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Getting Started with MDX
Ron Moore
Topdown Consulting, Inc.
Monica Christie
Camuto Group
About Topdown consulting
Objective is to get you writing code fast
Quick intro - A LOT more to learn
Three sections
1. Queries
2. Basic member formulas
3. Beyond basics
You should already understand Essbase Outlines and
multidimensional concepts
Exercises use (modified) ASOSamp Application
One hierarchy has answers and one for your work
About the Workshop
Where is MDX used?
Queries for ASO and BSO
ASO member formulas and stored calcs
Smart View / Smart Query
Embedded in MaxL
Triggers, ASO Clear regions .
1 - Queries
MDX Script Editor
Syntax basics and concepts
1 - Queries
Every number lives in an intersection
Every intersection has a name
One member name (coordinate) from each
(stored) dimension
Rule #1 of Multi-D databases
FROM [sample.basic]
{Year} ON ROWS
WHERE (East,Actual)
{[100]} ON AXIS (2)
A Simple Example 1 - Queries
FROM [sample.basic]
Specifying Member Names
East or [2014] or [Gross Profit]
Markets.East or [Markets].[East]
Member only or Dimension.Member
● Dimension.member is best practice
● Dimension is required if it’s ambiguous
With or without square brackets
● Member name begins with a character other than a letter
● Member name has spaces
● Member name is also an MDX key word
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Understanding Tuples and Sets
1 - Queries
Sets are Multiple Members
from One Dimension
SELECT { [Sales], [Profit] } ON COLUMNS,
{ [Qtr1], [Qtr2], [Qtr3], [Qtr4] } ON ROWS,
{ [Colas], [Root Beer], [Cream Soda] } ON AXIS(2)
FROM [sample.basic]
where ([East],[Actual])
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A Set is:
• One or more members from the
same dimension
• Enclosed in braces
• Separated by commas
1 - Queries
Tuples Specify Intersections
SELECT { [Dec] , [Jan] } ON COLUMNS,
{ [Units],[Transactions] } ON ROWS
From [ASOSamp.Sample]
([Prev Year], ) ([Curr Year], )
Dec Jan
Units #Missing 42,228
Transactions #Missing 44,500
1 - Queries
Understanding Tuples
( [Actual],[Sales] )
( [Sales] )
( [Jan],[Actual],[Sales] )
1 - Queries
Understanding Tuples
Collection of member names separated by
commas, enclosed in parentheses
INTERSECTION! - No more than one member
from each dimension
Omit dimensions to include all elements of that
A tuple that specifies one member name from
each dimension is a single cell
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1 - Queries
Understanding Sets
{ ( [Sales] ),
( [Prof % ]) }
{ ( [Sales], [P1] ),
([Prof % ], [P1] ) }
{ ( [Sales], [P1], [Jan] ),
( [Prof % ], [P1],[Jan] ) }
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1 - Queries
Understanding Sets
Sets are collections of tuples separated
by commas, enclosed in braces { }
Tuples within a set must have the same
dimensions in the same order
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1 - Queries
Syntax Review
Select - From - Where query structure
Specifying Member Names
● MemberName or [Member Name]
● [MemberName] or [Dim].[Member Name]
● ( MemberName1, MemberName 2 )
● Only one member from each dimension
● Includes all members from missing dimensions
● { (Tuple1), (Tuple2) }
● Tuples must have same dims in same order
1 - Queries
members in our queries. Sets:
● Member-by-member
● Tuple-by-tuple
So far 1 - Queries
MDX functions
● Children
● Descendants
● Generations
● Levels
Useful Functions 1 - Queries
Set of Children
{ [Qtr1].Children }
{ Children([Qtr1]) }
1st Half
1 - Queries
Set of Descendants
Descendants ( member , [{ layer | index }[, Desc_flags ]])
Descendants ( [N Amer], 2 , After )
● Layer refers to a generation or level
● Index is n layers down from the member
● Flags specify relationships
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1 - Queries
Set of Descendants Part 1 - Queries
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1 - QueriesWhat City?
