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From Customer
Insights to Action
Ruurd Dam, November 2015
2Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
In a world of connected people and things …
1,820TB of Data created
# Source: World Economic Forum
*Source: Gartner
168 Million+ emails sent 98,000+ tweets
11Million instant messages
217 new mobile web users
25 Billion Connected
"Things" in use in 2020*
3,5 Billion Cars
13,2 Billion consumer
695,000 status
698,445 Google searches
2.5 Billion social
network users in 2018
3Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
… the new data landscape is the centerpiece of digital change ……
Data Landscape
No limit to volume
No limit to structure
No limit to analyzing
No limit to timing
4Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
Worldwide we see a four strategic ‘data plays’ for businesses and
BI factories, MDM
Big Data
(looking back)
(predictive, prescriptive)
Existing Data Landscape New Data Landscape
5Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
Today we will do a deep dive into 3 out of 7
Insights & Data Principles
Unleash Data and
Make Insight-driven
Value a Crucial
Business KPI
Empower your People
with Insights at the
Point of Action
Develop an Enterprise
Data Science Culture
Master Governance,
Security and Privacy of
your Data Assets
Enable your Data
Landscape for the
Flood coming from
Connected People and
Embark on the Journey
to Insights within your
Business and
Technology Context
1 2 3
6Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
Master Governance, Security and Privacy of your
Data Assets
Source: Capgemini Consulting Report – Cracking the data
conundrum: How successful companies make Big Data
Lack of strong data management
and governance mechanisms is
one of the greatest obstacles to
the success of insight-driven
54% no IT-business joint
projects for Big Data
47% scattered pockets of
resources / follow a
decentralized model for
analytics initiatives
53% no top-down
approach for Big Data
strategy development
54% 47% 53%
Industrialize & mature
your data processes &
organization, using industry
best practices, to increase
productivity, agility &
Develop a healthy risk
appetite to ensure end-
to-end security and
privacy of your data
assets, while staying
Engineer a
governance mix that
fits your culture,
balancing central and
de-central, top-down
and bottom-up
Define policies
and procedures
for management
of data assets
Develop Big Data
Set up the
base for
Big Data initiatives
Establish a
Big Data Operating
Data is an invaluable
asset. You need a
high-performance data
organization that
embraces privacy and
security, is equipped to
meet both current and
future enterprise needs
and mirrors the
dynamics of the
7Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
• Save people life’s
• Better maintenance
• Higher traffic security
• Bigger yields
• Invest smarter
• Invasion of privacy
• Lack of transparancy
• Monetization of data
..however..we are strange people….
EU Privacy regulations: are data blessing or curse?
Source: Wij zijn Big Data,
Sander Klous, Nart Wielaard
8Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
The answer to privacy has perhaps something to do with profit ánd
people and planet..
Source: Wij zijn Big Data,
Sander Klous, Nart Wielaard
Achmea geeft premiekorting voor
data van klant, FD, vandaag
9Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
Develop an Enterprise Data Science Culture
Data science –
a relatively unknown
Skills and competencies
are scarce
To change the enterprise
mindset to leverage data
Enterprise Data
Science Framework
Value of analytics often stays
purely conceptual - to the
A data-embracing culture does
not come naturally, even when
it’s part of the strategy
Data Prep
Selection &
Design &
Objectives &
optimization &
Data inventory
collection &
solution within
the system
Combine business
acumen, analytical
skills and
Systematically build
and acquire the
required data science
Provide hands-on
experience with analytics
- in real action – to get
stakeholders involved
and committed
Speeding up business value through
affordable real-time analytics
Analytics Accelerator
Data science unlocks
Making everybody in
the enterprise a bit of a
‘data scientist’ requires
nothing less than
culture change. An
organization that has a
data science -led
culture, can truly
10Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
Data Science is the interplay of data, business process,
technology and statistics
1 Industry/Vertical
expertise and
Customer focused
2 Domain / Functional
Expertise (DCX,
Sales, Customer
Service, Marketing)
3 Business Analysis
4 Solution Design
5 Pre-sales skills/
Presentation and
6 Ability to build
7 Machine Learning /
8 Statistics
9 Simulation and
10 Data profiling
11 Data Preparation
and Mining tools
(e.g. SAS Base,
12 Visualization and
Tableau, SAS VA
13 Ability to perform
data science on
Big Data, Hadoop
14 Digital Analytics
(Adobe, Google
Analytics, IBM
digital analytics)
11Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
Empower your People with Insights at the Point of Action
Making the right insights
available at the right time at the
right place to the right person is
Organizations face the scarcity
of data science, deep sector
knowledge & technological
Perception of the digital
transformation ambitions and
challenges may not be uniform
across all business units
Understanding of how
insights can be
seamlessly integrated at
the point of action is rare
Make sure you leverage your
market and industry expertise
at the business side to select
key Insights
Validate the value of your
selected Insights by
piloting them quickly –
right at the point of action
Never stop your quest for
insights: Build on your
experience to find more and
better opportunities
Identify insights to incite action on the
spot to drastically improve customer
experience, optimize operations and
reinvent business models
All organizations are a
series of decision
points, both at the
macro and micro level.
