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The transformative impact of Voice, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and
Machine Learning is being felt across the entire business landscape.
Emerging markets are leapfrogging the West in the utilization
of technology and platforms. The constant introduction of new
transaction opportunities has fragmented consumer attention like
never before. Many undercurrents lie ahead for those businesses
that wish to thrive.
To succeed in an ever increasingly complex Digital Economy, it is
more vital than ever to be driven by a mindset that is inspired by the
future, delivered today. Marketers must ensure their capabilities,
solutions, and relationships are using data and technology to
deliver better outcomes for their consumers. Success in these
areas will shape the direction of businesses today and into the
I am pleased to share iProspect’s 2018 Future Focus: The New
Machine Rules, your look at the dynamics that will define the fate
of companies and help those who want to succeed in the digital
transformation that lies ahead.
Global President
AI & Machine Learning
Transform Marketing
It’s time for brands to get ahead
of the intelligence curve.
Digital Assistants are the
New Gatekeepers
Digital assistants are set to fundamentally change
the relationship between brands and consumers.
The distance between inspiration and
conversion is now shorter than ever.
The Rise of
Amazon, the
“Everything Store”
The Expectation Economy is
now available for delivery.
C Conclusion
The opportunities outweigh the challenges.
2 3
Enhanced Customer
Closing the gap between consumer
expectation and brand reality.
I Introduction
The Human Behind The Machine.
In the space of 24 hours, 12 million boxes are shipped by Tmall, 1.37 billion
people connect to Facebook, 1.6 billion swipes happen on Tinder, and 500 million
messages are tweeted.
These few figures demonstrate how the
evolution of technology is dramatically
changing the way consumers search, shop,
and share. Technology is also becoming a core
component of marketers’ day-to-day lives. We
recently asked 250 iProspect clients their views
on the key challenges they face in 2018 and the
priorities for growing their businesses in a fast
moving, high expectation Digital Economy.
For these marketers, data remains the key
challenge, both from the perspective of
managing large volumes of data, and in using
data effectively to deliver personalized, one-
to-one relevant experiences to consumers.
Machine Learning and AI will both be eagerly
embraced in 2018 as a way of helping marketers
leverage data more effectively. In fact 55% of
marketers in our survey agree that Machine
Learning will allow them to make better
decisions through processing bigger data sets,
and 53% believe it will allow them to deliver
personalized content at scale.
Additionally, in 2018, brands face challenges
in understanding how a growing consumer
move to Voice and Digital Assistants is likely to
transform behaviors and impact brand visibility
and loyalty. Finally, for those marketers selling
through marketplaces such as Amazon, or
TMall in China, 2018 will bring new challenges in
learning how to fully optimize these platforms,
maximizing both visibility and business
Maximizing Visibility
within online
Developing a
Strategy for Voice
& Digital Assistants
Efficiently Managing
High Volumes
of Data
Preparing for
Privacy Regulations
(e.g. EU’s GDPR)
Keeping Up to
Date with the
Ad Tech Landscape
Improving Internal
Structure &
In Future Focus 2018, we examine how machines and technology are gradually impacting
marketing and advertising, from facilitating seamless consumer experiences to delivering greater
efficiencies and breaking down borders, and we’ll take a look at how brands can make the most of
machines in 2018 to drive everything from improved commerce results to accuracy and efficiency
in how they market to consumers.
A fast moving, high
Expectation Economy is here.
Marketers’ Biggest Priorities in 2018
iProspect Global 2018 Client Survey
Closing the gap between
consumer expectation and
brand reality.
With the constant introduction of new
technologies and new platforms, consumers
have never had so many options for
transacting, and their attention has never been
so fragmented. Their expectations are rising,
too. Mobile searches for “same-day shipping”
have grown more than 120% since 2015. 52%
of consumers consider fast response time as
the key to exceptional experience, and 47%
declare they will stop doing business with
a brand that continues to frustrate them,
according to the CMO Council1
The CMO Council also states that only 7% of
marketers claim their company is always able
to deliver real-time, data-driven experiences
across all customer touchpoints, both digital and
physical. Additionally, only 6% say they have a
complete view of their customer2
and reality, marketers will need to shift from a
traditional channel-centric operating model to
a customer-centric one. This will mean building
truly integrated experiences and leveraging
data and technology effectively.
To deliver, brands will need to improve
right balance between day-to-day exploitation
of data to meet business targets and longer
term exploration to anticipate changing
behaviors that deliver business growth. As data
protection concerns grow among consumers
and regulators, marketers will need to be ever
more attentive to, and respectful of, consumer
data, rights, and privacy.
Putting the
Consumer Right
at the Center
Marketers will move increasingly from a siloed,
channel-based approach to advertising, to a
consumer based approach, bringing together
data and resources from different parts of the
organization to facilitate a true 360-degree
consumer view. Increasingly, marketers
will turn to the C-Suite to help break down
organizational silos and facilitate greater data
sharing and usage.
The concept of “consumer moments” will
become widespread in 2018, encouraging
marketers to seek out data signals that help
them understand not just who their customers
really are, but what are the moments that
matter most as those consumers interact with
brands at different stages of the purchase
To identify both the right consumers and
moments, brands will need a clear data and
measurement strategy, starting with their
own analytics. For example, to capture the
points of engagement with shoppers, standard
metrics (e.g., page views or time on page)
are not enough. All interactions with product
page content (e.g., image zoom or detail sizes)
provide meaningful cues, and the data layer of
the website will need to be set up to properly
capture those cues.
This means data visualization will take on
renewed importance in 2018 and we can expect
to see brands moving from simply reporting
what has happened, to more diagnostic
analytics that look at the “why” rather than the
“what.” For the more advanced marketers, they
will see steps toward more predictive modeling
and analytics with a focus on predicting and
planning for likely future outcomes.
While 2017 was about understanding how best to connect data to understand
consumers better, 2018 will be the year where marketers put consumers firmly
at the center of communications.
American Express
Gets Personal
American Express wanted to boost online acquisition of credit cards. After
analyzing customer acquisition data, it became clear that communications didn’t
focus on the specific benefits of each card. Business outcome modeling and
second-party data were overlaid with American Express first-party data, and
audiences were categorized into clusters according to card types, hidden needs,
and spending capacity. This profiling helped the team track customer reactions to
more personalized messages, and enabled stricter frequency control. As a result,
new card requests increased more than 50% year-over-year, and cards monthly
expenditures were three times greater than the average.
Many marketers today are already using
Data Management Platforms (DMPs) to bring
to gain a single consumer view and activate
messaging. And the more sophisticated, data-
rich marketers are now taking further steps
forward in data analysis, looking at data lakes
to increase internal data analysis, facilitating a
greater knowledge of consumers.
While DMPs are primarily utilized for the
purposes of activating digital media campaigns
and focus on utilizing cookies and structured
data sets, data lakes allow companies with
significant traffic and customer data to ingest
a much broader set of internal data sources
(e.g., logistics, inventory, pricing, etc.) and
have the capability to contain both structured
and unstructured data. This opens a whole
new world of possibility for usage of internal
data beyond media activation. With access to
broader, richer and more diverse data sets,
these marketers have the ability to apply
Machine Learning algorithms and can perform
long-term, deeper customer analyses (e.g.,
yield management, forecasting, and lifetime
Both DMPs and data lakes naturally augment
each other: DMP segments can be sent to the
data lake for deeper analysis, and data lakes
power DMPs with richer data streams.
In 2018, we can expect to see brands building
their data architecture around these two
technology solutions as needed, powering
better customer understanding, decision
making, and activation.
In 2018, we can expect brands to put greater focus on aligning data, tech, and
resource capabilities in order to better understand and service consumers.
Scrubbing the Details
with The Body Shop
Cosmetics company, The Body Shop, wanted to drive aggressive ecommerce growth
and better evaluate the contribution of each digital channel. They reviewed their
processes and methodologies to facilitate synergies, creating a unified budget for
all digital channels. They also reviewed their KPI set to better understand the true
contribution of each channel. Being able to segment audiences and enable automation
was critical, so The Body Shop used the Google technology stack to deliver,
integrating Display and Search through Google’s DBM, DS and DCM tools; this was
underpinned with a Google 360 attribution project to analyze and feed in learnings to
campaign activations. The tech and process refocus improved performance, delivering
a 40% increase in revenue and 29% improvement in conversion rate.
New Solutions to
Facilitate Data
Control in the
Age of Speed
The much-anticipated EU General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be enforced
in May 2018, and any brand trading with EU
citizens will need to comply, even if that brand
is not based in the EU. The GDPR will increase
the data rights of EU citizens, of whom 80% feel
they do not have complete control over their
personal data3
. However, according to research
from the Direct Marketing Association earlier
this year, although 96% of companies are aware
of the impending GDPR deadline, one in two
are not sufficiently prepared. For brands not
yet prepared, efforts should be made as soon
as possible towards compliance, as failure to
observe the regulation in 2018 will have severe
legal and reputational implications.
Beyond GDPR efforts, 2017 was a watershed
year where more and more brands voiced
concerns about brand safety, fraud, and
viewability in the digital space, and we
can expect efforts to control the quality of
inventory to continue apace in 2018. For many
advertisers, strict guidelines are now in place to
protect brand assets, from pre-bid controls for
programmatic to purchasing inventory only on
established marketplaces. In addition, we can
expect to see platforms such as Facebook and
Google continue to invest in brand safety tools
to protect advertisers on their user-generated
content platforms.
In the quest for greater control, many
marketers will focus on their first-party data.
Collected, segmented, and activated in the
right way, first-party data is the ultimate means
to communicate with precision to exactly the
right user, at the right moment, in a way that
is respectful to their privacy. True “people-
based” marketing is likely to be much talked
about as the ultimate solution to safety
concerns in 2018.
In 2018, all organizations will need to put great effort into data control in order to
protect their brands, their investments, and, most importantly, their consumers.
GDPR Becomes Law
With new legislations, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation,
demand more from advertisers with regard to consumer data privacy, it can
become difficult for organizations to combine data usage for marketing
purposes and privacy compliance, especially when third parties are
involved. To prevent any data leakage, ensure the personal identifiable
information you control or process is protected with sufficient encryption
levels. For instance, iProspect has developed Hashed. This proprietary
tool uses the SHA256 aligorithm (also used by Facebook and Google) to
hash personally identifiable data, protecting the data, but also allowing it
be used for running targeted campaigns on those platforms.
3Key Takeaways
for Brands
Identify key moments
of communication.
Look for the right signals that suggest the optimal
moment to target a given consumer.
Re-evaluate your tech stack.
Consider whether a DMP or data lake might
be most appropriate, and make efforts to
supercharge reporting to facilitate better
decision making.
Audit your digital operations
to ensure brand safety
and compliance.
Carefully review how data flows within your
organization, and establish written guidelines
to your approach to safety, ad fraud, and
Digital Assistants
are the New
Digital assistants are set to
fundamentally change the
relationship between brands
and consumers.
According to market intelligence company
, more than 700 million people use
some form of digital assistant today, whether
Apple’s Siri on their mobile phone, or Amazon’s
Alexa via a home device. With word error rate
now at parity with humans, digital assistants
can understand us better than ever, and usage
of assistants is expected to soar to almost two
billion by 20214
. Within the next five years, most
of the developed world will be using a digital
assistant in one form or another to automate
and manage many aspects of their daily lives.
And it’s not just millennials who are early
adopters of this technology. Forrester
estimates that while 66% of 18-24
year olds are using digital assistants, almost
40% of the 70+ age group are also engaged.
Consumers are turning more of their day-to-
day decisions over to digital assistants, and
this will transform how information is accessed
and channeled. As a result, digital assistants
will increasingly control what information a
consumer does or does not receive, effectively
becoming the gatekeeper to the consumer.