Generations and Levels Functions
● Dimension.Generations(#)
● Dimension.Levels(#)
● [Year].Generations(2).members
● [Year].Levels(0).members
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1 - Queries
Generations Property
Gen1, Quarters, Months
{Quarters }
{ Qtr1, Qtr2, Qtr3, Qtr4 }
1 - Queries
1 - Queries
Select [Time].Levels(0).Members ON COLUMNS,
{ [Products].Generations(2).members} ON ROWS
Select [Time].Levels(index).Members ON COLUMNS,
{ [Products].Generations(index).members} ON ROWS
Generations and Levels Functions
Suppress missing rows and/or columns
NON EMPTY Descendants([Geography] ,2, After) ON ROWS
FROM [KSCOPE14].[Sample]
Non Empty
● 1 – My first query
● 2 – Creating intersection
● 3 – Functions: children and levels
● 4 – Functions: descendants and generations
Note: Please use KSCOPE14.sample
1 - Queries
2. Basic member
Simple Ratios 2 – member
Simple Ratios with Relative
([Jan], [Avg Units / Transaction] ) = ( [Jan], [Units] ) / ( [Jan], [Transactions])
Calculation POV from left side is passed to all terms on the right side
([Feb], [Avg Units / Transaction] ) = ( [Feb], [Units] ) / ( [Feb], [Transactions])
( [Avg Units / Transaction] ) = ( [Units] ) / ( [Transactions])
2 – member
Crossing One Dimension
Price = ( [Markets],[Price] )
Fixed (Absolute) References
( Share) = ( Sales) / ([Total Market] , Sales)
(NY, Share) = (NY, Sales) / ([Total Market] , Sales)
(MA,Share) = (MA,Sales) / ([Total Market] , Sales)
(CT, Share) = (CT, Sales) / ([Total Market] , Sales)
The POV from the left side is passed to all terms on the right side
Unless you override it with a member name
2 – member
Fixed References on Multiple
( Price) = (Market, Product, Price)
(NY, [Diet Cola], Price) = (Market, Product, Price )
(MA, Cola, Price) = (Market, Product, Price)
( CT, Cola, Price) = (Market, Product, Price)
2 – member
[Pct of Worldwide Units] = Units / “worldwide units”
[Pct of WW Units ] = Units / ( Geography, Units)
[Pct of All Ages WW Units] = Units / ( [Age Groups],Geography, Units)
Pct of Total
Trans Pct of Parent
Relative Reference
Absolute Reference
2 – member
2 – member
formulasTrans Pct of Parent
CurrentMember.parent = to nesting
CT/North East
Sum of North East and South = 1
Geography 0 because it does not have
a parent
2 – member
formulasTrans Pct of Region x Prod Fam
Ancestor ( member, layer | index )
CurrentMember.parent = to nesting
CT/North East
Sum of North East and South = 1
Geography 0 because it does not have
a parent
2 – member
formulasTrans Pct of Region x Prod Fam
Ancestor ( member, layer | index )
CurrentMember.parent = to nesting
CT/North East
Sum of North East and South = 1
Geography 0 because it does not have
a parent
Bonus material
Parents on Two Dimensions
Two Dimensions with Parent
Ancestors on Two Dimensions
Two Dims with Ancestor
Ancestor ([Geography].CurrentMember,
Ancestor ([Products].CurrentMember,
Part 3 Beyond Basics
Rolling calculations
IIF(Conditional test,True logic,False logic )
IsUDA([Measures].currentmember, “Expense”),
[Prev Year] – [Curr Year],
[Curr Year] – [Prev Year]
When condition Then logic
Else (optional)
When IS([Time].Currentmember, [Qtr1])
Then [Mar]
PrevMember and NextMember
[Sales] =
( [Sales],
* 1.10
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Lead and Lag
member.Lag (index [,layertype ] [, hierarchy ] )
[Sales] =
( [Sales],
* 1.10
Rolling Calculations
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Prev Year 3 4 6 8 9 10 5 5 7 13 9 4
Curr Year 7 3 1 1 6 5 5 - - - - -
One Time Dimension
Two Time Dimensions
Functions Used
Avg ( set [,numeric_value_expression [,IncludeEmpty ] ])
Sum ( set [,numeric_value_expression ] )
LastPeriods(numeric_value_expression[,member[,hierarchy]] )
Count ( set [, IncludeEmpty] )
