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Strength of Materials
Stresses in Beams
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering Department
Gaya College of Engineering, Gaya
1.1 Bending Stress
a. Simplifying assumptions
 The stresses caused by the bending moment are known as
bending stress, or flexure stresses. The relationship between
these stresses and the bending moment is called the flexure
 In deriving the
flexure formula,
make the following
 The beam has an
axial plane of
symmetry, which we
take to be the xy-
plane (see Fig. 5.1).
Figure 5.1 Symmetrical beam with loads
lying in the plane of symmetry.
 The applied loads (such as F1,F2 and F3 in Fig.5.1) lie in the
plane of the symmetry and are perpendicular to the axis of the
beam (the x-axis).The axis of the beam bends but does not
stretch ( the axis lies some where in the plane of symmetry; its
location will be determined later).
 Plane sections of
the beam remain
plane (do not
warp) and
to the deformed
axis of the beam.
Change in the
dimensions of the
beam are
Figure 5.1 Symmetrical beam
Because the shear stresses caused by the vertical shear force will
distort (warp) an originally plane section, we are limiting our
discussion here to the deformations caused by the bending
moment alone.
the deformations due to the vertical shear force are negligible in
the slender beams compared to the deformations caused by
bending .
 The above assumptions lead us to the following conclusion:
Each cross section of the beam rotates as a rigid entity about a
line called the neutral axis of the cross section.
 The neutral axis passes through the axis of the beam and is
perpendicular to the plane of symmetry, as shown in Fig. 5.1.
The xz-plane that contains the neutral axes of all the cross
sections is known as the neutral surface of the beam.
Figure 5.2 Deformation of an infinitesimal beam segment.
b. Compatibility
The neutral surface becomes curved upon deformation, as
indicated in Fig.5.2.
The longitudinal fibers lying on the neutral surface are
undeformed, whereas the fibers above the surface are compressed
and the fibers below are stretched.
d ab
 The fiber form are arc a' b' of radius (-y) , subtended by the
angle dθ, its deformedlength is a ' b '    yd
 The original length of this fiber is ab  dx  d. The normal
strain  of the fiber
 
a'b'  ab
 yd  d  
 Assuming that the stress is less than the proportional limit of the
material we can obtain the normal stress in the fiber ab from
Hook's law:
(5.1)  E  
Equation (5.1) shown that the normal stress of a longitudinal
fiber is proportional to the distance y of the fiber from the neutral
 The negative sign indicates that
positive bending moment causes
compressive stress when y is
positive (fiber above the neutral
surface) and tensile stress when y
is negative (fiber below the neutral
c. Equilibrium
 Figure 5.3 shows the normal
force acting on the
infinitesimal area dA of the
cross section is dP =  dA.
Substituting  = - (E/ )y,
Where y is the distance of dA
from the neutral axis (NA).
 The resultant of the normal
stress distribution over the
cross section must be equal to
the bending moment M acting
about the neutral axis (z-axis).
Figure 5.3 Calculating the
resultant of the Normal
stress acting on the cross
section. Resultant is a
couple Equal to the internal
bending moment of M.
dP  
In other work, A
ydp  M
where the integral is taken over
the entire cross-sectional area A
the resultant axial force and the
resultant bending moment about
the y-axis must be zero; that is,
anddP  0
zdP  0
These three equilibrium equations
are developed in detail below.
Resultant Axial Force Must Vanish The condition for zero
axial force is
dp  
 A
ydA  0
 Because E /  ≠ 0, this equation can be satisfied only if
The integral in Eq.(b) is the first moment of the cross-sectional
area about the neutral axis. It can be zero only if the neutral axis
passes through centroid C of the cross-sectional area.
Resultant Moment About y-Axis Must Vanish
This condition is
ydA  0
The integral in Eq.(b) is the
product of inertia of the cross-
sectional area.
 zdP  
 zydA  0
Resultant Moment About the Neutral Axis Must Equal M
Equating the resultant moment about the z-axis to M
Recognizing that is the moment of inertia of thecross-
sectional area about the neutral axis ( the z-axis), we obtain the
moment curvature relationship
A convenient form of this equation is
A A
y dA  M ydp  2E
y dA  I2
M 
 EI
where c is the distance from the
neutral axis to the outermost point
of the cross section.
d. Flexure formula; section modulus
 Substituting the expression for 1/ from Eq.(5.2) into Eq. (5.1),
we get the flexure formula :
Note that a positive bending moment M causes negative
(compressive) stress above the neutral axis and positive ( tensile)
stress below the neutral axis
 The maximum value of bending
stress without regard to its sign is
given by
  
