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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020, pp. 133~139
ISSN: 1693-6930, accredited First Grade by Kemenristekdikti, Decree No: 21/E/KPT/2018
DOI: 10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v18i1.10582  133
Journal homepage: http://journal.uad.ac.id/index.php/TELKOMNIKA
The measurement of maturity level of information technology
service based on COBIT 5 framework
Lanto Ningrayati Amali, Muhammad Rifai Katili, Sitti Suhada, Lillyan Hadjaratie
Informatics Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia
Article Info ABSTRACT
Article history:
Received Jul 16, 2018
Revised May 30, 2019
Accepted Jun 17, 2019
Institutions are currently progressing on IT development and maximization in
order to advance for good IT governance. Lack of comprehensive
requirements analysis of IT utilization may lead to hindrances within IT
development from achieving effective outcomes. This quantitative study
employs control objective for information & related technology (COBIT 5)
business framework to assess and identify the maturity level of IT service,
primarily within the domain of delivery, service, and support (DSS). Data
were obtained through questionnaire, observation, and documentation.
The result reveals that the average maturity level of IT service is in level 3
(established); by which the study recommends for enhancements and
upgrades in IT performance and service within the scope of compliance and
IT service application and support.
IT service
Maturity level
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Muhammad Rifai Katili,
Informatics Engineering Department,
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo,
6 Jenderal Soedirman St., Gorontalo 96128, Indonesia.
Email: mrifaikatili@ung.ac.id
Trends in Information Technology (IT) maximization within organizational business investment has
arisen recently due to increasing demands of quality service and cost minimization from the community,
the market, and within the organization itself [1-3]. The introduction of IT application within an organization
is known to boost the organizational business value within its main and subsidiary activities. On top of that,
IT is employed as a strategic means to enhance an organization’s competitive advantage during times of
uncertainty [4, 5]. This contributes to surging dependency of the IT-friendly work environment, by which an
effective IT management compatible with business goals is essential to ensure the organization’s success.
Engaging in the education sector, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (UNG) has implemented IT within
its operational processes, i.e., its academic information system, personnel information system, library
information system, performance information systems for lecturers, financial information system,
and administrative information system. The information systems are employed as a means of providing
advanced quality service to the users (students, personnels, and lecturers) contributing as a part within
the organizational business strategy to prepare for increasingly high competitive atmosphere. Quality service
is crucial in accordance with high demands of user satisfaction and to improve the organization’s image in its
users. This complies with Kotler and Fox arguing that providing quality service to the clients contributes
positively to increase satisfaction and loyalty and that both are important factors that differentiate
the organization’s product from its competitors [6].
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TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020: 133 - 139
Limited resources (e.g., application, information, technology, facilities, and human resources) are
essential elements to consider when implementing IT within an organization, in which it costs an
organization considerably high expense to implement IT [7]. An organization’s capability to conduct
IT management is the primary determinant of quality of IT service, as it does not solely rely on technology.
IT service also involves users and complex processes within. Moreover, an assessment of maturity level of IT
service implementation is critical to identify and measure the extent of quality of IT service in providing
effective management and support to the business process. The assessment involves best practice framework,
i.e., COBIT 5 within the domain of delivery, service, and support (DSS).
The assessment of maturity level is intended for an organization to identify the maturity level of IT
to be used as a benchmark to enhance the quality of IT service and to ensure the availability of IT service in
addressing to current and further business needs. Moreover, the assessment is essential in order for
the organization to be capable of analyzing strength and weakness and to formulate strategies in addressing
the gap, maintaining decent organizational governance, and minimizing potential risks [8, 9]. By that,
the organization is expected to be capable in interpreting business target and goals, by which the organization
can prioritize certain business operational activities, mainly in determining effective IT service to support
the optimal outcomes of IT governance.
a. IT governance
Implementation of IT has been one of the decisive factors in maintaining and broadening
organizational strategies and goals. This creates a critical dependency of IT within every segment of work
environment; thus requiring more focused study, mainly on IT governance [10]. The statement is echoed by
a global survey result from McKinsey on 2014 reporting that 35 percents of IT executives have agreed that
improving governance process and supervision is critical to improving IT performance. It is essential for an
organization in public and private sector to perform IT governance effectively, by which the organization is
required to conduct several adjustments on policy and regulations within macroeconomics and in ICT
sector [11]. Consequently, one of the critical determinants to consider in IT governance is to provide steady
and capable IT so that the organization can maintain, support, and to broaden organizational strategies
and goals.
IT governance is defined by ITGI as the responsibility of executives and the board of directors;
it consists of the leadership, organizational structures, and processes ensuring that the enterprise’s IT sustains
and extends the organization’s strategies and objective [12]. IT governance is the combination of
best practices of planning & organization, procurement & implementation, delivery & support, and
supervision & evaluation of IT in which it ensures that the organizational information and technology are
capable of supporting the organizational business goals [13]. Moreover, classify IT governance into two
aspects, i.e., functional aspect, involving structure and processes considered as an organizational design
element; and social aspect, which involves human behavior and organizational culture [14]. Based on
the framework, this study defines that IT governance is the whole aspects needed to ensure that IT system
maintains and broaden organizational strategies and goals, by which IT governance is considered as an
integral part of organizational governance.
