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Deliverable: Maple Leaf Foods, Exercise # 2
Course Name:
Date Assigned:
Date Due:
Rules:This assignment will be completed individuallyYou will
use the Word, PowerPoint and other tools you feel appropriate
for this exercise Your work must be your
ownCopying/plagiarism/cheating is not allowedEach deliverable
should be clear and simple to read
This assignment examines the importance of the cost of quality
to an organization. Through this, we will gain a better
understanding of how we can measure the cost of quality in an
organization and what benefits can be gained from the cost of
This is a true story that dominated the media in Canada in the
summer of 2008 and shook an established and trusted company
to its core. Once the crisis was over, 22 people had died as a
result of tainted meat. More details are easily available online
but the following is from an April 2013 Financial Times
article.The Story
Maple Leaf Foods is one of the leading food processing
companies in Canada, where many of its processed meat brands
are household names. The company also supplies restaurants
and hotels. The Challenge
On August 12 2008 management became aware of a possible
case of listeriosis contamination at one of its meat processing
plants near Toronto. By August 23 the contamination had been
confirmed and by the end of September more than 20 people’s
deaths had been linked to the listeriosis outbreak associated
with Maple Leaf Foods. Many more fell ill. The Canadian press
attacked the company and a number of class-action lawsuits
were launched on behalf of victims and their relatives.
Consumers started to avoid Maple Leaf brands, and trade
customers began switching to other suppliers. The Response
Maple Leaf Foods responded swiftly. All products from the
affected plant were recalled as soon as the presence of
listeriosis was confirmed. Michael McCain, chief executive,
took personal charge. He later told the Toronto Globe & Mail
that in his handling of the crisis, “there are two advisers I’ve
paid no attention to. The first are the lawyers, and the second
are the accountants.” His public offer of a full apology and
acceptance that Maple Leaf Foods was solely responsible was
considered a brave decision because it left the company open to
legal action. Mr. McCain accepted this risk: the point was to act
first in the interest of public health and then to be open and
transparent. The management dealt with the crisis on a number
of fronts, including PR, strategy and restructuring. Deliverables
Analyze the above scenario using the 4 Costs of Quality given
· Appraisal cost
· Prevention cost
· Internal failure cost
· External failure cost
Your detailed analysis and report should reflect:
· Root cause(s) of the issue
· What should have been done to prevent the current situation?
· What was done to turn the situation around?
· How did Mr. McCain manage this crisis? Constraints
Follow all reporting and assignment guidelines. Do not produce
a Q & A format report. Instead embed the answers in a logical
· Length – 5 -7 pages excluding cover page, double spaced MS
Word file.
· Submit using the assignment tool.
· Upload and submit as a .pdf file
· Submit using the assignment tool.
Please note that professionalism of presentation, while not a
specific evaluation criterion, may influence your overall grade
for this deliverable if the work produced is significantly lower,
or higher, than what would be expected from a professional
submission. Items that will be taken into consideration as part
of professionalism would include:
· Sentence structure and grammar
· Spelling
· Clear formatting
· Choice of language and terminology
· Clarity of structure (readability)
M a r k e t i n g P l a n
O u t l i n e
As you read in Chapter 2, there is more than one correct format
for a marketing
plan. Many organizations have their own distinctive format or
terminology for
creating a marketing plan, and every marketing plan should be
unique to the
firm for which it was created. The format and order of
presentation, therefore,
must be flexible.
This appendix presents only one way to organize a marketing
plan. The
outline is meant to give you a more detailed look at what you
need to include,
topics you need to cover, and the types of questions you must
answer in any
marketing plan. But, depending on the product or service for
which you are
drafting a plan, this set of questions may only be the starting
point for more
industry- specific issues you need to address.
An actual marketing plan from e-motion software follows this
outline. The
e-motion marketing plan includes annotations that tie each part
of the plan to
the material throughout the book. You’ll see the correlation
between chapter
concepts and the elements of a professional marketing plan for a
real company.
If you are assigned a marketing plan as a course requirement,
this appen-
dix can help you organize your work. In addition, worksheets
that guide you
through the process of marketing planning are available on your
companion site. The worksheets can be completed electronically
or printed
out and filled in by hand.
I Business Mission
8 What is the mission of the firm? What business is it in? How
well is its
mission understood throughout the organization? Five years
now, what business does it wish to be in?
8 Does the firm define its business in terms of benefits its
want rather than in terms of goods and services?
II situation analysis
(sWot analysis)
8 Has one or more competitive advantages been identified in
the SWOT
8 Are these advantages sustainable against the competition?
A. Internal Strengths and Weaknesses
8 What is the history of the firm, including sales, profits, and
zational philosophies?
I Business Mission
II Situation Analysis (SWOT
A. Internal Strengths and
B. External Opportunities and
III Objectives
IV Marketing Strategy
A. Target Market Strategy
B. Marketing Mix
1. Product
2. Place/Distribution
3. Promotion
4. Price
V Implementation,
Evaluation, and Control
1Marketing Plan Outline
8 What is the nature of the firm and its current situation?
8 What are the firm’s resources (financial, human, time,
experience, asset, skill)?
8 What policies inhibit the achievement of the firm’s
objectives with respect to organization,
resource allocation, operations, hiring, training, and so on?
B. External Opportunities and Threats
8 Social: What major social and lifestyle trends will have an
impact on the firm? What
action has the firm been taking in response to these trends?
8 Demographics: What impact will forecasted trends in the
size, age, profile, and
distribution of population have on the firm? How will the
changing nature of the family, the
increasing importance of technology in both professional and
personal use, and changes in
the ethnic composition of the population affect the firm? What
action has the firm taken in
response to these developments and trends? Has the firm
reevaluated its traditional prod-
ucts and expanded the range of specialized offerings to respond
to these changes?
8 Economic: What major trends in taxation and income sources
will have an impact on
the firm? What action has the firm taken in response to these
8 Political, Legal, and Financial: What laws are now being
at international, federal, state, and local levels that could affect
marketing strategy and
tactics? What recent changes in regulations and court decisions
affect the firm? What politi-
cal changes are taking place at each government level? What
action has the firm taken in
response to these legal and political changes?
8 Competition: Which organizations are competing with the
firm directly by offering a
similar product? Which organizations are competing with the
firm indirectly by securing its
prime prospects’ time, money, energy, or commitment? What
new competitive trends seem
likely to emerge? How effective is the competition? What
benefits do competitors offer that
the firm does not? Is it appropriate for the firm to compete?
8 Technological: What major technological changes are
occurring that affect the firm?
8 Ecological: What is the outlook for the cost and availability
of natural resources and
energy needed by the firm? Are the firm’s products, services,
and operations environmen-
tally friendly?
III oBjectives
8 Is the firm’s mission statement able to be translated into
operational terms regarding the firm’s
8 What are the stated objectives of the organization? Are they
formally written down? Do they
lead logically to clearly stated marketing objectives? Are
objectives based on sales, profits, or
8 Are the organization’s marketing objectives stated in
hierarchical order? Are they specific so
that progress toward achievement can be measured? Are the
objectives reasonable in light of
the organization’s resources? Are the objectives ambiguous? Do
the objectives specify a time
8 Is the firm’s main objective to maximize customer
satisfaction or to get as many customers as
2 Marketing Plan Outline
IV Marketing strategy
A. Target Market Strategy
8 Are the members of each market homogeneous or
heterogeneous with respect to geo-
graphic, sociodemographic, and behavioral characteristics?
8 What are the size, growth rate, and national and regional
trends in each of the organiza-
tion’s market segments?
8 Is the size of each market segment sufficiently large or
important to warrant a unique mar-
keting mix?
8 Are market segments measurable and accessible to
distribution and communication
8 Which are the high- or low- opportunity segments?
8 What are the evolving needs and satisfactions being sought
by target markets?
8 What benefits does the organization offer to each segment?
How do these benefits compare
with benefits offered by competitors?
8 Is the firm positioning itself with a unique product? Is the
product needed?
8 How much of the firm’s business is repeat versus new
business? What percentage of the
public can be classified as nonusers, light users, or heavy users?
8 How do current target markets rate the firm and its
competitors with respect to reputation,
quality, and price? What is the firm’s image with the specific
market segments it seeks to
8 Does the firm try to direct its products only to specific
groups of people or to everybody?
8 Who buys the firm’s products? How does a potential
customer find out about the organiza-
tion? When and how does a person become a customer?
8 What are the major objections given by potential customers
as to why they do not buy the
firm’s products?
8 How do customers find out about and decide to purchase the
product? When and where?
8 Should the firm seek to expand, contract, or change the
emphasis of its selected target
markets? If so, in which target markets, and how vigorously?
8 Could the firm more usefully withdraw from some areas
where there are alternative suppli-
ers and use its resources to serve new, unserved customer
8 What publics other than target markets (financial, media,
government, citizen, local, gen-
eral, and internal) represent opportunities or problems for the
B. Marketing Mix
8 Does the firm seek to achieve its objective chiefly through
coordinated use of marketing
activities (product, place, promotion, and pricing) or only
through intensive promotion?
8 Are the objectives and roles of each element of the
marketing mix clearly specified?
1. Product
8 What are the major product/service offerings of the firm?
Do they complement
each other, or is there unnecessary duplication?
8 What are the features and benefits of each product
3Marketing Plan Outline
8 Where are the firm and each major product in the life
8 What are the pressures among various target markets to
increase or decrease the
range and quality of products?
8 What are the major weaknesses in each product area? What
are the major com-
plaints? What goes wrong most often?
8 Is the product name easy to pronounce? Spell? Recall? Is it
descriptive, and does it
communicate the benefits the product offers? Does the name
distinguish the firm
or product from all others?
8 What warranties are offered with the product? Are there
other ways to guarantee
customer satisfaction?
8 Does the product offer good customer value?
8 How is customer service handled? How is service quality
2. Place/Distribution
8 Should the firm try to deliver its offerings directly to
customers, or can it better de-
liver selected offerings by involving other organizations? What
channel(s) should
be used in distributing product offerings?
8 What physical distribution facilities should be used? Where
should they be lo-
cated? What should be their major characteristics?
8 Are members of the target market willing and able to travel
some distance to buy
the product?
8 How good is access to facilities? Can access be improved?
Which facilities need
priority attention in these areas?
8 How are facility locations chosen? Is the site accessible to
the target markets? Is it
visible to the target markets?
8 What are the location and atmosphere of retail
establishments? Do these retailers
satisfy customers?
8 When are products made available to users (season of year,
day of week, time of
day)? Are these times most appropriate?
3. Promotion
8 How does a typical customer find out about the firm’s
8 Does the message the firm delivers gain the attention of the
intended target audi-
ence? Does it address the wants and needs of the target market,
and does it sug-
gest benefits or a means for satisfying these wants? Is the
message appropriately
8 Does the promotion effort effectively inform, persuade,
educate, and remind cus-
tomers about the firm’s products?
8 Does the firm establish budgets and measure effectiveness
of promotional efforts?
a. Advertising
8 Which media are currently being used? Has the firm
chosen the types of media
that will best reach its target markets?
