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Delivering Bad News Messages_Sp19
Rubric is used to assess the ability of BCOM students to
communicate 'Bad News' messages. Students who complete this
assignment will be able to analyze a situation, evaluate
outline options, and write/generate a document that delivers the
information in the most effective way.
Levels of Achievement
Criteria Excellent - 4 Good - 3 Needs Attention - 2 Below
Standard -1
Context of and Purpose
for Writing Includes
considerations of
audience, purpose, and
the circumstances
surrounding the
writing task(s); follows
9 to 10 points
Demonstrates a thorough
understanding of context, audience, and
purpose that is responsive to the
assigned task(s) and focuses all
elements of the work. Block letter
format used with no errors.
6 to 8 points
Demonstrates adequate consideration
of context, audience, and purpose
and a clear focus on the assigned
task(s) (e.g., the task aligns with
audience, purpose, and context). One
feature/spacing error in block letter
3 to 5 points
Demonstrates awareness of context,
audience, purpose, and to the
assigned tasks(s) (e.g., begins to
show awareness of audience's
perceptions and assumptions). Two
features/spacing errors in block
letter formatting
0 to 2 points
Demonstrates minimal attention to
context, audience, purpose, and to
the assigned tasks(s) (e.g.,
expectation of instructor or self as
audience). More than two
features/spacing errors in block
letter formatting
Outline Development:
Deductive or Inductive
14 to 15 points
Uses excellent/appropriate structure
throughout to ensure all relevant
information is in document based on
anticipated audience reaction.
11 to 13 points
Uses adequate structure throughout
to ensure all relevant information is
in document based on anticipated
audience reaction.
6 to 9 points
Uses less than adequate
structure/outline throughout to
ensure all relevant information is in
document based on anticipated
audience reaction. One of the outline
elements is not correct.
0 to 5 points
Uses minimal structure throughout
to ensure all relevant information is
in document based on anticipated
audience reaction. The correct
outline is not used throughout.
Content Development
10 to 11 points
Uses appropriate, relevant, and
compelling content to illustrate mastery
of the subject, conveying the writer's
understanding, and shaping the whole
7 to 9 points
Uses appropriate, relevant, and
compelling content to explore ideas
within the context of the discipline
and shape the whole work.
4 to 6 points
Uses appropriate and relevant
content to develop and explore ideas
through most of the work.
0 to 3 points
Uses appropriate and relevant
content to develop simple ideas in
some parts of the work.
Grammar and
8 to 8 points
Uses appropriate grammar and
mechanics including punctuation,
syntax, and word usage and is virtually
6 to 7 points
Uses adequate grammar and
mechanics including punctuation,
syntax, and word usage, but has one
(1) grammar error (not including
3 to 4 points
Uses less than adequate grammar
and mechanics including
punctuation, syntax, and word
usage. Has two grammar errors
0 to 2 points
Uses minimal grammar and
mechanics including punctuation,
syntax, and word usage. Has a
spelling error or more than two
grammar errors
6 to 6 points
Uses graceful language that skillfully
communicates meaning to readers with
clarity and fluency, and appropriate
connectives/transitions throughout.
4 to 5 points
Uses language that mostly
communicates meaning to readers
with clarity and fluency, and
appropriate connectives/transitions
3 to 3 points
Uses language that generally
communicates meaning to readers
with clarity and fluency, and
appropriate connectives/transitions
0 to 2 points
Uses language that rarely
communicates meaning to readers
with clarity and fluency, and
appropriate connectives/transitions
Critical Thinking Assignment: Writing a Bad-News Message
Read and follow these instructions.
1. This is an important assignment. You CANNOT do it
correctly off the top of your head. You MUST watch the
Tegrity lectures mentioned.
2. Watch all of the Tegrity lectures pertaining to Chapter 7 and
3. Watch the Tegrity lecture “How to Format a Block Letter and
Memo for this Class”; you cannot do a quality job on this
assignment without following the information in theses lectures
and chapter.
