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1. The Zero Trust framework, and our recommended ZT security model
1. 3 quick wins for Zero Trust transformation
1. How 3 organizations of differing sizes are using ZT strategy to secure
and accelerate their business
Problem: users and data live outside our
Consequences for security teams:
● Excessive implicit trust to ‘insiders’
● Defense in depth = increased complexity
● Limited visibility into data flows
Business trends accelerating challenges:
● Rapid Cloud & SaaS adoption
● Geographically dispersed users
● Prevalence of mobile
Breaches: no such thing as a ‘trusted’ insider
Baseline: 3,594 breaches confirmed by 629 security decision makers
Source: Forrester Analytics Global Business Technographics® Security Survey, 2019
Nearly 46% of breaches of sensitive data
were caused by internal actors (employees
+ 3rd party partners)
And of these internal threats...
● 48% attributed to malicious intent
● 43% attributed to inadvertent misuse
● 9% attributed to a combination
Remote work straining already-challenged
VPNs are engineered for implicit trust
“Hacker leaks passwords for 900+
enterprise VPN servers” (Aug. 2020)
VPN servers are under constant attack
NSA advisory on VPN and
IPsec-based access (July 2020)
CISA: Continued Exploitation of
Pulse Secure VPN Vulnerability
(April 2020)
Solution: Zero Trust architecture
Core principles:
● “Never trust, always verify”
● Access based on identity
and context (not network
● Least privilege by default
Key assumption: Your users and
network are likely already
The Zero Trust buzz can be frustrating
...but it doesn’t have to be!
Our perspective
Help Build a Better Internet
Internet properties
42 Tbps
Of network capacity
Cities and 100+ countries
Cyber threats blocked each day in Q2 ‘20
Of the Internet-connected population in the
developed world is located within 100
milliseconds of our network
Cloudflare’s promise: Zero Trust for Everyone
Cloudflare for Teams makes Zero Trust security
transformation radically approachable for all
organizations, of any size and maturity.
No Trade Offs
Security +
of Use
How Cloudflare for Teams works
Please see the Appendix for more information.
Zero Trust journey with Teams
...to apply “never trust, always verify”
policies to all users and devices
connecting to your resources.
Zero Trust security journey with Cloudflare for Teams
Implement ZT with
Extend Zero Trust
with context
Zero Trust for the
You need....
...a standardized knowledge of “who
is who” as a foundation to inform
Zero Trust verification.
...to enable secure connections to the
Internet for a distributed workforce.
● Contractor access with multi-
SSO integrations
● Granular policy controls
● Secure encrypted tunnel
● Device posture check
● Single pane-of-glass for
visibility across your network
● Isolated browsing
● Inline inspection of outbound
● Data Loss Prevention via
integration with apps
1 2 3
“Extend and enrich
identity verification
for internal and
external users.”
“Secure access to
cloud and SaaS
“Isolate your users
from attacks by
‘never trusting’
connections on the
public internet”
Legacy Problem Cloudflare Solution
Cloudflare Access
Access: Zero Trust Network Access
Complete control of access to applications
Enforce Zero Trust access for ALL
applications on a per-user basis with easy-
to-create and manage rules.
Extend identity based security with more
Improve security with context awareness
such as device posture. Enforce more
granular policies such as hard key
requirements for your most sensitive
Deliver fast applications to devices
Users get secure and seamless access to
all applications faster from anywhere
thanks to Argo Smart Routing.
Cloudflare for Teams
Getting Started
Zero Trust for your Network
● A top secret gifts page
● igivecoolgifts.com
● /secretgifts
● G Suite, GitHub, or
OTP rules
● Exclude Antarctica
● Blocked
● Authenticated
● Allowed
● Customized
How we do it
Legacy Problem Cloudflare Solution
Cloudflare Gateway
Gateway: Secure Web Gateway Solution
© 2018 Cloudflare Inc. All rights reserved.
Complete visibility from a single pane of glass
Log and monitor all internet traffic, on and off your network for
unprecedented levels of granular visibility that can be viewed in the
dashboard or integrated to your SIEM.
