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The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
01. What is Multivariate Testing
1302. What is AB testing
3905. The Process of Creating a Successful Split Test
04. Comparing Multivariate & AB testing tools
06. What elements should you test on a page
07. 9 Multivariate and AB Testing Best Practices
08. Multivariate testing mistakes to avoid
03. The Difference between AB and Multivariate
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Multivariate Testing or MVT testing is the process of testing multiple
variations of multiple ele-ments on a webpage with the goal of determining
the best combination of elements to increase conversions.
By using MVT testing software, you can test different variations of any
element on your page (headlines, images, buttons, etc) to measure their
impact on your conversion rates. The following image displays an example
of how MVT testing software works.
In this example, the software tests different variations of the page headline,
image and call to action button:
• The original headline against three other possible headlines, for a
total of four possible headlines;
• The original image against two other possible images, for a total of
three possible images;
• Finally, three different buttons are tested against the original button
on the page.
For this test, that one page receives 48 possible variations. The total
number of testing variations (also called challengers) depends on the
number of elements you will test on a page (headline, image, buttons, etc.)
and the number of variations you will be testing for each of these elements.
The total number of challengers is calculated by multiplying the number of
different variations of each of the ele-ments. For a webpage in which we
will be testing (N) number of elements, we calculate:
Total number of page variations = Number of variations of element (1) x
Number of variations of element (2) x … x Number of variations of element (N)
The number of page variations can grow very fast. Some testing software
allows for testing tens of thousands of variations of a single page.
As a visitor arrives at a page, the software will pick one of the four
headlines, one of the three images, and one of the four buttons to display.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
The following image shows four of the 48 possible designs the software
can create. Your team does not have to create all of the 48 designs; the
software will swap the different variations and create the designs
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
MVT test examples
Let’s take the product page from apple.com as an example:
On this page, you can test:
• different variations of the headline;
• displaying two MacBook models per line (currently, each model
takes a line);
• different product images;
• different pricing;
• CTA colors;
• CTA text.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Let’s take an example from salesforce.com:
On this page, you can test:
• different variations of the headline;
• displaying the side navigation or not displaying it;
• different hero images;
• CTA colors;
• CTA text.
How do you create a successful multivariate test?
Tools are useless without the people who properly run them. Most testing
software allows marketers to create and start simple tests in a few hours.
But that is the easy part!
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Many companies ultimately fail when designing successful test scenarios,
assessing results, and creating meaningful follow-up tests.
Poorly designed experiments can take years to complete. Even worse, they
might not provide concrete insights to what elements will convert more
visitors into customers.
Imagine a case where you plan to test different headlines on a page. You
start by coming up with ten different pos-sible variations to the headlines.
What criteria are you going to use to determine which of the headlines you
should test? Why not test all of the ten different headlines?
You will most likely find yourself relying on guesswork to determine which
versions to include in the test. The same logic, of course, applies to all
elements you want to test on a page.
Without being judicious with test scenarios, you might end up attempting to
test millions of combinations.
Testing is an important component of any conversion optimization project.
However, it should not be the only component. Testing should only take
place after the conclusion of other equally important stages of optimization
such as persona development, site analysis, and design and copy creation.
Each of these elements provides a build-ing block towards a highly
optimized website that converts visitors into clients.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
To create a successful test, you must go through the following steps:
• Evaluate the page, looking for possible problematic areas in it;
• Prioritize the problems identified on the page, in terms of their
impact on your conversion rate;
• Create a hypothesis of how to fix some of the top problems on the
• Create an AB or a multivariate test to assert the validity of your test
• Analyze the results of the test to determine the correctness of the
test hypothesis;
• Create a new test based on the test result.
The results from running a multivariate test
While MVT testing is powerful in helping online business increase
conversions rates, the results you will achieve from running a single test
may vary.
You can choose different approaches to a test design:
1. Element level testing: in this type of testing, you test different
variations of an element on the page. For example, you test different
headline variations or several images. The goal of an element level test is
to measure the impact of that element on your conversion rate.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Element level testing is considered the easiest type of testing. It generally
requires the least amount of ef-fort. In most cases, the impact of this type of
testing is limited on conversion rates. About 90% of element level testing
will produce less than 3% increase in conversion rates.
2. Page level testing: in this type of testing, you test multiple page
elements at the same time. As an example, you can test different page
layouts, different combination of elements and so on. This type of testing
re-quires more effort from the development team to implement.
Done correctly, page level testing might bring a higher impact on your
conversion rates compared to ele-ment level testing. Well-designed page
level testing can produce anywhere from 10% to 30% increase in
conversion rates.
3. Visitor flow testing: in this type of testing, you test several
navigation paths for the visitor around the website. As an example, an
e-commerce website might test single step vs. multi-step checkout.
Another ex-ample is to test different ways visitors can navigate from
category pages to product pages.
Visitor flow testing can get complicated very quickly. It typically requires a
lot of effort from the development team to implement. Done correctly, this
type of testing will have the highest impact on your conversion rates.
The three design types discussed above could be implemented as a
multivariate or an AB test.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
The Dangers of Multivariate Testing
If you are not careful with planning your split tests, they can be one of the
main reasons that reduce the quality of optimization work.
You must always remember that testing (AB or multivariate) is only one
component of conversion optimization.
We have seen many companies that completely relied on testing software
without doing a deep analysis of what they were actually testing. Our article
on the case against multivariate testing points out this example:
Let’s do some simple math.
Say you want to test six different elements on a page (headers, benefits list,
hero shots, call to action, etc).
For each element, you will choose four different options. This means you
will have a total of 4^6 = 4,096 possible scenarios that you will have to test.
As a general rule of thumb, you will need around 100 conversions per
scenario to ensure the data you are collecting is statistically significant.
This translates into 4,096 * 100= 409,600 conversions.
If your website converts around 1%, you will need 409,600 * 100=
40,960,000 visitors before you start gaining some confidence in your
testing results.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
If visitors are not converting on your website, then obviously, there is
something wrong that is stopping them.
You can go ahead and ask your design team to create new designs but the
question remains: how do you know that the new designs will convert more
visitors compared to the original design?
That is where AB testing comes in handy.
AB testing (sometimes referred to as split testing) is the process of testing
multiple variations or designs of webpage against the original page with
the goal of determining which page generates more conversions.
The original design of a page is usually referred to as the control. The new
variations of the page are usually referred to as the “variations”,
“challengers” or “recipes.”
The process of testing which page generates more conversions is typically
referred to as a “test” or an “experiment.”
Example: The homepage on an e-commerce website receives 100,000
visitors a month.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
To determine if there is a way to increase conversions, the design team
creates a new design for the page.
Testing software is then used to split the homepage visitors between the
control and the new challenger. So, 50,000 visitors are directed to the
control and 50,000 visitors are directed to the challenger. The AB testing
software will track the number of conversions each design generates to
determine which design is the winner.
Example: A blog main page receives 3,000 visitors a month.
The primary conversion goal for the page is to get a visitor to subscribe to
the email list of the blog. The designer creates a new design for the blog
homepage which highlights the subscription box.
Testing software is used to send 1,500 visitors to the original page design
(control) and the testing software sends 1,500 visitors to the new design
(challenger). Testing software tracks the number of subscribers each
design generates.
TODO: Image from Hisham?
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
In 2015, a survey by E-consultancy showed that 58% of respondents are
conducting AB testing:
But how successful is AB testing in helping companies increase their
conversion rates varies.
A 2013 survey by Invesp, shows that most SMBs conducting AB testing
report that 37% of their split tests produce significant results. A smaller set
of enterprise report that their 47% of their AB tests generate significant
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
What Netflix learned from AB testing?
Kendrick Wang wrote a blog post explaining how Netflix ran an AB test on
their registration process. 46% of surveyed Netflix visitors complained that
the website does not allow them to view titles before registering for the
So, the design team decided to create an AB test to measure the impact of
the displaying titles to visitors on the number of registrations which the
website gets.
The test hypothesis was very simple: Allowing visitors to view available
video titles prior to registering will increase the number of new sign ups.
In the split test, the team introduced 5 different challengers against the
original design. The team then ran the test to see the impact. What was the
The original design consistently beat all challengers.
The real analysis happens after the test runs. Why would the original beat
all new designs although 46% of visitors said that seeing what titles Netflix
carries will help them sign up for the service.
The team at Netflix gave three different reasons:
1. Netflix is all about the experience: the more users interacted with
the website, the more they love the experience. So, Netflix is more
than just browsing.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
2. Simplify choice: the original design showed users one option: sign
up for the service. The new designs offered visitors multiple options
(multiple movies). This complicated the choice which visitors had to
make. More choices translated into less conversions.
3. Users do not always know what they want: The Netflix team
argued that test results clearly point to the fact that users do not
always know what they want.
While these might be valid explanations, specially the second point, we
would argue that there is another reason all together. Could it be that
visitors are finally seeing the movie options which Netflix carries and they
do not find the selection convincing so they decide to walk away?
How does the testing software determine the
winning design?
At its core, AB testing software tracks the number of visitors coming to
each page in an experiment and the number of conversions each design
generates. Sophisticated AB testing software tracks much more data for
each variation. As an example, Pii tracks:
• Conversions
• Page views
• Visitors
• Bounce rate
• Exit
• Revenue
• Source of traffic
• Medium of traffic
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
The testing software uses two factors to determine the winning design:
• The conversion rate for each design: this number is determined by
dividing the number of conversions for a page by the unique visitors
for that page.
• The confidence level for each design: statistical term indicating the
certainty that if the same experiment is conducted across many
separate data sets in different experiments, the percentage of the
tests that will produce the same result.
This of confidence level as the probability of having a result. So, if a
challenger produces a 20% increase in conversions with a 95% confidence,
then you have a good probability of getting the same result when select the
winner as your default design.
It is recommended to use multiple metrics when determining a winning
design for a test.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Selecting which metrics will depend on your specific situation. However, it
is important to choose metrics that have an impact on your bottom line.
Optimizing for reduction in bounce or exit rates will have little direct and
measurable dollar value to most businesses.
Most of our e-commerce clients use a combination of a variation
conversion rate and either average order value or revenue per visit.
Bing conducted a test where the results showed a 30% increase in revenue
per visit.
This however was due to a bug in their main search results algorithm which
showed visitors poor research results. As a result, visitors were frustrated
and were clicking on ads. So, while revenue per visit increased in the short
term, this was nota good long term strategy to follow.
Assigning weighted traffic to different variations
Most testing software automatically divides visitors equally between
different variations.
There are however instances where you need to assign different weight to
different variations.
For example, lets take an experiment that has an original design and two
challengers in it. The testing team might want to assign 50% to the original
design and split the remaining 50% between variations one and two.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
There are also specific instances with complex test scenarios that you
might want to assign a 0% of the traffic to the original page.
Should you run AB testing on 100% of your visitors?
Practitioners of conversion optimization debate this question at great
Looking at your analytics, you can typically notice that different visitor
segments interact differently with your website. Repeat visitors (those who
have come to your website previously) are typically more engaged with the
website compared to new visitors.
There are many instances where you notice that new visitors react in a
better way to your design challengers. While repeat visitors, since they are
already used to your website design, can react negatively to your new
When running a new test, we recommend starting by running the test for
the new visitors and seeing how they react to it. You can then run the test
to repeat visitors and compare their reactions.
We also recommend running holdback split tests. In these types of tests,
you launch the tests to a small percentage of your website visitors. For
example, you start with launching the test to 10% of your visitors. If the
results are encouraging, then you start expanding the test to 25%, 50%,
and 100% of your website visitors.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
How many variations should you include in a test?
There is no correct answer to this question.
The more variations you introduce in a test, the longer it will take to
complete it.
This of course depends on the number of visitors that go through a test and
the number of conversions each variation generates. What is important to
remember is that you do not want to introduce new challengers without
thinking about the logic behind each of them. Yes, some of these
challengers might increase conversion rates but understanding what
persuaded visitors to convert is very critical so that you can apply the same
logic to other sections of your website.
Keep the following rules in mind:
• If you have less than 200 conversions a month, your website might
not be ready for AB testing. Focus on driving more visitors to your website.
• If you have more than 400 conversions per month but less than
1,000 create 4 to 5 challengers against the original
• If you have more than 1,000 conversions per month create 7 to 10
challengers against the original
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
A/B and multivariate testing share the same concept: splitting visitors
between several designs of your website or webpage in order to
determine which of these designs generates more conversions.
If you are deciding which type of test best suits your conversion rate
optimization, read on to find out more about particular characteristics of
A/B and multivariate testing.
Discover the best scenarios for each test and check five must implement
steps when conducting split tests.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
A/B testing
Split testing allows you to test one or more variations for each page on your
web site against each other.
For example, you can create different designs (layouts) for an e-commerce
product page to test whether the product image should be placed on the
left or the right side of the page.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
For a lead generation website, you can use A/B testing to create multiple
designs of a landing page switching headlines or images.
For a blog subscription page, you can test different designs displaying
assorted color and text on the subscribe button.
There are two distinct approaches to conducting A/B tests:
1. Testing new, radical designs of an entire page or process. As an
example, testing three entirely different and distinct designs of a home
2. Testing small changes on a page: each design makes a slight
change to the same element. For example, each variation will test different
colors of a call to action button.
Smaller split tests (where you are testing one or two variations against an
original design) do NOT require a lot of traffic or conversions to conduct.
On the other hand, when using A/B testing to run radical designs against
each other, you need significant traffic before you can identify what
element causes a change in your conversion rate.
A/B testing is excellent for measuring the impact of two to five new designs
compared to the original. The more designs you introduce to a test, the
longer the test will take to conclude.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Multivariate testing
MVT testing allows you to test several variations of multiple elements on a
webpage at once.
For example, you can test multiple options of the product name on an
e-commerce product page, along with various alternatives of the product
image and diverse types of add-to-cart buttons.
You can also use multivariate testing to evaluate various headlines and
several designs of the CTA on a lead generation landing page.
MVT testing allows you to zoom in and focus on the changes you are
making at an element level.
While multivariate testing is great in doing element level analysis, it has
three drawbacks:
1. It requires intense traffic or conversions to conclude a test;
2. If you are not careful when designing your MVT test, you can end up
testing thousands of designs against the original;
3. Since multiple elements are simultaneously switched within a single
test, it is hard to isolate the exact reason a particular design performs a
certain way.
MVT testing is very powerful. However, you must be careful when using it
to optimize your conversion rates. Most companies forget about the large
volume of visitors and conversions required to complete a test. As a result,
they find themselves running tests for several weeks without bringing them
to a conclusion.
Additionally, since testing software allows them to do so, many companies
tend to alternate elements randomly without thinking about the rationale
behind the change. This mistake alone is enough to kill the benefits of any
testing program.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Multivariate Test vs. an A/B Test: what type of test
should you use?
Should you start with an A/B or multivariate test for a particular page? There
is no correct answer to this question. A/B tests are good for testing alternate
designs of an entire page or a process. We usually recommend using them
while deciding high-level changes or radical changes to the optimized area.
MVT testing, on the other hand, allows for fine-grained testing on a particular
page. They are helpful in determining the most impactful values on visitors.
AB testing is highly recommended in the following scenarios:
• If you are just starting out with the testing process;
• If you have limited number of website visitors;
• If you have limited number of conversions;
• If you are looking for radical departure from your existing designs;
• If you are starting with a new page (you do not have a page that has
been launched for some time).
Multivariate Testing is highly recommended in the following scenarios:
• If you have been conducting AB tests for at least 6-8 months;
• If you have large number of monthly visitors (more than 100,000
• If you have large number of monthly conversions (more than 1200
conversions per month);
• If you are looking to fine tune existing designs;
• If you already have launched your landing page.
For most companies, we recommend starting with an A/B experiment to
assess major design changes to the website. However, if you already have
an existing page, we start with a small multivariate test (less than 12 or so
different scenarios). The goal of this initial test is to determine which of the
elements (headline, image, benefit list, etc.) resonates most with visitors.
Analysis of the first test results will help guide the need for further MVT or
A/B tests.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Five must implement steps when conducting testing on your website:
1. Determine which of your website pages are good candidates for
optimization, by finding which of your pages are leaking the most visitors.
Calculate the commercial revenue you can gain from fixing the leak.
2. Check the number of visitors to your webpage. The number of
visitors who will go through the actual webpage or process tested impacts
the agility of the test results. Although your site may have 500,000 visitors
a month, a particular page you want to test may receive fewer visitors.
3. Do not run your tests for more than four weeks.
4. Pick the right conversion rate. Not every test should have the goal
of increasing the macro conversion rate. Many successful tests help in
increasing micro conversion rates. This is particularly important if your
website or landing age does not receive enough conversions. Starting out
with micro conversion tests allows you to conduct tests on a smaller scale.
5. Examine what elements you should test. Not all elements on a page
will have the same impact on your conversion rate. Determine which
elements will have the most impact on your bottom line based on
marketing data, personas, and analytics.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
On the journey of increasing the conversation rate on your website, you
need the precise help of your visitors and clients’ input. You need to
evaluate the efficacy of hundreds of possible designs and compare dozens
of different results.
