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Become a Content Marketing
We can’t stop time.
But we can learn to use it more effectively.
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Tired of never getting through your to–do list?
If so... you’re in the same boat as practically every content marketer we talk to.
Fundamentally, the secret to feeling more productive is to have a plan for what you need to
accomplish and stick to it. It’s easier said than done, for sure; but by implementing efficiency
techniques, streamlining certain processes, and taking advantage of a few
time-tested tricks, content marketers can increase their output while reducing the
frustration, stress, and misdirected efforts that can often take them off track.
Take a look at 21 of the most helpful tips the #CMWorld community had to offer during
our recent Twitter chat on productivity.
It’s counterproductive to waste time on content that isn’t going to help your business
achieve its goals. To maximize productivity, start with a strategic analysis of how relevant
and valuable the effort is likely to be for both your brand and your audience.
	 Mike Myers says he uses a simple flow chart to determine where content marketing will
	 be helpful (and where it won’t) because, like with dessert, it can be hard to know
	 when to say no.
	 I start by asking: “How relevant is the project to my market — i.e., clients and
	prospects?” —Roger C. Parker
	 Make strategic decisions. Know when something requested won’t add enough value. 		
	 Prioritize, and suggest alternatives when possible. —Danalynne Wheeler
Every strategic idea needs a plan to bring it to life. With advanced preparation, you can
take some of the guesswork out of the content creation process, making it easier to stay
focused and productive.
	 Successful content marketers choose topics in advance. They identify themes they can 		
	 create content on in the upcoming months. Planning is key. —Roger C. Parker
	 Plan what to say & how. Create a title optimized to catch readers & search
	engines. —Joanie Eppinga
Content creation is as much an art as a science. Though you should definitely have a
plan, it’s also helpful to be flexible and leave room in your process to take advantage of
inspiration when it strikes.
	 Make notes all the time. They’re the seeds of content to come. You can’t harvest 			
	 tomorrow unless you plant today. —George Stenitzer
	 Balance sticking with strategy (and saying no to what doesn’t fit) with the potential
	 to explore new possibilities. Always keep the “learning mindset.” —Anne Janzer
Content is created to spur an audience to action, so your productivity ultimately depends
on how well your efforts are is suited to meeting that goal. Keep this in mind and you will
never waste valuable time on efforts that miss the mark.
	 First, you have to understand your market and their needs. This provides focus.
	 —Roger C. Parker
	 It’s all about knowing your audience. Knowing whom to talk to directs your decisions 		
	 about what you do and don’t need to say. —Adam P. Newton
	 Outsider, a New York agency, suggests that content creators ask questions like, “Does 	
		this provide value to my audience?” “Would they share it?” Viewing your 					
	 content from the audience’s perspective will help you figure out which projects may not 	
	 work — even if they seemed like a good idea to you at first.
It’s hard to be productive if our minds are being pulled in a million different directions.
Even small side projects can wind up derailing productivity in a major way, so it’s helpful
to determine right from the outset what’s worth your immediate attention, what can be
put on the back burner for a while, and what can be indefinitely postponed.
	 Roger C. Parker recommends starting out by asking, “How urgently do my customers or
	 prospects need the information?” Then ask, “Is the project practical for me at the
	 present time?” After that, if a client asks me to do a different task, I ask: “Which of our
	 current tasks do you want me to put aside?”
	 Ronda Bowen says that looking at past performance of content helps, too. If you know
	 a certain topic tanks in terms of page views, there’s no reason to continue to create
	 content on that topic.
Effective time management means devoting adequate attention to your content without
allowing your efforts to take over your entire working life.
	 Successful content marketers run marathons, not races. Time management is essential.
	 Manage your time as carefully as you would manage your money. —Roger C. Parker
	 Set aside blocks of time to draft your content without being interrupted by meetings or
	chats. —Sarah A. Parker
	 While planning is important, Mael Roth advises that sometimes you need to set yourself 	
	 on “get it done” mode: “At some point it’s ‘learn by doing.’”
