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State of AI
June 29, 2018
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a multidisciplinary field of science whose goal is to create intelligent machines.
We believe that AI will be a force multiplier on technological progress in our increasingly digital, data-driven
This is because everything around us today, ranging from culture to consumer products, is a product of intelligence.
In this report, we set out to capture a snapshot of the exponential progress in AI with a focus on developments in
the past 12 months. Consider this report as a compilation of the most interesting things we’ve seen that seeks to
trigger informed conversation about the state of AI and its implication for the future.
We consider the following key dimensions in our report:
- Research: Technology breakthroughs and their capabilities.
- Talent: Supply, demand and concentration of talent working in the field.
- Industry: Large platforms, financings and areas of application for AI-driven innovation today and tomorrow.
- Politics: Public opinion of AI, economic implications and the emerging geopolitics of AI.
Collaboratively produced in East London, UK by:
Nathan Benaich
Ian Hogarth
stateof.ai 2018
Nathan studied biology at Williams College and
earned a PhD from Cambridge in computational
and experimental cancer biology. He is an
investor in machine learning-driven technology
companies with his new firm, Air Street Capital,
and as a Venture Partner at Point Nine Capital.
He founded the RAAIS community and
Foundation to advance progress in AI.
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
About the authors
Nathan Benaich Ian Hogarth
Ian studied engineering at Cambridge,
specialising in machine learning. His Masters
project was a computer vision system to classify
breast cancer biopsy images. He was co-founder
and CEO of Songkick, the concert service used
by 17 million music fans every month. He is an
angel investor in over 30 startups with a focus
on applied machine learning.
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Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Artificial Intelligence (AI): A broad discipline with the goal of creating intelligent machines, as opposed to the
natural intelligence that is demonstrated by humans and animals. It has become a somewhat catch all term that
nonetheless captures the long term ambition of the field to build machines that emulate and then exceed the full
range of human cognition.
Machine learning (ML): A subset of AI that often uses statistical techniques to give machines the ability to "learn"
from data without being explicitly given the instructions for how to do so. This process is known as “training” a
“model” using a learning “algorithm” that progressively improves model performance on a specific task.
Reinforcement learning (RL): An area of ML that has received particular attention from the research community
over the past decade. It is concerned with software agents that learn goal-oriented behavior by trial and error in an
environment that provides rewards or penalties in response to the agent’s actions towards achieving that goal.
Deep learning (DL): An area of ML that attempts to mimic the activity in layers of neurons in the brain to learn how
to recognise complex patterns in data. The “deep” in deep learning refers to the large number of layers of neurons
in contemporary ML models that help to learn rich representations of data to achieve better performance gains.
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Algorithm: An unambiguous specification of how to solve a particular problem.
Model: Once a ML algorithm has been trained on data, the output of the process is known as the model. This can
then be used to make predictions.
Supervised learning: This is the most common kind of (commercial) ML algorithm today where the system is
presented with labelled examples to explicitly learn from.
Unsupervised learning: In contrast to supervised learning, the ML algorithm has to infer the inherent structure of
the data that is not annotated with labels.
Transfer learning: This is an area of research in ML that focuses on storing knowledge gained in one problem and
applying it to a different or related problem, thereby reducing the need for additional training data and compute.
Good old fashioned AI: A name given to an early symbolic AI paradigm that fell out of favour amongst researchers
in the 1990s.
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
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Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Section 1: Research and technical breakthroughs
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What is transfer learning and how does it relate to machine learning?
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Transfer Learning
Machine learning models are trained to solve a task by learning from examples. However, to solve a new and
different task, a trained model needs to be retained with new data specific to that task.
Transfer learning posits that knowledge acquired by a trained machine learning model can be re-applied (or
‘transferred’) during the training process for a new task.
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Why does transfer learning matter?
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Transfer Learning
Re-using previously acquired knowledge reduces the amount of data a model needs in order to learn a new task.
A model pre-trained on many different problems will internalise an increasingly rich understanding of the world
and is therefore considered a key step towards generalising AI.
Example: Repurposing Google’s InceptionV3 image recognition network for skin cancer detection
Pre-trained reusable component Skin cancer-specific component
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Dermatologists: biopsy or treat the lesion?
Model: what probability is the lesion dangerous?
In the charts on the right, you’ll see that the majority
of red points (dermatologist) reside below the blue
curve (sensitivity-specificity for the model). This
means the model achieves superior performance
compared to dermatologists.
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Transfer Learning: From predicting everyday objects on ImageNet to detecting skin cancer
Transfer learning enabled automatic state-of-the-art detection of dangerous skin lesions on human patients
The Google InceptionV3 network was first trained on ImageNet and then re-trained with 129,450 clinical images
of 2,032 different skin diseases. It learns how to classify images based on pixel inputs and disease labels only.
True positive rateTruenegativerate
The model outperforms 21 Stanford dermatologists
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New GPU supercomputers eclipse older chipsAI models run much faster on GPUs
than CPUs
Semiconductor (or ‘chip’) performance is a key driver behind progress in AI research and applications. This is
because AI models often require huge amounts of training data to properly learn a task (e.g. image recognition).
Graphics processing units (GPUs) are today’s workhorse chip for AI models largely because they offer immense
computational parallelism over central processing units (CPUs). This means faster training and model iteration.
The role of semiconductors in driving AI performance
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
AI hardware as the new frontier
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32 GPUs = same accuracy, 25x faster
than 1 GPU
The hardware war: More GPUs allows for faster training, as well as bigger (more powerful) models.
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AI hardware as the new frontier
Number of GPUs used for training
Training speedup over one GPU (x-fold)
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More data = bigger model
AI model performance scales with dataset size and the # of model parameters, thus necessitating more compute
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
AI hardware is especially helpful for deep learning
A framework for scaling AI models More data = fewer mistakes
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The Information Theory: First memorise the data, then forget what doesn’t help the model make predictions
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AI hardware is especially helpful for deep learning
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More compute means new solutions to previously intractable problems, e.g. machines learning to play Go
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AI hardware rate limits progress in today’s deep learning era
AlexNet to AlphaGo Zero: 300,000x more compute
Note log-scale!
A positive feedback loop drives AI competitiveness
Better performance
More money
More user data
Bigger model
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No wonder that GPUs have grown immensely in popularity amongst developers
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AI hardware
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However, GPUs were built for graphics workloads and evolved for high performance computing and AI workloads
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AI hardware
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While in most cases, training on GPUs tends to outperform training on CPUs, the abundance of readily-available
CPU capacity in the datacenter makes it a useful and widely used platform.
At Facebook, for example, primary use case of GPUs is offline training rather than serving real-time data to
While GPUs are used extensively for training, they’re not really needed for inference
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
AI hardware
Offline training uses a mix of GPUs and CPUs However, online training is CPU-heavy
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Processor clock frequencies are not getting faster and Moore’s Law can only take us so far
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AI hardware
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New architectures optimise for memory and compute to offer state-of-the-art performance running AI models
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AI hardware
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But GPUs and novel silicon are costly to rent per hour, which means progress is limited by financial resources
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AI hardware
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Whilst more costly per hour, new silicon (e.g. Google’s TPUv2) allows for faster model training at lower final
(vs. NVIDIA V100)Top-1 accuracy learning rate of TPU vs GPU on ImageNet
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
AI hardware
Cloud cost to reach 75.7% top-1 accuracy
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Each Cloud TPUv3 (4 chips) has 128GB of high-bandwidth memory 2x that of the Cloud TPUv2.
What’s next for Google? The TPUv3 announced at Google I/O 2018
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AI hardware
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Multi-precision computing platform for scientific computing (high precision) and AI workloads (low precision).
What’s next for NVIDIA? The HGX-2, announced at NVIDIA GTC May 2018
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AI hardware
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NVIDIA’s datacenter business breaks $2B run-rate, is growing >100% year on year and accounts for almost 20%
of their group revenue
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AI hardware
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NVIDIA’s enterprise value has 10x in 3 years since the deep learning revolution ignited
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AI hardware
Deep learning works starts to work
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Intel’s datacenter group accounts for 30% of the company’s group revenue
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AI hardware
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Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
AI hardware
IC Vendors Intel, Qualcomm, Nvidia, Samsung, AMD, Xilinx, IBM, STMicroelectronics, NXP, MediaTek, HiSilicon,
Tech Giants & HPC
Google, Amazon_AWS, Microsoft, Apple, Aliyun, Alibaba Group, Tencent Cloud, Baidu, Baidu Cloud,
HUAWEI Cloud, Fujitsu, Nokia, Facebook
IP Vendors ARM, Synopsys, Imagination, CEVA, Cadence, VeriSilicon, Videantis
Startups in China Cambricon, Horizon Robotics, DeePhi, Bitmain, Chipintelli, Thinkforce
Startups Worldwide Cerebras, Wave Computing, Graphcore, PEZY, KnuEdge, Tenstorrent, ThinCI, Koniku, Adapteva,
Knowm, Mythic, Kalray, BrainChip, AImotive, DeepScale, Leepmind, Krtkl, NovuMind, REM, TERADEEP,
DEEP VISION, Groq, KAIST DNPU, Kneron, Esperanto Technologies, Gyrfalcon Technology, SambaNova
Systems, GreenWaves Technology, Lightelligence, Lightmatter
Many companies are developing custom AI chips
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Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
AI hardware
Large technology companies are hedging their hardware suppliers, but there are few options to choose from
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Cloud giants are creating dedicated AI hardware and significantly growing their capex budgets
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AI hardware
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AI models associate pixels to objects (semantic segmentation) or identify what objects are shown (classification)
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Traditional computer vision describes visual scenes by learning to detect objects (‘nouns’)
2 cars, 8 people, 1 motorbike, 6
signs, 2 sidewalks, two way street
2 cars, 8 people, 1
motorbike, 6 signs, 2
sidewalks, two way street.
Semantic image segmentation Object classification
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Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
However, detecting objects in images is not enough to produce real scene understanding
AI models make obvious mistakes when asked to describe a visual scene based on their understanding of objects
Image captioning helps expose the knowledge that computer vision systems learn by training on images labeled
with the objects they contain. Such computer vision models make seemingly obvious mistakes when attempting
to describe visual scenes. This suggests that having a common sense world model of objects and people is
required for an AI system to truly understand what's happening in a visual scene.