The digital assistant will provide what it
believes to be the most relevant answer to any
given question, whether it’s “What’s the best
Thai restaurant in Amsterdam?” or “Find me
the cheapest flight from New York to Chicago
on Friday.”
For marketers, this represents a new challenge
in 2018 and beyond: learning how to market
not to the consumer, but to the machine.
Relevance as the
New Metric
Today, being relevant means delivering
greater efficiency and improved performance.
Tomorrow, brands that are not relevant simply
won’t be seen by consumers. By nature, this
means the overall volume of advertising
will naturally decrease in a world of digital
assistants. But for the brands that get it
right, the actual power of that advertising will
increase exponentially.
Marketers in 2018 will therefore need to start
thinking about how they can become hyper-
relevant to consumers. This means using data
like never before to truly understand consumer
needs, motivations, and behaviors at an
individual level to add value to the consumer
The brands that succeed in this space are
likely to have first mover advantage. As a
digital assistant gets to know an individual
consumer’s preferences and habits, it will begin
to default to the consumer’s brand of choice,
automatically choosing Purina, for example,
when the consumer asks to “Order more dog
food”, or Pampers for the consumer who asks
their digital assistant to “Buy diapers.” For new
market entrants, this will make it increasingly
difficult to get their brands on the shopping
list. Only the most hyper-relevant brands will
be able to cut through and ensure their brand
is the one to capture the attention of the digital
assistant and the consumer.
The promise of the digital assistant is to make a consumer’s life quicker, simpler
and easier, delivering the exact, most relevant piece of information or service
on demand. As consumer interactions shift increasingly to digital assistants,
consumer relevance becomes ever more critical to brands.
How can AI help you?
Digital assistants come in a variety of forms. Assistants can be integrated
inside smartphone operating systems (Apple Siri), smartphone apps (Google
app), desktop computer systems (Cortana for Windows 10), or smart home
hubs (Amazon Echo). While home hubs have been generating a lot of buzz
recently, they represent the smallest opportunity compared to native
smartphone assistants such as Siri. Keep this in mind when planning and
designing for the different types of digital assistant.
Voice Search:
A Fundamental
Behavior Shift
Although the opportunities for advertisers
are not yet fully realized on the main search
platforms, it is certain that voice search is
on a growth trajectory from a consumer
perspective, with advertising revenues likely
to follow. Juniper Research anticipates a 104%
growth in voice search advertising revenues
over the next three years6
. So, it’s important
that brands start now to understand how best
to capitalize on changing behaviors in Voice.
A recent whitepaper produced by iProspect
and Bing gave the first indications as to how
the search landscape is changing as a result of
Voice and what marketers can do today to take
In that whitepaper, we discuss how voice search
queries are longer and more conversational
in nature. In addition, voice queries feature
more questions versus the short incomplete
statements we see in a text based world.
Another key differentiator is local intent as
Voice related searches on mobile devices are
three times more likely to be local based than
text. Creating search campaigns that target
long-tail conversational questions (like who,
where and how), updating business listings
through complete and accurate local structured
data, and creating content to cover answers to
common consumer questions are all ways to
capitalize on voice searches.
Not many brands today are taking advantage
of existing voice search traffic and learning
from changing consumer behaviors. This leaves
white space opportunities for smart marketers
to start testing and learning in a cost-effective
By 2020, Baidu expects that 50% of all searches will be voice related, transforming
the search landscape.
Putting Voice
First for Finance
Always looking to simplify complex financial information, a major bank player
wanted to serve customers in their “micro-moment” of need by answering key
questions, likely to be Voice related. The brand partnered with iProspect to
take full advantage of the Google Answer Box. After mapping opportunities
through in-depth content assessment, keyword research, and gap analysis,
the bank optimized each piece of content and respective metadata and
microdata. The strategy resulted in immediate success, with more than
316,000 monthly search queries showing the bank’s content in the Google
Answer Box, 61% YOY traffic increase to financial educational pages, and
90% YOY increase in conversions.
Philadelphia Cream
Cheese Gets Skillful
Recognizing cheesecakes as a massive sales volume growth opportunity,
Philadelphia Cream Cheese wanted to inspire consumers to make their own
cheesecakes, rather than just buy them. The brand partnered with Amazon
to tap into consumers’ shopping habits and show them just how easy it is to
make a delicious cheesecake. Philadelphia developed an Alexa skill letting
people simply ask “Alexa, open cheesecake recipes” to access fifteen popular
simple recipes hands-free. The brand also developed a cheesecake hub
promoted across the Amazon ecosystem through paid media. As a result,
the cheesecake activity generated more than 95% of all Philadelphia Cream
Cheese sales on the platform.
Bots Will Become
the New Apps
Bots also have a key role to play for digital
assistants, making it possible for them to
deliver immediate answers and information to
consumers, based on their questions. In the
future, bots are set to effectively become the
voice of a brand or service. And, in a world
where consumer expectations around service
continue to grow, brands will increasingly
be defined not by what they say about
themselves, but by the utility and the service
experience they deliver to those consumers.
Since bots hold the power to a brand’s
future potential to connect with consumers,
marketers must make sure their bots provide
relevant and helpful services. This starts
with understanding the consumer, thinking
about when Voice versus text based services
might be required, and the right context in
which the assistant would need to respond.
It also means understanding consumer
psychographics, motivations, and their digital
footprint to determine what utilities are likely
to add most value. When creating a bot,
brands will need to structure commercial
interactions. If a bot is merely a novelty, it
will be used a handful of times and then
forgotten. Finally, with more than 20,000 bots
already available on the Amazon platform
alone, marketers will need to think about
how to amplify the adoption of their bots to
ensure uptake and usage.
Bots are set to dominate our future. In fact, according to Gartner, 85% of all
customer interactions will be managed without a human by 2020.
3Key Takeaways
for Brands
Think about how your brand
can become more relevant to
Use data more effectively to deliver on right person,
right content, right moment, right message.
Seize the voice
search opportunity.
Take advantage of the current white space
by ensuring you adapt your search strategy
to capitalize on voice searches for your
brand or service.
Discuss whether a bot can add
value to your brand.
Look at how your brand might answer a specific
consumer need and whether bots could deliver
an improved customer experience.
& Machine
3 It’s time for brands to get
ahead of the intelligence curve.
Simply put, AI aims to emulate human
cognitive capabilities through artificial
systems. One of the specialties of AI is
Machine Learning, which enables computers
to solve a problem by themselves, learning
through examples, rather than being
programmed specifically to solve a distinct
Although the terms “Artificial Intelligence”
and “Machine Learning” can be traced back
to the early 1950s, these concepts have really
gained traction over the last few years. The
tech giants are all investing in specific AI or
Machine Learning capabilities, either internally
(e.g., IBM Watson or Microsoft Azure), or
through acquisitions (e.g., Google/DeepMind
or Apple/VocalIQ).
AI and Machine Learning capabilities are
sought-after by tech companies as they
recognize the benefits of intelligence for
customer experience (e.g., personalized
recommendations on Netflix), security (e.g.,
fraud detection on PayPal transactions), or
product development (e.g., autonomous cars
for Uber).
In 2018, we can expect mainstream brands
to start truly testing the potential of AI and
Machine Learning in advertising, taking
marketing efforts to the next level. Machine
Learning has the power to improve efficiency,
help scale personalization, and predict
consumer behavior with greater accuracy. As
a result, 2018 will bring greater investment
and experimentation in this area.
Machine Learning
Will Deliver
Greater Efficiency
Digital has dramatically expanded the job
of today’s CMO, who now has the added
responsibility of knowing and genuinely
understanding the technology and its
implications from a data and legal perspective.
This increased pressure, combined with an
explosion of available data, makes it hard for
marketers to keep up with everything in a finite
amount of time.
The automation and self-training capabilities of
Machine Learning will enable organizations to
perform tasks faster and at a larger scale, from
very simple actions to client-facing solutions.
For instance, The Washington Post made
headlines this year7
for using their proprietary
artificial intelligent agent, Heliograf, to write
more than 850 articles ranging from election
to sports results.
Machine Learning will also help organizations
make sense of data. As ever-increasing
amounts of data become collectable, Machine
Learning algorithms are perfect for sorting,
ordering, classifying, and enriching that data.
For marketers, it opens up the scope of
possibilities, such as being able to access better
client segmentation, applying more accurate
performance attribution, or leveraging huge
marketing. Intelligent automation engines can
even generate audience groups from historical
performance, allocate budgets, and build a
bidding strategy.
AI and Machine Learning will save marketers
time and energy, freeing them to focus on high-
value tasks that only human intelligence can
address, and enabling people to make faster
and better decisions, manage more data, and
prevent missed opportunities.
Despite its many undeniable benefits for brands, digital marketing has long
suffered from the amount of time it takes to optimize at scale. Machine Learning
will bring huge efficiency gains for marketers in 2018.
Eurostar says ‘Bonjour’
to Machine Learning
Eurostar wanted to appear at the top of the search results when potential
customers search by destination, standing out from airline competitors.
To do so, they utilized iProspect’s new AI learning system, CORE, which
collects data from a range of sources, and evaluates which media
investments are performing best. It then predicts how much the strategy
could be improved upon by making specific changes and automatically
activates those changes in real time. CORE’s data cycle runs continuously,
constantly testing and learning from previous decisions. As a result,
Eurostar’s cost per acquisition was improved by 81% and campaign
spend reduced by 45%.
at Scale Becomes
Brands managing high volumes of individual
conversations without compromising the
quality of each one can be a true challenge.
An efficient conversation requires both careful
listening and a relevant response, and Machine
Learning can help with both.
In the past, brands have refined their online
messages by designing a few different versions,
running a campaign, analyzing the results, and
finally, selecting the version that worked best.
Machine Learning can make this process much
more accurate by considering more variables,
combining more data sources, and providing
faster results. As the testing process is more
efficient, it reduces the amount of guesswork
and preconceptions, enabling marketing and
creative departments to access better, less
biased insights.
Not only can those scalable and real-time
analyses be helpful for gaining insights, they
can also be used for building creative assets
on the fly. Paired with a Dynamic Creative
Optimization (DCO) tool, the algorithm can
define the best unique combination of image,
text, font, and even button position for each
individual message. Numerous additional
opportunities are possible through connections
with web page customization technologies,
product recommendations engine, and CRM
We expect 2018 to be the year that
personalization at scale becomes truly
possible. Thanks to Machine Learning, media
and messages will be better aligned, resulting
in a more relevant experience for consumers
and diminishing the friction points between
first touch and conversion.
conversations with consumers, at scale.
Machine Learning
Gets Personal
Chamberlain University saw an opportunity to leverage Machine Learning
to deliver personalized user experiences based on consumer intent
that would provide more relevant and engaging content. Visitors were
served different combinations of content and calls-to-action, based
on the marketing channel they came from and their behavior on the
website. By dynamically matching the user experience to the visitor’s
mindset (research phase or intent to apply) through Machine Learning,
Chamberlain University saw a 10% increase in performance.
From Describing
Behavior to
The self-correcting capabilities of Machine
Learning can help marketers in their quest
to better anticipate consumer behaviors and
require large data sets and interoperability
between those data sets. In that respect, the
development of predictive models is facilitated
by the collapse of technological barriers.
With the rise of cross-device measurement
that concentrates scattered information in a
single view, CRM onboarding that links email
addresses to cookies, and mobile advertising
identifiers to geolocation data, the vision of
the consumer’s journey has never been more
complete for an advertiser.
Paired with Machine Learning, this expanse of
data can help marketers predict the physical
movements of a group of people, for instance,
anticipating which billboard an individual will
walk by. This kind of information is highly
valuable for trading optimization and media
waste reduction. From a CRM standpoint,
prediction can estimate the customer lifetime
value before conversion, or trigger an alert
when a risk of churn is detected. Applications
for Machine Learning seem endless and
marketers need to think about the best use
cases for their businesses in 2018.
