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MDX- Basics  Bragadishwaran U
MDX* – Basics ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],* MDX – primarily Microsoft SSAS  cubes . (Also applicable to Hyperion  Essbase to  a large extent )
Understanding Dimensionality of Data representation ,[object Object],Account Year Investment 1 2010 100 2 2009 80 Account Investment 1 100 2 80 Account Year Product Investment 1 2010 A 100 2 2009 B 80
Understanding Dimensionality of Data representation ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Columns (first dimension )  Rows (second dimension) “ So, what does exactly the word table mean?” “Ah, that’s just acronym for two-dimensional cube!” (From conversation of two DBAs in 2000) Account Year Investment 1 2010 100 2 2009 80
MDX Dimensionality  MDX queries arrange Cube Dimensions on the Representation Dimensions ( hereafter referred as ‘Axis’ to avoid confusion ) e.g. retrieve Planned GSV measure for accounts E4098,E4398. select     {   [Measures].[Planned GSV] }  on  0, { [Account].[Account Code].[E4098:47] ,[Account].[Account Code].[E4398:47]   }  on  1 from  [Cube REPORTING]
MDX Query – Axis Framework MDX queries arrange Cube Dimensions on the Representation Dimensions ( hereafter referred as ‘Axis’ to avoid confusion ) e.g. retrieve Planned GSV measure for accounts E4098,E4398. select     {   [Measures].[Planned GSV] }  on   columns , { [Account].[Account Code].[E4098:47] ,[Account].[Account Code].[E4398:47]   }  on   rows from  [Cube REPORTING] MDX provides names for each axis (till 4)
MDX query – Axis Framework MDX queries primarily  define Axis's  select     { something }  on   Axis (0), { Something else   }  on   Axis (1), from  [cube name] e.g.  select   { [Account].[Account Code].[E4098:47] ,[Account].[Account Code].[E4398:47] } on   Axis (0), { [Measures].[Planned GSV]  }  on   Axis (1) from  [Cube REPORTING]
MDX query – Axis Framework MDX queries primarily  define Axis's  select     { something }  on   Axis (0), { Something else   }  on   Axis (1), from  [cube name] Something  ? Something = set or tuple Also note the structure of the basic MDX query
MDX query – tuple and SETS Tuples A  tuple  is a combination of members from one or more dimensions ->  not more than 1 member from a dimension  ( same rule as co-ordinate geometry ) * -> Many ways are there to specify a member. e.g. ( [Measures].[Planned GSV] ,[Time].[2010 HalfYear 1]  ) ( [Measures].[Planned GSV] ,[Time].&[64]) SETS A Set is an ordered collection of Tuples. select   { [Account].[Account Code].[E4098:47] ,[Account].[Account Code].[E4398:47] } on   Axis (0), { ( [Measures].[Planned GSV] ,time.[2010 JAN]) ,( [Measures].[Planned GSV] ,[Time].[2010 HalfYear 1]  ) }  on Axis(0) () – for tuples {} – for sets * Actually its one member from each hierarchy in a dimension but lets not worry about this exception now .