8 Are the types of media used the most cost- effective, and
do they contribute
positively to the firm’s image?
8 Are the dates and times the ads will appear the most
appropriate? Has the
firm prepared several versions of its advertisements?
4 Marketing Plan Outline
8 Does the organization use an outside advertising agency?
What functions
does the ad agency perform for the organization?
8 What system is used to handle consumer inquiries
resulting from advertising
and promotions? What follow- up is done?
b. Public Relations
8 Is there a well- conceived public relations and publicity
program? Does the
program have the ability to respond to bad publicity?
8 How is public relations normally handled by the firm? By
whom? Have those
responsible nurtured working relationships with media outlets?
8 Is the firm using all available public relations avenues? Is
an effort made to
understand each of the publicity outlet’s needs and to provide
each with story
types that will appeal to its audience in readily usable forms?
8 What does the annual report say about the firm and its
products? Who is
being effectively reached by this vehicle? Does the benefit of
the publication
justify the cost?
c. Personal Selling
8 How much of a typical salesperson’s time is spent
soliciting new customers as
compared to serving existing customers?
8 How does the sales force determine which prospect will be
called on and by
whom? How is the frequency of contacts determined?
8 How is the sales force compensated? Are there incentives
for encouraging
more business?
8 How is the sales force organized and managed?
8 Has the sales force prepared an approach tailored to each
8 Has the firm matched sales personnel with the target
market characteristics?
8 Is there appropriate follow- up to the initial personal
selling effort? Are cus-
tomers made to feel appreciated?
8 Can database or direct marketing be used to replace or
supplement the sales
d. Sales Promotion
8 What is the specific purpose of each sales promotion
activity? Why is it of-
fered? What does it try to achieve?
8 What categories of sales promotion are being used? Is
sales promotion di-
rected to the trade, the final consumer, or both?
8 Is the effort directed at all the firm’s key publics or
restricted to only potential
4. Price
8 What levels of pricing and specific prices should be used?
8 What mechanisms does the firm have to ensure that the
prices charged are accept-
able to customers?
8 How price sensitive are customers?
8 If a price change is put into effect, how will the number of
customers change? Will
total revenue increase or decrease?
5Marketing Plan Outline
8 Which method is used for establishing a price: going rate,
demand oriented, or cost
8 What discounts are offered, and with what rationale?
8 Has the firm considered the psychological dimensions of
8 Have price increases kept pace with cost increases,
inflation, or competitive levels?
8 How are price promotions used?
8 Do interested prospects have opportunities to sample
products at an introductory
8 What methods of payment are accepted? Is it in the firm’s
best interest to use these
various payment methods?
V iMpleMentation, evaluation,
and control
8 Is the marketing organization structured appropriately to
implement the marketing plan?
8 What specific activities must take place? Who is responsible
for these activities?
8 What is the implementation timetable?
8 What other marketing research is necessary?
8 What will be the financial impact of this plan on a one- year
projected income statement? How
does projected income compare with expected revenue if the
plan is not implemented?
8 What are the performance standards?
8 What monitoring procedures (audits) will take place and
8 Does the firm seem to be trying to do too much or not
8 Are the core marketing strategies for achieving objectives
sound? Are the objectives being met,
and are the objectives appropriate?
8 Are enough resources (or too many resources) budgeted to
accomplish the marketing
6 Marketing Plan Outline
t h e e ‑ M O t i O n
S O f t wa r e
M a r k e t i n g P l a n
I coMpany description
Scott Keohane and a partner founded e-motion software in 2003
and estab-
lished its worldwide headquarters in Austin, Texas. They
envisioned software
solutions that conformed to a particular business, not the other
way around,
with products designed to (1) improve operating efficiency,
(2) empower users,
(3) enhance security, (4) improve ROI, and (5) streamline
business processes.
[Chapter 1: Market Orientation— focusing upon customer needs
and integrat-
ing all activities to readily provide customer satisfaction, while
achieving long-
term company goals.] Ultimately, however, Keohane’s partner
did not want to
remain with the company. Keohane converted the partner’s
shares into a note,
according to the partnership agreement the two had in place.
The origins of the company were based in Keohane’s ten years
of entrepre-
neurial endeavors, with four years of this time spent as an
independent consul-
tant in the Oracle applications marketplace. Oracle is the
world’s largest enterprise
software company. According to Oracle’s Web site, the
company’s business is
information— how to manage it, use it, share it, and protect it.
Commercial enter-
prise information management software systems, such as those
offered by Oracle,
promised seamless integration of all information flowing
through a company.
In a global marketplace in which external company
collaborations are driv-
ing business efforts and internal cross- functional integration is
critical for timely
decision making, enterprise systems could help position
companies in a highly
competitive environment. [Chapter 7: Business Marketing— e-
motion software
operates as a business marketer since it provides goods and
services to orga-
nizations for purposes other than personal consumption.]
Enterprise systems,
such as the Oracle E-Business Suite, provided a simplified,
unifying corporate
technology platform. This type of platform enabled companies
to utilize high-
quality internal and external information, both strategically and
tactically. There
were numerous product families in the E-Business Suite (e.g.,
advanced pro-
curement, contracts, performance management, customer
management, financial, human resource management, logistics,
ing, marketing, order management, projects, sales, service, and
supply chain
management). [Chapter 10: E-Business is one product line in
Oracle’s product
mix width. There are numerous product items in this product
As an independent consultant, Keohane was continually asked
to custom-
ize existing Oracle technology or create one- off applications to
meet common
requirements. The need for third- party products that would
withstand upgrades
to the underlying Oracle architecture was identified and e-
motion software was
formed. The overall business concept was to utilize the Oracle
E-Business Suite
as the underlying framework for customization to fit a particular
I Company Description
II Business Mission
III Situation Analysis
Industry Analysis
Consumer Profile
SWOT Analysis
IV Marketing Objective
V Marketing Strategy
Target Marketing Strategy
Marketing Mix
VI Implementation,
Evaluation, and Control
Marketing Research
Organizational Structure and
Financial Projections
Implementation Timetable
VII Summary
7The e-motion software Marketing Plan
needs. Soon after incorporation, e-motion software be-
came a member of the Oracle Partner Network. By join-
ing the Oracle Partner Network, e-motion software gained
access to Oracle software licenses, technical training, mar-
keting funds, and co- marketing opportunities. [Chapter 7:
Strategic Partnership— e-motion software partnered with
Oracle so as to improve the offerings to its customers.]
II Business Mission
[Chapter 2: The foundation of any marketing
plan is the firm’s mission statement.]
e-motion software is committed to the Oracle E-Business
Suite of Applications and will provide a level of support
that is unmatched in the industry. The company’s goals
are to make Oracle Applications more reliable, to en-
hance the Applications’ functionality, and to make the
Suite’s use more efficient. [Chapter 2: What business is
e-motion software in?] The company’s products offer
an attractive alternative to in- house development and
support. e-motion software customers will be utilizing
functional products that are self- funding. That is, the
savings achieved through a more efficient workforce
and security enhancements will far exceed the cost of
the company’s products. The company’s commitment
extends from the methods used to build e-motion
software products to the company’s simple installation
procedures to the post- installation service. e-motion
software products run on multiple server platforms, re-
quire no customization, and are fully compatible with
existing hardware and software warranties. [Chapter 2:
e-motion software is focused on markets served and
benefits sought by its customers.]
III situation analysis
[Chapter 2: Marketers must understand the cur-
rent and potential environment before defining
marketing tactics.]
Industry Analysis
[Chapter 2: Environmental scanning is the collection and
interpretation of information about forces, events, and
relationships in the external environment that may affect
the future of the organization or the implementation of
the marketing plan.]
Trends. The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) com-
munity has undergone a radical change since the turn of
the century. Historically, applications were designed for
the professional user or technology expert. Today’s mar-
ketplace, however, has shifted from the professional user to
employee users. That is, employees in all functional areas
have access to and utilize information from the ERP appli-
cation. Thus, ERP providers have shifted to developing ap-
plications intended for individual employee use instead of
releasing bigger applications designed for the professional
user. These self- service, employee-based applications have
fundamentally changed the way ERP applications are sold,
implemented, and administered. Professional users are no
longer the keepers of the data, manually entering and up-
dating data from forms and memos. They have now be-
come administrators in charge of ensuring data integrity.
The promise of turning departments, such as HR and ben-
efits, from manual-intensive data entry shops to proactive
reporting shops has shifted the marketplace to self- service
suite applications. This emerging trend has prompted the
development of self- service applications that enable em-
ployees to utilize systems within their individual realms of
expertise, yet systems that are integrated across the firm.
Competitors. e-motion software represents a new
voice within the Oracle community. The company is creat-
ing a new niche in the marketplace and, as such, competi-
tion comes from a variety of sources. There are currently no
head- to- head competitors. Competition can be split into
three very distinct groups: Oracle, consulting firms, and in-
house development centers.
Apart from being the company that created the ERP
industry, Oracle has resources that dwarf every other com-
pany in the ERP marketplace. The availability of capital and
the size of the development group infer that Oracle can
simply reallocate a small development team to work on
competing products. Oracle has, however, repeatedly re-
leased products that were little more than advanced betas,
resulting in weeks of downtime for companies implement-
ing the new products. By building applications that require
no customization to Oracle code, e-motion software can
confidently assure its customers that its products will work.
Consulting firms could advise the client to include the
cost of custom application development into the total
cost of the consulting engagement. This is standard pro-
tocol for competing consultancies and would effectively
stop e- motion software from entering into a client site.
Most consultancies, however, do not have a support and
8 The e-motion software Marketing Plan
development center to handle ongoing system manage-
ment. e-motion software will compete directly with consul-
tancies by providing superior service at an affordable price.
The In- House Development Center (IHDC ) poses a tricky
problem for e-motion software. If a company has an IHDC,
it is usually a trusted source that knows the company, its
standards, and its software. Additionally, the IHDC is usu-
ally considered a “no- cost” center since salaries are already
included in the company’s budget. Thus, program devel-
opment and implementation is considered just another
project with no additional cost. On the positive side, in-
formation technology (IT) budgets were slashed and IT
departments scaled down over the past few years. While
IT spending has begun to trend upward again, the cre-
ation of IHDC units has caused this spending trend to lag.
e-motion software plans to capitalize on this lag in IHDC
unit development and upward spending trend.
Customer Profile. The marketplace has moved
from professional users to employee users. Basically, pro-
fessional users are now babysitters, ensuring that employ-
ees do not enter incorrect information into the system. This
poses quite a quandary. Professional users must maintain
the integrity of the system while releasing control of it at
the same time. This often forces the professional user to be-
come a reactive unit, rushing to fix things when they break
down. Employee users do not generally know the idiosyn-
crasies of the ERP system, of which there are many. Thus, to
maintain system integrity and ensure data reliability, pro-
fessional users are often double- checking employees’ data
entry and also answering help desk calls regarding how
to use the system. This is not, however, what a self- service
ERP solution is designed to deliver. e-motion software pro-
poses to enter the self- service arena with a broad range of
products designed to regain the efficiencies promised by
self- service applications.