Empower your people
with timely insights to
make those decisions
better and transform
your business.
Mastering ‘Insights
Inside’ is the essence of
the journey.
12Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
Customer Value Analytics (CVA) – to make a fact based and decisive
impact on customer journeys
More selling, more effective marketing and improved customer experience
Acquire new customers by
implementing innovative
customer sourcing/profiling
Retain customers by
identifying churn drivers and
building churn propensity
Increase profitability of the
existing customer base by
building cross sell, up sell
or next best action models
Digital Channel
Pre-qualification &
Customized Offering
Customer Service
Receive Service
Cross Sell/Up SellAdvice/Need
Lead Generation/
13Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
CVA is the science and art of converting data into insight that
can be used to drive a great customer experience
“I can explore my
customer data, but is it
“How frequently and
recently are customers
“How likely is a customer
to respond to my offer?”
“What is the next best
action for a customer?”
Value extracted from Information
The five stages of analytics maturity
“Why do the performance
reports from my teams
e Analytics
14Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
With clients we make a first selection of applicable use cases
using Customer Value Analytics prioritization matrixBUSINESSVALUE
Phase 1Phase 2
Phase 3
2 11
38 29
Business Value Levers: Increase Sales, Reduce Cost, Improve Working Capital
Ease of Implementation Levers: Data / Tool readiness, dependency on 3rd party, organizational readiness & alignment etc
# Insights & Data Capability # Insights & Data Capability
1 Standardized Reporting 23 Program ROI
2 Ad-hoc Analytics 24 Shopper Targeting
Household Segmentation (Protect,
Recover, Develop Strategies)
25 Sweepstakes
4 Store Segmentation 26 Net Value Cost Analysis
5 Trip Mission / Market Basket 27 Exclusivity & Loyalty
6 Shopper Insights 28 Effective Pricing
7 Test & Control Identification 29 Promo Decomposition
8 Retail Labs (R&D) 30 Household Segmentation
9 Assortment Optimization 31 Category / HH Targeting
10 Brand & Pkg Switching 32 Assortment Optimization
11 Out-of-Shelf Analytics 33 Product Lifecycle Management
Plan-o-gram optimization,
Development & Space Management
34 Loyalty Analytics
13 New Product Introduction / Adoption 35 Customer Group Analysis
14 Replenishment Planning 36 Neural Net Demand Forecasting
15 Top Shopper Identification 37 SC Network Optimization
16 Product Affinities 38 Promotion Decomposition with ROI
17 Household Exclusivity & Loyalty 39 Vendor Performance
Digital Analytics (e-com, social
media etc).
