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ISSN (e): 2250 – 3005 || Vol, 04 || Issue, 9 || September – 2014 || 
International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER) 
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Effect of sintering time on the particle size and dielectric properties of La-doped PbTiO3 ceramic nanoparticles A. A. Abd El-razek*1, E. M. Saed1, M. K. Gergs1 1Ferroelectric Lap, Physics Department, Faculty of science, South Valley University, Qena-83523, Egypt 
In recent years, lead titanate (PbTiO3) ceramics have attracted lot of attention due to its high Curie temperature (490 oC) and low dielectric constant (200), which makes it suitable for high-temperature and high- frequency transducer applications than that of PZT ceramic system [1,2]. However, pure lead titanate ceramics are very difficult to be sintered because of its large lattice anisotropy (c/a = 1.064). On cooling through Curie temperature, the large anisotropy of ceramic material becomes fragile. In addition, it’s difficult to pole the ceramics with low resistivity (107 – 108 Ω cm). By substitution of isovalent (Ca2+, Ba2+, Cd2+, ……etc) or off-valent (Sm3+, Gd3+, La3+, Y3+, ……etc) ions into the Pb sites, the lattice anisotropy is reduced [3], and the samples become more dense. Mn doped PbTiO3 produces a material with high mechanical strength, low dielectric losses and low dielectric constant reliable for piezoelectric resonator applications [4]. M.K. Gerges and et al. studied effect of preparation conditions (pressure, sintering time and temperature) on the ferroelectric properties of (Pb0.1825La0.125)TiO3 ceramics, where the optimum pressure was 40 MPa and they summarized that the sintering time and sintering temperature are considered to be the essential factor for improving quality of ceramics [5]. La- and Zr-doped lead titanate (PLT, PLZT) powder ceramics and thin films are known to have interesting dielectric, pyroelectric, electro-optic and piezoelectric properties [6-9], and so have a wide range of applications such as infrared sensors [10], capacitors [11], ferroelectric memories (dynamic random access memory (DRAM) and non-volatile random access memory (NVRAM)) [12], shutters [7], optical modulators [13], etc. PLT and PLZT belong to the family of ferroelectric relaxors, and so show anomalies in their properties in a relatively extended interval around a temperature, Tm at which the permittivity, εr, reaches a maximum. The corresponding phase transition is called diffuse phase transition. Piezoelectric ceramics are commonly used as sensors. These materials have good detection and output characteristic, and can operate over a wide range of frequencies. However, pure piezoelectric ceramics are often too stiff and brittle to be used as embedded sensors in polymeric composites. In the present work, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties have been investigated for nanoparticles of PLT ceramics synthesized through conventional ceramic preparation technique. Corresponding author*1: Tel: +20966904409; Fax: +20965211273 
E-mail address: abdelrazek.mahmoud@sci.svu.edu.eg; abdophy2010@yahoo.com 
Nanoparticles of [Pb0.7 La0.2] TiO3 ceramics were prepared by conventional combustion technique from the oxides of PbO, La2O3 and TiO2 with different sintering time (ts) (2, 6, 10, 12, 16 and 20h) while keeping the calcination temperature at 1200 oC. Particle size of the samples was estimated between 25 to 65 nm through Scherrer formula and was found to increase with increasing sintering time (ts). Microstructural analysis of the samples was carried out using scanning electron microscope which showed that grain boundary increased with increasing sintering time (ts) while dislocations were reduced. The dielectric constant and Curie temperature of the samples was increased with increasing sintering time (ts), but the activation energy in both of ferroelectric and paraelectric (Ea) decreased with increasing ts. The diffusion coefficient (γ) decreased with increasing ts. In other words the optimum sintering time conditions was found. 
