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School Name
School &
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I wish to express my deep sense of
gratitude and indebtedness to our learned teacher
[SCHOOL NAME] for his invaluable help, advice and
guidance in the preparation of this project.
I am also greatly indebted to our principal
[Name of principal] and school authorities for
providing me with the facilities and requisite
laboratory conditions for making this practical file.
I also extend my thanks to a number of
teachers ,my classmates and friends who helped me to
complete this practical file successfully.
[Name of Student]
CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 3
This is to certify that [Name of Student]
, student of Class XII, [NAME OF SCHOOL] has
completed the Term I - PRACTICAL FILE during the
academic year [SESSION] towards partial fulfillment
of credit for the Computer Science practical
evaluation of CBSE and submitted satisfactory report,
as compiled in the following pages, under my
Total number of practical certified are : 10.
Internal Examiner Head of the Department
Signature Signature
External Examiner Principal
Signature Seal and Signature
CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 4
No. Practical Date Signature
Write a menu-driven python program to implement stack
2 Write a program to implement a stack for the employee details
(empno, name).
3 Write a python program to check whether a string is a
palindrome or not using stack.
4 Queries Set 1 (Database Fetching records)
5 Queries Set 2 (Based on Functions)
6 Queries Set 3 (DDL Commands)
7 Queries set 4 (Based on Two Tables)
8 Queries Set 5 (Group by , Order By)
9 Write a MySQL connectivity program in Python to
• Create a database school
• Create a table students with the specifications -
ROLLNO integer, STNAME character(10) in MySQL
and perform the following operations:
o Insert two records in it
o Display the contents of the table
10 Perform all the operations with reference to table ‘students’
through MySQL-Python connectivity.
CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 5
Part A Data Structure
1. Write a menu-driven python program to implement stack operation.
def check_stack_isEmpty(stk):
if stk==[]:
return True
return False
# An empty list to store stack elements, initially empty
top = None # This is top pointer for push and pop
def main_menu():
while True:
print("Stack Implementation")
print("1 - Push")
print("2 - Pop")
print("3 - Peek")
print("4 - Display")
print("5 - Exit")
ch = int(input("Enter the your choice:"))
if ch==1:
el = int(input("Enter the value to push an
elif ch==2:
if e=="UnderFlow":
print("Stack is underflow!")
print("Element popped:",e)
elif ch==3:
if e=="UnderFlow":
print("Stack is underflow!")
print("The element on top is:",e)
elif ch==4:
CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 6
elif ch==5:
print("Sorry, You have entered invalid option")
def push(stk,e):
top = len(stk)-1
def display(stk):
if check_stack_isEmpty(stk):
print("Stack is Empty")
top = len(stk)-1
for i in range(top-1,-1,-1):
def pop_stack(stk):
if check_stack_isEmpty(stk):
return "UnderFlow"
e = stk.pop()
if len(stk)==0:
top = None
top = len(stk)-1
return e
def peek(stk):
if check_stack_isEmpty(stk):
return "UnderFlow"
top = len(stk)-1
return stk[top]
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2. Write a program to implement a stack for the employee details (empno, name).
def line():
def isEmpty():
global stk
if stk==[]:
print("Stack is empty!!!")
def push():
global stk
global top
empno=int(input("Enter the employee number to push:"))
ename=input("Enter the employee name to push:")
def display():
global stk
global top
if top==-1:
for i in range(top-1,-1,-1):
def pop_ele():
global stk
global top
if top==-1:
def main():
while True:
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print("1. Push")
print("2. Pop")
print("3. Display")
print("4. Exit")
ch=int(input("Enter your choice:"))
if ch==1:nm
print("Element Pushed")
elif ch==2:
elif ch==3:
elif ch==4:
print("Invalid Choice")
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3. Write a python program to check whether a string is a palindrome or not using
stack = []
top = -1
# push function
def push(ele):
global top
top += 1
stack[top] = ele
# pop function
def pop():
global top
ele = stack[top]
top -= 1
return ele
# Function that returns 1 if string is a palindrome
def isPalindrome(string):
global stack
length = len(string)
# Allocating the memory for the stack
stack = ['0'] * (length + 1)
# Finding the mid
mid = length // 2
i = 0
while i < mid:
CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 11
i += 1
# Checking if the length of the string is odd then
neglect the middle character
if length % 2 != 0:
i += 1
# While not the end of the string
while i < length:
ele = pop()
# If the characters differ then the given string
is not a palindrome
if ele != string[i]:
return False
i += 1
return True
string = input("Enter string to check:")
if isPalindrome(string):
print("Yes, the string is a palindrome")
print("No, the string is not a palindrome")
CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 12
Part B sql queries
1. Consider the following MOVIE table and write the SQL queries based on it.
Movie_ID MovieName Type ReleaseDate ProductionCost BusinessCost
M001 The Kashmir Files Action 2022/01/26 1245000 1300000
M002 Attack Action 2022/01/28 1120000 1250000
M003 Looop Lapeta Thriller 2022/02/01 250000 300000
M004 Badhai Do Drama 2022/02/04 720000 68000
M005 Shabaash Mithu Biography 2022/02/04 1000000 800000
M006 Gehraiyaan Romance 2022/02/11 150000 120000
a) Display all information from movie.
b) Display the type of movies.
c) Display movieid, moviename, total_eraning by showing the business done by the
movies. Claculate the business done by movie using the sum of productioncost and
d) Display movieid, moviename and productioncost for all movies with
productioncost greater thatn 150000 and less than 1000000.
e) Display the movie of type action and romance.
f) Display the list of movies which are going to release in February, 2022.
a)select * from movie;
CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 13
b) select distinct from a movie;
c) select movieid, moviename, productioncost + businesscost
"total earning" from movie;
d)select movie_id,moviename, productioncost from movie
where producst is >150000 and <1000000;
e) select moviename from movie where type ='action' or
CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 14
f) select moviename from moview where month(releasedate)=2;
2. Write following queries:
a) Write a query to display cube of 5.
b) Write a query to display the number 563.854741 rounding off to the next hnudred.
c) Write a query to display "put" from the word "Computer".
d) Write a query to display today's date into DD.MM.YYYY format.
e) Write a query to display 'DIA' from the word "MEDIA".
f) Write a query to display moviename - type from the table movie.
g) Write a query to display first four digits of productioncost.
h) Write a query to display last four digits of businesscost.
i) Write a query to display weekday of release dates.
j) Write a query to display dayname on which movies are going to be released.
a)select pow(5,3);
b)select round(563.854741,-2);
CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 15
c)select mid("Computer",4,3);
d)select concat(day(now()), concat('.',month(now()),
concat('.',year(now())))) "Date";
e)select right("Media",3);
f)select concat(moviename,concat(' - ',type)) from movie;
g)select left(productioncost,4) from movie;
CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 16
h)select right(businesscost,4) from movie;
i)select weekday(releasedate) from movie;
j)select dayname(releasedate) from movie;
3. Suppose your school management has decided to conduct cricket matches between
students of Class XI and Class XII. Students of each class are asked to join any one
of the four teams – Team Titan, Team Rockers, Team Magnet and Team
Hurricane. During summer vacations, various matches will be conducted between
these teams. Help your sports teacher to do the following:
a) Create a database “Sports”.
b) Create a table “TEAM” with following considerations:
a. It should have a column TeamID for storing an integer value between 1 to 9,
which refers to unique identification of a team.
b. Each TeamID should have its associated name (TeamName), which should be a
string of length not less than 10 characters.
c. Using table level constraint, make TeamID as the primary key.
CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 17
c) Show the structure of the table TEAM using a SQL statement.
d) As per the preferences of the students four teams were formed as given below. Insert
these four rows in TEAM table:
a. Row 1: (1, Tehlka)
b. Row 2: (2, Toofan)
c. Row 3: (3, Aandhi)
d. Row 3: (4, Shailab)
e) Show the contents of the table TEAM using a DML statement.
f) Now create another table MATCH_DETAILS and insert data as shown below. Choose
appropriate data types and constraints for each attribute.
