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OBJECTIVE: Simulate the functioning of Lamport’s Logical Clock in C.
Leslie Lamport proposed this scheme to provide ordering of events in a distributed
environment using logical clocks. Because it is impossible to have perfectly synchronized
clocks and global time in a distributed system, it is often necessary to use logical clocks
1) Happened Before Relation (->). This relation captures causal dependencies between
events, that is, whether or not events have a cause and effect relation. This relation
(->) is defined as follows:
 a -> b, if a and b are in the same process and a occurred before b.
 a -> b, if a is the event of sending a message and b is the receipt of that
message by another process.
 If a -> b and b -> c, then a -> c - that is, the relation has the property
of transitivity.
2) Causally Related Events: If event a -> event b, then a causally affects b.
3) Concurrent Events: Two distinct events a and b are concurrent (a || b) if (not) a -> b
And (not) b -> a. That is, the events have no causal relationship. This is equivalent to
b || a.
For any two events a and b in a system, only one of the following is true: a -> b, b -> a, or
a || b.
Lamport introduced a system of logical clocks in order to make the -> relation possible.
It works like this: Each process Pi in the system has its own clock Ci. Ci can be looked at as
a function that assigns a number, Ci(a) to an event a. This is the timestamp of the event a
in process Pi. These numbers are not in any way related to physical time -- that is why
they are called logical clocks. These are generally implemented using counters, which
increase each time an event occurs. Generally, an event's timestamp is the value of the
clock at that time it occurs.
Conditions Satisfied by the Logical Clock system
For any events a and b, if a -> b, then C(a) < C(b). This is true if two conditions are met:
 If a occurs before b, then Ci(a) < Ci(b).
 If a is a message sent from Pi and b is the receive of that same message in Pj,
then Ci(a) < Cj(b).
Implementation Rules Required-
 Clock Ci is incremented for each event: Ci := Ci + d (d > 0)
 If a is the event of sending a message from one process to another, then the
receiver sets its clock to the max of its current clock and the sender's clock –
that is, Cj := max(Cj, tm + d) (d > 0) .
long p1(int);
long p2(int);
long p3(int);
long p4(int);
void main() { int k;
printf("Enter process no.");
while(!kbhit()) { if(k==1) p1(1);
if(k==2) p2(1);
if(k==3) p3(1);
if(k==4) p4(1);
printf("n Logical Clockn");
long p1(int i) { static long a=0;
if(i==1) { a++; p2(1); return 1; }
else return a;
long p2(int i) { static long b=0;
if(i==1) { b++; p3(1); p4(1); return 1; }
else return b;
long p3(int i) { static long c=0;
if(i==1) { c++; return 1; }
else return c;
long p4(int i) { static long d=0;
if(i==1) { d++; p3(1); return 1; }
else return d;
OBJECTIVE: Simulate the functioning of Vector Clock in C .
Vector clock is an algorithm for generating a partial ordering of events in a distributed
system and detecting causality violations. Just as in Lamport timestamps, interprocess
messages contain the state of the sending process's logical clock.
Example of a system of vector clocks
A vector clock of a system of N processes is an array of N logical clocks, one per process,
a local copy of which is kept in each process with the following rules for clock updates:
 Initially all clocks are zero.
 Each time a process experiences an internal event, it increments its own logical
clock in the vector by one.
 Each time a process prepares to send a message, it increments its own logical clock in
the vector by one and then sends its entire vector along with the message being sent.
 Each time a process receives a message, it increments its own logical clock in the
vector by one and updates each element in its vector by taking the maximum of the
value in its own vector clock and the value in the vector in the received message (for
every element).
The vector clocks algorithm was independently developed by Colin Fidge and
Friedemann Mattern in 1988.
long *p1(int i,long *comp);
long *p2(int i,long *comp);
long *p3(int i,long *comp);
void main()
{ long start[]={0,0,0},*vector;
while(!kbhit()) p1(1,&start[0]);
printf("n Process Vectorn");
long *p1(int i,long *comp) { static long a[]={0,0,0};
int next;
if(i==1){ if(*(comp+1)>a[1]) a[1]=*(comp+1);
if(*(comp+2)>a[2]) a[2]=*(comp+2);
if(next==0) p2(1,&a[0]);
else if(next==1) p3(1,&a[0]);
else return(&a[0]);
long *p2(int i,long *comp) { static long b[]={0,0,0};
int next;
if(i==1){ b[i]++;
if(*comp>b[0]) b[0]=*(comp);
if(*(comp+2)>b[2]) b[2]=*(comp+2);
if(next==0) p1(1,&b[0]);
else if(next==1) p3(1,&b[0]);
return &b[0];
else return &b[0];
long *p3(int i,long *comp) { static long c[]={0,0,0};
int next;
if(i==1){ c[2]++;
if(*comp>c[0]) c[0]=*(comp);
if(*(comp+1)>c[1]) c[1]=*(comp+1);
if(next==0) p1(1,&c[0]);
return &c[0];
else return &c[0];
OBJECTIVE: Simulate the Distributed Mutual Exclusion.
Systems involving multiple processes are often most easily programmed using critical
regions. When a process has to read or update certain shared data structures, it first
enters a critical region to achieve mutual exclusion and ensures that no other process will
use the shared data structures at the same time.
The mutual exclusion problem states that only a single process can be allowed access to a
protected resource, also termed as a Critical Section (CS), at any time. Mutual exclusion
is a form of synchronization and is one of the most fundamental paradigms in computing
Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms are divided in three basic categories:
1) Token based Algorithms
In the token-based approach, a unique token (also known as the PRIVILEGE message) is
shared among the sites. A site is allowed to enter its CS if it possesses the token and it
continues to hold the token until the execution of the CS is over. Mutual exclusion is
ensured because the token is unique. The algorithms based on this approach essentially
differ in the way a site carries out the search for the token.
2) Non token based Algorithms
In the non-token-based approach, two or more successive rounds of messages are
exchanged among the sites to determine which site will enter the CS next. A site enters
the critical section (CS) when an assertion, defined on its local variables, becomes true.
Mutual exclusion is enforced because the assertion becomes true only at one site at any
given time.
3) Quorum based Algorithms
In the quorum-based approach, each site requests permission to execute the CS from a
subset of sites (called a quorum). The quorums are formed in such a way that when two
sites concurrently request access to the CS, at least one site receives both the requests
and this site is responsible to make sure that only one request executes the CS at any
import Utilities.*;
import Synchronization.*;
class Message { public int number, id;
public Message(int number, int id)
{ this.number = number; this.id = id;
class Node extends MyObject implements Runnable
{ private static final int MAIN = 0, REQUESTS = 1, REPLIES = 2;
private int whichOne = 0;
private int id = -1;
private int numNodes = -1;
// Both are in milliseconds
private int napOutsideCS = 0;
private int napInsideCS = 0;
private MessagePassing[] requestChannel = null;
private MessagePassing[] replyChannel = null;
private MessagePassing requestsToMe = null;
private MessagePassing repliesToMe = null;
private int number = 0;
private int highNumber = 0;
private boolean requesting = false;
private int replyCount = 0;
private BinarySemaphore s = new BinarySemaphore(1);
private BinarySemaphore wakeUp = new BinarySemaphore(0);
private boolean[] deferred = null;
public Node (String name, int id, int numNodes, int napOutsideCS, int napInsideCS,
MessagePassing[] requestChannel, MessagePassing replyChannel[],
MessagePassing requestsToMe, MessagePassing repliesToMe)
{ super(name + " " + id);
this.id = id;
this.numNodes = numNodes;
this.napOutsideCS = napOutsideCS;
this.napInsideCS = napInsideCS;
this.requestChannel = requestChannel;
this.replyChannel = replyChannel;
this.requestsToMe = requestsToMe;
this.repliesToMe = repliesToMe;
deferred = new boolean[numNodes];
for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) deferred[i] = false;
System.out.println(getName() + " is alive, napOutsideCS=" + napOutsideCS +
", napInsideCS=" + napInsideCS);
new Thread(this).start();
public void run()
{ // Start three different threads in the same object
int meDo = whichOne++;
if (meDo == MAIN) { new Thread(this).start();
else if (meDo == REQUESTS) { new Thread(this).start();
else if (meDo == REPLIES) handleReplies();
private void chooseNumber() { P(s);
requesting = true;
number = highNumber + 1;
private void sendRequest(){ replyCount = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++)
{ if (j != id)
new Message(number, id));
private void waitForReply(){ P(wakeUp);
private void replyToDeferredNodes() { P(s);
requesting = false;
for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++)
{ if (deferred[j])
deferred[j] = false;
send(replyChannel[j], id);
private void outsideCS() { int napping;
napping = ((int) random(napOutsideCS)) + 1;
System.out.println("age()=" + age() + ", " +
getName() + " napping outside
CS for " + napping + " ms");
private void insideCS() { int napping;
napping = ((int) random(napInsideCS)) + 1;
System.out.println("age()=" + age() + ", " +
getName() + " napping inside
CS for " + napping + " ms");
private void main() { while (true)
{ outsideCS();
System.out.println("age()=" + age() + ", node " + id
+ " wants to enter its critical
chooseNumber(); // PRE-PROTOCOL
sendRequest(); // PRE-PROTOCOL
waitForReply(); // PRE-PROTOCOL
System.out.println("age()=" + age() + ", node " + id
+ " has now left its critical
replyToDeferredNodes(); // POST-PROTOCOL
private void handleRequests()
{ while (true)
{ Message m = (Message) receive(requestsToMe);
int receivedNumber = m.number;
int receivedID = m.id;
boolean decideToDefer = requesting && (number <
receivedNumber || (number == receivedNumber && id <
if (decideToDefer) deferred[receivedID] = true;
