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Created by!
For Raising Seed Capital
NextView’s series of tactical resources for entrepreneurs, built specifically for
seed-stage startups – part of NextView’s platform of startup support.!
For more, visit ViewFromSeed.com
The leading seed-stage VC firm investing in internet and mobile startups on
the East Coast. We focus exclusively on seed, all in support of our mission:
Help founders give their companies the best possible start.
NextView was founded in 2010 by Lee Hower (PayPal, LinkedIn, Point Judith
Capital), David Beisel (About.com, Venrock) & Rob Go (eBay, Spark Capital).!
Important Note
We created TWO
templates for
startups raising
seed capital.!
We created TWO
templates for
startups raising
seed capital.!
You’re about to
explore just one.!
We created TWO
templates for
startups raising
seed capital.!
You’re about to
explore just one.!
(It’s the better
version for
We created TWO
templates for
startups raising
seed capital.!
You’re about to
explore just one.!
(It’s the better
version for
You can
BOTH versions
at the end.!
Before we get to the
deck, some context…
Pitch Decks 101
Pitch Decks 101
(What Every VC Wants You to Know)
Goals of Your
First Meeting
Get the Next Meeting
Get the Next Meeting
•  The goal of your first meeting is NOT to secure funding. Your very first order of
business is to secure the NEXT meeting so the process can continue.!
Get the Next Meeting
•  The goal of your first meeting is NOT to secure funding. Your very first order of
business is to secure the NEXT meeting so the process can continue.!
•  You want to get an investor excited and intrigued enough to perform some due
diligence and convey that excitement to his or her partners.!
Deliver a STORY
•  Many pitches fall flat because they’re not framed as a story. You need to play
to both the head and the heart – investors make decisions with both.!
Deliver a STORY
•  Many pitches fall flat because they’re not framed as a story. You need to play
to both the head and the heart – investors make decisions with both.!
•  All stories can be broken into three parts, which we’ll get to shortly. Your
pitch’s story should lead to your product being the LOGICAL conclusion. !
Deliver a STORY
to Avoid
or Over-
or Over-
•  Some pitches feel under-prepared. They don’t convey the basics (what, why,
and how), nor do they articulate the problem being solved by the product.!
or Over-
•  Some pitches feel under-prepared. They don’t convey the basics (what, why,
and how), nor do they articulate the problem being solved by the product.!
•  On the other hand, some pitches feel stuffed full of too many details, either in a
sloppy fashion or in an overly “type A student” fashion.!
This Is Your
Last-Ever Round
This Is Your
Last-Ever Round
•  This is somewhat common for entrepreneurs to say. But if the business is truly
great, you’re better off raising future capital so you can step on the gas.!
This Is Your
Last-Ever Round
•  This is somewhat common for entrepreneurs to say. But if the business is truly
great, you’re better off raising future capital so you can step on the gas.!
•  Additionally, taking venture capital implies a founder is trying to maximize
growth and returns. Claiming otherwise can hurt your credibility, as it conveys
a potential lack of understanding of the fundraise process and expectations.	
Your Deck
in PowerPoint
Your Deck
in PowerPoint
•  Nothing is more cringe-inducing than a sloppy looking deck. It’s so easy to
avoid too – send PDFs, not editable files, to maintain design consistency.!
Your Deck
in PowerPoint
•  Nothing is more cringe-inducing than a sloppy looking deck. It’s so easy to
avoid too – send PDFs, not editable files, to maintain design consistency.!
•  While this may seem trivial, we see this often enough – and you get so few
chances to make a good impression – that it’s worth mentioning here.	
“The Show”!
An alternative to the more “traditional” pitch deck.!
An alternative to the more “traditional” pitch deck.!
Perfect for telling your story start to finish to investors!
(and doing so in a timely manner).!
An alternative to the more “traditional” pitch deck.!
Perfect for telling your story start to finish to investors!
(and doing so in a timely manner).!
The following slides are an example, and since there’s no
exact template to telling your specific story, we’re
teaching The Show by pitching YOU The Show.!
An alternative to the more “traditional” pitch deck.!
Perfect for telling your story start to finish to investors!
(and doing so in a timely manner).!
This “meta” approach will teach you both the mechanics
of these story-driven slides and convey the emotional arc.!
The following slides are an example, and since there’s no
exact template to telling your specific story, we’re
teaching The Show by pitching YOU The Show.!
