

Now you can adjust the volume of YouTube videos on Android TV and Google TV—we’ll tell you how to do it

The "Stable Adjustment" feature automatically adjusts the volume of videos you watch on YouTube

Now you can adjust the volume of YouTube videos on Android TV and Google TV—we’ll tell you how to do it
Pedro Domínguez

Pedro Domínguez

  • Updated:

YouTube has expanded the “Regular Volume” feature to Android TV and Google TV. The website 9to5Google has discovered this feature, which was previously only available on mobile devices, on several television devices running YouTube version v4.40.303. The new option, which appears when you tap the gear icon during video playback, is enabled by default, although it can be disabled in the app settings.


The “Stable Volume” function is designed to enhance the listening experience on YouTube by automatically adjusting the volume of the videos, thus avoiding the need to manually adjust the volume with the remote control when there are significant variations. According to the Google Help page, this function helps “reduce inconsistent volume differences.”

“Stable Volume” continuously balances the volume range between the high and low parts of a video, creating a more consistent listening experience. Since not all YouTube content is mixed evenly, this feature is useful for improving the app experience.

Display of the “Regular Volume” feature in the settings menu of a YouTube video – 9to5Google

However, 9to5Google states that “due to the absence of a dedicated YouTube Music app for Android TV, the switch [of the function] is still present when playing music on YouTube”, a situation in which the volume control function would not be entirely useful. Despite this, the function remains very useful for listening to “podcasts or videos where a uniform sound is not always guaranteed.”

Pedro Domínguez

Pedro Domínguez

Publicist and audiovisual producer in love with social networks. I spend more time thinking about which videogames I will play than playing them.

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