else send(replyChannel[receivedID], id);
private void handleReplies()
{ while (true)
{ int receivedID = receiveInt(repliesToMe);
if (replyCount == numNodes - 1) V(wakeUp);
class DistributedMutualExclusion extends MyObject
{ public static void main(String[] args)
{ // Parse command line options, if any, to override defaults
GetOpt go = new GetOpt(args, "Un:R:");
String usage = "Usage: -n numNodes -R runTime" + " napOutsideCS[i]
napInsideCS[i] i=0,1,...";
go.optErr = true;
int ch = -1;
int numNodes = 5;
int runTime = 60; // seconds
while ((ch = go.getopt()) != go.optEOF)
{ if((char)ch == 'U') { System.out.println(usage);
else if ((char)ch == 'n') numNodes=go.processArg (go.optArgGet(),
else if ((char)ch == 'R') runTime = go.processArg (go.optArgGet(),
else { System.err.println(usage);
System.out.println("DistributedMutualExclusion: numNodes=" + numNodes +
", runTime=" + runTime);
// process non-option command line arguments
int[] napOutsideCS = new int[numNodes];
int[] napInsideCS = new int[numNodes];
int argNum = go.optIndexGet();
for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
{ napOutsideCS[i]=go.tryArg(argNum++, 8);
napInsideCS[i] = go.tryArg(argNum++, 2);
// create communication channels
MessagePassing[] requestChannel = null, replyChannel = null,
requestChannelS = null, requestChannelR = null,
replyChannelS = null, replyChannelR = null;
requestChannel = new MessagePassing[numNodes];
replyChannel = new MessagePassing[numNodes];
requestChannelS = new MessagePassing[numNodes];
replyChannelS = new MessagePassing[numNodes];
requestChannelR = new MessagePassing[numNodes];
replyChannelR = new MessagePassing[numNodes];
for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
{ requestChannel[i]=new AsyncMessagePassing();
replyChannel[i] = new AsyncMessagePassing();
requestChannelS[i] = new MessagePassingSendOnly
replyChannelS[i] = new MessagePassingSendOnly(replyChannel[i]);
requestChannelR[i] = new MessagePassingReceiveOnly
replyChannelR[i] = new MessagePassingReceiveOnly(replyChannel[i]);
// create the Nodes (they start their own threads)
for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
{ new Node("Node", i, numNodes, napOutsideCS[i]*1000,
napInsideCS[i]*1000, requestChannelS, replyChannelS,
requestChannelR[i], replyChannelR[i]);
System.out.println("All Nodes created");
// let the Nodes run for a while
System.out.println("age()=" + age() + ", time to stop the threads & exit");
D:JavaAdvanced>javac dimu.java
D:JavaAdvanced >java DistributedMutualExclusion -R20
DistributedMutualExclusion: numNodes=5, runTime=20
Node 0 is alive, napOutsideCS=8000, napInsideCS=2000
Node 1 is alive, napOutsideCS=8000, napInsideCS=2000
Node 2 is alive, napOutsideCS=8000, napInsideCS=2000
Node 3 is alive, napOutsideCS=8000, napInsideCS=2000
Node 4 is alive, napOutsideCS=8000, napInsideCS=2000
age()=170, Node 1 napping outside CS for 2719 ms
age()=170, Node 2 napping outside CS for 279 ms
All Nodes created
age()=170, Node 3 napping outside CS for 2355 ms
age()=220, Node 0 napping outside CS for 2393 ms
age()=220, Node 4 napping outside CS for 8 ms
age()=220, node 4 wants to enter its critical section
age()=330, Node 4 napping inside CS for 911 ms
age()=440, node 2 wants to enter its critical section
age()=1260, node 4 has now left its critical section
age()=1260, Node 4 napping outside CS for 4042 ms
age()=1260, Node 2 napping inside CS for 183 ms
age()=1480, node 2 has now left its critical section
age()=1480, Node 2 napping outside CS for 7335 ms
age()=2530, node 3 wants to enter its critical section
age()=2530, Node 3 napping inside CS for 741 ms
age()=2580, node 0 wants to enter its critical section
age()=2860, node 1 wants to enter its critical section
age()=3300, node 3 has now left its critical section
age()=3300, Node 3 napping outside CS for 6849 ms
age()=3300, Node 0 napping inside CS for 1710 ms
age()=5000, node 0 has now left its critical section
age()=5000, Node 0 napping outside CS for 5253 ms
age()=5000, Node 1 napping inside CS for 1694 ms
age()=5330, node 4 wants to enter its critical section
age()=6700, node 1 has now left its critical section
age()=6700, Node 1 napping outside CS for 3063 ms
age()=6700, Node 4 napping inside CS for 397 ms
age()=7140, node 4 has now left its critical section
age()=7140, Node 4 napping outside CS for 3687 ms
age()=8790, node 2 wants to enter its critical section
age()=8790, Node 2 napping inside CS for 102 ms
age()=8900, node 2 has now left its critical section
age()=8900, Node 2 napping outside CS for 1174 ms
age()=9780, node 1 wants to enter its critical section
age()=9780, Node 1 napping inside CS for 1617 ms
age()=10110, node 2 wants to enter its critical section
age()=10160, node 3 wants to enter its critical section
age()=10270, node 0 wants to enter its critical section
age()=10820, node 4 wants to enter its critical section
age()=11430, node 1 has now left its critical section
age()=11430, Node 1 napping outside CS for 5326 ms
age()=11430, Node 2 napping inside CS for 628 ms
age()=12090, node 2 has now left its critical section
age()=12090, Node 2 napping outside CS for 4970 ms
age()=12090, Node 3 napping inside CS for 545 ms
age()=12630, node 3 has now left its critical section
age()=12630, Node 3 napping outside CS for 7989 ms
age()=12630, Node 0 napping inside CS for 904 ms
age()=13510, node 0 has now left its critical section
age()=13510, Node 0 napping outside CS for 4162 ms
age()=13510, Node 4 napping inside CS for 1440 ms
age()=15000, node 4 has now left its critical section
age()=15000, Node 4 napping outside CS for 2578 ms
age()=16750, node 1 wants to enter its critical section
age()=16750, Node 1 napping inside CS for 123 ms
age()=16860, node 1 has now left its critical section
age()=16860, Node 1 napping outside CS for 3709 ms
age()=17030, node 2 wants to enter its critical section
age()=17030, Node 2 napping inside CS for 97 ms
age()=17140, node 2 has now left its critical section
age()=17140, Node 2 napping outside CS for 7901 ms
age()=17580, node 4 wants to enter its critical section
age()=17580, Node 4 napping inside CS for 1695 ms
age()=17690, node 0 wants to enter its critical section
age()=19280, node 4 has now left its critical section
age()=19280, Node 4 napping outside CS for 3751 ms
age()=19280, Node 0 napping inside CS for 869 ms
age()=20160, node 0 has now left its critical section
age()=20160, Node 0 napping outside CS for 6489 ms
age()=20160, time to stop the threads and exit
... end of example run(s) */
OBJECTIVE: Implement a Distributed Chat Server using TCP Sockets.
A chat server allows clients to broadcast messages to other clients that have joined in the
chat session (called peers). The twist is that the chat server is effectively distributed
among all the clients that are currently running, with a central server used mainly to
bootstrap a client that wants to join the chat session, so that the client can find one (or
several) other clients.
import java.net.*; import java.io.*;
public class server { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
{ ServerSocket s1=null;
try { s1=new ServerSocket(98); }
catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Port not found");
e.printStackTrace(); }
Socket c=null;
try { c=s1.accept();
System.out.println("Connection from"+c); }
catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("not accepted");
e.printStackTrace(); }
PrintWriter out=new PrintWriter(c.getOutputStream(),true);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new
InputStreamReader (c.getInputStream()));
String l;
BufferedReader sin = new BufferedReader (new
InputStreamReader (System.in));
System.out.println("I am ready type now");
while((l=sin.readLine())!=null) out.println(l);
c.close(); s1.close();
import java.net.*; import java.io.*;
public class Client { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
{ Socket s=null;
BufferedReader b=null;
try{ s=new Socket(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),98);
b=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader
(s.getInputStream())); }
catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("I do not host");
e.printStackTrace(); }
String inp;
while ((inp=b.readLine())!=null) System.out.println(inp);
b.close(); s.close();
Running the application
Open two command prompt windows and follow these:
1) Java Server
D:JavaNetWorkingChatServer>java Server
Connection fromSocket[addr=/,port=1120,localport=98]
I am ready type now
Hello how r u? dude…
2) Java client
D:JavaNetWorkingChatServer>java Client
Hello how r u? dude…
OBJECTIVE: Implement Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism for a file
transfer across a network in C.
Remote procedure call (RPC) is an Inter-process communication technology that allows a
computer program to cause a subroutine or procedure to execute in another address
space (commonly on another computer on a shared network) without the programmer
explicitly coding the details for this remote interaction. That is, the programmer would
write essentially the same code whether the subroutine is local to the executing
program, or remote.
class CDatabaseProtocol : public CProtocol
{ private: CClient Communication *m_Bothways;
public: CDatabaseProtocol(CClientCommunication *);
BOOL Open (const char* pszFileName, UINT nOpenFlags, CFileException*
UINT Read (void FAR* lpBuf,UINT nCount);
void Write(const void FAR* lpBuf, UINT nCount); void Close(); };
class CClientDatabaseProtocol : public CDatabaseProtocol
{ public: CClientDatabaseProtocol(CClientCommunication *);
BOOL AddData(int *iIndex, CHAINLIST *clElement);
BOOL RemoveData(int *iIndex);
BOOL RetrieveData(int *iIndex, CHAINLIST *cpResult);
BOOL GetEntries(int *);
BOOL Terminate(); };
#ifdef SERVER
class CServerDatabaseProtocol : public CDatabaseProtocol
{ public: CServerDatabaseProtocol(CServerCommunication *);
BOOL AcceptCommand(int *iCommand, CHAINLIST *cpElement, int *iIndex);
BOOL ProcessCommand(CHAINLIST *cpElement, int *iIndex);
BOOL Fail(int iErrorCode);
BOOL Acknowledge(int iIndex); };
// The AddData function works on the client side
BOOL CClientDatabaseProtocol : : AddData(int *iIndex, CHAINLIST *clElement)
{ int iData;
// First write the stuff out.
