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 Collaborating Using Cloud Services:
 Email Communication over the Cloud
 CRM Management
 Project Management
 Event Management
 Task Management
 Calendar
 Schedules
 Word Processing
 Presentation
 Spreadsheet
 Databases
 Desktop
 Social Networks and Groupware.
Unit -3
 Cloud collaboration is a type of enterprise collaboration that allows employees to work together on documents
and other data types, which are stored off-premises and outside of the company firewall. Employees use a cloud-
based collaboration platform to share, edit and work together on projects.
 Cloud Collaboration enables two or more people to work on a project at once. A cloud collaboration project
begins when one user creates the file or document and then gives access to certain individuals; for example, the
project creator may share a link to the project that allows others to view and edit it.
 Users can make changes to the document at any time, including when employees are viewing and working
simultaneously. All changes are saved and synced so every user sees the same version of the project.
 Cloud collaboration has become more sophisticated as vendors try to attract customers. It is common for a
collaboration tool to include a way for project participants to see who else is viewing the document and to
communicate with each other while working, such as through comments or a chat function. Tools also often allow
users to set up email alerts for when a file is changed. These and other functions help increase worker efficiency
and productivity.
Cloud Collaboration
 Cloud collaboration allows employees to work together and collaborate on
documents and other file types which might be stored off-premises or
outside the firewall of the company.
 Cloud collaboration happens when a user creates/uploads a file online and
then shares access to other individuals.
 The idea is to enable employees to share, edit, and view documents in real-
 All changes made are saved and synced to the cloud so all users always
have access to the same, updated version of the document.
What is Cloud Collaboration?
Benefits of Cloud Collaboration?
1. Improved team collaboration
When documents are stored in a shared place online, it becomes easier to find and access them. Employees no longer have to
constantly email their team members just for an updated version of a file.
Moreover, when team members have access to the correct file versions, it makes discussions smoother, ensures everyone is on
the same page (quite literally), and remarkably improves team collaboration.
Sharing all the project details and files with the entire team also leads to improved employee engagement since all team
members have an equal opportunity to offer their input.
2. Faster access to large files
Most email servers cannot handle documents that are bigger than 20-25 MB. To send large files to team members you would
either have to share them offline through USBs and external hard disks or just upload the files on a cloud storage provider.
Sharing files offline isn’t just time-consuming, but it is also an impossible option for teams working remotely. Cloud storage
and Collaboration allows teams to quickly share large files with no delay or distribution dilemmas. Once you upload a file online,
you can share the same shared link with all team members at once.
3. Support for remote employees
Cloud-based applications allow remote teams to collaborate and work together even when they are all located in different parts of
the world. In fact, efficient cloud collaboration is one of the major factors behind the success of remote teams. Without dedicated
cloud storage, remote employees would get stuck in an endless spiral of emails with no time to get their core work done.
4. Embracing the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend
Over 67 percent of employees already use their own devices at work and 69 percent of company decision-makers believe BYOD
leads to great results in the workforce. Employees in BYOD-embracing companies work at least two extra hours.
Cloud collaboration helps support and facilitate Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies by allowing employees to log in from their
personal devices to access all the work-related files and data without having to hardwire it to a separate network or VPN.
1. Access files anytime through the internet
The cloud collaboration application should be accessible anytime through web browsers or mobile devices. It should also have
offline support and allow you to modify, edit, and view files stored on the cloud even if the changes will only get uploaded and be
accessible to everyone else when you connect back to the internet.
2. Real-time communication
The cloud collaboration tool that you choose should offer real-time communication features like instant messaging, message
boards, team communication channels, and even comments. For instance, if you are collaborating on a project or a task, then
you should be able to leave comments for your coworkers directly in the app, instead of having to email them separately.
3. Setting custom permission levels
You don’t always want to share company information in the same way. For instance, you might want to share important work
guidelines and project briefs with view-only access so that no one can make any unwanted changes. The collaboration tool
should allow you to set custom permission levels. You should be able to decide who can view, edit, and comment on the
4. Version control
The cloud collaboration tool should sync any changes made to the documents in real-time and ensure users only get access to
the most up-to-date version of the files. At the same time, it should offer access to all the previous versions and track changes in
documents. You should be able to clearly see who made changes to which documents and at what time.
5. Centralized file storage
One of the main features that your cloud collaboration tool should have is the ability to build an online repository where you can
save all the work-related data. It can serve as the enterprise storage solution for your organization allowing employees to find
and access key files in a secure manner
Top Cloud Collaboration features
Leading Collaboration Apps
2.Atlassian Confluence
3.Microsoft Teams
4.Salesforce Chatter
5.Workplace by Facebook
Benefits of Collaboration
1.Fresh inspiration
2.Cut costs​
3.Faster time to market
4.Improved customer experience​
5.Greater transparency
6.Clearer standards
7.Stakeholder alignment
8.Access to top talent
9.Increase employee engagement
10.Reduced turnover
11.Positive work environment
12.Less employee stress
13.Centralized workplace
14.Improvement in team performance
15.Smoother onboarding for new team
What are the benefits of team collaboration?
1. Fresh inspiration
Sometimes, you just hit a wall and aren’t sure where to go or what to do next, no matter how many years
you’ve been on the job. Employees may be too shy or embarrassed to ask for help or a second opinion unless
they’re already working in a collaborative team environment. Top-notch professionals may also apply new
knowledge and different approaches from their colleagues to daily work, inspiring innovation.
2. Cut costs
Ineffective communication, including excessive communication and lack of meaningful conversation, wastes
time and affects the bottom line. Stronger coordination, project monitoring, and exchanging feedback
streamline processes, reducing the amount of time, people, resources, and cash needed to finish work.
3. Faster time to market
If team members in product development collaborate, but the marketing team is minimally or not at all involved
in the development, marketing team members will have a lot of catching up to do before they’re ready to
present a marketing strategy for a new product. When teams across an organization combine their ideas
throughout processes and projects, high-quality, innovative solutions can be produced more quickly.
4. Improved customer experience
Collaborative work and its benefits extend to customers as well. In organizations
where team collaboration is healthy, standard practices are in place for
addressing and following up on customer cases. Issues with website-
friendliness, customer service, and customer complaints are promptly directed to
the individual or team who can resolve the problem and improve experiences for
the next customer.
5. Greater transparency
Tracking progress and measuring productivity is more readily accomplished in a
collaborative workplace, and frequent irritating team briefings aren’t needed
when everyone is in-the-know. Problems are identified sooner because teams
are consistently touching base on multiple levels. The effect? Reduced
duplicated work, less rework, and better fluidity when tweaks are needed.
