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What style of radio advert is it? (humorous, serious, factual, fiction, pastiche, repetition,
simple, complex, nostalgic, modern, futuristic, aggressive, seductive, persuasive, surreal,
immediacy, long term)
What was the overall message?
What types of voice/s were used in the advert? (Male/female, young/old, foreign accent,
British accent, celebrity?)
What tone of language was used? (Conversational, informative, jokey etc)
Was there a tag line or slogan in the advert?
How many times was the product or company name mentioned?
Was there any contact details mentioned? (Phone number, web address etc)
What music or sound effects were used?
Humorous, Modern, Relaxed,style of the advertbecause of the calmness and funny way the
actor was talking towards the audience to persuade them to go to Nandos. This is used to
draw the audience in and to persuade them to go to Nandos to eat.
The message of the advertwas that people shouldgotoNandosto eat theirfoodsbecause the
atmosphere which was portrayed in the advert gave the sence that it was a relaxing & fun
place for people to go to eat their meals.
“It’sokay” & “CheekyNandos”The use of the tag line inthe advert,“it’sokay “, seemstocomfort
the audience whoare listeningtothe advert,abouteatingNando’s , even though they might think
it might be unhealthy for them.
The tone of the language usedinthe advert was jokeyandconversationalbecause of the thingsthe
actor was saying such as the joining of the eyebrows in the middle like his sister, this is used to
make the audience laugh.
The actor in this advert was a male preferably a young male who had put on a foreign accent (Latin
American) which went with the theme of the restaurant and the food they sell. As well as giving a
humorous effect on the advert, to make the advert less boring , and to make the restaurant Nando’s
seem more fun , so the listeners will want to go there .The use of the actors accent also informs the
audience of what the theme of the restaurant Is, and what type of food will be sold there.
3 times. The reason the company name is only mentioned so many times , is because if they
keeprepeatingitanumberof times thenitwill startor annoyand makingthe audience no want
to listentothe advertanymore.The fact itwas usedonly3 timesis a good way for the audience
to know the company name without it being over used.
No contact information was mentioned.
The soundeffectsusedin the advert was salsa music which goes with the theme of Nandos. This
setsan atmosphere forthe advert,andalsomakes the advert less boring for the audience. It also
matches the theme of the restaurant, and the accent the actor is using for the advert.
Radio advert analysis sheets
What is the main purpose of the advert? (Informational, sales or special offers, promoting
a particular product)
Why do you think the advert was good or why do you think it wasn’t verygood?
To promote the restaurantby makingthe place seemfun and a good place for people to go to
enjoy their meals. The advert is used to persuade the audience to go to the Nando’s
restaurants to eat their meals, by using a humorous tone in the advert, and the use of salsa
music in the background sets a mood for the advert.
I thought the advert was good at promoting the product and using convincing thing such as
the tone of the advertwhichwasjokey, making the atmosphere of Nandos seem fun ,which
lotof people lookforwhenwantingtogo out. This advert was a good advert to promote this
restaurant, because of the actor being funny, and not so serious during the advert, making
the audience more interested in the advert.

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Radio advert analysis sheet (nandos)

  • 1. What style of radio advert is it? (humorous, serious, factual, fiction, pastiche, repetition, simple, complex, nostalgic, modern, futuristic, aggressive, seductive, persuasive, surreal, immediacy, long term) What was the overall message? What types of voice/s were used in the advert? (Male/female, young/old, foreign accent, British accent, celebrity?) What tone of language was used? (Conversational, informative, jokey etc) Was there a tag line or slogan in the advert? How many times was the product or company name mentioned? Was there any contact details mentioned? (Phone number, web address etc) What music or sound effects were used? Humorous, Modern, Relaxed,style of the advertbecause of the calmness and funny way the actor was talking towards the audience to persuade them to go to Nandos. This is used to draw the audience in and to persuade them to go to Nandos to eat. The message of the advertwas that people shouldgotoNandosto eat theirfoodsbecause the atmosphere which was portrayed in the advert gave the sence that it was a relaxing & fun place for people to go to eat their meals. “It’sokay” & “CheekyNandos”The use of the tag line inthe advert,“it’sokay “, seemstocomfort the audience whoare listeningtothe advert,abouteatingNando’s , even though they might think it might be unhealthy for them. The tone of the language usedinthe advert was jokeyandconversationalbecause of the thingsthe actor was saying such as the joining of the eyebrows in the middle like his sister, this is used to make the audience laugh. The actor in this advert was a male preferably a young male who had put on a foreign accent (Latin American) which went with the theme of the restaurant and the food they sell. As well as giving a humorous effect on the advert, to make the advert less boring , and to make the restaurant Nando’s seem more fun , so the listeners will want to go there .The use of the actors accent also informs the audience of what the theme of the restaurant Is, and what type of food will be sold there. 3 times. The reason the company name is only mentioned so many times , is because if they keeprepeatingitanumberof times thenitwill startor annoyand makingthe audience no want to listentothe advertanymore.The fact itwas usedonly3 timesis a good way for the audience to know the company name without it being over used. No contact information was mentioned. The soundeffectsusedin the advert was salsa music which goes with the theme of Nandos. This setsan atmosphere forthe advert,andalsomakes the advert less boring for the audience. It also matches the theme of the restaurant, and the accent the actor is using for the advert. Radio advert analysis sheets
  • 2. What is the main purpose of the advert? (Informational, sales or special offers, promoting a particular product) Why do you think the advert was good or why do you think it wasn’t verygood? To promote the restaurantby makingthe place seemfun and a good place for people to go to enjoy their meals. The advert is used to persuade the audience to go to the Nando’s restaurants to eat their meals, by using a humorous tone in the advert, and the use of salsa music in the background sets a mood for the advert. I thought the advert was good at promoting the product and using convincing thing such as the tone of the advertwhichwasjokey, making the atmosphere of Nandos seem fun ,which lotof people lookforwhenwantingtogo out. This advert was a good advert to promote this restaurant, because of the actor being funny, and not so serious during the advert, making the audience more interested in the advert.