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Not just another report — it’s a panoramic tour
of the marketing trendscape!
In the contemporary global business
landscape, CEOs are strategically
channeling substantial investments into
generative AI, recognizing it as a pivotal
catalyst for their future competitiveness.
This commitment is not merely speculative;
it emerges as a top investment priority,
with CEOs foreseeing a tangible payoff
within the upcoming three to five years.
The surge in enthusiasm is fueled by
organizations actively seeking to unlock
the vast potential of AI, with generative
AI gaining prominence due to a surging
demand for tailored content and the
continual evolution of algorithmic
The resonance of this sentiment is
underscored by the insights gleaned
from the KPMG 2023 India CEO Outlook
report. Here, a noteworthy 66% of CEOs
in India explicitly assert that generative
AI constitutes a paramount investment
priority for their organizations, aligning
closely with the global figure of 70%. At
KPMG in India, a fundamental belief
takes root—that the transformative
potential of AI manifests most potently
when harmoniously intertwined with
human expertise and ingenuity.
Critical to success in this dynamic
environment is the agility of marketers
in adapting to the rapidly changing
landscape of consumer preferences.
The contemporary consumer is
influenced by a myriad of factors,
leading to swift shifts in tastes and
expectations. Marketers must respond
adeptly by deciphering behavioral
patterns, facilitating hyper-personalization,
refining the sales funnel, and elevating
lead quality. Concurrently, rationalizing
and optimizing Martech stacks is
imperative. This involves meticulous
documentation of both external and
internal use cases, aligning technology
with expected consumer experiences,
and streamlining redundant technologies
while retiring inactive ones.
State Of MarTech 2024 01
Purushothaman KG
Partner and Head, Digital Solutions
& Telecommunications Industry Leader
KPMG in India
Ram Seshadri
Tech Enablement
KPMG in India
The overarching objective is to
synchronize marketing efforts with
prevailing consumer trends, amplify
return on investment (ROI), and
minimize wastage.
Despite the transformative potential of
Martech, marketers often grapple with
the challenge of extracting optimal
value from their investments. This
challenge is compounded by insufficient
strategic planning and the ineffective
use of ROI metrics to gauge Martech
performance. Success in this landscape
hinges on the adoption of flexible,
iterative roadmaps closely aligned with
organizational goals. Identifying
high-impact solutions within budget
constraints and unlocking the latent
potential of underutilized Martech
investments becomes a defining factor
for success. Marketers are tasked with
continual innovation to stay ahead of
the competition.
As we navigate the marketing terrain of
2024, the challenges surrounding the
extraction of value from Martech
investments persist. Navigating this
evolving landscape demands an agile,
ROI-driven mindset, necessitating the
pruning of Martech stacks and the
harnessing of impactful solutions for
sustained growth amid these
transformative waves.
State Of MarTech 2024
Synoptic Glimpse 04
Before The Hype Hits: A Peek At
Marketing’s Next Big(ish) Things
CMO Unplugged:
The Insider Perspective
About Netcore
Consumer 2024:
A Vision of The Future
Emerging Martech Horizons:
Top Trends Ahead
State Of MarTech 2024
Synoptic Glimpse
Short is mighty. Concise content fuels 89% of consumer choices. Brevity becomes the
key to consumer connections and decisions.
Swipe. Watch. Repeat. Short Content Crowned the Digital King
Easy product discoverability equals sales. Seamless journeys and instant
transactions are the new brand love language. Instagram and TikTok become serious
shopping hubs.
Blink and Buy: Time-starved Consumers Prioritize
Instant Transactions
Nailing precision is paramount. 91% crave relevant offers. Preferred spaces matter -
WhatsApp, email, and more!
Cherry-pick the lot! Consumer Appetite Shifts to
'My Personal Store' Experience
Under 60 sec is the sweet spot for marketing impact. ChatGPT and Bard are
leading the short-content wave. Well-spaced messages and bite-sized videos
cater to Gen Z.
Bite-sized Boom: Gen-AI Content Magic Propels Engagement
Seamless experiences are key to guiding user journeys. Consistency drives revenue,
cuts costs. Doing more with transactional emails opens doors to engagement.
Blendiverse Emerges: Omnichannel Strategies Deliver
Consistent Experiences
Eliminating redirects and drop-offs ignites engagement. Every channel supports
conversation to commerce. Emails and WhatsApp become brands’ third storefronts.
No Hops, No Drops: In-channel Transactions Drive
Instant Conversions
Picky consumers demand ultra-personalized experiences. Generative AI helps craft
one-on-one magic moments. Data becomes the essence of the 'Segment of One' Era.
Curate or Evaporate: AI-powered Tools Craft
Hyper-personalized Experiences
Automation 2.0, AI, and mixed realities elevate experiences. Tech upgrades help craft
smarter customer journeys. Innovative retailers empower users with virtual
product trials.
Tech Reboot: Marketing Automation 2.0 Fuels
Frictionless Journeys
State Of MarTech 2024
Consumer 2024:
A Vision of The Future
State Of MarTech 2024
Wishlist This Year?
From catchy content to personal
storefronts to effortless adventures
and everything in between—
consumers crave it all. Their tastes
are evolving at lightning speed,
compelling marketers to keep pace
or face obsolescence. Given the
current landscape, betting on
services that value users’ time,
understand their quirks, and
prioritize transparency will lead to
business gold.
Crafting long-lasting connections
will require delving deep into their
world, decoding their desires,
refining products, and crafting
experiences hotter than the latest
meme. Brands nailing these
experiences will not only retain their
consumer base but also stand to
generate significantly higher
revenues over time.
As we prepare for 2024, analyzing
critical consumer shifts isn't merely
predicting trends but your strategic
compass for charting the course in
this dynamic market.
State Of MarTech 2024
# Swipe. Watch. Repeat.
Short content crowned the digital king
Brief attention spans are fueling the demand for content that's short,
snappy, and right on the money. It's not just about the need for speed; folks
are eager to pass on what captivates or entertains them, and short content
is the ideal pick for today's on-the-go appetite.
The world, at the moment, is captivated by the magic of brevity—in India, a
digital powerhouse and the planet's most populated hub, a staggering 80%*¹
are hooked on bite-sized social media content day in and day out. This trend
reverberates on a global scale, showcasing a shared preference for concise,
impactful content.
Whether it's a quirky tagline, a viral meme, or a brief clip, these crisp bursts of
entertainment are the secret sauce of social interaction. They're not just
content but a collective heartbeat, sparking conversations and inspiring a
global carousel of reactions.
State Of MarTech 2024
Even in passing encounters,
consumers rapidly connect with
genuine, entertaining content.
Within that space, short videos truly
steal the spotlight, as consumers
find them 2.5*² times more engaging
than the longer ones – talk about
making every second count! But
here's the kicker: a mighty 89%*³
of consumers reveal that viewing
a video has tipped the scales
when deciding on a product or
service. It goes to show genuine
content speaks volumes when it
comes to influencing consumer
Today, less is more, and short-form content emerges as the undisputed
leader in consumer choices.
Industry Spotlight: Media & Entertainment
Identifying this shift isn't hard—it's all over the place. On LinkedIn,
professionals skim swipeable carousels for quick information.
Listicles are winning over long reads as readers prefer speed.
Inshorts' 60-word news is perfect for staying updated on the go.
Verticalized videos and mobile- optimized content are everywhere.
Even user-generated content echoes this trend. To trim the tale,
modern consumers aren't willing to dive into lengthy content. This
shift isn't just a matter of preference but a response to the
overwhelming saturation of content.
State Of MarTech 2024
Ride the short-content wave.
Catch up with the video frenzy.
Stick to under 60-sec rule for content.
*1 AxisMyIndia | *2 SproutSocial | *3 Wizyowl
Shruti Tyagi
Senior Director
AI marketing is set to contribute 45% to the global economy by
Content generation will benefit from AI analysis, enhancing brand
engagement. Automation, personalized marketing, and AI-driven
data analysis will streamline operations and improve decision-
making for digital marketers. Staying updated with these emerging
technologies is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in the
evolving marketing landscape.
State Of MarTech 2024
By 2026, global retail ecommerce sales will soar to a whopping 8.1*¹ trillion dollars!
That stat is colossal—a towering testament to the shopping surge.
However, in stark contrast, it appears that global consumers aren’t in the mood to
swipe right on just any random store – they're upgrading their shopping game,
becoming more selective, well-informed, and decidedly mindful of their expenditures.