6. Clearer standards
I’m not 100% sure how I’m supposed to format this document, but I’m not
sure whom to ask, so I’ll just submit it as is and see what my supervisor says.
In a workplace where team collaboration thrives, it’s easier to find published
standards for work or the appropriate individual to contact for guidelines on a
particular task.
7. Stakeholder alignment
If stakeholders are involved in a process, there is better alignment between
all the roles extending from sponsors to implementers. Stakeholders feel
freer to express needs and concerns throughout a project’s duration. Instead
of sending implementers back to the drawing board, stakeholders are a part
of the process that carries implementers from start to finish.
8. Access to top talent
An organization needs to beef up the content marketing strategy, but with a limited number of in-house
writers, increasing the level of content while maintaining quality poses a significant challenge. Collaborating
with remote freelance writers not only adds fresh perspectives but boosts the content quantity without
sacrificing quality to increase online traffic to your business. For any work that can be completed on a
computer, talented workers around the world wait for new opportunities in a collaborative workplace.
9. Increase employee engagement
According to Gallup, “Organizations that are the best in engaging their employees achieve earnings-per-
share growth that is more than four times that of their competitors.” Gallup noted that organizations most
successful in employee engagement have created a CEO-supported culture of high development
experiences through continuous company-wide communication. The more collaboration is built into internal
operations, the more likely employees are to plug in.
10. Reduced turnover
When employees can count on their team, team loyalty takes root, and in turn, company loyalty grows.
Higher retention rates allow organizations to reinvest more capital into product development and business
expansion. A collaborative workplace leads to happier workers who are more likely to stick around and add
increasing value to their company, reducing turnover by up to 59 percent.
12. Less employee stress
Wrike’s Stress Epidemic Report found that poor teamwork is the leading cause of stress in
today’s workplace.
Poor communication, imbalanced workloads, and bottlenecks heavily burden team members. In
an open workplace where typical team issues are minimized, employee stress is greatly
reduced. Workers are confident in their roles, have immediate access to any knowledge they
need, and can rest assured that support is available from their colleagues.
13. Centralized workplace
Around 416 hours a year per employee goes to waste when internal information isn’t
consolidated, and two-thirds of employees spend 60 minutes a day navigating work apps.
Whether tracking down past correspondence or project guidelines, team collaboration
tools make it possible to perform work and communicate efficiently, solving problems like
information hoarding and siloed data.
14. Improvement in team performance
Aargon’s Research Globe predicts that by 2025, team collaboration will be the
primary method for business communication, driven by the demand for higher
performance and agility. Collaboration isn’t just another fad; it’s a core value that
can increase productivity and heighten synergy.
15. Smoother onboarding for new team members
Occasionally, leaders determine additional human capital is required to
complete a job on time or to fill knowledge gaps, leading to long-term or gig
hires. By the time help is found, projects are already rolling, and new members
want to hit the ground running. An influential collaborative culture in a connected
workplace enables new team members to get up to speed in a jiffy.
 Employee's motivations for using cloud
collaboration tools vary, but the impetus is often
that workers find the cloud tool to be better in
some way than an old tool.
 Employees may think the cloud collaboration
tool is faster, looks nicer, is easier to use and
 Desire for a better collaboration tool can lead
employees to choose and use a tool without
prior approval of IT, a practice known as shadow
 IT departments should be on the lookout for
this, but they should also be open to the positive
impact a cloud collaboration tool can have on
group communication and teamwork.
Collaborating Using Cloud Services
Collaboration has always played a critical role in a business’ success, which is one of
the biggest benefits that the cloud offers.
Since cloud technology has suddenly become even more important for a business--
especially in terms of business connectivity as more people are displaced from the
office by the COVID-19 pandemic– it is felt that it was an appropriate time to address
just how many different kinds of communication tools are available through the cloud.
Technically, cloud collaboration solutions come in a few types:
1. Communication-Based
2. Software
3. Documentation, Note-Taking, and File Sharing
4. Project Management and Customer Relationship Management
5. Data Visualization
1. Communication-Based
Naturally, we can’t talk about collaboration without addressing communication. There are
so many different solutions for this purpose out there nowadays, and a vast number of
them are delivered via the cloud. This only makes sense, as it means one can effectively
keep in touch with the rest of his/ her team from anywhere an Internet connection can be
established. Make sure you impress upon their team how important it is that they use
these resources to the fullest extent.
2. Software
If any team is going to work, well, like a team, they are going to need to have the tools to
do it. By supplying them with software that is actually hosted in the cloud, they have access
to these necessary tools whenever they have access to the Internet. These solutions mean
that collaboration isn’t reliant on them all being in the same place to work, or even working
on it at the same time. Plus, it is very easy to guarantee that the entire staff will be working
with the same toolkit, as one can push out updates through the cloud as well.
3. Documentation, Note-Taking, and File Sharing
Notes are a very important thing in the workplace, as they enable important insights, facts, and thoughts to be
preserved for future reference. Considering this future-focus, it makes sense to make sure that these notes are
saved in a place that can be accessed by everyone who may (at some point) need to do so. Using one of the many
cloud-based apps out there can simplify the collaboration process. As a result, the teams can quickly create a shared
pool of knowledge to draw from as needed.
4. Project Management and Customer Relationship Management
The use of a cloud-based CRM or project management tool is motivated in a very similar way as a cloud-based note
taking app is: they allow the teams to all access the same data regarding the organization’s clients, customers, and
internal processes, encouraging and simplifying their collaboration. That way, different members of any team can,
again, reference the same data as they interact with their customers and clients, improving the relationship overall.
The same goes for project management solutions. Using one of these tools, one can ensure that their internal
processes are well-established, consistent, and efficient.
5. Data Visualization
Part of running an effective business is the capability to take the information you collect
during your operations and use it to improve these operations in the future. A helpful
means of doing so is by using a cloud platform to collect the data that all of your users
generate, aggregating it and identifying patterns and trends that appear. Since the amount
of data involved is staggeringly massive, a cloud solution is the preferable option for most
businesses to do so. In this way, a business can pool the collaborative efforts of their staff
into a single endeavor.
Collaboration is only becoming more essential in the modern workplace, so the simpler it is to
facilitate, the better. The cloud can help provide that simplicity.
6. Event management
Cloud computing lets you make changes to plans and details for all your event managers
from any internet accessible device. This means you no longer need to be in the office, or by a
specific computer, to update schedules, access registration lists, and track email campaigns.