MatchID MatchDate FirstTeamID SecondTeamID FirstTeamScore SecondTeamScore
M1 2021/12/20 1 2 107 93
M2 2021/12/21 3 4 156 158
M3 2021/12/22 1 3 86 81
M4 2021/12/23 2 4 65 67
M5 2021/12/24 1 4 52 88
M6 2021/12/25 2 3 97 68
a) create database sports;
b) Creating table with the given specification
create table team -> (teamid int(1), -> teamname
varchar(10), primary key(teamid));
c) desc team;
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• Inserting data:
mqsql> insert into team -> values(1,'Tehlka');
•Show the content of table - team:
select * from team;
• Creating another table:
create table match_details
-> (matchid varchar(2) primary key,
-> matchdate date,
-> firstteamid int(1) references team(teamid),
-> secondteamid int(1) references team(teamid),
-> firstteamscore int(3),
-> secondteamscore int(3));
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4. Write following queries:
a) Display the matchid, teamid, teamscore whoscored more than 70 in first ining
along with team name.
b) Display matchid, teamname and secondteamscore between 100 to 160.
c) Display matchid, teamnames along with matchdates.
d) Display unique team names
e) Display matchid and matchdate played by Anadhi and Shailab.
a)select match_details.matchid, match_details.firstteamid,
team.teamname,match_details.firstteamscore from
match_details, team where match_details.firstteamid =
team.teamid and match_details.first
CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 20
b)select match_details.matchid, match_details.firstteamid,
team.teamname,match_details.firstteamscore from
match_details, team where match_details.firstteamid =
team.teamid and match_details.firstteamscore>70;
c)select matchid, teamname, firstteamid, secondteamid,
matchdate from match_details, team where
match_details.firstteamid = team.teamid;
d)select distinct(teamname) from match_details, team where
match_details.firstteamid = team.teamid;
e)select matchid,matchdate from match_details, team where
match_details.firstteamid = team.teamid and
team.teamname in ('Aandhi','Shailab');
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5. Consider the following table and write the queries:
itemno item dcode qty unitprice stockdate
S005 Ballpen 102 100 10 2018/04/22
S003 Gel Pen 101 150 15 2018/03/18
S002 Pencil 102 125 5 2018/02/25
S006 Eraser 101 200 3 2018/01/12
S001 Sharpner 103 210 5 2018/06/11
S004 Compass 102 60 35 2018/05/10
S009 A4 Papers 102 160 5 2018/07/17
a) Display all the items in the ascending order of stockdate.
b) Display maximum price of items for each dealer individually as per dcode from stock.
c) Display all the items in descending orders of itemnames.
d) Display average price of items for each dealer individually as per doce from stock
which avergae price is more than 5.
e) Diisplay the sum of quantity for each dcode.
a) select * from stock order by stockdate;
CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 22
b) select dcode,max(unitprice) from stock group by code;
c) select * from stock order by item desc;
d)select dcode,avg(unitprice) from stock group by dcode
having avg(unitprice)>5;
e) select dcode,sum(qty) from stock group by dcode;
CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 23
Part C Python Database connectivity
1. Write a MySQL connectivity program in Python to
• Create a database school
• Create a table students with the specifications - ROLLNO integer, STNAME
character(10) in MySQL and perform the following operations:
o Insert two records in it
o Display the contents of the table
2. Perform all the operations with reference to table ‘students’ through MySQL-Python
1.Using pymysql - Code:
import pymysql as ms
#Function to create Database as per users choice
def c_database():
dn=input("Enter Database Name=")
c.execute("create database {}".format(dn))
c.execute("use {}".format(dn))
print("Database created successfully")
except Exception as a:
print("Database Error",a)
#Function to Drop Database as per users choice
def d_database():
dn=input("Enter Database Name to be dropped=")
c.execute("drop database {}".format(dn))
print("Database deleted sucessfully")
except Exception as a:
print("Database Drop Error",a)
#Function to create Table
def c_table():
c.execute('''create table students
rollno int(3),
stname varchar(20)
print("Table created successfully")
except Exception as a:
print("Create Table Error",a)
#Function to Insert Data
CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 24
def e_data():
while True:
rno=int(input("Enter student rollno="))
name=input("Enter student name=")
c.execute("use {}".format('school'))
c.execute("insert into students
choice=input("Do you want to add more record<y/n>=")
if choice in "Nn":
except Exception as a:
print("Insert Record Error",a)
#Function to Display Data
def d_data():
c.execute("select * from students")
for i in data:
except Exception as a:
print("Display Record Error",a)
while True:
print("MENUn1. Create Databasen2. Drop Database n3.
