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More Than “Likes”
Using Social Media to Drive Benefits Enrollment,
Employee Engagement, and Recruiting
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Today’s Speaker
Neil Mammele
Director of Digital Strategy
1. The Case for Better Communication
2. Why Social Media
3. Example: Increasing Benefits Enrollment
4. Example: Improving Employee
5. Example: Effective Recruiting
The Case for Better
Employees have questions all year long
The Need
What do your employees want to know?
Employers know an appealing benefits package can be a
powerful tool to attract and retain quality employee.
Yet the best benefits are wasted if value isn’t communicated
to employees.
Effective Benefits Communication
Of HR Professionals say their employee
benefits communications efforts are
“very effective”
Source: SHRM 2016 Strategic Benefit Report
Effective Engagement Communication
Of HR Professionals say their employee
engagement communications efforts are
“very effective”
Source: SHRM 2016 Strategic Benefit Report
Effective Benefits Communication
Of HR Professionals say they don’t track
or determine how well employees
actually understand the benefits available
to them.
Source: SHRM 2016 Strategic Benefit Report
How are you communicating
Year Round Communication Tips | Repetition
The amount of advertising impressions a
person sees in a day.
Repackage your content and use it again
Source: Journal of Advertising Research
Year Round Communication Tips | Snackable Content
of employees spend less than an hour
researching their open enrollment
Keep your communications short, sweet and extremely filling
Source: 2017 Aflac WorkForces Report
So Quickly….
Summary of the state of employee communication
We’re struggling to communicate effectively, especially
We can’t, or won’t, track our communication
We have to get more impressions in front of our teams in
order to drive action, and we have to keep it short
And yet…
of companies said they used social
media to communicate with employees
about benefits.3-8%
Source: Thomsons Online Benefits
Why Social Media
Why Social Media
Be strategic about what you say and when you say it
Social media users spend a great deal of time on their
favorite social media channels –
109 minutes per day
Source: Social Media & Marketing Daily
Why Social Media
Be strategic about what you say and when you say it
Social media drives action, online and offline.
People make purchases after learning about a
product or service through the platform
Source: Social Media & Marketing Daily
Why Social Media
Be strategic about what you say and when you say it
Millennials, the largest emerging workforce since the
boomers, have a high affinity for the digital world and are
the largest consumers of social media
Source: Social Media & Marketing Daily
According to Hubspot, 92% of marketers in 2016 claimed that
social media marketing was important for their business, with 80%
indicating their efforts increased traffic to their businesses.
Getting Social
-Increased Customer Recognition
-Increased Customer Brand Loyalty
-Creates a richer Customer Experience
-Increased Customer Insights & Tracking
Replace “Customer” with “Employee”
How can it help you?
Increasing Enrollment
The right communication,
in the right place, at the right time
Many employees find it stressful to evaluate
benefits options, interpret explanations and
make decisions
Social Media – Increase Enrollment
Real time & year-round communication
No delays from transferring physical paperwork
Plan administrators can quickly communicate key messages and deadlines
Social Media facilitate year-round communication and awareness of employee benefits,
through engaging content
By communicating the value of benefits and making informed decisions
throughout the year, you are setting your team up for a smooth open
enrollment when the time arrives.
Social Media – Increase Education & Enrollment
Start a group!
Social Media| Pros and Cons
Going where your employees are spending their time
Can open two-way communication
between management/HR to
employees and also employees to
Private group makes it easy to
manage publicity issues.
Push notifications make “real-time”
alerts a reality.
Your employees are there & it’s free!
Requires someone within the
company to manage, comment,
answer questions and oversee the
channel. Expert
Some employees feel invaded by
having their work also in their social
feeds - although this opinion is
changing rapidly.
You can also allow users to “opt in.”
+ –
Year Round Communication Tips | Staying Ahead
Increase in voluntary benefits enrollment
with employers creating year-long
communication and feedback loops42%
Creating a feedback loop that enables preparedness
Source: Eastbridge Consulting Group
Increasing Employee
Of employees in America said they were
engaged in their jobs.32%
The Need for an Engaged Workforce
Creating a feedback loop that enables preparedness
Source: USCDornsife 2016 Study
Amount that companies with a highly
engaged workforce outperform their
peers in earnings.147%
The Need for an Engaged Workforce
Creating a feedback loop that enables preparedness
Source: USCDornsife 2016 Study
So How Do We Increase Engagement?