Although prediction could be a game-
changer in a brand’s communication strategy,
it is critical for marketers to understand the
current limitations. First, algorithms can’t
work without proper input and are not (yet)
capable of evaluating the intrinsic quality of an
informational entry. In addition, effective use
of algorithms in the decision-making process
requires marketers to trust a machine. Finally,
as there are always challenges a machine won’t
be able to predict, Machine Learning shouldn’t
stand alone. Organizations that define clear
roles for Machine Learning in relation to human
marketers will be better positioned for success.
We anticipate the number of predictive models based on Machine Learning to
be on the rise in 2018.
Out of Home
Gets Smart
One major outdoor advertising company wanted to improve their sales
and pricing methodologies to gain in efficiency. As the digitization of
out-of-home media channels generates a huge and complex variety of
product and pricing options, the company embraced a Machine Learning
approach. It enabled their client’s sales managers to have greater
visibility into current and predicted sales performance, so that they could
apply tighter control on sales and pricing processes.
3Key Takeaways
for Brands
Explore how Machine Learning could
help your organization.
As the core principle of Machine Learning is the
ability to continuously refine an initial model, the
longer the learning phase, the better the rewards.
Think of your data
ecosystem as a whole.
The Machine Learning algorithm is only as
good as its data. Even the best models
won’t learn anything from poor quality data,
resulting in poor performance.
Mix human intelligence
with Machine Learning.
Defining clear and specific roles for Machine
Learning is critical, as it may not be the
answer for all marketers.
The distance between
inspiration and conversion is
now shorter than ever.
Global ecommerce sales reached nearly $1.9
trillion in 2016, and are forecasted to grow to
$3.9 trillion in 20208
. As consumers expect to
be able to buy everything, everywhere and
at any time, this staggering growth will be
increasingly supported by ecosystems which
weren’t designed to be transaction first, but
are now developing commerce features.
Social and messaging platforms are all striving
to seamlessly bring commerce into their fabric.
In Asia, this could be considered old news as
consumers have already been buying directly
within social environments like WeChat for
years. However, social commerce is now so
well-rooted in consumers’ habits that even very
brand-cautious luxury players are investing
heavily in this sales channel.
Platforms are also closing the gap between
inspiration and conversion by connecting
commerce with discovery. Pinterest, where
97% of searches do not include a brand name9
used to be a sought-after environment for
reaching consumers in their initial planning
stage. It is now also rolling out features to drive
conversions earlier. In 2018, we can anticipate
discovery to grow faster than ever through the
rise of visual search, powered by the recent
progress of image recognition and increased
mobile connectivity.
Virtual reality (VR) will take commerce to new
horizons. Again, China is leading the way and
has successfully demonstrated that virtual
reality commerce could generate real-world
sales for brands. Marketers can’t afford to
ignore the ascent of VR, if they don’t want to
lag behind. However, the big game changer for
commerce, as for many other industries, could
be the much talked-about blockchain. What’s
better than a distributed structure to stretch
commerce boundaries?
The race for tech companies and brands to
conquer new commerce opportunities is on.
From Discovery
Engines to
In 2018, we anticipate the world of search to
expand from a single text-driven approach to
a triple text-driven, voice-driven, and visual-
driven approach. The latter is quickly gaining
traction with the success of platforms like
Pinterest, eBay and ASOS, which now allow
users to snap a picture of a product, upload to
the platform and have a tailored search result
matched back to the image database. For
consumers, it opens up a whole new searchable
world. For brands, a platform like Pinterest,
where 93% of users report they use it to plan
for future purchases10
, can be leveraged to take
a strong hold earlier in the journey to purchase.
This drastically dials up the importance of
having numerous accurate, visible and high
quality product images available.
Discovery engines, however, shouldn’t be
seen only as upper funnel opportunities, as all
platforms have unveiled new ways to connect
inspiration to transaction. Brands can now
tap into the recently opened Pinterest Taste
Graph to improve their ad targeting, or use
“Shop the Look” pins, enabling consumers
to buy individual products from inspirational
designers. Facebook introduced Collection
ads in the same vein. Even Amazon has entered
the discovery game with Spark, a place for
consumers to discover and shop products
shared by users with similar interests. For
marketers, it means that content traditionally
intended to serve brand image purposes could
now offer new prospects for faster, more direct
conversion. Marketers will now need to better
integrate their branding and performance
tactics to unlock the full value of discovery
The Web has always empowered consumers to discover a host of new trends,
products, and inspirations. In 2018, the impetus of visual search and its
convergence with transaction will enable brands to truly reap the benefits
of discovery.
38 39
Pinning Success
with Pier 1
Pier 1 Imports has built its premiere home furnishings business on strong
relationships, providing the decorating inspiration that helps customers create
beautiful spaces in their homes. The brand aimed to take their Pinterest game
to the next level to reach a broader audience, deepen their connection with
their existing audience, and drive more targeted traffic to their website.
Combining data-driven forecasting from demographics, historical data,
and behavioral data, with advanced targeting tactics and innovative
formats like One Tap promoted pins, Pier 1 Imports successfully reduced
friction between inspiration and purchase, resulting in a 59% increase in
Engagement Rate and 639% increase in Click-Through Rate.
New Commerce
Learning from
Whether it’s a virtual reality mall, Kobe
Bryant opening Singles’ Day, or Kentucky
Fried Chicken selling 80,000 nuggets in a day
on Tmall, anything is possible in China if it
enhances the customer experience.
Social commerce is now mainstream in China.
Consumers have been discovering, interacting
with customer service, and purchasing within
social platforms for years. The fact that WeChat
is both a wallet for consumers and storefront
for brands sets it apart from its messaging
platform peers. As Tencent pushes forward
with its global ambition, western platforms
have begun to experiment with commerce
functionality. Facebook has obtained the
necessary PSD2 license to process payments
in Europe, and some Masterpass-enabled
chatbots are now available in Messenger in
the US. We anticipate more initiatives in this
direction in 2018, and brands need to seriously
consider how to bring the point of transaction
into their social activity, whether it be customer
service via Messenger or shopable media that
links to off-platform product pages.
Virtual reality shopping experiences is another
growing area of the Chinese ecommerce
landscape. Buy+, an Alibaba subsidiary,
transports consumers to virtual malls across
the globe (e.g., Costco or Macy’s), where they
can purchase using AliPay with the nod of a
head. Eight million people tried Buy+ during
Singles’ Day 2016. Similar to conversational
commerce, western marketers are only starting
to contemplate the VR potential for commerce.
Eram, a 90 year old French shoe retailer, has
just launched a VR showroom to let consumers
discover its new collection. We anticipate more
brands moving from in-house tests to real
world applications that drive results in 2018.
As China ecommerce sales are expected to reach $1.46 trillion USD in 201811
more than US and Western Europe combined, a new paradigm for commerce is
taking shape at the intersection of entertainment, convenience, and transaction.
A Very Valentino
For Chinese Valentine’s Day, Valentino launched an omni-channel campaign
to promote their limited edition Rockstud Spike handbag, available
exclusively on WeChat. A geotargeting strategy was implemented based
on how consumers responded to previous WeChat advertising efforts. The
‘Moments’ newsfeed, influencers, organic and paid search were used to
amplify the campaign and drive users to convert within the application.
Overall, the campaign was seen more than 40M times, generated a spike in
new fans of 15% in six days and the bag sold out in three days.
The Bright Future
of Blockchain-
Blockchain, a public and distributed ledger of
transactions where anyone can keep track of
operations, can bring numerous advantages to
the world of ecommerce.
The first obvious benefit will be cost efficiency.
With transactions between consumer and
marketplace becoming direct and transparent,
blockchain will remove the need for a middle
man and, in doing so, simplify fees. This will
equate to a much more streamlined and cost-
effective transaction process, a move that could
herald the removal of numerous bank fees and
transaction fees, improving thin margins for the
marketplaces, and enhancing the convenience
of online transactions.
Brands could also benefit from more
independence from marketplaces by
becoming able to transfer consumers’ reviews
between two ecosystems, an operation
currently impossible as reviews are owned by
marketplaces. Blockchain could create a more
transparent, unbiased and transferable product
review platform that sits on its infrastructure
and is pulled in by the marketplaces.
Other potential changes like lightning fast
cash-back programs, universal product IDs,
or automatic refund programs using smart
contracts could create a new paradigm
of seamless ecommerce experiences, if
implemented at scale.
Blockchain holds both promise and peril for
ecommerce players. One on hand, the benefits
for consumers will certainly encourage them
to transact more and more online. On the
other, established ecommerce platforms could
see their influence on brands decrease and
new marketplaces emerge, enabled by lower
barriers to entry. While the effects of blockchain
may be quite a few years from hitting their full
potential, ecommerce players need to plan
today for success tomorrow.
With estimates of blockchain reaching 10% of global GDP by 202512
, ecommerce
heavyweights and brands alike will need to take heed of this new valuable
platform as it gains traction.
Building a Brand
Block by Block
Japanese ecommerce giant Rakuten began investing in blockchain as
early as 2014 through a participation in Bitnet Technologies, a provider
of a digital payments platform powered by blockchain. Since then, the
brand has accelerated its efforts in that space and opened the Rakuten
Blockchain Lab in Belfast, dedicated to pursuing the integration of the
technology with the monolith ecommerce marketplace through the
acquisition of intellectual property assets from Bitnet.
3Key Takeaways
for Brands
Bring branding and performance
tactics closer together to make the
most of discovery platforms.
Audit your current product images to make sure
they are visual search ready and look at how you can
better connect brand to commerce in messaging.
Start integrating inspiration
and entertainment into
your commerce strategy.
Look to China for inspiration and a view of
what commerce could look like tomorrow.
Think about how blockchain
could transform your business.
Start investigating blockchain and understanding
how it might impact or aid your commerce business.
The Rise of
Amazon, the
The Expectation Economy is
now available for delivery.
There can be little doubt that 2017 was a
significant year for Amazon, as its seemingly
irresistible expansion broke new ground across
some of the biggest categories in the world.
In sports streaming, it acquired rights to its
home turf NFL, as well as apparently making
overtures into global appeal sports such as
tennis, rugby, golf and soccer. It won Oscars
and Golden Globes for its original content
on Amazon Video. It made acquisitions in
healthcare, AI and bioscience. Their cloud
services had $4.1 billion in revenue in Q2 this
year. Echo and Alexa have proven to be more
of a hit than most analysts expected. And of
course, the seismic acquisition of Whole Foods
sent shockwaves through retail worldwide.
Amazon’s enormous capital power and evident
knack for winning in any division it turns its
attention to means it truly is becoming the
oft-quoted “Everything Store”, apparently
achieving the impossible – major, simultaneous
expansion without sacrifice of either product
or profit.
Yet the company remains highly secretive,
rarely announcing its intent or offering strategic
insight. As Amazon claims not only more
net shoppers, but also creates new shopper
behaviors, the onus is on today’s marketers to
be proactive, rather than reactive, in developing
their understanding of it.
The good news is that there’s no more
opportune time to learn than now. As Amazon
finally turns its attention to the long dormant
opportunity in ads by outlining plans for it to
become a major income stream, marketers
should seize the opportunity to get in at
ground zero and start including it on media
plans today.
Mastering the
Marketplace to
Stand Out
For marketers, mastering Amazon’s “internal
SEO” will be hugely important. Dropping
from rank 5 to rank 15 can result in as much
as a 75% sales loss13
. Many metrics influence
the prominence of their product pages. As a
result, there is no one way to win, and many
considerations need to be taken into account,
from whether the brand has “seller” or
“vendor” status, to the choice of who executes
The ranking algorithm gives strong preference
not just to the seller’s price, but also to those
products which satisfy customer expectations.