_try { Write((char *)&iData,sizeof(int))
Write((char *)&clElement->iSecuredElement,sizeof(int));
Write((char *)&clElement->iInsecuredElement,sizeof(int));
// Then wait for the response
Read((char *)&iData,sizeof(int));
if(iData==CMD_SUCCESS){ Read((char *)iIndex,sizeof(int));
return TRUE; }
else { Read((char *)&m_iErrorCode,sizeof(int));
return FALSE; } };
{ m_iErrorCode=GetExceptionCode; };
return FALSE; };
// The server side of transaction
BOOL CServerDatabaseProtocol : : AcceptCommand(int *iCommand, CHAINLIST
*cpElement, int *iIndex);
{ _try { if(Read((char *)iCommand,sizeof(int))!=sizeof(int)) return FALSE;
//Fetch the command first
if(Read((char *)&cpElement->iSecuredElement,sizeof(int))!=sizeof(int)) return FALSE;
if(Read((char *)&cpElement->iInsecuredElement,sizeof(int))!=sizeof(int)) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
if(Read((char *)iIndex,sizeof(int))!=sizeof(int)) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
if(Read((char *)iIndex,sizeof(int))!=sizeof(int)) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
}; // Switch
return TRUE; };
{ m_iErrorCode=GetExceptionCode; };
return FALSE; };
// AcceptCommand use
long WINAPI PipeThreadFunction(CNpscervView *cvTarget)
{ char szDiagnosticMessage[255];
CServerDatabaseProtocol *cpProt;
BOOL bFinished;
ServerChainedQueue *cqTheQueue = cvTarget->m_cqQueue;
if(!cvTarget->m_cpPipe->AwaitCommunicationAttempt()) {
cvTarget->DisplayTextErrorMessage(“Open named pipe failed --%s”,
goto ErrorExit; }
else { sprintf(szDiagnosticMessage,”Open named pipe succeeded”);
cvTarget->AddStringandAdjust(szDiagnosticMessage); }
// Acknowledge communication to the UI
cpProt=new CServerDatabaseProtocol(cvTarget->m_cpPipe);
if(!cpProt->Open(“”,CFile::modeReadWrite)) // We are server….
{ //Log an error here
goto ErrorExit;
int iCommand,iIndex;
CHAINLIST cpElement;
bFinished= FALSE; //We will break out of this loop later..
while(!bFinished) {
if(!cpProt->AcceptCommand(&iCommand,&cpElement, &iIndex)) {
cvTarget->DisplayTextErrorMessage (“Accepting Command from
named Piped failed --%s”,cpProt->m_iErrorCode);
continue; };
switch(iCommand) {
case CMD_EXIT: cvTarget->AddStringandAdjust(“Client terminated connection!”);
bFinished =TRUE;
if(!cqTheQueue->SafeInsert(&iIndex,&cpElement)) {
cvTarget->DisplayTextErrorMessage(“Remote Insert Failed;
propagating error code --%s”, cqTheQueue->m_iErrorCode);
cpProt->Fail(cqTheQueue->m_iErrorCode); }
else { cpProt->Acknowledge(iIndex);
cvTarget->AddStringandAdjust(“Remote Insert Succeeded!”); };
if(!cqTheQueue->SafeRemove(&iIndex)) {
cvTarget->DisplayTextErrorMessage(“Remote Remove Failed;
propagating error code --%s”, cqTheQueue->m_iErrorCode);
cpProt->Fail(cqTheQueue->m_iErrorCode); }
else { cpProt->Acknowledge(0);
cvTarget->AddStringandAdjust(“Remote Remove Succeeded!”); };
if(!cqTheQueue->SafeRetrieve(iIndex,&cpElement)) {
cvTarget->DisplayTextErrorMessage(“Remote Retrieve Failed;
propagating error code --%s”, cqTheQueue->m_iErrorCode);
cpProt->Fail(cqTheQueue->m_iErrorCode); }
else { cpProt->Acknowledge(cpElement.iInsecuredElement);
cvTarget->AddStringandAdjust(“Remote Retrieve Succeeded!”); };
break; }; //switch }; //while
cpProt-> Close(); delete(cpProt);
ErrorExit: CloseHandle(cvTarget->m_hThread);
cvTarget->m_bThreadIsActive= FALSE; return 0;
}; //Thread fn
OBJECTIVE: Implement Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) mechanism
for accessing methods of remote systems.
The Java Remote Method Invocation Application Programming Interface, or Java RMI, is
a Java application programming interface that performs the object-oriented equivalent
of remote procedure calls (RPC).
1. The original implementation depends on Java Virtual Machine (JVM) class
representation mechanisms and it thus only supports making calls from one JVM to
another. The protocol underlying this Java-only implementation is known as Java
Remote Method Protocol (JRMP).
2. In order to support code running in a non-JVM context, a CORBA version was later
Usage of the term RMI may denote solely the programming interface or may signify both
the API and JRMP, whereas the term RMI-IIOP (read: RMI over IIOP) denotes the RMI
interface delegating most of the functionality to the supporting CORBA implementation.
The programmers of the original RMI API generalized the code somewhat to support
different implementations, such as a HTTP transport. Additionally, the ability to pass
arguments "by value" was added to CORBA in order to support the RMI interface. Still, the
RMI-IIOP and JRMP implementations do not have fully identical interfaces.
RMI functionality comes in the package java.rmi, while most of Sun's implementation is
located in the sun.rmi package. Note that with Java versions before Java 5.0 developers
had to compile RMI stubs in a separate compilation step using rmic. Version 5.0 of Java
and beyond no longer require this step.
Jini offers a more advanced version of RMI in Java. It functions similarly but provides
more advanced searching capabilities and mechanisms for distributed object applications.
A typical implementation model of Java-RMI using stub and skeleton objects.
Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, v1.2 removed the need for a skeleton.
1) INTERFACES: The first step is to write & compile the Java code for the service
interface. The Calculator interface defines all of the remote features offered by the
public interface Calculator extends java.rmi.Remote {
public long add(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
public long sub(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
public long mul(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
public long div(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException; }
2) IMPLEMENTATION: Next, you write the implementation for the remote service.
This is the CalcualtorImpl class:
public class CalculatorImpl
extends java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject implements Calculator {
// Implementations must have an explicit constructor in order to declare the
RemoteException exception
public CalculatorImpl() throws java.rmi.RemoteException { super(); }
public long add(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException
{ return a + b; }
public long sub(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException
{ return a - b; }
public long mul(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException
{ return a * b; }
public long div(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException
{ return a / b; } }
3) STUBS & SKELETONS: You next use the RMI Compiler, rmic, to generate the
stub & skeleton files. The compiler runs on the remote service implementation class
file. The Java 2 platform version of rmic add three new options:
 -v1.1 Create stubs/skeletons for JDK 1.1 stub protocol version only
 -vcompat (default) Create stubs/skeletons ompatible with JDK 1.1 & Java 2
 -v1.2 Create stubs for Java 2 stub protocol version only
4) HOST SERVER: Remote RMI Services must be hosted in a server process. The class
CalculatorServer is a very simple server that provides the bare essentials for hosting.
import java.rmi.Naming;
public class CalculatorServer {
public CalculatorServer() {
try { Calculator c = new CalculatorImpl();
Naming.rebind("rmi://localhost:1099/CalculatorService", c);}
catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Trouble: " + e); } }
public static void main(String args[]) { new CalculatorServer(); } }
5) CLIENT: The source code for the client follows:
import java.rmi.Naming;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.rmi.NotBoundException;
public class CalculatorClient {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try { Calculator c = (Calculator)
System.out.println( c.sub(4, 3) );
System.out.println( c.add(4, 5) );
System.out.println( c.mul(3, 6) );
System.out.println( c.div(9, 3) );
catch (MalformedURLException murle) { System.out.println();
System.out.println(murle); }
catch (RemoteException re) { System.out.println();
System.out.println(re); }
catch (NotBoundException nbe) { System.out.println();
System.out.println(nbe); }
catch ( java.lang.ArithmeticException ae) { System.out.println();
System.out.println(ae); }
Running the Application-
D:JavaNetWorkingRMI>rmic CalculatorImpl
Now open three command prompt windows and follow these at each:
1. D:JavaNetWorkingRMI>Rmiregistry
2. D:JavaNetWorkingRMI>java CalculatorServer
3. D:JavaNetWorkingRMI>java CalculatorClient
If all goes well you will see the following output:
1 9 18 3
OBJECTIVE: Simulate Balanced Sliding Window Protocol in C
This is a symmetric protocol that allows information to be sent reliably in both directions.
The FIFO property of channels is assumed as it is used for exchange of information
between stations that are directly connected through a line.