Mmax c
Equation (5.4a) is frequently written in the form
Mmax 
where S = I / c is called the section modulus of the beam. The
dimension of S is [L3], so that its units are in.3, mm3, and so on.
The formulas for the section moduli of common cross sections are
given in Fig. 5.4.
Figure 5.4
Section moduli
of simple cross
 The section
moduli of
shapes are
listed in
handbooks; an
abbreviated list
is given in
Appendix B.
Figure 5.4 Section
moduli of
simple cross
e. Procedures for determining bending stresses
Stress at a Given Point
• Use the method of sections to determine the bending moment M
at the cross section containing the given point.
• Determine the location of the neutral axis.
• Compute the moment of inertia I of the cross- sectional area
about the neutral axis. ( If the beam is standard structural shape,
its cross- sectional properties are listed in Appendix B. P501)
• Determine the y-coordinate of the given point. Note that y is
positive if the point lies above the neutral axis and negative if it
lies below the neutral axis.
• Compute the bending stress from σ = -My / I. If correct sign
are used for M and y, the stress will also have the correct sign
(tension positive compression negative).
Maximum Bending Stress: Symmetric Cross Section
If the neutral axis is an axis of symmetric of the cross section, the
maximum tensile and compression bending stresses are equal in
magnitude and occur at the section of the largest bending
moment. The following procedure is recommended for
determining the maximum bending stress in a prismatic beam:
• Draw the bending moment diagram by one of the methods
described in SFD & BMD Unit. Identify the bending moment
Mmax that has the largest magnitude (disregard the sign)
• Compute the moment of inertia I of the cross- sectional area
about the neutral axis. ( If the beam is a standard structural shape,
its cross- sectional properties are listed in Appendix B.)
• Calculate the maximum bending stress from σmax = [Mmax]c / I,
where c is the distance from the neutral axis to the top or bottom
of the cross section .
Maximum Tensile and Compressive Bending Stresses:
Unsymmetrical Cross Section
If the neutral axis is not an axis of symmetry of the cross
section, the maximum tensile and compressive bending
stresses may occur at different sections.
• Draw the bending moment diagram. Identify the largest
positive and negative bending moments.
• Determine the location of the neutral axis and record the
distances ctop and cbot from the neutral axis to the top and
bottom of the cross section.
• Compute the moment of inertia I of the cross section about
the neutral axis.
• Calculate the bending stresses at the top and bottom of the
cross section where the largest positive bending moment
occurs from σ = -My / I.
 At the top of the cross section, where y = ctop,we obtain σtop =
-Mctop/ I.
 At the bottom of the cross section, we have y = - cbot, so that
σbot = Mcbop/I.
• Repeat the calculations for the cross section that carries the
largest negative bending moment.
• Inspect the four stresses thus computed to determine the
largest tensile (positive) and compressive (negative) bending
stresses in the beam.
Note on Units
the units of terms in the flexure formula σ = -My / I.
In the U.S. Customary system, M is often measured in pound-feet
and the cross sectional properties in inches, It is recommended
that you convert M into lb·in. and compute σ in lb/in.2 (psi).
Thus, the units in the flexure formula become
In SI system, M is usually expressed in N · m, whereas thecross-
sectional dimensions are in mm. To obtain σ in N/m2 (Pa), he
cross sectional properties must be converted to meters, so that the
units in the flexure equation are
 lb/ in.2
M lb in.yin.
 N/ m 2
M Nmym
I m4
Sample Problem 1.1
The simply supported beam in Fig. (a) has a rectangular cross
section 120 mm wide and 200 mm high. (1) Compute the
maximum bending stress in the beam. (2) Sketch the bending
stress distribution over the cross section on which the maximum
bending stress occurs. (3) Compute the bending stress at a point
on section B that is 25 mm below the top of the beam.
Preliminary Calculations
The shear force and bending moment
diagrams. M max = +16 kN·m,
occurring at D. The neutral axis (NA)
is an axis of symmetry of the cross
section as shown in Fig. (a). The
moment of inertia of the cross section
about the neutral axis is
12 12
I    80010
and the distance c
between the neutral axis
and the top (or bottom)
of the cross section is c
= 100 mm = 0.1 m.
Part 1
The maximum bending stress in the beam on the cross section that
carries the largest bending moment, which is the section at D.
Part 2
The stress distribution on the cross section at D is shown in Fig. (d)
(i) The bending stress varies linearly with distance from the neutral
(ii) Because M max is positive, the top half of the cross section is in
compression and the bottom half is in tension.
(iii)Due to symmetry of the cross section about the neutral axis, the
maximum tensile and compressive stresses are equal in
max 20.010 Pa  20.0MPa
1610 0.13
I 80.0106
Part 3
From Fig. (c) we see that the bending moment at section B is M = +
9.28 kN·m. The y-coordinate of the point that lies 25 mm below the
top of the beam is y = 100 -25 = 75 mm = 0.075 m.
The negative sign indicates that this bending stress is compressive,
which is expected because the bending moment is positive and the
point of interest lie above the neutral axis.
0.075 10   6
  8.7010 Pa8.70MPa
I 80.0106
 
Sample Problem 1.2
The simply supported beam in Fig. (a) has the T-shaped cross
section shown. Determine the values and locations of the maximum
tensile and compressive bending stresses.
Preliminary Calculations
Find the largest positive
and negative bending
moment. The results are
shown in Fig. (a)-(c). From
Fig.(c), the largest positive
and negative bending
moment are 3200 lb·ft and
4000 lb·ft respectively.
As shown in Fig.(d), the cross section to be composed of the two
rectangles with areas A1 = 0.8(8) = 6.4 in.2 and A2 = 0.8 (6) = 4.8
Compute the moment of inertia I of the cross-sectional area about
is the moment of inertia of a rectangle about its
own centroidal axis Thus,
  87.49in.
 4.8 8.45.886 
 
 6.445.886I  
in.2 . The centroidal coordinates of the areas are y1  4in. and y2  8.4in.,
, measured from the bottom of the cross section. The coordinate y
of the centroid C of the cross section is
y 
A1 y1  A2 y2
6.44  4.88.4 5.886in.
A1  A2 6.4  4.8
  Ai yi  y,the neutral axis. Using the parallel-axis theorem, I = Ii
i i i
where I  b h3
Maximum Bending stresses
The distances from the neutral axis to the top and the bottom of
the cross section arectop  8.8 y  8.85886 2.914in. and cbot  y 5.886in.,
as shown in Fig.(c). Because these distances are different, we
must investigate stresses at two locations: at x = 4 ft (where the
largest positive bending moment occurs) and at x = 10 ft (where
the largest negative bending moment occurs).
Stresses at x = 4 ft The bending moment at this section is M =
+3200 lb.ft causing compression above the neutral axis and
tension below the axis. The resulting bending stresses at the top
and bottom of the cross section are
 
 
3200122.914  1279psi
3200125.886  2580psi
 
Stresses at x = 10 ft The bending moment at this section is M = -
4000lb.ft, resulting in tension the neutral axis and compression
below the neutral axis. The corresponding bending stresses at the
extremities of the cross section are
Inspecting the above results, we conclude that the maximum tensile
and compressive stresses in the beam are
( σ T )max = 2580 psi ( bottom of the section at x = 4 ft )
( σ c )max = 3230 psi ( bottom of the section at x = 10 ft )
4000122.914  1599psi 
I 87.49
400012 5.886  3230psi
 
Sample Problem 1.3
The cantilever beam in
Fig. (a) is composed of
two segments with
rectangular cross
sections. The width of
the each section is 2 in.,
but the depths are
different, as shown in the
figure. Determine the
maximum bending stress
in the beam.
Because the cross section
of the beam is not
constant, the maximum
stress occurs either at the
section just to the left of B
(MB = - 8000 lb.ft) or at
the section at D (MD = -
16000 lb.ft). the section
moduli of the two
segments are
5.333in.3bh 2
AB S 
bh 2
BD 262
BD S 
From Eq. (5.4b) the maximum bending stresses on the two cross
sections of the interest are
Comparing the above values, we find that the maximum bending
stress in the beam is
σmax = 18000 psi (on the cross section just to the left of B)
This is an example where the maximum bending stress occurs
on a cross section at the bending moment is not maximum.
S 5.333max
  