 Computing technology has been advancing at such a rapid pace that it wouldn’t be
surprising to think that we may be working completely in Virtual and Augmented
reality within the next decade.
 Similarly, 15 years ago using your mobile phone to plan or even run an entire event
seemed preposterous, yet today the practice is more and more common thanks to the
introduction of smartphones and cloud based software.
 Event planners and managers can now run wireless registration or make notes about
event success through their mobile phones and tablets and have all the information
instantaneously backed up in a cloud database.
 Rather than drag around bigger and bulkier machines, such as laptops and piles of
registration and inventory sheets, everything fits in your palm and is stored at ease.
Why Use Virtualization?
 There are several reasons virtualization of one of the above types is increasingly used, as
there are numerous benefits. For example, in the case of server, storage, desktop, and
application virtualization, having physical devices or copies of these things can be difficult to
move or copy when you need to move something. A virtual server or desktop can be easily
moved and accessed from a different location.
 In addition, physical devices are limited by the specific set of hardware they’re installed on,
while virtual devices can easily be allocated resources as necessary.
 Physical hardware can be consolidated, and a virtual machine could access resources from
multiple pieces of hardware.
 Furthermore, the level of isolation of virtual devices provides two main benefits: security and
resistance to change.
 When a virtual machine is created, it’s completely isolated from other virtual
machines and from the host system.
 If one virtual machine or one physical device is infected with malware, it won’t
necessarily be able to easily spread through other virtual machines or other
parts of the network.
 This level of security is useful for protecting your network when virtual
machines access the internet and for testing applications or new
developments. For example, if an application crashes on a virtual machine, it
won’t cause any problems for the host machine beneath it.
Software as a Service Discussed
Platform as a Service Discussed
Infrastructure as a Service Discussed
Database as a Service We will discuss it
Monitoring as a Service We will discuss it
Communication as services We will discuss it
Types of Cloud Service
 DBaaS (also known as managed database service) is a cloud computing service that lets
users access and use a cloud database system without purchasing and setting up their own
hardware, installing their own database software, or managing the database themselves
(not to mention hiring the high-priced talent required to do so).
 The cloud provider takes care of everything from periodic upgrades to backups to ensuring
that the database system remains available and secure 24/7.
 The market for DBaaS and cloud databases is among the fastest-growing Software-as-a-
Service (SaaS) markets, expected to grow to USD 320 billion by 2025.
 Database and data warehouse vendors have joined established cloud providers in offering
hosted versions of their software, enabling customers to leverage the many benefits of
cloud computing for their applications’ data storage, search, and access needs.
Database As a Service (DBaaS)
Compared to deploying a database management system on-premises, DBaaS offers your organization
significant financial, operational, and strategic benefits:
Cost savings: Laying down infrastructure for database management is expensive; scaling it as needed is
costly and often wasteful. With DBaaS, your organization pays a predictable periodic charge based on the
resources you consume—there’s no need to purchase additional capacity to have on hand for
hypothetical future needs.
Scalability—up and down: You can quickly and easily provision additional storage and computing capacity
at run time if you need it, and you can scale down your database cluster during non-peak usage times to
save cost.
Simpler, less costly management: To manage and maintain a database on-premises, you’d need an in-
house administrative team. With DBaaS, the cloud provider manages everything (although you can
choose to manage certain aspects yourself if you wish). DBaaS lightens the administrative burden on your
existing IT staff and frees them to work on applications and innovation.
Benefits of Database As a Service (DBaaS)
Rapid development and faster time-to-market: With an on-premises database system, development
teams typically need to request access through IT, a process that can take days or weeks. In contrast, with
DBaaS, developers can help themselves to database capabilities and spin up and configure a database
that’s ready to integrate with their application in minutes.
Data and application security: Cloud database providers typically offer enterprise grade security, including
features like default encryption of data at rest and in-transit and integrated identity and access
management controls. Some also meet specific regulatory compliance standards.
Reduced risk: DBaaS offerings from major cloud providers typically include a service-level agreement (SLA)
guaranteeing a certain amount of uptime. In the unlikely event that your provider doesn’t meet the
requirements stipulated in the SLA, you’ll be compensated for any excess downtime you experience.
Software quality: The major cloud providers offer a wide variety of highly configurable DBaaS options—
each preselected for quality, so you won’t have to worry about the wading through hundreds of different
 Monitoring as a service (MaaS) is one of many cloud computing delivery models under
anything as a service (XaaS). It is a framework that facilitates the deployment of
monitoring functionalities for various other services and applications within the cloud.
 Cloud monitoring is a method of reviewing, observing, and managing the operational
workflow in a cloud-based IT infrastructure. Manual or automated management
techniques confirm the availability and performance of websites, servers, applications, and
other cloud infrastructure.
 Cloud Monitoring as a Service is referred to a type of on demand IT service that provides
cloud monitoring and management tools for monitoring cloud based platforms, websites,
servers, IT Infrastructure etc. It provides a fully managed cloud monitoring service for
cloud and virtualization environments in organizations
Monitoring as a service (MaaS)
Using Monitoring as a service (MaaS), Orient can monitor servers, network devices, operating
systems, databases, storage devices, applications, and virtual infrastructure.
Server Monitoring provides insights into the reliability of the server hardware such as Uptime,
CPU, Memory and Storage.
Communication As a Service (CaaS)
 Communications as a Service (CaaS) is an outsourced enterprise communications
solution that can be leased from a single vendor.
 Communication as a service (CaaS) is a cloud-based solution provided by cloud
vendors. CaaS is a specialized variation of Software as a Service (SaaS) which is
among three basic services delivered by the cloud computing technology.
 Such communications can include:
 Voice over IP (VoIP or Internet telephony)
 Instant Messaging (IM)
 Collaboration and
 Videoconference Applications using fixed and mobile devices.
 CaaS providers manage
the hardware and softwar
e that are important for
delivering Voice over IP
(VoIP) for voice
communication service,
and other services like
Instant Messaging (IM) to
provide text
communication service
and video conferencing to
provide video
communication service.
 CaaS providers
manage CaaS model
provides economical
services as the
service users do not
have to bear the
expenditure of buying
and managing the
 CaaS is favorable for
small IT companies
that on the verge of
Features of Communication As a Service (CaaS)
1. Integrated and Unified Communication
The advanced unified communication features include Chat, Multimedia conferencing, Microsoft Outlook integration,
Real-time presence, “Soft” phones (software-based telephones), Video calls, Unified messaging and mobility.