Create Tablen4. Insert Record n5. Display Entire Datan6.
choice=int(input("Enter your choice<1-6>="))
if choice==1:
elif choice==2:
elif choice==3:
elif choice==4:
elif choice==5:
elif choice==6:
CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 25
print("Wrong option selected")
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2.using mysqlconnector
import mysql.connector as ms
def insert_rec():
while True:
rn=int(input("Enter roll number:"))
sname=input("Enter name:")
marks=float(input("Enter marks:"))
gr=input("Enter grade:")
cn.execute("insert into students
ch=input("Want more records? Press (N/n) to stop
if ch in 'Nn':
except Exception as e:
print("Error", e)
def update_rec():
rn=int(input("Enter rollno to update:"))
marks=float(input("Enter new marks:"))
gr=input("Enter Grade:")
cn.execute("update students set marks={},grade='{}'
where rno={}".format(marks,gr,rn))
except Exception as e:
def delete_rec():
rn=int(input("Enter rollno to delete:"))
cn.execute("delete from students where
except Exception as e:
def view_rec():
cn.execute("select * from students")
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except Exception as e:
while True:
print("MENUn1. Insert Recordn2. Update Record n3. Delete
Recordn4. Display Record n5. Exit")
ch=int(input("Enter your choice<1-4>="))
if ch==1:
elif ch==2:
elif ch==3:
elif ch==4:
elif ch==5:
print("Wrong option selected")
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CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 29

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Term 2 CS Practical File 2021-22.pdf

  • 2. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to our learned teacher TEACHER’S NAME , PGT COMPUTER SCIENCE, [SCHOOL NAME] for his invaluable help, advice and guidance in the preparation of this project. I am also greatly indebted to our principal [Name of principal] and school authorities for providing me with the facilities and requisite laboratory conditions for making this practical file. I also extend my thanks to a number of teachers ,my classmates and friends who helped me to complete this practical file successfully. [Name of Student]
  • 3. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 3 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that [Name of Student] , student of Class XII, [NAME OF SCHOOL] has completed the Term I - PRACTICAL FILE during the academic year [SESSION] towards partial fulfillment of credit for the Computer Science practical evaluation of CBSE and submitted satisfactory report, as compiled in the following pages, under my supervision. Total number of practical certified are : 10. Internal Examiner Head of the Department Signature Signature External Examiner Principal Signature Seal and Signature
  • 4. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 4 No. Practical Date Signature 1 Write a menu-driven python program to implement stack operation. 2 Write a program to implement a stack for the employee details (empno, name). 3 Write a python program to check whether a string is a palindrome or not using stack. 4 Queries Set 1 (Database Fetching records) 5 Queries Set 2 (Based on Functions) 6 Queries Set 3 (DDL Commands) 7 Queries set 4 (Based on Two Tables) 8 Queries Set 5 (Group by , Order By) 9 Write a MySQL connectivity program in Python to • Create a database school • Create a table students with the specifications - ROLLNO integer, STNAME character(10) in MySQL and perform the following operations: o Insert two records in it o Display the contents of the table 10 Perform all the operations with reference to table ‘students’ through MySQL-Python connectivity.