In order to rank higher and sell more, marketers
must therefore think about the whole
experience right through to delivery, CRM and
Paid placement also impacts overall Amazon
performance. Products that place well in
search results, even via paid placements, tend
to sell more, and products that sell more, tend
to place better in search results.
With Amazon now such an enormous machine, the first challenge is simply being
visible at all, especially as 70% of shoppers never make it past the first page of
on-site search results.
48 49
Give Them
What They Want
When it comes to marketplace optimization, ranking high is critical but isn’t
the sole factor for success. Conversion optimization should also be an area
of focus. It’s down to the strength (quality, persuasiveness, relevance) of
owned media to determine whether visitors will become customers, and
eventually brand advocates, driving “earned media”. Giving customers
the product information they need to make a purchase decision is crucial;
this can include product images, technical specification, description and
customer Q&A. According to Amazon, product pages with video have
seen a 22% uplift, and adding between three and six images can increase
conversion up to 30%. Amazon brings SEO and CRO closer together and
marketers should keep that in mind when planning their Amazon strategy.
Paid Media
Brings New
Opportunities to
Grow Business
Amazon is shifting to the same model as
Google and Facebook, wherein agencies can
develop and apply expertise directly. For
example, Amazon Media Group, an internal
division responsible for programmatic display
ads, has been opened to those who are
equipped to take advantage. While this is
good for innovation and performance, it is
nonetheless very tightly knitted to nuts-and-
bolts ecommerce mechanics, such as delivery
and customer satisfaction. It will be important
for marketers to approach Amazon advertising
with the complete skillset.
From a customer data perspective, Amazon
is more actively using their troves of shopper
data. More information is being shared in the
planning phase, helping advertisers allocate
In June 2017, the company launched Amazon
Audiences, similar to Facebook’s Custom
Audiences, allowing brands to audience match
into the platform.
As for Alexa, its unexpected scale, connection
to commerce, and user base of valuable Prime
members makes it an attractive advertising
proposition. Aggressive moves in both
software (SDKs, Skills) and hardware (Echo
Look, Echo Spot) signal an appetite to maximize
the market and Amazon’s presence within
that market, possibly even extending to cars,
wearables, etc. No one knows for sure how or
when advertising functions will be introduced
to Alexa, but there’s no doubt it is now a major
part of Amazon’s machine.
For marketers, Amazon ranks next to Google and Facebook as the platform
most likely to bring new targeting opportunities in 2018.
Amazon Provides
Sweet Success
A candy brand, virtually unknown on Amazon, wanted to capture market
share during the critical Halloween period. The brand pursued an aggressive
bidding strategy via Amazon Marketing Services for both brand and non-brand
keywords. This strategy was complemented with the optimization of A+ pages
to provide a rich, immersive experience. The brand managed to raise in the
top 2 spots of ‘Halloween Candy’ search, above heavyweight players. Not
only did the campaign YOY sales by more than 270% on Amazon, but it also
contributed to in-store as well, as measured by Nielsen.
Thinking Back to
Being visible on Amazon in both paid and
organic search will shortly become as much
of a basic imperative as bidding on the right
But Amazon will also demand that departments
like sales, intelligence, or marketing, work
closer than ever before.
As the experience of the sale itself is now more
of a brand consideration than ever, marketers
will need to ensure logistics and customer
support match the quality of their marketing
effort. Amazon’s one-click narrowed the gap
between browsing and purchasing, with Prime
then narrowing the gap between purchase
and fulfillment. Consumer expectations swiftly
followed, and immediacy quickly became the
new norm. Customers expect to be able to
buy what they want, when they want, on any
device, and have delivery reflect their needs.
It is no coincidence that many newly built
apartment complexes are reinstating the
mailroom alongside the concierge.
We are moving into an age of value, rather
than cost. It is not enough just to be cheap;
brands must deliver value across the consumer
experience, tailored to that consumer.
While the consumer experience – the “front end” – is critical for winning on
Amazon, the reality is this can only happen successfully if brands align the “back
end”, i.e., systems, technology, people and processes, to deliver it.
Unlocking Amazon Key
In its quest to remove every possible friction point for commerce, Amazon
launched a new service in November 2017, Amazon Key. To end missed
deliveries, Amazon now offers package deliveries inside the homes of its
Prime members. The service works via a smart lock verifying the identity
of the driver delivering the package, and a security camera verifying their
movements. After the launch of Echo speakers and Dash buttons, Key is the
latest move from Amazon to more closely connect to the homes of its users
and enhance their shopping experience.
3Key Takeaways
for Brands
Don’t just “be there”.
Product description, imagery, review programs…
start optimizing your presence on Amazon to
rank higher in products listings and improve
business performance.
Seize the paid opportunity
on Amazon.
Investing in Amazon’s tightly controlled
ecosystem can help directly impact visibility
and therefore, sales.
Consider the consumer “Amazon”
experience in its entirety.
Review and align effort across all
departments involved in commerce on
Amazon, not only the front end.
capability to unlock new opportunities,
get closer to consumers and extract
greater value, 2018 will be an exciting
year for marketers.
Advances in Machine Learning will allow
for greater effectiveness and efficiency
in marketing communications, allowing
both marketers and agencies to
focus on adding strategic value, while
allowing machines to take on more of
the high complex administrative tasks
associated with digital optimization.
The greatest success will be delivered by those brands who invest in the
future, effectively leveraging the strength of their human strategic capital
to create the new machine rules.
how to balance the Human vs Machine
elements of their business to ensure
they leverage the true value of both.
Afterall, the machines will only ever be
as good as the human strategists in the
background who set the direction of
travel, develop the strategy, and feed
the machine with data and hypotheses,
testing new variables and applying
learnings as appropriate.
56 57
Educated as a Master of Arts in Interactive Media, Reynder has a special interest in realizing the
best relationship between brands and audiences. Starting his career in the mid-nineties as an
Art Director, he dev eloped a broad experience in online marketing and omnichannel strategy,
interactive multimedia, design, interface design, interaction design, web design, and web care. He
works for top 500 clients locally and internationally and uses his passion for customer insights to
realise strong brand experiences.
Reynder Bruyns
Head of Strategy
iProspect Netherlands
In the past eight years, Phillip has worked across the spectrum of marketing, from PR to martech
to media. As a technophile who built his first computer at 12, Phillip uses data and systems to
organize the world. An English graduate with a first class degree and specialism in semiotics, he
uses people and theory to understand it. Among other things, he created Burberry’s paid social
strategy, helped IKEA empirically prove mobile advertising footfall, advised on client inventory
and M&A, founded the UK strategy function, won a few awards and – most importantly – got to
help a lot of people get where they wanted to go. Phillip likes the truth and things that work.
Phillip Dyte
Head of Strategy
iProspect UK
Najib has 8 years experience in digital marketing. After having occupied various managing roles at
Ogilvy, Manning Gottlieb OMD and Digitas LBi, Najib joined iProspect France in 2014 as Associate
Director of tracking, to develop new and innovative solutions for clients. In 2016, he took the
role of Innovation Lead to make the most of his two areas of expertise: marketing and statistics.
He is responsible for designing new solutions to improve and evaluate marketing performance
(viewability, cross-device measurement, beacon technology, etc.).
Najib Galeb
Tracking Expertise & Innovation Lead
iProspect France
About the Authors
Having grown up in Western Australia, one of the most isolated parts of the world, Bowan has
a keen interest in technology and its ability to connect people to the world in meaningful ways.
Bowan has eight years experience in digital creative, production, and media agencies and, most
recently, performance strategy at iProspect. Bowan now lives in Singapore and leads APAC as the
Head of Strategy.
Bowan Spanbroek
Regional Head of Product & Strategy
iProspect APAC
As Vice President, Strategy Director & Luxury Practice Lead, Andrea weaves her wealth of business
and consumer insights into cutting-edge digital strategies. Leveraging 14 years of industry
experience, Andrea plays an instrumental role in ensuring that iProspect is the leading digital
agency for luxury and premium retailers. A passionate advocate for consumer research, Andrea
has spearheaded many industry-first studies about affluent consumer behavior. Her industry
recognitions include Luxury Daily’s “Luxury Women to Watch” and Direct Marketing News’ “Top
40 Under 40.”
Andrea Wilson
Vice President, Strategy Director & Luxury Practice Lead
iProspect US
Shenda has more than 12 years experience in digital media and a further 10 in traditional advertising.
Her experience includes work in agencies such as Saatchi & Saatchi in the Czech Republic and
Media Planning Group in London. Prior to joining the iProspect Global team as Strategy Director,
Shenda ran the iProspect office in Ireland and managed digital across the Dentsu Aegis Group in
Dublin. Before joining the Dentsu Aegis Group, she led a full service digital agency in Ireland for
10 years.
Shenda Loughnane
Global Chief Strategy Officer
Aurélien has seven years of experience in digital marketing. Prior to joining the iProspect Global
team as Strategy Manager, Aurélien was in charge of marketing for iProspect France. He started
his career at Isobar and Carat where he helped telecommunications and food advertisers with their
digital communications. Aurélien holds a Master’s degree in Strategic Marketing.
Aurélien Loyer
Global Strategy Manager
58 59
iProspect is a global, award-winning agency – driving business
performance for the world’s largest brands including adidas,
Diageo, Hilton, Burberry, General Motors, Procter & Gamble,
Gucci, and Microsoft. The iProspect team works across a
network of 4,200 employees spread over 91 offices in 55
In 2017, iProspect won more than 200 awards including 15
leadership recognition awards and 33 Agency of the Year titles,
and was named a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Search
Marketing Agencies, Q4 2017, #1 Global Digital Performance
Agency by RECMA, Industry Agency of Choice at The
International Performance Marketing Awards, and both Best
Place to Work and Most Effective Media Agency by The Drum.
Global President, Ruth Stubbs, recently received top honors as
the Vision winner for the first Women Leading Change Awards
presented by Campaign360. iProspect is part of the Dentsu
Aegis Network, a wholly owned subsidiary of Dentsu Inc.
Want to learn more?
Visit us at www.iprospect.com
60 61
1.	 CMO Council: “The Customer in Context” July 2017.
2.	 CMO Council: “Empowering the Data-Driven Customer 		
	 Strategy” March 2017.
3.	 European Commission “Data Protection Eurobarometer” 	
	 Factsheet. June 2015.
4.	 Tractica: “Virtual Digital Assistants” August 2016.
5.	 Forrester Consumer Technographics - North American 		
	 Consumer Technographics Consumer Technology Survey, 	
6.	 Juniper Research: “Digital Voice Assistants: Platforms, 		
	 Revenues and Opportunities 2016 –2021” September 		
7.	 Digiday: “The Washington Post’s robot reporter has 		
	 published 850 articles in the past year” September 		
	 14, 2017.
8.	 eMarketer: “Retail Ecommerce Sales Worldwide, 2016-		
	 2021” June 5, 2017.
9.	 Pinterest Blog: “Introducing Search Ads on Pinterest” 		
	 January 13, 2017.
10.	 iProspect US Blog: “Pinterest Finds its Competitive Edge 	
	 in the Planning Stage” October 19, 2017.
11.	 eMarketer: “Retail Ecommerce Sales in Asia-Pacific, by 		
	 Country, 2017-2021” July 1, 2017.
12.	 World Economic Forum “Deep Shift Technology Tipping 		
	 Points and Societal Impact” Survey report, September 		
13.	 Clavis Insights Report.
Future focus 2018 by i prospect

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Future focus 2018 by i prospect

  • 1.