40 Working Capital Analytics
19 Campaign Analytics 41 Store Layout Optimization
20 Customer Lifetime Value 42 Predictive Asset Maintenance
21 Customer Churn 43 Recruitment Effectiveness
22 Cross Sell / Up Sell
15Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
selecting use
1 day
Business &
Data Value1
3 weeks
Proof of
8 weeks
'Fail fast, fail early'
A Silicon Valley mantra
An Insights Driven Journey is “to think big, start small and grow fast”
16Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
Marketing Analytics & Campaign Management for
UK Retail Client
The objective was to design an analytical platform that could enable business and statistical analysts to mine
data and derive insights for new marketing campaigns
 New platform will drive market position
by enabling
 Cross-functional data available in one
 Analytics and data mining to understand
customer behavior
 Complex campaign design and
 Effective and efficient delivery of
analytics and campaign management
services via Capgemini’s Right Shore
 The client, wanted to enhance their
marketing analytics and campaign
management platform for two of their in-
house brands
 Current campaign management platform
lacks analytical capability and can run
only basic campaigns. Campaign
tracking and response modeling is also
 No integrated source of marketing and
customer information. Several disparate
 Analytical insights and models to be
integrated with campaign management
 Integrated platform to design
campaigns, allocate budgets, coordinate
implementation and measure response
 IBM SPSS for analytics; IBM UNICA
for campaign management, Oracle
11g for Marketing DB
 Analytic enablers to build Response
models, Churn models and share of
wallet analysis
 Analytic enablers in building behavior
analysis for effective target segment
 Analytic enablers to design end to end
campaign management platform
Tools used
 Model Development – IBM SPSS
 Model Deployment – Oracle, IBM
Unica Campaign
High level architecture design for
the new environment
17Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
Propensity Models and facilitated Event-Based Marketing to identify
Home & Car Insurance Prospects for a leading Norwegian Insurer
The objective was to predict the propensity of a Bank/Pensions customer to purchase home or car insurance
products in order to enhance the conversion rate of cross-sales efforts
 A set of 8 distinct logistic regression
models that predicted the probability for
each Bank and Pensions customer to
purchase a home or car insurance
 The model indicated that 35% of non-
customers could be potential purchasers
of home or car insurance products
 Data insights around the profile of
existing home and car insurance
customers vs. non- customers
 Hypothesis testing based on variables
that reflect the customers’ decision
 The propensity to purchase was
calculated in the form of probability for
each customer using binary logistic
No. of Customers
(1000s) by Gender
Male Female
No. of Customers
(1000s) by Age
<= 28 28 - 44
Data Cleaning &
Missing Value
Active Only
Non-Customers 62% 35%
Customers 1% 2%
N = 1 Customer has Car/Home Insurance
N = 0
Customer does not have Car/Home
Before I/A Grouping After I/A Grouping After Dropping Vars After Dropping Vars 2After Dropping Vars 3
Model Performance Analysis
Feature Importance Model
17% 83%
11% 89%
18Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved
Presentation Title | Date
Digital Analytics helped a leading Global CPG player achieve a
2x improvement in online campaign reach and effectiveness
The objective was to monitor online visitor behavior through real-tile listening and help the client team to fine-
tune its online messages and content. This helped the client to improve the campaign reach and engagement
 The analysis enabled the client to fine-
tune website content in real-time and
thereby engage better with their target
 The analysis identified which segments
and geographies responded best to the
 The analysis helped the client allocate
more content to sites with higher traffic
and also coordinate channel integration
 Resulted in 2.5x increase in reach and
2x increase in engagement levels
 Resulted in lowest cost per engagement
for online channel relative to traditional
media channels
 The client was undertaking multiple
online campaigns across its micro site
and social media channels for the a
marketing event spanning 4 days.