Surging demands of information within decision-making process have increased the need for
a comprehensive IT governance structure [15], for an effective IT governance structure can contribute to
the improvement of organizational business value. This is important as an effective prerequisite to
the organizational governance. Therefore the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved must be clearly
defined [16]. Most of the maturity models used for IT governance are related to the existing business
frameworks. These frameworks only emphasize processes and structures [17]. Of all business frameworks for
maturity model, COBIT is the only framework that put its focus on IT governance [14].
b. Maturity level
The Merriam-Webster encyclopedia defines maturity as “the quality or state of being mature.” In
the meantime, the maturity level is defined as the description of maturity of IT processes within an
organization considered as benchmark and self-assessment tool by IT management in assessing the extent of
maturity of implementation of IT [18, 19]. Maturity process is among the key elements in COBIT business
framework. It is the assessment tool to determine the extent of IT management process. COBIT framework
features a maturity model to conduct control on IT processes involving scoring process, by which
the organization is able to scale its IT processes, ranging from 0 (nonexistent) to 5 (optimized) [12]. By
assessing the level of maturity process, the organization has been made possible to determine which
processes are under control and which processes that represent potential management challenges [20].
Assessment of maturity level is a part of propriety test on the existing activity and IT processes in accordance
with its level.
In COBIT version 4.1, the concept of maturity level applied is capability maturity model (CMM). It
is replaced in COBIT version 5 by the model of process capability based on standards of ISO/IEC 15504
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The measurement of maturity level of information technology service... (Lanto Ningrayati Amali)
(SPICE) - information technology process assessment [21]. COBIT assessment is designed to feature
repeatable, reliable, and valid methodology for the organization to assess the capability of its IT process [21].
Model of process capability in COBIT 5 is based on ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE) by employing Process
Assessment Model (PAM) method. The model assesses the performance of evaluate, direct, and
monitor-based (EDM) governance processes and plan, build, run, and monitor-based (PBRM) management
process, and is capable of identifying sectors that need performance upgrade.
Capability process model is employed to ensure that the assessment result is objective, impartial,
consistent, repeatable, and able to represent assessed processes [22, 23]. The maturity level in COBIT 5 is
expressed on a scale ranging from 0 (incomplete) to 5 (optimizing), as presented in Table 1 [21].
Table 1. Levels to assess the maturity in Cobit 5
Capability Level Achieve
Level 0: Incomplete The process is not implemented or fails to achieve its process purpose
Level 1: Performed (Informed) The implemented process achieves its process purpose;
Level 2: Managed (Planned and monitored). The process is managed and results are specified, controlled and maintained;
Level 3: Established (Well defined) A standard process is defined and used throughout the organization;
Level 4: Predictable (Quantitatively managed) The process is executed consistently within defined limits
Level 5: Optimizing (Continuous
The process is continuously improved to meet relevant current and projected
business goals.
2.1. Planning
Research plan is the plan and procedure for carrying out researches, involving general assumption,
research strategy, a method of data collection, and detailed analysis [24]. Referring to the research plan,
the research strategy applied is a quantitative method, involving literature study, observation, and
questionnaire as a technique of collecting data. Moreover, the research employed phases of the research plan
(Figure 1), i.e. preliminary study through literature and case study. A literature study was conducted to grasp
a comprehensive insight of IT governance, management, organization, and COBIT 5 framework. The case
study took place in UNG by identifying business environment within the organization. From the research
plan this study extracted the requirements, target, and strategic objects in accordance with processes within
DSS domain the result is further treated as a reference in formulating questions within questionnaire form, by
also referring to best practice standard of DSS domain of COBIT 5 framework within ISACA.
Figure 1. Research procedure
2.2. Population and sample
Samples were obtained by non-probability sampling by saturated sampling technique due to research
elements were selected randomly and proven capable to comply with pre-existing factors. On top of that,
the technique generates result capable of being generalized with minimum errors [25]. The samples were
selected from the population of 57 people consisting of leaders and staffs which qualify the requirements to
participate in this research. Saturated sampling technique allows the whole population to be treated as
a sample. Saturated sampling is defined as a technique for selecting sample if the whole population is treated
as a sample [24]. Therefore, the research also involves the 57 people as its samples.
2.3. Instrument formulation and procedures
The formulation of research instruments for DSS domain is based on PAM model in COBIT 5
framework [21]. This domain is related to the actual delivery and required service support which involves
service, security and maintenance management, service support for the users, and data management and
operational facilities. The assessment scale of every question involved scoring as shown in Table 1.
