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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019
Available at www.ijsred.com
ISSN : 2581-7175 IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 524
A Comparative Study of National Strategic Plan of the Ministry of
Sports and Tourism between Thailand and China
Lei Sun*, Samart Deebhijarn, Amirhossein Taghipour, Navidreza Ahadi,
Ornicha Norkaew
College of Educational Innovation Research, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang,
Cultural creative tourism SWOT analytical review is an evolution that represents the
increasing inclusion between tourist, social and creative industries. Increasing attention is paid to
cultural creative tourism in China. While wealthy tourism funds are available, cultural and
innovative tourism is initially developing. This research examines the basis of cultural creative
tourism in China and Thailand. In addition, the eight critical policies for the sustainable
development of the cultural creative tourism were suggested at the strategic level. The
approaches may not only improve the efficiency of local authorities but also refer to other areas.
Keyword: Creative Tourism, SWOT Analysis, Thailand, China.
Since the' creative economy ' idea introduced in 1998, some developed countries and areas have
advanced creative financial mode. The creative economy is capable of producing USD 22 billion
daily and growing at 5% worldwide. In some developed countries, development is quicker, for
example in the U.S. 14 percent, and in the UK 12 percent. Australia, South Korea, Denmark, the
Netherlands and Singapore are also the representative nations that have quickly established their
creative industry. The level of innovative economic development has become the main
characteristic that measures a country's competitive strength. In the meantime, the cultural
creative industry has been the emerging feature of world sector and a significant way to improve
domestic financial strength and soft power, with the growth of the knowledge economy and the
experience economy. In China, the strategies for "Promotive Planning of the Cultural Industry"
were respectively launched in 2009 and "Coordinating Opinions on economic assistance for the
recovery and development of culture" in 2010, which demonstrated a strong domestic approach
for the Chinese government. In the 12th Five-Year Plan, the cultural creative industry will
become a pillar of the Chinese economy.
Today, tourism is considered as a mechanism of economic development and industry revenue to
the country. By will find that the national economic and social development plan, including the
Government's policy focus and give priority to the development of tourism. Of economies, and
contribute to the country is very much consistent with the past travel situation. The State has
promoted the community as the economic expansion occurring rapidly and is likely to grow as
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019
Available at www.ijsred.com
ISSN : 2581-7175 IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 525
more and more networks. But, on the contrary, the reverse affects the environmental resource
base, Society and culture.
The traditions of the local people very much attributed to problems with expanding quantity of
tourists and tourism income without readiness support capabilities tour makes many attractions
degradation occurs.
Thus, leading to the proposed policies under the concepts of troubleshoot and the development of
sustainable tourism in the countries of Thailand and china, that there are important and urgent. it
the role of local governments towards tourism management:
1. tourism marketing
2. finding and creating new attractions.
3. tourism services
4. plan development
(Strength:S) (Weaknesses : W)
-Resources, complete environment-ideal
for various travel arrangements-the
management system of the local
administrative organization focuses on
strong governance principles-with
departments/organizations, academic
support and various technologies.
-Lack of resource degradation-influence
group issues/conflicts of interest-
expanding the natural city community -
Lack of basic utilities and necessary
Opportunities Threats
-It's a way to connect the network
between provinces and other regions.-
There is a concrete tourism development
plan at the level of the area policy,
including the community-renowned for
both national and international. -Get a
budget, invest and promote many tourism
-Conflict of State/law organization, as
well as a lack of unity development
guidelines -Effects of unrest in areas and
nearby areas
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019
Available at www.ijsred.com
ISSN : 2581-7175 IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 526
Promote and support tourism management in accordance with capital, potential and policy at all
levels, including the strategic tourism Management of the local administrative organization.
A summary of the findings of research can conclude that the public opinion of the areas of the
case study on the tourism management role of the local administrative organization. The four
areas of Thailand include 1. Travel Marketing 2. The side of pursuit and creation of new tourist
attraction 3. Tourism services including 4. Planning and development of the attraction Find that
the tourism management role is very high. As a result of environmental analysis, by the way
"SWOT Analysis" can be summarized as a policy proposal, the tourism management of the local
administrative organization, corresponding to the vision.
Suggestions. 1. local governments should set guidelines for tourism management in order to
provide maximum benefit to the communities and the society as a whole. 2. local governments
should manage the tourism policy which is consistent with the conservation and rehabilitation of
natural resources strictly.