 The Analytics team had to work closely
with the client’s media-buying, creative
and brand teams to analyze real-time
online visitor communication and
suggest appropriate response strategies
 The methodology involved creation of
customized profiles for the micro site
using Google Analytics & configuration
of social media listening tools to capture
visitor behavior on the micro site (with a
lag) and on social media channels (real-
 The listening tools also identified
potential influencers on a real time basis
Thank You

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From Customer Insights to Action

  • 1. From Customer Insights to Action Ruurd Dam, November 2015
  • 2. 2Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date In a world of connected people and things … 1,820TB of Data created # Source: World Economic Forum *Source: Gartner 168 Million+ emails sent 98,000+ tweets 11Million instant messages 217 new mobile web users 25 Billion Connected "Things" in use in 2020* 3,5 Billion Cars 13,2 Billion consumer devices 695,000 status updates 698,445 Google searches 2.5 Billion social network users in 2018
  • 3. 3Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date … the new data landscape is the centerpiece of digital change …… IoTMobile Cloud Social Media New Data Landscape No limit to volume No limit to structure No limit to analyzing No limit to timing
  • 4. 4Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date Worldwide we see a four strategic ‘data plays’ for businesses and organizations Insights-as-a-Service Platform BI factories, MDM 1 Big Data 2 Insights 3 4 BusinessTechnology Reporting (looking back) Insights (predictive, prescriptive) Existing Data Landscape New Data Landscape
  • 5. 5Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date Today we will do a deep dive into 3 out of 7 Insights & Data Principles Unleash Data and Insights as-a-service Make Insight-driven Value a Crucial Business KPI Empower your People with Insights at the Point of Action Develop an Enterprise Data Science Culture Master Governance, Security and Privacy of your Data Assets Enable your Data Landscape for the Flood coming from Connected People and Things Embark on the Journey to Insights within your Business and Technology Context 1 2 3 7654
  • 6. 6Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date Master Governance, Security and Privacy of your Data Assets H U R D L E S HOWTOGETTHERE? Source: Capgemini Consulting Report – Cracking the data conundrum: How successful companies make Big Data operational. Lack of strong data management and governance mechanisms is one of the greatest obstacles to the success of insight-driven business. 54% no IT-business joint projects for Big Data initiatives 47% scattered pockets of resources / follow a decentralized model for analytics initiatives 53% no top-down approach for Big Data strategy development 54% 47% 53% Industrialize & mature your data processes & organization, using industry best practices, to increase productivity, agility & manageability Develop a healthy risk appetite to ensure end- to-end security and privacy of your data assets, while staying outcome-focused Engineer a governance mix that fits your culture, balancing central and de-central, top-down and bottom-up Define policies and procedures for management of data assets Develop Big Data competencies Set up the technological base for Big Data initiatives Establish a robust governance framework Big Data Operating Model Data is an invaluable asset. You need a high-performance data organization that embraces privacy and security, is equipped to meet both current and future enterprise needs and mirrors the dynamics of the enterprise. ORGANIZATION
  • 7. 7Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date • Save people life’s • Better maintenance • Higher traffic security • Bigger yields • Invest smarter •……. • Invasion of privacy • Lack of transparancy • Monetization of data •… •… •….. ..however..we are strange people…. EU Privacy regulations: are data blessing or curse? Source: Wij zijn Big Data, Sander Klous, Nart Wielaard
  • 8. 8Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date The answer to privacy has perhaps something to do with profit ánd people and planet.. Source: Wij zijn Big Data, Sander Klous, Nart Wielaard Achmea geeft premiekorting voor data van klant, FD, vandaag
  • 9. 9Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date Develop an Enterprise Data Science Culture H U R D L E S HOWTOGETTHERE? Data science – a relatively unknown area Skills and competencies are scarce To change the enterprise mindset to leverage data science Enterprise Data Science Framework SOLUTIONS Value of analytics often stays purely conceptual - to the uninitiated A data-embracing culture does not come naturally, even when it’s part of the strategy Data Prep Selection & Cleansing Modeling Design & development Define Objectives & Levers Simulation optimization & Evaluation Data inventory collection & Understanding Deployment solution within the system Combine business acumen, analytical skills and technology expertise Systematically build and acquire the required data science capabilities Provide hands-on experience with analytics - in real action – to get stakeholders involved and committed Speeding up business value through affordable real-time analytics Analytics Accelerator Data science unlocks insights. Making everybody in the enterprise a bit of a ‘data scientist’ requires nothing less than culture change. An organization that has a data science -led culture, can truly become insight-led CULTURE