Rolling Calculations Step by Step
1. Create a Simple Average()
2. Create a range with LastPeriods()
3. Make range relative with .CurrentMember
Avg ( LastPeriods(6, Jun ) , Units)
Rolling Average Example
Avg ( {Jan : Jun } , Units)
Avg ( LastPeriods(6, [Time].Currentmember ), Units)
2D Rolling Calcs
Number of months needed from previous year changes
each month
“Count” the months available in the Currentmember
● Count(LastPeriods(6,[Time].Currentmember)
Subtract to get months needed from previous year
● 6 - Count(LastPeriods(6,[Time].Currentmember)
Use the difference relative to Dec
● LastPeriods(
6 - Count(LastPeriods(6,[Time].CurrentMember)),
Dec )
2D Rolling Calc Example
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Previous Year 4 4 8 1 1 8 4 9 9 5 5 4
Current Year 8 8 9 7 2 2 9 10 2 6 7 7
9 5 5 4
+ Sum ( set
[,numeric_value_expression ] )
Months NA This Yr
, Last Year’s Units ), (Units,[Years].Currentmember.Prevmember)
LastPeriods(6 - count(LastPeriods(6,[Time].Currentmember))
, Dec)
Thank you for attending
The End
Deleted Slides
Levels and Generations
Function form and property form
Generations and Levels refers to a specific layer
Specific generation or level
Dimension.Generations ( GenNum )
Dimension.Levels ( LevNum )
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A Set of Ancestors
Ancestors ( member , layer | index )
e.g. Ancestors ( Jan , 2 )
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Set of Ancestors
Simple Assignments and Ratios
Profit Pct
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Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com
Essbase Calc
“Gross Profit” / “Net Sales”;
MDX [Gross profit] / [Net Sales]
Inventory Balance Forward
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Essbase Calc
+”Inventory Change”;
MDX ([Measures].[Inventory],
[Year].CurrentMember.PrevMember )
( [Measures].[Inventory Change] )
Example: Referring to Relatives
Share of Region
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Units /@Ancestval(“Market Total”, 3, Units );
[Units] /
( [Units],
Ancestor([Market Total].CurrentMember,
[Market Total].Generations(3) )
Thank you
Thanks for joining
Please email me your comments:
● Your success level
● Speed of presentation
● Quality/Accuracy of documentation
● Effective/ineffective slides and presentations
● Email questions on content and solutions
● rmoore@topdownconsulting.com and/or
Crossjoin() creates the Cartesian product of two sets
Crossjoin( { Jan, Feb }, {[2006], [2007]} )
{(Jan,[2006]),(Jan,[2007]),(Feb,[2006]), (Feb, [2007])}
● Only 2 sets at time –nest crossjoins for more than 2
● Second set changes fastest
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Descendants Using Layer
Layer (Reset layer)
Gen5 Jan Jan Jan
Gen5 Feb Jan+Feb Jan+Feb
Gen5 Mar Jan+Feb+Mar Jan+Feb+Mar
Gen4 Qtr1 Reset
Gen5 Apr Apr Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr
Gen5 May Apr+May Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May
Gen5 Jun Apr+May+Jun Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May+Jun
Gen4 Qtr2 Reset
Gen3 1st Half
Gen5 Jul Jul Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May+Jun+Jul
Gen5 Aug Jul+Aug Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May+Jun+Jul+Aug
Gen5 Sep Jul+Aug+Sep Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May+Jun+Jul+Aug+Sep
Gen4 Qtr3 Reset
Gen5 Oct Oct Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May+Jun+Jul+Aug+Sep+Oct
Gen5 Nov Oct+Nov Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May+Jun+Jul+Aug+Sep+Oct+Nov
Gen5 Dec Oct+Nov+Dec Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May+Jun+Jul+Aug+Sep+Oct+Nov+Dec
Gen4 Qtr4 Reset
Gen3 2nd Half
Gen2 Year Total Reset
Gen1 Time
Periods to Date
