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Modernizing Architecture
for a Complete Data
August 2nd, 2016
2© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Today’s Speakers
Tony Baer
Ovum – Principal Analyst
Information Management
Clarke Patterson
Sr. Director – Product &
Solutions Marketing
3© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
• Our relationship with data is changing
• Success getting harder to ignore
• How to build a Modern Data Strategy
4© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Let’s go to the polls!
• How would you rate your experience with Hadoop today?
a. We’re thinking about it, haven’t started yet
b. We just got going, not yet in production
c. We’re in production for 1 or 2 projects within 1 or 2 departments
d. We are advanced, running many use cases across the organization in
5© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
“Something interesting is happening”
The world’s largest
taxi company owns
ZERO vehicles.
The world’s largest
accommodation provider
owns ZERO real estate.
The world’s most
popular media owner
creates ZERO content.
The world’s leading
music platform owns
no music.
6© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Our relationship with data
is changing.
7© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
“80% of CEOs cite data mining
and analytics as strategically
-2015 PWC CEO Survey
8© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Big data has made it to the boardroom
9© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Let’s go to the polls!
• What key business initiative are your big data project(s) aligned to?
a. Driving customer insight (eg. Single view of customer, next best offer)
b. Improving product & services efficiency (eg. Better product quality, faster
product innovation)
c. Lowering business risks (eg. Cybersecurity, fraud)
d. All of the above
e. None of the above/I don’t know
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa10 Copyright © Informa PLC
Why Big Data?
 Full fidelity data access
 Start with data in its native format, without losing context to fit
rigid database schema
 Make the window larger
 Greater breadth & depth provides the big picture
 Analytic flexibility
 Work with the data format and analytic path of choice
 Deliver tangible results
 Improved Business Forecasting based on all of the data, not just a
 Better Customer 360 views, through all of the channels where your
customers are active – not just your CRM or call center system
 Improved security/threat detection via advanced techniques such as
machine learning for ID’ing signals from data sets too large for humans to
digest unaided
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa11 Copyright © Informa PLC
Big Data is only for elite practitioners
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa12 Copyright © Informa PLC
getting harder
to ignore
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa13 Copyright © Informa PLC
Many Businesses Using AI Without Realizing It
Information Week 7/21/2016
88% of those who denied using AI solutions reported that they rely on services or products powered by AI techniques
Finding ROI in a swirl of data analytics
Computerworld 9/2/2015
Integrating health records with geospatial data helps clinicians target
safety campaigns. "What GIS mapping allowed us to do is identify the
hotspots where injuries were occurring and map them out."
Genomic research and precision medicine are on the leading edge of
cancer research and treatment, but the huge size of the data sets and
the complexity of sharing those data sets among researchers thwarts
progress. Here's one project that is aiming to remove those obstacles
Can Big Data help cure cancer?
Information Week 7/19/2016
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa14 Copyright © Informa PLC
Changing the manufacturing business
 From manufacturing to services.
Ford transforming itself to “transportation
services company” that may change the car buyer
GE bets future on the industrial internet with
predictive analytics & optimization software
helping customers increase yields
From buying a product …
To buying the service that the product delivers
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa15 Copyright © Informa PLC
Optimizing healthcare delivery
 Large regional healthcare system uses big data analytics
to segment 150,000-patient population
 Building data lake comprising EHRs, clinical data, third
party syndicated data leveraging Hadoop’s schema-on-
read flexibility
 Schema on read speeds data exploration, open new
analytics paths
 Clinical segmentation initiative based on age, gender,
disease, care delivery, payer type, geography, and
healthcare utilization patterns to drive care management
 With precise segmentation, clinical resources are focused
on highest risk patients
Know Your customer initiative to improve patient care
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa16 Copyright © Informa PLC
Retailer tunes into social media to gain customer visibility
 Listening to social media to understand customer perceptions,
yield actionable insights
 Can customers find the products they need?
 Are promotions effective?
 What store policies are effective?