Understanding  tuple Best analogy - coordinate geometry * 2D –space  Tuple of the form  (x 1 ,y 1  ) e.g. ( 3,4) Tuple like  (x 1 ,y 1  , y 2 ) or  (x 1 ,x 2  , y 2 ) are invalid  Now apply same concept to n- dimensional cube What are valid tuples ? (time.year.[2011] , Product.brand.[B1]) (time.year.[2011] , Product.brand.[B1] , time.year.[2010]) (time.year.[2011] , Product.brand.[B1], Geo.[India]) (time.year.[2011] , Product.brand.[B1], Product.brand.[B2]) * This analogy holds good except for hierarchies. Hierarchies in cube space can be considered as dimensions in Co-ordinate geometry Understanding tuples are key to thinking in MDX . We will stop here till all tuple  related queries are clarified.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
MDX query – the children function .Children -- used to express the children of a member  e.g. as per Time hierarchy – month is the child of quarter select  { Time.[2010 Quarter 1]. children  } on  0, {[Account].[E4398:47]}  on  1 from  [Cube REPORTING]
MDX query – the Descendatns function Descendants ( member  [, [  level  ] [,  flag ]] ) -- used to express the Descendant  of a  member  at a  level  Flag allows display  Select  {[Account].[E4398:47]}  on  0, {  descendants (Time.[2010],month, self ) }  on  1 from  [Cube REPORTING] Select  {[Account].[E4398:47]}  on  0, {  descendants (Time.[2010],month, self_and_before ) }  on  1 from  [Cube REPORTING]
Assignment -1 Assume the following Dimensions :  Time  :  Year <- Quarter <- Month <- Day  Product :  Dollar Sales, Unit Sales  Geo : country <- state <- city
Cross joins Concept :  Two Sets - A ,B A = {1,2,3} B = {x,y} Cross join AxB AxB = { (1,x), (2,x), (3,x), (1,y), (2,y), (3,y),} Planned GSV for 2 accounts for 3 months --  select   { (account.[Account Code].[E4098:47]), (account.[Account Code].[E4400:47]) } *  -- cross join  { time.[2010 JAN] : time.[2010 MAR]  } on  0, { [Measures].[Planned GSV] } on  1 from   [Cube REPORTING]
Filter  Concept :  Filter  ( Set , Expression ) Accounts which have more than GSV select   filter   ( (account.[Account Code]. members ), [Measures].[Planned GSV] > 10000000 ) on  0, { [Measures].[Planned GSV]  } on  1 from   [Cube REPORTING] .members  gives all members of that level
Filter  What is the meaning of this ? select   filter   ( (account.[Account Code]. members ), ([Measures].[Planned GSV] ) > 10000000 )*  -- cross join  { time.[2010 JAN] : time.[2010 MAR]  } on  0, { [Measures].[Planned GSV]  } on  1 from   [Cube REPORTING]
Filter  And this ? select   filter   ( (account.[Account Code]. members ), ([Measures].[Planned GSV] , time.[2010 JAN] ) > 10000000 )*  -- cross join  { time.[2010 JAN] : time.[2010 MAR]  } on  0, { [Measures].[Planned GSV]  } on  1 from   [Cube REPORTING] Tuple reference is one of the powerful concepts in MDX
order  Concept :  Order (set1, expression  [, ASC | DESC | BASC | BDESC]) Accounts ordered by GSV select   non   empty  ( order   ( (account.[Account Code]. members ), ([Measures].[Planned GSV] )  ) ) on  0, { [Measures].[Planned GSV]  } on  1 from   [Cube REPORTING]
Accounts ordered by ??? select   non   empty  ( order   ( (account.[Account Code]. members ), ([Measures].[Planned GSV],time.[2011 JAN] )  ) ) on  0, { [Measures].[Planned GSV]  } on  1 from   [Cube REPORTING]
The Where Clause select   from   [Cube REPORTING] where   ([Measures].[Planned GSV] ) select   from   [Cube REPORTING] where   ([Measures].[Planned GSV],time.[2010 JAN] ) select   from   [Cube REPORTING] where   ([Measures].[Planned GSV],time.[2010 JAN] ,account.[Account Code].[E4400:47] ) Note : Where clause are a good way to identify invalid tuples Tuple instead of expression used
Named Sets  : Ease of reference  with   set  [great accounts]  as   { [Account].[Account Code].[E1373:47], [Account].[Account Code].[E40301:47] }  select { [Measures].[Planned GSV] } on  0, non   empty { [great accounts] }  on  1 from  [Cube REPORTING] Also possible to create persistent named Sets  create   set  [Cube REPORTING].[test accounts]  as   { [Account].[Account Code].[E1373:47], [Account].[Account Code].[E40301:47] }
Calculated members :  the power of MDX !!!! 1. Simple Calculated members  Find the  Average sales  price  ( i.e. Total Dollar sales /  number of units sold )  for the quarters  2005 Q1 and Q2. WITH MEMBER  [Measures].[Avg Sales Price]  AS [Measures].[Dollar Sales] / [Measures].[Unit Sales] SELECT { [Measures].[Dollar Sales] [Measures].[Unit Sales] , [Measures].[Avg Sales Price] } on   columns , { [Time].[Q1, 2005] , [Time].[Q2, 2005] } on   rows FROM  Sales Simple Division used to calculate a new measure    Dollar Sales  Unit Sales  Average Sales price Q1, 2005 100 5 20 Q2, 2005 120 8 15
Calculated members :  the power of MDX !!!! 2. Calculated members  of medium complexity Find the  Quarter on quarter growth for Dollar sales and unit sales for the quarters  2005  Q2. Growth in dollar sales = 2005 Q2 Dollar sales - 2005 Q1 Dollar sales  Growth in unit sales = 2005 Q2 unit sales - 2005 Q1 unit sales  WITH MEMBER  [Time].[Q1 to Q2 Growth]  AS [Time].[Q2, 2005] - [Time].[Q1, 2005] SELECT { [Measures].[Dollar Sales] , [Measures].[Unit Sales] } on   columns , { [Time].[Q1, 2005] , [Time].[Q2, 2005] , [Time].[Q1 to Q2 Growth] } on   rows FROM  Sales WHERE  ([Customer].[MA]) How does this take care of both subtractions ?