An alternative to the more “traditional” pitch deck.!
Perfect for telling your story start to finish to investors!
(and doing so in a timely manner).!
This “meta” approach will teach you both the mechanics
of these story-driven slides and convey the emotional arc.!
The following slides are an example, and since there’s no
exact template to telling your specific story, we’re
teaching The Show by pitching YOU The Show.!
Look for these call-out boxes to learn more about a particular slide.
These exist OUTSIDE the actual story arc (i.e. it’s our attempt at
stepping back to analyze a slide). They’re not part of the pitch.
You’ll get both versions, including The Show:
Created by!
Let’s get it started
Confidential Investor Presentation!
January 2015!
The ShowTell Your Seed-Stage Startup’s Story. Better.
Confidential Investor Presentation!
January 2015!
The Show
Remember: We’re about to present this template to you as if The Show is the startup being
pitched. Thus, the slides that follow will convey both the emotional style of this type of pitch
AND some tactical details of what you should include in your own version of The Show.
Tell Your Seed-Stage Startup’s Story. Better.
Confidential Investor Presentation!
January 2015!
The Show
(Still with us on the meta approach? Good. Now,
quite literally, on with The Show…)
Remember: We’re about to present this template to you as if The Show is the startup being
pitched. Thus, the slides that follow will convey both the emotional style of this type of pitch
AND some tactical details of what you should include in your own version of The Show.
Tell Your Seed-Stage Startup’s Story. Better.
is an investor pitch deck template!
that guides an audience!
through a compelling story!
and helps entrepreneurs!
more successfully!
raise seed capital.!
The Show
is an investor pitch deck template!
that guides an audience!
through a compelling story!
and helps entrepreneurs!
more successfully!
raise seed capital.!
The Show
As with any style pitch deck, you should articulate the basics of
WHAT you do up front. Founders fail to convey this surprisingly
often, which derails your pitch immediately. Don’t forget to
include this simple yet critical detail early in your own story.
What we’ve observed:!
What we’ve observed:!
After conveying the basics of WHAT you do, it’s now time to tell
the main story: WHY you exist. This is what makes The Show so
effective – it tells a compelling story, with you at the center.
What we’ve observed:!
After conveying the basics of WHAT you do, it’s now time to tell
the main story: WHY you exist. This is what makes The Show so
effective – it tells a compelling story, with you at the center.
Note that all compelling stories, from nursery
rhymes to Shakespeare to your pitch, can break
down into THREE parts, which we’ll discuss…
What we’ve observed:!
Web and mobile
entrepreneurship is in
vogue and growing fast.
As a result, more
entrepreneurs are
pitching more VCs.!
What we’ve observed:!
Web and mobile
entrepreneurship is in
vogue and growing fast.
As a result, more
entrepreneurs are
pitching more VCs.!
Compelling Story, Part 1: A status quo. What is the state of things
historically or today? For a pitch, the status quo is the observation you’ve
made about the market that will inevitably lead to Part 2 of your story…
Unfortunately, many startup
pitches are broken. They’re
ineffective and fail to
convince VCs to invest.!
Unfortunately, many startup
pitches are broken. They’re
ineffective and fail to
convince VCs to invest.!
! Compelling Story, Part 2: Conflict. A problem is encountered by the “hero”
of your story. In your case, that’s your customer, NOT your company
Unfortunately, many startup
pitches are broken. They’re
ineffective and fail to
convince VCs to invest.!
But the status quo alone isn’t enough. It must lead to a problem. No problem,
no product. No product, no company. You want to really hammer home this
idea of the problem you solve, so we’ll dedicate a few more slides to just that…
Compelling Story, Part 2: Conflict. A problem is encountered by the “hero”
of your story. In your case, that’s your customer, NOT your company
Why do pitches fail?
During the seed-stage, many pitches
exhibit the same issue…!
They lack a
compelling story.
They lack a
compelling story.
!This happens for one of two reasons…!
1. Some pitches are
Ø  Not enough content.
Ø  Not enough content.
Ø  Not crystal clear on WHAT they do.
Ø  Not enough content.
Ø  Not crystal clear on WHAT they do.
Ø  No overt ask for capital.
Ø  Not enough content.
Ø  Not crystal clear on WHAT they do.
Ø  No overt ask for capital.
Ø  No stated plan post-fundraise.
Ø  Not enough content.