In today’s digital marketplace, consumers are actively seeking outstanding shopping
encounters, which gravitate toward seamless and instant transactions. Marketers
respond by adopting AI analytics and Gen-AI strategies, and interestingly, consumers
are likely to embrace these innovations without even realizing it. However, this
acceptance isn't about consumers being unaware; rather, it mirrors their intentional
prioritization of convenience and the value of time.
In the realm of consumer preferences, easy product discoverability remains
another key player. When it's a breeze to spot desired items, shoppers are more
# Blink and Buy:
Time-Starved Consumers Prioritize Instant Transactions
State Of MarTech 2024
The verdict? Think quick, act slick, and make it a breeze for the consumers to
keep them coming back for more!
likely to seal the deal without
hesitation. This search for products
extends well beyond traditional
Today, users actively explore
brands and products on Instagram,
making it the platform's second
most engaging activity, captivating
62.2%*² of its users. Similarly, on
TikTok, 65%*³ of users rely on online
reviews and creator
recommendations for informed
online purchase decisions.
This evolving shopping landscape
indicates a shift in consumer values,
with shoppers appreciating brands
that ensure a consistent and
seamless journey, regardless of the
touchpoints. In this context, with
Meta expanding WhatsApp's
payment feature across
geographies, shoppers willingly
explore such unconventional yet
convenient storefronts to
complete their purchases.
Industry Spotlight: Ecommerce
Ecommerce giants around the world are tech-upgrading their
checkouts. They’re trying to speed up things for consumers eyeing
swift shopping transactions. Amazon's move to deliver order updates
via WhatsApp is simplifying the consumer experience for greater
ease and convenience. Brands are also bringing in AI chatbots to
ensure lightning-fast customer support. From the smallest to the
largest players around, everyone's stepping up their game.
State Of MarTech 2024
Empower users to spot, click, and
transact on-the-go.
Trim checkout processes for
lightning-fast conversions.
AI and Gen-AI: Your revenue-boosting allies.
In today's tech landscape, AI and Gen-AI tools take the lead. Notably,
Conversational AI stands out as a robust option for boosting
chatbot capabilities. Investing strategically in such technology is
essential for elevating customer experiences and shopping journeys
- a crucial step in developing and delivering lasting, impactful
consumer interactions.
Shishir Kataria
Director - Marketing
*1 Statista | *2 Datareportal(Based on GWI data) | *3 Hootsuite
State Of MarTech 2024
# Cherry-Pick The Lot!
Consumer Appetite Shifts to 'My Personal Store' Experience
Amidst an abundance of options, consumers expect perfection: either meet
their wants or vanish from their radar. Gone are the days when consumers
could be swayed by basic personal touches like first-name emails or
standard 'Buy from our new collection' notifications; now, it's about excelling
in hyper-personalization to stay relevant and valued.
It's crucial, considering an overwhelming 91%*¹ of consumers lean towards
brands that deliver relevant offers and recommendations.
Consumers ideally seek a shopping compass guiding their entire retail
adventure. They aren't just after the perfect jacket; they want the shades
that'll make it cooler and the sneakers that'll elevate its swagger. It's about
fulfilling their holistic shopping goals—think vertical, think horizontal,
think making their cart go 'Wow!' with every click.
Lara Smith
State Of MarTech 2024
Plus, regular shopping days are just
the beginning. When the holiday and
festive seasons rev up the shopping
frenzy to hyperdrive, that's when it's
time to shine. Take the early access
deals from membership perks and
loyalty programs, for instance; they
have the magic to turn eager
shoppers into die-hard loyalists.
This loyalty also extends to their
favored brand interaction
spaces—perhaps a WhatsApp
chat for some, while an email for
others. What's striking is the
necessity to prompt each
shopper at the precise moment
and in their preferred space to
catalyze their action. Most
consumers appreciate contextual
nudges that work as gentle
reminders to follow through with
their intended transactions.
Industry Spotlight: Travel
In this world of endless choices, the art of tailoring experiences for
each consumer is what will keep brands in the game. Consumers today
expect brands to personalize experiences like a best friend who knows
all their favorite spots. A search for a trip to Amsterdam, for instance,
has to land them the best hotels, the top activities, those hidden gems
around the corner, and maybe a travel vlog to help seal the deal. Travel
apps around the world are aiming to nail that level of personalization to
gratify travelers’ needs while also boosting revenue.
State Of MarTech 2024
Think of it this way: customers these days want your brand to be a
mind-reading, deal-crafting, wish-predicting wizard. Basically, you're not
just selling products; you're crafting personal storefronts precisely to each
customer’s liking.
Precision personalization is
Curate holistic shopping guides for impact.
Customize storefronts to match
consumer traits.
The current advancements in technology bring unparalleled
creative possibilities, especially, with Gen AI tools. When applied to
crafting consumer experiences, these tools excel in pinpointing
ideal segments, offering precise recommendations, and swiftly
crafting curated content. The predictive engagement capabilities
assist in delivering messages at the perfect moments and in the
preferred spaces. It's a remarkable leap forward in building
engaging, hyper-personalized experiences for consumers.
Rahul Lakhanpal
VP - Product Marketing
*1 Accenture report
State Of MarTech 2024
State Of MarTech 2024 16
Martech Horizons:
Top Trends Ahead
Mark Zuckerberg
Brands, Buckle Up!
Agility is the name of the game. The emerging expectations of this new
consumer ecosystem demand the creation of individualized
micro-segments and the delivery of hyper-personalized experiences.
To outshine the competition, you've got to zip through these trends.
It's time to revamp your 2024 strategies and keep pace with the global
innovators. Some have raced ahead by embracing cutting-edge
innovations such as voice-based search, while you might still be
weighing their impact. Brands are already adapting to new trends
spurred by changing consumer behavior—trends that are only set to
boom in 2024.
Gear up, dive into the hottest martech trends, and steer your brand
towards an unbeatable growth spree—let's go full throttle!
State Of MarTech 2024
Move fast and break
things. Unless you are
breaking stuff,
you are not moving
fast enough.
Bite-Sized Boom:
Gen-AI Content Magic Propels Engagement
In the world of dwindling attention spans, Gen Z takes the prize, clocking out of
ads at a mere 1.3 seconds*¹. This generation's consumer power is no joke, and that
ticking clock is giving marketers a serious case of the jitters.
What's truly a lifesaver is the skyrocketing video frenzy that is escalating with the
intensity of a viral meme on Turbo Boost!
These bite-sized, engaging snippets cater to fleeting attention spans, captivating
users effectively. The shift marks brands embracing concise, impactful content,
reflecting an evolution in marketing strategies for today's fast-paced audience.
Today, about 2 billion users, on average, consume short-form video content,
including the likes of TikTok Videos, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels.
State Of MarTech 2024
To seize this opportunity, marketers
need to skillfully divert the viewer's
deliberate attention and claim a share
of their focus. The ad should resonate
in, delivering either a fresh, enticing
concept or something comforting and
familiar—both irresistible to the mind.
Keep it short and sweet to make a
lasting impact. Nearly two-thirds*²
of viewers are willing to watch a
business video if it's less than a
minute long.
Use ChatGPT or Bard, the
quintessential content-generating
language models, to craft precise yet
impactful content at lightning speed.
Leverage advanced AI models such
as Google's Gemini to analyze user
feedback and automate responses.
These technologies excel at rapid
content creation while ensuring
customer satisfaction. Incorporate
content generation tools, AI analytics,
and run A/B tests—give your content
a makeover tailored for Instagram,
Twitter, and beyond. But remember,
the timing and frequency of your
content is of the essence—no
overwhelming the already
Industry Spotlight: Fashion, Beauty, and Personal Care
Zoom in on the nuances. Understand consumer preferences. Take
fashion giants, for instance! They're diving into influencer marketing,
using short videos to shine a spotlight on their product line. This
savvy strategy garners quick consumer responses, especially driven
by candid reviews. Short makeup tutorials, the new web sensation,
are creating a buzz for beauty brands. Whether a mega-star or a
micro-influencer, the key is to find one with an engaged audience
that aligns with your target market. This unlocks the goldmine of
videos that will bring success to your brand.
State Of MarTech 2024
Ride this trend until the next big thing hits the scene. In this crazy,
fast-paced world, catching up with trends means survival. From luxe jewelry
houses to bustling ecommerce hubs, everyone's riding the short-video
wave—what's your next strategic move going to be?
Snag attention with short video strategies.
Harness Gen-AI for lightning-speed
content creation..