#include <cisePort.h>
#include <sim.h>
#include <component.h>
#include <comptypes.h>
#include <list.h>
#include <eventdefs.h>
#include <main.h>
#include <route_activity.h>
#include <sim_tk.h>
#include <dlc_layer.h>
/* Sequence number manipulation/ test macros : Accounts for Data Availability in buffer and
wrap around */
#define IncerementSequenceNumber(i,N)
{ (i)=((i)+1)%(N); }
#define out_of_sequence_pdu(pdu,dci)
(pdu->u.d_pdu.seq_number != dci->rcv_nxt)
static int window_open(DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci)
{ int result;
int data_available=DataInPDUBuffer(dci);
int occupied_window;
occupied_window=((dci->snd_nxt>=dci->snd_una)? (dci->snd_nxt – dci->snd_una) :
(dci->snd_nxt + dci->window_size + 1 – dci->snd_una));
result=((occupied_window < data_available) && (occupied_window < dci-
return result; }
static dlc_layer_receive (DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity,
GENERIC_LAYER_ENTITY *generic_layer_entity, PDU_TYPE *pdu)
{ DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci;
/* Gets the appropriate DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE structure */
{ // Insert A_PDU into dci_buf
// Sends from the buffer
AttemptToSend(dlc_layer_entity,dci); }
else if(DatalinkFromPhysical(generic_layer_entity))
{ if(pdu->u.d_pdu.error==YES)
else if(pdu->u.d_pdu.type==D_ACK)
else if(pdu->u.d_pdu.type==D_NAK)
else if(pdu->u.d_pdu.type==D_INFO)
DatalinkProcessInfo(dlc_layer_entity,pdu,dci); }
return 0; }
static DatalinkProcessError(DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity, PDU_TYPE
*pdu, DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci)
{ /* Simply free PDU */
/* Optional : Send NAK */
return 0; }
static DatalinkProcessACK(DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity, PDU_TYPE
*pdu, DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci)
{ /* Free up space in the retransmission buffer */
/* Use UpdatePDUBuffer(); */
/* Update snd_una */
/* Send as many pdu’s as allowed by window */
/* Use window_open() and AttemptToSend() */
/* Free pdu */
return 0; }
static DatalinkProcessNAK(DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity, PDU_TYPE
*pdu, DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci)
{ /* Free up space in the retransmission buffer because a NAK may ack a few PDUs*/
/* Set snd_una and snd_next */
/* Send as many pdu’s as allowed by window */
/* Use window_open() and AttemptToSend() */
/* Free pdu */
return 0; }
static DatalinkProcessInfo(DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity, PDU_TYPE
*pdu, DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci)
{ PDU_TYPE *pdu_to_application;
/* OutOfSequence PDU => send NAK, discard pdu and return 0 */
/* Use out_of_sequence_pdu() and SendNak() */
/* Expected PDU => Increment rcv_nxt */
/* Use a maximum sequence of one more than window size */
/* Use IncrementSequenceNumber(dci->rcv_nxt,(dci->window_size + 1)); */
/* Reset nak_already_sent. Ack received => Naks maybe sent */
/* Send an Ack. Use SendAck(); */
/* You can ignore piggybacked Acks if you want. If you choose to ignore them, then
make sure you send non piggybacked Acks */
/* --- Send pdu to application : Same as Lab1 --- */
/* --- Send to app --- */
send_pdu_to_application_layer(dlc_layer_entity, pdu_to_application);
return 0; }
/* Do not change the name of the following function */
/* This function is automatically called when the timer expires */
static DatalinkTimerExpired(DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity,
DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci)
{ dci->snd_nxt = dci->snd_una;
/* Retransmit all unacknowledged D_PDUs */
/* Send as many pdu’s as allowed by window */
/* Use window_open() and AttemptToSend() */
return 0; }
/* --------- Similar to former DatalinkToPhysical --------- *
static AttemptToSend(DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity,
DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci)
{ PDU_TYPE *pdu_to_send;
PDU_TYPE *pdu_to_physical = pdu_alloc();
if(window_open(dci)) { /* Set a retransmission timer */
/* Use SetTimer(); */
/* Get PDU from buffer, copy it to pdu_to_physical
and fill the remaining fields of pdu_to_physical */
/* send_pdu_to_physical_layer(); */
/* Increment snd_nxt */ }
return 0; }
static SendAck(DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity, PDU_TYPE *pdu,
DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci)
{ PDU_TYPE *pdu_to_physical=pdu_alloc();
/* Fill in the neede fields */
/* Send to physical layer */
return 0; }
static SendNak(DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity, PDU_TYPE *pdu,
DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci)
{ PDU_TYPE *pdu_to_physical;
/* Don’t send Nak if nak_already_sent is 1, but do send an ack */
/* Fill in the needed fields */
/* Send to physical layer */
/* Set nak_already_sent to 1 */
return 0; } }
OBJECTIVE: Implement Common Object Request Broker Architecture
(CORBA) mechanism by using Java program.
The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is a standard defined by
the Object Management Group (OMG) that enables software components written in
multiple computer languages and running on multiple computers to work together, i.e. it
supports multiple platforms.
Illustration of the autogeneration of the infrastructure code from an interface defined using the CORBA IDL
CORBA aims to bring to the table many benefits that no other single technology brings in
one package. These benefits include language- and OS-independence, freedom from
technology-linked implementations, strong data-typing, high level of tunability, and
freedom from the details of distributed data transfers.
1) FileInterface.idl
interface FileInterface { typedef sequence<octet> Data;
Data downloadFile(in string fileName); };
Now, let's compile the FileInterface.idl and generate server-side skeletons. Using the
D:JavaCORBA> idlj -fserver FileInterface.idl
2) FileServant.java
import java.io.*;
public class FileServant extends _FileInterfaceImplBase
{ public byte[] downloadFile(String fileName) {
File file = new File(fileName);
byte buffer[] = new byte[(int)file.length()];
try { BufferedInputStream input = new BufferedInputStream (new
FileInputStream (fileName));
input.close(); }
catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("FileServant Error: " +
e.getMessage() );
e.printStackTrace(); }
return(buffer); } }
3) FileServer.java
import java.io.*;
import org.omg.CosNaming.*;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.*;
import org.omg.CORBA.*;
public class FileServer { public static void main(String args[]) {
try { // create and initialize the ORB
ORB orb = ORB.init(args, null);
// create the servant and register it with the ORB
FileServant fileRef = new FileServant();
// get the root naming context
org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef =
NamingContext ncRef = NamingContextHelper.narrow(objRef);
// Bind the object reference in naming
NameComponent nc = new NameComponent("FileTransfer", " ");
NameComponent path[] = {nc};
ncRef.rebind(path, fileRef);
System.out.println("Server started....");
// Wait for invocations from clients
java.lang.Object sync = new java.lang.Object();
synchronized(sync) { sync.wait(); } }
catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage());
e.printStackTrace(System.out); } }
4) FileClient.java
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.omg.CosNaming.*;
import org.omg.CORBA.*;
public class FileClient { public static void main(String argv[]) {
try { // create and initialize the ORB
ORB orb = ORB.init(argv, null);
// get the root naming context
org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef =
NamingContext ncRef = NamingContextHelper.narrow(objRef);
NameComponent nc = new NameComponent("FileTransfer", " ");
// Resolve the object reference in naming
NameComponent path[] = {nc};
FileInterfaceOperations fileRef =
if(argv.length < 1)
System.out.println("Usage: java FileClient filename");
// save the file
File file = new File(argv[0]);
byte data[] = fileRef.downloadFile(argv[0]);
BufferedOutputStream output = new
tream(new FileOutputStream(argv[0]));
output.write(data, 0, data.length);
output.close(); }
catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("FileClient Error: " + e.getMessage());
e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Running the application
1. D:JavaCORBA>tnameserv
2. D:JavaCORBA>java FileServer
3. D:JavaCORBA>idlj -fclient FileInterface.idl
4. D:JavaCORBA>java FileClient hello.txt
Simulate the functioning of
Lamport’s Logical Clock in
Simulate the functioning of
Vector Clock in C .
Simulate the Distributed
Mutual Exclusion.
Implement a Distributed
Chat Server using TCP
Implement Remote
Procedure Call (RPC)
mechanism for a file
transfer across a network
in C.
Implement Java Remote
Method Invocation (RMI)
mechanism for accessing
methods of remote
Simulate Balanced Sliding
Window Protocol in C
Implement Common Object
Request Broker
architecture using Java

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Ds practical file

  • 1. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 1 PRACTICAL 1 OBJECTIVE: Simulate the functioning of Lamport’s Logical Clock in C. LAMPORT LOGICAL CLOCK- Leslie Lamport proposed this scheme to provide ordering of events in a distributed environment using logical clocks. Because it is impossible to have perfectly synchronized clocks and global time in a distributed system, it is often necessary to use logical clocks instead. Definitions: 1) Happened Before Relation (->). This relation captures causal dependencies between events, that is, whether or not events have a cause and effect relation. This relation (->) is defined as follows:  a -> b, if a and b are in the same process and a occurred before b.  a -> b, if a is the event of sending a message and b is the receipt of that message by another process.  If a -> b and b -> c, then a -> c - that is, the relation has the property of transitivity. 2) Causally Related Events: If event a -> event b, then a causally affects b. 3) Concurrent Events: Two distinct events a and b are concurrent (a || b) if (not) a -> b And (not) b -> a. That is, the events have no causal relationship. This is equivalent to b || a. For any two events a and b in a system, only one of the following is true: a -> b, b -> a, or a || b. Lamport introduced a system of logical clocks in order to make the -> relation possible. It works like this: Each process Pi in the system has its own clock Ci. Ci can be looked at as a function that assigns a number, Ci(a) to an event a. This is the timestamp of the event a in process Pi. These numbers are not in any way related to physical time -- that is why they are called logical clocks. These are generally implemented using counters, which increase each time an event occurs. Generally, an event's timestamp is the value of the clock at that time it occurs. Conditions Satisfied by the Logical Clock system For any events a and b, if a -> b, then C(a) < C(b). This is true if two conditions are met:  If a occurs before b, then Ci(a) < Ci(b).  If a is a message sent from Pi and b is the receive of that same message in Pj, then Ci(a) < Cj(b). Implementation Rules Required-  Clock Ci is incremented for each event: Ci := Ci + d (d > 0)  If a is the event of sending a message from one process to another, then the receiver sets its clock to the max of its current clock and the sender's clock – that is, Cj := max(Cj, tm + d) (d > 0) .