KEYWORDS: - A. Ceramics, B. Crystal growth, C. X-ray diffraction, D. Dielectric properties
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Nanoparticles of the PLT were prepared with conventional ceramic method where stoichiometric ratios of oxide powders of PbO, La2O3 and TiO2 were mixed together, and pressed into disc shaped pellets of 2 cm diameter and about 1 cm thickness by applying a pressure of 20 MPa. These discs were calcined for 2 h at a temperature of 700 °C. These discs were further sintered at different sintering times (ts) 2, 6, 10, 12, 16 and 20 h at 1200 °C. Finally, the disks were rushed and grinded mechanically to produce samples with 7.5 mm diameter and about 1.5mm thickness and were coated with on opposite face with aluminum thin films to study the electrical properties. Compositional analysis and lattice parameters of the samples were carried out through X- ray diffraction (XRD) and microstructure analysis was done using scanning electron microscope (SEM) (JEOL, JSM-5500LV). The dielectric properties were measured using LCR meter (TH2826) The Curie temperature was calculated by measuring the dielectric behavior as a function of temperature. 
a. Structural properties 
The X-ray diffraction patterns of ceramic nanoparticles of [Pb0.7 La0.2] TiO3 sintered under different times (2, 12 and 20h) at sintering temperature 1200 oC are shown in Fig. 1. The X-ray analysis indicated that the La- doped PbTiO3 ceramic nanoparticles have major peaks at (101), and all of them are tetragonal in phase. The average grain size (D) of the samples was calculated using Debye-Scherrer method from the broadening of the diffraction line using the expression [14]: D = 0.94λ/βcos(θ) (1) Where λ is the wave length of the CuKα radiation, β is the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the diffraction peak and θ is the Bragg diffraction angle. Fig. 2 shows the variation of grain size as a function of sintering time (ts), and it was found that with increasing ts, grain size increases. The behavior can be explained according to the phenomenological kinetic grain growth equation expressed as [15]: log G = (1/n) log t + (1/n) [ log Ko – 0.434 (Q/RT)] (2) Where G is the average grain size at the time sintering, n is the kinetic grain growth exponent, Ko a constant, Q the apparent activation energy, R the gas constant, and T is the absolute temperature. The average grain size of all the studied samples has been found increased with increasing of sintering time (t), where the average grain size increased from 25 nm to 65 nm, if the sintering time increased from 2h to 20 h are respectivelly between 25 to 65 nm. The growth in grain size as a function of sintering time can be observed in [16]. Fig. 3(a) and (b) shows the lattice constant and lattice anisotropy of La-doped PbTiO3 ceramic nanoparticles as a function of sintering time (ts) at sintered temperature 1200 oC, respectively. It is seen that the lattice constant c-axis decreases correspondingly with increasing the sintering time, while the a-axis changes little, so that the lattice anisotropy (c/a) decreases with increasing sintering time. This results indicate that the system is approaching towards cubic structure. The increasing of sintering time it will assist the modified Lead titanate ceramics in sintering process and improve the crystal structure of the samples. This behavior can be observed in [17,18]. According to Arlt,s model [19], the lattice anisotropy (c/a) is inverse proportional to the partical size. The microstructural analysis of La doped PbTiO3 ceramic nanoparticles were carried out using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Fig.4 (a-c) presents the SEM micrographs of 20% doped PbTiO3 sample sintered at 1200 oC and at different sintering time (2, 10, 16 and 20h). It can be seen that the diameter of grain boundary increased with increasing sintering time of the sample. 
b. Dielectric properties 
Figs. 5(a) presents the variation of dielectric constant with sintering temperature 1200 0C for three sintering times 2, 12 and 20h under an applied field of 100 kHz. While Fi.5 (b) presents the variation of dielectric constant with respect to the sintering time at two fixed frequencies, 10 KHz and 100 KHz, respectively., Fig. 5(a) shows that for each sample, the general mode of (ε) variation against (T) yields a bell curve, where the dielectric constant increases with increasing temperature and reaches to a maximum value (εmax) at Curie temperature (Tc), then it decreases with further increase of sintering temperature. Further, it is also seen that εmax increases with increasing sintering time, where if the sintering time is increased from 2h to 20h, the εmax increases from 5367 to 8217. This increase in dielectric constant is due to increasing grain size corresponding to the increase in sintering time. Similar behavior has been reported by M. Dongle et al. where they report that the dielectric constant increases with increasing sintering time [5]. From Fig.5(b) it can be seen that the Curied temperature (Tc) for all the studied samples is independent of frequency and the εmax decreases with increasing frequency of the applied field, where in low-frequency region, the dielectric constant has high value, which can be attributed to various polarization effects. At higher frequencies, electronic polarization contribution dominates over ionic and orientation polarization and hence the dielectric values are less [20-22].