  • 2. The transformative impact of Voice, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning is being felt across the entire business landscape. Emerging markets are leapfrogging the West in the utilization of technology and platforms. The constant introduction of new transaction opportunities has fragmented consumer attention like never before. Many undercurrents lie ahead for those businesses that wish to thrive. To succeed in an ever increasingly complex Digital Economy, it is more vital than ever to be driven by a mindset that is inspired by the future, delivered today. Marketers must ensure their capabilities, solutions, and relationships are using data and technology to deliver better outcomes for their consumers. Success in these areas will shape the direction of businesses today and into the future. I am pleased to share iProspect’s 2018 Future Focus: The New Machine Rules, your look at the dynamics that will define the fate of companies and help those who want to succeed in the digital transformation that lies ahead. RUTH STUBBS Global President iProspect “ “
  • 3. F U T U R E F O C U S 3 AI & Machine Learning Transform Marketing p.26 It’s time for brands to get ahead of the intelligence curve. p.16 2 Digital Assistants are the New Gatekeepers Digital assistants are set to fundamentally change the relationship between brands and consumers. 2018 Content p.36 4 Commerce Everywhere The distance between inspiration and conversion is now shorter than ever. p.46 5 The Rise of Amazon, the “Everything Store” The Expectation Economy is now available for delivery. p.57 C Conclusion The opportunities outweigh the challenges. 2 3 p.6 1 Enhanced Customer Experience Closing the gap between consumer expectation and brand reality. p.4 I Introduction The Human Behind The Machine.
  • 4. In the space of 24 hours, 12 million boxes are shipped by Tmall, 1.37 billion people connect to Facebook, 1.6 billion swipes happen on Tinder, and 500 million messages are tweeted. These few figures demonstrate how the evolution of technology is dramatically changing the way consumers search, shop, and share. Technology is also becoming a core component of marketers’ day-to-day lives. We recently asked 250 iProspect clients their views on the key challenges they face in 2018 and the priorities for growing their businesses in a fast moving, high expectation Digital Economy. For these marketers, data remains the key challenge, both from the perspective of managing large volumes of data, and in using data effectively to deliver personalized, one- to-one relevant experiences to consumers. Machine Learning and AI will both be eagerly embraced in 2018 as a way of helping marketers leverage data more effectively. In fact 55% of marketers in our survey agree that Machine Learning will allow them to make better decisions through processing bigger data sets, and 53% believe it will allow them to deliver personalized content at scale. Additionally, in 2018, brands face challenges in understanding how a growing consumer move to Voice and Digital Assistants is likely to transform behaviors and impact brand visibility and loyalty. Finally, for those marketers selling through marketplaces such as Amazon, or TMall in China, 2018 will bring new challenges in learning how to fully optimize these platforms, maximizing both visibility and business performance. 4 Introduction Maximizing Visibility within online Marketplaces Developing a Strategy for Voice & Digital Assistants Efficiently Managing High Volumes of Data Preparing for Stricter Privacy Regulations (e.g. EU’s GDPR) Keeping Up to Date with the Ad Tech Landscape Evolution Improving Internal Structure & Collaborating 5 In Future Focus 2018, we examine how machines and technology are gradually impacting marketing and advertising, from facilitating seamless consumer experiences to delivering greater efficiencies and breaking down borders, and we’ll take a look at how brands can make the most of machines in 2018 to drive everything from improved commerce results to accuracy and efficiency in how they market to consumers. A fast moving, high Expectation Economy is here. “ “ T H E H U M A N B E H I N D T H E M A C H I N E Marketers’ Biggest Priorities in 2018 iProspect Global 2018 Client Survey
  • 5. Enhanced Customer Experience 1 1 Closing the gap between consumer expectation and brand reality. 1 With the constant introduction of new technologies and new platforms, consumers have never had so many options for transacting, and their attention has never been so fragmented. Their expectations are rising, too. Mobile searches for “same-day shipping” have grown more than 120% since 2015. 52% of consumers consider fast response time as the key to exceptional experience, and 47% declare they will stop doing business with a brand that continues to frustrate them, according to the CMO Council1 . The CMO Council also states that only 7% of marketers claim their company is always able to deliver real-time, data-driven experiences across all customer touchpoints, both digital and physical. Additionally, only 6% say they have a complete view of their customer2 . Toclosethegapbetweencustomerexpectation and reality, marketers will need to shift from a traditional channel-centric operating model to a customer-centric one. This will mean building truly integrated experiences and leveraging data and technology effectively. To deliver, brands will need to improve capabilitiesinconsumerintelligence,findingthe right balance between day-to-day exploitation of data to meet business targets and longer term exploration to anticipate changing behaviors that deliver business growth. As data protection concerns grow among consumers and regulators, marketers will need to be ever more attentive to, and respectful of, consumer data, rights, and privacy. 7 EnhancedCustomerExperience “ “ 6
  • 6. Putting the Consumer Right at the Center Marketers will move increasingly from a siloed, channel-based approach to advertising, to a consumer based approach, bringing together data and resources from different parts of the organization to facilitate a true 360-degree consumer view. Increasingly, marketers will turn to the C-Suite to help break down organizational silos and facilitate greater data sharing and usage. The concept of “consumer moments” will become widespread in 2018, encouraging marketers to seek out data signals that help them understand not just who their customers really are, but what are the moments that matter most as those consumers interact with brands at different stages of the purchase journey. To identify both the right consumers and moments, brands will need a clear data and measurement strategy, starting with their own analytics. For example, to capture the points of engagement with shoppers, standard metrics (e.g., page views or time on page) are not enough. All interactions with product page content (e.g., image zoom or detail sizes) provide meaningful cues, and the data layer of the website will need to be set up to properly capture those cues. This means data visualization will take on renewed importance in 2018 and we can expect to see brands moving from simply reporting what has happened, to more diagnostic analytics that look at the “why” rather than the “what.” For the more advanced marketers, they will see steps toward more predictive modeling and analytics with a focus on predicting and planning for likely future outcomes. While 2017 was about understanding how best to connect data to understand consumers better, 2018 will be the year where marketers put consumers firmly at the center of communications. 1.1 8 American Express Gets Personal American Express wanted to boost online acquisition of credit cards. After analyzing customer acquisition data, it became clear that communications didn’t focus on the specific benefits of each card. Business outcome modeling and second-party data were overlaid with American Express first-party data, and audiences were categorized into clusters according to card types, hidden needs, and spending capacity. This profiling helped the team track customer reactions to more personalized messages, and enabled stricter frequency control. As a result, new card requests increased more than 50% year-over-year, and cards monthly expenditures were three times greater than the average. 9 1 EnhancingCustomerExperience CASE STUDY
  • 7. Many marketers today are already using Data Management Platforms (DMPs) to bring togetheranumberofdifferentdatasetsinorder to gain a single consumer view and activate messaging. And the more sophisticated, data- rich marketers are now taking further steps forward in data analysis, looking at data lakes to increase internal data analysis, facilitating a greater knowledge of consumers. While DMPs are primarily utilized for the purposes of activating digital media campaigns and focus on utilizing cookies and structured data sets, data lakes allow companies with significant traffic and customer data to ingest a much broader set of internal data sources (e.g., logistics, inventory, pricing, etc.) and have the capability to contain both structured and unstructured data. This opens a whole new world of possibility for usage of internal data beyond media activation. With access to broader, richer and more diverse data sets, these marketers have the ability to apply Machine Learning algorithms and can perform long-term, deeper customer analyses (e.g., yield management, forecasting, and lifetime value). Both DMPs and data lakes naturally augment each other: DMP segments can be sent to the data lake for deeper analysis, and data lakes power DMPs with richer data streams. In 2018, we can expect to see brands building their data architecture around these two technology solutions as needed, powering better customer understanding, decision making, and activation. In 2018, we can expect brands to put greater focus on aligning data, tech, and resource capabilities in order to better understand and service consumers. 1.2 11 Scrubbing the Details with The Body Shop Cosmetics company, The Body Shop, wanted to drive aggressive ecommerce growth and better evaluate the contribution of each digital channel. They reviewed their processes and methodologies to facilitate synergies, creating a unified budget for all digital channels. They also reviewed their KPI set to better understand the true contribution of each channel. Being able to segment audiences and enable automation was critical, so The Body Shop used the Google technology stack to deliver, integrating Display and Search through Google’s DBM, DS and DCM tools; this was underpinned with a Google 360 attribution project to analyze and feed in learnings to campaign activations. The tech and process refocus improved performance, delivering a 40% increase in revenue and 29% improvement in conversion rate. 11 1 EnhancingCustomerExperience CASE STUDY New Solutions to Facilitate Data Management 10
  • 8. Control in the Age of Speed The much-anticipated EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be enforced in May 2018, and any brand trading with EU citizens will need to comply, even if that brand is not based in the EU. The GDPR will increase the data rights of EU citizens, of whom 80% feel they do not have complete control over their personal data3 . However, according to research from the Direct Marketing Association earlier this year, although 96% of companies are aware of the impending GDPR deadline, one in two are not sufficiently prepared. For brands not yet prepared, efforts should be made as soon as possible towards compliance, as failure to observe the regulation in 2018 will have severe legal and reputational implications. Beyond GDPR efforts, 2017 was a watershed year where more and more brands voiced concerns about brand safety, fraud, and viewability in the digital space, and we can expect efforts to control the quality of inventory to continue apace in 2018. For many advertisers, strict guidelines are now in place to protect brand assets, from pre-bid controls for programmatic to purchasing inventory only on established marketplaces. In addition, we can expect to see platforms such as Facebook and Google continue to invest in brand safety tools to protect advertisers on their user-generated content platforms. In the quest for greater control, many marketers will focus on their first-party data. Collected, segmented, and activated in the right way, first-party data is the ultimate means to communicate with precision to exactly the right user, at the right moment, in a way that is respectful to their privacy. True “people- based” marketing is likely to be much talked about as the ultimate solution to safety concerns in 2018. In 2018, all organizations will need to put great effort into data control in order to protect their brands, their investments, and, most importantly, their consumers. 1.3 12 GDPR Becomes Law With new legislations, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, demand more from advertisers with regard to consumer data privacy, it can become difficult for organizations to combine data usage for marketing purposes and privacy compliance, especially when third parties are involved. To prevent any data leakage, ensure the personal identifiable information you control or process is protected with sufficient encryption levels. For instance, iProspect has developed Hashed. This proprietary tool uses the SHA256 aligorithm (also used by Facebook and Google) to hash personally identifiable data, protecting the data, but also allowing it be used for running targeted campaigns on those platforms. 13 1 EnhancingCustomerExperience INDUSTRY INSIGHT
  • 9. 14 3Key Takeaways for Brands Identify key moments of communication. Look for the right signals that suggest the optimal moment to target a given consumer. Re-evaluate your tech stack. Consider whether a DMP or data lake might be most appropriate, and make efforts to supercharge reporting to facilitate better decision making. Audit your digital operations to ensure brand safety and compliance. Carefully review how data flows within your organization, and establish written guidelines to your approach to safety, ad fraud, and viewability. 1 2 3 15 1 EnhancingCustomerExperience