Case study of Suphan buri
The first strategy consisted of three goals including 1) increase in gross income from creative
tourism of Suphanburi province, 2) increase in the number of repeat visitors in creative tourism
in Suphanburi province, and 3) increase in visitor satisfaction of creative tourism of Suphanburi
province. The second strategy promoted domestic and foreign marketing strategies. The strategy
focused on quality visitors comprising 1) encouragement the market to reach the target, focusing
on quality market, and 2) collaboration with three sectors such as government, private and
public. The third strategy linked tourism within the cluster to increase the duration of stay by
enhancing tourism activities and linking tourism routes. The strategy included as follows: 1)
increase the duration of stay from creative tourism of Suphanburi province, 2) increase the
tourism routes link to creative tourism of Suphanburi province, and 3) increase the creative
tourism entrepreneurs in Suphanburi. The fourth strategy developed tourism staff and supported
public participation in tourism development comprising 1) development the capacity of tourism
staff in the system to be competitive and sufficient to meet the needs of the market, 2) promotion
public participation in tourism management and benefit from tourism. In addition, the results
indicated that (3) the stakeholders certified the strategies creative tourism of Suphanburi
1. The strengths (Strengh), Suphan Buri has an invaluable cultural tourism resource that reflects
Suphan Buri. There are many tourist sites that are created from various organizations and
naturally occurring. There are plenty of beauty, such as Phu Toey National Park, natural rock
garden. There are historical sites that have been declared a special area for tourism. The
transportation routes are convenient for both road and rail. The transportation within the province
and the travel between the provinces is not very high, the location of the province is centered in
the middle of the central region. It is a strategic point that can be developed as a hub for the
economic and logistic systems, and has an outstanding identity in the form of a seductive and
preserved native language.
2. Weakness (Weakness), Suphanburi Personnel also have a restriction of the lack of local
guides, especially Japan and Korea Chinese lack of network integration of tourism development
the province lacks measures to preserve local culture, a lack of public relations and
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019
Available at www.ijsred.com
ISSN : 2581-7175 IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 527
communications, tourism information, continued. The lack of a different stand with the other 8
provinces co set in suphan buri province, also has a little.
3. the opportunity (Opportunity) in suphan buri province's policy of balanced social and
community development using the concept of sufficiency economy as the Government has
promoted and supported. It is likely that tourists interested in forms of creative tourism is very
much of that is in the current flow, and natural resources are conducive to the development of
tourism and is also the area around the Centre of the country, Thailand, connected to various
provinces across the country are well.
4. obstacles to (Treat). Suphanburi city, Foundation of resources related to cultural tourism.
Causing travel management of sectors related to tourism that does not reflect. Identity affect
changes and loss of high culture public lack of understanding in the province's existing
resources. Can't be used correctly and appropriate technological evolution affects changes in
social structure and way of life. From the analysis of the external environment and inside of the
suphan buri province in the strategy's strengths and weaknesses (Swot Analysis), obstacles,
opportunities, and researchers have all the study results are prepared, creative tourism strategy of
the suphan buri province.
The preventive strategy (Strategy ST) is derived from the assessment information environment
that is a strength and a restriction considered together. So does GE strategy or positive protection
strategy because there's strengths in strategic development, creative travel of suphan buri
province to areas across the country, and the city is located on route logistics. Takayama, a city
of freight and tourists from around the world come to suphan buri province. Promoting the
domestic and foreign markets in order to increase tourism revenue by focusing on market
structure and tourist groups on quality by integrated cooperation, 3 parties, and the public and
private sector. There are links to travel and tourism creative network.
3. corrective strategies (Strategy WO) is derived from the assessment information is the
environment, and the vulnerabilities and opportunities considered together. So does GE strategy
or strategies, positive edits and have accelerated the promotion and creation of. Suphan buri
province, about the differences of culture, Thailand tourists and foreigners, to reduce the
differences between cultures. Have developed capabilities to compete with the developed
infrastructure and facilities? Logistics and security support to the country's main cities are
Thailand and the promotion of investment in tourism businesses and medium-sized enterprises
associated with tourism and strengthen the local investor group including investors, local and
international levels appropriately.