  • 2. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 2 C CODE #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> long p1(int); long p2(int); long p3(int); long p4(int); void main() { int k; clrscr(); printf("Enter process no."); scanf("%d",&k); while(!kbhit()) { if(k==1) p1(1); if(k==2) p2(1); if(k==3) p3(1); if(k==4) p4(1); } getch(); printf("n Logical Clockn"); printf("P1:%ldnP2:%ldnP3:%ldnP4:%ldn",p1(0),p2(0),p3(0),p4(0)); getch(); } long p1(int i) { static long a=0; if(i==1) { a++; p2(1); return 1; } else return a; } long p2(int i) { static long b=0; if(i==1) { b++; p3(1); p4(1); return 1; } else return b; } long p3(int i) { static long c=0; if(i==1) { c++; return 1; } else return c; } long p4(int i) { static long d=0; if(i==1) { d++; p3(1); return 1; } else return d; }
  • 3. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 3 PRACTICAL 2 OBJECTIVE: Simulate the functioning of Vector Clock in C . VECTOR CLOCK- Vector clock is an algorithm for generating a partial ordering of events in a distributed system and detecting causality violations. Just as in Lamport timestamps, interprocess messages contain the state of the sending process's logical clock. Example of a system of vector clocks A vector clock of a system of N processes is an array of N logical clocks, one per process, a local copy of which is kept in each process with the following rules for clock updates:  Initially all clocks are zero.  Each time a process experiences an internal event, it increments its own logical clock in the vector by one.  Each time a process prepares to send a message, it increments its own logical clock in the vector by one and then sends its entire vector along with the message being sent.  Each time a process receives a message, it increments its own logical clock in the vector by one and updates each element in its vector by taking the maximum of the value in its own vector clock and the value in the vector in the received message (for every element). The vector clocks algorithm was independently developed by Colin Fidge and Friedemann Mattern in 1988. C CODE #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> long *p1(int i,long *comp); long *p2(int i,long *comp);
  • 4. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 4 long *p3(int i,long *comp); void main() { long start[]={0,0,0},*vector; clrscr(); while(!kbhit()) p1(1,&start[0]); printf("n Process Vectorn"); vector=p1(0,&start[0]); printf("p1[%ld%ld%ld]n",*vector,*(vector+1),*(vector+2)); vector=p2(0,&start[0]); printf("p2[%ld%ld%ld]n",*vector,*(vector+1),*(vector+2)); vector=p3(0,&start[0]); printf("p3[%ld%ld%ld]n",*vector,*(vector+1),*(vector+2)); getch(); } long *p1(int i,long *comp) { static long a[]={0,0,0}; int next; if(i==1){ if(*(comp+1)>a[1]) a[1]=*(comp+1); if(*(comp+2)>a[2]) a[2]=*(comp+2); next=random(2); if(next==0) p2(1,&a[0]); else if(next==1) p3(1,&a[0]); return(&a[0]); } else return(&a[0]); } long *p2(int i,long *comp) { static long b[]={0,0,0}; int next; if(i==1){ b[i]++; if(*comp>b[0]) b[0]=*(comp); if(*(comp+2)>b[2]) b[2]=*(comp+2); next=random(2); if(next==0) p1(1,&b[0]); else if(next==1) p3(1,&b[0]); return &b[0]; } else return &b[0]; } long *p3(int i,long *comp) { static long c[]={0,0,0}; int next; if(i==1){ c[2]++; if(*comp>c[0]) c[0]=*(comp); if(*(comp+1)>c[1]) c[1]=*(comp+1); next=random(2); if(next==0) p1(1,&c[0]); return &c[0]; } else return &c[0]; }
  • 5. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 5 PRACTICAL 3 OBJECTIVE: Simulate the Distributed Mutual Exclusion. DISTRIBUTED MUTUAL EXCLUSION- Systems involving multiple processes are often most easily programmed using critical regions. When a process has to read or update certain shared data structures, it first enters a critical region to achieve mutual exclusion and ensures that no other process will use the shared data structures at the same time. The mutual exclusion problem states that only a single process can be allowed access to a protected resource, also termed as a Critical Section (CS), at any time. Mutual exclusion is a form of synchronization and is one of the most fundamental paradigms in computing systems. Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms are divided in three basic categories: 1) Token based Algorithms In the token-based approach, a unique token (also known as the PRIVILEGE message) is shared among the sites. A site is allowed to enter its CS if it possesses the token and it continues to hold the token until the execution of the CS is over. Mutual exclusion is ensured because the token is unique. The algorithms based on this approach essentially differ in the way a site carries out the search for the token. 2) Non token based Algorithms In the non-token-based approach, two or more successive rounds of messages are exchanged among the sites to determine which site will enter the CS next. A site enters the critical section (CS) when an assertion, defined on its local variables, becomes true. Mutual exclusion is enforced because the assertion becomes true only at one site at any given time. 3) Quorum based Algorithms In the quorum-based approach, each site requests permission to execute the CS from a subset of sites (called a quorum). The quorums are formed in such a way that when two sites concurrently request access to the CS, at least one site receives both the requests and this site is responsible to make sure that only one request executes the CS at any time. JAVA CODE import Utilities.*; import Synchronization.*; class Message { public int number, id; public Message(int number, int id) { this.number = number; this.id = id; } }
  • 6. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 6 class Node extends MyObject implements Runnable { private static final int MAIN = 0, REQUESTS = 1, REPLIES = 2; private int whichOne = 0; private int id = -1; private int numNodes = -1; // Both are in milliseconds private int napOutsideCS = 0; private int napInsideCS = 0; private MessagePassing[] requestChannel = null; private MessagePassing[] replyChannel = null; private MessagePassing requestsToMe = null; private MessagePassing repliesToMe = null; private int number = 0; private int highNumber = 0; private boolean requesting = false; private int replyCount = 0; private BinarySemaphore s = new BinarySemaphore(1); private BinarySemaphore wakeUp = new BinarySemaphore(0); private boolean[] deferred = null; public Node (String name, int id, int numNodes, int napOutsideCS, int napInsideCS, MessagePassing[] requestChannel, MessagePassing replyChannel[], MessagePassing requestsToMe, MessagePassing repliesToMe) { super(name + " " + id); this.id = id; this.numNodes = numNodes; this.napOutsideCS = napOutsideCS; this.napInsideCS = napInsideCS; this.requestChannel = requestChannel; this.replyChannel = replyChannel; this.requestsToMe = requestsToMe; this.repliesToMe = repliesToMe; deferred = new boolean[numNodes]; for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) deferred[i] = false; System.out.println(getName() + " is alive, napOutsideCS=" + napOutsideCS + ", napInsideCS=" + napInsideCS); new Thread(this).start(); } public void run() { // Start three different threads in the same object int meDo = whichOne++; if (meDo == MAIN) { new Thread(this).start(); main(); } else if (meDo == REQUESTS) { new Thread(this).start(); handleRequests(); } else if (meDo == REPLIES) handleReplies(); }
  • 7. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 7 private void chooseNumber() { P(s); requesting = true; number = highNumber + 1; V(s); } private void sendRequest(){ replyCount = 0; for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) { if (j != id) send(requestChannel[j], new Message(number, id)); } } private void waitForReply(){ P(wakeUp); } private void replyToDeferredNodes() { P(s); requesting = false; V(s); for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) { if (deferred[j]) { deferred[j] = false; send(replyChannel[j], id); } } } private void outsideCS() { int napping; napping = ((int) random(napOutsideCS)) + 1; System.out.println("age()=" + age() + ", " + getName() + " napping outside CS for " + napping + " ms"); nap(napping); } private void insideCS() { int napping; napping = ((int) random(napInsideCS)) + 1; System.out.println("age()=" + age() + ", " + getName() + " napping inside CS for " + napping + " ms"); nap(napping); } private void main() { while (true) { outsideCS(); System.out.println("age()=" + age() + ", node " + id + " wants to enter its critical section"); chooseNumber(); // PRE-PROTOCOL
  • 8. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 8 sendRequest(); // PRE-PROTOCOL waitForReply(); // PRE-PROTOCOL insideCS(); System.out.println("age()=" + age() + ", node " + id + " has now left its critical section"); replyToDeferredNodes(); // POST-PROTOCOL } } private void handleRequests() { while (true) { Message m = (Message) receive(requestsToMe); int receivedNumber = m.number; int receivedID = m.id; highNumber=Math.max(highNumber,receivedNumber); P(s); boolean decideToDefer = requesting && (number < receivedNumber || (number == receivedNumber && id < receivedID)); if (decideToDefer) deferred[receivedID] = true; else send(replyChannel[receivedID], id); V(s); } } private void handleReplies() { while (true) { int receivedID = receiveInt(repliesToMe); replyCount++; if (replyCount == numNodes - 1) V(wakeUp); } } } class DistributedMutualExclusion extends MyObject { public static void main(String[] args) { // Parse command line options, if any, to override defaults GetOpt go = new GetOpt(args, "Un:R:"); String usage = "Usage: -n numNodes -R runTime" + " napOutsideCS[i] napInsideCS[i] i=0,1,..."; go.optErr = true; int ch = -1; int numNodes = 5; int runTime = 60; // seconds while ((ch = go.getopt()) != go.optEOF) { if((char)ch == 'U') { System.out.println(usage); System.exit(0);}