  • 10. Digital Assistants are the New Gatekeepers 2 2 Digital assistants are set to fundamentally change the relationship between brands and consumers. 2 According to market intelligence company Tractica4 , more than 700 million people use some form of digital assistant today, whether Apple’s Siri on their mobile phone, or Amazon’s Alexa via a home device. With word error rate now at parity with humans, digital assistants can understand us better than ever, and usage of assistants is expected to soar to almost two billion by 20214 . Within the next five years, most of the developed world will be using a digital assistant in one form or another to automate and manage many aspects of their daily lives. And it’s not just millennials who are early adopters of this technology. Forrester Research5 estimates that while 66% of 18-24 year olds are using digital assistants, almost 40% of the 70+ age group are also engaged. Consumers are turning more of their day-to- day decisions over to digital assistants, and this will transform how information is accessed and channeled. As a result, digital assistants will increasingly control what information a consumer does or does not receive, effectively becoming the gatekeeper to the consumer. The digital assistant will provide what it believes to be the most relevant answer to any given question, whether it’s “What’s the best Thai restaurant in Amsterdam?” or “Find me the cheapest flight from New York to Chicago on Friday.” For marketers, this represents a new challenge in 2018 and beyond: learning how to market not to the consumer, but to the machine. 17 TheNewGatekeepers “ “ 16
  • 11. Relevance as the New Metric Today, being relevant means delivering greater efficiency and improved performance. Tomorrow, brands that are not relevant simply won’t be seen by consumers. By nature, this means the overall volume of advertising will naturally decrease in a world of digital assistants. But for the brands that get it right, the actual power of that advertising will increase exponentially. Marketers in 2018 will therefore need to start thinking about how they can become hyper- relevant to consumers. This means using data like never before to truly understand consumer needs, motivations, and behaviors at an individual level to add value to the consumer interaction. The brands that succeed in this space are likely to have first mover advantage. As a digital assistant gets to know an individual consumer’s preferences and habits, it will begin to default to the consumer’s brand of choice, automatically choosing Purina, for example, when the consumer asks to “Order more dog food”, or Pampers for the consumer who asks their digital assistant to “Buy diapers.” For new market entrants, this will make it increasingly difficult to get their brands on the shopping list. Only the most hyper-relevant brands will be able to cut through and ensure their brand is the one to capture the attention of the digital assistant and the consumer. The promise of the digital assistant is to make a consumer’s life quicker, simpler and easier, delivering the exact, most relevant piece of information or service on demand. As consumer interactions shift increasingly to digital assistants, consumer relevance becomes ever more critical to brands. 2.1 18 How can AI help you? Digital assistants come in a variety of forms. Assistants can be integrated inside smartphone operating systems (Apple Siri), smartphone apps (Google app), desktop computer systems (Cortana for Windows 10), or smart home hubs (Amazon Echo). While home hubs have been generating a lot of buzz recently, they represent the smallest opportunity compared to native smartphone assistants such as Siri. Keep this in mind when planning and designing for the different types of digital assistant. 19 2 TheNewGatekeepers INDUSTRY INSIGHT
  • 12. Voice Search: A Fundamental Behavior Shift Although the opportunities for advertisers are not yet fully realized on the main search platforms, it is certain that voice search is on a growth trajectory from a consumer perspective, with advertising revenues likely to follow. Juniper Research anticipates a 104% growth in voice search advertising revenues over the next three years6 . So, it’s important that brands start now to understand how best to capitalize on changing behaviors in Voice. A recent whitepaper produced by iProspect and Bing gave the first indications as to how the search landscape is changing as a result of Voice and what marketers can do today to take advantage. In that whitepaper, we discuss how voice search queries are longer and more conversational in nature. In addition, voice queries feature more questions versus the short incomplete statements we see in a text based world. Another key differentiator is local intent as Voice related searches on mobile devices are three times more likely to be local based than text. Creating search campaigns that target long-tail conversational questions (like who, where and how), updating business listings through complete and accurate local structured data, and creating content to cover answers to common consumer questions are all ways to capitalize on voice searches. Not many brands today are taking advantage of existing voice search traffic and learning from changing consumer behaviors. This leaves white space opportunities for smart marketers to start testing and learning in a cost-effective manner. By 2020, Baidu expects that 50% of all searches will be voice related, transforming the search landscape. 2.2 20 Putting Voice First for Finance Always looking to simplify complex financial information, a major bank player wanted to serve customers in their “micro-moment” of need by answering key questions, likely to be Voice related. The brand partnered with iProspect to take full advantage of the Google Answer Box. After mapping opportunities through in-depth content assessment, keyword research, and gap analysis, the bank optimized each piece of content and respective metadata and microdata. The strategy resulted in immediate success, with more than 316,000 monthly search queries showing the bank’s content in the Google Answer Box, 61% YOY traffic increase to financial educational pages, and 90% YOY increase in conversions. 21 2 TheNewGatekeepers CASE STUDY
  • 13. Philadelphia Cream Cheese Gets Skillful Recognizing cheesecakes as a massive sales volume growth opportunity, Philadelphia Cream Cheese wanted to inspire consumers to make their own cheesecakes, rather than just buy them. The brand partnered with Amazon to tap into consumers’ shopping habits and show them just how easy it is to make a delicious cheesecake. Philadelphia developed an Alexa skill letting people simply ask “Alexa, open cheesecake recipes” to access fifteen popular simple recipes hands-free. The brand also developed a cheesecake hub promoted across the Amazon ecosystem through paid media. As a result, the cheesecake activity generated more than 95% of all Philadelphia Cream Cheese sales on the platform. 23 CASE STUDY Bots Will Become the New Apps Bots also have a key role to play for digital assistants, making it possible for them to deliver immediate answers and information to consumers, based on their questions. In the future, bots are set to effectively become the voice of a brand or service. And, in a world where consumer expectations around service continue to grow, brands will increasingly be defined not by what they say about themselves, but by the utility and the service experience they deliver to those consumers. Since bots hold the power to a brand’s future potential to connect with consumers, marketers must make sure their bots provide relevant and helpful services. This starts with understanding the consumer, thinking about when Voice versus text based services might be required, and the right context in which the assistant would need to respond. It also means understanding consumer psychographics, motivations, and their digital footprint to determine what utilities are likely to add most value. When creating a bot, brands will need to structure commercial interactions. If a bot is merely a novelty, it will be used a handful of times and then forgotten. Finally, with more than 20,000 bots already available on the Amazon platform alone, marketers will need to think about how to amplify the adoption of their bots to ensure uptake and usage. Bots are set to dominate our future. In fact, according to Gartner, 85% of all customer interactions will be managed without a human by 2020. 2.3 22 2 TheNewGatekeepers
  • 14. 24 3Key Takeaways for Brands Think about how your brand can become more relevant to consumers. Use data more effectively to deliver on right person, right content, right moment, right message. 1 Seize the voice search opportunity. Take advantage of the current white space by ensuring you adapt your search strategy to capitalize on voice searches for your brand or service. 2 Discuss whether a bot can add value to your brand. Look at how your brand might answer a specific consumer need and whether bots could deliver an improved customer experience. 3 25 2 TheNewGatekeepers
  • 15. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Transform Marketing 3 3 It’s time for brands to get ahead of the intelligence curve. 3 Simply put, AI aims to emulate human cognitive capabilities through artificial systems. One of the specialties of AI is Machine Learning, which enables computers to solve a problem by themselves, learning through examples, rather than being programmed specifically to solve a distinct problem. Although the terms “Artificial Intelligence” and “Machine Learning” can be traced back to the early 1950s, these concepts have really gained traction over the last few years. The tech giants are all investing in specific AI or Machine Learning capabilities, either internally (e.g., IBM Watson or Microsoft Azure), or through acquisitions (e.g., Google/DeepMind or Apple/VocalIQ). AI and Machine Learning capabilities are sought-after by tech companies as they recognize the benefits of intelligence for customer experience (e.g., personalized recommendations on Netflix), security (e.g., fraud detection on PayPal transactions), or product development (e.g., autonomous cars for Uber). In 2018, we can expect mainstream brands to start truly testing the potential of AI and Machine Learning in advertising, taking marketing efforts to the next level. Machine Learning has the power to improve efficiency, help scale personalization, and predict consumer behavior with greater accuracy. As a result, 2018 will bring greater investment and experimentation in this area. 27 TransformMarketing “ “ 26
  • 16. Machine Learning Will Deliver Greater Efficiency Digital has dramatically expanded the job of today’s CMO, who now has the added responsibility of knowing and genuinely understanding the technology and its implications from a data and legal perspective. This increased pressure, combined with an explosion of available data, makes it hard for marketers to keep up with everything in a finite amount of time. The automation and self-training capabilities of Machine Learning will enable organizations to perform tasks faster and at a larger scale, from very simple actions to client-facing solutions. For instance, The Washington Post made headlines this year7 for using their proprietary artificial intelligent agent, Heliograf, to write more than 850 articles ranging from election to sports results. Machine Learning will also help organizations make sense of data. As ever-increasing amounts of data become collectable, Machine Learning algorithms are perfect for sorting, ordering, classifying, and enriching that data. For marketers, it opens up the scope of possibilities, such as being able to access better client segmentation, applying more accurate performance attribution, or leveraging huge datasetslikelargecatalogsintheirperformance marketing. Intelligent automation engines can even generate audience groups from historical performance, allocate budgets, and build a bidding strategy. AI and Machine Learning will save marketers time and energy, freeing them to focus on high- value tasks that only human intelligence can address, and enabling people to make faster and better decisions, manage more data, and prevent missed opportunities. Despite its many undeniable benefits for brands, digital marketing has long suffered from the amount of time it takes to optimize at scale. Machine Learning will bring huge efficiency gains for marketers in 2018. 3.1 28 Eurostar says ‘Bonjour’ to Machine Learning CASE Eurostar wanted to appear at the top of the search results when potential customers search by destination, standing out from airline competitors. To do so, they utilized iProspect’s new AI learning system, CORE, which collects data from a range of sources, and evaluates which media investments are performing best. It then predicts how much the strategy could be improved upon by making specific changes and automatically activates those changes in real time. CORE’s data cycle runs continuously, constantly testing and learning from previous decisions. As a result, Eurostar’s cost per acquisition was improved by 81% and campaign spend reduced by 45%. 29 3 TransformMarketing STUDY
  • 17. True Personalization at Scale Becomes Possible Brands managing high volumes of individual conversations without compromising the quality of each one can be a true challenge. An efficient conversation requires both careful listening and a relevant response, and Machine Learning can help with both. In the past, brands have refined their online messages by designing a few different versions, running a campaign, analyzing the results, and finally, selecting the version that worked best. Machine Learning can make this process much more accurate by considering more variables, combining more data sources, and providing faster results. As the testing process is more efficient, it reduces the amount of guesswork and preconceptions, enabling marketing and creative departments to access better, less biased insights. Not only can those scalable and real-time analyses be helpful for gaining insights, they can also be used for building creative assets on the fly. Paired with a Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) tool, the algorithm can define the best unique combination of image, text, font, and even button position for each individual message. Numerous additional opportunities are possible through connections with web page customization technologies, product recommendations engine, and CRM tools. We expect 2018 to be the year that personalization at scale becomes truly possible. Thanks to Machine Learning, media and messages will be better aligned, resulting in a more relevant experience for consumers and diminishing the friction points between first touch and conversion. Beyondefficiency,MachineLearningwillenablebrandstobuildmorepersonalized conversations with consumers, at scale. 3.2 30 Machine Learning Gets Personal Chamberlain University saw an opportunity to leverage Machine Learning to deliver personalized user experiences based on consumer intent that would provide more relevant and engaging content. Visitors were served different combinations of content and calls-to-action, based on the marketing channel they came from and their behavior on the website. By dynamically matching the user experience to the visitor’s mindset (research phase or intent to apply) through Machine Learning, Chamberlain University saw a 10% increase in performance. 31 TransformMarketing 3CASE STUDY