Ø  Not crystal clear on WHAT they do.
Ø  No overt ask for capital.
Ø  No stated plan post-fundraise.
Ø  Not clear why this is “inevitable.”
Ø  Not enough content.
Ø  Not crystal clear on WHAT they do.
Ø  No overt ask for capital.
Ø  No stated plan post-fundraise.
Ø  Not clear why this is “inevitable.”
All of this only confuses and
frustrates investors.!
2. Some pitches are
Ø  Too much copy.
Ø  Too much copy.
Ø  Too many details (vs. the KEY details)
Ø  Too much copy.
Ø  Too many details (vs. the KEY details)
Ø  Not delivered as a compelling story.
Ø  Too much copy.
Ø  Too many details (vs. the KEY details)
Ø  Not delivered as a compelling story.
These are hard to follow. The
story gets lost in all the noise. !
Ø  Too much copy.
Ø  Too many details (vs. the KEY details)
Ø  Not delivered as a compelling story.
(As an aside, you should be picking up on the style of The Show by
now: short, clear statements, presented in a single, connected story.)
These are hard to follow. The
story gets lost in all the noise. !
Instead, the goal is
to convey 3 things:
Instead, the goal is
to convey 3 things:
1.  This matters.!
Instead, the goal is
to convey 3 things:
1.  This matters.!
2.  We’re the
people to do it.!
Instead, the goal is
to convey 3 things:
1.  This matters.!
2.  We’re the
people to do it.!
3.  It’s already
Instead, the goal is
to convey 3 things:
1.  This matters.!
2.  We’re the
people to do it.!
3.  It’s already
The problem is truly
painful and the
opportunity is huge.
Instead, the goal is
to convey 3 things:
1.  This matters.!
2.  We’re the
people to do it.!
3.  It’s already
The problem is truly
painful and the
opportunity is huge.
Your team has the
talent and the unfair
advantages to win.
Instead, the goal is
to convey 3 things:
1.  This matters.!
2.  We’re the
people to do it.!
3.  It’s already
The problem is truly
painful and the
opportunity is huge.
Your team has the
talent and the unfair
advantages to win.
Early traction hints
at much bigger
success in the future.
stories convey
exactly that.!
The Showto help entrepreneurs easily create
the most compelling stories possible.
We’re building!
The Show
We’re building!
Compelling Story, Part 3: Resolution. You’ve laid out the status
quo of what’s happening, as well as the resulting problem. The
resolution to that problem comes next. It should lead neatly into an
“oh, by the way” moment...
to help entrepreneurs easily create
the most compelling stories possible.
The Show
We’re building!
Compelling Story, Part 3: Resolution. You’ve laid out the status
quo of what’s happening, as well as the resulting problem. The
resolution to that problem comes next. It should lead neatly into an
“oh, by the way” moment...
Putting it all together: “We’ve observed X, which creates problem Y. The
solution is Z, and oh, by the way, that’s exactly what we’re creating.”
Investors want to believe you are the inevitable resolution to this story.
to help entrepreneurs easily create
the most compelling stories possible.
The Show
We’re building!
Compelling Story, Part 3: Resolution. You’ve laid out the status
quo of what’s happening, as well as the resulting problem. The
resolution to that problem comes next. It should lead neatly into an
“oh, by the way” moment...
Next, outline why
you’re the best team
to provide it.
to help entrepreneurs easily create
the most compelling stories possible.
Putting it all together: “We’ve observed X, which creates problem Y. The
solution is Z, and oh, by the way, that’s exactly what we’re creating.”
Investors want to believe you are the inevitable resolution to this story.
What we realized by
testing The Show…
Why Stories Succeed!
Stories target the head and the gut.!
Investors make decisions with both.!
Why Stories Succeed!
You’ll want to speak to each point. For #1, we’d add this: “Investors make decisions using both of
these things. But unless you’re a world-class storyteller that can make plain slides come to life,
regular slides won’t cut it. The Show is more adept at targeting both the head (Is this a smart
business? Can it scale and make money?) and the gut (Am I excited about this? Does this feel huge?).
Stories target the head and the gut.!
Investors make decisions with both.!
Why Stories Succeed!
Stories convey the WHY.!
Young startups lack a history of
proof but have plenty of purpose.!
Stories target the head and the gut.!
Investors make decisions with both.!
Why Stories Succeed!