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Fig.6 shows the variation of Curie temperature with respect to the sintering time. It is seen that the Curie temperature increases with increasing sintering time, where if the sintering time is increased from 2 to 20h, the Tc increases from 423 to 453 oK. This increase in Tc can be related to the configuration of new dipole moments. Fig. 7 presents plot of activation energy (Eaf, Eap) versus the sintering time (ts), where Eaf and Eap are the activation energy in ferroelectric and paraelectric phases, which can be calculated from the equation [23]. Ln ( -1 ) = Ln (◦ -1 ) - (Ea /k)(1/ T) (3) Where,  and ◦ represents the relaxation and critical relaxation times at Tc, respectively. Ea is the activation energy and k is the Boltzmann constant. The slope of ln( -1) versus (1/T) gives the value of Ea. From Fig.7, it is seen that in whole range of sintering time the value of Eap is higher than that of Eaf. The behavior can be related with crystal structure which is tetragonal before the Curie temperature Tc and cubic after it. The rate of decrease for both values of Ea is rapid at low sintering time ts while it is slowed down at higher values and both the values of Ea reach to a minimum at ts ≥ 20 h. These results can indicate the behavior of maximum value for dielectric constant according to the following equation [24] μ = μo exp (-E/KT) (4) Where μ the mobility of dipole moment, E is the activation energy, K is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature. The last equation show that the mobility of dipole moment and consequently the maximum value of dielectric constant is inverse proportional to the activation energy, and as the sample was sintered at ts = 20h posses minimum value for activation energy, so that it posses maximum value for dielectric constant. 
c. Sintering time effect-induced diffused phase transition 
The broadening of the dielectric peak of nanocrystalline PLT suggests a typical non-relaxor behavior with diffuse phase transition. A quantitative estimate of the diffuseness parameter (γ) of the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition can be obtained using the equation [25]: (1/ε – 1/εmax) = 1/C(T - Tc)γ, (T < Tc), (5) Where γ and C are modified constants with 1 < γ < 2. The value of γ determines the degree of diffuseness of the phase transition. The value of γ is equal to 1 for a system with a completely ordered transition. On the basis of a local compositional fluctuation model, the value of γ is equal to 2 for a completely diffuse system. The value γ < 1 suggests diffused transition [26] The plots of ln(1/ε – 1/εmax) versus ln(T - Tc) corresponding to the samples for sintering time = 2, 12 and 20h, respectively, are shown in Fig. 8 at an applied field of 10 kHz. According to Eq (4) the slope of ln(1/ε – 1/εmax) versus ln(T - Tc) gives the value of γ. From the plot, it can noted that value of γ decrease from 1.3 to 1.11 when the sintering time is increased from 2 to 20h, indicating that the ferroelectric transition becomes less diffuse and the quality of the samples is more. These results are in agreement with the results reported by S.K.S. Parashar et al [27,28]. The values of γ calculated from the fitting of curve in Fig.8 are listed in Table 1. 
We have successfully grown the nanoparticles of (Pb0.7La0.2)TiO3 ceramic and studied the effect of sintering time on the samples sintered at 1200 oC which show that the sintering time cannot only reduce the lattice anisotropy (c/a), but also keep good dielectric properties, where the value of εmax increased from 6010 to 18200 if the sintering time is increased from 2 to 20h at a frequency 10 kHz of the applied field. For all the ceramics samples, the values of εmax at 10 kHz were more than that at 100 kHz at the same sintering time. Also the phase transition increased with increasing sintering time and it is independent of the frequency of applied electric field. The grain sizes of the samples were increased with increasing sintering time which means that the dislocations were reduced and the samples became harder. The γ coefficient decreased with increasing sintering time which means that the sample quality was further improved and the bell curve was sharper with increasing sintering time. We can conclude that the sintering time is considered to be the essential factor for improving the quality of the ceramics samples. REFERENCES 
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Table Caption 
Table.1. Comparison of lattice parameter (nm), dielectric data, grain size (nm), diffusivity and activation 
energy (eV) for the sample (Pb0.7 La 0.20.1)TiO3 ceramics, with different sintering time. 