Hire & Train the Best, Flexible Hours, Corporate Responsibility
Contributors to High Engagement:
61% engagement in teams led by managers
who focus on strengths
So How Do We Increase Engagement?
Hire & Train the Best, Flexible Hours, Corporate Responsibility
Contributors to High Engagement:
Happy employees are more likely to work for
companies offering flex time, telecommuting or both
So How Do We Increase Engagement?
Hire & Train the Best, Flexible Hours, Corporate Responsibility
Contributors to High Engagement:
94% of employees feel it’s important their employer
behave in a socially responsible way
So How Do We Increase Engagement?
Hire & Train the Best, Flexible Hours, Corporate Responsibility
Contributors to High Engagement:
69% of employees say an environment that
facilitates teamwork is the #1 contributing
factor for high productivity
So How Do We Increase Engagement?
Hire & Train the Best, Flexible Hours, Corporate Responsibility
Here is your script:
Focus on company strengths
Flex time, telecommuting or both
Socially responsible work
Social Media – Increasing Employee Engagement
Messaging that matches your mission
Social Media – Increasing Employee Engagement
Showcase core values, show your “why” – Simon Sinek
How $150 can land you
your top prospect
#1 Downloadable Content
#2 Thought leadership
Content calendar
Two Types of Content
The Scenario
We had an urgent need for a Content Marketing Manager
Needed to be onsite: Charleston, SC
We were hiring like mad, and our in-house recruiter was redlining
The job rec was posted on 12/20….
The Process
Create Internal Competition
We posted the position on LinkedIn
We created trackable links
Google URL Builder Free Tool
Incentivized team members to share
Regional Sales Teams, Marketing, Inside Sales, etc.
The Process
Paid Promotion through LinkedIn
Put $150 into promoting the post
Targeted Charleston, with 20 mile radius
Targeted Software Companies, Benefits or HR preferred
Targeted Specific Job Titles: Content Marketing Manager, Digital Media Manager,
Communications Manager, Content Strategist
The Results?
Paid Promotion through LinkedIn
The Process
Expanding our Outreach
Expanded to cover SC coast
Applicant had to be willing to re-locate
Loosened software & benefits requirements
Added Advertising and Media Agencies to
our target audience
The Process
Expanding our Outreach
Highlighted Charleston in post text
“Travel + Leisure ranked #1 City in
US, #2 city in the world!”
The Results
86 total applicants in two weeks
2,553 Impressions, 56 Clicks:
2.19% CTR vs 0.35%-0.45%
Industry Average
25 Applicants through LinkedIn
Application Breakdown
LinkedIn PlanSource.com Glassdoor
Indeed Other Job + Board
Industry expert that collaborates with our graphics
team and Director of Communications to create
lead capturing and thought leadership content
Meisha Bochicchio
NEW Content Marketing
The Results
Putting Social
Media to Practice
Putting Social Media to Practice
• Be Where Your Employees Are
Take a quick poll – to see what channels your employees would prefer
Set Up Your Content Calendar – You can download templates on sites like CoSchedule
Start the week right with LinkedIn – “This Week at PlanSource” posts go out each
Monday promoting webinars, videos, and events happening that week.
Share Successes and Events – Holiday parties, fundraisers, employees standing out, etc.
Utilize “Flipboard” for content curation
More on Content Calendars
Find a Template that Works for You
One location, where all of your
channels can interact
Make it collaborative if needed
Be sure to meet and discuss it
weekly or bi-weekly
More on Flipboard
Setting up your personal newspaper
A personal magazine, tailored based
on your interests
Updated daily, from sources like:
Forbes, Inc, SHRM, etc.
Channels to Follow:
Employee Engagement
Human Resources
Benefits Enrollment
Final Thoughts
Summary of social media’s impact on Benefits
Social isn’t just for benefits
Something you can track
Consistent messaging, reposted across channels
50% curation | 30% creation| 20% humanization
More Than “Likes”
HRCI: 350908 SHRM: 18-ZBU3F
Continue the Conversation

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Using Social Media to Improve Benefits Enrollment, Employee Engagement & Recruiting

  • 1. 1 More Than “Likes” Using Social Media to Drive Benefits Enrollment, Employee Engagement, and Recruiting
  • 2. Will the webinar be recorded? Yes! We will send you a link to the recording after the webinar.
  • 3. Will the slides be available? Yes! We will send you a link to the PDF after the webinar.