You have heard there are tools out there to help you in your quest, but
staggering questions haunt your decision.
• What is the right split testing tool for my website?
• By choosing a particular tool, will I affect the success of my testing
or conversion optimization program?
From simple free tools to complex block testing based software, you can
expect to choose from a great variety of AB or multivariate testing tools.
We will help you in your decision by walking you through the pros and cons
of the tools available, regarding price, complexity of tests applied as well as
the intricacy of your website.
We will also suggest criteria to help you select the software that best fits
your needs, considering ease of use, agility of results, cost of running,
testing support, operational issues, and testing analytics.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Let’s start with the different types of AB or multivariate testing tools
1. In-house testing tools
Few companies build their own in-house testing tools to conduct AB or
multivariate testing. There are two main reasons for using an in-house AB
testing tool:
1. legacy built testing tools;
2. complexity of website architecture.
In-house testing tools account for less than 2% of the overall market, and
we expect this segment to shrink further as AB testing tools gain more
popularity in the marketplace and provide a wider feature set addressing
the complexities of varying sites.
2. Free Testing Tools
These tools provide the customer the ability of conducting testing free of
charge, but they offer limited sets of features, including restricted reporting.
Implementing testing plans with these tools require medium to heavy
involvement of technical teams.
The main player in this area is Google content experiments.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
3. Point-and-Click Tools
Point-and-Click testing tools provide users with an easy to use visual editor
to create tests.
While they require limited involvement from the customers’ technical team
and create designs much faster than their counterparts, these packages do
not have the full depth of features necessary to conduct deep testing or
These packages are great for creating new designs for one page, but they
are not fully suited to conduct more complex testing such as visitor flow
tests or multi-page tests (for example running a test on e-commerce
product and category pages).
The cornerstone visual editor of these packages breaks when modifying
websites that rely heavily on javascript or dynamic content.
These tools come with low-cost monthly subscriptions, starting at $50 per
month and varying based on the number of page views a customer uses in
a month.
Amongst Point-and-Click tools, you can find:
• Optimizely
• Visual Website Optimizer
• Convert
• Pii
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
4. Block testing based software
These tools typically rely on the marking made by the customers on
specific areas of a webpage to be tested. Variations of the marked areas
are then created in the testing software by the IT team. Each new test
created will require new involvement from the development team.
These packages frequently involve heavy custom configuration to retrieve
meaningful visitor tracking data. They also require organizations to have
full-time dedicated teams to manage the software and to analyze the
While these tools do not come with an easy to use visual editor to make
quick changes on a webpage, they do provide detailed reporting and
targeting features.
Monthly plans for these tools start around $1,000 and vary based on the
number of page views a customer uses in a month. In addition to the
software cost, we estimate a $100,000 annual in-house cost of running
tests on enterprise testing packages.
These tools are useful in conducting complex testing such as multi-page
testing or visitor flow testing. However, they are an overkill when
conducting quick AB testing for a webpage design due to the substantial
cost that is associated with the deployment of each test. The main player
in this field is Test and Target by Adobe.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Selecting the right testing tool for your website
With many tools available, we created the following criteria to help you
select the best software to meet your requirements:
1. Ease of use: How fast can you deploy a test?
We evaluate the ability of a testing tool to deploy tests quickly as a way of
measuring its ease of use.
When you are conducting a conversion optimization program, your goal is
to implement tests efficiently and not to have technology as a barrier to
your efforts of increasing conversion rates.
Testing tools vary tremendously when it comes to ease of use. Some of the
more sophisticated tools require complex test setup, which can take days.
Point-and-Click testing tools definitely outrank any of their counterparts in
this area.
2. How fast does the testing software take to determine a winner for
a multivariate test?
After launching a test, the testing software will display the original and new
variations to different visitors to determine the winning design. In order to
select the winning design, the software will use either full factorial or
fractional factorial testing:
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Full Factorial Testing
The testing software will test all of the different combinations of elements
and their alternatives.
So, if a test has four elements and each element has three different
combinations in it, the testing software will test all possible 3^4= 81 designs.
Fractional Factorial testing (Taguchi method)
The testing software will select a subset of all possible combinations of the
different elements and their alternatives. So, in our example above, the
testing software will test a smaller set (less than 10) to determine the winner.
Fractional factorial testing allows tests to run faster since they do not test
all possible combinations. Critics of this method point out that it is less
accurate compared to full factorial testing.
The debate between full factorial vs. fractional factorial has been going on
for years.
Most testing software uses full factorial in determining the winner of an
experiment or a mix between the two different methods. While this might
be a sticking point for some testing experts, for 90% of online businesses,
it is not a critical point in selecting which software to use.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
3. What is the cost of running the split testing software?
The cost of running testing software varies from zero (Google Analytics) to
thousands of dollars per month.
In addition to the cost of running the software itself, there might be extra
investments implicated. Some software is too complex for the business to
use and will require involvement from the testing software company. That
increases the cost of running tests.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Free up to 50,000
page views
Initial setup cost Monthly cost
• Free up to 50,000
page views
• Cost for higher
plans unavailable
Pii Free up to 75,000
page views
• Free up to 75,000
page views
• Starts from
Free up to 2,000
page views
VWO Starts at $49/month
Free 15 days trial up
to 10,000 monthly
Starts from
4. Testing support
Sooner or later you will need some support from the testing software
company. Many smaller companies ignore this one area when they are
doing the initial assessment of the testing packages. We highly recommend
evaluating the different alternatives available.
5. Operational issues (scale, performance, and high availability)
How long does it take the testing software to load up a particular design?
Does the testing software use CDN (content delivery network) to deliver
designs to visitors who live in different parts of the world?
We highly recommend evaluating the response time for each of the
different software packages. Avoid any testing package that takes longer
than 300 milliseconds to deliver a design
6. Testing analytics
In addition to reporting the conversion rate for each variation in a test, different
packages will also report the following metrics for each of the variations:
• Average order value
• Bounce rate
• Exit rate
This data is important in understanding the impact of the new designs on
all aspects of the visitor experience on your website.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
• Visitor type (new vs. repeat)
• Traffic source
• Traffic medium
First, do not rely solely on a testing software to create successful tests.
You need people who can design efficient test scenarios, analyze results
accurately, and create meaningful follow-up tests.
Poorly designed experiments might not provide concrete insights to
conversion rates optimization. You need criteria to determine, for example,
which elements on a page you should test, which external factors could
affect the results, and in which ways to rearrange the designs for new
phases of the test.
As much as testing is essential to any optimization project, it should only be
conducted after the completion of equally important stages of optimization
work such as persona development, site analysis, design and copy
creation. Each of these elements provides a building block towards a highly
optimized website that converts visitors into clients.
Find below four steps to follow in creating a successful multivariate test.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Problem identification
Before thinking about elements on the page to test, start by analyzing
different problem areas.
How do you do that? Several conversion optimization methodologies can
help you. Invesp uses the Conversion Framework for page analysis.
Examples of other methods include the lIFT model and Marketing
Experiments heuristics.
The Conversion Framework analyzes six different areas on the page:
• Personas
• Trust and confidence
• FUDs
• Incentives
• Engagement
• Buying stage
Elements of these six areas affect whether visitors stay on your website or
leave. You must keep in mind that different elements have diverse impacts
based on the type of page you are evaluating.
A conversion optimization expert can easily pinpoint 50 to 150 problems on
a webpage.
We do NOT believe you should attempt to fix all of these at once. Prioritize
and focus on the top three to seven problems to get started.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Test Hypothesis
A hypothesis is a predictive statement about the impact of removing or
fixing one of the problems identified on a webpage. Successful testing
begins by creating a hypothesis to explain why visitors react to certain
elements on a page.
The image below shows the original design of a shopping cart for one of
our clients who sells nursing uniforms. When our team examined the
analytics data for the client, we noticed the high checkout abandonment
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Original Design of the Shopping Cart
Abandonment rates for un-optimized checkout usually range from 45% to 60%.
This client reported checkout abandonment rates close to 82%. Nothing in
the checkout page explained this alarming rate.
Our team, then, conducted a usability test. Nurses were invited to place an
order with the site while the optimization team observed and conducted
exit interviews to gather information from participants. The nurses revealed
that the visitors’ biggest problem was the fear of paying too much for a
product. As nurses are price conscious, they are aware they can buy the
same item from other competing website or brick and mortar stores.
So, price played a big role in deciding where to purchase a uniform. Our
client was previously aware of the price sensitivity issue. The client’s
website already offered money-back guarantees and 100% price match.
The problem is that these assurances were only displayed on the main
homepage of the site while most of the visitors landed on category and
product pages. Visitors did not know about these assurances.
The hypothesis for this particular test: online visitors are sensitive to price,
adding assurances can counter the FUDs the visitors have due to price
concerns. Figure 10-8 shows the new design of the shopping cart.
The team added an “assurance center” on the left-hand navigation of the
cart page reminding visitors of the 100% price match and the money back
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
The new version of the page resulted in a 30% reduction in shopping cart
A hypothesis that works for one website may not succeed or, even worse,
deliver negative results, for another site.
After the results of the previous client’s test had been published in the
Internet Retailer online magazine, another client approached us to test an
assurance center on their site. This client was also looking for a way to
reduce the cart abandonment rate.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
New Design of the Shopping Cart
The above image shows the original design of the shopping cart.
This image shows the new design of the cart page with the assurance
center added to the left navigation.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
New Shopping Cart Page with Assurance Center
Original Shopping Cart Page
This test had the same hypothesis as the last one, that most online visitors
did not convert on the site due to the price FUD and that adding
assurances on the cart page would ease the shoppers’ concerns.
When we tested the new version with the assurance center against the old
version, the results pointed out to an entirely different outcome. The new
assurance center caused the website conversion rate to drop by 4%. So, while
the assurance helped one client, it produced a negative impact with another.
Can we say with absolute certainty that adding an assurance center for this
client would always produce negative results? No. Several elements could
have influenced this particular design and caused the drop in conversion
rates. The assurance center design, copy or location could have been the
real reason for the drop in conversions.
Analyzing the validation of a hypothesis through test data and creating a
follow-up hypothesis is at the heart of conversion optimization. In this case,
we needed to test many different elements around the assurance center
before we could decide its impact on conversions.
Tests that produce increases in conversion rates are excellent in validating
initial assumptions and hypothesis.
We do not mind tests that result in reducing conversion rates, because we
can learn something about our hypothesis from these tests.
We do worry about tests that do not produce any increases or decreases in
conversion rates.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Create variation based on test hypothesis
Once you have the hypotheses, the next step is to start creating new page
designs that will validate it.
You must be careful when you are creating new designs. Do not go
overboard with creating variations. Testing software allows you to create
millions of variations for a single page. You must keep in mind that
validating each new variation requires a certain number of conversions.
For high converting websites, we like to limit page variations to less than
30. For smaller websites, we like to limit page variations to less than five
new variations or designs.
Let your visitors be the judge: test the new designs
How do you judge the quality of the new designs you introduced to test your
hypotheses? You let your visitors be the judge through AB or multivariate testing.
Remember the following procedures when conducting your tests:
• Select the right technology platform to speed up the process of
implementing the test. Technology should help you implement the test
faster and should NOT slow you down;
• Do not run your test for less than five days. Several factors could
affect your test results, so allow the testing software to collect data long
enough before concluding the test;
• Do not run your test for longer than four weeks. Several external
factors could pollute your test results, so try to limit the impact of these
factors by limiting the test length.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
As you start the process of testing, one of the important questions you will
face is:
What elements to change and test on a page?
This article will suggest many elements that you can consider when
creating a test. However, before you jump into selecting elements and
creating variations for them, ask yourself:
Why are you selecting a particular element? Why are you testing the
headline as opposed to the hero image? Why not test the benefits list or the
call to action on the page?
The process of selecting elements to test on a page is where real
conversion optimization happens.
If you are looking for a long-term strategy, something that will produce a
meaningful impact on your bottom line, then we suggest you invest the
time in learning more about the conversion framework.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Any decent marketing specialist should be able to suggest many different
elements to test on a particular webpage. The real challenge, though, lies
in creating a long-term strategy; creating a testing program that quadruples
your online sales; creating a conversion optimization program that spans
three, four or five years.
We understand that you might be looking for shortcuts. You might be
looking for ways to capture the low-hanging fruits first. This guide can help
you. However, you must remember that conversion optimization is not a
light switch you turn on and off. It is a long-term commitment.
1. How do you select what page you would test?
One of the first tasks you should think about is how to select a particular
page for testing. With any website, you can test anywhere from five to ten
different pages.
To select your pages, start looking at your data. Make sure that you have
done the following:
• Analyze your marketing data and create buyer personas for your
• Conduct usability studies to identify areas where visitors struggle
with the website.
• Conduct a competitive analysis of your website against your
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
• Conduct an analytics assessment to determine areas of the website
that are leaking visitors.
• Create a conversion roadmap to outline the different pages and
marketing messages you should test.
A conversion roadmap will look something like this:
2. What elements should you test on a page?
As you determine your conversion roadmap, your next step is to tackle
each page on the roadmap. The conversion roadmap helps you identify the
page you will be testing and the focus of the test.
In our example above, the focus on the first test is the value proposition.
Many elements on a page convey and strengthen the value proposition.
For example, the headline, the benefits list, the image, etc. Selecting which
element amongst these to test will be left to your judgment. The advantage
is that the process of selecting the element and creating its variations is
now driven by a focus on the value proposition.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Test #
Homepage Value proposition
3 Product page Incentives
4 Cart Page FUDs
Page Area of focus
FUDs / Value
Cart Page
3. Create a hypothesis
As you select the element you need to test and its variations, you should
create a hypothesis about the test. What is a testing hypothesis? It is a
predictive statement about a possible change on the page and its impact
on your conversion rate.
Going back to our example of the homepage and the value proposition,
let’s say you selected the headline as the element you will test. Your
hypothesis could look like this:
Adding a strong headline that emphasise the company value proposition
will increase conversions.
Every meaningful test starts with a good hypothesis.
4. Elements you can test on a page
1. The headline
First impressions last. Still, on your e-commerce or lead generation landing
pages, they can last less than a second.
The headline is one of the first elements visitors will notice on your landing
page. It is your opportunity to express your value proposition and appeal to
the different visitor personas.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
• The Trigger & Benefit – A “trigger” in your headline gives readers a
reason to continue reading your landing page. Simple trigger words include
“Learn,” “Get,” “Save,” or just about anything else that lets them know they
are going to get something. The “benefit” outlines exactly what they will get.
For example: Save on Fashions (trigger) and Look Fabulous Too (benefit).
• Power Words – Try powerful, compelling words. Something like this:
Write Killer Headlines
Headlines that Boost Your Sales
A Fast, Powerful Way to Get Brilliant Results
• Keywords – Keywords are the internet’s great gift to marketers.
They let you know the language of your customer. There is no denying the
value of keywords in your headline – not just in attracting customers, but in
helping your SEO too. Try different words in assorted combinations of the
other options in this list.
• Length – Do any research, and you will find excellent, contrasting
advice supporting short, long and just about every length of headline. It
should be as long as it needs to be – and no more. Short headlines tend to
be punchier and may help your landing page stand out better on a SERP.
Longer headlines can help you better qualify the visitors to your page.
Shorter headlines can get you more traffic while longer ones can get you
traffic that is more likely to convert. Sub-headlines – Make sure you try
combining headlines with sub-headlines to help get more information
across and improve the chances that your visitors will stay.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
• Questions, Commands & Other Headline Techniques – Here are
some samples to illustrate these options:
Want to Have More Effective Headlines?
(When you pose a question that your readers want to see answered, they
are compelled to read on.)
Start Writing Better Headlines Today
(Your readers sometimes need to be told what to do.)
5 Tips for Writing Irresistible Headlines
(Tell your readers exactly what they will get from your landing page.)
How to Write Headlines That Hook Your Readers
(Another trigger – benefit formula: “How to _____ (trigger) that will ______
Just Released: The 5 Most Effective Ways to Write Better Headlines
(This headline makes your landing page sound newsworthy like it’s an event.)
2. Placement of business logo
Most companies do not pay close attention to where they place their logo.
Over 80% of major e-commerce websites set their logo in the upper
left-hand corner of the website. However, in some instances, the location of
the logo impacts the overall conversion rate.
With point and click editors, this is a quick test that you can implement.
While different placements might impact your conversion rate, the average
uplift is less than 4%. So, consider testing three different locations for the
logo: upper left corner, upper middle section and upper right section of the
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
3. The hero image
The right image can persuade your visitor to convert. While few people will
disagree on the importance of images in supporting the online sales process,
figuring out the right image to use can be challenging. Invesp testing reveals
that the right image can increase conversions by upwards of 10%.
As you select images for your landing page, consider the following:
• Value proposition: your image should convey and support the value
proposition of your business, your service or your product. Your visitors
should easily connect your VP with the image you are using.
