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China Data Management Solutions Market Report
Tags: Big Data, Data Management Solutions, Data Lake, Data Warehouse
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LeadLeo Research Institute (unless the source is otherwise indicated in the report). Without the prior written permission of LeadLeo Research Institute, no
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LeadLeo Research Institute
Frost & Sullivan (China)
Sullivan Market Report| 2021/4
©2020 LeadLeo
Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 China:Data Management Series
Frost & Sullivan hereby releases the annual report
"China Data Management Solutions Market Report
2020" as part of the China Data Management Series
Report. The purpose of this report is to analyze the
concept definition, application prospects, technology
trends and development trends of data management
solutions in China, and identify the competition
situation in the market of data management
solutions in China, and reflect the differentiated
competitive advantages of the leading brands in this
market segment.
Frost & Sullivan and LeadLeo Research Institute
conducted downstream user experience surveys on
data lakes, data warehouses and traditional
databases. Respondents are of different sizes and in
different segments in each of its industry that
includes finance, consumption, media, operators,
manufacturing and logistics.
Trends in data management solutions presented in
this market report also reflect trends in the database
industry as a whole. The report's final judgment on
market ranking and leadership echelon are only
applicable to the industry development cycle of this
All figures, tables and text in this report are based on
the surveys from Frost & Sullivan China and LeadLeo
Research Institute. All data are rounded to one
decimal place.
n Market Demand is Expected to Expand
The market of data management solutions is expected
to continue to expand due to the continuous
promulgation of favorable policies, the innovative
integration of big data technology and more data
application scenarios gradually landing. Enterprise
users will increasingly invest in Data Management
Solutions to have the advantage of improving
decision-making and operational efficiency.
n Policies Improvement and Enhancement
The legislation upon personal information protection,
cross-border data flow and national data security
arouse the public attention of data rights, data privacy
and data security. Other than the quantity, type, speed
and value of data, the security of data will become a
serious element that vendors need to consider to
n Cloud Deployment will become the trend
Based on the separation of memory and computation,
cloud service meets requirements of elastic expansion,
flexible iteration, cost control and so on. It reasonably
allocates resources in the scene of differentiated
resource demands.
n Data Lakehouse is urged to emerge
Avoiding loss of data value and extracting greater
support from data for decisions making become two
major demands for Data Management Solutions. Data
Lakehouse satisfies these by integrating the features of
Data Lake and Data Warehouse to enable enterprises
to extract more value of data.
n Expanding and Deepening application
The application of DMS in the industry is gradually
extending to the core business in various fields as the
application scenarios expand and deepen.
Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4
©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
u Terms ------------------------ 04
u Overview of China Data Management Solution Market ------------------------ 06
• Definition ------------------------ 07
• Typical Applications ------------------------ 10
u Analysis on Data Management Solution Value Creation ------------------------ 12
• Industry Demand Analysis ------------------------ 13
• Value Chain Factors Analysis ------------------------ 14
• Business Practice Analysis ------------------------ 15
u Market Size of China Data Management Solution ------------------------ 17
• Market Size Analysis ------------------------ 18
• User Demand Insights ------------------------ 29
• Analysis on Enterprises' Perception ------------------------ 20
• Policy Analysis ------------------------ 21
u Development Prospect of China Data Management Solution Market ------------------------ 22
• Key Milestones ------------------------ 23
• Cloud Deployment ------------------------ 24
• Integration of Data Lake and Data Warehouse ------------------------ 25
• Deepening Application Scenarios of Data Management Solution ------------------------ 26
u Competition Analysis of China Data Management Solution Market ------------------------ 27
• Comprehensive Vendors Assessment ------------------------ 28
• Leading Competitors ------------------------ 31
u Methodology ------------------------ 34
u Legal Disclaimer ------------------------ 35
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
u Big Data: a collection of data that is huge in volume, yet growing exponentially with time. It is data with so large size
and complexity that none of the traditional data management tools can store it or process it efficiently.
u Metadata: data providing information about one or more aspects of the data; it is used to summarize basic
information about data which can make tracking and working with specific data easier.
u Master Data: data that describes the core entities of the enterprise including customers, prospects, citizens, suppliers,
sites, hierarchies and chart of accounts.
u Structured Data: data that is highly organized and easily understood by machine language.
u Unstructured Data: qualitative data that consists of audio, video, sensors, descriptions, and more.
u Semi-Structured Data: a type of structured data that lies midway between structured and unstructured data. It doesn't
have a specific relational or tabular data model but includes tags and semantic markers that scale data into records
and fields in a dataset.
u Data Warehouse, constructed by integrating data from multiple heterogeneous sources that support analytical
reporting, structured and/or ad hoc queries, and decision making.
u Data Lake,a storage repository that holds a vast amount of raw data in its native format until it is needed.
u Advanced Analytics: the autonomous or semi-autonomous examination of data or content using sophisticated
techniques and tools, typically beyond those of traditional business intelligence (BI), to discover deeper insights, make
predictions, or generate recommendations.
u Hadoop: an open-source distributed processing framework that manages data processing and storage for big data
applications in scalable clusters of computer servers.
u OLTP (Online Transactional Processing): a category of data processing that is focused on transaction-oriented tasks. It
typically involves inserting, updating, and/or deleting small amounts of data in a database.
u OLAP (for online analytical processing): a software for performing multidimensional analysis at high speeds on large
volumes of data from a data warehouse, data mart, or some other unified, centralized data store.
u Data Mining: a process used by companies to turn raw data into useful information.
u Decision Support Systems (DSS): is an information system that aids a business in decision-making activities that
require judgment, determination, and a sequence of actions.
u Executive information system (EIS): a type of management support system that facilitates and supports senior
executive information and decision-making needs.
u Business intelligence (BI): a process that leverages software and services to transform data into actionable insights that
inform an organization's strategic and tactical business decisions.
Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4
©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
u Data Gravity: a concept that emphasizes that data should be processed where it is collected so that the operation is
efficient and cost-effective. In other words, instead of moving the data to where the processing is, the processing is
pushed to where the data is.
u Data Intelligence: refers to the practice of using artificial intelligence and machine learning tools to analyze and
transform massive datasets into intelligent data insights, which can then be used to improve services and investments.
u Data Governance: the process of managing the availability, usability, integrity and security of the data in enterprise
systems, based on internal data standards and policies that also control data usage.
u Public Clouds: cloud computing that is delivered via the internet and shared across organizations.
u Private Clouds: cloud computing that is dedicated solely to your organization.
u Hybrid Cloud: an environment that uses both public and private clouds.
u Data Sandbox: a scalable and developmental platform used to explore an organization's rich information sets through
interaction and collaboration.
u Data stream: a sequence of digitally encoded coherent signals used to transmit or receive information that is in the
process of being transmitted.
u Stream Computing: pulling in streams of data, processing the data and streaming it back out as a single flow.
u Parallel computing: many calculations or the execution of processes are carried out simultaneously. Large problems
can often be divided into smaller ones, which can then be solved at the same time.
u Distributed computing: a model in which components of a software system are shared among multiple computers.
Even though the components are spread out across multiple computers, they are run as one system.
u In-memory computing: the storage of information in the main random access memory (RAM) of dedicated servers
rather than in complicated relational databases operating on comparatively slow disk drives.
Overview of
China Data Management Solution Market
uTypical Application
Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4
©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
Data Management Solutions
IT Market
Hardware Hardware Operation Software & Service Information Processing Service Internet Service
Embedded Systems Software Professional Software Service Software Product
Enterprise-scale Solution Portfolio Packaged Solution Portfolio
Operating System Data Management Solution(DMS)
Application Traditional Database
Data Warehouse Data Lake
Scope of this Report
of DMS in
Provider Product Provider Product Provider Product
Amazon Web
Amazon Redshift Amazon Web
Amazon Lake
Amazon Web
Lake House Architecture
Alibaba MaxCompute Alibaba Data Lake Analytics Alibaba Alibaba Cloud Lakehouse
Huawei GaussDB(DWS) Huawei MapReduce Service Huawei FusionInsight Lakehouse
n Data warehouse and data lake constitute the core module:
Data Warehouse (DW): focus on structured data and processing efficiency, offering
Data Lake (DL): compatible with unstructured data, focus on storage of massive real-time raw
data, offering agility.
n Industry value of data management solutions
The DL and the DW provide the basis for the data capitalization of all industries, and the data
capitalization will reconstruct the enterprise value chain from the key-value nodes of marketing,
research and development, supply chain and so on.
DMS utilizes computer hardware and software technology to effectively collect, store, calculate,
analyze and apply massive amounts of data, aiming to extract and deduce valuable information
from the original data to support enterprise decisions.
The purpose of DMS is not simply to organize and store data but to enable advanced data
analysis that directly provides the enterprise with more timely decisions and observations. DL
and DW accelerate the value creation of enterprise data by connecting DMS elements and
providing the foundation of advanced data analysis to support enterprise decisions in real-time.
Data Lakehouse
Database Management Solutions Definition
Frost & Sullivan define DMS or Database Management Solutions as the effective one-stop data
management systems provided by service vendors to organizations.
Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4
©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
Data Management Solutions
Collection Processing
Governance Application
Data Management Solution
DMS transform meaningless "data" into "Intelligence" that release growth potentials
Data Knowledge
Information Intelligence
q Cleanse Data
Discover Information
q Associate Information
Transform Knowledge
§ Stream Computing
• Flink/ Storm
§ Parallel Computing
• HDFS/HBase
§ Distributed Computing
• Yarn/Spark
§ In-memory Computing
• Spark/SAP HANA
§ Relational Integration
• 2-Dimensional table
§ Non-relational Integration
• Key-value store database
• Column-oriented database
• Document-oriented database
• Graph database
§ Real Time Decision
• Business Intelligence
§ Machine Learning
• Data Intelligence
§ Data Sandbox
q Apply Knowledge
Convert Intelligence
q Collect Phenomenon
Produce Data
§ Structured Data
• csv./json.
§ Unstructured Data
• text/img/video
§ Semi-structured Data
• xml./html.
n Pack the process of data transformation, export by one-click
Due to various kinds of data sources, complex types of data, a large amount of data, fast
generation speed, enterprises need to ensure the reliability and efficiency of data
transformation on the one hand and control the operation cost on the other hand in the
process of data processing. DMS can provide a cost-effective, fast, accurate data conversion
effect through professional software and hardware technology and implementation plan.
n Accelerate the formation of competitive advantage
In the future industry competition, demand insight, manufacturing, marketing, user tracking
and other key functions are inseparable from the enterprise system, machine system, Internet
system, social system that generate massive data. The application of DL and DW breaks the
physical barriers between systems, sorts out the industry data, business data, content data,
online behavior data and offline behavior data and master the first-hand knowledge. It helps
decision-makers to firstly occupy the strategic high ground of the emerging market in the
industry, provides the latest perspective throughout the industry competition dynamics, and
improves the enterprises' decision-making flexibility.
DMS utilize computer hardware and software technology to effectively extract and deduce valuable
knowledges from the original data to support enterprise decisions
Database Management Solutions Definition
Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4
©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
The strengthening Data governance of DL and the Expansibility of DW gradually weaken their
boundary. The emerging integration of DL and DW joins the agility and promotability.
Stage of Traditional Database
Data Lakehouse
• It reduces the redundancy of data warehouse and data lake when they exist
independently and transforms the unstructured data of data lake layer into the
structured data of data warehouse layer.
Data Lake
• Cost-saving: Using relatively cheap PC servers can build a big data cluster, break the
physical boundary of the database itself, and connect the isolated data islands.
Stage of Cloud Deployment Data Warehouse
• Cost-saving: Advantages of pay-as-demand, scale-as-demand, high availability and
storage integration can be realized.
Stage of Traditional Deployment Data Warehouse
• Costly:Originally tight coupling compute and storage, architected by independent
hardware and its corresponding software.
• Low Scalability: When additional database nodes are added, the data in the cluster must
be “rebalanced” that requires the physical shipping of data across nodes of the cluster.
• It takes up a lot of storage space to store data by data blocks. As represented by row-
based database, queries without index will consume a great deal of computing power.
n Cost Driver
The fundamental functions of database are storage and query of data.
In the traditional database stage, storage and query are faced with huge cost and difficulty; In the data warehouse stage of
traditional deployment, the ability of data governance is improved to reduce the cost and difficulty of query, but the limitation of
scalability determines its lower bound that it is capable to reduce the cost. Cloud deployment of data warehouse greatly boosts
its scalability by eliminates hosting, operation, maintenance, software investment and other costs while attaining a high level of
resource utilization by pay-as-you-go. However, data warehouse cannot solve the incompatibility of unstructured data. The
practice of data lake has achieved the leap in storage performance. It is compatible with real-time, massive and various types of
data, and truly breaks the physical barrier between databases. The emergence of the integration of the lake and warehouse
absorbs the advantages of the data lake in storage and the advantages of the data warehouse in query, this further lowers the
threshold of big data application.
n Demand Driver
The requirement for agility and promotability will continuously evolve as the enterprise users develop.
At the start-up stage, the data period from generation to its consumption is still very long, often only online transaction
processing (OLTP) system to record business events is needed, which is the application of traditional database; For data
centralized analysis of different services, the data need to be cleansed and stored in the data warehouse to provide OLAP
analysis. When the business grows to a certain scale, the local deployment database and data warehouse will be incorporated
into the process of cloud deployment because of the cost. The analysis methodology for the increased amount of data can be
extended to Data Mining, to access decision support system (DSS) and executive information system (EIS) analysis for more
valuable information and knowledge which help to build business intelligence (BI).
In the application scenarios such as marketing and operation of Internet firms, operation analysis of telecom industry, risk control
and management of financial industry, data lake's ability to store massive data and data warehouse's ability to extract highly
structured data become significant. Due to the concept of data gravity, the huge cost of data transmission has put the actual
business under heavy pressure. It is in the demand of data business that draws forth the Data Lakehouse.