  • 5. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 5 Part A Data Structure 1. Write a menu-driven python program to implement stack operation. Code: def check_stack_isEmpty(stk): if stk==[]: return True else: return False # An empty list to store stack elements, initially empty s=[] top = None # This is top pointer for push and pop def main_menu(): while True: print("Stack Implementation") print("1 - Push") print("2 - Pop") print("3 - Peek") print("4 - Display") print("5 - Exit") ch = int(input("Enter the your choice:")) if ch==1: el = int(input("Enter the value to push an element:")) push(s,el) elif ch==2: e=pop_stack(s) if e=="UnderFlow": print("Stack is underflow!") else: print("Element popped:",e) elif ch==3: e=pop_stack(s) if e=="UnderFlow": print("Stack is underflow!") else: print("The element on top is:",e) elif ch==4:
  • 6. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 6 display(s) elif ch==5: break else: print("Sorry, You have entered invalid option") def push(stk,e): stk.append(e) top = len(stk)-1 def display(stk): if check_stack_isEmpty(stk): print("Stack is Empty") else: top = len(stk)-1 print(stk[top],"-Top") for i in range(top-1,-1,-1): print(stk[i]) def pop_stack(stk): if check_stack_isEmpty(stk): return "UnderFlow" else: e = stk.pop() if len(stk)==0: top = None else: top = len(stk)-1 return e def peek(stk): if check_stack_isEmpty(stk): return "UnderFlow" else: top = len(stk)-1 return stk[top]
  • 7. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 7 Output:
  • 8. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 8 2. Write a program to implement a stack for the employee details (empno, name). Code: stk=[] top=-1 def line(): print('~'*100) def isEmpty(): global stk if stk==[]: print("Stack is empty!!!") else: None def push(): global stk global top empno=int(input("Enter the employee number to push:")) ename=input("Enter the employee name to push:") stk.append([empno,ename]) top=len(stk)-1 def display(): global stk global top if top==-1: isEmpty() else: top=len(stk)-1 print(stk[top],"<-top") for i in range(top-1,-1,-1): print(stk[i]) def pop_ele(): global stk global top if top==-1: isEmpty() else: stk.pop() top=top-1 def main(): while True: line()
  • 9. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 9 print("1. Push") print("2. Pop") print("3. Display") print("4. Exit") ch=int(input("Enter your choice:")) if ch==1:nm push() print("Element Pushed") elif ch==2: pop_ele() elif ch==3: display() elif ch==4: break else: print("Invalid Choice") Output:
  • 10. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 10 3. Write a python program to check whether a string is a palindrome or not using stack. Code: stack = [] top = -1 # push function def push(ele): global top top += 1 stack[top] = ele # pop function def pop(): global top ele = stack[top] top -= 1 return ele # Function that returns 1 if string is a palindrome def isPalindrome(string): global stack length = len(string) # Allocating the memory for the stack stack = ['0'] * (length + 1) # Finding the mid mid = length // 2 i = 0 while i < mid:
  • 11. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 11 push(string[i]) i += 1 # Checking if the length of the string is odd then neglect the middle character if length % 2 != 0: i += 1 # While not the end of the string while i < length: ele = pop() # If the characters differ then the given string is not a palindrome if ele != string[i]: return False i += 1 return True string = input("Enter string to check:") if isPalindrome(string): print("Yes, the string is a palindrome") else: print("No, the string is not a palindrome") Output:
  • 12. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 12 Part B sql queries 1. Consider the following MOVIE table and write the SQL queries based on it. Movie_ID MovieName Type ReleaseDate ProductionCost BusinessCost M001 The Kashmir Files Action 2022/01/26 1245000 1300000 M002 Attack Action 2022/01/28 1120000 1250000 M003 Looop Lapeta Thriller 2022/02/01 250000 300000 M004 Badhai Do Drama 2022/02/04 720000 68000 M005 Shabaash Mithu Biography 2022/02/04 1000000 800000 M006 Gehraiyaan Romance 2022/02/11 150000 120000 a) Display all information from movie. b) Display the type of movies. c) Display movieid, moviename, total_eraning by showing the business done by the movies. Claculate the business done by movie using the sum of productioncost and businesscost. d) Display movieid, moviename and productioncost for all movies with productioncost greater thatn 150000 and less than 1000000. e) Display the movie of type action and romance. f) Display the list of movies which are going to release in February, 2022. Answers: a)select * from movie;
  • 13. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 13 b) select distinct from a movie; c) select movieid, moviename, productioncost + businesscost "total earning" from movie; d)select movie_id,moviename, productioncost from movie where producst is >150000 and <1000000; e) select moviename from movie where type ='action' or type='romance';
  • 14. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 14 f) select moviename from moview where month(releasedate)=2; 2. Write following queries: a) Write a query to display cube of 5. b) Write a query to display the number 563.854741 rounding off to the next hnudred. c) Write a query to display "put" from the word "Computer". d) Write a query to display today's date into DD.MM.YYYY format. e) Write a query to display 'DIA' from the word "MEDIA". f) Write a query to display moviename - type from the table movie. g) Write a query to display first four digits of productioncost. h) Write a query to display last four digits of businesscost. i) Write a query to display weekday of release dates. j) Write a query to display dayname on which movies are going to be released. Answers: a)select pow(5,3); b)select round(563.854741,-2);
  • 15. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 15 c)select mid("Computer",4,3); d)select concat(day(now()), concat('.',month(now()), concat('.',year(now())))) "Date"; e)select right("Media",3); f)select concat(moviename,concat(' - ',type)) from movie; g)select left(productioncost,4) from movie;
  • 16. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 16 h)select right(businesscost,4) from movie; i)select weekday(releasedate) from movie; j)select dayname(releasedate) from movie; 3. Suppose your school management has decided to conduct cricket matches between students of Class XI and Class XII. Students of each class are asked to join any one of the four teams – Team Titan, Team Rockers, Team Magnet and Team Hurricane. During summer vacations, various matches will be conducted between these teams. Help your sports teacher to do the following: a) Create a database “Sports”. b) Create a table “TEAM” with following considerations: a. It should have a column TeamID for storing an integer value between 1 to 9, which refers to unique identification of a team. b. Each TeamID should have its associated name (TeamName), which should be a string of length not less than 10 characters. c. Using table level constraint, make TeamID as the primary key.