• Continuity: Make sure that there is continuity in the images (color,
placement, etc) from the first touch point a person has with your business
on the landing page to other areas of your website.
• Quality: There is no good excuse for using low-quality images.
Remember that your images say a lot about your business. Low-quality
images leave the visitor with a negative connotation of your business.
• Uniqueness: When companies moved online 20 years ago, it was
enough to get a high-quality stock photo and use it on the website. Visitors
expect more nowadays. If you have the budget, hiring a professional
photographer and designer to create unique images for your website is a
huge plus.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
What should you test with images?
You can test several items with images, including:
1. Should you use symbolic or literal images?
2. Should you use image of people or objects?
3. If people are included in the image, then how many?
4. If people are included in the image, where are they looking?
5. If people are included in the image, what is the state of mind (happy,
serious, sad, etc)?
6. What is the mix of people appearing in an image?
7. In what location should you place the image?
8. Image size
9. Image color
4. Benefits and Features
The first level of attracting customers is features, which are the facts about
a given product or service. Features of an outdoor grill might include:
• Electric
• Grease tray
• Non-stick cooking surface
• Temperature control
• 300 square inches of cooking space
• Attached working surface
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Features do not sell a product by themselves. They do not give the “what
is in this for me?” answers, although they do give useful information.
Benefits start you on the road to getting a conversion. The benefits of the
above outdoor grill include:
• Convenience (feature)
o Electric
o Non-stick cooking surface
o Attached working surface
• Easy to Use (feature)
o Electric
o Non-stick cooking surface
o Temperature control
o Attached working surface
• Saves Money (feature)
o Electric
o Temperature control
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Let’s take another example, this time we will use the features of Basecamp
using their own copy. We are not listing all of the product features here:
• Pings: Personal backchannels
• Unlimited for everyone
• Work Can Wait
• Campfires: Gather ‘round and talk
• To-dos: Assign multiple people + date ranges
• All New Search
• Applause
• Reports
Notice how each of the above items lists a product feature in Basecamp.
How do you translate that into actual benefits for the end user? Basecamp
explains the benefit to the end user for each of the above features with a
• Pings: Personal backchannels (feature)
Pings are like instant messages or direct messages. Want to get someone’s
take on something before sharing it with everyone else? Just ping them!
• Unlimited for everyone (feature)
For the past 12 years, Basecamp has limited the number of projects you
could create based on which plan you were on. Maybe you had the 10
project plan or the 40 project plan. The only way to get unlimited was to
reach deep in your pockets and upgrade to the highest plan. No longer!
Now every plan - even the entry-level plan, is unlimited!
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
What should you test with benefits and features?
1. Should your main copy rely on benefits or features or both?
2. How do you list benefits or features (paragraph or bullet points)?
3. The order of the benefits list
4. The order of the features list
5. Should you use images to support benefits list?
6. Should you use images to support features list?
7. What language should you use to express/convey features and
features (direct, hip, classic, etc)?
5. Results
We discussed using benefits and features to persuade your visitors to
convert, above. Results are even better. Results state the value customers
get from using your product or service.
Going back to our grill example: what results do your customers want from
your barbecue? They want a grill that offers:
• Tasty, Healthy Food Every time
o Temperature control
o Grease tray
• Perfect for Easy Entertaining
o 300 square inches of cooking space
o Attached working area
o Easy to clean
• A Double Bonus: Environmentally Friendly While Saving You Money!
o Electric versus charcoal emissions
o Do not have to buy charcoal for the life of the grill
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
How can you determine the results that your customers want? By knowing
your customers and the reasons they buy your products. In addition, you
need to know why other people prefer your competitors’ products. Then,
go back to the question “what is in it for me?”
Tell your potential customers the exact results of your product or service.
Don’t be shy. This is a case where tooting your own horn is the right thing
to do.
What should you test with results?
• Style of listing results (paragraphs or bullet points)
• Placement of results
• Order of the results (which result resonates first with customer and
which is more important)
• Language used for expressing results
6. Web copy
A lot has been written about the impact of web copy on persuading visitors
to convert. Your copy as much as your design play an important role in
conveying a concept to your website visitors.
While many companies invest a lot in creating nicely designed websites,
they pay little attention to copy. However, over the years, we have seen the
impact of well-written persuasive copy on convincing a visitor to convert.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
If you are looking to start testing, then we can only assume that you created
personas for your website. Persuasive web copy must appeal to each of
your personas with the different traits within the same web page.
Let us assume the following two personas are amongst the ones you
created for your website:
• Joe a 36-year-old college graduates who is an impulsive buyer
always looking out for deals
• Shelley, a 44-year-old stay-at-home mom who is cautious about
spending her money
How do you create copy that appeals to both of them?
Joe is looking for a quick synopsis of what your product has to offer. He
doesn't need nor like to read lengthy copy. He wants to get on your
website, check out your product, place an order and leave the website
within five minutes.
Shelley, on the other hand, will spend hours reading every little word in
your copy. She wants to know the product will truly help her and she will
get her money’s worth. She would like to see product comparison charts,
product specs, concerns others had with the product and any warranty
information that you can offer.
Creating persuasive copy that appeals to both personas is challenging. It is also
what makes the difference between a great copywriter and an average one.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Persuasive copy helps potential customers understand their current state
and encourages them to envision how your product and service will
transform their state for better, gently guiding them through the conversion
process. Remember that, in most cases, your biggest competitors are not
other vendors who offer the same solution or products, but rather the
current tools your visitors are using or needing.
Bryan Eisenberg, the leading conversion expert, reminds us of a critical
element for successful copy:
People rationalize buying decisions based on facts, but they make
buying decisions based on feelings
Persuasive copy appeals first to the visitors’ emotions. It creates a powerful
imagery in the mind of the visitor about their state of being when they start
using your product or service. In his book, Persuasive Online Copywriting,
Joseph Sugarman proposed the following structure:
• Open strongly by eliciting interest and excitement.
• Develop the drama; explain why the product or service is different.
• Explain how to use the product or service.
• Elaborate on the unique benefits.
• Justify the purchase; identify the lasting value.
• Address service concerns.
• Ask for order.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
What should you test with your copy?
1. Focusing on money vs. time (or both)
2. Focusing on intellect vs. emotions (or both)
3. Focusing on pain vs. gains (or both)
4. Focusing on style vs. substance (or both)
5. Style of writing (modern, classic, etc)
7. Long copy vs. Short copy
We all have seen both long and short copy webpages. The debate online
continues on which is better. There will be no right answer ever because it
ultimately depends on your product, target market and the role of each
page of your site. There isn’t a “one size fits all” rule about anything within
the realm of conversion optimization, and that definitely applies to long
copy as well.
The most important is deciding, based on your target market and product,
when to use long and when to use short copy. A good rule of thumb is that
the more investment your product or service requires from customers, the
longer the copy needs to be. You must also remember that when creating
long copy, it must be persuasive.
What should you test?
• Long vs. short copy format
• Different lengths of copy
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
8. Video vs. Images
We discussed above the importance of images on increasing conversions,
but, in many cases, well-produced videos outperform images in increasing
conversions. The video vs. images performance, of course, varies from one
industry to the next.
Blumenthals conducted a study focused on the impact for lawyers
searches of having author pictures appear in results vs. author videos.
They concluded:
Authorship snippets have a greater positive impact on CTR’s for specialty
lawyer searches than video snippets. Video snippets have a greater
positive impact on CTR’s for specialty lawyer searches than having no
media snippet, but less of a positive impact than authorship snippets.
Invesp’s research indicates that video has the greatest impact on e-commerce
stores when retailers included videos of their staff using and demonstrating
products. The conversion uplift from such videos averaged 17%.
What should you test?
1. The user of product videos vs. images
2. The type of videos used
3. Length of video
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
9. Call to action (CTA) buttons
Calls to actions ask visitors to take an immediate action. Supported by
persuasive copy, visitors respond to your offer by clicking on the call to
action, which might be either buttons or lines of text. Of course, the action
you are asking visitors to take should be the primary conversion goal on
the page.
As you create CTAs for your page, keep in mind the following guidelines:
• Including a no-obligation statement increases the chances of
visitors clicking on your CTA.
• Simple, straightforward CTA text beats smart/complicated CTA.
• Tell visitors what to expect after they click on your CTA.
• Ask visitors to take the action immediately.
What should you test with call to action buttons?
1. Button vs. text call to action
2. Text used in the CTA
3. Color of the CTA
4. Size of the CTA
5. Design of the CTA
6. Placement of CTA
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
10. Eye path
People view or scan pages in a “Z pattern.” There are two important areas
on a web page above the fold (highlighted in red in the image below):
• The upper left corner on the page
• The lower right corner on the page
Alternatively, when reading pages, people use an “F pattern.” Usability
expert, Jacob Nielsen, published a study showing the “F pattern”:
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
image credit: nngroup
How does that impact you?
• Use the top section of the page for your value proposition using a
strong headline. Use the left side of the page for navigation.
• Use bottom portion of the F pattern for the CTA.
What should you test with eye path?
1. Appearance of different page elements
2. Vertical vs. horizontal layout of the page
3. Placement of the CTA on the page
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
11. Value proposition
A value proposition is often misunderstood to be a single stated statement
on a website, such as the tagline. However, successful companies are able
to convey their value proposition in the copy, the elements, the overall
design of their landing page and campaign, and even the tagline. Make
sure not to confuse your value proposition with incentives.
What should you test value proposition?
1. Test different statements that express the value proposition.
2. Test location/placement of the value proposition statement on a
web page.
3. Test different elements on the page in terms of conveying the value
12. Trust elements
We covered trust in a chapter of our book, Conversion Optimization:
The Art and Science of Converting Prospects to Customers.
What symbols, designs, copy do you have to support trust? You should start
• Listing all elements that you have that increase the trust of the
visitors in your business.
• Ordering the elements in terms of value to the visitor.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Notice how we use three different areas on our “contact us” page to
increase visitor trust:
Since our goal is to give visitors the confidence that we are a trustworthy
business that delivers results, we use the name of the companies and
partners we have worked with, as well as the number of successful A/B
tests we have conducted.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Notice the main image on the IRCE conference page:
• The image increases visitor trust by showing a large number of
• The text below the image focuses on the number of speakers and
sessions (trust indicator and an offer feature).
What should you test with trust elements?
1. Test different statements and elements that increase visitor trust
2. Test location and placement of trust elements
3. Test copy vs. images of trust elements
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
13. Live chat
While many website visitors prefer to conduct business online in complete
anonymity, having live chat available for contact is a better option than
forcing them to call your business. Several A/B tests reveal that adding live
chat on some websites increases conversions by close to 12%. The guys
from Monetate posted the following results of one of their clients:
“In the end, live chat was a winner. Version B, which included the chat
widget, increased Average Order Value by 3 percent, earning our client
over $20,000 during the duration of the test, and over $130,000 in
projected annual revenue. Not bad for a little live chat widget.”
Remember that only a small percentage of your visitors will use the live
chat feature (typically less than 3%). However, visitors who use the live chat
are more likely to convert if you can answer their questions in a satisfactory
manner. These visitors show a high level of motivation by clicking on the
live chat and putting the effort to talk to your team.
To ensure live chat’s success:
• Certify it is staffed with the right person who is able to answer visitor
questions in a proper manner. Keep in mind the challenge of
international visitors who do not have full command of English.
• If you have enough resources, we recommend starting with live chat
for 24 hours/day, 7 days a week. After collecting enough data, you
can reduce live chat hours to specific times when there is high volume.
• Limitthefieldsyouaskfromthepersonbeforestartingthelivechatfeature.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
What should you test with live chat?
• The use of live chat vs. not using live chat
• The design of the live chat widget
• How fast does the live chat widget appear?
• The location of the live chat widget
• The text that appears on top of the live chat widget
• Time availability of the live chat widget
• The fields you require from visitors before starting the live chat
14. Form fields
Reducing the number of form fields increases conversions. However, your
staff would be better equipped with more information from the visitors.
We recommend starting with the list of fields that you must have from every
contact. These will probably include a name and the best way to contact
them. Additional information could easily be included on a second step
form which the visitor can fill after submitting the initial form.
What should you test with your forms?
• Location of the form
• Design of the form
• Form headline
• Form sub-headline
• Number of fields in the form
• The design of the form CTA
• Privacy statement
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
15. Testimonials
Testimonials are powerful in persuading visitors that you are a credible
business. The more testimonials you have, the better your conversion will
be. On the other hand, anonymous testimonials or testimonials with a first
name only don’t increase visitor trust in your business.
Testimonials should tell the visitor that you are a credible business and that
doing business with you was an awesome experience to the point that a
previous customer is willing to put his name publicly to thank you. If you
have video testimonials, that will be even better.
Notice how we use a testimonial from one of our long-time customers to
increase conversions. Not only are we publishing what the client says, but
also adding the use of his business logo, 3M, to increase the buyer
confidence and trust:
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Notice how Salesforce uses testimonials to persuade visitors to sign up for
its product:
Salesforce uses five different elements in designing a great testimonial:
1. Written testimonial from the customer
2. Title of the person who gave the testimonial
3. Video testimonial from the customer
4. Ability to view other testimonials from other customers
5. Emphasis on the company of the customer who gave the testimonial
What should you test with testimonials?
1. Written testimonials vs. video testimonials
2. Location of the testimonials
3. Design of the testimonials
4. Frequency of testimonials
5. One page testimonials vs. incorporating them into copy
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
16. Privacy and security
We all come to expect a certain level of privacy and security as we navigate
different websites and as we provide our information to them. However,
emphasizing that you “value your customer privacy” and that you “will not
share or sell their contact information” helps you increase visitor trust. The
right place to do that is in close proximity to where you are asking the
visitor for information (contact information, credit card, etc). In addition, in
some instances, emphasizing the protection of customer data is critical,
especially when there is news about data theft.
Notice how Salesforce understands the importance of privacy, but
improperly places the privacy statement and security icons outside the
contact form:
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
As bad as the Salesforce contact form might be, it is still light years better
than the SAP contact form that leaves the visitor confused. It is almost as if
SAP does not want you to contact them and you are left with the feeling
that no one will respond to your contact request:
Notice how Macy’s places security icons in the payment section of the checkout.
They simply are thrown there with little consideration for the visitor eye path:
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
What should you test with privacy and security?
1. Placement of the security icons
2. Placement of the privacy statement
3. Design of the security icons
4. Design of the privacy statement
17. Price-based Incentives
Incentives are designed to encourage your visitors to take an action right
away. As the name suggests, price-based incentives encourage visitors to
take an action by offering a discount, freebie, or some sort of bundling.
The challenge is figuring out how many sales you will gain by offering a
discount. If offering a 10% discount increase conversions by 20%, then this
is a no-brainer. However, if offering the 10% discount increases sales by 5%,
then you are getting more sales transactions but less revenue. Finding the
right balance or the sweet spot is what your testing will have to focus on.
Notice how the category page from newegg.com uses price-based
incentives to encourage visitors to act.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Newegg’ approach, however, presents two main problems:
• The design does not emphasize the lower pricing.
• There is no copy that asks visitors for immediate action.
The category page from Tigerdirect.com, a competitor of Newegg, does a
better job:
• The discounted pricing is clear with the use of the red color.
• The copy of “save xxx instantly” emphasizes the price incentive.
Could you think of ways to improve the copy of TigerDirect?
What should you test with price-based incentives?
• The amount of discount you should offer
• The design of the discount
• The copy used for the discount
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
18. Urgency-based incentives
Urgency-based incentives rely on time limitations to encourage or
incentivize visitors’ action right away. In this case, you set a deadline and
you offer an incentive to visitors to act before the deadline.
PubCon is a must-attend conference for online marketing professionals.
Just like other conferences, there is an early bird discount for early
registration. Unfortunately, the registration page does not emphasize the
discount and the time limitation:
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Notice how Amazon uses urgency-based incentives to increase buyer
What can you test with urgency based incentives?
1. Actual deadline date
2. Urgency design
3. Urgency incentive copy
4. Placement of urgency incentive on different pages
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
19. Scarcity-based incentives
Scarcity-based incentives rely on quantity limitations to incentive the visitor
to act right away. Let’s take a couple of examples:
• If the visitor knows that the website has only two items left in stock,
then he is more likely to act.
• If the visitor knows that a consulting firm can only one take one
more client, then he is more likely to act.
Quantity limitations could be created/managed, by ordering lower
quantities from suppliers, or naturally occurring, by visitors buying so many
items that the product runs out. In either case, emphasizing the scarcity of
an offer through copy and design can have a positive impact on
What should you test with scarcity based incentives?