Just as deadlines can create a sense of urgency for specific content projects, keeping
a calendar of those projects can help you mentally plan and prioritize your day-to-day
efforts — and hold yourself accountable for their completion.
	 Scheduling is key for productivity. —Cara Shannon
	 Lisa Masiello recommends being methodical and keeping a calendar, as she feels it’s 	
		easy to become distracted without a schedule.
	 Social media analytics vendor Union Metrics suggests drawing up a quarterly content
	 calendar and working backwards from the deadlines you set in order to ensure time for
	 drafts/your approval process.
No one likes to have to turn down a content request from a client or supervisor, but
sometimes it’s a necessary evil in order to make good progress on current priorities,
continually deliver on your content’s promises, and maintain your sanity.
	 Strategy is key. If a project doesn’t align, it’s not worth your time. —Angela Hursh
	 I cringe when clients try to pump out as much content as possible and skimp on quality. 	
	 A content effort should be more than a checklist item. —Brandon Seymour
	 Many times marketing should say no to change. Don’t let your boredom of a tagline/ 		
	 topic divert the oil tanker. —Nick Kellet
	 If there isn’t a compelling story [in a particular content idea], I find the exit.
	 —Kip Meacham
One of the easiest ways to become more productive is to get rid of repetitive or unnecessarily
time-consuming tasks that are bogging down your efforts and replace them with more
efficient techniques. Even if it takes some extra time to implement and adjust to the change,
streamlining your processes often pays dividends in terms of productivity over the long-term.
	 I implemented a written request form for content projects. [This] creates accountability & saves me from 	
	 20 [rounds of] revisions. —Danielle Poupore
	 I use Mindjet’s MindManager to organize ideas, keep track of projects, and easily track influencers 			
	 and ideas. And every content marketer needs a graphics program to create images for blog posts 			
	 and social media. —Roger C. Parker
	 We use a lot of distraction-free writing tools to encourage the process, as well as an editorial calendar
	 to plan it all out. —ClearVoice
	 Erika Heald asserts that collaboration tools like RedboothHQ, Kapost, Evernote, and Google Drive are 		
	 key to her daily productivity.
Productivity isn’t always about going “heads down” into a project. Instead, experiment to
discover what ideas and processes work best for you.
		Stay curious and open to new innovations and marketing concepts. Set aside time to 		
	 ‘study’ those who are doing it right. —Crowd Content
		A large part of marketing productivity comes from understanding the machine of the 		
	 internet and the psychology of people —Nick Kellet
	 We write down all of our ideas before dismissing any. —Kitterman Marketing
Good writing is just as much “nurture” as it is “nature.” Set good habits right from the
start of your content creation efforts and you’re practically guaranteed to become more
productive as you progress.
	 Cultivate the habit of short, frequent working sessions rather than long, tiring 			
	sessions. —Roger C. Parker
	 Our best productivity tips are early mornings, strong coffee, and a separate window for
	 social media, to avoid distraction. —Outsider (a NYC agency)
	 Try working at times when there will be fewer distractions. For example, @SparkerWorks
	 has considered getting started earlier in the day: “Nobody bothers you in the early
	morning!” —Sarah A. Parker
Deadlines help you set clear parameters for your content efforts, and can create a sense
of urgency that keeps you focused and on-task during the content creation process.
		Deadlines definitely help with productivity! Sometimes it’s hard to get started if there is 	
	 no goal in sight. —Wyzowl
	 Consider creating mini-deadlines for the various tasks required for each project.
	 This can help you create a sense of urgency and pace your progress. —Roger C. Parker
Content creation takes dedication. If you want to earn the loyalty of your audience, you
must hold yourself accountable for delivering on what you promise — even when the
process gets challenging or you run into a stumbling block.
