Carlos Ballesteros | Injustice Watch

Injustice Watch

Carlos Ballesteros is a reporter at Injustice Watch. He previously worked as a reporter at the Sun-Times.

Cory Ulmer’s family was told by the Cook County sheriff’s office that his death was the result of a medical emergency. But correctional officers struck him several times and threw him to the ground in the minutes before he died, according to a report obtained by Injustice Watch.
Terminally ill or medically incapacitated prisoners can apply for early release. But the Illinois Prisoner Review Board has denied twice as many requests as it OK’d — and seven prisoners died months after their applications were rejected, an Injustice Watch / WBEZ investigation found.
DCFS hasta ahora ha tardado más de cuatro años para establecer un proceso para revisar las solicitudes, lo que podría negarle a cientos de familias la oportunidad de obtener un estatus migratorio legal.
The Illinois child-welfare agency for years has refused to issue “U visa” certifications to survivors of child abuse despite a law mandating that it must decide whether they qualify within 90 business days after they apply.
The retired child psychologist Chief Cook County Judge Timothy Evans, named to head the committee that issued the report, criticizes Evans for not moving swiftly to make changes.