It has an impact on development as a tourist city, as well as the population and labor issues in
The feedback on the research is applied to 1. From the findings found that Suphan Buri has
already managed creative tourism, but due to lack of integration and management strategies that
are an overview of the province. The same standards as that of Thailand. Therefore, Suphan Buri
provincial stakeholders should be developed seriously in many ways, as a guide to the driving
operations of Thailand's international standards, together, promoting and pushing the
development of the research on the creative tourism strategy of Suphan Buri. In all sectors
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019
Available at www.ijsred.com
ISSN : 2581-7175 IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 528
involved, such as the Ministry of Tourism and Sports. The Tourism Authority of Thailand and
the tourist police, as well as the tourism association in the area.
Tourism industry, as well as the tourism business of many foreign people. It has an impact on the
tourism standards of travel, exploitation, and scam issues from the tourism Operators group and
the integration of the tourism network is rarely effective. The group has a large number of tourist
attractions, public relations and tourist information media.
The results of a creative tourism strategy analysis of Suphan Buri province the vision is the
cultural and creative wisdom of Suphan Buri, with its mission as follows: 1. Empower
development and encouraging the development of the creative tourism strategy of Suphan Buri is
the Center for Cultural Tourism and the central wisdom of Thailand to help create economic
security. Society and culture for local and country 2. Create a tourism revenue distribution and
increase the average revenue per head of tourists, from the development of the creative tourism
strategy of Suphan Buri. 3. Develop a mechanism and associate tourism management with the
development of the creative tourism strategy of Suphan Buri to have the capacity to manage and
accommodate both Thai and foreign tourists. The group focuses on the high quality international
tourist market in Thailand. A strategic issue has been analyzed. The four strategies are:
Case Study of China
The advent of the creative sector has transformed ideas, intellect, science and technology into
financial advantages, and has become the fresh center of economic growth for the contemporary
service industry. It provides a fresh boost to other connected sectors with its dynamics, artistry,
supply chain impacts and elevated added quality features. Adding aspects of social formation to
tourism will further enhance the dynamics, involvement and social material of tourism
operations and products. Cultural creative tourism is therefore also regarded as artistic tourism,
which combines the cultural creative sector with tourism. It can incorporate tourism funds,
promote tourism product innovation and build multi-level tourism chains across all industries
with the way culturally creative industries are thinking and developing.
Richards addressed the increasing inclusion of tourism and distinct policies for place-building
including promoting creative industries, towns and classes in creative tourism. Tan et al. studied
from a tourist point of view the nature of creativity in tourism and developed a' creative
experience ' model of external and internal reflection in creative tourism. Historical revitalized
waterfront areas could be used as innovative sites to attract innovative tourists. In some areas,
such as Jilin Province, Henan Province, Beijing City, Zhengzhou City, and Qinghai Province
researchers have also proposed a number of countermeasures for cultural creative tourism
growth. In Heilongjiang Province, cultural creative tourism remains at the original level relative
to China's other areas. Development policies should
Development Foundations of Cultural Creative Tourism in Heilongjiang Province
The province of Heilongjiang has developed diverse cultural assets during its historical growth.
The Songhua Basin of the River and the Heilongjiang Basin are the birthplaces of Sushen, the
southern culture of the minority. Some people have been driven into Heilongjiang Province since
the Western Han Dynasty and created a "displaced culture." In 1400 kilometers of Heilongjiang
province the state of the Qing Dynasty created 25 phases called the "postrider culture." "Beijing
Bannermen Return to the North East," which introduced "Beijing the culture of Bannermen,"
was promulgated by the emperor Kangxi of Quing Dynasty. Modern history has made the
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019
Available at www.ijsred.com
ISSN : 2581-7175 IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 529
immigrants "courageous trip to northeast society" from other provinces. Over 160 000
immigrants from 33 countries made up the' Culture of European Style' in the first quarter of the
20th century. These cultural assets provide valuable products for cultural creative tourism growth
in the province of Heilongjiang.
Development Strategies for Cultural Creative Tourism in Heilongjiang ProvinceDigging
up Longjiang culture
The Province of Heilongjiang should investigate the blend of culture and tourism with creative
thinking. For example, the development of natural tourism resources can be part of the
corresponding humanities content in addition to simple sightseeing projects. In 2012, Great
Northern Wilderness of Heilongjiang Recovery Area's Cultural Tourism Festival not only
featured ice and snow, forests, waters, ecological agriculture and other natural landscapes, but
also united old nationality culture, army culture, the culture of immigrants, the educated young
people culture and the cultural creativity of the Great Northern Wild.