  • 9. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 9 else if ((char)ch == 'n') numNodes=go.processArg (go.optArgGet(), numNodes); else if ((char)ch == 'R') runTime = go.processArg (go.optArgGet(), runTime); else { System.err.println(usage); System.exit(1); } } System.out.println("DistributedMutualExclusion: numNodes=" + numNodes + ", runTime=" + runTime); // process non-option command line arguments int[] napOutsideCS = new int[numNodes]; int[] napInsideCS = new int[numNodes]; int argNum = go.optIndexGet(); for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { napOutsideCS[i]=go.tryArg(argNum++, 8); napInsideCS[i] = go.tryArg(argNum++, 2); } // create communication channels MessagePassing[] requestChannel = null, replyChannel = null, requestChannelS = null, requestChannelR = null, replyChannelS = null, replyChannelR = null; requestChannel = new MessagePassing[numNodes]; replyChannel = new MessagePassing[numNodes]; requestChannelS = new MessagePassing[numNodes]; replyChannelS = new MessagePassing[numNodes]; requestChannelR = new MessagePassing[numNodes]; replyChannelR = new MessagePassing[numNodes]; for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { requestChannel[i]=new AsyncMessagePassing(); replyChannel[i] = new AsyncMessagePassing(); requestChannelS[i] = new MessagePassingSendOnly (requestChannel[i]); replyChannelS[i] = new MessagePassingSendOnly(replyChannel[i]); requestChannelR[i] = new MessagePassingReceiveOnly (requestChannel[i]); replyChannelR[i] = new MessagePassingReceiveOnly(replyChannel[i]); } // create the Nodes (they start their own threads) for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { new Node("Node", i, numNodes, napOutsideCS[i]*1000, napInsideCS[i]*1000, requestChannelS, replyChannelS, requestChannelR[i], replyChannelR[i]); } System.out.println("All Nodes created"); // let the Nodes run for a while
  • 10. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 10 nap(runTime*1000); System.out.println("age()=" + age() + ", time to stop the threads & exit"); System.exit(0); } } OUTPUT D:JavaAdvanced>javac dimu.java D:JavaAdvanced >java DistributedMutualExclusion -R20 DistributedMutualExclusion: numNodes=5, runTime=20 Node 0 is alive, napOutsideCS=8000, napInsideCS=2000 Node 1 is alive, napOutsideCS=8000, napInsideCS=2000 Node 2 is alive, napOutsideCS=8000, napInsideCS=2000 Node 3 is alive, napOutsideCS=8000, napInsideCS=2000 Node 4 is alive, napOutsideCS=8000, napInsideCS=2000 age()=170, Node 1 napping outside CS for 2719 ms age()=170, Node 2 napping outside CS for 279 ms All Nodes created age()=170, Node 3 napping outside CS for 2355 ms age()=220, Node 0 napping outside CS for 2393 ms age()=220, Node 4 napping outside CS for 8 ms age()=220, node 4 wants to enter its critical section age()=330, Node 4 napping inside CS for 911 ms age()=440, node 2 wants to enter its critical section age()=1260, node 4 has now left its critical section age()=1260, Node 4 napping outside CS for 4042 ms age()=1260, Node 2 napping inside CS for 183 ms age()=1480, node 2 has now left its critical section age()=1480, Node 2 napping outside CS for 7335 ms age()=2530, node 3 wants to enter its critical section age()=2530, Node 3 napping inside CS for 741 ms age()=2580, node 0 wants to enter its critical section age()=2860, node 1 wants to enter its critical section age()=3300, node 3 has now left its critical section age()=3300, Node 3 napping outside CS for 6849 ms age()=3300, Node 0 napping inside CS for 1710 ms age()=5000, node 0 has now left its critical section age()=5000, Node 0 napping outside CS for 5253 ms age()=5000, Node 1 napping inside CS for 1694 ms age()=5330, node 4 wants to enter its critical section age()=6700, node 1 has now left its critical section age()=6700, Node 1 napping outside CS for 3063 ms age()=6700, Node 4 napping inside CS for 397 ms age()=7140, node 4 has now left its critical section age()=7140, Node 4 napping outside CS for 3687 ms age()=8790, node 2 wants to enter its critical section age()=8790, Node 2 napping inside CS for 102 ms
  • 11. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 11 age()=8900, node 2 has now left its critical section age()=8900, Node 2 napping outside CS for 1174 ms age()=9780, node 1 wants to enter its critical section age()=9780, Node 1 napping inside CS for 1617 ms age()=10110, node 2 wants to enter its critical section age()=10160, node 3 wants to enter its critical section age()=10270, node 0 wants to enter its critical section age()=10820, node 4 wants to enter its critical section age()=11430, node 1 has now left its critical section age()=11430, Node 1 napping outside CS for 5326 ms age()=11430, Node 2 napping inside CS for 628 ms age()=12090, node 2 has now left its critical section age()=12090, Node 2 napping outside CS for 4970 ms age()=12090, Node 3 napping inside CS for 545 ms age()=12630, node 3 has now left its critical section age()=12630, Node 3 napping outside CS for 7989 ms age()=12630, Node 0 napping inside CS for 904 ms age()=13510, node 0 has now left its critical section age()=13510, Node 0 napping outside CS for 4162 ms age()=13510, Node 4 napping inside CS for 1440 ms age()=15000, node 4 has now left its critical section age()=15000, Node 4 napping outside CS for 2578 ms age()=16750, node 1 wants to enter its critical section age()=16750, Node 1 napping inside CS for 123 ms age()=16860, node 1 has now left its critical section age()=16860, Node 1 napping outside CS for 3709 ms age()=17030, node 2 wants to enter its critical section age()=17030, Node 2 napping inside CS for 97 ms age()=17140, node 2 has now left its critical section age()=17140, Node 2 napping outside CS for 7901 ms age()=17580, node 4 wants to enter its critical section age()=17580, Node 4 napping inside CS for 1695 ms age()=17690, node 0 wants to enter its critical section age()=19280, node 4 has now left its critical section age()=19280, Node 4 napping outside CS for 3751 ms age()=19280, Node 0 napping inside CS for 869 ms age()=20160, node 0 has now left its critical section age()=20160, Node 0 napping outside CS for 6489 ms age()=20160, time to stop the threads and exit ... end of example run(s) */
  • 12. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 12 PRACTICAL 4 OBJECTIVE: Implement a Distributed Chat Server using TCP Sockets. DISTRIBUTED CHAT SERVER USING TCP SOCKETS- A chat server allows clients to broadcast messages to other clients that have joined in the chat session (called peers). The twist is that the chat server is effectively distributed among all the clients that are currently running, with a central server used mainly to bootstrap a client that wants to join the chat session, so that the client can find one (or several) other clients. DISTRIBUTED CHAT SERVICE JAVA CODE 1)Server.java import java.net.*; import java.io.*; public class server { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { ServerSocket s1=null; try { s1=new ServerSocket(98); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Port not found"); e.printStackTrace(); } Socket c=null; try { c=s1.accept(); System.out.println("Connection from"+c); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("not accepted"); e.printStackTrace(); } PrintWriter out=new PrintWriter(c.getOutputStream(),true); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (c.getInputStream()));
  • 13. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 13 String l; BufferedReader sin = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in)); System.out.println("I am ready type now"); while((l=sin.readLine())!=null) out.println(l); out.close(); sin.close(); c.close(); s1.close(); } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2)Client.java import java.net.*; import java.io.*; public class Client { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { Socket s=null; BufferedReader b=null; try{ s=new Socket(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),98); b=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (s.getInputStream())); } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("I do not host"); e.printStackTrace(); } String inp; while ((inp=b.readLine())!=null) System.out.println(inp); b.close(); s.close(); } } OUTPUT Running the application Open two command prompt windows and follow these: 1) Java Server D:JavaNetWorkingChatServer>java Server Connection fromSocket[addr=/,port=1120,localport=98] I am ready type now Hello how r u? dude… 2) Java client D:JavaNetWorkingChatServer>java Client Hello how r u? dude…
  • 14. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 14 PRACTICAL 5 OBJECTIVE: Implement Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism for a file transfer across a network in C. REMOTE PROCEDURE CALL (RPC)- Remote procedure call (RPC) is an Inter-process communication technology that allows a computer program to cause a subroutine or procedure to execute in another address space (commonly on another computer on a shared network) without the programmer explicitly coding the details for this remote interaction. That is, the programmer would write essentially the same code whether the subroutine is local to the executing program, or remote. C CODE class CDatabaseProtocol : public CProtocol { private: CClient Communication *m_Bothways; public: CDatabaseProtocol(CClientCommunication *); BOOL Open (const char* pszFileName, UINT nOpenFlags, CFileException* pError=NULL); UINT Read (void FAR* lpBuf,UINT nCount); void Write(const void FAR* lpBuf, UINT nCount); void Close(); }; ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. class CClientDatabaseProtocol : public CDatabaseProtocol { public: CClientDatabaseProtocol(CClientCommunication *); BOOL AddData(int *iIndex, CHAINLIST *clElement); BOOL RemoveData(int *iIndex); BOOL RetrieveData(int *iIndex, CHAINLIST *cpResult); BOOL GetEntries(int *); BOOL Terminate(); }; ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. #ifdef SERVER class CServerDatabaseProtocol : public CDatabaseProtocol { public: CServerDatabaseProtocol(CServerCommunication *); BOOL AcceptCommand(int *iCommand, CHAINLIST *cpElement, int *iIndex); BOOL ProcessCommand(CHAINLIST *cpElement, int *iIndex); BOOL Fail(int iErrorCode); BOOL Acknowledge(int iIndex); }; ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. // The AddData function works on the client side BOOL CClientDatabaseProtocol : : AddData(int *iIndex, CHAINLIST *clElement) { int iData; // First write the stuff out. iData=CMD_ADDRECORD;