	 To be a productive writer, make yourself write. Good ideas often come after you’ve 			
	 gotten started. —Anne Janzer
	 Every successful content marketer I know reads and writes daily. —Patrick Hayslett
It’s not easy for writers to create something that’s “just right,” so it’s natural to stumble
with phrasing or get stuck on an idea once in a while. When the words just aren’t flowing,
don’t be afraid to take your time and clear your mind — and know that you can always
make changes down the line.
		Give yourself permission for that bad first draft. Don’t edit as you write — it will only
	 slow you down. —Ronda Bowen
	 If something’s really not working, give yourself permission to step away. Come back to it 	
	 tomorrow. Work on something else. —Sarah A. Parker
A trick some writers use to structure a content effort is to write the ending first, then
craft the rest of the story so that it leads to the intended conclusion. Starting each
project with your desired results in mind can reduce the need for time consuming
revisions and rewrites throughout the process.
	 Develop your positioning first so that the content will communicate the desired 				
	 marketing messages. —Samuel J. Scott
	 I’ve begun asking project requesters to tell me how they plan to use content. No sense 		
	 making something to sit in a drawer. —Danielle Poupore
Just like good habits make good writers, regular routines can help those writers mentally
prepare for creating quality content—and for staying the course, even when other
priorities start to compete for their time and attention.
		Show up. Turning up at your computer consistently is the best way to
		be successful. —Ronda Bowen
		Brainstorm, outline, write, write, write, proof, have someone else proof, edit, & promote! 	
	 If you get stuck, take a break, and then go back. —Aya Fawzy
		I look for easy parts of the post to write — such as lists or easy topics — to build 			
	momentum. —Roger C. Parker
If you find yourself working on a complex topic with a lot of ground to cover, or are struggling to find
the right flow for your discussion, try creating a simple outline first. Organizing your thoughts in this
way can help you see which points are essential and which ones can be left out, as well as how to
structure the conversation in the most logical way.
	 Map the journey. Know where you’re starting, ending and [where] you’ll stop at
	 along the way. —Jeremy Bednarski
	 First, I take notes by hand & organize a rough structure. Last thing is proofreading. Then 			
	 proofreading again. —Danielle Poupore
	 Start your writing with an outline. Then write everything down as quickly as you can.
	 Lastly, edit, edit, edit. —Heidi Cohen
	 After outlining what you are going to write and why, just get words on paper/screen.
	 Don’t edit, just do a “brain dump.” —Traci Browne
Another way to handle complex topics is to break them up into small, manageable bites.
Start by coming up with a list of relevant themes, and then create a series of related
content pieces that you can that you can distribute on a regular basis.
	 Series are about brevity. Series turn complex ideas into snacks. Series also multiply the 	
	 SEO value of one big idea. —Nick Kellet
		A series can be a great way to get started. It gives you a theme and a goal to build off of. 	
	 Feels less daunting every week. —Kitterman Marketing
		A blog series can help with productivity in that (hopefully) you can map it all out 			
	 ahead of time. —Jeremy Bednarski
		In terms of productivity, having an established series is really helpful to me. It’s great for 	
	 when I’m stumped on topics. —Christina Grieves
Content doesn’t always have to be original to be powerful. At times, it’s more productive
to use the content you’ve painstakingly created and focus your time on ways to
repackage it in a new way, or for a new platform.
	 @crestodina writes, “You need to view content as atoms you can recycle & rearrange in 	
		different ways.” —Roger C. Parker
	 It’s just so easy to do. So many resources and potential for data and info overload. 			
	 Curate, collate, focus. —Jacob Henenberg
	 Break up mega-topics into edible chunks. Use customer questions to guide series topics. 	
	 —George Stenitzer
If an idea starts to lead you in a different direction, don’t switch gears right away.
Instead, tuck it away it somewhere safe, and then come back to it after you’ve finished
the content effort you are currently working on. If the new concept still seems valid when
you revisit it, you now have a ready-made topic on hand for your next content effort.
	 I’m a narrow-minded content creator. If anything remotely veers from my main idea, it 		
	 goes in queue to become its own piece. —Patrick Hayslett
When all else fails... you are probably working too hard. Sometimes it’s best to just step
away and take some time to clear your mind before returning to your content creation.