  • 10. 10Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date Data Science is the interplay of data, business process, technology and statistics 1 Industry/Vertical expertise and Customer focused 2 Domain / Functional Expertise (DCX, Sales, Customer Service, Marketing) 3 Business Analysis 4 Solution Design 5 Pre-sales skills/ Presentation and Communication Business Skills 6 Ability to build Prototypes (Presales engineer) 7 Machine Learning / Modeling 8 Statistics /Mathematics 9 Simulation and optimization 10 Data profiling 11 Data Preparation and Mining tools (e.g. SAS Base, EG, R, SQL) 12 Visualization and design (Microstrategy, Tableau, SAS VA 13 Ability to perform data science on Big Data, Hadoop (Pivotal/Cloudera) 14 Digital Analytics (Adobe, Google Analytics, IBM digital analytics) Research Skills Technology Skills
  • 11. 11Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date Empower your People with Insights at the Point of Action H U R D L E S HOWTOGETTHERE? Making the right insights available at the right time at the right place to the right person is critical Organizations face the scarcity of data science, deep sector knowledge & technological expertise Perception of the digital transformation ambitions and challenges may not be uniform across all business units Understanding of how insights can be seamlessly integrated at the point of action is rare Make sure you leverage your market and industry expertise at the business side to select key Insights Validate the value of your selected Insights by piloting them quickly – right at the point of action Never stop your quest for insights: Build on your experience to find more and better opportunities Identify insights to incite action on the spot to drastically improve customer experience, optimize operations and reinvent business models All organizations are a series of decision points, both at the macro and micro level. Empower your people with timely insights to make those decisions better and transform your business. Mastering ‘Insights Inside’ is the essence of the journey. INSIGHTS
  • 12. 12Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date Customer Value Analytics (CVA) – to make a fact based and decisive impact on customer journeys More selling, more effective marketing and improved customer experience Global Swedish Retailer ACQUIRE Acquire new customers by implementing innovative customer sourcing/profiling models AVOID FADING AND ATTRITION Retain customers by identifying churn drivers and building churn propensity models GROW SHARE OF WALLET Increase profitability of the existing customer base by building cross sell, up sell or next best action models Digital Channel Migration Pre-qualification & Customized Offering Acquisition Customer Service Retention Promotion Awareness Transactions Information Activation Receive Service Cross Sell/Up SellAdvice/Need Renew Explore/ Experience Lead Generation/ Campaign Management
  • 13. 13Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date CVA is the science and art of converting data into insight that can be used to drive a great customer experience “I can explore my customer data, but is it correct?” “How frequently and recently are customers buying?” “How likely is a customer to respond to my offer?” “What is the next best action for a customer?” Value extracted from Information CompetitiveAdvantage The five stages of analytics maturity “Why do the performance reports from my teams disagree?” Reporting Descriptive Analytics Predictive Analytics Prescriptiv e Analytics
  • 14. 14Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date With clients we make a first selection of applicable use cases using Customer Value Analytics prioritization matrixBUSINESSVALUE Phase 1Phase 2 Phase 3 High Low Difficult EasyEASE OF IMPLEMENTATION 5 23 2 11 1 9 4 8 7 6 12 3 19 18 15 14 13 20 16 10 43 38 29 28 27 26 25 24 22 2117 39 37 36 35 31 3042 41 40 32 34 Business Value Levers: Increase Sales, Reduce Cost, Improve Working Capital Ease of Implementation Levers: Data / Tool readiness, dependency on 3rd party, organizational readiness & alignment etc # Insights & Data Capability # Insights & Data Capability 1 Standardized Reporting 23 Program ROI 2 Ad-hoc Analytics 24 Shopper Targeting 3 Household Segmentation (Protect, Recover, Develop Strategies) 25 Sweepstakes 4 Store Segmentation 26 Net Value Cost Analysis 5 Trip Mission / Market Basket 27 Exclusivity & Loyalty 6 Shopper Insights 28 Effective Pricing 7 Test & Control Identification 29 Promo Decomposition 8 Retail Labs (R&D) 30 Household Segmentation 9 Assortment Optimization 31 Category / HH Targeting 10 Brand & Pkg Switching 32 Assortment Optimization 11 Out-of-Shelf Analytics 33 Product Lifecycle Management 12 Plan-o-gram optimization, Development & Space Management 34 Loyalty Analytics 13 New Product Introduction / Adoption 35 Customer Group Analysis 14 Replenishment Planning 36 Neural Net Demand Forecasting 15 Top Shopper Identification 37 SC Network Optimization 16 Product Affinities 38 Promotion Decomposition with ROI 17 Household Exclusivity & Loyalty 39 Vendor Performance 18 Digital Analytics (e-com, social media etc). 40 Working Capital Analytics 19 Campaign Analytics 41 Store Layout Optimization 20 Customer Lifetime Value 42 Predictive Asset Maintenance 21 Customer Churn 43 Recruitment Effectiveness 22 Cross Sell / Up Sell