Year To Date
{PeriodsToDate ([Time].Generations(2),
[Time].CurrentMember )
Quarter to Date
{PeriodsToDate ([Time].Generations(4),
[Time].CurrentMember )
Create a Simple Average
Avg ( set [,numeric_expression [,IncludeEmpty ] ])
Avg ({Jan:Jun}, Units)
LastPeriods() to Create a Range
LastPeriods ( numeric_expression [, member [, hierarchy ]
] )
Avg (
LastPeriods( 6, Jun),
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to Make the Range Relative
Avg (
LastPeriods (6, [Time].CurrentMember),
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Syntax Review #1
Select - From - Where query structure
MemberName or [Member Name]
[MemberName] or [Dim].[Member Name]
{ MemberName1, [Member Name2] }
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Using Generation or Level Names
Share of Ancestor
( [Transactions],
Ancestor ( [Geography].CurrentMember,
Ancestor ( member ,
layer | index
[, hierarchy ]

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Getting Started with MDX 20140625a

  • 1. Getting Started with MDX Ron Moore Topdown Consulting, Inc. and Monica Christie Camuto Group
  • 3. Objective is to get you writing code fast Quick intro - A LOT more to learn Three sections 1. Queries 2. Basic member formulas 3. Beyond basics You should already understand Essbase Outlines and multidimensional concepts Exercises use (modified) ASOSamp Application One hierarchy has answers and one for your work About the Workshop
  • 4. Where is MDX used? Queries for ASO and BSO ASO member formulas and stored calcs Smart View / Smart Query Embedded in MaxL Triggers, ASO Clear regions .
  • 5. 1 - Queries MDX SCRIPT EDITOR MDX Script Editor
  • 6. Syntax basics and concepts 1 - Queries
  • 7. Every number lives in an intersection Every intersection has a name One member name (coordinate) from each (stored) dimension Rule #1 of Multi-D databases
  • 8. SELECT {Sales} ON COLUMNS FROM [sample.basic] {Year} ON ROWS , WHERE (East,Actual) {[100]} ON AXIS (2) , A Simple Example 1 - Queries SELECTSELECT FROM [sample.basic]
  • 9. Specifying Member Names East or [2014] or [Gross Profit] Markets.East or [Markets].[East] Member only or Dimension.Member ● Dimension.member is best practice ● Dimension is required if it’s ambiguous With or without square brackets ● Member name begins with a character other than a letter ● Member name has spaces ● Member name is also an MDX key word Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com
  • 10. Understanding Tuples and Sets 1 - Queries
  • 11. Sets are Multiple Members from One Dimension SELECT { [Sales], [Profit] } ON COLUMNS, { [Qtr1], [Qtr2], [Qtr3], [Qtr4] } ON ROWS, { [Colas], [Root Beer], [Cream Soda] } ON AXIS(2) FROM [sample.basic] where ([East],[Actual]) Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com A Set is: • One or more members from the same dimension • Enclosed in braces • Separated by commas 1 - Queries
  • 12. Tuples Specify Intersections SELECT { [Dec] , [Jan] } ON COLUMNS, { [Units],[Transactions] } ON ROWS From [ASOSamp.Sample] ([Prev Year], ) ([Curr Year], ) Dec Jan Units #Missing 42,228 Transactions #Missing 44,500 1 - Queries
  • 13. Understanding Tuples ( [Actual],[Sales] ) ( [Sales] ) ( [Jan],[Actual],[Sales] ) 1 - Queries
  • 14. Understanding Tuples Collection of member names separated by commas, enclosed in parentheses INTERSECTION! - No more than one member from each dimension Omit dimensions to include all elements of that dimension A tuple that specifies one member name from each dimension is a single cell Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com 1 - Queries
  • 15. Understanding Sets { ( [Sales] ), ( [Prof % ]) } { ( [Sales], [P1] ), ([Prof % ], [P1] ) } { ( [Sales], [P1], [Jan] ), ( [Prof % ], [P1],[Jan] ) } Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com 1 - Queries