You may even come up with a new idea or two when you give yourself a break, rather
than trying to force creativity when you just aren’t “feeling it.”
	 When I’m finished, I put the post aside overnight. I need to proof it from a fresh 				
	perspective. —Roger C. Parker
	 Even a 5-minute break can help. Ever do find-a-word puzzles? Great for improving
	 visual acuity. —Joanie Eppinga
	 Step away & do something physical that you’ll see immediate results from: Clean a 			
	 coffee cup, wipe down a counter, stretch. —Sarah A. Parker
Want more ways to increase your productivity without losing sight of your priorities?
Download our collection of useful templates and checklists to make the content marketing process easier.
And don’t forget to join our #CMWorld Twitter chats every Tuesday at 12 Eastern to learn from our fabulous
content marketing community and share your own tips for success.
Content Marketing Institute (CMI) is the leading global content marketing education and training organization.
CMI teaches enterprise brands how to attract and retain customers through compelling, multi-channel
storytelling. CMI’s Content Marketing World event, the largest content marketing-focused event, is held every
September, and Content Marketing World Sydney, every March. CMI also produces the quarterly magazine Chief
Content Officer, and provides strategic consulting and content marketing research for some of the best-known
brands in the world. CMI is a 2012, 2013, and 2014 Inc. 500 company. Learn how to create a documented content
marketing strategy, a key component for improving overall content marketing effectiveness.

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Become a Content Marketing Productivity Master: 21 Tips from the #CMWorld Community

  • 2. We can’t stop time. But we can learn to use it more effectively. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Tired of never getting through your to–do list? If so... you’re in the same boat as practically every content marketer we talk to. Fundamentally, the secret to feeling more productive is to have a plan for what you need to accomplish and stick to it. It’s easier said than done, for sure; but by implementing efficiency techniques, streamlining certain processes, and taking advantage of a few time-tested tricks, content marketers can increase their output while reducing the frustration, stress, and misdirected efforts that can often take them off track. Take a look at 21 of the most helpful tips the #CMWorld community had to offer during our recent Twitter chat on productivity. 2
  • 3. 33 It’s counterproductive to waste time on content that isn’t going to help your business achieve its goals. To maximize productivity, start with a strategic analysis of how relevant and valuable the effort is likely to be for both your brand and your audience. Mike Myers says he uses a simple flow chart to determine where content marketing will be helpful (and where it won’t) because, like with dessert, it can be hard to know when to say no.  I start by asking: “How relevant is the project to my market — i.e., clients and prospects?” —Roger C. Parker  Make strategic decisions. Know when something requested won’t add enough value. Prioritize, and suggest alternatives when possible. —Danalynne Wheeler LEAD WITH YOUR STRENGTHS — AND YOUR STRATEGY1
  • 4. 4 FOLLOW YOUR STRATEGY WITH A PROACTIVE PLAN2 Every strategic idea needs a plan to bring it to life. With advanced preparation, you can take some of the guesswork out of the content creation process, making it easier to stay focused and productive.  Successful content marketers choose topics in advance. They identify themes they can create content on in the upcoming months. Planning is key. —Roger C. Parker  Plan what to say & how. Create a title optimized to catch readers & search engines. —Joanie Eppinga
  • 5. 55 Content creation is as much an art as a science. Though you should definitely have a plan, it’s also helpful to be flexible and leave room in your process to take advantage of inspiration when it strikes.  Make notes all the time. They’re the seeds of content to come. You can’t harvest tomorrow unless you plant today. —George Stenitzer  Balance sticking with strategy (and saying no to what doesn’t fit) with the potential to explore new possibilities. Always keep the “learning mindset.” —Anne Janzer LEAVE ROOM FOR THE SPARK OF CREATIVITY3
  • 6. 6 FOCUS ON AUDIENCE NEEDS4 Content is created to spur an audience to action, so your productivity ultimately depends on how well your efforts are is suited to meeting that goal. Keep this in mind and you will never waste valuable time on efforts that miss the mark.  First, you have to understand your market and their needs. This provides focus. —Roger C. Parker  It’s all about knowing your audience. Knowing whom to talk to directs your decisions about what you do and don’t need to say. —Adam P. Newton  Outsider, a New York agency, suggests that content creators ask questions like, “Does this provide value to my audience?” “Would they share it?” Viewing your content from the audience’s perspective will help you figure out which projects may not work — even if they seemed like a good idea to you at first.