  • 18. From Describing Behavior to Predicting Behavior The self-correcting capabilities of Machine Learning can help marketers in their quest to better anticipate consumer behaviors and needsthroughpredictivemodels.Thosemodels require large data sets and interoperability between those data sets. In that respect, the development of predictive models is facilitated by the collapse of technological barriers. With the rise of cross-device measurement that concentrates scattered information in a single view, CRM onboarding that links email addresses to cookies, and mobile advertising identifiers to geolocation data, the vision of the consumer’s journey has never been more complete for an advertiser. Paired with Machine Learning, this expanse of data can help marketers predict the physical movements of a group of people, for instance, anticipating which billboard an individual will walk by. This kind of information is highly valuable for trading optimization and media waste reduction. From a CRM standpoint, prediction can estimate the customer lifetime value before conversion, or trigger an alert when a risk of churn is detected. Applications for Machine Learning seem endless and marketers need to think about the best use cases for their businesses in 2018. Although prediction could be a game- changer in a brand’s communication strategy, it is critical for marketers to understand the current limitations. First, algorithms can’t work without proper input and are not (yet) capable of evaluating the intrinsic quality of an informational entry. In addition, effective use of algorithms in the decision-making process requires marketers to trust a machine. Finally, as there are always challenges a machine won’t be able to predict, Machine Learning shouldn’t stand alone. Organizations that define clear roles for Machine Learning in relation to human marketers will be better positioned for success. We anticipate the number of predictive models based on Machine Learning to be on the rise in 2018. 3.3 32 Out of Home Gets Smart One major outdoor advertising company wanted to improve their sales and pricing methodologies to gain in efficiency. As the digitization of out-of-home media channels generates a huge and complex variety of product and pricing options, the company embraced a Machine Learning approach. It enabled their client’s sales managers to have greater visibility into current and predicted sales performance, so that they could apply tighter control on sales and pricing processes. 33 TransformMarketing 3INDUSTRY INSIGHT
  • 19. 34 3Key Takeaways for Brands Explore how Machine Learning could help your organization. As the core principle of Machine Learning is the ability to continuously refine an initial model, the longer the learning phase, the better the rewards. 1 Think of your data ecosystem as a whole. The Machine Learning algorithm is only as good as its data. Even the best models won’t learn anything from poor quality data, resulting in poor performance. 2 Mix human intelligence with Machine Learning. Defining clear and specific roles for Machine Learning is critical, as it may not be the answer for all marketers. 3 35 TransformMarketing 3
  • 20. Commerce Everywhere 44 The distance between inspiration and conversion is now shorter than ever. 4 Global ecommerce sales reached nearly $1.9 trillion in 2016, and are forecasted to grow to $3.9 trillion in 20208 . As consumers expect to be able to buy everything, everywhere and at any time, this staggering growth will be increasingly supported by ecosystems which weren’t designed to be transaction first, but are now developing commerce features. Social and messaging platforms are all striving to seamlessly bring commerce into their fabric. In Asia, this could be considered old news as consumers have already been buying directly within social environments like WeChat for years. However, social commerce is now so well-rooted in consumers’ habits that even very brand-cautious luxury players are investing heavily in this sales channel. Platforms are also closing the gap between inspiration and conversion by connecting commerce with discovery. Pinterest, where 97% of searches do not include a brand name9 , used to be a sought-after environment for reaching consumers in their initial planning stage. It is now also rolling out features to drive conversions earlier. In 2018, we can anticipate discovery to grow faster than ever through the rise of visual search, powered by the recent progress of image recognition and increased mobile connectivity. Virtual reality (VR) will take commerce to new horizons. Again, China is leading the way and has successfully demonstrated that virtual reality commerce could generate real-world sales for brands. Marketers can’t afford to ignore the ascent of VR, if they don’t want to lag behind. However, the big game changer for commerce, as for many other industries, could be the much talked-about blockchain. What’s better than a distributed structure to stretch commerce boundaries? The race for tech companies and brands to conquer new commerce opportunities is on. 37 CommerceEverywhere “ “ 36
  • 21. From Discovery Engines to Transaction Engines In 2018, we anticipate the world of search to expand from a single text-driven approach to a triple text-driven, voice-driven, and visual- driven approach. The latter is quickly gaining traction with the success of platforms like Pinterest, eBay and ASOS, which now allow users to snap a picture of a product, upload to the platform and have a tailored search result matched back to the image database. For consumers, it opens up a whole new searchable world. For brands, a platform like Pinterest, where 93% of users report they use it to plan for future purchases10 , can be leveraged to take a strong hold earlier in the journey to purchase. This drastically dials up the importance of having numerous accurate, visible and high quality product images available. Discovery engines, however, shouldn’t be seen only as upper funnel opportunities, as all platforms have unveiled new ways to connect inspiration to transaction. Brands can now tap into the recently opened Pinterest Taste Graph to improve their ad targeting, or use “Shop the Look” pins, enabling consumers to buy individual products from inspirational designers. Facebook introduced Collection ads in the same vein. Even Amazon has entered the discovery game with Spark, a place for consumers to discover and shop products shared by users with similar interests. For marketers, it means that content traditionally intended to serve brand image purposes could now offer new prospects for faster, more direct conversion. Marketers will now need to better integrate their branding and performance tactics to unlock the full value of discovery platforms. The Web has always empowered consumers to discover a host of new trends, products, and inspirations. In 2018, the impetus of visual search and its convergence with transaction will enable brands to truly reap the benefits of discovery. 4.1 38 39 4 CommerceEverywhere Pinning Success with Pier 1 Pier 1 Imports has built its premiere home furnishings business on strong relationships, providing the decorating inspiration that helps customers create beautiful spaces in their homes. The brand aimed to take their Pinterest game to the next level to reach a broader audience, deepen their connection with their existing audience, and drive more targeted traffic to their website. Combining data-driven forecasting from demographics, historical data, and behavioral data, with advanced targeting tactics and innovative formats like One Tap promoted pins, Pier 1 Imports successfully reduced friction between inspiration and purchase, resulting in a 59% increase in Engagement Rate and 639% increase in Click-Through Rate. CASE STUDY
  • 22. New Commerce Experiences: Learning from China Whether it’s a virtual reality mall, Kobe Bryant opening Singles’ Day, or Kentucky Fried Chicken selling 80,000 nuggets in a day on Tmall, anything is possible in China if it enhances the customer experience. Social commerce is now mainstream in China. Consumers have been discovering, interacting with customer service, and purchasing within social platforms for years. The fact that WeChat is both a wallet for consumers and storefront for brands sets it apart from its messaging platform peers. As Tencent pushes forward with its global ambition, western platforms have begun to experiment with commerce functionality. Facebook has obtained the necessary PSD2 license to process payments in Europe, and some Masterpass-enabled chatbots are now available in Messenger in the US. We anticipate more initiatives in this direction in 2018, and brands need to seriously consider how to bring the point of transaction into their social activity, whether it be customer service via Messenger or shopable media that links to off-platform product pages. Virtual reality shopping experiences is another growing area of the Chinese ecommerce landscape. Buy+, an Alibaba subsidiary, transports consumers to virtual malls across the globe (e.g., Costco or Macy’s), where they can purchase using AliPay with the nod of a head. Eight million people tried Buy+ during Singles’ Day 2016. Similar to conversational commerce, western marketers are only starting to contemplate the VR potential for commerce. Eram, a 90 year old French shoe retailer, has just launched a VR showroom to let consumers discover its new collection. We anticipate more brands moving from in-house tests to real world applications that drive results in 2018. As China ecommerce sales are expected to reach $1.46 trillion USD in 201811 , more than US and Western Europe combined, a new paradigm for commerce is taking shape at the intersection of entertainment, convenience, and transaction. 4.2 40 A Very Valentino Valentine’s For Chinese Valentine’s Day, Valentino launched an omni-channel campaign to promote their limited edition Rockstud Spike handbag, available exclusively on WeChat. A geotargeting strategy was implemented based on how consumers responded to previous WeChat advertising efforts. The ‘Moments’ newsfeed, influencers, organic and paid search were used to amplify the campaign and drive users to convert within the application. Overall, the campaign was seen more than 40M times, generated a spike in new fans of 15% in six days and the bag sold out in three days. 41 4 CommerceEverywhere CASE STUDY
  • 23. The Bright Future of Blockchain- Powered Commerce Blockchain, a public and distributed ledger of transactions where anyone can keep track of operations, can bring numerous advantages to the world of ecommerce. The first obvious benefit will be cost efficiency. With transactions between consumer and marketplace becoming direct and transparent, blockchain will remove the need for a middle man and, in doing so, simplify fees. This will equate to a much more streamlined and cost- effective transaction process, a move that could herald the removal of numerous bank fees and transaction fees, improving thin margins for the marketplaces, and enhancing the convenience of online transactions. Brands could also benefit from more independence from marketplaces by becoming able to transfer consumers’ reviews between two ecosystems, an operation currently impossible as reviews are owned by marketplaces. Blockchain could create a more transparent, unbiased and transferable product review platform that sits on its infrastructure and is pulled in by the marketplaces. Other potential changes like lightning fast cash-back programs, universal product IDs, or automatic refund programs using smart contracts could create a new paradigm of seamless ecommerce experiences, if implemented at scale. Blockchain holds both promise and peril for ecommerce players. One on hand, the benefits for consumers will certainly encourage them to transact more and more online. On the other, established ecommerce platforms could see their influence on brands decrease and new marketplaces emerge, enabled by lower barriers to entry. While the effects of blockchain may be quite a few years from hitting their full potential, ecommerce players need to plan today for success tomorrow. With estimates of blockchain reaching 10% of global GDP by 202512 , ecommerce heavyweights and brands alike will need to take heed of this new valuable platform as it gains traction. 4.3 42 Building a Brand Block by Block Japanese ecommerce giant Rakuten began investing in blockchain as early as 2014 through a participation in Bitnet Technologies, a provider of a digital payments platform powered by blockchain. Since then, the brand has accelerated its efforts in that space and opened the Rakuten Blockchain Lab in Belfast, dedicated to pursuing the integration of the technology with the monolith ecommerce marketplace through the acquisition of intellectual property assets from Bitnet. 43 4 CommerceEverywhere CASE STUDY
  • 24. 44 3Key Takeaways for Brands Bring branding and performance tactics closer together to make the most of discovery platforms. Audit your current product images to make sure they are visual search ready and look at how you can better connect brand to commerce in messaging. 1 Start integrating inspiration and entertainment into your commerce strategy. Look to China for inspiration and a view of what commerce could look like tomorrow. 2 Think about how blockchain could transform your business. Start investigating blockchain and understanding how it might impact or aid your commerce business. 3 45 4 CommerceEverywhere
  • 25. The Rise of Amazon, the “Everything Store” 5 5 The Expectation Economy is now available for delivery. 5 There can be little doubt that 2017 was a significant year for Amazon, as its seemingly irresistible expansion broke new ground across some of the biggest categories in the world. In sports streaming, it acquired rights to its home turf NFL, as well as apparently making overtures into global appeal sports such as tennis, rugby, golf and soccer. It won Oscars and Golden Globes for its original content on Amazon Video. It made acquisitions in healthcare, AI and bioscience. Their cloud services had $4.1 billion in revenue in Q2 this year. Echo and Alexa have proven to be more of a hit than most analysts expected. And of course, the seismic acquisition of Whole Foods sent shockwaves through retail worldwide. Amazon’s enormous capital power and evident knack for winning in any division it turns its attention to means it truly is becoming the oft-quoted “Everything Store”, apparently achieving the impossible – major, simultaneous expansion without sacrifice of either product or profit. Yet the company remains highly secretive, rarely announcing its intent or offering strategic insight. As Amazon claims not only more net shoppers, but also creates new shopper behaviors, the onus is on today’s marketers to be proactive, rather than reactive, in developing their understanding of it. The good news is that there’s no more opportune time to learn than now. As Amazon finally turns its attention to the long dormant opportunity in ads by outlining plans for it to become a major income stream, marketers should seize the opportunity to get in at ground zero and start including it on media plans today. 47 TheEverythingStore “ “ 46