Simplify internet security and compliance
Easily apply DNS and URL filtering rules to protect your users on the
open internet and enforce compliance.
Eliminate threats on our edge not in your environment
Gateways policy engine blocks threats on our network before they
reach yours and you can leverage our proprietary threat intelligence
to inform those policies.
Deploys quickly and easy to manage
Setup can be performed in minutes with easy to configure policies
that do not require security expertise to operate.
Never compromise on performance
End-users get an amazing experience leveraging the world’s fastest
public DNS resolver.
Cloudflare for Teams
Getting Started
Zero Trust on the Internet
● Kaizen ✌️
● Nine to Five ⌚️
○ Security
○ Content
○ Custom
● Overview
○ Top Allowed
○ Top Blocked
Zero Trust works for teams of all sizes
Sample use
Why start ZT
Small business:
ZT for Underdogs
● Limited IT / security
resources to fight fires
● Expand remote access
● Secure BYOD programs
● Avoid legacy network
security investments
Growth & scaling stage:
ZT for Scaling
● Growth expands attack
surface without visibility
● Secure contractor access
● Secure DevOps
● Supports ambitions to scale
in secure manner
Large enterprise:
ZT for Digital Transformation
● Pressure to transform
complex, legacy IT stack
● Secure access for supply
chain partners
● Support M&A integration
● Enables cloud migration
● Reign in control over
sprawling IT
Customer stories
A small team of
volunteers launches a
free online classroom and
resource hub for
students. Cloudflare
Access allows teachers
and developers to build
and QA lessons
220K daily visits
20M lessons delivered
Oak National Academy: Zero Trust
● Group of former school teachers set up an online school for children affected by
COVID-19 school closings, to ensure “no child misses a lesson” during the
● Needed to provide a team of developers access to pre-production infrastructure
across multiple sub-domains
● Large groups of teachers from different organizations needed to be able to log in
to the platform to review and edit lesson plans
Implemented Cloudflare Access for Zero Trust access to GCP infrastructure and internally
developed apps - virtually overnight.
● Teachers can review and edit lesson plan materials by logging into the content
management system with Google credentials
● Developers access pre-production environment without needing to use a VPN
● Scales seamlessly to the number of users needed
“[Access has] been amazing.
[Our previous solution] was
like trying to use a computer
that froze every 10 seconds.
Right now, support
departments don’t notice
any difference between
accessing customer
environments on-prem or
through Access.”
- Sybren van Wijk, Technical
Product Owner, TOPdesk
TOPdesk: Enabling 24x7 customer
● Dutch service management SaaS with expanding workforce across 11 countries
● Customer support engineers needed 24x7 remote access to an on-premise remote
support app; application was configured for office-only access due to GDPR
● Existing on-prem solution was slow, unresponsive, and designed when TOPDesk
had 100 employees, not 750+
TOPDesk put Cloudflare Access in front of internal support apps to ensure technicians
could address pressing customer needs at any time, from anywhere. Access integrates
with Workers to ensures engineers can connect to only the customer environments they
have specific permission to reach, in compliance with GDPR.
● Allowed TopDesk to supply true 24x7x365 support to customers
● Preparedness for remote work: Expanding Access usage in the weeks prior to the
pandemic helped prevent interruptions in customer support
● Replaced slower, less secure VPN access with Zero Trust access to key dashboards
A large re-insurance firm
● Massive European financial services firm with 25K+ global employees
● Over half of employees are contractors and rely on different identity providers
● Needed to improve security model by replacing IP-list and VPN controls with
Zero Trust access
Used Cloudflare Access to secure access to internal, legacy Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) apps for 1,000 employees initially. They will expand their
deployment to 20,000+ employees and contractors for countless applications by end
of this year.
Deploying Cloudflare Access helps the reinsurance firm move toward Zero Trust
security to their corporate resources. They are able to simplify and secure the process
of giving contractors, interns and other temporary employees (consultants) access to
critical data with a more streamlined user experience.