  • 7. 77 It’s hard to be productive if our minds are being pulled in a million different directions. Even small side projects can wind up derailing productivity in a major way, so it’s helpful to determine right from the outset what’s worth your immediate attention, what can be put on the back burner for a while, and what can be indefinitely postponed.  Roger C. Parker recommends starting out by asking, “How urgently do my customers or prospects need the information?” Then ask, “Is the project practical for me at the present time?” After that, if a client asks me to do a different task, I ask: “Which of our current tasks do you want me to put aside?”  Ronda Bowen says that looking at past performance of content helps, too. If you know a certain topic tanks in terms of page views, there’s no reason to continue to create content on that topic. SET PRIORITIES, AND DON’T GET SIDETRACKED5
  • 8. 8 BUDGET YOUR TIME… AND USE IT EFFECTIVELY6 Effective time management means devoting adequate attention to your content without allowing your efforts to take over your entire working life.  Successful content marketers run marathons, not races. Time management is essential. Manage your time as carefully as you would manage your money. —Roger C. Parker  Set aside blocks of time to draft your content without being interrupted by meetings or chats. —Sarah A. Parker  While planning is important, Mael Roth advises that sometimes you need to set yourself on “get it done” mode: “At some point it’s ‘learn by doing.’”
  • 9. 99 Just as deadlines can create a sense of urgency for specific content projects, keeping a calendar of those projects can help you mentally plan and prioritize your day-to-day efforts — and hold yourself accountable for their completion.  Scheduling is key for productivity. —Cara Shannon  Lisa Masiello recommends being methodical and keeping a calendar, as she feels it’s easy to become distracted without a schedule.  Social media analytics vendor Union Metrics suggests drawing up a quarterly content calendar and working backwards from the deadlines you set in order to ensure time for drafts/your approval process. KEEP A CONTENT CALENDAR7
  • 10. 10 KNOW WHEN TO SAY NO8 No one likes to have to turn down a content request from a client or supervisor, but sometimes it’s a necessary evil in order to make good progress on current priorities, continually deliver on your content’s promises, and maintain your sanity.  Strategy is key. If a project doesn’t align, it’s not worth your time. —Angela Hursh  I cringe when clients try to pump out as much content as possible and skimp on quality. A content effort should be more than a checklist item. —Brandon Seymour  Many times marketing should say no to change. Don’t let your boredom of a tagline/ topic divert the oil tanker. —Nick Kellet  If there isn’t a compelling story [in a particular content idea], I find the exit. —Kip Meacham
  • 11. 1111 One of the easiest ways to become more productive is to get rid of repetitive or unnecessarily time-consuming tasks that are bogging down your efforts and replace them with more efficient techniques. Even if it takes some extra time to implement and adjust to the change, streamlining your processes often pays dividends in terms of productivity over the long-term.  I implemented a written request form for content projects. [This] creates accountability & saves me from 20 [rounds of] revisions. —Danielle Poupore  I use Mindjet’s MindManager to organize ideas, keep track of projects, and easily track influencers and ideas. And every content marketer needs a graphics program to create images for blog posts and social media. —Roger C. Parker  We use a lot of distraction-free writing tools to encourage the process, as well as an editorial calendar to plan it all out. —ClearVoice  Erika Heald asserts that collaboration tools like RedboothHQ, Kapost, Evernote, and Google Drive are key to her daily productivity. CREATE EFFICIENCIES WITH NEW TOOLS AND STREAMLINED PRODUCTION PROCESSES 9
  • 12. 12 FREE YOUR MIND10 Productivity isn’t always about going “heads down” into a project. Instead, experiment to discover what ideas and processes work best for you.  Stay curious and open to new innovations and marketing concepts. Set aside time to ‘study’ those who are doing it right. —Crowd Content  A large part of marketing productivity comes from understanding the machine of the internet and the psychology of people —Nick Kellet  We write down all of our ideas before dismissing any. —Kitterman Marketing