Literature review and
case study
Requirements, targets,
and strategic objects
Questionnaire design
Maturity level
Gap analysisRecommendation
 ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020: 133 - 139
2.4. Assessment
This step involved elaboration of the research findings, such as for as the current situation of IT
service management within the organization in every process of DSS domain. During this phase, an analysis
was also conducted to identify any gaps in order to compare and adjust the maturity level with the targeted
level. The analysis was employed on every process within DSS domain of IT, from which the research
formulates recommendations for further management upgrades of IT service. These recommendations
are further treated as guidelines in formulating upgrades on service processes and support of IT within
the institution capable of fulfilling and exceeding current and further organizational business needs.
The data analysis step requires normally distributed data in order to ensure the data validity and free
from any biases.
3.1. Results
Based on p-plot graph normality test, it shows that the data are normally distributed and meet
the requirements for further analyses. When the data follow or approach the diagonal line, the data is
considered normal to be distributed by examining p-plot diagram, skewness value, and that kurtosis level is
in between -2 or +2. The normality test result shows that the data are evenly distributed by skewness value of
-0.835 and kurtosis level of 0.085, which is in the range of +2.
Moreover, the analysis employs data validity and reliability test. Validity test is defined as a test
conducted on research instrument formulated, to measure the extent to which an instrument is able to
accurately assess certain concepts which are needed to be assessed [25, 26]. The instrument is considered
valid if it can be used to measure what is needed to be measured. The research employed product moment
Pearson validity test to assess the validity of its instrument. The validity test results in rcount > rtable with
a significant rate of 5% in between 0.809 and 0.924; therefore, the instrument is considered valid.
Further, instrument reliability is related to the uniformity of results when the research object is
repeatedly measured. Reliability is an extent to which errors in the instrument are minimized as possible in
order to produce consistent outcomes [27, 28]. To perform reliability test of research instrument, the research
employs Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient analysis. The result illustrates that the value of Cronbach’s Alpha
coefficient ranges from 0.6 to 0.7 within the acceptable minimum rate of reliability [29]. Referring to
the result of data analysis which shows that Cronbach’s Alpha value is in 0.93, hence, the research instrument
is considered to be reliable.
Table 2 illustrates the result of data processing which shows the maturity level assessment of IT
service within DSS domain of DSS01, DSS02, DS03, DSS04, DSS05, and DSS06 process. Figure 2 indicates
the graph of current, expected and maximum maturity level within DSS01, DSS02, DSS03, DSS04, DSS05,
and DSS06 domain process.
Table 2. The average score of maturity level within DSS process domain
Domain process Activity Maturity level Expected level Maximum level
Manage Operations
Manage Service Requests and Incidents
Manage Problems
Manage Continuity
Manage Security Services
Manage Business Process Controls
Figure 2. Graph of a DSS process capability level
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The measurement of maturity level of information technology service... (Lanto Ningrayati Amali)
3.2. Analysis
a. Maturity level assessment of IT service
From the data analysis and the result of maturity level assessment of IT service within process
domain DSS01 to DSS06, it is indicated that:
- Process domain DSS01 (manage operations) possesses maturity level of 3.43. The process is in level 3
established (well-defined), which denotes that the IT service process has been well-implemented by
referring to the defined standard process and made possible to achieve positive outcomes. The maturity
level implies that there is a surging need of IT-friendly work environment in managing organizational
processes. This is illustrated by the availability of IT devices to support the performance academic and
other systems within the organization, e.g., the availability of blade server to support the systems’
performance. Within this level, the need for computer operational management is addressed accurately
within the organization. In addition, the organization has allocated IT resources and conducted trainings
for the IT-related personnels. Further, the organization has accurately addressed the need of IT asset
maintenance, by which the organization released limited access policy to allow IT facilities only
accessible by certain IT-related personnels.
- Within process domain DSS02 (manage service requests and incidents), the maturity level scores
3.31, which suggests that the process is in level 3 Established (well-defined). The maturity level
points out that the process of the IT service has been implemented by referring to the defined standard
process; this allows the process to achieve positive outcomes. It is observable from the effective support
by the management board to respond to the need of management system and from the availability of
financial support for the supporting staffs when conducting trainings. Moreover, the organization
has resolved the need for helpdesk function and service and issue management within the unit.
The organization also has prepared users’ guideline for IT service and documentation for every
issue indications.
- Within process domain DSS03 (manage problems), the maturity level scores 3.26, which demonstrates
that the process is in level 3 Established (well-defined). The maturity level denotes that the process of
the IT service has been implemented by referring to the defined standard process and this made possible
for the process to achieve positive outcomes. It is noticeable from raising awareness of the importance to
manage issues, and from the efforts strived to identify the roots of the issues in IT service. On top of that,
the escalation process of handling issues in IT service is standardized. The problem-solving steps have
involved issue documentation and identification employed by response team engaging centralized tools.
