown since 2008, in spite of economical challenges. Ending sales for 2011 topped $69 million, a $2 million increase over the previous year. Sales increases show that their marketing, advertising and communication styles are working to bring in new customers and to retain the customers they have. Summary Wal Mart and Target are both discount BIG BOX retailers which have made the most of their strengths and have drawn upon the differences in their customer bases,
  • 31. product mix and business strategy. Even though both
  • 32. The Great Depression By Milton Freidman And Paul Samuelson Introduction: Background Information The Great Depression is defined as an era of hardship and was the economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world . The United States was predominantly affected by the Great Depression, soon after stock market crash of October 1929. This fiscal crisis sent Wall Street, the center of economics in New York into a state of prolonged recession that affected foreign economies. In the next few years in America, unemployment increased immensely, consumer and investor spending decreased and by 1933, the Great Depression had reached its nadir as some 13 15 million Americans were unemployed and nearly half of the country s banks had collapsed. Since its occurrence, The Great Depression has sparked debates among economists and perhaps the most accurately represented are from a television debate in 1969. Two economists, Milton Freidman and Paul Samuelson presented their positions on the Depression. Friedman, believed it had a single cause: errors in carrying out monetary policy in the United States. Samuelson argued it was the result of a series of historical accidents. These opinions are quite famous when referring to this topic, but many economists, such as Mr. Charles Kindleberger, believes there are more factors that should be taken into consideration. Part A: Identification of the Thesis The World in Depression 1929 1939 provides further insight on the Great Depression and the fundamental inquiry that
  • 33. The 5 Communication Styles Based On The Lecture Material PD7 A2 JRMARION The 5 communication styles based on the lecture material are competing, avoiding, accommodating, compromising and collaborating. The competing style is used when people trying to achieve a goal or accomplish something. It is used during arguments, such as when you are arguing against somebody else to prove a point. The avoiding style is used when a person shows little interest in the other party they are communicating with. This is used when often when interacting with a person you identify as an unimportant stranger, such as when you bump into a stranger in a crowd and apologize. The compromising style is used when a person cares about who they are interacting with and care about their objectives / goals. An example of this would be scheduling with a friend over when to meet up to do something since you care about their opinion and are willing to try to compromise. The accommodating stance is used when you care more about the other party s goals more than your own (in many cases). An example of this would be if your boss asked you to work overtime and even though you didn t want to you agreed to do it. The collaborating stance is used when both parties plan to accomplish their goals fully (unlike compromising where the goals cannot be fully met) and to improve the relationship between them. An example of this would be trading with somebody where both sides end up better off afterwards. The 4 communication tools for understanding cultural differences as
  • 34. Should The Holocaust Let Genocide Happen Again Holocaust and genocide equal millions dead. We should have used the Holocaust as a learning moment to not let genocide happen again because of the horror that happened, and all those unnecessary deaths. In order to keep the Holocaust from happening again we need to go back and look at our past mistakes and learn from them to keep it from happening ever again. Hitler didn t have a high education level, yet he still got very far with his plans. With a mixed record as a student, Hitler never advanced beyond a secondary education. (1) Which means that he learned everything as he went. He shouldn t have been smart enough to come up with his very strategic moves to get him the power he needed to eventually do what he had always intended to do. If ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Nazi Holocaust 1938 1945 6,000,000 Deaths. (2) That many deaths in a 7 year period is just horrific. It began with a simple boycott of Jewish shops and ended in the gas chambers at Auschwitz as Adolf Hitlerand his followers attempted to exterminate the entire Jewish population of Europe. (2) Hitler obviously hated the jews he blamed them for everything. He blamed them for all of germany s problems. The first mass arrest of Jews also occurred as over 25,000 men were hauled off to concentration camps. (2) Then the Night of Broken Glass happened and Jewish shops and synagogues were all burned. The Night of Broken Glass (kristallnacht) occurred on Nov. 9 10 after a 17yrd. Herschel Grynszpan shot and killed Ernst Vom Rath, a German embassy official in Paris, in retaliation for the harsh treatment of his Jewish parents had received from the Nazis. (2) This was not a smart idea because what happened after he did that was horrendous. The Germans retaliated in a big way. Ninety Jews were killed, 500 synagogues were burned and most of the Jewish shops had their windows smashed. (2) Innocent people died and their stores had smashed windows, they must have been terrified. Spurred on by Joseph Goebbels, Nazis used the death of Vom Rath as an excuse to conduct the first state run program against jews. (2) If boy wouldn t have done what he did all the tragedies that happened afterwards probably