4. Carefully read Chapter 7: Writing Bad-News Messages.
5. Read and re-read the bad-news message below you are being
asked to write.
6. Analyze the situation. Think about your audience/reader
empathically. In other words, imagine how you would feel if
you were receiving this information.
7. Consider the information given in the assignment below.
Decide whether this situation requires a deductive or inductive
outline/approach. Create an outline that you would use to
present the information.
8. As you write your letter, you should assume (make-up)
reasonable information or details that are not specifically given.
For example, you should create the person’s name and address
for the letter. You can create reasonable details/additional
information needed for the letter.
9. Do not just lift sections of the instructions below. The
information in the box below is the background—it is not what
you are supposed to just repeat back to me.
10. Do NOT overdo the counter proposal or silver lining.
Anyone could write a refusal message if he/she could pretty
much give the customer the item, repair, or whatever the
customer wanted.
11. Create your block-format letter (as outlined in my Tegrity
lecture “How to Format a Block Letter or Memo for this Class”)
based on the information in this unit.
12. Part of your grade will come from your assignment being
correctly formatted as a block letter—so you must watch and
follow the instructions in my brief Tegrity lecture “How to
Format a Block Letter for this class.”
Read the scenario on the next page; then respond to the
customer in question with a block formatted refusal letter (as
described in my Tegrity lecture “How to format a block letter
and memo for this class”) that explains the problem and
proposes a solution.
Adjustment Refusal: Airline Passenger Struggles with Online
Read the scenario below; then respond to the customer in
question with a block formatted refusal letter that explains the
problem and proposes a solution.
Most airline passengers who travel frequently are accustomed to
booking their flights online using one of the many available
websites, such as Orbitz.com, Travelocity.com, Expedia.com,
and so on. These websites provide access to detailed flight
information, including costs. Customers conveniently make an
airline reservation, pay for it, and receive a boarding pass prior
to departure. Frequent fliers find that online ticketing services
often save them money and time. The sites are user-friendly and
relatively easy to navigate; users follow the step-by-step
directions carefully and submit the appropriate information for
the transaction to be completed. People who use these sites
quickly become familiar with how they work; however,
problems can occur for travelers who are not computer literate,
who fly infrequently, and who are booking flights online for the
first time.
You are a ticket agent for American Airlines; you do not work
for Orbitz, Travelocity, Expedia, etc.
You frequently handle calls from novice users of those online
Today you receive a call from a customer who is frantic and
complains that she cannot print a boarding pass for the flight
she has “booked” using Travelocity.com. The flight is scheduled
to depart for Florida, a popular winter destination, within 24
hours. By making airline reservations six weeks ahead of
scheduled departure, the cost was less than $300. Today, the
ticket costs $1400.
The customer is unable to recall if she received an email from
Travelocity.com with the confirmation number of her
After checking the reservation system, you discover no
reservation for this person. Apparently, she did not complete the
online reservation and properly submit the information as she
cannot find any charges for the ticket on her recent credit card
bill. You now have to email her back now with this news.
Even though it is an email, I want you to set it up in a letter
format because you need practice setting up a letter in a block
1. As you write your letter, you should assume (make-up)
reasonable information or details that are not specifically given.
For example, you should create the person’s name and address
for the letter. You can create reasonable details/additional
information needed for the letter.
2. Do not just lift sections of the instructions below. The
information in the box below is the background—it is not what
you are supposed to just repeat back to me.
3. Do NOT overdo the counter proposal or silver lining.
Anyone could write a refusal message if he/she could pretty
much give the customer the item, repair, or whatever the
customer wanted.
4. Create your block-format letter (as outlined in my Tegrity
lecture “How to Format a Block Letter or Memo for this Class”)
based on the information in this unit.
5. Part of your grade will come from your assignment being
correctly formatted as a block letter—so you must watch and
follow the instructions in my brief Tegrity lecture “How to
Format a Block Letter for this class.”