Cultivating atmosphere of creative tourism
In order to develop a healthy artistic environment, the cultural museum, the art gallery, the
scientific museum and the creative park are open to the public and to visitors alike. This is the
only way that people and visitors will experience innovative appeal and develop curiosity and a
hunger for understanding. It can also encourage residents and visitors to contribute to creative
design and planning. The government is also allowed to begin selection operations by
integrating tourism funds, designing tourism souvenirs, marketing tourism products and other
elements. The govt should assist tourist companies to build an awareness of entrepreneurship
and to strengthen the innovative idea so that they can set the foundations for cultural creative
tourism growth.
Promoting regional cooperation
The comparable cultural foundations should serve to reinforce relations and communication in
order to define important regions of collaboration, based on Heilongjiang Province, Jilin
Province and Liaoning Province in North-East China. Cooperation should be mutual, multi-win
or supplementary. The Province of Heilongjiang should enhanced national collaboration with
the Province of Jilin, the Province of Liaoning, western inner Mongolia and Russia and
Northeastern Asia on the grounds of cultural participation in the growth system. The provinces
involved will hopefully improve shared confidence, build consensus and foster collaboration so
that the scenario is win - win.
Training the talents of cultural creative tourism
In order to provide intelligent assistance and human resources to the cultural and innovative
tourism sector, Heilongjiang province should create and train cultural creative tourism
professionals. The universities in the province of Heilongjiang must take accountability for
artistic skills, give training on tourism scheduling, tourism management, publicity design,
animation manufacturing and art training in the setting. At the same moment, local and foreign
cultural creative tourism skills and leadership talent with an in-depth traditional culture and a
widespread global perspective should be brought to Heilongjiang Province. In order to motivate
the excitement and potential of innovative cultural tourism Heilongjiang province may also be
active in organizing large-scale creative design competitions.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019
Available at www.ijsred.com
ISSN : 2581-7175 IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 530
Improving tourism science and technology innovation
In the phase of growth of the tourist industry, tourism science and technological innovation
play an significant part which not only can fuel innovation of consumer and cultural creative
tourism service mode but can also fuelled innovation in marketing and administration modes.
The Province of Heilongjiang should improve tourism science and technology innovation in
these respects, for example by updating the concept of Tourism by using the idea of innovation,
and maintaining a leadership position in cultural creative tourism in the heilongjiang Province.
Increasing marketing efforts
The Province of Heilongjiang must continue to enhance advertising and marketing in the form of
television, radio, the Internet and other media and to extend the cultural and innovative tourism
spread combined with film and television, technology, sports, exhibition, business, external
trade. Meanwhile, the province of Heilongjiang should boost tourism festival growth attempts
and generate the "holiday economy." With the aid of the modern and creative tourism festival it
is possible to organize the international ice-snow festival Harbin International Beer Festival, the
Harbin Economy Trade Fair, the Wudalianchi Holy Water Festival, the Daqing Öl Festival and
the Arctic Sightseeing Festival.
Built on the basis for the growth of the cultural creative tourism of Heilsongjiang province, this
article proposes 8 key approaches: exploration of culture in Longjiang, cultivation of a artistic
tourism atmosphere, promotion of international co-operation, defense of the right to intellectual
property, help of the government, preparation of cultural talent creative touch Decision-makers
in the Province of Heilongjiang could use the suggested approaches to schedule their future
innovative cultural tourism. It can thus provide helpful links to other Chinese areas that are
designed to develop cultural creative tourism.
From the research results, the creative tourism strategy of Suphan Buri is lacking in cooperation
from all sectors. Therefore, the authorities of the Suphan Buri Province should implement the
Action plan by the relevant agencies, which should be based on the strategy of research into the
operational plan. Tourism and sports should be created and promoted in all sectors involved to
create a creative tourism network league to create local identities to clearly reflect the nuances of
each province. 3. Based on the results of the research, visitors are able to see the public relations
with the most media, especially the Internet and television media, so that the stakeholders of the
Suphan Buri province should use the channel of communication through the Internet and
television media is important due to such channels. Respondents have seen and opened more
news about the tourism relationship than other media.