Technology. The costs of developing and main-
taining an ERP solution require that the underlying tech-
nology be relevant for several years after product purchase
and installation. The rapid emergence of Internet- based
transactions (e.g., banking, loan applications, etc.) brought
self- service applications to the forefront of business op-
portunity. Initially, Oracle attempted to use a mix of
PL/SQL and DHTML code in the self- service offerings. This
mix, however, did not provide the best looking applica-
tions, had little functionality, and were difficult to imple-
ment. Oracle then switched to using Java Server Pages
(JSP) as its self- service foundation, with PL/SQL and HTML
as the accessory languages. Products with the JSP foun-
dation were well received in the marketplace. e-motion
software plans to adhere to Oracle’s decision to use JSP,
especially since JSP offers e-motion software some key
benefits: (1) JSP is robust and flexible, allowing all applica-
tions to use the same coding techniques, (2) JSP is recy-
clable, which means that e-motion software can leverage
existing code across new applications, (3) JSP is accessible
since Java is one of the most well known programming
languages, (4) JSP is portable, allowing e-motion software
to easily enter other ERP markets, and (5) the use of JSP
means that e-motion software will always comply with
Oracle-approved practices.
SWOT Analysis
The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
(SWOT) analysis provides a snapshot of e-motion software’s
internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportu-
nities and threats. [Chapter 2: Performing a SWOT analysis
allows firms to identify their competitive advantage.]
Strengths. [Chapter 2: Strengths are internal to the
8 Founder— Scott Keohane is not only extremely knowl-
edgeable about the third- party marketplace, he is also
personally and financially dedicated to making the
business a success
8 Active and committed advisory council
8 Reliable products and product support
8 Member of Oracle Partner Network
Weaknesses. [Chapter 2: Weaknesses are internal
to the firm.]
8 A one- person company that has to supplement the
company with independent consulting services
8 Not enough time dedicated to company development
8 While considerable anecdotal information, the com-
pany is lacking in marketing research
8 Financial resources
Opportunities. [Chapter 2: Opportunities are ex-
ternal to the firm.]
8 Changing marketplace that coincides with e-motion
software’s product development
8 The move toward employee users instead of profes-
sional users
8 Growth market
9The e-motion software Marketing Plan
8 Technological changes
8 Refocus on IT applications
8 Persistent threat of security breaches
8 Growing focus on cross- functional interactions in the
business press
8 New entries into the workforce (e.g., recent college
graduates) are trained to use computers in decision
making and thus expect companies to have data pro-
grams in place
Threats. [Chapter 2: Threats are external to the firm.]
8 Competitors— all three groups of competitors likely
have deeper pockets than e-motion software
8 Offerings can be duplicated by knowledgeable
8 Limited market access across the United States
8 Economies of scale in larger companies such
as Oracle
8 IT departments do not have unlimited budgets
IV Marketing
The marketing objective is to establish the company as
an expert in the third- party marketplace. [Chapter 2: The
marketing objective statement provides a look at what
the company seeks to accomplish. It is consistent with
the priorities of the organization.] The third-party product
market for functions that are specifically designed for inte-
gration with Oracle Applications is in its infancy. e-motion
software has to establish itself as a leader in this new mar-
ketplace. To accomplish this objective, customers must see
that e-motion software products are safe and secure and
that they do not affect existing Oracle functionality or their
Oracle warranty.
Objective Metric: Three major Oracle clients by the end
of 2005 [Chapter 2: Stated objectives must be measurable
and time specific.]
To accomplish this marketing objective, e-motion
software must obtain three major Oracle clients by the end
of 2005. These clients will serve as reference sites for the
company. These clients will enable e-motion software to
demonstrate the gains achieved by using e-motion soft-
ware products. As such, the clients need to be vocal and
create viral marketing within the industry.
Objective Metric: One client in each region of the
United States by the end of 2006 [Chapter 2: Stated objec-
tives must be measurable and time specific.]
Given the close- knit nature of Oracle clients through
organizations such as the Oracle Application User’s Group
(OAUG), e-motion software needs to gain clients within
each of the major geographic areas in the United States:
Northeast, Mid- Atlantic, Southeast, Midwest, Northwest,
and West Coast.
V Marketing
Target Market Strategy
e-motion software’s sales plan is based on the company’s
understanding of the marketplace and on how it will re-
solve inefficiencies with the use of the Oracle E-Business
Suite of Applications. From his consulting experience in
helping potential clients install and maintain their indi-
vidualized suite of applications, Keohane has considerable
understanding of users’ needs. To obtain clients, e-motion
software will rely on continuing relationships with pro-
spective clients, maintaining ongoing relationships with
other consulting firms, and reaching new clients via mar-
keting and sales initiatives.
Geographically, e-motion software will direct its mar-
keting and sales efforts within the contiguous United
States. [Chapter 8: Geographic segmentation refers to
segmenting markets by region of a country or the world,
market size, market density, or climate.] Though global op-
erations are potential clients, the current size of e-motion
software suggests that the U.S. marketplace is more viable
at this time. [Chapter 8: Accessibility— the firm must be
able to reach members of the targeted segment.] Within
this marketplace, e-motion software will focus on compa-
nies that have between 500 and 10,000 employees. These
are the small- to mid- size companies that utilize the Oracle
E-Business Suite of Applications. Companies of this size are
unlikely to have their own development staffs in place or
have the desire to develop and/or support home- grown
applications. [Chapter 8: Responsiveness— the targeted
market must respond to the marketing mix offered by the
company.] Within these small- to mid- size companies, the
individual target customer varies by the product offering.
For example, a database administrator will be targeted for
the company’s system administrator products, and the IT
10 The e-motion software Marketing Plan
director will be targeted for the functional line of product
Marketing Mix
[Chapter 2: Marketing mix (the four Ps) refers to the
unique blend of product, place (distribution), promo-
tion, and pricing strategies.]
Product. [Chapter 7: e-motion software provides a
business service to its customers.]
e-motion software develops applications specifi-
cally for the Oracle E-Business Suite. For clients of Oracle
Applications who desire greater efficiency and an increase
in ROI on their installed ERP systems, e-motion software
will offer a line of products designed specifically to im-
prove performance of the existing Oracle Application
installation. Clients that have in- house development
staff will be able to lower the total cost of ownership of
a product by having e-motion software upgrade their
Oracle installation. [Chapter 7: The buying center includes
all persons in an organization who become involved in
the purchase decision. In- house development staff will
play a critical role in the buying process.] Clients without
in- house staff, however, are more likely to benefit from
e-motion software installations because they will now be
able to perform a greater number of tasks that are not of-
fered by Oracle. [Chapter 7: In this instance, the members
of the buying center are different than a company with an
in- house development staff.]
As a product- based company, e-motion software
cannot ignore the importance of product marketing. The
three product attributes that will drive the business are
level of service, usability, and clear return on purchase
price. [Chapter 7: Quality, service, and price are impor-
tant evaluative criteria in a purchase decision involving
software products.] The reluctance of some customers to
install relatively new third- party products into their ERP
systems is an obstacle to overcome via product marketing.
[Chapter 7: This is often a new buy for the customer.] The
company has to deliver on the promise of the products—
that promise being that “e-motion software products make
the business process of our customers more efficient,
while easily understanding the upgrades to the underly-
ing Oracle Application.” e-motion must remain focused on
this promise during both the product development and
the product delivery process. [Chapter 7: Keeping cur-
rent customers satisfied is just as important as attracting
new ones.]
e-motion software’s product line consists of func-
tions that respond to inefficiencies identified from years
of experience with Oracle ERP systems. Because the prod-
uct portfolio is built expressly for the Oracle Applications
E-Business Suite, the products are updated continually
to maintain compatibility as well as to take advantage
of new technologies and capabilities released by Oracle.
[Chapter 10: Quality and functional modifications keep
e-motion software’s products up- to- date with ongoing
technological changes.] All products enjoy the following
characteristics: tight integration with Oracle, intuitive de-
sign, compatible architecture, and streamlined interfaces.
Product offerings are iPraise, Responsibility Management,
Password Reset, and Global Directory. [Chapter 10:
e-motion software’s product mix width is composed of
one product— enterprise software. This product line is
comprised of four product items.]
iPraise. [Chapter 10: iPraise is an individual brand.]
The employee appraisal system developed by e-motion
software is the most dynamic appraisal system available
to Oracle customers. Combining e-motion software’s com-
mitment to streamlined application interfaces with the
vast functionality available to Oracle E-Business Suite cus-
tomers, iPraise represents the next generation of appraisal
systems. The system is flexible, allowing it to be configured
to meet the specific needs of the organization. Using the
appraisal configuration engine, the customer can choose
to include or omit several aspects of the appraisal process
and even determine in which order they are to be con-
structed. Thus, iPraise is a complete solution for Oracle
customers. Customers can opt to integrate other modules
of Oracle that have been configured previously with the
E-Business Suite. Installing iPraise is fast and easy.
Responsibility Management. [Chapter 10: Responsi-
bility Management is an individual brand.] Responsibility
Management solves one of the most important questions
faced by all Oracle system administrators: “Who has access
to which data?” Using Responsibility Management, a sys-
tem administrator or database administrator can quickly,
easily, and accurately identify who has access to which
data in real time. Responsibility Management can inform
the administrator of the following:
8 Employees with particular responsibility
8 Employees without a single responsibility
8 User names that are not attached to any employee
8 User names that are attached to more than one
11The e-motion software Marketing Plan
8 User accounts that are expiring in x number of days
8 User accounts created in x days prior
8 All users that have been given y responsibilities in x
days prior
Results are displayed in a simple table that can be ar-
ranged and sorted. The table can also be exported to Excel
for further investigation.
In addition to the query capabilities, Responsibility
Management enables the system administrator to make
changes to the user account, such as:
8 End- date a responsibility
8 User account expiration update for a particular
8 Bulk assignment of responsibilities (by organization,
job, location, etc.)
8 Bulk end- dating of responsibilities (by organization,
job, location, etc.)
Overall, Responsibility Management enables system
administrators to enforce security policies by providing a
simple, easy- to- use function to identify who has what re-
sponsibility. Each day that a person has access not identi-
fied with his or her position is unnecessary and insecure.
Password Reset. [Chapter 10: Password Reset is an in-
dividual brand.] Forgotten passwords are the single largest
end- user issue. Every day, help desks are bombarded with
calls from end- users who have forgotten their passwords.
The standard Oracle log- in link does not provide a solution
for this problem; thus, end- users are forced to call the help
desk to reset the password. e-motion software’s Password
Reset function is the solution.
Password Reset is modeled after the standard pass-
word reset functionality available on most Web sites. Even
if the user is using Password Reset for the first time, all the
components will seem familiar and the user will know
where to go next without receiving complex instructions
or training. Password Reset functions as a part of the Oracle
Applications. There are not outside Web sites to access or
other applications to open. The user simply clicks on a link
from the login page, enters the required information, and
the password is reset. The user can then login immedi-
ately with the new password. Password Reset validates a
user’s identity by going directly to the Oracle database and
running queries against it. This tight integration ensures
Global Directory. [Chapter 10: Global Directory is
an individual brand.] Most companies utilize a separate
system for their corporate directory. This requires entering
and maintaining all employee information in Oracle and
then reentering that information into a separate system.