  • 15. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 15 _try { Write((char *)&iData,sizeof(int)) Write((char *)&clElement->iSecuredElement,sizeof(int)); Write((char *)&clElement->iInsecuredElement,sizeof(int)); // Then wait for the response Read((char *)&iData,sizeof(int)); if(iData==CMD_SUCCESS){ Read((char *)iIndex,sizeof(int)); return TRUE; } else { Read((char *)&m_iErrorCode,sizeof(int)); return FALSE; } }; _except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { m_iErrorCode=GetExceptionCode; }; return FALSE; }; ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. // The server side of transaction BOOL CServerDatabaseProtocol : : AcceptCommand(int *iCommand, CHAINLIST *cpElement, int *iIndex); { _try { if(Read((char *)iCommand,sizeof(int))!=sizeof(int)) return FALSE; //Fetch the command first switch(*iCommand) { case CMD_ADDRECORD: if(Read((char *)&cpElement->iSecuredElement,sizeof(int))!=sizeof(int)) return FALSE; if(Read((char *)&cpElement->iInsecuredElement,sizeof(int))!=sizeof(int)) return FALSE; return TRUE; case CMD_DELETERECORD: if(Read((char *)iIndex,sizeof(int))!=sizeof(int)) return FALSE; return TRUE; case CMD_RETRIEVERECORD: if(Read((char *)iIndex,sizeof(int))!=sizeof(int)) return FALSE; return TRUE; case CMD_GETENTRIES: return TRUE; }; // Switch return TRUE; }; _except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { m_iErrorCode=GetExceptionCode; }; return FALSE; }; ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. // AcceptCommand use long WINAPI PipeThreadFunction(CNpscervView *cvTarget) { char szDiagnosticMessage[255]; CServerDatabaseProtocol *cpProt; BOOL bFinished; ServerChainedQueue *cqTheQueue = cvTarget->m_cqQueue; if(!cvTarget->m_cpPipe->AwaitCommunicationAttempt()) { cvTarget->DisplayTextErrorMessage(“Open named pipe failed --%s”, cvTarget->m_cpPipe->m_iErrorCode); goto ErrorExit; } else { sprintf(szDiagnosticMessage,”Open named pipe succeeded”); cvTarget->AddStringandAdjust(szDiagnosticMessage); } // Acknowledge communication to the UI cpProt=new CServerDatabaseProtocol(cvTarget->m_cpPipe); if(!cpProt->Open(“”,CFile::modeReadWrite)) // We are server…. { //Log an error here goto ErrorExit;
  • 16. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 16 int iCommand,iIndex; CHAINLIST cpElement; bFinished= FALSE; //We will break out of this loop later.. while(!bFinished) { if(!cpProt->AcceptCommand(&iCommand,&cpElement, &iIndex)) { cvTarget->DisplayTextErrorMessage (“Accepting Command from named Piped failed --%s”,cpProt->m_iErrorCode); bFinished=TRUE; continue; }; switch(iCommand) { case CMD_EXIT: cvTarget->AddStringandAdjust(“Client terminated connection!”); bFinished =TRUE; break; case CMD_GETENTRIES: cpProt->Acknowledge(cqTheQueue->GetEntries()); break; case CMD_ADDRECORD: if(!cqTheQueue->SafeInsert(&iIndex,&cpElement)) { cvTarget->DisplayTextErrorMessage(“Remote Insert Failed; propagating error code --%s”, cqTheQueue->m_iErrorCode); cpProt->Fail(cqTheQueue->m_iErrorCode); } else { cpProt->Acknowledge(iIndex); cvTarget->AddStringandAdjust(“Remote Insert Succeeded!”); }; break; case CMD_DELETERECORD: if(!cqTheQueue->SafeRemove(&iIndex)) { cvTarget->DisplayTextErrorMessage(“Remote Remove Failed; propagating error code --%s”, cqTheQueue->m_iErrorCode); cpProt->Fail(cqTheQueue->m_iErrorCode); } else { cpProt->Acknowledge(0); cvTarget->AddStringandAdjust(“Remote Remove Succeeded!”); }; break; case CMD_RETRIEVERECORD: if(!cqTheQueue->SafeRetrieve(iIndex,&cpElement)) { cvTarget->DisplayTextErrorMessage(“Remote Retrieve Failed; propagating error code --%s”, cqTheQueue->m_iErrorCode); cpProt->Fail(cqTheQueue->m_iErrorCode); } else { cpProt->Acknowledge(cpElement.iInsecuredElement); cpProt->Acknowledge(cpElement.iSecuredElement); cvTarget->AddStringandAdjust(“Remote Retrieve Succeeded!”); }; break; }; //switch }; //while cpProt-> Close(); delete(cpProt); cvTarget->m_cpPipe->CloseInstance(); ErrorExit: CloseHandle(cvTarget->m_hThread); cvTarget->m_bThreadIsActive= FALSE; return 0; }; //Thread fn
  • 17. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 17 PRACTICAL 6 OBJECTIVE: Implement Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) mechanism for accessing methods of remote systems. JAVA REMOTE METHOD INVOCATION (RMI)- The Java Remote Method Invocation Application Programming Interface, or Java RMI, is a Java application programming interface that performs the object-oriented equivalent of remote procedure calls (RPC). 1. The original implementation depends on Java Virtual Machine (JVM) class representation mechanisms and it thus only supports making calls from one JVM to another. The protocol underlying this Java-only implementation is known as Java Remote Method Protocol (JRMP). 2. In order to support code running in a non-JVM context, a CORBA version was later developed. Usage of the term RMI may denote solely the programming interface or may signify both the API and JRMP, whereas the term RMI-IIOP (read: RMI over IIOP) denotes the RMI interface delegating most of the functionality to the supporting CORBA implementation. The programmers of the original RMI API generalized the code somewhat to support different implementations, such as a HTTP transport. Additionally, the ability to pass arguments "by value" was added to CORBA in order to support the RMI interface. Still, the RMI-IIOP and JRMP implementations do not have fully identical interfaces. RMI functionality comes in the package java.rmi, while most of Sun's implementation is located in the sun.rmi package. Note that with Java versions before Java 5.0 developers had to compile RMI stubs in a separate compilation step using rmic. Version 5.0 of Java and beyond no longer require this step. Jini offers a more advanced version of RMI in Java. It functions similarly but provides more advanced searching capabilities and mechanisms for distributed object applications. A typical implementation model of Java-RMI using stub and skeleton objects. Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, v1.2 removed the need for a skeleton.
  • 18. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 18 JAVA CODE 1) INTERFACES: The first step is to write & compile the Java code for the service interface. The Calculator interface defines all of the remote features offered by the service: Calculator.java public interface Calculator extends java.rmi.Remote { public long add(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException; public long sub(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException; public long mul(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException; public long div(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException; } ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2) IMPLEMENTATION: Next, you write the implementation for the remote service. This is the CalcualtorImpl class: CalculatorImpl.java public class CalculatorImpl extends java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject implements Calculator { // Implementations must have an explicit constructor in order to declare the RemoteException exception public CalculatorImpl() throws java.rmi.RemoteException { super(); } public long add(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { return a + b; } public long sub(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { return a - b; } public long mul(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { return a * b; } public long div(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { return a / b; } } ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3) STUBS & SKELETONS: You next use the RMI Compiler, rmic, to generate the stub & skeleton files. The compiler runs on the remote service implementation class file. The Java 2 platform version of rmic add three new options:  -v1.1 Create stubs/skeletons for JDK 1.1 stub protocol version only  -vcompat (default) Create stubs/skeletons ompatible with JDK 1.1 & Java 2  -v1.2 Create stubs for Java 2 stub protocol version only ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4) HOST SERVER: Remote RMI Services must be hosted in a server process. The class CalculatorServer is a very simple server that provides the bare essentials for hosting. CalculatorServer.java import java.rmi.Naming; public class CalculatorServer { public CalculatorServer() { try { Calculator c = new CalculatorImpl(); Naming.rebind("rmi://localhost:1099/CalculatorService", c);}
  • 19. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 19 catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Trouble: " + e); } } public static void main(String args[]) { new CalculatorServer(); } } ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5) CLIENT: The source code for the client follows: CalculatorClient.java import java.rmi.Naming; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.rmi.NotBoundException; public class CalculatorClient { public static void main(String[] args) { try { Calculator c = (Calculator) Naming.lookup("rmi://localhost/CalculatorService"); System.out.println( c.sub(4, 3) ); System.out.println( c.add(4, 5) ); System.out.println( c.mul(3, 6) ); System.out.println( c.div(9, 3) ); } catch (MalformedURLException murle) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("MalformedURLExceptio n"); System.out.println(murle); } catch (RemoteException re) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("RemoteException"); System.out.println(re); } catch (NotBoundException nbe) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("NotBoundException"); System.out.println(nbe); } catch ( java.lang.ArithmeticException ae) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("java.lang.ArithmeticEx ception"); System.out.println(ae); } } } OUTPUT Running the Application- D:JavaNetWorkingRMI>rmic CalculatorImpl Now open three command prompt windows and follow these at each: 1. D:JavaNetWorkingRMI>Rmiregistry 2. D:JavaNetWorkingRMI>java CalculatorServer 3. D:JavaNetWorkingRMI>java CalculatorClient If all goes well you will see the following output: 1 9 18 3
  • 20. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 20 PRACTICAL 7 OBJECTIVE: Simulate Balanced Sliding Window Protocol in C BALANCED SLIDING WINDOW PROTOCOL- This is a symmetric protocol that allows information to be sent reliably in both directions. The FIFO property of channels is assumed as it is used for exchange of information between stations that are directly connected through a line. C CODE #include <cisePort.h> #include <sim.h> #include <component.h> #include <comptypes.h> #include <list.h> #include <eventdefs.h> #include <main.h> #include <route_activity.h> #include <sim_tk.h> #include <dlc_layer.h>