Master timing and optimization for content
As per Google, the number of Indians using voice search queries is
twice the global average, which brings an interesting opportunity
for the brands to discover and engage with the newer audience. AI
will definitely play a pivotal role in the near future empowering
customers from 350Mn households speaking more than 22
languages to connect with the products and services of their
Amit Sethiya,
Head of Marketing,
*1. OMG, Yahoo, and Amplified Intelligence study | *2. Colormatics
State Of MarTech 2024
Blendiverse Emerges:
Omnichannel Strategies Deliver Consistent Experiences
The move to prioritize omnichannel strategies highlights a crucial
understanding: the imperative for consistent brand experiences across all
platforms. Additionally, enabling swift user interactions within inboxes
signifies a fundamental strategy shift. The outcome? Impressive.
Companies embracing robust omnichannel engagement witness a
substantial 9.5%*¹ year-over-year revenue surge and an impressive
7.5%*² year-over-year decrease in cost per contact. It’s the onset of
seismic shifts in revenue and operational efficiency.
Building consistent experiences covers everything from uniting brand
colors to message tone and purpose across every brand property. It's not
just about widening your reach but also nudging customers to complete
State Of MarTech 2024
their journey. Consider a shopper
abandoning their cart on your app;
AI analytics can predict their next
move and tell that maybe they’ll hop
over to WhatsApp next. So, why not
drop a cart completion reminder
there? Time it well and guarantee a
swift checkout. Use every channel
to guide them from start to finish,
not just to reach out!
Delivering uniform experiences is
like leaving breadcrumbs—they lead
consumers right back to your brand,
making you their go-to choice. You'll
etch your brand into their memory
and drive your revenue to new
Plus, you hold an advantage: there
has been significant progress
across every marketing channel
compared to just a few years ago.
Today, interactive emails act as
mini-websites inside user inboxes.
You can incorporate everything
from carousels to drop-down
menus and enable dynamic
updates and cart checkouts.
Similarly, Meta has transformed
WhatsApp into a digital storefront for users to purchase their preferred products
easily. You can also leverage Rich Communication Services (RCS) to present
products in attention-grabbing carousels or convenient information accordions.
And don’t overlook your brick-and-mortar outlets. Maintaining a consistent "look
and feel" across digital and physical channels is critical.
Brand Recall
State Of MarTech 2024
In essence, it's vital today to strike the right balance in channel communication
with consumers. An omnichannel strategy is key, granting you the ability to
engage users wherever they may be.
Industry Spotlight: Banking, Financial Services, & Insurance
Imagine this: Someone uses your bank’s credit card for a purchase.
Instead of sending them a plain confirmation email, jazz it up like a
lot of Indian banks are now doing - add a mini form in the email that
lets them apply for an add-on credit card. After they fill it out, send
WhatsApp messages with cool card offers. Then, gently remind them
in the app to finish up. Keep everything smooth and the same across
all these ways of contacting them. Result? More business from
existing and new customers.
State Of MarTech 2024
Prioritize consistent branding across
Turn every channel into consumer’s
journey compass.
Enhance the power of transactional
*1. Aberdeen Group | *2. Aberdeen Group
No Hops, No Drops:
In-channel Transactions Drive Instant Conversions
Forget the old map-to-store routine; we're rewriting the rules, teleporting the
store to user screens! In this fast-moving world, time is money—quite literally.
Save users time, and they'll reciprocate with their money.
The era of screen-hopping is ancient history—today, users expect convenience
on a platter, thanks to tech enabling smooth transactions without the screen
shuffle. And that's the pivotal shift most marketers need to embrace.
Whether it's catching up on interactive emails or diving into the WhatsApp shop
arena, marketers must do it—and without delay. Enable shoppers to search,
browse, add to cart, and checkout from any channel they prefer. Once you smooth
out their shopping journey, completing transactions becomes their pleasure.
Analyzing just the US market, 18%*¹ tend to bail on carts due to complicated
checkouts. This pattern likely echoes globally. So, why not condense it to a
State Of MarTech 2024
single screen? Interactive emails
mimic websites, flaunting product
carousels, dynamic pricing, and quick
checkouts. Similarly, WhatsApp
provides recommendations, timely
deals, and support, shaping a
seamless shopping journey. It's just
a matter of recalibrating strategy and
watching the magic unfold.
We're on a path where transforming
every communication channel into a
complete storefront, covering the
entire journey from conversation to
conversion to commerce, stands as
the ultimate destination.
As a matter of fact, user inboxes,
be it email or WhatsApp, are
evolving into a brand's third
To sum it up, the real game-changer lies in turbocharging user experiences—
smoothing out every step, reducing the hassle, and guaranteeing those
satisfied smiles.
storefront. Here, users do
everything from browsing and
chatting to making purchases.
Long gone are the days of losing
potential customers to external web
page redirects. Dynamic channels
today bring all user actions to them,
eliminating the need to redirect
elsewhere. AI streamlines half the
workload—automating analysis,
recommendations, and actions,
doubling as chatbots to swiftly
resolve queries. Innovations cover
the rest, enabling instant
transactions wherever users are for
truly memorable shopping
Industry Spotlight: Quick Commerce
Another dimension of shopping is quick commerce, which has seen
explosive growth in recent years, captivating consumers throughout
its ascent. Brands like Instacart and Blinkit (a Zomato-acquired entity)
innovate constantly to enhance user experiences. They keep working
on making transactions faster and deliveries quicker. They even let
users track orders directly from the iOS lock screen. Swiggy, an Indian
brand, for instance, taps into trending topics, from the Oscars to
sports championships to local festivals, tweaking its app elements
to align with these conversations and engage more users. Gen-AI
significantly contributes by quickly creating content for these
exciting initiatives.
State Of MarTech 2024
Catch up on channel innovations to build
seamless experiences.
Speed up purchases with hassle-free
checkouts and zero redirects.
Turn every channel into a bustling
generative AI to guide brands in creating personalized shopping
detours and fantastic pit stops, AI will guide brands in creating
tailored shopping adventures for their customers. We can expect
Martech to act as a personal trip planner, making each stop unique
and exciting for every traveler—your customers.
Mayank Singh
and VP of Marketing,
Digital Business and IT, Indonesia
State Of MarTech 2024
Curate or Evaporate:
AI-powered Tools Craft Hyper-personalized Experiences
Content saturation is a fact, and it's turning consumers into picky experts. They're
not settling for the usual—they want bespoke experiences. And with AI at the helm,
it's not just a change; it's a complete makeover of what they expect. Nearly 73%*¹
of global consumers are queuing up for more personalized encounters as
technology strides forward.
In this game, it's evolve fast or get lapped by quicker rivals in the race for business.
It is crucial to delicately juggle strategies that revolve around user consent and
the collection of zero-party data. Certain marketers have swiftly adjusted their
approach, prioritizing transparency in data collection and crafting exceptional
experiences that cultivate trust and loyalty.
For marketers determined not to get lost in the shuffle, here's the secret recipe:
treat data like the magic wand it is. Use it to carve out laser-focused user segments
and predict preferences with impeccable precision. Toss in AI and ML to the mix for
State Of MarTech 2024
Industry Spotlight: Media OTT
Netflix is the epitome of what a personalized browsing window must
look like. Each user's dashboard differs due to their precise data
collection, AI/ML analytics, leading to spot-on recommendations.
Using the content consumption data as a guide, OTT platforms now
recommend popular series and movies within similar genres favored by
similar audience segments. Every platform is striving for precise
personalization, delivering more relevant recommendations and
offerings in this fiercely competitive landscape.
an extra dash of enchantment—you
will be able to predict segments and
find the perfect moments for user
engagement. Spotting who's hungry
for what content and understanding
precisely when they're ready to take
the plunge will empower you to
finesse your content strategy. It’s
important you pay close attention to
user desires; their feedback now
also floods unconventional
platforms like social media
comments. For the rest, you can
deploy in-mail interactive forms and
quick feedback via RCS to collect
data and further customize your
Taking a progressive leap forward,
marketers are also deploying
Generative AI, crafting captivating
one-on-one communications that
resonate and linger with users. This
shift marks a new era where
technology choreographs
immersive experiences, reshaping
how brands genuinely engage and
captivate their audience through
authentic personalization. In
essence, we're inching closer to
catering to individuals uniquely,
moving towards a realm where
it's all about the "segment of
one.” That means today's
personalization must go far
beyond the usual.
State Of MarTech 2024
The ultimate verdict? Stand out or fade into obscurity—consumers demand
nothing short of a personalized storefront!