MB 
S 12.0max
  
MD 
 16000psi
Sample Problem 1.4
The wide- flange section W 14×30 is use as a cantilever beam, as
shown in Fig.(a). Find the maximum bending stress in the beam.
The largest bending moment is
∣Mm a x ∣= 15000 lb · ft acting
just to the left of section B.
From the tables in Appendix B,
we find that the section
modulus of a W14×30 (P520)
section is S = 42.0 in.3.
Therefore, the maximum
bending stress in the beam is
S 42.0
max 
15000 12
 4290psi
1.2 Economic Sections
 The portions of a located near the neutral surface are
understressed compared with at the top or bottom. Therefore,
beams with certain cross- sectional shape ( including a
rectangle and circle) utilize the material inefficiently because
much of the cross section contributes little to resisting the
bending moment.
 Consider, for example, in Fig. 5.5(a) The
section modulus has increased to S = bh2/6 =
2(6)2/6 = 12 in.3. If working stress is σ w =
18 ksi, the maximum safe bending moment
for the beam is M =σw · S =18 (12) = 216
Figure 5.5 Different ways to distribute the 12-in.2 cross-
sectional area in (a) without changing the depth.
 In Fig. 5.5(b), we have rearranged the area of the cross section but
kept the same overall depth. It can be shown that the section that
the section modulus has increased to S = 25.3 in.3(the parallel-
axis theorem). Thus, the new maximum allowable moment is M
= 18 (25.3) = 455 kip·in., which is more than twice the allowable
moment for the rectangular section of the same area.
 The section in Fig. 5.5(b) is not practical because its two parts,
called the flanges. As in Fig. 5.5(c). The vertical connecting piece
is known as the web of the beam. The web functions as the main
shear-carrying component of the beam.
a. Standard structural shapes
 Figure 5.5 (c) is similar to a wide-flange beam, referred to as a
W-shape. Another “slimmer”version of the shape is the I-beam
(referred to as an S-shape) shown in Fig. 5.5(d). The I-beam
preceded the wide- flange beam, but because it is not as
efficient, it has largely been replaced by the wide- flange beam.
 Properties of W-and S-shapes are given in Appendix B.
 in SI units, the designation W610×140 indicates a wide-flange
beam with a nominal depth of 610mm and a nominal mass per
unit length of 140 kg/m. The tables in Appendix B indicates the
actual depth of the beam is 617 mm and the actual mass is 140.1
 In U.S. Customary units, a W36×300 is a wide-flange beam with
a nominal depth 36 in. that weighs 300 lb/ft. The actual depth of
this section is 36.74 in.
 Referring to Appendix B, in addition to listing the dimensions,
tables of structural shapes give properties of the cross-sectional
area, such as moment of inertia (I), section modulus (S), and
radius of gyration (r)4 for each principal axis of the area.
When a structural section is selected to be used as a beam. The
section modulus must be equal to or greater than section
modulus determined by the flexure equation; that is,
 w
the section modulus of the selected beam must be equal to or
greater than the ratio of the bending moment to the working
 If a beam is very slender (large L/r), it may fail by lateral
bucking before the working stress is reached. I-beams are
particularly vulnerable to lateral bucking because of their low
torsional rigidity and small moment of inertia about the axis
parallel to the web.
S 
b. Procedure for selecting standard shapes
A design engineer is often required to select the lightest
standard structural shape ( such as a W-shape) that can carry a
given loading in addition to the weight of the beam. Following
is an outline of the selection process;
.Neglecting the weight of the beam, draw the bending moment
diagram to find the largest bending moment Mmax..
.Determine the minimum allowable section modulus from Smin =
|Mmax.︱/σw , is the working stress.
.Choose the lightest shape from the list of structural shapes (such
as a Appendix B) for which S≥Smin and note its weight.
.Calculate the maximum bending stress σmax in the selected
beam caused by the prescribed loading plus the weight of the
beam. Ifσmax≤σw, the selection is finished. Otherwise, the
second-lightest shape with S≥Smin must be considered and the
maximum bending stress recalculated. The process must be
repeated unit a satisfactory shape is found.
Sample Problem 1.5
What is the lightest W-shape beam that will support the 45-kN
load shown in Fig. (a) without exceeding a bending stress of 120
MPa?Determine the actual bending stress in the beam.
Finding the reactions
shown in Fig.(a), and
sketch the shear force
and bending moment
diagrams in Figs. (b)
and (c).
The minimum bending acceptable section modulus that can carry
this moment is
3M max
60 103
   500  106
 500 103
120 106
Referring to the table of Properties of W-shape (Appendix B SI
Unit) and find that the following are the lightest beams in each size
group that satisfy the requirement S≥Smin: (P508)
Section S(mm3) Mass(kg/m)
W200×52 512×103 52.3
W250×45 534×103 44.9
W310×39 549×103 38.7
Our first choice is the W310×39
section with S = 549×10-6 m3.
The reason is that although
the lightest beam is the
cheapest on the basis of the
weight alone, headroom
clearances frequently require
a beam with less depth than
the lightest one.
The weight of the beam for the W310×39 section is
wo = (38.7 kg/m)×(9.81 m/s2) = 380 N/m = 0.380 kN/m
From (d) shows the beam supporting both the 45-kN load and
the weight of the beam. The maximum bending moment is
found to be Mmax = 61.52 kN·m, again occurring under the
concentrated load.
Therefore, the maximum
bending stress in the
selected beam is
max  112.110 pa  112.1MPa
61.52 103
M max
S 549106
Because this stress is less than the allowable stress of 120 MPa,
the lightest W-shape that can safely support the 45-kN load is
(with σmax =112.1MPa)W310×39 Answer
1.4 Shear Stress in Beams
a. Analysis of flexure action
 In Fig. 5.6, The separate layers would slide past one another, and
the total bending strength of the beam would be the sum of the
strength of the individual layers. Such a built-up beam would be
considerably weaker than a solid beam of equivalent dimensions.
 From the above observation, we conclude that the horizontal
layers in a solid beam are prevented from sliding by shear stresses
that act between the layers.
Figure 5.6 Bending of a layered beam with no adhesive
between the layers.
 In Fig. 5.7. We isolate the shaded portion of the beam by
using two cutting planes: a vertical cut along section 1
and horizontal cut located at the distance y’above the
neutral axis.
Figure 5.7 Equilibrium of the shaded portion of the beam
requires a longitudinal shear force F = P, where
P is the resultant of the normal stress acting on
area A’ of section (1).
 Calculate P using Fig. 5.8. The axial force acting on the area
element dA of the cross section is dP = σdA.
 If M is the bending moment acting at section 1 of the beam,
the bending stress is given by Eq. (5.3): σ = - My/I, where y is
the distance of the element from the neutral axis, and I is the
moment of inertia of the entire cross-sectional area of the
beam about the neutral axis.
Figure 5.8
Calculating the
resultant force
of the normal
stress over a
portion of the
Integrating over the area A’, we get
is the first moment of area A’ about the neutral axis. The negative
sign in Eq. (5.6) indicates that positive M results in forces P and F
that are directed opposite to those shown in Fig. 5.7.
dP  
Q  A`
ydA  
P   dp  
(5.7b).Q  A`y
 Denoting the distance between the neutral axis and centroid
C` of the area A’by y
, we can write Eq. (5.7) as
 In Eqs. (5.7b), Q represents the first
moment of the cross-sectional area
that lies above y’. Because the first
moment of the total cross-sectional
area about the neutral axis is zero,
that first moment of the area below
y’is - Q. Therefore, the magnitude
of Q can be computed by using the
area either above or below y’,
whichever is more convenient.
Figure 5.9 Variation of the first moment Q of area A’about
the neutral axis for a rectangular cross section.
 The maximum value of Q occurs at the neutral axis where
y’= 0. It follows that horizontal shear force F is largest on
the neutral surface. The variation of Q with y’for a
rectangular cross section is illustrated in Fig. 5.9.
b. Horizontal shear stress
Consider Fig. 5.10. A horizontal plane located a distance y’above
the neutral axis of the cross section. If the bending moment at
section1 of the beam is M, the resultant force acting on face 1 of the
body is given by Eq. (5.6):
Figure 5.10 Determining the longitudinal shear stress from the
free-body diagram of a beam element.
P  M
The bending moment acting at section 2 is M+dM, where dM is
the infinitesimal change in M over the distance dx. Therefore,
the resultant normal force acting on face 2 of the body is
p  dP  M  dMQ
 