Calculated members :  the power of MDX !!!! Precedence resolutions  Combining  previous two problems , write MDX to calculate Q1 to Q2 growth in average Sales prices WITH MEMBER  [Measures].[Avg Sales Price]  AS [Measures].[Dollar Sales] / [Measures].[Unit Sales] MEMBER  [Time].[Q1 to Q2 Growth]  AS [Time].[Q2, 2005] - [Time].[Q1, 2005] SELECT { [Measures].[Dollar Sales], [Measures].[Unit Sales], [Measures].[Avg Sales Price] } on   columns , { [Time].[Q1, 2005], [Time].[Q2, 2005], [Time].[Q1 to Q2 Growth] } on   rows FROM  [Sales]
Calculated members :  the power of MDX !!!! Precedence resolutions  Combining  previous two problems , write MDX to calculate Q1 to Q2 growth in average Sales prices WITH MEMBER  [Measures].[Avg Sales Price]  AS [Measures].[Dollar Sales] / [Measures].[Unit Sales], SOLVE_ORDER  = 0 MEMBER  [Time].[Q1 to Q2 Growth]  AS [Time].[Q2, 2005] - [Time].[Q1, 2005], SOLVE_ORDER  = 1 SELECT { [Measures].[Dollar Sales], [Measures].[Unit Sales], [Measures].[Avg Sales Price] } on   columns , { [Time].[Q1, 2005], [Time].[Q2, 2005], [Time].[Q1 to Q2 Growth] } on   rows FROM  [Sales]
Calculated members :  the power of MDX !!!! Write an MDX to get the following result Measures -> Measures.[Sales Amount], Measures.[Total Cost] Dimensions -> Phase.Actual , Phase.Planned Use normal formulas for profit , percentage margin , amount of variance, percentage of variance.
References : Most of the concepts covered in this PPT have been Distilled from the below books
© 2008 MindTree Limited Imagination   Action   Joy

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Mdx Basics

  • 1. MDX- Basics Bragadishwaran U
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. MDX Dimensionality MDX queries arrange Cube Dimensions on the Representation Dimensions ( hereafter referred as ‘Axis’ to avoid confusion ) e.g. retrieve Planned GSV measure for accounts E4098,E4398. select { [Measures].[Planned GSV] } on 0, { [Account].[Account Code].[E4098:47] ,[Account].[Account Code].[E4398:47] } on 1 from [Cube REPORTING]
  • 6. MDX Query – Axis Framework MDX queries arrange Cube Dimensions on the Representation Dimensions ( hereafter referred as ‘Axis’ to avoid confusion ) e.g. retrieve Planned GSV measure for accounts E4098,E4398. select { [Measures].[Planned GSV] } on columns , { [Account].[Account Code].[E4098:47] ,[Account].[Account Code].[E4398:47] } on rows from [Cube REPORTING] MDX provides names for each axis (till 4)
  • 7. MDX query – Axis Framework MDX queries primarily define Axis's select { something } on Axis (0), { Something else } on Axis (1), from [cube name] e.g. select { [Account].[Account Code].[E4098:47] ,[Account].[Account Code].[E4398:47] } on Axis (0), { [Measures].[Planned GSV] } on Axis (1) from [Cube REPORTING]
  • 8. MDX query – Axis Framework MDX queries primarily define Axis's select { something } on Axis (0), { Something else } on Axis (1), from [cube name] Something ? Something = set or tuple Also note the structure of the basic MDX query
  • 9. MDX query – tuple and SETS Tuples A tuple is a combination of members from one or more dimensions -> not more than 1 member from a dimension ( same rule as co-ordinate geometry ) * -> Many ways are there to specify a member. e.g. ( [Measures].[Planned GSV] ,[Time].[2010 HalfYear 1] ) ( [Measures].[Planned GSV] ,[Time].&[64]) SETS A Set is an ordered collection of Tuples. select { [Account].[Account Code].[E4098:47] ,[Account].[Account Code].[E4398:47] } on Axis (0), { ( [Measures].[Planned GSV] ,time.[2010 JAN]) ,( [Measures].[Planned GSV] ,[Time].[2010 HalfYear 1] ) } on Axis(0) () – for tuples {} – for sets * Actually its one member from each hierarchy in a dimension but lets not worry about this exception now .