 Challenge: cutting through “the noise” –
 80% of tweets not relevant to the retailer
 Results:
 Reduced social media noise to 20%
 Improved tracing of trending topics
 Improved decision productivity and ability to listen in real time
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa17 Copyright © Informa PLC
How to isolate signal from the noise?
Here’s what 29 million tweets can
teach us about Brexit
Washington Post 7/20/2016
Technology is
monitoring the
Urban Landscape
NY Times 7/20/2016
In uncertain times, CEOs Lose Faith in
With Brexit to the rise of Donald Trump, business leaders have
made have made them wary of expert predictions
Wall Street Journal 7/12/2016
Trump’s Big Data Gamble
While he tweets to the masses, Hillary will be
precisely targeting persuadable voters.
Wall Street Journal 7/25/2016
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa18 Copyright © Informa PLC
“Big Data Must become a First
Class Citizen in the enterprise”
“Big Data cannot exist
on its own island”
Where we started…
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa19 Copyright © Informa PLC
The Big Data conversation has changed
 Big Data & Hadoop Adoption:
Moving from Early Adopters to Early Majority
 Use cases
Familiar business problems – Moving from clickstream
optimization to Customer 360, Fraud Prevention,
Operational Efficiency
 Hadoop maturing
Becoming more diverse, mature, well-rounded & joining the
data platform ecosystem
From batch MapReduce to SQL, streaming, machine
learning, graph analytics
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa20 Copyright © Informa PLC
The Big Data conversation has changed
 Big Data & Hadoop Adoption:
Moving from Early Adopters to Early Majority
 Use cases
Familiar business problems – Moving from clickstream
optimization to Customer 360, Fraud Prevention,
Operational Efficiency
 Hadoop maturing
Becoming more diverse, mature, well-rounded & joining the
data platform ecosystem
From batch MapReduce to SQL, streaming, machine
learning, graph analytics
Build a
Modern Data
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa21 Copyright © Informa PLC
How to build a Modern Data Strategy?
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa22 Copyright © Informa PLC
How to build a Modern Data Strategy?
What is a Modern Data
How to get there?
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa23 Copyright © Informa PLC
How to build a Modern Data Strategy?
People, Process &
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa24 Copyright © Informa PLC
How to build a Modern Data Strategy?
Put the business first
It’s a team sport
 Plan for making the data accessible –
and secure
 Plan for making analytics pervasive
 Iterate, share & collaborate
 Make discoveries & insights
Ops, InfoSec, DBA, ETL
Data Team
BI, Analysts, Data Scientists
“Business” Users
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa25 Copyright © Informa PLC
How to build a Modern Data Strategy?
Be agile – implementation will
be a learning experience
 Form hypotheses, but go where the
data leads
Plan for governance
 Data & analytics will be shared
Governance is an iterative
 ID the starting point that is right for
your organization
Collect, Create, Manage
unlimited data
Explore, Analyze
data in many ways
insights to drive action
Gather, Imagine
Discover, Query
Make actionable
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa26 Copyright © Informa PLC
How to build a Modern Data Strategy?
Keep your options open
 Add new data sources, more complex analytics,
real-time ingest & consume over time
 Fail fast… is good!
Preserve your tracks…. Keep your metadata!
 Data lineage is critical!
Start small, build on success
 Allow the learning process to go viral
 Collaborate, communicate success… and failure
 Land & expand
Collect, Create,
unlimited data
Explore, Analyze
data in many ways
insights to drive action
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa27 Copyright © Informa PLC
Start small, build on success
Group Multi-department Enterprise
Log analytics
Sentiment Analysis
DW offload
Data Lake
Exploratory Analytics
Line of business analytic applications
Operational analytics
A Data Lake is the
culmination of your
journey, not the start
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa28 Copyright © Informa PLC
Evolve the use cases
Land & Expand
Start with high-
impact, line-of-
Group Multi-department Enterprise
Customer 360
Intrusion Detection
Ad optimization
Customer segmentation
Operations Management
Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa29 Copyright © Informa PLC
Modern Data Strategy –
Where to go from here?