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True scene understanding requires understanding actions (‘verbs’) and common sense
A promising approach to learning common sense uses deep learning and labeled videos of actions with objects
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
1M+ videos of real world actions 300k videos of 400 human actions
Something something dataset Kinetics dataset
1M+ videos of YouTube actions
Moments in Time dataset
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Building datasets for teaching machine learning models to understand video
Enlist people to create videos that describe actions of interest, e.g. pretending to drop something off something
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If a deep learning model can recognise and disambiguate nuanced actions from video, it should have internalised
common sense about the world. This is also called “intuitive physics”.
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Deep learning models can actually understand the verbs as well as the nouns in video
Examples of caption predictions generated by a deep learning model trained on crowd-acted data
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion #AIreport
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The “Generative Query Network” (GQN) can do this without human labels or domain knowledge, suggesting that
it captures the identities, positions, colors, and counts of objects in the scenes it observes.
If an ML system correctly predicts new viewpoints of the same scene, it has internalised knowledge of that scene
Machines can also understand visual scenes by learning to see from multiple viewpoints
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Examples of different scene viewpoints What the GQN observes and predicts vs. truth
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A game is the world model used by a reinforcement learning (RL) system to learn behaviors by trial and error
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
RL systems can learn goal-oriented behavior within simulated environments, i.e. games
EnvironmentAI Agent
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Strikingly, the more elegant AlphaZero system surpasses all other versions of AlphaGo (which is based on two
neural networks). AlphaZero achieves superhuman performance after 40 days of training.
AlphaZero showed that a deep RL system can learn from scratch to beat Go champions
AlphaZero is one neural network trained through self-play without human supervision or historical player data to
predict moves and chances of winning from a particular board position
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion #AIreport
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The agents each have their own neural networks trained through RL to yield long-term planning behavior in a
gameplay environment that is partially-observable and high-dimensional. That RL agents can collaborate in
teams to beat teams of humans is notable given the space of possible actions agents can take and the large
maps they can interact with.
OpenAI’s multi-agent RL system learns to play complex real-time strategy game, Dota2
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OpenAI Five is a team of 5 agents that learn through RL-based self-play to optimize their gameplay policy
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Here, an RL agent learns optimal behaviors within a world model it imagined for itself
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
RL agents can also build their own world models and be trained within them
The agent observes the game environment, creates its own understanding of each frame (VAE), uses this
understanding to predict the next frame (MDN-RNN) and then trains its behavior to optimize a goal (C) in the
imagined environment.
Schematic for building a world model Using this world model allows an AI agent to perform at its best
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After many years of scandals, the research community is finally working to stem bias in ML models
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Fairness in machine learning: How do we ensure our models are not biased?
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Turkish is a gender-neutral language, yet Google Translate swaps the gender of the pronouns when translating
from English to Turkish and back to English
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An example of biased machine learning systems: Stereotyping
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When trained on datasets that do not appropriately reflect diversity of skin color, computer vision systems
offensive racial bias
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Another example of biased machine learning systems: Racial bias
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Bias typically stems from training data that fails to appropriately represent diversity or encodes biased labels
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ML models have 5 types of allocation bias that stem from training data
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Like all software, ML models need to be debugged, but understanding them is hard
Many ML models, especially deep learning models, are often complex “black boxes”
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In computer vision, a model can show us which pixels it used to infer a specific label (e.g. which pixels = “dog”)
This way, we understand that the model has “learned” properly vs. predicted the right label for the wrong reason.
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Explainability helps validate that ML models perform well for the “right” reasons
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Joint textual rationale generation and attention visualization provides deeper insight into decisions
For a given question and an image, the Pointing and Justification Explanation (PJ-X) model predicts the answer
and multimodal explanations which both point to the visual evidence for a decision and provide textual
justifications. Multimodal explanations results in better visual and textual explanations.
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Next step: Justifying decisions in plain language and pointing to the evidence
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The more a feature is important, the greater the model’s prediction error as a result of the feature value change.
We can alter the value of a particular model feature to see how the overall model’s prediction error changes
Understanding feature importance gives us high level insight into a model’s behavior
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Features important for predicting cervical cancer
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An unnoticeable universal noise filter applied to an image of a panda makes the model think it sees a gibbon.
Adversarial examples cause computer vision models to make glaring mistakes!
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Imperceptible changes to data can alter a deep learning model’s prediction
Noise filter
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The “toaster” patch maximally excites the computer vision model so that it always sees a toaster even when
there is no “real” toaster in view.
A method for creating universal, robust, targeted adversarial image patches in the real world
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Imperceptible changes to data can alter a deep learning model’s prediction
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Adversarial attacks present serious safety challenges in the real world
A vision system that previously detected pedestrians at a zebra crossing is no longer able to “see” them.
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This poses obvious security concerns when autonomous vehicles make it onto public roads.
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Involving many researchers, institutions and proposed structural and computational innovations.
>5 years of research into convolutional neural network architectures for computer vision applications
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Improving deep learning model architecture requires iterative experimentation
AlexNet architecture (2013)
VGGNet architecture (2014)
ResNet (2015) Inception v4 (2016)
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Leading to significant reductions in Top-1% accuracy on Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC)
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Improving deep learning model architecture requires iterative experimentation
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Google’s AutoML automatically discovers the best model architecture for a computer vision task
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AI to automate away AI engineers
AutoML traversed the architecture search space to find two new cell designs (Normal and Reduction, left
figueres) that could be integrated into a final model (NASNet, right graph) that outperformed all existing
human-crafted models.
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OpenMined: Train a model on lots of individual user devices such that their data never leaves their devices
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Distributed “federated” learning to decentralise data acquisition and model training
Large technology companies centralise immense amounts of user data. The community is now starting to push
back by creating tools to decentralise data ownership. In OpenMined, an AI model itself is encrypted by it’s
owner such that the user cannot steal it. User data stays locally on a user’s device and is accessed to update the
model’s parameters. These parameter changes from multiple users are aggregated back to the model owner for
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Google uses federated learning to train its mobile keyboard prediction models, Gboard
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Federated learning to decentralise data acquisition and model training
Your keyboard model
is personalised
locally based on your
Consensus change is
agreed and shared to
the core model.
Many users’ updates are
aggregated together
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Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Section 2: Talent
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Supply: Element AI estimates 22,000 PhD educated AI researchers and engineers
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Supply: Element AI estimates 5,000 high-level researchers worldwide
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Talent concentration: America remains the hub for talent exchange
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Talent concentration: Google is widely acknowledged as the leading employer of AI talent
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Talent concentration: 6.3% of 2017 ICML papers had a Google/DeepMind author
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Talent concentration: Percentage of ICML papers with Google/DeepMind author doubles
stateof.ai 2018Source: @karpathy, @dhruvguliani
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Talent concentration: Google lead in contribution to 2017 NIPS papers
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Talent Concentration: Google & DeepMind dominate NIPS authorship
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Demand: Salaries for machine learning engineers continue to climb
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“[At] DeepMind...the lab’s “staff costs” as it expanded to 400 employees totaled $138
million. That comes out to $345,000 an employee.”
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Demand: Anecdotally salaries continue to grow
“OpenAI paid its top researcher, Ilya Sutskever, more than $1.9 million in 2016. It paid
another leading researcher, Ian Goodfellow, more than $800,000”. ‘I turned down
offers for multiple times the dollar amount I accepted at OpenAI,’Mr. Sutskever said.
‘Others did the same.’”
“Typical A.I. specialists, including both Ph.D.s fresh out of school and people with less
education and just a few years of experience, can be paid from $300,000 to $500,000
a year or more in salary and company stock”
“Nick Zhang, president of the Wuzhen Institute...knows of experienced people getting
salary offers of $1 million or more to work at the AI research centres of Chinese
social-media giant Tencent or the web-services firm Baidu. ‘This was unimaginable five
years ago,’”
“Thomas Liang, a former executive at Chinese search giant Baidu estimates salaries in
the industry have roughly doubled since 2014”
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Demand: Compensation can be astronomical and relationships litigious
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Diversity in machine learning
Diversity metrics for the industry are rarely publicised
➔ Key research labs are not yet making their workforce diversity statistics public.
➔ There are limited diversity stats for major machine learning conferences publicly available.
➔ For the largest machine learning conference by attendance, NIPS (Neural Information Processing
Systems), there is data available on a single dimension of diversity (gender) for the past few years*.
➔ For NIPS, the percentage of female attendees was 17% in 2017. This is lower than the technology
industry more generally (for example, 31% of Google employees are women and 20% of people in a
technical role at Google are women).
➔ The percentage of women attending NIPS has risen slightly over the past few years from 13% in
2015 to 17% in 2017.
➔ There are various initiatives aiming to increase diversity in machine learning:
*please let us know if you have similar statistics on other measures of diversity, such as race, that we can add to the report
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Diversity in machine learning: percentage of women attending the NIPS conference
% of NIPS conference registrations from women
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Section 3: Industry
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AI intellectual property is concentrated amongst few global players who also spend billions on R&D per year
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AI takes the world stage: GAFAMBAT* are in the ring together
AI related patent application activity by filling date Top US companies for R&D spending in FY2017
stateof.ai 2018*Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent
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Google is investing heavily to expose ML services through their cloud ecosystem
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Big cloud providers are building and exposing the building blocks of intelligence via API
Amazon is doing the same…
And so is Microsoft…
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Google’s TensorFlow is winning the ML framework war, but the grounds are shifting fast
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
TensorFlow is extremely popular amongst developers Framework mentions in research publications
3 months until March 7th 2018
This means Google acquires significant developer mindshare, creates an onramp onto their Cloud services, trains a
generation of developers and researchers with their technology who contribute to improving it. Their open source
strategy also disarms potential competitors. However, practitioners feel intense uncertainty on how things will
play out in the field. The wrong framework choice could have significant ramifications, not least refactoring costs.
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Why now? Today’s drug development process is too slow and expensive
Change vs 1980s?
10 times more!
Time from lab to approval
10 years
Research + Development cost
$2.6 billion per drug
Success rate
Pharmaceutical industry
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● Repurpose existing drugs: Discover how existing drugs can be repurposed for new conditions. This is
achieved by learning complex relationships between drugs, pathways, conditions and side effects, while
also conducting large-scale testing and data analysis using AI-driven software vs. manual data analysis.
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Pharmaceutical industry
Selected examples:
Where and how is machine learning being used effectively?
● Develop new drugs: Teach a ML model to learn the rules of drug design, e.g. the structure of therapeutic
molecules and/or the stepwise process of efficiently synthesising these molecules. Then, use these models
to improve existing drugs, generate entirely novel compounds or new combinations of drugs.