1. The design of the scarcity incentive
2. The copy to express the scarcity incentive
3. The placement of the of the scarcity incentive
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
20. Guarantees
You can use business guarantees to assure visitors that doing business
with you is safe and they will not regret it. The goal of using guarantees is
to reduce the customers’ risk. Of course, every transaction in business has
some risk in it, so by reducing the customer’ risk, you will have to carry that
A good guarantee requires both parties to invest in the transaction. The
customer pays a certain amount (customer investment), and in return the
business promises a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
There are different types of guarantees: satisfaction guarantees,
performance guarantees, money back guarantees, etc. Follow these steps
to determine the best guarantee you can offer in your business:
1. Ask your current and potential customers to list the top five
concerns or obstacles they have about doing business with you or
with your competitors.
2. Assess what your competitors are offering in terms of guarantees.
3. Determine your ability to offer a guarantee that will reduce one of
the risks customers struggle with.
4. Determine the business risk of offering the guarantee.
5. Test different guarantees to see what resonates better with
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
You can fill this table to help you assess your guarantee:
A strong guarantee has the following four elements in it:
• It is relevant to the customer’s highest risk
• It considerably reduces the customer’s risk
• It is specific
• It has a long period
The stronger each of these four elements is, the stronger the guarantee will
be. Strong guarantees have a higher chance of converting customers.
Which do you think is more powerful:
• “30-days” vs. “60-days” vs. “one year guarantee”
• “Satisfaction guaranteed” vs. “100% Satisfaction guarantee”
• “100% Satisfaction guarantee” vs. “unconditional, no questions
satisfaction guarantee for one year”
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Impact on
to deal
with the risk
offered by
to deal with
this risk
risk in
What should you test with guarantees?
• Different types of guarantee
• Design of the guarantee
• Time used with the guarantee
• Copy used to offer guarantee
• Placement of guarantee
21. Subscription model: fermium vs. free trial
Can you offer potential customers a free trial, a demo or evaluation version
of your product?
The goal is to have a low-barrier entry for customers. In the fermium model,
you offer your product for free with no time limit. Additional features of the
products will be available at a price. Free trial model, on the other hand,
offers the customer a free version of the software for a limited period.
Which model works for your business will depend on many factors, but you
should definitely test this area.
What should you test with subscription model?
• Free trials vs. fermium model
• Length of free trial (14 days, 30 days, 60 days, etc)
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Conducting a multivariate test is exciting.
By using the right tool, you can quickly develop different designs for your
website, direct visitors to each design and watch the conversions for each
Done incorrectly, MVT testing can result in a waste of money, a misuse of
man-hours, and, even worse, a decrease in your conversion rates.
Here are nine best practices you must follow when conducting a
multivariate test.
Planning Stage
1. Set expectations correctly
Wrong expectations translate into disappointment and lost investment.
Many marketers start testing because they heard or watched a case study
where a company achieved an incredible increase in conversion rates.
They jump into conversion optimizations and testing looking for significant
uplifts, but this excitement slowly disappears, as they are not able to
achieve the results they were hoping.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Setting reasonable goals to increase conversion rates will save you a lot of
Here are two approaches you can take to set your goals:
1. Approach 1: Think of a reasonable annual goal for your testing
program. A testing program should be able to achieve 30% increase
in conversions with conservative estimates. Is that 30% increase in
conversions enough to cover all the costs related to conversion
1. Approach 2: calculate the total investment for the testing program. This
total should include time for both marketing and development teams. It
should also include testing software investment. What reasonable
return on investment do you expect? Are you looking to make $3 or $5
for every dollar you invest? Let’s say your total investment in testing
comes up to $80,000 and that you are expecting to get $3 for every
dollar you investment. That means you will have to increase sales by
$240,000 to justify your testing program. The final step is to calculate
how much $240,000 is in terms of conversion rate increase.
2. Understand your technical limitations
Most CRO programs fails because the project owners do not assign the
proper technical resources to ensure quick and efficient implementation. After
ten years of working with organizations across the globe and in many different
industries, this continues to be the biggest reason we see projects fail.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
You must allocate the proper resources to be able to handle one to two
tests per month. You will probably need to change other projects’ priorities
to manage these tests, but that is the only way you will succeed.
3. Determine the correct page to test
Some companies conduct testing in a random way. One month, they test
the homepage, next month, the product pages, and, on the third, they look
at category pages. However, successful programs require investing time
initially to determine which pages of the website are leaking visitors, which
pages need the most improvement and which pages should be left alone.
Prioritizing the different pages of the website and coming up with a
conversion roadmap is a must. Good conversion roadmaps typically cover
six months spanning anywhere from eight to fifteen different tests.
Execution Phase
4. Determine the sample size
The fact that your website gets 100,000 visitors does not mean that all of
these visitors will go through a particular test. You must look closely at your
analytics to determine the total number of unique visitors that will go
through a page or class of pages (product pages or category pages) over
an elected period.
5. Start with a hypothesis
A hypothesis takes your test from a gambling exercise into a meaningful
marketing study.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
After spotting a possible problem on the page or visitor flow, a hypothesis
creates a predictive statement on how removing or minimizing that
problem would increase conversion rates.
A sample hypothesis from a test we conducted recently on a subscription
page for a content website was:
“Presenting visitors with fewer obstacles, less noise, and a cleaner design
will lead to a higher CR across all subscription packages.”
A good hypothesis will make you think more about your online visitors:
what they are struggling with on a particular page, where they should go
next, and how to address any of their fears, uncertainties and doubts.
The image above shows the original design of a shopping cart for a
website that nursing uniforms. When our team examined the analytics data
for the client, we noticed the high checkout abandonment rates.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Abandonment rates for un-optimized checkout usually range from 45% to
This client reported checkout abandonment rates close to 82%. Nothing in
the checkout page explained this alarming rate.
Our team, then, conducted a usability test. Nurses were invited to place an
order with the site while the optimization team observed and conducted
exit interviews to gather information from participants. The nurses revealed
that the visitors’ biggest problem was the fear of paying too much for a
product. As nurses are price conscious, they are aware they can buy the
same item from other competing website or brick and mortar stores.
So, price played a big role in deciding where to purchase a uniform. Our
client was previously aware of the price sensitivity issue. The client’s
website already offered money-back guarantees and 100% price match.
The problem is that these assurances were only displayed on the main
homepage of the site while most of the visitors landed on category and
product pages. Visitors did not know about these assurances.
The hypothesis for this particular test: online visitors are sensitive to price,
adding assurances can counter the FUDs the visitors have due to price
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
The team added an “assurance center” on the left-hand navigation of the
cart page reminding visitors of the 100% price match and the money back
The new version of the page resulted in a 30% reduction in shopping cart
A hypothesis that works for one website may not succeed or, even worse,
deliver negative results, for another site.
After the results of the previous client’s test had been published in the
Internet Retailer online magazine, another client approached us to test an
assurance center on their site. This client was also looking for a way to
reduce the cart abandonment rate.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
The above image shows the original design of the shopping cart.
This image shows the new design of the cart page with the assurance
center added to the left navigation.
This test had the same hypothesis as the last one, that most online visitors did
not convert on the site due to the price FUD and that adding assurances on the
cart page would ease the shoppers’ concerns.
When we tested the new version with the assurance center against the old
version, the results pointed out to an entirely different outcome. The new
assurance center caused the website conversion rate to drop by 4%. So, while
the assurance helped one client, it produced a negative impact with another.
Can we say with absolute certainty that adding an assurance center for this
client would always produce negative results?
No. Several elements could have influenced this particular design and caused
the drop in conversion rates. The assurance center design, copy or location
could have been the real reason for the drop in conversions.
Analyzing the validation of a hypothesis through test data and creating a
follow-up hypothesis is at the heart of conversion optimization. In this case, we
needed to test many different elements around the assurance center before
we could decide its impact on conversions.
Tests that produce increases in conversion rates are excellent in validating
initial assumptions and hypothesis.
We do not mind tests that result in reducing conversion rates because we can
learn something about our hypothesis from these tests.
We do worry about tests that do not produce any increases or decreases in
conversion rates.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
6. Create design variations based on test hypothesis
Once you have the hypotheses, the next step is to start creating new page
designs that will validate it.
You must be careful when you are creating new designs. Do not go
overboard with creating variations. Testing software allows you to create
millions of variations for a single page. You must keep in mind that
validating each new variation requires a certain number of conversions.
For high converting websites, we like to limit page variations to less than
30. For smaller websites, we like to limit page variations to less than five
new variations or designs.
7. Limit the number of variations
Some companies avoid the process of analysis by testing millions of
designs against the original. Multivariate testing software available out
there allows them to do so. This approach of throwing things at the wall
rarely works. If it works in one test, it fails in the end.
You should avoid letting software do the thinking for you. What you are
looking for are sustainable and repeatable results. The more variations you
introduce in a test, the less you can link the impact of these variations on
each other.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Post-Test Analysis
8. Re-test winning against control
A good practice after a test concludes is to run your original page against
the winning design and in head-to-head (one on one) test. This will help you
ensure and solidify your conclusion of the winning page and confirm that
testing data is not polluted by any external factors.
9. Look for lessons learned
The real power of conversion optimization happens when you discover
marketing insights from your to apply across verticals and channels.
Always be on the lookout for actionable marketing insights from your test.
These are an excellent way to move forward with your next test.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
You are ready to start testing and believe that you will increase your
website conversion rate.
We feel you will succeed in your conversion rate optimization, too.
Just remember to avoid these 14 mistakes we have seen companies make
over the last ten years and you are set to go.
1. Testing the wrong page
Not every page you select will have the same impact on your bottom line.
Let’s say you start with the home page of your website. You run a split test
with the goal of finding a new design that increases macro conversions.
The test succeeds, and the testing software reports an increase of 50% in
conversions at a 99% confidence. You look at your revenue, and you only
see that it increased by 5%. Your first instinct is to doubt the testing
software or the whole testing idea.
You are wrong.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Your testing software is fine, and your split testing was successful. What
you need to understand is that when testing a page, you are only
optimizing the portion of the website traffic that goes through that page.
If only 10% of your website visitors go through the homepage, then you only
optimized 10% of your website visitor experiences. You only increased
conversions for 10% of the website visitors; the remaining 90% will convert
at the same rate prior to the test. That is the reason you will not see the
50% increase in revenue you were hoping.
That is also the reason choosing which page to test will have a direct
impact on your bottom line.
When selecting a page to test, consider the following:
• The percentage of visitors who go through the page compared to the
overall website visitors. The higher the percentage, the better suited
the page is for testing;
• Testing pages down the conversion funnel will have a higher impact on
your bottom line;
• Evaluate the different page metrics (bounce rate, exit rates, visitor flow
rate) to determine the page potential;
• Analyze the page using the conversion framework to determine
possible conversion problems on the page.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
2. Running a test for a long period
In a chase to achieve high confidence level, some marketers run a test for
months. We have seen companies run a test for six months.
The problem with any test you run is that many external factors could affect
the validity of the results. You have no control over these factors.
If one of your competitors runs a 50% discount on the same items you have
in stock, you can reasonably expect that your conversion rate will drop, and
you have little do about it. If you are running a test during the same period,
then your results will be impacted, whether you like it or not.
We recommend limiting the time frame of running a test in an attempt to
restrict the impact of external factors.
For how long should you run a test?
We typically recommend running a test for less than 30 days. We might
allow for 45 days in limited instances. Our goal is not to chase a confidence
level (we will discuss this later in the article).
3. Running a test for a short period
Conventional wisdom says that you should determine your split test length
by your business cycles. In this context, a business cycle is the number of
days it takes a visitor to convert.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Many conversion rate experts recommend running tests for two business
cycles. If a typical visitor converts in seven days, then you should run the
test for fourteen days.
The challenge is that many websites have a lengthy business cycle that
might expand for more than 30 days. By following the same rule, you would
run the test for 60 days. We do not like that.
As a general guideline, we like to run tests a minimum of seven days and
no longer than 30 (or 45) days.
4. Low sample size (visitors/conversions)
Many statistical models demonstrate that smaller sample sizes increase the
chance of accepting an incorrect winner, even if that test result reported
higher confidence rate.
For each variation running through the test, you should always choose a
large sample size to detect real differences. Allow each variation to record
a minimum of 5,000 visitors and 100 conversions. We usually use these
numbers, but you can adjust them to your case (200 conversions per
variation, for example).
The essential step is to define the success criteria before you start the test
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
5. Allowing testing software to end the test
Some testing software requires a challenger to record just 30 conversions
with a 90% confidence before declaring a winner for a split test. That is too
little conversions and too short time period.
You do not want just to call a winner. You want to make sure that your
challenger can consistently beat the original design. So, adjust the winning
criteria in your testing software to ensure it meets the standards you set at
the beginning of the test.
6. Getting stuck on confidence levels
We all fall in this, one way or another. We want to run a test that produces
a minimum of 95% confidence level.
If you ask most people, they will explain that, with a 95% confidence level,
only 1 out of 20 will select the wrong winner if you repeat the same test. The
remaining 19 will select the same test winner. This is, of course, an
oversimplification. Statisticians have been debating confidence level for
over 90 years.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Confidence level does help in persuading people to test, but you need to
understand how it works and affects your data. Regina Nuzzo reports:
“According to one widely used calculation, a P value of 0.01 corresponds
to a false-alarm probability of at least 11%, depending on the underlying
probability that there is a true effect; a P value of 0.05 raises that chance
to at least 29%. So Motyl’s finding had a greater than one in ten chance
of being a false alarm. Likewise, the probability of replicating his original
result was not 99%, as most would assume, but something closer to 73%
— or only 50%, if he wanted another ‘very significant’ result. In other
words, his inability to replicate the result was about as surprising as if he
had called heads on a coin toss and it had come up tails.”
Some people use the same argument to defend the need for higher
confidence levels.
In calculating financial risks, the banking sector is sometimes required to
see a 99% confidence level. The FDA also requires a 99% confidence level
in some cases of drug testing.
Our goal is not to confuse you. Our goal is for you to understand what
confidence level means.
We recommend you think of the confidence level (p-value) as the
probability of having a result as opposed to the potential frequency of
that result.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
So, what confidence level should you choose?
We recommend a 95% confidence level, but if an experiment runs for
multiple business cycles and it repeatedly shows higher than 85%
confidence level, then you should definitely consider it.
7. Creating too many variations
Most A/B testing software allows you to create an unlimited number of
It is up to you to determine the number of challengers you want to run
against the original design. Some companies create too many variations
and challengers. If you are running a multivariate test, then the number of
variations can easily grow to hundreds if not thousands.
The approach of hosting numerous variations carries two main problems:
1. The more variations you introduce in a test, the longer the test will take
to conclude. Recall that we set a time limit on running a test;
2. The more variations you introduce in a test, the more difficult it will be
to assess why a particular design won or lost against the original.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
8. Focusing on element level testing
You can create several types of test. Amongst these:
• Element level testing (testing different headlines, colors, CTAs);
• Page level testing (page layout).
Element level testing focuses on a single element on the page and
introduces different variations of that element. Too many people think that
changing the color on a call to action button from red to green might
produce a significant uplift in their conversions. In 99% of the cases, it does
not. The remaining 1% of these cases are outliers.
Do not expect miracles from element level testing.
9. Not segmenting your data
Segmenting data is important in understanding your visitors’ behavior on
the website. You should perform data segmentation before conducting any
test and after getting the test results.
At a minimum, you should segment data by:
• Visitor type (new vs. repeat);
• Traffic source and medium.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Take the following example of the conversion rate for product pages on an
e-commerce website:
It is obvious that traffic coming through email has an excellent conversion
rate. Compare that to paid traffic from Facebook and Google. Both types
are expensive and cost more than email, yet they have lower conversion
rates. That means focusing the analysis on these sources will drive how
you optimize your page.
10. Testing without a hypothesis
A test without a hypothesis is just a fun exercise that does not have a
long-term impact on the website conversion rate.
Coming up with a hypothesis for the test and the data insights from testing
is where real conversion optimization happens, but this requires a culture
shift for most people, especially those who are experiencing testing for the
first time. The testing software allows you to make whatever changes you
want, so why not, right?
Keep in mind that determining why a winning design beats an original is
critical to creating future tests.
The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing
Google Paid
Source / Medium
Google organic 14%
Facebook paid 4%
Email 32%
Conversion rate
Download Invesp’s The Essentials of Multivariate & AB Testing
Download Invesp’s The Essentials of Multivariate & AB Testing
Download Invesp’s The Essentials of Multivariate & AB Testing
Download Invesp’s The Essentials of Multivariate & AB Testing
Download Invesp’s The Essentials of Multivariate & AB Testing
Download Invesp’s The Essentials of Multivariate & AB Testing

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Download Invesp’s The Essentials of Multivariate & AB Testing

  • 2. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing CONTENTS 4 2 01. What is Multivariate Testing 1302. What is AB testing 23 31 3905. The Process of Creating a Successful Split Test 47 83 93 www.invesp.com 04. Comparing Multivariate & AB testing tools 06. What elements should you test on a page 07. 9 Multivariate and AB Testing Best Practices 08. Multivariate testing mistakes to avoid 03. The Difference between AB and Multivariate
  • 3.