Database Management Solutions Definition
Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4
©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
Large storage area on multiple databases for business and transactional data recording and querying functions
Source: Websites, Product brochure, Annual report of typical big data firms, Collected by F&S
Data Warehouse Architecture
Ø Data
Ø Quality
Ø Schema
Ø Analysis
Ø User Portrait
Ø Cost-performance ratio
Data Access
Access Control
Metadata Management
Batch Processing
Stream Computing
Machine Learning
Data Governance
Data Migration
Asset Catalog
Ø A built-in storage system where data is provided abstractly (such as in a Table or View) without exposing the file system
Ø Data needs to be cleansed and transformed, usually in the form of ETL/ELT
Ø Focus on modelling and data management to support business intelligence decisions
Ø Understands the data deeply, optimize storage and computation
Ø Data life cycle management, equipped with relational system
Ø Fine-grained data management and governance
Ø Complete metadata management ability, easy to build enterprise-level data platform
DL and DW are two mainstream architectures to realize formal data management solutions. Data
warehouse focus on the efficiency of big data processing and benefit organizations’ promotability.
DMS Typical Application- Data Warehouse
Relational data from business systems, operational databases, and line-of-business applications
Highly regulated data that can be used as an important factual basis
Design Before Data Warehouse Implementation (Write Mode Schema)
Batch Processing report, BI, Visualization
Business Analyst
Faster query results require only lower storage costs
Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4
©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
A centralized storage area that can store all types of data and enable in-depth analysis of unstructured data
Data Access
Access Control
Data Migration
Asset Catalog
Metadata Management
Structured Data Storage
Unstructured Data Storage
Batch processing
Stream Computing
Machine Learning
Centralized Storage
Data Lake Architecture
Ø Unified storage system
Ø Stored raw data
Ø Collect and ingest all data sources to obtain the entire isolated database set
Ø ETL (extraction-transpose - load) function is supported for real-time and high-speed data streams
Ø Scalability and agility
Ø Advanced analytics with artificial intelligence
Ø Abundant computational models/paradigms
Ø Not equal to cloud deployment
Data lakes is compatible with unstructured data and is advantageous in mass-data storage and it
focus on storing mass-data to benefit organizations’ promotability.
DMS Typical Application- Data Lake
Source: Websites, Product brochure, Annual report of typical big data firms, Collected by F&S
Ø Data
Ø Quality
Ø Schema
Ø Analysis
Ø User Portrait
Ø Cost-performance ratio
Relational and non-relational data from devices, websites, applications, media, etc
Any data that cannot be regulated (such as raw data)
Write at analysis time (Read Mode Schema)
Machine learning, predictive analytics, data discovery and data analysis
Data Scientist, Data Developer, and Business Analyst
Faster query results require only lower storage costs
1 2
Value Creation Analysis of
Data Management Solution
uIndustry Demand Analysis
uValue Chain Factors Analysis
uBusiness Practice Analysis
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
Industry Demand Analysis
Demand of Big Data from each industry
& Media
• High frequency financial trading
• microfinance
• Customer management
• Precision marketing
• build a comprehensive transportation
big data service platform
• Integrate big traffic data and build a
big traffic database
• Network management and optimization
• Marketing and precision marketing
• Customer relationship management
• Enterprise operation management
• Data commercialization
• Provide scientific support to judge the hot market and
investor confidence
• Automatically analyze the solvency of enterprises and
judge whether to give loans to enterprises
• Process customer information and understand customers
to the greatest extent
• Build customer churn early warning model to reduce
customer churn rate
• Infrastructure construction optimization and network
operation management and optimization
• Customer profile, relationship chain research and precision
• Call centre service optimization and customer life cycle
• Business operation monitoring and business analysis
• Data external commercialization and independent profit
• Traffic planning, comprehensive traffic decision-making,
cross-departmental collaborative management,
personalized public information services, etc
• Identification and prediction of road traffic conditions,
assists in traffic decision-making and management,
supports smart travel services, and speeds up the
innovation of transportation big data services
& Energy
• Build a comprehensive service platform
• Integration of multi-source government
• Build a comprehensive big
data service platform
• Integrate multi-source data
and build a large database
• Improve the efficiency of diagnosis
and treatment
• Reduce the cost of patient care
• Big data integration and interoperability among different
government departments and affiliates.
• Government organs at all levels have accumulated a large
amount of data in their daily management, but they have
not fully excavated the value of these data
• standardization construction of large-scale general
hospital informatization system
• the establishment of nationwide e-health archives
• Build a regional medical informatization platform
• Adjustment and transformation of energy structure,
coordinated development of various energy sources
• Provide energy status identification and prediction to
support energy decision making
• Provides demand forecasting, energy early warning and
other functions to realize coordinated decision-making of
energy development and consumption
Source: Alibaba Cloud, Huawei Cloud, Tencent Cloud, Amazon Web Services, IBM Websites, F&S
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
The DL and DW empower data capitalization of all industries, and the data capitalization will
reconstruct the key value factors along marketing, research and development, supply chain and so on
Changes of Value Nodes due to DMS
n Value Nodes Change
DMS changed the practice of value nodes in business, marketing, and research and development
across industries. The value of data is embodied in showing the development process of the
phenomenon, describing the nature of the phenomenon and forecasting the trend of the
phenomenon development.
Transform data to deduce prediction, trend analysis, cross-selling strategy recommendation,
customer profile matching in relevant directions, and then master the elements of products and
services that customers really care about. This application of data intelligence will use data as a
means of production to drive business reinvention.
n Value Chain Change
The core idea of data cloud service is "everything serves", liberating productivity and allowing
enterprises to focus on their most core areas.
The capitalization of data not only brings changes to marketing and R&D personnel but also
provides optimization suggestions for other functions in the value chain, such as storage,
production planning and personnel management, through the monitoring and insight of data
downstream. At the same time, remote synchronization and real-time accessibility of data enable
any part of the value chain to adjust functional decisions anytime, anywhere.
The potential of distributed innovation is unleashed, which improves the customer experience
creating a new space for value creation at every node in the value chain and driving all kinds of
participants to foster new efficiencies.
n Benign Cycle in Data Ecosystem
Data connectivity in the horizontal dimension, on the one hand, it can gather a series of
customers from different industries externally; on the other hand, it can promote close
collaboration of different section in the value chain internally. On the vertical dimension, let the
participants of the ecosystem enhance their experience and even play a leading role in it.
Through network effects, ecosystems can provide products and services that an individual
enterprise cannot provide on its own, thus attracting new customers and generating more data.
Value Chain Factors Analysis
Low High
Consumption High-Tech
New Material
& Energy
Auto-pilot Logistics
& Public
Healthcare Internet
& Media
& Insurance
Marketing & Sales
Supply Chain
Other business or
Capital - asset
Moderate Changed Essential Changed
Little Changed
Hardly Changed
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
17% 17% 16%
13% 12% 11% 11%
Data management has an obvious amplifying effect in various industries specifically in insurance and
finance. Timely decision and observation is one of the major source of benefits from data management.
The increase in ROA per 10% input of DMS in each industry [Percentage]
Business Practice Analysis
Source: The University of Texas at Austin, F&S
Proportion of revenue streams from DMS
DMS generate revenue by 3 means:
n Improve traditional performance indicators
ü Accelerate growth rate
ü Improve productivity
ü Improve risk control and management
n Explore new sources of growth
ü Discover new value from unstructured data
ü Extract value from structured data
n Launch data driven new products or services
ü Implement advanced analysis of data
Commonality of financial institution:
n Labor intensive
n Databases Barrier
Ø In marketing section, each subsidiary is running
on an autonomous track.
Ø In R&D section, the data needed in the
development of financial derivatives is procured
from providers rather than collected within the
Ø The continuity of its own business and cross-
department collaboration are weak
n Large proportional to Customer business
n Massive and complicated data
Ø Inconsistent Data Type
• Personal credit data (Semi-structured)
• Personal consumption behavioral data
Ø Large data volume
• A depositor's credit report contains up to
10GB of data
Achieve growth by applying computing power:
n Effective data governance discover value
nodes from the jumbled and massive data
n Effective and fast data computing with low
latency provides data for advanced analytics
n Advanced analytics directly offer enterprises
with more timely decisions and observations
Europe North America China&Others Total
Lower maintenance
Higher productivity
Better Risk
Timely Observation
/ Decision Making
Source: F&S
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
Business Practice Analysis
DL and DW accelerate the value creation process by connecting the five key elements and construct a
solid basis for the advanced analytics which is critical to enterprise decision making.
DL and DW directly accelerate data collection, storage, calculation, analysis and invocation
DW and DL serve as accelerators in data management
Data Lake (DL)
Storage Location for
massive structured or
unstructured data from
random sources
The enterprise processes
and analyses data
according to its demand.
Centralized data warehouse
Some data is of large volume and
often require post-processing,
they are transferred to the high-
performance memory.
Data is collected from
Data in DL to be processed and called Advanced analytics call the data
Structured Data
Credit card number
Unstructured Data
Social media content
Data application
Data Scientist/ Data
Analyst perform
advanced analytics
from the processed
Data is configured
into tiny modular
components that
quickly transmit real-
time information to
data users.
Internal report
Support internal
information user
decision making
External report
Direct business value
Market Insights
Business demands
Internal Ecosystem
External Ecosystem
Data Modeling
Get Inspired
Process Reengineer
Technique Practice
Establish Capability
Transform Managment
Case study of digital transformation of banking by :
User operation-Service innovation-Value transformation
GBC Integration: Construct an integrated business model of the
Government, Business organizations and Customers. Promote mutual
attraction among different customer groups so as to form an external ecology.
Regional Linkage:Construct linkage mechanism between head office and
Front/Middle/Back Office Agility:Promote rapid collaboration across
business and functions.
eMarketing:Customer Acquisition and Activation through innovative
service by referencing the operation idea of Internet enterprises.
Business sharing Platform: Build enterprise-level sharing capability to
support the rapid development of business.
Technical capability sharing:Sharing fintech capabilities to business
partners, creating products/services with technology partners, so as to
accelerate the integration of technical innovation and traditional business.
1 7
Market Size of
Data Management Solutions
uMarket Size Analysis
uUser Demand Insights
uAnalysis on Enterprises' Perception
uPolicy Analysis
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
Server(Hardware) Storage(Hardware) IT Service Big Data Software Business Service
Market Size Analysis
The market of data management solutions is expected to continue to expand due to the continuous
promulgation of favourable policies, the innovative integration of big data technology and more data
application scenarios gradually landing.
q DMS Market
q Big Data Hardware Market q Big Data Software Market
DMS Market Size in China,2015- E2024
[Hundred Million USD]
Big Data Service
Big Data Hardware
n Expanding market demand
Enterprise users will increasingly invest in DMS. Data's desire to improve decision-making and operational efficiency in order to
will rapidly drive up the market demand for DMS. Data management talent is becoming a leader in digitally transformed
enterprises, further expanding and solidifying the demand for data management solutions.
n Data management solutions technology is maturing and cost-effective
There are abundant and matured DW and DL products in the market. Safe and stable products with complete functions meet
differentiated needs for each industry and enterprise. Data Lakehouse combines the strengths of two mature products to meet
enterprise-class features such as flexibility, cost, performance, safety and governance, and it further reducing overall costs.
n Promulgation of favourable policies
As the national policy on personal information protection, data across borders, national information security are on the table of
legislation, the data rights, data privacy, data security become the valuable attributes that the market care about along with other
attributes such as data volume, data type and transmission speed.
Source: F&S
• The scale of China's big data hardware
market is estimated to be US$ 11.10
billion in 2024
• The scale of China's big data
service market is estimated to be
US $16.23 billion in 2024
• The overall market size of
China's big data is estimated
to be US $27.33 billion in 2024
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
New Business
Demand Drivers in Big Data Service in 2020
User Demand Insights
Enterprise users will increasingly invest in DMS to have the advantage of improving decision-making
and operational efficiency
Willingness of Chinese enterprises invest in
Big Data Service in 2019
n Primary demand of enterprise users
Improving decision-making efficiency and operational efficiency are the major drivers of demand.
Risk Control, Business Innovation, Production and Customer Service also matter to Enterprise User.
n High Willingness to invest in DMS
Up to 55% of enterprise users plan to invest more in data management solutions.
n Three Logics that drive the DMS market
1. Improve financial performance: Labour productivity, ROE, ROI, ROA
2. Improve customer relationships: enhance innovative capabilities to generate revenue
growth in new product lines and expand customer base
3. Improve operations management: Resource Utilization Level, Forecasting &
Production Planning, Delivery Cycle, Service Terms
n Marginal inputs produce extra gain
Significant gains in basic data access and data quality will be achieved first. The attributes of the
data, including quality, ease of use, intelligence, accessibility, and flexibility, all gain upgrades
proportionately as the level of investment increases. Companies build a competitive advantage in
the industry by adjusting their investment to different levels and strategies of advanced analysis.