Tune in to user desires while you uphold
consent in data collection.
Prioritize hyper-personalization with
data magic.
Craft captivating one-on-one
As AI tools and generative AI models seamlessly weave into the
fabric of our daily lives, the marketing domain teeters on the edge
of a revolutionary transformation in both strategies and operations.
AI's role transcends conventional task automation; it has evolved
into a pivotal force, crafting authentic, empathetic experiences by
fusing AI insights with emotional intelligence. In this epoch, AI is
poised to r ne customer journeys, fostering hyper-
personalization through the analysis of consumer behavior,
thereby reshaping the landscape of marketing innovation,
Purushothaman KG
Partner and Head, Digital Solutions
& Telecommunications Industry Leader,
State Of MarTech 2024
*1. Statista | *2 EY
KPMG in India
Tech Reboot:
Marketing Automation 2.0 Fuels Frictionless Journeys
Marketers are plunging into the world of automation, spicing up consumer experi-
ences on the fly. Automation is reshaping strategies by ensuring timely messaging
across preferred channels and executing precise reactivation campaigns. Steering
every interaction, from that initial spark to reigniting the flame, marketers are on a
mission to craft seamless customer journeys that
smooth out the bumps and leave audiences craving for more. And why should they
not? Especially considering that a mere 5%*1 boost in customer retention yields
a staggering 25% surge in profit.
In our dynamic consumer landscape, automated triggers are indispensable for
success. They silently observe consumer behavior, enabling swift, well-timed, and
relevant business responses. A global survey*2 of marketing decision-makers
reveals that 63% automate email marketing, 50% use automation for social
media, and 40% streamline paid ads with automation. Automation truly stands
State Of MarTech 2024
It's like marketing technology has hit the refresh button and upgraded to version
2.0! Now, marketers need to cozy up to this evolution to outshine even their own
top-tier strategies and campaigns.
as a powerhouse, offering extensive
support across a spectrum of
tasks—from data cleansing to
advanced analytics, predictive
segmentation, predictive
engagement, and automating not
just responses but also content
Moreover, the recent technology
upgrades are a strong ally for your
goals. Marketers have started
integrating conversational AI to
assist customers better, while some
are elevating experiences by
combining virtual, augmented, and
mixed realities. The result?
Experiences that captivate the
senses and create visually
immersive encounters, leaving a
lasting impact.
This year, marketers are also
prioritizing smarter, more intelligent
customer journeys above all else.
AI/ML and channel innovations are
proving instrumental in slicing out
unnecessary steps, merging
actions in one spot, and delivering
lightning-fast transactions for
users. Smoother interactions will
pave the way for quicker
decisions—eliminating friction urges
users to transition from interest to
action in the blink of an eye!
Industry Spotlight: Retail
Get inspired by your peers in the retail industry. From furniture-selling
apps to major paint stores around the world, a trend is emerging where
brands empower consumers to visualize products in their homes. It's
like enabling a sneak peek before the actual purchase, so they won't
have to wonder if that new couch clashes with the curtains! Not just
this, big players like IKEA and Apple have gone big and curated
immersive outdoor campaigns to captivate their users. Combining
creativity with technology like AI and CGI is truly revolutionizing the
marketing world.
State Of MarTech 2024
Elevate engagement: Power up with
automation 2.0
Harness channel innovations to build
smarter journeys.
Master everything - conversational AI to
mixed realities - level up your strategy.
The Indian consumer is no longer a monolith. We're witnessing
hyper-individuality, driven by diverse aspirations and nuanced data
points. In this landscape, MarTech in India isn't just about acquiring
tools; it's about mastering the art of tailoring experiences. CRM
becomes the canvas, where AI weaves personalized journeys
fueled by real-time insights. The future of MarTech in India lies in
mastering this dance between technology and empathy,
anticipating desires before they're even voiced. Embrace the
chaos, the diversity, the ever-evolving data symphony.
Manoj Taneja
Director and Head of Digital Commerce
State Of MarTech 2024
*1. Bain & Company | *2. Statista
State Of MarTech 2024 33
Marketing Landscape 2024
Strategic Snapshot:
Consumer Insights &
Martech Trends at a Glance
Shape New
A quick visual summarizing consumer insights and martech
trends for a snapshot understanding of our
comprehensive report.
My Personal
In the dynamic landscape of marketing, some changes swiftly
evolve into major trends while others linger at a nascent stage,
leaving us uncertain about their potential as the next big thing.
Yet, we can't afford to overlook them, can we? Here's a quick
overview of the most promising shifts occurring in the market that
deserve your attention. It remains to be seen if they will evolve
into a trend of their own.
Apple continues to complicate email marketing
Many say email marketing is fading, but its continued success proves
otherwise—it's here to stay. Despite tech changes, new strategies keep it
alive. From countering Apple's MPP impact on opens to tackling spam with
enhanced security and embracing interactivity through AMP technology, it
has weathered it all. Apple's recent iOS 17 update introduced Link Tracking
Protection (LTP), stripping certain tracking details from shared URLs,
posing challenges for conversion tracking. However, it seems using UTM
parameters can help mitigate this impact. With Apple's updates, the
journey for email marketers remains an ongoing challenge.
Before the Hype Hits:
A Peek at Marketing’s Next
Big(ish) Things
TikTok favoring long-form video content.
During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, TikTok launched a $1 billion
creator fund to support and reward short-form video creators whose
content went viral on its platform. However, as of December 16th, ’23,
TikTok has concluded its creator fund, now valued at $2 billion, and
introduced a “Creativity Program Beta” that shifts focus to longer-form
videos as a means of compensation. This strategic shift signals TikTok's
intention to enhance profitability by encouraging users to spend more
time on the platform, diverging from its original concept of pioneering
short-form video trends.
State Of MarTech 2024
As CMOs, we navigate the thrilling
rollercoaster of the evolving marketing
landscape, finely attuned to every
nuance of consumer behavior. The
State of MarTech 2024 Trendscape is
our compass to guide marketers like you
into the Gen AI era where analytics,
predictions, and content generation will
be foundational to innovative marketing
Our role as marketers goes beyond
impact creation; it's about transforming
customer engagement into strategic
business outcomes. Netcore's mission
is to empower marketers like you to
build meaningful connections between
consumers and their favorite brands.
Our Comprehensive Customer
Experience Platform is the operating
software that enables you to create
memorable experiences and steers you
toward profitability.
We aim to redefine the marketing
landscape, transforming every
interaction from a mere transaction into
a lasting impression. We're ushering in
an era of transformative shifts like
Customer Experience 2.0 and
Hyper-Personalization, aiming to craft
customer experiences so awe-inspiring
that every consumer interaction
becomes a chance to tell an
unforgettable story.
Looking ahead, the fusion of
data-driven insights, empathetic
storytelling, and innovative technology
will be key for marketers. We're not just
following trends; we're setting them,
creating a narrative where marketing is
not only effective but also
conscientious and human-centric.
Together, let's sculpt a tomorrow where
customer experiences aren't just
top-notch but jaw-dropping—where
every interaction narrates an
unforgettable saga. That's our mission,
that's our expedition, and it's an
exhilarating one indeed!
CMO Unplugged:
The Insider Perspective
Chief Marketing Growth Officer
Mahesh Narayanan
State Of MarTech 2024
About Netcore
One platform. Multiple Channels.
25+ 6500+
Years Global Brands
Netcore is a global Martech product company that helps B2C
brands create unique digital experiences with a range of products
that help in acquisition, engagement, and retention. The first and
leading AI/ML-powered marketing automation and customer
engagement platform, Netcore, was established in 1997 by Rajesh
Jain, an internet pioneer. Today, it is revolutionizing how marketing
and product teams engage with consumers.
We believe every brand's customers deserve an 'Intelligent
Customer Experience' across all the digital touchpoints—
experiences that are contextual, personalized, and delightful.
Ecommerce and D2C marketers use Netcore to deliver AI-powered
customer experiences across email, mobile, web, and beyond.
Acknowledging our product and technological innovations in
emails, G2 Reports have recognized Netcore as a Leader 11
consecutive times. Over 50 top-notch brands from diverse
industries and global locations have partnered with Netcore's
AI-powered email platform to execute campaigns and enhance
their ROI.
Headquartered in Mumbai, India, with offices throughout Southeast
Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas, Netcore serves over 6,500
clients across 40 countries, delivering over 1 billion experiences
every day - including 500 million emails and 700 million push
State Of MarTech 2024
Brands that trust us
Travel and Hospitality
Banking/Mutual Funds/Securities
Job Portals
Financial services
State Of MarTech 2024
Beauty and Self-care Telecom
State Of MarTech 2024
Stay in touch with
your customers throughout
their lifecycle
Netcore Cloud Inc.