A global reinsurance
firm relies on
Cloudflare for Teams
to move from legacy
access controls and
traditional network
perimeter security to
Zero Trust security,
starting with their
large contractor
Cloudflare Access: Our origin story
● ‘On call’ engineers were fed up with clunky VPN login experience to access
internal apps like Grafana during time-sensitive assignments
● Setting access control policies on the VPN was onerous for the IT team
● Our standalone VPN was becoming a performance bottleneck and a single point
of failure for a rapidly expanding global workforce
Our engineers first built Access in 2015 to speed up their logins, and we have
progressively shifted authentication for the majority of our internal applications onto
our global network edge. Today, all employees onboard onto Access (not our VPN)
and benefit from a fast and consistent login experience to every application.
● Get employees access to the resources they need without friction
● Modernize our security posture with Zero Trust best practices
● Improved employee productivity:
○ ~80% reduced time spent servicing VPN related tickets
○ ~70% reduction in ticket volume
○ 300+ annual hours of unlocked productivity during onboarding
“As a CIO, I'm proud that I
don't have to worry about
our colleagues getting
frustrated with reaching the
basic tools they need to stay
productive. With Access,
Cloudflare does not have to
make any trade-offs
between improving security
and creating an amazing
user experience.”
- Juan Rodriguez, Chief
Information Officer
RECAP: Zero Trust with Cloudflare for Teams
1. Set up a Cloudflare for Teams account at cloudflare.com/teams-home -
your first 50 users are free!
1. Start a Zero Trust Access pilot with a small group of users at your
1. Measure the impact on the business - and then keep going!
Thank you!

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Zero trust for everybody: 3 ways to get there fast

  • 1.
  • 2. Agenda 1. The Zero Trust framework, and our recommended ZT security model 1. 3 quick wins for Zero Trust transformation 1. How 3 organizations of differing sizes are using ZT strategy to secure and accelerate their business
  • 3. Problem: users and data live outside our walls Consequences for security teams: ● Excessive implicit trust to ‘insiders’ ● Defense in depth = increased complexity ● Limited visibility into data flows Business trends accelerating challenges: ● Rapid Cloud & SaaS adoption ● Geographically dispersed users ● Prevalence of mobile
  • 4. Breaches: no such thing as a ‘trusted’ insider Baseline: 3,594 breaches confirmed by 629 security decision makers Source: Forrester Analytics Global Business Technographics® Security Survey, 2019 Nearly 46% of breaches of sensitive data were caused by internal actors (employees + 3rd party partners) And of these internal threats... ● 48% attributed to malicious intent ● 43% attributed to inadvertent misuse ● 9% attributed to a combination
  • 5. Remote work straining already-challenged VPNs VPNs are engineered for implicit trust “Hacker leaks passwords for 900+ enterprise VPN servers” (Aug. 2020) VPN servers are under constant attack NSA advisory on VPN and IPsec-based access (July 2020) CISA: Continued Exploitation of Pulse Secure VPN Vulnerability (April 2020)
  • 6. Solution: Zero Trust architecture Core principles: ● “Never trust, always verify” ● Access based on identity and context (not network location) ● Least privilege by default Key assumption: Your users and network are likely already compromised.
  • 7. The Zero Trust buzz can be frustrating ...but it doesn’t have to be!
  • 9. Help Build a Better Internet 9 25M+ Internet properties 42 Tbps Of network capacity 200+ Cities and 100+ countries 72B Cyber threats blocked each day in Q2 ‘20 99% Of the Internet-connected population in the developed world is located within 100 milliseconds of our network
  • 10. Cloudflare’s promise: Zero Trust for Everyone Cloudflare for Teams makes Zero Trust security transformation radically approachable for all organizations, of any size and maturity. No Trade Offs Security + Performance Network Scale Shared Intelligence Ease of Use
  • 11. How Cloudflare for Teams works Please see the Appendix for more information.