P dPP  M dMQ
Σ F = 0 : (P +dP)-P + τ b dx = 0
P  M
 Equilibrium can exist only if there is an equal and opposite shear
force dF acting on the horizontal surface. If we letτbe the
average shear stress acting on the horizontal surface, its
resultant is dF = τbdx. Where b is the width of the crosssection
at y = y`, as shown in Fig. 5.10. The equilibrium requirement for
the horizontal forces is
 dM
Substituting for(P+dP) - P from Eq. (a), we get
Recalling the relationship V = dM/dx between the shear force and
the bending moment we obtain for the average horizontal shear
stress τ
 dM
 bdx  0
dx Ib
 
dM Q
 
c. Vertical shear stress
shear stress is always accompanied by a complementary shear
stress of equal magnitude, the two stresses acting on mutually
perpendicular plane.
 Eq. (5.8)  
( a plane parallel to the neutral surface ).A
Figure 5.11 The vertical stress τ ’ acting at a point on a cross
section equals the longitudinal shear stress τ acting at
the same point.
course, the shear force V;.
 In a beam, the complementary stress τ ’ is a vertical shear stress
that acts on the cross section of the beam, as illustrated in Fig.
5.11 (a). Because τ = τ ’ , Eq.(5.8) can be used to compute the
vertical as well as the horizontal shear stress at a point in a
 The resultant of the vertical shear stress on
the cross-sectional area A of the beam is,of
V  dA
 To prove that τ = τ ` , consider Fig. 5.11(b).
The horizontal and vertical forces are τdxdz
and τ’dydz, respectively. These forces from
two couples of opposite sense. For rotational
equilibrium, the magnitudes of the couples
must be equal; that is, (τdxdz) dy =
(τ`dydz) dx, which yields τ = τ ’ .
d. Discussion and limitations of the shear stress formula
• The shear stress formula τ = VQ/(Ib) predicts that the largest
shear stress in a prismatic beam occurs at the cross section
that carries the largest vertical shear force V.
• The location ( the value of y’) of the maximum shear stress
within that section is determined by the ratio Q/b. Because Q
is always maximum at y’= 0, the neutral axis is usually a
candidate for the location of the maximum shear stress.
• However, If the width b at the neutral axis is larger than at
other parts of the cross section, it is necessary to compute τ
at two or more values of y’before its maximum value can be
τ should be considered at the average shear stress. This
restriction is necessary because the variation of the shear
stress across the width b the cross section is often unknown.
 Equation (5.8) is sufficiently accurate for rectangular cross
sections and for cross sections that are composed of
rectangles, such as W and S-shapes.
 Let us consider as an example the
circular cross section in Fig. 5.12.
Figure 5.12 Shear stress
distribution along a
horizontal line of a
circular cross section.Ib
 
 When deriving the shear stress formula, Eq. (5.8), 
 It can be shown that the shear
stress at the periphery of the
section must be tangent to the
boundary, as shown in the figure.
 The direction of shear stresses at
interior points is unknown, except
at the centerline, where the stress is
vertical due to symmetry. To
obtain an estimate of the maximum
shear stress, the stresses are
assumed to be directed toward a
common center B, as shown.
Figure 5.12 Shear stress
distribution along a
horizontal line of a
circular cross section.
 For other cross- sectional shapes, however, the formula for τ
must be applied with caution. Let us consider as an example
the circular cross section in Fig. 5.12.
 The vertical components of these shear stresses are assumed
to be uniform across the width of the section and are
computed from Eq. (5.8). Under this assumption, the shear
stress at the neutral axis is 1.333V/ (πr2 ). (4/3)(V/ πr2 )
 A more elaborate analysis shows that the shear stress actually
varies from 1.23 V/ (πr2 ) at the edges to 1.38 V/ (πr2 ) at the
 Shear stress, like normal stress, exhibits stress concentrations
near shape corners, fillets and holes in the cross section. The
junction between the web and the flange of a W-shape is also
an area of stress concentration.
a. Procedure for analysis of shear stress:
.Use equilibrium analysis to determine the vertical shear force
V acting on the cross section containing the specified point (
the construction of a shear force diagram is usually a good
.Locate the neutral axis and compute the moment of inertia I
of the cross- sectional area about the neutral axis (If the
beam is a standard structural shape, its cross- sectional
properties are listed in Appendix B.)(Andrew Pytel)
.Compute the first moment Q of the cross- sectional area that
lies above (or below)the specified point.
.Calculate the shear stress from τ = VQ/(Ib), where b is the
width of the cross section at the specified point.
 The maximum shear stressτmax on a given cross section
occurs where Q/b is largest.
 If the width b is constant, then τm a x occurs at theneutral
axis because that is where Q has its maxmum value.
 If b is not constant, it is necessary to compute the shear stress
at more than one point in order to determine its maximum
In the U.S. Customary system,
N /m2
In the SI system,  
VlbQin.  lb/in . 
Sample Problem 1.6
The simply supported wood beam in Fig.(a) is fabricated by gluing
together three 160-mm by 80-mm plans as shown. Calculate the
maximum shear stress in (1) the glue; and (2) the wood.
From the shear force diagram in Fig. (b), the maximum shear force
in the beam is Vmax = 24 kN, occurring at the supports. The moment
of inertia of the cross-sectional area of the beam about the neutral
axis is
12 12
 184.32106
 184.32106
I  
 1.024103
Part 1
The shear stress is the glue corresponds to
the horizontal shear stress. Its maximum
value can be computed from Eq. (5.8):
τm a x = Vmax Q/(Ib), where Q is the first
moment of the area A’ shown in Fig.(c);
that is,
Q  A`y` 1608080 1.024 106
Therefore, the shear stress in the glue, which occurs over either
support, is
max 6
184.3210  
2410 1.02410 max
 8.33103
Pa  8.33kPa
2 A 2 0.1600.240
max  93810 Pa 
3 24103
3 Vmax
Part 2
Because the cross section is
rectangular, the maximum shear
stress in the wood can be calculated
from Eq. (5.9):
The same result can be obtained
from Eq. (5.8), where now A’ is
the area above the neutral axis,
as indicated in Fig. (d). The first
moment of this area about the
neutral axis is
 1.152103
Q  A`y` 16012060 1.152 106
Equation (5.8)this becomes
max 6
3 3
2410 1.15210 
Ib 184.3210  
 938 103
Pa  938kPa
which agrees with the previous result.