Selected examples:
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Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Why now? Healthcare systems worldwide are costly and overburdened
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Healthcare spending as % of GDP growing since 80s The older we get, the more health issues we have
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Breast cancer as a case study: Not enough doctors, diagnosing is hard and care is expensive
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Misclassification rate
Up to 30% of cases
Radiologists in the USA
34,000 professionals
Women undergoing mammography in the USA
30 million patients per year
Cancer treatment cost, median $/month Early detection of leads to higher 5-year survival rates
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● Liquid biopsy: Isolate and analyse material such as cells or bacteria circulating in a patient’s bloodstream.
This approach allows for early non-invasive disease diagnosis as well as tracking response to therapy.
● Medical imaging: Train computer vision models on large numbers of labeled medical images (e.g. X-ray,
ultrasound) with matched and clinically-validated patient diagnoses. Use this system to help doctors
process more patient cases and make fewer diagnostic mistakes.
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Where and how is machine learning being used effectively?
Cancer diagnostics
X-Ray (radiology) Ultrasound CT scan EKG (heart)
Infectious disease
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Expect to see more activity as companies move their products through clinical trials and regulatory bodies
Number of medical imaging AI companies founded per vintage
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4 year-old is leading the charge. It’s valued >$4.5B since raising $620M Series C+ in May 2018.
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Population-level surveillance is taking off in China
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Government and defense
The Chinese government continue to roll out CCTV surveillance software based on computer vision. There are
170 million CCTV cameras as of late 2017. This network will grow to 400 million cameras in 3 years time.
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In the US, companies including Google and Clarifai supplied AI technology to the Pentagon’s Project Maven
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Government and defense
In response, >4,500 Google employees signed a petition to quit if the company were to continue as a supplier
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In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, personal data privacy is now front and center
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Government and defense
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Massive data breaches such as Equifax’s heist of data about 146 million people has brought the privacy front of
mind in industry. In Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation has come into effect since May 25th 2018.
Companies must explicitly obtain consent from their users to access data for specific purposes and must allow
users to delete their records at will. This has driven work in differential privacy, on-device machine learning and
synthetic data creation to assuage privacy concerns of data systems. However, it’s unclear if consumers will
change their behavior as a result.
Why now?
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Privacy preservation and data anonymisation
stateof.ai 2018
● Obfuscating sensitive data: Detect sensitive data fields and anonymise them while preserving the
important features of a dataset such that machine learning models can still learn useful information.
● Synthetic data generation: Training a machine learning model to learn the key statistical properties of a
source dataset and using the model to generating synthetic data that preserves these properties.
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Privacy preservation and data anonymisation
Selected examples:
Where and how is machine learning being used effectively?
Selected examples:
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Why now? Satellite data is decreasing in cost and increasing in resolution and frequency
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Satellite data
Driven by the rise of microsatellites, the decreasing costs of satellite components, the falling cost of launches
and improvements in downlink infrastructure.
Worldwide commercial space launches by type Weekly data collection by Planet
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Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Satellite data
● Finance: Automate assessment of ground truth data (traffic patterns, car counts in retail parking lots,
drilling activity, construction activity etc) to find new sources of alpha in financial markets.
Selected examples:
Where and how is machine learning being used effectively?
● Insurance: Use real time imaging and historical data to automate claims, detect fraud and improve pricing
models for property, catastrophe and crop insurance.
Selected examples:
● Agriculture: Use persistent daily imagery to monitor fields to understand changes in soil or crop health and
forecast yields.
Selected examples:
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Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Satellite data: Eyes in the sky
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Why now?
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Cloud computing, mobile devices, and more interconnected supply chains means the attack surface for cyber
attacks is expanding. At the same time there is a growing shortage of cybersecurity personnel. Machine learning
offers a flexible way to learn from past attacks and automate processes saving time for stretched security teams.
% of organisations lacking cybersecurity skillsGlobal avg cost of cybercrime to organisations
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Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
● Insider threat detection: Applying machine learning to large amounts of data on employee behaviour
reduces the time to flag potential malicious intent.
Selected examples:
Where and how is machine learning being used effectively?
● Network and endpoint security: Supervised learning is used to detect malicious activity on an
organisation’s network based on data from past attacks. Unsupervised learning is used to automatically
learn what is normal and what is abnormal within a network on a an ongoing basis.
Selected examples:
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Why now?
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Warehouse automation
eCommerce growth decreases order size for item picking in warehouses and increases customer expectations
around the speed of fulfilment. Warehouse space and labour are both scarce driving more use of robotics.
Retailers are also reacting to Amazon’s investment in this area following their acquisition of Kiva.
Number of robots working in Amazon fulfilment centres
% of warehouse and logistics managers reporting
inability to find hourly workers as a top concern
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Warehouse automation
● Warehouse management systems: Using machine learning within warehouse management software to
optimise inventory, order picking and queues to minimise waste.
Selected examples:
Where and how is machine learning being used effectively?
● Robotics: Using robots and drones for picking, packing, inventory inspection.
Selected examples:
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Warehouse automation: Products of all shapes and sizes
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Blue collar manual work
Why now?
A decrease in the cost of components (sensors, batteries) and improvements in computer vision mean that robots
are increasingly cheaper than employing manual labour for various blue collar professions.
Index of average robot prices and labour
compensation in U.S. manufacturing
Automation risk by job type (%)
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Blue collar manual work
● Cleaning: Self-driving cleaning robots for industrial spaces. This can include dangerous or hard to access
spaces like windows, solar panels or infectious spaces.
Selected examples:
Where and how is machine learning being used effectively?
● Construction: Self-driving vehicles for digging and loading. Robots for bricklaying and other tasks.
Selected examples:
● Security: Computer vision applied to security cameras combined with drones, robots and other sensors to
replace aspects of a security guard’s job.
Selected examples:
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Blue collar manual work: Examples of products in the market
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The world population is expected to grow from 7.6 billion to 9.6 billion by 2050. We need to produce 70% more
food calories to feed the world’s population by then. Robotics, control systems, connected devices in fields and
greenhouses and new methods of farming must be developed to fill this food production gap.
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Agriculture: Indoor and outdoor farming
Why now?
The need for boosting food production Farms are investing in technology now
stateof.ai 2018
Fewer farm workers on US farms, higher hourly wages per worker, but more automation leads to stable labor cost
share of total gross farm revenue
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Agriculture: Indoor and outdoor farming
stateof.ai 2018
● Health inspection for crops and animals: Use computer vision and wearable sensors to learn models of
plant and animal health and use them to detect anomalies.
● Greenhouse control systems: Use native sensors and actuators in greenhouses to collect data on growing
conditions, learn a dynamic climate model and use it to optimise crop yield and energy consumption.
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Agriculture: Indoor and outdoor farming
● Vertically-integrated farming: Compact, self-contained greenhouses for growing crops closer to the point
of consumption. The farms have their climates that can be operated using similar ML-driven control
Selected examples:
Where and how is machine learning being used effectively?
Selected examples:
Selected examples:
stateof.ai 2018
● Crop picking robots: Build robots capable of mapping and navigating through crop fields while identifying
and carefully picking ripe fruit automatically.
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Agriculture: Indoor and outdoor farming
Selected examples:
Where and how is machine learning being used effectively?
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Why now?
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● Simulation environments, street level maps and software for autonomy: Using a mix of machine learning,
computer vision, video game environments, photorealistic data generation and behavioral modelling.
● Autonomous last mile delivery: Same as above, except these vehicles are used to delivery goods locally by
land or air.
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
● Autonomous vehicle ridesharing: Machine learning is often used across the entire stack from perception,
localisation, mapping, planning, control, route optimisation and safety.
Selected examples:
Where and how is machine learning being used effectively?
Selected examples:
Selected examples:
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Autonomy: Vehicles and software products in the wild
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Why now?
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
There is an abundance of data in public markets, alternative sources and about users of financial products.
Moreover, consumers and investors are fatigued with overbearing fees to manage capital and provide products
such as credit. The financial sector also faces pressure to reduce operating expenses by adopting automation.
Algorithmic trading as % of all trading Fraction of wealth lost to fees Big data sources in use
7x reduction
stateof.ai 2018
● Credit/Loans: The cost of calculating and underwriting risk is improved through automation and the
discovery of novel features through machine learning that improve the overall efficiency of this process.
Peer to peer lending has also benefited from these drivers.
● Wealth management: Software-driven automation of capital management, portfolio construction and tax
optimisation. These services materially reduce the fees for consumers to invest their long-term savings.
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Selected examples:
Where and how is machine learning being used effectively?
Selected examples:
● Fraud prevention: Using both supervised and unsupervised learning to detect known and novel fraudulent
behaviors in electronic transactions, interpersonal communications, and claims images.
Selected examples:
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Why now?
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Enterprise automation
Reducing operational process cost and complexity through software-defined automation is now a Board-level
priority in the enterprise. Manual processes are prone to costly errors, do not scale, are difficult to track and
troubleshoot, and make organisations slow to respond to younger and more nimble new entrants.
% of average week spent on tasks % of day spent in different modes of work
⅔ day is unstructured
or unpredictable
⅓ day is structured,
predictable, automated
or automatable
stateof.ai 2018
● Software task automation: While not using machine learning per se, the ability to connect different
API-driven software together to form workflows enables task automation in cloud-based enterprises.
● Document digitisation: Converting legacy paper documentation into digital records to simplify and
automate office work. Based on (semi) supervised computer vision and optical character recognition.
● Robotic process automation: Creating automated “software robots” to replicate the repetitive
desktop-based processes that human workers are otherwise doing. Computer vision and NLP can be used
to understand what’s on the screen and flexible decision making will help solve more complex tasks.
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Enterprise automation
Selected examples:
Where and how is machine learning being used effectively?
Selected examples:
Selected examples:
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Why now?
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
Material science
An enormous amount of experimental data has been generated on the properties of materials. Progress in
materials science is a multiplier on broader engineering progress. But most materials are still found empirically,
which limits the rate of progress. For example, scientists have manually investigated 6,000 combinations of
ingredients that form metallic glass over the past 50 years.
Where and how is ML being used effectively?
Similar its application in drug discovery, machine learning can be used to learn the rules of material science
discovery. For example, models can learn the structure of molecules and/or the stepwise process of efficiently
testing these molecular properties. By using these techniques, researchers at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation
Lightsource were able to create and screen 20,000 combinations of ingredients that form metallic glass in a
single year. That’s research and development sped up by 167x!