  • 12. Zero Trust journey with Teams
  • 13. ...to apply “never trust, always verify” policies to all users and devices connecting to your resources. Zero Trust security journey with Cloudflare for Teams Implement ZT with Identity Extend Zero Trust with context Zero Trust for the Internet You need.... ...a standardized knowledge of “who is who” as a foundation to inform Zero Trust verification. ...to enable secure connections to the Internet for a distributed workforce. Key product capabilitie s ● Contractor access with multi- SSO integrations ● Granular policy controls ● Secure encrypted tunnel ● Device posture check ● Single pane-of-glass for visibility across your network ● Isolated browsing ● Inline inspection of outbound requests ● Data Loss Prevention via integration with apps 1 2 3 “Extend and enrich identity verification for internal and external users.” “Secure access to cloud and SaaS resources” “Isolate your users from attacks by ‘never trusting’ connections on the public internet”
  • 14. Legacy Problem Cloudflare Solution Cloudflare Access
  • 15. Access: Zero Trust Network Access Complete control of access to applications Enforce Zero Trust access for ALL applications on a per-user basis with easy- to-create and manage rules. Extend identity based security with more signal Improve security with context awareness such as device posture. Enforce more granular policies such as hard key requirements for your most sensitive applications. Deliver fast applications to devices anywhere Users get secure and seamless access to all applications faster from anywhere thanks to Argo Smart Routing. 15
  • 17. Zero Trust for your Network 17 CONGRATS! WE JUST ADDED OUR FIRST APPLICATION ● A top secret gifts page ● igivecoolgifts.com ● /secretgifts NOW, LETS INTEGRATE OUR FIRST IDENTITY PROVIDER ● G Suite, GitHub, or OTP rules ● Exclude Antarctica LET’S SEE HOW OUR POLICY IS PERFORMING ● Blocked ● Authenticated ● Allowed ● Customized
  • 18. How we do it
  • 19. Legacy Problem Cloudflare Solution Cloudflare Gateway
  • 20. Gateway: Secure Web Gateway Solution © 2018 Cloudflare Inc. All rights reserved. Complete visibility from a single pane of glass Log and monitor all internet traffic, on and off your network for unprecedented levels of granular visibility that can be viewed in the dashboard or integrated to your SIEM. Simplify internet security and compliance Easily apply DNS and URL filtering rules to protect your users on the open internet and enforce compliance. Eliminate threats on our edge not in your environment Gateways policy engine blocks threats on our network before they reach yours and you can leverage our proprietary threat intelligence to inform those policies. Deploys quickly and easy to manage Setup can be performed in minutes with easy to configure policies that do not require security expertise to operate. Never compromise on performance End-users get an amazing experience leveraging the world’s fastest public DNS resolver.
  • 22. Zero Trust on the Internet 22 CONGRATS! WE JUST ADDED OUR FIRST NETWORK ● Kaizen ✌️ NOW, LETS INTEGRATE OUR FIRST POLICY ● Nine to Five ⌚️ ○ Security ○ Content ○ Custom LET’S SEE HOW OUR POLICY IS PERFORMING ● Overview ○ Top Allowed ○ Top Blocked
  • 23. Zero Trust works for teams of all sizes Unique challenges Sample use cases Why start ZT now? Small business: ZT for Underdogs ● Limited IT / security resources to fight fires ● Expand remote access ● Secure BYOD programs ● Avoid legacy network security investments Growth & scaling stage: ZT for Scaling ● Growth expands attack surface without visibility ● Secure contractor access ● Secure DevOps ● Supports ambitions to scale in secure manner Large enterprise: ZT for Digital Transformation ● Pressure to transform complex, legacy IT stack ● Secure access for supply chain partners ● Support M&A integration ● Enables cloud migration ● Reign in control over sprawling IT
  • 25. A small team of volunteers launches a free online classroom and resource hub for students. Cloudflare Access allows teachers and developers to build and QA lessons seamlessly. 220K daily visits 20M lessons delivered Oak National Academy: Zero Trust overnight 25 CHALLENGES ● Group of former school teachers set up an online school for children affected by COVID-19 school closings, to ensure “no child misses a lesson” during the pandemic ● Needed to provide a team of developers access to pre-production infrastructure across multiple sub-domains ● Large groups of teachers from different organizations needed to be able to log in to the platform to review and edit lesson plans SOLUTION Implemented Cloudflare Access for Zero Trust access to GCP infrastructure and internally developed apps - virtually overnight. VALUE ● Teachers can review and edit lesson plan materials by logging into the content management system with Google credentials ● Developers access pre-production environment without needing to use a VPN ● Scales seamlessly to the number of users needed