6. Do not put your letter in the box below. Use a fresh, new
Delivering Bad News Messages_Sp19 Rubric is used to assess.docx
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Delivering Bad News Messages_Sp19 Rubric is used to assess.docx

  • 1. Delivering Bad News Messages_Sp19 Rubric is used to assess the ability of BCOM students to communicate 'Bad News' messages. Students who complete this assignment will be able to analyze a situation, evaluate outline options, and write/generate a document that delivers the information in the most effective way. Levels of Achievement Criteria Excellent - 4 Good - 3 Needs Attention - 2 Below Standard -1 Context of and Purpose for Writing Includes considerations of audience, purpose, and the circumstances surrounding the writing task(s); follows instructions 9 to 10 points
  • 2. Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the assigned task(s) and focuses all elements of the work. Block letter format used with no errors. 6 to 8 points Demonstrates adequate consideration of context, audience, and purpose and a clear focus on the assigned task(s) (e.g., the task aligns with audience, purpose, and context). One feature/spacing error in block letter formatting 3 to 5 points Demonstrates awareness of context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned tasks(s) (e.g., begins to show awareness of audience's
  • 3. perceptions and assumptions). Two features/spacing errors in block letter formatting 0 to 2 points Demonstrates minimal attention to context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned tasks(s) (e.g., expectation of instructor or self as audience). More than two features/spacing errors in block letter formatting Outline Development: Deductive or Inductive 14 to 15 points Uses excellent/appropriate structure throughout to ensure all relevant information is in document based on anticipated audience reaction. 11 to 13 points Uses adequate structure throughout
  • 4. to ensure all relevant information is in document based on anticipated audience reaction. 6 to 9 points Uses less than adequate structure/outline throughout to ensure all relevant information is in document based on anticipated audience reaction. One of the outline elements is not correct. 0 to 5 points Uses minimal structure throughout to ensure all relevant information is in document based on anticipated audience reaction. The correct outline is not used throughout. Content Development 10 to 11 points Uses appropriate, relevant, and
  • 5. compelling content to illustrate mastery of the subject, conveying the writer's understanding, and shaping the whole work. 7 to 9 points Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to explore ideas within the context of the discipline and shape the whole work. 4 to 6 points Uses appropriate and relevant content to develop and explore ideas through most of the work. 0 to 3 points Uses appropriate and relevant content to develop simple ideas in some parts of the work. Grammar and
  • 6. Mechanics 8 to 8 points Uses appropriate grammar and mechanics including punctuation, syntax, and word usage and is virtually error-free. 6 to 7 points Uses adequate grammar and mechanics including punctuation, syntax, and word usage, but has one (1) grammar error (not including spelling) 3 to 4 points Uses less than adequate grammar and mechanics including punctuation, syntax, and word usage. Has two grammar errors 0 to 2 points Uses minimal grammar and mechanics including punctuation,
  • 7. syntax, and word usage. Has a spelling error or more than two grammar errors Transitions/Flow 6 to 6 points Uses graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, and appropriate connectives/transitions throughout. 4 to 5 points Uses language that mostly communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, and appropriate connectives/transitions throughout. 3 to 3 points Uses language that generally communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, and appropriate connectives/transitions
  • 8. throughout. 0 to 2 points Uses language that rarely communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, and appropriate connectives/transitions throughout. https://bblearn.astate.edu/webapps/rubric/do/course/manageRub rics?dispatch=view&context=course&rubricId=_112199_1&cour se_id=_1678880_1#contextMenu Critical Thinking Assignment: Writing a Bad-News Message Read and follow these instructions. 1. This is an important assignment. You CANNOT do it correctly off the top of your head. You MUST watch the Tegrity lectures mentioned. 2. Watch all of the Tegrity lectures pertaining to Chapter 7 and also 3. Watch the Tegrity lecture “How to Format a Block Letter and Memo for this Class”; you cannot do a quality job on this assignment without following the information in theses lectures and chapter. 4. Carefully read Chapter 7: Writing Bad-News Messages. 5. Read and re-read the bad-news message below you are being asked to write.