  • 16. Understanding Sets Sets are collections of tuples separated by commas, enclosed in braces { } Tuples within a set must have the same dimensions in the same order Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com 1 - Queries
  • 17. Syntax Review Select - From - Where query structure Specifying Member Names ● MemberName or [Member Name] ● [MemberName] or [Dim].[Member Name] Tuples ● ( MemberName1, MemberName 2 ) ● Only one member from each dimension ● Includes all members from missing dimensions Sets ● { (Tuple1), (Tuple2) } ● Tuples must have same dims in same order 1 - Queries
  • 18. members in our queries. Sets: ● Member-by-member ● Tuple-by-tuple So far 1 - Queries Now MDX functions ● Children ● Descendants ● Generations ● Levels
  • 19. Useful Functions 1 - Queries
  • 20. Set of Children { [Qtr1].Children } Or { Children([Qtr1]) } Time MTD 1st Half Qtr1 Jan Feb Mar Qtr2 Apr May Jun 1 - Queries
  • 21. Set of Descendants Syntax Descendants ( member , [{ layer | index }[, Desc_flags ]]) Example Descendants ( [N Amer], 2 , After ) Options ● Layer refers to a generation or level ● Index is n layers down from the member ● Flags specify relationships •SELF •AFTER •BEFORE •BEFORE_AND_AFTER •SELF_AND_AFTER •SELF_AND_BEFORE •SELF_BEFORE_AFTER •LEAVES Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com 1 - Queries
  • 22. Set of Descendants Part 1 - Queries
  • 23. Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com 1 - QueriesWhat City?
  • 24. Generations and Levels Functions Syntax ● Dimension.Generations(#) ● Dimension.Levels(#) Examples ● [Year].Generations(2).members ● [Year].Levels(0).members Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com 1 - Queries
  • 26. 1 - Queries Select [Time].Levels(0).Members ON COLUMNS, { [Products].Generations(2).members} ON ROWS FROM [KSCOPE14].[SAMPLE] Select [Time].Levels(index).Members ON COLUMNS, { [Products].Generations(index).members} ON ROWS FROM [KSCOPE14].[SAMPLE] Generations and Levels Functions
  • 27. Suppress missing rows and/or columns SELECT NON EMPTY { [Qtr1].Children } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY Descendants([Geography] ,2, After) ON ROWS FROM [KSCOPE14].[Sample] Non Empty
  • 28. Exercises Exercise ● 1 – My first query ● 2 – Creating intersection ● 3 – Functions: children and levels ● 4 – Functions: descendants and generations Note: Please use KSCOPE14.sample 1 - Queries
  • 30. Simple Ratios 2 – member formulas
  • 31. Simple Ratios with Relative References ([Jan], [Avg Units / Transaction] ) = ( [Jan], [Units] ) / ( [Jan], [Transactions]) Calculation POV from left side is passed to all terms on the right side ([Feb], [Avg Units / Transaction] ) = ( [Feb], [Units] ) / ( [Feb], [Transactions]) ( [Avg Units / Transaction] ) = ( [Units] ) / ( [Transactions]) 2 – member formulas
  • 32. Crossing One Dimension Price = ( [Markets],[Price] )
  • 33. Fixed (Absolute) References ( Share) = ( Sales) / ([Total Market] , Sales) (NY, Share) = (NY, Sales) / ([Total Market] , Sales) (MA,Share) = (MA,Sales) / ([Total Market] , Sales) (CT, Share) = (CT, Sales) / ([Total Market] , Sales) The POV from the left side is passed to all terms on the right side Unless you override it with a member name 2 – member formulas
  • 34. Fixed References on Multiple Dimensions ( Price) = (Market, Product, Price) (NY, [Diet Cola], Price) = (Market, Product, Price ) (MA, Cola, Price) = (Market, Product, Price) ( CT, Cola, Price) = (Market, Product, Price) 2 – member formulas
  • 35. [Pct of Worldwide Units] = Units / “worldwide units” [Pct of WW Units ] = Units / ( Geography, Units) [Pct of All Ages WW Units] = Units / ( [Age Groups],Geography, Units) Pct of Total