  • 4. How do I ask questions? ?
  • 6. Agenda 6 1. The Case for Better Communication 2. Why Social Media 3. Example: Increasing Benefits Enrollment 4. Example: Improving Employee Engagement 5. Example: Effective Recruiting
  • 7. 7 The Case for Better Communication
  • 9. 9 The Need What do your employees want to know? Employers know an appealing benefits package can be a powerful tool to attract and retain quality employee. Yet the best benefits are wasted if value isn’t communicated to employees.
  • 10. 10 Effective Benefits Communication Of HR Professionals say their employee benefits communications efforts are “very effective” Source: SHRM 2016 Strategic Benefit Report 25%
  • 11. 11 Effective Engagement Communication Of HR Professionals say their employee engagement communications efforts are “very effective” Source: SHRM 2016 Strategic Benefit Report 35%
  • 12. 12 Effective Benefits Communication Of HR Professionals say they don’t track or determine how well employees actually understand the benefits available to them. Source: SHRM 2016 Strategic Benefit Report 50% How are you communicating
  • 13. 13 Year Round Communication Tips | Repetition The amount of advertising impressions a person sees in a day. 4,000 Repackage your content and use it again Source: Journal of Advertising Research
  • 14. 14 Year Round Communication Tips | Snackable Content of employees spend less than an hour researching their open enrollment options.83% Keep your communications short, sweet and extremely filling Source: 2017 Aflac WorkForces Report
  • 15. 15 So Quickly…. Summary of the state of employee communication We’re struggling to communicate effectively, especially benefits We can’t, or won’t, track our communication We have to get more impressions in front of our teams in order to drive action, and we have to keep it short
  • 16. 16 And yet… of companies said they used social media to communicate with employees about benefits.3-8% Source: Thomsons Online Benefits
  • 18. 18 Why Social Media Be strategic about what you say and when you say it Social media users spend a great deal of time on their favorite social media channels – 109 minutes per day Source: Social Media & Marketing Daily
  • 19. 19 Why Social Media Be strategic about what you say and when you say it Social media drives action, online and offline. People make purchases after learning about a product or service through the platform Source: Social Media & Marketing Daily
  • 20. 20 Why Social Media Be strategic about what you say and when you say it Millennials, the largest emerging workforce since the boomers, have a high affinity for the digital world and are the largest consumers of social media Source: Social Media & Marketing Daily
  • 21. 21 According to Hubspot, 92% of marketers in 2016 claimed that social media marketing was important for their business, with 80% indicating their efforts increased traffic to their businesses. Getting Social
  • 22. 22 -Increased Customer Recognition -Increased Customer Brand Loyalty -Creates a richer Customer Experience -Increased Customer Insights & Tracking Replace “Customer” with “Employee”
  • 23. 23 How can it help you?
  • 24. 24 Increasing Enrollment The right communication, in the right place, at the right time
  • 25. 25 Many employees find it stressful to evaluate benefits options, interpret explanations and make decisions
  • 26. 26 Social Media – Increase Enrollment Real time & year-round communication No delays from transferring physical paperwork Plan administrators can quickly communicate key messages and deadlines Social Media facilitate year-round communication and awareness of employee benefits, through engaging content By communicating the value of benefits and making informed decisions throughout the year, you are setting your team up for a smooth open enrollment when the time arrives.
  • 27. 27 Social Media – Increase Education & Enrollment Start a group!