Nowadays, CaaS vendor introduces new features to their CaaS services much faster than ever before. It has become
economical for providers to introduce a new feature to their CaaS application faster because the end-users are
benefitting from the provider’s scalable platform infrastructure and ultimately the many end-users using the provider’s
service shares this cost of enhancement.
2. No Investment Required
As the sole responsibility of CaaS vendor to manage hardware and software deployed to provide the communication
service to their customers. The customer only has to pay for the service he is getting from the CaaS vendor, not for
communication features deployed to provide communication services.
3. Flexibility & Scalability
The customer can outsource the communication services form CaaS vendors. The customers pay for what they have
demanded. The customer can extend their service requirement according to their need. This brings flexibility and
scalability in communication services and even make the service economical.
4. No Risk of Obsolescence
The CaaS vendors keep on updating their hardware and software that provide communication services to meet
the changing demands of the market. So the customer using the services does not have to be worried about the
service obsolescence.
5. No Maintenance Cost Incurred
The customer outsourcing the CaaS service does not have to bear the cost of maintaining the equipment
deployed for providing communication services.
6. Ensure Business Continuity
If due to any calamity your business’s geographical region is affected then how long can you continue your
business? That’s why nowadays companies distribute their data to the geographically dispersed data centre
which maintain the redundancy & help them in recovering soon after any catastrophic event.
The same feature is adopted and implemented by the CaaS providers in order to provide voice continuity or
communication continuity even if any catastrophic event strikes.
 Business users opting for CaaS can selectively deploy communication features (hardware and software)
throughout there office on a pay-as-you-go basis. CaaS vendor designs comprehensive, flexible and easy to
understand service plans for their users.
 The quality of communication service is assured by the CaaS vendors under the service level agreement.
 CaaS is a fully hosted solutions that are practiced on the cloud-based technology which can be implemented
over multiple types of operating system such as windows, Linux, Android & iOS. Because of this, the CaaS
can be accessed through multiple types of connected devices such as mobiles, handsets, tablets, TV sets,
laptop, PC etc.
 CaaS has brought the revolutionary change in method of communication from person to person, person to
machine and machine to machine.
 CaaS abstracts the networks capability to handle peak load for their customer which make it flexible. The
network capabilities can be extended to raise the network capacity, devices and area coverage based on the
demands of the CaaS customers. However, the network capabilities can be extended dynamically according
to customers demand so that the resources are not wasted.
How Communication As a Service (CaaS) Works
 CaaS provides an economical way to deliver communication service to its customer by
preventing them from investing in hardware and software required for delivering
communication services.
 CaaS vendor provides 24/7 service to its customers. Customer receiving services from CaaS
vendor do not have to indulge and invest in managing the components of CaaS.
 CaaS vendor offers flexible service as they charge according to pay as you go basis.
 CaaS provide scalable services as they provide service based on customers demand.
 CaaS provides the hosted and managed solution which offers complete communication
solutions managed by a single vendor only.
 From the customers perspective, there is no risk of service becoming obsolete as the
vendors are responsible for upgrading the carrier platform.
Advantage of Communication As a Service (CaaS)
Leading Cloud Service Providers
According to a report by Canalys shown in the above chart, in Q4, 2020:
 AWS cloud grew by 28% and
 Azure cloud grew by 50%
 Google cloud grew by 58% and
 Alibaba clouds grew 54% respectively
As of this report,
 AWS has 31% of total cloud market share followed by
 Azure has share of 20%
 Google has share of 7% and
 Alibaba has share of 6%
Leading Cloud Service Providers
AWS Azure Google Cloud
Company AWS Inc. Microsoft Google
Launch year 2006 2010 2008
Geographical Regions 25 54 21
Availability Zones 78 140 (countries) 61
Key offerings
Compute, storage, database,
analytics, networking,
machine learning, and AI,
mobile, developer tools, IoT,
security, enterprise
applications, blockchain.
Compute, storage, mobile,
data management, messaging,
media services, CDN, machine
learning and AI, developer
tools, security, blockchain,
functions, IoT.
Compute, storage,
databases, networking,
big data, cloud AI,
management tools,
Identity and security, IoT,
API platform
Compliance Certificates 46 90
Annual Revenue $33 billion $35 billion $8 billion
The following table summarizes the top 3 key players and their offerings in
the cloud computing world:
IBM Cloud
IBM Cloud developed by IBM is a set of cloud computing services for
businesses. Similar to other cloud service providers, the IBM cloud
includes IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS services via public, private, and hybrid
cloud models.
Compute, Network, Storage, Cloud Packs, Management, Security,
Database, Analytics, AI, IoT, Mobile, Dev Tools, Blockchain, Integration,
Migration, Private Cloud, and VMware.
Annual revenue: $19.16 billion
Salesforce Service Cloud is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform for
customer service and support.
Salesforce is a Software as a Service (SaaS) application providing client relationship management (CRM)
service, and this what makes Salesforce the leading CRM.
One of the best enterprise cloud platforms that is helping clients worldwide with databases achieves brilliant
client relations, interactions, and connections, thereby leading to business growth and development.
The best part is, Salesforce is convertible and gets along well with disparate business frameworks. It has
been proved that CRM frameworks will help businesses gain a massive amount of profit by paying very little
attention and mind.
According to an examination, for each dollar spent behind the CRM framework, around $5.60 is gained back.
This is the need for the hour to gain huge achievement and accomplishment while it collaborates with its
clients. To sum up, it is understandable that Salesforce, being the most famous framework, will achieve a
better ROI on utilization.
Salesforce Cloud Service
Pros and Cons of Salesforce
➙ Flexible: one of the most efficient advantages of Salesforce is that it is highly adaptable. The objects that are spot in
Salesforce can be entirely set according to your desires. Any user will not be tied or bonded to a specific set of layouts.
➙ Easily manageable: along with flexibility, another chief benefit of Salesforce is that it is extremely easy to manage. If
you have a small-scale organization, you will still be able to incorporate changes on the side of administration.
➙ Innumerable options: the ecosystem of Salesforce contains applications that you can buy via app exchange.
➙ Standard API Links: being the largest web-based platform, Salesforce offers a vast variety of legal API Links. These
tools are proven and can be linked at ease without the need to charge for additional hours.
Cons of Salesforce
➙ It is comparatively costly and expensive.
➙ Additionally, one has to pay for each add-on to obtain the most out of S/W
➙ Complicated configuration and set-up.
➙ Extremely time-consuming.
➙ Poor customer support reputation.