  • 35. Messenger RNA Interference Pathway RNA interference pathways play an integral role in the silencing of gene expressions, predominately by destroying specific targeted molecules of messenger RNA (mRNA). Messenger RNA are single stranded RNA molecules which move from the nucleus of the cell to the cytoplasm, while sending and receiving genetic information from DNAvia ribosomes, to where the specific amino acid sequence of the protein involved in geneexpression is located, as the article, Messenger RNA Glossary Entry explains. The RNA interference pathway (RNAi) breaks double stranded (dsRNA) molecules which match a specified targeted gene into short single stranded RNA (ssRNA), which triggers the deterioration of the mRNA in its corresponding sequence. According to Cartel,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is greatly involved in immunity. Mostly in plants, it is greatly involved in the immune response system to prevent viruses and harmful genetic material from damaging the cell. In animals, the RNAi pathway serves an antiviral purpose, providing protection against pathogens, bacteria, and other harmful organisms that could potentially put the cell in danger. Jaronczyk s findings exaplain that RNAi pathways also play a large role in the regulation of development of cell growth and development. It regulates the timing of morphogenesis, a process which organizes the special distribution of cells during its embryotic development stages. It also regulates the maintenance of undifferentiated cell types, or those who are not yet specialized. Finally, RNAi pathways help in RNA activation, and event in which specific short dsRNA molecules bring about the targeted gene expression. Even evidence of RNA interference pathways are relevant in the everyday lives of humans such as insecticides, genetically engineered foods, and new treatments for cancer as described by Hannon in RNAi: A Guide to Gene Silencing
  • 36. Poker Argumentative Essay An old man accidentally entering the wrong competition, accidentally won a World Series of Poker. Christian Pham, from Minnesota, beating 219 of the best players in the game, on Thursday emerged victorious over the prestigious tournament. No limit deuce to seven draw lowball: professional poker player who Texas Hold em, but is instead a separate incident on the same day to sign up to play, there is no limit to sign up. Mr. Pham sat down to play it when he only realized his error and explained how his first card Poker News was introduced: I got the table, and I ve dealt five cards when I did something wrong realized that ... I think, My God! Said in Minnesota because we do not have the game. It was the first time I played this game,
  • 37. Changes in the Environment Affecting the Marketing... Changes in the environment affecting the marketing activities of Indian Industries Marketing Management Marketing Environment The market environment is a marketing term and refers to all of the forces outside of marketing that affect marketing management s ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers. The market environment consists of both the macro environment and the microenvironment. The microenvironment refers to the forces that are close to the company and affect its ability to serve its customers. It includes the company itself, its suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and publics. The macroenvironment refers to all forces that are part of the larger society and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, financial publics can hinder a company s ability to obtain funds affecting the level of credit a company has. Media publics include newspapers and magazines that can publish articles of interest regarding the company and editorials that may influence customers opinions. Government publics can affect the company by passing legislation and laws that put restrictions on the company s actions. Citizen action publics include environmental groups and minority groups and can question the actions of a company and put them in the public spotlight. Local publics are neighborhood and community organizations and will also question a company s impact on the local area and the level of responsibility of their actions. The general public can greatly affect the company as any change in their attitude, whether positive or negative, can cause sales to go up or down because the general public is often the company s customer base. And finally those who are employed within the company and deal with the organization and construction of the company s product Macroenvironment Demography refers to studying human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, and occupation. This is a very important factor to study for marketers and helps to divide the population into market segments and target markets. As India is having one billion population and the purchasing power of people and the number of such people being high than previous years the