Worse yet, they print the company directory from a sepa-
rate system. Not only is this extremely inefficient, but there
is a greater chance for error. In today’s fast- changing world,
employee information can change on a weekly basis. As a
result, the “other” system is often neglected and its data
are unreliable. Global Directory solves this issue by “going
to the source” and gathering data directly from the Oracle
database; thus, Global Directory has up- to- the- minute va-
lidity. Global Directory allows users to query the database
for a wide variety of information. The results can be cus-
tomized to give your employees the depth of knowledge
they require.
Global Directory functions as a part of the Oracle
Applications. There are no outside Web sites to access or
other applications to open. Using the export function, us-
ers can transfer results into Excel, XML, or CSV, making it
possible to utilize the information for such items as contact
lists, distribution forms, and mailing labels.
Place/Distribution. e-motion software is
now headquartered in Bedford, Massachusetts. However,
home office location has little to do with the actual dis-
tribution of e-motion software’s products since the prod-
ucts are installed and implemented at the client company.
e-motion software will perform its own marketing chan-
nel functions (e.g., transactional, logistical, and facilitat-
ing) and does not foresee the need for any intermediaries
in this process. [Chapter 14: Channel members facilitate
the exchange between buyer and seller. e-motion soft-
ware is the only channel member engaged in getting
its product to the customer. Thus, it uses a direct chan-
nel.] However, e-motion software is a strong supporter
of industry groups, such as the Oracle Applications User
Group, and related industry events. Such support allows
the company to become recognized as a vendor among
Oracle Applications clients.
e-motion software does offer a partner program for
companies that wish to resell or refer e-motion software
products to Oracle ERP clients. The program is segmented
into two separate categories. The Alliance Partner Referral
Program is tailored for businesses that have customer re-
lationships with companies in specific industries or with
businesses or IT needs that e-motion software programs
can uniquely address. An Alliance Partner will identify
e-motion software customers and refer them to e-motion
12 The e-motion software Marketing Plan
software for a revenue share of the revenue from the re-
ferred account. As part of the program, Alliance Partner
members receive all the training and materials needed
to promote e-motion software solutions to their client
base. The Alliance
Provider Program is designed
for qualified Oracle- focused consultancies with a strong
track record for providing top- notch service to their cli-
ents. Partner program members are trained and certified
by e-motion software. Once certified, implementation
partners can then configure and implement e-motion
software products with unparalleled service and support.
[Chapter 14: This is a form of a strategic channel alliance for
e-motion software.]
Promotion. [Chapter 15: e-motion software strives
for integrated marketing communications.] As a third
party purveyor of products for Oracle, it is important for
e-motion software to convey, clearly and succinctly, its
“reason for being.” Company material will have the head-
ing: “e-motion software: We Keep the Business of Business
Moving.” [Chapter 16: This is the company’s unique selling
proposition.] We will emphasize the Oracle connection
with the following statement on documents, as appropri-
ate: “Oracle clients around the country are realizing true
gains in productivity and efficiency by taking everyday
tasks and putting them in motion.”
e-motion software will adhere to mainstream think-
ing regarding the promotion of third- party products for
ERP solutions. [Chapter 15: As a complex buying decision,
personal selling and strong print are effective methods for
reaching potential customers.]
8 A cohesive, easy- to- maneuver, and user- friendly
Web site (www.e-motionsoftware.com) [Chapter 16:
Company Web sites can be used to introduce new
products, promote existing products, obtain consumer
feedback, post news releases, etc.]
8 Recorded demos on the company Web site (requires
users to register for
a demo user ac-
count) [Chapter 9:
Registration is impor-
tant for customer rela-
tionship management.]
8 Press releases as a
member of the Certified
Oracle Partner Network
[Chapter 16: Public rela-
tions is an important
element of the promotional mix. Press releases can
place positive information in the news media to attract
attention to e-motion software.]
8 Demonstrations presented at trade shows and events
[Chapter 16: Trade promotions push a product through
the distribution channel and are popular among
business marketers. Trade shows and events are an
important aspect of sales promotions.]
8 Word- of- mouth and reference sites [Chapter 17:
Referrals are a good source for leads in the personal
selling process.]
8 The Internet via Google AdWords campaigns to drive
potential clients to the company Web site [Chapter 18:
The Internet has changed the advertising indus-
try. Popular Internet sites sell advertising space to
marketers, and search engine advertising is a popular
8 Product datasheets that provide pertinent prod-
uct data, features, and benefits of installation
(available on the company Web site or via hard
copy) [Chapter 17: Product information is critical in the
sales process.]
Importantly, e-motion software is a company that re-
lies heavily on direct selling to reach potential customers.
[Chapters 12 and 17: Producers of most business goods
rely more heavily on personal selling than advertising.
Informative personal selling is common for installations
such as those offered by e-motion software.] This pro-
motional method requires a large amount of cold calling.
[Chapter 17: Personal selling is important when product
has high value and is technically complex. Relationship sell-
ing, or consultative selling, builds long- term relationships
with clients.] e-motion software purchases the names of
potential customers from marketing services that collect
such information from customers of Oracle ERP products.
[Chapter 17: Generating leads is the first step in the selling
Software Update
& Support
Application Infrastructure:
Password Reset $15,000 $2,700/year Enterprise N/A
Responsibility Management $6 18 percent/year User 2,000
User Application:
iPraise $10 18 percent/year User 2,000
Corporate Information:
Global Directory $2 18 percent/year User 2,000
13The e-motion software Marketing Plan
Price. e-motion software prices
its products to sufficiently cover the
costs associated with development,
sales, and support and to provide
cash flow for future growth and de-
velopment. [Chapter 19: As a new
company, e-motion software is very
concerned about covering its costs
and having money left over for in-
vestment into the business. While
not stated exactly, it appears that the
company has a profit- oriented pric-
ing objective.] The table above provides the company’s
standard price list. These list prices can vary, however, as
there is a trickle- down effect in the industry. Essentially,
pricing starts with Oracle, trickles through the consulting
firm, and then down to e-motion products.
Prices are based on industry standards for classifica-
tion. [Chapter 20: Status quo pricing is when a company
meets the competition or going rate pricing. It appears
that e-motion software is using status quo logic in its price
setting.] For example, Password Reset, as an enterprise sys-
tem product, has a total purchase price of $15,000, with a
$2,700 software update and support fee. [Chapter 20: Two-
part pricing is when the company charges two separate
amounts for the product. In this instance, the buyer pays
the $15,000 for the enterprise system product and then
pays another $2,700 for the update and fee.] Responsibility
Management, iPraise, and Global Directory are priced on a
per-employee (user) basis with a minimum purchase per
number of employees. For example, Global Directory is $2
per employee with a minimum purchase of 2,000 employ-
ees. Thus, the least amount a company could purchase this
product for is $4,000. The 18 percent annual maintenance
fee is the industry standard. [Chapter 20: This shows the
two- part, status quo pricing.]
VI iMpleMentation,
and control
Marketing Research
The company needs to keep abreast of two distinct seg-
ments in the marketplace: its client needs and Oracle’s di-
rection. e-motion software needs to understand its clients
and their ongoing needs. [Chapter 9: e-motion software
captures customer data, storing and integrating it into a
customer database.] This includes meeting current needs
and forecasting future needs as the Oracle Application Suite
continues to evolve. e-motion software must also maintain
up- to- date and accurate intelligence on both current Oracle
offerings and planned initiatives. [Chapter 9: Ongoing mar-
keting research will help the company keep abreast of what
is happening in the marketplace.] By doing this, it will be
able to introduce products that complement new Oracle
functions and will be less likely to offer products that com-
pete for functions that are included at no charge in an Oracle
license. Additionally, this will present opportunities to intro-
duce products that complement new Oracle functionality.
Organizational Structure
and Plan
As a start- up company, e-motion software currently has
only one member on its staff, Scott Keohane. As e-motion
software matures into a stable, profitable organization,
the need for employees will grow. The first foreseeable
employee need is in the area of sales. The plan is to hire a
salesperson in early 2006 to allow Mr. Keohane to continue
his consulting on a regular basis, while at the same time
ensuring a steady supply of funds for continued develop-
ment efforts. To obtain the financial flexibility it needs to
manage its cash flow successfully, the company has made
contractors a significant component of its workforce.
Contractors are used in the following areas: application
development, database administration, and marketing.
Current contractors have been associated with e-motion
software almost since the company’s inception and are
largely credited with its early successes.
To provide a management resource from which
Keohane can receive regular advice and guidance, e-
motion software has assembled a nonvoting, nonbind-
ing advisory council to assist in decision making, overall
Five-Year Financial Projection Plan
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
iPraise $50,000 $100,000 $600,000 $2,250,000 $5,500,000
Responsibility Management $60,000 $80,000 $160,000
$420,000 $700,000
Password Reset $225,000 $180,000 $180,000 $150,000 $75,000
Global Directory $45,000 $75,000 $180,000 $300,000 $465,000
Cost of Goods Sold 0 0 0 0 0
General & Administrative $350,000 $765,000 $1,600,000
$2,165,000 $2,600,000
14 The e-motion software Marketing Plan
strategy, and execution. The advisory council is composed
of four outside members who have made a commitment
to provide their expertise and experience, free of charge,
to e-motion software. Advisory members interact quar-
terly via teleconference.
Financial Projections
[Chapter 2: Evaluation and control are important
mechanisms for monitoring the effectiveness of the
marketing plan. Financial objectives are a common
measure of success/failure.]
The financial objective is to be financially solvent
within the first two years of operation.
Objective Metric: Sales of $250,000 by the end of 2005
Sales of $2 million by the end of 2007
Gross margin higher than 80 percent
Positive cash flow yearly
[Chapter 2: Stated objectives must be measurable and
time specific.]
The five- year financial projection plan (in U.S. dollars)
for e-motion software can be reviewed in the table on the
previous page.
Implementation Timetable
[Chapter 2: Implementation is the process that turns a
marketing plan into action assignments and ensures
that these assignments are executed appropriately.]
8 The company plans to have three major Oracle clients
by the end of 2005.
8 The company plans to have secured at least one
client in each region of the United States by
the end of 2006. This would mean at least one
customer in the Northeast, the Mid- Atlantic, the
Southeast, the Midwest, the Northwest, and the
West Coast.
8 Keohane plans to hire one full- time salesperson.
VII suMMary
e-motion software continually monitors activities with cur-
rent and potential clients. As a consultant in the industry,
Keohane is always on the lookout for potential clients. He
has set quarterly and yearly sales targets, and actual sales
will be compared to these quarterly plans. Additionally,
Keohane will continue in his efforts to enlist at least one
client in each of the major geographic regions of the
United States. However, it may take a qualified salesperson
to devote the time necessary to acquire new customers.