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Stresses in beams

  • 1. Strength of Materials Unit-2 Stresses in Beams SURYAKANT KUMAR Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering Department Gaya College of Engineering, Gaya
  • 2. 1.1 Bending Stress a. Simplifying assumptions  The stresses caused by the bending moment are known as bending stress, or flexure stresses. The relationship between these stresses and the bending moment is called the flexure formula.  In deriving the flexure formula, make the following assumptions:  The beam has an axial plane of symmetry, which we take to be the xy- plane (see Fig. 5.1). Figure 5.1 Symmetrical beam with loads lying in the plane of symmetry.
  • 3.  The applied loads (such as F1,F2 and F3 in Fig.5.1) lie in the plane of the symmetry and are perpendicular to the axis of the beam (the x-axis).The axis of the beam bends but does not stretch ( the axis lies some where in the plane of symmetry; its location will be determined later).  Plane sections of the beam remain plane (do not warp) and perpendicular to the deformed axis of the beam. Change in the cross-sectional dimensions of the beam are negligible. Figure 5.1 Symmetrical beam
  • 4. Because the shear stresses caused by the vertical shear force will distort (warp) an originally plane section, we are limiting our discussion here to the deformations caused by the bending moment alone. the deformations due to the vertical shear force are negligible in the slender beams compared to the deformations caused by bending .
  • 5.  The above assumptions lead us to the following conclusion: Each cross section of the beam rotates as a rigid entity about a line called the neutral axis of the cross section.  The neutral axis passes through the axis of the beam and is perpendicular to the plane of symmetry, as shown in Fig. 5.1. The xz-plane that contains the neutral axes of all the cross sections is known as the neutral surface of the beam.
  • 6. Figure 5.2 Deformation of an infinitesimal beam segment. b. Compatibility The neutral surface becomes curved upon deformation, as indicated in Fig.5.2. The longitudinal fibers lying on the neutral surface are undeformed, whereas the fibers above the surface are compressed and the fibers below are stretched.
  • 7. d ab  The fiber form are arc a' b' of radius (-y) , subtended by the angle dθ, its deformedlength is a ' b '    yd  The original length of this fiber is ab  dx  d. The normal strain  of the fiber   a'b'  ab   yd  d   y ρ
  • 8.  Assuming that the stress is less than the proportional limit of the material we can obtain the normal stress in the fiber ab from Hook's law: (5.1)  E   E y Equation (5.1) shown that the normal stress of a longitudinal fiber is proportional to the distance y of the fiber from the neutral surface.  The negative sign indicates that positive bending moment causes compressive stress when y is positive (fiber above the neutral surface) and tensile stress when y is negative (fiber below the neutral surface).
  • 9. c. Equilibrium  Figure 5.3 shows the normal force acting on the infinitesimal area dA of the cross section is dP =  dA. Substituting  = - (E/ )y, (a) Where y is the distance of dA from the neutral axis (NA).  The resultant of the normal stress distribution over the cross section must be equal to the bending moment M acting about the neutral axis (z-axis). Figure 5.3 Calculating the resultant of the Normal stress acting on the cross section. Resultant is a couple Equal to the internal bending moment of M.  dP   E ydA
  • 10. In other work, A ydp  M where the integral is taken over the entire cross-sectional area A the resultant axial force and the resultant bending moment about the y-axis must be zero; that is, anddP  0 A A zdP  0 These three equilibrium equations are developed in detail below. Resultant Axial Force Must Vanish The condition for zero axial force is E A dp    A ydA  0
  • 11.  Because E /  ≠ 0, this equation can be satisfied only if (b) The integral in Eq.(b) is the first moment of the cross-sectional area about the neutral axis. It can be zero only if the neutral axis passes through centroid C of the cross-sectional area. Resultant Moment About y-Axis Must Vanish This condition is A ydA  0 (c) The integral in Eq.(b) is the product of inertia of the cross- sectional area. AA  zdP   E  zydA  0 
  • 12. Resultant Moment About the Neutral Axis Must Equal M Equating the resultant moment about the z-axis to M Recognizing that is the moment of inertia of thecross- sectional area about the neutral axis ( the z-axis), we obtain the moment curvature relationship (5.2a) A convenient form of this equation is (5.2b) A A y dA  M ydp  2E  A y dA  I2  M  EI  EI 1  M
  • 13. (5.4a) where c is the distance from the neutral axis to the outermost point of the cross section. d. Flexure formula; section modulus  Substituting the expression for 1/ from Eq.(5.2) into Eq. (5.1), we get the flexure formula : (5.3) Note that a positive bending moment M causes negative (compressive) stress above the neutral axis and positive ( tensile) stress below the neutral axis  The maximum value of bending stress without regard to its sign is given by I    My I max  Mmax c 
  • 14. Equation (5.4a) is frequently written in the form (5.4b) S max  Mmax  where S = I / c is called the section modulus of the beam. The dimension of S is [L3], so that its units are in.3, mm3, and so on. The formulas for the section moduli of common cross sections are given in Fig. 5.4. Figure 5.4 Section moduli of simple cross sectional shapes.
  • 15.  The section moduli of standard structural shapes are listed in various handbooks; an abbreviated list is given in Appendix B. Figure 5.4 Section moduli of simple cross sectional shapes.
  • 16. e. Procedures for determining bending stresses Stress at a Given Point • Use the method of sections to determine the bending moment M at the cross section containing the given point. • Determine the location of the neutral axis. • Compute the moment of inertia I of the cross- sectional area about the neutral axis. ( If the beam is standard structural shape, its cross- sectional properties are listed in Appendix B. P501) • Determine the y-coordinate of the given point. Note that y is positive if the point lies above the neutral axis and negative if it lies below the neutral axis. • Compute the bending stress from σ = -My / I. If correct sign are used for M and y, the stress will also have the correct sign (tension positive compression negative).
  • 17. Maximum Bending Stress: Symmetric Cross Section If the neutral axis is an axis of symmetric of the cross section, the maximum tensile and compression bending stresses are equal in magnitude and occur at the section of the largest bending moment. The following procedure is recommended for determining the maximum bending stress in a prismatic beam: • Draw the bending moment diagram by one of the methods described in SFD & BMD Unit. Identify the bending moment Mmax that has the largest magnitude (disregard the sign) • Compute the moment of inertia I of the cross- sectional area about the neutral axis. ( If the beam is a standard structural shape, its cross- sectional properties are listed in Appendix B.) • Calculate the maximum bending stress from σmax = [Mmax]c / I, where c is the distance from the neutral axis to the top or bottom of the cross section .