- Process domain DSS04 (manage continuity) possesses maturity level of 3.34. The process is in level 3
Established (well-defined), in which it points out that the IT service process has been well-implemented
by referring to the defined standard process and made possible to achieve positive outcomes. This
signifies that the responsibilities for the planning of service continuity and test are clearly defined and
designated to the respective staffs within the organization. Moreover, the result denotes accountable
management of service continuity. IT continuity plans are well-documented referring to critical elements
of the system and organizational business impact. Moreover, the management board performs consistent
communication with the staffs on the importance of planning to maintain the continuity of IT service. In
the meantime, the organization has implemented high availability of components and backup system.
- Within process domain DSS05 (manage security services), the maturity level scales 3.34 in level 3
Established (well-defined). The result illustrates that the IT service process has been well-implemented by
referring to the defined standard process; by which it allows the process to achieve positive outcomes. It
is apparent that the organization possesses comprehensive and awareness of the significance of ensuring
the IT security, in which responsibilities and accountability are determined, managed and understood to
ensure IT security. Further, the organization has established procedures for IT security in accordance with
IT security policy, in which the security report involves coherent business focus. The management board
also engages steps to minimize and address risks sustainably.
- Process domain DSS06 (manage business process control) shows maturity level of 3,44 in level 3
Established (well-defined), which symbolizes that the IT service process has been well-implemented by
referring to the defined standard process and made possible to achieve positive outcomes. It is depicted in
enhancements by the organization to address issues in information control and development of
comprehensive management of environmental quality. On top of that, environmental control of
the organization is engaged proactively, one of which includes a commitment to facilities and awareness
of IT security. The organization also possess a responsible and accountable structure which have
the privilege of access to IT services in accordance with the capabilities and skills required to develop
technology infrastructure plan.
 ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020: 133 - 139
b. Gap analysis of maturity level of IT
The average results of the assessment of IT service maturity level within the process domains
DSS01 to DSS06 depict current average maturity level on level 3 (Established). It is the condition in which
processes of IT service have been implemented by standard procedure and achieved a positive outcome, have
communicated and implemented by all academicians. Therefore, the organization should enhance its
performance of IT service, involving policy, implementation, and conformity to progress to level 4 maturity
(predictable), as shown in Figure 3 as follows. Moreover, the organization requires to perform adjustments to
achieve desired maturity level.
The biggest gap occurs in DSS03 (manage problem) domain, in which the maturity level is 3.26.
Conversely, the smallest gap is shown in the DSS06 domain, which scales 3.44 in the maturity level.
The existing gap within DSS03 domain signifies the lacks of comprehension within every level of
the organization towards management process on issues of IT service. This is echoed by rather unstable
quality of service to users and hindrances due to the personnels’ limited knowledge within each
organizational unit. Henceforth, the overall result of maturity level assessment of IT service demonstrates
that the current maturity level is quite distant from the desired level, i.e., level 4 (predictable).
Figure 3. Radar diagram of DSS process capability level
c. Recommendations
This study recommends that:
- The organization requires to formulate and ratify policy of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of IT
service management, due to the deficiency of comprehensive SOP within each organizational unit.
The SOP is critical to formulating as a guideline of process and implementation of IT governance within
the organization. By that, it allows the organization to implement comprehensive and detailed
documentation of every process, job desk, and role of individuals or groups within the organization.
- It is crucial for the organization to engage in the clear and well-structured standardization of
governance and management to minimize potential gaps in data and information flows needed when
formulating policy.
- Enhancement in IT service system is essential within every work unit of the organization in accordance
with the characteristics of IT service of each unit.
- The organization is required to implement integration with pre-existing applications to validate data,
from which it provides ease for the users to experience service of the accurate and effective
information accessing.
- Upgrade and optimization in ICT service system are vital for the organization to conduct to achieve
good governance.
The overall score of the current maturity level of IT service is in scale 3 (established) out of
level 5 scale (optimizing). The overall result reveals that IT service processes are implemented and
documented referring to the defined standard process, in which it allows the organization to achieve positive
outcomes. Despite that, the organization is obliged to enhance the DSS process, due to the current maturity
level is quite distant from the desired level, i.e., level 4 (predictable). The most significant gap exists in
DSS03 (manage problem) domain, in which the maturity level is 3.26. In contrast, the smallest gap is shown
in the DSS06 domain which scales 3.44. This signifies the importance of the personnels’ knowledge upgrade
in handling IT service issues by engaging in training, apprenticeship, and certification. On top of that, it
needs full commitment from all academicians to ensure the information availability and ease of access within
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control 
The measurement of maturity level of information technology service... (Lanto Ningrayati Amali)
each work unit. By that, it is essential for the organization to implement well-prepared planning and to
execute the planning consistently in order to comply with organizational strategy and goals.