  • 4. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 4www.invesp.com WHAT IS MULTIVARIATE TESTING? Multivariate Testing or MVT testing is the process of testing multiple variations of multiple ele-ments on a webpage with the goal of determining the best combination of elements to increase conversions. By using MVT testing software, you can test different variations of any element on your page (headlines, images, buttons, etc) to measure their impact on your conversion rates. The following image displays an example of how MVT testing software works.
  • 5. In this example, the software tests different variations of the page headline, image and call to action button: • The original headline against three other possible headlines, for a total of four possible headlines; • The original image against two other possible images, for a total of three possible images; • Finally, three different buttons are tested against the original button on the page. For this test, that one page receives 48 possible variations. The total number of testing variations (also called challengers) depends on the number of elements you will test on a page (headline, image, buttons, etc.) and the number of variations you will be testing for each of these elements. The total number of challengers is calculated by multiplying the number of different variations of each of the ele-ments. For a webpage in which we will be testing (N) number of elements, we calculate: Total number of page variations = Number of variations of element (1) x Number of variations of element (2) x … x Number of variations of element (N) The number of page variations can grow very fast. Some testing software allows for testing tens of thousands of variations of a single page. As a visitor arrives at a page, the software will pick one of the four headlines, one of the three images, and one of the four buttons to display. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 5www.invesp.com
  • 6. The following image shows four of the 48 possible designs the software can create. Your team does not have to create all of the 48 designs; the software will swap the different variations and create the designs automatically. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 6www.invesp.com
  • 7. MVT test examples Let’s take the product page from apple.com as an example: On this page, you can test: • different variations of the headline; • displaying two MacBook models per line (currently, each model takes a line); • different product images; • different pricing; • CTA colors; • CTA text. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 7www.invesp.com
  • 8. Let’s take an example from salesforce.com: On this page, you can test: • different variations of the headline; • displaying the side navigation or not displaying it; • different hero images; • CTA colors; • CTA text. How do you create a successful multivariate test? Tools are useless without the people who properly run them. Most testing software allows marketers to create and start simple tests in a few hours. But that is the easy part! The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 8www.invesp.com
  • 9. Many companies ultimately fail when designing successful test scenarios, assessing results, and creating meaningful follow-up tests. Poorly designed experiments can take years to complete. Even worse, they might not provide concrete insights to what elements will convert more visitors into customers. Imagine a case where you plan to test different headlines on a page. You start by coming up with ten different pos-sible variations to the headlines. What criteria are you going to use to determine which of the headlines you should test? Why not test all of the ten different headlines? You will most likely find yourself relying on guesswork to determine which versions to include in the test. The same logic, of course, applies to all elements you want to test on a page. Without being judicious with test scenarios, you might end up attempting to test millions of combinations. Testing is an important component of any conversion optimization project. However, it should not be the only component. Testing should only take place after the conclusion of other equally important stages of optimization work, such as persona development, site analysis, and design and copy creation. Each of these elements provides a build-ing block towards a highly optimized website that converts visitors into clients. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 9www.invesp.com
  • 10. To create a successful test, you must go through the following steps: • Evaluate the page, looking for possible problematic areas in it; • Prioritize the problems identified on the page, in terms of their impact on your conversion rate; • Create a hypothesis of how to fix some of the top problems on the page; • Create an AB or a multivariate test to assert the validity of your test hypothesis; • Analyze the results of the test to determine the correctness of the test hypothesis; • Create a new test based on the test result. The results from running a multivariate test While MVT testing is powerful in helping online business increase conversions rates, the results you will achieve from running a single test may vary. You can choose different approaches to a test design: 1. Element level testing: in this type of testing, you test different variations of an element on the page. For example, you test different headline variations or several images. The goal of an element level test is to measure the impact of that element on your conversion rate. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 10www.invesp.com
  • 11. Element level testing is considered the easiest type of testing. It generally requires the least amount of ef-fort. In most cases, the impact of this type of testing is limited on conversion rates. About 90% of element level testing will produce less than 3% increase in conversion rates. 2. Page level testing: in this type of testing, you test multiple page elements at the same time. As an example, you can test different page layouts, different combination of elements and so on. This type of testing re-quires more effort from the development team to implement. Done correctly, page level testing might bring a higher impact on your conversion rates compared to ele-ment level testing. Well-designed page level testing can produce anywhere from 10% to 30% increase in conversion rates. 3. Visitor flow testing: in this type of testing, you test several navigation paths for the visitor around the website. As an example, an e-commerce website might test single step vs. multi-step checkout. Another ex-ample is to test different ways visitors can navigate from category pages to product pages. Visitor flow testing can get complicated very quickly. It typically requires a lot of effort from the development team to implement. Done correctly, this type of testing will have the highest impact on your conversion rates. The three design types discussed above could be implemented as a multivariate or an AB test. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 11www.invesp.com
  • 12. The Dangers of Multivariate Testing If you are not careful with planning your split tests, they can be one of the main reasons that reduce the quality of optimization work. You must always remember that testing (AB or multivariate) is only one component of conversion optimization. We have seen many companies that completely relied on testing software without doing a deep analysis of what they were actually testing. Our article on the case against multivariate testing points out this example: Let’s do some simple math. Say you want to test six different elements on a page (headers, benefits list, hero shots, call to action, etc). For each element, you will choose four different options. This means you will have a total of 4^6 = 4,096 possible scenarios that you will have to test. As a general rule of thumb, you will need around 100 conversions per scenario to ensure the data you are collecting is statistically significant. This translates into 4,096 * 100= 409,600 conversions. If your website converts around 1%, you will need 409,600 * 100= 40,960,000 visitors before you start gaining some confidence in your testing results. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 01 12www.invesp.com
  • 13. WHAT IS AB TESTING (SPLIT TESTING)? If visitors are not converting on your website, then obviously, there is something wrong that is stopping them. You can go ahead and ask your design team to create new designs but the question remains: how do you know that the new designs will convert more visitors compared to the original design? That is where AB testing comes in handy. AB testing (sometimes referred to as split testing) is the process of testing multiple variations or designs of webpage against the original page with the goal of determining which page generates more conversions. The original design of a page is usually referred to as the control. The new variations of the page are usually referred to as the “variations”, “challengers” or “recipes.” The process of testing which page generates more conversions is typically referred to as a “test” or an “experiment.” 1st Example: The homepage on an e-commerce website receives 100,000 visitors a month. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 13www.invesp.com
  • 14. To determine if there is a way to increase conversions, the design team creates a new design for the page. Testing software is then used to split the homepage visitors between the control and the new challenger. So, 50,000 visitors are directed to the control and 50,000 visitors are directed to the challenger. The AB testing software will track the number of conversions each design generates to determine which design is the winner. 2nd Example: A blog main page receives 3,000 visitors a month. The primary conversion goal for the page is to get a visitor to subscribe to the email list of the blog. The designer creates a new design for the blog homepage which highlights the subscription box. Testing software is used to send 1,500 visitors to the original page design (control) and the testing software sends 1,500 visitors to the new design (challenger). Testing software tracks the number of subscribers each design generates. TODO: Image from Hisham? The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 14www.invesp.com
  • 15. In 2015, a survey by E-consultancy showed that 58% of respondents are conducting AB testing: But how successful is AB testing in helping companies increase their conversion rates varies. A 2013 survey by Invesp, shows that most SMBs conducting AB testing report that 37% of their split tests produce significant results. A smaller set of enterprise report that their 47% of their AB tests generate significant results. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 15www.invesp.com
  • 16. What Netflix learned from AB testing? Kendrick Wang wrote a blog post explaining how Netflix ran an AB test on their registration process. 46% of surveyed Netflix visitors complained that the website does not allow them to view titles before registering for the service. So, the design team decided to create an AB test to measure the impact of the displaying titles to visitors on the number of registrations which the website gets. The test hypothesis was very simple: Allowing visitors to view available video titles prior to registering will increase the number of new sign ups. In the split test, the team introduced 5 different challengers against the original design. The team then ran the test to see the impact. What was the result? The original design consistently beat all challengers. The real analysis happens after the test runs. Why would the original beat all new designs although 46% of visitors said that seeing what titles Netflix carries will help them sign up for the service. The team at Netflix gave three different reasons: 1. Netflix is all about the experience: the more users interacted with the website, the more they love the experience. So, Netflix is more than just browsing. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 16www.invesp.com
  • 17. 2. Simplify choice: the original design showed users one option: sign up for the service. The new designs offered visitors multiple options (multiple movies). This complicated the choice which visitors had to make. More choices translated into less conversions. 3. Users do not always know what they want: The Netflix team argued that test results clearly point to the fact that users do not always know what they want. While these might be valid explanations, specially the second point, we would argue that there is another reason all together. Could it be that visitors are finally seeing the movie options which Netflix carries and they do not find the selection convincing so they decide to walk away? How does the testing software determine the winning design? At its core, AB testing software tracks the number of visitors coming to each page in an experiment and the number of conversions each design generates. Sophisticated AB testing software tracks much more data for each variation. As an example, Pii tracks: • Conversions • Page views • Visitors • Bounce rate • Exit • Revenue • Source of traffic • Medium of traffic The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 17www.invesp.com
  • 18. The testing software uses two factors to determine the winning design: • The conversion rate for each design: this number is determined by dividing the number of conversions for a page by the unique visitors for that page. • The confidence level for each design: statistical term indicating the certainty that if the same experiment is conducted across many separate data sets in different experiments, the percentage of the tests that will produce the same result. This of confidence level as the probability of having a result. So, if a challenger produces a 20% increase in conversions with a 95% confidence, then you have a good probability of getting the same result when select the winner as your default design. It is recommended to use multiple metrics when determining a winning design for a test. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 18www.invesp.com
  • 19. Selecting which metrics will depend on your specific situation. However, it is important to choose metrics that have an impact on your bottom line. Optimizing for reduction in bounce or exit rates will have little direct and measurable dollar value to most businesses. Most of our e-commerce clients use a combination of a variation conversion rate and either average order value or revenue per visit. Bing conducted a test where the results showed a 30% increase in revenue per visit. This however was due to a bug in their main search results algorithm which showed visitors poor research results. As a result, visitors were frustrated and were clicking on ads. So, while revenue per visit increased in the short term, this was nota good long term strategy to follow. Assigning weighted traffic to different variations Most testing software automatically divides visitors equally between different variations. There are however instances where you need to assign different weight to different variations. For example, lets take an experiment that has an original design and two challengers in it. The testing team might want to assign 50% to the original design and split the remaining 50% between variations one and two. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 19www.invesp.com
  • 20. There are also specific instances with complex test scenarios that you might want to assign a 0% of the traffic to the original page. Should you run AB testing on 100% of your visitors? Practitioners of conversion optimization debate this question at great lengths. Looking at your analytics, you can typically notice that different visitor segments interact differently with your website. Repeat visitors (those who have come to your website previously) are typically more engaged with the website compared to new visitors. There are many instances where you notice that new visitors react in a better way to your design challengers. While repeat visitors, since they are already used to your website design, can react negatively to your new designs. When running a new test, we recommend starting by running the test for the new visitors and seeing how they react to it. You can then run the test to repeat visitors and compare their reactions. We also recommend running holdback split tests. In these types of tests, you launch the tests to a small percentage of your website visitors. For example, you start with launching the test to 10% of your visitors. If the results are encouraging, then you start expanding the test to 25%, 50%, and 100% of your website visitors. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 20www.invesp.com
  • 21. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 21www.invesp.com How many variations should you include in a test? There is no correct answer to this question. The more variations you introduce in a test, the longer it will take to complete it. This of course depends on the number of visitors that go through a test and the number of conversions each variation generates. What is important to remember is that you do not want to introduce new challengers without thinking about the logic behind each of them. Yes, some of these challengers might increase conversion rates but understanding what persuaded visitors to convert is very critical so that you can apply the same logic to other sections of your website.
  • 22. Keep the following rules in mind: • If you have less than 200 conversions a month, your website might not be ready for AB testing. Focus on driving more visitors to your website. • If you have more than 400 conversions per month but less than 1,000 create 4 to 5 challengers against the original • If you have more than 1,000 conversions per month create 7 to 10 challengers against the original The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 01 22www.invesp.com
  • 23. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A/B TESTING AND MULTIVARIATE TESTING A/B and multivariate testing share the same concept: splitting visitors between several designs of your website or webpage in order to determine which of these designs generates more conversions. If you are deciding which type of test best suits your conversion rate optimization, read on to find out more about particular characteristics of A/B and multivariate testing. Discover the best scenarios for each test and check five must implement steps when conducting split tests. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 23www.invesp.com
  • 24. A/B testing Split testing allows you to test one or more variations for each page on your web site against each other. For example, you can create different designs (layouts) for an e-commerce product page to test whether the product image should be placed on the left or the right side of the page. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 24www.invesp.com
  • 25. For a lead generation website, you can use A/B testing to create multiple designs of a landing page switching headlines or images. For a blog subscription page, you can test different designs displaying assorted color and text on the subscribe button. There are two distinct approaches to conducting A/B tests: 1. Testing new, radical designs of an entire page or process. As an example, testing three entirely different and distinct designs of a home page; 2. Testing small changes on a page: each design makes a slight change to the same element. For example, each variation will test different colors of a call to action button. Smaller split tests (where you are testing one or two variations against an original design) do NOT require a lot of traffic or conversions to conduct. On the other hand, when using A/B testing to run radical designs against each other, you need significant traffic before you can identify what element causes a change in your conversion rate. A/B testing is excellent for measuring the impact of two to five new designs compared to the original. The more designs you introduce to a test, the longer the test will take to conclude. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 25www.invesp.com
  • 26. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 26www.invesp.com Multivariate testing MVT testing allows you to test several variations of multiple elements on a webpage at once. For example, you can test multiple options of the product name on an e-commerce product page, along with various alternatives of the product image and diverse types of add-to-cart buttons.
  • 27. You can also use multivariate testing to evaluate various headlines and several designs of the CTA on a lead generation landing page. MVT testing allows you to zoom in and focus on the changes you are making at an element level. While multivariate testing is great in doing element level analysis, it has three drawbacks: 1. It requires intense traffic or conversions to conclude a test; 2. If you are not careful when designing your MVT test, you can end up testing thousands of designs against the original; 3. Since multiple elements are simultaneously switched within a single test, it is hard to isolate the exact reason a particular design performs a certain way. MVT testing is very powerful. However, you must be careful when using it to optimize your conversion rates. Most companies forget about the large volume of visitors and conversions required to complete a test. As a result, they find themselves running tests for several weeks without bringing them to a conclusion. Additionally, since testing software allows them to do so, many companies tend to alternate elements randomly without thinking about the rationale behind the change. This mistake alone is enough to kill the benefits of any testing program. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 27www.invesp.com
  • 28. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 28www.invesp.com Multivariate Test vs. an A/B Test: what type of test should you use? Should you start with an A/B or multivariate test for a particular page? There is no correct answer to this question. A/B tests are good for testing alternate designs of an entire page or a process. We usually recommend using them while deciding high-level changes or radical changes to the optimized area. MVT testing, on the other hand, allows for fine-grained testing on a particular page. They are helpful in determining the most impactful values on visitors.