  • 18. Maximum Tensile and Compressive Bending Stresses: Unsymmetrical Cross Section If the neutral axis is not an axis of symmetry of the cross section, the maximum tensile and compressive bending stresses may occur at different sections. • Draw the bending moment diagram. Identify the largest positive and negative bending moments. • Determine the location of the neutral axis and record the distances ctop and cbot from the neutral axis to the top and bottom of the cross section. • Compute the moment of inertia I of the cross section about the neutral axis.
  • 19. • Calculate the bending stresses at the top and bottom of the cross section where the largest positive bending moment occurs from σ = -My / I.  At the top of the cross section, where y = ctop,we obtain σtop = -Mctop/ I.  At the bottom of the cross section, we have y = - cbot, so that σbot = Mcbop/I. • Repeat the calculations for the cross section that carries the largest negative bending moment. • Inspect the four stresses thus computed to determine the largest tensile (positive) and compressive (negative) bending stresses in the beam.
  • 20. Note on Units the units of terms in the flexure formula σ = -My / I. In the U.S. Customary system, M is often measured in pound-feet and the cross sectional properties in inches, It is recommended that you convert M into lb·in. and compute σ in lb/in.2 (psi). Thus, the units in the flexure formula become Iin.4  In SI system, M is usually expressed in N · m, whereas thecross- sectional dimensions are in mm. To obtain σ in N/m2 (Pa), he cross sectional properties must be converted to meters, so that the units in the flexure equation are  lb/ in.2  M lb in.yin.  N/ m 2  M Nmym I m4 
  • 21. Sample Problem 1.1 The simply supported beam in Fig. (a) has a rectangular cross section 120 mm wide and 200 mm high. (1) Compute the maximum bending stress in the beam. (2) Sketch the bending stress distribution over the cross section on which the maximum bending stress occurs. (3) Compute the bending stress at a point on section B that is 25 mm below the top of the beam.
  • 22. Solution Preliminary Calculations The shear force and bending moment diagrams. M max = +16 kN·m, occurring at D. The neutral axis (NA) is an axis of symmetry of the cross section as shown in Fig. (a). The moment of inertia of the cross section about the neutral axis is 12 12 bh3 0.120.23 6 m4 I    80010 and the distance c between the neutral axis and the top (or bottom) of the cross section is c = 100 mm = 0.1 m.
  • 23. Part 1 The maximum bending stress in the beam on the cross section that carries the largest bending moment, which is the section at D. Answer Part 2 The stress distribution on the cross section at D is shown in Fig. (d) (i) The bending stress varies linearly with distance from the neutral axis; (ii) Because M max is positive, the top half of the cross section is in compression and the bottom half is in tension. (iii)Due to symmetry of the cross section about the neutral axis, the maximum tensile and compressive stresses are equal in magnitude. 6 max 20.010 Pa  20.0MPa  Mmaxc  1610 0.13 I 80.0106 
  • 24. Part 3 From Fig. (c) we see that the bending moment at section B is M = + 9.28 kN·m. The y-coordinate of the point that lies 25 mm below the top of the beam is y = 100 -25 = 75 mm = 0.075 m. Answer The negative sign indicates that this bending stress is compressive, which is expected because the bending moment is positive and the point of interest lie above the neutral axis. 0.075 10   6 3 9.28   8.7010 Pa8.70MPa My I 80.0106  
  • 25. Sample Problem 1.2 The simply supported beam in Fig. (a) has the T-shaped cross section shown. Determine the values and locations of the maximum tensile and compressive bending stresses.
  • 26. Solution Preliminary Calculations Find the largest positive and negative bending moment. The results are shown in Fig. (a)-(c). From Fig.(c), the largest positive and negative bending moment are 3200 lb·ft and 4000 lb·ft respectively.
  • 27. As shown in Fig.(d), the cross section to be composed of the two rectangles with areas A1 = 0.8(8) = 6.4 in.2 and A2 = 0.8 (6) = 4.8 Compute the moment of inertia I of the cross-sectional area about is the moment of inertia of a rectangle about its own centroidal axis Thus, 422 1212   87.49in.  60.83  4.8 8.45.886    0.883  6.445.886I    in.2 . The centroidal coordinates of the areas are y1  4in. and y2  8.4in., , measured from the bottom of the cross section. The coordinate y of the centroid C of the cross section is y  A1 y1  A2 y2  6.44  4.88.4 5.886in. A1  A2 6.4  4.8 2   Ai yi  y,the neutral axis. Using the parallel-axis theorem, I = Ii i i i where I  b h3 /12
  • 28. Maximum Bending stresses The distances from the neutral axis to the top and the bottom of the cross section arectop  8.8 y  8.85886 2.914in. and cbot  y 5.886in., as shown in Fig.(c). Because these distances are different, we must investigate stresses at two locations: at x = 4 ft (where the largest positive bending moment occurs) and at x = 10 ft (where the largest negative bending moment occurs). Stresses at x = 4 ft The bending moment at this section is M = +3200 lb.ft causing compression above the neutral axis and tension below the axis. The resulting bending stresses at the top and bottom of the cross section are top   Mctop  I bot   3200122.914  1279psi 87.49  3200125.886  2580psi 87.49 I   Mcbot 
  • 29. Stresses at x = 10 ft The bending moment at this section is M = - 4000lb.ft, resulting in tension the neutral axis and compression below the neutral axis. The corresponding bending stresses at the extremities of the cross section are Inspecting the above results, we conclude that the maximum tensile and compressive stresses in the beam are ( σ T )max = 2580 psi ( bottom of the section at x = 4 ft ) ( σ c )max = 3230 psi ( bottom of the section at x = 10 ft ) top  4000122.914  1599psi  Mctop  bot I 87.49 87.49  400012 5.886  3230psi I   Mcbot 
  • 30. Sample Problem 1.3 The cantilever beam in Fig. (a) is composed of two segments with rectangular cross sections. The width of the each section is 2 in., but the depths are different, as shown in the figure. Determine the maximum bending stress in the beam.
  • 31. Solution Because the cross section of the beam is not constant, the maximum stress occurs either at the section just to the left of B (MB = - 8000 lb.ft) or at the section at D (MD = - 16000 lb.ft). the section moduli of the two segments are 6 242 5.333in.3bh 2 AB AB S  66 12.0in.3 6 bh 2 BD 262 BD S 
  • 32. From Eq. (5.4b) the maximum bending stresses on the two cross sections of the interest are Comparing the above values, we find that the maximum bending stress in the beam is σmax = 18000 psi (on the cross section just to the left of B) Answer This is an example where the maximum bending stress occurs on a cross section at the bending moment is not maximum. AB B S 5.333max    MB  800012 18000psi BD D S 12.0max    MD  1600012  16000psi
  • 33. Sample Problem 1.4 The wide- flange section W 14×30 is use as a cantilever beam, as shown in Fig.(a). Find the maximum bending stress in the beam. Solution The largest bending moment is ∣Mm a x ∣= 15000 lb · ft acting just to the left of section B. From the tables in Appendix B, we find that the section modulus of a W14×30 (P520) section is S = 42.0 in.3. Therefore, the maximum bending stress in the beam is S 42.0 max  15000 12  4290psi Mmax 