Assess your business needs
Where are the points of pain?
Bottom line or top line?
Where are the missing signals?
Do you have the right data?
Assess where you are
Skills readiness – data, technology, ability to
Infrastructure readiness
Who are the change agents?
 Where to start?
ID “low hanging fruit” where you can get tangible, high
impact benefits
30© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Let’s go to the polls!
• What are you most concerned about when it comes to your readiness for big data
and Hadoop?
a. People
b. Process
c. Technology
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
31© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Three core enterprise data applications
Operational Efficiency New Business Value
Programmatic data
processing and data pipeline
Explore, analyze, and
understand all your data.
Data-driven applications
to deliver real-time insights.
32© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Build the pipelines to feed your
decision making and harness
real-time and interactive data
with ease.
Get access to data faster to
build and refine analytic models
in real-time. Implement
complex machine learning
Easy cross segment
collaboration with active
auditing and lineage tracking
throughout the platform.
Programmatic Pipeline Creation
Exploratory Data Science
Rich Developer Experience
33© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
RelayHealth builds
predictive models for
when payments to
healthcare providers
will be received,
improving their
cash flow.
34© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Web, social, and external data
continues to be collected but
out of reach for analysis. Tap
into the value of all data
Democratization of Data
New requirements require
analytics on streaming, rapidly
changing, and real-time data
Real-time Analysis
Optimize your data warehouse
infrastructure, enabling more
data to more users than ever
before, across environments
Modernize Data Warehouse
35© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Re-Platformed 2,000 Systems
onto Cloudera for Centralized
• Improve ETL processing, extend data
retention, and enable new use cases
• Centralized, multi-tenant environment
for unified customer view across
business units
• Increased data velocity for ETL by 15x
(process 5x the data in 1/3 the time)
• 200-250% ROI & take on new projects
quicker, at a lower cost
36© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Self Service BI and analytics
capabilities delivered directly
to end users.
Identifying meaningful events
based on multiple data streams
and taking action.
Determine credit worthiness
and optimize bad debt
collection activities based on
Embedded Applications
Complex Event Processing
Model Scoring
37© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Western Union reveals
correlations between
exchange rates and
transaction volumes in
specific communities.
38© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cloud growth fueling Hadoop use cases
Requirements to move from POCs
to enterprise use cases
- Security
- Portability
- Flexibility
- Ecosystem support
39© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
What’s driving Hadoop to the cloud?
Data Gravity Flexible Resourcing Enterprise Acceptance
40© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Common workloads in the cloud
Only pay for what you need,
when you need it
▪ Transient clusters
▪ Elastic workload
▪ Object storage centric
▪ Cloud-native deployment
(Data Engineering)
App Delivery
Reduce Operating Costs New Insights, New Revenue Run Without Risk
(Analytic Database)
Explore and analyze all data,
wherever it lives
▪ Long-running clusters
▪ Sized to demand
▪ HDFS or object storage
▪ Lift-and-shift deployment
Enterprise-grade to protect
your business, no matter what
▪ Fixed clusters
▪ Periodic sync
▪ All HDFS storage
▪ Lift-and-shift deployment
41© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Let’s go to the polls!
• To what degree are you using Hadoop in the cloud?
a. Not using nor any plans at this time
b. Planning on it in the next 6 months
c. We’re already running some test projects in the cloud
d. Some of our workloads are in the cloud
e. All of our workloads are in the cloud
42© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Key Takeaways
• Big Data analytics is the new table stakes… no longer limited to early
• Build a Modern Data Strategy that focuses on people & process… not only
• Focus on tangible business cases… you’re not conducting data science
• Assemble the right team
• Stay agile… Rome was not built in a day
• Plan for making data accessible, governable, and keep your metadata!
• Plan for making analytics pervasive
43© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Thank you!