Suggestions for future research 1. Suphan Buri Province should be researched to create a clear,
creative tourism strategy plan. To be a prototype in the development of other regions of Thailand
and in the same direction and find a way to develop more famous improvements. 2. There
should be research and development of the creative tourism strategy of other provinces with the
context of different areas. In order to adapt to the geographical environment and the situation
appropriately. 3. The tourism development strategy should be held by tourists for the elderly to
comply with the Thai society currently being entered into the elderly society, possibly providing
facilities include a medical facility that is available to both Thais and foreigners to create a full
potential and strategic planning to build the next competitive ability.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019
Available at www.ijsred.com
ISSN : 2581-7175 IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 531
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  • 1. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019 Available at www.ijsred.com ISSN : 2581-7175 IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 524 A Comparative Study of National Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism between Thailand and China Lei Sun*, Samart Deebhijarn, Amirhossein Taghipour, Navidreza Ahadi, Ornicha Norkaew College of Educational Innovation Research, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand. ----------------------------------------************************---------------------------------- Abstract: Cultural creative tourism SWOT analytical review is an evolution that represents the increasing inclusion between tourist, social and creative industries. Increasing attention is paid to cultural creative tourism in China. While wealthy tourism funds are available, cultural and innovative tourism is initially developing. This research examines the basis of cultural creative tourism in China and Thailand. In addition, the eight critical policies for the sustainable development of the cultural creative tourism were suggested at the strategic level. The approaches may not only improve the efficiency of local authorities but also refer to other areas. Keyword: Creative Tourism, SWOT Analysis, Thailand, China. ----------------------------------------************************---------------------------------- Introduction: Since the' creative economy ' idea introduced in 1998, some developed countries and areas have advanced creative financial mode. The creative economy is capable of producing USD 22 billion daily and growing at 5% worldwide. In some developed countries, development is quicker, for example in the U.S. 14 percent, and in the UK 12 percent. Australia, South Korea, Denmark, the Netherlands and Singapore are also the representative nations that have quickly established their creative industry. The level of innovative economic development has become the main characteristic that measures a country's competitive strength. In the meantime, the cultural creative industry has been the emerging feature of world sector and a significant way to improve domestic financial strength and soft power, with the growth of the knowledge economy and the experience economy. In China, the strategies for "Promotive Planning of the Cultural Industry" were respectively launched in 2009 and "Coordinating Opinions on economic assistance for the recovery and development of culture" in 2010, which demonstrated a strong domestic approach for the Chinese government. In the 12th Five-Year Plan, the cultural creative industry will become a pillar of the Chinese economy. Today, tourism is considered as a mechanism of economic development and industry revenue to the country. By will find that the national economic and social development plan, including the Government's policy focus and give priority to the development of tourism. Of economies, and contribute to the country is very much consistent with the past travel situation. The State has promoted the community as the economic expansion occurring rapidly and is likely to grow as RESEARCH ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS
  • 2. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019 Available at www.ijsred.com ISSN : 2581-7175 IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 525 more and more networks. But, on the contrary, the reverse affects the environmental resource base, Society and culture. The traditions of the local people very much attributed to problems with expanding quantity of tourists and tourism income without readiness support capabilities tour makes many attractions degradation occurs. Thus, leading to the proposed policies under the concepts of troubleshoot and the development of sustainable tourism in the countries of Thailand and china, that there are important and urgent. it the role of local governments towards tourism management: 1. tourism marketing 2. finding and creating new attractions. 3. tourism services 4. plan development (Strength:S) (Weaknesses : W) -Resources, complete environment-ideal for various travel arrangements-the management system of the local administrative organization focuses on strong governance principles-with departments/organizations, academic support and various technologies. -Lack of resource degradation-influence group issues/conflicts of interest- expanding the natural city community - Lack of basic utilities and necessary facilities Opportunities Threats -It's a way to connect the network between provinces and other regions.- There is a concrete tourism development plan at the level of the area policy, including the community-renowned for both national and international. -Get a budget, invest and promote many tourism businesses -Conflict of State/law organization, as well as a lack of unity development guidelines -Effects of unrest in areas and nearby areas