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Similar to The measurement of maturity level of information technology service based on COBIT 5 framework

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IJCSIS Research Publications
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Binyamin Ajayi
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Binyamin Ajayi

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The measurement of maturity level of information technology service based on COBIT 5 framework

  • 1. TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020, pp. 133~139 ISSN: 1693-6930, accredited First Grade by Kemenristekdikti, Decree No: 21/E/KPT/2018 DOI: 10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v18i1.10582  133 Journal homepage: http://journal.uad.ac.id/index.php/TELKOMNIKA The measurement of maturity level of information technology service based on COBIT 5 framework Lanto Ningrayati Amali, Muhammad Rifai Katili, Sitti Suhada, Lillyan Hadjaratie Informatics Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Received Jul 16, 2018 Revised May 30, 2019 Accepted Jun 17, 2019 Institutions are currently progressing on IT development and maximization in order to advance for good IT governance. Lack of comprehensive requirements analysis of IT utilization may lead to hindrances within IT development from achieving effective outcomes. This quantitative study employs control objective for information & related technology (COBIT 5) business framework to assess and identify the maturity level of IT service, primarily within the domain of delivery, service, and support (DSS). Data were obtained through questionnaire, observation, and documentation. The result reveals that the average maturity level of IT service is in level 3 (established); by which the study recommends for enhancements and upgrades in IT performance and service within the scope of compliance and IT service application and support. Keywords: COBIT 5 DSS IT service Maturity level This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license. Corresponding Author: Muhammad Rifai Katili, Informatics Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, 6 Jenderal Soedirman St., Gorontalo 96128, Indonesia. Email: mrifaikatili@ung.ac.id 1. INTRODUCTION Trends in Information Technology (IT) maximization within organizational business investment has arisen recently due to increasing demands of quality service and cost minimization from the community, the market, and within the organization itself [1-3]. The introduction of IT application within an organization is known to boost the organizational business value within its main and subsidiary activities. On top of that, IT is employed as a strategic means to enhance an organization’s competitive advantage during times of uncertainty [4, 5]. This contributes to surging dependency of the IT-friendly work environment, by which an effective IT management compatible with business goals is essential to ensure the organization’s success. Engaging in the education sector, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (UNG) has implemented IT within its operational processes, i.e., its academic information system, personnel information system, library information system, performance information systems for lecturers, financial information system, and administrative information system. The information systems are employed as a means of providing advanced quality service to the users (students, personnels, and lecturers) contributing as a part within the organizational business strategy to prepare for increasingly high competitive atmosphere. Quality service is crucial in accordance with high demands of user satisfaction and to improve the organization’s image in its users. This complies with Kotler and Fox arguing that providing quality service to the clients contributes positively to increase satisfaction and loyalty and that both are important factors that differentiate the organization’s product from its competitors [6].
  • 2.  ISSN: 1693-6930 TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020: 133 - 139 134 Limited resources (e.g., application, information, technology, facilities, and human resources) are essential elements to consider when implementing IT within an organization, in which it costs an organization considerably high expense to implement IT [7]. An organization’s capability to conduct IT management is the primary determinant of quality of IT service, as it does not solely rely on technology. IT service also involves users and complex processes within. Moreover, an assessment of maturity level of IT service implementation is critical to identify and measure the extent of quality of IT service in providing effective management and support to the business process. The assessment involves best practice framework, i.e., COBIT 5 within the domain of delivery, service, and support (DSS). The assessment of maturity level is intended for an organization to identify the maturity level of IT to be used as a benchmark to enhance the quality of IT service and to ensure the availability of IT service in addressing to current and further business needs. Moreover, the assessment is essential in order for the organization to be capable of analyzing strength and weakness and to formulate strategies in addressing the gap, maintaining decent organizational governance, and minimizing potential risks [8, 9]. By that, the organization is expected to be capable in interpreting business target and goals, by which the organization can prioritize certain business operational activities, mainly in determining effective IT service to support the optimal outcomes of IT governance. a. IT governance Implementation of IT has been one of the decisive factors in maintaining and broadening organizational strategies and goals. This creates a critical dependency of IT within every segment of work environment; thus requiring more focused study, mainly on IT governance [10]. The statement is echoed by a global survey result from McKinsey on 2014 reporting that 35 percents of IT executives have agreed that improving governance process and supervision is critical to improving IT performance. It is essential for an organization in public and private sector to perform IT governance effectively, by which the organization is required to conduct several adjustments on policy and regulations within macroeconomics and in ICT sector [11]. Consequently, one of the critical determinants to consider in IT governance is to provide steady and capable IT so that the organization can maintain, support, and to broaden organizational strategies and goals. IT governance is defined by ITGI as the responsibility of executives and the board of directors; it consists of the leadership, organizational structures, and processes ensuring that the enterprise’s IT sustains and extends the organization’s strategies and objective [12]. IT governance is the combination of best practices of planning & organization, procurement & implementation, delivery & support, and supervision & evaluation of IT in which it ensures that the organizational information and technology are capable of supporting the organizational business goals [13]. Moreover, classify IT governance into two aspects, i.e., functional aspect, involving structure and processes considered as an organizational design element; and social aspect, which involves human behavior and organizational culture [14]. Based on the framework, this study defines that IT governance is the whole aspects needed to ensure that IT system maintains and broaden organizational strategies and goals, by which IT governance is considered