18C-102 500 7th Avenue, New York, NY 10018, USA

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  • 1. STATE OF MARTECH 2024 Not just another report — it’s a panoramic tour of the marketing trendscape!
  • 2. In the contemporary global business landscape, CEOs are strategically channeling substantial investments into generative AI, recognizing it as a pivotal catalyst for their future competitiveness. This commitment is not merely speculative; it emerges as a top investment priority, with CEOs foreseeing a tangible payoff within the upcoming three to five years. The surge in enthusiasm is fueled by organizations actively seeking to unlock the vast potential of AI, with generative AI gaining prominence due to a surging demand for tailored content and the continual evolution of algorithmic capabilities. The resonance of this sentiment is underscored by the insights gleaned from the KPMG 2023 India CEO Outlook report. Here, a noteworthy 66% of CEOs in India explicitly assert that generative AI constitutes a paramount investment priority for their organizations, aligning closely with the global figure of 70%. At KPMG in India, a fundamental belief takes root—that the transformative potential of AI manifests most potently when harmoniously intertwined with human expertise and ingenuity. Critical to success in this dynamic environment is the agility of marketers in adapting to the rapidly changing landscape of consumer preferences. The contemporary consumer is influenced by a myriad of factors, leading to swift shifts in tastes and expectations. Marketers must respond adeptly by deciphering behavioral patterns, facilitating hyper-personalization, refining the sales funnel, and elevating lead quality. Concurrently, rationalizing and optimizing Martech stacks is imperative. This involves meticulous documentation of both external and internal use cases, aligning technology with expected consumer experiences, and streamlining redundant technologies while retiring inactive ones. Foreword State Of MarTech 2024 01
  • 3. Purushothaman KG Partner and Head, Digital Solutions & Telecommunications Industry Leader KPMG in India Ram Seshadri Partner, Tech Enablement KPMG in India The overarching objective is to synchronize marketing efforts with prevailing consumer trends, amplify return on investment (ROI), and minimize wastage. Despite the transformative potential of Martech, marketers often grapple with the challenge of extracting optimal value from their investments. This challenge is compounded by insufficient strategic planning and the ineffective use of ROI metrics to gauge Martech performance. Success in this landscape hinges on the adoption of flexible, iterative roadmaps closely aligned with organizational goals. Identifying high-impact solutions within budget constraints and unlocking the latent potential of underutilized Martech investments becomes a defining factor for success. Marketers are tasked with continual innovation to stay ahead of the competition. As we navigate the marketing terrain of 2024, the challenges surrounding the extraction of value from Martech investments persist. Navigating this evolving landscape demands an agile, ROI-driven mindset, necessitating the pruning of Martech stacks and the harnessing of impactful solutions for sustained growth amid these transformative waves. 02 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 4. Index Synoptic Glimpse 04 01 02 03 Before The Hype Hits: A Peek At Marketing’s Next Big(ish) Things 04 CMO Unplugged: The Insider Perspective 05 About Netcore 35 36 06 Consumer 2024: A Vision of The Future 05 16 34 Emerging Martech Horizons: Top Trends Ahead 03 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 5. Synoptic Glimpse 01 Short is mighty. Concise content fuels 89% of consumer choices. Brevity becomes the key to consumer connections and decisions. Swipe. Watch. Repeat. Short Content Crowned the Digital King 04 Easy product discoverability equals sales. Seamless journeys and instant transactions are the new brand love language. Instagram and TikTok become serious shopping hubs. Blink and Buy: Time-starved Consumers Prioritize Instant Transactions Nailing precision is paramount. 91% crave relevant offers. Preferred spaces matter - WhatsApp, email, and more! Cherry-pick the lot! Consumer Appetite Shifts to 'My Personal Store' Experience Under 60 sec is the sweet spot for marketing impact. ChatGPT and Bard are leading the short-content wave. Well-spaced messages and bite-sized videos cater to Gen Z. Bite-sized Boom: Gen-AI Content Magic Propels Engagement Seamless experiences are key to guiding user journeys. Consistency drives revenue, cuts costs. Doing more with transactional emails opens doors to engagement. Blendiverse Emerges: Omnichannel Strategies Deliver Consistent Experiences Eliminating redirects and drop-offs ignites engagement. Every channel supports conversation to commerce. Emails and WhatsApp become brands’ third storefronts. No Hops, No Drops: In-channel Transactions Drive Instant Conversions Picky consumers demand ultra-personalized experiences. Generative AI helps craft one-on-one magic moments. Data becomes the essence of the 'Segment of One' Era. Curate or Evaporate: AI-powered Tools Craft Hyper-personalized Experiences Automation 2.0, AI, and mixed realities elevate experiences. Tech upgrades help craft smarter customer journeys. Innovative retailers empower users with virtual product trials. Tech Reboot: Marketing Automation 2.0 Fuels Frictionless Journeys State Of MarTech 2024
  • 6. Consumer 2024: A Vision of The Future 02 05 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 7. Consumers' Wishlist This Year? It's From catchy content to personal storefronts to effortless adventures and everything in between— consumers crave it all. Their tastes are evolving at lightning speed, compelling marketers to keep pace or face obsolescence. Given the current landscape, betting on services that value users’ time, understand their quirks, and prioritize transparency will lead to business gold. Crafting long-lasting connections will require delving deep into their world, decoding their desires, refining products, and crafting experiences hotter than the latest meme. Brands nailing these experiences will not only retain their consumer base but also stand to generate significantly higher revenues over time. As we prepare for 2024, analyzing critical consumer shifts isn't merely predicting trends but your strategic compass for charting the course in this dynamic market. 06 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 8. Home Discover 118.7K 678 Share Inbox Me Home Discover 118.7K 678 Share Inbox Me Home Discover 118.7K 678 Share Inbox Me Home Discover 118.7K 678 Share Inbox Me Home Discover 118.7K 678 Share Inbox Me Home Discover Inbox Me Home Discover 118.7K 678 Share Inbox Me Home Discover Inbox Me # Swipe. Watch. Repeat. Short content crowned the digital king Brief attention spans are fueling the demand for content that's short, snappy, and right on the money. It's not just about the need for speed; folks are eager to pass on what captivates or entertains them, and short content is the ideal pick for today's on-the-go appetite. The world, at the moment, is captivated by the magic of brevity—in India, a digital powerhouse and the planet's most populated hub, a staggering 80%*¹ are hooked on bite-sized social media content day in and day out. This trend reverberates on a global scale, showcasing a shared preference for concise, impactful content. Whether it's a quirky tagline, a viral meme, or a brief clip, these crisp bursts of entertainment are the secret sauce of social interaction. They're not just content but a collective heartbeat, sparking conversations and inspiring a global carousel of reactions. 07 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 9. 118.7K 678 Share Inbox Me Even in passing encounters, consumers rapidly connect with genuine, entertaining content. Within that space, short videos truly steal the spotlight, as consumers find them 2.5*² times more engaging than the longer ones – talk about making every second count! But here's the kicker: a mighty 89%*³ of consumers reveal that viewing a video has tipped the scales when deciding on a product or service. It goes to show genuine content speaks volumes when it comes to influencing consumer decisions. Today, less is more, and short-form content emerges as the undisputed leader in consumer choices. x VS Industry Spotlight: Media & Entertainment Identifying this shift isn't hard—it's all over the place. On LinkedIn, professionals skim swipeable carousels for quick information. Listicles are winning over long reads as readers prefer speed. Inshorts' 60-word news is perfect for staying updated on the go. Verticalized videos and mobile- optimized content are everywhere. Even user-generated content echoes this trend. To trim the tale, modern consumers aren't willing to dive into lengthy content. This shift isn't just a matter of preference but a response to the overwhelming saturation of content. 