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Online advertising management system project is developed in asp.net with C# using Ms
SQl as a Database Server. Main aim of this project is to develop a software application for
advertising agency for organizing different tasks that are carried out in day to day life.
Advertising is one of the fast growing and ever green filed where business related work for
selling products , advertising through online, television advertising, banner advertising and many
works are carried out. For every advertising company they handle different types of works and
they need to always be in contact with customers. In existing system manual method is used to
taking orders , maintaining details of customers, advertising orders and maintaining employees
information in files. Which is a time taking and not a efficient method for providing better
service. In order to solve this problem in this project we propose a software application which
will have different modules for taking orders, managing customers information in central
database, managing employees information and advertising creating applications. Using a single
software application all these operations can be performed which is save time and improve better
customer service.
2.Front Office Staff
3.Ad Creator
Administrator module:
Main functionality of this module is maintained employee details, customer information,
organizing advertising details and billing details.
Front Office Module:
This module is used to check updated information on orders placed by users, checks orders given
by customers and accepts orders and send billing information to customers.
Ad Creator Module:
This module helps in creating ads through online application after order is received from front
office module.
User Module:
This module helps users to know status of ad they ordered by registering with application and
user can pay bill through online.
Hardware Configuration
Computer : Personal
Processor : DualCore
RAM : 2GB.
Hard Disk Drive : 500 GB.
Cd ROM Drive : DVD-R/W.
Monitor : 15 inch color.
Mouse : Logitech
Keyboard : Board with 104 Keys.
Software Specification
Front End : ASP.NET 2010
Back End : SQL Server 2008
Operating System : Windows 7 Vista
Microsoft .net is a set of micro soft software technologies for rapidly building and
integrating xml web services, micro soft windows-based applications, and web solutions. The
.net framework is a language-neutral platform for writing programs that can easily and securely
interoperate. There’s no language barrier with .net: there are numerous languages available to the
developer including managed c++, c#, visual basic and java script.
The .net framework provides the foundation for components to interact seamlessly,
whether locally or remotely on different platforms. It standardizes common data types and
communications protocols so that components created in different languages can easily
interoperate. “.net” is also the collective name given to various software components built upon
the .net platform. These will be both products (visual studio.net and windows.net server, for
instance) and services (like passport, .net my services, and so on).
The .NET Framework
Microsoft designed C# from the ground up to take advantage of its new .NET
Framework. Because C# is a player in this new .NET world, you should have a good
understanding of what the .NET Framework provides and how it increases your productivity.
The .NET Framework is made up of four parts, as shown in the Common Language
Runtime, a set of class libraries, a set of programming languages, and the ASP.NET
environment. The .NET Framework was designed with three goals in mind. First, it was intended
to make Windows applications much more reliable, while also providing an application with a
greater degree of security. Second, it was intended to simplify the development of Web
applications and services that not only work in the traditional sense, but on mobile devices as
well. Lastly, the framework was designed to provide a single set of libraries that would work
with multiple languages. The following sections examine each of the .NET Framework
Web Development:
The .NET Framework was designed with one thing in mind: to fuel Internet development.
This new fuel to add to Internet development is called Web Services. You can think of Web
Services as a Web site that interacts with programs, rather than people. Instead of delivering
Web pages, a Web Service takes a request formatted as XML, performs a particular function, and
then returns a response to the requester as an XML message.
Note XML or eXtensible Markup Language is a self describing language much like that
of HTML. XML on the other hand has no predefined tags thus allowing it great flexibility in
representing a wide variety of objects.
A typical application for a Web Service would be to sit as a layer on top of a corporate billing
system. When a user surfing the Web purchases products from your Internet site, the purchase
information is then sent to the Web Services, which totals all the products, adds a record to the
accounts receivable database, and then returns a response with an order confirmation number.
Not only can this Web Service interact with Web pages, it can interact with other Web Services,
such as a corporate accounts payable system.
In order for the Web Service model to survive the natural evolution of programming
languages, it must include much more than a simple interface to the Web. The Web service
model also includes protocols that enable applications to find Web Services available across a
LAN or the Internet. This protocol also enables the application to explore the Web Service and
determine how to communicate with it, as well as how to exchange information. To enable Web
Service discovery, the Universal Discovery, Description and Integration (UDDI) was
established. This allows Web Services to be registered and searched, based on key information
such as company name, type of service, and geographic location.
Application Development
Aside from Web development, you can still build traditional Windows applications with
the .NET Framework. Windows applications created with the .NET Framework are based upon
Windows Forms. These Windows Forms are somewhat of a crossbreed between Visual Basic 6
forms and the forms of Visual C++. Though forms look the same as their predecessors, they are
completely object-oriented and class-based, much like form objects in the Microsoft Foundation
Class. These new Windows Forms now support many classic controls found in Visual Studio,
such as the Button, TextBox, and Label, as well as ActiveX controls. Aside from the traditional
controls, new components such as PrintPreview, LinkLabel, ColorDialog, and OpenFileDialog
are also supported.
Building applications with .NET also provides you with many enhancements not found
in other languages, such as security. These security measures can determine whether an
application can write or read a disk file. They also enable you to embed digital signatures into
the application to ensure that the application was written by a trusted source. The .NET
Framework also enables you to embed component information, and version information, within
the actual code. This makes it possible for software to install on demand, automatically, or with
no user intervention at all. Together, all of these features greatly reduce support costs within the
Common Language Runtime
Programming languages usually consist of both a compiler and a runtime environment. The
compiler turns the code that you write into executable code that can be run by users. The runtime
environment provides a set of operating system services to your executable code. These services
are built into a runtime layer so that your code does not need to worry about the low-level details
of working with the operating system. Operations such as memory management and file I/O are
good examples of services that might be provided by a runtime environment. Before .NET came
along, each language shipped with its own runtime environment. Visual Basic shipped with a
runtime called MSVBVM60.DLL. Visual C++ shipped with a DLL called MSVCRT.DLL. Each
of these runtime modules provided a set of low-level services to code that developers wrote.
Developers would write code and then build that code with the appropriate runtime in mind. The
executable code would ship with the runtime, which would be installed on a user's machine if it
weren't already present.
