

Experience the Future of Search: Learn How to Access Google’s AI-enhanced Search Feature

You can now sign up for the waiting list.

Experience the Future of Search: Learn How to Access Google’s AI-enhanced Search Feature
Pedro Domínguez

Pedro Domínguez

  • Updated:

A few weeks ago, Google left us all amazed with numerous innovations, both in software and hardware. The company announced the release date and price of Pixel Fold, ended the waitlist for Bard, provided more information about Android 14, and also showcased the future of Google searches: the Search Generative Experience (SGE).

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An AI-powered search experience that will also display ads (quite a few of them), but was not yet accessible to the public. Now, Google has announced the opening of a waitlist to access Search Labs, the website where all experimental search features, including the Search Generative Experience (SGE), will be launched.

The Search Generative Experience (SGE) shares some similarities with Microsoft’s new Bing. When searching for specific information, the AI will not only display the typical links to Wikipedia or results with higher SEO ranking but also provide a summary of the search query and the sources of that information if you want to learn more.

But access to Search Labs not only allows you to enjoy this new experimental search experience. Search Labs also offers features like “Add to Sheets,” which places a button next to search result links, allowing you to add them to a Google spreadsheet, and “Code Suggestions,” an AI-based feature that enables programmers to write and correct their code.

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Those interested in trying out any of these features can now sign up for the Search Labs waitlist. Once enrolled, Google will send you an email when you are granted access to Search Labs, allowing you to test out its experimental functions.

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Pedro Domínguez

Pedro Domínguez

Publicist and audiovisual producer in love with social networks. I spend more time thinking about which videogames I will play than playing them.

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