08 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 10. Ride the short-content wave. Catch up with the video frenzy. Stick to under 60-sec rule for content. *1 AxisMyIndia | *2 SproutSocial | *3 Wizyowl Shruti Tyagi Senior Director AI marketing is set to contribute 45% to the global economy by Content generation will benefit from AI analysis, enhancing brand engagement. Automation, personalized marketing, and AI-driven data analysis will streamline operations and improve decision- making for digital marketers. Staying updated with these emerging technologies is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in the evolving marketing landscape. Takeaways 09 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 11. By 2026, global retail ecommerce sales will soar to a whopping 8.1*¹ trillion dollars! That stat is colossal—a towering testament to the shopping surge. However, in stark contrast, it appears that global consumers aren’t in the mood to swipe right on just any random store – they're upgrading their shopping game, becoming more selective, well-informed, and decidedly mindful of their expenditures. In today’s digital marketplace, consumers are actively seeking outstanding shopping encounters, which gravitate toward seamless and instant transactions. Marketers respond by adopting AI analytics and Gen-AI strategies, and interestingly, consumers are likely to embrace these innovations without even realizing it. However, this acceptance isn't about consumers being unaware; rather, it mirrors their intentional prioritization of convenience and the value of time. In the realm of consumer preferences, easy product discoverability remains another key player. When it's a breeze to spot desired items, shoppers are more # Blink and Buy: Time-Starved Consumers Prioritize Instant Transactions 10 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 12. The verdict? Think quick, act slick, and make it a breeze for the consumers to keep them coming back for more! TikTok: Shop likely to seal the deal without hesitation. This search for products extends well beyond traditional platforms. Today, users actively explore brands and products on Instagram, making it the platform's second most engaging activity, captivating 62.2%*² of its users. Similarly, on TikTok, 65%*³ of users rely on online reviews and creator recommendations for informed online purchase decisions. This evolving shopping landscape indicates a shift in consumer values, with shoppers appreciating brands that ensure a consistent and seamless journey, regardless of the touchpoints. In this context, with Meta expanding WhatsApp's payment feature across geographies, shoppers willingly explore such unconventional yet convenient storefronts to complete their purchases. Industry Spotlight: Ecommerce Ecommerce giants around the world are tech-upgrading their checkouts. They’re trying to speed up things for consumers eyeing swift shopping transactions. Amazon's move to deliver order updates via WhatsApp is simplifying the consumer experience for greater ease and convenience. Brands are also bringing in AI chatbots to ensure lightning-fast customer support. From the smallest to the largest players around, everyone's stepping up their game. 11 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 13. Empower users to spot, click, and transact on-the-go. Trim checkout processes for lightning-fast conversions. AI and Gen-AI: Your revenue-boosting allies. In today's tech landscape, AI and Gen-AI tools take the lead. Notably, Conversational AI stands out as a robust option for boosting chatbot capabilities. Investing strategically in such technology is essential for elevating customer experiences and shopping journeys - a crucial step in developing and delivering lasting, impactful consumer interactions. Takeaways Takeaways Shishir Kataria Director - Marketing 12 *1 Statista | *2 Datareportal(Based on GWI data) | *3 Hootsuite State Of MarTech 2024
  • 14. # Cherry-Pick The Lot! Consumer Appetite Shifts to 'My Personal Store' Experience Amidst an abundance of options, consumers expect perfection: either meet their wants or vanish from their radar. Gone are the days when consumers could be swayed by basic personal touches like first-name emails or standard 'Buy from our new collection' notifications; now, it's about excelling in hyper-personalization to stay relevant and valued. It's crucial, considering an overwhelming 91%*¹ of consumers lean towards brands that deliver relevant offers and recommendations. Consumers ideally seek a shopping compass guiding their entire retail adventure. They aren't just after the perfect jacket; they want the shades that'll make it cooler and the sneakers that'll elevate its swagger. It's about fulfilling their holistic shopping goals—think vertical, think horizontal, think making their cart go 'Wow!' with every click. 04:28 Lara Smith ADD TO CART ADD TO CART 13 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 15. Plus, regular shopping days are just the beginning. When the holiday and festive seasons rev up the shopping frenzy to hyperdrive, that's when it's time to shine. Take the early access deals from membership perks and loyalty programs, for instance; they have the magic to turn eager shoppers into die-hard loyalists. This loyalty also extends to their favored brand interaction spaces—perhaps a WhatsApp chat for some, while an email for others. What's striking is the necessity to prompt each shopper at the precise moment and in their preferred space to catalyze their action. Most consumers appreciate contextual nudges that work as gentle reminders to follow through with their intended transactions. Industry Spotlight: Travel In this world of endless choices, the art of tailoring experiences for each consumer is what will keep brands in the game. Consumers today expect brands to personalize experiences like a best friend who knows all their favorite spots. A search for a trip to Amsterdam, for instance, has to land them the best hotels, the top activities, those hidden gems around the corner, and maybe a travel vlog to help seal the deal. Travel apps around the world are aiming to nail that level of personalization to gratify travelers’ needs while also boosting revenue. 14 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 16. Think of it this way: customers these days want your brand to be a mind-reading, deal-crafting, wish-predicting wizard. Basically, you're not just selling products; you're crafting personal storefronts precisely to each customer’s liking. Precision personalization is non-negotiable. Curate holistic shopping guides for impact. Customize storefronts to match consumer traits. The current advancements in technology bring unparalleled creative possibilities, especially, with Gen AI tools. When applied to crafting consumer experiences, these tools excel in pinpointing ideal segments, offering precise recommendations, and swiftly crafting curated content. The predictive engagement capabilities assist in delivering messages at the perfect moments and in the preferred spaces. It's a remarkable leap forward in building engaging, hyper-personalized experiences for consumers. Takeaways Rahul Lakhanpal VP - Product Marketing 15 *1 Accenture report State Of MarTech 2024
  • 17. State Of MarTech 2024 16 Emerging Martech Horizons: Top Trends Ahead 03 04:28 Reels 04:28 04:28
  • 18. Mark Zuckerberg Brands, Buckle Up! Agility is the name of the game. The emerging expectations of this new consumer ecosystem demand the creation of individualized micro-segments and the delivery of hyper-personalized experiences. To outshine the competition, you've got to zip through these trends. It's time to revamp your 2024 strategies and keep pace with the global innovators. Some have raced ahead by embracing cutting-edge innovations such as voice-based search, while you might still be weighing their impact. Brands are already adapting to new trends spurred by changing consumer behavior—trends that are only set to boom in 2024. Gear up, dive into the hottest martech trends, and steer your brand towards an unbeatable growth spree—let's go full throttle! 17 State Of MarTech 2024 Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough.