  • 10. Understanding tuple Best analogy - coordinate geometry * 2D –space Tuple of the form (x 1 ,y 1 ) e.g. ( 3,4) Tuple like (x 1 ,y 1 , y 2 ) or (x 1 ,x 2 , y 2 ) are invalid Now apply same concept to n- dimensional cube What are valid tuples ? (time.year.[2011] , Product.brand.[B1]) (time.year.[2011] , Product.brand.[B1] , time.year.[2010]) (time.year.[2011] , Product.brand.[B1], Geo.[India]) (time.year.[2011] , Product.brand.[B1], Product.brand.[B2]) * This analogy holds good except for hierarchies. Hierarchies in cube space can be considered as dimensions in Co-ordinate geometry Understanding tuples are key to thinking in MDX . We will stop here till all tuple related queries are clarified.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13. MDX query – the children function .Children -- used to express the children of a member e.g. as per Time hierarchy – month is the child of quarter select { Time.[2010 Quarter 1]. children } on 0, {[Account].[E4398:47]} on 1 from [Cube REPORTING]
  • 14. MDX query – the Descendatns function Descendants ( member [, [ level ] [, flag ]] ) -- used to express the Descendant of a member at a level Flag allows display Select {[Account].[E4398:47]} on 0, { descendants (Time.[2010],month, self ) } on 1 from [Cube REPORTING] Select {[Account].[E4398:47]} on 0, { descendants (Time.[2010],month, self_and_before ) } on 1 from [Cube REPORTING]
  • 15. Assignment -1 Assume the following Dimensions : Time : Year <- Quarter <- Month <- Day Product : Dollar Sales, Unit Sales Geo : country <- state <- city
  • 16. Cross joins Concept : Two Sets - A ,B A = {1,2,3} B = {x,y} Cross join AxB AxB = { (1,x), (2,x), (3,x), (1,y), (2,y), (3,y),} Planned GSV for 2 accounts for 3 months -- select { (account.[Account Code].[E4098:47]), (account.[Account Code].[E4400:47]) } * -- cross join { time.[2010 JAN] : time.[2010 MAR] } on 0, { [Measures].[Planned GSV] } on 1 from [Cube REPORTING]
  • 17. Filter Concept : Filter ( Set , Expression ) Accounts which have more than GSV select filter ( (account.[Account Code]. members ), [Measures].[Planned GSV] > 10000000 ) on 0, { [Measures].[Planned GSV] } on 1 from [Cube REPORTING] .members gives all members of that level
  • 18. Filter What is the meaning of this ? select filter ( (account.[Account Code]. members ), ([Measures].[Planned GSV] ) > 10000000 )* -- cross join { time.[2010 JAN] : time.[2010 MAR] } on 0, { [Measures].[Planned GSV] } on 1 from [Cube REPORTING]
  • 19. Filter And this ? select filter ( (account.[Account Code]. members ), ([Measures].[Planned GSV] , time.[2010 JAN] ) > 10000000 )* -- cross join { time.[2010 JAN] : time.[2010 MAR] } on 0, { [Measures].[Planned GSV] } on 1 from [Cube REPORTING] Tuple reference is one of the powerful concepts in MDX
  • 20. order Concept : Order (set1, expression [, ASC | DESC | BASC | BDESC]) Accounts ordered by GSV select non empty ( order ( (account.[Account Code]. members ), ([Measures].[Planned GSV] ) ) ) on 0, { [Measures].[Planned GSV] } on 1 from [Cube REPORTING]
  • 21. Accounts ordered by ??? select non empty ( order ( (account.[Account Code]. members ), ([Measures].[Planned GSV],time.[2011 JAN] ) ) ) on 0, { [Measures].[Planned GSV] } on 1 from [Cube REPORTING]
  • 22. The Where Clause select from [Cube REPORTING] where ([Measures].[Planned GSV] ) select from [Cube REPORTING] where ([Measures].[Planned GSV],time.[2010 JAN] ) select from [Cube REPORTING] where ([Measures].[Planned GSV],time.[2010 JAN] ,account.[Account Code].[E4400:47] ) Note : Where clause are a good way to identify invalid tuples Tuple instead of expression used