The main problem with these runtime environments is that they were designed for use
with a single language. The Visual Basic runtime provided nice features for operations like
working with memory and launching COM objects, but these features were only available to
Visual Basic users. Developers using Visual C++ could not use the features of the Visual Basic
runtime. Visual C++ users had their own runtime, with its own long list of features, but those
features were unavailable to Visual Basic users. This "separate runtime" approach prevented
languages from working together seamlessly.
It's not possible, for example, to grab some memory in a piece of Visual Basic code and
then hand it off to a piece of Visual C++ code, which frees the memory. The different runtimes
implement their own feature set in their own way. The feature sets of the various runtimes are
inconsistent. Even features that are found in more than one runtime are implemented in different
ways, making it impossible for two pieces of code written in different languages to work
One of the design goals of the .NET Framework was to unify the runtime engines so that
all developers could work with a single set of runtime services. The .NET Framework's solution
is called the Common Language Runtime (CLR). The CLR provides capabilities such as memory
management, security, and robust error-handling to any language that works with the .NET
Framework. Thanks to the CLR, all .NET languages can use a variety of runtime services
without developers worrying about whether their particular language supports a runtime feature.
The CLR also enables languages to interoperate with one another. Memory can be
allocated by code written in one language — Visual Basic .NET, for instance — and can be freed
by code written in another language, say, C#. Similarly, errors can be raised in one language and
processed in another language.
.NET Class Libraries
Developers like to work with code that has already been tested and shown to work, such
as the Win32 API and the MFC Class libraries. Code re-use has long been the goal of the
software development community. However, the practicality of code re-use has not lived up to
expectations. Many languages have had access to bodies of pre-tested, ready-to-run code. Visual
C++ has benefited from class libraries such as the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), which
enabled C++ developers to build Windows applications quickly, and the Active Template
Library (ATL), which provided support for building COM objects. However, the
languagespecific nature of these libraries has made them unavailable for use in other languages.
Visual Basic developers are locked out of using ATL when building their COM objects.
The .NET Framework provides many classes that help developers re-use code. The .NET class
libraries contain code for programming topics such as threading, file I/O, database support, XML
parsing, and data structures, such as stacks and queues. Best of all, this entire class library is
available to any programming language that supports the .NET Framework. Thanks to the CLR,
any .NET language can use any class in the .NET class library. Because all languages now
support the same runtime, they can re-use any class that works with the .NET Framework. This
means that any functionality available to one language will also be available to any other .NET
The class library re-use picture painted by the .NET Framework gets even better when
you realize that re-use extends to your code, not just code that Microsoft ships with .NET. The
code that Microsoft ships in the .NET class library code base is architecturally no different from
the code you write. The Microsoft code is simply code that was written using a language
supported by .NET and built using a .NET development tool. This means that Microsoft is using
the same tools that you will use to write your code. You can write code that can be used in other
.NET languages, just as Microsoft has with its class library. The .NET Framework enables you to
write code in C#, for example, and hand it off to Visual Basic .NET developers, who can use
your compiled code in their applications.
.NET Programming Language
The .NET Framework provides a set of tools that help you build code that works with the
.NET Framework. Microsoft provides a set of languages that are already ".NET-compatible". C#
is one of those languages. New versions of Visual Basic and Visual C++ have also been created
to take advantage of the .NET Framework, with a version of Jscript.NET on the way. The
development of .NET-compatible languages is not restricted to Microsoft. The .NET group at
Microsoft has published documentation showing how language vendors can make their
languages work with .NET, and vendors are making languages such as COBOL and Perl
compatible with the .NET Framework. There are currently 20 or more languages in the works
from third party vendors and institutions that plug into the .NET Framework.
Introducing C#
C#, the new language introduced in the .NET Framework, is derived from C++.
However, C# is a modern, objected-oriented (from the ground up) type-safe language.
Language features
The following sections take a quick look at some of the features of the C# language. If
some of these concepts don't sound familiar to you, don't worry. All of them are covered in detail
in later chapters.
All code and data in C# must be enclosed in a class. You can't define a variable outside of
a class, and you can't write any code that's not in a class. Classes can have constructors, which
execute when an object of the class is created, and a destructor, which executes when an object
of the class is destroyed. Classes support single inheritance, and all classes ultimately derive
from a base class called object. C# supports versioning techniques to help your classes evolve
over time while maintaining compatibility with code that uses earlier versions of your classes.
Data types
C# lets you work with two types of data: value types and reference types. Value types
hold actual values. Reference types hold references to values stored elsewhere in memory.
Primitive types such as char, int and float, as well as enumerated values and structures, are value
types. Reference types hold variables that deal with objects and arrays. C# comes with
predefined reference types (object and string), as well as predefined value types (sbyte, short, int,
long, byte, ushort, uint, ulong, float, double, bool, char, and decimal). You can also define your
own value and reference types in your code. All value and reference types ultimately derive from
a base type called object.
C# allows you to convert a value of one type into a value of another type. You can work
with both implicit conversions and explicit conversions. Implicit conversions always succeed and
don't lose any information (for example, you can convert an int to a long without losing any data
because a long is larger than an int). Explicit conversions may cause you to lose data (for
example, converting a long into an int may result in a loss of data because a long can hold larger
values than an int). You must write a cast operator into your code to make an explicit conversion
You can work with both one-dimensional and multidimensional arrays in C#.
Multidimensional arrays can be rectangular, in which each of the arrays has the same
dimensions, or jagged, in which each of the arrays has different dimensions. Classes and
structures can have data members called properties and fields. Fields are variables that are
associated with the enclosing class or structure. You may define a structure called Employee, for
example, that has a field called Name. If you define a variable of type Employee called
CurrentEmployee, you can retrieve the employee's name by writing CurrentEmployee.Name.
Properties are like fields, but enable you to write code to specify what should happen when code
accesses the value. If the employee's name must be read from a database, for example, you can
write code that says, "when someone asks for the value of the Name property, read the name
from the database and return the name as a string."
A function is a callable piece of code that may or may not return a value to the code that
originally called it. An example of a function would be the FullName function shown earlier, in
this chapter, in the Family class. A function is generally associated to pieces of code that return
information whereas a method generally does not return information. For our purposes however,
we generalize and refer to them both as functions. Functions can have four kinds of parameters:
• Input parameters have values that are sent into the function, but the function cannot change
those values.
• Output parameters have no value when they are sent into the function, but the function
can give them a value and send the value back to the caller.
• Reference parameters pass in a reference to another value. They have a value coming
in to the function, and that value can be changed inside the function.