  • 19. Bite-Sized Boom: Gen-AI Content Magic Propels Engagement TREND 1 In the world of dwindling attention spans, Gen Z takes the prize, clocking out of ads at a mere 1.3 seconds*¹. This generation's consumer power is no joke, and that ticking clock is giving marketers a serious case of the jitters. What's truly a lifesaver is the skyrocketing video frenzy that is escalating with the intensity of a viral meme on Turbo Boost! These bite-sized, engaging snippets cater to fleeting attention spans, captivating users effectively. The shift marks brands embracing concise, impactful content, reflecting an evolution in marketing strategies for today's fast-paced audience. Today, about 2 billion users, on average, consume short-form video content, including the likes of TikTok Videos, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels. 18 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 20. To seize this opportunity, marketers need to skillfully divert the viewer's deliberate attention and claim a share of their focus. The ad should resonate louderthanthecontentthey'reengaged in, delivering either a fresh, enticing concept or something comforting and familiar—both irresistible to the mind. Keep it short and sweet to make a lasting impact. Nearly two-thirds*² of viewers are willing to watch a business video if it's less than a minute long. Use ChatGPT or Bard, the quintessential content-generating language models, to craft precise yet impactful content at lightning speed. Leverage advanced AI models such as Google's Gemini to analyze user feedback and automate responses. These technologies excel at rapid content creation while ensuring customer satisfaction. Incorporate content generation tools, AI analytics, and run A/B tests—give your content a makeover tailored for Instagram, Twitter, and beyond. But remember, the timing and frequency of your content is of the essence—no overwhelming the already overwhelmed! Industry Spotlight: Fashion, Beauty, and Personal Care Zoom in on the nuances. Understand consumer preferences. Take fashion giants, for instance! They're diving into influencer marketing, using short videos to shine a spotlight on their product line. This savvy strategy garners quick consumer responses, especially driven by candid reviews. Short makeup tutorials, the new web sensation, are creating a buzz for beauty brands. Whether a mega-star or a micro-influencer, the key is to find one with an engaged audience that aligns with your target market. This unlocks the goldmine of videos that will bring success to your brand. 19 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 21. Ride this trend until the next big thing hits the scene. In this crazy, fast-paced world, catching up with trends means survival. From luxe jewelry houses to bustling ecommerce hubs, everyone's riding the short-video wave—what's your next strategic move going to be? Snag attention with short video strategies. Harness Gen-AI for lightning-speed content creation.. Master timing and optimization for content dominance. As per Google, the number of Indians using voice search queries is twice the global average, which brings an interesting opportunity for the brands to discover and engage with the newer audience. AI will definitely play a pivotal role in the near future empowering customers from 350Mn households speaking more than 22 languages to connect with the products and services of their aspiration. Takeaways Amit Sethiya, Head of Marketing, 20 *1. OMG, Yahoo, and Amplified Intelligence study | *2. Colormatics State Of MarTech 2024
  • 22. Blendiverse Emerges: Omnichannel Strategies Deliver Consistent Experiences TREND 2 The move to prioritize omnichannel strategies highlights a crucial understanding: the imperative for consistent brand experiences across all platforms. Additionally, enabling swift user interactions within inboxes signifies a fundamental strategy shift. The outcome? Impressive. Companies embracing robust omnichannel engagement witness a substantial 9.5%*¹ year-over-year revenue surge and an impressive 7.5%*² year-over-year decrease in cost per contact. It’s the onset of seismic shifts in revenue and operational efficiency. Building consistent experiences covers everything from uniting brand colors to message tone and purpose across every brand property. It's not just about widening your reach but also nudging customers to complete 21 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 23. their journey. Consider a shopper abandoning their cart on your app; AI analytics can predict their next move and tell that maybe they’ll hop over to WhatsApp next. So, why not drop a cart completion reminder there? Time it well and guarantee a swift checkout. Use every channel to guide them from start to finish, not just to reach out! Delivering uniform experiences is like leaving breadcrumbs—they lead consumers right back to your brand, making you their go-to choice. You'll etch your brand into their memory and drive your revenue to new heights. Plus, you hold an advantage: there has been significant progress across every marketing channel compared to just a few years ago. Today, interactive emails act as mini-websites inside user inboxes. You can incorporate everything from carousels to drop-down menus and enable dynamic updates and cart checkouts. Similarly, Meta has transformed WhatsApp into a digital storefront for users to purchase their preferred products easily. You can also leverage Rich Communication Services (RCS) to present products in attention-grabbing carousels or convenient information accordions. And don’t overlook your brick-and-mortar outlets. Maintaining a consistent "look and feel" across digital and physical channels is critical. Brand Recall Brand Experience Brand Recognition 22 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 24. In essence, it's vital today to strike the right balance in channel communication with consumers. An omnichannel strategy is key, granting you the ability to engage users wherever they may be. Industry Spotlight: Banking, Financial Services, & Insurance Imagine this: Someone uses your bank’s credit card for a purchase. Instead of sending them a plain confirmation email, jazz it up like a lot of Indian banks are now doing - add a mini form in the email that lets them apply for an add-on credit card. After they fill it out, send WhatsApp messages with cool card offers. Then, gently remind them in the app to finish up. Keep everything smooth and the same across all these ways of contacting them. Result? More business from existing and new customers. 23 State Of MarTech 2024 Prioritize consistent branding across platforms. Turn every channel into consumer’s journey compass. Enhance the power of transactional messages. Takeaways *1. Aberdeen Group | *2. Aberdeen Group
  • 25. No Hops, No Drops: In-channel Transactions Drive Instant Conversions TREND 3 Forget the old map-to-store routine; we're rewriting the rules, teleporting the store to user screens! In this fast-moving world, time is money—quite literally. Save users time, and they'll reciprocate with their money. The era of screen-hopping is ancient history—today, users expect convenience on a platter, thanks to tech enabling smooth transactions without the screen shuffle. And that's the pivotal shift most marketers need to embrace. Whether it's catching up on interactive emails or diving into the WhatsApp shop arena, marketers must do it—and without delay. Enable shoppers to search, browse, add to cart, and checkout from any channel they prefer. Once you smooth out their shopping journey, completing transactions becomes their pleasure. Analyzing just the US market, 18%*¹ tend to bail on carts due to complicated checkouts. This pattern likely echoes globally. So, why not condense it to a 24 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 26. single screen? Interactive emails mimic websites, flaunting product carousels, dynamic pricing, and quick checkouts. Similarly, WhatsApp provides recommendations, timely deals, and support, shaping a seamless shopping journey. It's just a matter of recalibrating strategy and watching the magic unfold. We're on a path where transforming every communication channel into a complete storefront, covering the entire journey from conversation to conversion to commerce, stands as the ultimate destination. As a matter of fact, user inboxes, be it email or WhatsApp, are evolving into a brand's third To sum it up, the real game-changer lies in turbocharging user experiences— smoothing out every step, reducing the hassle, and guaranteeing those satisfied smiles. storefront. Here, users do everything from browsing and chatting to making purchases. Long gone are the days of losing potential customers to external web page redirects. Dynamic channels today bring all user actions to them, eliminating the need to redirect elsewhere. AI streamlines half the workload—automating analysis, recommendations, and actions, doubling as chatbots to swiftly resolve queries. Innovations cover the rest, enabling instant transactions wherever users are for truly memorable shopping experiences. Industry Spotlight: Quick Commerce Another dimension of shopping is quick commerce, which has seen explosive growth in recent years, captivating consumers throughout its ascent. Brands like Instacart and Blinkit (a Zomato-acquired entity) innovate constantly to enhance user experiences. They keep working on making transactions faster and deliveries quicker. They even let users track orders directly from the iOS lock screen. Swiggy, an Indian brand, for instance, taps into trending topics, from the Oscars to sports championships to local festivals, tweaking its app elements to align with these conversations and engage more users. Gen-AI significantly contributes by quickly creating content for these exciting initiatives. 25 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 27. Catch up on channel innovations to build seamless experiences. Speed up purchases with hassle-free checkouts and zero redirects. Turn every channel into a bustling storefront. generative AI to guide brands in creating personalized shopping detours and fantastic pit stops, AI will guide brands in creating tailored shopping adventures for their customers. We can expect Martech to act as a personal trip planner, making each stop unique and exciting for every traveler—your customers. Takeaways Mayank Singh and VP of Marketing, Digital Business and IT, Indonesia 26 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 28. Curate or Evaporate: AI-powered Tools Craft Hyper-personalized Experiences TREND 4 Content saturation is a fact, and it's turning consumers into picky experts. They're not settling for the usual—they want bespoke experiences. And with AI at the helm, it's not just a change; it's a complete makeover of what they expect. Nearly 73%*¹ of global consumers are queuing up for more personalized encounters as technology strides forward. In this game, it's evolve fast or get lapped by quicker rivals in the race for business. It is crucial to delicately juggle strategies that revolve around user consent and the collection of zero-party data. Certain marketers have swiftly adjusted their approach, prioritizing transparency in data collection and crafting exceptional experiences that cultivate trust and loyalty. For marketers determined not to get lost in the shuffle, here's the secret recipe: treat data like the magic wand it is. Use it to carve out laser-focused user segments and predict preferences with impeccable precision. Toss in AI and ML to the mix for 27 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 29. Industry Spotlight: Media OTT Netflix is the epitome of what a personalized browsing window must look like. Each user's dashboard differs due to their precise data collection, AI/ML analytics, leading to spot-on recommendations. Using the content consumption data as a guide, OTT platforms now recommend popular series and movies within similar genres favored by similar audience segments. Every platform is striving for precise personalization, delivering more relevant recommendations and offerings in this fiercely competitive landscape. an extra dash of enchantment—you will be able to predict segments and find the perfect moments for user engagement. Spotting who's hungry for what content and understanding precisely when they're ready to take the plunge will empower you to finesse your content strategy. It’s important you pay close attention to user desires; their feedback now also floods unconventional platforms like social media comments. For the rest, you can deploy in-mail interactive forms and quick feedback via RCS to collect data and further customize your communication. Taking a progressive leap forward, marketers are also deploying Generative AI, crafting captivating one-on-one communications that resonate and linger with users. This shift marks a new era where technology choreographs immersive experiences, reshaping how brands genuinely engage and captivate their audience through authentic personalization. In essence, we're inching closer to catering to individuals uniquely, moving towards a realm where it's all about the "segment of one.” That means today's personalization must go far beyond the usual. 