  • 23. Named Sets : Ease of reference with set [great accounts] as { [Account].[Account Code].[E1373:47], [Account].[Account Code].[E40301:47] } select { [Measures].[Planned GSV] } on 0, non empty { [great accounts] } on 1 from [Cube REPORTING] Also possible to create persistent named Sets create set [Cube REPORTING].[test accounts] as { [Account].[Account Code].[E1373:47], [Account].[Account Code].[E40301:47] }
  • 24. Calculated members : the power of MDX !!!! 1. Simple Calculated members Find the Average sales price ( i.e. Total Dollar sales / number of units sold ) for the quarters 2005 Q1 and Q2. WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Avg Sales Price] AS [Measures].[Dollar Sales] / [Measures].[Unit Sales] SELECT { [Measures].[Dollar Sales] [Measures].[Unit Sales] , [Measures].[Avg Sales Price] } on columns , { [Time].[Q1, 2005] , [Time].[Q2, 2005] } on rows FROM Sales Simple Division used to calculate a new measure   Dollar Sales Unit Sales Average Sales price Q1, 2005 100 5 20 Q2, 2005 120 8 15
  • 25. Calculated members : the power of MDX !!!! 2. Calculated members of medium complexity Find the Quarter on quarter growth for Dollar sales and unit sales for the quarters 2005 Q2. Growth in dollar sales = 2005 Q2 Dollar sales - 2005 Q1 Dollar sales Growth in unit sales = 2005 Q2 unit sales - 2005 Q1 unit sales WITH MEMBER [Time].[Q1 to Q2 Growth] AS [Time].[Q2, 2005] - [Time].[Q1, 2005] SELECT { [Measures].[Dollar Sales] , [Measures].[Unit Sales] } on columns , { [Time].[Q1, 2005] , [Time].[Q2, 2005] , [Time].[Q1 to Q2 Growth] } on rows FROM Sales WHERE ([Customer].[MA]) How does this take care of both subtractions ?
  • 26. Calculated members : the power of MDX !!!! Precedence resolutions Combining previous two problems , write MDX to calculate Q1 to Q2 growth in average Sales prices WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Avg Sales Price] AS [Measures].[Dollar Sales] / [Measures].[Unit Sales] MEMBER [Time].[Q1 to Q2 Growth] AS [Time].[Q2, 2005] - [Time].[Q1, 2005] SELECT { [Measures].[Dollar Sales], [Measures].[Unit Sales], [Measures].[Avg Sales Price] } on columns , { [Time].[Q1, 2005], [Time].[Q2, 2005], [Time].[Q1 to Q2 Growth] } on rows FROM [Sales]
  • 27. Calculated members : the power of MDX !!!! Precedence resolutions Combining previous two problems , write MDX to calculate Q1 to Q2 growth in average Sales prices WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Avg Sales Price] AS [Measures].[Dollar Sales] / [Measures].[Unit Sales], SOLVE_ORDER = 0 MEMBER [Time].[Q1 to Q2 Growth] AS [Time].[Q2, 2005] - [Time].[Q1, 2005], SOLVE_ORDER = 1 SELECT { [Measures].[Dollar Sales], [Measures].[Unit Sales], [Measures].[Avg Sales Price] } on columns , { [Time].[Q1, 2005], [Time].[Q2, 2005], [Time].[Q1 to Q2 Growth] } on rows FROM [Sales]
  • 28. Calculated members : the power of MDX !!!! Write an MDX to get the following result Measures -> Measures.[Sales Amount], Measures.[Total Cost] Dimensions -> Phase.Actual , Phase.Planned Use normal formulas for profit , percentage margin , amount of variance, percentage of variance.
  • 29. References : Most of the concepts covered in this PPT have been Distilled from the below books
  • 30. © 2008 MindTree Limited Imagination Action Joy