  • 28. 28
  • 29. 29 Social Media| Pros and Cons Going where your employees are spending their time Can open two-way communication between management/HR to employees and also employees to employees. Private group makes it easy to manage publicity issues. Push notifications make “real-time” alerts a reality. Your employees are there & it’s free! Requires someone within the company to manage, comment, answer questions and oversee the channel. Expert Some employees feel invaded by having their work also in their social feeds - although this opinion is changing rapidly. You can also allow users to “opt in.” + –
  • 30. 30 Year Round Communication Tips | Staying Ahead Increase in voluntary benefits enrollment with employers creating year-long communication and feedback loops42% Creating a feedback loop that enables preparedness Source: Eastbridge Consulting Group
  • 32. 32 Of employees in America said they were engaged in their jobs.32% The Need for an Engaged Workforce Creating a feedback loop that enables preparedness Source: USCDornsife 2016 Study
  • 33. 33 Amount that companies with a highly engaged workforce outperform their peers in earnings.147% The Need for an Engaged Workforce Creating a feedback loop that enables preparedness Source: USCDornsife 2016 Study
  • 34. 34 So How Do We Increase Engagement? Hire & Train the Best, Flexible Hours, Corporate Responsibility Contributors to High Engagement: 61% engagement in teams led by managers who focus on strengths
  • 35. 35 So How Do We Increase Engagement? Hire & Train the Best, Flexible Hours, Corporate Responsibility Contributors to High Engagement: Happy employees are more likely to work for companies offering flex time, telecommuting or both
  • 36. 36 So How Do We Increase Engagement? Hire & Train the Best, Flexible Hours, Corporate Responsibility Contributors to High Engagement: 94% of employees feel it’s important their employer behave in a socially responsible way
  • 37. 37 So How Do We Increase Engagement? Hire & Train the Best, Flexible Hours, Corporate Responsibility Contributors to High Engagement: 69% of employees say an environment that facilitates teamwork is the #1 contributing factor for high productivity
  • 38. 38 So How Do We Increase Engagement? Hire & Train the Best, Flexible Hours, Corporate Responsibility Here is your script: Focus on company strengths Flex time, telecommuting or both Socially responsible work Teamwork
  • 39. 39 Social Media – Increasing Employee Engagement Messaging that matches your mission
  • 40. 40 Social Media – Increasing Employee Engagement Showcase core values, show your “why” – Simon Sinek
  • 41. 41 Recruiting How $150 can land you your top prospect
  • 43. 43 #1 Downloadable Content Infographics Guides Whitepapers eBooks #2 Thought leadership Content calendar Blogs Webinars Videos Two Types of Content
  • 44. 44 The Scenario We had an urgent need for a Content Marketing Manager Needed to be onsite: Charleston, SC We were hiring like mad, and our in-house recruiter was redlining The job rec was posted on 12/20….
  • 45. 45 The Process Create Internal Competition We posted the position on LinkedIn We created trackable links Google URL Builder Free Tool Incentivized team members to share Regional Sales Teams, Marketing, Inside Sales, etc.
  • 46. 46 The Process Paid Promotion through LinkedIn Put $150 into promoting the post Targeted Charleston, with 20 mile radius Targeted Software Companies, Benefits or HR preferred Targeted Specific Job Titles: Content Marketing Manager, Digital Media Manager, Communications Manager, Content Strategist
  • 47. 47 The Results? Paid Promotion through LinkedIn
  • 48. 48 The Process Expanding our Outreach Expanded to cover SC coast Applicant had to be willing to re-locate Loosened software & benefits requirements Added Advertising and Media Agencies to our target audience
  • 49. 49 The Process Expanding our Outreach Highlighted Charleston in post text “Travel + Leisure ranked #1 City in US, #2 city in the world!”
  • 50. 50 The Results 86 total applicants in two weeks 2,553 Impressions, 56 Clicks: 2.19% CTR vs 0.35%-0.45% Industry Average 25 Applicants through LinkedIn 25 10 13 15 13 10 Application Breakdown LinkedIn PlanSource.com Glassdoor Indeed Other Job + Board
  • 51. 51 Industry expert that collaborates with our graphics team and Director of Communications to create lead capturing and thought leadership content Meisha Bochicchio NEW Content Marketing Manager The Results
  • 53. 53 Putting Social Media to Practice • Be Where Your Employees Are Take a quick poll – to see what channels your employees would prefer Set Up Your Content Calendar – You can download templates on sites like CoSchedule Start the week right with LinkedIn – “This Week at PlanSource” posts go out each Monday promoting webinars, videos, and events happening that week. Share Successes and Events – Holiday parties, fundraisers, employees standing out, etc. Utilize “Flipboard” for content curation
  • 54. 54 More on Content Calendars Find a Template that Works for You One location, where all of your channels can interact Make it collaborative if needed Be sure to meet and discuss it weekly or bi-weekly
  • 55. 55 More on Flipboard Setting up your personal newspaper A personal magazine, tailored based on your interests Updated daily, from sources like: Forbes, Inc, SHRM, etc. Channels to Follow: Employee Engagement Human Resources Benefits Enrollment
  • 56. 56 Final Thoughts Summary of social media’s impact on Benefits Social isn’t just for benefits Something you can track Consistent messaging, reposted across channels 50% curation | 30% creation| 20% humanization
  • 58. 58 More Than “Likes” HRCI: 350908 SHRM: 18-ZBU3F