  • 3. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019 Available at www.ijsred.com ISSN : 2581-7175 IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 526 Promote and support tourism management in accordance with capital, potential and policy at all levels, including the strategic tourism Management of the local administrative organization. A summary of the findings of research can conclude that the public opinion of the areas of the case study on the tourism management role of the local administrative organization. The four areas of Thailand include 1. Travel Marketing 2. The side of pursuit and creation of new tourist attraction 3. Tourism services including 4. Planning and development of the attraction Find that the tourism management role is very high. As a result of environmental analysis, by the way "SWOT Analysis" can be summarized as a policy proposal, the tourism management of the local administrative organization, corresponding to the vision. Suggestions. 1. local governments should set guidelines for tourism management in order to provide maximum benefit to the communities and the society as a whole. 2. local governments should manage the tourism policy which is consistent with the conservation and rehabilitation of natural resources strictly. Case study of Suphan buri The first strategy consisted of three goals including 1) increase in gross income from creative tourism of Suphanburi province, 2) increase in the number of repeat visitors in creative tourism in Suphanburi province, and 3) increase in visitor satisfaction of creative tourism of Suphanburi province. The second strategy promoted domestic and foreign marketing strategies. The strategy focused on quality visitors comprising 1) encouragement the market to reach the target, focusing on quality market, and 2) collaboration with three sectors such as government, private and public. The third strategy linked tourism within the cluster to increase the duration of stay by enhancing tourism activities and linking tourism routes. The strategy included as follows: 1) increase the duration of stay from creative tourism of Suphanburi province, 2) increase the tourism routes link to creative tourism of Suphanburi province, and 3) increase the creative tourism entrepreneurs in Suphanburi. The fourth strategy developed tourism staff and supported public participation in tourism development comprising 1) development the capacity of tourism staff in the system to be competitive and sufficient to meet the needs of the market, 2) promotion public participation in tourism management and benefit from tourism. In addition, the results indicated that (3) the stakeholders certified the strategies creative tourism of Suphanburi province. 1. The strengths (Strengh), Suphan Buri has an invaluable cultural tourism resource that reflects Suphan Buri. There are many tourist sites that are created from various organizations and naturally occurring. There are plenty of beauty, such as Phu Toey National Park, natural rock garden. There are historical sites that have been declared a special area for tourism. The transportation routes are convenient for both road and rail. The transportation within the province and the travel between the provinces is not very high, the location of the province is centered in the middle of the central region. It is a strategic point that can be developed as a hub for the economic and logistic systems, and has an outstanding identity in the form of a seductive and preserved native language. 2. Weakness (Weakness), Suphanburi Personnel also have a restriction of the lack of local guides, especially Japan and Korea Chinese lack of network integration of tourism development the province lacks measures to preserve local culture, a lack of public relations and
  • 4. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019 Available at www.ijsred.com ISSN : 2581-7175 IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 527 communications, tourism information, continued. The lack of a different stand with the other 8 provinces co set in suphan buri province, also has a little. 3. the opportunity (Opportunity) in suphan buri province's policy of balanced social and community development using the concept of sufficiency economy as the Government has promoted and supported. It is likely that tourists interested in forms of creative tourism is very much of that is in the current flow, and natural resources are conducive to the development of tourism and is also the area around the Centre of the country, Thailand, connected to various provinces across the country are well. 4. obstacles to (Treat). Suphanburi city, Foundation of resources related to cultural tourism. Causing travel management of sectors related to tourism that does not reflect. Identity affect changes and loss of high culture public lack of understanding in the province's existing resources. Can't be used correctly and appropriate technological evolution affects changes in social structure and way of life. From the analysis of the external environment and inside of the suphan buri province in the strategy's strengths and weaknesses (Swot Analysis), obstacles, opportunities, and researchers have all the study results are prepared, creative tourism strategy of the suphan buri province. The preventive strategy (Strategy ST) is derived from the assessment information environment that is a strength and a restriction considered together. So does GE strategy or positive protection strategy because there's strengths in strategic development, creative travel of suphan buri province to areas across the country, and the city is located on route logistics. Takayama, a city of freight and tourists from around the world come to suphan buri province. Promoting the domestic and foreign markets in order to increase tourism revenue by focusing on market structure and tourist groups on quality by integrated cooperation, 3 parties, and the public and private sector. There are links to travel and tourism creative network. 