  • 26. “[Access has] been amazing. [Our previous solution] was like trying to use a computer that froze every 10 seconds. Right now, support departments don’t notice any difference between accessing customer environments on-prem or through Access.” - Sybren van Wijk, Technical Product Owner, TOPdesk TOPdesk: Enabling 24x7 customer support 26 CHALLENGES ● Dutch service management SaaS with expanding workforce across 11 countries ● Customer support engineers needed 24x7 remote access to an on-premise remote support app; application was configured for office-only access due to GDPR ● Existing on-prem solution was slow, unresponsive, and designed when TOPDesk had 100 employees, not 750+ SOLUTION TOPDesk put Cloudflare Access in front of internal support apps to ensure technicians could address pressing customer needs at any time, from anywhere. Access integrates with Workers to ensures engineers can connect to only the customer environments they have specific permission to reach, in compliance with GDPR. VALUE ● Allowed TopDesk to supply true 24x7x365 support to customers ● Preparedness for remote work: Expanding Access usage in the weeks prior to the pandemic helped prevent interruptions in customer support ● Replaced slower, less secure VPN access with Zero Trust access to key dashboards
  • 27. A large re-insurance firm CHALLENGES ● Massive European financial services firm with 25K+ global employees ● Over half of employees are contractors and rely on different identity providers ● Needed to improve security model by replacing IP-list and VPN controls with Zero Trust access KEY RESULTS SOLUTION Used Cloudflare Access to secure access to internal, legacy Customer Relationship Management (CRM) apps for 1,000 employees initially. They will expand their deployment to 20,000+ employees and contractors for countless applications by end of this year. VALUE Deploying Cloudflare Access helps the reinsurance firm move toward Zero Trust security to their corporate resources. They are able to simplify and secure the process of giving contractors, interns and other temporary employees (consultants) access to critical data with a more streamlined user experience. A global reinsurance firm relies on Cloudflare for Teams to move from legacy access controls and traditional network perimeter security to Zero Trust security, starting with their large contractor workforce.
  • 28. Cloudflare Access: Our origin story CHALLENGES ● ‘On call’ engineers were fed up with clunky VPN login experience to access internal apps like Grafana during time-sensitive assignments ● Setting access control policies on the VPN was onerous for the IT team ● Our standalone VPN was becoming a performance bottleneck and a single point of failure for a rapidly expanding global workforce 28 SOLUTION Our engineers first built Access in 2015 to speed up their logins, and we have progressively shifted authentication for the majority of our internal applications onto our global network edge. Today, all employees onboard onto Access (not our VPN) and benefit from a fast and consistent login experience to every application. VALUE ● Get employees access to the resources they need without friction ● Modernize our security posture with Zero Trust best practices ● Improved employee productivity: ○ ~80% reduced time spent servicing VPN related tickets ○ ~70% reduction in ticket volume ○ 300+ annual hours of unlocked productivity during onboarding “As a CIO, I'm proud that I don't have to worry about our colleagues getting frustrated with reaching the basic tools they need to stay productive. With Access, Cloudflare does not have to make any trade-offs between improving security and creating an amazing user experience.” - Juan Rodriguez, Chief Information Officer
  • 29. RECAP: Zero Trust with Cloudflare for Teams 1. Set up a Cloudflare for Teams account at cloudflare.com/teams-home - your first 50 users are free! 1. Start a Zero Trust Access pilot with a small group of users at your company. 1. Measure the impact on the business - and then keep going!