Additionally, by not being restricted to Keohane’s current
consultancies, a dedicated salesperson could more read-
ily identify potential e-motion software clients. Of major
concern is that the current financial strategy of supporting
the new business by personal funds from consulting may
prove to be too onerous for Keohane.
Ultimately, the goal is to “make it big.” The hope is that,
over the next five years, the small products that e-motion
software has developed will generate cash sufficient to
build a larger module that one of the larger ERP compa-
nies (e.g., Oracle) will want to acquire.
15The e-motion software Marketing Plan

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Student NameDeliverable Maple Leaf F.docx

  • 1. Student Name: Deliverable: Maple Leaf Foods, Exercise # 2 Course Name: Date Assigned: Date Due: Rules:This assignment will be completed individuallyYou will use the Word, PowerPoint and other tools you feel appropriate for this exercise Your work must be your ownCopying/plagiarism/cheating is not allowedEach deliverable should be clear and simple to read Objective This assignment examines the importance of the cost of quality to an organization. Through this, we will gain a better understanding of how we can measure the cost of quality in an organization and what benefits can be gained from the cost of quality.Scenario This is a true story that dominated the media in Canada in the summer of 2008 and shook an established and trusted company to its core. Once the crisis was over, 22 people had died as a result of tainted meat. More details are easily available online but the following is from an April 2013 Financial Times article.The Story
  • 2. Maple Leaf Foods is one of the leading food processing companies in Canada, where many of its processed meat brands are household names. The company also supplies restaurants and hotels. The Challenge On August 12 2008 management became aware of a possible case of listeriosis contamination at one of its meat processing plants near Toronto. By August 23 the contamination had been confirmed and by the end of September more than 20 people’s deaths had been linked to the listeriosis outbreak associated with Maple Leaf Foods. Many more fell ill. The Canadian press attacked the company and a number of class-action lawsuits were launched on behalf of victims and their relatives. Consumers started to avoid Maple Leaf brands, and trade customers began switching to other suppliers. The Response Maple Leaf Foods responded swiftly. All products from the affected plant were recalled as soon as the presence of listeriosis was confirmed. Michael McCain, chief executive, took personal charge. He later told the Toronto Globe & Mail that in his handling of the crisis, “there are two advisers I’ve paid no attention to. The first are the lawyers, and the second are the accountants.” His public offer of a full apology and acceptance that Maple Leaf Foods was solely responsible was considered a brave decision because it left the company open to legal action. Mr. McCain accepted this risk: the point was to act first in the interest of public health and then to be open and transparent. The management dealt with the crisis on a number of fronts, including PR, strategy and restructuring. Deliverables Analyze the above scenario using the 4 Costs of Quality given below: · Appraisal cost · Prevention cost · Internal failure cost · External failure cost Your detailed analysis and report should reflect: · Root cause(s) of the issue
  • 3. · What should have been done to prevent the current situation? · What was done to turn the situation around? · How did Mr. McCain manage this crisis? Constraints Follow all reporting and assignment guidelines. Do not produce a Q & A format report. Instead embed the answers in a logical manner. · Length – 5 -7 pages excluding cover page, double spaced MS Word file. · Submit using the assignment tool. · Upload and submit as a .pdf file · Submit using the assignment tool. Evaluation Please note that professionalism of presentation, while not a specific evaluation criterion, may influence your overall grade for this deliverable if the work produced is significantly lower, or higher, than what would be expected from a professional submission. Items that will be taken into consideration as part of professionalism would include: · Sentence structure and grammar · Spelling · Clear formatting · Choice of language and terminology · Clarity of structure (readability) M a r k e t i n g P l a n O u t l i n e As you read in Chapter 2, there is more than one correct format for a marketing plan. Many organizations have their own distinctive format or terminology for creating a marketing plan, and every marketing plan should be unique to the firm for which it was created. The format and order of
  • 4. presentation, therefore, must be flexible. This appendix presents only one way to organize a marketing plan. The outline is meant to give you a more detailed look at what you need to include, topics you need to cover, and the types of questions you must answer in any marketing plan. But, depending on the product or service for which you are drafting a plan, this set of questions may only be the starting point for more industry- specific issues you need to address. An actual marketing plan from e-motion software follows this outline. The e-motion marketing plan includes annotations that tie each part of the plan to the material throughout the book. You’ll see the correlation between chapter concepts and the elements of a professional marketing plan for a real company. If you are assigned a marketing plan as a course requirement, this appen- dix can help you organize your work. In addition, worksheets that guide you through the process of marketing planning are available on your textbook’s companion site. The worksheets can be completed electronically or printed out and filled in by hand. I Business Mission 8 What is the mission of the firm? What business is it in? How
  • 5. well is its mission understood throughout the organization? Five years from now, what business does it wish to be in? 8 Does the firm define its business in terms of benefits its customers want rather than in terms of goods and services? II situation analysis (sWot analysis) 8 Has one or more competitive advantages been identified in the SWOT analysis? 8 Are these advantages sustainable against the competition? A. Internal Strengths and Weaknesses 8 What is the history of the firm, including sales, profits, and organi- zational philosophies? I Business Mission II Situation Analysis (SWOT Analysis) A. Internal Strengths and Weaknesses B. External Opportunities and Threats
  • 6. III Objectives IV Marketing Strategy A. Target Market Strategy B. Marketing Mix 1. Product 2. Place/Distribution 3. Promotion 4. Price V Implementation, Evaluation, and Control 1Marketing Plan Outline 8 What is the nature of the firm and its current situation? 8 What are the firm’s resources (financial, human, time, experience, asset, skill)? 8 What policies inhibit the achievement of the firm’s objectives with respect to organization, resource allocation, operations, hiring, training, and so on? B. External Opportunities and Threats 8 Social: What major social and lifestyle trends will have an impact on the firm? What
  • 7. action has the firm been taking in response to these trends? 8 Demographics: What impact will forecasted trends in the size, age, profile, and distribution of population have on the firm? How will the changing nature of the family, the increasing importance of technology in both professional and personal use, and changes in the ethnic composition of the population affect the firm? What action has the firm taken in response to these developments and trends? Has the firm reevaluated its traditional prod- ucts and expanded the range of specialized offerings to respond to these changes? 8 Economic: What major trends in taxation and income sources will have an impact on the firm? What action has the firm taken in response to these trends? 8 Political, Legal, and Financial: What laws are now being proposed at international, federal, state, and local levels that could affect marketing strategy and tactics? What recent changes in regulations and court decisions affect the firm? What politi- cal changes are taking place at each government level? What action has the firm taken in response to these legal and political changes? 8 Competition: Which organizations are competing with the firm directly by offering a similar product? Which organizations are competing with the firm indirectly by securing its prime prospects’ time, money, energy, or commitment? What new competitive trends seem
  • 8. likely to emerge? How effective is the competition? What benefits do competitors offer that the firm does not? Is it appropriate for the firm to compete? 8 Technological: What major technological changes are occurring that affect the firm? 8 Ecological: What is the outlook for the cost and availability of natural resources and energy needed by the firm? Are the firm’s products, services, and operations environmen- tally friendly? III oBjectives 8 Is the firm’s mission statement able to be translated into operational terms regarding the firm’s objectives? 8 What are the stated objectives of the organization? Are they formally written down? Do they lead logically to clearly stated marketing objectives? Are objectives based on sales, profits, or customers? 8 Are the organization’s marketing objectives stated in hierarchical order? Are they specific so that progress toward achievement can be measured? Are the objectives reasonable in light of the organization’s resources? Are the objectives ambiguous? Do the objectives specify a time frame? 8 Is the firm’s main objective to maximize customer satisfaction or to get as many customers as possible?
  • 9. 2 Marketing Plan Outline IV Marketing strategy A. Target Market Strategy 8 Are the members of each market homogeneous or heterogeneous with respect to geo- graphic, sociodemographic, and behavioral characteristics? 8 What are the size, growth rate, and national and regional trends in each of the organiza- tion’s market segments? 8 Is the size of each market segment sufficiently large or important to warrant a unique mar- keting mix? 8 Are market segments measurable and accessible to distribution and communication efforts? 8 Which are the high- or low- opportunity segments? 8 What are the evolving needs and satisfactions being sought by target markets? 8 What benefits does the organization offer to each segment? How do these benefits compare with benefits offered by competitors? 8 Is the firm positioning itself with a unique product? Is the product needed?
  • 10. 8 How much of the firm’s business is repeat versus new business? What percentage of the public can be classified as nonusers, light users, or heavy users? 8 How do current target markets rate the firm and its competitors with respect to reputation, quality, and price? What is the firm’s image with the specific market segments it seeks to serve? 8 Does the firm try to direct its products only to specific groups of people or to everybody? 8 Who buys the firm’s products? How does a potential customer find out about the organiza- tion? When and how does a person become a customer? 8 What are the major objections given by potential customers as to why they do not buy the firm’s products? 8 How do customers find out about and decide to purchase the product? When and where? 8 Should the firm seek to expand, contract, or change the emphasis of its selected target markets? If so, in which target markets, and how vigorously? 8 Could the firm more usefully withdraw from some areas where there are alternative suppli- ers and use its resources to serve new, unserved customer groups? 8 What publics other than target markets (financial, media, government, citizen, local, gen- eral, and internal) represent opportunities or problems for the
  • 11. firm? B. Marketing Mix 8 Does the firm seek to achieve its objective chiefly through coordinated use of marketing activities (product, place, promotion, and pricing) or only through intensive promotion? 8 Are the objectives and roles of each element of the marketing mix clearly specified? 1. Product 8 What are the major product/service offerings of the firm? Do they complement each other, or is there unnecessary duplication? 8 What are the features and benefits of each product offering? 3Marketing Plan Outline 8 Where are the firm and each major product in the life cycle? 8 What are the pressures among various target markets to increase or decrease the range and quality of products? 8 What are the major weaknesses in each product area? What are the major com- plaints? What goes wrong most often?
  • 12. 8 Is the product name easy to pronounce? Spell? Recall? Is it descriptive, and does it communicate the benefits the product offers? Does the name distinguish the firm or product from all others? 8 What warranties are offered with the product? Are there other ways to guarantee customer satisfaction? 8 Does the product offer good customer value? 8 How is customer service handled? How is service quality assessed? 2. Place/Distribution 8 Should the firm try to deliver its offerings directly to customers, or can it better de- liver selected offerings by involving other organizations? What channel(s) should be used in distributing product offerings? 8 What physical distribution facilities should be used? Where should they be lo- cated? What should be their major characteristics? 8 Are members of the target market willing and able to travel some distance to buy the product? 8 How good is access to facilities? Can access be improved? Which facilities need priority attention in these areas? 8 How are facility locations chosen? Is the site accessible to
  • 13. the target markets? Is it visible to the target markets? 8 What are the location and atmosphere of retail establishments? Do these retailers satisfy customers? 8 When are products made available to users (season of year, day of week, time of day)? Are these times most appropriate? 3. Promotion 8 How does a typical customer find out about the firm’s products? 8 Does the message the firm delivers gain the attention of the intended target audi- ence? Does it address the wants and needs of the target market, and does it sug- gest benefits or a means for satisfying these wants? Is the message appropriately positioned? 8 Does the promotion effort effectively inform, persuade, educate, and remind cus- tomers about the firm’s products? 8 Does the firm establish budgets and measure effectiveness of promotional efforts? a. Advertising 8 Which media are currently being used? Has the firm chosen the types of media that will best reach its target markets?