3. corrective strategies (Strategy WO) is derived from the assessment information is the environment, and the vulnerabilities and opportunities considered together. So does GE strategy or strategies, positive edits and have accelerated the promotion and creation of. Suphan buri province, about the differences of culture, Thailand tourists and foreigners, to reduce the differences between cultures. Have developed capabilities to compete with the developed infrastructure and facilities? Logistics and security support to the country's main cities are Thailand and the promotion of investment in tourism businesses and medium-sized enterprises associated with tourism and strengthen the local investor group including investors, local and international levels appropriately. It has an impact on development as a tourist city, as well as the population and labor issues in The feedback on the research is applied to 1. From the findings found that Suphan Buri has already managed creative tourism, but due to lack of integration and management strategies that are an overview of the province. The same standards as that of Thailand. Therefore, Suphan Buri provincial stakeholders should be developed seriously in many ways, as a guide to the driving operations of Thailand's international standards, together, promoting and pushing the development of the research on the creative tourism strategy of Suphan Buri. In all sectors
  • 5. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019 Available at www.ijsred.com ISSN : 2581-7175 IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 528 involved, such as the Ministry of Tourism and Sports. The Tourism Authority of Thailand and the tourist police, as well as the tourism association in the area. Tourism industry, as well as the tourism business of many foreign people. It has an impact on the tourism standards of travel, exploitation, and scam issues from the tourism Operators group and the integration of the tourism network is rarely effective. The group has a large number of tourist attractions, public relations and tourist information media. The results of a creative tourism strategy analysis of Suphan Buri province the vision is the cultural and creative wisdom of Suphan Buri, with its mission as follows: 1. Empower development and encouraging the development of the creative tourism strategy of Suphan Buri is the Center for Cultural Tourism and the central wisdom of Thailand to help create economic security. Society and culture for local and country 2. Create a tourism revenue distribution and increase the average revenue per head of tourists, from the development of the creative tourism strategy of Suphan Buri. 3. Develop a mechanism and associate tourism management with the development of the creative tourism strategy of Suphan Buri to have the capacity to manage and accommodate both Thai and foreign tourists. The group focuses on the high quality international tourist market in Thailand. A strategic issue has been analyzed. The four strategies are: Case Study of China The advent of the creative sector has transformed ideas, intellect, science and technology into financial advantages, and has become the fresh center of economic growth for the contemporary service industry. It provides a fresh boost to other connected sectors with its dynamics, artistry, supply chain impacts and elevated added quality features. Adding aspects of social formation to tourism will further enhance the dynamics, involvement and social material of tourism operations and products. Cultural creative tourism is therefore also regarded as artistic tourism, which combines the cultural creative sector with tourism. It can incorporate tourism funds, promote tourism product innovation and build multi-level tourism chains across all industries with the way culturally creative industries are thinking and developing. Richards addressed the increasing inclusion of tourism and distinct policies for place-building including promoting creative industries, towns and classes in creative tourism. Tan et al. studied from a tourist point of view the nature of creativity in tourism and developed a' creative experience ' model of external and internal reflection in creative tourism. Historical revitalized waterfront areas could be used as innovative sites to attract innovative tourists. In some areas, such as Jilin Province, Henan Province, Beijing City, Zhengzhou City, and Qinghai Province researchers have also proposed a number of countermeasures for cultural creative tourism growth. In Heilongjiang Province, cultural creative tourism remains at the original level relative to China's other areas. Development policies should Development Foundations of Cultural Creative Tourism in Heilongjiang Province The province of Heilongjiang has developed diverse cultural assets during its historical growth. The Songhua Basin of the River and the Heilongjiang Basin are the birthplaces of Sushen, the southern culture of the minority. Some people have been driven into Heilongjiang Province since the Western Han Dynasty and created a "displaced culture." In 1400 kilometers of Heilongjiang province the state of the Qing Dynasty created 25 phases called the "postrider culture." "Beijing Bannermen Return to the North East," which introduced "Beijing the culture of Bannermen," was promulgated by the emperor Kangxi of Quing Dynasty. Modern history has made the
  • 6. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019 Available at www.ijsred.com ISSN : 2581-7175 IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 529 immigrants "courageous trip to northeast society" from other provinces. Over 160 000 immigrants from 33 countries made up the' Culture of European Style' in the first quarter of the 20th century. These cultural assets provide valuable products for cultural creative tourism growth in the province of Heilongjiang. Development Strategies for Cultural Creative Tourism in Heilongjiang ProvinceDigging up Longjiang culture The Province of Heilongjiang should investigate the blend of culture and tourism with creative thinking. For example, the development of natural tourism resources can be part of the corresponding humanities content in addition to simple sightseeing projects. In 2012, Great Northern Wilderness of Heilongjiang Recovery Area's Cultural Tourism Festival not only featured ice and snow, forests, waters, ecological agriculture and other natural landscapes, but also united old nationality culture, army culture, the culture of immigrants, the educated young people culture and the cultural creativity of the Great Northern Wild. Cultivating atmosphere of creative tourism In order to develop a healthy artistic