  • 34. 1.2 Economic Sections  The portions of a located near the neutral surface are understressed compared with at the top or bottom. Therefore, beams with certain cross- sectional shape ( including a rectangle and circle) utilize the material inefficiently because much of the cross section contributes little to resisting the bending moment.  Consider, for example, in Fig. 5.5(a) The section modulus has increased to S = bh2/6 = 2(6)2/6 = 12 in.3. If working stress is σ w = 18 ksi, the maximum safe bending moment for the beam is M =σw · S =18 (12) = 216 kip·in. Figure 5.5 Different ways to distribute the 12-in.2 cross- sectional area in (a) without changing the depth.
  • 35.  In Fig. 5.5(b), we have rearranged the area of the cross section but kept the same overall depth. It can be shown that the section that the section modulus has increased to S = 25.3 in.3(the parallel- axis theorem). Thus, the new maximum allowable moment is M = 18 (25.3) = 455 kip·in., which is more than twice the allowable moment for the rectangular section of the same area.  The section in Fig. 5.5(b) is not practical because its two parts, called the flanges. As in Fig. 5.5(c). The vertical connecting piece is known as the web of the beam. The web functions as the main shear-carrying component of the beam.
  • 36. a. Standard structural shapes  Figure 5.5 (c) is similar to a wide-flange beam, referred to as a W-shape. Another “slimmer”version of the shape is the I-beam (referred to as an S-shape) shown in Fig. 5.5(d). The I-beam preceded the wide- flange beam, but because it is not as efficient, it has largely been replaced by the wide- flange beam.
  • 37.  Properties of W-and S-shapes are given in Appendix B.  in SI units, the designation W610×140 indicates a wide-flange beam with a nominal depth of 610mm and a nominal mass per unit length of 140 kg/m. The tables in Appendix B indicates the actual depth of the beam is 617 mm and the actual mass is 140.1 kg/m.  In U.S. Customary units, a W36×300 is a wide-flange beam with a nominal depth 36 in. that weighs 300 lb/ft. The actual depth of this section is 36.74 in.  Referring to Appendix B, in addition to listing the dimensions, tables of structural shapes give properties of the cross-sectional area, such as moment of inertia (I), section modulus (S), and radius of gyration (r)4 for each principal axis of the area.
  • 38. When a structural section is selected to be used as a beam. The section modulus must be equal to or greater than section modulus determined by the flexure equation; that is, (5.5)  w the section modulus of the selected beam must be equal to or greater than the ratio of the bending moment to the working stress.  If a beam is very slender (large L/r), it may fail by lateral bucking before the working stress is reached. I-beams are particularly vulnerable to lateral bucking because of their low torsional rigidity and small moment of inertia about the axis parallel to the web. S  Mmax
  • 39. b. Procedure for selecting standard shapes A design engineer is often required to select the lightest standard structural shape ( such as a W-shape) that can carry a given loading in addition to the weight of the beam. Following is an outline of the selection process; .Neglecting the weight of the beam, draw the bending moment diagram to find the largest bending moment Mmax.. .Determine the minimum allowable section modulus from Smin = |Mmax.︱/σw , is the working stress. .Choose the lightest shape from the list of structural shapes (such as a Appendix B) for which S≥Smin and note its weight. .Calculate the maximum bending stress σmax in the selected beam caused by the prescribed loading plus the weight of the beam. Ifσmax≤σw, the selection is finished. Otherwise, the second-lightest shape with S≥Smin must be considered and the maximum bending stress recalculated. The process must be repeated unit a satisfactory shape is found.
  • 40. Sample Problem 1.5 What is the lightest W-shape beam that will support the 45-kN load shown in Fig. (a) without exceeding a bending stress of 120 MPa?Determine the actual bending stress in the beam. Solution Finding the reactions shown in Fig.(a), and sketch the shear force and bending moment diagrams in Figs. (b) and (c).
  • 41. The minimum bending acceptable section modulus that can carry this moment is 3M max Smin w 60 103    500  106 m3  500 103 mm 120 106  Referring to the table of Properties of W-shape (Appendix B SI Unit) and find that the following are the lightest beams in each size group that satisfy the requirement S≥Smin: (P508) Section S(mm3) Mass(kg/m) W200×52 512×103 52.3 W250×45 534×103 44.9 W310×39 549×103 38.7 Our first choice is the W310×39 section with S = 549×10-6 m3. The reason is that although the lightest beam is the cheapest on the basis of the weight alone, headroom clearances frequently require a beam with less depth than the lightest one.
  • 42. The weight of the beam for the W310×39 section is wo = (38.7 kg/m)×(9.81 m/s2) = 380 N/m = 0.380 kN/m From (d) shows the beam supporting both the 45-kN load and the weight of the beam. The maximum bending moment is found to be Mmax = 61.52 kN·m, again occurring under the concentrated load. Therefore, the maximum bending stress in the selected beam is 6 max  112.110 pa  112.1MPa 61.52 103  M max S 549106  Because this stress is less than the allowable stress of 120 MPa, the lightest W-shape that can safely support the 45-kN load is (with σmax =112.1MPa)W310×39 Answer
  • 43. 1.4 Shear Stress in Beams a. Analysis of flexure action  In Fig. 5.6, The separate layers would slide past one another, and the total bending strength of the beam would be the sum of the strength of the individual layers. Such a built-up beam would be considerably weaker than a solid beam of equivalent dimensions.  From the above observation, we conclude that the horizontal layers in a solid beam are prevented from sliding by shear stresses that act between the layers. Figure 5.6 Bending of a layered beam with no adhesive between the layers.
  • 44.  In Fig. 5.7. We isolate the shaded portion of the beam by using two cutting planes: a vertical cut along section 1 and horizontal cut located at the distance y’above the neutral axis. Figure 5.7 Equilibrium of the shaded portion of the beam requires a longitudinal shear force F = P, where P is the resultant of the normal stress acting on area A’ of section (1).
  • 45.  Calculate P using Fig. 5.8. The axial force acting on the area element dA of the cross section is dP = σdA.  If M is the bending moment acting at section 1 of the beam, the bending stress is given by Eq. (5.3): σ = - My/I, where y is the distance of the element from the neutral axis, and I is the moment of inertia of the entire cross-sectional area of the beam about the neutral axis. Figure 5.8 Calculating the resultant force of the normal stress over a portion of the cross-sectional area.
  • 46. Integrating over the area A’, we get (5.6) Where (5.7a) is the first moment of area A’ about the neutral axis. The negative sign in Eq. (5.6) indicates that positive M results in forces P and F that are directed opposite to those shown in Fig. 5.7. dP   My dA I Q  A` ydA A`A` ydA   MQ II P   dp   M 
  • 47. (5.7b).Q  A`y   Denoting the distance between the neutral axis and centroid C` of the area A’by y , we can write Eq. (5.7) as  In Eqs. (5.7b), Q represents the first moment of the cross-sectional area that lies above y’. Because the first moment of the total cross-sectional area about the neutral axis is zero, that first moment of the area below y’is - Q. Therefore, the magnitude of Q can be computed by using the area either above or below y’, whichever is more convenient.  y
  • 48. Figure 5.9 Variation of the first moment Q of area A’about the neutral axis for a rectangular cross section.  The maximum value of Q occurs at the neutral axis where y’= 0. It follows that horizontal shear force F is largest on the neutral surface. The variation of Q with y’for a rectangular cross section is illustrated in Fig. 5.9.