  • 15. 15Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date PALLAS- Capgemini selecting use cases 0 1 day Business & Data Value1 3 weeks Proof of Value2 8 weeks 'Fail fast, fail early' A Silicon Valley mantra An Insights Driven Journey is “to think big, start small and grow fast”
  • 16. 16Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date Marketing Analytics & Campaign Management for UK Retail Client The objective was to design an analytical platform that could enable business and statistical analysts to mine data and derive insights for new marketing campaigns  New platform will drive market position by enabling  Cross-functional data available in one place  Analytics and data mining to understand customer behavior  Complex campaign design and management  Effective and efficient delivery of analytics and campaign management services via Capgemini’s Right Shore framework  The client, wanted to enhance their marketing analytics and campaign management platform for two of their in- house brands  Current campaign management platform lacks analytical capability and can run only basic campaigns. Campaign tracking and response modeling is also limited  No integrated source of marketing and customer information. Several disparate sources  Analytical insights and models to be integrated with campaign management platform  Integrated platform to design campaigns, allocate budgets, coordinate implementation and measure response  IBM SPSS for analytics; IBM UNICA for campaign management, Oracle 11g for Marketing DB  Analytic enablers to build Response models, Churn models and share of wallet analysis  Analytic enablers in building behavior analysis for effective target segment identification  Analytic enablers to design end to end campaign management platform BUSINESS / DATA CHALLENGES SOLUTION BENEFITS Tools used  Model Development – IBM SPSS Modeler  Model Deployment – Oracle, IBM Unica Campaign High level architecture design for the new environment
  • 17. 17Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date Propensity Models and facilitated Event-Based Marketing to identify Home & Car Insurance Prospects for a leading Norwegian Insurer The objective was to predict the propensity of a Bank/Pensions customer to purchase home or car insurance products in order to enhance the conversion rate of cross-sales efforts  A set of 8 distinct logistic regression models that predicted the probability for each Bank and Pensions customer to purchase a home or car insurance product  The model indicated that 35% of non- customers could be potential purchasers of home or car insurance products  Data insights around the profile of existing home and car insurance customers vs. non- customers  Hypothesis testing based on variables that reflect the customers’ decision journey  The propensity to purchase was calculated in the form of probability for each customer using binary logistic regression BUSINESS / DATA CHALLENGES SOLUTION BENEFITS 22% 78% No. of Customers (1000s) by Gender Male Female Holders Non-Holders 9% 30 % 40 % 21 % No. of Customers (1000s) by Age Group <= 28 28 - 44 Data Cleaning & Structuring Missing Value Treatment Hypothesis Testing Active Only Customers Predicted Non- Customers Predicted Customers Non-Customers 62% 35% Customers 1% 2% N = 1 Customer has Car/Home Insurance N = 0 Customer does not have Car/Home Insurance 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Before I/A Grouping After I/A Grouping After Dropping Vars After Dropping Vars 2After Dropping Vars 3 Lift(Training) Lift(Testing) ROC Model Performance Analysis Feature Importance Model Accuracy 17% 83% Car Insuranc e 11% 89% House Insuranc e
  • 18. 18Copyright © Capgemini 2015. All Rights Reserved Presentation Title | Date Digital Analytics helped a leading Global CPG player achieve a 2x improvement in online campaign reach and effectiveness The objective was to monitor online visitor behavior through real-tile listening and help the client team to fine- tune its online messages and content. This helped the client to improve the campaign reach and engagement  The analysis enabled the client to fine- tune website content in real-time and thereby engage better with their target audience  The analysis identified which segments and geographies responded best to the campaign  The analysis helped the client allocate more content to sites with higher traffic and also coordinate channel integration  Resulted in 2.5x increase in reach and 2x increase in engagement levels  Resulted in lowest cost per engagement for online channel relative to traditional media channels  The client was undertaking multiple online campaigns across its micro site and social media channels for the a marketing event spanning 4 days.  The Analytics team had to work closely with the client’s media-buying, creative and brand teams to analyze real-time online visitor communication and suggest appropriate response strategies  The methodology involved creation of customized profiles for the micro site using Google Analytics & configuration of social media listening tools to capture visitor behavior on the micro site (with a lag) and on social media channels (real- time)  The listening tools also identified potential influencers on a real time basis BUSINESS / DATA CHALLENGES SOLUTION BENEFITS