• Params parameters define a variable number of arguments in a list.
C# and the CLR work together to provide automatic memory management. You don't
need to write code that says "allocate enough memory for an integer" or "free the memory that
this object was using." The CLR monitors your memory usage and automatically retrieves more
when you need it. It also frees memory automatically when it detects that it is no longer being
used (this is also known as Garbage Collection). C# provides a variety of operators that enable
you to write mathematical and bitwise expressions. Many (but not all) of these operators can be
redefined, enabling you to change how the operators work.
C# supports a long list of statements that enable you to define various execution paths
within your code. Flow control statements that use keywords such as if, switch, while, for, break
and continue enable your code to branch off into different paths, depending on the values of your
variables. Classes can contain code and data. Each class member has something called an
accessibility scope, which defines the member's visibility to other objects. C# supports public,
protected, internal, protected internal, and private accessibility scopes.
Variables can be defined as constants. Constants have values that cannot change during
the execution of your code. The value of pi, for instance, is a good example of a constant,
because its value won't be changing as your code runs. Enum type declarations specify a type
name for a related group of constants. For example, you could define an enum of Planets with
values of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, and use
those names in your code. Using the enum names in code makes code more readable than if you
used a number to represent each planet.
C# provides a built-in mechanism for defining and handling events. If you write a class
that performs a lengthy operation, you may want to invoke an event when the operation is
completed. Clients can subscribe to that event and catch the event in their code, which enables
them to be notified when you have completed your lengthy operation. The event handling
mechanism in C# uses delegates, which are variables that reference a function. Note An event
handler is a procedure in your code that determines the actions to be performed when an event
occurs, such as the user clicking a button.
If your class holds a set of values, clients may want to access the values as if your class
were an array. You can write a piece of code called an indexer to enable your class to be
accessed as if it were an array. Suppose you write a class called Rainbow, for example, that
contains a set of the colors in the rainbow. Callers may want to write MyRainbow[0] to retrieve
the first color in the rainbow. You can write an indexer into your Rainbow class to define what
should be returned when the caller accesses your class, as if it were an array of values.
C# supports interfaces, which are groups of properties, methods, and events that specify a
set of functionality. C# classes can implement interfaces, which tells users that the class supports
the set of functionality documented by the interface. You can develop implementations of
interfaces without interfering with any existing code, which minimizes compatibility problems.
nce an interface has been published, it cannot be changed, but it can evolve through inheritance.
C# classes can implement many interfaces, although the classes can only inherit from a
single base class.Let's look at a real-world example that would benefit from interfaces to
illustrate its extremely positive role in C#. Many applications available today support add-ins.
Assume that you have created a code editor for writing applications. This code editor, when
executed, has the capability to load add-ins. To do this, the add-in must follow a few rules. The
DLL add-in must export a function called CEEntry, and the name of the DLL must begin with
CEd. When we run our code editor, it scans its working directory for all DLLs that begin with
CEd. When it finds one, it is loaded; and then it uses the GetProcAddress to locate the CEEntry
functionwithin the DLL, thus verifying that you followed all the rules necessary to create an add-
This method of creating and loading add-ins is very burdensome because it burdens the
code editor with more verification duties than necessary. If an interface were used in this
instance, your add-in DLL could have implemented an interface, thus guaranteeing that all
necessary methods, properties, and events were present with the DLL itself, and functioning as
documentation specified.
Attributes declare additional information about your class to the CLR. In the past, if you
wanted to make your class self-describing, you had to take a disconnected approach in which the
documentation was stored in external files such as IDL or even HTML files. Attributes solve this
problem by enabling you, the developer, to bind information to classes — any kind of
information. For example, you can use an attribute to embed documentation information into a
class. Attributes can also be used to bind runtime information to a class, defining how it should
act when used. The possibilities are endless, which is why Microsoft includes many predefined
attributes within the .NET Framework.
Compiling C#
Running your C# code through the C# compiler produces two important pieces of
information: code and metadata. The following sections describe these two items and then finish
up by examining the binary building block of .NET code: the assembly.
Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)
The code that is output by the C# compiler is written in a language called Microsoft
Intermediate Language, or MSIL. MSIL is made up of a specific set of instructions that specify
how your code should be executed. It contains instructions for operations such as variable
initialization, calling object methods, and error handling, just to name a few. C# is not the only
language in which source code changes into MSIL during the compilation process. All .NET-
compatible languages, including Visual Basic .NET and Managed C++, produce MSIL when
their source code is compiled. Because all of the .NET languages compile to the same MSIL
instruction set, and because all of the .NET languages use the same runtime, code from different
languages and different compilers can work together easily.
MSIL is not a specific instruction set for a physical CPU. It knows nothing about the
CPU in your machine, and your machine knows nothing about MSIL. How, then, does your
.NET code run at all, if your CPU can't read MSIL? The answer is that the MSIL code is turned
into CPU-specific code when the code is run for the first time. This process is called "just-in-
time" compilation, or JIT. The job of a JIT compiler is to translate your generic MSIL code into
machine code that can be executed by your CPU. You may be wondering about what seems like
an extra step in the process. Why generate MSIL when a compiler could generate CPU-specific
code directly? After all, compilers have always done this in the past.
There are a couple of reasons for this. First, MSIL enables your compiled code to be
easily moved to different hardware. Suppose you've written some C# code and you'd like it to
run on both your desktop and a handheld device. It's very likely that those two devices have
different types of CPUs. If you only had a C# compiler that targeted a specific CPU, then you'd
need two C# compilers: one that targeted your desktop CPU and another that targeted your
handheld CPU. You'd have to compile your code twice, ensuring that you put the right code on
the right device. With MSIL, you compile once. Installing the .NET Framework on your desktop
machine includes a JIT compiler that translates your MSIL into CPU-specific code for your
Installing the .NET Framework on your handheld includes a JIT compiler that translates
that same MSIL into CPU-specific code for your handheld. You now have a single MSIL code
base that can run on any device that has a .NET JIT compiler. The JIT compiler on that device
takes care of making your code run on the device.
Another reason for the compiler's use of MSIL is that the instruction set can be easily
read by a verification process. Part of the job of the JIT compiler is to verify your code to ensure
that it is as clean as possible. The verification process ensures that your code is accessing
memory properly and that it is using the correct variable types when calling methods that expect
a specific type. These checks ensure that your code doesn't execute any instructions that could
make the code crash.