  • 14. 8 Are the types of media used the most cost- effective, and do they contribute positively to the firm’s image? 8 Are the dates and times the ads will appear the most appropriate? Has the firm prepared several versions of its advertisements? 4 Marketing Plan Outline 8 Does the organization use an outside advertising agency? What functions does the ad agency perform for the organization? 8 What system is used to handle consumer inquiries resulting from advertising and promotions? What follow- up is done? b. Public Relations 8 Is there a well- conceived public relations and publicity program? Does the program have the ability to respond to bad publicity? 8 How is public relations normally handled by the firm? By whom? Have those responsible nurtured working relationships with media outlets? 8 Is the firm using all available public relations avenues? Is an effort made to understand each of the publicity outlet’s needs and to provide each with story types that will appeal to its audience in readily usable forms?
  • 15. 8 What does the annual report say about the firm and its products? Who is being effectively reached by this vehicle? Does the benefit of the publication justify the cost? c. Personal Selling 8 How much of a typical salesperson’s time is spent soliciting new customers as compared to serving existing customers? 8 How does the sales force determine which prospect will be called on and by whom? How is the frequency of contacts determined? 8 How is the sales force compensated? Are there incentives for encouraging more business? 8 How is the sales force organized and managed? 8 Has the sales force prepared an approach tailored to each prospect? 8 Has the firm matched sales personnel with the target market characteristics? 8 Is there appropriate follow- up to the initial personal selling effort? Are cus- tomers made to feel appreciated? 8 Can database or direct marketing be used to replace or supplement the sales force?
  • 16. d. Sales Promotion 8 What is the specific purpose of each sales promotion activity? Why is it of- fered? What does it try to achieve? 8 What categories of sales promotion are being used? Is sales promotion di- rected to the trade, the final consumer, or both? 8 Is the effort directed at all the firm’s key publics or restricted to only potential customers? 4. Price 8 What levels of pricing and specific prices should be used? 8 What mechanisms does the firm have to ensure that the prices charged are accept- able to customers? 8 How price sensitive are customers? 8 If a price change is put into effect, how will the number of customers change? Will total revenue increase or decrease? 5Marketing Plan Outline 8 Which method is used for establishing a price: going rate, demand oriented, or cost based?
  • 17. 8 What discounts are offered, and with what rationale? 8 Has the firm considered the psychological dimensions of price? 8 Have price increases kept pace with cost increases, inflation, or competitive levels? 8 How are price promotions used? 8 Do interested prospects have opportunities to sample products at an introductory price? 8 What methods of payment are accepted? Is it in the firm’s best interest to use these various payment methods? V iMpleMentation, evaluation, and control 8 Is the marketing organization structured appropriately to implement the marketing plan? 8 What specific activities must take place? Who is responsible for these activities? 8 What is the implementation timetable? 8 What other marketing research is necessary? 8 What will be the financial impact of this plan on a one- year projected income statement? How does projected income compare with expected revenue if the plan is not implemented?
  • 18. 8 What are the performance standards? 8 What monitoring procedures (audits) will take place and when? 8 Does the firm seem to be trying to do too much or not enough? 8 Are the core marketing strategies for achieving objectives sound? Are the objectives being met, and are the objectives appropriate? 8 Are enough resources (or too many resources) budgeted to accomplish the marketing objectives? 6 Marketing Plan Outline t h e e ‑ M O t i O n S O f t wa r e M a r k e t i n g P l a n I coMpany description Scott Keohane and a partner founded e-motion software in 2003 and estab- lished its worldwide headquarters in Austin, Texas. They envisioned software solutions that conformed to a particular business, not the other way around, with products designed to (1) improve operating efficiency, (2) empower users, (3) enhance security, (4) improve ROI, and (5) streamline business processes.
  • 19. [Chapter 1: Market Orientation— focusing upon customer needs and integrat- ing all activities to readily provide customer satisfaction, while achieving long- term company goals.] Ultimately, however, Keohane’s partner did not want to remain with the company. Keohane converted the partner’s shares into a note, according to the partnership agreement the two had in place. The origins of the company were based in Keohane’s ten years of entrepre- neurial endeavors, with four years of this time spent as an independent consul- tant in the Oracle applications marketplace. Oracle is the world’s largest enterprise software company. According to Oracle’s Web site, the company’s business is information— how to manage it, use it, share it, and protect it. Commercial enter- prise information management software systems, such as those offered by Oracle, promised seamless integration of all information flowing through a company. In a global marketplace in which external company collaborations are driv- ing business efforts and internal cross- functional integration is critical for timely decision making, enterprise systems could help position companies in a highly competitive environment. [Chapter 7: Business Marketing— e- motion software operates as a business marketer since it provides goods and services to orga- nizations for purposes other than personal consumption.]
  • 20. Enterprise systems, such as the Oracle E-Business Suite, provided a simplified, unifying corporate technology platform. This type of platform enabled companies to utilize high- quality internal and external information, both strategically and tactically. There were numerous product families in the E-Business Suite (e.g., advanced pro- curement, contracts, performance management, customer data/relationship management, financial, human resource management, logistics, manufactur- ing, marketing, order management, projects, sales, service, and supply chain management). [Chapter 10: E-Business is one product line in Oracle’s product mix width. There are numerous product items in this product line.] As an independent consultant, Keohane was continually asked to custom- ize existing Oracle technology or create one- off applications to meet common requirements. The need for third- party products that would withstand upgrades to the underlying Oracle architecture was identified and e- motion software was formed. The overall business concept was to utilize the Oracle E-Business Suite as the underlying framework for customization to fit a particular customer’s I Company Description II Business Mission
  • 21. III Situation Analysis Industry Analysis Trends Competitors Consumer Profile Technology SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats IV Marketing Objective V Marketing Strategy Target Marketing Strategy Marketing Mix Product Place/Distribution Promotion
  • 22. Price VI Implementation, Evaluation, and Control Marketing Research Organizational Structure and Plan Financial Projections Implementation Timetable VII Summary 7The e-motion software Marketing Plan needs. Soon after incorporation, e-motion software be- came a member of the Oracle Partner Network. By join- ing the Oracle Partner Network, e-motion software gained access to Oracle software licenses, technical training, mar- keting funds, and co- marketing opportunities. [Chapter 7: Strategic Partnership— e-motion software partnered with Oracle so as to improve the offerings to its customers.] II Business Mission [Chapter 2: The foundation of any marketing plan is the firm’s mission statement.] e-motion software is committed to the Oracle E-Business Suite of Applications and will provide a level of support that is unmatched in the industry. The company’s goals
  • 23. are to make Oracle Applications more reliable, to en- hance the Applications’ functionality, and to make the Suite’s use more efficient. [Chapter 2: What business is e-motion software in?] The company’s products offer an attractive alternative to in- house development and support. e-motion software customers will be utilizing functional products that are self- funding. That is, the savings achieved through a more efficient workforce and security enhancements will far exceed the cost of the company’s products. The company’s commitment extends from the methods used to build e-motion software products to the company’s simple installation procedures to the post- installation service. e-motion software products run on multiple server platforms, re- quire no customization, and are fully compatible with existing hardware and software warranties. [Chapter 2: e-motion software is focused on markets served and benefits sought by its customers.] III situation analysis [Chapter 2: Marketers must understand the cur- rent and potential environment before defining marketing tactics.] Industry Analysis [Chapter 2: Environmental scanning is the collection and interpretation of information about forces, events, and relationships in the external environment that may affect the future of the organization or the implementation of the marketing plan.] Trends. The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) com- munity has undergone a radical change since the turn of the century. Historically, applications were designed for the professional user or technology expert. Today’s mar- ketplace, however, has shifted from the professional user to
  • 24. employee users. That is, employees in all functional areas have access to and utilize information from the ERP appli- cation. Thus, ERP providers have shifted to developing ap- plications intended for individual employee use instead of releasing bigger applications designed for the professional user. These self- service, employee-based applications have fundamentally changed the way ERP applications are sold, implemented, and administered. Professional users are no longer the keepers of the data, manually entering and up- dating data from forms and memos. They have now be- come administrators in charge of ensuring data integrity. The promise of turning departments, such as HR and ben- efits, from manual-intensive data entry shops to proactive reporting shops has shifted the marketplace to self- service suite applications. This emerging trend has prompted the development of self- service applications that enable em- ployees to utilize systems within their individual realms of expertise, yet systems that are integrated across the firm. Competitors. e-motion software represents a new voice within the Oracle community. The company is creat- ing a new niche in the marketplace and, as such, competi- tion comes from a variety of sources. There are currently no head- to- head competitors. Competition can be split into three very distinct groups: Oracle, consulting firms, and in- house development centers. Apart from being the company that created the ERP industry, Oracle has resources that dwarf every other com- pany in the ERP marketplace. The availability of capital and the size of the development group infer that Oracle can simply reallocate a small development team to work on competing products. Oracle has, however, repeatedly re- leased products that were little more than advanced betas, resulting in weeks of downtime for companies implement- ing the new products. By building applications that require
  • 25. no customization to Oracle code, e-motion software can confidently assure its customers that its products will work. Consulting firms could advise the client to include the cost of custom application development into the total cost of the consulting engagement. This is standard pro- tocol for competing consultancies and would effectively stop e- motion software from entering into a client site. Most consultancies, however, do not have a support and 8 The e-motion software Marketing Plan development center to handle ongoing system manage- ment. e-motion software will compete directly with consul- tancies by providing superior service at an affordable price. The In- House Development Center (IHDC ) poses a tricky problem for e-motion software. If a company has an IHDC, it is usually a trusted source that knows the company, its standards, and its software. Additionally, the IHDC is usu- ally considered a “no- cost” center since salaries are already included in the company’s budget. Thus, program devel- opment and implementation is considered just another project with no additional cost. On the positive side, in- formation technology (IT) budgets were slashed and IT departments scaled down over the past few years. While IT spending has begun to trend upward again, the cre- ation of IHDC units has caused this spending trend to lag. e-motion software plans to capitalize on this lag in IHDC unit development and upward spending trend. Customer Profile. The marketplace has moved from professional users to employee users. Basically, pro- fessional users are now babysitters, ensuring that employ-
  • 26. ees do not enter incorrect information into the system. This poses quite a quandary. Professional users must maintain the integrity of the system while releasing control of it at the same time. This often forces the professional user to be- come a reactive unit, rushing to fix things when they break down. Employee users do not generally know the idiosyn- crasies of the ERP system, of which there are many. Thus, to maintain system integrity and ensure data reliability, pro- fessional users are often double- checking employees’ data entry and also answering help desk calls regarding how to use the system. This is not, however, what a self- service ERP solution is designed to deliver. e-motion software pro- poses to enter the self- service arena with a broad range of products designed to regain the efficiencies promised by self- service applications. Technology. The costs of developing and main- taining an ERP solution require that the underlying tech- nology be relevant for several years after product purchase and installation. The rapid emergence of Internet- based transactions (e.g., banking, loan applications, etc.) brought self- service applications to the forefront of business op- portunity. Initially, Oracle attempted to use a mix of PL/SQL and DHTML code in the self- service offerings. This mix, however, did not provide the best looking applica- tions, had little functionality, and were difficult to imple- ment. Oracle then switched to using Java Server Pages (JSP) as its self- service foundation, with PL/SQL and HTML as the accessory languages. Products with the JSP foun- dation were well received in the marketplace. e-motion software plans to adhere to Oracle’s decision to use JSP, especially since JSP offers e-motion software some key benefits: (1) JSP is robust and flexible, allowing all applica- tions to use the same coding techniques, (2) JSP is recy- clable, which means that e-motion software can leverage
  • 27. existing code across new applications, (3) JSP is accessible since Java is one of the most well known programming languages, (4) JSP is portable, allowing e-motion software to easily enter other ERP markets, and (5) the use of JSP means that e-motion software will always comply with Oracle-approved practices. SWOT Analysis The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis provides a snapshot of e-motion software’s internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportu- nities and threats. [Chapter 2: Performing a SWOT analysis allows firms to identify their competitive advantage.] Strengths. [Chapter 2: Strengths are internal to the firm.] 8 Founder— Scott Keohane is not only extremely knowl- edgeable about the third- party marketplace, he is also personally and financially dedicated to making the business a success 8 Active and committed advisory council 8 Reliable products and product support 8 Member of Oracle Partner Network Weaknesses. [Chapter 2: Weaknesses are internal to the firm.] 8 A one- person company that has to supplement the company with independent consulting services 8 Not enough time dedicated to company development
  • 28. 8 While considerable anecdotal information, the com- pany is lacking in marketing research 8 Financial resources Opportunities. [Chapter 2: Opportunities are ex- ternal to the firm.] 8 Changing marketplace that coincides with e-motion software’s product development 8 The move toward employee users instead of profes- sional users 8 Growth market 9The e-motion software Marketing Plan 8 Technological changes 8 Refocus on IT applications 8 Persistent threat of security breaches 8 Growing focus on cross- functional interactions in the business press 8 New entries into the workforce (e.g., recent college graduates) are trained to use computers in decision making and thus expect companies to have data pro- grams in place Threats. [Chapter 2: Threats are external to the firm.]