Source: F&S Source: F&S
Investment increase
by 100%+
Investment increase
by 50%-100%
Investment increase
by 0–50%
Invest evenly
Investment decrease
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
The enterprise's perception of data management talents has evolved from specialist to leader. With
the change of perception, the role and leverage of data management talents is improving
Analysis on Enterprises' Perception
The course of change in Perception of Data Management Talents
Transforming math and computer science into strategic practice to gain a
competitive advantage
Help companies build professional data teams and use data science as a
professional skill
Companies are setting "Chief Analytics Officers" to help them understand
and share the value of data through analytics
Helps companies establish a clear vision and road map to build a data-
driven business
They don't necessarily have a technical background, but they are methodical
and focused on helping the company deal with problems that are holding
back growth at an organizational level
Taking the leadership in building a partnership between the organization,
and IT to ensure practical approaches are effective to business outcomes
n Transit from the IT era to DT era
With the popularity of cloud services and mobile Internet, data output is dispersed among small
and medium-sized enterprises and consumers. Competition in all industries requires a fine
operation. Through big data analysis, we can gain insight into demand and generate situational
predictive knowledge to establish differentiated competitiveness.
n Big data further integrated with the LoT and AI
In this new era, leaders should redesign workflows with the application of hybrid cloud, 5G,
Internet of Things, edge computing capabilities etc. to enhance enterprise resilience. Develop
data-based AI strategies, consider data as the key evidence of business decision, develop a clear
business plan, and build a cognitive enterprise.
n Data decisions require leadership recognition
Data Decision: A complete predictive support decision loop includes historical data input, model
training, data prediction, decision making, execution, result collection, and data feedback. Data
analysis supports the management decision, the premise of which is to refine the purpose of the
data. For example: after a new function goes online, what modifications need to be made to
increase the users' activity; According to new product sales ratio and regional performance, how
to adjust regional sales strategy in the later stage; how to push promotional information
according to the purchasing power analysis of members, etc.
Only when a series of purposes are clear, data can be collected and used properly. Data leaders
are required to make a comprehensive plan to ensure the effectiveness of the data loop.
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
Issuing Authority Policy Name Issued Date Key Points
the Standing Committee
of Shenzhen People's
《Data Regulation of
Shenzhen (Draft)》
Public data belongs to new state-owned assets, and the
data right belongs to the state.
the Standing Committee
of the National People's
《Law of the P.R.C on
the Protection of
Personal Information
Article 2: The personal information of natural persons is
protected by law, and the personal information rights of
natural persons must not be infringed upon by any
organization or individual.
the Standing Committee
of the National People's
《Data Security Law
Article 10: The state is to actively carry out international
exchanges and cooperation in the data sector,
participate in the formulation of international rules and
standards related to data security, and promote the safe
and free flow of data across borders.
Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology
of P.R.C
《Guiding Opinions of
the Ministry of Industry
and Information
Technology on the
Development of
Industrial Big Data》
In view of the current stage of industrial big data, the
comprehensive layout and systematic promotion will be
made in 6 aspects: accelerating data convergence,
promoting data sharing, deepening data application,
improving data governance, strengthening data security,
and promoting industrial development.
Administration of China
《Administration of
Data Security
(Consultation Paper)》
For the purposes of safeguarding national security and
the public interest, protecting the lawful rights and
interests of citizens, legal persons and other
organizations in cyberspace, and maintaining the
security of personal information and important data,
Policy Analysis
With the acceleration of the construction of digital economy, the government gradually attaches
greater importance to the development of the big data industry
n Emphasizes personal information protection and explores the legislation of data rights
Data, as a new factor of production, is written into it for the first time, keeping pace with other factors of production such as
land, labour, capital and technology. A natural person has the right of his personal data according to law; Public data belongs to
new state-owned assets, and the data right belongs to the state. Factor market entities also have the right of data, which no
organization or individual may infringe. It has laid the legal basis for the development of the digital economy and directly
requires the standardization of the data circulation market. In the future, data regulation, privacy security and ownership of
rights will be a new digital economy track for solution providers.
n Strengthen legislation to safeguard national data security
China is setting up a cross-border flow data management system to balance the interests of national security, personal privacy
protection and industrial competition, and to meet the requirements of data flow required by the globalized economy as well as
the monitoring and control of data required for security. International relations or political sensitivity will be the key dimension
that requires all relevant enterprises to consider, which will directly affect the strengthening of the regulation of cross-border
data flow faced by foreign data management solution providers in the Chinese market. In addition, the improvement of
consumers' or enterprises' knowledge of data will also directly affect their preference for similar solutions. Domestic data
management solution providers will grow by capturing the market share of some foreign companies that have withdrawn from
the Chinese market.
n Emphasizing the combination of big data technology and specific application scenarios
”Big data" has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of consumers, enterprises and local governments. Effective data
management solutions that are suitable for the current period of enterprises is the foundation of the development of the digital
economy. The cooperation between government and enterprises, the service of people's livelihood issues, the establishment of
interdepartmental data exchange, the acceleration of the approval process, and the realization of the application of big data
that benefits the people will become the hot spot of service providers and developers, and the application potential of big data
burst during the anti-epidemic period will be reappearing in many other fields.
Source: Standing Committee of People’s Congress, MIIT, CAC,F&S
Development Prospect of China
Data Management Solution Market
uKey Milestones
uCloud Deployment
uIntegration of Data Lake and Data Warehouse
uDeepening Application Scenarios of Data
Management Solution
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
The previous data management solutions focused on the quantity, type and speed of data, while
the current data management solutions focused on the value of data
Resource Planning
Customer Relation
Other data sources
Sensor /RFID devices
The mobile network
User Clickstream
Sentiment analysis
User-generated content
Social interaction and push
Space and GPS coordination
HD video, audio & images
Product/service log
Instant messaging
Web logs
Product record
A/B testing
Dynamic fixed order
Alliance network
Search marketing
Behavior orientation
Dynamic funnel
Customer segmentation
Product details
Customer contact
Support Contact Information
Procurement details
Purchasing records
Payment records
Data Categories
q 15MB
• Human resource
database of a
global bank
q 500MB
• Weekly annual sales
data of a single product
in a category of a retail
q 2TB
• Membership data
for a global coffee
q 2.5PB
• Transaction data of a
global supermarket
Evolution of data management
q The performance in data processing regarding to types,
volume and speed experienced explosive development
q The increase in data magnitude and value density will
generate the need for a new generation of databases.
Key differences in the database segmentation
Represents the major solutions of
database products to big data
ü Trending to cloud: Cloud databases offer natural
flexibility, cost-effective deployment, and pay-as-you-
demand payment.
ü Increased proportion of non-relational data: Data
growth is concentrated in unstructured data such as
audio and video files and social information.
ü Memory database is more widely used: Compared with
disk storage, memory can meet the requirements of
information interaction, high concurrency, low latency,
fast reading characteristics.
ü Streaming databases are growing rapidly: Combining
transaction processing and real-time analysis, they can
respond in real-time and with low latency when large
amounts of data come in.
ü Open-source database environment is constantly
improving: Such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and
other open source databases are occupying the market
of commercial databases in small and medium-sized
enterprises with the characteristics of low price, equal
performance and rich functions.
Key Milestone
Transactional Processing
relational database
Massive data
Massive data
batch processing
Hadoop MapReduce
Data analytics
Stream/ In-memory
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
Cloud Deployment
Based on the separation of memory and computation, cloud service meets requirements of elastic
expansion, flexible iteration, cost control and so on. It reasonably allocates resources in the scene of
differentiated resource demands and thus cloud deployment will become the trend
Data management system deployment
Business Strategy
• Critical to Business
• Product Life Cycle
• Target
Marketing Planning
• Business Priority
• Marketing Scheme
• Sales Distribution
Human Resource
• Skills required
• Characteristics
• Brings to Market ASAP
• Medium and long term
• Goodwill and customer relationship
Traditional Deployment
• Sales first, Products second
• Relational Marketing
• Direct distribution
• Communication and
demand satisfaction
• Customized products that
meet differentiated needs
• Brings to Market ASAP
• Short term
• Market Share
Cloud Deployment
• Product first, Sales second
• Scale Marketing
• Direct and Indirect distribution
• Creativity and Programing
• Generic products that meets
general needs
n Coupling data storage, computing, processing and analysis
In the past, in order to deal with the problems of insufficient network speed and a long time
of data exchange between nodes, the distributed framework of big data adopts the form of
storage and computing coupling, so that data can be calculated at its own storage point to
reduce interaction. This is a traditional deployment DMS.
n Coupling storage and computing generate unnecessary costs
In the practice, the demands for data storage space and computing capacity vary respectively,
making the demand ratio of the two types of resources unpredictable. When a resource
bottleneck occurs in one of them, the horizontal expansion of resources will inevitably lead to
the redundancy of storage or computing capacity, and the migration of data will also cause
additional costs.
n Separation between storage and computation effectively control cost
Storage and calculation are separated to form two independent resource sets, which do not
interfere with each other but they can fully cooperate. The scale aggregation reduce the cost
per unit resource as far as possible while it has sufficient elasticity for horizontal expansion.
When resources are scarce or rich, we acquired or recycled the resource respectively and
utilize specific resource ratio to reduce redundancy and achieve reasonable allocation of
resources in the scene of differentiated resource demands.
n On-demand cloud-based services have significant advantages
On the basis of the separation of memory and computation, Serverless and Cloud Native
enable data processing no longer requires a complete platform, which greatly shortens the
development. At the same time, the service application is operated and maintained by the
provider, and it charges dependent on users' demand, thus it is cost-saving.
Source: CAICT, F&S
Choose among Local, Cloud and Hybrid Deployment
Choose among Public Cloud, Private Cloud and Hybrid Cloud
Balance between data security and cost-effectiveness
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
Avoiding loss of data value and extracting greater support from data for decisions making become
two major demands for DMS. Data Lakehouse satisfies these by integrating the features of DL and
Integration of Data Lake and Data Warehouse
The benefits of the integration
Trend: Data Lakehouse enters the stage Approach: Integrate the Scheme Design
Integration of Cloud Native
Provide structured data
computing and analysis capability
Provides unstructured data
storage capability
Data Lakehouse
• Strengthen Data Governance
• Support Diversified Data Types
• Optimized Data Security System
• Elastic Expansion Application
• Easier Data and Task Migration
• Unified Data Management
Avoiding Loss of
Data Value
Supporting higher
demand in BI
Data Lake
Data Warehouse
Source: Alibaba Cloud, Huawei Cloud, Tencent Cloud, Amazon Web Services, IBM, CAICT, F&S
n Enhance the ability to extract data value
Unified Data Management System provide the basis of data capitalization.
n Improve the efficiency of DMS
The data processing flow is optimized by applying Cloud Native Scheme.
Reasons why it is difficult to extract data value:
n Isolated Data Islands
Due to technology and management, data is scattered in each business system. Thus,
Enterprise lacks a unified view of data value.
n Poor Data Quality
Data quality determines the value of data assets. Continuously improving data quality will be
critical to developing business decisions analysis.
n Lack of a secure data environment
Data security risks include data leakage and data abuse. Once data security incidents occur,
they will cause losses to the enterprise and infringe on users' privacy, which will greatly
constrain the extraction of data value.
n Lack of data value management system
Enterprises have not established an effective data management system and application
template, including data value evaluation, data cost management, etc., also lack compliance
guidance for data service and application.
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
The application of DMS in the industry is gradually extending to the core business in
various fields as the application scenarios expand and deepen.
More Specialized DMS Application
Potential demand for DMS in different domains
8 Domains
continuous deepening of
industrial applications
Electronic medical records
Clinical decision support
Smart medical platforms
Intelligent diagnosis and treatment
Customer Experience Analysis
Customer Value Analysis
Marketing operation
Management applications
Customer Experience Management
New Retail
Industrial chain marketing
Description of consumer data
Supply chain data optimization
New business model development
Customer behavior analysis
Improved efficiency of data integration
Risk control through customer credit scores
Intelligence decision making
Public service data assistance
Government data governance
Improve the perception level of smart cities
On-board information service data
Accurate data analysis
The data model of ”vehicle + people"
Personalized shopping guide
Digital operation
Data capitalization
Reduce logistics costs
Improve customer service level
Inventory forecast
Equipment repair forecast
n Big Data Industry
The big data industry takes data and its value as the core production factor to drive the data-
enabled industry through data technology, data products, data services and other forms. Big
data is applied in various industries and fields, providing application software and overall
solutions which are closely related to the industry. Increasingly, the demand for data-enabling
is shifting from perceptual applications to predictive and decision-based applications.
n Deepening the application of industrial big data
Edge-cutting technologies such as 5G, LoT, edge computing and blockchain are gradually
integrated into the industrial domain. These technologies, integrated with big data
management solutions, support agility management and refined operation. Further, they also
promote the transformation, upgrade the manufacturing speed, support higher quality
industrial data through a closed-loop: collection, gathering, distribution, analysis and
application. Eventually, DMS enhance the efficiency of developing new industrial techniques
and products.
n Financial big data has a broad prospects in application
Financial institutions stores a large amount of structured data about customers, accounts,
products, transactions and a large amount of unstructured data including voice, image, video
that reflect customer preferences, social relations, consumption habits and other information.
DMS constantly benefits in the application of specific business such as transaction fraud
identification, precision marketing, black money prevention, credit risk assessment, supply
chain finance, investment market prediction. Additionally, breaking the data barriers between
financial institutions will become the next trending improvement.
Source: Big Data Industry Ecological Alliance, CAICT, F&S
Competition Analysis of China
Data Management Solution Market
uComprehensive Vendors Assessment
uLeading Competitors
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
China’s DMS market is in a steady growth
stage. The conclusions of this report about the
comprehensive competitiveness of DMS
products and services in each of the competitive
subjects are only applicable to the market
development of DMS at this stage.
Frost & Sullivan will continue to monitor the
market of DMS to capture competitive trends.
n X-axis represents “Innovation Index”:
• To measure the innovation ability of competitors in data management solutions,
the more to the right of the position, the greater the innovation ability is.
n Y-axis represents “Growth Index” :
• To measure the growth ability of competitors in data management solutions, the
higher the position is, the greater the performance growth potential is.
n Color depth represents “Foundation Index”:
• To measure the foundation ability of competitors in data management solutions,
the darker the color is, the stronger the fundamental attributes are.
Note: The circle corresponds to the
comprehensive score from low to high
according to the logic of increasing from inside
to outside. Competitiveness is represented by
combining "innovation index", "growth index"
and "foundation index" (the circle is only
applicable to competitors in the first quadrant).
