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BCG Case Study
BCG amplifies thought leadership with LinkedIn Elevate
Providing a platform for passionate
With thousands of business strategy experts in 48
countries, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) generates a
significant amount of thought leadership – its online news
website “bcg.perspectives” publishes more than 300
pieces a year and each office produces countless surveys
and research briefs on critical business challenges. To
extend the reach of this content, and to build the thought
leadership of its employees, BCG’s digital marketing
team wanted to tap into their employees’ networks by
encouraging employees to share content more often.
“We realized that only a fraction of BCGers were actually
sharing content,” says Ben Cobb, Social Media Manager for
BCG’s global digital marketing team. “The best asset any
company has is a passionate employee – it affects how the
brand is perceived both internally and externally.” Cobb
and his colleagues tried to boost employee advocacy by
emailing content directly to employees, but they couldn’t
identify the best advocates or content, nor could they track
results of their efforts.
 Extend the reach of BCG’s thought leadership
 Help employees build their personal brands
 Create a more socially engaged organization
 Make it easy for employees to share via an intuitive
platform, LinkedIn Elevate
 Employees are sharing 9x more frequently than
before, resulting in:
 5x more followers of BCG’s Company Page
 7x more views of BCG employees’ LinkedIn profiles
 	Average engagement rate of 1.8% on employee-
shared content
Ben Cobb
Social Media Manager
Boston Consulting Group
“Elevate is a fantastic channel through which employees can showcase our top work. Clients and employees tell us they
love what they see, and we’re becoming a more social company.”
Visit business.linkedin.com/elevate to discover how LinkedIn Elevate can drive results for your business.
Copyright © 2017 LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo, and InMail, are registered trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation in
the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. 10-LCS-278-G 0317
Curated content for valuable employee
At the same time the digital marketing team was promoting
the value of employee advocacy, they learned about LinkedIn
Elevate. “It was the perfect fit for us, because BCGers
understand the value of LinkedIn,” Cobb says. “When our
employees share content, they want to feel confident that
what they’re sharing has been vetted.”
The ability to choose and share content with just a few clicks
also generated enthusiasm from BCG employees. “People
have varying levels of savviness with social sharing – but since
Elevate was intuitive and simple to use, it made onboarding
easy,” Cobb says.
To ensure the program was a success from the beginning,
Cobb and his colleagues started with a small group of active
social sharers and limited topics. “We wanted to turn small
wins into larger successes,” Cobb says.
Becoming a social company
Since BCG began using Elevate, employees are sharing
content 9x more than before – resulting in a 1.8% engagement
rate on employee-shared content. In addition, content sharing
via Elevate has influenced 5x more Company Page views and
followers. It’s also influenced 7x more employee profile views
than before.
“Elevate is a fantastic channel through which employees can
showcase our top work,” Cobb says. “Clients and employees
tell us they love what they see, and we’re becoming a more
social company.”
“The best asset any company has is a passionate employee – it affects how the brand is perceived both internally
and externally.”
Tips for launching a successful
employee advocacy program
 Don’t just wing it – create a strategy for your
program. “We took time to think about how we
would roll out employee advocacy, including
starting with a small group and getting buy-in
from senior leadership,” Cobb says.
 Buy-in from leadership should be a key part
of the planning process, Cobb adds. Before
sending out an email to worldwide staff about
Elevate and employee advocacy, Cobb got
the company’s CMO to gives the program
the thumbs-up. “Also, ask marketing partners
to endorse employee advocacy so you have
support across the business,” he says.
 When building out topic areas for the
program, go beyond the marketing plan. “Talk
to employees and figure out what matters to
them and their connections,” Cobb says. “If you
only stick to what’s on the marketing agenda,
you won’t get the whole picture.”

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BCG - Boston Consulting Group

  • 1. BCG Case Study BCG amplifies thought leadership with LinkedIn Elevate Providing a platform for passionate employees With thousands of business strategy experts in 48 countries, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) generates a significant amount of thought leadership – its online news website “bcg.perspectives” publishes more than 300 pieces a year and each office produces countless surveys and research briefs on critical business challenges. To extend the reach of this content, and to build the thought leadership of its employees, BCG’s digital marketing team wanted to tap into their employees’ networks by encouraging employees to share content more often. “We realized that only a fraction of BCGers were actually sharing content,” says Ben Cobb, Social Media Manager for BCG’s global digital marketing team. “The best asset any company has is a passionate employee – it affects how the brand is perceived both internally and externally.” Cobb and his colleagues tried to boost employee advocacy by emailing content directly to employees, but they couldn’t identify the best advocates or content, nor could they track results of their efforts. Challenge Extend the reach of BCG’s thought leadership Help employees build their personal brands Create a more socially engaged organization Solution Make it easy for employees to share via an intuitive platform, LinkedIn Elevate Results Employees are sharing 9x more frequently than before, resulting in: 5x more followers of BCG’s Company Page 7x more views of BCG employees’ LinkedIn profiles Average engagement rate of 1.8% on employee- shared content Ben Cobb Social Media Manager Boston Consulting Group “Elevate is a fantastic channel through which employees can showcase our top work. Clients and employees tell us they love what they see, and we’re becoming a more social company.” Elevate
  • 2. Visit business.linkedin.com/elevate to discover how LinkedIn Elevate can drive results for your business. Copyright © 2017 LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo, and InMail, are registered trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. 10-LCS-278-G 0317 Curated content for valuable employee networks At the same time the digital marketing team was promoting the value of employee advocacy, they learned about LinkedIn Elevate. “It was the perfect fit for us, because BCGers understand the value of LinkedIn,” Cobb says. “When our employees share content, they want to feel confident that what they’re sharing has been vetted.” The ability to choose and share content with just a few clicks also generated enthusiasm from BCG employees. “People have varying levels of savviness with social sharing – but since Elevate was intuitive and simple to use, it made onboarding easy,” Cobb says. To ensure the program was a success from the beginning, Cobb and his colleagues started with a small group of active social sharers and limited topics. “We wanted to turn small wins into larger successes,” Cobb says. Becoming a social company Since BCG began using Elevate, employees are sharing content 9x more than before – resulting in a 1.8% engagement rate on employee-shared content. In addition, content sharing via Elevate has influenced 5x more Company Page views and followers. It’s also influenced 7x more employee profile views than before. “Elevate is a fantastic channel through which employees can showcase our top work,” Cobb says. “Clients and employees tell us they love what they see, and we’re becoming a more social company.” “The best asset any company has is a passionate employee – it affects how the brand is perceived both internally and externally.” Tips for launching a successful employee advocacy program Don’t just wing it – create a strategy for your program. “We took time to think about how we would roll out employee advocacy, including starting with a small group and getting buy-in from senior leadership,” Cobb says. Buy-in from leadership should be a key part of the planning process, Cobb adds. Before sending out an email to worldwide staff about Elevate and employee advocacy, Cobb got the company’s CMO to gives the program the thumbs-up. “Also, ask marketing partners to endorse employee advocacy so you have support across the business,” he says. When building out topic areas for the program, go beyond the marketing plan. “Talk to employees and figure out what matters to them and their connections,” Cobb says. “If you only stick to what’s on the marketing agenda, you won’t get the whole picture.”