“This is the driving factor behind your pitch. If you’re launching to simply make money, most
investors won’t actually get excited. At NextView, for example, we look for ‘authentic’ founders –
people who identify a problem and understand their why, their mission. When things get tough or
challenges arise, as they always do, these founders will run through walls to keep building their
businesses. The Show effectively conveys this sense of purpose and succeed-at-all-costs mentality.”
Stories target the head and the gut.!
Investors make decisions with both.!
Stories convey the WHY.!
Young startups lack a history of
proof but have plenty of purpose.!
Why Stories Succeed!
Stories have high impact in little time.!
Maximize your short pitch meetings. !
Stories target the head and the gut.!
Investors make decisions with both.!
Stories convey the WHY.!
Young startups lack a history of
proof but have plenty of purpose.!
Why Stories Succeed!
“Stories shed light on things two sides might have in common, like shared purpose or common
interests. Seed VCs invest in people much more than they invest in business plans and ideas. The
Show show delivers a story can quickly get others excited about the opportunity. If structured
properly, The Show doesn’t require a lot of time to deliver. This fits within the constraints of a pitch
meeting and allows for important follow-up questions after.”
Stories target the head and the gut.!
Investors make decisions with both.!
Stories have high impact in little time.!
Maximize your short pitch meetings. !
Stories convey the WHY.!
Young startups lack a history of
proof but have plenty of purpose.!
•  Data Point/Proof!
•  Data Point/Proof!
•  Data Point/Proof!
Early Results
•  Data Point/Proof!
•  Data Point/Proof!
•  Data Point/Proof!
Stories were the most
effective means for
securing a positive
response from investors.
Early Results
•  Data Point/Proof!
•  Data Point/Proof!
•  Data Point/Proof!
Stories were the most
effective means for
securing a positive
response from investors.
Early Results
Note that this slide should present just a few key data
points and perhaps a powerful statement, quote, or
conclusion. In addition to the short list of data points,
provide context verbally, e.g., “For comparison, Famous
Company A gets X results, making ours better by Y.”
for achieving traction and distribution!
Our Unfair Advantage
Not only should your story in your pitch present your company as the logical
conclusion, it should drive home the “unfair advantage” every investor seeks
in entrepreneurs when it comes to actually gaining traction. It’s not just
about building something worth using – it’s about growth.
for achieving traction and distribution!
Our Unfair Advantage
Our Unfair Advantage!
Our Advantage:!
Our Advantage:!
Our Unfair Advantage!
Maybe you have an exclusive partnership with a big brand. Maybe your
team boasts a truly connected, all-star cast. Whatever the unfair advantage(s)
is/are for your company, articulate that loudly and proudly. These are the
factors that help investors see you will not only succeed in general but will
succeed early and often. Note that this is mainly about distribution.
Our Advantage:!
Our Advantage:!
Years 1-2:!
$X Billion Market!
Years 1-2:!
$X Billion Market!
Growth into Larger
$Y Billion Market!
Raise $N
Million in
18-Month Plan
Raise $N
Million in
Grow X Part
of Business!
18-Month Plan
Raise $N
Million in
Grow X Part
of Business!
Achieve Z
Key Results!
18-Month Plan
Raise $N
Million in
Grow X Part
of Business!
Achieve Z
Key Results!
Remember, you should be prepared to speak more to each point in your
pitch. Otherwise, it can feel like a gross oversimplification. For this slide, you
should demonstrate that you understand the key levers you need to pull to
gain traction and successfully reach your Series A round or other milestones.
18-Month Plan
David Beisel! Jay Acunzo!
Rob Go!Lee Hower!
Our Teamdeep expertise and decades of combined
experience in seed startup fundraising!
The Show
Our mission is to help entrepreneurs
everywhere tell better stories to succeed.	
Contact: example@example.com!
Get The Show + a more traditional second template with
commentary from the NextView partners:
More Resources for Seed-Stage Startups at

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Startup Pitch Deck Templates - NextView Ventures

  • 1. Created by! For Raising Seed Capital
  • 2. NextView’s series of tactical resources for entrepreneurs, built specifically for seed-stage startups – part of NextView’s platform of startup support.! For more, visit ViewFromSeed.com The leading seed-stage VC firm investing in internet and mobile startups on the East Coast. We focus exclusively on seed, all in support of our mission: Help founders give their companies the best possible start. ! NextView was founded in 2010 by Lee Hower (PayPal, LinkedIn, Point Judith Capital), David Beisel (About.com, Venrock) & Rob Go (eBay, Spark Capital).!