  • 13. 1313 Good writing is just as much “nurture” as it is “nature.” Set good habits right from the start of your content creation efforts and you’re practically guaranteed to become more productive as you progress.  Cultivate the habit of short, frequent working sessions rather than long, tiring sessions. —Roger C. Parker  Our best productivity tips are early mornings, strong coffee, and a separate window for social media, to avoid distraction. —Outsider (a NYC agency)  Try working at times when there will be fewer distractions. For example, @SparkerWorks has considered getting started earlier in the day: “Nobody bothers you in the early morning!” —Sarah A. Parker CULTIVATE EFFICIENT WORKING AND WRITING HABITS11
  • 14. 14 HOLD YOURSELF TO DEADLINES12 Deadlines help you set clear parameters for your content efforts, and can create a sense of urgency that keeps you focused and on-task during the content creation process.  Deadlines definitely help with productivity! Sometimes it’s hard to get started if there is no goal in sight. —Wyzowl  Consider creating mini-deadlines for the various tasks required for each project. This can help you create a sense of urgency and pace your progress. —Roger C. Parker
  • 15. 1515 Content creation takes dedication. If you want to earn the loyalty of your audience, you must hold yourself accountable for delivering on what you promise — even when the process gets challenging or you run into a stumbling block.  To be a productive writer, make yourself write. Good ideas often come after you’ve gotten started. —Anne Janzer  Every successful content marketer I know reads and writes daily. —Patrick Hayslett PRACTICE SELF-DISCIPLINE13
  • 16. 16 AVOID BEATING YOURSELF UP OR GETTING FRUSTRATED14 It’s not easy for writers to create something that’s “just right,” so it’s natural to stumble with phrasing or get stuck on an idea once in a while. When the words just aren’t flowing, don’t be afraid to take your time and clear your mind — and know that you can always make changes down the line.  Give yourself permission for that bad first draft. Don’t edit as you write — it will only slow you down. —Ronda Bowen  If something’s really not working, give yourself permission to step away. Come back to it tomorrow. Work on something else. —Sarah A. Parker
  • 17. 1717 A trick some writers use to structure a content effort is to write the ending first, then craft the rest of the story so that it leads to the intended conclusion. Starting each project with your desired results in mind can reduce the need for time consuming revisions and rewrites throughout the process.  Develop your positioning first so that the content will communicate the desired marketing messages. —Samuel J. Scott  I’ve begun asking project requesters to tell me how they plan to use content. No sense making something to sit in a drawer. —Danielle Poupore START WITH YOUR DESIRED RESULTS AND PURPOSE AND WORK BACKWARDS15
  • 18. 18 MAKE CONTENT CREATION PART OF YOUR ROUTINE16 Just like good habits make good writers, regular routines can help those writers mentally prepare for creating quality content—and for staying the course, even when other priorities start to compete for their time and attention.  Show up. Turning up at your computer consistently is the best way to be successful. —Ronda Bowen  Brainstorm, outline, write, write, write, proof, have someone else proof, edit, & promote! If you get stuck, take a break, and then go back. —Aya Fawzy  I look for easy parts of the post to write — such as lists or easy topics — to build momentum. —Roger C. Parker
  • 19. 1919 If you find yourself working on a complex topic with a lot of ground to cover, or are struggling to find the right flow for your discussion, try creating a simple outline first. Organizing your thoughts in this way can help you see which points are essential and which ones can be left out, as well as how to structure the conversation in the most logical way.  Map the journey. Know where you’re starting, ending and [where] you’ll stop at along the way. —Jeremy Bednarski  First, I take notes by hand & organize a rough structure. Last thing is proofreading. Then proofreading again. —Danielle Poupore  Start your writing with an outline. Then write everything down as quickly as you can. Lastly, edit, edit, edit. —Heidi Cohen  After outlining what you are going to write and why, just get words on paper/screen. Don’t edit, just do a “brain dump.” —Traci Browne NOT SURE WHAT TO WRITE? TRY CREATING AN OUTLINE17