The MSIL instruction set was designed to make this verification process relatively
straightforward. CPU-specific instruction sets are optimized for quick execution of the code, but
they produce code that can be hard to read and, therefore, hard to verify. Having a C# compiler
that directly outputs CPU-specific code can make code verification difficult or even impossible.
Allowing the .NET Framework JIT compiler to verify your code ensures that your code accesses
memory in a bug-free way and that variable types are properly used.
The compilation process also outputs metadata, which is an important piece of the .NET
codesharing story. Whether you use C# to build an end-user application or you use C# to build a
class library to be used by someone else's application, you're going to want to make use of some
already-compiled .NET code. That code may be supplied by Microsoft as a part of the .NET
Framework, or it may be supplied by a user over the Internet. The key to using this external code
is letting the C# compiler know what classes and variables are in the other code base so that it
can match up the source code you write with the code found in the precompiled code base that
you're working with.
Think of metadata as a "table of contents" for your compiled code. The C# compiler
places metadata in the compiled code along with the generated MSIL. This metadata accurately
describes all the classes you wrote and how they are structured. All of the classes' methods and
variable information is fully described in the metadata, ready to be read by other applications.
Visual Basic .NET, for example, may read the metadata for a .NET library to provide the
IntelliSense capability of listing all of the methods available for a particular class. If you've ever
worked with COM (Component Object Model), you may be familiar with type libraries. Type
libraries aimed to provide similar "table of contents" functionality for COM objects.
However, type libraries suffered from some limitations, not the least of which was the
fact that not all of the data relevant to the object was put into the type library. Metadata in .NET
does not have this shortcoming. All of the information needed to describe a class in code is
placed into the metadata. You can think of metadata as having all of the benefits of COM type
libraries without the limitations.
Sometimes, you will use C# to build an end-user application. These applications are
packaged as executable files with an extension of .EXE. Windows has always worked with .EXE
files as application programs, and C# fully supports building .EXE files. However, there may be
times when you don't want to build an entire application. Instead, you may want to build a code
library that can be used by others. You may also want to build some utility classes in C#, for
example, and then hand the code off to a Visual Basic .NET developer, who will use your classes
in a Visual Basic .NET application. In cases like this, you won't be building an application.
Instead, you'll be building an assembly.
An assembly is a package of code and metadata. When you deploy a set of classes in an
assembly, you are deploying the classes as a unit; and those classes share the same level of
version control, security information, and activation requirements. Think of an assembly as a
"logical DLL." If you're familiar with Microsoft Transaction Server or COM+, you can think of
an assembly as the .NET equivalent of a package.
There are two types of assemblies: private assemblies and global assemblies. When you
build your assembly, you don't need to specify whether you want to build a private or a global
assembly. The difference is apparent when you deploy your assembly. With a private assembly,
you make your code available to a single application. Your assembly is packaged as a DLL, and
is installed into the same directory as the application using it. With a deployment of a private
assembly, the only application that can use your code is the executable that lives in the same
directory as your assembly.
If you want to share your code among many applications, you might want to consider
deploying your code as a global assembly. Global assemblies can be used by any .NET
application on the system, regardless of the directory in which it is installed. Microsoft ships
assemblies as a part of the .NET Framework, and each of the Microsoft assemblies is installed as
a global assembly. The .NET Framework contains a list of global assemblies in a facility called
the global assembly cache, and the .NET Microsoft Framework SDK includes utilities to both
install and remove assemblies from the global assembly cache.
The OLAP Services feature available in SQL Server version 7.0 is now called SQL Server
2000 Analysis Services. The term OLAP Services has been replaced with the term Analysis
Services. Analysis Services also includes a new data mining component. The Repository
component available in SQL Server version 7.0 is now called Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Meta
Data Services. References to the component now use the term Meta Data Services. The term
repository is used only in reference to the repository engine within Meta Data Services
SQL-SERVER database consist of six type of objects,
They are,
A database is a collection of data about a specific topic.
We can work with a table in two types,
1. Design View
2. Datasheet View
Design View
To build or modify the structure of a table we work in the table design view. We can specify
what kind of data will be hold.
Datasheet View
To add, edit or analyses the data itself we work in tables datasheet view mode.
A query is a question that has to be asked the data. Access gathers data that answers the
question from one or more table. The data that make up the answer is either dynaset (if you edit
it) or a snapshot(it cannot be edited).Each time we run query, we get latest information in the
dynaset.Access either displays the dynaset or snapshot for us to view or perform an action on it
,such as deleting or updating.
A form is used to view and edit information in the database record by record .A form
displays only the information we want to see in the way we want to see it. Forms use the familiar
controls such as textboxes and checkboxes. This makes viewing and entering data easy.
We can work with forms in several primarily there are two views,
They are,
1. Design View
2. Form View
Design View:
To build or modify the structure of a form, we work in forms design view. We can add
control to the form that are bound to fields in a table or query, includes textboxes, option buttons,
graphs and pictures.
Form View:
The form view which display the whole design of the form.
A report is used to vies and print information from the database. The report can ground
records into many levels and compute totals and average by checking values from many records
at once. Also the report is attractive and distinctive because we have control over the size and
appearance of it.
A macro is a set of actions. Each action in macros does something. Such as opening a form or
printing a report .We write macros to automate the common tasks the work easy and save the
Modules are units of code written in access basic language. We can write and use module to
automate and customize the database in very sophisticated ways.
Existing System :
If an agency does not communicate or relay its client’s goals and creative wishes properly
problems can occur. Most Full-Service Agencies work on a combination of fee-based and
commission based compensation. The fee is paid by the entity for which the marketing is being
done. However an agency may have better negotiating powers than your company and save you
more money in the long run anyways. There are far more advantages to having the right
advertising agency than not.
Existing system refers to the system that is being follow till now. Presently all the
registrations are done manually. If a person wants to make registrations like birth, death,
marriage etc he should directly contact the corresponding office. The main disadvantage is that
there will be lot of difficulties for the citizens. So, all these procedures will be a time consuming
In order to avoid the above problem this project is to provide advertisement details like
advertisement cost in various channels. Depending upon the budget the various channels can
allot different advertisements. Here the total front end is developed using Asp.Net and backend is
developed using SQL server.
 This website provides online help for legal queries.
 This website helps all the users to view the registration.