  • 29. 8 Competitors— all three groups of competitors likely have deeper pockets than e-motion software 8 Offerings can be duplicated by knowledgeable experts 8 Limited market access across the United States 8 Economies of scale in larger companies such as Oracle 8 IT departments do not have unlimited budgets IV Marketing oBjective The marketing objective is to establish the company as an expert in the third- party marketplace. [Chapter 2: The marketing objective statement provides a look at what the company seeks to accomplish. It is consistent with the priorities of the organization.] The third-party product market for functions that are specifically designed for inte- gration with Oracle Applications is in its infancy. e-motion software has to establish itself as a leader in this new mar- ketplace. To accomplish this objective, customers must see that e-motion software products are safe and secure and that they do not affect existing Oracle functionality or their Oracle warranty. Objective Metric: Three major Oracle clients by the end of 2005 [Chapter 2: Stated objectives must be measurable and time specific.] To accomplish this marketing objective, e-motion software must obtain three major Oracle clients by the end of 2005. These clients will serve as reference sites for the company. These clients will enable e-motion software to
  • 30. demonstrate the gains achieved by using e-motion soft- ware products. As such, the clients need to be vocal and create viral marketing within the industry. Objective Metric: One client in each region of the United States by the end of 2006 [Chapter 2: Stated objec- tives must be measurable and time specific.] Given the close- knit nature of Oracle clients through organizations such as the Oracle Application User’s Group (OAUG), e-motion software needs to gain clients within each of the major geographic areas in the United States: Northeast, Mid- Atlantic, Southeast, Midwest, Northwest, and West Coast. V Marketing strategy Target Market Strategy e-motion software’s sales plan is based on the company’s understanding of the marketplace and on how it will re- solve inefficiencies with the use of the Oracle E-Business Suite of Applications. From his consulting experience in helping potential clients install and maintain their indi- vidualized suite of applications, Keohane has considerable understanding of users’ needs. To obtain clients, e-motion software will rely on continuing relationships with pro- spective clients, maintaining ongoing relationships with other consulting firms, and reaching new clients via mar- keting and sales initiatives. Geographically, e-motion software will direct its mar- keting and sales efforts within the contiguous United States. [Chapter 8: Geographic segmentation refers to segmenting markets by region of a country or the world, market size, market density, or climate.] Though global op- erations are potential clients, the current size of e-motion
  • 31. software suggests that the U.S. marketplace is more viable at this time. [Chapter 8: Accessibility— the firm must be able to reach members of the targeted segment.] Within this marketplace, e-motion software will focus on compa- nies that have between 500 and 10,000 employees. These are the small- to mid- size companies that utilize the Oracle E-Business Suite of Applications. Companies of this size are unlikely to have their own development staffs in place or have the desire to develop and/or support home- grown applications. [Chapter 8: Responsiveness— the targeted market must respond to the marketing mix offered by the company.] Within these small- to mid- size companies, the individual target customer varies by the product offering. For example, a database administrator will be targeted for the company’s system administrator products, and the IT 10 The e-motion software Marketing Plan director will be targeted for the functional line of product offerings. Marketing Mix [Chapter 2: Marketing mix (the four Ps) refers to the unique blend of product, place (distribution), promo- tion, and pricing strategies.] Product. [Chapter 7: e-motion software provides a business service to its customers.] e-motion software develops applications specifi- cally for the Oracle E-Business Suite. For clients of Oracle Applications who desire greater efficiency and an increase in ROI on their installed ERP systems, e-motion software will offer a line of products designed specifically to im-
  • 32. prove performance of the existing Oracle Application installation. Clients that have in- house development staff will be able to lower the total cost of ownership of a product by having e-motion software upgrade their Oracle installation. [Chapter 7: The buying center includes all persons in an organization who become involved in the purchase decision. In- house development staff will play a critical role in the buying process.] Clients without in- house staff, however, are more likely to benefit from e-motion software installations because they will now be able to perform a greater number of tasks that are not of- fered by Oracle. [Chapter 7: In this instance, the members of the buying center are different than a company with an in- house development staff.] As a product- based company, e-motion software cannot ignore the importance of product marketing. The three product attributes that will drive the business are level of service, usability, and clear return on purchase price. [Chapter 7: Quality, service, and price are impor- tant evaluative criteria in a purchase decision involving software products.] The reluctance of some customers to install relatively new third- party products into their ERP systems is an obstacle to overcome via product marketing. [Chapter 7: This is often a new buy for the customer.] The company has to deliver on the promise of the products— that promise being that “e-motion software products make the business process of our customers more efficient, while easily understanding the upgrades to the underly- ing Oracle Application.” e-motion must remain focused on this promise during both the product development and the product delivery process. [Chapter 7: Keeping cur- rent customers satisfied is just as important as attracting new ones.] e-motion software’s product line consists of func-
  • 33. tions that respond to inefficiencies identified from years of experience with Oracle ERP systems. Because the prod- uct portfolio is built expressly for the Oracle Applications E-Business Suite, the products are updated continually to maintain compatibility as well as to take advantage of new technologies and capabilities released by Oracle. [Chapter 10: Quality and functional modifications keep e-motion software’s products up- to- date with ongoing technological changes.] All products enjoy the following characteristics: tight integration with Oracle, intuitive de- sign, compatible architecture, and streamlined interfaces. Product offerings are iPraise, Responsibility Management, Password Reset, and Global Directory. [Chapter 10: e-motion software’s product mix width is composed of one product— enterprise software. This product line is comprised of four product items.] iPraise. [Chapter 10: iPraise is an individual brand.] The employee appraisal system developed by e-motion software is the most dynamic appraisal system available to Oracle customers. Combining e-motion software’s com- mitment to streamlined application interfaces with the vast functionality available to Oracle E-Business Suite cus- tomers, iPraise represents the next generation of appraisal systems. The system is flexible, allowing it to be configured to meet the specific needs of the organization. Using the appraisal configuration engine, the customer can choose to include or omit several aspects of the appraisal process and even determine in which order they are to be con- structed. Thus, iPraise is a complete solution for Oracle customers. Customers can opt to integrate other modules of Oracle that have been configured previously with the E-Business Suite. Installing iPraise is fast and easy. Responsibility Management. [Chapter 10: Responsi-
  • 34. bility Management is an individual brand.] Responsibility Management solves one of the most important questions faced by all Oracle system administrators: “Who has access to which data?” Using Responsibility Management, a sys- tem administrator or database administrator can quickly, easily, and accurately identify who has access to which data in real time. Responsibility Management can inform the administrator of the following: 8 Employees with particular responsibility 8 Employees without a single responsibility 8 User names that are not attached to any employee 8 User names that are attached to more than one employee 11The e-motion software Marketing Plan 8 User accounts that are expiring in x number of days 8 User accounts created in x days prior 8 All users that have been given y responsibilities in x days prior Results are displayed in a simple table that can be ar- ranged and sorted. The table can also be exported to Excel for further investigation. In addition to the query capabilities, Responsibility Management enables the system administrator to make changes to the user account, such as:
  • 35. 8 End- date a responsibility 8 User account expiration update for a particular responsibility 8 Bulk assignment of responsibilities (by organization, job, location, etc.) 8 Bulk end- dating of responsibilities (by organization, job, location, etc.) Overall, Responsibility Management enables system administrators to enforce security policies by providing a simple, easy- to- use function to identify who has what re- sponsibility. Each day that a person has access not identi- fied with his or her position is unnecessary and insecure. Password Reset. [Chapter 10: Password Reset is an in- dividual brand.] Forgotten passwords are the single largest end- user issue. Every day, help desks are bombarded with calls from end- users who have forgotten their passwords. The standard Oracle log- in link does not provide a solution for this problem; thus, end- users are forced to call the help desk to reset the password. e-motion software’s Password Reset function is the solution. Password Reset is modeled after the standard pass- word reset functionality available on most Web sites. Even if the user is using Password Reset for the first time, all the components will seem familiar and the user will know where to go next without receiving complex instructions or training. Password Reset functions as a part of the Oracle Applications. There are not outside Web sites to access or other applications to open. The user simply clicks on a link
  • 36. from the login page, enters the required information, and the password is reset. The user can then login immedi- ately with the new password. Password Reset validates a user’s identity by going directly to the Oracle database and running queries against it. This tight integration ensures reliability. Global Directory. [Chapter 10: Global Directory is an individual brand.] Most companies utilize a separate system for their corporate directory. This requires entering and maintaining all employee information in Oracle and then reentering that information into a separate system. Worse yet, they print the company directory from a sepa- rate system. Not only is this extremely inefficient, but there is a greater chance for error. In today’s fast- changing world, employee information can change on a weekly basis. As a result, the “other” system is often neglected and its data are unreliable. Global Directory solves this issue by “going to the source” and gathering data directly from the Oracle database; thus, Global Directory has up- to- the- minute va- lidity. Global Directory allows users to query the database for a wide variety of information. The results can be cus- tomized to give your employees the depth of knowledge they require. Global Directory functions as a part of the Oracle Applications. There are no outside Web sites to access or other applications to open. Using the export function, us- ers can transfer results into Excel, XML, or CSV, making it possible to utilize the information for such items as contact lists, distribution forms, and mailing labels. Place/Distribution. e-motion software is