28 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 30. The ultimate verdict? Stand out or fade into obscurity—consumers demand nothing short of a personalized storefront! Tune in to user desires while you uphold consent in data collection. Prioritize hyper-personalization with data magic. Craft captivating one-on-one communications. As AI tools and generative AI models seamlessly weave into the fabric of our daily lives, the marketing domain teeters on the edge of a revolutionary transformation in both strategies and operations. AI's role transcends conventional task automation; it has evolved into a pivotal force, crafting authentic, empathetic experiences by fusing AI insights with emotional intelligence. In this epoch, AI is poised to r ne customer journeys, fostering hyper- personalization through the analysis of consumer behavior, thereby reshaping the landscape of marketing innovation, Takeaways Purushothaman KG Partner and Head, Digital Solutions & Telecommunications Industry Leader, 29 State Of MarTech 2024 *1. Statista | *2 EY KPMG in India
  • 31. Tech Reboot: Marketing Automation 2.0 Fuels Frictionless Journeys TREND 5 Marketers are plunging into the world of automation, spicing up consumer experi- ences on the fly. Automation is reshaping strategies by ensuring timely messaging across preferred channels and executing precise reactivation campaigns. Steering every interaction, from that initial spark to reigniting the flame, marketers are on a mission to craft seamless customer journeys that smooth out the bumps and leave audiences craving for more. And why should they not? Especially considering that a mere 5%*1 boost in customer retention yields a staggering 25% surge in profit. In our dynamic consumer landscape, automated triggers are indispensable for success. They silently observe consumer behavior, enabling swift, well-timed, and relevant business responses. A global survey*2 of marketing decision-makers reveals that 63% automate email marketing, 50% use automation for social media, and 40% streamline paid ads with automation. Automation truly stands 30 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 32. It's like marketing technology has hit the refresh button and upgraded to version 2.0! Now, marketers need to cozy up to this evolution to outshine even their own top-tier strategies and campaigns. as a powerhouse, offering extensive support across a spectrum of tasks—from data cleansing to advanced analytics, predictive segmentation, predictive engagement, and automating not just responses but also content generation. Moreover, the recent technology upgrades are a strong ally for your goals. Marketers have started integrating conversational AI to assist customers better, while some are elevating experiences by combining virtual, augmented, and mixed realities. The result? Experiences that captivate the senses and create visually immersive encounters, leaving a lasting impact. This year, marketers are also prioritizing smarter, more intelligent customer journeys above all else. AI/ML and channel innovations are proving instrumental in slicing out unnecessary steps, merging actions in one spot, and delivering lightning-fast transactions for users. Smoother interactions will pave the way for quicker decisions—eliminating friction urges users to transition from interest to action in the blink of an eye! Industry Spotlight: Retail Get inspired by your peers in the retail industry. From furniture-selling apps to major paint stores around the world, a trend is emerging where brands empower consumers to visualize products in their homes. It's like enabling a sneak peek before the actual purchase, so they won't have to wonder if that new couch clashes with the curtains! Not just this, big players like IKEA and Apple have gone big and curated immersive outdoor campaigns to captivate their users. Combining creativity with technology like AI and CGI is truly revolutionizing the marketing world. 31 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 33. Elevate engagement: Power up with automation 2.0 Harness channel innovations to build smarter journeys. Master everything - conversational AI to mixed realities - level up your strategy. The Indian consumer is no longer a monolith. We're witnessing hyper-individuality, driven by diverse aspirations and nuanced data points. In this landscape, MarTech in India isn't just about acquiring tools; it's about mastering the art of tailoring experiences. CRM becomes the canvas, where AI weaves personalized journeys fueled by real-time insights. The future of MarTech in India lies in mastering this dance between technology and empathy, anticipating desires before they're even voiced. Embrace the chaos, the diversity, the ever-evolving data symphony. Takeaways Manoj Taneja Director and Head of Digital Commerce 32 State Of MarTech 2024 *1. Bain & Company | *2. Statista
  • 34. State Of MarTech 2024 33 Marketing Landscape 2024 Strategic Snapshot: Consumer Insights & Martech Trends at a Glance 02 03 Changing Consumer Demands Shape New Martech Trends 01 Seamless In-Channel Transactions United, Cross-platform Experiences A quick visual summarizing consumer insights and martech trends for a snapshot understanding of our comprehensive report. Hyper- personalized Experiences Gen-AI Snackable Moments Automated Frictionless Journeys My Personal Store Experience Bite-sized Content Instant Transactions
  • 35. In the dynamic landscape of marketing, some changes swiftly evolve into major trends while others linger at a nascent stage, leaving us uncertain about their potential as the next big thing. Yet, we can't afford to overlook them, can we? Here's a quick overview of the most promising shifts occurring in the market that deserve your attention. It remains to be seen if they will evolve into a trend of their own. Apple continues to complicate email marketing Many say email marketing is fading, but its continued success proves otherwise—it's here to stay. Despite tech changes, new strategies keep it alive. From countering Apple's MPP impact on opens to tackling spam with enhanced security and embracing interactivity through AMP technology, it has weathered it all. Apple's recent iOS 17 update introduced Link Tracking Protection (LTP), stripping certain tracking details from shared URLs, posing challenges for conversion tracking. However, it seems using UTM parameters can help mitigate this impact. With Apple's updates, the journey for email marketers remains an ongoing challenge. Before the Hype Hits: A Peek at Marketing’s Next Big(ish) Things 04 TikTok favoring long-form video content. During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, TikTok launched a $1 billion creator fund to support and reward short-form video creators whose content went viral on its platform. However, as of December 16th, ’23, TikTok has concluded its creator fund, now valued at $2 billion, and introduced a “Creativity Program Beta” that shifts focus to longer-form videos as a means of compensation. This strategic shift signals TikTok's intention to enhance profitability by encouraging users to spend more time on the platform, diverging from its original concept of pioneering short-form video trends. 34 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 36. As CMOs, we navigate the thrilling rollercoaster of the evolving marketing landscape, finely attuned to every nuance of consumer behavior. The State of MarTech 2024 Trendscape is our compass to guide marketers like you into the Gen AI era where analytics, predictions, and content generation will be foundational to innovative marketing strategies. Our role as marketers goes beyond impact creation; it's about transforming customer engagement into strategic business outcomes. Netcore's mission is to empower marketers like you to build meaningful connections between consumers and their favorite brands. Our Comprehensive Customer Experience Platform is the operating software that enables you to create memorable experiences and steers you toward profitability. We aim to redefine the marketing landscape, transforming every interaction from a mere transaction into a lasting impression. We're ushering in an era of transformative shifts like Customer Experience 2.0 and Hyper-Personalization, aiming to craft customer experiences so awe-inspiring that every consumer interaction becomes a chance to tell an unforgettable story. Looking ahead, the fusion of data-driven insights, empathetic storytelling, and innovative technology will be key for marketers. We're not just following trends; we're setting them, creating a narrative where marketing is not only effective but also conscientious and human-centric. Together, let's sculpt a tomorrow where customer experiences aren't just top-notch but jaw-dropping—where every interaction narrates an unforgettable saga. That's our mission, that's our expedition, and it's an exhilarating one indeed! CMO Unplugged: The Insider Perspective 05 Chief Marketing Growth Officer Netcore Mahesh Narayanan 35 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 37. About Netcore One platform. Multiple Channels. 06 25+ 6500+ Years Global Brands Netcore is a global Martech product company that helps B2C brands create unique digital experiences with a range of products that help in acquisition, engagement, and retention. The first and leading AI/ML-powered marketing automation and customer engagement platform, Netcore, was established in 1997 by Rajesh Jain, an internet pioneer. Today, it is revolutionizing how marketing and product teams engage with consumers. We believe every brand's customers deserve an 'Intelligent Customer Experience' across all the digital touchpoints— experiences that are contextual, personalized, and delightful. Ecommerce and D2C marketers use Netcore to deliver AI-powered customer experiences across email, mobile, web, and beyond. Acknowledging our product and technological innovations in emails, G2 Reports have recognized Netcore as a Leader 11 consecutive times. Over 50 top-notch brands from diverse industries and global locations have partnered with Netcore's AI-powered email platform to execute campaigns and enhance their ROI. Headquartered in Mumbai, India, with offices throughout Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas, Netcore serves over 6,500 clients across 40 countries, delivering over 1 billion experiences every day - including 500 million emails and 700 million push notifications. 36 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 38. Brands that trust us Ecommerce Travel and Hospitality Banking/Mutual Funds/Securities Job Portals Unicorns Entertainment/Media/OTT Financial services 37 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 39. Beauty and Self-care Telecom Foodtech/Delivery Edtech Retail Others Medtech/E-pharmacy 38 State Of MarTech 2024
  • 40. Stay in touch with your customers throughout their lifecycle Netcore Cloud Inc. 18C-102 500 7th Avenue, New York, NY 10018, USA hello@netcorecloud.com www.netcorecloud.com