  • 21. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 21 /* Sequence number manipulation/ test macros : Accounts for Data Availability in buffer and wrap around */ #define IncerementSequenceNumber(i,N) { (i)=((i)+1)%(N); } #define out_of_sequence_pdu(pdu,dci) (pdu->u.d_pdu.seq_number != dci->rcv_nxt) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. static int window_open(DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci) { int result; int data_available=DataInPDUBuffer(dci); int occupied_window; occupied_window=((dci->snd_nxt>=dci->snd_una)? (dci->snd_nxt – dci->snd_una) : (dci->snd_nxt + dci->window_size + 1 – dci->snd_una)); result=((occupied_window < data_available) && (occupied_window < dci- >window_size)); return result; } ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. static dlc_layer_receive (DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity, GENERIC_LAYER_ENTITY *generic_layer_entity, PDU_TYPE *pdu) { DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci; dci=Datalink_Get_Conn_Info(dlc_layer_entity,pdu); /* Gets the appropriate DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE structure */ if(DatalinkFromApplication(generic_layer_entity)) { // Insert A_PDU into dci_buf InsertPDUIntoBuffer(dlc_layer_entity,pdu,dci); // Sends from the buffer AttemptToSend(dlc_layer_entity,dci); } else if(DatalinkFromPhysical(generic_layer_entity)) { if(pdu->u.d_pdu.error==YES) DatalinkProcessError(dlc_layer_entity,pdu,dci); else if(pdu->u.d_pdu.type==D_ACK) DatalinkProcessACK(dlc_layer_entity,pdu,dci); else if(pdu->u.d_pdu.type==D_NAK) DatalinkProcessNAK(dlc_layer_entity,pdu,dci); else if(pdu->u.d_pdu.type==D_INFO) DatalinkProcessInfo(dlc_layer_entity,pdu,dci); } return 0; } ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. /* DO YOUR CODING HERE */ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. static DatalinkProcessError(DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity, PDU_TYPE *pdu, DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci) { /* Simply free PDU */ /* Optional : Send NAK */ return 0; } …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  • 22. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 22 static DatalinkProcessACK(DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity, PDU_TYPE *pdu, DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci) { /* Free up space in the retransmission buffer */ /* Use UpdatePDUBuffer(); */ /* Update snd_una */ /* Send as many pdu’s as allowed by window */ /* Use window_open() and AttemptToSend() */ /* Free pdu */ return 0; } ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. static DatalinkProcessNAK(DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity, PDU_TYPE *pdu, DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci) { /* Free up space in the retransmission buffer because a NAK may ack a few PDUs*/ /* Set snd_una and snd_next */ /* Send as many pdu’s as allowed by window */ /* Use window_open() and AttemptToSend() */ /* Free pdu */ return 0; } ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. static DatalinkProcessInfo(DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity, PDU_TYPE *pdu, DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci) { PDU_TYPE *pdu_to_application; /* OutOfSequence PDU => send NAK, discard pdu and return 0 */ /* Use out_of_sequence_pdu() and SendNak() */ /* Expected PDU => Increment rcv_nxt */ /* Use a maximum sequence of one more than window size */ /* Use IncrementSequenceNumber(dci->rcv_nxt,(dci->window_size + 1)); */ /* Reset nak_already_sent. Ack received => Naks maybe sent */ /* Send an Ack. Use SendAck(); */ /* You can ignore piggybacked Acks if you want. If you choose to ignore them, then make sure you send non piggybacked Acks */ /* --- Send pdu to application : Same as Lab1 --- */ /* --- Send to app --- */ send_pdu_to_application_layer(dlc_layer_entity, pdu_to_application); pdu_free(pdu); return 0; } ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. /* Do not change the name of the following function */ /* This function is automatically called when the timer expires */ static DatalinkTimerExpired(DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity, DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci) { dci->snd_nxt = dci->snd_una; /* Retransmit all unacknowledged D_PDUs */ /* Send as many pdu’s as allowed by window */ /* Use window_open() and AttemptToSend() */ return 0; } …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  • 23. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 23 /* --------- Similar to former DatalinkToPhysical --------- * static AttemptToSend(DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity, DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci) { PDU_TYPE *pdu_to_send; PDU_TYPE *pdu_to_physical = pdu_alloc(); if(window_open(dci)) { /* Set a retransmission timer */ /* Use SetTimer(); */ /* Get PDU from buffer, copy it to pdu_to_physical and fill the remaining fields of pdu_to_physical */ /* send_pdu_to_physical_layer(); */ /* Increment snd_nxt */ } return 0; } ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. static SendAck(DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity, PDU_TYPE *pdu, DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci) { PDU_TYPE *pdu_to_physical=pdu_alloc(); /* Fill in the neede fields */ /* Send to physical layer */ return 0; } ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. static SendNak(DLC_LAYER_ENTITY_TYPE *dlc_layer_entity, PDU_TYPE *pdu, DLC_Conn_Info_TYPE *dci) { PDU_TYPE *pdu_to_physical; /* Don’t send Nak if nak_already_sent is 1, but do send an ack */ pdu_to_physical=pdu_alloc(); /* Fill in the needed fields */ /* Send to physical layer */ /* Set nak_already_sent to 1 */ return 0; } }
  • 24. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 24 PRACTICAL 8 OBJECTIVE: Implement Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) mechanism by using Java program. COMMON OBJECT REQUEST BROKER ARCHITECTURE (CORBA) The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is a standard defined by the Object Management Group (OMG) that enables software components written in multiple computer languages and running on multiple computers to work together, i.e. it supports multiple platforms. Illustration of the autogeneration of the infrastructure code from an interface defined using the CORBA IDL CORBA aims to bring to the table many benefits that no other single technology brings in one package. These benefits include language- and OS-independence, freedom from technology-linked implementations, strong data-typing, high level of tunability, and freedom from the details of distributed data transfers. JAVA CODE 1) FileInterface.idl interface FileInterface { typedef sequence<octet> Data; Data downloadFile(in string fileName); }; Now, let's compile the FileInterface.idl and generate server-side skeletons. Using the command: D:JavaCORBA> idlj -fserver FileInterface.idl …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  • 25. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 25 2) FileServant.java import java.io.*; public class FileServant extends _FileInterfaceImplBase { public byte[] downloadFile(String fileName) { File file = new File(fileName); byte buffer[] = new byte[(int)file.length()]; try { BufferedInputStream input = new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream (fileName)); input.read(buffer,0,buffer.length); input.close(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("FileServant Error: " + e.getMessage() ); e.printStackTrace(); } return(buffer); } } ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3) FileServer.java import java.io.*; import org.omg.CosNaming.*; import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.*; import org.omg.CORBA.*; public class FileServer { public static void main(String args[]) { try { // create and initialize the ORB ORB orb = ORB.init(args, null); // create the servant and register it with the ORB FileServant fileRef = new FileServant(); orb.connect(fileRef); // get the root naming context org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef = orb.resolve_initial_references("NameService"); NamingContext ncRef = NamingContextHelper.narrow(objRef); // Bind the object reference in naming NameComponent nc = new NameComponent("FileTransfer", " "); NameComponent path[] = {nc}; ncRef.rebind(path, fileRef); System.out.println("Server started...."); // Wait for invocations from clients java.lang.Object sync = new java.lang.Object(); synchronized(sync) { sync.wait(); } } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4) FileClient.java import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import org.omg.CosNaming.*; import org.omg.CORBA.*; public class FileClient { public static void main(String argv[]) { try { // create and initialize the ORB ORB orb = ORB.init(argv, null);
  • 26. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 26 // get the root naming context org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef = orb.resolve_initial_references("NameService"); NamingContext ncRef = NamingContextHelper.narrow(objRef); NameComponent nc = new NameComponent("FileTransfer", " "); // Resolve the object reference in naming NameComponent path[] = {nc}; FileInterfaceOperations fileRef = FileInterfaceHelper.narrow(ncRef.resolve(path)); if(argv.length < 1) System.out.println("Usage: java FileClient filename"); // save the file File file = new File(argv[0]); byte data[] = fileRef.downloadFile(argv[0]); BufferedOutputStream output = new BufferedOutputS tream(new FileOutputStream(argv[0])); output.write(data, 0, data.length); output.flush(); output.close(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("FileClient Error: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } OUTPUT Running the application 1. D:JavaCORBA>tnameserv 2. D:JavaCORBA>java FileServer 3. D:JavaCORBA>idlj -fclient FileInterface.idl 4. D:JavaCORBA>java FileClient hello.txt
  • 27. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS | 27 INDEX S.NO. PRACTICAL TITLE PAGE NO. DATE SIGNATURE 1. Simulate the functioning of Lamport’s Logical Clock in C. 1-2 2. Simulate the functioning of Vector Clock in C . 3-4 3. Simulate the Distributed Mutual Exclusion. 5-11 4. Implement a Distributed Chat Server using TCP Sockets. 12-13 5. Implement Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism for a file transfer across a network in C. 14-16 6. Implement Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) mechanism for accessing methods of remote systems. 17-19 7. Simulate Balanced Sliding Window Protocol in C 20-23 8. Implement Common Object Request Broker architecture using Java program. 24-26