Parameter 2 6 10 12 16 20h 
c (Ao) 4.1 4.09 4.075 4.065 4.05 4.045 
a (Ao) 3.9 3.901 3.9015 3.9018 3.902 3.9022 
c/a 1.05 1.048 1.044 1.041 1.037 1.035 
εmax (10 kHz) 6010 9153 13308 15427 17500 18200 
εmax (100 kHz) 5367 7149 7305 7650 7966 8217 
Tc (K) 423 427 433 440 447 453 
partical size (nm) 25 38 50 57 61 65 
γ 1.3 1.24 1.19 1.16 1.13 1.11 
Eaf (eV) 1.6 1.18 1.07 0.983 0.903 0.853 
Figure caption 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 
I n t e n s i t y (a .u ) 
2  (d e g re e ) 
1 2 h 
[ 2 0 0 ] 
[ 0 0 2 ] 
[1 1 1 ] 
[1 1 0 ] 
[1 0 1 ] 
[1 0 0 ] 
2 0 h 
Fig. 1. Shows XRD patterns of variation sintering time for the sample [(Pb0.7 La0.2 0 
.1)] TiO3 ceramics sintered 
at 1200 oC.
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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 
P a r t i c a l s i e z e ( n m ) 
S in te r in g t im e (h o u r ) 
Fig. 2. Shows variation of average grain size for the sample [(Pb0.7La0.20 
.1)] TiO3 ceramics with sintering time 
sintered at 1200 oC. 
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 
4 .0 4 
4 .0 5 
4 .0 6 
4 .0 7 
4 .0 8 
4 .0 9 
4 .1 0 
4 .1 1 
(a ) 
S in te r in g t im e (h o u r ) 
C (A 
3 .9 0 0 0 
3 .9 0 0 5 
3 .9 0 1 0 
3 .9 0 1 5 
3 .9 0 2 0 
3 .9 0 2 5 
a (A 
0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 2 0 2 2 
1 .0 3 4 
1 .0 3 6 
1 .0 3 8 
1 .0 4 0 
1 .0 4 2 
1 .0 4 4 
1 .0 4 6 
1 .0 4 8 
1 .0 5 0 
1 .0 5 2 
(b ) 
(c / a ) 
S in te r in g t im e (h o u r ) 
Fig.3. Dependence of the (a) lattice constant and (b) lattice anisotropy (c/a) of [(Pb0.7La0.2 0 
.1)] TiO3 ceramics 
on the sintering time.
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Fig. 4. SEM photographs of (a), (b) and (c) represented the sample [(Pb0.7La0.2 0 .1)] TiO3 ceramics sintered at 1200 0C on the sintering time 2, 12 and 20h are respectively.
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Fig. 5. (a) Variation of dielectric constant with temperature for the sample PLT ceramics sintered at 2, 12 and 20h. (b) Depending (εmax) with two various frequencies (10 and 100 kHz) for all studied the samples Fig.6. Depending Curie temperature for the sample [(Pb0.7La0.20 .1)] TiO3 ceramics sintered at 1200 0C as a function of the sintering time. 
024681012141618202240006000800010000120001400016000180002000022000(b) Max of dielectric constant ( max) Sintering time (hour) 10 kHz 100 kHz3003203403603804004204404604805000100020003000400050006000700080009000(a) Dielectric Constant () Temperature ( oK) 2 h 12 h 20 h
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Fig. 7. A plot of activation energy at the ferroelectric (Eaf) and paraelectric phases (Eap) for the sample (Pb0.7La0.20.1)TiO3 ceramics versus with the sintering time. Fig. 8. A plot of max versus the ln(1/ε – 1/εmax) versus ln(T - Tc) for (Pb0.7La0.20.1)TiO3 ceramics, with sintering time (a) = 2h, (b) = 12h, and (c) = 20h.