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Modernizing Architecture for a Complete Data Strategy

  • 1. 1© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Modernizing Architecture for a Complete Data Strategy August 2nd, 2016
  • 2. 2© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Today’s Speakers Tony Baer Ovum – Principal Analyst Information Management @tonybaer Clarke Patterson Sr. Director – Product & Solutions Marketing @clarkepatterson
  • 3. 3© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Agenda • Our relationship with data is changing • Success getting harder to ignore • How to build a Modern Data Strategy
  • 4. 4© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Let’s go to the polls! • How would you rate your experience with Hadoop today? a. We’re thinking about it, haven’t started yet b. We just got going, not yet in production c. We’re in production for 1 or 2 projects within 1 or 2 departments d. We are advanced, running many use cases across the organization in production
  • 5. 5© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. “Something interesting is happening” The world’s largest taxi company owns ZERO vehicles. The world’s largest accommodation provider owns ZERO real estate. The world’s most popular media owner creates ZERO content. The world’s leading music platform owns no music.
  • 6. 6© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Our relationship with data is changing.
  • 7. 7© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. “80% of CEOs cite data mining and analytics as strategically important.” -2015 PWC CEO Survey
  • 9. 9© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Let’s go to the polls! • What key business initiative are your big data project(s) aligned to? a. Driving customer insight (eg. Single view of customer, next best offer) b. Improving product & services efficiency (eg. Better product quality, faster product innovation) c. Lowering business risks (eg. Cybersecurity, fraud) d. All of the above e. None of the above/I don’t know
  • 10. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa10 Copyright © Informa PLC Why Big Data?  Full fidelity data access  Start with data in its native format, without losing context to fit rigid database schema  Make the window larger  Greater breadth & depth provides the big picture  Analytic flexibility  Work with the data format and analytic path of choice  Deliver tangible results  Improved Business Forecasting based on all of the data, not just a sampling  Better Customer 360 views, through all of the channels where your customers are active – not just your CRM or call center system  Improved security/threat detection via advanced techniques such as machine learning for ID’ing signals from data sets too large for humans to digest unaided
  • 11. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa11 Copyright © Informa PLC Perception: Big Data is only for elite practitioners
  • 12. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa12 Copyright © Informa PLC Success getting harder to ignore
  • 13. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa13 Copyright © Informa PLC Many Businesses Using AI Without Realizing It Information Week 7/21/2016 88% of those who denied using AI solutions reported that they rely on services or products powered by AI techniques Finding ROI in a swirl of data analytics Computerworld 9/2/2015 Integrating health records with geospatial data helps clinicians target safety campaigns. "What GIS mapping allowed us to do is identify the hotspots where injuries were occurring and map them out." Genomic research and precision medicine are on the leading edge of cancer research and treatment, but the huge size of the data sets and the complexity of sharing those data sets among researchers thwarts progress. Here's one project that is aiming to remove those obstacles Can Big Data help cure cancer? Information Week 7/19/2016
  • 14. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa14 Copyright © Informa PLC Changing the manufacturing business  From manufacturing to services. Ford transforming itself to “transportation services company” that may change the car buyer relationship GE bets future on the industrial internet with predictive analytics & optimization software helping customers increase yields From buying a product … To buying the service that the product delivers
  • 15. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa15 Copyright © Informa PLC Optimizing healthcare delivery  Large regional healthcare system uses big data analytics to segment 150,000-patient population  Building data lake comprising EHRs, clinical data, third party syndicated data leveraging Hadoop’s schema-on- read flexibility  Schema on read speeds data exploration, open new analytics paths  Clinical segmentation initiative based on age, gender, disease, care delivery, payer type, geography, and healthcare utilization patterns to drive care management  With precise segmentation, clinical resources are focused on highest risk patients Know Your customer initiative to improve patient care