  • 36. Trans Pct of Parent Relative Reference [Transactions]/ ([Transactions],[Geography].CurrentMember.Parent) Absolute Reference [Transactions]/ ([Transactions],[Geography].[Connecticut].Parent) 2 – member formulas
  • 37. 2 – member formulasTrans Pct of Parent CurrentMember.parent = to nesting functions CT/North East Sum of North East and South = 1 Geography 0 because it does not have a parent
  • 38. 2 – member formulasTrans Pct of Region x Prod Fam Ancestor ( member, layer | index ) CurrentMember.parent = to nesting functions CT/North East Sum of North East and South = 1 Geography 0 because it does not have a parent
  • 39. 2 – member formulasTrans Pct of Region x Prod Fam Ancestor ( member, layer | index ) CurrentMember.parent = to nesting functions CT/North East Sum of North East and South = 1 Geography 0 because it does not have a parent
  • 41. Parents on Two Dimensions
  • 42. Two Dimensions with Parent [Transactions]/ ([Transactions], [Geography].CurrentMember.Parent, [Products].CurrentMember.Parent )
  • 43. Ancestors on Two Dimensions
  • 44. Two Dims with Ancestor [Transactions]/ ([Transactions], Ancestor ([Geography].CurrentMember, [Geography].Generations(2) ), Ancestor ([Products].CurrentMember, [Products].Generations(2) ) )
  • 45. Part 3 Beyond Basics IIF CASE Rolling calculations
  • 46. IIF(Conditional test,True logic,False logic ) IIF( IsUDA([Measures].currentmember, “Expense”), [Prev Year] – [Curr Year], [Curr Year] – [Prev Year] ) IIF
  • 47. CASE When condition Then logic Else (optional) End CASE When IS([Time].Currentmember, [Qtr1]) Then [Mar] End Case
  • 48. PrevMember and NextMember Syntax [Member].PrevMember Example [Sales] = ( [Sales], [Year].CurrentMember.PrevMember ) * 1.10 Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com
  • 49. Lead and Lag Syntax member.Lag (index [,layertype ] [, hierarchy ] ) Example [Sales] = ( [Sales], [Year].CurrentMember.lag(2) ) * 1.10
  • 50. Rolling Calculations Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Prev Year 3 4 6 8 9 10 5 5 7 13 9 4 Curr Year 7 3 1 1 6 5 5 - - - - - One Time Dimension Two Time Dimensions
  • 51. Functions Used Avg ( set [,numeric_value_expression [,IncludeEmpty ] ]) Sum ( set [,numeric_value_expression ] ) LastPeriods(numeric_value_expression[,member[,hierarchy]] ) Count ( set [, IncludeEmpty] )
  • 52. Rolling Calculations Step by Step 1. Create a Simple Average() 2. Create a range with LastPeriods() 3. Make range relative with .CurrentMember
  • 53. Avg ( LastPeriods(6, Jun ) , Units) Rolling Average Example Avg ( {Jan : Jun } , Units) Avg ( LastPeriods(6, [Time].Currentmember ), Units)
  • 54. 2D Rolling Calcs Number of months needed from previous year changes each month “Count” the months available in the Currentmember year ● Count(LastPeriods(6,[Time].Currentmember) Subtract to get months needed from previous year ● 6 - Count(LastPeriods(6,[Time].Currentmember) Use the difference relative to Dec ● LastPeriods( 6 - Count(LastPeriods(6,[Time].CurrentMember)), Dec )
  • 55. 2D Rolling Calc Example Sum(LastPeriods(6,[Time].Currentmember),Units) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Previous Year 4 4 8 1 1 8 4 9 9 5 5 4 Current Year 8 8 9 7 2 2 9 10 2 6 7 7 9 5 5 4 + Sum ( set [,numeric_value_expression ] ) Months NA This Yr , Last Year’s Units ), (Units,[Years].Currentmember.Prevmember) LastPeriods(6 - count(LastPeriods(6,[Time].Currentmember)) , Dec)
  • 56. Thank you for attending The End
  • 58. Levels and Generations Function form and property form Generations and Levels refers to a specific layer number Specific generation or level Dimension.Generations ( GenNum ) Dimension.Levels ( LevNum ) Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com