  • 17. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 17 c) Show the structure of the table TEAM using a SQL statement. d) As per the preferences of the students four teams were formed as given below. Insert these four rows in TEAM table: a. Row 1: (1, Tehlka) b. Row 2: (2, Toofan) c. Row 3: (3, Aandhi) d. Row 3: (4, Shailab) e) Show the contents of the table TEAM using a DML statement. f) Now create another table MATCH_DETAILS and insert data as shown below. Choose appropriate data types and constraints for each attribute. MatchID MatchDate FirstTeamID SecondTeamID FirstTeamScore SecondTeamScore M1 2021/12/20 1 2 107 93 M2 2021/12/21 3 4 156 158 M3 2021/12/22 1 3 86 81 M4 2021/12/23 2 4 65 67 M5 2021/12/24 1 4 52 88 M6 2021/12/25 2 3 97 68 Answers: a) create database sports; b) Creating table with the given specification create table team -> (teamid int(1), -> teamname varchar(10), primary key(teamid)); c) desc team;
  • 18. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 18 • Inserting data: mqsql> insert into team -> values(1,'Tehlka'); •Show the content of table - team: select * from team; • Creating another table: create table match_details -> (matchid varchar(2) primary key, -> matchdate date, -> firstteamid int(1) references team(teamid), -> secondteamid int(1) references team(teamid), -> firstteamscore int(3), -> secondteamscore int(3));
  • 19. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 19 4. Write following queries: a) Display the matchid, teamid, teamscore whoscored more than 70 in first ining along with team name. b) Display matchid, teamname and secondteamscore between 100 to 160. c) Display matchid, teamnames along with matchdates. d) Display unique team names e) Display matchid and matchdate played by Anadhi and Shailab. Answers: a)select match_details.matchid, match_details.firstteamid, team.teamname,match_details.firstteamscore from match_details, team where match_details.firstteamid = team.teamid and match_details.first
  • 20. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 20 b)select match_details.matchid, match_details.firstteamid, team.teamname,match_details.firstteamscore from match_details, team where match_details.firstteamid = team.teamid and match_details.firstteamscore>70; c)select matchid, teamname, firstteamid, secondteamid, matchdate from match_details, team where match_details.firstteamid = team.teamid; d)select distinct(teamname) from match_details, team where match_details.firstteamid = team.teamid; e)select matchid,matchdate from match_details, team where match_details.firstteamid = team.teamid and team.teamname in ('Aandhi','Shailab');
  • 21. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 21 5. Consider the following table and write the queries: itemno item dcode qty unitprice stockdate S005 Ballpen 102 100 10 2018/04/22 S003 Gel Pen 101 150 15 2018/03/18 S002 Pencil 102 125 5 2018/02/25 S006 Eraser 101 200 3 2018/01/12 S001 Sharpner 103 210 5 2018/06/11 S004 Compass 102 60 35 2018/05/10 S009 A4 Papers 102 160 5 2018/07/17 a) Display all the items in the ascending order of stockdate. b) Display maximum price of items for each dealer individually as per dcode from stock. c) Display all the items in descending orders of itemnames. d) Display average price of items for each dealer individually as per doce from stock which avergae price is more than 5. e) Diisplay the sum of quantity for each dcode. Answers: a) select * from stock order by stockdate;
  • 22. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 22 b) select dcode,max(unitprice) from stock group by code; c) select * from stock order by item desc; d)select dcode,avg(unitprice) from stock group by dcode having avg(unitprice)>5; e) select dcode,sum(qty) from stock group by dcode;