  • 16. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa16 Copyright © Informa PLC Retailer tunes into social media to gain customer visibility  Listening to social media to understand customer perceptions, yield actionable insights  Can customers find the products they need?  Are promotions effective?  What store policies are effective?  Challenge: cutting through “the noise” –  80% of tweets not relevant to the retailer  Results:  Reduced social media noise to 20%  Improved tracing of trending topics  Improved decision productivity and ability to listen in real time
  • 17. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa17 Copyright © Informa PLC How to isolate signal from the noise? Here’s what 29 million tweets can teach us about Brexit Washington Post 7/20/2016 Technology is monitoring the Urban Landscape NY Times 7/20/2016 In uncertain times, CEOs Lose Faith in Forecasts With Brexit to the rise of Donald Trump, business leaders have made have made them wary of expert predictions Wall Street Journal 7/12/2016 Trump’s Big Data Gamble While he tweets to the masses, Hillary will be precisely targeting persuadable voters. Wall Street Journal 7/25/2016
  • 18. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa18 Copyright © Informa PLC “Big Data Must become a First Class Citizen in the enterprise” “Big Data cannot exist on its own island” Where we started…
  • 19. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa19 Copyright © Informa PLC The Big Data conversation has changed  Big Data & Hadoop Adoption: Moving from Early Adopters to Early Majority  Use cases Familiar business problems – Moving from clickstream optimization to Customer 360, Fraud Prevention, Operational Efficiency  Hadoop maturing Becoming more diverse, mature, well-rounded & joining the data platform ecosystem From batch MapReduce to SQL, streaming, machine learning, graph analytics
  • 20. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa20 Copyright © Informa PLC The Big Data conversation has changed  Big Data & Hadoop Adoption: Moving from Early Adopters to Early Majority  Use cases Familiar business problems – Moving from clickstream optimization to Customer 360, Fraud Prevention, Operational Efficiency  Hadoop maturing Becoming more diverse, mature, well-rounded & joining the data platform ecosystem From batch MapReduce to SQL, streaming, machine learning, graph analytics Build a Modern Data Strategy
  • 21. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa21 Copyright © Informa PLC How to build a Modern Data Strategy?
  • 22. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa22 Copyright © Informa PLC How to build a Modern Data Strategy? What is a Modern Data Strategy? How to get there?
  • 23. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa23 Copyright © Informa PLC How to build a Modern Data Strategy? People, Process & Technology
  • 24. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa24 Copyright © Informa PLC How to build a Modern Data Strategy? People Put the business first It’s a team sport Manage:  Plan for making the data accessible – and secure  Plan for making analytics pervasive Explore:  Iterate, share & collaborate Apply  Make discoveries & insights operational IT Ops, InfoSec, DBA, ETL Data Team BI, Analysts, Data Scientists “Business” Users Anyone Manage Explore Apply
  • 25. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa25 Copyright © Informa PLC How to build a Modern Data Strategy? Process Be agile – implementation will be a learning experience  Form hypotheses, but go where the data leads Plan for governance  Data & analytics will be shared resources Governance is an iterative process  ID the starting point that is right for your organization Collect, Create, Manage unlimited data Explore, Analyze data in many ways Operationalize insights to drive action Gather, Imagine Discover, Query Make actionable
  • 26. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa26 Copyright © Informa PLC How to build a Modern Data Strategy? Technology Keep your options open  Add new data sources, more complex analytics, real-time ingest & consume over time  Fail fast… is good! Preserve your tracks…. Keep your metadata!  Data lineage is critical! Start small, build on success  Allow the learning process to go viral  Collaborate, communicate success… and failure  Land & expand Collect, Create, Manage unlimited data Explore, Analyze data in many ways Operationalize insights to drive action
  • 27. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa27 Copyright © Informa PLC Start small, build on success Group Multi-department Enterprise Log analytics Sentiment Analysis DW offload Data Lake Exploratory Analytics Line of business analytic applications Operational analytics A Data Lake is the culmination of your journey, not the start
  • 28. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa28 Copyright © Informa PLC Evolve the use cases Land & Expand Start with high- impact, line-of- business applications…. Group Multi-department Enterprise Customer 360 Intrusion Detection Ad optimization Cross- departmental applications Customer segmentation Cybersecurity Operations Management