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Effect of sintering time on the particle size and dielectric properties of La-doped PbTiO3 ceramic nanoparticles

  • 1. ISSN (e): 2250 – 3005 || Vol, 04 || Issue, 9 || September – 2014 || International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER) www.ijceronline.com Open Access Journal Page 38 Effect of sintering time on the particle size and dielectric properties of La-doped PbTiO3 ceramic nanoparticles A. A. Abd El-razek*1, E. M. Saed1, M. K. Gergs1 1Ferroelectric Lap, Physics Department, Faculty of science, South Valley University, Qena-83523, Egypt I. INTRODUCTION In recent years, lead titanate (PbTiO3) ceramics have attracted lot of attention due to its high Curie temperature (490 oC) and low dielectric constant (200), which makes it suitable for high-temperature and high- frequency transducer applications than that of PZT ceramic system [1,2]. However, pure lead titanate ceramics are very difficult to be sintered because of its large lattice anisotropy (c/a = 1.064). On cooling through Curie temperature, the large anisotropy of ceramic material becomes fragile. In addition, it’s difficult to pole the ceramics with low resistivity (107 – 108 Ω cm). By substitution of isovalent (Ca2+, Ba2+, Cd2+, ……etc) or off-valent (Sm3+, Gd3+, La3+, Y3+, ……etc) ions into the Pb sites, the lattice anisotropy is reduced [3], and the samples become more dense. Mn doped PbTiO3 produces a material with high mechanical strength, low dielectric losses and low dielectric constant reliable for piezoelectric resonator applications [4]. M.K. Gerges and et al. studied effect of preparation conditions (pressure, sintering time and temperature) on the ferroelectric properties of (Pb0.1825La0.125)TiO3 ceramics, where the optimum pressure was 40 MPa and they summarized that the sintering time and sintering temperature are considered to be the essential factor for improving quality of ceramics [5]. La- and Zr-doped lead titanate (PLT, PLZT) powder ceramics and thin films are known to have interesting dielectric, pyroelectric, electro-optic and piezoelectric properties [6-9], and so have a wide range of applications such as infrared sensors [10], capacitors [11], ferroelectric memories (dynamic random access memory (DRAM) and non-volatile random access memory (NVRAM)) [12], shutters [7], optical modulators [13], etc. PLT and PLZT belong to the family of ferroelectric relaxors, and so show anomalies in their properties in a relatively extended interval around a temperature, Tm at which the permittivity, εr, reaches a maximum. The corresponding phase transition is called diffuse phase transition. Piezoelectric ceramics are commonly used as sensors. These materials have good detection and output characteristic, and can operate over a wide range of frequencies. However, pure piezoelectric ceramics are often too stiff and brittle to be used as embedded sensors in polymeric composites. In the present work, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties have been investigated for nanoparticles of PLT ceramics synthesized through conventional ceramic preparation technique. Corresponding author*1: Tel: +20966904409; Fax: +20965211273 E-mail address: abdelrazek.mahmoud@sci.svu.edu.eg; abdophy2010@yahoo.com ABSTRACT Nanoparticles of [Pb0.7 La0.2] TiO3 ceramics were prepared by conventional combustion technique from the oxides of PbO, La2O3 and TiO2 with different sintering time (ts) (2, 6, 10, 12, 16 and 20h) while keeping the calcination temperature at 1200 oC. Particle size of the samples was estimated between 25 to 65 nm through Scherrer formula and was found to increase with increasing sintering time (ts). Microstructural analysis of the samples was carried out using scanning electron microscope which showed that grain boundary increased with increasing sintering time (ts) while dislocations were reduced. The dielectric constant and Curie temperature of the samples was increased with increasing sintering time (ts), but the activation energy in both of ferroelectric and paraelectric (Ea) decreased with increasing ts. The diffusion coefficient (γ) decreased with increasing ts. In other words the optimum sintering time conditions was found. KEYWORDS: - A. Ceramics, B. Crystal growth, C. X-ray diffraction, D. Dielectric properties