  • 37. now headquartered in Bedford, Massachusetts. However, home office location has little to do with the actual dis- tribution of e-motion software’s products since the prod- ucts are installed and implemented at the client company. e-motion software will perform its own marketing chan- nel functions (e.g., transactional, logistical, and facilitat- ing) and does not foresee the need for any intermediaries in this process. [Chapter 14: Channel members facilitate the exchange between buyer and seller. e-motion soft- ware is the only channel member engaged in getting its product to the customer. Thus, it uses a direct chan- nel.] However, e-motion software is a strong supporter of industry groups, such as the Oracle Applications User Group, and related industry events. Such support allows the company to become recognized as a vendor among Oracle Applications clients. e-motion software does offer a partner program for companies that wish to resell or refer e-motion software products to Oracle ERP clients. The program is segmented into two separate categories. The Alliance Partner Referral Program is tailored for businesses that have customer re- lationships with companies in specific industries or with businesses or IT needs that e-motion software programs can uniquely address. An Alliance Partner will identify e-motion software customers and refer them to e-motion 12 The e-motion software Marketing Plan software for a revenue share of the revenue from the re- ferred account. As part of the program, Alliance Partner members receive all the training and materials needed to promote e-motion software solutions to their client base. The Alliance
  • 38. Solution Provider Program is designed for qualified Oracle- focused consultancies with a strong track record for providing top- notch service to their cli- ents. Partner program members are trained and certified by e-motion software. Once certified, implementation partners can then configure and implement e-motion software products with unparalleled service and support. [Chapter 14: This is a form of a strategic channel alliance for e-motion software.] Promotion. [Chapter 15: e-motion software strives for integrated marketing communications.] As a third party purveyor of products for Oracle, it is important for e-motion software to convey, clearly and succinctly, its “reason for being.” Company material will have the head- ing: “e-motion software: We Keep the Business of Business Moving.” [Chapter 16: This is the company’s unique selling proposition.] We will emphasize the Oracle connection with the following statement on documents, as appropri- ate: “Oracle clients around the country are realizing true gains in productivity and efficiency by taking everyday
  • 39. tasks and putting them in motion.” e-motion software will adhere to mainstream think- ing regarding the promotion of third- party products for ERP solutions. [Chapter 15: As a complex buying decision, personal selling and strong print are effective methods for reaching potential customers.] 8 A cohesive, easy- to- maneuver, and user- friendly Web site (www.e-motionsoftware.com) [Chapter 16: Company Web sites can be used to introduce new products, promote existing products, obtain consumer feedback, post news releases, etc.] 8 Recorded demos on the company Web site (requires users to register for a demo user ac- count) [Chapter 9: Registration is impor- tant for customer rela- tionship management.] 8 Press releases as a member of the Certified Oracle Partner Network
  • 40. [Chapter 16: Public rela- tions is an important element of the promotional mix. Press releases can place positive information in the news media to attract attention to e-motion software.] 8 Demonstrations presented at trade shows and events [Chapter 16: Trade promotions push a product through the distribution channel and are popular among business marketers. Trade shows and events are an important aspect of sales promotions.] 8 Word- of- mouth and reference sites [Chapter 17: Referrals are a good source for leads in the personal selling process.] 8 The Internet via Google AdWords campaigns to drive potential clients to the company Web site [Chapter 18: The Internet has changed the advertising indus- try. Popular Internet sites sell advertising space to marketers, and search engine advertising is a popular approach.] 8 Product datasheets that provide pertinent prod-
  • 41. uct data, features, and benefits of installation (available on the company Web site or via hard copy) [Chapter 17: Product information is critical in the sales process.] Importantly, e-motion software is a company that re- lies heavily on direct selling to reach potential customers. [Chapters 12 and 17: Producers of most business goods rely more heavily on personal selling than advertising. Informative personal selling is common for installations such as those offered by e-motion software.] This pro- motional method requires a large amount of cold calling. [Chapter 17: Personal selling is important when product has high value and is technically complex. Relationship sell- ing, or consultative selling, builds long- term relationships with clients.] e-motion software purchases the names of potential customers from marketing services that collect such information from customers of Oracle ERP products. [Chapter 17: Generating leads is the first step in the selling process.] License Price Software Update
  • 42. & Support Licensing Metric Minimum Application Infrastructure: Password Reset $15,000 $2,700/year Enterprise N/A Responsibility Management $6 18 percent/year User 2,000 User Application: iPraise $10 18 percent/year User 2,000 Corporate Information: Global Directory $2 18 percent/year User 2,000 © C en ga
  • 43. ge L ea rn in g 13The e-motion software Marketing Plan Price. e-motion software prices its products to sufficiently cover the costs associated with development, sales, and support and to provide cash flow for future growth and de- velopment. [Chapter 19: As a new company, e-motion software is very concerned about covering its costs and having money left over for in- vestment into the business. While not stated exactly, it appears that the company has a profit- oriented pric-
  • 44. ing objective.] The table above provides the company’s standard price list. These list prices can vary, however, as there is a trickle- down effect in the industry. Essentially, pricing starts with Oracle, trickles through the consulting firm, and then down to e-motion products. Prices are based on industry standards for classifica- tion. [Chapter 20: Status quo pricing is when a company meets the competition or going rate pricing. It appears that e-motion software is using status quo logic in its price setting.] For example, Password Reset, as an enterprise sys- tem product, has a total purchase price of $15,000, with a $2,700 software update and support fee. [Chapter 20: Two- part pricing is when the company charges two separate amounts for the product. In this instance, the buyer pays the $15,000 for the enterprise system product and then pays another $2,700 for the update and fee.] Responsibility Management, iPraise, and Global Directory are priced on a per-employee (user) basis with a minimum purchase per number of employees. For example, Global Directory is $2 per employee with a minimum purchase of 2,000 employ- ees. Thus, the least amount a company could purchase this product for is $4,000. The 18 percent annual maintenance fee is the industry standard. [Chapter 20: This shows the two- part, status quo pricing.]
  • 45. VI iMpleMentation, evaluation, and control Marketing Research The company needs to keep abreast of two distinct seg- ments in the marketplace: its client needs and Oracle’s di- rection. e-motion software needs to understand its clients and their ongoing needs. [Chapter 9: e-motion software captures customer data, storing and integrating it into a customer database.] This includes meeting current needs and forecasting future needs as the Oracle Application Suite continues to evolve. e-motion software must also maintain up- to- date and accurate intelligence on both current Oracle offerings and planned initiatives. [Chapter 9: Ongoing mar- keting research will help the company keep abreast of what is happening in the marketplace.] By doing this, it will be able to introduce products that complement new Oracle functions and will be less likely to offer products that com- pete for functions that are included at no charge in an Oracle license. Additionally, this will present opportunities to intro- duce products that complement new Oracle functionality. Organizational Structure
  • 46. and Plan As a start- up company, e-motion software currently has only one member on its staff, Scott Keohane. As e-motion software matures into a stable, profitable organization, the need for employees will grow. The first foreseeable employee need is in the area of sales. The plan is to hire a salesperson in early 2006 to allow Mr. Keohane to continue his consulting on a regular basis, while at the same time ensuring a steady supply of funds for continued develop- ment efforts. To obtain the financial flexibility it needs to manage its cash flow successfully, the company has made contractors a significant component of its workforce. Contractors are used in the following areas: application development, database administration, and marketing. Current contractors have been associated with e-motion software almost since the company’s inception and are largely credited with its early successes. To provide a management resource from which Keohane can receive regular advice and guidance, e- motion software has assembled a nonvoting, nonbind- ing advisory council to assist in decision making, overall Five-Year Financial Projection Plan
  • 47. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Revenues: iPraise $50,000 $100,000 $600,000 $2,250,000 $5,500,000 Responsibility Management $60,000 $80,000 $160,000 $420,000 $700,000 Password Reset $225,000 $180,000 $180,000 $150,000 $75,000 Global Directory $45,000 $75,000 $180,000 $300,000 $465,000 Costs: Cost of Goods Sold 0 0 0 0 0 General & Administrative $350,000 $765,000 $1,600,000 $2,165,000 $2,600,000 © C en ga ge
  • 48. L ea rn in g 14 The e-motion software Marketing Plan strategy, and execution. The advisory council is composed of four outside members who have made a commitment to provide their expertise and experience, free of charge, to e-motion software. Advisory members interact quar- terly via teleconference. Financial Projections [Chapter 2: Evaluation and control are important mechanisms for monitoring the effectiveness of the marketing plan. Financial objectives are a common measure of success/failure.] The financial objective is to be financially solvent
  • 49. within the first two years of operation. Objective Metric: Sales of $250,000 by the end of 2005 Sales of $2 million by the end of 2007 Gross margin higher than 80 percent Positive cash flow yearly [Chapter 2: Stated objectives must be measurable and time specific.] The five- year financial projection plan (in U.S. dollars) for e-motion software can be reviewed in the table on the previous page. Implementation Timetable [Chapter 2: Implementation is the process that turns a marketing plan into action assignments and ensures that these assignments are executed appropriately.] 2005 8 The company plans to have three major Oracle clients by the end of 2005. 2006
  • 50. 8 The company plans to have secured at least one client in each region of the United States by the end of 2006. This would mean at least one customer in the Northeast, the Mid- Atlantic, the Southeast, the Midwest, the Northwest, and the West Coast. 8 Keohane plans to hire one full- time salesperson. VII suMMary e-motion software continually monitors activities with cur- rent and potential clients. As a consultant in the industry, Keohane is always on the lookout for potential clients. He has set quarterly and yearly sales targets, and actual sales will be compared to these quarterly plans. Additionally, Keohane will continue in his efforts to enlist at least one client in each of the major geographic regions of the United States. However, it may take a qualified salesperson to devote the time necessary to acquire new customers. Additionally, by not being restricted to Keohane’s current consultancies, a dedicated salesperson could more read- ily identify potential e-motion software clients. Of major concern is that the current financial strategy of supporting the new business by personal funds from consulting may
  • 51. prove to be too onerous for Keohane. Ultimately, the goal is to “make it big.” The hope is that, over the next five years, the small products that e-motion software has developed will generate cash sufficient to build a larger module that one of the larger ERP compa- nies (e.g., Oracle) will want to acquire. 15The e-motion software Marketing Plan