Dear Abby

Abigail Van Buren’s daily relationship advice column.

Disappointed man decides to will his home and possessions to charity instead of his alcoholic daughter or lazy grandsons.
The woman seems to have lingering anger from her parents’ divorce and her mom’s remarriage 25 years ago.
Couple who let a friend crash during a marital spat now feel she’s taking advantage of them.
If the ailing man precedes her in death, his wife would rather tell the truth than repeat his many tall tales.
The man, alcoholic and unemployed, calls to tell 4-year-old daughter he’s coming to see her but never does.
And that’s not the only problem at an office where the assistant will make less than the trainee, and the boss is overlooking her main responsibilities.
The local radio host had many phone chats with the adoring teenager and even spun records at her Sweet Sixteen party.
It’s a confusing new turn in a marriage where wife works hard to make the man feel cared for.
During a challenging time, she asked for space but he tried to brainstorm solutions instead.
The thought of meeting again in the hereafter had brought comfort, so hearing otherwise just worsens the grieving pet owner’s depression.
Reader would rather skip family swim parties than see granddaughters, ages 19 and 20, in thong swimsuits.
Divorced man seems to be into his single co-worker, who is not interested.
If Grandma won’t store the 4-year-old’s stuff at her place, the only alternative is to start donating and trashing.
Stepdaughter’s obsessive child seems to be getting the wrong lessons at home.
She’s not just a friend, she’s also a business associate, and she keeps spilling details about her involvement with a married man.
Couple considers leaving longtime hometown, and all the friends and neighbors there, to be more involved with their children and grandchildren.
Woman is surprised and thrilled to be expecting but worries the news will be painful to some of her confidants.
35 years into her marriage, woman loves her mate but has deeper feelings for his old friend.
Immediate family misses him now that he’s cut ties on the instructions of his mean, alcoholic spouse.