  • 49. b. Horizontal shear stress Consider Fig. 5.10. A horizontal plane located a distance y’above the neutral axis of the cross section. If the bending moment at section1 of the beam is M, the resultant force acting on face 1 of the body is given by Eq. (5.6):  Figure 5.10 Determining the longitudinal shear stress from the free-body diagram of a beam element. P  M Q I
  • 50. The bending moment acting at section 2 is M+dM, where dM is the infinitesimal change in M over the distance dx. Therefore, the resultant normal force acting on face 2 of the body is (a) I p  dP  M  dMQ I  I    P dPP  M dMQ M Q Σ F = 0 : (P +dP)-P + τ b dx = 0  I P  M Q I  Equilibrium can exist only if there is an equal and opposite shear force dF acting on the horizontal surface. If we letτbe the average shear stress acting on the horizontal surface, its resultant is dF = τbdx. Where b is the width of the crosssection at y = y`, as shown in Fig. 5.10. The equilibrium requirement for the horizontal forces is  dM Q
  • 51. Substituting for(P+dP) - P from Eq. (a), we get (b) Recalling the relationship V = dM/dx between the shear force and the bending moment we obtain for the average horizontal shear stress τ (5.8) I  dM Q  bdx  0 dx Ib   dM Q Ib   VQ
  • 52. c. Vertical shear stress shear stress is always accompanied by a complementary shear stress of equal magnitude, the two stresses acting on mutually perpendicular plane. Ib  Eq. (5.8)   VQ ( a plane parallel to the neutral surface ).A Figure 5.11 The vertical stress τ ’ acting at a point on a cross section equals the longitudinal shear stress τ acting at the same point.
  • 53. course, the shear force V;.  In a beam, the complementary stress τ ’ is a vertical shear stress that acts on the cross section of the beam, as illustrated in Fig. 5.11 (a). Because τ = τ ’ , Eq.(5.8) can be used to compute the vertical as well as the horizontal shear stress at a point in a beam.  The resultant of the vertical shear stress on the cross-sectional area A of the beam is,of A V  dA  To prove that τ = τ ` , consider Fig. 5.11(b). The horizontal and vertical forces are τdxdz and τ’dydz, respectively. These forces from two couples of opposite sense. For rotational equilibrium, the magnitudes of the couples must be equal; that is, (τdxdz) dy = (τ`dydz) dx, which yields τ = τ ’ .
  • 54. d. Discussion and limitations of the shear stress formula • The shear stress formula τ = VQ/(Ib) predicts that the largest shear stress in a prismatic beam occurs at the cross section that carries the largest vertical shear force V. • The location ( the value of y’) of the maximum shear stress within that section is determined by the ratio Q/b. Because Q is always maximum at y’= 0, the neutral axis is usually a candidate for the location of the maximum shear stress. • However, If the width b at the neutral axis is larger than at other parts of the cross section, it is necessary to compute τ at two or more values of y’before its maximum value can be determined.
  • 55. τ should be considered at the average shear stress. This restriction is necessary because the variation of the shear stress across the width b the cross section is often unknown.  Equation (5.8) is sufficiently accurate for rectangular cross sections and for cross sections that are composed of rectangles, such as W and S-shapes.  Let us consider as an example the circular cross section in Fig. 5.12. Figure 5.12 Shear stress distribution along a horizontal line of a circular cross section.Ib   VQ Ib VQ  When deriving the shear stress formula, Eq. (5.8), 
  • 56.  It can be shown that the shear stress at the periphery of the section must be tangent to the boundary, as shown in the figure.  The direction of shear stresses at interior points is unknown, except at the centerline, where the stress is vertical due to symmetry. To obtain an estimate of the maximum shear stress, the stresses are assumed to be directed toward a common center B, as shown. Figure 5.12 Shear stress distribution along a horizontal line of a circular cross section.  For other cross- sectional shapes, however, the formula for τ must be applied with caution. Let us consider as an example the circular cross section in Fig. 5.12.
  • 57.  The vertical components of these shear stresses are assumed to be uniform across the width of the section and are computed from Eq. (5.8). Under this assumption, the shear stress at the neutral axis is 1.333V/ (πr2 ). (4/3)(V/ πr2 )  A more elaborate analysis shows that the shear stress actually varies from 1.23 V/ (πr2 ) at the edges to 1.38 V/ (πr2 ) at the center.  Shear stress, like normal stress, exhibits stress concentrations near shape corners, fillets and holes in the cross section. The junction between the web and the flange of a W-shape is also an area of stress concentration.
  • 58. a. Procedure for analysis of shear stress: .Use equilibrium analysis to determine the vertical shear force V acting on the cross section containing the specified point ( the construction of a shear force diagram is usually a good idea). .Locate the neutral axis and compute the moment of inertia I of the cross- sectional area about the neutral axis (If the beam is a standard structural shape, its cross- sectional properties are listed in Appendix B.)(Andrew Pytel) .Compute the first moment Q of the cross- sectional area that lies above (or below)the specified point. .Calculate the shear stress from τ = VQ/(Ib), where b is the width of the cross section at the specified point.
  • 59.  The maximum shear stressτmax on a given cross section occurs where Q/b is largest.  If the width b is constant, then τm a x occurs at theneutral axis because that is where Q has its maxmum value.  If b is not constant, it is necessary to compute the shear stress at more than one point in order to determine its maximum value. In the U.S. Customary system, Im4 bm N /m2  VNQm3 In the SI system,   3 2 Iin.4 bin. VlbQin.  lb/in . 
  • 60. Sample Problem 1.6 The simply supported wood beam in Fig.(a) is fabricated by gluing together three 160-mm by 80-mm plans as shown. Calculate the maximum shear stress in (1) the glue; and (2) the wood.
  • 61. Solution From the shear force diagram in Fig. (b), the maximum shear force in the beam is Vmax = 24 kN, occurring at the supports. The moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area of the beam about the neutral axis is 12 12 bh3 1602403  184.32106 mm4  184.32106 m4 I    1.024103 m3 Part 1 The shear stress is the glue corresponds to the horizontal shear stress. Its maximum value can be computed from Eq. (5.8): τm a x = Vmax Q/(Ib), where Q is the first moment of the area A’ shown in Fig.(c); that is, Q  A`y` 1608080 1.024 106
  • 62. Therefore, the shear stress in the glue, which occurs over either support, is Answer 0.160 3 max 6 3 184.3210   2410 1.02410 max Ib  V Q   8.33103 Pa  8.33kPa 938kPa 2 A 2 0.1600.240 3 max  93810 Pa  3 24103  3 Vmax  Part 2 Because the cross section is rectangular, the maximum shear stress in the wood can be calculated from Eq. (5.9):
  • 63. The same result can be obtained from Eq. (5.8), where now A’ is the area above the neutral axis, as indicated in Fig. (d). The first moment of this area about the neutral axis is  1.152103 m3 Q  A`y` 16012060 1.152 106 mm3 Equation (5.8)this becomes 0.160 max 6 3 3 2410 1.15210  Ib 184.3210    Vma xQ   938 103 Pa  938kPa which agrees with the previous result.