  • 26. Mastering the Marketplace to Stand Out For marketers, mastering Amazon’s “internal SEO” will be hugely important. Dropping from rank 5 to rank 15 can result in as much as a 75% sales loss13 . Many metrics influence the prominence of their product pages. As a result, there is no one way to win, and many considerations need to be taken into account, from whether the brand has “seller” or “vendor” status, to the choice of who executes fulfillment. The ranking algorithm gives strong preference not just to the seller’s price, but also to those products which satisfy customer expectations. In order to rank higher and sell more, marketers must therefore think about the whole experience right through to delivery, CRM and aftercare. Paid placement also impacts overall Amazon performance. Products that place well in search results, even via paid placements, tend to sell more, and products that sell more, tend to place better in search results. With Amazon now such an enormous machine, the first challenge is simply being visible at all, especially as 70% of shoppers never make it past the first page of on-site search results. 5.1 48 49 5 TheEverythingStore Give Them What They Want When it comes to marketplace optimization, ranking high is critical but isn’t the sole factor for success. Conversion optimization should also be an area of focus. It’s down to the strength (quality, persuasiveness, relevance) of owned media to determine whether visitors will become customers, and eventually brand advocates, driving “earned media”. Giving customers the product information they need to make a purchase decision is crucial; this can include product images, technical specification, description and customer Q&A. According to Amazon, product pages with video have seen a 22% uplift, and adding between three and six images can increase conversion up to 30%. Amazon brings SEO and CRO closer together and marketers should keep that in mind when planning their Amazon strategy. INDUSTRY INSIGHT
  • 27. Paid Media Brings New Opportunities to Grow Business Amazon is shifting to the same model as Google and Facebook, wherein agencies can develop and apply expertise directly. For example, Amazon Media Group, an internal division responsible for programmatic display ads, has been opened to those who are equipped to take advantage. While this is good for innovation and performance, it is nonetheless very tightly knitted to nuts-and- bolts ecommerce mechanics, such as delivery and customer satisfaction. It will be important for marketers to approach Amazon advertising with the complete skillset. From a customer data perspective, Amazon is more actively using their troves of shopper data. More information is being shared in the planning phase, helping advertisers allocate spendeffectively.Thisisalsovisibleinactivation. In June 2017, the company launched Amazon Audiences, similar to Facebook’s Custom Audiences, allowing brands to audience match into the platform. As for Alexa, its unexpected scale, connection to commerce, and user base of valuable Prime members makes it an attractive advertising proposition. Aggressive moves in both software (SDKs, Skills) and hardware (Echo Look, Echo Spot) signal an appetite to maximize the market and Amazon’s presence within that market, possibly even extending to cars, wearables, etc. No one knows for sure how or when advertising functions will be introduced to Alexa, but there’s no doubt it is now a major part of Amazon’s machine. For marketers, Amazon ranks next to Google and Facebook as the platform most likely to bring new targeting opportunities in 2018. 5.2 50 Amazon Provides Sweet Success A candy brand, virtually unknown on Amazon, wanted to capture market share during the critical Halloween period. The brand pursued an aggressive bidding strategy via Amazon Marketing Services for both brand and non-brand keywords. This strategy was complemented with the optimization of A+ pages to provide a rich, immersive experience. The brand managed to raise in the top 2 spots of ‘Halloween Candy’ search, above heavyweight players. Not only did the campaign YOY sales by more than 270% on Amazon, but it also contributed to in-store as well, as measured by Nielsen. 51 5 TheEverythingStore CASE STUDY
  • 28. Thinking Back to Front Being visible on Amazon in both paid and organic search will shortly become as much of a basic imperative as bidding on the right keywordsinGoogleorhavingaFacebookpage. But Amazon will also demand that departments like sales, intelligence, or marketing, work closer than ever before. As the experience of the sale itself is now more of a brand consideration than ever, marketers will need to ensure logistics and customer support match the quality of their marketing effort. Amazon’s one-click narrowed the gap between browsing and purchasing, with Prime then narrowing the gap between purchase and fulfillment. Consumer expectations swiftly followed, and immediacy quickly became the new norm. Customers expect to be able to buy what they want, when they want, on any device, and have delivery reflect their needs. It is no coincidence that many newly built apartment complexes are reinstating the mailroom alongside the concierge. We are moving into an age of value, rather than cost. It is not enough just to be cheap; brands must deliver value across the consumer experience, tailored to that consumer. While the consumer experience – the “front end” – is critical for winning on Amazon, the reality is this can only happen successfully if brands align the “back end”, i.e., systems, technology, people and processes, to deliver it. 5.3 52 Unlocking Amazon Key In its quest to remove every possible friction point for commerce, Amazon launched a new service in November 2017, Amazon Key. To end missed deliveries, Amazon now offers package deliveries inside the homes of its Prime members. The service works via a smart lock verifying the identity of the driver delivering the package, and a security camera verifying their movements. After the launch of Echo speakers and Dash buttons, Key is the latest move from Amazon to more closely connect to the homes of its users and enhance their shopping experience. 53 5 TheEverythingStore INDUSTRY INSIGHT
  • 29. 54 3Key Takeaways for Brands Don’t just “be there”. Product description, imagery, review programs… start optimizing your presence on Amazon to rank higher in products listings and improve business performance. 1 Seize the paid opportunity on Amazon. Investing in Amazon’s tightly controlled ecosystem can help directly impact visibility and therefore, sales. 2 Consider the consumer “Amazon” experience in its entirety. Review and align effort across all departments involved in commerce on Amazon, not only the front end. 3 55 5 TheEverythingStore
  • 30. Conclusion Withtechnologyadvancesprovidingthe capability to unlock new opportunities, get closer to consumers and extract greater value, 2018 will be an exciting year for marketers. Advances in Machine Learning will allow for greater effectiveness and efficiency in marketing communications, allowing both marketers and agencies to focus on adding strategic value, while allowing machines to take on more of the high complex administrative tasks associated with digital optimization. The greatest success will be delivered by those brands who invest in the future, effectively leveraging the strength of their human strategic capital to create the new machine rules. Savvymarketerswillneedtounderstand how to balance the Human vs Machine elements of their business to ensure they leverage the true value of both. Afterall, the machines will only ever be as good as the human strategists in the background who set the direction of travel, develop the strategy, and feed the machine with data and hypotheses, testing new variables and applying learnings as appropriate. 56 57
  • 31. Educated as a Master of Arts in Interactive Media, Reynder has a special interest in realizing the best relationship between brands and audiences. Starting his career in the mid-nineties as an Art Director, he dev eloped a broad experience in online marketing and omnichannel strategy, interactive multimedia, design, interface design, interaction design, web design, and web care. He works for top 500 clients locally and internationally and uses his passion for customer insights to realise strong brand experiences. Reynder Bruyns Head of Strategy iProspect Netherlands In the past eight years, Phillip has worked across the spectrum of marketing, from PR to martech to media. As a technophile who built his first computer at 12, Phillip uses data and systems to organize the world. An English graduate with a first class degree and specialism in semiotics, he uses people and theory to understand it. Among other things, he created Burberry’s paid social strategy, helped IKEA empirically prove mobile advertising footfall, advised on client inventory and M&A, founded the UK strategy function, won a few awards and – most importantly – got to help a lot of people get where they wanted to go. Phillip likes the truth and things that work. Phillip Dyte Head of Strategy iProspect UK Najib has 8 years experience in digital marketing. After having occupied various managing roles at Ogilvy, Manning Gottlieb OMD and Digitas LBi, Najib joined iProspect France in 2014 as Associate Director of tracking, to develop new and innovative solutions for clients. In 2016, he took the role of Innovation Lead to make the most of his two areas of expertise: marketing and statistics. He is responsible for designing new solutions to improve and evaluate marketing performance (viewability, cross-device measurement, beacon technology, etc.). Najib Galeb Tracking Expertise & Innovation Lead iProspect France About the Authors Having grown up in Western Australia, one of the most isolated parts of the world, Bowan has a keen interest in technology and its ability to connect people to the world in meaningful ways. Bowan has eight years experience in digital creative, production, and media agencies and, most recently, performance strategy at iProspect. Bowan now lives in Singapore and leads APAC as the Head of Strategy. Bowan Spanbroek Regional Head of Product & Strategy iProspect APAC As Vice President, Strategy Director & Luxury Practice Lead, Andrea weaves her wealth of business and consumer insights into cutting-edge digital strategies. Leveraging 14 years of industry experience, Andrea plays an instrumental role in ensuring that iProspect is the leading digital agency for luxury and premium retailers. A passionate advocate for consumer research, Andrea has spearheaded many industry-first studies about affluent consumer behavior. Her industry recognitions include Luxury Daily’s “Luxury Women to Watch” and Direct Marketing News’ “Top 40 Under 40.” Andrea Wilson Vice President, Strategy Director & Luxury Practice Lead iProspect US Shenda has more than 12 years experience in digital media and a further 10 in traditional advertising. Her experience includes work in agencies such as Saatchi & Saatchi in the Czech Republic and Media Planning Group in London. Prior to joining the iProspect Global team as Strategy Director, Shenda ran the iProspect office in Ireland and managed digital across the Dentsu Aegis Group in Dublin. Before joining the Dentsu Aegis Group, she led a full service digital agency in Ireland for 10 years. Shenda Loughnane Global Chief Strategy Officer iProspect Aurélien has seven years of experience in digital marketing. Prior to joining the iProspect Global team as Strategy Manager, Aurélien was in charge of marketing for iProspect France. He started his career at Isobar and Carat where he helped telecommunications and food advertisers with their digital communications. Aurélien holds a Master’s degree in Strategic Marketing. Aurélien Loyer Global Strategy Manager iProspect 58 59
  • 32. iProspect is a global, award-winning agency – driving business performance for the world’s largest brands including adidas, Diageo, Hilton, Burberry, General Motors, Procter & Gamble, Gucci, and Microsoft. The iProspect team works across a network of 4,200 employees spread over 91 offices in 55 countries. In 2017, iProspect won more than 200 awards including 15 leadership recognition awards and 33 Agency of the Year titles, and was named a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Search Marketing Agencies, Q4 2017, #1 Global Digital Performance Agency by RECMA, Industry Agency of Choice at The International Performance Marketing Awards, and both Best Place to Work and Most Effective Media Agency by The Drum. Global President, Ruth Stubbs, recently received top honors as the Vision winner for the first Women Leading Change Awards presented by Campaign360. iProspect is part of the Dentsu Aegis Network, a wholly owned subsidiary of Dentsu Inc. Want to learn more? Visit us at www.iprospect.com 60 61 1. CMO Council: “The Customer in Context” July 2017. 2. CMO Council: “Empowering the Data-Driven Customer Strategy” March 2017. 3. European Commission “Data Protection Eurobarometer” Factsheet. June 2015. 4. Tractica: “Virtual Digital Assistants” August 2016. 5. Forrester Consumer Technographics - North American Consumer Technographics Consumer Technology Survey, 2015. 6. Juniper Research: “Digital Voice Assistants: Platforms, Revenues and Opportunities 2016 –2021” September 2016. 7. Digiday: “The Washington Post’s robot reporter has published 850 articles in the past year” September 14, 2017. 8. eMarketer: “Retail Ecommerce Sales Worldwide, 2016- 2021” June 5, 2017. 9. Pinterest Blog: “Introducing Search Ads on Pinterest” January 13, 2017. 10. iProspect US Blog: “Pinterest Finds its Competitive Edge in the Planning Stage” October 19, 2017. 11. eMarketer: “Retail Ecommerce Sales in Asia-Pacific, by Country, 2017-2021” July 1, 2017. 12. World Economic Forum “Deep Shift Technology Tipping Points and Societal Impact” Survey report, September 2015. 13. Clavis Insights Report. SOURCES