Selected examples:
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Section 4: Politics
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Public Attitudes to Automation: Two Surveys
Pew Research Center: Americans and Automation in Everyday Life
Brookings survey: Attitudes to AI
We will review selected results from two major surveys of attitudes to AI and automation in the U.S.
➔ Conducted May 1-15 2017. Published October 2017.
➔ Survey of 4135 US adults
➔ Recruited from landline and cellphone random-digit-dial surveys
➔ Conducted May 9-11 2018. Published May 2017.
➔ Survey of 1535 adult internet users in the U.S.
➔ Recruited through the Google Surveys platform. Responses were weighted using gender,
age, and region to match the demographics of the national internet population as
estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey
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Public Attitudes to Automation: Pew Research Center
Growing awareness of automation impacting jobs
“18% of Americans
indicate that they
personally know
someone who has lost a
job, or had their pay or
hours reduced, as a
result of workforce
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Public Attitudes to Automation: Pew Research Center
Young, part-time employed, hispanic and lower-income Americans report most impact
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Public Attitudes to Automation: Pew Research Center
Rising concerns about automation increasing inequality
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Public Attitudes to Automation: Pew Research Center
Those whose job has been impacted by automation favor more radical policies
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Public Attitudes to Automation: Brookings Institute
Overall optimism around AI...
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Public Attitudes to Automation: Brookings Institute
...and expectation that AI will “make my life easier”
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Public Attitudes to Automation: Brookings Institute
...but expectation that AI will reduce privacy
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Public Attitudes to Automation: Brookings Institute
...and destroy jobs
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Public Attitudes to Automation: Brookings Institute
...and represents a threat to human beings
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Public Attitudes to Automation: Brookings Institute
...and should be regulated by government
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Public Attitudes to Automation: Brookings Institute
While Americans believe the US is currently the world leader in AI...
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Public Attitudes to Automation: Brookings Institute
...China will close the gap over the next ten years
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How is the US labour market actually changing?
Despite increased automation the US unemployment rate is at a 17 year low
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More broadly, how is the US labour market actually changing?
Routine jobs have stagnated
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How is the US labour market actually changing?
Wages have lagged the increase in jobs
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How is the US labour market actually changing?
Since 2010 there has been a marked change in how long unemployment lasts for
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How is the US labour market actually changing?
Labour productivity and hourly compensation have diverged
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How is the US labour market actually changing?
Labour’s share of income has been declining steadily
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How is the US labour market actually changing?
Workers are experiencing
greater income volatility
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How much of this is due to automation?
It’s hard to say for now. There are many confounding factors including globalisation/offshoring, reduced
unionisation, increased financialisation of the economy, increased consolidation, and demographic shifts.
There are two poles of thought on how machine learning will affect the labour market:
➔ “Don’t worry” - Historically technology has been a net job creator and it won’t be different this time.
Machine learning will create more jobs than it destroys and like previous industrial revolutions, most
of those jobs will be new ones that we can’t imagine today. Yes, we got Automated Teller Machines at
banks, but we also got many new jobs that replaced the bank teller jobs that were lost.
➔ “Worry” - This time it’s different. In previous industrial revolutions we automated human muscular
power and somewhat routine cognitive skills. With increasingly advanced machine learning we will
replicate more and more of human intelligence, reducing the number of well paid jobs and adding
fewer jobs than are destroyed.
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For now, many new jobs are relatively low paid
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It is also still early, there are only 2 million industrial robots in the world
Install base growing 12% year-on-year
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There are fewer robots in U.S. factories compared to other advanced economies
Robots per 10000 manufacturing employees
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Do huge productivity gains in the computer sector mask stagnation in U.S. manufacturing?
Real output growth for manufacturing with and without the computers subsector
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One recent piece of analysis found that while Amazon is rapidly hiring people and robots,
taken as a whole retail is losing jobs
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If automation does reduce net employment and/or wages what new policies will emerge?
Universal Basic Income (UBI) or Basic Income
➔ Has received substantial media coverage over the past years. We review various trials that are now
being rolled out
Universal Basic Services (UBS)
➔ A less mainstream idea that was recently fleshed out by the Institute for Global Prosperity at UCL. We
highlight the proposal as an interesting new alternative or complement to UBI.
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Basic Income trials roll out
‘Basic Income’ aims to mitigate technological unemployment with guaranteed payments to cover basic needs
➔ Finland’s basic income trial is running with 2,000 randomly selected participants receiving €560 per
month. Will conclude in December 2018. Analysis of the effects will take place in 2019.
➔ Ontario basic income pilot began enrolling participants in April 2018. Will be restricted to 4,000 lower
income participants.
➔ Five municipal experiments in the Netherlands with basic income commenced in late 2017.
➔ Barcelona launched B-MINCOME experiment in October 2017 with 2000 low income households.
➔ US Charity GiveDirectly launched trial in Kenya in November 2017. More than 21,000 people will
eventually receive some type of cash transfer, with more than 5,000 receiving a long-term basic
➔ Y Combinator research published proposal for randomised control trial with 3000 adults in the United
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Universal Basic Services proposed by UCL researchers
‘Universal Basic Services’ (UBS) would build on existing state provision of services
Seeks to expand public services (e.g. a National Health Service) to other major categories of consumer spend
(transport, food, shelter). Interesting model for countries with a meaningful welfare state.
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Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
AI Nationalism: flurry of National AI strategies announced
China 2030 (announced July 2017)
➔ Partly a reaction to Obama White House report on AI (in 2016)
➔ New state funded $2.1 billion AI park in Beijing
➔ Call for researchers to be making major breakthroughs by 2025
➔ By 2030, China will “become the world’s premier artificial intelligence
innovation center and foster a new national leadership and establish
the key fundamentals for an economic great power.”
➔ Baidu announces new lab in collaboration with Chinese government
➔ Goal: to build a $150 billion AI industry by 2030
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AI Nationalism: flurry of National AI strategies announced
French AI Strategy (announced March 2018)
➔ “My goal is to recreate a European sovereignty
in AI” - Macron
➔ €1.5 billion committed over 5 years
➔ New AI research centres in Paris opened by
Facebook, Google, Samsung, DeepMind, Fujitsu
➔ Plan to open up of data collected by
state-owned organizations such as France’s
centralized healthcare system
➔ Separately, France announces that foreign
takeovers of AI companies will be subject to
government approval
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AI Nationalism: flurry of National AI strategies announced
South Korea (announced March 2016 & May 2018)
➔ Expands the existing 2016 AI plan to $2 billion
through 2022
➔ Announces 6 new AI institutes
➔ Plan to award 4,500 domestic AI scholarships by 2022
➔ $1 billion fund for semiconductors through 2029
➔ Overall goal to reach “the global top 4 by 2022”
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AI Nationalism: flurry of National AI strategies announced
European Commission plan (announced April 2018)
➔ Called for €20 billion investment
➔ Pledged to increase spending to €1.5 billion through
2020 via EU research programme Horizon 2020
➔ Commits to presenting ethical guidelines on AI by end
➔ Plan to update rules on use of public sector data to
train ML systems
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Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
AI Nationalism: flurry of National AI strategies announced
U.K. AI Sector Deal (announced April 2018)
➔ Government committed to train 8000
computer science teachers and fund 1000
AI-related PhDs by 2025
➔ £603 million in newly allocated government
funding and £300 million in matched private
sector funding
➔ Investment of £93 million in robotics and AI in
extreme environments challenge (for use in
industries like nuclear energy and space)
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For now, US leads China on almost every measure other than data
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America increasingly using the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States
(CFIUS) to scrutinise foreign acquisitions
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CFIUS used to block two key semiconductor acquisitions in the last year
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Why: China’s annual imports of semiconductors have risen to $260 billion
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Why: China’s semiconductor industry is small compared to that of the U.S.
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Why: China has been actively acquiring foreign semiconductor companies
Increased U.S.
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Fake views: Generating synthetic video is getting cheaper, easier and more realistic
➔ This has very significant implications for enabling those who are engaged in producing disinformation
and propaganda.
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Section 5: Predictions
stateof.ai 2018
8 predictions for the next 12 months
1. A lab located in China makes a significant research breakthrough.
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
2. DeepMind has a breakthrough result successfully applying RL to learn how to play Starcraft.
3. Deep learning continues to dominate the discussion without major alternatives appearing.
4. The first therapeutic drug discovered using machine learning produces positive results in trials.
6. The government of an OECD country blocks the acquisition of a leading machine learning company (defined
as valuation >$100m) by a US or Chinese headquartered technology company.
7. Access to Taiwanese and South Korean semiconductor companies becomes an explicit part of the trade war
between America and China.
5. Chinese and American headquartered technology companies make acquisitions of machine learning
companies based in Europe totalling over $5b.
#AIreportIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
8. A major research institution “goes dark” by refraining from publishing key work in the open due to
geopolitical concerns.
stateof.ai 2018
Section 6: Conclusion
#AIreportIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
stateof.ai 2018
Congratulations on making it to the end! Thanks for reading.
In this report, we set out to capture a snapshot of the exponential progress in the field of machine learning, with a
focus on developments in the past 12 months. We believe that AI will be a force multiplier on technological
progress in our world, and that wider understanding of the field is critical if we are to navigate such a huge
We tried to compile a snapshot of all the things that caught our attention in the last year across the range of
machine learning research, commercialisation, talent and the emerging politics of AI.
Thanks to Mary Meeker for the inspiration.
We would appreciate any and all feedback on how we could improve this report further. Thanks again for reading!
Nathan Benaich (@nathanbenaich) and Ian Hogarth (@soundboy)
#AIreportIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion
stateof.ai 2018
The authors declare a number of conflicts of interest as a result of being investors and/or advisors, personally or
via funds, in a number of private and public companies whose work is cited in this report. This concerns the
following companies:
GTN.ai, TwentyBN, Kheiron Medical, Accelerated Dynamics, Avidbots, Optimal Labs, Ravelin, Tractable, LabGenius,
and Mapillary.
Public companies
Alphabet, NVIDIA, Facebook, Microsoft, Intel, Baidu, Amazon, and Alibaba.