 The user can post thread in the forum.
 The system is user friendly.

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Online advertising management system

  • 1. ONLINE ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Online advertising management system project is developed in asp.net with C# using Ms SQl as a Database Server. Main aim of this project is to develop a software application for advertising agency for organizing different tasks that are carried out in day to day life. Advertising is one of the fast growing and ever green filed where business related work for selling products , advertising through online, television advertising, banner advertising and many works are carried out. For every advertising company they handle different types of works and they need to always be in contact with customers. In existing system manual method is used to taking orders , maintaining details of customers, advertising orders and maintaining employees information in files. Which is a time taking and not a efficient method for providing better service. In order to solve this problem in this project we propose a software application which will have different modules for taking orders, managing customers information in central database, managing employees information and advertising creating applications. Using a single software application all these operations can be performed which is save time and improve better customer service. MODULES: 1.Administrator 2.Front Office Staff 3.Ad Creator 4.User MODULE DESCRIPTION Administrator module: Main functionality of this module is maintained employee details, customer information, organizing advertising details and billing details. Front Office Module: This module is used to check updated information on orders placed by users, checks orders given by customers and accepts orders and send billing information to customers.
  • 2. Ad Creator Module: This module helps in creating ads through online application after order is received from front office module. User Module: This module helps users to know status of ad they ordered by registering with application and user can pay bill through online.
  • 3. SYSTEM SPECIFICATION Hardware Configuration Computer : Personal Processor : DualCore RAM : 2GB. Hard Disk Drive : 500 GB. Cd ROM Drive : DVD-R/W. Monitor : 15 inch color. Mouse : Logitech Keyboard : Board with 104 Keys. Software Specification Front End : ASP.NET 2010 Back End : SQL Server 2008 Operating System : Windows 7 Vista
  • 4. SOFTWARE FEATURES WHAT IS “.NET”? Microsoft .net is a set of micro soft software technologies for rapidly building and integrating xml web services, micro soft windows-based applications, and web solutions. The .net framework is a language-neutral platform for writing programs that can easily and securely interoperate. There’s no language barrier with .net: there are numerous languages available to the developer including managed c++, c#, visual basic and java script. The .net framework provides the foundation for components to interact seamlessly, whether locally or remotely on different platforms. It standardizes common data types and communications protocols so that components created in different languages can easily interoperate. “.net” is also the collective name given to various software components built upon the .net platform. These will be both products (visual studio.net and windows.net server, for instance) and services (like passport, .net my services, and so on). The .NET Framework Microsoft designed C# from the ground up to take advantage of its new .NET Framework. Because C# is a player in this new .NET world, you should have a good understanding of what the .NET Framework provides and how it increases your productivity.
  • 5. The .NET Framework is made up of four parts, as shown in the Common Language Runtime, a set of class libraries, a set of programming languages, and the ASP.NET environment. The .NET Framework was designed with three goals in mind. First, it was intended to make Windows applications much more reliable, while also providing an application with a greater degree of security. Second, it was intended to simplify the development of Web applications and services that not only work in the traditional sense, but on mobile devices as well. Lastly, the framework was designed to provide a single set of libraries that would work with multiple languages. The following sections examine each of the .NET Framework components. Web Development: The .NET Framework was designed with one thing in mind: to fuel Internet development. This new fuel to add to Internet development is called Web Services. You can think of Web Services as a Web site that interacts with programs, rather than people. Instead of delivering Web pages, a Web Service takes a request formatted as XML, performs a particular function, and then returns a response to the requester as an XML message. Note XML or eXtensible Markup Language is a self describing language much like that of HTML. XML on the other hand has no predefined tags thus allowing it great flexibility in representing a wide variety of objects. A typical application for a Web Service would be to sit as a layer on top of a corporate billing system. When a user surfing the Web purchases products from your Internet site, the purchase information is then sent to the Web Services, which totals all the products, adds a record to the accounts receivable database, and then returns a response with an order confirmation number. Not only can this Web Service interact with Web pages, it can interact with other Web Services, such as a corporate accounts payable system. In order for the Web Service model to survive the natural evolution of programming languages, it must include much more than a simple interface to the Web. The Web service model also includes protocols that enable applications to find Web Services available across a LAN or the Internet. This protocol also enables the application to explore the Web Service and determine how to communicate with it, as well as how to exchange information. To enable Web
  • 6. Service discovery, the Universal Discovery, Description and Integration (UDDI) was established. This allows Web Services to be registered and searched, based on key information such as company name, type of service, and geographic location. Application Development Aside from Web development, you can still build traditional Windows applications with the .NET Framework. Windows applications created with the .NET Framework are based upon Windows Forms. These Windows Forms are somewhat of a crossbreed between Visual Basic 6 forms and the forms of Visual C++. Though forms look the same as their predecessors, they are completely object-oriented and class-based, much like form objects in the Microsoft Foundation Class. These new Windows Forms now support many classic controls found in Visual Studio, such as the Button, TextBox, and Label, as well as ActiveX controls. Aside from the traditional controls, new components such as PrintPreview, LinkLabel, ColorDialog, and OpenFileDialog are also supported. Building applications with .NET also provides you with many enhancements not found in other languages, such as security. These security measures can determine whether an application can write or read a disk file. They also enable you to embed digital signatures into the application to ensure that the application was written by a trusted source. The .NET Framework also enables you to embed component information, and version information, within the actual code. This makes it possible for software to install on demand, automatically, or with no user intervention at all. Together, all of these features greatly reduce support costs within the enterprise. Common Language Runtime Programming languages usually consist of both a compiler and a runtime environment. The compiler turns the code that you write into executable code that can be run by users. The runtime environment provides a set of operating system services to your executable code. These services are built into a runtime layer so that your code does not need to worry about the low-level details of working with the operating system. Operations such as memory management and file I/O are good examples of services that might be provided by a runtime environment. Before .NET came
  • 7. along, each language shipped with its own runtime environment. Visual Basic shipped with a runtime called MSVBVM60.DLL. Visual C++ shipped with a DLL called MSVCRT.DLL. Each of these runtime modules provided a set of low-level services to code that developers wrote. Developers would write code and then build that code with the appropriate runtime in mind. The executable code would ship with the runtime, which would be installed on a user's machine if it weren't already present. The main problem with these runtime environments is that they were designed for use with a single language. The Visual Basic runtime provided nice features for operations like working with memory and launching COM objects, but these features were only available to Visual Basic users. Developers using Visual C++ could not use the features of the Visual Basic runtime. Visual C++ users had their own runtime, with its own long list of features, but those features were unavailable to Visual Basic users. This "separate runtime" approach prevented languages from working together seamlessly. It's not possible, for example, to grab some memory in a piece of Visual Basic code and then hand it off to a piece of Visual C++ code, which frees the memory. The different runtimes implement their own feature set in their own way. The feature sets of the various runtimes are inconsistent. Even features that are found in more than one runtime are implemented in different ways, making it impossible for two pieces of code written in different languages to work together. One of the design goals of the .NET Framework was to unify the runtime engines so that all developers could work with a single set of runtime services. The .NET Framework's solution is called the Common Language Runtime (CLR). The CLR provides capabilities such as memory management, security, and robust error-handling to any language that works with the .NET Framework. Thanks to the CLR, all .NET languages can use a variety of runtime services without developers worrying about whether their particular language supports a runtime feature. The CLR also enables languages to interoperate with one another. Memory can be allocated by code written in one language — Visual Basic .NET, for instance — and can be freed by code written in another language, say, C#. Similarly, errors can be raised in one language and processed in another language.