  • 29. Ovum | TMT intelligence | informa29 Copyright © Informa PLC Modern Data Strategy – Where to go from here? Assess your business needs Where are the points of pain? Bottom line or top line? Where are the missing signals? Do you have the right data? Assess where you are Skills readiness – data, technology, ability to communicate Infrastructure readiness Who are the change agents?  Where to start? ID “low hanging fruit” where you can get tangible, high impact benefits Group Multi-department Enterprise
  • 30. 30© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Let’s go to the polls! • What are you most concerned about when it comes to your readiness for big data and Hadoop? a. People b. Process c. Technology d. All of the above e. None of the above
  • 31. 31© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Three core enterprise data applications Operational Efficiency New Business Value Programmatic data processing and data pipeline creation. Data Engineering Explore, analyze, and understand all your data. Analytic Database Data-driven applications to deliver real-time insights. Operational Database
  • 32. 32© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Data Engineering Build the pipelines to feed your decision making and harness real-time and interactive data with ease. Get access to data faster to build and refine analytic models in real-time. Implement complex machine learning functionality. Easy cross segment collaboration with active auditing and lineage tracking throughout the platform. Programmatic Pipeline Creation Exploratory Data Science Rich Developer Experience
  • 33. 33© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. RelayHealth builds predictive models for when payments to healthcare providers will be received, improving their cash flow.
  • 34. 34© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Analytic Database Web, social, and external data continues to be collected but out of reach for analysis. Tap into the value of all data Democratization of Data New requirements require analytics on streaming, rapidly changing, and real-time data Real-time Analysis Optimize your data warehouse infrastructure, enabling more data to more users than ever before, across environments Modernize Data Warehouse
  • 35. 35© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Re-Platformed 2,000 Systems onto Cloudera for Centralized View Challenge: • Improve ETL processing, extend data retention, and enable new use cases Solution: • Centralized, multi-tenant environment for unified customer view across business units • Increased data velocity for ETL by 15x (process 5x the data in 1/3 the time) • 200-250% ROI & take on new projects quicker, at a lower cost
  • 36. 36© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Operational Database Self Service BI and analytics capabilities delivered directly to end users. Identifying meaningful events based on multiple data streams and taking action. Determine credit worthiness and optimize bad debt collection activities based on data. Embedded Applications Complex Event Processing Model Scoring
  • 37. 37© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Western Union reveals correlations between exchange rates and transaction volumes in specific communities.
  • 38. 38© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Cloud growth fueling Hadoop use cases Requirements to move from POCs to enterprise use cases - Security - Portability - Flexibility - Ecosystem support
  • 39. 39© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. What’s driving Hadoop to the cloud? Data Gravity Flexible Resourcing Enterprise Acceptance
  • 40. 40© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Common workloads in the cloud Only pay for what you need, when you need it ▪ Transient clusters ▪ Elastic workload ▪ Object storage centric ▪ Cloud-native deployment ETL/Modeling (Data Engineering) App Delivery (Operational Database) Reduce Operating Costs New Insights, New Revenue Run Without Risk BI/Analytics (Analytic Database) Explore and analyze all data, wherever it lives ▪ Long-running clusters ▪ Sized to demand ▪ HDFS or object storage ▪ Lift-and-shift deployment Enterprise-grade to protect your business, no matter what ▪ Fixed clusters ▪ Periodic sync ▪ All HDFS storage ▪ Lift-and-shift deployment
  • 41. 41© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Let’s go to the polls! • To what degree are you using Hadoop in the cloud? a. Not using nor any plans at this time b. Planning on it in the next 6 months c. We’re already running some test projects in the cloud d. Some of our workloads are in the cloud e. All of our workloads are in the cloud
  • 42. 42© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Key Takeaways • Big Data analytics is the new table stakes… no longer limited to early adopters • Build a Modern Data Strategy that focuses on people & process… not only technology! • Focus on tangible business cases… you’re not conducting data science experiments! • Assemble the right team • Stay agile… Rome was not built in a day • Plan for making data accessible, governable, and keep your metadata! • Plan for making analytics pervasive
  • 43. 43© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Thank you!