➙ Endless learning curve.
➙ The presence of a Cluttered interface makes simple and navigable tasks unnecessarily complicated.
Collaborating Using Cloud Services

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Collaborating Using Cloud Services

  • 1.
  • 2.  Collaborating Using Cloud Services:  Email Communication over the Cloud  CRM Management  Project Management  Event Management  Task Management  Calendar  Schedules  Word Processing  Presentation  Spreadsheet  Databases  Desktop  Social Networks and Groupware. Unit -3
  • 3.  Cloud collaboration is a type of enterprise collaboration that allows employees to work together on documents and other data types, which are stored off-premises and outside of the company firewall. Employees use a cloud- based collaboration platform to share, edit and work together on projects.  Cloud Collaboration enables two or more people to work on a project at once. A cloud collaboration project begins when one user creates the file or document and then gives access to certain individuals; for example, the project creator may share a link to the project that allows others to view and edit it.  Users can make changes to the document at any time, including when employees are viewing and working simultaneously. All changes are saved and synced so every user sees the same version of the project.  Cloud collaboration has become more sophisticated as vendors try to attract customers. It is common for a collaboration tool to include a way for project participants to see who else is viewing the document and to communicate with each other while working, such as through comments or a chat function. Tools also often allow users to set up email alerts for when a file is changed. These and other functions help increase worker efficiency and productivity. Cloud Collaboration
  • 4.  Cloud collaboration allows employees to work together and collaborate on documents and other file types which might be stored off-premises or outside the firewall of the company.  Cloud collaboration happens when a user creates/uploads a file online and then shares access to other individuals.  The idea is to enable employees to share, edit, and view documents in real- time.  All changes made are saved and synced to the cloud so all users always have access to the same, updated version of the document. What is Cloud Collaboration?
  • 5. Benefits of Cloud Collaboration? 1. Improved team collaboration When documents are stored in a shared place online, it becomes easier to find and access them. Employees no longer have to constantly email their team members just for an updated version of a file. Moreover, when team members have access to the correct file versions, it makes discussions smoother, ensures everyone is on the same page (quite literally), and remarkably improves team collaboration. Sharing all the project details and files with the entire team also leads to improved employee engagement since all team members have an equal opportunity to offer their input. 2. Faster access to large files Most email servers cannot handle documents that are bigger than 20-25 MB. To send large files to team members you would either have to share them offline through USBs and external hard disks or just upload the files on a cloud storage provider. Sharing files offline isn’t just time-consuming, but it is also an impossible option for teams working remotely. Cloud storage and Collaboration allows teams to quickly share large files with no delay or distribution dilemmas. Once you upload a file online, you can share the same shared link with all team members at once. 3. Support for remote employees Cloud-based applications allow remote teams to collaborate and work together even when they are all located in different parts of the world. In fact, efficient cloud collaboration is one of the major factors behind the success of remote teams. Without dedicated cloud storage, remote employees would get stuck in an endless spiral of emails with no time to get their core work done. 4. Embracing the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend Over 67 percent of employees already use their own devices at work and 69 percent of company decision-makers believe BYOD leads to great results in the workforce. Employees in BYOD-embracing companies work at least two extra hours. Cloud collaboration helps support and facilitate Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies by allowing employees to log in from their personal devices to access all the work-related files and data without having to hardwire it to a separate network or VPN.
  • 6. 1. Access files anytime through the internet The cloud collaboration application should be accessible anytime through web browsers or mobile devices. It should also have offline support and allow you to modify, edit, and view files stored on the cloud even if the changes will only get uploaded and be accessible to everyone else when you connect back to the internet. 2. Real-time communication The cloud collaboration tool that you choose should offer real-time communication features like instant messaging, message boards, team communication channels, and even comments. For instance, if you are collaborating on a project or a task, then you should be able to leave comments for your coworkers directly in the app, instead of having to email them separately. 3. Setting custom permission levels You don’t always want to share company information in the same way. For instance, you might want to share important work guidelines and project briefs with view-only access so that no one can make any unwanted changes. The collaboration tool should allow you to set custom permission levels. You should be able to decide who can view, edit, and comment on the documents. 4. Version control The cloud collaboration tool should sync any changes made to the documents in real-time and ensure users only get access to the most up-to-date version of the files. At the same time, it should offer access to all the previous versions and track changes in documents. You should be able to clearly see who made changes to which documents and at what time. 5. Centralized file storage One of the main features that your cloud collaboration tool should have is the ability to build an online repository where you can save all the work-related data. It can serve as the enterprise storage solution for your organization allowing employees to find and access key files in a secure manner Top Cloud Collaboration features
  • 7. Leading Collaboration Apps 1.Kissflow 2.Atlassian Confluence 3.Microsoft Teams 4.Salesforce Chatter 5.Workplace by Facebook Benefits of Collaboration 1.Fresh inspiration 2.Cut costs​ 3.Faster time to market 4.Improved customer experience​ 5.Greater transparency 6.Clearer standards 7.Stakeholder alignment 8.Access to top talent 9.Increase employee engagement 10.Reduced turnover 11.Positive work environment 12.Less employee stress 13.Centralized workplace 14.Improvement in team performance 15.Smoother onboarding for new team members
  • 8. What are the benefits of team collaboration? 1. Fresh inspiration Sometimes, you just hit a wall and aren’t sure where to go or what to do next, no matter how many years you’ve been on the job. Employees may be too shy or embarrassed to ask for help or a second opinion unless they’re already working in a collaborative team environment. Top-notch professionals may also apply new knowledge and different approaches from their colleagues to daily work, inspiring innovation. 2. Cut costs Ineffective communication, including excessive communication and lack of meaningful conversation, wastes time and affects the bottom line. Stronger coordination, project monitoring, and exchanging feedback streamline processes, reducing the amount of time, people, resources, and cash needed to finish work. 3. Faster time to market If team members in product development collaborate, but the marketing team is minimally or not at all involved in the development, marketing team members will have a lot of catching up to do before they’re ready to present a marketing strategy for a new product. When teams across an organization combine their ideas throughout processes and projects, high-quality, innovative solutions can be produced more quickly.