  • 8. .NET Class Libraries Developers like to work with code that has already been tested and shown to work, such as the Win32 API and the MFC Class libraries. Code re-use has long been the goal of the software development community. However, the practicality of code re-use has not lived up to expectations. Many languages have had access to bodies of pre-tested, ready-to-run code. Visual C++ has benefited from class libraries such as the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), which enabled C++ developers to build Windows applications quickly, and the Active Template Library (ATL), which provided support for building COM objects. However, the languagespecific nature of these libraries has made them unavailable for use in other languages. Visual Basic developers are locked out of using ATL when building their COM objects. The .NET Framework provides many classes that help developers re-use code. The .NET class libraries contain code for programming topics such as threading, file I/O, database support, XML parsing, and data structures, such as stacks and queues. Best of all, this entire class library is available to any programming language that supports the .NET Framework. Thanks to the CLR, any .NET language can use any class in the .NET class library. Because all languages now support the same runtime, they can re-use any class that works with the .NET Framework. This means that any functionality available to one language will also be available to any other .NET language. The class library re-use picture painted by the .NET Framework gets even better when you realize that re-use extends to your code, not just code that Microsoft ships with .NET. The code that Microsoft ships in the .NET class library code base is architecturally no different from the code you write. The Microsoft code is simply code that was written using a language supported by .NET and built using a .NET development tool. This means that Microsoft is using the same tools that you will use to write your code. You can write code that can be used in other .NET languages, just as Microsoft has with its class library. The .NET Framework enables you to write code in C#, for example, and hand it off to Visual Basic .NET developers, who can use your compiled code in their applications. .NET Programming Language The .NET Framework provides a set of tools that help you build code that works with the
  • 9. .NET Framework. Microsoft provides a set of languages that are already ".NET-compatible". C# is one of those languages. New versions of Visual Basic and Visual C++ have also been created to take advantage of the .NET Framework, with a version of Jscript.NET on the way. The development of .NET-compatible languages is not restricted to Microsoft. The .NET group at Microsoft has published documentation showing how language vendors can make their languages work with .NET, and vendors are making languages such as COBOL and Perl compatible with the .NET Framework. There are currently 20 or more languages in the works from third party vendors and institutions that plug into the .NET Framework. Introducing C# C#, the new language introduced in the .NET Framework, is derived from C++. However, C# is a modern, objected-oriented (from the ground up) type-safe language. Language features The following sections take a quick look at some of the features of the C# language. If some of these concepts don't sound familiar to you, don't worry. All of them are covered in detail in later chapters. Classes All code and data in C# must be enclosed in a class. You can't define a variable outside of a class, and you can't write any code that's not in a class. Classes can have constructors, which execute when an object of the class is created, and a destructor, which executes when an object of the class is destroyed. Classes support single inheritance, and all classes ultimately derive from a base class called object. C# supports versioning techniques to help your classes evolve over time while maintaining compatibility with code that uses earlier versions of your classes. Data types C# lets you work with two types of data: value types and reference types. Value types hold actual values. Reference types hold references to values stored elsewhere in memory. Primitive types such as char, int and float, as well as enumerated values and structures, are value types. Reference types hold variables that deal with objects and arrays. C# comes with
  • 10. predefined reference types (object and string), as well as predefined value types (sbyte, short, int, long, byte, ushort, uint, ulong, float, double, bool, char, and decimal). You can also define your own value and reference types in your code. All value and reference types ultimately derive from a base type called object. C# allows you to convert a value of one type into a value of another type. You can work with both implicit conversions and explicit conversions. Implicit conversions always succeed and don't lose any information (for example, you can convert an int to a long without losing any data because a long is larger than an int). Explicit conversions may cause you to lose data (for example, converting a long into an int may result in a loss of data because a long can hold larger values than an int). You must write a cast operator into your code to make an explicit conversion happen. You can work with both one-dimensional and multidimensional arrays in C#. Multidimensional arrays can be rectangular, in which each of the arrays has the same dimensions, or jagged, in which each of the arrays has different dimensions. Classes and structures can have data members called properties and fields. Fields are variables that are associated with the enclosing class or structure. You may define a structure called Employee, for example, that has a field called Name. If you define a variable of type Employee called CurrentEmployee, you can retrieve the employee's name by writing CurrentEmployee.Name. Properties are like fields, but enable you to write code to specify what should happen when code accesses the value. If the employee's name must be read from a database, for example, you can write code that says, "when someone asks for the value of the Name property, read the name from the database and return the name as a string." Functions A function is a callable piece of code that may or may not return a value to the code that originally called it. An example of a function would be the FullName function shown earlier, in this chapter, in the Family class. A function is generally associated to pieces of code that return information whereas a method generally does not return information. For our purposes however, we generalize and refer to them both as functions. Functions can have four kinds of parameters:
  • 11. • Input parameters have values that are sent into the function, but the function cannot change those values. • Output parameters have no value when they are sent into the function, but the function can give them a value and send the value back to the caller. • Reference parameters pass in a reference to another value. They have a value coming in to the function, and that value can be changed inside the function. • Params parameters define a variable number of arguments in a list. C# and the CLR work together to provide automatic memory management. You don't need to write code that says "allocate enough memory for an integer" or "free the memory that this object was using." The CLR monitors your memory usage and automatically retrieves more when you need it. It also frees memory automatically when it detects that it is no longer being used (this is also known as Garbage Collection). C# provides a variety of operators that enable you to write mathematical and bitwise expressions. Many (but not all) of these operators can be redefined, enabling you to change how the operators work. C# supports a long list of statements that enable you to define various execution paths within your code. Flow control statements that use keywords such as if, switch, while, for, break and continue enable your code to branch off into different paths, depending on the values of your variables. Classes can contain code and data. Each class member has something called an accessibility scope, which defines the member's visibility to other objects. C# supports public, protected, internal, protected internal, and private accessibility scopes. Variables Variables can be defined as constants. Constants have values that cannot change during the execution of your code. The value of pi, for instance, is a good example of a constant, because its value won't be changing as your code runs. Enum type declarations specify a type name for a related group of constants. For example, you could define an enum of Planets with values of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, and use