  • 2. Effect of sintering time on the particle… www.ijceronline.com Open Access Journal Page 39 II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Nanoparticles of the PLT were prepared with conventional ceramic method where stoichiometric ratios of oxide powders of PbO, La2O3 and TiO2 were mixed together, and pressed into disc shaped pellets of 2 cm diameter and about 1 cm thickness by applying a pressure of 20 MPa. These discs were calcined for 2 h at a temperature of 700 °C. These discs were further sintered at different sintering times (ts) 2, 6, 10, 12, 16 and 20 h at 1200 °C. Finally, the disks were rushed and grinded mechanically to produce samples with 7.5 mm diameter and about 1.5mm thickness and were coated with on opposite face with aluminum thin films to study the electrical properties. Compositional analysis and lattice parameters of the samples were carried out through X- ray diffraction (XRD) and microstructure analysis was done using scanning electron microscope (SEM) (JEOL, JSM-5500LV). The dielectric properties were measured using LCR meter (TH2826) The Curie temperature was calculated by measuring the dielectric behavior as a function of temperature. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS a. Structural properties The X-ray diffraction patterns of ceramic nanoparticles of [Pb0.7 La0.2] TiO3 sintered under different times (2, 12 and 20h) at sintering temperature 1200 oC are shown in Fig. 1. The X-ray analysis indicated that the La- doped PbTiO3 ceramic nanoparticles have major peaks at (101), and all of them are tetragonal in phase. The average grain size (D) of the samples was calculated using Debye-Scherrer method from the broadening of the diffraction line using the expression [14]: D = 0.94λ/βcos(θ) (1) Where λ is the wave length of the CuKα radiation, β is the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the diffraction peak and θ is the Bragg diffraction angle. Fig. 2 shows the variation of grain size as a function of sintering time (ts), and it was found that with increasing ts, grain size increases. The behavior can be explained according to the phenomenological kinetic grain growth equation expressed as [15]: log G = (1/n) log t + (1/n) [ log Ko – 0.434 (Q/RT)] (2) Where G is the average grain size at the time sintering, n is the kinetic grain growth exponent, Ko a constant, Q the apparent activation energy, R the gas constant, and T is the absolute temperature. The average grain size of all the studied samples has been found increased with increasing of sintering time (t), where the average grain size increased from 25 nm to 65 nm, if the sintering time increased from 2h to 20 h are respectivelly between 25 to 65 nm. The growth in grain size as a function of sintering time can be observed in [16]. Fig. 3(a) and (b) shows the lattice constant and lattice anisotropy of La-doped PbTiO3 ceramic nanoparticles as a function of sintering time (ts) at sintered temperature 1200 oC, respectively. It is seen that the lattice constant c-axis decreases correspondingly with increasing the sintering time, while the a-axis changes little, so that the lattice anisotropy (c/a) decreases with increasing sintering time. This results indicate that the system is approaching towards cubic structure. The increasing of sintering time it will assist the modified Lead titanate ceramics in sintering process and improve the crystal structure of the samples. This behavior can be observed in [17,18]. According to Arlt,s model [19], the lattice anisotropy (c/a) is inverse proportional to the partical size. The microstructural analysis of La doped PbTiO3 ceramic nanoparticles were carried out using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Fig.4 (a-c) presents the SEM micrographs of 20% doped PbTiO3 sample sintered at 1200 oC and at different sintering time (2, 10, 16 and 20h). It can be seen that the diameter of grain boundary increased with increasing sintering time of the sample. b. Dielectric properties Figs. 5(a) presents the variation of dielectric constant with sintering temperature 1200 0C for three sintering times 2, 12 and 20h under an applied field of 100 kHz. While Fi.5 (b) presents the variation of dielectric constant with respect to the sintering time at two fixed frequencies, 10 KHz and 100 KHz, respectively., Fig. 5(a) shows that for each sample, the general mode of (ε) variation against (T) yields a bell curve, where the dielectric constant increases with increasing temperature and reaches to a maximum value (εmax) at Curie temperature (Tc), then it decreases with further increase of sintering temperature. Further, it is also seen that εmax increases with increasing sintering time, where if the sintering time is increased from 2h to 20h, the εmax increases from 5367 to 8217. This increase in dielectric constant is due to increasing grain size corresponding to the increase in sintering time. Similar behavior has been reported by M. Dongle et al. where they report that the dielectric constant increases with increasing sintering time [5]. From Fig.5(b) it can be seen that the Curied temperature (Tc) for all the studied samples is independent of frequency and the εmax decreases with increasing frequency of the applied field, where in low-frequency region, the dielectric constant has high value, which can be attributed to various polarization effects. At higher frequencies, electronic polarization contribution dominates over ionic and orientation polarization and hence the dielectric values are less [20-22].