  • 4. We created TWO templates for startups raising seed capital.!
  • 5. We created TWO templates for startups raising seed capital.! You’re about to explore just one.!
  • 6. We created TWO templates for startups raising seed capital.! You’re about to explore just one.! (It’s the better version for SlideShare.)!
  • 7. We created TWO templates for startups raising seed capital.! You’re about to explore just one.! (It’s the better version for SlideShare.)! You can download BOTH versions at the end.!
  • 8. Before we get to the deck, some context…
  • 10. Pitch Decks 101 (What Every VC Wants You to Know)
  • 12. Get the Next Meeting
  • 13. Get the Next Meeting •  The goal of your first meeting is NOT to secure funding. Your very first order of business is to secure the NEXT meeting so the process can continue.!
  • 14. Get the Next Meeting •  The goal of your first meeting is NOT to secure funding. Your very first order of business is to secure the NEXT meeting so the process can continue.! •  You want to get an investor excited and intrigued enough to perform some due diligence and convey that excitement to his or her partners.!
  • 16. •  Many pitches fall flat because they’re not framed as a story. You need to play to both the head and the heart – investors make decisions with both.! Deliver a STORY
  • 17. •  Many pitches fall flat because they’re not framed as a story. You need to play to both the head and the heart – investors make decisions with both.! •  All stories can be broken into three parts, which we’ll get to shortly. Your pitch’s story should lead to your product being the LOGICAL conclusion. ! Deliver a STORY
  • 20. Under- or Over- Preparing •  Some pitches feel under-prepared. They don’t convey the basics (what, why, and how), nor do they articulate the problem being solved by the product.!
  • 21. Under- or Over- Preparing •  Some pitches feel under-prepared. They don’t convey the basics (what, why, and how), nor do they articulate the problem being solved by the product.! •  On the other hand, some pitches feel stuffed full of too many details, either in a sloppy fashion or in an overly “type A student” fashion.!
  • 23. Claiming This Is Your Last-Ever Round •  This is somewhat common for entrepreneurs to say. But if the business is truly great, you’re better off raising future capital so you can step on the gas.!
  • 24. Claiming This Is Your Last-Ever Round •  This is somewhat common for entrepreneurs to say. But if the business is truly great, you’re better off raising future capital so you can step on the gas.! •  Additionally, taking venture capital implies a founder is trying to maximize growth and returns. Claiming otherwise can hurt your credibility, as it conveys a potential lack of understanding of the fundraise process and expectations.  
  • 26. Sharing Your Deck in PowerPoint •  Nothing is more cringe-inducing than a sloppy looking deck. It’s so easy to avoid too – send PDFs, not editable files, to maintain design consistency.!
  • 27. Sharing Your Deck in PowerPoint •  Nothing is more cringe-inducing than a sloppy looking deck. It’s so easy to avoid too – send PDFs, not editable files, to maintain design consistency.! •  While this may seem trivial, we see this often enough – and you get so few chances to make a good impression – that it’s worth mentioning here.  
  • 28.
  • 30.
  • 31. An alternative to the more “traditional” pitch deck.!
  • 32. An alternative to the more “traditional” pitch deck.! Perfect for telling your story start to finish to investors! (and doing so in a timely manner).!
  • 33. An alternative to the more “traditional” pitch deck.! Perfect for telling your story start to finish to investors! (and doing so in a timely manner).! The following slides are an example, and since there’s no exact template to telling your specific story, we’re teaching The Show by pitching YOU The Show.!
  • 34. An alternative to the more “traditional” pitch deck.! Perfect for telling your story start to finish to investors! (and doing so in a timely manner).! This “meta” approach will teach you both the mechanics of these story-driven slides and convey the emotional arc.! The following slides are an example, and since there’s no exact template to telling your specific story, we’re teaching The Show by pitching YOU The Show.!
  • 35. An alternative to the more “traditional” pitch deck.! Perfect for telling your story start to finish to investors! (and doing so in a timely manner).! This “meta” approach will teach you both the mechanics of these story-driven slides and convey the emotional arc.! The following slides are an example, and since there’s no exact template to telling your specific story, we’re teaching The Show by pitching YOU The Show.! Look for these call-out boxes to learn more about a particular slide. These exist OUTSIDE the actual story arc (i.e. it’s our attempt at stepping back to analyze a slide). They’re not part of the pitch.