  • 12. those names in your code. Using the enum names in code makes code more readable than if you used a number to represent each planet. C# provides a built-in mechanism for defining and handling events. If you write a class that performs a lengthy operation, you may want to invoke an event when the operation is completed. Clients can subscribe to that event and catch the event in their code, which enables them to be notified when you have completed your lengthy operation. The event handling mechanism in C# uses delegates, which are variables that reference a function. Note An event handler is a procedure in your code that determines the actions to be performed when an event occurs, such as the user clicking a button. If your class holds a set of values, clients may want to access the values as if your class were an array. You can write a piece of code called an indexer to enable your class to be accessed as if it were an array. Suppose you write a class called Rainbow, for example, that contains a set of the colors in the rainbow. Callers may want to write MyRainbow[0] to retrieve the first color in the rainbow. You can write an indexer into your Rainbow class to define what should be returned when the caller accesses your class, as if it were an array of values. Interfaces C# supports interfaces, which are groups of properties, methods, and events that specify a set of functionality. C# classes can implement interfaces, which tells users that the class supports the set of functionality documented by the interface. You can develop implementations of interfaces without interfering with any existing code, which minimizes compatibility problems. nce an interface has been published, it cannot be changed, but it can evolve through inheritance. C# classes can implement many interfaces, although the classes can only inherit from a single base class.Let's look at a real-world example that would benefit from interfaces to illustrate its extremely positive role in C#. Many applications available today support add-ins. Assume that you have created a code editor for writing applications. This code editor, when executed, has the capability to load add-ins. To do this, the add-in must follow a few rules. The DLL add-in must export a function called CEEntry, and the name of the DLL must begin with CEd. When we run our code editor, it scans its working directory for all DLLs that begin with CEd. When it finds one, it is loaded; and then it uses the GetProcAddress to locate the CEEntry
  • 13. functionwithin the DLL, thus verifying that you followed all the rules necessary to create an add- in. This method of creating and loading add-ins is very burdensome because it burdens the code editor with more verification duties than necessary. If an interface were used in this instance, your add-in DLL could have implemented an interface, thus guaranteeing that all necessary methods, properties, and events were present with the DLL itself, and functioning as documentation specified. Attributes Attributes declare additional information about your class to the CLR. In the past, if you wanted to make your class self-describing, you had to take a disconnected approach in which the documentation was stored in external files such as IDL or even HTML files. Attributes solve this problem by enabling you, the developer, to bind information to classes — any kind of information. For example, you can use an attribute to embed documentation information into a class. Attributes can also be used to bind runtime information to a class, defining how it should act when used. The possibilities are endless, which is why Microsoft includes many predefined attributes within the .NET Framework. Compiling C# Running your C# code through the C# compiler produces two important pieces of information: code and metadata. The following sections describe these two items and then finish up by examining the binary building block of .NET code: the assembly. Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) The code that is output by the C# compiler is written in a language called Microsoft Intermediate Language, or MSIL. MSIL is made up of a specific set of instructions that specify how your code should be executed. It contains instructions for operations such as variable initialization, calling object methods, and error handling, just to name a few. C# is not the only language in which source code changes into MSIL during the compilation process. All .NET- compatible languages, including Visual Basic .NET and Managed C++, produce MSIL when their source code is compiled. Because all of the .NET languages compile to the same MSIL
  • 14. instruction set, and because all of the .NET languages use the same runtime, code from different languages and different compilers can work together easily. MSIL is not a specific instruction set for a physical CPU. It knows nothing about the CPU in your machine, and your machine knows nothing about MSIL. How, then, does your .NET code run at all, if your CPU can't read MSIL? The answer is that the MSIL code is turned into CPU-specific code when the code is run for the first time. This process is called "just-in- time" compilation, or JIT. The job of a JIT compiler is to translate your generic MSIL code into machine code that can be executed by your CPU. You may be wondering about what seems like an extra step in the process. Why generate MSIL when a compiler could generate CPU-specific code directly? After all, compilers have always done this in the past. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, MSIL enables your compiled code to be easily moved to different hardware. Suppose you've written some C# code and you'd like it to run on both your desktop and a handheld device. It's very likely that those two devices have different types of CPUs. If you only had a C# compiler that targeted a specific CPU, then you'd need two C# compilers: one that targeted your desktop CPU and another that targeted your handheld CPU. You'd have to compile your code twice, ensuring that you put the right code on the right device. With MSIL, you compile once. Installing the .NET Framework on your desktop machine includes a JIT compiler that translates your MSIL into CPU-specific code for your desktop. Installing the .NET Framework on your handheld includes a JIT compiler that translates that same MSIL into CPU-specific code for your handheld. You now have a single MSIL code base that can run on any device that has a .NET JIT compiler. The JIT compiler on that device takes care of making your code run on the device. Another reason for the compiler's use of MSIL is that the instruction set can be easily read by a verification process. Part of the job of the JIT compiler is to verify your code to ensure that it is as clean as possible. The verification process ensures that your code is accessing memory properly and that it is using the correct variable types when calling methods that expect a specific type. These checks ensure that your code doesn't execute any instructions that could make the code crash.