  • 3. Effect of sintering time on the particle… www.ijceronline.com Open Access Journal Page 40 Fig.6 shows the variation of Curie temperature with respect to the sintering time. It is seen that the Curie temperature increases with increasing sintering time, where if the sintering time is increased from 2 to 20h, the Tc increases from 423 to 453 oK. This increase in Tc can be related to the configuration of new dipole moments. Fig. 7 presents plot of activation energy (Eaf, Eap) versus the sintering time (ts), where Eaf and Eap are the activation energy in ferroelectric and paraelectric phases, which can be calculated from the equation [23]. Ln ( -1 ) = Ln (◦ -1 ) - (Ea /k)(1/ T) (3) Where,  and ◦ represents the relaxation and critical relaxation times at Tc, respectively. Ea is the activation energy and k is the Boltzmann constant. The slope of ln( -1) versus (1/T) gives the value of Ea. From Fig.7, it is seen that in whole range of sintering time the value of Eap is higher than that of Eaf. The behavior can be related with crystal structure which is tetragonal before the Curie temperature Tc and cubic after it. The rate of decrease for both values of Ea is rapid at low sintering time ts while it is slowed down at higher values and both the values of Ea reach to a minimum at ts ≥ 20 h. These results can indicate the behavior of maximum value for dielectric constant according to the following equation [24] μ = μo exp (-E/KT) (4) Where μ the mobility of dipole moment, E is the activation energy, K is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature. The last equation show that the mobility of dipole moment and consequently the maximum value of dielectric constant is inverse proportional to the activation energy, and as the sample was sintered at ts = 20h posses minimum value for activation energy, so that it posses maximum value for dielectric constant. c. Sintering time effect-induced diffused phase transition The broadening of the dielectric peak of nanocrystalline PLT suggests a typical non-relaxor behavior with diffuse phase transition. A quantitative estimate of the diffuseness parameter (γ) of the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition can be obtained using the equation [25]: (1/ε – 1/εmax) = 1/C(T - Tc)γ, (T < Tc), (5) Where γ and C are modified constants with 1 < γ < 2. The value of γ determines the degree of diffuseness of the phase transition. The value of γ is equal to 1 for a system with a completely ordered transition. On the basis of a local compositional fluctuation model, the value of γ is equal to 2 for a completely diffuse system. The value γ < 1 suggests diffused transition [26] The plots of ln(1/ε – 1/εmax) versus ln(T - Tc) corresponding to the samples for sintering time = 2, 12 and 20h, respectively, are shown in Fig. 8 at an applied field of 10 kHz. According to Eq (4) the slope of ln(1/ε – 1/εmax) versus ln(T - Tc) gives the value of γ. From the plot, it can noted that value of γ decrease from 1.3 to 1.11 when the sintering time is increased from 2 to 20h, indicating that the ferroelectric transition becomes less diffuse and the quality of the samples is more. These results are in agreement with the results reported by S.K.S. Parashar et al [27,28]. The values of γ calculated from the fitting of curve in Fig.8 are listed in Table 1. IV. CONCLUSIONS We have successfully grown the nanoparticles of (Pb0.7La0.2)TiO3 ceramic and studied the effect of sintering time on the samples sintered at 1200 oC which show that the sintering time cannot only reduce the lattice anisotropy (c/a), but also