  • 9. 4. Improved customer experience Collaborative work and its benefits extend to customers as well. In organizations where team collaboration is healthy, standard practices are in place for addressing and following up on customer cases. Issues with website- friendliness, customer service, and customer complaints are promptly directed to the individual or team who can resolve the problem and improve experiences for the next customer. 5. Greater transparency Tracking progress and measuring productivity is more readily accomplished in a collaborative workplace, and frequent irritating team briefings aren’t needed when everyone is in-the-know. Problems are identified sooner because teams are consistently touching base on multiple levels. The effect? Reduced duplicated work, less rework, and better fluidity when tweaks are needed. Contd……
  • 10. 6. Clearer standards I’m not 100% sure how I’m supposed to format this document, but I’m not sure whom to ask, so I’ll just submit it as is and see what my supervisor says. In a workplace where team collaboration thrives, it’s easier to find published standards for work or the appropriate individual to contact for guidelines on a particular task. 7. Stakeholder alignment If stakeholders are involved in a process, there is better alignment between all the roles extending from sponsors to implementers. Stakeholders feel freer to express needs and concerns throughout a project’s duration. Instead of sending implementers back to the drawing board, stakeholders are a part of the process that carries implementers from start to finish. Contd……
  • 11. 8. Access to top talent An organization needs to beef up the content marketing strategy, but with a limited number of in-house writers, increasing the level of content while maintaining quality poses a significant challenge. Collaborating with remote freelance writers not only adds fresh perspectives but boosts the content quantity without sacrificing quality to increase online traffic to your business. For any work that can be completed on a computer, talented workers around the world wait for new opportunities in a collaborative workplace. 9. Increase employee engagement According to Gallup, “Organizations that are the best in engaging their employees achieve earnings-per- share growth that is more than four times that of their competitors.” Gallup noted that organizations most successful in employee engagement have created a CEO-supported culture of high development experiences through continuous company-wide communication. The more collaboration is built into internal operations, the more likely employees are to plug in. 10. Reduced turnover When employees can count on their team, team loyalty takes root, and in turn, company loyalty grows. Higher retention rates allow organizations to reinvest more capital into product development and business expansion. A collaborative workplace leads to happier workers who are more likely to stick around and add increasing value to their company, reducing turnover by up to 59 percent. Contd……
  • 12. 12. Less employee stress Wrike’s Stress Epidemic Report found that poor teamwork is the leading cause of stress in today’s workplace. Poor communication, imbalanced workloads, and bottlenecks heavily burden team members. In an open workplace where typical team issues are minimized, employee stress is greatly reduced. Workers are confident in their roles, have immediate access to any knowledge they need, and can rest assured that support is available from their colleagues. 13. Centralized workplace Around 416 hours a year per employee goes to waste when internal information isn’t consolidated, and two-thirds of employees spend 60 minutes a day navigating work apps. Whether tracking down past correspondence or project guidelines, team collaboration tools make it possible to perform work and communicate efficiently, solving problems like information hoarding and siloed data. Contd……
  • 13. Contd…… 14. Improvement in team performance Aargon’s Research Globe predicts that by 2025, team collaboration will be the primary method for business communication, driven by the demand for higher performance and agility. Collaboration isn’t just another fad; it’s a core value that can increase productivity and heighten synergy. 15. Smoother onboarding for new team members Occasionally, leaders determine additional human capital is required to complete a job on time or to fill knowledge gaps, leading to long-term or gig hires. By the time help is found, projects are already rolling, and new members want to hit the ground running. An influential collaborative culture in a connected workplace enables new team members to get up to speed in a jiffy.
  • 14.  Employee's motivations for using cloud collaboration tools vary, but the impetus is often that workers find the cloud tool to be better in some way than an old tool.  Employees may think the cloud collaboration tool is faster, looks nicer, is easier to use and more.  Desire for a better collaboration tool can lead employees to choose and use a tool without prior approval of IT, a practice known as shadow IT.  IT departments should be on the lookout for this, but they should also be open to the positive impact a cloud collaboration tool can have on group communication and teamwork. Contd……
  • 15.
  • 16. Collaborating Using Cloud Services Collaboration has always played a critical role in a business’ success, which is one of the biggest benefits that the cloud offers. Since cloud technology has suddenly become even more important for a business-- especially in terms of business connectivity as more people are displaced from the office by the COVID-19 pandemic– it is felt that it was an appropriate time to address just how many different kinds of communication tools are available through the cloud. Technically, cloud collaboration solutions come in a few types: 1. Communication-Based 2. Software 3. Documentation, Note-Taking, and File Sharing 4. Project Management and Customer Relationship Management 5. Data Visualization
  • 17. 1. Communication-Based Naturally, we can’t talk about collaboration without addressing communication. There are so many different solutions for this purpose out there nowadays, and a vast number of them are delivered via the cloud. This only makes sense, as it means one can effectively keep in touch with the rest of his/ her team from anywhere an Internet connection can be established. Make sure you impress upon their team how important it is that they use these resources to the fullest extent. 2. Software If any team is going to work, well, like a team, they are going to need to have the tools to do it. By supplying them with software that is actually hosted in the cloud, they have access to these necessary tools whenever they have access to the Internet. These solutions mean that collaboration isn’t reliant on them all being in the same place to work, or even working on it at the same time. Plus, it is very easy to guarantee that the entire staff will be working with the same toolkit, as one can push out updates through the cloud as well.
  • 18.
  • 19. 3. Documentation, Note-Taking, and File Sharing Notes are a very important thing in the workplace, as they enable important insights, facts, and thoughts to be preserved for future reference. Considering this future-focus, it makes sense to make sure that these notes are saved in a place that can be accessed by everyone who may (at some point) need to do so. Using one of the many cloud-based apps out there can simplify the collaboration process. As a result, the teams can quickly create a shared pool of knowledge to draw from as needed. 4. Project Management and Customer Relationship Management The use of a cloud-based CRM or project management tool is motivated in a very similar way as a cloud-based note taking app is: they allow the teams to all access the same data regarding the organization’s clients, customers, and internal processes, encouraging and simplifying their collaboration. That way, different members of any team can, again, reference the same data as they interact with their customers and clients, improving the relationship overall. The same goes for project management solutions. Using one of these tools, one can ensure that their internal processes are well-established, consistent, and efficient. Contd…
  • 20. 5. Data Visualization Part of running an effective business is the capability to take the information you collect during your operations and use it to improve these operations in the future. A helpful means of doing so is by using a cloud platform to collect the data that all of your users generate, aggregating it and identifying patterns and trends that appear. Since the amount of data involved is staggeringly massive, a cloud solution is the preferable option for most businesses to do so. In this way, a business can pool the collaborative efforts of their staff into a single endeavor. Collaboration is only becoming more essential in the modern workplace, so the simpler it is to facilitate, the better. The cloud can help provide that simplicity. 6. Event management Cloud computing lets you make changes to plans and details for all your event managers from any internet accessible device. This means you no longer need to be in the office, or by a specific computer, to update schedules, access registration lists, and track email campaigns. Contd…
  • 21.  Computing technology has been advancing at such a rapid pace that it wouldn’t be surprising to think that we may be working completely in Virtual and Augmented reality within the next decade.  Similarly, 15 years ago using your mobile phone to plan or even run an entire event seemed preposterous, yet today the practice is more and more common thanks to the introduction of smartphones and cloud based software.  Event planners and managers can now run wireless registration or make notes about event success through their mobile phones and tablets and have all the information instantaneously backed up in a cloud database.  Rather than drag around bigger and bulkier machines, such as laptops and piles of registration and inventory sheets, everything fits in your palm and is stored at ease. Contd…..…
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  • 23. Why Use Virtualization?  There are several reasons virtualization of one of the above types is increasingly used, as there are numerous benefits. For example, in the case of server, storage, desktop, and application virtualization, having physical devices or copies of these things can be difficult to move or copy when you need to move something. A virtual server or desktop can be easily moved and accessed from a different location.  In addition, physical devices are limited by the specific set of hardware they’re installed on, while virtual devices can easily be allocated resources as necessary.  Physical hardware can be consolidated, and a virtual machine could access resources from multiple pieces of hardware.  Furthermore, the level of isolation of virtual devices provides two main benefits: security and resistance to change.