as an integral part of organizational governance. Surging demands of information within decision-making process have increased the need for a comprehensive IT governance structure [15], for an effective IT governance structure can contribute to the improvement of organizational business value. This is important as an effective prerequisite to the organizational governance. Therefore the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved must be clearly defined [16]. Most of the maturity models used for IT governance are related to the existing business frameworks. These frameworks only emphasize processes and structures [17]. Of all business frameworks for maturity model, COBIT is the only framework that put its focus on IT governance [14]. b. Maturity level The Merriam-Webster encyclopedia defines maturity as “the quality or state of being mature.” In the meantime, the maturity level is defined as the description of maturity of IT processes within an organization considered as benchmark and self-assessment tool by IT management in assessing the extent of maturity of implementation of IT [18, 19]. Maturity process is among the key elements in COBIT business framework. It is the assessment tool to determine the extent of IT management process. COBIT framework features a maturity model to conduct control on IT processes involving scoring process, by which the organization is able to scale its IT processes, ranging from 0 (nonexistent) to 5 (optimized) [12]. By assessing the level of maturity process, the organization has been made possible to determine which processes are under control and which processes that represent potential management challenges [20]. Assessment of maturity level is a part of propriety test on the existing activity and IT processes in accordance with its level. In COBIT version 4.1, the concept of maturity level applied is capability maturity model (CMM). It is replaced in COBIT version 5 by the model of process capability based on standards of ISO/IEC 15504
  • 3. TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control  The measurement of maturity level of information technology service... (Lanto Ningrayati Amali) 135 (SPICE) - information technology process assessment [21]. COBIT assessment is designed to feature repeatable, reliable, and valid methodology for the organization to assess the capability of its IT process [21]. Model of process capability in COBIT 5 is based on ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE) by employing Process Assessment Model (PAM) method. The model assesses the performance of evaluate, direct, and monitor-based (EDM) governance processes and plan, build, run, and monitor-based (PBRM) management process, and is capable of identifying sectors that need performance upgrade. Capability process model is employed to ensure that the assessment result is objective, impartial, consistent, repeatable, and able to represent assessed processes [22, 23]. The maturity level in COBIT 5 is expressed on a scale ranging from 0 (incomplete) to 5 (optimizing), as presented in Table 1 [21]. Table 1. Levels to assess the maturity in Cobit 5 Capability Level Achieve Level 0: Incomplete The process is not implemented or fails to achieve its process purpose Level 1: Performed (Informed) The implemented process achieves its process purpose; Level 2: Managed (Planned and monitored). The process is managed and results are specified, controlled and maintained; Level 3: Established (Well defined) A standard process is defined and used throughout the organization; Level 4: Predictable (Quantitatively managed) The process is executed consistently within defined limits Level 5: Optimizing (Continuous improvement) The process is continuously improved to meet relevant current and projected business goals. 2. RESEARCH METHOD 2.1. Planning Research plan is the plan and procedure for carrying out researches, involving general assumption, research strategy, a method of data collection, and detailed analysis [24]. Referring to the research plan, the research strategy applied is a quantitative method, involving literature study, observation, and questionnaire as a technique of collecting data. Moreover, the research employed phases of the research plan (Figure 1), i.e. preliminary study through literature and case study. A literature study was conducted to grasp a comprehensive insight of IT governance, management, organization, and COBIT 5 framework. The case study took place in UNG by identifying business environment within the organization. From the research plan this study extracted the requirements, target, and strategic objects in accordance with processes within DSS domain the result is further treated as a reference in formulating questions within questionnaire form, by also referring to best practice standard of DSS domain of COBIT 5 framework within ISACA. Figure 1. Research procedure 2.2. Population and sample Samples were obtained by non-probability sampling by saturated sampling technique due to research elements were selected randomly and proven capable to comply with pre-existing factors. On top of that, the technique generates result capable of being generalized with minimum errors [25]. The samples were selected from the population of 57 people consisting of leaders and staffs which qualify the requirements to participate in this research. Saturated sampling technique allows the whole population to be treated as a sample. Saturated sampling is defined as a technique for selecting sample if the whole population is treated as a sample [24]. Therefore, the research also involves the 57 people as its samples. 2.3. Instrument formulation and procedures The formulation of research instruments for DSS domain is based on PAM model in COBIT 5 framework [21]. This domain is related to the actual delivery and required service support which involves service, security and maintenance management, service support for the users, and data management and operational facilities. The assessment scale of every question involved scoring as shown in Table 1. Literature review and case study Requirements, targets, and strategic objects Questionnaire design Maturity level assessment Gap analysisRecommendation
  • 4.  ISSN: 1693-6930 TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020: 133 - 139 136 2.4. Assessment This step involved elaboration of the research findings, such as for as the current situation of IT service management within the organization in every process of DSS domain. During this phase, an analysis was also conducted to identify any gaps in order to compare and adjust the maturity level with the targeted level. The analysis was employed on every process within DSS domain of IT, from which the research formulates recommendations for further management upgrades of IT service. These recommendations are further treated as guidelines in formulating upgrades on service processes and support of IT within the institution capable of fulfilling and exceeding current and further organizational business needs. 3. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS The data analysis step requires normally distributed data in order to ensure the data validity and free from any biases. 