Comprehensive Assessment in the market of DMS in China——Frost Radar TM
The Leadership Region
Vendors in this region are the leaders in DMS market in China
The market of DMS in China is in a steady growth stage. The major competitors have their own
competitive advantages in three dimensions: Innovation ability, Growth ability and Foundation ability
Source: F&S
Comprehensive Vendor Assessment
Amazon Web Services
Huawei Cloud
Alibaba Cloud
Tencent Cloud
Microsoft Azure
IBM China
China Telecom
Baidu AI Cloud
JD Cloud & AI
Kingsoft Cloud
Low High
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
Dimension First-level Index Key Points
Degree of
integration with AI
Machine learning algorithm capability
Text semantics understanding
Multilingual semantics understanding
Storage resource utilization
Data resource utilization
Cold vs Hot data management
Usability ((easy to use and manage)
Data model flexibility (multi-dimensional analysis)
Data Query Degree of Freedom
Support Capability Mass Storage Capability
Data Acquisition Capability
Data Source Acquisition
Capability to obtain full/incremental data
Data Call Capability
Push results to the right storage engine
Real time data analysis
Parallel Query
Data Integration Capability Data Mart integration ability
Service Ability Service Level Agreement (SLA)
External Compatibility
Support major cloud platform (Amazon Web
Services, Alibaba Cloud, Huawei Cloud etc.)
Support traditional database(Oracle, MongoDB,
DB2, Redis, MySQL, etc.)
Open Source
Support Capability
Support open source communities(Hadoop,
Spark, etc.)
Support BI tools(Tableau, SAS, Zeppelin etc.)
Support open source scheme(Tensorflow,
Pytorch, MXNet, etc.)
Support open source real time event processing
system(Kafka, flume, etc.)
Data Lakehouse Capability
Support ACID transactions
Visible and searchable Global data
Unified data governance system
Unified data development system
Unified integration of data lake and warehouse
Correlation computing of multiple DL and DW
Data Virtualization
Unified data directory of DL and DW
Unified data storage
Unified data invocation
Data movement
Data openness
Access to the third-party interface layer
Data access control
Assessment Criteria(1/2)
In this report, growth index, innovation index and foundation index are set to
evaluate the competitiveness of different DMS vendors
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
Dimension First-level Index Key Points
Architecture competence
Expandability of Data Processing
Expandability of Storage
Support mainstream computation modules
Conform data protection act/ data security act
Security of data storage, use, encryption,
desensitization, etc.
Permission security system
Cyber-security protection
Data life cycle storage
Ability to store raw data, analyze intermediate
results, and analyze procedures
Data management
Data management optimization ability for
specified compute engines
Coverage of metadata, master data, data model,
data standard, quality standard, data security,
data sharing and data visualization management
Data lake multi-generation coexistence
Data warehouse multi-generation coexistence
Analysis or optimization in Data warehouse (e.g.
based on CBO, RBO optimization model)
Platform and Business
Degree to which the vendors empower partners
Data storage capacity
(for self-developed
Structured data storage capacity
Unstructured data storage capacity
Infrastructure capacity
Private Cloud
Public Cloud
Self-developed server
Assessment Criteria(1/2)
In this report, growth index, innovation index and foundation index are set to
evaluate the competitiveness of different DMS vendors
Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 China:Data Management Series
Leader - Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services is the leader in DMS in China providing technological innovation, global
business practices, flexible data management, cloud security and strong business ecosystem
Amazon Athena is an
interactive query service that
makes it easy to analyze data in
Amazon S3 using standard SQL
Amazon Elasticsearch Service:Fully managed,
scalable, and secure Elasticsearch service
• provides support for open source Elasticsearch
APIs, managed Kibana, integration with
Logstash and other Amazon Web Services
services, and built-in alerting and SQL
Amazon EMR:Cloud big data platform
Easily run and scale Apache Spark, Hive,
Presto, and other big data frameworks
• Scale your big data environments by
automating time-consuming tasks like
provisioning capacity and tuning clusters.
Amazon Aurora: Relational database built for the cloud
Performance and availability of commercial-grade databases
at 1/10th the cost.
A distributed, fault-tolerant, self-healing storage system
• a fully managed, multi-region, multi-
active, durable database with built-in
security, backup and restore, and in-
memory caching for internet-scale
Amazon SageMaker:Machine learning
for every data scientist and developer
• helps data scientists and developers to
prepare, build, train, and deploy high-
quality machine learning (ML) models
quickly by bringing together a broad
set of capabilities purpose-built for ML.
Amazon Redshift:Analyze all of your data
with the fastest and most widely used cloud
data warehouse
• Make query and combine exabytes of
structured and semi-structured data across
your data warehouse, operational database,
and data lake using standard SQL.
Lake House Architecture Overview
Amazon Web Services Glue is
a serverless data integration
service that makes it easy to
discover, prepare, and combine
data for analytics, machine
learning, and application
Amazon Web Services Lake
Formation is a service that
makes it easy to set up a secure
data lake in days.
Data Gravity Data Lake
Amazon DynamoDB:Fast and flexible
NoSQL database service for any scale
n Technological Innovation: Data lakehouse architecture
§ Integrating AI technology with data management functions: the high-availability
architecture of data management services, security authentication and fine-grained
monitoring, storage and computing separation, and automatic resource expansion.
§ Amazon QuickSight Q(A machine learning powered capability that uses natural language
processing to answer your business questions instantly)
n Global Business Practice: Customized data management service
§ Amazon Web Services combines the best of the global practices with the market conditions
in China, provides customized data management services to different industry
n Flexible data management: High Usability
§ Amazon Web Services is capable of node configuration, software configuration, automated
indexing and extraction, data isolation and security, industry compliance, cluster sizing,
automatic patching, alarm and detection, and hardware maintenance
n Cloud Security: Shared responsibility model
§ Amazon Web Services responsibility “Security of the Cloud”: hardware, software,
networking, and facilities that run Amazon Web Services Cloud services.
§ Customer responsibility “Security in the Cloud” : operating system, network, firewall
configuration, application, identity & access management and customer data
n Business Ecosystem: Customer Enablement
§ Migrate and build faster in the cloud with Amazon Web Services Customer Enablement
services. Augment your team’s cloud skills with deep Amazon Web Services expertise where,
when, and how you need it.
Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 China:Data Management Series
n Technology Innovation:MRS combines three types of Data Lake
§ Offline Data Lake: Open format storage engine, Diversity engine, Support multiple
analysis workloads, Data lakehouse realization
§ Real-time Data Lake: Real-time integration, batch stream fusion, real-time update
and delete, real-time analysis service, T+0 timeliness
§ Logic Data Lake: Data Virtualization implemented unified access and collaborative
analysis of data inside and outside the data lake
n Abundant Industry Practice: Business acumen in demand
§ Government affairs (digital transformed Shenzhen’s Longgang District; Enabling
access via one website), Operators (Smooth Migration), Finance (Collaborate across
data warehouses)
n Comprehensive Security: From infrastructure to application access
§ Network isolation (support for multi-section network security), Host security
(operating system kernel security reinforcement, etc.), Application security (user-
level access control, etc.), Data security (multi-copies backup for disaster recovery
guarantee) and security authentication (unified authentication system)
n Ultimate data management: fulfill the requirement in each functional scenarios
§ Abundant data management functions, data lake, data warehouse multi-generation
§ Ultimate performance in data collection, collation, desensitization, analysis and
management, security
n Business Ecosystem: Customer Enablement
§ A cloud ecology that adhere to openness, cooperation and win-win benefits.
Fertilize the partners quickly integrate into the local ecology as the “black soil” in
the “intelligent earth”
§ Open community contribution (Ranked 2nd
in Hadoop, 4th
in Spark)
Leader – Huawei Cloud
Entry into
the Lake
3rd Party
DLC Unified Metadata | Unified Security
Graph Engine
MRS Cloud Native
AI Platform
Data Lake Governance Center
Data Service
Data Governance
Data integration,
development, scheduling
Huawei Cloud
MRS MapReduce Service
MRS combines three types of Data Lake(Offline
Data Lake, Real-time Data Lake and Logic Data Lake )
GaussDB Cloud Data Warehouse
An fully-managed and out-of-the-box analytic
database service ( employed Shared-Nothing
Architecture, massively parallel processing (MPP)
engine and cross- AZ disaster recovery)
DGC Data Lake Governance Center
A one-stop data lake operations platform
(Functions with Data Integration and Data
Development etc.)Rapidly grow your enterprise's
big data Operations (Build industry knowledge
libraries with intelligence etc.)
ModelArts AI Platform
A one-stop AI development platform that
enables developers and data scientists (data pre-
processing, semi-automated data labelling,
distributed training, and automated model building
GES Graph Engine Service
Facilitates querying and analysis of graph-
structure data. Specifically suited for scenarios
requiring analysis of rich relationship data.
FusionInsight Lake House Overview
Huawei Cloud is the leader in DMS in China providing technological innovation, abundant industry
practice, comprehensive security, ultimate data management and strong business ecosystem
Cloud Data
Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 China:Data Management Series
MaxCompute Built-in optimized storage
n Technology Innovation:Data Lakehouse Architecture
§ Own PrivateAccess network connectivity technology, ability to connect across the integrated
network, faster access
§ One-key database metadata mapping technology, unified metadata service
§ Provide unified development environment , highly compatible with Hive/Spark
§ Intelligent cache technology; identify cold data and hot data; Automatic data warehouse
n Cloud Native Practice :Enable cloud native transformation for millions of enterprises
§ In 2009, Alibaba launched the core middleware system for the first time
§ In 2011, Taobao and Tmall began to use container scheduling technology, and then launched
self-developed cloud native hardware Shenlong server and cloud native database PolarDB
§ In 2019, Double 11 Festival, Ali e-commerce core system is 100% on the cloud, which is also the
largest cloud native practice in the world
n Ultimate data management: fulfil the requirement in each functional scenarios
§ Enterprise-class high-performance data warehouse, high flexibility and agility at a lower cost
§ Complement elasticity resources and EMR cluster resources
§ Based on PAI, encapsulated many algorithm services that are close to business scenarios
n Business Ecosystem:City Brain 3.0
§ All urban elements, such as farmland, buildings and public transports will be linked through the
urban space gene pool
§ Perform intelligent decision-making of all urban scenes, such as traffic, medical care, emergency
response, people's livelihood, elderly care and public services
Leader – Alibaba Cloud
Alibaba Cloud is the leader in DMS in China providing technological innovation, cloud native
practice, ultimate data management and strong business ecosystem
Alibaba Cloud Lake House Overview
IDE Task Scheduling Data Security
Data Service
Offline Computing
Computing Service
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Computing Service
MaxCompute Meta Service
Hive Spark Flink Presto
Hive Meta Service
MaxCompute Data Warehouse Cluster Data lake Cluster
No need to move data, cross-platform computing
Hot and Cold Cache Separation
Optimized Storage
and Performance
Exclusive Channel
Hot Data
HDFS/OSS Data Lake
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©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
uFrost & Sullivan has conducted in-depth research on the market changes of 10 major industries
and 54 vertical industries in China with more than 500,000 industry research samples accumulated
and more than 10,000 independent research and consulting projects completed.
uRooted on the active economic environment in China, the research institute, starting from data
management and big data fields, covers the development of the industry cycle, follows from the
enterprises’ establishment, development, expansion, IPO and maturation. Research analysts of
the institute continuously explore and evaluate the vagaries of the industrial development model,
enterprise business and operation model, Interpret the evolution of the industry from a
professional perspective.
uResearch institute integrates the traditional and new research methods, adopts the use of self-
developed algorithms, excavates the logic behind the quantitative data with the big data across
industries and diversified research methods, analyses the views behind the qualitative content,
describes the present situation of the industry objectively and authentically, predicts the trend of
the development of industry prospectively. Every research report includes a complete presentation
of the past, present and future of the industry.
uResearch institute pays close attention to the latest trends of industry development. The report
content and data will be updated and optimized continuously with the development of the
industry, technological innovation, changes in the competitive landscape, promulgations of
policies and regulations, and in-depth market research.
uAdhering to the purpose of research with originality and tenacity, the research institute analyses
the industry from the perspective of strategy and reads the industry from the perspective of
execution, so as to provide worthy research reports for the report readers of each industry.
Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4
©2020 LeadLeo
China:Data Management Series
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China data-mngnt-solution-market-report

  • 1. 1 2020 China Data Management Solutions Market Report 2020年中国数据管理解决方案市场报告 2020年中国ビッグデータ管理市場研究 Tags: Big Data, Data Management Solutions, Data Lake, Data Warehouse 2021/04 Any content provided in the report (including but not limited to data, text, charts, images, etc.) is the exclusive and highly confidential document of LeadLeo Research Institute (unless the source is otherwise indicated in the report). Without the prior written permission of LeadLeo Research Institute, no one is allowed to copy, reproduce, disseminate, publish, quote, adapt or compile the contents of this report in any way. If any behaviour violating the above agreement occurs, LeadLeo Research Institute reserves the right to take legal measures and hold relevant personnel responsible. LeadLeo Research Institute uses “LeadLeo Research Institute” or “LeadLeo” trade name or trademark in all business activities conducted by LeadLeo Research Institute. LeadLeo Research Institute neither has other branches other than the aforementioned name nor does it authorize or employ any other third party to carry out business activities on behalf of LeadLeo Research Institute. LeadLeo Research Institute Frost & Sullivan (China) Sullivan Market Report| 2021/4
  • 2. 2 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 China:Data Management Series Instruction Frost & Sullivan hereby releases the annual report "China Data Management Solutions Market Report 2020" as part of the China Data Management Series Report. The purpose of this report is to analyze the concept definition, application prospects, technology trends and development trends of data management solutions in China, and identify the competition situation in the market of data management solutions in China, and reflect the differentiated competitive advantages of the leading brands in this market segment. Frost & Sullivan and LeadLeo Research Institute conducted downstream user experience surveys on data lakes, data warehouses and traditional databases. Respondents are of different sizes and in different segments in each of its industry that includes finance, consumption, media, operators, manufacturing and logistics. Trends in data management solutions presented in this market report also reflect trends in the database industry as a whole. The report's final judgment on market ranking and leadership echelon are only applicable to the industry development cycle of this year. All figures, tables and text in this report are based on the surveys from Frost & Sullivan China and LeadLeo Research Institute. All data are rounded to one decimal place. n Market Demand is Expected to Expand The market of data management solutions is expected to continue to expand due to the continuous promulgation of favorable policies, the innovative integration of big data technology and more data application scenarios gradually landing. Enterprise users will increasingly invest in Data Management Solutions to have the advantage of improving decision-making and operational efficiency. n Policies Improvement and Enhancement The legislation upon personal information protection, cross-border data flow and national data security arouse the public attention of data rights, data privacy and data security. Other than the quantity, type, speed and value of data, the security of data will become a serious element that vendors need to consider to develop. n Cloud Deployment will become the trend Based on the separation of memory and computation, cloud service meets requirements of elastic expansion, flexible iteration, cost control and so on. It reasonably allocates resources in the scene of differentiated resource demands. n Data Lakehouse is urged to emerge Avoiding loss of data value and extracting greater support from data for decisions making become two major demands for Data Management Solutions. Data Lakehouse satisfies these by integrating the features of Data Lake and Data Warehouse to enable enterprises to extract more value of data. n Expanding and Deepening application The application of DMS in the industry is gradually extending to the core business in various fields as the application scenarios expand and deepen. Abstract
  • 3. 3 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series u Terms ------------------------ 04 u Overview of China Data Management Solution Market ------------------------ 06 • Definition ------------------------ 07 • Typical Applications ------------------------ 10 u Analysis on Data Management Solution Value Creation ------------------------ 12 • Industry Demand Analysis ------------------------ 13 • Value Chain Factors Analysis ------------------------ 14 • Business Practice Analysis ------------------------ 15 u Market Size of China Data Management Solution ------------------------ 17 • Market Size Analysis ------------------------ 18 • User Demand Insights ------------------------ 29 • Analysis on Enterprises' Perception ------------------------ 20 • Policy Analysis ------------------------ 21 u Development Prospect of China Data Management Solution Market ------------------------ 22 • Key Milestones ------------------------ 23 • Cloud Deployment ------------------------ 24 • Integration of Data Lake and Data Warehouse ------------------------ 25 • Deepening Application Scenarios of Data Management Solution ------------------------ 26 u Competition Analysis of China Data Management Solution Market ------------------------ 27 • Comprehensive Vendors Assessment ------------------------ 28 • Leading Competitors ------------------------ 31 u Methodology ------------------------ 34 u Legal Disclaimer ------------------------ 35 Contents
  • 4. 4 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series u Big Data: a collection of data that is huge in volume, yet growing exponentially with time. It is data with so large size and complexity that none of the traditional data management tools can store it or process it efficiently. u Metadata: data providing information about one or more aspects of the data; it is used to summarize basic information about data which can make tracking and working with specific data easier. u Master Data: data that describes the core entities of the enterprise including customers, prospects, citizens, suppliers, sites, hierarchies and chart of accounts. u Structured Data: data that is highly organized and easily understood by machine language. u Unstructured Data: qualitative data that consists of audio, video, sensors, descriptions, and more. u Semi-Structured Data: a type of structured data that lies midway between structured and unstructured data. It doesn't have a specific relational or tabular data model but includes tags and semantic markers that scale data into records and fields in a dataset. u Data Warehouse, constructed by integrating data from multiple heterogeneous sources that support analytical reporting, structured and/or ad hoc queries, and decision making. u Data Lake,a storage repository that holds a vast amount of raw data in its native format until it is needed. u Advanced Analytics: the autonomous or semi-autonomous examination of data or content using sophisticated techniques and tools, typically beyond those of traditional business intelligence (BI), to discover deeper insights, make predictions, or generate recommendations. u Hadoop: an open-source distributed processing framework that manages data processing and storage for big data applications in scalable clusters of computer servers. u OLTP (Online Transactional Processing): a category of data processing that is focused on transaction-oriented tasks. It typically involves inserting, updating, and/or deleting small amounts of data in a database. u OLAP (for online analytical processing): a software for performing multidimensional analysis at high speeds on large volumes of data from a data warehouse, data mart, or some other unified, centralized data store. u Data Mining: a process used by companies to turn raw data into useful information. u Decision Support Systems (DSS): is an information system that aids a business in decision-making activities that require judgment, determination, and a sequence of actions. u Executive information system (EIS): a type of management support system that facilitates and supports senior executive information and decision-making needs. u Business intelligence (BI): a process that leverages software and services to transform data into actionable insights that inform an organization's strategic and tactical business decisions. Terms
  • 5. 5 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series u Data Gravity: a concept that emphasizes that data should be processed where it is collected so that the operation is efficient and cost-effective. In other words, instead of moving the data to where the processing is, the processing is pushed to where the data is. u Data Intelligence: refers to the practice of using artificial intelligence and machine learning tools to analyze and transform massive datasets into intelligent data insights, which can then be used to improve services and investments. u Data Governance: the process of managing the availability, usability, integrity and security of the data in enterprise systems, based on internal data standards and policies that also control data usage. u Public Clouds: cloud computing that is delivered via the internet and shared across organizations. u Private Clouds: cloud computing that is dedicated solely to your organization. u Hybrid Cloud: an environment that uses both public and private clouds. u Data Sandbox: a scalable and developmental platform used to explore an organization's rich information sets through interaction and collaboration. u Data stream: a sequence of digitally encoded coherent signals used to transmit or receive information that is in the process of being transmitted. u Stream Computing: pulling in streams of data, processing the data and streaming it back out as a single flow. u Parallel computing: many calculations or the execution of processes are carried out simultaneously. Large problems can often be divided into smaller ones, which can then be solved at the same time. u Distributed computing: a model in which components of a software system are shared among multiple computers. Even though the components are spread out across multiple computers, they are run as one system. u In-memory computing: the storage of information in the main random access memory (RAM) of dedicated servers rather than in complicated relational databases operating on comparatively slow disk drives. Terms
  • 6. 6 Overview of China Data Management Solution Market uDefinition uTypical Application 01
  • 7. 7 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series Data Management Solutions IT Market Hardware Hardware Operation Software & Service Information Processing Service Internet Service Embedded Systems Software Professional Software Service Software Product Enterprise-scale Solution Portfolio Packaged Solution Portfolio Operating System Data Management Solution(DMS) Application Traditional Database Data Warehouse Data Lake Productization Stage Productization Stage Productization Stage Application Mode Different Architecture Scope of this Report Examples of DMS in China Provider Product Provider Product Provider Product Amazon Web Services Amazon Redshift Amazon Web Services Amazon Lake Formation Amazon Web Services Lake House Architecture Alibaba MaxCompute Alibaba Data Lake Analytics Alibaba Alibaba Cloud Lakehouse Huawei GaussDB(DWS) Huawei MapReduce Service Huawei FusionInsight Lakehouse n Data warehouse and data lake constitute the core module: Data Warehouse (DW): focus on structured data and processing efficiency, offering promotability. Data Lake (DL): compatible with unstructured data, focus on storage of massive real-time raw data, offering agility. n Industry value of data management solutions The DL and the DW provide the basis for the data capitalization of all industries, and the data capitalization will reconstruct the enterprise value chain from the key-value nodes of marketing, research and development, supply chain and so on. DMS utilizes computer hardware and software technology to effectively collect, store, calculate, analyze and apply massive amounts of data, aiming to extract and deduce valuable information from the original data to support enterprise decisions. The purpose of DMS is not simply to organize and store data but to enable advanced data analysis that directly provides the enterprise with more timely decisions and observations. DL and DW accelerate the value creation of enterprise data by connecting DMS elements and providing the foundation of advanced data analysis to support enterprise decisions in real-time. Data Lakehouse Database Management Solutions Definition Frost & Sullivan define DMS or Database Management Solutions as the effective one-stop data management systems provided by service vendors to organizations.
  • 8. 8 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series Data Management Solutions Collection Processing Governance Application Phenomenon Data Management Solution DMS transform meaningless "data" into "Intelligence" that release growth potentials Data Knowledge Information Intelligence q Cleanse Data Discover Information q Associate Information Transform Knowledge § Stream Computing • Flink/ Storm § Parallel Computing • HDFS/HBase § Distributed Computing • Yarn/Spark § In-memory Computing • Spark/SAP HANA § Relational Integration • 2-Dimensional table § Non-relational Integration • Key-value store database • Column-oriented database • Document-oriented database • Graph database § Real Time Decision • RTDSS • EIS • Business Intelligence § Machine Learning • Data Intelligence § Data Sandbox q Apply Knowledge Convert Intelligence q Collect Phenomenon Produce Data § Structured Data • csv./json. § Unstructured Data • text/img/video § Semi-structured Data • xml./html. n Pack the process of data transformation, export by one-click Due to various kinds of data sources, complex types of data, a large amount of data, fast generation speed, enterprises need to ensure the reliability and efficiency of data transformation on the one hand and control the operation cost on the other hand in the process of data processing. DMS can provide a cost-effective, fast, accurate data conversion effect through professional software and hardware technology and implementation plan. n Accelerate the formation of competitive advantage In the future industry competition, demand insight, manufacturing, marketing, user tracking and other key functions are inseparable from the enterprise system, machine system, Internet system, social system that generate massive data. The application of DL and DW breaks the physical barriers between systems, sorts out the industry data, business data, content data, online behavior data and offline behavior data and master the first-hand knowledge. It helps decision-makers to firstly occupy the strategic high ground of the emerging market in the industry, provides the latest perspective throughout the industry competition dynamics, and improves the enterprises' decision-making flexibility. DMS utilize computer hardware and software technology to effectively extract and deduce valuable knowledges from the original data to support enterprise decisions Database Management Solutions Definition Intelligence
  • 9. 9 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series The strengthening Data governance of DL and the Expansibility of DW gradually weaken their boundary. The emerging integration of DL and DW joins the agility and promotability. OLAP OLTP Development History Stage of Traditional Database Data Lakehouse • It reduces the redundancy of data warehouse and data lake when they exist independently and transforms the unstructured data of data lake layer into the structured data of data warehouse layer. Data Lake • Cost-saving: Using relatively cheap PC servers can build a big data cluster, break the physical boundary of the database itself, and connect the isolated data islands. Stage of Cloud Deployment Data Warehouse • Cost-saving: Advantages of pay-as-demand, scale-as-demand, high availability and storage integration can be realized. Stage of Traditional Deployment Data Warehouse • Costly:Originally tight coupling compute and storage, architected by independent hardware and its corresponding software. • Low Scalability: When additional database nodes are added, the data in the cluster must be “rebalanced” that requires the physical shipping of data across nodes of the cluster. Business Oriented Technology Driven • It takes up a lot of storage space to store data by data blocks. As represented by row- based database, queries without index will consume a great deal of computing power. n Cost Driver The fundamental functions of database are storage and query of data. In the traditional database stage, storage and query are faced with huge cost and difficulty; In the data warehouse stage of traditional deployment, the ability of data governance is improved to reduce the cost and difficulty of query, but the limitation of scalability determines its lower bound that it is capable to reduce the cost. Cloud deployment of data warehouse greatly boosts its scalability by eliminates hosting, operation, maintenance, software investment and other costs while attaining a high level of resource utilization by pay-as-you-go. However, data warehouse cannot solve the incompatibility of unstructured data. The practice of data lake has achieved the leap in storage performance. It is compatible with real-time, massive and various types of data, and truly breaks the physical barrier between databases. The emergence of the integration of the lake and warehouse absorbs the advantages of the data lake in storage and the advantages of the data warehouse in query, this further lowers the threshold of big data application. n Demand Driver The requirement for agility and promotability will continuously evolve as the enterprise users develop. At the start-up stage, the data period from generation to its consumption is still very long, often only online transaction processing (OLTP) system to record business events is needed, which is the application of traditional database; For data centralized analysis of different services, the data need to be cleansed and stored in the data warehouse to provide OLAP analysis. When the business grows to a certain scale, the local deployment database and data warehouse will be incorporated into the process of cloud deployment because of the cost. The analysis methodology for the increased amount of data can be extended to Data Mining, to access decision support system (DSS) and executive information system (EIS) analysis for more valuable information and knowledge which help to build business intelligence (BI). In the application scenarios such as marketing and operation of Internet firms, operation analysis of telecom industry, risk control and management of financial industry, data lake's ability to store massive data and data warehouse's ability to extract highly structured data become significant. Due to the concept of data gravity, the huge cost of data transmission has put the actual business under heavy pressure. It is in the demand of data business that draws forth the Data Lakehouse. Database Management Solutions Definition Technology Driven