  • 36. You’ll get both versions, including The Show: DOWNLOAD TEMPLATES Created by!
  • 37. Let’s get it started
  • 38. Confidential Investor Presentation! January 2015! The ShowTell Your Seed-Stage Startup’s Story. Better.
  • 39. Confidential Investor Presentation! January 2015! The Show Remember: We’re about to present this template to you as if The Show is the startup being pitched. Thus, the slides that follow will convey both the emotional style of this type of pitch AND some tactical details of what you should include in your own version of The Show. Tell Your Seed-Stage Startup’s Story. Better.
  • 40. Confidential Investor Presentation! January 2015! The Show (Still with us on the meta approach? Good. Now, quite literally, on with The Show…) Remember: We’re about to present this template to you as if The Show is the startup being pitched. Thus, the slides that follow will convey both the emotional style of this type of pitch AND some tactical details of what you should include in your own version of The Show. Tell Your Seed-Stage Startup’s Story. Better.
  • 41. is an investor pitch deck template! that guides an audience! through a compelling story! and helps entrepreneurs! more successfully! raise seed capital.! The Show 2!
  • 42. is an investor pitch deck template! that guides an audience! through a compelling story! and helps entrepreneurs! more successfully! raise seed capital.! The Show As with any style pitch deck, you should articulate the basics of WHAT you do up front. Founders fail to convey this surprisingly often, which derails your pitch immediately. Don’t forget to include this simple yet critical detail early in your own story. 2!
  • 44. What we’ve observed:! After conveying the basics of WHAT you do, it’s now time to tell the main story: WHY you exist. This is what makes The Show so effective – it tells a compelling story, with you at the center. 3!
  • 45. What we’ve observed:! After conveying the basics of WHAT you do, it’s now time to tell the main story: WHY you exist. This is what makes The Show so effective – it tells a compelling story, with you at the center. Note that all compelling stories, from nursery rhymes to Shakespeare to your pitch, can break down into THREE parts, which we’ll discuss… 3!
  • 46. What we’ve observed:! Web and mobile entrepreneurship is in vogue and growing fast. As a result, more entrepreneurs are pitching more VCs.! 4!
  • 47. What we’ve observed:! Web and mobile entrepreneurship is in vogue and growing fast. As a result, more entrepreneurs are pitching more VCs.! Compelling Story, Part 1: A status quo. What is the state of things historically or today? For a pitch, the status quo is the observation you’ve made about the market that will inevitably lead to Part 2 of your story… 4!
  • 48. Problem! Unfortunately, many startup pitches are broken. They’re ineffective and fail to convince VCs to invest.! ! 5!
  • 49. Problem! Unfortunately, many startup pitches are broken. They’re ineffective and fail to convince VCs to invest.! ! Compelling Story, Part 2: Conflict. A problem is encountered by the “hero” of your story. In your case, that’s your customer, NOT your company 5!
  • 50. Problem! Unfortunately, many startup pitches are broken. They’re ineffective and fail to convince VCs to invest.! ! But the status quo alone isn’t enough. It must lead to a problem. No problem, no product. No product, no company. You want to really hammer home this idea of the problem you solve, so we’ll dedicate a few more slides to just that… 5! Compelling Story, Part 2: Conflict. A problem is encountered by the “hero” of your story. In your case, that’s your customer, NOT your company
  • 51. Why do pitches fail? During the seed-stage, many pitches exhibit the same issue…! 6!
  • 53. Problem! They lack a compelling story. !This happens for one of two reasons…! 8!
  • 54. 1. Some pitches are B A R R E N 9!
  • 55. Ø  Not enough content. 10!
  • 56. Ø  Not enough content. Ø  Not crystal clear on WHAT they do. 11!
  • 57. Ø  Not enough content. Ø  Not crystal clear on WHAT they do. Ø  No overt ask for capital. 12!
  • 58. Ø  Not enough content. Ø  Not crystal clear on WHAT they do. Ø  No overt ask for capital. Ø  No stated plan post-fundraise. 13!
  • 59. Ø  Not enough content. Ø  Not crystal clear on WHAT they do. Ø  No overt ask for capital. Ø  No stated plan post-fundraise. Ø  Not clear why this is “inevitable.” 14!