  • 20. 20 USE THEMES TO BUILD A SERIES OF RELATED CONTENT18 Another way to handle complex topics is to break them up into small, manageable bites. Start by coming up with a list of relevant themes, and then create a series of related content pieces that you can that you can distribute on a regular basis.  Series are about brevity. Series turn complex ideas into snacks. Series also multiply the SEO value of one big idea. —Nick Kellet  A series can be a great way to get started. It gives you a theme and a goal to build off of. Feels less daunting every week. —Kitterman Marketing  A blog series can help with productivity in that (hopefully) you can map it all out ahead of time. —Jeremy Bednarski  In terms of productivity, having an established series is really helpful to me. It’s great for when I’m stumped on topics. —Christina Grieves
  • 21. 2121 Content doesn’t always have to be original to be powerful. At times, it’s more productive to use the content you’ve painstakingly created and focus your time on ways to repackage it in a new way, or for a new platform.  @crestodina writes, “You need to view content as atoms you can recycle & rearrange in different ways.” —Roger C. Parker  It’s just so easy to do. So many resources and potential for data and info overload. Curate, collate, focus. —Jacob Henenberg  Break up mega-topics into edible chunks. Use customer questions to guide series topics. —George Stenitzer REPURPOSE THE WHEEL, DON’T REINVENT IT19
  • 22. 22 KNOW WHAT TO SPIN OFF OR RECYCLE, RATHER THAN REJECT20 If an idea starts to lead you in a different direction, don’t switch gears right away. Instead, tuck it away it somewhere safe, and then come back to it after you’ve finished the content effort you are currently working on. If the new concept still seems valid when you revisit it, you now have a ready-made topic on hand for your next content effort.  I’m a narrow-minded content creator. If anything remotely veers from my main idea, it goes in queue to become its own piece. —Patrick Hayslett
  • 23. 2323 When all else fails... you are probably working too hard. Sometimes it’s best to just step away and take some time to clear your mind before returning to your content creation. You may even come up with a new idea or two when you give yourself a break, rather than trying to force creativity when you just aren’t “feeling it.”  When I’m finished, I put the post aside overnight. I need to proof it from a fresh perspective. —Roger C. Parker  Even a 5-minute break can help. Ever do find-a-word puzzles? Great for improving visual acuity. —Joanie Eppinga  Step away & do something physical that you’ll see immediate results from: Clean a coffee cup, wipe down a counter, stretch. —Sarah A. Parker TAKE BREAKS TO AVOID MENTAL FATIGUE21
  • 24. 24 THANKS FOR READING! Want more ways to increase your productivity without losing sight of your priorities? Download our collection of useful templates and checklists to make the content marketing process easier. And don’t forget to join our #CMWorld Twitter chats every Tuesday at 12 Eastern to learn from our fabulous content marketing community and share your own tips for success. Content Marketing Institute (CMI) is the leading global content marketing education and training organization. CMI teaches enterprise brands how to attract and retain customers through compelling, multi-channel storytelling. CMI’s Content Marketing World event, the largest content marketing-focused event, is held every September, and Content Marketing World Sydney, every March. CMI also produces the quarterly magazine Chief Content Officer, and provides strategic consulting and content marketing research for some of the best-known brands in the world. CMI is a 2012, 2013, and 2014 Inc. 500 company. Learn how to create a documented content marketing strategy, a key component for improving overall content marketing effectiveness.