  • 10. 10 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series Large storage area on multiple databases for business and transactional data recording and querying functions Source: Websites, Product brochure, Annual report of typical big data firms, Collected by F&S Data Warehouse Architecture Ø Data Ø Quality Ø Schema Ø Analysis Ø User Portrait Ø Cost-performance ratio Advantage Quality Management Data Access Access Control Processing Metadata Management Batch Processing Stream Computing Interactive Machine Learning Computing Data Governance Data Source - Structured Data Only Typically Business Intelligence Application Data Migration Asset Catalog Structured Data Storage Ø A built-in storage system where data is provided abstractly (such as in a Table or View) without exposing the file system Ø Data needs to be cleansed and transformed, usually in the form of ETL/ELT Ø Focus on modelling and data management to support business intelligence decisions Characters Description Ø Understands the data deeply, optimize storage and computation Ø Data life cycle management, equipped with relational system Ø Fine-grained data management and governance Ø Complete metadata management ability, easy to build enterprise-level data platform DL and DW are two mainstream architectures to realize formal data management solutions. Data warehouse focus on the efficiency of big data processing and benefit organizations’ promotability. DMS Typical Application- Data Warehouse Relational data from business systems, operational databases, and line-of-business applications Highly regulated data that can be used as an important factual basis Design Before Data Warehouse Implementation (Write Mode Schema) Batch Processing report, BI, Visualization Business Analyst Faster query results require only lower storage costs
  • 11. 11 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series A centralized storage area that can store all types of data and enable in-depth analysis of unstructured data Data Source - Structured And Unstructured Data Task Management Quality Management Data Access Access Control Process Orchestration Data Governance Data Migration Asset Catalog Metadata Management Structured Data Storage Processing Unstructured Data Storage Batch processing Stream Computing Interactive Machine Learning Centralized Storage Computing Typically Data Science Application Data Lake Architecture Advantage Characters Description Ø Unified storage system Ø Stored raw data Ø Collect and ingest all data sources to obtain the entire isolated database set Ø ETL (extraction-transpose - load) function is supported for real-time and high-speed data streams Ø Scalability and agility Ø Advanced analytics with artificial intelligence Ø Abundant computational models/paradigms Ø Not equal to cloud deployment Data lakes is compatible with unstructured data and is advantageous in mass-data storage and it focus on storing mass-data to benefit organizations’ promotability. DMS Typical Application- Data Lake Source: Websites, Product brochure, Annual report of typical big data firms, Collected by F&S Ø Data Ø Quality Ø Schema Ø Analysis Ø User Portrait Ø Cost-performance ratio Relational and non-relational data from devices, websites, applications, media, etc Any data that cannot be regulated (such as raw data) Write at analysis time (Read Mode Schema) Machine learning, predictive analytics, data discovery and data analysis Data Scientist, Data Developer, and Business Analyst Faster query results require only lower storage costs
  • 12. 1 2 Value Creation Analysis of Data Management Solution uIndustry Demand Analysis uValue Chain Factors Analysis uBusiness Practice Analysis 02
  • 13. 13 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series Industry Demand Analysis Demand of Big Data from each industry Finance Telecom & Media Transportation • High frequency financial trading • microfinance • Customer management • Precision marketing • build a comprehensive transportation big data service platform • Integrate big traffic data and build a big traffic database • Network management and optimization • Marketing and precision marketing • Customer relationship management • Enterprise operation management • Data commercialization • Provide scientific support to judge the hot market and investor confidence • Automatically analyze the solvency of enterprises and judge whether to give loans to enterprises • Process customer information and understand customers to the greatest extent • Build customer churn early warning model to reduce customer churn rate • Infrastructure construction optimization and network operation management and optimization • Customer profile, relationship chain research and precision marketing • Call centre service optimization and customer life cycle management • Business operation monitoring and business analysis • Data external commercialization and independent profit • Traffic planning, comprehensive traffic decision-making, cross-departmental collaborative management, personalized public information services, etc • Identification and prediction of road traffic conditions, assists in traffic decision-making and management, supports smart travel services, and speeds up the innovation of transportation big data services Governmment Healthcare Technology & Energy • Build a comprehensive service platform • Integration of multi-source government database • Build a comprehensive big data service platform • Integrate multi-source data and build a large database • Improve the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment • Reduce the cost of patient care • Big data integration and interoperability among different government departments and affiliates. • Government organs at all levels have accumulated a large amount of data in their daily management, but they have not fully excavated the value of these data • standardization construction of large-scale general hospital informatization system • the establishment of nationwide e-health archives • Build a regional medical informatization platform • Adjustment and transformation of energy structure, coordinated development of various energy sources • Provide energy status identification and prediction to support energy decision making • Provides demand forecasting, energy early warning and other functions to realize coordinated decision-making of energy development and consumption Source: Alibaba Cloud, Huawei Cloud, Tencent Cloud, Amazon Web Services, IBM Websites, F&S
  • 14. 14 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series The DL and DW empower data capitalization of all industries, and the data capitalization will reconstruct the key value factors along marketing, research and development, supply chain and so on Changes of Value Nodes due to DMS n Value Nodes Change DMS changed the practice of value nodes in business, marketing, and research and development across industries. The value of data is embodied in showing the development process of the phenomenon, describing the nature of the phenomenon and forecasting the trend of the phenomenon development. Transform data to deduce prediction, trend analysis, cross-selling strategy recommendation, customer profile matching in relevant directions, and then master the elements of products and services that customers really care about. This application of data intelligence will use data as a means of production to drive business reinvention. n Value Chain Change The core idea of data cloud service is "everything serves", liberating productivity and allowing enterprises to focus on their most core areas. The capitalization of data not only brings changes to marketing and R&D personnel but also provides optimization suggestions for other functions in the value chain, such as storage, production planning and personnel management, through the monitoring and insight of data downstream. At the same time, remote synchronization and real-time accessibility of data enable any part of the value chain to adjust functional decisions anytime, anywhere. The potential of distributed innovation is unleashed, which improves the customer experience creating a new space for value creation at every node in the value chain and driving all kinds of participants to foster new efficiencies. n Benign Cycle in Data Ecosystem Data connectivity in the horizontal dimension, on the one hand, it can gather a series of customers from different industries externally; on the other hand, it can promote close collaboration of different section in the value chain internally. On the vertical dimension, let the participants of the ecosystem enhance their experience and even play a leading role in it. Through network effects, ecosystems can provide products and services that an individual enterprise cannot provide on its own, thus attracting new customers and generating more data. Value Chain Factors Analysis High Low Low High Consumption High-Tech New Material & Energy Auto-pilot Logistics Government & Public Service Healthcare Internet Telecom & Media Finance & Insurance Business Operation Marketing & Sales R&D Supply Chain Office Other business or function Capital - asset management Manufacturing Moderate Changed Essential Changed Little Changed Hardly Changed Source:F&S
  • 15. 15 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series 42% 32% 28% 17% 17% 16% 13% 12% 11% 11% Insurance Com mercial Bank Other Financ ial Instit ut ion Telecom Air Transport Public at ion Pet roleum Block Trading Electrici ty & Energy St eel Data management has an obvious amplifying effect in various industries specifically in insurance and finance. Timely decision and observation is one of the major source of benefits from data management. The increase in ROA per 10% input of DMS in each industry [Percentage] Business Practice Analysis Source: The University of Texas at Austin, F&S Proportion of revenue streams from DMS DMS generate revenue by 3 means: n Improve traditional performance indicators ü Accelerate growth rate ü Improve productivity ü Improve risk control and management n Explore new sources of growth ü Discover new value from unstructured data ü Extract value from structured data n Launch data driven new products or services ü Implement advanced analysis of data Commonality of financial institution: n Labor intensive n Databases Barrier Ø In marketing section, each subsidiary is running on an autonomous track. Ø In R&D section, the data needed in the development of financial derivatives is procured from providers rather than collected within the system. Ø The continuity of its own business and cross- department collaboration are weak n Large proportional to Customer business n Massive and complicated data Ø Inconsistent Data Type • Personal credit data (Semi-structured) • Personal consumption behavioral data (Unconstructed) Ø Large data volume • A depositor's credit report contains up to 10GB of data Achieve growth by applying computing power: n Effective data governance discover value nodes from the jumbled and massive data n Effective and fast data computing with low latency provides data for advanced analytics n Advanced analytics directly offer enterprises with more timely decisions and observations Europe North America China&Others Total Others Lower maintenance costs Higher productivity Better Risk Management Timely Observation / Decision Making Source: F&S
  • 16. 16 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series Business Practice Analysis DL and DW accelerate the value creation process by connecting the five key elements and construct a solid basis for the advanced analytics which is critical to enterprise decision making. DL and DW directly accelerate data collection, storage, calculation, analysis and invocation DW and DL serve as accelerators in data management Data Lake (DL) Storage Location for massive structured or unstructured data from random sources The enterprise processes and analyses data according to its demand. Centralized data warehouse Some data is of large volume and often require post-processing, they are transferred to the high- performance memory. Data is collected from everywhere Data in DL to be processed and called Advanced analytics call the data Structured Data Credit card number Data Amount Phone … Unstructured Data Website E-mails Social media content Audio,Video … Data application Data Scientist/ Data Analyst perform advanced analytics from the processed data. Microservices Data is configured into tiny modular components that quickly transmit real- time information to data users. Internal report Support internal information user decision making External report Direct business value transformation Identify value sources Create Data Ecosystem Build Insight Models Implement Insight Solutions Practice And Verify 1 2 3 4 5 5 Market Insights Business demands Internal Ecosystem External Ecosystem Data Modeling Get Inspired Process Reengineer Technique Practice Establish Capability Transform Managment Case study of digital transformation of banking by : User operation-Service innovation-Value transformation GBC Integration: Construct an integrated business model of the Government, Business organizations and Customers. Promote mutual attraction among different customer groups so as to form an external ecology. Regional Linkage:Construct linkage mechanism between head office and branches. Front/Middle/Back Office Agility:Promote rapid collaboration across business and functions. eMarketing:Customer Acquisition and Activation through innovative service by referencing the operation idea of Internet enterprises. Business sharing Platform: Build enterprise-level sharing capability to support the rapid development of business. Technical capability sharing:Sharing fintech capabilities to business partners, creating products/services with technology partners, so as to accelerate the integration of technical innovation and traditional business.
  • 17. 1 7 Market Size of Data Management Solutions uMarket Size Analysis uUser Demand Insights uAnalysis on Enterprises' Perception uPolicy Analysis 03
  • 18. 18 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series 14.9 17.8 21.2 25.3 31.3 37.5 47.3 60.0 72.3 87.0 4.0 4.8 5.7 6.8 8.4 10.3 13.0 16.5 19.9 24.0 12.8 15.3 18.2 21.8 26.9 32.4 41.0 52.1 62.8 75.7 11.6 13.9 16.6 19.8 24.5 29.5 37.5 47.9 58.0 70.3 3.5 4.0 4.7 5.4 6.4 7.0 8.9 11.2 13.6 16.3 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020E 2021E 2022E 2023E 2024E Server(Hardware) Storage(Hardware) IT Service Big Data Software Business Service Market Size Analysis The market of data management solutions is expected to continue to expand due to the continuous promulgation of favourable policies, the innovative integration of big data technology and more data application scenarios gradually landing. q DMS Market q Big Data Hardware Market q Big Data Software Market DMS Market Size in China,2015- E2024 GAGR:19.0% GAGR:23.7% [Hundred Million USD] Big Data Service Big Data Hardware 数据来源:沙利文 n Expanding market demand Enterprise users will increasingly invest in DMS. Data's desire to improve decision-making and operational efficiency in order to will rapidly drive up the market demand for DMS. Data management talent is becoming a leader in digitally transformed enterprises, further expanding and solidifying the demand for data management solutions. n Data management solutions technology is maturing and cost-effective There are abundant and matured DW and DL products in the market. Safe and stable products with complete functions meet differentiated needs for each industry and enterprise. Data Lakehouse combines the strengths of two mature products to meet enterprise-class features such as flexibility, cost, performance, safety and governance, and it further reducing overall costs. n Promulgation of favourable policies As the national policy on personal information protection, data across borders, national information security are on the table of legislation, the data rights, data privacy, data security become the valuable attributes that the market care about along with other attributes such as data volume, data type and transmission speed. Source: F&S • The scale of China's big data hardware market is estimated to be US$ 11.10 billion in 2024 • The scale of China's big data service market is estimated to be US $16.23 billion in 2024 • The overall market size of China's big data is estimated to be US $27.33 billion in 2024
  • 19. 19 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series 53.6% 48.4% 25.8% 25.6% 21.1% 20.7% 4.2% Others Improve Customer Satisfaction Enhance Enterprise Productivity Generate New Business Revenue Avoid Management Risk Improve Operation Efficiency Improve Decision-Making Efficiency Demand Drivers in Big Data Service in 2020 User Demand Insights Enterprise users will increasingly invest in DMS to have the advantage of improving decision-making and operational efficiency Willingness of Chinese enterprises invest in Big Data Service in 2019 n Primary demand of enterprise users Improving decision-making efficiency and operational efficiency are the major drivers of demand. Risk Control, Business Innovation, Production and Customer Service also matter to Enterprise User. n High Willingness to invest in DMS Up to 55% of enterprise users plan to invest more in data management solutions. n Three Logics that drive the DMS market 1. Improve financial performance: Labour productivity, ROE, ROI, ROA 2. Improve customer relationships: enhance innovative capabilities to generate revenue growth in new product lines and expand customer base 3. Improve operations management: Resource Utilization Level, Forecasting & Production Planning, Delivery Cycle, Service Terms n Marginal inputs produce extra gain Significant gains in basic data access and data quality will be achieved first. The attributes of the data, including quality, ease of use, intelligence, accessibility, and flexibility, all gain upgrades proportionately as the level of investment increases. Companies build a competitive advantage in the industry by adjusting their investment to different levels and strategies of advanced analysis. Source: F&S Source: F&S 12.5% 32.7% 35.2% 15.4% 4.2% 2019 投入增加100%以上 投入增加50%-100%以上 投入增加50%以内 保持现状 投入减少 54.8% Investment increase by 100%+ Investment increase by 50%-100% Investment increase by 0–50% Invest evenly Investment decrease
  • 20. 20 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series The enterprise's perception of data management talents has evolved from specialist to leader. With the change of perception, the role and leverage of data management talents is improving Analysis on Enterprises' Perception The course of change in Perception of Data Management Talents Specialist Perception Leader Perception Geek 1995 Manager 2015 Evangelist 2005 Specialist 2000 Assistant 2010 Leader 2020 Transforming math and computer science into strategic practice to gain a competitive advantage Help companies build professional data teams and use data science as a professional skill Companies are setting "Chief Analytics Officers" to help them understand and share the value of data through analytics Helps companies establish a clear vision and road map to build a data- driven business They don't necessarily have a technical background, but they are methodical and focused on helping the company deal with problems that are holding back growth at an organizational level Taking the leadership in building a partnership between the organization, and IT to ensure practical approaches are effective to business outcomes n Transit from the IT era to DT era With the popularity of cloud services and mobile Internet, data output is dispersed among small and medium-sized enterprises and consumers. Competition in all industries requires a fine operation. Through big data analysis, we can gain insight into demand and generate situational predictive knowledge to establish differentiated competitiveness. n Big data further integrated with the LoT and AI In this new era, leaders should redesign workflows with the application of hybrid cloud, 5G, Internet of Things, edge computing capabilities etc. to enhance enterprise resilience. Develop data-based AI strategies, consider data as the key evidence of business decision, develop a clear business plan, and build a cognitive enterprise. n Data decisions require leadership recognition Data Decision: A complete predictive support decision loop includes historical data input, model training, data prediction, decision making, execution, result collection, and data feedback. Data analysis supports the management decision, the premise of which is to refine the purpose of the data. For example: after a new function goes online, what modifications need to be made to increase the users' activity; According to new product sales ratio and regional performance, how to adjust regional sales strategy in the later stage; how to push promotional information according to the purchasing power analysis of members, etc. Only when a series of purposes are clear, data can be collected and used properly. Data leaders are required to make a comprehensive plan to ensure the effectiveness of the data loop.