  • 60. Ø  Not enough content. Ø  Not crystal clear on WHAT they do. Ø  No overt ask for capital. Ø  No stated plan post-fundraise. Ø  Not clear why this is “inevitable.” All of this only confuses and frustrates investors.! 15!
  • 61. 2. Some pitches are C L U T T E R E D 16!
  • 62. Ø  Too much copy. 17!
  • 63. Ø  Too much copy. Ø  Too many details (vs. the KEY details) 18!
  • 64. Ø  Too much copy. Ø  Too many details (vs. the KEY details) Ø  Not delivered as a compelling story. 19!
  • 65. Ø  Too much copy. Ø  Too many details (vs. the KEY details) Ø  Not delivered as a compelling story. These are hard to follow. The story gets lost in all the noise. ! 20!
  • 66. Ø  Too much copy. Ø  Too many details (vs. the KEY details) Ø  Not delivered as a compelling story. (As an aside, you should be picking up on the style of The Show by now: short, clear statements, presented in a single, connected story.) These are hard to follow. The story gets lost in all the noise. ! 20!
  • 67. Instead, the goal is to convey 3 things: 21!
  • 68. Instead, the goal is to convey 3 things: 1.  This matters.! 22!
  • 69. Instead, the goal is to convey 3 things: 1.  This matters.! ! 2.  We’re the people to do it.! ! 23!
  • 70. Instead, the goal is to convey 3 things: 1.  This matters.! ! 2.  We’re the people to do it.! ! 3.  It’s already happening.! 24!
  • 71. Instead, the goal is to convey 3 things: 1.  This matters.! ! 2.  We’re the people to do it.! ! 3.  It’s already happening.! The problem is truly painful and the opportunity is huge. 25!
  • 72. Instead, the goal is to convey 3 things: 1.  This matters.! ! 2.  We’re the people to do it.! ! 3.  It’s already happening.! The problem is truly painful and the opportunity is huge. Your team has the talent and the unfair advantages to win. 26!
  • 73. Instead, the goal is to convey 3 things: 1.  This matters.! ! 2.  We’re the people to do it.! ! 3.  It’s already happening.! The problem is truly painful and the opportunity is huge. Your team has the talent and the unfair advantages to win. Early traction hints at much bigger success in the future. 27!
  • 75. The Showto help entrepreneurs easily create the most compelling stories possible. We’re building! 29!
  • 76. The Show We’re building! Compelling Story, Part 3: Resolution. You’ve laid out the status quo of what’s happening, as well as the resulting problem. The resolution to that problem comes next. It should lead neatly into an “oh, by the way” moment... 29! to help entrepreneurs easily create the most compelling stories possible.
  • 77. The Show We’re building! Compelling Story, Part 3: Resolution. You’ve laid out the status quo of what’s happening, as well as the resulting problem. The resolution to that problem comes next. It should lead neatly into an “oh, by the way” moment... Putting it all together: “We’ve observed X, which creates problem Y. The solution is Z, and oh, by the way, that’s exactly what we’re creating.” Investors want to believe you are the inevitable resolution to this story. 29! to help entrepreneurs easily create the most compelling stories possible.
  • 78. The Show We’re building! Compelling Story, Part 3: Resolution. You’ve laid out the status quo of what’s happening, as well as the resulting problem. The resolution to that problem comes next. It should lead neatly into an “oh, by the way” moment... Next, outline why you’re the best team to provide it. 29! to help entrepreneurs easily create the most compelling stories possible. Putting it all together: “We’ve observed X, which creates problem Y. The solution is Z, and oh, by the way, that’s exactly what we’re creating.” Investors want to believe you are the inevitable resolution to this story.
  • 79. What we realized by testing The Show… 30!
  • 80. Why Stories Succeed! Stories target the head and the gut.! Investors make decisions with both.! 1 31!
  • 81. Why Stories Succeed! 1 You’ll want to speak to each point. For #1, we’d add this: “Investors make decisions using both of these things. But unless you’re a world-class storyteller that can make plain slides come to life, regular slides won’t cut it. The Show is more adept at targeting both the head (Is this a smart business? Can it scale and make money?) and the gut (Am I excited about this? Does this feel huge?). Stories target the head and the gut.! Investors make decisions with both.! 31!
  • 82. Why Stories Succeed! 1 Stories convey the WHY.! Young startups lack a history of proof but have plenty of purpose.! 2 Stories target the head and the gut.! Investors make decisions with both.! 32!