environment, the cultural museum, the art gallery, the scientific museum and the creative park are open to the public and to visitors alike. This is the only way that people and visitors will experience innovative appeal and develop curiosity and a hunger for understanding. It can also encourage residents and visitors to contribute to creative design and planning. The government is also allowed to begin selection operations by integrating tourism funds, designing tourism souvenirs, marketing tourism products and other elements. The govt should assist tourist companies to build an awareness of entrepreneurship and to strengthen the innovative idea so that they can set the foundations for cultural creative tourism growth. Promoting regional cooperation The comparable cultural foundations should serve to reinforce relations and communication in order to define important regions of collaboration, based on Heilongjiang Province, Jilin Province and Liaoning Province in North-East China. Cooperation should be mutual, multi-win or supplementary. The Province of Heilongjiang should enhanced national collaboration with the Province of Jilin, the Province of Liaoning, western inner Mongolia and Russia and Northeastern Asia on the grounds of cultural participation in the growth system. The provinces involved will hopefully improve shared confidence, build consensus and foster collaboration so that the scenario is win - win. Training the talents of cultural creative tourism In order to provide intelligent assistance and human resources to the cultural and innovative tourism sector, Heilongjiang province should create and train cultural creative tourism professionals. The universities in the province of Heilongjiang must take accountability for artistic skills, give training on tourism scheduling, tourism management, publicity design, animation manufacturing and art training in the setting. At the same moment, local and foreign cultural creative tourism skills and leadership talent with an in-depth traditional culture and a widespread global perspective should be brought to Heilongjiang Province. In order to motivate the excitement and potential of innovative cultural tourism Heilongjiang province may also be active in organizing large-scale creative design competitions.
  • 7. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2019 Available at www.ijsred.com ISSN : 2581-7175 IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 530 Improving tourism science and technology innovation In the phase of growth of the tourist industry, tourism science and technological innovation play an significant part which not only can fuel innovation of consumer and cultural creative tourism service mode but can also fuelled innovation in marketing and administration modes. The Province of Heilongjiang should improve tourism science and technology innovation in these respects, for example by updating the concept of Tourism by using the idea of innovation, and maintaining a leadership position in cultural creative tourism in the heilongjiang Province. Increasing marketing efforts The Province of Heilongjiang must continue to enhance advertising and marketing in the form of television, radio, the Internet and other media and to extend the cultural and innovative tourism spread combined with film and television, technology, sports, exhibition, business, external trade. Meanwhile, the province of Heilongjiang should boost tourism festival growth attempts and generate the "holiday economy." With the aid of the modern and creative tourism festival it is possible to organize the international ice-snow festival Harbin International Beer Festival, the Harbin Economy Trade Fair, the Wudalianchi Holy Water Festival, the Daqing Öl Festival and the Arctic Sightseeing Festival. Conclusions Built on the basis for the growth of the cultural creative tourism of Heilsongjiang province, this article proposes 8 key approaches: exploration of culture in Longjiang, cultivation of a artistic tourism atmosphere, promotion of international co-operation, defense of the right to intellectual property, help of the government, preparation of cultural talent creative touch Decision-makers in the Province of Heilongjiang could use the suggested approaches to schedule their future innovative cultural tourism. It can thus provide helpful links to other Chinese areas that are designed to develop cultural creative tourism. From the research results, the creative tourism strategy of Suphan Buri is lacking in cooperation from all sectors. Therefore, the authorities of the Suphan Buri Province should implement the Action plan by the relevant agencies, which should be based on the strategy of research into the operational plan. Tourism and sports should be created and promoted in all sectors involved to create a creative tourism network league to create local identities to clearly reflect the nuances of each province. 3. Based on the results of the research, visitors are able to see the public relations with the most media, especially the Internet and television media, so that the stakeholders of the Suphan Buri province should use the channel of communication through the Internet and television media is important due to such channels. Respondents have seen and opened more news about the tourism relationship than other media. Suggestions for future research 1. Suphan Buri Province should be researched to create a clear, creative tourism strategy plan. To be a prototype in the development of other regions of Thailand and in the same direction and find a way to develop more famous improvements. 2. There should be research and development of the creative tourism strategy of other provinces with the context of different areas. In order to adapt to the geographical environment and the situation appropriately. 3. The tourism development strategy should be held by tourists for the elderly to comply with the Thai society currently being entered into the elderly society, possibly providing facilities include a medical facility that is available to both Thais and foreigners to create a full potential and strategic planning to build the next competitive ability.
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