  • 21. 21 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series Issuing Authority Policy Name Issued Date Key Points the Standing Committee of Shenzhen People's Congress 《Data Regulation of Shenzhen (Draft)》 2020-12 Public data belongs to new state-owned assets, and the data right belongs to the state. the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress 《Law of the P.R.C on the Protection of Personal Information (Draft)》 2020-10 Article 2: The personal information of natural persons is protected by law, and the personal information rights of natural persons must not be infringed upon by any organization or individual. the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress 《Data Security Law (Draft)》 2020-07 Article 10: The state is to actively carry out international exchanges and cooperation in the data sector, participate in the formulation of international rules and standards related to data security, and promote the safe and free flow of data across borders. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of P.R.C 《Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on the Development of Industrial Big Data》 2020-04 In view of the current stage of industrial big data, the comprehensive layout and systematic promotion will be made in 6 aspects: accelerating data convergence, promoting data sharing, deepening data application, improving data governance, strengthening data security, and promoting industrial development. Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) 《Administration of Data Security (Consultation Paper)》 2019-05 For the purposes of safeguarding national security and the public interest, protecting the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations in cyberspace, and maintaining the security of personal information and important data, Policy Analysis With the acceleration of the construction of digital economy, the government gradually attaches greater importance to the development of the big data industry n Emphasizes personal information protection and explores the legislation of data rights Data, as a new factor of production, is written into it for the first time, keeping pace with other factors of production such as land, labour, capital and technology. A natural person has the right of his personal data according to law; Public data belongs to new state-owned assets, and the data right belongs to the state. Factor market entities also have the right of data, which no organization or individual may infringe. It has laid the legal basis for the development of the digital economy and directly requires the standardization of the data circulation market. In the future, data regulation, privacy security and ownership of rights will be a new digital economy track for solution providers. n Strengthen legislation to safeguard national data security China is setting up a cross-border flow data management system to balance the interests of national security, personal privacy protection and industrial competition, and to meet the requirements of data flow required by the globalized economy as well as the monitoring and control of data required for security. International relations or political sensitivity will be the key dimension that requires all relevant enterprises to consider, which will directly affect the strengthening of the regulation of cross-border data flow faced by foreign data management solution providers in the Chinese market. In addition, the improvement of consumers' or enterprises' knowledge of data will also directly affect their preference for similar solutions. Domestic data management solution providers will grow by capturing the market share of some foreign companies that have withdrawn from the Chinese market. n Emphasizing the combination of big data technology and specific application scenarios ”Big data" has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of consumers, enterprises and local governments. Effective data management solutions that are suitable for the current period of enterprises is the foundation of the development of the digital economy. The cooperation between government and enterprises, the service of people's livelihood issues, the establishment of interdepartmental data exchange, the acceleration of the approval process, and the realization of the application of big data that benefits the people will become the hot spot of service providers and developers, and the application potential of big data burst during the anti-epidemic period will be reappearing in many other fields. Source: Standing Committee of People’s Congress, MIIT, CAC,F&S
  • 22. 22 Development Prospect of China Data Management Solution Market uKey Milestones uCloud Deployment uIntegration of Data Lake and Data Warehouse uDeepening Application Scenarios of Data Management Solution 04
  • 23. 23 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series The previous data management solutions focused on the quantity, type and speed of data, while the current data management solutions focused on the value of data Enterprise Resource Planning Customer Relation Management Network Other data sources Sensor /RFID devices The mobile network User Clickstream Sentiment analysis User-generated content Social interaction and push Space and GPS coordination HD video, audio & images Product/service log Instant messaging Web logs Product record A/B testing Dynamic fixed order Alliance network Search marketing Behavior orientation Dynamic funnel Customer segmentation Product details Customer contact Support Contact Information Procurement details Purchasing records Payment records MB GB TB PB/ZB Data Categories q 15MB • Human resource database of a global bank q 500MB • Weekly annual sales data of a single product in a category of a retail enterprise q 2TB • Membership data for a global coffee company q 2.5PB • Transaction data of a global supermarket Source:Teradata,F&S Evolution of data management q The performance in data processing regarding to types, volume and speed experienced explosive development q The increase in data magnitude and value density will generate the need for a new generation of databases. Key differences in the database segmentation Data Volume Represents the major solutions of database products to big data ü Trending to cloud: Cloud databases offer natural flexibility, cost-effective deployment, and pay-as-you- demand payment. ü Increased proportion of non-relational data: Data growth is concentrated in unstructured data such as audio and video files and social information. ü Memory database is more widely used: Compared with disk storage, memory can meet the requirements of information interaction, high concurrency, low latency, fast reading characteristics. ü Streaming databases are growing rapidly: Combining transaction processing and real-time analysis, they can respond in real-time and with low latency when large amounts of data come in. ü Open-source database environment is constantly improving: Such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and other open source databases are occupying the market of commercial databases in small and medium-sized enterprises with the characteristics of low price, equal performance and rich functions. Key Milestone OldSQL NewSQL NoSQL Traditional Transactional Processing Oracle/DB2 In-memory relational database Data Warehouse Massive data management MonGoDB/Hbase Massive data batch processing Hadoop MapReduce In-memory Data analytics DB2 Blu/HANA Stream/ In-memory Computing Flink/Spark TB PB EB Data Value Density
  • 24. 24 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series Cloud Deployment Based on the separation of memory and computation, cloud service meets requirements of elastic expansion, flexible iteration, cost control and so on. It reasonably allocates resources in the scene of differentiated resource demands and thus cloud deployment will become the trend Data management system deployment Business Strategy • Critical to Business • Product Life Cycle • Target Marketing Planning • Business Priority • Marketing Scheme • Sales Distribution Human Resource • Skills required R&D • Characteristics • Brings to Market ASAP • Medium and long term • Goodwill and customer relationship Traditional Deployment • Sales first, Products second • Relational Marketing • Direct distribution • Communication and demand satisfaction • Customized products that meet differentiated needs • Brings to Market ASAP • Short term • Market Share Cloud Deployment • Product first, Sales second • Scale Marketing • Direct and Indirect distribution • Creativity and Programing Techniques • Generic products that meets general needs n Coupling data storage, computing, processing and analysis In the past, in order to deal with the problems of insufficient network speed and a long time of data exchange between nodes, the distributed framework of big data adopts the form of storage and computing coupling, so that data can be calculated at its own storage point to reduce interaction. This is a traditional deployment DMS. n Coupling storage and computing generate unnecessary costs In the practice, the demands for data storage space and computing capacity vary respectively, making the demand ratio of the two types of resources unpredictable. When a resource bottleneck occurs in one of them, the horizontal expansion of resources will inevitably lead to the redundancy of storage or computing capacity, and the migration of data will also cause additional costs. n Separation between storage and computation effectively control cost Storage and calculation are separated to form two independent resource sets, which do not interfere with each other but they can fully cooperate. The scale aggregation reduce the cost per unit resource as far as possible while it has sufficient elasticity for horizontal expansion. When resources are scarce or rich, we acquired or recycled the resource respectively and utilize specific resource ratio to reduce redundancy and achieve reasonable allocation of resources in the scene of differentiated resource demands. n On-demand cloud-based services have significant advantages On the basis of the separation of memory and computation, Serverless and Cloud Native enable data processing no longer requires a complete platform, which greatly shortens the development. At the same time, the service application is operated and maintained by the provider, and it charges dependent on users' demand, thus it is cost-saving. Source: CAICT, F&S Choose among Local, Cloud and Hybrid Deployment Choose among Public Cloud, Private Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Balance between data security and cost-effectiveness
  • 25. 25 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series Avoiding loss of data value and extracting greater support from data for decisions making become two major demands for DMS. Data Lakehouse satisfies these by integrating the features of DL and DW Integration of Data Lake and Data Warehouse The benefits of the integration Trend: Data Lakehouse enters the stage Approach: Integrate the Scheme Design Integration of Cloud Native Provide structured data computing and analysis capability Provides unstructured data storage capability Data Lakehouse • Strengthen Data Governance • Support Diversified Data Types • Optimized Data Security System • Elastic Expansion Application • Easier Data and Task Migration • Unified Data Management System Agility Promotability Avoiding Loss of Data Value Supporting higher demand in BI Data Lake Data Warehouse Source: Alibaba Cloud, Huawei Cloud, Tencent Cloud, Amazon Web Services, IBM, CAICT, F&S n Enhance the ability to extract data value Unified Data Management System provide the basis of data capitalization. n Improve the efficiency of DMS The data processing flow is optimized by applying Cloud Native Scheme. Reasons why it is difficult to extract data value: n Isolated Data Islands Due to technology and management, data is scattered in each business system. Thus, Enterprise lacks a unified view of data value. n Poor Data Quality Data quality determines the value of data assets. Continuously improving data quality will be critical to developing business decisions analysis. n Lack of a secure data environment Data security risks include data leakage and data abuse. Once data security incidents occur, they will cause losses to the enterprise and infringe on users' privacy, which will greatly constrain the extraction of data value. n Lack of data value management system Enterprises have not established an effective data management system and application template, including data value evaluation, data cost management, etc., also lack compliance guidance for data service and application.