keep good dielectric properties, where the value of εmax increased from 6010 to 18200 if the sintering time is increased from 2 to 20h at a frequency 10 kHz of the applied field. For all the ceramics samples, the values of εmax at 10 kHz were more than that at 100 kHz at the same sintering time. Also the phase transition increased with increasing sintering time and it is independent of the frequency of applied electric field. The grain sizes of the samples were increased with increasing sintering time which means that the dislocations were reduced and the samples became harder. The γ coefficient decreased with increasing sintering time which means that the sample quality was further improved and the bell curve was sharper with increasing sintering time. We can conclude that the sintering time is considered to be the essential factor for improving the quality of the ceramics samples. REFERENCES [1]. S. Ikegami, I. Ueda, T. Nagata, Electromechanical properties of PbTiO3 ceramics containing La and Mn, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 50 (1971) 1060-1066. [2]. T. Takahashi, Lead titanate ceramics with large piezoelectric anisotropy and their application, Ceram. 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  • 5. Effect of sintering time on the particle… www.ijceronline.com Open Access Journal Page 42 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 20 30 40 50 60 70 P a r t i c a l s i e z e ( n m ) S in te r in g t im e (h o u r ) Fig. 2. Shows variation of average grain size for the sample [(Pb0.7La0.20 .1)] TiO3 ceramics with sintering time sintered at 1200 oC. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 4 .0 4 4 .0 5 4 .0 6 4 .0 7 4 .0 8 4 .0 9 4 .1 0 4 .1 1 c (a ) S in te r in g t im e (h o u r ) C (A o ) 3 .9 0 0 0 3 .9 0 0 5 3 .9 0 1 0 3 .9 0 1 5 3 .9 0 2 0 3 .9 0 2 5 a a (A O ) 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 2 0 2 2 1 .0 3 4 1 .0 3 6 1 .0 3 8 1 .0 4 0 1 .0 4 2 1 .0 4 4 1 .0 4 6 1 .0 4 8 1 .0 5 0 1 .0 5 2 (b ) (c / a ) S in te r in g t im e (h o u r ) Fig.3. Dependence of the (a) lattice constant and (b) lattice anisotropy (c/a) of [(Pb0.7La0.2 0 .1)] TiO3 ceramics on the sintering time.
  • 6. Effect of sintering time on the particle… www.ijceronline.com Open Access Journal Page 43 C Fig. 4. SEM photographs of (a), (b) and (c) represented the sample [(Pb0.7La0.2 0 .1)] TiO3 ceramics sintered at 1200 0C on the sintering time 2, 12 and 20h are respectively.
  • 7. Effect of sintering time on the particle… www.ijceronline.com Open Access Journal Page 44 Fig. 5. (a) Variation of dielectric constant with temperature for the sample PLT ceramics sintered at 2, 12 and 20h. (b) Depending (εmax) with two various frequencies (10 and 100 kHz) for all studied the samples Fig.6. Depending Curie temperature for the sample [(Pb0.7La0.20 .1)] TiO3 ceramics sintered at 1200 0C as a function of the sintering time. 024681012141618202240006000800010000120001400016000180002000022000(b) Max of dielectric constant ( max) Sintering time (hour) 10 kHz 100 kHz3003203403603804004204404604805000100020003000400050006000700080009000(a) Dielectric Constant () Temperature ( oK) 2 h 12 h 20 h
  • 8. Effect of sintering time on the particle… www.ijceronline.com Open Access Journal Page 45 Fig. 7. A plot of activation energy at the ferroelectric (Eaf) and paraelectric phases (Eap) for the sample (Pb0.7La0.20.1)TiO3 ceramics versus with the sintering time. Fig. 8. A plot of max versus the ln(1/ε – 1/εmax) versus ln(T - Tc) for (Pb0.7La0.20.1)TiO3 ceramics, with sintering time (a) = 2h, (b) = 12h, and (c) = 20h.