  • 24.  When a virtual machine is created, it’s completely isolated from other virtual machines and from the host system.  If one virtual machine or one physical device is infected with malware, it won’t necessarily be able to easily spread through other virtual machines or other parts of the network.  This level of security is useful for protecting your network when virtual machines access the internet and for testing applications or new developments. For example, if an application crashes on a virtual machine, it won’t cause any problems for the host machine beneath it. Contd…
  • 25. Software as a Service Discussed Platform as a Service Discussed Infrastructure as a Service Discussed Database as a Service We will discuss it Monitoring as a Service We will discuss it Communication as services We will discuss it Types of Cloud Service
  • 26.  DBaaS (also known as managed database service) is a cloud computing service that lets users access and use a cloud database system without purchasing and setting up their own hardware, installing their own database software, or managing the database themselves (not to mention hiring the high-priced talent required to do so).  The cloud provider takes care of everything from periodic upgrades to backups to ensuring that the database system remains available and secure 24/7.  The market for DBaaS and cloud databases is among the fastest-growing Software-as-a- Service (SaaS) markets, expected to grow to USD 320 billion by 2025.  Database and data warehouse vendors have joined established cloud providers in offering hosted versions of their software, enabling customers to leverage the many benefits of cloud computing for their applications’ data storage, search, and access needs. Database As a Service (DBaaS)
  • 27. Compared to deploying a database management system on-premises, DBaaS offers your organization significant financial, operational, and strategic benefits: Cost savings: Laying down infrastructure for database management is expensive; scaling it as needed is costly and often wasteful. With DBaaS, your organization pays a predictable periodic charge based on the resources you consume—there’s no need to purchase additional capacity to have on hand for hypothetical future needs. Scalability—up and down: You can quickly and easily provision additional storage and computing capacity at run time if you need it, and you can scale down your database cluster during non-peak usage times to save cost. Simpler, less costly management: To manage and maintain a database on-premises, you’d need an in- house administrative team. With DBaaS, the cloud provider manages everything (although you can choose to manage certain aspects yourself if you wish). DBaaS lightens the administrative burden on your existing IT staff and frees them to work on applications and innovation. Benefits of Database As a Service (DBaaS)
  • 28. Rapid development and faster time-to-market: With an on-premises database system, development teams typically need to request access through IT, a process that can take days or weeks. In contrast, with DBaaS, developers can help themselves to database capabilities and spin up and configure a database that’s ready to integrate with their application in minutes. Data and application security: Cloud database providers typically offer enterprise grade security, including features like default encryption of data at rest and in-transit and integrated identity and access management controls. Some also meet specific regulatory compliance standards. Reduced risk: DBaaS offerings from major cloud providers typically include a service-level agreement (SLA) guaranteeing a certain amount of uptime. In the unlikely event that your provider doesn’t meet the requirements stipulated in the SLA, you’ll be compensated for any excess downtime you experience. Software quality: The major cloud providers offer a wide variety of highly configurable DBaaS options— each preselected for quality, so you won’t have to worry about the wading through hundreds of different databases. Contd…
  • 29.  Monitoring as a service (MaaS) is one of many cloud computing delivery models under anything as a service (XaaS). It is a framework that facilitates the deployment of monitoring functionalities for various other services and applications within the cloud.  Cloud monitoring is a method of reviewing, observing, and managing the operational workflow in a cloud-based IT infrastructure. Manual or automated management techniques confirm the availability and performance of websites, servers, applications, and other cloud infrastructure.  Cloud Monitoring as a Service is referred to a type of on demand IT service that provides cloud monitoring and management tools for monitoring cloud based platforms, websites, servers, IT Infrastructure etc. It provides a fully managed cloud monitoring service for cloud and virtualization environments in organizations Monitoring as a service (MaaS)
  • 30. Using Monitoring as a service (MaaS), Orient can monitor servers, network devices, operating systems, databases, storage devices, applications, and virtual infrastructure. Server Monitoring provides insights into the reliability of the server hardware such as Uptime, CPU, Memory and Storage. Contd…
  • 31. Communication As a Service (CaaS)  Communications as a Service (CaaS) is an outsourced enterprise communications solution that can be leased from a single vendor.  Communication as a service (CaaS) is a cloud-based solution provided by cloud vendors. CaaS is a specialized variation of Software as a Service (SaaS) which is among three basic services delivered by the cloud computing technology.  Such communications can include:  Voice over IP (VoIP or Internet telephony)  Instant Messaging (IM)  Collaboration and  Videoconference Applications using fixed and mobile devices.
  • 32. Contd…  CaaS providers manage the hardware and softwar e that are important for delivering Voice over IP (VoIP) for voice communication service, and other services like Instant Messaging (IM) to provide text communication service and video conferencing to provide video communication service.  CaaS providers manage CaaS model provides economical services as the service users do not have to bear the expenditure of buying and managing the communication equipment.  CaaS is favorable for small IT companies that on the verge of expansion.