  • 26. 26 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series The application of DMS in the industry is gradually extending to the core business in various fields as the application scenarios expand and deepen. More Specialized DMS Application Potential demand for DMS in different domains 8 Domains continuous deepening of industrial applications Healthcare Electronic medical records Clinical decision support Smart medical platforms Intelligent diagnosis and treatment Telecom Customer Experience Analysis Customer Value Analysis Marketing operation Management applications Customer Experience Management New Retail Industrial chain marketing Description of consumer data Supply chain data optimization New business model development Finance Customer behavior analysis Improved efficiency of data integration Risk control through customer credit scores Government Intelligence decision making Public service data assistance Government data governance Improve the perception level of smart cities Autopilot On-board information service data Accurate data analysis The data model of ”vehicle + people" Automobile Marketing Personalized shopping guide Digital operation Data capitalization eCommerce Logistics Reduce logistics costs Improve customer service level Inventory forecast Equipment repair forecast n Big Data Industry The big data industry takes data and its value as the core production factor to drive the data- enabled industry through data technology, data products, data services and other forms. Big data is applied in various industries and fields, providing application software and overall solutions which are closely related to the industry. Increasingly, the demand for data-enabling is shifting from perceptual applications to predictive and decision-based applications. n Deepening the application of industrial big data Edge-cutting technologies such as 5G, LoT, edge computing and blockchain are gradually integrated into the industrial domain. These technologies, integrated with big data management solutions, support agility management and refined operation. Further, they also promote the transformation, upgrade the manufacturing speed, support higher quality industrial data through a closed-loop: collection, gathering, distribution, analysis and application. Eventually, DMS enhance the efficiency of developing new industrial techniques and products. n Financial big data has a broad prospects in application Financial institutions stores a large amount of structured data about customers, accounts, products, transactions and a large amount of unstructured data including voice, image, video that reflect customer preferences, social relations, consumption habits and other information. DMS constantly benefits in the application of specific business such as transaction fraud identification, precision marketing, black money prevention, credit risk assessment, supply chain finance, investment market prediction. Additionally, breaking the data barriers between financial institutions will become the next trending improvement. Source: Big Data Industry Ecological Alliance, CAICT, F&S
  • 27. 27 Competition Analysis of China Data Management Solution Market uComprehensive Vendors Assessment uLeading Competitors 05
  • 28. 28 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series China’s DMS market is in a steady growth stage. The conclusions of this report about the comprehensive competitiveness of DMS products and services in each of the competitive subjects are only applicable to the market development of DMS at this stage. Frost & Sullivan will continue to monitor the market of DMS to capture competitive trends. n X-axis represents “Innovation Index”: • To measure the innovation ability of competitors in data management solutions, the more to the right of the position, the greater the innovation ability is. n Y-axis represents “Growth Index” : • To measure the growth ability of competitors in data management solutions, the higher the position is, the greater the performance growth potential is. n Color depth represents “Foundation Index”: • To measure the foundation ability of competitors in data management solutions, the darker the color is, the stronger the fundamental attributes are. Note: The circle corresponds to the comprehensive score from low to high according to the logic of increasing from inside to outside. Competitiveness is represented by combining "innovation index", "growth index" and "foundation index" (the circle is only applicable to competitors in the first quadrant). Comprehensive Assessment in the market of DMS in China——Frost Radar TM The Leadership Region Vendors in this region are the leaders in DMS market in China The market of DMS in China is in a steady growth stage. The major competitors have their own competitive advantages in three dimensions: Innovation ability, Growth ability and Foundation ability Source: F&S Comprehensive Vendor Assessment Amazon Web Services Huawei Cloud Transwarp Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud Teradata Microsoft Azure IBM China Inspur China Telecom Baidu AI Cloud JD Cloud & AI Kingsoft Cloud SequoiaDB Low High High Innovation Growth Low
  • 29. 29 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series Dimension First-level Index Key Points Innovation Index Degree of integration with AI Machine learning algorithm capability Text semantics understanding Multilingual semantics understanding Storage resource utilization Data resource utilization Cold vs Hot data management Usability ((easy to use and manage) Data model flexibility (multi-dimensional analysis) Data Query Degree of Freedom Support Capability Mass Storage Capability Data Acquisition Capability Data Source Acquisition Capability to obtain full/incremental data Data Call Capability Push results to the right storage engine Real time data analysis Parallel Query Data Integration Capability Data Mart integration ability Service Ability Service Level Agreement (SLA) External Compatibility Support major cloud platform (Amazon Web Services, Alibaba Cloud, Huawei Cloud etc.) Support traditional database(Oracle, MongoDB, DB2, Redis, MySQL, etc.) Open Source Support Capability Support open source communities(Hadoop, Spark, etc.) Support BI tools(Tableau, SAS, Zeppelin etc.) Support open source scheme(Tensorflow, Pytorch, MXNet, etc.) Support open source real time event processing system(Kafka, flume, etc.) Data Lakehouse Capability Support ACID transactions Visible and searchable Global data Unified data governance system Unified data development system Unified integration of data lake and warehouse Correlation computing of multiple DL and DW Data Virtualization Unified data directory of DL and DW Unified data storage Unified data invocation Data movement Data openness Access to the third-party interface layer Data access control Assessment Criteria(1/2) In this report, growth index, innovation index and foundation index are set to evaluate the competitiveness of different DMS vendors
  • 30. 30 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series Dimension First-level Index Key Points Growth Index Expandability Architecture competence Expandability of Data Processing Expandability of Storage Support mainstream computation modules Security Conform data protection act/ data security act Security of data storage, use, encryption, desensitization, etc. Permission security system Cyber-security protection Data life cycle storage capability Ability to store raw data, analyze intermediate results, and analyze procedures Data management capability Data management optimization ability for specified compute engines Coverage of metadata, master data, data model, data standard, quality standard, data security, data sharing and data visualization management Data lake multi-generation coexistence Data warehouse multi-generation coexistence Analysis or optimization in Data warehouse (e.g. based on CBO, RBO optimization model) Platform and Business Ecosystem Degree to which the vendors empower partners Foundation Index Data storage capacity (for self-developed products) Structured data storage capacity Unstructured data storage capacity Infrastructure capacity Private Cloud Public Cloud Self-developed server Assessment Criteria(1/2) In this report, growth index, innovation index and foundation index are set to evaluate the competitiveness of different DMS vendors
  • 31. 31 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 China:Data Management Series Leader - Amazon Web Services Amazon Web Services is the leader in DMS in China providing technological innovation, global business practices, flexible data management, cloud security and strong business ecosystem Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL Amazon Elasticsearch Service:Fully managed, scalable, and secure Elasticsearch service • provides support for open source Elasticsearch APIs, managed Kibana, integration with Logstash and other Amazon Web Services services, and built-in alerting and SQL querying. Amazon EMR:Cloud big data platform Easily run and scale Apache Spark, Hive, Presto, and other big data frameworks • Scale your big data environments by automating time-consuming tasks like provisioning capacity and tuning clusters. Amazon Aurora: Relational database built for the cloud Performance and availability of commercial-grade databases at 1/10th the cost. A distributed, fault-tolerant, self-healing storage system • a fully managed, multi-region, multi- active, durable database with built-in security, backup and restore, and in- memory caching for internet-scale applications. Amazon SageMaker:Machine learning for every data scientist and developer • helps data scientists and developers to prepare, build, train, and deploy high- quality machine learning (ML) models quickly by bringing together a broad set of capabilities purpose-built for ML. Amazon Redshift:Analyze all of your data with the fastest and most widely used cloud data warehouse • Make query and combine exabytes of structured and semi-structured data across your data warehouse, operational database, and data lake using standard SQL. Lake House Architecture Overview Amazon Web Services Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it easy to discover, prepare, and combine data for analytics, machine learning, and application development. Amazon Web Services Lake Formation is a service that makes it easy to set up a secure data lake in days. Amazon S3 Amazon Athena Data Gravity Data Lake Amazon DynamoDB:Fast and flexible NoSQL database service for any scale n Technological Innovation: Data lakehouse architecture § Integrating AI technology with data management functions: the high-availability architecture of data management services, security authentication and fine-grained monitoring, storage and computing separation, and automatic resource expansion. § Amazon QuickSight Q(A machine learning powered capability that uses natural language processing to answer your business questions instantly) n Global Business Practice: Customized data management service § Amazon Web Services combines the best of the global practices with the market conditions in China, provides customized data management services to different industry n Flexible data management: High Usability § Amazon Web Services is capable of node configuration, software configuration, automated indexing and extraction, data isolation and security, industry compliance, cluster sizing, automatic patching, alarm and detection, and hardware maintenance n Cloud Security: Shared responsibility model § Amazon Web Services responsibility “Security of the Cloud”: hardware, software, networking, and facilities that run Amazon Web Services Cloud services. § Customer responsibility “Security in the Cloud” : operating system, network, firewall configuration, application, identity & access management and customer data n Business Ecosystem: Customer Enablement § Migrate and build faster in the cloud with Amazon Web Services Customer Enablement services. Augment your team’s cloud skills with deep Amazon Web Services expertise where, when, and how you need it.
  • 32. 32 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 China:Data Management Series n Technology Innovation:MRS combines three types of Data Lake § Offline Data Lake: Open format storage engine, Diversity engine, Support multiple analysis workloads, Data lakehouse realization § Real-time Data Lake: Real-time integration, batch stream fusion, real-time update and delete, real-time analysis service, T+0 timeliness § Logic Data Lake: Data Virtualization implemented unified access and collaborative analysis of data inside and outside the data lake n Abundant Industry Practice: Business acumen in demand § Government affairs (digital transformed Shenzhen’s Longgang District; Enabling access via one website), Operators (Smooth Migration), Finance (Collaborate across data warehouses) n Comprehensive Security: From infrastructure to application access § Network isolation (support for multi-section network security), Host security (operating system kernel security reinforcement, etc.), Application security (user- level access control, etc.), Data security (multi-copies backup for disaster recovery guarantee) and security authentication (unified authentication system) n Ultimate data management: fulfill the requirement in each functional scenarios § Abundant data management functions, data lake, data warehouse multi-generation coexistence § Ultimate performance in data collection, collation, desensitization, analysis and management, security n Business Ecosystem: Customer Enablement § A cloud ecology that adhere to openness, cooperation and win-win benefits. Fertilize the partners quickly integrate into the local ecology as the “black soil” in the “intelligent earth” § Open community contribution (Ranked 2nd in Hadoop, 4th in Spark) Leader – Huawei Cloud Real-time Entry into the Lake Incremental Update DWS 数据仓库 FusionInsight Data Source Transactional System Web/Mobile 3rd Party Social Media IoT … DLC Unified Metadata | Unified Security GES Graph Engine Service Hetu Engine MRS Cloud Native ModelArts AI Platform DGC Data Lake Governance Center Data Catalog Data Service Data Governance Data integration, development, scheduling Storage (OBS) Computing (BMS、PM、VM、Container) Huawei Cloud MRS MapReduce Service MRS combines three types of Data Lake(Offline Data Lake, Real-time Data Lake and Logic Data Lake ) GaussDB Cloud Data Warehouse An fully-managed and out-of-the-box analytic database service ( employed Shared-Nothing Architecture, massively parallel processing (MPP) engine and cross- AZ disaster recovery) DGC Data Lake Governance Center A one-stop data lake operations platform (Functions with Data Integration and Data Development etc.)Rapidly grow your enterprise's big data Operations (Build industry knowledge libraries with intelligence etc.) ModelArts AI Platform A one-stop AI development platform that enables developers and data scientists (data pre- processing, semi-automated data labelling, distributed training, and automated model building capabilities.) GES Graph Engine Service Facilitates querying and analysis of graph- structure data. Specifically suited for scenarios requiring analysis of rich relationship data. FusionInsight Lake House Overview Huawei Cloud is the leader in DMS in China providing technological innovation, abundant industry practice, comprehensive security, ultimate data management and strong business ecosystem GaussDB Cloud Data Warehouse
  • 33. 33 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 China:Data Management Series DB级 元数据透视 MaxCompute Built-in optimized storage n Technology Innovation:Data Lakehouse Architecture § Own PrivateAccess network connectivity technology, ability to connect across the integrated network, faster access § One-key database metadata mapping technology, unified metadata service § Provide unified development environment , highly compatible with Hive/Spark § Intelligent cache technology; identify cold data and hot data; Automatic data warehouse n Cloud Native Practice :Enable cloud native transformation for millions of enterprises § In 2009, Alibaba launched the core middleware system for the first time § In 2011, Taobao and Tmall began to use container scheduling technology, and then launched self-developed cloud native hardware Shenlong server and cloud native database PolarDB § In 2019, Double 11 Festival, Ali e-commerce core system is 100% on the cloud, which is also the largest cloud native practice in the world n Ultimate data management: fulfil the requirement in each functional scenarios § Enterprise-class high-performance data warehouse, high flexibility and agility at a lower cost § Complement elasticity resources and EMR cluster resources § Based on PAI, encapsulated many algorithm services that are close to business scenarios n Business Ecosystem:City Brain 3.0 § All urban elements, such as farmland, buildings and public transports will be linked through the urban space gene pool § Perform intelligent decision-making of all urban scenes, such as traffic, medical care, emergency response, people's livelihood, elderly care and public services Leader – Alibaba Cloud Alibaba Cloud is the leader in DMS in China providing technological innovation, cloud native practice, ultimate data management and strong business ecosystem Alibaba Cloud Lake House Overview IDE Task Scheduling Data Security Asset Management Data Service Offline Computing Service Interactive Computing Service Machine Learning Service Deep Learning Service Real-time Computing Service MC SQL MC Spark PAI TF PAI GNN MaxCompute Meta Service Cache Hive Spark Flink Presto Hive Meta Service Structured Semi- Structured Unstructured MaxCompute Data Warehouse Cluster Data lake Cluster No need to move data, cross-platform computing Hot and Cold Cache Separation Optimized Storage and Performance PrivateAccess Exclusive Channel Hot Data The Middle Layer The Computing Layer The Storage Layer The Storage Layer HDFS/OSS Data Lake
  • 34. 34 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series Methodology uFrost & Sullivan has conducted in-depth research on the market changes of 10 major industries and 54 vertical industries in China with more than 500,000 industry research samples accumulated and more than 10,000 independent research and consulting projects completed. uRooted on the active economic environment in China, the research institute, starting from data management and big data fields, covers the development of the industry cycle, follows from the enterprises’ establishment, development, expansion, IPO and maturation. Research analysts of the institute continuously explore and evaluate the vagaries of the industrial development model, enterprise business and operation model, Interpret the evolution of the industry from a professional perspective. uResearch institute integrates the traditional and new research methods, adopts the use of self- developed algorithms, excavates the logic behind the quantitative data with the big data across industries and diversified research methods, analyses the views behind the qualitative content, describes the present situation of the industry objectively and authentically, predicts the trend of the development of industry prospectively. Every research report includes a complete presentation of the past, present and future of the industry. uResearch institute pays close attention to the latest trends of industry development. The report content and data will be updated and optimized continuously with the development of the industry, technological innovation, changes in the competitive landscape, promulgations of policies and regulations, and in-depth market research. uAdhering to the purpose of research with originality and tenacity, the research institute analyses the industry from the perspective of strategy and reads the industry from the perspective of execution, so as to provide worthy research reports for the report readers of each industry.
  • 35. 35 Sullivan Market Report | 2021/4 ©2020 LeadLeo www.leadleo.com China:Data Management Series Legal Disclaimer uThe copyright of this report belongs to LeadLeo. Without written permission, no organization or individual may reproduce, reproduce, publish or quote this report in any form. If the report is to be quoted or published with the permission of LeadLeo, it should be used within the permitted scope, and the source should be given as "LeadLeo Research Institute", also the report should not be quoted, deleted or modified in any way contrary to the original intention. uThe analysts in this report are of professional research capabilities and ensure that the data in the report are from legal and compliance channels. The opinions and data analysis are based on the analysts' objective understanding of the industry. This report is not subject to any third party's instruction or influence. uThe views or information contained in this report are for reference only and do not constitute any investment recommendations. This report is issued only as permitted by the relevant laws and is issued only for information purposes and does not constitute any advertisement. If permitted by law, LeadLeo may provide or seek to provide relevant services such as investment, financing or consulting for the enterprises mentioned in the report. The value, price and investment income of the company or investment subject referred to in this report will vary from time to time. uSome of the information in this report is derived from publicly available sources, and LeadLeo makes no warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of such information. The information, opinions and speculations contained herein only reflect the judgment of the analysts of leopard at the first date of publication of this report. The descriptions in previous reports should not be taken as the basis for future performance. At different times, the LeadLeo may issue reports and articles that are inconsistent with the information, opinions and conjectures contained herein. LeadLeo does not guarantee that the information contained in this report is kept up to date. At the same time, the information contained in this report may be modified by LeadLeo without notice, and readers should pay their own attention to the corresponding updates or modifications. Any organization or individual shall be responsible for all activities carried out by it using the data, analysis, research, part or all of the contents of this report and shall be liable for any loss or injury caused by such activities.