3.1. Results Based on p-plot graph normality test, it shows that the data are normally distributed and meet the requirements for further analyses. When the data follow or approach the diagonal line, the data is considered normal to be distributed by examining p-plot diagram, skewness value, and that kurtosis level is in between -2 or +2. The normality test result shows that the data are evenly distributed by skewness value of -0.835 and kurtosis level of 0.085, which is in the range of +2. Moreover, the analysis employs data validity and reliability test. Validity test is defined as a test conducted on research instrument formulated, to measure the extent to which an instrument is able to accurately assess certain concepts which are needed to be assessed [25, 26]. The instrument is considered valid if it can be used to measure what is needed to be measured. The research employed product moment Pearson validity test to assess the validity of its instrument. The validity test results in rcount > rtable with a significant rate of 5% in between 0.809 and 0.924; therefore, the instrument is considered valid. Further, instrument reliability is related to the uniformity of results when the research object is repeatedly measured. Reliability is an extent to which errors in the instrument are minimized as possible in order to produce consistent outcomes [27, 28]. To perform reliability test of research instrument, the research employs Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient analysis. The result illustrates that the value of Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient ranges from 0.6 to 0.7 within the acceptable minimum rate of reliability [29]. Referring to the result of data analysis which shows that Cronbach’s Alpha value is in 0.93, hence, the research instrument is considered to be reliable. Table 2 illustrates the result of data processing which shows the maturity level assessment of IT service within DSS domain of DSS01, DSS02, DS03, DSS04, DSS05, and DSS06 process. Figure 2 indicates the graph of current, expected and maximum maturity level within DSS01, DSS02, DSS03, DSS04, DSS05, and DSS06 domain process. Table 2. The average score of maturity level within DSS process domain Domain process Activity Maturity level Expected level Maximum level DSS01 DSS02 DSS03 DSS04 DSS05 DSS06 Manage Operations Manage Service Requests and Incidents Manage Problems Manage Continuity Manage Security Services Manage Business Process Controls 3.43 3.31 3.26 3.34 3.34 3.44 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 Figure 2. Graph of a DSS process capability level
  • 5. TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control  The measurement of maturity level of information technology service... (Lanto Ningrayati Amali) 137 3.2. Analysis a. Maturity level assessment of IT service From the data analysis and the result of maturity level assessment of IT service within process domain DSS01 to DSS06, it is indicated that: - Process domain DSS01 (manage operations) possesses maturity level of 3.43. The process is in level 3 established (well-defined), which denotes that the IT service process has been well-implemented by referring to the defined standard process and made possible to achieve positive outcomes. The maturity level implies that there is a surging need of IT-friendly work environment in managing organizational processes. This is illustrated by the availability of IT devices to support the performance academic and other systems within the organization, e.g., the availability of blade server to support the systems’ performance. Within this level, the need for computer operational management is addressed accurately within the organization. In addition, the organization has allocated IT resources and conducted trainings for the IT-related personnels. Further, the organization has accurately addressed the need of IT asset maintenance, by which the organization released limited access policy to allow IT facilities only accessible by certain IT-related personnels. - Within process domain DSS02 (manage service requests and incidents), the maturity level scores 3.31, which suggests that the process is in level 3 Established (well-defined). The maturity level points out that the process of the IT service has been implemented by referring to the defined standard process; this allows the process to achieve positive outcomes. It is observable from the effective support by the management board to respond to the need of management system and from the availability of financial support for the supporting staffs when conducting trainings. Moreover, the organization has resolved the need for helpdesk function and service and issue management within the unit. The organization also has prepared users’ guideline for IT service and documentation for every issue indications. - Within process domain DSS03 (manage problems), the maturity level scores 3.26, which demonstrates that the process is in level 3 Established (well-defined). The maturity level denotes that the process of the IT service has been implemented by referring to the defined standard process and this made possible for the process to achieve positive outcomes. It is noticeable from raising awareness of the importance to manage issues, and from the efforts strived to identify the roots of the issues in IT service. On top of that, the escalation process of handling issues in IT service is standardized. The problem-solving steps have involved issue documentation and identification employed by response team engaging centralized tools. - Process domain DSS04 (manage continuity) possesses maturity level of 3.34. The process is in level 3 Established (well-defined), in which it points out that the IT service process has been well-implemented by referring to the defined standard process and made possible to achieve positive outcomes. This signifies that the responsibilities for the planning of service continuity and test are clearly defined and designated to the respective staffs within the organization. Moreover, the result denotes accountable management of service continuity. IT continuity plans are well-documented referring to critical elements of the system and organizational business impact. Moreover, the management board performs consistent communication with the staffs on the importance of planning to maintain the continuity of IT service. In the meantime, the organization has implemented high availability of components and backup system. - Within process domain DSS05 (manage security services), the maturity level scales 3.34 in level 3 Established (well-defined). The result illustrates that the IT service process has been well-implemented by referring to the defined standard process; by which it allows the process to achieve positive outcomes. It is apparent that the organization possesses comprehensive and awareness of the significance of ensuring the IT security, in which responsibilities and accountability are determined, managed and understood to ensure IT security. Further, the organization has established procedures for IT security in accordance with IT security policy, in which the security report involves coherent business focus. The management board also engages steps to minimize and address risks sustainably. - Process domain DSS06 (manage business process control) shows maturity level of 3,44 in level 3 Established (well-defined), which symbolizes that the IT service process has been well-implemented by referring to the defined standard process and made possible to achieve positive outcomes. It is depicted in enhancements by the organization to address issues in information control and development of comprehensive management of environmental quality. On top of that, environmental control of the organization is engaged proactively, one of which includes a commitment to facilities and awareness of IT security. The organization also possess a responsible and accountable structure which have the privilege of access to IT services in accordance with the capabilities and skills required to develop technology infrastructure plan.