  • 83. Why Stories Succeed! 1 “This is the driving factor behind your pitch. If you’re launching to simply make money, most investors won’t actually get excited. At NextView, for example, we look for ‘authentic’ founders – people who identify a problem and understand their why, their mission. When things get tough or challenges arise, as they always do, these founders will run through walls to keep building their businesses. The Show effectively conveys this sense of purpose and succeed-at-all-costs mentality.” 2 Stories target the head and the gut.! Investors make decisions with both.! Stories convey the WHY.! Young startups lack a history of proof but have plenty of purpose.! 32!
  • 84. Why Stories Succeed! 1 2 Stories have high impact in little time.! Maximize your short pitch meetings. ! 3 Stories target the head and the gut.! Investors make decisions with both.! Stories convey the WHY.! Young startups lack a history of proof but have plenty of purpose.! 33!
  • 85. Why Stories Succeed! 1 2 “Stories shed light on things two sides might have in common, like shared purpose or common interests. Seed VCs invest in people much more than they invest in business plans and ideas. The Show show delivers a story can quickly get others excited about the opportunity. If structured properly, The Show doesn’t require a lot of time to deliver. This fits within the constraints of a pitch meeting and allows for important follow-up questions after.” Stories target the head and the gut.! Investors make decisions with both.! Stories have high impact in little time.! Maximize your short pitch meetings. ! 3 Stories convey the WHY.! Young startups lack a history of proof but have plenty of purpose.!
  • 86. •  Data Point/Proof! •  Data Point/Proof! •  Data Point/Proof! Early Results 34!
  • 87. •  Data Point/Proof! •  Data Point/Proof! •  Data Point/Proof! Stories were the most effective means for securing a positive response from investors. Early Results 35!
  • 88. •  Data Point/Proof! •  Data Point/Proof! •  Data Point/Proof! Stories were the most effective means for securing a positive response from investors. Early Results Note that this slide should present just a few key data points and perhaps a powerful statement, quote, or conclusion. In addition to the short list of data points, provide context verbally, e.g., “For comparison, Famous Company A gets X results, making ours better by Y.” 35!
  • 89. for achieving traction and distribution! Our Unfair Advantage 36!
  • 90. Not only should your story in your pitch present your company as the logical conclusion, it should drive home the “unfair advantage” every investor seeks in entrepreneurs when it comes to actually gaining traction. It’s not just about building something worth using – it’s about growth. for achieving traction and distribution! Our Unfair Advantage 36!
  • 91. Our Unfair Advantage! 1 2 Our Advantage:! Context! Our Advantage:! Context! 37!
  • 92. Our Unfair Advantage! 1 Maybe you have an exclusive partnership with a big brand. Maybe your team boasts a truly connected, all-star cast. Whatever the unfair advantage(s) is/are for your company, articulate that loudly and proudly. These are the factors that help investors see you will not only succeed in general but will succeed early and often. Note that this is mainly about distribution. Our Advantage:! Context! 37! 2 Our Advantage:! Context!
  • 93. Years 1-2:! $X Billion Market! Opportunity 38!
  • 94. Years 1-2:! $X Billion Market! Opportunity Growth into Larger $Y Billion Market! 38!
  • 96. Raise $N Million in Seed! Grow X Part of Business! 18-Month Plan 39!
  • 97. Raise $N Million in Seed! Grow X Part of Business! Achieve Z Key Results! 18-Month Plan 40!
  • 98. Raise $N Million in Seed! Grow X Part of Business! Achieve Z Key Results! Remember, you should be prepared to speak more to each point in your pitch. Otherwise, it can feel like a gross oversimplification. For this slide, you should demonstrate that you understand the key levers you need to pull to gain traction and successfully reach your Series A round or other milestones. 18-Month Plan 40!
  • 99. David Beisel! Jay Acunzo! Rob Go!Lee Hower! Our Teamdeep expertise and decades of combined experience in seed startup fundraising! 41!
  • 100. The Show Our mission is to help entrepreneurs everywhere tell better stories to succeed.   Contact: example@example.com! 555-555-5555! ViewFromSeed.com! @NextViewVC!
  • 101. Get The Show + a more traditional second template with commentary from the NextView partners: DOWNLOAD TEMPLATES More Resources for Seed-Stage Startups at ViewFromSeed.com