Conflicts of interest
Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion #AIreport
stateof.ai 2018
State of AI
June 29, 2018

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The State of Artificial Intelligence in 2018: A Good Old Fashioned Report

  • 1. State of AI June 29, 2018 #AIreportstateof.ai
  • 2. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Artificial intelligence (AI) is a multidisciplinary field of science whose goal is to create intelligent machines. We believe that AI will be a force multiplier on technological progress in our increasingly digital, data-driven world. This is because everything around us today, ranging from culture to consumer products, is a product of intelligence. In this report, we set out to capture a snapshot of the exponential progress in AI with a focus on developments in the past 12 months. Consider this report as a compilation of the most interesting things we’ve seen that seeks to trigger informed conversation about the state of AI and its implication for the future. We consider the following key dimensions in our report: - Research: Technology breakthroughs and their capabilities. - Talent: Supply, demand and concentration of talent working in the field. - Industry: Large platforms, financings and areas of application for AI-driven innovation today and tomorrow. - Politics: Public opinion of AI, economic implications and the emerging geopolitics of AI. Collaboratively produced in East London, UK by: Nathan Benaich @nathanbenaich Ian Hogarth @soundboy #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 3. Nathan studied biology at Williams College and earned a PhD from Cambridge in computational and experimental cancer biology. He is an investor in machine learning-driven technology companies with his new firm, Air Street Capital, and as a Venture Partner at Point Nine Capital. He founded the RAAIS community and Foundation to advance progress in AI. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion About the authors Nathan Benaich Ian Hogarth Ian studied engineering at Cambridge, specialising in machine learning. His Masters project was a computer vision system to classify breast cancer biopsy images. He was co-founder and CEO of Songkick, the concert service used by 17 million music fans every month. He is an angel investor in over 30 startups with a focus on applied machine learning. #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 4. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Definitions Artificial Intelligence (AI): A broad discipline with the goal of creating intelligent machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence that is demonstrated by humans and animals. It has become a somewhat catch all term that nonetheless captures the long term ambition of the field to build machines that emulate and then exceed the full range of human cognition. Machine learning (ML): A subset of AI that often uses statistical techniques to give machines the ability to "learn" from data without being explicitly given the instructions for how to do so. This process is known as “training” a “model” using a learning “algorithm” that progressively improves model performance on a specific task. Reinforcement learning (RL): An area of ML that has received particular attention from the research community over the past decade. It is concerned with software agents that learn goal-oriented behavior by trial and error in an environment that provides rewards or penalties in response to the agent’s actions towards achieving that goal. Deep learning (DL): An area of ML that attempts to mimic the activity in layers of neurons in the brain to learn how to recognise complex patterns in data. The “deep” in deep learning refers to the large number of layers of neurons in contemporary ML models that help to learn rich representations of data to achieve better performance gains. #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 5. Algorithm: An unambiguous specification of how to solve a particular problem. Model: Once a ML algorithm has been trained on data, the output of the process is known as the model. This can then be used to make predictions. Supervised learning: This is the most common kind of (commercial) ML algorithm today where the system is presented with labelled examples to explicitly learn from. Unsupervised learning: In contrast to supervised learning, the ML algorithm has to infer the inherent structure of the data that is not annotated with labels. Transfer learning: This is an area of research in ML that focuses on storing knowledge gained in one problem and applying it to a different or related problem, thereby reducing the need for additional training data and compute. Good old fashioned AI: A name given to an early symbolic AI paradigm that fell out of favour amongst researchers in the 1990s. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Definitions #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 6. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Section 1: Research and technical breakthroughs #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 7. What is transfer learning and how does it relate to machine learning? Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Transfer Learning Machine learning models are trained to solve a task by learning from examples. However, to solve a new and different task, a trained model needs to be retained with new data specific to that task. Transfer learning posits that knowledge acquired by a trained machine learning model can be re-applied (or ‘transferred’) during the training process for a new task. #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 8. Why does transfer learning matter? Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Transfer Learning Re-using previously acquired knowledge reduces the amount of data a model needs in order to learn a new task. A model pre-trained on many different problems will internalise an increasingly rich understanding of the world and is therefore considered a key step towards generalising AI. Example: Repurposing Google’s InceptionV3 image recognition network for skin cancer detection Pre-trained reusable component Skin cancer-specific component #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 9. Dermatologists: biopsy or treat the lesion? Model: what probability is the lesion dangerous? In the charts on the right, you’ll see that the majority of red points (dermatologist) reside below the blue curve (sensitivity-specificity for the model). This means the model achieves superior performance compared to dermatologists. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Transfer Learning: From predicting everyday objects on ImageNet to detecting skin cancer Transfer learning enabled automatic state-of-the-art detection of dangerous skin lesions on human patients The Google InceptionV3 network was first trained on ImageNet and then re-trained with 129,450 clinical images of 2,032 different skin diseases. It learns how to classify images based on pixel inputs and disease labels only. True positive rateTruenegativerate The model outperforms 21 Stanford dermatologists #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 10. New GPU supercomputers eclipse older chipsAI models run much faster on GPUs than CPUs Semiconductor (or ‘chip’) performance is a key driver behind progress in AI research and applications. This is because AI models often require huge amounts of training data to properly learn a task (e.g. image recognition). Graphics processing units (GPUs) are today’s workhorse chip for AI models largely because they offer immense computational parallelism over central processing units (CPUs). This means faster training and model iteration. The role of semiconductors in driving AI performance Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware as the new frontier 2010 2018 GPU #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 11. 32 GPUs = same accuracy, 25x faster than 1 GPU The hardware war: More GPUs allows for faster training, as well as bigger (more powerful) models. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware as the new frontier Number of GPUs used for training Training speedup over one GPU (x-fold) #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 12. More data = bigger model AI model performance scales with dataset size and the # of model parameters, thus necessitating more compute Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware is especially helpful for deep learning A framework for scaling AI models More data = fewer mistakes #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 13. The Information Theory: First memorise the data, then forget what doesn’t help the model make predictions Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware is especially helpful for deep learning #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 14. More compute means new solutions to previously intractable problems, e.g. machines learning to play Go Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware rate limits progress in today’s deep learning era AlexNet to AlphaGo Zero: 300,000x more compute Note log-scale! Google A positive feedback loop drives AI competitiveness Better performance More money More user data Bigger model #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 15. No wonder that GPUs have grown immensely in popularity amongst developers Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 16. However, GPUs were built for graphics workloads and evolved for high performance computing and AI workloads Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 17. While in most cases, training on GPUs tends to outperform training on CPUs, the abundance of readily-available CPU capacity in the datacenter makes it a useful and widely used platform. At Facebook, for example, primary use case of GPUs is offline training rather than serving real-time data to users. While GPUs are used extensively for training, they’re not really needed for inference Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware Offline training uses a mix of GPUs and CPUs However, online training is CPU-heavy #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 18. Processor clock frequencies are not getting faster and Moore’s Law can only take us so far Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 19. New architectures optimise for memory and compute to offer state-of-the-art performance running AI models Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 20. But GPUs and novel silicon are costly to rent per hour, which means progress is limited by financial resources Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware 6.1x 3.3x 4x 81x! #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 21. Whilst more costly per hour, new silicon (e.g. Google’s TPUv2) allows for faster model training at lower final costs (vs. NVIDIA V100)Top-1 accuracy learning rate of TPU vs GPU on ImageNet Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware Cloud cost to reach 75.7% top-1 accuracy #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 22. Each Cloud TPUv3 (4 chips) has 128GB of high-bandwidth memory 2x that of the Cloud TPUv2. What’s next for Google? The TPUv3 announced at Google I/O 2018 Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 23. Multi-precision computing platform for scientific computing (high precision) and AI workloads (low precision). What’s next for NVIDIA? The HGX-2, announced at NVIDIA GTC May 2018 Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 24. NVIDIA’s datacenter business breaks $2B run-rate, is growing >100% year on year and accounts for almost 20% of their group revenue Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 25. NVIDIA’s enterprise value has 10x in 3 years since the deep learning revolution ignited Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware $236! Deep learning works starts to work #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 26. Intel’s datacenter group accounts for 30% of the company’s group revenue Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 27. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware IC Vendors Intel, Qualcomm, Nvidia, Samsung, AMD, Xilinx, IBM, STMicroelectronics, NXP, MediaTek, HiSilicon, Rockchip Tech Giants & HPC Vendors Google, Amazon_AWS, Microsoft, Apple, Aliyun, Alibaba Group, Tencent Cloud, Baidu, Baidu Cloud, HUAWEI Cloud, Fujitsu, Nokia, Facebook IP Vendors ARM, Synopsys, Imagination, CEVA, Cadence, VeriSilicon, Videantis Startups in China Cambricon, Horizon Robotics, DeePhi, Bitmain, Chipintelli, Thinkforce Startups Worldwide Cerebras, Wave Computing, Graphcore, PEZY, KnuEdge, Tenstorrent, ThinCI, Koniku, Adapteva, Knowm, Mythic, Kalray, BrainChip, AImotive, DeepScale, Leepmind, Krtkl, NovuMind, REM, TERADEEP, DEEP VISION, Groq, KAIST DNPU, Kneron, Esperanto Technologies, Gyrfalcon Technology, SambaNova Systems, GreenWaves Technology, Lightelligence, Lightmatter Many companies are developing custom AI chips #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 28. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware Large technology companies are hedging their hardware suppliers, but there are few options to choose from #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 29. Cloud giants are creating dedicated AI hardware and significantly growing their capex budgets Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI hardware #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 30. AI models associate pixels to objects (semantic segmentation) or identify what objects are shown (classification) Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Traditional computer vision describes visual scenes by learning to detect objects (‘nouns’) 2 cars, 8 people, 1 motorbike, 6 signs, 2 sidewalks, two way street 2 cars, 8 people, 1 motorbike, 6 signs, 2 sidewalks, two way street. Semantic image segmentation Object classification #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 31. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion However, detecting objects in images is not enough to produce real scene understanding AI models make obvious mistakes when asked to describe a visual scene based on their understanding of objects Image captioning helps expose the knowledge that computer vision systems learn by training on images labeled with the objects they contain. Such computer vision models make seemingly obvious mistakes when attempting to describe visual scenes. This suggests that having a common sense world model of objects and people is required for an AI system to truly understand what's happening in a visual scene. #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 32. True scene understanding requires understanding actions (‘verbs’) and common sense A promising approach to learning common sense uses deep learning and labeled videos of actions with objects Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion 1M+ videos of real world actions 300k videos of 400 human actions Something something dataset Kinetics dataset 1M+ videos of YouTube actions Moments in Time dataset #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 33. Building datasets for teaching machine learning models to understand video Enlist people to create videos that describe actions of interest, e.g. pretending to drop something off something Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion If a deep learning model can recognise and disambiguate nuanced actions from video, it should have internalised common sense about the world. This is also called “intuitive physics”. #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 34. Deep learning models can actually understand the verbs as well as the nouns in video Examples of caption predictions generated by a deep learning model trained on crowd-acted data Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 35. The “Generative Query Network” (GQN) can do this without human labels or domain knowledge, suggesting that it captures the identities, positions, colors, and counts of objects in the scenes it observes. If an ML system correctly predicts new viewpoints of the same scene, it has internalised knowledge of that scene Machines can also understand visual scenes by learning to see from multiple viewpoints Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Examples of different scene viewpoints What the GQN observes and predicts vs. truth #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 36. A game is the world model used by a reinforcement learning (RL) system to learn behaviors by trial and error Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion RL systems can learn goal-oriented behavior within simulated environments, i.e. games Observations Rewards Actions EnvironmentAI Agent Goal #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 37. Strikingly, the more elegant AlphaZero system surpasses all other versions of AlphaGo (which is based on two neural networks). AlphaZero achieves superhuman performance after 40 days of training. AlphaZero showed that a deep RL system can learn from scratch to beat Go champions AlphaZero is one neural network trained through self-play without human supervision or historical player data to predict moves and chances of winning from a particular board position Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 38. The agents each have their own neural networks trained through RL to yield long-term planning behavior in a gameplay environment that is partially-observable and high-dimensional. That RL agents can collaborate in teams to beat teams of humans is notable given the space of possible actions agents can take and the large maps they can interact with. OpenAI’s multi-agent RL system learns to play complex real-time strategy game, Dota2 Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion OpenAI Five is a team of 5 agents that learn through RL-based self-play to optimize their gameplay policy #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 39. Here, an RL agent learns optimal behaviors within a world model it imagined for itself Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion RL agents can also build their own world models and be trained within them The agent observes the game environment, creates its own understanding of each frame (VAE), uses this understanding to predict the next frame (MDN-RNN) and then trains its behavior to optimize a goal (C) in the imagined environment. Schematic for building a world model Using this world model allows an AI agent to perform at its best #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 40. After many years of scandals, the research community is finally working to stem bias in ML models Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Fairness in machine learning: How do we ensure our models are not biased? #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 41. Turkish is a gender-neutral language, yet Google Translate swaps the gender of the pronouns when translating from English to Turkish and back to English Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion An example of biased machine learning systems: Stereotyping #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 42. When trained on datasets that do not appropriately reflect diversity of skin color, computer vision systems exhibit offensive racial bias Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Another example of biased machine learning systems: Racial bias #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 43. Bias typically stems from training data that fails to appropriately represent diversity or encodes biased labels Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion ML models have 5 types of allocation bias that stem from training data #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 44. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Like all software, ML models need to be debugged, but understanding them is hard Many ML models, especially deep learning models, are often complex “black boxes” #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 45. In computer vision, a model can show us which pixels it used to infer a specific label (e.g. which pixels = “dog”) This way, we understand that the model has “learned” properly vs. predicted the right label for the wrong reason. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Explainability helps validate that ML models perform well for the “right” reasons #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 46. Joint textual rationale generation and attention visualization provides deeper insight into decisions For a given question and an image, the Pointing and Justification Explanation (PJ-X) model predicts the answer and multimodal explanations which both point to the visual evidence for a decision and provide textual justifications. Multimodal explanations results in better visual and textual explanations. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Next step: Justifying decisions in plain language and pointing to the evidence #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 47. The more a feature is important, the greater the model’s prediction error as a result of the feature value change. We can alter the value of a particular model feature to see how the overall model’s prediction error changes Understanding feature importance gives us high level insight into a model’s behavior Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Features important for predicting cervical cancer #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 48. An unnoticeable universal noise filter applied to an image of a panda makes the model think it sees a gibbon. Adversarial examples cause computer vision models to make glaring mistakes! Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Imperceptible changes to data can alter a deep learning model’s prediction Noise filter #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 49. The “toaster” patch maximally excites the computer vision model so that it always sees a toaster even when there is no “real” toaster in view. A method for creating universal, robust, targeted adversarial image patches in the real world Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Imperceptible changes to data can alter a deep learning model’s prediction #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 50. Adversarial attacks present serious safety challenges in the real world A vision system that previously detected pedestrians at a zebra crossing is no longer able to “see” them. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion This poses obvious security concerns when autonomous vehicles make it onto public roads. #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 51. Involving many researchers, institutions and proposed structural and computational innovations. >5 years of research into convolutional neural network architectures for computer vision applications Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Improving deep learning model architecture requires iterative experimentation AlexNet architecture (2013) VGGNet architecture (2014) ResNet (2015) Inception v4 (2016) #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 52. Leading to significant reductions in Top-1% accuracy on Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Improving deep learning model architecture requires iterative experimentation 2013 2016 #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 53. Google’s AutoML automatically discovers the best model architecture for a computer vision task Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI to automate away AI engineers AutoML traversed the architecture search space to find two new cell designs (Normal and Reduction, left figueres) that could be integrated into a final model (NASNet, right graph) that outperformed all existing human-crafted models. #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 54. OpenMined: Train a model on lots of individual user devices such that their data never leaves their devices Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Distributed “federated” learning to decentralise data acquisition and model training Large technology companies centralise immense amounts of user data. The community is now starting to push back by creating tools to decentralise data ownership. In OpenMined, an AI model itself is encrypted by it’s owner such that the user cannot steal it. User data stays locally on a user’s device and is accessed to update the model’s parameters. These parameter changes from multiple users are aggregated back to the model owner for updating. #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 55. Google uses federated learning to train its mobile keyboard prediction models, Gboard Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Federated learning to decentralise data acquisition and model training Your keyboard model is personalised locally based on your usage. Consensus change is agreed and shared to the core model. Many users’ updates are aggregated together #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 56. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Section 2: Talent #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 57. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Supply: Element AI estimates 22,000 PhD educated AI researchers and engineers #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 58. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Supply: Element AI estimates 5,000 high-level researchers worldwide #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 59. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Talent concentration: America remains the hub for talent exchange #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 60. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Talent concentration: Google is widely acknowledged as the leading employer of AI talent #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 61. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Talent concentration: 6.3% of 2017 ICML papers had a Google/DeepMind author #AIreport stateof.ai 2018Source: @karpathy
  • 62. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Talent concentration: Percentage of ICML papers with Google/DeepMind author doubles #AIreport stateof.ai 2018Source: @karpathy, @dhruvguliani
  • 63. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Talent concentration: Google lead in contribution to 2017 NIPS papers #AIreport stateof.ai 2018Source: @robbieallen
  • 64. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Talent Concentration: Google & DeepMind dominate NIPS authorship #AIreport stateof.ai 2018Source: @robbieallen
  • 65. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Demand: Salaries for machine learning engineers continue to climb #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 66. “[At] DeepMind...the lab’s “staff costs” as it expanded to 400 employees totaled $138 million. That comes out to $345,000 an employee.” Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Demand: Anecdotally salaries continue to grow “OpenAI paid its top researcher, Ilya Sutskever, more than $1.9 million in 2016. It paid another leading researcher, Ian Goodfellow, more than $800,000”. ‘I turned down offers for multiple times the dollar amount I accepted at OpenAI,’Mr. Sutskever said. ‘Others did the same.’” “Typical A.I. specialists, including both Ph.D.s fresh out of school and people with less education and just a few years of experience, can be paid from $300,000 to $500,000 a year or more in salary and company stock” “Nick Zhang, president of the Wuzhen Institute...knows of experienced people getting salary offers of $1 million or more to work at the AI research centres of Chinese social-media giant Tencent or the web-services firm Baidu. ‘This was unimaginable five years ago,’” “Thomas Liang, a former executive at Chinese search giant Baidu estimates salaries in the industry have roughly doubled since 2014” #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 67. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Demand: Compensation can be astronomical and relationships litigious #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 68. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Diversity in machine learning Diversity metrics for the industry are rarely publicised ➔ Key research labs are not yet making their workforce diversity statistics public. ➔ There are limited diversity stats for major machine learning conferences publicly available. ➔ For the largest machine learning conference by attendance, NIPS (Neural Information Processing Systems), there is data available on a single dimension of diversity (gender) for the past few years*. ➔ For NIPS, the percentage of female attendees was 17% in 2017. This is lower than the technology industry more generally (for example, 31% of Google employees are women and 20% of people in a technical role at Google are women). ➔ The percentage of women attending NIPS has risen slightly over the past few years from 13% in 2015 to 17% in 2017. ➔ There are various initiatives aiming to increase diversity in machine learning: *please let us know if you have similar statistics on other measures of diversity, such as race, that we can add to the report #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 69. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Diversity in machine learning: percentage of women attending the NIPS conference % of NIPS conference registrations from women #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 70. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Section 3: Industry #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 71. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI intellectual property is concentrated amongst few global players who also spend billions on R&D per year Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI takes the world stage: GAFAMBAT* are in the ring together AI related patent application activity by filling date Top US companies for R&D spending in FY2017 #AIreport stateof.ai 2018*Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent
  • 72. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Google is investing heavily to expose ML services through their cloud ecosystem Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Big cloud providers are building and exposing the building blocks of intelligence via API Amazon is doing the same… And so is Microsoft… #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 73. Google’s TensorFlow is winning the ML framework war, but the grounds are shifting fast Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion TensorFlow is extremely popular amongst developers Framework mentions in research publications 3 months until March 7th 2018 This means Google acquires significant developer mindshare, creates an onramp onto their Cloud services, trains a generation of developers and researchers with their technology who contribute to improving it. Their open source strategy also disarms potential competitors. However, practitioners feel intense uncertainty on how things will play out in the field. The wrong framework choice could have significant ramifications, not least refactoring costs. #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 74. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Why now? Today’s drug development process is too slow and expensive Change vs 1980s? 10 times more! Time from lab to approval 10 years Research + Development cost $2.6 billion per drug Success rate <10% Pharmaceutical industry #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 75. ● Repurpose existing drugs: Discover how existing drugs can be repurposed for new conditions. This is achieved by learning complex relationships between drugs, pathways, conditions and side effects, while also conducting large-scale testing and data analysis using AI-driven software vs. manual data analysis. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Pharmaceutical industry Selected examples: Where and how is machine learning being used effectively? ● Develop new drugs: Teach a ML model to learn the rules of drug design, e.g. the structure of therapeutic molecules and/or the stepwise process of efficiently synthesising these molecules. Then, use these models to improve existing drugs, generate entirely novel compounds or new combinations of drugs. Selected examples: #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 76. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Why now? Healthcare systems worldwide are costly and overburdened Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Healthcare Healthcare spending as % of GDP growing since 80s The older we get, the more health issues we have #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 77. Breast cancer as a case study: Not enough doctors, diagnosing is hard and care is expensive Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Healthcare Misclassification rate Up to 30% of cases Radiologists in the USA 34,000 professionals Women undergoing mammography in the USA 30 million patients per year Cancer treatment cost, median $/month Early detection of leads to higher 5-year survival rates #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 78. ● Liquid biopsy: Isolate and analyse material such as cells or bacteria circulating in a patient’s bloodstream. This approach allows for early non-invasive disease diagnosis as well as tracking response to therapy. ● Medical imaging: Train computer vision models on large numbers of labeled medical images (e.g. X-ray, ultrasound) with matched and clinically-validated patient diagnoses. Use this system to help doctors process more patient cases and make fewer diagnostic mistakes. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Healthcare Where and how is machine learning being used effectively? Cancer diagnostics X-Ray (radiology) Ultrasound CT scan EKG (heart) Infectious disease #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 79. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Healthcare #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 80. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Healthcare Expect to see more activity as companies move their products through clinical trials and regulatory bodies Number of medical imaging AI companies founded per vintage #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 81. 4 year-old is leading the charge. It’s valued >$4.5B since raising $620M Series C+ in May 2018. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Population-level surveillance is taking off in China Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Government and defense The Chinese government continue to roll out CCTV surveillance software based on computer vision. There are 170 million CCTV cameras as of late 2017. This network will grow to 400 million cameras in 3 years time. #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 82. In the US, companies including Google and Clarifai supplied AI technology to the Pentagon’s Project Maven Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Government and defense In response, >4,500 Google employees signed a petition to quit if the company were to continue as a supplier #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 83. In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, personal data privacy is now front and center Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Government and defense #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 84. Massive data breaches such as Equifax’s heist of data about 146 million people has brought the privacy front of mind in industry. In Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation has come into effect since May 25th 2018. Companies must explicitly obtain consent from their users to access data for specific purposes and must allow users to delete their records at will. This has driven work in differential privacy, on-device machine learning and synthetic data creation to assuage privacy concerns of data systems. However, it’s unclear if consumers will change their behavior as a result. Why now? Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Privacy preservation and data anonymisation #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 85. ● Obfuscating sensitive data: Detect sensitive data fields and anonymise them while preserving the important features of a dataset such that machine learning models can still learn useful information. ● Synthetic data generation: Training a machine learning model to learn the key statistical properties of a source dataset and using the model to generating synthetic data that preserves these properties. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Privacy preservation and data anonymisation Selected examples: Where and how is machine learning being used effectively? Selected examples: #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 86. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Why now? Satellite data is decreasing in cost and increasing in resolution and frequency Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Satellite data Driven by the rise of microsatellites, the decreasing costs of satellite components, the falling cost of launches and improvements in downlink infrastructure. Worldwide commercial space launches by type Weekly data collection by Planet #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 87. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Satellite data ● Finance: Automate assessment of ground truth data (traffic patterns, car counts in retail parking lots, drilling activity, construction activity etc) to find new sources of alpha in financial markets. Selected examples: Where and how is machine learning being used effectively? ● Insurance: Use real time imaging and historical data to automate claims, detect fraud and improve pricing models for property, catastrophe and crop insurance. Selected examples: ● Agriculture: Use persistent daily imagery to monitor fields to understand changes in soil or crop health and forecast yields. Selected examples: #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 88. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Satellite data: Eyes in the sky #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 89. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Why now? Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Cybersecurity Cloud computing, mobile devices, and more interconnected supply chains means the attack surface for cyber attacks is expanding. At the same time there is a growing shortage of cybersecurity personnel. Machine learning offers a flexible way to learn from past attacks and automate processes saving time for stretched security teams. % of organisations lacking cybersecurity skillsGlobal avg cost of cybercrime to organisations #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 90. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Cybersecurity ● Insider threat detection: Applying machine learning to large amounts of data on employee behaviour reduces the time to flag potential malicious intent. Selected examples: Where and how is machine learning being used effectively? ● Network and endpoint security: Supervised learning is used to detect malicious activity on an organisation’s network based on data from past attacks. Unsupervised learning is used to automatically learn what is normal and what is abnormal within a network on a an ongoing basis. Selected examples: #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 91. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Why now? Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Warehouse automation eCommerce growth decreases order size for item picking in warehouses and increases customer expectations around the speed of fulfilment. Warehouse space and labour are both scarce driving more use of robotics. Retailers are also reacting to Amazon’s investment in this area following their acquisition of Kiva. Number of robots working in Amazon fulfilment centres % of warehouse and logistics managers reporting inability to find hourly workers as a top concern #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 92. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Warehouse automation ● Warehouse management systems: Using machine learning within warehouse management software to optimise inventory, order picking and queues to minimise waste. Selected examples: Where and how is machine learning being used effectively? ● Robotics: Using robots and drones for picking, packing, inventory inspection. Selected examples: #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 93. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Warehouse automation: Products of all shapes and sizes #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 94. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Blue collar manual work Why now? A decrease in the cost of components (sensors, batteries) and improvements in computer vision mean that robots are increasingly cheaper than employing manual labour for various blue collar professions. Index of average robot prices and labour compensation in U.S. manufacturing Automation risk by job type (%) #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 95. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Blue collar manual work ● Cleaning: Self-driving cleaning robots for industrial spaces. This can include dangerous or hard to access spaces like windows, solar panels or infectious spaces. Selected examples: Where and how is machine learning being used effectively? ● Construction: Self-driving vehicles for digging and loading. Robots for bricklaying and other tasks. Selected examples: ● Security: Computer vision applied to security cameras combined with drones, robots and other sensors to replace aspects of a security guard’s job. Selected examples: #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 96. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Blue collar manual work: Examples of products in the market #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 97. The world population is expected to grow from 7.6 billion to 9.6 billion by 2050. We need to produce 70% more food calories to feed the world’s population by then. Robotics, control systems, connected devices in fields and greenhouses and new methods of farming must be developed to fill this food production gap. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Agriculture: Indoor and outdoor farming Why now? The need for boosting food production Farms are investing in technology now #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 98. Fewer farm workers on US farms, higher hourly wages per worker, but more automation leads to stable labor cost share of total gross farm revenue Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Agriculture: Indoor and outdoor farming #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 99. ● Health inspection for crops and animals: Use computer vision and wearable sensors to learn models of plant and animal health and use them to detect anomalies. ● Greenhouse control systems: Use native sensors and actuators in greenhouses to collect data on growing conditions, learn a dynamic climate model and use it to optimise crop yield and energy consumption. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Agriculture: Indoor and outdoor farming ● Vertically-integrated farming: Compact, self-contained greenhouses for growing crops closer to the point of consumption. The farms have their climates that can be operated using similar ML-driven control systems. Selected examples: Where and how is machine learning being used effectively? Selected examples: Selected examples: #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 100. ● Crop picking robots: Build robots capable of mapping and navigating through crop fields while identifying and carefully picking ripe fruit automatically. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Agriculture: Indoor and outdoor farming Selected examples: Where and how is machine learning being used effectively? #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 101. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Why now? Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Autonomy #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 102. ● Simulation environments, street level maps and software for autonomy: Using a mix of machine learning, computer vision, video game environments, photorealistic data generation and behavioral modelling. ● Autonomous last mile delivery: Same as above, except these vehicles are used to delivery goods locally by land or air. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Autonomy ● Autonomous vehicle ridesharing: Machine learning is often used across the entire stack from perception, localisation, mapping, planning, control, route optimisation and safety. Selected examples: Where and how is machine learning being used effectively? Selected examples: Selected examples: #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 103. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Autonomy: Vehicles and software products in the wild #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 104. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Why now? Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Finance There is an abundance of data in public markets, alternative sources and about users of financial products. Moreover, consumers and investors are fatigued with overbearing fees to manage capital and provide products such as credit. The financial sector also faces pressure to reduce operating expenses by adopting automation. Algorithmic trading as % of all trading Fraction of wealth lost to fees Big data sources in use 7x reduction #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 105. ● Credit/Loans: The cost of calculating and underwriting risk is improved through automation and the discovery of novel features through machine learning that improve the overall efficiency of this process. Peer to peer lending has also benefited from these drivers. ● Wealth management: Software-driven automation of capital management, portfolio construction and tax optimisation. These services materially reduce the fees for consumers to invest their long-term savings. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Finance Selected examples: Where and how is machine learning being used effectively? Selected examples: ● Fraud prevention: Using both supervised and unsupervised learning to detect known and novel fraudulent behaviors in electronic transactions, interpersonal communications, and claims images. Selected examples: #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 106. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Why now? Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Enterprise automation Reducing operational process cost and complexity through software-defined automation is now a Board-level priority in the enterprise. Manual processes are prone to costly errors, do not scale, are difficult to track and troubleshoot, and make organisations slow to respond to younger and more nimble new entrants. % of average week spent on tasks % of day spent in different modes of work ⅔ day is unstructured or unpredictable ⅓ day is structured, predictable, automated or automatable #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 107. ● Software task automation: While not using machine learning per se, the ability to connect different API-driven software together to form workflows enables task automation in cloud-based enterprises. ● Document digitisation: Converting legacy paper documentation into digital records to simplify and automate office work. Based on (semi) supervised computer vision and optical character recognition. ● Robotic process automation: Creating automated “software robots” to replicate the repetitive desktop-based processes that human workers are otherwise doing. Computer vision and NLP can be used to understand what’s on the screen and flexible decision making will help solve more complex tasks. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | ConclusionIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Enterprise automation Selected examples: Where and how is machine learning being used effectively? Selected examples: Selected examples: #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 108. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Why now? Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Material science An enormous amount of experimental data has been generated on the properties of materials. Progress in materials science is a multiplier on broader engineering progress. But most materials are still found empirically, which limits the rate of progress. For example, scientists have manually investigated 6,000 combinations of ingredients that form metallic glass over the past 50 years. Where and how is ML being used effectively? Similar its application in drug discovery, machine learning can be used to learn the rules of material science discovery. For example, models can learn the structure of molecules and/or the stepwise process of efficiently testing these molecular properties. By using these techniques, researchers at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource were able to create and screen 20,000 combinations of ingredients that form metallic glass in a single year. That’s research and development sped up by 167x! Selected examples: #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 109. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Section 4: Politics #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 110. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Public Attitudes to Automation: Two Surveys Pew Research Center: Americans and Automation in Everyday Life Brookings survey: Attitudes to AI We will review selected results from two major surveys of attitudes to AI and automation in the U.S. ➔ Conducted May 1-15 2017. Published October 2017. ➔ Survey of 4135 US adults ➔ Recruited from landline and cellphone random-digit-dial surveys ➔ Conducted May 9-11 2018. Published May 2017. ➔ Survey of 1535 adult internet users in the U.S. ➔ Recruited through the Google Surveys platform. Responses were weighted using gender, age, and region to match the demographics of the national internet population as estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 111. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Public Attitudes to Automation: Pew Research Center Growing awareness of automation impacting jobs “18% of Americans indicate that they personally know someone who has lost a job, or had their pay or hours reduced, as a result of workforce automation” #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 112. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Public Attitudes to Automation: Pew Research Center Young, part-time employed, hispanic and lower-income Americans report most impact #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 113. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Public Attitudes to Automation: Pew Research Center Rising concerns about automation increasing inequality #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 114. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Public Attitudes to Automation: Pew Research Center Those whose job has been impacted by automation favor more radical policies #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 115. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Public Attitudes to Automation: Brookings Institute Overall optimism around AI... #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 116. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Public Attitudes to Automation: Brookings Institute ...and expectation that AI will “make my life easier” #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 117. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Public Attitudes to Automation: Brookings Institute ...but expectation that AI will reduce privacy #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 118. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Public Attitudes to Automation: Brookings Institute ...and destroy jobs #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 119. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Public Attitudes to Automation: Brookings Institute ...and represents a threat to human beings #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 120. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Public Attitudes to Automation: Brookings Institute ...and should be regulated by government #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 121. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Public Attitudes to Automation: Brookings Institute While Americans believe the US is currently the world leader in AI... #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 122. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Public Attitudes to Automation: Brookings Institute ...China will close the gap over the next ten years #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 123. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion How is the US labour market actually changing? Despite increased automation the US unemployment rate is at a 17 year low #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 124. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion More broadly, how is the US labour market actually changing? Routine jobs have stagnated #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 125. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion How is the US labour market actually changing? Wages have lagged the increase in jobs #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 126. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion How is the US labour market actually changing? Since 2010 there has been a marked change in how long unemployment lasts for #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 127. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion How is the US labour market actually changing? Labour productivity and hourly compensation have diverged #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 128. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion How is the US labour market actually changing? Labour’s share of income has been declining steadily #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 129. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion How is the US labour market actually changing? Workers are experiencing greater income volatility #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 130. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion How much of this is due to automation? It’s hard to say for now. There are many confounding factors including globalisation/offshoring, reduced unionisation, increased financialisation of the economy, increased consolidation, and demographic shifts. There are two poles of thought on how machine learning will affect the labour market: ➔ “Don’t worry” - Historically technology has been a net job creator and it won’t be different this time. Machine learning will create more jobs than it destroys and like previous industrial revolutions, most of those jobs will be new ones that we can’t imagine today. Yes, we got Automated Teller Machines at banks, but we also got many new jobs that replaced the bank teller jobs that were lost. ➔ “Worry” - This time it’s different. In previous industrial revolutions we automated human muscular power and somewhat routine cognitive skills. With increasingly advanced machine learning we will replicate more and more of human intelligence, reducing the number of well paid jobs and adding fewer jobs than are destroyed. #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 131. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion For now, many new jobs are relatively low paid #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 132. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion It is also still early, there are only 2 million industrial robots in the world Install base growing 12% year-on-year #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 133. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion There are fewer robots in U.S. factories compared to other advanced economies Robots per 10000 manufacturing employees #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 134. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Do huge productivity gains in the computer sector mask stagnation in U.S. manufacturing? Real output growth for manufacturing with and without the computers subsector #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 135. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion One recent piece of analysis found that while Amazon is rapidly hiring people and robots, taken as a whole retail is losing jobs #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 136. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion If automation does reduce net employment and/or wages what new policies will emerge? Universal Basic Income (UBI) or Basic Income ➔ Has received substantial media coverage over the past years. We review various trials that are now being rolled out Universal Basic Services (UBS) ➔ A less mainstream idea that was recently fleshed out by the Institute for Global Prosperity at UCL. We highlight the proposal as an interesting new alternative or complement to UBI. #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 137. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Basic Income trials roll out ‘Basic Income’ aims to mitigate technological unemployment with guaranteed payments to cover basic needs ➔ Finland’s basic income trial is running with 2,000 randomly selected participants receiving €560 per month. Will conclude in December 2018. Analysis of the effects will take place in 2019. ➔ Ontario basic income pilot began enrolling participants in April 2018. Will be restricted to 4,000 lower income participants. ➔ Five municipal experiments in the Netherlands with basic income commenced in late 2017. ➔ Barcelona launched B-MINCOME experiment in October 2017 with 2000 low income households. ➔ US Charity GiveDirectly launched trial in Kenya in November 2017. More than 21,000 people will eventually receive some type of cash transfer, with more than 5,000 receiving a long-term basic income. ➔ Y Combinator research published proposal for randomised control trial with 3000 adults in the United States #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 138. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Universal Basic Services proposed by UCL researchers ‘Universal Basic Services’ (UBS) would build on existing state provision of services Seeks to expand public services (e.g. a National Health Service) to other major categories of consumer spend (transport, food, shelter). Interesting model for countries with a meaningful welfare state. #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 139. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI Nationalism: flurry of National AI strategies announced China 2030 (announced July 2017) ➔ Partly a reaction to Obama White House report on AI (in 2016) ➔ New state funded $2.1 billion AI park in Beijing ➔ Call for researchers to be making major breakthroughs by 2025 ➔ By 2030, China will “become the world’s premier artificial intelligence innovation center and foster a new national leadership and establish the key fundamentals for an economic great power.” ➔ Baidu announces new lab in collaboration with Chinese government ➔ Goal: to build a $150 billion AI industry by 2030 #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 140. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI Nationalism: flurry of National AI strategies announced French AI Strategy (announced March 2018) ➔ “My goal is to recreate a European sovereignty in AI” - Macron ➔ €1.5 billion committed over 5 years ➔ New AI research centres in Paris opened by Facebook, Google, Samsung, DeepMind, Fujitsu ➔ Plan to open up of data collected by state-owned organizations such as France’s centralized healthcare system ➔ Separately, France announces that foreign takeovers of AI companies will be subject to government approval #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 141. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI Nationalism: flurry of National AI strategies announced South Korea (announced March 2016 & May 2018) ➔ Expands the existing 2016 AI plan to $2 billion through 2022 ➔ Announces 6 new AI institutes ➔ Plan to award 4,500 domestic AI scholarships by 2022 ➔ $1 billion fund for semiconductors through 2029 ➔ Overall goal to reach “the global top 4 by 2022” #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 142. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI Nationalism: flurry of National AI strategies announced European Commission plan (announced April 2018) ➔ Called for €20 billion investment ➔ Pledged to increase spending to €1.5 billion through 2020 via EU research programme Horizon 2020 ➔ Commits to presenting ethical guidelines on AI by end 2018 ➔ Plan to update rules on use of public sector data to train ML systems #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 143. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion AI Nationalism: flurry of National AI strategies announced U.K. AI Sector Deal (announced April 2018) ➔ Government committed to train 8000 computer science teachers and fund 1000 AI-related PhDs by 2025 ➔ £603 million in newly allocated government funding and £300 million in matched private sector funding ➔ Investment of £93 million in robotics and AI in extreme environments challenge (for use in industries like nuclear energy and space) #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 144. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion For now, US leads China on almost every measure other than data #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 145. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion America increasingly using the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to scrutinise foreign acquisitions #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 146. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion CFIUS used to block two key semiconductor acquisitions in the last year #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 147. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Why: China’s annual imports of semiconductors have risen to $260 billion #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 148. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Why: China’s semiconductor industry is small compared to that of the U.S. #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 149. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Why: China has been actively acquiring foreign semiconductor companies Increased U.S. protectionism #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 150. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Fake views: Generating synthetic video is getting cheaper, easier and more realistic ➔ This has very significant implications for enabling those who are engaged in producing disinformation and propaganda. #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 151. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion Section 5: Predictions #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 152. 8 predictions for the next 12 months 1. A lab located in China makes a significant research breakthrough. Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion 2. DeepMind has a breakthrough result successfully applying RL to learn how to play Starcraft. 3. Deep learning continues to dominate the discussion without major alternatives appearing. 4. The first therapeutic drug discovered using machine learning produces positive results in trials. 6. The government of an OECD country blocks the acquisition of a leading machine learning company (defined as valuation >$100m) by a US or Chinese headquartered technology company. 7. Access to Taiwanese and South Korean semiconductor companies becomes an explicit part of the trade war between America and China. 5. Chinese and American headquartered technology companies make acquisitions of machine learning companies based in Europe totalling over $5b. #AIreportIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion 8. A major research institution “goes dark” by refraining from publishing key work in the open due to geopolitical concerns. stateof.ai 2018
  • 153. Section 6: Conclusion #AIreportIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion stateof.ai 2018
  • 154. Thanks! Congratulations on making it to the end! Thanks for reading. In this report, we set out to capture a snapshot of the exponential progress in the field of machine learning, with a focus on developments in the past 12 months. We believe that AI will be a force multiplier on technological progress in our world, and that wider understanding of the field is critical if we are to navigate such a huge transition. We tried to compile a snapshot of all the things that caught our attention in the last year across the range of machine learning research, commercialisation, talent and the emerging politics of AI. Thanks to Mary Meeker for the inspiration. We would appreciate any and all feedback on how we could improve this report further. Thanks again for reading! Nathan Benaich (@nathanbenaich) and Ian Hogarth (@soundboy) #AIreportIntroduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion stateof.ai 2018
  • 155. The authors declare a number of conflicts of interest as a result of being investors and/or advisors, personally or via funds, in a number of private and public companies whose work is cited in this report. This concerns the following companies: Startups GTN.ai, TwentyBN, Kheiron Medical, Accelerated Dynamics, Avidbots, Optimal Labs, Ravelin, Tractable, LabGenius, and Mapillary. Public companies Alphabet, NVIDIA, Facebook, Microsoft, Intel, Baidu, Amazon, and Alibaba. Conflicts of interest Introduction | Research | Talent | Industry | Politics | Predictions | Conclusion #AIreport stateof.ai 2018
  • 156. State of AI June 29, 2018 #AIreportstateof.ai