  • 6.  ISSN: 1693-6930 TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020: 133 - 139 138 b. Gap analysis of maturity level of IT The average results of the assessment of IT service maturity level within the process domains DSS01 to DSS06 depict current average maturity level on level 3 (Established). It is the condition in which processes of IT service have been implemented by standard procedure and achieved a positive outcome, have communicated and implemented by all academicians. Therefore, the organization should enhance its performance of IT service, involving policy, implementation, and conformity to progress to level 4 maturity (predictable), as shown in Figure 3 as follows. Moreover, the organization requires to perform adjustments to achieve desired maturity level. The biggest gap occurs in DSS03 (manage problem) domain, in which the maturity level is 3.26. Conversely, the smallest gap is shown in the DSS06 domain, which scales 3.44 in the maturity level. The existing gap within DSS03 domain signifies the lacks of comprehension within every level of the organization towards management process on issues of IT service. This is echoed by rather unstable quality of service to users and hindrances due to the personnels’ limited knowledge within each organizational unit. Henceforth, the overall result of maturity level assessment of IT service demonstrates that the current maturity level is quite distant from the desired level, i.e., level 4 (predictable). Figure 3. Radar diagram of DSS process capability level c. Recommendations This study recommends that: - The organization requires to formulate and ratify policy of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of IT service management, due to the deficiency of comprehensive SOP within each organizational unit. The SOP is critical to formulating as a guideline of process and implementation of IT governance within the organization. By that, it allows the organization to implement comprehensive and detailed documentation of every process, job desk, and role of individuals or groups within the organization. - It is crucial for the organization to engage in the clear and well-structured standardization of governance and management to minimize potential gaps in data and information flows needed when formulating policy. - Enhancement in IT service system is essential within every work unit of the organization in accordance with the characteristics of IT service of each unit. - The organization is required to implement integration with pre-existing applications to validate data, from which it provides ease for the users to experience service of the accurate and effective information accessing. - Upgrade and optimization in ICT service system are vital for the organization to conduct to achieve good governance. 4. CONCLUSION The overall score of the current maturity level of IT service is in scale 3 (established) out of level 5 scale (optimizing). The overall result reveals that IT service processes are implemented and documented referring to the defined standard process, in which it allows the organization to achieve positive outcomes. Despite that, the organization is obliged to enhance the DSS process, due to the current maturity level is quite distant from the desired level, i.e., level 4 (predictable). The most significant gap exists in DSS03 (manage problem) domain, in which the maturity level is 3.26. In contrast, the smallest gap is shown in the DSS06 domain which scales 3.44. This signifies the importance of the personnels’ knowledge upgrade in handling IT service issues by engaging in training, apprenticeship, and certification. On top of that, it needs full commitment from all academicians to ensure the information availability and ease of access within
  • 7. TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control  The measurement of maturity level of information technology service... (Lanto Ningrayati Amali) 139 each work unit. By that, it is essential for the organization to implement well-prepared planning and to execute the planning consistently in order to comply with organizational strategy and goals. REFERENCES [1] C.S. Amaravadi, “Digital Repositories for e-Government,” Electronic Government, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 205-218, 2005. [2] E. Novianti and A.N. Fajar, “Information Technology Investment Analysis of Hospitality Using Information Economics Approach,” TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 609-614, 2019. [3] A. A. Farhanghi, A. Abbaspour, and R.A. Ghassemi, “The Effect of Information Technology on Organizational Structure and Firm Performance: An Analysis of Consultant Engineers Firms (CEF) in Iran,” Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 81, pp. 644–649, 2013. [4] A. 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