  • 33. Features of Communication As a Service (CaaS) 1. Integrated and Unified Communication The advanced unified communication features include Chat, Multimedia conferencing, Microsoft Outlook integration, Real-time presence, “Soft” phones (software-based telephones), Video calls, Unified messaging and mobility. Nowadays, CaaS vendor introduces new features to their CaaS services much faster than ever before. It has become economical for providers to introduce a new feature to their CaaS application faster because the end-users are benefitting from the provider’s scalable platform infrastructure and ultimately the many end-users using the provider’s service shares this cost of enhancement. 2. No Investment Required As the sole responsibility of CaaS vendor to manage hardware and software deployed to provide the communication service to their customers. The customer only has to pay for the service he is getting from the CaaS vendor, not for communication features deployed to provide communication services. 3. Flexibility & Scalability The customer can outsource the communication services form CaaS vendors. The customers pay for what they have demanded. The customer can extend their service requirement according to their need. This brings flexibility and scalability in communication services and even make the service economical.
  • 34. Contd… 4. No Risk of Obsolescence The CaaS vendors keep on updating their hardware and software that provide communication services to meet the changing demands of the market. So the customer using the services does not have to be worried about the service obsolescence. 5. No Maintenance Cost Incurred The customer outsourcing the CaaS service does not have to bear the cost of maintaining the equipment deployed for providing communication services. 6. Ensure Business Continuity If due to any calamity your business’s geographical region is affected then how long can you continue your business? That’s why nowadays companies distribute their data to the geographically dispersed data centre which maintain the redundancy & help them in recovering soon after any catastrophic event. The same feature is adopted and implemented by the CaaS providers in order to provide voice continuity or communication continuity even if any catastrophic event strikes.
  • 35.  Business users opting for CaaS can selectively deploy communication features (hardware and software) throughout there office on a pay-as-you-go basis. CaaS vendor designs comprehensive, flexible and easy to understand service plans for their users.  The quality of communication service is assured by the CaaS vendors under the service level agreement.  CaaS is a fully hosted solutions that are practiced on the cloud-based technology which can be implemented over multiple types of operating system such as windows, Linux, Android & iOS. Because of this, the CaaS can be accessed through multiple types of connected devices such as mobiles, handsets, tablets, TV sets, laptop, PC etc.  CaaS has brought the revolutionary change in method of communication from person to person, person to machine and machine to machine.  CaaS abstracts the networks capability to handle peak load for their customer which make it flexible. The network capabilities can be extended to raise the network capacity, devices and area coverage based on the demands of the CaaS customers. However, the network capabilities can be extended dynamically according to customers demand so that the resources are not wasted. How Communication As a Service (CaaS) Works
  • 36.  CaaS provides an economical way to deliver communication service to its customer by preventing them from investing in hardware and software required for delivering communication services.  CaaS vendor provides 24/7 service to its customers. Customer receiving services from CaaS vendor do not have to indulge and invest in managing the components of CaaS.  CaaS vendor offers flexible service as they charge according to pay as you go basis.  CaaS provide scalable services as they provide service based on customers demand.  CaaS provides the hosted and managed solution which offers complete communication solutions managed by a single vendor only.  From the customers perspective, there is no risk of service becoming obsolete as the vendors are responsible for upgrading the carrier platform. Advantage of Communication As a Service (CaaS)
  • 38. According to a report by Canalys shown in the above chart, in Q4, 2020:  AWS cloud grew by 28% and  Azure cloud grew by 50%  Google cloud grew by 58% and  Alibaba clouds grew 54% respectively As of this report,  AWS has 31% of total cloud market share followed by  Azure has share of 20%  Google has share of 7% and  Alibaba has share of 6% Leading Cloud Service Providers
  • 39. AWS Azure Google Cloud Company AWS Inc. Microsoft Google Launch year 2006 2010 2008 Geographical Regions 25 54 21 Availability Zones 78 140 (countries) 61 Key offerings Compute, storage, database, analytics, networking, machine learning, and AI, mobile, developer tools, IoT, security, enterprise applications, blockchain. Compute, storage, mobile, data management, messaging, media services, CDN, machine learning and AI, developer tools, security, blockchain, functions, IoT. Compute, storage, databases, networking, big data, cloud AI, management tools, Identity and security, IoT, API platform Compliance Certificates 46 90 Annual Revenue $33 billion $35 billion $8 billion The following table summarizes the top 3 key players and their offerings in the cloud computing world:
  • 40. IBM Cloud IBM Cloud developed by IBM is a set of cloud computing services for businesses. Similar to other cloud service providers, the IBM cloud includes IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS services via public, private, and hybrid cloud models. Compute, Network, Storage, Cloud Packs, Management, Security, Database, Analytics, AI, IoT, Mobile, Dev Tools, Blockchain, Integration, Migration, Private Cloud, and VMware. Annual revenue: $19.16 billion
  • 41. Salesforce Service Cloud is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform for customer service and support. Salesforce is a Software as a Service (SaaS) application providing client relationship management (CRM) service, and this what makes Salesforce the leading CRM. One of the best enterprise cloud platforms that is helping clients worldwide with databases achieves brilliant client relations, interactions, and connections, thereby leading to business growth and development. The best part is, Salesforce is convertible and gets along well with disparate business frameworks. It has been proved that CRM frameworks will help businesses gain a massive amount of profit by paying very little attention and mind. According to an examination, for each dollar spent behind the CRM framework, around $5.60 is gained back. This is the need for the hour to gain huge achievement and accomplishment while it collaborates with its clients. To sum up, it is understandable that Salesforce, being the most famous framework, will achieve a better ROI on utilization. Salesforce Cloud Service
  • 42. Pros and Cons of Salesforce ➙ Flexible: one of the most efficient advantages of Salesforce is that it is highly adaptable. The objects that are spot in Salesforce can be entirely set according to your desires. Any user will not be tied or bonded to a specific set of layouts. ➙ Easily manageable: along with flexibility, another chief benefit of Salesforce is that it is extremely easy to manage. If you have a small-scale organization, you will still be able to incorporate changes on the side of administration. ➙ Innumerable options: the ecosystem of Salesforce contains applications that you can buy via app exchange. ➙ Standard API Links: being the largest web-based platform, Salesforce offers a vast variety of legal API Links. These tools are proven and can be linked at ease without the need to charge for additional hours. Cons of Salesforce ➙ It is comparatively costly and expensive. ➙ Additionally, one has to pay for each add-on to obtain the most out of S/W ➙ Complicated configuration and set-up. ➙ Extremely time-consuming. ➙ Poor customer support reputation. ➙ Endless learning curve. ➙ The presence of a Cluttered interface makes simple and navigable tasks unnecessarily complicated.