  • 15. The MSIL instruction set was designed to make this verification process relatively straightforward. CPU-specific instruction sets are optimized for quick execution of the code, but they produce code that can be hard to read and, therefore, hard to verify. Having a C# compiler that directly outputs CPU-specific code can make code verification difficult or even impossible. Allowing the .NET Framework JIT compiler to verify your code ensures that your code accesses memory in a bug-free way and that variable types are properly used. Metadata The compilation process also outputs metadata, which is an important piece of the .NET codesharing story. Whether you use C# to build an end-user application or you use C# to build a class library to be used by someone else's application, you're going to want to make use of some already-compiled .NET code. That code may be supplied by Microsoft as a part of the .NET Framework, or it may be supplied by a user over the Internet. The key to using this external code is letting the C# compiler know what classes and variables are in the other code base so that it can match up the source code you write with the code found in the precompiled code base that you're working with. Think of metadata as a "table of contents" for your compiled code. The C# compiler places metadata in the compiled code along with the generated MSIL. This metadata accurately describes all the classes you wrote and how they are structured. All of the classes' methods and variable information is fully described in the metadata, ready to be read by other applications. Visual Basic .NET, for example, may read the metadata for a .NET library to provide the IntelliSense capability of listing all of the methods available for a particular class. If you've ever worked with COM (Component Object Model), you may be familiar with type libraries. Type libraries aimed to provide similar "table of contents" functionality for COM objects. However, type libraries suffered from some limitations, not the least of which was the fact that not all of the data relevant to the object was put into the type library. Metadata in .NET does not have this shortcoming. All of the information needed to describe a class in code is placed into the metadata. You can think of metadata as having all of the benefits of COM type libraries without the limitations.
  • 16. Assemblies Sometimes, you will use C# to build an end-user application. These applications are packaged as executable files with an extension of .EXE. Windows has always worked with .EXE files as application programs, and C# fully supports building .EXE files. However, there may be times when you don't want to build an entire application. Instead, you may want to build a code library that can be used by others. You may also want to build some utility classes in C#, for example, and then hand the code off to a Visual Basic .NET developer, who will use your classes in a Visual Basic .NET application. In cases like this, you won't be building an application. Instead, you'll be building an assembly. An assembly is a package of code and metadata. When you deploy a set of classes in an assembly, you are deploying the classes as a unit; and those classes share the same level of version control, security information, and activation requirements. Think of an assembly as a "logical DLL." If you're familiar with Microsoft Transaction Server or COM+, you can think of an assembly as the .NET equivalent of a package. There are two types of assemblies: private assemblies and global assemblies. When you build your assembly, you don't need to specify whether you want to build a private or a global assembly. The difference is apparent when you deploy your assembly. With a private assembly, you make your code available to a single application. Your assembly is packaged as a DLL, and is installed into the same directory as the application using it. With a deployment of a private assembly, the only application that can use your code is the executable that lives in the same directory as your assembly. If you want to share your code among many applications, you might want to consider deploying your code as a global assembly. Global assemblies can be used by any .NET application on the system, regardless of the directory in which it is installed. Microsoft ships assemblies as a part of the .NET Framework, and each of the Microsoft assemblies is installed as a global assembly. The .NET Framework contains a list of global assemblies in a facility called the global assembly cache, and the .NET Microsoft Framework SDK includes utilities to both install and remove assemblies from the global assembly cache.
  • 17. FEATURES OF SQL-SERVER: The OLAP Services feature available in SQL Server version 7.0 is now called SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services. The term OLAP Services has been replaced with the term Analysis Services. Analysis Services also includes a new data mining component. The Repository component available in SQL Server version 7.0 is now called Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Meta Data Services. References to the component now use the term Meta Data Services. The term repository is used only in reference to the repository engine within Meta Data Services SQL-SERVER database consist of six type of objects, They are,  TABLE  QUERY  FORM  REPORT
  • 18.  MACRO TABLE: A database is a collection of data about a specific topic. VIEWTABLE: We can work with a table in two types, 1. Design View 2. Datasheet View Design View To build or modify the structure of a table we work in the table design view. We can specify what kind of data will be hold. Datasheet View To add, edit or analyses the data itself we work in tables datasheet view mode. QUERY: A query is a question that has to be asked the data. Access gathers data that answers the question from one or more table. The data that make up the answer is either dynaset (if you edit it) or a snapshot(it cannot be edited).Each time we run query, we get latest information in the dynaset.Access either displays the dynaset or snapshot for us to view or perform an action on it ,such as deleting or updating. FORMS: A form is used to view and edit information in the database record by record .A form displays only the information we want to see in the way we want to see it. Forms use the familiar controls such as textboxes and checkboxes. This makes viewing and entering data easy. VIEWS OF FORM: We can work with forms in several primarily there are two views, They are, 1. Design View 2. Form View Design View:
  • 19. To build or modify the structure of a form, we work in forms design view. We can add control to the form that are bound to fields in a table or query, includes textboxes, option buttons, graphs and pictures. Form View: The form view which display the whole design of the form. REPORT: A report is used to vies and print information from the database. The report can ground records into many levels and compute totals and average by checking values from many records at once. Also the report is attractive and distinctive because we have control over the size and appearance of it. MACRO: A macro is a set of actions. Each action in macros does something. Such as opening a form or printing a report .We write macros to automate the common tasks the work easy and save the time. MODULE: Modules are units of code written in access basic language. We can write and use module to automate and customize the database in very sophisticated ways.
  • 20. SYSTEM STUDY Existing System : If an agency does not communicate or relay its client’s goals and creative wishes properly problems can occur. Most Full-Service Agencies work on a combination of fee-based and commission based compensation. The fee is paid by the entity for which the marketing is being done. However an agency may have better negotiating powers than your company and save you more money in the long run anyways. There are far more advantages to having the right advertising agency than not. DRAWBACKS OF PRESENT SYSTEM Existing system refers to the system that is being follow till now. Presently all the registrations are done manually. If a person wants to make registrations like birth, death, marriage etc he should directly contact the corresponding office. The main disadvantage is that there will be lot of difficulties for the citizens. So, all these procedures will be a time consuming one.
  • 21. PROPOSED SYSTEM: In order to avoid the above problem this project is to provide advertisement details like advertisement cost in various channels. Depending upon the budget the various channels can allot different advertisements. Here the total front end is developed using Asp.Net and backend is developed using SQL server. ADVANTAGES  This website provides online help for legal queries.  This website helps all the users to view the registration.  The user can post thread in the forum.  The system is user friendly.