  • 9. 6. Analyze the situation. Think about your audience/reader empathically. In other words, imagine how you would feel if you were receiving this information. 7. Consider the information given in the assignment below. Decide whether this situation requires a deductive or inductive outline/approach. Create an outline that you would use to present the information. 8. As you write your letter, you should assume (make-up) reasonable information or details that are not specifically given. For example, you should create the person’s name and address for the letter. You can create reasonable details/additional information needed for the letter. 9. Do not just lift sections of the instructions below. The information in the box below is the background—it is not what you are supposed to just repeat back to me. 10. Do NOT overdo the counter proposal or silver lining. Anyone could write a refusal message if he/she could pretty much give the customer the item, repair, or whatever the customer wanted. 11. Create your block-format letter (as outlined in my Tegrity lecture “How to Format a Block Letter or Memo for this Class”) based on the information in this unit. 12. Part of your grade will come from your assignment being correctly formatted as a block letter—so you must watch and follow the instructions in my brief Tegrity lecture “How to Format a Block Letter for this class.” Read the scenario on the next page; then respond to the customer in question with a block formatted refusal letter (as described in my Tegrity lecture “How to format a block letter and memo for this class”) that explains the problem and proposes a solution. Adjustment Refusal: Airline Passenger Struggles with Online Ticketing:
  • 10. Read the scenario below; then respond to the customer in question with a block formatted refusal letter that explains the problem and proposes a solution. Most airline passengers who travel frequently are accustomed to booking their flights online using one of the many available websites, such as Orbitz.com, Travelocity.com, Expedia.com, and so on. These websites provide access to detailed flight information, including costs. Customers conveniently make an airline reservation, pay for it, and receive a boarding pass prior to departure. Frequent fliers find that online ticketing services often save them money and time. The sites are user-friendly and relatively easy to navigate; users follow the step-by-step directions carefully and submit the appropriate information for the transaction to be completed. People who use these sites quickly become familiar with how they work; however, problems can occur for travelers who are not computer literate, who fly infrequently, and who are booking flights online for the first time. You are a ticket agent for American Airlines; you do not work for Orbitz, Travelocity, Expedia, etc. You frequently handle calls from novice users of those online sites. Today you receive a call from a customer who is frantic and complains that she cannot print a boarding pass for the flight she has “booked” using Travelocity.com. The flight is scheduled to depart for Florida, a popular winter destination, within 24 hours. By making airline reservations six weeks ahead of scheduled departure, the cost was less than $300. Today, the ticket costs $1400. The customer is unable to recall if she received an email from Travelocity.com with the confirmation number of her reservation. After checking the reservation system, you discover no
  • 11. reservation for this person. Apparently, she did not complete the online reservation and properly submit the information as she cannot find any charges for the ticket on her recent credit card bill. You now have to email her back now with this news. Even though it is an email, I want you to set it up in a letter format because you need practice setting up a letter in a block format. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!! 1. As you write your letter, you should assume (make-up) reasonable information or details that are not specifically given. For example, you should create the person’s name and address for the letter. You can create reasonable details/additional information needed for the letter. 2. Do not just lift sections of the instructions below. The information in the box below is the background—it is not what you are supposed to just repeat back to me. 3. Do NOT overdo the counter proposal or silver lining. Anyone could write a refusal message if he/she could pretty much give the customer the item, repair, or whatever the customer wanted. 4. Create your block-format letter (as outlined in my Tegrity lecture “How to Format a Block Letter or Memo for this Class”) based on the information in this unit. 5. Part of your grade will come from your assignment being correctly formatted as a block letter—so you must watch and follow the instructions in my brief Tegrity lecture “How to Format a Block Letter for this class.” 6. Do not put your letter in the box below. Use a fresh, new page.