  • 29. AB testing is highly recommended in the following scenarios: • If you are just starting out with the testing process; • If you have limited number of website visitors; • If you have limited number of conversions; • If you are looking for radical departure from your existing designs; • If you are starting with a new page (you do not have a page that has been launched for some time). Multivariate Testing is highly recommended in the following scenarios: • If you have been conducting AB tests for at least 6-8 months; • If you have large number of monthly visitors (more than 100,000 visitors); • If you have large number of monthly conversions (more than 1200 conversions per month); • If you are looking to fine tune existing designs; • If you already have launched your landing page. For most companies, we recommend starting with an A/B experiment to assess major design changes to the website. However, if you already have an existing page, we start with a small multivariate test (less than 12 or so different scenarios). The goal of this initial test is to determine which of the elements (headline, image, benefit list, etc.) resonates most with visitors. Analysis of the first test results will help guide the need for further MVT or A/B tests. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 29www.invesp.com
  • 30. Five must implement steps when conducting testing on your website: 1. Determine which of your website pages are good candidates for optimization, by finding which of your pages are leaking the most visitors. Calculate the commercial revenue you can gain from fixing the leak. 2. Check the number of visitors to your webpage. The number of visitors who will go through the actual webpage or process tested impacts the agility of the test results. Although your site may have 500,000 visitors a month, a particular page you want to test may receive fewer visitors. 3. Do not run your tests for more than four weeks. 4. Pick the right conversion rate. Not every test should have the goal of increasing the macro conversion rate. Many successful tests help in increasing micro conversion rates. This is particularly important if your website or landing age does not receive enough conversions. Starting out with micro conversion tests allows you to conduct tests on a smaller scale. 5. Examine what elements you should test. Not all elements on a page will have the same impact on your conversion rate. Determine which elements will have the most impact on your bottom line based on marketing data, personas, and analytics. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 30www.invesp.com
  • 31. COMPARING MULTIVARIATE & AB TESTING TOOLS On the journey of increasing the conversation rate on your website, you need the precise help of your visitors and clients’ input. You need to evaluate the efficacy of hundreds of possible designs and compare dozens of different results. You have heard there are tools out there to help you in your quest, but staggering questions haunt your decision. • What is the right split testing tool for my website? • By choosing a particular tool, will I affect the success of my testing or conversion optimization program? From simple free tools to complex block testing based software, you can expect to choose from a great variety of AB or multivariate testing tools. We will help you in your decision by walking you through the pros and cons of the tools available, regarding price, complexity of tests applied as well as the intricacy of your website. We will also suggest criteria to help you select the software that best fits your needs, considering ease of use, agility of results, cost of running, testing support, operational issues, and testing analytics. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 31www.invesp.com
  • 32. Let’s start with the different types of AB or multivariate testing tools available. 1. In-house testing tools Few companies build their own in-house testing tools to conduct AB or multivariate testing. There are two main reasons for using an in-house AB testing tool: 1. legacy built testing tools; 2. complexity of website architecture. In-house testing tools account for less than 2% of the overall market, and we expect this segment to shrink further as AB testing tools gain more popularity in the marketplace and provide a wider feature set addressing the complexities of varying sites. 2. Free Testing Tools These tools provide the customer the ability of conducting testing free of charge, but they offer limited sets of features, including restricted reporting. Implementing testing plans with these tools require medium to heavy involvement of technical teams. The main player in this area is Google content experiments. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 32www.invesp.com
  • 33. 3. Point-and-Click Tools Point-and-Click testing tools provide users with an easy to use visual editor to create tests. While they require limited involvement from the customers’ technical team and create designs much faster than their counterparts, these packages do not have the full depth of features necessary to conduct deep testing or analysis. These packages are great for creating new designs for one page, but they are not fully suited to conduct more complex testing such as visitor flow tests or multi-page tests (for example running a test on e-commerce product and category pages). The cornerstone visual editor of these packages breaks when modifying websites that rely heavily on javascript or dynamic content. These tools come with low-cost monthly subscriptions, starting at $50 per month and varying based on the number of page views a customer uses in a month. Amongst Point-and-Click tools, you can find: • Optimizely • Visual Website Optimizer • Convert • Pii The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 33www.invesp.com
  • 34. 4. Block testing based software These tools typically rely on the marking made by the customers on specific areas of a webpage to be tested. Variations of the marked areas are then created in the testing software by the IT team. Each new test created will require new involvement from the development team. These packages frequently involve heavy custom configuration to retrieve meaningful visitor tracking data. They also require organizations to have full-time dedicated teams to manage the software and to analyze the results. While these tools do not come with an easy to use visual editor to make quick changes on a webpage, they do provide detailed reporting and targeting features. Monthly plans for these tools start around $1,000 and vary based on the number of page views a customer uses in a month. In addition to the software cost, we estimate a $100,000 annual in-house cost of running tests on enterprise testing packages. These tools are useful in conducting complex testing such as multi-page testing or visitor flow testing. However, they are an overkill when conducting quick AB testing for a webpage design due to the substantial cost that is associated with the deployment of each test. The main player in this field is Test and Target by Adobe. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 34www.invesp.com
  • 35. Selecting the right testing tool for your website With many tools available, we created the following criteria to help you select the best software to meet your requirements: 1. Ease of use: How fast can you deploy a test? We evaluate the ability of a testing tool to deploy tests quickly as a way of measuring its ease of use. When you are conducting a conversion optimization program, your goal is to implement tests efficiently and not to have technology as a barrier to your efforts of increasing conversion rates. Testing tools vary tremendously when it comes to ease of use. Some of the more sophisticated tools require complex test setup, which can take days. Point-and-Click testing tools definitely outrank any of their counterparts in this area. 2. How fast does the testing software take to determine a winner for a multivariate test? After launching a test, the testing software will display the original and new variations to different visitors to determine the winning design. In order to select the winning design, the software will use either full factorial or fractional factorial testing: The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 35www.invesp.com
  • 36. Full Factorial Testing The testing software will test all of the different combinations of elements and their alternatives. So, if a test has four elements and each element has three different combinations in it, the testing software will test all possible 3^4= 81 designs. Fractional Factorial testing (Taguchi method) The testing software will select a subset of all possible combinations of the different elements and their alternatives. So, in our example above, the testing software will test a smaller set (less than 10) to determine the winner. Fractional factorial testing allows tests to run faster since they do not test all possible combinations. Critics of this method point out that it is less accurate compared to full factorial testing. The debate between full factorial vs. fractional factorial has been going on for years. Most testing software uses full factorial in determining the winner of an experiment or a mix between the two different methods. While this might be a sticking point for some testing experts, for 90% of online businesses, it is not a critical point in selecting which software to use. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 36www.invesp.com
  • 37. 3. What is the cost of running the split testing software? The cost of running testing software varies from zero (Google Analytics) to thousands of dollars per month. In addition to the cost of running the software itself, there might be extra investments implicated. Some software is too complex for the business to use and will require involvement from the testing software company. That increases the cost of running tests. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 37www.invesp.com Google Optimizely Free Free up to 50,000 page views Free Initial setup cost Monthly cost • Free up to 50,000 page views • Cost for higher plans unavailable Pii Free up to 75,000 page views • Free up to 75,000 page views • Starts from $129/month Free up to 2,000 page views VWO Starts at $49/month Free 15 days trial up to 10,000 monthly views Convert Starts from $125/month
  • 38. 4. Testing support Sooner or later you will need some support from the testing software company. Many smaller companies ignore this one area when they are doing the initial assessment of the testing packages. We highly recommend evaluating the different alternatives available. 5. Operational issues (scale, performance, and high availability) How long does it take the testing software to load up a particular design? Does the testing software use CDN (content delivery network) to deliver designs to visitors who live in different parts of the world? We highly recommend evaluating the response time for each of the different software packages. Avoid any testing package that takes longer than 300 milliseconds to deliver a design 6. Testing analytics In addition to reporting the conversion rate for each variation in a test, different packages will also report the following metrics for each of the variations: • Average order value • Bounce rate • Exit rate This data is important in understanding the impact of the new designs on all aspects of the visitor experience on your website. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 38www.invesp.com • Visitor type (new vs. repeat) • Traffic source • Traffic medium
  • 39. THE PROCESS OF CREATING A SUCCESSFUL SPLIT TEST First, do not rely solely on a testing software to create successful tests. You need people who can design efficient test scenarios, analyze results accurately, and create meaningful follow-up tests. Poorly designed experiments might not provide concrete insights to conversion rates optimization. You need criteria to determine, for example, which elements on a page you should test, which external factors could affect the results, and in which ways to rearrange the designs for new phases of the test. As much as testing is essential to any optimization project, it should only be conducted after the completion of equally important stages of optimization work such as persona development, site analysis, design and copy creation. Each of these elements provides a building block towards a highly optimized website that converts visitors into clients. Find below four steps to follow in creating a successful multivariate test. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 39www.invesp.com
  • 40. Problem identification Before thinking about elements on the page to test, start by analyzing different problem areas. How do you do that? Several conversion optimization methodologies can help you. Invesp uses the Conversion Framework for page analysis. Examples of other methods include the lIFT model and Marketing Experiments heuristics. The Conversion Framework analyzes six different areas on the page: • Personas • Trust and confidence • FUDs • Incentives • Engagement • Buying stage Elements of these six areas affect whether visitors stay on your website or leave. You must keep in mind that different elements have diverse impacts based on the type of page you are evaluating. A conversion optimization expert can easily pinpoint 50 to 150 problems on a webpage. We do NOT believe you should attempt to fix all of these at once. Prioritize and focus on the top three to seven problems to get started. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 40www.invesp.com
  • 41. Test Hypothesis A hypothesis is a predictive statement about the impact of removing or fixing one of the problems identified on a webpage. Successful testing begins by creating a hypothesis to explain why visitors react to certain elements on a page. The image below shows the original design of a shopping cart for one of our clients who sells nursing uniforms. When our team examined the analytics data for the client, we noticed the high checkout abandonment rates. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 41www.invesp.com Original Design of the Shopping Cart
  • 42. Abandonment rates for un-optimized checkout usually range from 45% to 60%. This client reported checkout abandonment rates close to 82%. Nothing in the checkout page explained this alarming rate. Our team, then, conducted a usability test. Nurses were invited to place an order with the site while the optimization team observed and conducted exit interviews to gather information from participants. The nurses revealed that the visitors’ biggest problem was the fear of paying too much for a product. As nurses are price conscious, they are aware they can buy the same item from other competing website or brick and mortar stores. So, price played a big role in deciding where to purchase a uniform. Our client was previously aware of the price sensitivity issue. The client’s website already offered money-back guarantees and 100% price match. The problem is that these assurances were only displayed on the main homepage of the site while most of the visitors landed on category and product pages. Visitors did not know about these assurances. The hypothesis for this particular test: online visitors are sensitive to price, adding assurances can counter the FUDs the visitors have due to price concerns. Figure 10-8 shows the new design of the shopping cart. The team added an “assurance center” on the left-hand navigation of the cart page reminding visitors of the 100% price match and the money back guarantee. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 42www.invesp.com
  • 43. The new version of the page resulted in a 30% reduction in shopping cart abandonment. A hypothesis that works for one website may not succeed or, even worse, deliver negative results, for another site. After the results of the previous client’s test had been published in the Internet Retailer online magazine, another client approached us to test an assurance center on their site. This client was also looking for a way to reduce the cart abandonment rate. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 43www.invesp.com New Design of the Shopping Cart
  • 44. The above image shows the original design of the shopping cart. This image shows the new design of the cart page with the assurance center added to the left navigation. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 44www.invesp.com New Shopping Cart Page with Assurance Center Original Shopping Cart Page
  • 45. This test had the same hypothesis as the last one, that most online visitors did not convert on the site due to the price FUD and that adding assurances on the cart page would ease the shoppers’ concerns. When we tested the new version with the assurance center against the old version, the results pointed out to an entirely different outcome. The new assurance center caused the website conversion rate to drop by 4%. So, while the assurance helped one client, it produced a negative impact with another. Can we say with absolute certainty that adding an assurance center for this client would always produce negative results? No. Several elements could have influenced this particular design and caused the drop in conversion rates. The assurance center design, copy or location could have been the real reason for the drop in conversions. Analyzing the validation of a hypothesis through test data and creating a follow-up hypothesis is at the heart of conversion optimization. In this case, we needed to test many different elements around the assurance center before we could decide its impact on conversions. Tests that produce increases in conversion rates are excellent in validating initial assumptions and hypothesis. We do not mind tests that result in reducing conversion rates, because we can learn something about our hypothesis from these tests. We do worry about tests that do not produce any increases or decreases in conversion rates. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 45www.invesp.com
  • 46. Create variation based on test hypothesis Once you have the hypotheses, the next step is to start creating new page designs that will validate it. You must be careful when you are creating new designs. Do not go overboard with creating variations. Testing software allows you to create millions of variations for a single page. You must keep in mind that validating each new variation requires a certain number of conversions. For high converting websites, we like to limit page variations to less than 30. For smaller websites, we like to limit page variations to less than five new variations or designs. Let your visitors be the judge: test the new designs How do you judge the quality of the new designs you introduced to test your hypotheses? You let your visitors be the judge through AB or multivariate testing. Remember the following procedures when conducting your tests: • Select the right technology platform to speed up the process of implementing the test. Technology should help you implement the test faster and should NOT slow you down; • Do not run your test for less than five days. Several factors could affect your test results, so allow the testing software to collect data long enough before concluding the test; • Do not run your test for longer than four weeks. Several external factors could pollute your test results, so try to limit the impact of these factors by limiting the test length. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 46www.invesp.com
  • 47. WHAT ELEMENTS SHOULD YOU TEST ON A PAGE? As you start the process of testing, one of the important questions you will face is: What elements to change and test on a page? This article will suggest many elements that you can consider when creating a test. However, before you jump into selecting elements and creating variations for them, ask yourself: Why are you selecting a particular element? Why are you testing the headline as opposed to the hero image? Why not test the benefits list or the call to action on the page? The process of selecting elements to test on a page is where real conversion optimization happens. If you are looking for a long-term strategy, something that will produce a meaningful impact on your bottom line, then we suggest you invest the time in learning more about the conversion framework. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 47www.invesp.com
  • 48. Any decent marketing specialist should be able to suggest many different elements to test on a particular webpage. The real challenge, though, lies in creating a long-term strategy; creating a testing program that quadruples your online sales; creating a conversion optimization program that spans three, four or five years. We understand that you might be looking for shortcuts. You might be looking for ways to capture the low-hanging fruits first. This guide can help you. However, you must remember that conversion optimization is not a light switch you turn on and off. It is a long-term commitment. 1. How do you select what page you would test? One of the first tasks you should think about is how to select a particular page for testing. With any website, you can test anywhere from five to ten different pages. To select your pages, start looking at your data. Make sure that you have done the following: • Analyze your marketing data and create buyer personas for your visitors. • Conduct usability studies to identify areas where visitors struggle with the website. • Conduct a competitive analysis of your website against your competitors. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 48www.invesp.com
  • 49. • Conduct an analytics assessment to determine areas of the website that are leaking visitors. • Create a conversion roadmap to outline the different pages and marketing messages you should test. A conversion roadmap will look something like this: 2. What elements should you test on a page? As you determine your conversion roadmap, your next step is to tackle each page on the roadmap. The conversion roadmap helps you identify the page you will be testing and the focus of the test. In our example above, the focus on the first test is the value proposition. Many elements on a page convey and strengthen the value proposition. For example, the headline, the benefits list, the image, etc. Selecting which element amongst these to test will be left to your judgment. The advantage is that the process of selecting the element and creating its variations is now driven by a focus on the value proposition. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 49www.invesp.com 1 Test # Homepage Value proposition 3 Product page Incentives 4 Cart Page FUDs Page Area of focus 2 FUDs / Value proposition Cart Page
  • 50. 3. Create a hypothesis As you select the element you need to test and its variations, you should create a hypothesis about the test. What is a testing hypothesis? It is a predictive statement about a possible change on the page and its impact on your conversion rate. Going back to our example of the homepage and the value proposition, let’s say you selected the headline as the element you will test. Your hypothesis could look like this: Adding a strong headline that emphasise the company value proposition will increase conversions. Every meaningful test starts with a good hypothesis. 4. Elements you can test on a page 1. The headline First impressions last. Still, on your e-commerce or lead generation landing pages, they can last less than a second. The headline is one of the first elements visitors will notice on your landing page. It is your opportunity to express your value proposition and appeal to the different visitor personas. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 50www.invesp.com
  • 51. • The Trigger & Benefit – A “trigger” in your headline gives readers a reason to continue reading your landing page. Simple trigger words include “Learn,” “Get,” “Save,” or just about anything else that lets them know they are going to get something. The “benefit” outlines exactly what they will get. For example: Save on Fashions (trigger) and Look Fabulous Too (benefit). • Power Words – Try powerful, compelling words. Something like this: Write Killer Headlines Headlines that Boost Your Sales A Fast, Powerful Way to Get Brilliant Results • Keywords – Keywords are the internet’s great gift to marketers. They let you know the language of your customer. There is no denying the value of keywords in your headline – not just in attracting customers, but in helping your SEO too. Try different words in assorted combinations of the other options in this list. • Length – Do any research, and you will find excellent, contrasting advice supporting short, long and just about every length of headline. It should be as long as it needs to be – and no more. Short headlines tend to be punchier and may help your landing page stand out better on a SERP. Longer headlines can help you better qualify the visitors to your page. Shorter headlines can get you more traffic while longer ones can get you traffic that is more likely to convert. Sub-headlines – Make sure you try combining headlines with sub-headlines to help get more information across and improve the chances that your visitors will stay. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 51www.invesp.com