  • 23. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 23 Part C Python Database connectivity 1. Write a MySQL connectivity program in Python to • Create a database school • Create a table students with the specifications - ROLLNO integer, STNAME character(10) in MySQL and perform the following operations: o Insert two records in it o Display the contents of the table 2. Perform all the operations with reference to table ‘students’ through MySQL-Python connectivity. Answers: 1.Using pymysql - Code: import pymysql as ms #Function to create Database as per users choice def c_database(): try: dn=input("Enter Database Name=") c.execute("create database {}".format(dn)) c.execute("use {}".format(dn)) print("Database created successfully") except Exception as a: print("Database Error",a) #Function to Drop Database as per users choice def d_database(): try: dn=input("Enter Database Name to be dropped=") c.execute("drop database {}".format(dn)) print("Database deleted sucessfully") except Exception as a: print("Database Drop Error",a) #Function to create Table def c_table(): try: c.execute('''create table students ( rollno int(3), stname varchar(20) ); ''') print("Table created successfully") except Exception as a: print("Create Table Error",a) #Function to Insert Data
  • 24. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 24 def e_data(): try: while True: rno=int(input("Enter student rollno=")) name=input("Enter student name=") c.execute("use {}".format('school')) c.execute("insert into students values({},'{}');".format(rno,name)) db.commit() choice=input("Do you want to add more record<y/n>=") if choice in "Nn": break except Exception as a: print("Insert Record Error",a) #Function to Display Data def d_data(): try: c.execute("select * from students") data=c.fetchall() for i in data: print(i) except Exception as a: print("Display Record Error",a) db=ms.connect(host="localhost",user="root",password="root") c=db.cursor() while True: print("MENUn1. Create Databasen2. Drop Database n3. Create Tablen4. Insert Record n5. Display Entire Datan6. Exit") choice=int(input("Enter your choice<1-6>=")) if choice==1: c_database() elif choice==2: d_database() elif choice==3: c_table() elif choice==4: e_data() elif choice==5: d_data() elif choice==6: break
  • 25. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 25 else: print("Wrong option selected") Output:
  • 26. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 26 2.using mysqlconnector import mysql.connector as ms db=ms.connect(host="localhost",user="root",passwd="root",datab ase='school') cn=db.cursor() def insert_rec(): try: while True: rn=int(input("Enter roll number:")) sname=input("Enter name:") marks=float(input("Enter marks:")) gr=input("Enter grade:") cn.execute("insert into students values({},'{}',{},'{}')".format(rn,sname,marks,gr)) db.commit() ch=input("Want more records? Press (N/n) to stop entry:") if ch in 'Nn': break except Exception as e: print("Error", e) def update_rec(): try: rn=int(input("Enter rollno to update:")) marks=float(input("Enter new marks:")) gr=input("Enter Grade:") cn.execute("update students set marks={},grade='{}' where rno={}".format(marks,gr,rn)) db.commit() except Exception as e: print("Error",e) def delete_rec(): try: rn=int(input("Enter rollno to delete:")) cn.execute("delete from students where rno={}".format(rn)) db.commit() except Exception as e: print("Error",e) def view_rec(): try: cn.execute("select * from students")
  • 27. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 27 except Exception as e: print("Error",e) while True: print("MENUn1. Insert Recordn2. Update Record n3. Delete Recordn4. Display Record n5. Exit") ch=int(input("Enter your choice<1-4>=")) if ch==1: insert_rec() elif ch==2: update_rec() elif ch==3: delete_rec() elif ch==4: view_rec() elif ch==5: break else: print("Wrong option selected") Output:
  • 28. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 28
  • 29. CS PRACTICAL RECORD FILE | Downloaded from www.tutorialaicsip.com | Page 29