  • 38. Comparing Survival In Auschwitz And Hitler s Lack Of In both Primo Levi s Survival in Auschwitz and Lydia Chukovskaya s Sofia Petrovna, basic human and individual rights were compromised and destroyed. In Survival in Auschwitz, all the comforts and basic necessities for life are taken away. Food and shelter were very limited and were almost nonexistent. In Sofia Petrovna, she is brainwashed by the government, and eventually goes mad because of all the stress in her everyday life. Both of these novels accurately demonstrate the Stalinist and Nazi government s lack of respect for the people that they should be protecting. While both Josef Stalin and Adolph Hitler s overall goals were different, they were both very selfish in their desires. Adolph Hitler desired to make Germany a great nation... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Stalin had individuals arrested without any reasonable explanation for their arrest, other than they were a threat to the regime and his quest for total control. He had the power to arrest and do away with anyone that disagreed or posed a threat to the regime. This compromised the individual s rights in that the people could never feel safe because there was no rhyme or reason to the way people were targeted in Russia. Hitler wanted to create a perfect and flawless race. Therefore, he ordered the Nazi soldiers to round up anyone who was Jewish, homosexual, mentally and physically disabled, and even the Jehovah s Witnesses. These innocent people were held in terrible conditions at massive concentration camps. These people were immediately stripped of their individual rights. They were separated from their families, forced to work in terrible conditions, and eventually exterminated. Stalin and Hitler had absolutely no respect for their people s individual rights whatsoever. Finally, the people living under Stalin and Hitler s rule in their prospective countries were miserable. Even the people not captured by these governments lived in constant fear of one day being captured. Both Stalin and Hitler instilled fear in their people so the people would not revolt. They gained their followers and believers by scaring their people to death. The people that were captured by the government and later killed lived in terrible conditions their last few days on
  • 39. Exodus Decoded Essay The main argument in Exodus Decoded was that the Exodus actually happened and is not just a story in the Bible. There were many strengths and weaknesses in Simcha Jacobovici s experiment. In the movie, he was excavating a site where Moses followers had lived and before going to the sacred land and that was a strength in his experiment because he was where it began in the story. A weakness he had was that he never seemed to be wrong when it comes to finding where Moses and his followers ended up and to see if the Exodusreally happened. Another strength was that he had the Stella of Ahmose. This helped explain what the Exodus was. Pharaoh Ahmose s was an important person to find because in the exodus it was said that Ahmose went with Moses... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is because to me it seemed more dramatic than an actual experiment. Throughout the video he would say no one knew something that happened in the Exodus, or some proof of the exodus was never found until now. I feel that it was not impressive. I feel like he was a bit goofing off with the drama of the video. Also, when he brought up the Ark of Covenant and where it was place lasted. He had no solid proof as to where it was. No one knows where the Ark of Covenant is since the exodus and I believe if we knew where the exact one from the Exodus is, then we will be able to clearly stated that the Exodus happened. The Ark of Covenant is an important artifact when dealing with the Exodus. There were many areas in this video where I could not stay focused while watching it because of what I feel like was cliche to do to be dramatic when they thought they found something. In all the dramatic scenes, there was not one moment where he did not find something. This documentary just seem too good to be true. Some aspects of this video just did not really fit in. It jumped around a bit I feel. That made it a little confusing which did not make it compelling for me. Although I did enjoy watching the movie and learning a few things from
  • 40. DUI Case Study Is there a way I can get my driver s license reinstated after getting convicted for Driving Under the Influence (DUI)? DUI #1 From the effective date of the conviction, your revocation will last anywhere from 180 days up to one year. If there were serious injuries accompanying your first DUI offense, the revocation will be a minimum of 3 years. Prior to the revocation period being expired, you can make an application for a hardship driver s license in your local county. If the judge orders it, you will have to complete DUI School and treatment. At any Administrative Reviews Office (do a search on the site for Need Driver License for Work or Under Suspension), you can make an application for a hardship driver s license in your county. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The FR 44 will serve as proof of liability insurance and it must be constantly kept up for at least 3 years from when your DUI Revocation was reinstated. Any, future violations could cost anywhere from $150 to as high as $500 in reinstatement charges. DUI #2 If your second DUI violation is more than 5 years from the first conviction, your driver s license will be revoked for 180 days minimum up to one year. Reinstating for early hardship is not allowed. Prior to even requesting for a full reinstatement of your driver s license, you have to serve the total revocation time. If the second conviction is less than5 years from the previous offense, a revocation of a minimum of 5 years will apply. Once you have served at least 1 year from the revocation s effective date, you will be able to submit an application at the Administrative Reviews Headquarters for a hardship driver s license. If the judge ordered treatment and DUI School, they have to be totally completed and you also need to get a positive review from the Special Supervision Services Program to qualify for a hardship driver s license. If you get the go ahead for an early hardship reinstatement, this proof will need to be submitted at the driver s license location. Throughout the revocation period, you have to stay in the Special Supervision Services Program in order to keep your hardship driver s license. Once the revocation period is done, in order to get your