  • 52. • Questions, Commands & Other Headline Techniques – Here are some samples to illustrate these options: Want to Have More Effective Headlines? (When you pose a question that your readers want to see answered, they are compelled to read on.) Start Writing Better Headlines Today (Your readers sometimes need to be told what to do.) 5 Tips for Writing Irresistible Headlines (Tell your readers exactly what they will get from your landing page.) How to Write Headlines That Hook Your Readers (Another trigger – benefit formula: “How to _____ (trigger) that will ______ (benefit).) Just Released: The 5 Most Effective Ways to Write Better Headlines (This headline makes your landing page sound newsworthy like it’s an event.) 2. Placement of business logo Most companies do not pay close attention to where they place their logo. Over 80% of major e-commerce websites set their logo in the upper left-hand corner of the website. However, in some instances, the location of the logo impacts the overall conversion rate. With point and click editors, this is a quick test that you can implement. While different placements might impact your conversion rate, the average uplift is less than 4%. So, consider testing three different locations for the logo: upper left corner, upper middle section and upper right section of the pages. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 52www.invesp.com
  • 53. 3. The hero image The right image can persuade your visitor to convert. While few people will disagree on the importance of images in supporting the online sales process, figuring out the right image to use can be challenging. Invesp testing reveals that the right image can increase conversions by upwards of 10%. As you select images for your landing page, consider the following: • Value proposition: your image should convey and support the value proposition of your business, your service or your product. Your visitors should easily connect your VP with the image you are using. • Continuity: Make sure that there is continuity in the images (color, placement, etc) from the first touch point a person has with your business on the landing page to other areas of your website. • Quality: There is no good excuse for using low-quality images. Remember that your images say a lot about your business. Low-quality images leave the visitor with a negative connotation of your business. • Uniqueness: When companies moved online 20 years ago, it was enough to get a high-quality stock photo and use it on the website. Visitors expect more nowadays. If you have the budget, hiring a professional photographer and designer to create unique images for your website is a huge plus. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 53www.invesp.com
  • 54. What should you test with images? You can test several items with images, including: 1. Should you use symbolic or literal images? 2. Should you use image of people or objects? 3. If people are included in the image, then how many? 4. If people are included in the image, where are they looking? 5. If people are included in the image, what is the state of mind (happy, serious, sad, etc)? 6. What is the mix of people appearing in an image? 7. In what location should you place the image? 8. Image size 9. Image color 4. Benefits and Features The first level of attracting customers is features, which are the facts about a given product or service. Features of an outdoor grill might include: • Electric • Grease tray • Non-stick cooking surface • Temperature control • 300 square inches of cooking space • Attached working surface The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 54www.invesp.com
  • 55. Features do not sell a product by themselves. They do not give the “what is in this for me?” answers, although they do give useful information. Benefits start you on the road to getting a conversion. The benefits of the above outdoor grill include: • Convenience (feature) o Electric o Non-stick cooking surface o Attached working surface • Easy to Use (feature) o Electric o Non-stick cooking surface o Temperature control o Attached working surface • Saves Money (feature) o Electric o Temperature control The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 55www.invesp.com
  • 56. Let’s take another example, this time we will use the features of Basecamp using their own copy. We are not listing all of the product features here: • Pings: Personal backchannels • Unlimited for everyone • Work Can Wait • Campfires: Gather ‘round and talk • To-dos: Assign multiple people + date ranges • All New Search • Applause • Reports Notice how each of the above items lists a product feature in Basecamp. How do you translate that into actual benefits for the end user? Basecamp explains the benefit to the end user for each of the above features with a paragraph. • Pings: Personal backchannels (feature) Pings are like instant messages or direct messages. Want to get someone’s take on something before sharing it with everyone else? Just ping them! • Unlimited for everyone (feature) For the past 12 years, Basecamp has limited the number of projects you could create based on which plan you were on. Maybe you had the 10 project plan or the 40 project plan. The only way to get unlimited was to reach deep in your pockets and upgrade to the highest plan. No longer! Now every plan - even the entry-level plan, is unlimited! The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 56www.invesp.com
  • 57. What should you test with benefits and features? 1. Should your main copy rely on benefits or features or both? 2. How do you list benefits or features (paragraph or bullet points)? 3. The order of the benefits list 4. The order of the features list 5. Should you use images to support benefits list? 6. Should you use images to support features list? 7. What language should you use to express/convey features and features (direct, hip, classic, etc)? 5. Results We discussed using benefits and features to persuade your visitors to convert, above. Results are even better. Results state the value customers get from using your product or service. Going back to our grill example: what results do your customers want from your barbecue? They want a grill that offers: • Tasty, Healthy Food Every time o Temperature control o Grease tray • Perfect for Easy Entertaining o 300 square inches of cooking space o Attached working area o Easy to clean • A Double Bonus: Environmentally Friendly While Saving You Money! o Electric versus charcoal emissions o Do not have to buy charcoal for the life of the grill The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 57www.invesp.com
  • 58. How can you determine the results that your customers want? By knowing your customers and the reasons they buy your products. In addition, you need to know why other people prefer your competitors’ products. Then, go back to the question “what is in it for me?” Tell your potential customers the exact results of your product or service. Don’t be shy. This is a case where tooting your own horn is the right thing to do. What should you test with results? • Style of listing results (paragraphs or bullet points) • Placement of results • Order of the results (which result resonates first with customer and which is more important) • Language used for expressing results 6. Web copy A lot has been written about the impact of web copy on persuading visitors to convert. Your copy as much as your design play an important role in conveying a concept to your website visitors. While many companies invest a lot in creating nicely designed websites, they pay little attention to copy. However, over the years, we have seen the impact of well-written persuasive copy on convincing a visitor to convert. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 58www.invesp.com
  • 59. If you are looking to start testing, then we can only assume that you created personas for your website. Persuasive web copy must appeal to each of your personas with the different traits within the same web page. Let us assume the following two personas are amongst the ones you created for your website: • Joe a 36-year-old college graduates who is an impulsive buyer always looking out for deals • Shelley, a 44-year-old stay-at-home mom who is cautious about spending her money How do you create copy that appeals to both of them? Joe is looking for a quick synopsis of what your product has to offer. He doesn't need nor like to read lengthy copy. He wants to get on your website, check out your product, place an order and leave the website within five minutes. Shelley, on the other hand, will spend hours reading every little word in your copy. She wants to know the product will truly help her and she will get her money’s worth. She would like to see product comparison charts, product specs, concerns others had with the product and any warranty information that you can offer. Creating persuasive copy that appeals to both personas is challenging. It is also what makes the difference between a great copywriter and an average one. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 59www.invesp.com
  • 60. Persuasive copy helps potential customers understand their current state and encourages them to envision how your product and service will transform their state for better, gently guiding them through the conversion process. Remember that, in most cases, your biggest competitors are not other vendors who offer the same solution or products, but rather the current tools your visitors are using or needing. Bryan Eisenberg, the leading conversion expert, reminds us of a critical element for successful copy: People rationalize buying decisions based on facts, but they make buying decisions based on feelings Persuasive copy appeals first to the visitors’ emotions. It creates a powerful imagery in the mind of the visitor about their state of being when they start using your product or service. In his book, Persuasive Online Copywriting, Joseph Sugarman proposed the following structure: • Open strongly by eliciting interest and excitement. • Develop the drama; explain why the product or service is different. • Explain how to use the product or service. • Elaborate on the unique benefits. • Justify the purchase; identify the lasting value. • Address service concerns. • Ask for order. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 60www.invesp.com
  • 61. What should you test with your copy? 1. Focusing on money vs. time (or both) 2. Focusing on intellect vs. emotions (or both) 3. Focusing on pain vs. gains (or both) 4. Focusing on style vs. substance (or both) 5. Style of writing (modern, classic, etc) 7. Long copy vs. Short copy We all have seen both long and short copy webpages. The debate online continues on which is better. There will be no right answer ever because it ultimately depends on your product, target market and the role of each page of your site. There isn’t a “one size fits all” rule about anything within the realm of conversion optimization, and that definitely applies to long copy as well. The most important is deciding, based on your target market and product, when to use long and when to use short copy. A good rule of thumb is that the more investment your product or service requires from customers, the longer the copy needs to be. You must also remember that when creating long copy, it must be persuasive. What should you test? • Long vs. short copy format • Different lengths of copy The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 61www.invesp.com
  • 62. 8. Video vs. Images We discussed above the importance of images on increasing conversions, but, in many cases, well-produced videos outperform images in increasing conversions. The video vs. images performance, of course, varies from one industry to the next. Blumenthals conducted a study focused on the impact for lawyers searches of having author pictures appear in results vs. author videos. They concluded: Authorship snippets have a greater positive impact on CTR’s for specialty lawyer searches than video snippets. Video snippets have a greater positive impact on CTR’s for specialty lawyer searches than having no media snippet, but less of a positive impact than authorship snippets. Invesp’s research indicates that video has the greatest impact on e-commerce stores when retailers included videos of their staff using and demonstrating products. The conversion uplift from such videos averaged 17%. What should you test? 1. The user of product videos vs. images 2. The type of videos used 3. Length of video The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 62www.invesp.com
  • 63. 9. Call to action (CTA) buttons Calls to actions ask visitors to take an immediate action. Supported by persuasive copy, visitors respond to your offer by clicking on the call to action, which might be either buttons or lines of text. Of course, the action you are asking visitors to take should be the primary conversion goal on the page. As you create CTAs for your page, keep in mind the following guidelines: • Including a no-obligation statement increases the chances of visitors clicking on your CTA. • Simple, straightforward CTA text beats smart/complicated CTA. • Tell visitors what to expect after they click on your CTA. • Ask visitors to take the action immediately. What should you test with call to action buttons? 1. Button vs. text call to action 2. Text used in the CTA 3. Color of the CTA 4. Size of the CTA 5. Design of the CTA 6. Placement of CTA The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 63www.invesp.com
  • 64. 10. Eye path People view or scan pages in a “Z pattern.” There are two important areas on a web page above the fold (highlighted in red in the image below): • The upper left corner on the page • The lower right corner on the page Alternatively, when reading pages, people use an “F pattern.” Usability expert, Jacob Nielsen, published a study showing the “F pattern”: The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 64www.invesp.com image credit: nngroup
  • 65. How does that impact you? • Use the top section of the page for your value proposition using a strong headline. Use the left side of the page for navigation. • Use bottom portion of the F pattern for the CTA. What should you test with eye path? 1. Appearance of different page elements 2. Vertical vs. horizontal layout of the page 3. Placement of the CTA on the page The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 65www.invesp.com
  • 66. 11. Value proposition A value proposition is often misunderstood to be a single stated statement on a website, such as the tagline. However, successful companies are able to convey their value proposition in the copy, the elements, the overall design of their landing page and campaign, and even the tagline. Make sure not to confuse your value proposition with incentives. What should you test value proposition? 1. Test different statements that express the value proposition. 2. Test location/placement of the value proposition statement on a web page. 3. Test different elements on the page in terms of conveying the value proposition. 12. Trust elements We covered trust in a chapter of our book, Conversion Optimization: The Art and Science of Converting Prospects to Customers. What symbols, designs, copy do you have to support trust? You should start by: • Listing all elements that you have that increase the trust of the visitors in your business. • Ordering the elements in terms of value to the visitor. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 66www.invesp.com
  • 67. Notice how we use three different areas on our “contact us” page to increase visitor trust: Since our goal is to give visitors the confidence that we are a trustworthy business that delivers results, we use the name of the companies and partners we have worked with, as well as the number of successful A/B tests we have conducted. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 67www.invesp.com
  • 68. Notice the main image on the IRCE conference page: • The image increases visitor trust by showing a large number of attendees. • The text below the image focuses on the number of speakers and sessions (trust indicator and an offer feature). What should you test with trust elements? 1. Test different statements and elements that increase visitor trust 2. Test location and placement of trust elements 3. Test copy vs. images of trust elements The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 68www.invesp.com
  • 69. 13. Live chat While many website visitors prefer to conduct business online in complete anonymity, having live chat available for contact is a better option than forcing them to call your business. Several A/B tests reveal that adding live chat on some websites increases conversions by close to 12%. The guys from Monetate posted the following results of one of their clients: “In the end, live chat was a winner. Version B, which included the chat widget, increased Average Order Value by 3 percent, earning our client over $20,000 during the duration of the test, and over $130,000 in projected annual revenue. Not bad for a little live chat widget.” Remember that only a small percentage of your visitors will use the live chat feature (typically less than 3%). However, visitors who use the live chat are more likely to convert if you can answer their questions in a satisfactory manner. These visitors show a high level of motivation by clicking on the live chat and putting the effort to talk to your team. To ensure live chat’s success: • Certify it is staffed with the right person who is able to answer visitor questions in a proper manner. Keep in mind the challenge of international visitors who do not have full command of English. • If you have enough resources, we recommend starting with live chat for 24 hours/day, 7 days a week. After collecting enough data, you can reduce live chat hours to specific times when there is high volume. • Limitthefieldsyouaskfromthepersonbeforestartingthelivechatfeature. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 69www.invesp.com
  • 70. What should you test with live chat? • The use of live chat vs. not using live chat • The design of the live chat widget • How fast does the live chat widget appear? • The location of the live chat widget • The text that appears on top of the live chat widget • Time availability of the live chat widget • The fields you require from visitors before starting the live chat 14. Form fields Reducing the number of form fields increases conversions. However, your staff would be better equipped with more information from the visitors. We recommend starting with the list of fields that you must have from every contact. These will probably include a name and the best way to contact them. Additional information could easily be included on a second step form which the visitor can fill after submitting the initial form. What should you test with your forms? • Location of the form • Design of the form • Form headline • Form sub-headline • Number of fields in the form • The design of the form CTA • Privacy statement The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 70www.invesp.com
  • 71. 15. Testimonials Testimonials are powerful in persuading visitors that you are a credible business. The more testimonials you have, the better your conversion will be. On the other hand, anonymous testimonials or testimonials with a first name only don’t increase visitor trust in your business. Testimonials should tell the visitor that you are a credible business and that doing business with you was an awesome experience to the point that a previous customer is willing to put his name publicly to thank you. If you have video testimonials, that will be even better. Notice how we use a testimonial from one of our long-time customers to increase conversions. Not only are we publishing what the client says, but also adding the use of his business logo, 3M, to increase the buyer confidence and trust: The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 71www.invesp.com
  • 72. Notice how Salesforce uses testimonials to persuade visitors to sign up for its product: Salesforce uses five different elements in designing a great testimonial: 1. Written testimonial from the customer 2. Title of the person who gave the testimonial 3. Video testimonial from the customer 4. Ability to view other testimonials from other customers 5. Emphasis on the company of the customer who gave the testimonial What should you test with testimonials? 1. Written testimonials vs. video testimonials 2. Location of the testimonials 3. Design of the testimonials 4. Frequency of testimonials 5. One page testimonials vs. incorporating them into copy The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 72www.invesp.com
  • 73. 16. Privacy and security We all come to expect a certain level of privacy and security as we navigate different websites and as we provide our information to them. However, emphasizing that you “value your customer privacy” and that you “will not share or sell their contact information” helps you increase visitor trust. The right place to do that is in close proximity to where you are asking the visitor for information (contact information, credit card, etc). In addition, in some instances, emphasizing the protection of customer data is critical, especially when there is news about data theft. Notice how Salesforce understands the importance of privacy, but improperly places the privacy statement and security icons outside the contact form: The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 73www.invesp.com
  • 74. As bad as the Salesforce contact form might be, it is still light years better than the SAP contact form that leaves the visitor confused. It is almost as if SAP does not want you to contact them and you are left with the feeling that no one will respond to your contact request: Notice how Macy’s places security icons in the payment section of the checkout. They simply are thrown there with little consideration for the visitor eye path: The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 74www.invesp.com
  • 75. What should you test with privacy and security? 1. Placement of the security icons 2. Placement of the privacy statement 3. Design of the security icons 4. Design of the privacy statement 17. Price-based Incentives Incentives are designed to encourage your visitors to take an action right away. As the name suggests, price-based incentives encourage visitors to take an action by offering a discount, freebie, or some sort of bundling. The challenge is figuring out how many sales you will gain by offering a discount. If offering a 10% discount increase conversions by 20%, then this is a no-brainer. However, if offering the 10% discount increases sales by 5%, then you are getting more sales transactions but less revenue. Finding the right balance or the sweet spot is what your testing will have to focus on. Notice how the category page from newegg.com uses price-based incentives to encourage visitors to act. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 75www.invesp.com
  • 76. Newegg’ approach, however, presents two main problems: • The design does not emphasize the lower pricing. • There is no copy that asks visitors for immediate action. The category page from Tigerdirect.com, a competitor of Newegg, does a better job: • The discounted pricing is clear with the use of the red color. • The copy of “save xxx instantly” emphasizes the price incentive. Could you think of ways to improve the copy of TigerDirect? What should you test with price-based incentives? • The amount of discount you should offer • The design of the discount • The copy used for the discount The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 76www.invesp.com
  • 77. 18. Urgency-based incentives Urgency-based incentives rely on time limitations to encourage or incentivize visitors’ action right away. In this case, you set a deadline and you offer an incentive to visitors to act before the deadline. PubCon is a must-attend conference for online marketing professionals. Just like other conferences, there is an early bird discount for early registration. Unfortunately, the registration page does not emphasize the discount and the time limitation: The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 77www.invesp.com