  • 59. A Set of Ancestors Ancestors ( member , layer | index ) e.g. Ancestors ( Jan , 2 ) Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com
  • 61. Example: Simple Assignments and Ratios Profit Pct Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com Essbase Calc Language “Gross Profit” / “Net Sales”; MDX [Gross profit] / [Net Sales]
  • 62. Example: Inventory Balance Forward Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com Essbase Calc Language @Prior(Inventory) +”Inventory Change”; MDX ([Measures].[Inventory], [Year].CurrentMember.PrevMember ) + ( [Measures].[Inventory Change] )
  • 63. Example: Referring to Relatives Share of Region Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com Essbase Calc Units /@Ancestval(“Market Total”, 3, Units ); MDX [Units] / ( [Units], Ancestor([Market Total].CurrentMember, [Market Total].Generations(3) ) )
  • 64. Thank you Thanks for joining Please email me your comments: ● Your success level ● Speed of presentation ● Quality/Accuracy of documentation ● Effective/ineffective slides and presentations ● Email questions on content and solutions ● rmoore@topdownconsulting.com and/or monica.christie@camutogroup.com
  • 65. CrossJoin() Crossjoin() creates the Cartesian product of two sets Crossjoin( { Jan, Feb }, {[2006], [2007]} ) returns {(Jan,[2006]),(Jan,[2007]),(Feb,[2006]), (Feb, [2007])} Notes ● Only 2 sets at time –nest crossjoins for more than 2 ● Second set changes fastest Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com
  • 67. Layer (Reset layer) QTD YTD Gen5 Jan Jan Jan Gen5 Feb Jan+Feb Jan+Feb Gen5 Mar Jan+Feb+Mar Jan+Feb+Mar Gen4 Qtr1 Reset Gen5 Apr Apr Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr Gen5 May Apr+May Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May Gen5 Jun Apr+May+Jun Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May+Jun Gen4 Qtr2 Reset Gen3 1st Half Gen5 Jul Jul Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May+Jun+Jul Gen5 Aug Jul+Aug Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May+Jun+Jul+Aug Gen5 Sep Jul+Aug+Sep Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May+Jun+Jul+Aug+Sep Gen4 Qtr3 Reset Gen5 Oct Oct Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May+Jun+Jul+Aug+Sep+Oct Gen5 Nov Oct+Nov Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May+Jun+Jul+Aug+Sep+Oct+Nov Gen5 Dec Oct+Nov+Dec Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May+Jun+Jul+Aug+Sep+Oct+Nov+Dec Gen4 Qtr4 Reset Gen3 2nd Half Gen2 Year Total Reset Gen1 Time
  • 68. Periods to Date Year To Date Sum( {PeriodsToDate ([Time].Generations(2), [Time].CurrentMember ) } ) Quarter to Date Sum( {PeriodsToDate ([Time].Generations(4), [Time].CurrentMember ) } )
  • 69.
  • 70. Create a Simple Average Syntax: Avg ( set [,numeric_expression [,IncludeEmpty ] ]) Example: Avg ({Jan:Jun}, Units)
  • 71. LastPeriods() to Create a Range Syntax: LastPeriods ( numeric_expression [, member [, hierarchy ] ] ) Example: Avg ( LastPeriods( 6, Jun), Units) Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com
  • 72. .CurrentMember to Make the Range Relative Example: Avg ( LastPeriods (6, [Time].CurrentMember), Units) Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com
  • 73. Syntax Review #1 Select - From - Where query structure MemberName or [Member Name] [MemberName] or [Dim].[Member Name] { MemberName1, [Member Name2] } Marketing Technologies Group | www.mtgny.com
  • 74. Using Generation or Level Names
  • 75. Share of Ancestor [Transactions]/ ( [Transactions], Ancestor ( [Geography].CurrentMember, [Geography].Generations(2) ) ) Ancestor ( member , layer | index [, hierarchy ] )