  • 41. Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitates ( Micp ) Abstract Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitates (MICP) is a new and sustainable technology used to improve the properties of construction materials. This technique works by introducing bacteria solution (e.g., Sporosarcina pasteurii, B. megaterium, Spoloactobacilus, Clostridium and Desulfotomaculum) into the soil matrix, and then injection of a chemical solution consisting of urea and one of calcium salts (e.g., calcium chloride and calcium acetate) into the soil matrix several times. A number of factors must be considered to enable the use and control of the MICP process in field applications, including the concentrations of bacteria solution, the concentrations of the chemical solutions, in addition to methods to introduce the bacteria and these chemical solutions to the soil. The main aim of this research is to provide an overview of the various factors affecting the MICP within the soil, where the research studied the effect of bacteria, soil particle size, nutrients, chemical solutions, pH, temperature and injection strategies on the efficiency of MICP as a method to improve the chemical and mechanical properties of the soil. Keywords: MICP, Bacteria, Nutrients, Chemical Solutions, PH, Temperature, Injection Strategies, Soil Particle Size 1.Introduction In the last two decades, new and sustainable technology appeared to improve the mechanical and physical properties of construction materials, this technique is called Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitates (MICP).
  • 42. The Organization Of Symmetry Financial Essay This analysis is on the organization of Symmetry Financial. This essay will discuss the attitudes, leadership, managerial policies, and practices used by them. By using this data, I will provide a list of recommendations on how to improve the company. This analysis will describe the culture, nature of the company, motivational techniques, and modes of communication used. I will provide information about the company to ensure that the readers understand all of the different categories used to analyze the company. I will provide information on how individuals, and groups of people behave within the organization. I will also be evaluating their leadership techniques and how the owners assist in the day to day running of the business. One of the most important things a business needs to be successful is happy employees. It is important for employees and managers have an established plan to deal with critical matters. Managers must study the behavior of their employees to decide how they will achieve their desired goals. Organizational behavior is the study of human behavior in organizational settings, the interface between human behavior and the organization, and the organization itself. (Griffin, 2012) We can divide organizational behavior in 3 separate categories. The first one is the individuals within the organization. The second is the work group which is made by placing workers into specific groups. The last one is how the organization itself behaves. One
  • 43. Freedom Is Not Free Essay Freedom is not Free Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you re living? (Bob Marley) This is a question that is at the forefront of the minds of so many people today. Similarly, the main character Riel is playing with the demons of that question throughout the story. He faces many questions, decisions, and facts that he must come to terms with, or explore himself through. We first meet our characters while they re high on MDMA. They are 4 roommates, Kelly, Erika, Riel, and Frances. The Non Babylonians is about the unattainable idea of freedom and equality and shows that by attacking social injustices based on differences. In The Non Babylonians the main character, Riel, who is undergoing much pressure while ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The words freedom and equality have different meanings to different people. Throughout the story, the protagonist Riel, a college student who is of mixed race, is continuously trying to break free from the chains that are holding him to conformity, those chains being his life in Port Corbus. Where there was an extreme lack in diversity, Everyone in his family was white; everyone he knew in Port Corbus was white. On the issue of illegal aliens, at least, all the people in Riel s life thought alike. (Compton 238). To him, living this way was not living at all as he had much interest in social issues, diversity, and influential people who had spoken out about social injustices and racial inequality such as Malcolm X, and his favorite musical artist M.C. Kaaba. While he was living in Port Corbus, he felt like a flightless bird which is why when college came around he felt free, and he embraced it hard. Freedom and equality are ideals that people constantly strive for, but the uncertainty in their obtainability make it very difficulty to stay on course and soon, it becomes about chasing a feeling. The coming semester would be make or break because Riel was on academic probation. The apartment, friends, clubs, and drugs had eclipsed everything else somehow. (Compton 239). Even though