  • 78. Notice how Amazon uses urgency-based incentives to increase buyer conversion: What can you test with urgency based incentives? 1. Actual deadline date 2. Urgency design 3. Urgency incentive copy 4. Placement of urgency incentive on different pages The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 78www.invesp.com
  • 79. 19. Scarcity-based incentives Scarcity-based incentives rely on quantity limitations to incentive the visitor to act right away. Let’s take a couple of examples: • If the visitor knows that the website has only two items left in stock, then he is more likely to act. • If the visitor knows that a consulting firm can only one take one more client, then he is more likely to act. Quantity limitations could be created/managed, by ordering lower quantities from suppliers, or naturally occurring, by visitors buying so many items that the product runs out. In either case, emphasizing the scarcity of an offer through copy and design can have a positive impact on conversions. What should you test with scarcity based incentives? 1. The design of the scarcity incentive 2. The copy to express the scarcity incentive 3. The placement of the of the scarcity incentive The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 79www.invesp.com
  • 80. 20. Guarantees You can use business guarantees to assure visitors that doing business with you is safe and they will not regret it. The goal of using guarantees is to reduce the customers’ risk. Of course, every transaction in business has some risk in it, so by reducing the customer’ risk, you will have to carry that burden. A good guarantee requires both parties to invest in the transaction. The customer pays a certain amount (customer investment), and in return the business promises a 100% satisfaction guarantee. There are different types of guarantees: satisfaction guarantees, performance guarantees, money back guarantees, etc. Follow these steps to determine the best guarantee you can offer in your business: 1. Ask your current and potential customers to list the top five concerns or obstacles they have about doing business with you or with your competitors. 2. Assess what your competitors are offering in terms of guarantees. 3. Determine your ability to offer a guarantee that will reduce one of the risks customers struggle with. 4. Determine the business risk of offering the guarantee. 5. Test different guarantees to see what resonates better with customers. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 80www.invesp.com
  • 81. You can fill this table to help you assess your guarantee: A strong guarantee has the following four elements in it: • It is relevant to the customer’s highest risk • It considerably reduces the customer’s risk • It is specific • It has a long period The stronger each of these four elements is, the stronger the guarantee will be. Strong guarantees have a higher chance of converting customers. Which do you think is more powerful: • “30-days” vs. “60-days” vs. “one year guarantee” • “Satisfaction guaranteed” vs. “100% Satisfaction guarantee” • “100% Satisfaction guarantee” vs. “unconditional, no questions satisfaction guarantee for one year” The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 81www.invesp.com Xyz Abc Business risk Impact on potential customers Possible guarantee to deal with the risk Guarantees offered by competitors to deal with this risk Business risk in offering guarantee
  • 82. What should you test with guarantees? • Different types of guarantee • Design of the guarantee • Time used with the guarantee • Copy used to offer guarantee • Placement of guarantee 21. Subscription model: fermium vs. free trial Can you offer potential customers a free trial, a demo or evaluation version of your product? The goal is to have a low-barrier entry for customers. In the fermium model, you offer your product for free with no time limit. Additional features of the products will be available at a price. Free trial model, on the other hand, offers the customer a free version of the software for a limited period. Which model works for your business will depend on many factors, but you should definitely test this area. What should you test with subscription model? • Free trials vs. fermium model • Length of free trial (14 days, 30 days, 60 days, etc) The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 82www.invesp.com
  • 83. 9 MULTIVARIATE AND A/B TESTING BEST PRACTICES Conducting a multivariate test is exciting. By using the right tool, you can quickly develop different designs for your website, direct visitors to each design and watch the conversions for each variation. Done incorrectly, MVT testing can result in a waste of money, a misuse of man-hours, and, even worse, a decrease in your conversion rates. Here are nine best practices you must follow when conducting a multivariate test. Planning Stage 1. Set expectations correctly Wrong expectations translate into disappointment and lost investment. Many marketers start testing because they heard or watched a case study where a company achieved an incredible increase in conversion rates. They jump into conversion optimizations and testing looking for significant uplifts, but this excitement slowly disappears, as they are not able to achieve the results they were hoping. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 83www.invesp.com
  • 84. Setting reasonable goals to increase conversion rates will save you a lot of heartburn. Here are two approaches you can take to set your goals: 1. Approach 1: Think of a reasonable annual goal for your testing program. A testing program should be able to achieve 30% increase in conversions with conservative estimates. Is that 30% increase in conversions enough to cover all the costs related to conversion optimization? 1. Approach 2: calculate the total investment for the testing program. This total should include time for both marketing and development teams. It should also include testing software investment. What reasonable return on investment do you expect? Are you looking to make $3 or $5 for every dollar you invest? Let’s say your total investment in testing comes up to $80,000 and that you are expecting to get $3 for every dollar you investment. That means you will have to increase sales by $240,000 to justify your testing program. The final step is to calculate how much $240,000 is in terms of conversion rate increase. 2. Understand your technical limitations Most CRO programs fails because the project owners do not assign the proper technical resources to ensure quick and efficient implementation. After ten years of working with organizations across the globe and in many different industries, this continues to be the biggest reason we see projects fail. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 84www.invesp.com
  • 85. You must allocate the proper resources to be able to handle one to two tests per month. You will probably need to change other projects’ priorities to manage these tests, but that is the only way you will succeed. 3. Determine the correct page to test Some companies conduct testing in a random way. One month, they test the homepage, next month, the product pages, and, on the third, they look at category pages. However, successful programs require investing time initially to determine which pages of the website are leaking visitors, which pages need the most improvement and which pages should be left alone. Prioritizing the different pages of the website and coming up with a conversion roadmap is a must. Good conversion roadmaps typically cover six months spanning anywhere from eight to fifteen different tests. Execution Phase 4. Determine the sample size The fact that your website gets 100,000 visitors does not mean that all of these visitors will go through a particular test. You must look closely at your analytics to determine the total number of unique visitors that will go through a page or class of pages (product pages or category pages) over an elected period. 5. Start with a hypothesis A hypothesis takes your test from a gambling exercise into a meaningful marketing study. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 85www.invesp.com
  • 86. After spotting a possible problem on the page or visitor flow, a hypothesis creates a predictive statement on how removing or minimizing that problem would increase conversion rates. A sample hypothesis from a test we conducted recently on a subscription page for a content website was: “Presenting visitors with fewer obstacles, less noise, and a cleaner design will lead to a higher CR across all subscription packages.” A good hypothesis will make you think more about your online visitors: what they are struggling with on a particular page, where they should go next, and how to address any of their fears, uncertainties and doubts. The image above shows the original design of a shopping cart for a website that nursing uniforms. When our team examined the analytics data for the client, we noticed the high checkout abandonment rates. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 86www.invesp.com
  • 87. Abandonment rates for un-optimized checkout usually range from 45% to 60%. This client reported checkout abandonment rates close to 82%. Nothing in the checkout page explained this alarming rate. Our team, then, conducted a usability test. Nurses were invited to place an order with the site while the optimization team observed and conducted exit interviews to gather information from participants. The nurses revealed that the visitors’ biggest problem was the fear of paying too much for a product. As nurses are price conscious, they are aware they can buy the same item from other competing website or brick and mortar stores. So, price played a big role in deciding where to purchase a uniform. Our client was previously aware of the price sensitivity issue. The client’s website already offered money-back guarantees and 100% price match. The problem is that these assurances were only displayed on the main homepage of the site while most of the visitors landed on category and product pages. Visitors did not know about these assurances. The hypothesis for this particular test: online visitors are sensitive to price, adding assurances can counter the FUDs the visitors have due to price concerns. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 87www.invesp.com
  • 88. The team added an “assurance center” on the left-hand navigation of the cart page reminding visitors of the 100% price match and the money back guarantee. The new version of the page resulted in a 30% reduction in shopping cart abandonment. A hypothesis that works for one website may not succeed or, even worse, deliver negative results, for another site. After the results of the previous client’s test had been published in the Internet Retailer online magazine, another client approached us to test an assurance center on their site. This client was also looking for a way to reduce the cart abandonment rate. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 88www.invesp.com
  • 89. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 89www.invesp.com The above image shows the original design of the shopping cart. This image shows the new design of the cart page with the assurance center added to the left navigation.
  • 90. This test had the same hypothesis as the last one, that most online visitors did not convert on the site due to the price FUD and that adding assurances on the cart page would ease the shoppers’ concerns. When we tested the new version with the assurance center against the old version, the results pointed out to an entirely different outcome. The new assurance center caused the website conversion rate to drop by 4%. So, while the assurance helped one client, it produced a negative impact with another. Can we say with absolute certainty that adding an assurance center for this client would always produce negative results? No. Several elements could have influenced this particular design and caused the drop in conversion rates. The assurance center design, copy or location could have been the real reason for the drop in conversions. Analyzing the validation of a hypothesis through test data and creating a follow-up hypothesis is at the heart of conversion optimization. In this case, we needed to test many different elements around the assurance center before we could decide its impact on conversions. Tests that produce increases in conversion rates are excellent in validating initial assumptions and hypothesis. We do not mind tests that result in reducing conversion rates because we can learn something about our hypothesis from these tests. We do worry about tests that do not produce any increases or decreases in conversion rates. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 90www.invesp.com
  • 91. 6. Create design variations based on test hypothesis Once you have the hypotheses, the next step is to start creating new page designs that will validate it. You must be careful when you are creating new designs. Do not go overboard with creating variations. Testing software allows you to create millions of variations for a single page. You must keep in mind that validating each new variation requires a certain number of conversions. For high converting websites, we like to limit page variations to less than 30. For smaller websites, we like to limit page variations to less than five new variations or designs. 7. Limit the number of variations Some companies avoid the process of analysis by testing millions of designs against the original. Multivariate testing software available out there allows them to do so. This approach of throwing things at the wall rarely works. If it works in one test, it fails in the end. You should avoid letting software do the thinking for you. What you are looking for are sustainable and repeatable results. The more variations you introduce in a test, the less you can link the impact of these variations on each other. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 91www.invesp.com
  • 92. Post-Test Analysis 8. Re-test winning against control A good practice after a test concludes is to run your original page against the winning design and in head-to-head (one on one) test. This will help you ensure and solidify your conclusion of the winning page and confirm that testing data is not polluted by any external factors. 9. Look for lessons learned The real power of conversion optimization happens when you discover marketing insights from your to apply across verticals and channels. Always be on the lookout for actionable marketing insights from your test. These are an excellent way to move forward with your next test. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 92www.invesp.com
  • 93. 14 MULTIVARIATE AND A/B TESTING MISTAKES YOU SHOULD AVOID You are ready to start testing and believe that you will increase your website conversion rate. We feel you will succeed in your conversion rate optimization, too. Just remember to avoid these 14 mistakes we have seen companies make over the last ten years and you are set to go. 1. Testing the wrong page Not every page you select will have the same impact on your bottom line. Let’s say you start with the home page of your website. You run a split test with the goal of finding a new design that increases macro conversions. The test succeeds, and the testing software reports an increase of 50% in conversions at a 99% confidence. You look at your revenue, and you only see that it increased by 5%. Your first instinct is to doubt the testing software or the whole testing idea. You are wrong. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 93www.invesp.com
  • 94. Your testing software is fine, and your split testing was successful. What you need to understand is that when testing a page, you are only optimizing the portion of the website traffic that goes through that page. If only 10% of your website visitors go through the homepage, then you only optimized 10% of your website visitor experiences. You only increased conversions for 10% of the website visitors; the remaining 90% will convert at the same rate prior to the test. That is the reason you will not see the 50% increase in revenue you were hoping. That is also the reason choosing which page to test will have a direct impact on your bottom line. When selecting a page to test, consider the following: • The percentage of visitors who go through the page compared to the overall website visitors. The higher the percentage, the better suited the page is for testing; • Testing pages down the conversion funnel will have a higher impact on your bottom line; • Evaluate the different page metrics (bounce rate, exit rates, visitor flow rate) to determine the page potential; • Analyze the page using the conversion framework to determine possible conversion problems on the page. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 94www.invesp.com
  • 95. 2. Running a test for a long period In a chase to achieve high confidence level, some marketers run a test for months. We have seen companies run a test for six months. The problem with any test you run is that many external factors could affect the validity of the results. You have no control over these factors. If one of your competitors runs a 50% discount on the same items you have in stock, you can reasonably expect that your conversion rate will drop, and you have little do about it. If you are running a test during the same period, then your results will be impacted, whether you like it or not. We recommend limiting the time frame of running a test in an attempt to restrict the impact of external factors. For how long should you run a test? We typically recommend running a test for less than 30 days. We might allow for 45 days in limited instances. Our goal is not to chase a confidence level (we will discuss this later in the article). 3. Running a test for a short period Conventional wisdom says that you should determine your split test length by your business cycles. In this context, a business cycle is the number of days it takes a visitor to convert. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 95www.invesp.com
  • 96. Many conversion rate experts recommend running tests for two business cycles. If a typical visitor converts in seven days, then you should run the test for fourteen days. The challenge is that many websites have a lengthy business cycle that might expand for more than 30 days. By following the same rule, you would run the test for 60 days. We do not like that. As a general guideline, we like to run tests a minimum of seven days and no longer than 30 (or 45) days. 4. Low sample size (visitors/conversions) Many statistical models demonstrate that smaller sample sizes increase the chance of accepting an incorrect winner, even if that test result reported higher confidence rate. For each variation running through the test, you should always choose a large sample size to detect real differences. Allow each variation to record a minimum of 5,000 visitors and 100 conversions. We usually use these numbers, but you can adjust them to your case (200 conversions per variation, for example). The essential step is to define the success criteria before you start the test The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 96www.invesp.com
  • 97. 5. Allowing testing software to end the test Some testing software requires a challenger to record just 30 conversions with a 90% confidence before declaring a winner for a split test. That is too little conversions and too short time period. You do not want just to call a winner. You want to make sure that your challenger can consistently beat the original design. So, adjust the winning criteria in your testing software to ensure it meets the standards you set at the beginning of the test. 6. Getting stuck on confidence levels We all fall in this, one way or another. We want to run a test that produces a minimum of 95% confidence level. If you ask most people, they will explain that, with a 95% confidence level, only 1 out of 20 will select the wrong winner if you repeat the same test. The remaining 19 will select the same test winner. This is, of course, an oversimplification. Statisticians have been debating confidence level for over 90 years. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 97www.invesp.com
  • 98. Confidence level does help in persuading people to test, but you need to understand how it works and affects your data. Regina Nuzzo reports: “According to one widely used calculation, a P value of 0.01 corresponds to a false-alarm probability of at least 11%, depending on the underlying probability that there is a true effect; a P value of 0.05 raises that chance to at least 29%. So Motyl’s finding had a greater than one in ten chance of being a false alarm. Likewise, the probability of replicating his original result was not 99%, as most would assume, but something closer to 73% — or only 50%, if he wanted another ‘very significant’ result. In other words, his inability to replicate the result was about as surprising as if he had called heads on a coin toss and it had come up tails.” Some people use the same argument to defend the need for higher confidence levels. In calculating financial risks, the banking sector is sometimes required to see a 99% confidence level. The FDA also requires a 99% confidence level in some cases of drug testing. Our goal is not to confuse you. Our goal is for you to understand what confidence level means. We recommend you think of the confidence level (p-value) as the probability of having a result as opposed to the potential frequency of that result. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 98www.invesp.com
  • 99. So, what confidence level should you choose? We recommend a 95% confidence level, but if an experiment runs for multiple business cycles and it repeatedly shows higher than 85% confidence level, then you should definitely consider it. 7. Creating too many variations Most A/B testing software allows you to create an unlimited number of variations. It is up to you to determine the number of challengers you want to run against the original design. Some companies create too many variations and challengers. If you are running a multivariate test, then the number of variations can easily grow to hundreds if not thousands. The approach of hosting numerous variations carries two main problems: 1. The more variations you introduce in a test, the longer the test will take to conclude. Recall that we set a time limit on running a test; 2. The more variations you introduce in a test, the more difficult it will be to assess why a particular design won or lost against the original. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 99www.invesp.com
  • 100. 8. Focusing on element level testing You can create several types of test. Amongst these: • Element level testing (testing different headlines, colors, CTAs); • Page level testing (page layout). Element level testing focuses on a single element on the page and introduces different variations of that element. Too many people think that changing the color on a call to action button from red to green might produce a significant uplift in their conversions. In 99% of the cases, it does not. The remaining 1% of these cases are outliers. Do not expect miracles from element level testing. 9. Not segmenting your data Segmenting data is important in understanding your visitors’ behavior on the website. You should perform data segmentation before conducting any test and after getting the test results. At a minimum, you should segment data by: • Visitor type (new vs. repeat); • Traffic source and medium. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 100www.invesp.com
  • 101. Take the following example of the conversion rate for product pages on an e-commerce website: It is obvious that traffic coming through email has an excellent conversion rate. Compare that to paid traffic from Facebook and Google. Both types are expensive and cost more than email, yet they have lower conversion rates. That means focusing the analysis on these sources will drive how you optimize your page. 10. Testing without a hypothesis A test without a hypothesis is just a fun exercise that does not have a long-term impact on the website conversion rate. Coming up with a hypothesis for the test and the data insights from testing is where real conversion optimization happens, but this requires a culture shift for most people, especially those who are experiencing testing for the first time. The testing software allows you to make whatever changes you want, so why not, right? Keep in mind that determining why a winning design beats an original is critical to creating future tests. The Essentials of AB and Multivariate Testing 101www.invesp.com Google Paid Source / Medium 7% Google organic 14% Facebook paid 4% Email 32% Conversion rate